Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

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Lavender didnt expect what was about to happen but luckily for her, she had her shield out and when she was tackled, the shield took most of the damage. The warrior landed quite a bit far fom Chris and was now laying in the snow. When the Manticore landed before her, her eyes widen as she sat up, grasping her sword and quickly got to her feet "Want to play like that? Well then so be it." she said to the beast as she spoke "Swift Ed-" before the warrior could finish the name of her attack, the Sabertooth man had slammed his fist into the maul of the Manticore and sent it flying before turning to her and asking if she was okay and that he was sorry for taking the fight from her.  For someone from sabertooth, it quite frankly surprised her due to how hostile most of Sabertooth could be. They were known for their violent natures and lack of kindness (totally guessing here)


"I could have killed you with the move I was about to use." she said "I could not live with such guilt if that had happened." plus it would cause a rise between Fairy Tail and Sabertooth which was something that Lavender wouldnt have appreciated. Suddenly he grabbed her and pulled her to his chest to protect her from quils that had been suddenly shot at her and she narrowed her eyes. She had a shield in which was meant to protect her. The warrior didnt need a human shield but seeing from the expression on his face, he wasnt hurt but she did hear the sounds of the quills hit his metal plating.


The man released her and swiped off the quills as if they were nothing and let out a battle cry as he went and charged at the Manticore head on. It was clear he gave no fucks about what would happen because the Manticore leaped up and dug its claws into the red head's shoulders but he ignored whatever pain that was meant to cause harm to him. This man was a tank. Just like many others she's encountered. Emmerich for Example was a tank. A tank that did what he wanted and killed anything and everything despite what was thrown at him. She was a tank as well but she wasnt as tough as Emmerich or the man who was fighting off the massive beast. Which is why Lavender took up a warrior title. They were tanky but not too tanky and did a lot more damage. Speaking of damage...


She heard the sound of breaking ribs and a roar emmiting from the beast. But that all ended when the man slammed into the beast's head and knocking him out...Or killing him. Either way he saved her from what could have killed her. Quills could have slowed her, the tail could have killed her with the poison it held. She could have died but she didnt just due to the man who decided to jump in and be a hero. "I am quite fine." though her reddened skin on her thighs and her arms said otherwise. Since she fell into the snow, it chilled her skin and made it red so she was half red now and half light skinned. The blonde let out a sigh and she looked towards Chris, seeing the quils that were penetrating his skin "Though Sir Chris seems he needs assistance." she said before dashing towards chris and lifting her shield to block any incoming Quills "You should retreat, Sir chris. You're injured." she said, glancing over her shoulder "I rather not have a fellow friend bleed out from quills."

@Solemn Jester@Isune

Chris Lengheart(Retreat?)

By now, Chris had managed to remove all the quills that were previously attached to him and was now sporting a heavy looking set of armor with a set of gauntlets. The only part of him that wasn't covered was his rear. But Chris knew better than to let anyone near his back. As Lavender came rushing in to protect Chris, suggesting that he retreat, the massive beast simply snorted. "I'm not that weak, some little quills aren't going to kill me. As long as my heart keeps beating, I won't turn tail and run.

However, it seemed Chris wouldn't have to fight anymore. Instead of charging the two mages, the manticore instead went to its partner. It nudged the other manticore with its head, then it began to do so more and more frantically. The manticore turned to look at the mage who had done this and shouted,"I Vadmas Virimer!" before continuing to try and get a response from the other manticore. If anyone got any closer, the manticore would strike.

Seeing this, Chris let his armor return to the earth as he changed back to his human form. Chris reached up to his sleeve and tore it off to tie around the bleeding areas on both his hand and shoulder. Not really sure what he should do, Chris looked over to Lavender "Is it...dead?" he finally asked as he watched the manticore's desperate attempt to revive what could be considered its friend.

@Britt-21 @Solemn Jester

Tyson Redd 

Tyson nodded glad that the woman known as Lavender was fine. He then turned at the mention of her friend needing assistance. He watched as the woman ran to Chris, as she had referred to him, side. But it seemed pointless as the manticore noticed it's partner, and ran to its side.  The beast shouted what Tyson could only assume was a swear at him. Then continued to nudge it's partner. He turned towards the other two wizards, his indifferent face slightly tarnished by a look of slight grief. " Well, I suppose I've gone and killed the poor. Now what?" Tyson asked in his calm, and emotionless way of speaking. Sat down and rubbed the back of his head, simply exhausted by the idea of having to deal with this. Probably the only thing that ever did exhaust him. That, and a great fight.

@Isune @Britt-21

Chris Lengheart(Retreat?)

By now, Chris had managed to remove all the quills that were previously attached to him and was now sporting a heavy looking set of armor with a set of gauntlets. The only part of him that wasn't covered was his rear. But Chris knew better than to let anyone near his back. As Lavender came rushing in to protect Chris, suggesting that he retreat, the massive beast simply snorted. "I'm not that weak, some little quills aren't going to kill me. As long as my heart keeps beating, I won't turn tail and run.

However, it seemed Chris wouldn't have to fight anymore. Instead of charging the two mages, the manticore instead went to its partner. It nudged the other manticore with its head, then it began to do so more and more frantically. The manticore turned to look at the mage who had done this and shouted,"I Vadmas Virimer!" before continuing to try and get a response from the other manticore. If anyone got any closer, the manticore would strike.

Seeing this, Chris let his armor return to the earth as he changed back to his human form. Chris reached up to his sleeve and tore it off to tie around the bleeding areas on both his hand and shoulder. Not really sure what he should do, Chris looked over to Lavender "Is it...dead?" he finally asked as he watched the manticore's desperate attempt to revive what could be considered its friend.

@Britt-21 @Solemn Jester



Lavender watched as the beast went to check on it's friend and it slightly hit her in her chest. And what made it worse is Chris asking if it was dead and she lowered her shield, glancing over "I do not know... I had not been the one to fight the beast... The Sabertooth member was the one who protected me from death." even though she was quite capeable of herself, Tyson had protected her from most of the damage that could have been done to her. "But if his friend really is dead...I believe we may be in big trouble... And that is what I am afraid of." she then glanced over towards Tyson to see what he was going to do. But his expression seemed to change. Was it guilt? She didnt know but as her sword lowered, she took in a deep breath and released it into the air where a puff of smoke was released into the cold air.


What more could the warrior think? She was guilty and all she did was cut off a stinger rather than kill the beast. Why did she think that it was her fault that the beast's friend was probably dead?



Chris Lengheart(Oh no...)

Chris watched rather sadly as the manticore tried desperately to wake it's partner. After a while, it gave up and simply nuzzled up against it's loved one for a while. Chris simply put a hand over his mouth, when he fought these beasts he always dreaded that something like this would happen. And now that it actually happened, Chris couldn't take it. Tears started welling in the corner of his eyes as the creature soon stood up. Instead of being furious like it should have, it simply carved something into the snow using one of its claws and slowly approached Chris and Lavender. Instead of attacking them like it should of, the beast simply looked both the mages in the eyes and bowed its head. Almost as if asking for death. Chris' hand grew shaky as a tear rolled down his cheek. Looking at it now, the manticore was still bleeding from where its stinger had been severed. There was even a bit of dried blood on its mouth where Chris had hit it with stone. Chris immediately took two steps back and simply muttered,"N-no...I c-can't! Please d-don't make me or anyone else do this!" knowing that his words fell onto deaf ears, Chris simply bit his lip. What could he or anyone do in this situation. It was either gonna bleed to death or die by one of the mages that stood before it. But Chris just couldn't bring himself to do it.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21

Yamato Ren: Brandheart eh?


[SIZE= 14px]Yamato watched as Celestia started brewing the apple-pie moonshine with surprising expertise. He could already smell what seemed to be a promising liquor. Cele warned Yama and Kirirn of how powerful the drink is and how easily you can miss the taste of alcohol. Later on Kirin told them about her body and how it's practically not even human anymore. He watched as she put her hand through her chest. Taking it out the hole that was created simply closed up again. Although Yama wasn't even grossed out, rather he was intrigued. Being made out of pure magic must have some useful aspects but it must also be quite risky. To emphasise on this point Kirin mentioned her constant fear of Moses Brandheart. Saying that he could simply wipe her out completely. Mentioning that name mad Yama think of the time he met Moses which wasn't that long ago. Something was off about him... Not just the way he treats his brother but also the way he smiles. It just seems... Weird. If Yama didn't know any better he could even say that Moses was dangerous. Or maybe he was just being paranoid... Who knows? Yama will keep an eye on him regardless. Celestia decided to leave the Kitchen soon after which broke Yama's train of thought. It seems she's gone to talk with the other members. With no one else to listen Yama turned to Kirin and said. "Kirin... I don't know why but I also get a similar feeling. I'll keep a look out okay? Also about you asking if you grossed us out... True beauty resides on the inside. Remember that."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@Arius LaVari @hudhouse[/SIZE]
Tyson, Redd

Tyson watched his heart aching as the beast lowered it's head. Something he had seen very few times in his life, a sign of defeat. But Tyson had already taken the life of its lover, and he knew that the other two wizards weren't about to end it. So he did something completely different,"Sorry, but I have no intention of ending your life. As cruel as that may sound, after killing your mate." Tyson then walked up, to the beast and lifted it over his shoulders. He was worried it might have attacked, but figured it had given up. He turned towards the two mages and nodded."Very well, do you know any healers?" Tyson asked a determined expression on his face.

@Britt-21 @Isune
On 9/26/2016 at 9:54 PM, Mitchs98 said:


Sera somewhat focused on everything else around her, though she mostly focused on Kelica in her arms. That and well the fact some girl turned into some somewhat adorable moth girl speaking about losing her family and such. That honestly depressed her. A lot. She knew what it felt like herself...though she wasn't sure the kind of pain Verdana had been through they shared similar. She barely even noticed the gown that was put on her or even Kelica as she debated on hugging the girl. Though it seemed Niur had that covered. Thus she turned to Kelica's question of clothes, though a lot less lustful than she had originally been. "Mhm, some clothes." She replied. "We're about the same size so mine should fit you." She said. "My house isn't too far from the hall, I could even fly you there if you'd like." She offered, giving her a small smile. Of course...it would be much better if the girl didn't have the spell blocking her body from view, but it didn't stop her hands at all.

If she flew her to her home it would give her ample means to 'accidentally' put her hands on her chest too. "What do you say?" She asked, pressing up against her a bit more, though now she was clothed. Despite her lewd intentions for Kelica she couldn't help but think of Verdana. Other than actually flying Kelica for clothes she would likely come immediately back just to talk to her. She knew all about rough pasts and didn't want the girl to do anything rash due to it.







On 9/25/2016 at 8:24 AM, Happy Red Mage said:

Niur was very confused on what course of action she should take. Something seemed to be going on, something emotionally taxing, and she didn't know what to do. Should she speak up? Should she stay out of it? She did have some say into this, she just didn't know what to say. She decided to defer to thinking back to Raa, asking herself what'd he'd do in this situation. She closed her eyes and thought back to the time where this was this hotshot of a C Rank mage trying to bully her and force her to give all her Jewels to him. It was kinda funny to think about what happened next.

"Now Niur..." Raa said as he hefted a warhammer onto his shoulder, the darksteel head shining in the  sunlight as Raa shoved the C Rank mage into a nearby alley. "Now Niur, sometimes people do things, bad things, because they're hurting on the inside. What you have to remember is that..." The hammer was lifted up. "To help people hurting on the inside, you just have to hurt them even more on the outside!" The hammer went down but missed the C Rank mage by a bit, the smell of urine wafted through the air. "In all seriousness Niur, what you do when people are hurting on the inside is you gently walk up to them arms spread wide, and slowly engulf them in a soft hug while telling them reassuring things." He pulled up the C Rank mage. "Run, boy." He said harshly as he shoved him out of the alley. "Let's go Niur, this place reeks."

Noddin resolutely to herself, Niur decided  to do just that. Arms wide open, she engulfed Verdana in the softest and gentlest hug she could muster. "It's alright, it's okay, I'm here, everything is going to be fine..." She said reassuringly.


Verdana looked forward with a serious, angry tone to her face. She was so close to at least getting the identity out of this fox, but that was when all of her plans came crumbling down. She began to twitch a bit, focusing on the feeling. She looked back, still near emotionless, "I need to find this out, Master. I need a chance to get them back... that's all I need..." She tried to give off a fake smile, but it was clear it was forced. She could control everything but her heart it seemed...

9 hours ago, Jackaboi said:

Yamato Ren: Brandheart eh?


[SIZE= 14px]Yamato watched as Celestia started brewing the apple-pie moonshine with surprising expertise. He could already smell what seemed to be a promising liquor. Cele warned Yama and Kirirn of how powerful the drink is and how easily you can miss the taste of alcohol. Later on Kirin told them about her body and how it's practically not even human anymore. He watched as she put her hand through her chest. Taking it out the hole that was created simply closed up again. Although Yama wasn't even grossed out, rather he was intrigued. Being made out of pure magic must have some useful aspects but it must also be quite risky. To emphasise on this point Kirin mentioned her constant fear of Moses Brandheart. Saying that he could simply wipe her out completely. Mentioning that name mad Yama think of the time he met Moses which wasn't that long ago. Something was off about him... Not just the way he treats his brother but also the way he smiles. It just seems... Weird. If Yama didn't know any better he could even say that Moses was dangerous. Or maybe he was just being paranoid... Who knows? Yama will keep an eye on him regardless. Celestia decided to leave the Kitchen soon after which broke Yama's train of thought. It seems she's gone to talk with the other members. With no one else to listen Yama turned to Kirin and said. "Kirin... I don't know why but I also get a similar feeling. I'll keep a look out okay? Also about you asking if you grossed us out... True beauty resides on the inside. Remember that."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@Arius LaVari @hudhouse[/SIZE]





On 9/28/2016 at 10:37 AM, Arius LaVari said:

Celestia Corona: BP Kitchen


It was nearly immediate that Celestia shot a glare at Kirin; one thing she hated more than anything was when someone downgraded themselves, she did it enough to herself but disliked when someone else did it. Her very pale hands shot out to grasp the small woman's while she stared directly into her eyes, "I don't know who you've been dealing with...but I'm not like any of them. You should be in the form you find most comfortable, human, slime, or whatever you are. I thought your other form was quite gorgeous so...don't talk so bad about youself, you've no reason to feel that way around me." Her glare had softened immediately and she gave Kirin a sweet smile still grasping her hands, it was then she actually heard what the woman was thinking about, how she thought she was pure magic and it made Celestia's eyes light up like a Christmas tree while she listened to her. "Oh wow, pure magic huh? That's actually really impressive! Well I'll help you stay away from Brandheart, I'll send him flying with a giant hammer if he gets too close!" Celestia laughed at her silly threat, though when she said she would help she had looked dead serious though she was back to her cheerful smile.


With that out of the way Celestia turned towards the pot, lips pursed while she considered Kirin's offer, for it to boil down all the things she had put in the pot it would take at minimum two hours so even if Kirin helped she would be stuck for a bit and for some reason Celestia didn't like the thought of that. "Thanks for the offer but I think it'll be fine this way! Besides even if it's cut in half you'll be stuck in a pot for an hour, I feel like it'd be more fun to have you hang around with me, for now why don't we go back into the hall? Oh! You're cake looks great by the way, I'm sure everyone else will be excited as well!" She smiled over her shoulder at Kirin, hoping she would come along as she made her way out of the warm kitchen and back into the hall in time to see Kazuo push Rosa in a corner which made her sigh, until she realized what he was doing, which was giving Rosa a dry shirt to wear even though that left him without one. Internally Celest sighed shaking her head at the pair though she did hear something about the pair leaving to meet her brother, which answered the question of why she had sensed a new signature of lightning.


With Rosaline distracted, Yamato busy doing something or another, and not knowing if Kirin was going to join her she plonked down on a stool beside Acus, where she had left the silver mug he had given her there while she started on the drink she was making. When she actually sat she felt a little drained actually and laid her head on her arms, facing Acus with a slightly drowsy look though she was the talkative type and smiled at the dwarf man. "This place seems so busy, doesn't it? Acus right? Rosa called you Ace though...I'm not even sure who I have and haven't talked to today!" She laughed a bit before shutting her eyes though her fingers were drumming on the counter top to show that she was awake and antsy maybe? She could always start reading that book which was sitting right beside the silver mug but she didn't want to just drown everyone out while she read, she went on auto pilot when she was reading.


@Halffix @hudhouse @Zuka (Mentioned) @Britt-21 (mentioned)


Kirin smiled as her hands were grasped by Cel. That was at least her nickname for her at this point. It has been so long since that she knew a person as a friend since everyone else just treated her like a soldier or an ugly fool. She gave off a crooked smile as her eyes turned to little black dots with oversized eyebrows. With her anime expression set, she leaned in and said, "So... I got a crazy idea. I'll meet you in the hall... prepare for a bit of a show eh?" Kirin began to walk away from Celestia to go to Yamato. She leaned in a bit towards Yamato, not far enough to make him push back, but enough that her face was the most visible part of her instead of her stomach. Her eyes glowed a gold just like Celestia's personality before asking, "So, remember how Octavian was born?" She would wait a few seconds for a reply... before going crazy.

She zoomed around him like a top on Rainbow Road. She would bow to the point where her nose tapped the floor, before springing back up with a really happy face.  She spoke a bit bubbly, "Okay, my interest is peaked! I wish to challenge you to a Christmas Eve duel on the Stage in the main hall. I want to see which one of us finally would win that duel after these two years improving on our skills." She offered her hand forward as she explained the rewards, "If you accept, we can fight whenever you are ready. If you win, I will give you both of your presents early... and make sure that it is quite a special one." She gave off her crazy smile as she explained her side of the bargain, "If I win... you become my servant for... a single day. You can also pick whatever day you wish for in the next three days, but it has to be a full day. Want to add anything on?"

Kirin would end the conversation on the stage, preparing to activate the seals that would make sure that none of her or Yamato's attacks would blast off the stage and hurt anyone. It either made pulsating light, or darkened the area. Either way, it wouldn't be harmful... she prayed. 
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Chris Lengheart(Oh no...)

Chris watched rather sadly as the manticore tried desperately to wake it's partner. After a while, it gave up and simply nuzzled up against it's loved one for a while. Chris simply put a hand over his mouth, when he fought these beasts he always dreaded that something like this would happen. And now that it actually happened, Chris couldn't take it. Tears started welling in the corner of his eyes as the creature soon stood up. Instead of being furious like it should have, it simply carved something into the snow using one of its claws and slowly approached Chris and Lavender. Instead of attacking them like it should of, the beast simply looked both the mages in the eyes and bowed its head. Almost as if asking for death. Chris' hand grew shaky as a tear rolled down his cheek. Looking at it now, the manticore was still bleeding from where its stinger had been severed. There was even a bit of dried blood on its mouth where Chris had hit it with stone. Chris immediately took two steps back and simply muttered,"N-no...I c-can't! Please d-don't make me or anyone else do this!" knowing that his words fell onto deaf ears, Chris simply bit his lip. What could he or anyone do in this situation. It was either gonna bleed to death or die by one of the mages that stood before it. But Chris just couldn't bring himself to do it.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21

Tyson, Redd

Tyson watched his heart aching as the beast lowered it's head. Something he had seen very few times in his life, a sign of defeat. But Tyson had already taken the life of its lover, and he knew that the other two wizards weren't about to end it. So he did something completely different,"Sorry, but I have no intention of ending your life. As cruel as that may sound, after killing your mate." Tyson then walked up, to the beast and lifted it over his shoulders. He was worried it might have attacked, but figured it had given up. He turned towards the two mages and nodded."Very well, do you know any healers?" Tyson asked a determined expression on his face.

@Britt-21 @Isune



Lavender only watched as the beast approached the two and bowed it's head which made her heart shatter. Despite being a warrior of Fairy Tail she still had a heart and just by seeing this scene, it made her feel like she wasnt worthy to be part of Fairy Tail. Fairy tail treated those kindly, evil or not. Their lives would be spared and they would be up t be faced with the magic council if they were caught. Now it just felt like she broke apart a couple who loved eachother so much to the point where they wouldnt want to live if one died and the other lived. Tears leaked from her eyes as she watched the Sabertooth mage lift the large beast over his shoulders with ease. After killing the beast's partner, how could he not cry. Chris and herself were already crying. Hell, Lavender didnt even touch the manticore that was beaten to death and all she did was slice a stinger off the other but still felt like she was responsible for this.


"Y-Yes..." Lavender said "Her name is Kelica. She is a guildmate of ours..." her voice had cracked a little bit as she took in a large breath, trying to calm down but that clearly wasnt going to happen anytime soon. Her nose and cheeks were red and from her crying, her eyes had been red as well. The blonde put her sword back in the case that had been hanging on her hip and lifted her scarf to cover her mouth while her eyes closed to allow tears to fall.


@Solemn Jester@Isune

Chris Lengheart(...)

Chris simply nodded at what Lavender had said,"S-she's at the...g-guild hall. It-t's not that f-faar." he responded, trying to keep his composure. After that, he was wordless. What more could be done...what would Kelica do? Chris could only hope that she'd be able to help. Maybe she'd heal it up, but then what? It would still be missing a stinger, maybe even some teeth after getting hit head on with the earth itself. How would something like that manticore be able to provide for itself in the wild after that? It was going to be okay, everything was going to be just fine. After letting out a shaky exhale, Chris continued trying to calm down. Looking back to the manticore it seemed accepting of what just happened. It wasn't struggling against Tyson's hold or anything. It just sat there with a blank expression on its face, waiting for the embrace of death it asked for.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21
Tyson nodded, keeping silent, he didn't wish to say something. Then he might show weakness, something sabertooth didn't do."Very, well let's go." Tyson said after a moment, and waited for them to show him the way. He wasn't going to just barge into their guild carrying a manticore on his shoulders. That wouldn't look good, so he would just follow. He could hear the slight grumbling of the manticore. He knew that the beast had given up on life, but still, if there was a chance he could help it he would. If only out of guilt, after all he never intended on killing the beast. But he often found that his opponent where weaker than he. Tyson figured the manticore must have cubs, being as they where mates it only made sense. Although usually when beast have cubs one of them stays behind to guard the cubs, so maybe he was wrong. Either way the manticore wasn't going to die, unless it leapt off a cliff. Tyson just hoped the healer could help. The damage may not have been to bad, but still a missing stinger was about the same as a missing arm for a beast.


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[SIZE= 26px]Ayano Soru: Is changing really going to be that easy?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Still hidden in the closet Ayano peered through the door to see that the visitor was not the same mage as before. Instead it was a red haired woman who Sora called Clair and looked none too happy. But when Sora went to talk to her she was suddenly smiling. "Does she do that with everyone she talks to...?" Although it wasn't long before Sora called Ayano out. It seems that her cover has been blown. With no other choice Ayano reluctantly stepped out the closet and greeted the new face. "Um... Hello..." If Ayano was going to start living among humans she certainly needs to work on her greetings... Before Ayano could react Sora shoved some kind of hat on her head. The vampire was confused as to what the hell was going on and to only make that worse Sora then shoved everyone out the house while wearing a similar hat, only it was green rather than red. After managing to process what happened timothy started to speak weird. "What kind of foreign language is that...?" Out of the whole time Timothy talked she could only pick up the odd piece of English then it went back to the way that those real shady guys tend to speak. Gladly it was just him joking and proceeded to talk normally afterwards. As Ayano looked around the streets she did notice the several decorations and lights that covered the whole area. She did notice them before but for some reason even though nothings changed the place does seem brighter than usual... But she couldn't figure out why. Well there's no point on dwelling on something as trivial as that.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@Kyuubey @Zareh @Mr Swiftshots[/SIZE]

Yamato Ren: Ah I remember that!

Yamato was surprised by Kirin's sudden movements. She then randomly asked him if he remembered how Octavian was born. "Octavian? Yeah it was during our duel two years ago which of course was regrettably cancelled." At this point Yamato realised the reason why Kirin asked such a question. Even if he didn't figure it out it would be obvious due to her proposing a challenge to a duel in the guilds stage. "A Challenge? It is true that we weren't able to finish our last battle. I know I am a chivalrous man but I am also aware of your strength. If anything don't expect me to hold back." Yamato remained speaking in his signature friendly tone but he also spoke in a way that showed he acknowledged his opponents potential. Kirin went on to discuss the rewards for who ever wins. If Yama wins he gets his presents early. But if Kirin wins then Yama must become her servant for a day. With no complaints to be made about the conditions Yama smiled and said. "Alright then I accept your challenge. Let us make our way to the stage." Not long after Kirin and Yamato were already standing face-to-face ready for the duel. Kirin made several seals around the stage to make sure none of our attacks end up getting the audience involved. Which was a good call on her part. "Well there's no point on standing here all day. I'm about to attack now, I hope you're prepared." Yama gave Kirin time to prepare before he started his attack. He started off simple by casting his Wind Ward ability on himself surrounding his body with a constant gust of wind bolstering his defences and his offensive capabilities. He then used Storm Slice to send sharp blades of wind towards Kirin using his wind ward to increase the velocity of said projectiles. Yama was confident that Kirin could either block or dodge these attacks but of course this is just a warm-up.

@hudhouse >>>@Anyone in BP guildhall watching the fight<<<

Yamato Ren: Ah I remember that!

Yamato was surprised by Kirin's sudden movements. She then randomly asked him if he remembered how Octavian was born. "Octavian? Yeah it was during our duel two years ago which of course was regrettably cancelled." At this point Yamato realised the reason why Kirin asked such a question. Even if he didn't figure it out it would be obvious due to her proposing a challenge to a duel in the guilds stage. "A Challenge? It is true that we weren't able to finish our last battle. I know I am a chivalrous man but I am also aware of your strength. If anything don't expect me to hold back." Yamato remained speaking in his signature friendly tone but he also spoke in a way that showed he acknowledged his opponents potential. Kirin went on to discuss the rewards for who ever wins. If Yama wins he gets his presents early. But if Kirin wins then Yama must become her servant for a day. With no complaints to be made about the conditions Yama smiled and said. "Alright then I accept your challenge. Let us make our way to the stage." Not long after Kirin and Yamato were already standing face-to-face ready for the duel. Kirin made several seals around the stage to make sure none of our attacks end up getting the audience involved. Which was a good call on her part. "Well there's no point on standing here all day. I'm about to attack now, I hope you're prepared." Yama gave Kirin time to prepare before he started his attack. He started off simple by casting his Wind Ward ability on himself surrounding his body with a constant gust of wind bolstering his defences and his offensive capabilities. He then used Storm Slice to send sharp blades of wind towards Kirin using his wind ward to increase the velocity of said projectiles. Yama was confident that Kirin could either block or dodge these attacks but of course this is just a warm-up.

@hudhouse >>>@Anyone in BP guildhall watching the fight<<<



Kirin smiled with a giddy look on her face as everything was set up! Defenses were primed, Word walls were engaged with the rule of "No Attack shall Pass these Borders", so everyone should be safe. Oh, this was going to be awesome! Kirin took a deep breath in that caused her whole body to swell up. She erupted into blue plasma, reforming herself in a more compact form compared to normal. She smoked a strangely blue cigar, though it was likely just an aesthetic choice. Metal wings ripped up and sheltered her from the sky, But more importantly, twin engines of a jetpack adorned the spine of the wings, with a tube linking down to the heavy barrel Kirin wielded. Her music began to pump out half way through the song...

"I stand on the bones of Titans, and my Wrath is burning lead!" 


Kirin didn't even flinch as her Ultrasonic Barrier reflected the weaker blades. She knew exactly what Yamato was doing, at least she thought so. If she could turn this up as fast as she could, faster than Yamato, then she could get an early game advantage that would pretty much win a good amount of this for her. When she looked at herself, though, she realized the truth... she was in a warm-up mode too! The courteous bastard knew she needed a few lines of music to synch up... he was just giving them both enough time to fully charge up. There goes that plan. But, fortunately enough for her, anyone who can hear her music is constantly weakened, so as long as she can break that barrier... Okay, screw it! Go with Plan B... DESTROY EVERYTHING! Kirin would fly forward and start spinning her music around her barrel to turn it into a drill. She would attempt to ram Yamato with it, or if he dodged out f the way blast it as a serenade of relatively minor death.

Celestia Corona: Suddenly very interested in the guild hall stage


 Celestia had simply been talking to Acus and he made mention of if Christmas was really so special, her green and yellow eyes softened quite a bit when she thought back on the holiday, "I suppose it's...more important to some people than others. I love this holiday, when I was little I was a bit spoiled, even though my parents were always working. No matter what though Christmas was the one holiday I could always have them to myself." She giggled softly as she spoke to the dwarf next to her. She had been so focused on him that she didn't notice Kirin and Yamato come onto the guild stage right away and another person made his way up to the two. Moses Brandheart...this was the guy Kirin was afraid of.


Good thing Celestia was friendly, though she did notice the fake voice and smile, this guy didn't like people much did he? Why had he talked to her and Acus then? Suspicion filled her gaze and her head tilted to the side, "Moses Brandheart eh? I'm Celestia Corona, I suppose it's nice to meet you but mmm...Don't know why you're faking a smile or that overly cheerful voice of yours." She smirked at the man not even holding back her bluntness, her eyes were keen, she had seen enough fakes to know the difference, she did it herself more often than not, but it didn't take long for her attention to get drawn away from Moses. She took notice of the two on the stage and that they were fighting. Her interest peeked quickly, with her two colored eyes wide she watched the fight begin.


A notebook and pen was immediately pulled out of her shirt pocket, she took notes, writing down everything she saw, her incessant need to study people and magic mixing, she was going to need a full notebook before she really took any missions, she would even study enemies this way. Yamato used some sort of wind magic and Celestia couldn't even fully identify what to call Kirin's magic though for now she called it music magic. She really did appear to be very interested in the fight, what she couldn't decide was who to cheer for...they were both S rank and had a serious mastery of their spells and magic, without meaning to she compared herself to them, to Rosa and all the other mages in the guild. She was strong but couldn't compete with any of them, they had been in the guild longer than the blonde, who's hand just flew across her notepad and flipped pages quickly. Eventually she shook her quickly spiraling thoughts and bounced in her seat, having decided who to cheer for. "Go Yamato! You can do it!" If she had some way to do it she probably would have changed into a cheerleader outfit, she was just weird and outgoing like that.




Sora Marvell - Streets of Magnolia




Sora's eyes were continuously jumping from Clair, Timothy, and Ayano's faces, trying to determine whether the three would get along or not. Honestly she was more worried about Clair than anyone. The woman had an easily flared up temper and the mention of the smallest of things would have her in a challenge mode mindset and those tended to be quite terrifying, however albeit childish. It seemed the three were mushing together well though so Sora let her gaze fall to the ground, focused on the boots that made the smallest of crunch noises as they fell upon the snow beneath their feet. The sound itself was rather soothing and she found an odd amount of comfort simply from the white blanket that laid across the rooftops and streets, the trees, and the idle boats in the river. A smile crept back onto her face until Timothy began to speak and at first the girl thought maybe he was malfunctioning or something. Clearly something was wrong but when her hues fell upon his features and the awkward almost coy look plastered there, well, it became quite obvious that he was joking. Clair however didn't seem amused at all and Sora let out chiming laugh, a glove being pressed to her lips as her eyes closed in a joyous manner.


" I-I didn't take them in! They stumbled upon me, Clair. It's a good thing they did though, I'm grateful. It was definitely more pleasant than a certain cake thief I know...  " Her eyes slid to the side and then up to the sky in a teasing manner, rolling for emphasis. For once things seemed peaceful, as if they were trapped in a snow-globe of bliss and all the chaos was on the outside unable to get in. She silently wished it would stay this way for a perpetual time period but she wasn't so naive as to believe it'd ever really be able to. It's a nice thought though... Sora exhaled slowly as it visibly dissipated into nothingness, the thoughts swirling in her head seeming to go with it. She stopped at plenty of shops that they passed by, always appearing with more bags than she went in with. It finally got to a ridiculous point where her arms were fully adorned with the handles of bags and from a distance she appeared as a huge Santa sack herself, completely engulfed by presents and decorations. She popped her blue haired head out from the top, feet rising onto her tippy toes as if trying to look out into the distance far away somewhere. " Ayano, Ayano, what do you want for Christmas? " She inquired excitedly, bouncing a bit as she twirled with the bags in hand like a small upbeat child. She already knew what she was getting Timothy and Clair since she knew them but she certainly wasn't about to neglect her desire to acquire something for the small vampire.


" Did you guys want to stop anywhere before we visit the guildhall? I was going to find a place to put all these presents though I'm sure they won't wait until tomorrow to open them since they're all little dem--.... " She trailed off, grinning in a giddy manner before tripping and plopping over slow motion into the snow. At first she blinked wildly and didn't dare move, hair splayed about within the cold snow as speckles of it had dusted itself all over her that had flurried about from the impact. " I meant to do that. " She grumbled cutely under her breath as she tried to convince herself more than the others around her. Her head tilted up as she peered past the strewn bags, eyes going quite wide in an embarrassed manner. " Could I get some help? " She bashfully found the courage to ask, cheeks starting to brighten with a pastel rosy tinge. It certainly was a sight to see as the small slayer remained weighed down within the mound of snow and shopping bags. I can slay a dragon but I'm defeated by a horde of bags... She thought to herself, groaning audibly from the sudden cognizance of it. 


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Chris Lengheart(...)

Chris simply nodded at what Lavender had said,"S-she's at the...g-guild hall. It-t's not that f-faar." he responded, trying to keep his composure. After that, he was wordless. What more could be done...what would Kelica do? Chris could only hope that she'd be able to help. Maybe she'd heal it up, but then what? It would still be missing a stinger, maybe even some teeth after getting hit head on with the earth itself. How would something like that manticore be able to provide for itself in the wild after that? It was going to be okay, everything was going to be just fine. After letting out a shaky exhale, Chris continued trying to calm down. Looking back to the manticore it seemed accepting of what just happened. It wasn't struggling against Tyson's hold or anything. It just sat there with a blank expression on its face, waiting for the embrace of death it asked for.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21

Tyson nodded, keeping silent, he didn't wish to say something. Then he might show weakness, something sabertooth didn't do."Very, well let's go." Tyson said after a moment, and waited for them to show him the way. He wasn't going to just barge into their guild carrying a manticore on his shoulders. That wouldn't look good, so he would just follow. He could hear the slight grumbling of the manticore. He knew that the beast had given up on life, but still, if there was a chance he could help it he would. If only out of guilt, after all he never intended on killing the beast. But he often found that his opponent where weaker than he. Tyson figured the manticore must have cubs, being as they where mates it only made sense. Although usually when beast have cubs one of them stays behind to guard the cubs, so maybe he was wrong. Either way the manticore wasn't going to die, unless it leapt off a cliff. Tyson just hoped the healer could help. The damage may not have been to bad, but still a missing stinger was about the same as a missing arm for a beast.





Of course the man wanted to get moving already even though both herself and Chris were crying. What else would he want to do? He just wanted to get things done and over with - or so it seemed- and she looked at Chris "S-Sir Chris...should we lead him...?" she asked the crying tranformation mage before lifting her hand and taking the end of the scarf, using it to wipe his tears since she didnt have her hankerchief with her. "I-Its alright...stop crying..." she said a little softer before turning her Gaze back to Tyson with a sigh. Not sure what to really do at the moment. Things were just all out of whack and emotions were all over the place.


Though the sudden thought about the two men who were around popped into her head, what happened to them? Quickly she turned around and then she saw the two men. One of them had obviously been hit with a flesh wound and was leaning against whatever he could. As for the other... Well he was leaning up against a tree and seemed to have his own flesh wound as well "Sir chris, we need to help these men..." she said before rushing to the one with the worst wound and took her scarf off, wrapping it tightly around the man's torso -who was against the tree- to cover up the wound on his side "It is alright, we shall get you and your friend back to safety."



[SIZE= 26px]Ayano Soru: Is changing really going to be that easy?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Still hidden in the closet Ayano peered through the door to see that the visitor was not the same mage as before. Instead it was a red haired woman who Sora called Clair and looked none too happy. But when Sora went to talk to her she was suddenly smiling. "Does she do that with everyone she talks to...?" Although it wasn't long before Sora called Ayano out. It seems that her cover has been blown. With no other choice Ayano reluctantly stepped out the closet and greeted the new face. "Um... Hello..." If Ayano was going to start living among humans she certainly needs to work on her greetings... Before Ayano could react Sora shoved some kind of hat on her head. The vampire was confused as to what the hell was going on and to only make that worse Sora then shoved everyone out the house while wearing a similar hat, only it was green rather than red. After managing to process what happened timothy started to speak weird. "What kind of foreign language is that...?" Out of the whole time Timothy talked she could only pick up the odd piece of English then it went back to the way that those real shady guys tend to speak. Gladly it was just him joking and proceeded to talk normally afterwards. As Ayano looked around the streets she did notice the several decorations and lights that covered the whole area. She did notice them before but for some reason even though nothings changed the place does seem brighter than usual... But she couldn't figure out why. Well there's no point on dwelling on something as trivial as that.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@Kyuubey @Zareh @Mr Swiftshots[/SIZE]


Sora Marvell - Streets of Magnolia




Sora's eyes were continuously jumping from Clair, Timothy, and Ayano's faces, trying to determine whether the three would get along or not. Honestly she was more worried about Clair than anyone. The woman had an easily flared up temper and the mention of the smallest of things would have her in a challenge mode mindset and those tended to be quite terrifying, however albeit childish. It seemed the three were mushing together well though so Sora let her gaze fall to the ground, focused on the boots the made the smallest of crunch noises as they fell upon the snow beneath their feet. The sound itself was rather soothing and she found an odd amount of comfort simply from the white blanket that laid across the rooftops and streets, the trees, and the idle boats in the river. A smile crept back onto her face until Timothy began to speak and at first the girl thought maybe he was malfunctioning or something. Clearly something was wrong but when her hues fell upon his features and the awkward almost coy look plastered there, well, it became quite obvious that he was joking. Clair however didn't seem amused at all and Sora let out chiming laugh, a glove being pressed to her lips as her eyes closed in a joyous manner.


" I-I didn't take them in! They stumbled upon me, Clair. It's a good thing they did though, I'm grateful. It was definitely more pleasant than a certain cake thief I know...  " Her eyes slid to the side and then up to the sky in a teasing manner, rolling for emphasis. For once things seemed peaceful, as if they were trapped in a snow-globe of bliss and all the chaos was on the outside unable to get in. She silently wished it would stay this way for a perpetual time period but she wasn't so naive as to believe it'd ever really be able to. It's a nice thought though... Sora exhaled slowly as it visibly dissipated into nothingness, the thoughts swirling in her head seeming to go with it. She stopped at plenty of shops that they passed by, always appearing with more bags than she went in with. It finally got to a ridiculous point where her arms were fully adorned with the handles of bags and from a distance she appeared as a huge Santa sack herself, completely engulfed by presents and decorations. She popped her blue haired head out from the top, feet rising onto her tippy toes as if trying to look out into the distance far away somewhere. " Ayano, Ayano, what do you want for Christmas? " She inquired excitedly, bouncing a bit as she twirled with the bags in hand like a small upbeat child. She already knew what she was getting Timothy and Clair since she knew them but she certainly wasn't about to neglect her desire to acquire something for the small vampire.


" Did you guys want to stop anywhere before we visit the guildhall? I was going to find a place to put all these presents though I'm sure they won't wait until tomorrow to open them since they're all little dem--.... " She trailed off, grinning in a giddy manner before tripping and plopping over slow motion into the snow. At first she blinked wildly and didn't dare move, hair splayed about within the cold snow as speckles of it had dusted itself all over her that had flurried about from the impact. " I meant to do that. " She grumbled cutely under her breath as she tried to convince herself more than the others around her. Her head tilted up as she peered past the strewn bags, eyes going quite wide in an embarrassed manner. " Could I get some help? " She bashfully found the courage to ask, cheeks starting to brighten with a pastel rosy tinge. It certainly was a sight to see as the small slayer remained weighed down within the mound of snow and shopping bags. I can slay a dragon but I'm defeated by a horde of bags... She thought to herself, groaning audibly from the sudden cognizance of it. 


Clair Fernandez

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Magnolia Town

Clair followed along behind everyone else , it somehow felt as though she was intruding on something important. Never the less there was nothing that could be done at this point , so of course she sucked it up and went on to have just as much fun as Sora. And by fun I of course mean , spending several thousands of jewels on pointless Christmas presents for which to give to no one in particular. Oh yes. However while Sora may have been gaining weight every time she purchased an item , Clair did not. You see this wasn't Clair's first rodeo , no she knew exactly what she was doing at this stage of her life. For every bag Clair had was quickly transferred to her pocket dimension.

Of course this wasn't how reequip magic was originally used but hey , who said Clair couldn't use it for something as trivial ? That's right no one but the wizard council ! nobody in Fairy Tail even listens to those old farts anyway !

Before long the shopping took it's toll on Sora , oh yes. She hit the snow like a rock and the bags hit sora just as hard ! haha it was priceless ! However this was still Clair's best friend and so when she asked for help Clair immediately stepped forward to magic away the mass of bags. Well all but a few , her pocket dimension was pretty full to begin with , so any bags that were left were simply picket up by Clairs secondary spell 'Dark Grab'.  The shadowy hands held the bags with effortless ease and followed behind Clair ,four in total, as she went to help Sora to her feet. "It's a good thing your boobs are so big , you could have been really hurt !"

@Zareh @Jackaboi @Kyuubey
  Nikolas grinned when Ferra agreed that doing everything on an impulse was more fun, but was also mentally prepared for Valken literally appearing out of nowhere. It was true; if Phineas was appearing out of nowhere, it was just him saying something completely random at the wrong time. Such as when they were doing a raid mission and Phineas had literally appeared at the front door after Nikolas spent all that energy running, all to comment that the cooks there made delicious chili and by the way he stole the item they were assigned to steal. Sigh. That guy was just weird. 

  Finally, Nik arrived at the familiar diner, a place that they had literally packed a lot of memories with. It was kind of a.....family tradition. In fact, on the bulletin board was a photo of their father, (deceased) grandfather, and (deceased) aunt, nomming on hamburgers. Another showed their father, Nikolas, Phineas, and their mother. Ahhh, traditions. Nikolas steered over to a table and sat down, grinning eagerly. 

  Phineas accepted the keys, nodding as Shiro spoke. "......I'll probably start packing all my stuff today," he commented. ".....I....hope it's not too much trouble, but I could use a little help with that. The house we currently live in is a total mess, being....ah....overly customized, and the mosaics need to get peeled off the floor carefully. Our landlord's a bit.....upset about that. Whiiiiich is why I think we'd better move from that crumbling place.....and, again, thank you very much for all of this."


Shiro Ai: A little worried...


Shiro blinked, first Laura had a random twisted smile that didn't escape the white haired mages attention and then Phin had to put on this psychopathic attempt at a smile that sent a chill down her spine, though she kept her expression blank while listening to the pair both asking when they'd be able to move in. In response Shiro's two companions were handed a key each, each set had two keys a spare and one to keep on them or in the case of Phineas and Nikolas one for each of them, the keys marked with their apartment numbers now, "As long as you've got the key and pay rent on time you can move in at any time." Shiro simply nodded watching the two in front of her with a rather passive expression even though internally she was concerned but would try to change the subject back to the original purpose. "Anyway Laura where were you wanting to look for Christmas presents? If you can tell me what you're looking for I can guide you to the stores as need be." 




ishzu ishtar.jpg


"Well I was just going to walk around town and look for gifts." She looked to Phineas to had just said that he would also need help moving things. "Would you like to move before we go look for presents, if so after we go pack up you apartment we can go to my storage and get my stuff as well. Or do you want to wait until later? If so then your brother can help us as well. IN fact he better help us." She said the last part with a certain tone, as well as a scornful tone. From what she had seen she did not like his brother, he seemed to take things way to far.  Even her eyes seemed to lost all joy when she spoke of him. Laura would defiantly have to keep an eye on that boy.



[SIZE= 26px]Yamato Ren: The fight commences![/SIZE]


It was hardly any surprise that Kirin was able to deflect the wind blades. That barrier around her is sure to cause a few problems for Yamato but he'll get around that some how. For now he's gonna need to avoid the music formed into a drill. He could try to dodge out the way and follow up with another attack while Kirin's guard is down. Yeah that might work! While waiting for the drill to reach it's target Yama could hear Cele cheering him on. "Well it seems we already have some spectators here. How about we give them a show worth watching eh Kirin?" Yamato sidestepped from the drill and prepared another wind blade attack before suddenly... The drill blew up sending a wave of music towards Yama forcing him to cancel his attack and instead used a heavy gust of wind to push away most of the damage. Fortunately he came out of it barely harmed, but that didn't stop the music from reaching his ears. He recognised this song to be the one she used to weaken her opponents. "It's good to see you haven't lost your touch. But I'm afraid your song won't bring me down that easily... Twister!" Upon snapping his fingers he managed to conjure up a tornado that sat in the middle of the stage creating strong gusts of wind powerful enough to put opponents off balance and send projectiles off course. Out of experience Yama has realised this affects his attacks too but after years of training he's able to use the flow of wind to his advantage. He sent out more wind blades which the tornado forced to swerve and curve. Even though they look like they are going to completely miss, nobody knows the flow of wind of a tornado... But he does... Believe him when he says the attack is completely on target. After some time of spinning in the cyclone the wind blades suddenly shot out and were sent flying directly towards Kirin from all kinds of different directions.

@hudhouse @Arius LaVari 
Sakura of course smiled at the scene between Kenya and Eric. She very much liked the idea of receiving one of the dolls herself. While they were somewhat crude in making they were perfect gifts and ones that Kenya worked really hard to make. She'd gratefully accept and try to get her something very special that she figured she would like. "I look forward to getting one from you then Kenya!" She told her excitedly. When she started thanking her for letting her come she giggled and shook her head, "No, no it's fine Kenya. You're very welcome. No need to thank us." She said. Of course before she could say more Mizuki, Draneri, and Alicia made their way in. Alicia looked at everyone and gave them a friendly smile, mostly to Eric who seemed extremely worried Draneri might do something. She figured if he thought that she trusted Draneri he would relax a bit.

Alicia was a bit surprised not to see Gilad at his usual spot at the bar for sure, though she didn't really say anything at all about it. She figured like Mizuki did that he was in his office. "Of course I'm coming." She replied before following them in. She didn't sit down when Draneri offered her a chair, instead looking around the room curiously. It wasn't like Gilad to just leave the room empty and all, nor just leave the hall unannounced; especially on Christmas. She noticed Mizuki's worried and somewhat sadder than usual expression as she read the letter before donning a confused and concerned expression of her own.

Guildmaster? What did she mean..? She looked to Draneri as she read the letter and also mentioned Mizuki being Sabertooth's Guild-Master. "But...Mizuki isn't the Master..Master Gilad is." She said, looking between them with wide eyes. "What do you mean? Why are you calling Mizuki the Guildmaster?" She asked, looking to Draneri and then to Mizuki. Of course she refused to believe what was actually happening, Gilad had left and appointed Mizuki in his place. It wasn't that she didn't like Mizuki or didn't think she was fit, it was just that she really liked Gilad even if he was a bit mean at times. Honestly aside from Mizuki he was the closest thing to parents she had, though she guessed Mizuki was more of an older sister. "Did...Gilad leave?" She asked in a small voice, an expression clearly on the verge of crying if he had.

@Maki@Zuka@Jackaboi@Nenma Takashi@Drakerus


Alara couldn't help but giggle slightly at his apology. "It's fine!" She assured him. When he put his arm around her shoulder she leaned against him slightly and sighed happily. To anyone that didn't know them they'd probably look more like a couple than a brother and sister, but eh. She really missed her little brother, who cares what anyone else thought. She hummed in thought a little before nodding, "We can definitely go eat first." She replied. "I'm starving...so we can head back to the hall after." She said. "What do you feel like eating?" She asked, looking up to Kami. Even despite being the elder sister she was still a lot shorter, it kind of made her jealous since she was even shorter than most women.

@Solemn Jester

Timothy Harvard: Christmas Shopping



[SIZE= 18px]Timothy continued to follow the gang around the plaza as they shopped literally around the whole entire area. His eyes were caught on the sight of beautiful decorations across the street with the added snowing effect definitely made it a sight. Soon they went from shop to shop, a bunch of items ranging from toys to pastries were on display including discounts and limited offers. However as they continued shopping, Timothy accidentally left the group due to being distracted by the shining lights coming from a particular shop. It was a toy shop and it looked very bright with a train being on display however what really caught his eye was this plush which was about 6 inches tall.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px] [/SIZE]
[SIZE= 18px] Timothy thought how that would be a perfect gift for Ayano since she seemed to be a girl fond of toys like these. He goes into the shop and comes out with the plush wrapped inside of a plastic bag. He looks around and realizes that he's been separated from the group, not a sight at all. "Maybe if I go this way, then I'll find them? I'll just wander around until I see them." he said making a good plan before heading off again onto the streets. If it weren't for the shining bright lights and attractive colors, maybe he wouldn't get lost. Hopefully the group hasn't noticed and won't go crazy if they realize he's missing. What about Clair? What kind of gift would she like? Timothy remembers that she did show signs of using re-equip magic but he was not a hundred percent sure but it would make a good first impression after the whole gangster fiasco. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]He came across another shop which is having a Christmas sale on all items. He went inside the shop to discover that they sold equipment, Timothy never did understand the use of these weapons but perhaps it is because he is a living weapon. One of the weapons caught his eye due to how shiny it looked on display.[/SIZE]


Having said, there was no denying it that this would make the perfect gift. He immediately bought it despite it being expensive with the sale discount. He strapped the sword onto his back with a tiny red bow tied on it for comedic relief. "Alrighty! Time to hit the road again!" he said to himself as he continued his search for the group.

Along the way, Timothy did manage to find his group again but...Sora looked like she was hoarding everything...quite literally. It didn't help that as soon as he reached there, Sora fell down flat on her face into the snow which made him hurry along to make sure she was ok. Apparently Clair helped her out which made him smile. He found that it was surprising they didn't realize he left by accident which is good to know since he didn't want them to panic. However the comment she made about Sora made him question them. "Sora? Has boobs?" he asked wondering what she meant as he looked at Sora with blank eyes and then to Clair while his head twitched a bit. "What are boobs?" he asked Clair and Sora in a confused and naive tone. His sunglasses were still on which made it confusing to see how his eyes reacted.

[SIZE= 18px]Oh wait! Which reminds me! He said before stopping his research on this new word that he has never heard before. He handed Ayano and Clair their gifts that he got from the shops. [/SIZE]"These are for you guys! I thought you might like them. I hope you do, I did my research based on your habits and actions. I know it's not much but I hope you like it." [SIZE= 18px]he smiled with glee hoping to make them happy and leaving a first good impression despite his initial first impression being extremely....weird. "Sora, why don't I help you carry your bags? You seem to be biting off more than you can chew." he said while lifting the bags up. "There we go, I think you'll be able to do shopping better without these in the way...I don't think your "boobs" are going to save you from another fall. However I am more interested in learning about your boobs and how they help you from falling. What are they exactly?" he asked Sora unaware of the context he was speaking in.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@Kyuubey @Jackaboi @Mr Swiftshots[/SIZE]
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[SIZE= 26px]Yamato Ren: The fight commences![/SIZE]


It was hardly any surprise that Kirin was able to deflect the wind blades. That barrier around her is sure to cause a few problems for Yamato but he'll get around that some how. For now he's gonna need to avoid the music formed into a drill. He could try to dodge out the way and follow up with another attack while Kirin's guard is down. Yeah that might work! While waiting for the drill to reach it's target Yama could hear Cele cheering him on. "Well it seems we already have some spectators here. How about we give them a show worth watching eh Kirin?" Yamato sidestepped from the drill and prepared another wind blade attack before suddenly... The drill blew up sending a wave of music towards Yama forcing him to cancel his attack and instead used a heavy gust of wind to push away most of the damage. Fortunately he came out of it barely harmed, but that didn't stop the music from reaching his ears. He recognised this song to be the one she used to weaken her opponents. "It's good to see you haven't lost your touch. But I'm afraid your song won't bring me down that easily... Twister!" Upon snapping his fingers he managed to conjure up a tornado that sat in the middle of the stage creating strong gusts of wind powerful enough to put opponents off balance and send projectiles off course. Out of experience Yama has realised this affects his attacks too but after years of training he's able to use the flow of wind to his advantage. He sent out more wind blades which the tornado forced to swerve and curve. Even though they look like they are going to completely miss, nobody knows the flow of wind of a tornado... But he does... Believe him when he says the attack is completely on target. After some time of spinning in the cyclone the wind blades suddenly shot out and were sent flying directly towards Kirin from all kinds of different directions.

@hudhouse @Arius LaVari 


Kirin threw herself back at the formation of the tornado, using its winds to drag her around it! Due to her weight, it affected her mainly when she was flying. On the Earth, she wasn't going to move for this thing! That was until the wing blades started to fly at her. If they wanted a show, why not give them a show? She thrusted her rump back, bouncing it twice to the beat of her song while leveling her back to avoid an oncoming blade. Then she quickly slammed a hand back, pivoting her center of gravity up to try and avoid another wind blade, but the thing about her weight? It made her a bigger target, and that was when the wind blade cleaved straight into her throat, lopping off her head. Her body dropped limply to the floor, dark blue energy crackling where the wound rested.



Kirin slowly stood up, her head floating up and snapping back on. Her skin was melted to a pitch black color before the blues, reds, orange and violet hues began to form. Unfortunately for her, Kirin's power wasn't fully tuned yet. Her Pseudo-Pressure Suit glowed, making her look like some echo of a distant universe. She looked up, and zoomed into the tornado! The Tornado began to pulsate, changing color as Kirin blasted different tones and frequencies into it... causing little ripples in the current of wind. Raw magic power began pouring vastly out of the tornado, taxing the tornado as it kept on expanding tell it was a hurricane. Whatever Kirin was doing inside the vortex, it was clear she was going to make somebody pay for making her head roll! Even if she did do it to freak out Yamato and give her some time....
Sera honestly hadn't noticed Ryu watching until he tossed the cloth, of course causing her to pout when Kelica covered herself up. Even more shocking was the fact the normally very touchy blonde girl had pushed herself out of the hug. That was definitely puzzling but she didn't comment. "Well...if you're sure." She replied. "Offer still stands whenever I suppose." She added, shrugging lightly. She watched as she dressed herself, trying not to make it obvious she was. She grinned when she finally assembled her cloth dress, which was pretty sexy considering the thin cloth didn't exactly hide much. She giggled at her hip swaying, gently shaking her head when she offered to make a dress for her. "No thank you, that girl over there made this nice dress for me. It'd be rude to just toss it aside." She said.

"I might take you up on the offer for that later though." She told her, winking at her. "You have a nice body by the way." She added, looking the girl over one more time before leaving it at that and walking over to Niur and Verdana. "Hey...thanks for the dress." She told her, smiling and kneeling down to her. "It's very comfortable." She said. She sighed lightly, actually having paid attention to a good portion of the conversation. "Look...I know how it is to lose your family. Trust me, I do..." She began. "It's...it's not worth murder or dying to get back. You aren't going to be able to, I know for a fact you won't." She continued. "You definitely won't in the state you're in. You'll charge in and get killed pretty much instantly." She explained.

"Mirajane has been dead for good while now, I'm afraid you won't be able to get your parents back. Not from her." She said. "I'm not entirely sure who her child is, but, you wouldn't be any better off if you killed him. He probably has people that cares about him too, family, friends." She said, pausing and looking off to the ground. "Don't go down that route. I've done it. I've lived through it. I regret having done it everyday. It's not worth having to live with the guilt..it won't bring them back to you."

@Spanner@Zuka@hudhouse@Rhodus@Happy Red Mage@anyone I missed
Moses kept his disposition even after being called out by the woman."Well, no one likes talking to someone who's always walking around with a sour look on their face." Moses said taking a seat, and leaning back to relax."Besides, it's bad manners to call someone out on something like a fake smile. They could have very good reason for such a expression." Moses pointed out, before noticing her attention turn towards the stage. This annoyed him slightly, he frowned and his eyes slightly became hostile. Then he quickly regained his composure, and decided to watch the battle as well."You know it doesn't matter who you cheer for, I doubt this battles going to really end anyway. Most likely it'll be stopped before it gets to serious, or it'll end in a draw. Doubt either will win, although judging by they're abilities I'd say Kirin has the best chances." Moses finished picking up some booze and sipping it.  

(Can't tag others so yeah)

Kami thought for a moment then sighed,"Being constantly on the go i usually pick the quickest thing to eat, or easiest to carry around. But since I'm in no rush to travel, I'd be happy with anything you want." Kami finished looking down at his elder sister, and smiling his perfect smile. He knew his sister disliked being shorter than him. But he honestly didn't see the problem, he thought it made her seem cuter. So what if some people where taller than you? It just meant that they'd miss out on all the interesting things on ground level. Kami would tell Alara, and he strongly believed this. As a adventurer he thought it important to keep to the ground. Well except for that one time he tried finding a flying city, but that sas the acception. So he constantly tried to cheer her up about it. Although she seemed happy enough at the moment, so he didnt feel like bringing up her height. Even though he was sure she was thinking about it.


Chris Lengheart(Let's get a move on.)

"Shit, I almost forgot! I'm so sorry." Chris said as he walked over to the two males. "Don't worry," The older looking man said,"we're fine-" "Speak for yourself, you don't have to have a scarf wrapped around you to stop the bleeding." the younger one interjected while holding his mid-section. Knowing that these two wouldn't be able to walk far, Chris changed to his centaur form and asked,"Are you two okay to ride?" but was met with shaking heads. Figured, one had to keep pressure on his mid while the other one seemingly hurt his arm. With a slightly irritated sigh, Chris raised up his hand, forcing the ground around the two a few feet into the air. "Sit down and relax, we'll get you two to a healer as soon as we can." Looking to Lavender, Chris simply nodded as he started walking ahead. Leading the way at this point.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21

Chris Lengheart(Let's get a move on.)

"Shit, I almost forgot! I'm so sorry." Chris said as he walked over to the two males. "Don't worry," The older looking man said,"we're fine-" "Speak for yourself, you don't have to have a scarf wrapped around you to stop the bleeding." the younger one interjected while holding his mid-section. Knowing that these two wouldn't be able to walk far, Chris changed to his centaur form and asked,"Are you two okay to ride?" but was met with shaking heads. Figured, one had to keep pressure on his mid while the other one seemingly hurt his arm. With a slightly irritated sigh, Chris raised up his hand, forcing the ground around the two a few feet into the air. "Sit down and relax, we'll get you two to a healer as soon as we can." Looking to Lavender, Chris simply nodded as he started walking ahead. Leading the way at this point.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21

Tyson looked towards he two wounded men, and watched as the wizards assisted them. The manticore still over his shoulders, not stirring more than his chest moving for breath. He found the younger mans wording strange."Hmm, you could have just said you're not the one bleeding out." Tyson pointed out, which being someone who didn't talk often he felt ironic. Although then again maybe he just wasn't familiar with how people talked. The mans words made sense, they just seemed to overcomplicate a simple sentence. "Hmph," Tyson grunted showing he was prepared to go. He was impressed by the mans takeover magic. He had many impressive beast forms, and Tyson would have enjoyed battling them. Although he should probably work on controlling his strength a bit before doing anymore fights. He followed the horseman keeping a close pace, the manticore looking gloomy as it lay on his shoulders.

@Britt-21 @Isune

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