Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Lily Whiteflower/Mageblade of Phantoms

IN LAMIA SCALE GUILD HALL (Do you spell that with one word?)

Life for a certain sentient sword was very comfortable. Mop was glad he had the hindsight to have his Doll buy a thick blanket and fashion it into a sheath for her to carry. Right now he was on his doll's back, his handle poking over her right shoulder.  The current Doll, which he had named Lily Whiteflower, not his most creative name, was seemingly enjoying herself sipping on some slightly above warm milk in a mug, just the way that she liked it, or rather, pretend liked it, she was a doll after all. She finished drinking it stretched out, letting out a low sounding hum of contentment, just as Mop had ordained. Idly, Mop wondered if there was anything he should do. Somehow, he felt that there should be more merrymaking, especially on Christmas Eve.

Slowly Lily stood up and carried her mug over to the bar. Maybe he could get around to more training? It wasn't that inconvenient, the cold, it was just rather inconvenient and he wanted the comfort of the blanket sheathe. Maybe he could treat himself this month with a nice polishing? The prospect sounded nice. A sword did need some spoiling every now and then. Maybe he should get his doll involved into some shenanigans? He was a bit overdue for his amusement. She eyed the people around her as she sat down near the bar, near the supply of her warm milk. He decided to wait for an opportunity to present itself. Maybe something worthwhile will come from waiting.

Chris Lengheart(Let's get a move on.)

"Shit, I almost forgot! I'm so sorry." Chris said as he walked over to the two males. "Don't worry," The older looking man said,"we're fine-" "Speak for yourself, you don't have to have a scarf wrapped around you to stop the bleeding." the younger one interjected while holding his mid-section. Knowing that these two wouldn't be able to walk far, Chris changed to his centaur form and asked,"Are you two okay to ride?" but was met with shaking heads. Figured, one had to keep pressure on his mid while the other one seemingly hurt his arm. With a slightly irritated sigh, Chris raised up his hand, forcing the ground around the two a few feet into the air. "Sit down and relax, we'll get you two to a healer as soon as we can." Looking to Lavender, Chris simply nodded as he started walking ahead. Leading the way at this point.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21

Tyson looked towards he two wounded men, and watched as the wizards assisted them. The manticore still over his shoulders, not stirring more than his chest moving for breath. He found the younger mans wording strange."Hmm, you could have just said you're not the one bleeding out." Tyson pointed out, which being someone who didn't talk often he felt ironic. Although then again maybe he just wasn't familiar with how people talked. The mans words made sense, they just seemed to overcomplicate a simple sentence. "Hmph," Tyson grunted showing he was prepared to go. He was impressed by the mans takeover magic. He had many impressive beast forms, and Tyson would have enjoyed battling them. Although he should probably work on controlling his strength a bit before doing anymore fights. He followed the horseman keeping a close pace, the manticore looking gloomy as it lay on his shoulders.

@Britt-21 @Isune



Lavender watched at Chris began to use what seemed like earth magic and began to walk away. Her eyes then moved over to Tyson "You should not be a smart alec with the wounded." her eyes narrowed a bit as she got up from the ground and picked up her shield. The mage then followed Chris and walked ahead of Tyson, not saying much as the cold air brushed against her exposed skin. Now that she no longer had her scarf, it was a little more chilly for the warrior. Being as strong as she was, she delt with the cold and would address it later. At most she'll just get sick and have to stay in bed for a while to get better. Drink some Tea, have some soup...sounded like a good idea in general. Maybe have some hot cocoa too just to get something sweet in her body. That would be nice. Her boots crushed the snow beneath her feet and her hips swayed just a little bit but not enough to attract too much attention. She didnt try to get any man's attention to be honest. It was just natural thing she did without even knowing.



Yamato Ren: Her head...


The tornado seemed to be proving effective. Kirin can't stay up in the air while that things spinning after all. Although she was able to dodge most of his wind blades. "I see... So even with the tornado spinning you're still able to dodge the... (slice) Huh?" Yama was contemplating his next move until a wind blade fully sliced off Kirin's head. "Kirin!" He was fully expecting her to successfully dodge that last blade but yet instead it lopped off her head! Yamato was just moments away from freaking out before he noticed one key aspect. "No... Blood?" There was no sign of bleeding to be seen anywhere. But instead there was some weird energy around her head. This reminded him of a few moments ago. "She's not dead." Yama watched as Kirin formed back together as some kind of pitch black but yet somewhat colourful entity. She charged into the tornado and some different music started emitting from it as it pulsated and changed. It seems Kirin is fully intent on getting serious now. Startling Yama like that was a clever tactic. "Wow... You really had me there." The tornado was really starting to get more powerful, just like a hurricane. There's no telling what Kirin's planning in there but it seems that Yama will need to try something different. He had a bad feeling for what's to come next so he had no choice but to try his last resort. Yama stood his ground and removed his glasses in preperation for his next move.


This attack he's about to perform needs to work or else he won't be able to use it again until his magic regenerates. "Never thought I'd have to use this... Aerial Bomb!" Yamato's arms were spread wide as a ginormous dome completely engulfed half of the stage. Then the dome started shrinking and shrinking in his arms until it was the size of a baseball. Holding it in his hand he prepared to unleash the attack. No air escaped the ball as it shrank so the amount of pressure inside is bound to cause some damage if the dome protecting it were to suddenly disappear. Yama threw the ball into the air as the Hurricane picked it up. Then after snapping his finger the dome vanished and the air inside exploded with a force powerful enough to uproot trees in an instant. If Kirin were to make her move now then it would be impossible to tell who's going to be left standing.

@hudhouse >>>Anyone else watching the fight in BP guild hall<<<
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The hurricane would erupt to the high point of her final theme song. The pressure suit was complete, leaving the small woman floating there with large white angel wings. She adjusted her oversized sailor hat, Kirin gave off a ravenous smile as she said, "Yamato! It was a pleasure knowing ya. I pray I don't put your smug mug into the hospital, or you putting my booty in the floor." She put two hands next to her heart, allowing herself to begin glowing with light. It almost seemed as if the world around her began to flood into herself, forming a vast construct of thick energy. Music began pounding around her, the drums of war illuminating the world. 


Then, Kirin unleashed her strongest technique. The Conquest of Destruction. Kirin would calmly place a single toe to the floor, leaving magic circles on the floor. They would snap up after a few moments to unleash shots of musical magic towards Yamato, the chord-shaped explosives trying to pound him down before he could finish the Aerial Bomb! That was until the bomb went off, shattering the magic circles and sending Kirin flying. The space below Yamato would erupt into eight sword wielding copies that tried to attack Yamato! Kirin herself though bounced a few times across the floor, leaving her a pitch black ruin that was trying to slowly get up...

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[SIZE= 18px]Chris Lengheart(...A grammar lesson...really?)[/SIZE]

Chris continued walking, doing his best to maintain the platform. As he walked, Chris listened in on the little grammar lesson and simply turned his head to look at Tyson before letting out a small snort, air becoming visible as soon as it left his nostrils. Basically his way of saying "Really? You're gonna do this now?". The young boy didn't bother to say anything, but instead simply crossed his arms. After what felt like a lifetime, Chris could make out a few buildings. Looking to the two men, Chris simply said,"We're almost there, we'll get you to a healer soon.

While the younger man simply smiled and nodded, the older one smiled and couldn't help but say,"Thank you very much. You don't know how happy me and my son are. Thank you so very much." Chris, simply grinned and nodded. "It's our job to protect the people, that's just the way fairytail is.he responded as the buildings grew larger and larger, they were almost there.

@Britt-21 @Solemn Jester

Alara wasn't entirely convinced that Kami didn't like the fact that she didn't have a gift for him. Honestly she should of thought about it. She used to get him a gift every year in hopes he'd come but she eventually just stopped, figuring he would always be to busy to come by. She'd long since misplaced and lost said gifts so those were out of the picture. She'd definitely have to get him something he'd like...but the question was what and could she afford it? She watched curious and somewhat confused as Kami seemingly argued with himself about her running away or something.

She couldn't help but laugh as they started walking. "Don't worry Kami I wouldn't ever run away." She assured him. "And you know, maybe it's best to have conversations like that in your mind hm?" She teased with a cheeky grin. "Anywho. What do you want to do first, food or just go back to the guild?" She asked.

Sakure smiled when Tokine suggested them going to the cafe near the park. That sounded great to her for sure. She jumped slightly when Kenya suddenly ran up...and seemingly ignored her. Oh well. She didn't really mind seeing as it seemed she had some really cool thing made for Tokine. It was odd, but it was made with love and actually looked pretty neat. She had half expected Tokine to just be 'eh' about it, but she actually thanked her and even hugged the thing. When she invited her along with them her smile widened a bit, "Yeah Kenya come with us!" She told her excitedly. When the question as to where came she giggled lightly, "The cafe near the park!" She replied instantly. "It'll be fun, we're going to go discuss what to get others for Christmas." She explained. "Your gifts are very nice too Kenya, I can tell you put a lot of hard work into the doll for Tokine."

When they finally arrived to the diner Ferra looked around at the pictures curiously, a few of them vaguely resembling Nikolas and Phineas. "Are the kids in those pictures you two and your parents?" She asked curiously, pointing the pictures. "I take it you guys come here a lot then?" She added, smiling at the building itself. Just from outside she could tell the food was great, or at-least smelled great. So much so that it made her stomach growl audibly, causing her blush lightly and giggle a bit. "The food smells great even from out here." She said. "I can only imagine what it tastes like...I bet it's good.." She said, trailing off slightly with a goofy smile and visibly drooling a bit as she thought of the food. She was pretty much starving at this point so it was only natural, what could she say?

  Nikolas grinned, nodding when Ferra spoke. "Damn straight we do. It's kind of a family tradition. Dad used to do it with his family. That's him, grandpa, and our aunt Sierra. Well, technically she was our first cousin once removed. I think. Dad always calls her our Aunt, though. Guess they were close." The boy shrugged, then chuckled at Ferra when her stomach growled. "Good thing this place has fast service, then. Hey, waiter! Table for two! Saedor party! Y'know who we are!" The waiters obviously did, because the host who brought them to their table had asked Nikolas how his parents were doing and seemed upset when he explained that his aunt and grandfather were dead. Finally, when reaching the table, Nikolas sat down, looking at the menu, although he knew exactly what he was going to order. "I'd go for the bacon burger with fries. They're amazing."

Shiro Ai: Guiding them elsewhere


Shiro rolled her eyes a bit when she heard Laura's thoughts on making Nik help Phin move them from their old apartment, the white haired mage grabbed their hands and dragged her two companions through the streets, "It's getting late Miss Laura so I think we should get the gifts before moving people, you have your keys and so long as you're quiet you can move in during the night. I'll help no worries." She would definitely help, despite herself she was starting to like these two, well one more than the other but she had been around him and his music all day because of his musical magic she liked him a lot more, maybe she was biased but Phineas was sweet compared to the normally cold Shiro. Music was the key to getting her to open up though and maybe it would help her feel a little more secure in her place at Lamia Scale. The girl's thoughts spiraled down and down further though she did her best not to show it and finally let Phineas and Laura's hands go. Looking up would find them in front of a little back alley shop, "Here we go Miss Laura this place should have some unique things so lets go look shall we?" 


Celestia Corona: A Little concerned about the hall


Celestia frowned at Moses when he scolded her for calling him out but she just grinned at him taking her eyes off the fight for all of a moment, "Aww but I don't like trying to get a read on someone who's faking it. Can't help it that I just notice things like that. I am curious though...but I suppose I'll keep my questions to myself." Now that was a weird move on Celestia's part, she was normally irritatingly curious, she had gotten into a few bad spots because of it too, a memory flickered in her mind but she ignored it and pushed the thoughts down not letting it get to her before she refocused her gaze on the stage and went wide eyed.


She had seen Kirin's head get chopped off and the already pale girl looked like a ghost until she recalled what Kirin herself had said, pure magic is what she seemed to be made of. That let the color come back to her face and she went back to observing the fight, brawls were something she was fond of, hell she wanted to spar with someone even more now that she was watching the fight. It was Christmas Eve though...no one would probably let her get the chance to show off her powers, she sighed a bit and immediately shifted so she was balancing on one leg of the stool she sat in, the blonde was getting antsy, she hated sitting still for long periods of time, she would have taken off to do work if it weren't the holidays and the jobs seemed scarce. Balancing like that helped to lessen her seeming constant desire to move, she supposed she could be called hyper...or was it something else? Celestia thinks too much, she knew this and tried to shake it, instead watching and absorbing everything going on with the fight now totally silent which just left her more time to think, her thoughts could multitask a blessing and a curse because she was also a little worried about them breaking something in the hall behind barriers or not, who knew how long they could last.


@Solemn Jester @EveryoneElseWatching


Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

having mostly dried off by this point the dwarf had been looking to the fight going on between what were their names again Kirin and er? Yamato was it? draining the mug of it's contents and instead of refilling it gave the inside a quick little wipe with a small cloth he had in his pocket and hooking the mug to his belt, dusting his hands. Noticing the gentleman that had asked for volunteers to decorate the tree Acus had made which no one had taken up, had walked over talking to Cele and the dwarf but mostly at Cele in an attempt not to be rude but the subtlety of his intentions where called out by Cele the both of them at odds with each other. Indifferent to the situation and continuing with the previous conversation "well then what else do people do during this holiday I've heard things about chestnuts, fire and unwrapping of things. Sounds little similar to Grungni Day forging weapons and giving to them to loved ones and children wrapped in steel and rivets the day is spent opening the gifts by hand and simple tools." Unsure where the interloper had acquired his cup of grog. "As interesting as this fight is I'd like to move a little further out of the way in case the floor suddenly turns to spikes again or Rosa flips her lid again but I don't see the snake around anymore perhaps she had the right idea in making herself scarce" Standing up from his seat.

@Arius LaVari@
Talon sighed and stood up, brushing off some stray needles and snow flakes that had fallen onto him during the night. He had left a while ago on a mission but had been delayed. He was finally almost back home and would get there in a few hours. As he walked, eating some bread and fruit, he thought of Ferra for the millionth time and how happy she would be to see him. They hadn't been technically dating when he left and he hoped she had waited for him. He entered the city and headed for Lamia's HQ 

@Anyone Online

Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ




A gentle smile tugged at Aria's lips as she watched Niur hug the smaller perturbed child. It was a nice gesture to say the least and it was small actions like those that gave humanity the fighting chance it needed against whatever may come in the future. There was still good in the world; still a light burning ever so brightly within the hearts of many of the mages whom walked upon Earthland. Everything going on seemed to be taken care of, the naked bodies were slowly being covered up and as they did, Aria made the smallest notion with her finger to snuff out the lights shining brightly around them. " I'm not entirely sure how to get your family back, Verdana. I understand your pain and anguish as I've experienced much loss myself but family is ever growing. As long as you surround yourself with caring people such as Niur here, you'll never be without a family to call your own. " Aria took a step back as she spoke, removing herself from the situation.


Her gaze lowered ever so slowly though as the trouble maker loomed into view, sliding across the floor like a worm of some sort. A swift movement found her hovered over him, hair draping around him like a curtain of sorts, face inches from his though in a reverse manner. " I suppose I don't need to bring you down since you're already on the ground but next time you're sick, stay in bed. If not, I will restrain you myself, do you understand? You will also dedicate an hour a day to learning how to control your magic more, bright and early. I don't need a recurrence of this happening to the citizens here and I'm pretty sure the next time you do that within the guild hall... well, I won't get a chance to even scold you. Sera over there looks like she might eat you up and I might just let her. " Aria flashed him a bright toothy smile, eyes narrowing in the slightest as she straightened back up and returned her attention to the hot chocolate on the table. Her ears twitched a bit, still tingling from the residing feelings of the fingers that had been touching them.


" You may go, Mitsuki. Oh, I'll also be punishing you by making you tidy up my office. Don't get any weird ideas though. " She muttered into the cup, frowning as she realized that the hot chocolate had gone cold. A pout slowly formed on her face, ears drooping to the side to resemble what a defeated and wet cat might look like. The cup was put down then, fingers idling upon it before she let it go completely with a sigh, not wanting to go through the trouble of obtaining more at this point. Instead she turned her much less distracted attention towards another individual whom had remained rather quiet during the whole spectacle, besides looking out for Kelica. That seemed like a chore in itself but it was amusing to see just how like siblings they all acted in terms of behavior. " Ryu, you seem extremely observant. Would you mind updating me on a few things? " She appeared next to him and reached out to pluck the scythe up and out of the ground, eyes locking onto his as the weapon disappeared and was replaced with the black key once more. " I'd like to know a bit more about how things work around here now. I'm rather new to this whole thing and don't want to mess it up. " Aria's tone had dropped to a whisper as she quickly averted her gaze that she feared had remained upon his face for too long. It wouldn't be good if she came off as creepy now that she was becoming acquainted with everyone. Though it was difficult not to stare at him, like Maya's hair, she was finding herself extremely fond of the samurai in general. He was extremely pleasant to look at and let off an aura that was captivating in itself. 



Abaddon's hands dropped to his sides in a calm yet displeased manner. " What fun is talking? Physical contact is so.... pleasant. " He murmured, getting closer to the boy with each word that tumbled off of his lips; lips that were tugged into a sinister smile. He disappeared and popped up behind Bel, leaning in extremely close as he exhaled strongly enough to send strands of Bel's hair flurrying about. " You smell rather... appetizing. Like a forbidden fruit. " He ran a hand through his jet black hair, fingers twisting and entangling within the strands. His free hand rose as if he was about to grab Bel but he flicked him on the cheek instead and let out a creepy ' boo ' that would be sure to send more chills down Bel's spine before vanishing completely. " I'm watching you... " The words that were spoken were all that were left of his previous appearance as a grim reminder to him. 


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Shiro Ai: Guiding them elsewhere


Shiro rolled her eyes a bit when she heard Laura's thoughts on making Nik help Phin move them from their old apartment, the white haired mage grabbed their hands and dragged her two companions through the streets, "It's getting late Miss Laura so I think we should get the gifts before moving people, you have your keys and so long as you're quiet you can move in during the night. I'll help no worries." She would definitely help, despite herself she was starting to like these two, well one more than the other but she had been around him and his music all day because of his musical magic she liked him a lot more, maybe she was biased but Phineas was sweet compared to the normally cold Shiro. Music was the key to getting her to open up though and maybe it would help her feel a little more secure in her place at Lamia Scale. The girl's thoughts spiraled down and down further though she did her best not to show it and finally let Phineas and Laura's hands go. Looking up would find them in front of a little back alley shop, "Here we go Miss Laura this place should have some unique things so lets go look shall we?" 


Celestia Corona: A Little concerned about the hall


Celestia frowned at Moses when he scolded her for calling him out but she just grinned at him taking her eyes off the fight for all of a moment, "Aww but I don't like trying to get a read on someone who's faking it. Can't help it that I just notice things like that. I am curious though...but I suppose I'll keep my questions to myself." Now that was a weird move on Celestia's part, she was normally irritatingly curious, she had gotten into a few bad spots because of it too, a memory flickered in her mind but she ignored it and pushed the thoughts down not letting it get to her before she refocused her gaze on the stage and went wide eyed.


She had seen Kirin's head get chopped off and the already pale girl looked like a ghost until she recalled what Kirin herself had said, pure magic is what she seemed to be made of. That let the color come back to her face and she went back to observing the fight, brawls were something she was fond of, hell she wanted to spar with someone even more now that she was watching the fight. It was Christmas Eve though...no one would probably let her get the chance to show off her powers, she sighed a bit and immediately shifted so she was balancing on one leg of the stool she sat in, the blonde was getting antsy, she hated sitting still for long periods of time, she would have taken off to do work if it weren't the holidays and the jobs seemed scarce. Balancing like that helped to lessen her seeming constant desire to move, she supposed she could be called hyper...or was it something else? Celestia thinks too much, she knew this and tried to shake it, instead watching and absorbing everything going on with the fight now totally silent which just left her more time to think, her thoughts could multitask a blessing and a curse because she was also a little worried about them breaking something in the hall behind barriers or not, who knew how long they could last.


@Solemn Jester @EveryoneElseWatching



"Well I was just going to walk around town and look for gifts." She looked to Phineas to had just said that he would also need help moving things. "Would you like to move before we go look for presents, if so after we go pack up you apartment we can go to my storage and get my stuff as well. Or do you want to wait until later? If so then your brother can help us as well. IN fact he better help us." She said the last part with a certain tone, as well as a scornful tone. From what she had seen she did not like his brother, he seemed to take things way to far.  Even her eyes seemed to lost all joy when she spoke of him. Laura would defiantly have to keep an eye on that boy.


  Phineas opened his mouth to object; the chance of Nikolas being diligent like that was super low. It was just easier for him to do all the work rather than get into a screaming fight about it. Next thing he knew, Shiro was taking him by the hand and dragging him and Laura somewhere. It was strange; a lot of people had the tendency to give Phin a lot of weird looks due to his inability to show emotions without looking scary. Well. Maybe that was a bit of an overstatement, but Phineas was NOT the type to grin all the time, much unlike Nikolas.

  Finally, the odd whirlwind of thoughts ended when they arrived at a back-alley shop. Phineas already knew what Nikolas wanted; the good ol' magazine shebang. Maybe some fashionable new garb or something. ".....You certainly know a lot of good places here," the half-Neko commented casually, looking at the shop and back at Shiro. 

Ayano Soru: A gift?


After a while of shopping (or rather Ayano just tagging along). It got to the point where Sora was pretty much at her limit with the presents. If anything she's going to trip and fall with that amount of weight. Clair was a user of re-equip magic so she didn't have much problem carrying things and Ayano wasn't really buying anything anyway. As for Timothy though... He's been gone for a little while, The vampire was unsure of where he went but he was probably going to come back anyway. Sora caught Ayano off guard when she asked her a question that she never thought about in a long time. "M-me? I... Haven't had a Christmas in a long time... I'm not sure if I actually want anything..." It was so weird how things were progressing, Ayano attempted to torture Sora and her friends but now here she was walking with her because she has nowhere else to go and already she was asking what the vampire wanted for Christmas. It was as if the whole ordeal in the dungeons never happened. In fact... She wished she never got involved with Grimoire Heart in the first place. Ayano looked at the accursed mark on the back of her hand for a moment but tried to hide it afterwards, unsure of what Clair would do if she saw it. Finally Ayano snapped back to reality when Sora face-planted the ground. "I knew that was going to happen." Clair was already helping her up and Timothy has arrived too. He seemed confused by the word "boobs". Doesn't everyone know what they are? Well apparently not in this case. Not long afterwards though it turned out that Timothy was away buying gifts for everyone. Wait... He got one for Ayano too? She was surprised by the sudden turn of events. She opened the bag to see what laid inside. A plush toy of some kind of ram with a depiction of blood droplets hanging from it's mouth. Honestly any normal person would see this thing as weird. But it was pretty obvious by now that Ayano is not normal. She let out a small smile as she looked at the plush but instantly shook it off. "But... Why? You didn't have a reason to get me this." She turned to Timothy who was asking Sora if he could learn more about the term of boobs. Ayano just watched, awaiting her reaction to such a question.

@Zareh @Mr Swiftshots @Kyuubey

Noah Cross 


A lightning blue lightning bolt strikes right outside the infamous Fairy Tail guild hall, having it's flashing lights shine through the windows of the guild. As the smoke fades, the lone traveling mage arrives. Noah steps out the smoke, in a black suit allowing his hair to flow  naturally in the wind. He smiles at the sight of the guild. Man I hope she's here. If not here then maybe the forest. He looks around and let's out a breath of air just to see his breath in the air. He places his hand in his pockets and proceeds to walk forward. He places on hand on the right door and pushes it out, allowing the chilled out to proceed inside the guild hall. Noah walked in allowing the doors to shut behind him. He places his hand back in his pocket and looks around, for this one person. The one he came back for. After one scan of the room, he spotted her. A smile formed on her face as he spotted her, covered in a sheet. Noah chuckled then pulled his hands out of his pockets, holding out wide. Hey Forest Queen!!! Where's your clothes?!?! Noah yelled out with a big smile on his face. 

@Zuka @Fairy Tail members

Miles Redd 


Returning from lone mission Miles walked his home town which is also the home of his guild Sabertooth. He really did do much but walked straight towards his guild with his hands in his pockets, a smoke in his mouth, and steam coming off his body do to his natural hot aura mixing with the cool air.  As Miles arrived to his guild he spat the cigarette out in front of him, allowing him to step on it as he passed by it. He entered he looked at the couch he always sleeps on then he looks over at Katherine at the bar. He shrugs his shoulders then walks over towards the bar sitting down. So hows the drink? He asked in a relaxed chill tone. @Britt-21
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Sera honestly hadn't noticed Ryu watching until he tossed the cloth, of course causing her to pout when Kelica covered herself up. Even more shocking was the fact the normally very touchy blonde girl had pushed herself out of the hug. That was definitely puzzling but she didn't comment. "Well...if you're sure." She replied. "Offer still stands whenever I suppose." She added, shrugging lightly. She watched as she dressed herself, trying not to make it obvious she was. She grinned when she finally assembled her cloth dress, which was pretty sexy considering the thin cloth didn't exactly hide much. She giggled at her hip swaying, gently shaking her head when she offered to make a dress for her. "No thank you, that girl over there made this nice dress for me. It'd be rude to just toss it aside." She said.

"I might take you up on the offer for that later though." She told her, winking at her. "You have a nice body by the way." She added, looking the girl over one more time before leaving it at that and walking over to Niur and Verdana. "Hey...thanks for the dress." She told her, smiling and kneeling down to her. "It's very comfortable." She said. She sighed lightly, actually having paid attention to a good portion of the conversation. "Look...I know how it is to lose your family. Trust me, I do..." She began. "It's...it's not worth murder or dying to get back. You aren't going to be able to, I know for a fact you won't." She continued. "You definitely won't in the state you're in. You'll charge in and get killed pretty much instantly." She explained.

"Mirajane has been dead for good while now, I'm afraid you won't be able to get your parents back. Not from her." She said. "I'm not entirely sure who her child is, but, you wouldn't be any better off if you killed him. He probably has people that cares about him too, family, friends." She said, pausing and looking off to the ground. "Don't go down that route. I've done it. I've lived through it. I regret having done it everyday. It's not worth having to live with the guilt..it won't bring them back to you."

@Spanner@Zuka@hudhouse@Rhodus@Happy Red Mage@anyone I missed

Noah Cross 

View attachment 184269

A lightning blue lightning bolt strikes right outside the infamous Fairy Tail guild hall, having it's flashing lights shine through the windows of the guild. As the smoke fades, the lone traveling mage arrives. Noah steps out the smoke, in a black suit allowing his hair to flow  naturally in the wind. He smiles at the sight of the guild. Man I hope she's here. If not here then maybe the forest. He looks around and let's out a breath of air just to see his breath in the air. He places his hand in his pockets and proceeds to walk forward. He places on hand on the right door and pushes it out, allowing the chilled out to proceed inside the guild hall. Noah walked in allowing the doors to shut behind him. He places his hand back in his pocket and looks around, for this one person. The one he came back for. After one scan of the room, he spotted her. A smile formed on her face as he spotted her, covered in a sheet. Noah chuckled then pulled his hands out of his pockets, holding out wide. Hey Forest Queen!!! Where's your clothes?!?! Noah yelled out with a big smile on his face. 

@Zuka @Fairy Tail members


[SIZE= 28px]Kelica Zefara[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 28px]Fairytail Guild Hall[/SIZE]


Kelica was busy swaying her hips to and fro with another giggle. She quite enjoyed the feeling of the tablecloth against her skin but she didn't exactly what to go throw that knowledge around. Especially not with Ryu's stern gaze seemingly on her at all times. He reminded her of her Father sometimes, or rather his tone reminded her MORE of her Mother and his piercing gaze wasn't much different. Nor was his powers... fire mage huh? The coincidence? Maybe. That was when Sera mentioned she had a nice frame and the girl had to blink a few times. "Oh...um...thanks?" She said with a head tilt. Well her attention stayed mostly focused on Sera at least till she wandered off to a commotion between the moth girl and Nuir, and Aria and Ryu seemed part way involved. Or at least Aria was at first, and Ryu was standing awfully close to her now that she was focusing in on it.

She didn't get that long to ponder further on it because the Guild Hall doors opened sending a cold gust through the hall, making the girl with practically nothing shiver a moment as an angry pout worked her way over her face. She twisted on the spot to look to the doorway and had to blink several times in disbelief. At first she didn't recognize the black suit, it seemed awfully formal for her. Although as the purple hair swayed around, she took a sharp intake as her eyes widened even further. It had been months and months! Since Kelica had passed out and been dragged out of that Grimoire Heart base by Emmerich, the girl awoke in a hospital bed and when her brain finally came to she'd searched high and low for Noah! He'd just seemingly disappeared without a trace, just like he'd appeared in the first place when he saved her before that train! And now, out of the blue, he'd come back and appeared in the Guild Hall. She was convinced she was so sleep deprived right now she was seeing things. Then he spread his arms out wide and called to her! She didn't even hear his comment on her clothes, the blonde girl was already laughing and running towards him at the last second she jumped up and threw her arms around his neck still laughing with tears in the corners of her eyes.

How could she not? He'd saved her life three times! He'd brought her to the Forest and the Tree's to bring her from the brink of death even as she smoothed her face into the side of his cheek with another hearty laugh.

@Rhodus @Kyuubey @Spanner @Happy Red Mage @hudhouse

(feel free to bring the Manticore and wounded people to the Fairytail Guild Hall so Kelica can heal or ascertain the situation).

@Isune @Solemn Jester @Britt-21
Last edited by a moderator:

Noah Cross 

View attachment 184269

A lightning blue lightning bolt strikes right outside the infamous Fairy Tail guild hall, having it's flashing lights shine through the windows of the guild. As the smoke fades, the lone traveling mage arrives. Noah steps out the smoke, in a black suit allowing his hair to flow  naturally in the wind. He smiles at the sight of the guild. Man I hope she's here. If not here then maybe the forest. He looks around and let's out a breath of air just to see his breath in the air. He places his hand in his pockets and proceeds to walk forward. He places on hand on the right door and pushes it out, allowing the chilled out to proceed inside the guild hall. Noah walked in allowing the doors to shut behind him. He places his hand back in his pocket and looks around, for this one person. The one he came back for. After one scan of the room, he spotted her. A smile formed on her face as he spotted her, covered in a sheet. Noah chuckled then pulled his hands out of his pockets, holding out wide. Hey Forest Queen!!! Where's your clothes?!?! Noah yelled out with a big smile on his face. 

@Zuka @Fairy Tail members

Miles Redd 

View attachment 184277

Returning from lone mission Miles walked his home town which is also the home of his guild Sabertooth. He really did do much but walked straight towards his guild with his hands in his pockets, a smoke in his mouth, and steam coming off his body do to his natural hot aura mixing with the cool air.  As Miles arrived to his guild he spat the cigarette out in front of him, allowing him to step on it as he passed by it. He entered he looked at the couch he always sleeps on then he looks over at Katherine at the bar. He shrugs his shoulders then walks over towards the bar sitting down. So hows the drink? He asked in a relaxed chill tone. @Britt-21



Katherine had pretty much been at the bar all day, slowly drinking her Maitai just as she always did. But for once she actually drank something different -eggnog- and was surprisingly enjoying it. Now, she would have went on and hung out with other members of the guild but she really did say anything nor did she do anything unless she had to or wanted to. More or less she was like a doll for a young girl. Didnt do anything, just sat there and say nothing. The sound of the guild hall doors opening didnt bother her as much, though the wind that followed with it seemed to have made ehr shift in her chair a little and refrain from drinking anymore. Then someone decided to sit next to her and before she got a look at him or her, his voice had said it all and slowly she glanced at the man next to her. It was Miles.


He was back. Back from wherever he had gone to disappearing to. The excitement that jumped around in her body made her want to just jump at him, knock him off his chair and cry. But composing as much as she could, the excitement was rushing to her hands where they began to shake just a little bit. Funny enough, her face was still normal as always "You're back..." she said softly, trying to keep herself as composed as possible. She obviously ignored his question about her drink and just continued to look at his face. Miles looked the same, his red hair, his beautiful eyes..he hadnt changed one bit. And judging by the smell of smoke on him, he hadnt stopped smoking "I thought you were going to be gone for much longer..." it was like christmas gave back the one person she's known since she arrived at Sabertooth.


Just as a present. A wonderful and warm present. Katherine placed her hand on top of the bar, trying to get it to stop shaking but she was so excited! He was back and she could hang out with him again and have literally silent conversations! Just lay on the couch and nap, or just drink and sit with him till they picked a mission. Miles was like the ideal person to hang out with if you were someone like katherine



[SIZE= 28px]Kelica Zefara[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 28px]Fairytail Guild Hall[/SIZE]


Kelica was busy swaying her hips to and fro with another giggle. She quite enjoyed the feeling of the tablecloth against her skin but she didn't exactly what to go throw that knowledge around. Especially not with Ryu's stern gaze seemingly on her at all times. He reminded her of her Father sometimes, or rather his tone reminded her MORE of her Mother and his piercing gaze wasn't much different. Nor was his powers... fire mage huh? The coincidence? Maybe. That was when Sera mentioned she had a nice frame and the girl had to blink a few times. "Oh...um...thanks?" She said with a head tilt. Well her attention stayed mostly focused on Sera at least till she wandered off to a commotion between the moth girl and Nuir, and Aria and Ryu seemed part way involved. Or at least Aria was at first, and Ryu was standing awfully close to her now that she was focusing in on it.

She didn't get that long to ponder further on it because the Guild Hall doors opened sending a cold gust through the hall, making the girl with practically nothing shiver a moment as an angry pout worked her way over her face. She twisted on the spot to look to the doorway and had to blink several times in disbelief. At first she didn't recognize the black suit, it seemed awfully formal for her. Although as the purple hair swayed around, she took a sharp intake as her eyes widened even further. It had been months and months! Since Kelica had passed out and been dragged out of that Grimoire Heart base by Emmerich, the girl awoke in a hospital bed and when her brain finally came to she'd searched high and low for Noah! He'd just seemingly disappeared without a trace, just like he'd appeared in the first place when he saved her before that train! And now, out of the blue, he'd come back and appeared in the Guild Hall. She was convinced she was so sleep deprived right now she was seeing things. Then he spread his arms out wide and called to her! She didn't even hear his comment on her clothes, the blonde girl was already laughing and running towards him at the last second she jumped up and threw her arms around his neck still laughing with tears in the corners of her eyes.

How could she not? He'd saved her life three times! He'd brought her to the Forest and the Tree's to bring her from the brink of death even as she smoothed her face into the side of his cheek with another hearty laugh.

@Rhodus @Kyuubey @Spanner @Happy Red Mage @hudhouse

(feel free to bring the Manticore and wounded people to the Fairytail Guild Hall so Kelica can heal or ascertain the situation).

@Isune @Solemn Jester @Britt-21


Noah Cross

Noah was well prepared for Kelica to attack him,  bracing himself as she jump into his welcoming arms. He caught her, stumbling back a bit. He laughed as Kelica rubbed her cheeks against his. The feeling from her felt different than the other women he's been with since he left. Mainly because he hasn't been with any other women since he left. Noah spun Kelica around allowing both his and her hair to flow naturally in the air.  He placed her down looking dead into emerald eyes. So Kelica how have you been holding up since my absence? Have you gotten some training in?  Are you any closer to become that big and powerful tree I told you about? He asked with a smile on his face as he fixed the sheet on her body.  @Zuka 


Katherine had pretty much been at the bar all day, slowly drinking her Maitai just as she always did. But for once she actually drank something different -eggnog- and was surprisingly enjoying it. Now, she would have went on and hung out with other members of the guild but she really did say anything nor did she do anything unless she had to or wanted to. More or less she was like a doll for a young girl. Didnt do anything, just sat there and say nothing. The sound of the guild hall doors opening didnt bother her as much, though the wind that followed with it seemed to have made ehr shift in her chair a little and refrain from drinking anymore. Then someone decided to sit next to her and before she got a look at him or her, his voice had said it all and slowly she glanced at the man next to her. It was Miles.


He was back. Back from wherever he had gone to disappearing to. The excitement that jumped around in her body made her want to just jump at him, knock him off his chair and cry. But composing as much as she could, the excitement was rushing to her hands where they began to shake just a little bit. Funny enough, her face was still normal as always "You're back..." she said softly, trying to keep herself as composed as possible. She obviously ignored his question about her drink and just continued to look at his face. Miles looked the same, his red hair, his beautiful eyes..he hadnt changed one bit. And judging by the smell of smoke on him, he hadnt stopped smoking "I thought you were going to be gone for much longer..." it was like christmas gave back the one person she's known since she arrived at Sabertooth.


Just as a present. A wonderful and warm present. Katherine placed her hand on top of the bar, trying to get it to stop shaking but she was so excited! He was back and she could hang out with him again and have literally silent conversations! Just lay on the couch and nap, or just drink and sit with him till they picked a mission. Miles was like the ideal person to hang out with if you were someone like katherine



Miles Redd

Miles slowly turned his head towards Katherine starting at her shaking hands and moved up towards her face. As he looked at nice smooth skin, and purple eyes a soft grin formed on his face. Yeah I'm back... he grabs Katherine's drink and takes a sip out of it. Hmm still taste the same. He places the drink back down in front of her.  It would've taken me longer, but I had to hurry back home.  I have people waiting on me. He got out of his chair rubbing his hand across Katherine's as he got up.  He walked towards his couch and sits down with his arms stretched out along the back of it.  Next time I promise I'll bring you along. Is that okay with you?? @Britt-21

[SIZE= 18px]Chris Lengheart(...A grammar lesson...really?)[/SIZE]

Chris continued walking, doing his best to maintain the platform. As he walked, Chris listened in on the little grammar lesson and simply turned his head to look at Tyson before letting out a small snort, air becoming visible as soon as it left his nostrils. Basically his way of saying "Really? You're gonna do this now?". The young boy didn't bother to say anything, but instead simply crossed his arms. After what felt like a lifetime, Chris could make out a few buildings. Looking to the two men, Chris simply said,"We're almost there, we'll get you to a healer soon.

While the younger man simply smiled and nodded, the older one smiled and couldn't help but say,"Thank you very much. You don't know how happy me and my son are. Thank you so very much." Chris, simply grinned and nodded. "It's our job to protect the people, that's just the way fairytail is.he responded as the buildings grew larger and larger, they were almost there.

@Britt-21 @Solemn Jester



Lavender looked at the men and nodded softly "Just as Sir Chris has said. It is our job to protect everyone." a smile spreaded upon her lips "No matter who it is that we are saving, as a Fairy Tail member, we have accepted to help and serve our people." her eyes then looked ahead towards the town as they got closer. Light shined from various buildings and the lanterns that were along the path they were heading towards "I am very glad that you both are not poisoned. To lose people it is a great loss, no matter the number in those lives we've lost." she wanted to avoid the grief that could be potnentially brought to their families.  Lavender wanted to bring them back home healthy and happy and so they can spend christmas with them. "Sir chris, how are you holding up on your magic?"


View attachment 184433

Noah Cross

Noah was well prepared for Kelica to attack him,  bracing himself as she jump into his welcoming arms. He caught her, stumbling back a bit. He laughed as Kelica rubbed her cheeks against his. The feeling from her felt different than the other women he's been with since he left. Mainly because he hasn't been with any other women since he left. Noah spun Kelica around allowing both his and her hair to flow naturally in the air.  He placed her down looking dead into emerald eyes. So Kelica how have you been holding up since my absence? Have you gotten some training in?  Are you any closer to become that big and powerful tree I told you about? He asked with a smile on his face as he fixed the sheet on her body.  @Zuka 

View attachment 184462

Miles Redd

Miles slowly turned his head towards Katherine starting at her shaking hands and moved up towards her face. As he looked at nice smooth skin, and purple eyes a soft grin formed on his face. Yeah I'm back... he grabs Katherine's drink and takes a sip out of it. Hmm still taste the same. He places the drink back down in front of her.  It would've taken me longer, but I had to hurry back home.  I have people waiting on me. He got out of his chair rubbing his hand across Katherine's as he got up.  He walked towards his couch and sits down with his arms stretched out along the back of it.  Next time I promise I'll bring you along. Is that okay with you?? @Britt-21


@Embaga Elder@Solemn Jester(only mentioned)


Kathy watched with her purple eyes as he grabbed her drink and took a sip of it. "You know me...I dont change what I like..." ever since she began to drink she never changed it. Maybe she tried things but she always went back to her classic drink. It was nice to know that he had to hurry back home since everyone had been waiting on him. His hand brushed against hers as he got up and moved to the couch he and Kathy always chilled at. Like a child, she hopped off her chair and grabbed her drink, walking over towards Miles and sitting down next to him, bringing the drink high enough so the straw reached her lips. As soon as he asked if it was alright to bring her along, the silver-haired mage nodded  softly and glanced at him, clearly not able to keep her eyes of the red-headed mage.


Pulling her lips from the straw, she spoke softly "If I tag along... We can finish missions faster... And we can relax on the couch some more..." her voice was still soft and hadnt changed much since he left. Other than her using more words than gestures and nodding signals. "Dont leave ever again without telling me... I had to stare down your brother to get the information..." she then locked her lips with her straw again and began to drink. her excitement was slowly dying down but she would shake a little here and there. Mostly getting her jitters out "As you can tell...I won that stare down..." she managed to say through the straw. Since both parties didnt talk, they just stared...and stared...and stared till Tyson eventually told her.
Tyson, Redd

Tyson titled his head slightly, and raised a eyebrow at both the FairyTail wizards."Do I really sound like I'm being a smart Alec?" Tyson asked as he walked along with them, the manticore still laying on Tyson's shoulders."Because I assure you, I'm not, I'm completely serious about my words. Also him being wounded changes nothing to me. I won't patronize the weak." Tyson then continued walking, no longer in the mood to speak. He had hoped that following the wizards might have lead to a eventful night. Unfortunately that wasn't the case, he just felt bad for killing a manticore, and was currently carrying around its mate. To go heal it at the FairyTail guild, which now that he thought about it wasn't something he was completely comfortable with." Let's hurry up, I'm in need of sleep, and this has been a rather exhausting day." Tyson said exhausting, but he didn't mean physically exhausting, more emotionally. But being Tyson he didn't show much emotion.


Fairytail Guild hall

Mitsuki frowned, but it was a unimpressed frown. He should have figured, no one listens to him. It was something he was use to, probably because most wondered why he had joined Fairytail instead of BluePegasus.

Although he told them several times, he thought he was much more suited for Fairytail. Besides it was a family thing,"you realize I'm sick right? Getting so close may not end up well for you. As for staying  in bed, as I've said before that isn't a option. My powers always get like this when I'm sick. No amount of training will help with that. But I'll gladly clean your office, seems like a fun way to get to know you better." Mitsuki spoke his voice slightly stronger, already seeming to feel better. "I think your a very nice lady, and you're also very pretty. Can we be friends? I'd like use to be friends." Now Mitsuki was back on his feet, smiling happily. He looked over as a man entered the Guild. Then Kelica ran at him, hugging him happily. Mitsuki completely forgot about  Aria, and walked over to the two wizards. He tugged weakly on Noah's suit."Hey, Noah your back that's nice. I don't know if you know me, but I'm Mitsuki Yamada. I've heard alot about you, mainly from Kelica, but yeah. So umm, sorry to bother you two during your happy reuniting, but Keli, I was wondering. Can't  believe I didn't think to ask this earlier though, but..can you heal a cold?" 

Moses, Brand heart

Moses hadn't paid Celestia more than enough attention to hear what she was saying. Which he let out a ta noise, and smiled."I'm not saying not to be curious, I'm saying don't call someone out on something when you barely know the person." Moses, said then smiled a huge sinister smile as Celestia turned almost translucent upon seeing Kirin lose her head. This please Moses for all of a moment, before Kirin's head returned, and Celestia turn her normal pale color.

@Arius LaVari @Britt-21 @Isune @Kyuubey


[SIZE= 28px]Kelica Zefara[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 28px]Fairytail Guild Hall[/SIZE]


The Forest Mage still had a huge hearty laugh ripping through the Guild Hall that seemed to light up the room. She had always been happy, but this was on a completely different level and she couldn't comprehend just how happy seeing Noah had made her feel. She figured he had just been some figment of her imagination, but that couldn't have been true at all. He was real and he was here, right now, where she could touch him and hear his voice. Even as he placed her on her feet, her long blonde messy hair bounced in around her frame as she peered up to him, feeling like her heart could just burst. She wanted to ask him how he was, where he went, what he was doing here, would he stay or would he go again? Her mind a whirlwind that only halted as she felt his hands touching her body and rearranged the sheet against her frame, and she made barely a protest. None whatsoever, in fact. Though the touch did bring back to his questions and she blinked for a moment before she took a deep breath in, trying to calm herself down at least slightly.  @Embaga Elder


"Um... well... Actually, yes! Ryu, Hibiki and Sora have all be training me every day, sun up to sun down. Hibiki spars with me, and sometimes his punches her but, I'm getting much better at taking a hit and I even am starting to dodge more! Ryu has been making me meditate to try and calm me, and Sora has been teaching me more about ahh... what did she call it again? Manners? It has something to do with being a lady I assume but.." her eyes drifting sideways as a half way worried expression crossed her face. @Rhodus @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey "She has been a bit distant lately and I'm not sure why... I was going to ask her next time she comes into the Guild Hall but she doesn't come through all that often anymore..." Her voice getting quieter as she mused more to herself. "Speaking of Big Tree's, come check out this one I made!!... or grew rather... from a seed!" the explanation probably not needed because Tree's didn't just grow out of thin air, but the girl was using her last reserves of energy now as she practically jumped on the spot. She threaded her fingers into his own and dragged the tall Djinn mage along behind her as she pointed to the huge Christmas Tree that stood proudly right in the middle of the Guild Hall. It went from the floor of the first level, right up past the second level to have the very tip touching the roof. There was tinsel coating it from Alfie, and Adrian had even made Arcane Christmas balls to hang over it. @Salt Lord @Genon All that was missing was a star on top though she hadn't figured out exactly how to do that yet, or rather who's magic would be best. It didn't occur to her, Aria with her light magic might be able to make a beautiful star to sit on top.


"I grew it all by myself Noah! I mean... I did pass out afterwards because, well it's cold and... I'm a little sleepy and stuff..." A yawn escaping gently though her fingers stayed entwined with his as she honestly completely forgot she was doing it. "Lavender made hot chocolate and cookies, they are in the Kitchen, but then her and Chris left in a hurry and I'm not to sure why... they headed out just as I fell asleep..." Glancing out towards the Guild Hall door Noah had only entered a moment earlier. @Britt-21 @Isune Kelica glanced over as she spotted Mitsuki as he tugged on Noah's sleeve with her eyebrow raised, though that was when he mentioned he heard a lot about the Djinn mage from Kelica of all people! Kelica's cheeks almost instantly flustered as she quickly yanked her hand away from Noah's, to flail them around for a moment. "What?! NO! I wasn't even-! I didn't even say all that much I just-...I just mentioned he'd appeared like some sort of super hero and saved me!" Her words spewing out as her face only reddened and she tripped over her words even more. @Solemn Jester Luckily the sniffling man changed the subject to if she could heal his cold... Kelica blinked for a moment before her earlier fidgeting seemed to vanish, and an oddly serious look covered her face as she put a hand to her chin in thought. "...Well... to be honest I've never tried to heal a cold, I have healed a Migraine or two but they were different... that was more a physical alignment rather then a normal stuffy nose and viral infection." The intelligent words coming from her mouth such a stark contrast to the normally ditzy girl she wouldn't be surprised if both Noah and Mitsuki looked at her funny.


"I try to only use my Cell Regeneration as a last resort as it intensifies the pain. Even if I were able to do it, you'd have the full symptoms of a week of Flu all in the space of a minute and no one much likes that..." Still tapping her chin in thought the girl lifted a finger up. "...wait right here!" Before either said a word the girl was running across the hall, leaping onto a table directly in her path and vaulted straight over it, again a testament to just how much training she had had from Hibiki but was still only putting most of it into effect subconsciously rather then at will. She dived into the kitchen for a good few minutes, the sounding of a boiling kettle, then she returned with a mug of some description in one hand and a odd bundle of leaves in the other. She walked much more steadily as she approached them, however the steady pace making her hips sway gently as she tried her best not to spill it. Then she came before Mitsuki and offered him the almost boiling mug. "This is a herb you can find in the Southern Forest outside of Magnolia.. It will help ease the sniffling and give you a nice warm belly. Honestly what you need most is a nice comfy spot in the corner of the room and some blankets." Smiling brightly as she lifted the leaves and crushed them within her fingers to release the aroma and essence before she plopped the leaves into the water. "This won't... taste terribly good but, if you keep drinking it it should clear up by tomorrow or the day after. But only if you get lots of rest." bopping him on the nose with a high pitched giggle.



Yamato Ren: Just like old times...

The music was intense. Before the bomb went off the Hurricane exploded to reveal Kirin floating in the middle like an angle. It became clear that this attack would not be enough to knock her out. But she let out a dangerous attack herself. The bombs explosion was enough to counter Kirin's attack and send her flying but then a bunch of copies rose from the ground. In terms of magic Yama probably won't be able to last much longer. That Arial Bomb really takes it's toll on him and looking at Kirin she still doesn't seem to be finished. Yama shot out more wind blades in an attempt to clear out some of the copies. He managed to take out two of them but the others were already upon him. Yama resorted to his expertise with hand-to-hand combat. punching and kicking the remaining clones as they fell to the ground while they themselves managed to get a few slices and hits in. Yama could not see anymore remaining, the clones did a bit more damage than he anticipated. He looked at Kirin who looked like she was just barely able to get up. Although he'd be lying if he said he wasn't the same. The amount of magic he expended plus the little tussle with the clones has nearly put him at his limit. Even if Yamato wins this battle, he will need more training to avoid a scenario like this in the future. "Looks like we're both pretty much done in at this point. One more attack could probably finish us off. So how about it? Ready to finish what we started two years ago?" Yamato awaited her response. When she says yes to this notion. Using what magic he has left, he creates a huge flurry of wind blades that end up circling his body for a while as more and more stack up until he counted about 50 blades. With one swift move of his arms the blades suddenly shoot off at once as they all charge for Kirin in one fell swoop. He knew she would be able to reattach any lost limbs but with this many blades going at her he'd rather not take the chance. It will be just enough to damage her and remove her from the fight if they hit.

  Nikolas grinned, nodding when Ferra spoke. "Damn straight we do. It's kind of a family tradition. Dad used to do it with his family. That's him, grandpa, and our aunt Sierra. Well, technically she was our first cousin once removed. I think. Dad always calls her our Aunt, though. Guess they were close." The boy shrugged, then chuckled at Ferra when her stomach growled. "Good thing this place has fast service, then. Hey, waiter! Table for two! Saedor party! Y'know who we are!" The waiters obviously did, because the host who brought them to their table had asked Nikolas how his parents were doing and seemed upset when he explained that his aunt and grandfather were dead. Finally, when reaching the table, Nikolas sat down, looking at the menu, although he knew exactly what he was going to order. "I'd go for the bacon burger with fries. They're amazing."

Ferra giggled slightly at his response, "That's pretty neat actually!" She replied. It must of been great growing up with a close family like that, going places and doing things together. Sure Lamia Scale had treated her well over the years and she very much considered them all family, but it was just different than actually having real parents. She blushed lightly at his chuckle, following him and the waiter over to the table and sitting down. So far, she honestly liked being with Nikolas more. Although she didn't know Talon entirely well...or much at all really, Nikolas was just...fun. They were so similar so it was great. Then again she wasn't really sure, maybe it was the fact she knew Nikolas longer. Though she had no idea where Talon was now, so she didn't have any way of knowing. Even if she didn't really want to date him anymore she was still worried about him as a friend and hoped he was alright.

At Nikolas' suggestion she nodded, "I think I'll get that." She replied. She decided to, for once, eat a light portion. Well, light for her. It would be a meal for anyone else. Honestly she could eat one of everything on the menu. She didn't want to gross Nikolas out or anything, nor have him pay a lot for their food. Though she supposed she could pay for her own, the former was a more prominent issue. "What do you want to do after this?" She asked. "This place is pretty nice too...thanks for taking me here." She said.
Ferra giggled slightly at his response, "That's pretty neat actually!" She replied. It must of been great growing up with a close family like that, going places and doing things together. Sure Lamia Scale had treated her well over the years and she very much considered them all family, but it was just different than actually having real parents. She blushed lightly at his chuckle, following him and the waiter over to the table and sitting down. So far, she honestly liked being with Nikolas more. Although she didn't know Talon entirely well...or much at all really, Nikolas was just...fun. They were so similar so it was great. Then again she wasn't really sure, maybe it was the fact she knew Nikolas longer. Though she had no idea where Talon was now, so she didn't have any way of knowing. Even if she didn't really want to date him anymore she was still worried about him as a friend and hoped he was alright.

At Nikolas' suggestion she nodded, "I think I'll get that." She replied. She decided to, for once, eat a light portion. Well, light for her. It would be a meal for anyone else. Honestly she could eat one of everything on the menu. She didn't want to gross Nikolas out or anything, nor have him pay a lot for their food. Though she supposed she could pay for her own, the former was a more prominent issue. "What do you want to do after this?" She asked. "This place is pretty nice too...thanks for taking me here." She said.

  "No problemo, Senorita!" Nikolas responded to Ferra when she spoke, then thought for a moment. What would be a good thing to do next? There was one option, he supposed. "Hmmm.....how 'bout window shopping? I still hafta get something for Phin and the crew at Lamia Scale." he suggested, turning to the waiter. "I'll have a number six with a holly soda," Nikolas told him. Honestly, he was starving, but Phineas had constantly scolded him that when going on dates, you must try to show some restraint. 

  The waiter now was waiting on Ferra, and Nikolas did his best not to start chatting up a storm like he usually did. His mind started to drift off to what would happen if his parents met Ferra. His dad would certainly turn into Mr. Hug-a-Tron 2000, and embarrass the hell out of him. His mother would probably either be proud or tease him to hell. Or both. Wait. BOTH of his parents would be proud! Proud that he had gotten a girlfriend! And just like that Nikolas's mind drifted even further to the future, before snapping out of it. Ey. One step at a time, bruh. 

[SIZE= 18px]Chris Lengheart(...Almost there...)[/SIZE]

Chris listened to Tyson and Lavender, but didn't bother responding. The most he did was nod slightly when Lav asked how he was holding up He had to focus on keeping this form and using less magic. Chris was quickly snapped back to reality as the sound of falling rocks caught his attention. Chris turned his glance to the platform and noticed that it had thinned out slightly. It wasn't to a noticeable degree, but it was probably for the best. Chris not only had a beast form to maintain, but now had to constantly maintain magic usage. It wasn't like making stairs or a pillar, once Chris stopped using his magic, the platform would crumble and drop. And right now, Chris couldn't really let that happen. Once they finally arrived at the guild hall, the platform dropped rather quickly followed by Chris reverting back to human form. He stumbled slightly, but soon found his footing again. A fatigued look was on his face as he brought his attention to his arm. Damn it, it was still bleeding. The cloth Chris had used to try and stop the bleeding seemed to be doing a very minimal job. Those quills must have been barbed, or gone really deep into shoulder for it to be bleeding like it was. His hand didn't seem all that bad. Just a single bead of blood from where one of the quills slipped through his hastily-made armor. Letting out a sharp exhale, Chris went over to the father and son pair and got a grip on the two as he carefully ushered them into the guild hall.

The doors of the guild hall swung open as Chris brought the two in. Without so much as skipping a beat, Chris shouted,"Need healers, we got three wounded and a manticore!" Thinking quickly, Chris laid the two down on separate benches while quickly moving the table out of the way so healers had a chance to work. Once all this was taken care of, Chris jogged over to the doors and propped them open with chairs so Tyson could bring the manticore in while Chris rested on a wall, holding his shoulder slightly while shaking his head.


@Britt-21 @Zuka @Solemn Jester
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  "No problemo, Senorita!" Nikolas responded to Ferra when she spoke, then thought for a moment. What would be a good thing to do next? There was one option, he supposed. "Hmmm.....how 'bout window shopping? I still hafta get something for Phin and the crew at Lamia Scale." he suggested, turning to the waiter. "I'll have a number six with a holly soda," Nikolas told him. Honestly, he was starving, but Phineas had constantly scolded him that when going on dates, you must try to show some restraint. 

  The waiter now was waiting on Ferra, and Nikolas did his best not to start chatting up a storm like he usually did. His mind started to drift off to what would happen if his parents met Ferra. His dad would certainly turn into Mr. Hug-a-Tron 2000, and embarrass the hell out of him. His mother would probably either be proud or tease him to hell. Or both. Wait. BOTH of his parents would be proud! Proud that he had gotten a girlfriend! And just like that Nikolas's mind drifted even further to the future, before snapping out of it. Ey. One step at a time, bruh. 

Ferra grinned at that and nodded, "Sounds perfect to me." She replied. "I still need to get some presents myself." She said, having waited on doing so. She definitely had to get something nice for Nikolas now too. She wondered what he would like, fish? Or would that be insensitive...she sighed from her internal debate not sure at all. When the waiter came around she looked up, "I'll have the same thing please." She said, giving him a friendly smile.

"Mmm..I can't figure out a gift Valken would like. I've been thinking about getting him a dagger or something but he has tons....other than porno mags and Millie dunno what else he likes.." She said, looking to Nikolas. "Any ideas?" She asked.
2 hours ago, Jackaboi said:

Yamato Ren: Just like old times...

The music was intense. Before the bomb went off the Hurricane exploded to reveal Kirin floating in the middle like an angle. It became clear that this attack would not be enough to knock her out. But she let out a dangerous attack herself. The bombs explosion was enough to counter Kirin's attack and send her flying but then a bunch of copies rose from the ground. In terms of magic Yama probably won't be able to last much longer. That Arial Bomb really takes it's toll on him and looking at Kirin she still doesn't seem to be finished. Yama shot out more wind blades in an attempt to clear out some of the copies. He managed to take out two of them but the others were already upon him. Yama resorted to his expertise with hand-to-hand combat. punching and kicking the remaining clones as they fell to the ground while they themselves managed to get a few slices and hits in. Yama could not see anymore remaining, the clones did a bit more damage than he anticipated. He looked at Kirin who looked like she was just barely able to get up. Although he'd be lying if he said he wasn't the same. The amount of magic he expended plus the little tussle with the clones has nearly put him at his limit. Even if Yamato wins this battle, he will need more training to avoid a scenario like this in the future. "Looks like we're both pretty much done in at this point. One more attack could probably finish us off. So how about it? Ready to finish what we started two years ago?" Yamato awaited her response. When she says yes to this notion. Using what magic he has left, he creates a huge flurry of wind blades that end up circling his body for a while as more and more stack up until he counted about 50 blades. With one swift move of his arms the blades suddenly shoot off at once as they all charge for Kirin in one fell swoop. He knew she would be able to reattach any lost limbs but with this many blades going at her he'd rather not take the chance. It will be just enough to damage her and remove her from the fight if they hit.



Kirin had to rely on a slightly dirty trick, but it was one that was only dirty in monologs and supervillains. Kirin activated her favorite feature of her Pressure suit. A magic circle rapidly formed behind Yamato, while another appeared below him, and yet another in the sky! Kirin raised two fingers with her thumb cocked, before she whispered, 'Pew'. She tried to attack Yamato while he said, "One more attack could-", trying to snipe him off. Each magic circle unleashed a kinetic burst of energy with a slight delay, trying to knock Yamato around so he either couldn't cast a spell, or knock him straight off the platform if they managed to impale! Otherwise, Kirin used her final cowboy music blast trying to shoot Yamato in the face, which a distorted beam flew ahead of it, her fractured chorus trying to get Yamato off guard with its higher velocity than normal. Kirin would fall forward, transforming to her normal fat appearance. Her horns dropped out, forming more like a headband than any actual horns. She spat out a stream of white smoke, exhausted from the ordeal. "Koooohh..."

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