Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Lavender looked at the men and nodded softly "Just as Sir Chris has said. It is our job to protect everyone." a smile spreaded upon her lips "No matter who it is that we are saving, as a Fairy Tail member, we have accepted to help and serve our people." her eyes then looked ahead towards the town as they got closer. Light shined from various buildings and the lanterns that were along the path they were heading towards "I am very glad that you both are not poisoned. To lose people it is a great loss, no matter the number in those lives we've lost." she wanted to avoid the grief that could be potnentially brought to their families.  Lavender wanted to bring them back home healthy and happy and so they can spend christmas with them. "Sir chris, how are you holding up on your magic?"


@Embaga Elder@Solemn Jester(only mentioned)


Kathy watched with her purple eyes as he grabbed her drink and took a sip of it. "You know me...I dont change what I like..." ever since she began to drink she never changed it. Maybe she tried things but she always went back to her classic drink. It was nice to know that he had to hurry back home since everyone had been waiting on him. His hand brushed against hers as he got up and moved to the couch he and Kathy always chilled at. Like a child, she hopped off her chair and grabbed her drink, walking over towards Miles and sitting down next to him, bringing the drink high enough so the straw reached her lips. As soon as he asked if it was alright to bring her along, the silver-haired mage nodded  softly and glanced at him, clearly not able to keep her eyes of the red-headed mage.


Pulling her lips from the straw, she spoke softly "If I tag along... We can finish missions faster... And we can relax on the couch some more..." her voice was still soft and hadnt changed much since he left. Other than her using more words than gestures and nodding signals. "Dont leave ever again without telling me... I had to stare down your brother to get the information..." she then locked her lips with her straw again and began to drink. her excitement was slowly dying down but she would shake a little here and there. Mostly getting her jitters out "As you can tell...I won that stare down..." she managed to say through the straw. Since both parties didnt talk, they just stared...and stared...and stared till Tyson eventually told her.


Miles Redd


Miles watched as the short beautiful Katherine jumped out her sit at the bar, causing Miles to softly chuckle. He leaned his head back and propped up his right foot on his left leg. He thought about what Katherine and his brother had to endure while he was away. Luckily one of the people he was worried seems to be perfectly fine. Especially as she walked over towards him sitting next to him. He turn his head towards her looking right at her long white hair. Still same as he left. He grinned softly. Yeah I know...I don't change what i like either. He examined more of her body spotting out that she was shaking a little. He automatically assumed that she was cold. So he wrapped his one arm around her and pulled her in close, and allowed his aura to flow right off of him in a nice calm motion. His aura flowed off of him warming her up as she spoke. Miles chuckled lightly as she stated that she and his brother got into a staring contest. He wondered how long it took for her to get the answer out of Tyson, and whether her neck was hurting for looking up at the tall man for a long time. Okay then from now on you can tag along everywhere I go. Just to get you out from having a cramping neck. You know from looking up at Tyson for so long. He said calmly, not allowing his tone to change. And since I'm getting a little hungry, would you like to tag alone?? I'll pay, you know like its a date or whatever. 
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As soon as Kathy was pulled close to him, she instantly relaxed within his hold, feeling the warmth radiate off from his aura "So warm..." she said softly as her eyes closed and pretty much downed her drink and moved for a brief moment to put the empty glass on the coffee table and went back to leaning against him, comfortable and warming up to his touch. "looking up at Tyson was very painful... But I have learned to deal with such pain..." her purple eyes slowly opened and looked up towards him "Sure... I dont think I ate anything today either..." maybe she was just thinking and drinking too much to where she didnt eat. That was uncommon for her really since she ate every time she needed to. "But stay here with me just a little longer..." surprisingly her shaking seemed to die down as soon as she was embraced by him. Sure it was only a little bit but it was enough to calm her down.


"You are warm just as I remembered..." her eyes then lowered back down but then they closed, leaning her head against his chest, hearing the faint sound of his heartbeat up against his chest. "Even in the hot summers I very much enjoy your warmth..." but he already knew that. She lived in the here and now. He was back, and Tyson would be happy to have his brother back. Probably wouldnt show it but it was possible. Kathy shifted her body a bit, getting more comfortable and using one arm to sling onto his other shoulder. Just feeling him like this was enough to content her for a while longer. "How was your mission though...? Was it easy... despite being such a long one...?"



[SIZE= 28px]Kelica Zefara[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 28px]Fairytail Guild Hall[/SIZE]


The Forest Mage still had a huge hearty laugh ripping through the Guild Hall that seemed to light up the room. She had always been happy, but this was on a completely different level and she couldn't comprehend just how happy seeing Noah had made her feel. She figured he had just been some figment of her imagination, but that couldn't have been true at all. He was real and he was here, right now, where she could touch him and hear his voice. Even as he placed her on her feet, her long blonde messy hair bounced in around her frame as she peered up to him, feeling like her heart could just burst. She wanted to ask him how he was, where he went, what he was doing here, would he stay or would he go again? Her mind a whirlwind that only halted as she felt his hands touching her body and rearranged the sheet against her frame, and she made barely a protest. None whatsoever, in fact. Though the touch did bring back to his questions and she blinked for a moment before she took a deep breath in, trying to calm herself down at least slightly.  @Embaga Elder


"Um... well... Actually, yes! Ryu, Hibiki and Sora have all be training me every day, sun up to sun down. Hibiki spars with me, and sometimes his punches her but, I'm getting much better at taking a hit and I even am starting to dodge more! Ryu has been making me meditate to try and calm me, and Sora has been teaching me more about ahh... what did she call it again? Manners? It has something to do with being a lady I assume but.." her eyes drifting sideways as a half way worried expression crossed her face. @Rhodus @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey "She has been a bit distant lately and I'm not sure why... I was going to ask her next time she comes into the Guild Hall but she doesn't come through all that often anymore..." Her voice getting quieter as she mused more to herself. "Speaking of Big Tree's, come check out this one I made!!... or grew rather... from a seed!" the explanation probably not needed because Tree's didn't just grow out of thin air, but the girl was using her last reserves of energy now as she practically jumped on the spot. She threaded her fingers into his own and dragged the tall Djinn mage along behind her as she pointed to the huge Christmas Tree that stood proudly right in the middle of the Guild Hall. It went from the floor of the first level, right up past the second level to have the very tip touching the roof. There was tinsel coating it from Alfie, and Adrian had even made Arcane Christmas balls to hang over it. @Salt Lord @Genon All that was missing was a star on top though she hadn't figured out exactly how to do that yet, or rather who's magic would be best. It didn't occur to her, Aria with her light magic might be able to make a beautiful star to sit on top.


"I grew it all by myself Noah! I mean... I did pass out afterwards because, well it's cold and... I'm a little sleepy and stuff..." A yawn escaping gently though her fingers stayed entwined with his as she honestly completely forgot she was doing it. "Lavender made hot chocolate and cookies, they are in the Kitchen, but then her and Chris left in a hurry and I'm not to sure why... they headed out just as I fell asleep..." Glancing out towards the Guild Hall door Noah had only entered a moment earlier. @Britt-21 @Isune Kelica glanced over as she spotted Mitsuki as he tugged on Noah's sleeve with her eyebrow raised, though that was when he mentioned he heard a lot about the Djinn mage from Kelica of all people! Kelica's cheeks almost instantly flustered as she quickly yanked her hand away from Noah's, to flail them around for a moment. "What?! NO! I wasn't even-! I didn't even say all that much I just-...I just mentioned he'd appeared like some sort of super hero and saved me!" Her words spewing out as her face only reddened and she tripped over her words even more. @Solemn Jester Luckily the sniffling man changed the subject to if she could heal his cold... Kelica blinked for a moment before her earlier fidgeting seemed to vanish, and an oddly serious look covered her face as she put a hand to her chin in thought. "...Well... to be honest I've never tried to heal a cold, I have healed a Migraine or two but they were different... that was more a physical alignment rather then a normal stuffy nose and viral infection." The intelligent words coming from her mouth such a stark contrast to the normally ditzy girl she wouldn't be surprised if both Noah and Mitsuki looked at her funny.


"I try to only use my Cell Regeneration as a last resort as it intensifies the pain. Even if I were able to do it, you'd have the full symptoms of a week of Flu all in the space of a minute and no one much likes that..." Still tapping her chin in thought the girl lifted a finger up. "...wait right here!" Before either said a word the girl was running across the hall, leaping onto a table directly in her path and vaulted straight over it, again a testament to just how much training she had had from Hibiki but was still only putting most of it into effect subconsciously rather then at will. She dived into the kitchen for a good few minutes, the sounding of a boiling kettle, then she returned with a mug of some description in one hand and a odd bundle of leaves in the other. She walked much more steadily as she approached them, however the steady pace making her hips sway gently as she tried her best not to spill it. Then she came before Mitsuki and offered him the almost boiling mug. "This is a herb you can find in the Southern Forest outside of Magnolia.. It will help ease the sniffling and give you a nice warm belly. Honestly what you need most is a nice comfy spot in the corner of the room and some blankets." Smiling brightly as she lifted the leaves and crushed them within her fingers to release the aroma and essence before she plopped the leaves into the water. "This won't... taste terribly good but, if you keep drinking it it should clear up by tomorrow or the day after. But only if you get lots of rest." bopping him on the nose with a high pitched giggle.



Mitsuki, Yamada 


Mitsuki just stood watching with a adoring smile on his face. Keli was so cute, even when she was flustered. He sniffled a bit, then pinched Kelica's cheeks lightly. (The ones on her face xD) "Oh you're so Adorable Keli." Mitsuki then listened as she answered his question."Mhmm, yep, yeah." Mitsuki shook his head a serious look on his face, as if he understood what she was saying. Which he more or less did, but his being sick was more or less putting his brain on the back burner. He was slightly upset that she couldn't heal his cold. 

But she quickly had a idea, and ran across the guild to the kitchen."Show off," Mitsuki said although he was smiling a impressed smile at how well her training was going. She then came back with what he guess was tea. He nodded at her words, and took the mug and leaves."Alright I'll do that, thanks." He took a small sip, and made a ugly face, then shuddered."Yep... that's....lovely...thanks a bunch." He then prepared to leave, and go snuggle with his medicine, somewhere in a corner. Then stopped and gave Noah one more look over," hmm Keli was right, you are cute." With that he turned away, and went to get a cover.

@Zuka @Embaga Elder

[SIZE= 18px]Chris Lengheart(...Almost there...)[/SIZE]

Chris listened to Tyson and Lavender, but didn't bother responding. The most he did was nod slightly when Lav asked how he was holding up He had to focus on keeping this form and using less magic. Chris was quickly snapped back to reality as the sound of falling rocks caught his attention. Chris turned his glance to the platform and noticed that it had thinned out slightly. It wasn't to a noticeable degree, but it was probably for the best. Chris not only had a beast form to maintain, but now had to constantly maintain magic usage. It wasn't like making stairs or a pillar, once Chris stopped using his magic, the platform would crumble and drop. And right now, Chris couldn't really let that happen. Once they finally arrived at the guild hall, the platform dropped rather quickly followed by Chris reverting back to human form. He stumbled slightly, but soon found his footing again. A fatigued look was on his face as he brought his attention to his arm. Damn it, it was still bleeding. The cloth Chris had used to try and stop the bleeding seemed to be doing a very minimal job. Those quills must have been barbed, or gone really deep into shoulder for it to be bleeding like it was. His hand didn't seem all that bad. Just a single bead of blood from where one of the quills slipped through his hastily-made armor. Letting out a sharp exhale, Chris went over to the father and son pair and got a grip on the two as he carefully ushered them into the guild hall.

The doors of the guild hall swung open as Chris brought the two in. Without so much as skipping a beat, Chris shouted,"Need healers, we got three wounded and a manticore!" Thinking quickly, Chris laid the two down on separate benches while quickly moving the table out of the way so healers had a chance to work. Once all this was taken care of, Chris jogged over to the doors and propped them open with chairs so Tyson could bring the manticore in while Chris rested on a wall, holding his shoulder slightly while shaking his head.


@Britt-21 @Zuka @Solemn Jester

Tyson, Redd


Tyson looked at the Fairytail guild, seemingly unimpressed. But in his head he was thinking of a million ways to improve its defenses." A trench is always good, maybe add some crocodiles. Place some turrets around it, a few floor traps. Hmm maybe a electric fence," Tyson thought to himself following the centaur that was Chris inside. He walked inside with the manticore on his back, and looked around."So umm, where do I put it?" Tyson asked the manticore now half heartedly chewing on Tyson's head, although he didn't seem to have noticed.

@Britt-21 @Isune (@everyone in Fairytail)

[SIZE= 28px]Kelica Zefara[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 28px]Fairytail Guild Hall[/SIZE]


The Forest Mage still had a huge hearty laugh ripping through the Guild Hall that seemed to light up the room. She had always been happy, but this was on a completely different level and she couldn't comprehend just how happy seeing Noah had made her feel. She figured he had just been some figment of her imagination, but that couldn't have been true at all. He was real and he was here, right now, where she could touch him and hear his voice. Even as he placed her on her feet, her long blonde messy hair bounced in around her frame as she peered up to him, feeling like her heart could just burst. She wanted to ask him how he was, where he went, what he was doing here, would he stay or would he go again? Her mind a whirlwind that only halted as she felt his hands touching her body and rearranged the sheet against her frame, and she made barely a protest. None whatsoever, in fact. Though the touch did bring back to his questions and she blinked for a moment before she took a deep breath in, trying to calm herself down at least slightly.  @Embaga Elder


"Um... well... Actually, yes! Ryu, Hibiki and Sora have all be training me every day, sun up to sun down. Hibiki spars with me, and sometimes his punches her but, I'm getting much better at taking a hit and I even am starting to dodge more! Ryu has been making me meditate to try and calm me, and Sora has been teaching me more about ahh... what did she call it again? Manners? It has something to do with being a lady I assume but.." her eyes drifting sideways as a half way worried expression crossed her face. @Rhodus @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey "She has been a bit distant lately and I'm not sure why... I was going to ask her next time she comes into the Guild Hall but she doesn't come through all that often anymore..." Her voice getting quieter as she mused more to herself. "Speaking of Big Tree's, come check out this one I made!!... or grew rather... from a seed!" the explanation probably not needed because Tree's didn't just grow out of thin air, but the girl was using her last reserves of energy now as she practically jumped on the spot. She threaded her fingers into his own and dragged the tall Djinn mage along behind her as she pointed to the huge Christmas Tree that stood proudly right in the middle of the Guild Hall. It went from the floor of the first level, right up past the second level to have the very tip touching the roof. There was tinsel coating it from Alfie, and Adrian had even made Arcane Christmas balls to hang over it. @Salt Lord @Genon All that was missing was a star on top though she hadn't figured out exactly how to do that yet, or rather who's magic would be best. It didn't occur to her, Aria with her light magic might be able to make a beautiful star to sit on top.


"I grew it all by myself Noah! I mean... I did pass out afterwards because, well it's cold and... I'm a little sleepy and stuff..." A yawn escaping gently though her fingers stayed entwined with his as she honestly completely forgot she was doing it. "Lavender made hot chocolate and cookies, they are in the Kitchen, but then her and Chris left in a hurry and I'm not to sure why... they headed out just as I fell asleep..." Glancing out towards the Guild Hall door Noah had only entered a moment earlier. @Britt-21 @Isune Kelica glanced over as she spotted Mitsuki as he tugged on Noah's sleeve with her eyebrow raised, though that was when he mentioned he heard a lot about the Djinn mage from Kelica of all people! Kelica's cheeks almost instantly flustered as she quickly yanked her hand away from Noah's, to flail them around for a moment. "What?! NO! I wasn't even-! I didn't even say all that much I just-...I just mentioned he'd appeared like some sort of super hero and saved me!" Her words spewing out as her face only reddened and she tripped over her words even more. @Solemn Jester Luckily the sniffling man changed the subject to if she could heal his cold... Kelica blinked for a moment before her earlier fidgeting seemed to vanish, and an oddly serious look covered her face as she put a hand to her chin in thought. "...Well... to be honest I've never tried to heal a cold, I have healed a Migraine or two but they were different... that was more a physical alignment rather then a normal stuffy nose and viral infection." The intelligent words coming from her mouth such a stark contrast to the normally ditzy girl she wouldn't be surprised if both Noah and Mitsuki looked at her funny.


"I try to only use my Cell Regeneration as a last resort as it intensifies the pain. Even if I were able to do it, you'd have the full symptoms of a week of Flu all in the space of a minute and no one much likes that..." Still tapping her chin in thought the girl lifted a finger up. "...wait right here!" Before either said a word the girl was running across the hall, leaping onto a table directly in her path and vaulted straight over it, again a testament to just how much training she had had from Hibiki but was still only putting most of it into effect subconsciously rather then at will. She dived into the kitchen for a good few minutes, the sounding of a boiling kettle, then she returned with a mug of some description in one hand and a odd bundle of leaves in the other. She walked much more steadily as she approached them, however the steady pace making her hips sway gently as she tried her best not to spill it. Then she came before Mitsuki and offered him the almost boiling mug. "This is a herb you can find in the Southern Forest outside of Magnolia.. It will help ease the sniffling and give you a nice warm belly. Honestly what you need most is a nice comfy spot in the corner of the room and some blankets." Smiling brightly as she lifted the leaves and crushed them within her fingers to release the aroma and essence before she plopped the leaves into the water. "This won't... taste terribly good but, if you keep drinking it it should clear up by tomorrow or the day after. But only if you get lots of rest." bopping him on the nose with a high pitched giggle.



[SIZE= 18px]Chris Lengheart(...Almost there...)[/SIZE]

Chris listened to Tyson and Lavender, but didn't bother responding. The most he did was nod slightly when Lav asked how he was holding up He had to focus on keeping this form and using less magic. Chris was quickly snapped back to reality as the sound of falling rocks caught his attention. Chris turned his glance to the platform and noticed that it had thinned out slightly. It wasn't to a noticeable degree, but it was probably for the best. Chris not only had a beast form to maintain, but now had to constantly maintain magic usage. It wasn't like making stairs or a pillar, once Chris stopped using his magic, the platform would crumble and drop. And right now, Chris couldn't really let that happen. Once they finally arrived at the guild hall, the platform dropped rather quickly followed by Chris reverting back to human form. He stumbled slightly, but soon found his footing again. A fatigued look was on his face as he brought his attention to his arm. Damn it, it was still bleeding. The cloth Chris had used to try and stop the bleeding seemed to be doing a very minimal job. Those quills must have been barbed, or gone really deep into shoulder for it to be bleeding like it was. His hand didn't seem all that bad. Just a single bead of blood from where one of the quills slipped through his hastily-made armor. Letting out a sharp exhale, Chris went over to the father and son pair and got a grip on the two as he carefully ushered them into the guild hall.

The doors of the guild hall swung open as Chris brought the two in. Without so much as skipping a beat, Chris shouted,"Need healers, we got three wounded and a manticore!" Thinking quickly, Chris laid the two down on separate benches while quickly moving the table out of the way so healers had a chance to work. Once all this was taken care of, Chris jogged over to the doors and propped them open with chairs so Tyson could bring the manticore in while Chris rested on a wall, holding his shoulder slightly while shaking his head.


@Britt-21 @Zuka @Solemn Jester


Noah Cross

[SIZE= 24px]Fairy Tail[/SIZE] Guild Hall

Noah had his arms crossed as he listened to Kelica's training process with a grin. Physical, mental, and even some lady etiquette. All forms of training Kelica needed was given to her during Noah's adventure. He started wonder just how much she's changed while he was away. As she started talking about a fellow guild member becoming more distant, Noah started worrying about how distant did this one guild member became. Throughout Noah's travel he's witnessed many friends become distant from their group and later turn on them. He hope this wasn't the case with Sora. Noah slowly drifted into deep thought but was snapped into reality by Kelica pulling him towards a big Christmas tree. Noah was in "Ah" as he saw that the tree was so high that it went through another floor just to touch the roof. He looked at Kelica, then back at the tree, smiling big from amazement. Kelica...you grew this?? How long did it take you?? This is amazing. You sure did surprise me. Noah scanned the tree again, noticing all the Arcane Christmas balls, but what was missing was a star. Hmm where's the star? How can y'all be missing the most important touch?? Noah reached out his hand towards the top of the tree and performed a partial take on his arm using Valefor Djinn Soul. The moisture around the top of the tree started to freeze allowing a ice crystal star to form. He lowered his hand as it turned back to normal. If you guys don't like it. I can always... Noah was interrupted mid sentence by a tug of his sleeve.


 Noah turned his head towards the person who tugged on him. Noah had no idea who this mage, but somehow he knew him. The mage continued speaking, introducing himself, and spilling the beans on how he knows Noah. Noah grinned and looked at Kelica, as she started getting really flustered. Super Hero huh?? He chuckled as he spoke to himself. He listened as Kelica and Mitsuki spoke about his cold. Could she really heal colds? Noah wondered, but then his question was soon answered. It didn't surprise Noah was much as she spoke intelligently. He had a feeling the girl knew how her healing worked. As Kelica bolted towards the kitchen vaulting over tables. Now that surprised Noah even more. He was not even prepared to see Kelica perform such actions.She really did do some tough training. He thought to himself. Noah looked around at all the Christmas as he waited for the return for Kelica. When she did return she explained what was in the mug and the effects of the substance, just like a doctor. As Mitsuki left to go do whatever, Noah was left in a unsettling state towards his comment. Uhh thanks. He said awkardly while rubbing the back of his head. Noah turn his head towards the guild doors as the burst opened.

Bursting in was Christ and two strangers.Whatever happened wasn't good.Noah rushed over helping Chris set the two wounded down. Yo Chris whats up? Whaat happened to these two?And why do you have a manticore? He asked as he helped Chris move table and Chairs.Noah turned towards the red haired male who was carrying the Manticore. "Where to put it??" he asked. Woow you actually have a Manticore. Just put it right there. Noah pointed towards a set of tables put together for the manticore. Noah turned towards Chris hoping he'll shed some light on this situation.

@Zuka @Isune  @Solemn Jester @Britt-21 @Fairy Tail
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage blinked as she watched Mitsuki sip at the hot herbal tea and couldn't help but cover her mouth slightly as she giggled even more. @Solemn Jester After all, she had warned him it wouldn't taste the best so she was expecting his expression to be somewhat similar to what she envisioned. Of course with the whole process of getting him the warm tea to try and ease his cold, she had almost completely missed the shiny star that Noah had placed onto the top of the tree. It was only that the light happened to reflect on it a fraction that it glinted in her eyesight and she looked a little awestruck before she glanced back to Noah almost as if to say 'Did you do that?'. It didn't matter how many times he used his powers, she couldn't believe some of the things he was capable of. @Embaga Elder Then she remembered he had asked her about the tree itself so the blonde girl opened her mouth to elaborate. "Well actually, I just used my powers, so it didn't take me long, a few seconds at best... but it drained most of my power, that's why I needed a res-"

Being in Fairytail things seemed to go from calm to chaotic in a matter of seconds, and Kelica turned gently as she spotted the doors throw open again though slightly more forcefully then Noah had as a voice yelled through. She knew it was Chris even before she saw him, and that tone instantly made her heart clench in her chest. @Isune That was before she felt a wave of something dark flow over her frame, or rather in her head, as she could literally feel the pain and suffering of.. wait what did Chris just say that was? Kelica rushed over in a fast pace behind Noah as she hooked a hand to the sheet partially lifting it up off the ground as she did so she didn't trip over it, before her emerald eyes shot over the entire group that had just entered. Chris and Noah had both laid the boy and the man down on the benches and moved some chairs around.

Making a snap decision while Tyson had yet to walk into the room with the disheveled Manticore, Kelica rushed over to the boy first as he was the youngest and grasped at his shirt to peel it upwards, exposing a rather nasty looking wound to his mid section. She bit at her knuckle for a moment in thought before she hurried over to the older man, seeing a few deep cuts but nothing of dire circumstances. As she strode over to Chris who had himself propped up weakly against the wall she called over her shoulder to Noah. "Please Noah, I need you to find something to press into that boy's midriff and hold it tight, we need to stop the bleeding and bandage it at least till Sora can get here..." Her eyes stilling on the boy who was groaning somewhat in pain. The girl really didn't want to use her powers on him and cause him undue pain unless it was absolutely necessary. As she turned back around she could already see Chris's frame half sliding down the wall and she reached out a fraction to hold him steady against the wall, a hand holding his opposite shoulder to the sore one. Unlike Noah she wasn't much concerned on the hows or why's she had a few more things to deal with though it wouldn't be a bad idea to over listen.

"Easy Easy big guy..." She said in a soft tone steadying him with one arm while her other reached down suddenly to rip at the bottom of the table cloth she had tied around her frame, letting go from the Beast Soul user to rip it into long strips, before she pressed the very tips of her fingers into his shoulder gently, probably earning an uncomfortable grunt or something similar from Chris as she did. "Mmm... it's deep." Though as she had her fingers in there she felt one stinger still lodged into his shoulder and the girl took a sharp breath in before she turned her face to look to him with a serious look. "There is a quill still in here Chris, so I'll need to pull it out to seal the wound..." Chris shouldn't really have been surprised that Kelica wasn't the most gentle of healers, but at the very least she could fix people up enough to see them continue on. The heals she mostly relied on didn't require Magic and as such she could do them anywhere including the middle of Forest of a Desert. While they may have been crude she had saved many creatures this way. "I'm sorry Chris..." She whispered and before he could explain the girl had drove her fingers into the gaping wound on his shoulder as she hooked her fingers and reefed the quill out before throwing it to the ground, coating her fingers in his blood as she did.

She had to dig into his shoulder a second time to make sure she hadn't left any stray portions so it wouldn't have gotten infected, before the girl finally pushed a wade of the cloth into the wound to stem the bleeding, grasping at his good hand and lifting it up so he could hold the cloth to his own shoulder. Her fingers coated blood, smearing his own hand as she did. "Please hold this in place Chris..." She said in a soft tone as her emerald eyes traveled over his face in a concerned manner, before she left and whipped her bloody hand onto the cloth around her body, now stained red, and pulled a chair over for him to sit at. "We will find you a better Healer Chris, like Sora... I promise... just hold tight..." rubbing her thumb in under his eye for a moment in a gentle gesture, hoping he understood. She only did it to help... Surely he, of all people, would know that? But she could still understand if he was angry or upset as she had caused him even more pain then he walked in with. Holding her hand to his cheek for a minute, before she turned and rushed over just as Tyson carried the weak beast over towards the table that Noah and Chris has hastily put together. "Please put it down gently..." She said even as her eyes locked to the beast as her expression became oddly blank. Like she looked distant while she was focused in on connection to the creature even as she stared to it. "I'm a Forest Mage so, if there is one thing I know it is my around a Beast." Offering Tyson a weak, gentle smile as if to try and explain why she was there.

Of course even as she did all this, she wasn't aware there was anyone else around that could heal apart from Sora in Fairytail, it never even occured to her the new GuildMaster could heal or even Ryu might be able to cauterize the wounds. Though the less pain for everyone involved was probably not a bad idea. She had to think how they managed to wander through Magnolia with a Manticore simply hung limply over Tyson's shoulders... That was Magnolia for you, the people here must just be used to the antics from Fairytail to turn a blind eye.

@Kyuubey @Rhodus @Britt-21
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Lavender walked into the guild as well, looking at everyone who seemed to look their way. Heck, she even spotted Noah who was a fresh face in a very long time. Now wasnt the time to go on and try to speak to other people. Once Chris had put down the men off to the side, he himself also was in pain. She felt like that she had done nothing to protect her fellow guildmate. She had nothing but reddened skin from the cold and no wounds. To make herself useful, she listened to Kelica mentioning pressure on the boy's midsection where she had wrapped her scarf around to minimize the bleeding. Though that command was directed at Noah more than the warrior herself. To make herself at least useful, she went off and got blankets for the two men. Of course she checked the older man just as Keli did and he wasnt bleeding hevily... It was probably drying up which was good "Hang in there, sir." the warrior said


Then she moved to the boy with the larger wound and readjusted the scarf and made it tighter "I know, I know. It hurts... Hang in there..." she said softly as she put the blanket around him as well "Sir Noah, dont stop putting pressure. That scarf will not last long." ( @Embaga Elder ) it was soaking up enough blood to loosen up the fibers and make it losser which is why she tightened it up. Then her eyes moved over to Chris "Sir Chris how are you holding up?" ( @Isune ) the quil was out which was good but his expression said otherwise. He was in pain and so were the others. Even the Manticore was hurt and he wasnt even a human!


The more she thought about it, the more she realised she could have been hurt. The way the Manticore slammed her off of Chris's back. Though she used her shield for that so there was no way she got hurt. The worse she could get was frostbite due to the cold with her exposed skin. Even the snow burned her light skin. "burned" isnt exactly the right word but it felt like a burn. Tyson had his own battlewounds and she couldnt help but sigh. Once he put the beast down, she approached him "You need your wounds taken care of too. You're still bleeding." ( @Solemn Jester ) at least clean up the wounds and wrap them for the time being. He did take claws to his shoulders.



Abaddon's hands dropped to his sides in a calm yet displeased manner. " What fun is talking? Physical contact is so.... pleasant. " He murmured, getting closer to the boy with each word that tumbled off of his lips; lips that were tugged into a sinister smile. He disappeared and popped up behind Bel, leaning in extremely close as he exhaled strongly enough to send strands of Bel's hair flurrying about. " You smell rather... appetizing. Like a forbidden fruit. " He ran a hand through his jet black hair, fingers twisting and entangling within the strands. His free hand rose as if he was about to grab Bel but he flicked him on the cheek instead and let out a creepy ' boo ' that would be sure to send more chills down Bel's spine before vanishing completely. " I'm watching you... " The words that were spoken were all that were left of his previous appearance as a grim reminder to him. 

Bel's heart couldn't help but tighten when confronted by the stronger demon, to the point that he couldn't stop his urge to back off when the dark haired male approached him. He almost felt the urge of running away as soon as the demon vanished from his front, just to be stopped by the sound of exhaling on his back, that left clear that he wasn't gone yet. What came after was equally traumatizing for the usually lazy demon, that barely managed to hold his nonchalant expression till the very end. He could even feel the cold sweat induced by sheer nervousness when the other demon finally finished, moment that a long sigh of relief escaped his lips.

He couldn't bother enough to care about the talk in his surroundings as he swiftly escaped from the guild hall, his urge of arriving his own home and going back to his routine of sleeping while far from the troublesome matters was way too big to let him think about anything else as he dashed along the familiar way to his home, desperate for the ending of this considerably long day.

Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail HQ



A cheerful smile had plastered itself upon Sora's unbeknownst face as she accepted the help offered to her, arms stretching behind her to enjoy their newfound freedom from the evil bags. Her knees even bent a little as she bounced once again, energy just bursting from her as if it had all been bottled up and was being released at once. That technically was the case as lately she hadn't been the most jubilant nor even present around people for that matter. One would have started to severely worry about her if they knew how many times she had fallen asleep outside in the cold by that headstone while talking to it and herself as it had become a normal routine. A quick shake of the head sent her hair flying and all of particles of snow that hadn't yet melted to go flying about, a quick flurry of hands patting at her clothes repeating that process. Clair just had to open up her mouth though and for some reason, Sora knew the direction that comment was headed in before she even mentioned her chest. Those cheeks quickly puffed out, air being trapped within them as she slowly rose her face to stare at Clair, a scary expression falling upon it.


[SIZE= 14px]"[/SIZE] Clair.....[SIZE= 14px] " Sora managed to huff out, frame shaking to express how suddenly irritated she had become. Clair always had to mention her breast size being that of a childs and frankly it wasn't too bad when they were alone but they weren't! Ayano and Timothy were there. To make matters more aggravating Timothy piped in like a curious kid with his questions. Sora threw her hands up in a defeated manner, trying to keep her composure at a calm point. " [/SIZE]Oh, Clair... You and I are going to have a little heart to heart later. I'm not afraid of you, you've gotten lazy and fat.[SIZE= 14px] " She jabbed a finger into Clair's chest and turned her face to look at Timothy. "[/SIZE] See, Timothy, these are boobs.[SIZE= 14px] " She poked Clair repetitively in the chest, each prod getting harder and harder in an attempt to bruise them. [/SIZE]" These big, fat, things. [SIZE= 14px]" She carried on with a slightly wicked smile that showed how pleased she was to jest about Clair. She flashed her canine-like teeth and darted off towards the guild hall, cackling almost like a mad man. [/SIZE]


A few people seemed to be rushing towards the building as well and Sora stopped in her tracks as she noticed it was a few of the guild members; Lavender and Chris to be exact. A few other people accompanied them and there was blood... She could smell it. Every drop of happiness drained from her body in a mere matter of seconds as flash backs plagued her thoughts, weakening her knees. It was already too much for her but that wouldn't stop her from trying to help if she was able to, even if she wanted to shatter into pieces from having to use her healing magic again so soon. The healing magic that couldn't bring him back.... Sora stiffened and kept herself together as she strode the rest of the way to the guildhall, quietly appearing through the open doors and surveying the scene. Injured, injured, injured, more injured. Blood. Just breathe... The air picked up in the guildhall as she became unaware that her emotions were activating bits of her magic on its own but it quickly settled down as she clenched her fists together and made her way over to the small boy. She wordlessly looped her arms around and under him, lifting him up and away from Noah. Her arms shook but it wasn't due to the weight of the boy, it was memories, but they were forced back as she carried the boy over towards Chris and laid him down gently.


Sora's eyes were clouded over once more, distant, and they remained so as she thrust her hands out. That usual light surrounded them and a loud exhale was heard before she blindly moved them towards both the boy and Chris's injuries, eyes drooping to a close as she began to heal them. Luckily she was fully rested and this wouldn't take much out of her, it was the pictures that kept flickering behind her closed lids that were doing the most damage. They acted like a horrific movie and Sora was extremely grateful once she had finished healing the two in her care. " That should feel a little better, Chris.. " She gazed at him momentarily, apologetic for the way she had always treated him beforehand. She looked at the boy then and forced a smile on her face, masking the pain she was feeling. " You're going to feel brand new. You have no idea how strong you are. " She murmured, brushing strands of his hair off to the side before standing and repeating the healing process on the older man. At this point she was starting to feel slightly sluggish and the beautiful tree was only becoming a swirling blur. " Not done... " She spoke through clenched teeth and pushed herself forward. Her small frame appeared before Tyson whom Lavender was speaking to and she sunk to her knees, both hands reaching out to heal his wounds as well, barely finishing before the glow dimmed down.


" H-Hey Lavender. " She hushed out, voice unusually quiet and weak. Four people is enough.... right? It never feels like enough anymore... it won't bring him back... Her thoughts drifted off as she soon did too, falling forward as if in slow motion.


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Tyson, Redd


Tyson walked inside, and  looked over to the other mages. Who where already busy working on the wounded. He moved and gently laid down the manticore, who just grumbled slightly. Then held it down as he petted it gently. Then the warrior known as lavender came suggesting he get his wounds cleaned."You are very kind, but I'm afraid I cannot. My wounds aren't life threatening, they'll be fine. Once I return to my guild I'll get healed there." He said before going back to hold the manticore down, just incase it got fiesty while being healed. Also slightly because he wanted to try, and be some comfort for the Manticore. Even though he was the cause for its pain. He noticed that Chris, and the others had been treated. He couldn't help but admire the little mages work, she wasn't  exactly gentle. Tyson found this very impressive, mainly because when he wasn't gentle well...he ended up killing manticores. He also noticed a sickly looking mage snuggled up in a corner sipping some tea, and shuddering with every sip. Fairytail was certainly strange, indeed very strange. He was prepared to go without being healed, and then...a tiny blue haired girl walked up to him....and healed him. Tyson had a disturbed, almost violated look on his face for a moment. As if he had just been touched in a unpleasant manner. He dropped to his knees, and held his head down in much the same way as the manticore had done."Please, end my life, it no longer has any meaning. My honor has been taken by this tiny girl." Tyson said in his emotionless manner, also a little bit of defeat in his voice.

@Isune @Britt-21 @Zuka 
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Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail HQ



A cheerful smile had plastered itself upon Sora's unbeknownst face as she accepted the help offered to her, arms stretching behind her to enjoy their newfound freedom from the evil bags. Her knees even bent a little as she bounced once again, energy just bursting from her as if it had all been bottled up and was being released at once. That technically was the case as lately she hadn't been the most jubilant nor even present around people for that matter. One would have started to severely worry about her if they knew how many times she had fallen asleep outside in the cold by that headstone while talking to it and herself as it had become a normal routine. A quick shake of the head sent her hair flying and all of particles of snow that hadn't yet melted to go flying about, a quick flurry of hands patting at her clothes repeating that process. Clair just had to open up her mouth though and for some reason, Sora knew the direction that comment was headed in before she even mentioned her chest. Those cheeks quickly puffed out, air being trapped within them as she slowly rose her face to stare at Clair, a scary expression falling upon it.


" Clair..... " Sora managed to huff out, frame shaking in to express how suddenly irritated she had become. Clair always had to mention her breast size being that of a childs and frankly it wasn't too bad when they were alone but they weren't! Ayano and Timothy were there. To make matters more aggravatting Timothy piped in like a curious kid with his questions. Sora threw her hands up in a defeated manner, trying to keep her composure at a calm point. " Oh, Clair... You and I are going to have a little heart to heart later. I'm not afraid of you, you've gotten lazy and fat. " She jabbed a finger into Clair's chest and turned her face to look at Timothy. " See, Timothy, these are boobs. " She poked Clair repetitively in the chest, each prod getting harder and harder in an attempt to bruise them. " These big, fat, things. " She carried on with a slightly wicked smile that showed how pleased she was to jest about Clair. She flashed her canine-like teeth and darted off towards the guild hall, cackling almost like a mad man.


A few people seemed to be rushing towards the building as well and Sora stopped in her tracks as she noticed it was a few of the guild members; Lavender and Chris to be exact. A few other people accompanied them and there was blood... She could smell it. Every drop of happiness drained from her body in a mere matter of seconds as flash backs plagued her thoughts, weakening her knees. It was already too much for her but that wouldn't stop her from trying to help if she was able to, even if she wanted to shatter into pieces from having to use her healing magic again so soon. The healing magic that couldn't bring him back.... Sora stiffened and kept herself together as she strode the rest of the way to the guildhall, quietly appearing through the open doors and surveying the scene. Injured, injured, injured, more injured. Blood. Just breathe... The air picked up in the guildhall as she became unaware that her emotions were activating bits of her magic on its own but it quickly settled down as she clenched her fists together and made her way over to the small boy. She wordlessly looped her arms around and under him, lifting him up and away from Noah. Her arms shook but it wasn't due to the weight of the boy, it was memories, but they were forced back as she carried the boy over towards Chris and laid him down gently.


Sora's eyes were clouded over once more, distant, and they remained so as she thrust her hands out. That usual light surrounded them and a loud exhale was heard before she blindly moved them towards both the boy and Chris's injuries, eyes drooping to a close as she began to heal them. Luckily she was fully rested and this wouldn't take much out of her, it was the pictures that kept flickering behind her closed lids that were doing the most damage. They acted like a horrific movie and Sora was extremely grateful once she had finished healing the two in her care. " That should feel a little better, Chris.. " She gazed at him momentarily, apologetic for the way she had always treated him beforehand. She looked at the boy then and forced a smile on her face, masking the pain she was feeling. " You're going to feel brand new. You have no idea how strong you are. " She murmured, brushing strands of his hair off to the side before standing and repeating the healing process on the older man. At this point she was starting to feel slightly sluggish and the beautiful tree was only becoming a swirling blur. " Not done... " She spoke through clenched teeth and pushed herself forward. Her small frame appeared before Tyson whom Lavender was speaking to and she sunk to her knees, both hands reaching out to heal his wounds as well, barely finishing before the glow dimmed down.


" H-Hey Lavender. " She hushed out, voice unusually quiet and weak. Four people is enough.... right? It never feels like enough anymore... it won't bring him back... Her thoughts drifted off as she soon did too, falling forward as if in slow motion.


Clair Fernandez

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Magnolia , Fairytail Guild hall

Status update ? "I've had enough bull shit for today !"


Clair hadn't expected Timothy to buy her a gift let alone a sword , they had only met less than two hours ago yet here he was handing her what seemed to be some sort of decorative sword. A short sword to be exact. Heck if Sora and he hadn't of continued talking Clair would have been left speechless ! However as I said the two did continue and as a result of Timothy's questioning Clair was in stitches laughing. This scene couldn't have gotten any funnier even if Clair herself had intervened.

Sadly the funniness of the scene quickly came to an end when Sora decided to call Clair out , oh yes this short sentence brought Clair's laughter to a halt in a mater of seconds. It was one thing to call her lazy but it was another to call her fat. However the small chested girl continued to add fuel to the fire by using Clair's chest as a punching bag while explaining to Timothy just what boobs were. In all the years Clair had known her partner , she had never gone this far. It was almost as if the small , flat chested , girl was challenging Clair to a bitch off. But then again that would only end badly for both parties.

Therefore Clair had to just swallow her pride and store the gift within the remaining space of her pocket dimension before swiftly and silently following on behind Sora.

Admittedly it wasn't long until the group arrived at the hall and admittedly it wasn't long before Clair realised the severity of the situation before her. Two of the injured were civilians and the third was Chris just how did this happen ? who could have possibly done such a terrible thing ? Not only that but Chris was strong , maybe one of the strongest the guild had to offer. If he was damaged this much along with civilians then whomever did this was truly nothing short of a monster.

Surely enough it didn't take Clair anything more than a slight pivot of the head to find one standing at the opposite side of the hall. Aria Forsyth , the one and only Aria Forsyth. It had been an entire two years since the last time the two had met , so why now and why like this ?

In Clair's mind there was only one solution , Aria had been the one to cause this. If not she had surely had some part in it , destruction and madness followed this old hag like a shadow.

Clair ensured Sora had things under control before turning to address the Hag , Clair's magic hanging heavy in the stagnant air that engulfed the hall. "Aria , You've been here less than a day and already two civilians have fallen victim to your presence. You don't belong here , You never have and never will. So either you and your little fuck boi of a key leave this instant or I myself will kick you out , even at the cost of my life."

@Kyuubey @Jackaboi @Zareh @everyone in the guild hall ( @Isune mentioned)
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Chris Lengheart(Mmm...h-hurts so....bad)

Chris watched as everything seemingly happened at once. First, Kelica looked at his shoulder. Finding another quill, Chris winced as Kelica removed it but let out a sharp scream of pain as she began to dig into his shoulder to make sure that there weren't any other quills in his arm. It hurt like hell to say the least. Luckily, nothing else seemed to be in there. Letting out a sigh and thanking every single god and deity he could name mentally, Chris continued applying pressure to his arm."Thanks, next time warn me though." was all he said to Kelica as he focused on applying pressure to his wounds. Waiting for someone to heal his arm.

Then, seemingly on cue, Sora came into the guild hall. She proceeded to heal all the injured people in the room, including Chris. As she finished up, Chris grinned as he said,"Damn kid, you're a tiny miracle worker." and watched as she went off to help the others. As she finished up, Chris watched as the young girl finished and started falling. Without so much as a second thought, Chris sprung from his seat and caught her. Holding her in his arms, Chris muttered to her,"You've done great today, take a rest...you could use it more than me." While the constant drain of Chris' magic had him somewhat fatigued, it wasn't hard for him to hold a child like Sora.

And to keep up with the shitstorm that was currently taking place, Clair had decided to start threatening another person for what wasn't even her doing. Trying to defuse the situation as fast as possible, Chris jogged over to the two with Sora still in his arms. "She didn't do anything! Lay off!" He shouted over her "You see that manticore over there? Well, there was more than one of them and it ambushed us while I had the first one pinned. That's why I got hurt. It caught me off guard and the one that's laying on that table hit me with its tail. It has quills, really sharp quills that dig deep down into your flesh. Ask Lav, that lady has nothing to do with it!"

@Zuka @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @Britt-21 @Solemn Jester @ANYONEIMISSED
On 10/9/2016 at 11:39 AM, Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail HQ



A cheerful smile had plastered itself upon Sora's unbeknownst face as she accepted the help offered to her, arms stretching behind her to enjoy their newfound freedom from the evil bags. Her knees even bent a little as she bounced once again, energy just bursting from her as if it had all been bottled up and was being released at once. That technically was the case as lately she hadn't been the most jubilant nor even present around people for that matter. One would have started to severely worry about her if they knew how many times she had fallen asleep outside in the cold by that headstone while talking to it and herself as it had become a normal routine. A quick shake of the head sent her hair flying and all of particles of snow that hadn't yet melted to go flying about, a quick flurry of hands patting at her clothes repeating that process. Clair just had to open up her mouth though and for some reason, Sora knew the direction that comment was headed in before she even mentioned her chest. Those cheeks quickly puffed out, air being trapped within them as she slowly rose her face to stare at Clair, a scary expression falling upon it.


" Clair..... " Sora managed to huff out, frame shaking in to express how suddenly irritated she had become. Clair always had to mention her breast size being that of a childs and frankly it wasn't too bad when they were alone but they weren't! Ayano and Timothy were there. To make matters more aggravatting Timothy piped in like a curious kid with his questions. Sora threw her hands up in a defeated manner, trying to keep her composure at a calm point. " Oh, Clair... You and I are going to have a little heart to heart later. I'm not afraid of you, you've gotten lazy and fat. " She jabbed a finger into Clair's chest and turned her face to look at Timothy. " See, Timothy, these are boobs. " She poked Clair repetitively in the chest, each prod getting harder and harder in an attempt to bruise them. " These big, fat, things. " She carried on with a slightly wicked smile that showed how pleased she was to jest about Clair. She flashed her canine-like teeth and darted off towards the guild hall, cackling almost like a mad man.


A few people seemed to be rushing towards the building as well and Sora stopped in her tracks as she noticed it was a few of the guild members; Lavender and Chris to be exact. A few other people accompanied them and there was blood... She could smell it. Every drop of happiness drained from her body in a mere matter of seconds as flash backs plagued her thoughts, weakening her knees. It was already too much for her but that wouldn't stop her from trying to help if she was able to, even if she wanted to shatter into pieces from having to use her healing magic again so soon. The healing magic that couldn't bring him back.... Sora stiffened and kept herself together as she strode the rest of the way to the guildhall, quietly appearing through the open doors and surveying the scene. Injured, injured, injured, more injured. Blood. Just breathe... The air picked up in the guildhall as she became unaware that her emotions were activating bits of her magic on its own but it quickly settled down as she clenched her fists together and made her way over to the small boy. She wordlessly looped her arms around and under him, lifting him up and away from Noah. Her arms shook but it wasn't due to the weight of the boy, it was memories, but they were forced back as she carried the boy over towards Chris and laid him down gently.


Sora's eyes were clouded over once more, distant, and they remained so as she thrust her hands out. That usual light surrounded them and a loud exhale was heard before she blindly moved them towards both the boy and Chris's injuries, eyes drooping to a close as she began to heal them. Luckily she was fully rested and this wouldn't take much out of her, it was the pictures that kept flickering behind her closed lids that were doing the most damage. They acted like a horrific movie and Sora was extremely grateful once she had finished healing the two in her care. " That should feel a little better, Chris.. " She gazed at him momentarily, apologetic for the way she had always treated him beforehand. She looked at the boy then and forced a smile on her face, masking the pain she was feeling. " You're going to feel brand new. You have no idea how strong you are. " She murmured, brushing strands of his hair off to the side before standing and repeating the healing process on the older man. At this point she was starting to feel slightly sluggish and the beautiful tree was only becoming a swirling blur. " Not done... " She spoke through clenched teeth and pushed herself forward. Her small frame appeared before Tyson whom Lavender was speaking to and she sunk to her knees, both hands reaching out to heal his wounds as well, barely finishing before the glow dimmed down.


" H-Hey Lavender. " She hushed out, voice unusually quiet and weak. Four people is enough.... right? It never feels like enough anymore... it won't bring him back... Her thoughts drifted off as she soon did too, falling forward as if in slow motion.







On 10/7/2016 at 11:12 PM, Kyuubey said:

Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ




A gentle smile tugged at Aria's lips as she watched Niur hug the smaller perturbed child. It was a nice gesture to say the least and it was small actions like those that gave humanity the fighting chance it needed against whatever may come in the future. There was still good in the world; still a light burning ever so brightly within the hearts of many of the mages whom walked upon Earthland. Everything going on seemed to be taken care of, the naked bodies were slowly being covered up and as they did, Aria made the smallest notion with her finger to snuff out the lights shining brightly around them. " I'm not entirely sure how to get your family back, Verdana. I understand your pain and anguish as I've experienced much loss myself but family is ever growing. As long as you surround yourself with caring people such as Niur here, you'll never be without a family to call your own. " Aria took a step back as she spoke, removing herself from the situation.


Her gaze lowered ever so slowly though as the trouble maker loomed into view, sliding across the floor like a worm of some sort. A swift movement found her hovered over him, hair draping around him like a curtain of sorts, face inches from his though in a reverse manner. " I suppose I don't need to bring you down since you're already on the ground but next time you're sick, stay in bed. If not, I will restrain you myself, do you understand? You will also dedicate an hour a day to learning how to control your magic more, bright and early. I don't need a recurrence of this happening to the citizens here and I'm pretty sure the next time you do that within the guild hall... well, I won't get a chance to even scold you. Sera over there looks like she might eat you up and I might just let her. " Aria flashed him a bright toothy smile, eyes narrowing in the slightest as she straightened back up and returned her attention to the hot chocolate on the table. Her ears twitched a bit, still tingling from the residing feelings of the fingers that had been touching them.


" You may go, Mitsuki. Oh, I'll also be punishing you by making you tidy up my office. Don't get any weird ideas though. " She muttered into the cup, frowning as she realized that the hot chocolate had gone cold. A pout slowly formed on her face, ears drooping to the side to resemble what a defeated and wet cat might look like. The cup was put down then, fingers idling upon it before she let it go completely with a sigh, not wanting to go through the trouble of obtaining more at this point. Instead she turned her much less distracted attention towards another individual whom had remained rather quiet during the whole spectacle, besides looking out for Kelica. That seemed like a chore in itself but it was amusing to see just how like siblings they all acted in terms of behavior. " Ryu, you seem extremely observant. Would you mind updating me on a few things? " She appeared next to him and reached out to pluck the scythe up and out of the ground, eyes locking onto his as the weapon disappeared and was replaced with the black key once more. " I'd like to know a bit more about how things work around here now. I'm rather new to this whole thing and don't want to mess it up. " Aria's tone had dropped to a whisper as she quickly averted her gaze that she feared had remained upon his face for too long. It wouldn't be good if she came off as creepy now that she was becoming acquainted with everyone. Though it was difficult not to stare at him, like Maya's hair, she was finding herself extremely fond of the samurai in general. He was extremely pleasant to look at and let off an aura that was captivating in itself. 



Abaddon's hands dropped to his sides in a calm yet displeased manner. " What fun is talking? Physical contact is so.... pleasant. " He murmured, getting closer to the boy with each word that tumbled off of his lips; lips that were tugged into a sinister smile. He disappeared and popped up behind Bel, leaning in extremely close as he exhaled strongly enough to send strands of Bel's hair flurrying about. " You smell rather... appetizing. Like a forbidden fruit. " He ran a hand through his jet black hair, fingers twisting and entangling within the strands. His free hand rose as if he was about to grab Bel but he flicked him on the cheek instead and let out a creepy ' boo ' that would be sure to send more chills down Bel's spine before vanishing completely. " I'm watching you... " The words that were spoken were all that were left of his previous appearance as a grim reminder to him. 





Verdana sighed as her skin began to melt, warping back into her flesh as she blurred like a photo. Within a few moments, her fuzz transformed back to flesh, and she was back to Cookie girl! She bowed to Aria and said, "I am so happy to hear all of you care! Thank you for listening to me miss! Though... I wish we could be friends forever. I was born with a few things programmed in my head... and one is that I am not allowed to be your friend." She simply nudged herself forward, smiling at Niur. She commented at Sera, "Enjoy the shirt, and know that none will die here..." She turned back to the guild master, and yanked her skirt up. Her underwear began to melt away at the sides, revealing that she was part of Grimoire Hearts. She let go of the skirt, letting her flesh regrow before she commented, "I was a Christmas present, a mear play thing! I hope when I grow up, I can meet you guys again! Tootaloo..." Verdana made a mad dash straight for the door, moving at inhuman speeds due to her mutated legs. She put one hand on her dress to keep it down, and one on her head as if she had a hat! She laughed as she ran away like a cheetah, leaving Niur with a book.... titled 'Verdana'.

@Happy Red Mage @Mitchs98 @FairyTailGuildHall
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As soon as Kathy was pulled close to him, she instantly relaxed within his hold, feeling the warmth radiate off from his aura "So warm..." she said softly as her eyes closed and pretty much downed her drink and moved for a brief moment to put the empty glass on the coffee table and went back to leaning against him, comfortable and warming up to his touch. "looking up at Tyson was very painful... But I have learned to deal with such pain..." her purple eyes slowly opened and looked up towards him "Sure... I dont think I ate anything today either..." maybe she was just thinking and drinking too much to where she didnt eat. That was uncommon for her really since she ate every time she needed to. "But stay here with me just a little longer..." surprisingly her shaking seemed to die down as soon as she was embraced by him. Sure it was only a little bit but it was enough to calm her down.


"You are warm just as I remembered..." her eyes then lowered back down but then they closed, leaning her head against his chest, hearing the faint sound of his heartbeat up against his chest. "Even in the hot summers I very much enjoy your warmth..." but he already knew that. She lived in the here and now. He was back, and Tyson would be happy to have his brother back. Probably wouldnt show it but it was possible. Kathy shifted her body a bit, getting more comfortable and using one arm to sling onto his other shoulder. Just feeling him like this was enough to content her for a while longer. "How was your mission though...? Was it easy... despite being such a long one...?"



Miles Redd 

Miles aura started flowing over Kathy the long they stayed close together, as if his aura miss being near her. It coated her entire body with warmth. Miles closed his eyes as his head was leaning back. He slowly started to fade away into sleep the more he just sat there listening to Katherine. It's not that she was boring, it was just that Miles can fall asleep anytime and anywhere. The fact that her voice was soothing to him wasn't helping . Miles dosed off for quite a second and came through when she was saying "stay here a little long". Miles had no problem with it. They both was hungry but she wanted to stay by his side a little longer and hear about his mission. The mission was annoying and was really pissing me off. I had to capture a teleporting mage.  As he said that his anger slowly rose just from speaking about his mission. Katherine could tell because his aura was becoming hotter, and wild as it moved away from Katherine. Miles removed his arm from around Katherine and leaned forward. This guy never stayed in one placed. Teleporting all around the place as we fought. Miles aura spiked the more he talked about it. God I hate them. But luckily, he slipped up pissed me off and you know what happens when I get pissed off. He leaned back and his aura began to relax. He placed his arm around Katherine as his aura flowed onto her again. So what were you up to while I was away? 
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Timothy Harvard: Grievances and Gifts



[SIZE= 18px]Timothy looked at Ayano as he knee down to her eye level and smiled [/SIZE]"It's Christmas Ayano! Everybody deserves something nice and special!" [SIZE= 18px]he said in a joyful and heart warming tone as he patted her head with glee. As he looked at Sora, she seems to have a defeated look on her face as she got strike down by the harsh reality of life. He then explained what "boobs" are by rapidly poking Clair's chest to the point where she was trying to hurt her. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]'Interesting....so these...have some sort of ability to stop you from falling? Doesn't seem like a very useful biological feature considering where they are placed.' [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he thought to himself as Sora dashed off into the distance while cackling a laugh which he didn't understand completely. He followed her and Clair to the guild hall. A horrid scene took place there and Timothy froze as soon as he saw the scene with a few injured people. Sora and Clair seemed to have rushed ahead to aid her guild mates but Timothy stayed behind and looked from a distance. Things did not look good at all as Clair and another guild member started lashing out at each other and Sora seems to have fainted again. He didn't want to cause anymore trouble plus with the fact that he felt very unnerved here. He decided to wait and look at them until he finds a good time to enter or perhaps leave. "What should I do?..." he asked himself as his anxiety kicked in as he continued hiding from the Fairy Tail guild members, hoping he won't get spotted.[/SIZE]


Yamato Ren: That was unexpected...

Yamato was confused when Kirin started acting weird with making a shooting gesture with her hand. But after surveying his surroundings he realised what was going on. He had already been surrounded, he tried to jump away but there was literally nowhere to go. Then the beams erupted from both the runes and Kirin herself, with so little options and not enough time to use any magic Yama had no choice but to brace for the hit as best he could. Although his Wind Ward was still active, the point of impact still hurt... A lot. Yama wasn't exactly cut out for tanking. After the attack had ended Yama fell on to his knees and looked at Kirin for a while. "I should've realised it sooner... This fight was over the moment you popped out that hurricane. I guess I really don't have it in me to try and beat a girl... huh...?" Yamato released a small smile, probably one of the kindest ones he's done in a long time and fell forward crashing down on the floor just moments before Kirin did the same. Signifying her victory over the chivalrous man. Beaten, bruised and slashed Yamato remained smiling as he rested on the floor. A sudden thought rushed into his head after the fight had ended. "Oh... Dinner must almost be ready by now." It was amazing how Yama was able to keep track of the time during the intense fight. It should be about half an hour left before it's done. "Oh well... A five minute rest won't hurt..."

@hudhouse >>>Anyone watching the end of the duel.<<<

Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Valken was sitting in a wooden chair close by the fire place as he had the boy curled up in his lap. His face was complete enigma, it had none of it's normal cheeky characteristic nor did he have his 'work face' the one he normally did when he was doing his under cover intelligence job or under the table missions. Instead, he looked oddly calm and collected though there was a hint of worry dotted his face. He hadn't really been on the receiving end of seeing the frailty of human life, the closest he got to caring about anyone would have been Millie and that was more constant panic over making sure she was OK. This... was new for him. And he wasn't sure how he felt about it exactly. Grace, Ferra, the boys, they were like little siblings that could take care of themselves but were more an annoyance then anything, but actually seeing something this frail really took him back. Where once he could cut out the screams of pain and agony Valken was starting to turn a page as he started to loose a part of the emotionless facade he bore while he tortured people. The Sadist side starting to wain.

Why did he even torture people in the first place?

Well it mostly started taking the worst and most dangerous missions by accident, his reflexes second to none and he had always had a strange affinity for daggers and knives. They were easily concealed and easy to wield for someone with his uncanny ability to duck and out of situations. It wasn't always that way though, he could distinctly remember a time when he was young, he must have only been 12 and had snatched a poster off the Guild Wall. Knowing Mad Maya had told the bar keep to refuse Valken signing out himself onto missions, he promptly waited till the woman had busied herself with another Guild Member before leaping over the counter, scribbling something that looked vaguely like a signature before he had already run away. The boy at that stage couldn't read or write, being a street kid none had ever taught him. So he simply went with the prettiest looking flyer.

Unfortunately for him that very mission had been classified an A class when he could barely be caused a B and despite Valken's reflexes he couldn't escape unharmed. He got beaten to a bloody pulp. He could only duck into the Shadow Realm for a few seconds at a time, he dodged too late, his knife throws were sloppy and missed the target. The fact he even got out at all was a miracle. He remember pushing opening the Lamia Scale Guild Hall with one arm, blood pouring out from a broken noise, a dislocated shoulder, his pants in tattered and bruises covered his small frame. His eye was that badly black and blue he could barely see out of it. He remembered taking one or two steps, as a huge gasp escaped the Guild Hall and it grew silence, while he lifted up his still working arm with a necklace clutched between his blooded fingers.

"S...see I did it!" He remembered choking out before the boy's face paled and his knees buckled, crashing to the floor. The last thing he remembered was a brown haired woman kneeling over him, shouting orders around the place as he drifted in and out of consciousness. He remembered the look of pure horror on her face as she whispered 'you Silly silly boy...'. 


Well he had gotten a right old scolding from the woman after that. Just as his thoughts started on Maya, he felt Millie's arms loop around his middle, a momentary panic working his entire frame as he remembered the rings. Well only for a moment till he reassured himself, they were safe and hidden in the Shadow Realm.. still he found himself holding his breath as his voice half squeaked out. "He hasn't said a word... Although his face looks oddly familiar...." Valken of course the Master of knowing everything (at least in his mind) was trying to put a name to the face. He turned his head gently to brush his face into Millie's cheek, half closing his eyes as he did. Though his gaze drifted down as he spotted the boy giving out a slight smile and Valken in turn couldn't help but smile a fraction as well. "At least the cold seems to have shaken off of him." Glancing up to Millie with the cheeky grin slipping out as he did. "Did you wanna try holding him Millie? Bring up a chair. I want to keep him by the fire till he warms up fully, but I need to test a new recruit..."

His gaze drifting over to Miss Akane. "If you are after a drink, please help yourself behind the bar. We have all manner of drinks cold and hot. But be prepared once this boy is warm, I'll be testing you. And also, don't touch the Scotch. That's mine. All of it..." Glancing down to the floor with the broken pieces of chair he'd tossed at Frosty earlier.

@LeSoraAmari @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mitchs98

Millie Muffin

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


[SIZE= 14px]Millie placed her chin on top of Valken's right shoulder, gently pressing her cheek into his with a warm smile on her face. Her bright blue eyes were looking down at the sleeping kid in her lovers lap. Seeing the black haired boy being so relaxed and careful with the fragile kid was just too sweet. He was being such a fatherly figure, something that she never thought she'd see. "You're being so gentle with him Valken, like you're his dad. I bet you'd make such a great dad." She cooed gently into his ears, dropping a little hint before pressing her lips briefly against his cheek. Her attention then went back to Light, scanning to see if he had any injuries that needed to be taken care of. Luckily there didn't seem to be anything, but he was probably very cold. Winters at the guild were very cold, especially when it snowed. That poor kid might've been out there for so long. It kinda reminded her of Valken. Although she wasn't in the guild when he first joined, Maya told her his story. They were both street kids who wound up coming to Lamia Scale. That meant Light had so much potential. "Of course he hasn't said anything, he's sleeping!" She said with a giggle, slipping her arms off of Valken and taking a step back. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]When asked if if she wanted to hold Light Millie nodded slightly. Deep down she wanted to continue to watch Valken hold him as if he was his own, but he had other important things to do and she needed to help out wherever she could. "I'd love to hold him, Valken. I'll pull up a chair, take him into my lap, and make sure to keep him nice and warm. Maybe if we are lucky he will wake up in time to see you test the potential new member!" She said, looking for the closest chair that was still intact. They seemed to be the most broken thing in the whole guild hall. Fortunately they had so many it wasn't hard to find one. Pulling it up beside the fire Millie took a seat and held out her arms, beckoning Valken to give her the boy. "Gimmie Gimmie!"[/SIZE]


[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Kelica's eyes stayed true to the creature before her though her ears were still listening around the Guild Hall. She mostly tuned out to everything and everyone around her however her mind was becoming blank and that weird darkness was starting to cloud her every thought. It was hard to describe really, Kelica was as much in tune with emotions as she was with physical movements. Her eyes did flutter upwards as she spotted the man who had walked in with the Beast and laid him down along the table, though he was holding him down which at first her eyes narrowed in a slightly frustrated manner but then they soon eased. This beast was easily far bigger, far stronger and far more dangerous judging by the damage it left on Chris and the others then any normal creature she had tried to helped. She ducked in under Tyson's frame (sometimes being the shorter one wasn't so bad after all) and she let her fingers brush into the very tip of his head near The Beast's mane. Her fingers slowly started to travel down the length of the creatures mane and over the middle of his back, brushing against his shoulder and middle with a sure but not aggressive touch. In a similar way to how one approaches a horse without spooking it.

Her emerald eyes kept gazing up towards his face and the blank expression it wore, plus this overwhelming darkness and... soullessness it possessed. It didn't even speak to her. She leaned in a fraction to whisper into the creatures ear, but whatever she said the Manticore suddenly growled deep in it's throat letting out a huge, angry tone. In reflex the girl yanked her head back from his ear her eyes huge, and thankfully whoever the red haired guy was was there helping to restrain it. Though something started to dawn on her though she never let her emerald eyes drift from his face. Her voice grew slightly louder. "These Beasts only ever hunt in pairs, and they Mate for life. Where is his Ma-" Her sentence was cut off as she heard Clair yelling, then finally she broke her gaze from the Manticore to peer over to Chris running over with a rushed explanation and .... was that Sora in his hands?! And if that wasn't weird enough she glanced to the side to see Tyson had knelt down with his head bowed. He looked better, they all did, even as Chris ran she noticed his shoulder was healed now so it must have been Sora that fixed them all while she was connecting with the Beast!

That was when the huge man beside her had asked to end his life and Kelica looked completely stunned as her face paled significantly. Who would say something like that? Did they not realize how precious life was? She was going to say something to that effect with the huge commotion in the air, the yelling, the tenseness and really the Guild Hall was not big enough for a creature like it caused the Beast to start to stir. The Manticore started to snarl a little as it's tail flicked around in an angry manner and Kelica spun back around to face it with her hands half held out in a defensive tone. "E...easy boy! You don't wanna talk to me... I get that... but... where is your Mate? Is she out there? Is that why you attacked?" Even as she said all this, the words were only making the creature more agitated. Kelica knew he would snap at any stage now and the Forest Mage was getting more antsy by the second.

"EVERYBODY PLEASE CALM DOWN! IF YOU WISH TO GO YELL OR FIGHT DO SO OUTSIDE! Otherwise everyone needs to back up a pace or two!" She yelled out in a strangely authoritative tone for her. This creature literally had nothing else left to loose and Kelica was well aware of a creature at the end of it's rope and what it might be capable of. It was starting to sit up on the table now and it didn't look much to happy. "Shhh shh shh it's okay, you're hurt yes? I can't heal you unless you hold still..." Though even as she said this she paled even more. This creature was already not listening to a word she was saying, it was grieving far too much as it was. It was starting to dawn on her the darkness clouding it's mind, and it's whole posture must have had something to do with it's Mate in the first place. The real question was, how was she supposed to use her heals on this creature even if she could get close enough to it? Her heals hurt.... there was no way this creature would lie still enough for her to use her magic... And she wasn't even sure she wanted to put it through anymore more pain then it already was. Kelica felt her heart tensing, what should she do?

@Solemn Jester @Embaga Elder @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @Zareh @Isune @Britt-21 @Mitchs98 @Happy Red Mage @Rhodus
10 hours ago, Jackaboi said:

Yamato Ren: That was unexpected...

Yamato was confused when Kirin started acting weird with making a shooting gesture with her hand. But after surveying his surroundings he realised what was going on. He had already been surrounded, he tried to jump away but there was literally nowhere to go. Then the beams erupted from both the runes and Kirin herself, with so little options and not enough time to use any magic Yama had no choice but to brace for the hit as best he could. Although his Wind Ward was still active, the point of impact still hurt... A lot. Yama wasn't exactly cut out for tanking. After the attack had ended Yama fell on to his knees and looked at Kirin for a while. "I should've realised it sooner... This fight was over the moment you popped out that hurricane. I guess I really don't have it in me to try and beat a girl... huh...?" Yamato released a small smile, probably one of the kindest ones he's done in a long time and fell forward crashing down on the floor just moments before Kirin did the same. Signifying her victory over the chivalrous man. Beaten, bruised and slashed Yamato remained smiling as he rested on the floor. A sudden thought rushed into his head after the fight had ended. "Oh... Dinner must almost be ready by now." It was amazing how Yama was able to keep track of the time during the intense fight. It should be about half an hour left before it's done. "Oh well... A five minute rest won't hurt..."

@hudhouse >>>Anyone watching the end of the duel.<<<


Kirin slowly stood up, immensely thinned out. A dark scar ran across the left side of her stomach, which when followed revealed she didn't have a belly button. Her skin was taut and smooth, perfectly attuned to make sure that she used as little magic as possible to recreate herself. Her arm was thin, near petite, and she didn't even have a left arm. Her face was sharp and featureless except for her deep purple eyes. Heir black hair was cut into the shape of a bowl, leaving a basic appearance to her. She wore a dark blue shirt with purple feathers that looked like it would fit on a cheerleader. She wore simple dark blue shorts that exposed a lot of skin, ending with her pink socks. The one-armed woman shrugged as she walked without issue at Yamato, offering her good arm to help him up, "Listen, if it weren't for my ability to literally rip myself apart, you would have won. But I will admit, we both made it look amaaaazzzinnnggg~!" 

Kirin leaned in before saying, "Pardon me if I made a mistake, but I am going off of what I know. So blue boy." She suddenly gave off a near playful smile as she asked, "Your first present was for today anyways. Always be prepared! Anyways! Would you care to join me for a date over at the Super Express Restaurant? They just added in some amazing sushi dishes along with their regular gourmet designs, as well as a few more wine flavors. I think it would be a fun time for your expensive tastes." 

Miles Redd 

Miles aura started flowing over Kathy the long they stayed close together, as if his aura miss being near her. It coated her entire body with warmth. Miles closed his eyes as his head was leaning back. He slowly started to fade away into sleep the more he just sat there listening to Katherine. It's not that she was boring, it was just that Miles can fall asleep anytime and anywhere. The fact that her voice was soothing to him wasn't helping . Miles dosed off for quite a second and came through when she was saying "stay here a little long". Miles had no problem with it. They both was hungry but she wanted to stay by his side a little longer and hear about his mission. The mission was annoying and was really pissing me off. I had to capture a teleporting mage.  As he said that his anger slowly rose just from speaking about his mission. Katherine could tell because his aura was becoming hotter, and wild as it moved away from Katherine. Miles removed his arm from around Katherine and leaned forward. This guy never stayed in one placed. Teleporting all around the place as we fought. Miles aura spiked the more he talked about it. God I hate them. But luckily, he slipped up pissed me off and you know what happens when I get pissed off. He leaned back and his aura began to relax. He placed his arm around Katherine as his aura flowed onto her again. So what were you up to while I was away? 



Katherine instantly noticed the change in his aura as it switched from a comfortable warmth to hot. She lifted her head from his chest and looked up at him and watched as he moved his arm off from her shoulders and leaned forward. Of course Kathy placed her hand on his back, not caring if his aura was getting hotter and hotter. A teleporting mage did seem like the headache and if she was there, she would have smoked the guy and knocked him out. Maybe even use her hallucinating smoke. "I do know what happens when you're pissed off... I've witnessed it..." she said, watching as he then layed back again and wrapped his arm around her once more. To which she snuggled into "I did missions... sit here and drink... I didnt do much actually... Nothing really different..."


She placed her hand on his chest once more and began to play with the necklace that hung from his neck. The strings were really long but it made him look good anyways "I've been bored... I may have other friends here... but... It's odd for me to sit and listen while doing nothing..." she felt so comfortable in his presence. His aura and his personality always calmed her down and relaxed her. The mage took in a deep breath and took her hood, letting it drop so Miles had a better look at her silver locks. "If i was on that mission with you... it could have been done within seconds... Since we both know my magic..." her purple eyes lifted up to him again and this time she just tried to drain his features and keep him pretty much locked into her mind.


"I'll get us some food... Stay here and nap, Miles..." though she wassnt sure if he'd just let her go and get it without him. But he was gone for so long and was probably tired too. Not only hungry.

[SIZE= 36px][COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]Noah Cross[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Noah moved as q[/SIZE]uick as he could and found a nearby scarf to wrap tightly around the young boys torso. It worked for a short while but the blood was loosening the fabric causing more to seep through. Luckily Lavender was there to tighten it back up. Noah kept the pressure on the scarf until the healer squad came, and right on time Sora came through the doors. She came in and grabbed the boy without saying a word. She moved him over towards Chris and she began healing them both. The healing part was over  now all that was left was the bug manticore on the table. Noah followed Kelica over towards the beast watching as Kelica talked to it.  He looked away turning his head towards the noise in the background coming from people yelling at one another.  Noah had no idea why they were yelling at each but he knew it was going to throw the beast off even more. Especially since it had to be agitated already. 

He turns back looking at Kelica as she yelled out to the room for everyone to quite down. He took a step back but didn't take his eyes off of her. She seemed like was put in a situation where she had to make a choice. Noah stepped forward, and kept his bloody hands to himself. Hey Keli. It seems like your in a pickle. You want to heal him but you don't want to put it through anymore pain, and you don't think you'll be able to get through him with just talking, but keep trying. He looks over at Kelica and smiles. Keep talking to it, try to get it on your side. Try to get it to trust you.  If it does come down to you have to heal it. I'll help hold him down. Yes it'll hurt, but he'll get to live on his life. @Zuka @Fairytail


Katherine instantly noticed the change in his aura as it switched from a comfortable warmth to hot. She lifted her head from his chest and looked up at him and watched as he moved his arm off from her shoulders and leaned forward. Of course Kathy placed her hand on his back, not caring if his aura was getting hotter and hotter. A teleporting mage did seem like the headache and if she was there, she would have smoked the guy and knocked him out. Maybe even use her hallucinating smoke. "I do know what happens when you're pissed off... I've witnessed it..." she said, watching as he then layed back again and wrapped his arm around her once more. To which she snuggled into "I did missions... sit here and drink... I didnt do much actually... Nothing really different..."


She placed her hand on his chest once more and began to play with the necklace that hung from his neck. The strings were really long but it made him look good anyways "I've been bored... I may have other friends here... but... It's odd for me to sit and listen while doing nothing..." she felt so comfortable in his presence. His aura and his personality always calmed her down and relaxed her. The mage took in a deep breath and took her hood, letting it drop so Miles had a better look at her silver locks. "If i was on that mission with you... it could have been done within seconds... Since we both know my magic..." her purple eyes lifted up to him again and this time she just tried to drain his features and keep him pretty much locked into her mind.


"I'll get us some food... Stay here and nap, Miles..." though she wassnt sure if he'd just let her go and get it without him. But he was gone for so long and was probably tired too. Not only hungry.


Miles Redd

Bored huh?? Sorry about that Kath, I won't leave you here again by yourself. You can stay by my side for as long as you want. I have no problem with it. As Katherine removed her hood Miles played with her hair letting his hand flow right through it. It was soft just like he remembered it before he left. He smiled and looked at Katherine just as she looked at him. The mission would've ended a lot sooner if you were there. I guess it was my fault that it lasted so long. He looked Katherine into a purple eyes. The ones he missed since he's been gone for a long time. Food and sleep can wait for awhile long. He slowly moved closer to Katherine. Lets just stay and... Miles grabbed Katherine's other hand and pulled her closer. Chill. Miles leaned in and kissed Katherine on her lips. An action that took too long for him to perform. 
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Miles had stopped her from going and said that food and sleep could wait before he moved closer to her while his words drifted off. This made the mage tilt her head a little bit out of curiosity before he grasped her hand and pulled her closer to him. The last word escaping his lips before he cleaned close enough to where their lips had met her own. It was funny because she was planning on kissing him not too many seconds ago. Her purple eyes shut as she began to kiss him back, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Kathy's delicate hands moved to different spots, one sliding into his hair while the other grasped his rope necklace and pulled him tighter close to her. Even though they were on the side of the guild hall making out on a couch, they were still in public and Kathy wasnt big on it.


So she broke their kiss and released his necklace. Slowly dropping her hand from his hair and sliding it onto his shoulder "That was something I've been wanting to do... But you've beaten me to it..." her face had still been normal but the slight red color on her cheeks said otherwise with how she felt. "Thank you for that..." the color soon faded away from her pale cheeks and the mage moved from Miles once again. The same distance  they had been in before being pulled closer "Before I grab you to a dark corner to make out with you... I suggest we get our food... And nap..." from her expression it was hard to tell if she was actually serious but by now he should know how she is and that she meant it. Kathy rose to her feet but she really didnt grow that many inches taller compared to how tall Miles would be once he stood.


His kiss had tingled her lips still and almost made her smile but she held back on it. Just him being gone for so long...that was the reason for her saying that'd she drag him to a dark corner.
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  Reveal hidden contents

Light Faren - Lamia Scale Guild Hall


[SIZE= 14px]As his dream faded, Light began to return to consciousness, although slowly. With his eyes still closed, the boy registered the warmth that came from the gentle flames to his right. That was funny, he didn't remember going to bed near the fireplace last night. He also noticed that the surface he had apparently fallen asleep on was quite firm, although not uncomfortably so. In fact, he felt safe and secure. It was as if his father was cradling him in his arms just like when he was younger. The next thing Light registered was a man's voice, probably his father. He couldn't really tell but it sounded a bit...rougher? He quickly dismissed the thought and snuggled deeper into the couch he had surely fallen alseep on in the living room. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to rest peacefully much longer as the memories of his home burning and his mother telling him to run came flooding into his head. For a moment he panicked but reasoned that it must have alll been a nightmare. After all, how could he be in such a comfortable position now if those events had really happened? Still though, his slumber was pretty much ruined so Light opted to wake up..or at least he tried to. The boy yawned loudly and turned his body slightly but he couldn't bring himself to open his eyes just yet. However, he was now awake enough to realize that he was in fact in somebody's arms if the steady breathing and warmth that seemed to coe efrom all around him was any [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]indication[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]. It was strange, his father had told him that he was too old to be cradled like a baby 9 years ago. Maybe he changed his mind? Either way, Light definitely didn't mind and took comfort in his father's warmth. Since he had intentions of waking up, he decided to speak to help the process along.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Daddy..? I had the worst nightmare last night. There was fire everywhere and these people were attacking you and mom. It was..." he trailed off as he yawned again, noticing how strangely hard his father's body felt against his. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"I suppose it doesn't matter. it was just a dream. Have...you been working out lately? I don't remember you being so...firm. It feels nice though..." he said in a quiet, drowsy voice. His eyes were still closed as he enjoyed the nostalgia of in his father's hold.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@Maki[/SIZE]

Lily Whiteflower/Mageblade of Phantoms

IN LAMIA SCALE GUILD HALL (Do you spell that with one word?)

Life for a certain sentient sword was very comfortable. Mop was glad he had the hindsight to have his Doll buy a thick blanket and fashion it into a sheath for her to carry. Right now he was on his doll's back, his handle poking over her right shoulder.  The current Doll, which he had named Lily Whiteflower, not his most creative name, was seemingly enjoying herself sipping on some slightly above warm milk in a mug, just the way that she liked it, or rather, pretend liked it, she was a doll after all. She finished drinking it stretched out, letting out a low sounding hum of contentment, just as Mop had ordained. Idly, Mop wondered if there was anything he should do. Somehow, he felt that there should be more merrymaking, especially on Christmas Eve.

Slowly Lily stood up and carried her mug over to the bar. Maybe he could get around to more training? It wasn't that inconvenient, the cold, it was just rather inconvenient and he wanted the comfort of the blanket sheathe. Maybe he could treat himself this month with a nice polishing? The prospect sounded nice. A sword did need some spoiling every now and then. Maybe he should get his doll involved into some shenanigans? He was a bit overdue for his amusement. She eyed the people around her as she sat down near the bar, near the supply of her warm milk. He decided to wait for an opportunity to present itself. Maybe something worthwhile will come from waiting.

Talon sighed and stood up, brushing off some stray needles and snow flakes that had fallen onto him during the night. He had left a while ago on a mission but had been delayed. He was finally almost back home and would get there in a few hours. As he walked, eating some bread and fruit, he thought of Ferra for the millionth time and how happy she would be to see him. They hadn't been technically dating when he left and he hoped she had waited for him. He entered the city and headed for Lamia's HQ 

@Anyone Online

Millie Muffin

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


[SIZE= 14px]Millie placed her chin on top of Valken's right shoulder, gently pressing her cheek into his with a warm smile on her face. Her bright blue eyes were looking down at the sleeping kid in her lovers lap. Seeing the black haired boy being so relaxed and careful with the fragile kid was just too sweet. He was being such a fatherly figure, something that she never thought she'd see. "You're being so gentle with him Valken, like you're his dad. I bet you'd make such a great dad." She cooed gently into his ears, dropping a little hint before pressing her lips briefly against his cheek. Her attention then went back to Light, scanning to see if he had any injuries that needed to be taken care of. Luckily there didn't seem to be anything, but he was probably very cold. Winters at the guild were very cold, especially when it snowed. That poor kid might've been out there for so long. It kinda reminded her of Valken. Although she wasn't in the guild when he first joined, Maya told her his story. They were both street kids who wound up coming to Lamia Scale. That meant Light had so much potential. "Of course he hasn't said anything, he's sleeping!" She said with a giggle, slipping her arms off of Valken and taking a step back. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]When asked if if she wanted to hold Light Millie nodded slightly. Deep down she wanted to continue to watch Valken hold him as if he was his own, but he had other important things to do and she needed to help out wherever she could. "I'd love to hold him, Valken. I'll pull up a chair, take him into my lap, and make sure to keep him nice and warm. Maybe if we are lucky he will wake up in time to see you test the potential new member!" She said, looking for the closest chair that was still intact. They seemed to be the most broken thing in the whole guild hall. Fortunately they had so many it wasn't hard to find one. Pulling it up beside the fire Millie took a seat and held out her arms, beckoning Valken to give her the boy. "Gimmie Gimmie!"[/SIZE]



Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Valken pretty much could have jumped 10 feet in the air when Millie started to coo gently into his ear, his dark purple eyes widening a fraction. Did he hear her right? He'd make a great Dad? Well that left him in a not small amount of shock, considering he'd never even grown up with a Father or a Mother, so for all intents and purposes he had no idea even what they were meant to do. He was just trying to keep the boy warm and ease the chill around his frame. It more an empathetic thing, he remembered being that cold once and it wasn't exactly a nice feeling. Though Valken narrowed his eyes as he peered over his shoulder to Millie as she commented about him not talking because he was sleeping. Cheeky Millie Muffin he mused. He was overwhelmed with how quickly she offered to hold the boy and before he knew it she had pulled up a chair beside him with her arms outstretched and beckoned him. "Alright alright, calm down woman..."

It was at that time the boy started to stir slightly in his lap and yawned heavily, and because Valken was literally halfway in the process of about to lift him and move him every muscle in his frame was tensed against him. Of course his momentary panic as the boy started to wake up halted as he murmured and Valken's eyes narrowed down in a serious fashion. Fire everywhere? Someone was attacking his parents? He figured he was just a street kid, not running away from something... His eyes still narrowed down, something told him it wasn't just a weird dream though he hadn't heard of any attacks of fires around Margaret Town... was it more westward? And he'd walked all this way? That might explain why he was so cold.

The firm comment took him off guard for a moment as a weird embarrassed blush crossed his face and his face contorted as he made a tsc noise. He hadn't anyone comment on his body except Millie really, so he wasn't sure how to deal with it. But he coughed for a moment before he opened his mouth to speak. "Excuse me, I'm not sure of your name, but I can assure you I'm not your Father..." He said in a deep but soft tone, trying not to freak the kid out, which was a high possibility seeing as he had no idea where he was or who was around him. "My name is Valken Truss, I'm a head of Lamia Scale Guild Hall in Maya Morne's absence...You passed out at our Guild Doors so we brought you in here...Can you hear me? What is you name?"


Yamato Ren: That gift was also unexpected!


Yamato saw Kirin walking up to him. She looked like she could be on a hospital bed at this point but since she was made of magic this must be trivial to her. When Kirin extended her hand Yama accepted her offer to help. Finally back on his feet, Yama brushed himself off and tried to regain his composure after such an immense battle. "Well it seems I have lost. Too think we had to hold off our duel after so many years." Kirin's magic was unique so fighting her like this is not an experience people get to see often. This of course helped Yama become more aware of his weaknesses and will definitely need more training. Kirin explained that Yama was supposed to get one of his presents early anyway which caught him off guard a little. Although it really surprised him when she offered to go on a date with her to the Super Express Restaurant. After hearing those words Yamato let out a deep sigh and said. "You really know me all too well... I couldn't possibly say no to an offer like that from a woman."

Yama stayed to think about it a little before giving her a gentle smile. "Alright then I'll join you on this date. Although I'm afraid we will have to wait till another time for it. In case you haven't noticed, dinner is almost ready and that would probably go the same for Cele's Apple-pie Moonshine." Yamato looked towards the spectators who witnessed the battle before them. "I hope you all enjoyed the show everyone! Now if you all excuse me I have a feast to set out for everyone! He waved as he looked back to Kirin. "Oh by the way, don't think I forgot about our agreement. Since I lost I will become your servant for a day starting tomorrow." Yama stepped of the stage and made his way to the kitchen, stopping by Cele to ask something. "Cele would your moonshine happen to be ready? I'm sure it would go great with the banquet I'm preparing."

@hudhouse @Arius LaVari >>>Any other spectators<<<

Ayano Soru: I smell blood...


Timothy gave a pretty unusual explanation on why he gave Ayano the present. After all they'd only known each other for not even a day. Her trail of thought was broken when he patted the vampire on the head. This of course annoyed her a little, she just looked at him with an annoyed face. "I'm not a child anymore..." It was then that Sora started firing shots at Clair while explaining what boobs are to Timothy and even then he still doesn't have the right idea. Suddenly Sora darted off somewhere with some kind of maniacs laugh. "That's not how a lunatic laughs... I'd know." Everyone decided to follow her which prompted Ayano to do the same. But why? Even she didn't know but she continued anyway. But... The vampire could smell blood further ahead. It was a good thing she fed recently or else she'd probably end up getting reduced to her primitive stage. But even then that metallic yet sweet smell was never a good sign. At least not for humans. Continuing ahead she instantly slowed down and came to a halt when she arrived at the Fairy Tail guild hall. The place where she tried to bait Sora into her trap. Does she really deserve to be here after all she's done? If anything Ayano was too hesitant to walk through the front doors. While considering her options she looked at Timothy who also seemed to be having some kind of inner turmoil. But why did he refuse to continue she wondered. "Do you... Also feel you don't belong here? I know I don't... I've almost killed two people from that guild. I think I'm going to stay out here... I'm undead anyway... I don't feel the cold." Looking inside Ayano could only just barely make out Sora fainted on the floor and Clair arguing with one of the guild members. She had no clue just what transpired there but it seems as if it's getting pretty heated in there.

@Zareh @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots >>>Any others in the FT Guild Hall<<< (I'm lazy...)

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