Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Talon stopped in front of the guild hall and looked at it with a ridiculous grin on his face. Here he was, so close to Ferra. He entered the guild and looked around searchingly. Not seeing Ferra he tuned to a person nearby for help. "Excuse me, do you know where I can find Ferra?¿?¿" @Happy Red Mage

Timothy Harvard: Every little bottle counts



Out of sight while still holding the multiple heavy bags full of gifts as he continued watching Fairy Tail from a distance. It only grew more chaotic and out of hand. Is it always like this or perhaps maybe today is a bad day. Timothy looked at them wondering how he could help but would it be worth it or will it end in disaster only? He remembers the last time he tried to help during the Grimoire Heart incident and ended up only throwing a few rocks and attacks which was so helpful to the entire group. In the end, he felt like he wasn't needed so why bother? Ayano approached him in hiding as she asked him a question. "Do you... Also feel you don't belong here? I know I don't... I've almost killed two people from that guild. I think I'm going to stay out here... I'm undead anyway... I don't feel the cold." she asked him. Timothy looked at her as he set down the heavy shopping bags onto the floor. "I...um...like I said, I can't perform magic so I definitely don't belong here...it makes me nervous whenever I come here because this is one of the most famous guilds known in Fiore." he replied to Ayano "I was never special, I didn't need to be taught this fact...I'm just as common as anyone...I was never needed...the 1 million magic guilds denials were self explanatory and I'm ok with not able to use magic." he continued as he sat down silently as the snow fluttered down on both of them. He tried to sit closer to Ayano to give her warmth not the heat kind but the kind that includes emotional care.

[SIZE= 18px]It seems like the two would sit there for a while until he remembered those words which Sora said when he revealed his secret to her: [/SIZE]"You'll always be my friend, I promise. If nobody accepts you, you'll always have me. I'll fight for you and you're going to join Fairy Tail because I want you to be part of my family. You don't need magic because you have such a big heart! You understand me?" [SIZE= 18px]those words gave him the encouragement to stand up and do something that would help and even if it didn't at least he tried. [/SIZE]"Ayano, please stay here and look after the bags...I'm going to try and do something. I just hope it works." [SIZE= 18px]he said as he walks towards the guild hall with each step shaking with anxiety one after the other. He managed to go inside and look at everyone who seems to be calming down but still quite chaotic. Sora was still unconscious and Clair seems to be holding her own. He walked passed them as he sees two familiar faces, he's unaware if they remember him but at least he could help try and sort things out. He saw the nice tree lady along with another man with purple hair trying to calm down this beast known as a Manticore.[/SIZE]



[SIZE= 18px]He tapped the shoulder of her petite frame and tried to get their attention from behind them. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"U-U-Ummm....excuse me....I...I saw y-you had trouble with this beast so I thought I-I-I would help you out Miss Nice Tree Lady and Mr. Magic guy...." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said while stuttering a bit from the anxiety. He sorts through his items in his backpack and brings out a particularly strange looking bottle which had a rainbow like liquid stored inside it. He held it with his hands and gave it to her with shaking hands before stopping and held it out normally. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"I heard that your healing methods have a painful side effect to it...so I thought maybe you could use this potion that I have acquired myself." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said sheepishly "I-It's a soothing heal potion...that helps the patient relieves the body and soul....s-simply open the bottle and pour the liquid onto your hands and apply it anywhere on the body itself...I've never used it before but I have seen other healers use this treatment on hostile animals that need medical attention....please take it if you would like..." he said as he continues to hold up the bottle.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]'Maybe...this was a bad idea but I still wish to help out in anyway I can just like Sora would...but what if this just ends up like the Grimoire Heart incident?... ' he thought as his face begins to show uncomfortable facial features but he still continues to smile nevertheless. Guessing that they forgotten about him, he tries to stay in a cool and calm manner.[/SIZE]


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  Phineas opened his mouth to object; the chance of Nikolas being diligent like that was super low. It was just easier for him to do all the work rather than get into a screaming fight about it. Next thing he knew, Shiro was taking him by the hand and dragging him and Laura somewhere. It was strange; a lot of people had the tendency to give Phin a lot of weird looks due to his inability to show emotions without looking scary. Well. Maybe that was a bit of an overstatement, but Phineas was NOT the type to grin all the time, much unlike Nikolas.

  Finally, the odd whirlwind of thoughts ended when they arrived at a back-alley shop. Phineas already knew what Nikolas wanted; the good ol' magazine shebang. Maybe some fashionable new garb or something. ".....You certainly know a lot of good places here," the half-Neko commented casually, looking at the shop and back at Shiro. 


Outside a small shop


Shiro blinked a little confused by the fact that Laura so randomly said good bye and walked off, it did leave her frowning though, instead of keeping the stoic look she normally had, but she and Phineas still needed to check inside for something for Nikolas. She led Phin inside, a small Christmas bell ringing in their arrival, inside the small place was a variety of things, it was almost like a little pawn shop and Shiro spoke up about the place while wandering past the magazines, "This is a nice little mom and pop shop isn't it? You can sometimes find magic trinkets here according to the shop keeper a girl comes by about once a year and sells them magical trinkets." She picked up one of the magazines and began flipping through it, there was music notes on it so it must have been a music magazine and almost on cue she started humming the Christmas song playing through the store, like an automatic instinct while her mind wandered. Shiro was alone with Phineas, which had her slightly concerned but she was also sort of tilting her head his way just so he would know she was in fact listening to him.




Heading back to Yamato


Celestia sat up a little straighter when she heard Yamato mention her brewing drink and nodded while she hopped up, "I'll be right back Ace! Oh yeah anyone around here know how to help me cool the syrup quickly so we'll have the drink done properly by dinner time?" She rushed off towards the kitchen without waiting for an answer if anyone knew how to help her cool it faster she had spoken loud enough for the whole guild to hear anyway and at the moment she needed to get it off the stove. Celestia hadn't directly answered Yamato but she was working quickly to pull the hot pot off the stove, it had boiled down to a syrup as she had hoped, adding the alcohol to it would help it cool hopefully, and a bunch of ice cubes. The pot was sort of heavy but she moved it to a no longer burning heating implement and began pouring the alcohol into the hot mixture, stirring it together. She sighed with relief once it was all mixed together and she giggled a bit. "cool! It's all done it just needs to cool properly! We can put ice in it too." She started humming a cheerful Christmas tune under her breath and grinned at Yamato brightly, "So do you want my help setting up for the feast Yama?" The blonde was bouncing on the balls of her feet, like she was antsy or something, hyper was a good way to describe it and her head was tilted slightly to the side as she waited on Yamato to answer her.


Talon stopped in front of the guild hall and looked at it with a ridiculous grin on his face. Here he was, so close to Ferra. He entered the guild and looked around searchingly. Not seeing Ferra he tuned to a person nearby for help. "Excuse me, do you know where I can find Ferra?¿?¿" @Happy Red Mage

Akane looked up from her milk drinking and up at the person speaking to her. She did not know who this Ferra was and judging from question he asked he was familiar with the guild. "Ah sorry, I don't know who this Ferra is. I'm not a member, yet, so I really don't know the pairing of everyone's names and faces." She explained. "The name is Akane by the way. What's yours?" She asked before she chugged down more of her milk and raw eggs drink. Idly, she did wonder when she would be tested and how.

Outside a small shop


Shiro blinked a little confused by the fact that Laura so randomly said good bye and walked off, it did leave her frowning though, instead of keeping the stoic look she normally had, but she and Phineas still needed to check inside for something for Nikolas. She led Phin inside, a small Christmas bell ringing in their arrival, inside the small place was a variety of things, it was almost like a little pawn shop and Shiro spoke up about the place while wandering past the magazines, "This is a nice little mom and pop shop isn't it? You can sometimes find magic trinkets here according to the shop keeper a girl comes by about once a year and sells them magical trinkets." She picked up one of the magazines and began flipping through it, there was music notes on it so it must have been a music magazine and almost on cue she started humming the Christmas song playing through the store, like an automatic instinct while her mind wandered. Shiro was alone with Phineas, which had her slightly concerned but she was also sort of tilting her head his way just so he would know she was in fact listening to him.



Heading back to Yamato


Celestia sat up a little straighter when she heard Yamato mention her brewing drink and nodded while she hopped up, "I'll be right back Ace! Oh yeah anyone around here know how to help me cool the syrup quickly so we'll have the drink done properly by dinner time?" She rushed off towards the kitchen without waiting for an answer if anyone knew how to help her cool it faster she had spoken loud enough for the whole guild to hear anyway and at the moment she needed to get it off the stove. Celestia hadn't directly answered Yamato but she was working quickly to pull the hot pot off the stove, it had boiled down to a syrup as she had hoped, adding the alcohol to it would help it cool hopefully, and a bunch of ice cubes. The pot was sort of heavy but she moved it to a no longer burning heating implement and began pouring the alcohol into the hot mixture, stirring it together. She sighed with relief once it was all mixed together and she giggled a bit. "cool! It's all done it just needs to cool properly! We can put ice in it too." She started humming a cheerful Christmas tune under her breath and grinned at Yamato brightly, "So do you want my help setting up for the feast Yama?" The blonde was bouncing on the balls of her feet, like she was antsy or something, hyper was a good way to describe it and her head was tilted slightly to the side as she waited on Yamato to answer her.


  Phineas walked in after Shiro, looking over her shoulder when she picked up a magazine filled with the notes of songs. The music playing in the shop entered his ears; the teenager swayed in his spot, contented by the sounds, before slowly halting to nod at Shiro, who was tilting her head in his direction. She seemed a little....concerned. 

  "Ah. Sorry," he said calmly, searching for the mens' clothing, and, upon finding it, drifted over to the section. "Knowing Nikolas, he probably would like to get some stylish clothing or something. He likes neon colors, so....maybe this?" He withdrew a brightly colored sweatshirt, presenting it to Shiro.  

Ferra grinned at that and nodded, "Sounds perfect to me." She replied. "I still need to get some presents myself." She said, having waited on doing so. She definitely had to get something nice for Nikolas now too. She wondered what he would like, fish? Or would that be insensitive...she sighed from her internal debate not sure at all. When the waiter came around she looked up, "I'll have the same thing please." She said, giving him a friendly smile.

"Mmm..I can't figure out a gift Valken would like. I've been thinking about getting him a dagger or something but he has tons....other than porno mags and Millie dunno what else he likes.." She said, looking to Nikolas. "Any ideas?" She asked.

  Nikolas thought about Ferra's question, adjusting the collar of his shirt as he did so before coming up with an idea. "Then get 'im a sword or a gun! If he has a lot of daggers, then maybe spicing it up with the weaponry could impress the dude. Or porno mags, guys like that." He shrugged, then grinned when the waiter came back with their drinks. Well, more than grinned; he excitedly started drinking from it. "Hmm....or armor. That'd work too, I guess."

Akane looked up from her milk drinking and up at the person speaking to her. She did not know who this Ferra was and judging from question he asked he was familiar with the guild. "Ah sorry, I don't know who this Ferra is. I'm not a member, yet, so I really don't know the pairing of everyone's names and faces." She explained. "The name is Akane by the way. What's yours?" She asked before she chugged down more of her milk and raw eggs drink. Idly, she did wonder when she would be tested and how.

Talon insides imploded, or to be more precise, his spleen, heart, brain, and left lung imploded. At least thats whats it felt like. "The names Talon," He said a bit down that she didn't know who or where Ferra was. "nice to meet you Akane. I'm not a member yet either as a matter of fact, but I hope to join soon!" He said with a confident grin, brightening up at meeting a new person. "If you don't mind me asking, whats your magic?" He asked curiously. Some day he might have to fight this chic and he needed to know what to expect.
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Talon insides imploded, or to be more precise, his spleen, heart, brain, and left lung imploded. At least thats whats it felt like. "The names Talon, nice to meet you Akane. I'm not a member yet either as a matter of fact, but I hope to join soon!" He said with a confident grin. "If you don't mind me asking, whats your magic?" He asked curiously. Some day he might have to fight this chic and he needed to know what to expect.

"It's very nice to meet you Talon, I hope we get along swimmingly." She said with a smile. "Well to be quite frank, I Fist people real hard." She began, setting down her mug and showing Talon her hands. "I take these hands of mine, curl them in, and use them to Fist people as hard and as fast as possible. Those participating don't last very long when it comes to my Fisting technique." She added, curling her left hand into a fist. "It's incredible isn't it? How many things people can do with their hands."

"It's very nice to meet you Talon, I hope we get along swimmingly." She said with a smile. "Well to be quite frank, I Fist people real hard." She began, setting down her mug and showing Talon her hands. "I take these hands of mine, curl them in, and use them to Fist people as hard and as fast as possible. Those participating don't last very long when it comes to my Fisting technique." She added, curling her left hand into a fist. "It's incredible isn't it? How many things people can do with their hands."

(HAHAHAHAHAHAHA FISTING XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD *Wipes tear from corner of eye* Too funny!)

Talons eyes had gown quite large by the time Akane finished explaining her magic. "Oh… well… do you mean punching people really hard… or…?" He asked concernedly. If it was what he thought it was, he hoped he wouldn't have to fight her.

"I am unaware of what else Fisting means." Akane replied, staring into Talon's widened eyes as she took a sip from her drink. "I'm not sure what's confusing, my magic lets me use my hand or hands to Fist." She added, confused on what he was asking about. Did Fisting mean something else? She wasn't sure, but that couldn't be it. "I suppose a demonstration is in order." She decided, holding up her hand, which had curled up into a fist. "Do you want me to Fist you? This won't take very long." She asked him, moving to stand up. @Talon
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"I am unaware of what else Fisting means." Akane replied, staring into Talon's widened eyes as she took a sip from her drink. "I'm not sure what's confusing, my magic lets me use my hand or hands to Fist." She added, confused on what he was asking about. Did Fisting mean something else? She wasn't sure, but that couldn't be it. "I suppose a demonstration is in order." She decided, holding up her hand, which had curled up into a fist. "Do you want me to Fist you? This won't take very long." She asked him, moving to stand up. @Talon

Talon held up his hands and took a step back. "Nah thats ok I'm good!" He said hurriedly. "Umm ya its cool, ummm so huh whatcha up to?" He asked, quickly trying to change the topic. He didn't exactly feel like getting fisted at the moment. "So are you gonna try to be a member soon?"

[SIZE= 36px][COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]Noah Cross[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Noah moved as q[/SIZE]uick as he could and found a nearby scarf to wrap tightly around the young boys torso. It worked for a short while but the blood was loosening the fabric causing more to seep through. Luckily Lavender was there to tighten it back up. Noah kept the pressure on the scarf until the healer squad came, and right on time Sora came through the doors. She came in and grabbed the boy without saying a word. She moved him over towards Chris and she began healing them both. The healing part was over  now all that was left was the bug manticore on the table. Noah followed Kelica over towards the beast watching as Kelica talked to it.  He looked away turning his head towards the noise in the background coming from people yelling at one another.  Noah had no idea why they were yelling at each but he knew it was going to throw the beast off even more. Especially since it had to be agitated already. 

He turns back looking at Kelica as she yelled out to the room for everyone to quite down. He took a step back but didn't take his eyes off of her. She seemed like was put in a situation where she had to make a choice. Noah stepped forward, and kept his bloody hands to himself. Hey Keli. It seems like your in a pickle. You want to heal him but you don't want to put it through anymore pain, and you don't think you'll be able to get through him with just talking, but keep trying. He looks over at Kelica and smiles. Keep talking to it, try to get it on your side. Try to get it to trust you.  If it does come down to you have to heal it. I'll help hold him down. Yes it'll hurt, but he'll get to live on his life. @Zuka @Fairytail

Ayano Soru: I smell blood...


Timothy gave a pretty unusual explanation on why he gave Ayano the present. After all they'd only known each other for not even a day. Her trail of thought was broken when he patted the vampire on the head. This of course annoyed her a little, she just looked at him with an annoyed face. "I'm not a child anymore..." It was then that Sora started firing shots at Clair while explaining what boobs are to Timothy and even then he still doesn't have the right idea. Suddenly Sora darted off somewhere with some kind of maniacs laugh. "That's not how a lunatic laughs... I'd know." Everyone decided to follow her which prompted Ayano to do the same. But why? Even she didn't know but she continued anyway. But... The vampire could smell blood further ahead. It was a good thing she fed recently or else she'd probably end up getting reduced to her primitive stage. But even then that metallic yet sweet smell was never a good sign. At least not for humans. Continuing ahead she instantly slowed down and came to a halt when she arrived at the Fairy Tail guild hall. The place where she tried to bait Sora into her trap. Does she really deserve to be here after all she's done? If anything Ayano was too hesitant to walk through the front doors. While considering her options she looked at Timothy who also seemed to be having some kind of inner turmoil. But why did he refuse to continue she wondered. "Do you... Also feel you don't belong here? I know I don't... I've almost killed two people from that guild. I think I'm going to stay out here... I'm undead anyway... I don't feel the cold." Looking inside Ayano could only just barely make out Sora fainted on the floor and Clair arguing with one of the guild members. She had no clue just what transpired there but it seems as if it's getting pretty heated in there.

@Zareh @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots >>>Any others in the FT Guild Hall<<< (I'm lazy...)

Timothy Harvard: Every little bottle counts



Out of sight while still holding the multiple heavy bags full of gifts as he continued watching Fairy Tail from a distance. It only grew more chaotic and out of hand. Is it always like this or perhaps maybe today is a bad day. Timothy looked at them wondering how he could help but would it be worth it or will it end in disaster only? He remembers the last time he tried to help during the Grimoire Heart incident and ended up only throwing a few rocks and attacks which was so helpful to the entire group. In the end, he felt like he wasn't needed so why bother? Ayano approached him in hiding as she asked him a question. "Do you... Also feel you don't belong here? I know I don't... I've almost killed two people from that guild. I think I'm going to stay out here... I'm undead anyway... I don't feel the cold." she asked him. Timothy looked at her as he set down the heavy shopping bags onto the floor. "I...um...like I said, I can't perform magic so I definitely don't belong here...it makes me nervous whenever I come here because this is one of the most famous guilds known in Fiore." he replied to Ayano "I was never special, I didn't need to be taught this fact...I'm just as common as anyone...I was never needed...the 1 million magic guilds denials were self explanatory and I'm ok with not able to use magic." he continued as he sat down silently as the snow fluttered down on both of them. He tried to sit closer to Ayano to give her warmth not the heat kind but the kind that includes emotional care.

[SIZE= 18px]It seems like the two would sit there for a while until he remembered those words which Sora said when he revealed his secret to her: [/SIZE]"You'll always be my friend, I promise. If nobody accepts you, you'll always have me. I'll fight for you and you're going to join Fairy Tail because I want you to be part of my family. You don't need magic because you have such a big heart! You understand me?" [SIZE= 18px]those words gave him the encouragement to stand up and do something that would help and even if it didn't at least he tried. [/SIZE]"Ayano, please stay here and look after the bags...I'm going to try and do something. I just hope it works." [SIZE= 18px]he said as he walks towards the guild hall with each step shaking with anxiety one after the other. He managed to go inside and look at everyone who seems to be calming down but still quite chaotic. Sora was still unconscious and Clair seems to be holding her own. He walked passed them as he sees two familiar faces, he's unaware if they remember him but at least he could help try and sort things out. He saw the nice tree lady along with another man with purple hair trying to calm down this beast known as a Manticore.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]He tapped the shoulder of her petite frame and tried to get their attention from behind them. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"U-U-Ummm....excuse me....I...I saw y-you had trouble with this beast so I thought I-I-I would help you out Miss Nice Tree Lady and Mr. Magic guy...." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said while stuttering a bit from the anxiety. He sorts through his items in his backpack and brings out a particularly strange looking bottle which had a rainbow like liquid stored inside it. He held it with his hands and gave it to her with shaking hands before stopping and held it out normally. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"I heard that your healing methods have a painful side effect to it...so I thought maybe you could use this potion that I have acquired myself." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said sheepishly "I-It's a soothing heal potion...that helps the patient relieves the body and soul....s-simply open the bottle and pour the liquid onto your hands and apply it anywhere on the body itself...I've never used it before but I have seen other healers use this treatment on hostile animals that need medical attention....please take it if you would like..." he said as he continues to hold up the bottle.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]'Maybe...this was a bad idea but I still wish to help out in anyway I can just like Sora would...but what if this just ends up like the Grimoire Heart incident?... ' he thought as his face begins to show uncomfortable facial features but he still continues to smile nevertheless. Guessing that they forgotten about him, he tries to stay in a cool and calm manner.[/SIZE]



[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage was completely conflicted. It seemed that no matter what she did the beast wouldn't calm down and she had tears starting to pool in the corners of her eyes. She had done so much training up till this point, and when it came time to actually put into practice her powers she felt like she was failing again. The guilt and self doubt was starting to flood her face and frame as her hands shook, still half held out towards the beast. If it suddenly turned and charged everyone, someone would have to put it down, and all because she couldn't seem to get through to it. She tried to connect with it's mind but all she was met with was a black void, not unlike that silly black void that she had been trapped in months ago... the one she had been trapped in for a year before the void had spat her out onto the tracks of a oncoming train.

The same train Noah had appeared with a thunder clap and snatched her out of the way. How ironic that he had appeared when she had needed him to the most.

Almost right on cue, as the girl's heart was starting to tense up further to the point she had almost stopped breathing completely, she heard Noah voice echo close to her and she half turned her head to look up to him as she did. He didn't seem to care about her warning and was right by her side like he always was when she desperately need him. She had a soft smile flood her face as she peered up to his golden eyes, though the tears still held in the corners of her own in her worry and self doubt. "...I...I'll try. Thank you Noah..." She whispered softly as she held his gaze for a moment longer, almost upset she had to break it away in the first place.

Kelica's attention was drawn as she felt a hand tapping at her shoulder and she swiveled more to face whoever that was, letting her guard down as she did. It was only as she turned she looked to the boy before her as her eyes traveled over his face. She recognized him from somewhere but where-? He wanted to help and rifled through his backpack before offering up a bottle with some rainbow liquid in it. His hands were shaking so bad, almost as bad as hers were! [COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]"How did you know about my heals?" [/COLOR]She whispered softly even as she tried to put a name to the face. It was only as he kept talking did it start to dawn on her... this was the boy who had run up at Grimoire Heart! He had been moved by her words and desperately wanted to help back then! Though he had offered himself up to try and stop Ryu's Sun. Of course Kelica had refused, she couldn't handle anything taking away it's life no matter for the Greater Good. Life was too precious to her!

She understood animals and people died, that was a fact of nature she could never avoid. Creatures killed each other for food or for survival. What Kelica couldn't understand was someone throwing away the most treasured thing when there was always another option. There was always a way to fix everything if you just believed. She honestly assumed that. As she reached out the shaking in her hands slowed down then stopped, fingers clasped around the bottle before she gave one of her huge, beautiful smiles. "Thank you..." What was his name? What was it?

Obviously what ever attitude the Manticore was in suddenly snapped, he'd had just about all he could take of this area, and he wanted to be gone, to be with his dead Mate even if it meant staying by her side till he to perished. He didn't care, but he didn't want to be here anymore. He let out a huge ferocious roar that shook the room a fraction which made Kelica instantly swivel around just in-time to watch it crouch down on the table with it's severed tail swishing a blur behind it. In barely a second it had thrown itself straight at the three. Even if she couldn't use her training consciously yet, she'd had enough training between all her Master's for it to click into subconsciously. "GET OUT TIMOTHY!" She screamed in that moment like his name kicked in finally with the adrenaline, shoving him away none to gently to move him out of harm's way. Her wrist flicked as roots burst straight up through the floor boards and coiled around Noah's frame effectively reefing him completely off his feet and yanking him backwards. She bit into the cork of the rainbow bottle and spat it away before she thrust the rainbow liquid into her mouth as if she herself was drinking it.

The beast lunged at her making the girl wince as she was slammed into the ground on her back with it's huge claws digging into her shoulders a fraction, making blood start to seep through it's paws gently. But apart from wincing the girl didn't even cry out. It bared it's teeth aggressively before it leaned right into as if to bite right down onto her face. That was when it was apparent why Kelica didn't make a noise, she opened her lips and spat the rainbow liquid right up into the Beast's face and mouth, For a couple of seconds she stared up to the Beast with emerald eyes wide, hoping to Mavis the liquid did what Timothy said it did, before she watched the creature's eyes start to glaze over. And then, as quickly as this all transpired, the Creature's eyes became dull almost woozy and it suddenly fell beside her with an almost drunken expression over it's face. Kelica sat up as she peered down to it, then laughed.

It might have been odd, but Kelica had adrenaline coursing through her veins and her laugh was as much happiness as relief.

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Isune @Mr Swiftshots @Rhodus @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @Britt-21
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ishzu ishtar.jpg

Laura followed behind Shiro looking at the various goods. She wasn't to sure what get for everyone since she didn't really know what everyone was into. Maybe she could give them gems, she shock her head at the idea. She looked Shiro up and down, an idea coming to her head and she figured Phineas would most likely enjoy something to do with music. She hoped that the two of them weren't paying attention to what she was going to buy. She picked out several books, figuring that she could give them to some one. One of the books was title, "How to Properly Treat a Women." Of course Laura intended to give it to Phineas' brother. Then she went on to pick small knives and sweaters. The last thing she bought was a book of sheet music for Phineas and a stuffed animal for Shiro. "Alright I have my shopping done. I have to say I am amazed at the goods this store had."



Miles had stopped her from going and said that food and sleep could wait before he moved closer to her while his words drifted off. This made the mage tilt her head a little bit out of curiosity before he grasped her hand and pulled her closer to him. The last word escaping his lips before he cleaned close enough to where their lips had met her own. It was funny because she was planning on kissing him not too many seconds ago. Her purple eyes shut as she began to kiss him back, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Kathy's delicate hands moved to different spots, one sliding into his hair while the other grasped his rope necklace and pulled him tighter close to her. Even though they were on the side of the guild hall making out on a couch, they were still in public and Kathy wasnt big on it.


So she broke their kiss and released his necklace. Slowly dropping her hand from his hair and sliding it onto his shoulder "That was something I've been wanting to do... But you've beaten me to it..." her face had still been normal but the slight red color on her cheeks said otherwise with how she felt. "Thank you for that..." the color soon faded away from her pale cheeks and the mage moved from Miles once again. The same distance  they had been in before being pulled closer "Before I grab you to a dark corner to make out with you... I suggest we get our food... And nap..." from her expression it was hard to tell if she was actually serious but by now he should know how she is and that she meant it. Kathy rose to her feet but she really didnt grow that many inches taller compared to how tall Miles would be once he stood.


His kiss had tingled her lips still and almost made her smile but she held back on it. Just him being gone for so long...that was the reason for her saying that'd she drag him to a dark corner.


Miles Redd

The kiss didn't last for long, but to Miles it felt like forever. He held Katherine tight in his one arm as the kissed. His aura reacted to his feelings and became warmer and excited. When Katherine pulled back Miles opened his eye revealing its red glow. He smiled and rubbed her red cheeks. You're welcome Kathy. His eyes faded back to his normal amber color and his aura calmed down once again. He continued to hold Katherine in his arm as she moved back to the distance she was at before. He chuckled at her comment knowing  well enough that she was serious. He's been gone for some time now so she had no reason to lie about pulling him to a corner. So he stood up standing over her and placed his hand out for her to hold. Lets go get some food. Once Katherine takes Miles hand, he leads them out the guild hall and out into town. On their way to the restaurant they passed a flower stand. He stopped and looked at Katherine smiling a bit. He reached into his pocket and pulled out cash buying a bouquet of flowers.  He resented them to Kathy and said. Here for you. with a light smile. He kissed her on her forehead, and continued leading them on their way to the restaurant. Once there Miles looks at Katherine. Inside or out??

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage was completely conflicted. It seemed that no matter what she did the beast wouldn't calm down and she had tears starting to pool in the corners of her eyes. She had done so much training up till this point, and when it came time to actually put into practice her powers she felt like she was failing again. The guilt and self doubt was starting to flood her face and frame as her hands shook, still half held out towards the beast. If it suddenly turned and charged everyone, someone would have to put it down, and all because she couldn't seem to get through to it. She tried to connect with it's mind but all she was met with was a black void, not unlike that silly black void that she had been trapped in months ago... the one she had been trapped in for a year before the void had spat her out onto the tracks of a oncoming train.

The same train Noah had appeared with a thunder clap and snatched her out of the way. How ironic that he had appeared when she had needed him to the most.

Almost right on cue, as the girl's heart was starting to tense up further to the point she had almost stopped breathing completely, she heard Noah voice echo close to her and she half turned her head to look up to him as she did. He didn't seem to care about her warning and was right by her side like he always was when she desperately need him. She had a soft smile flood her face as she peered up to his golden eyes, though the tears still held in the corners of her own in her worry and self doubt. "...I...I'll try. Thank you Noah..." She whispered softly as she held his gaze for a moment longer, almost upset she had to break it away in the first place.

Kelica's attention was drawn as she felt a hand tapping at her shoulder and she swiveled more to face whoever that was, letting her guard down as she did. It was only as she turned she looked to the boy before her as her eyes traveled over his face. She recognized him from somewhere but where-? He wanted to help and rifled through his backpack before offering up a bottle with some rainbow liquid in it. His hands were shaking so bad, almost as bad as hers were! [COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]"How did you know about my heals?" [/COLOR]She whispered softly even as she tried to put a name to the face. It was only as he kept talking did it start to dawn on her... this was the boy who had run up at Grimoire Heart! He had been moved by her words and desperately wanted to help back then! Though he had offered himself up to try and stop Ryu's Sun. Of course Kelica had refused, she couldn't handle anything taking away it's life no matter for the Greater Good. Life was too precious to her!

She understood animals and people died, that was a fact of nature she could never avoid. Creatures killed each other for food or for survival. What Kelica couldn't understand was someone throwing away the most treasured thing when there was always another option. There was always a way to fix everything if you just believed. She honestly assumed that. As she reached out the shaking in her hands slowed down then stopped, fingers clasped around the bottle before she gave one of her huge, beautiful smiles. "Thank you..." What was his name? What was it?

Obviously what ever attitude the Manticore was in suddenly snapped, he'd had just about all he could take of this area, and he wanted to be gone, to be with his dead Mate even if it meant staying by her side till he to perished. He didn't care, but he didn't want to be here anymore. He let out a huge ferocious roar that shook the room a fraction which made Kelica instantly swivel around just in-time to watch it crouch down on the table with it's severed tail swishing a blur behind it. In barely a second it had thrown itself straight at the three. Even if she couldn't use her training consciously yet, she'd had enough training between all her Master's for it to click into subconsciously. "GET OUT TIMOTHY!" She screamed in that moment like his name kicked in finally with the adrenaline, shoving him away none to gently to move him out of harm's way. Her wrist flicked as roots burst straight up through the floor boards and coiled around Noah's frame effectively reefing him completely off his feet and yanking him backwards. She bit into the cork of the rainbow bottle and spat it away before she thrust the rainbow liquid into her mouth as if she herself was drinking it.

The beast lunged at her making the girl wince as she was slammed into the ground on her back with it's huge claws digging into her shoulders a fraction, making blood start to seep through it's paws gently. But apart from wincing the girl didn't even cry out. It bared it's teeth aggressively before it leaned right into as if to bite right down onto her face. That was when it was apparent why Kelica didn't make a noise, she opened her lips and spat the rainbow liquid right up into the Beast's face and mouth, For a couple of seconds she stared up to the Beast with emerald eyes wide, hoping to Mavis the liquid did what Timothy said it did, before she watched the creature's eyes start to glaze over. And then, as quickly as this all transpired, the Creature's eyes became dull almost woozy and it suddenly fell beside her with an almost drunken expression over it's face. Kelica sat up as she peered down to it, then laughed.

It might have been odd, but Kelica had adrenaline coursing through her veins and her laugh was as much happiness as relief.

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Isune @Mr Swiftshots @Rhodus @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @Britt-21


Noah Cross

Noah wiped Kelica's teary eyes as she looked at him. You're welcome Kelica. He gave her a soft smile then turned his head to a newcomer. This guy looked familiar, Noah new he seen him from somewhere, but from where is the question. He scanned the young boy as he offered Kelica a bottle containing rainbow liquid. The boy explained it as a soothing potion, and also how to use it. Whoever this kid was he had some good timing. But just as they received something good, something bad happened as well. Once he heard the ferocious roar of the manticore, his head snapped towards it.  The Manticore was crouched down on the table with his tail swinging back and forth. Noah quickly drew his sword and stood ready. When the Manticore sent himself towards the tree, Noah was ready to protect everyone, but Kelica acted first. She shoved Timothy out the way, then roots coiled around him at a flick of her wrist yanking him back leaving Kelica at the suspense of the Manticore. Kelica watch out!  He yelled as he was pulled back. He watched as the Manticore dug its claws into her shoulders, and Kelica didn't even scream. Noah cut his way out the roots and attempted to rush and save Kelica, but before he could, she spat the rainbow liquid in the Manticore's face. Noah stood close by and watched as the manticore slowly became woozy and passed out right next to her. Kelica busted out laughing, causing Noah to chuckle along with her. The girl had to be laughing out of pure adrenaline and happiness, because her shoulders were still bleeding, and she acted as if it wasn't even damaged. Kelica you are something else. Let's fix you up so we can help this drunken manticore. He chuckled out his mouth. 

Noah took of his suit jacket and ripped off his shirt. He knelled down and used the shirt to wipe up most of the blood on her shoulders. He then uses a partial Valefor take over, and places ice over her wound. Once Sora wakes up we can get her to heal you up, but for now you should be good. Now shall you continue your actions with Drunken manticore?? 
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Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ




A gentle smile tugged at Aria's lips as she watched Niur hug the smaller perturbed child. It was a nice gesture to say the least and it was small actions like those that gave humanity the fighting chance it needed against whatever may come in the future. There was still good in the world; still a light burning ever so brightly within the hearts of many of the mages whom walked upon Earthland. Everything going on seemed to be taken care of, the naked bodies were slowly being covered up and as they did, Aria made the smallest notion with her finger to snuff out the lights shining brightly around them. " I'm not entirely sure how to get your family back, Verdana. I understand your pain and anguish as I've experienced much loss myself but family is ever growing. As long as you surround yourself with caring people such as Niur here, you'll never be without a family to call your own. " Aria took a step back as she spoke, removing herself from the situation.


Her gaze lowered ever so slowly though as the trouble maker loomed into view, sliding across the floor like a worm of some sort. A swift movement found her hovered over him, hair draping around him like a curtain of sorts, face inches from his though in a reverse manner. " I suppose I don't need to bring you down since you're already on the ground but next time you're sick, stay in bed. If not, I will restrain you myself, do you understand? You will also dedicate an hour a day to learning how to control your magic more, bright and early. I don't need a recurrence of this happening to the citizens here and I'm pretty sure the next time you do that within the guild hall... well, I won't get a chance to even scold you. Sera over there looks like she might eat you up and I might just let her. " Aria flashed him a bright toothy smile, eyes narrowing in the slightest as she straightened back up and returned her attention to the hot chocolate on the table. Her ears twitched a bit, still tingling from the residing feelings of the fingers that had been touching them.


" You may go, Mitsuki. Oh, I'll also be punishing you by making you tidy up my office. Don't get any weird ideas though. " She muttered into the cup, frowning as she realized that the hot chocolate had gone cold. A pout slowly formed on her face, ears drooping to the side to resemble what a defeated and wet cat might look like. The cup was put down then, fingers idling upon it before she let it go completely with a sigh, not wanting to go through the trouble of obtaining more at this point. Instead she turned her much less distracted attention towards another individual whom had remained rather quiet during the whole spectacle, besides looking out for Kelica. That seemed like a chore in itself but it was amusing to see just how like siblings they all acted in terms of behavior. " Ryu, you seem extremely observant. Would you mind updating me on a few things? " She appeared next to him and reached out to pluck the scythe up and out of the ground, eyes locking onto his as the weapon disappeared and was replaced with the black key once more. " I'd like to know a bit more about how things work around here now. I'm rather new to this whole thing and don't want to mess it up. " Aria's tone had dropped to a whisper as she quickly averted her gaze that she feared had remained upon his face for too long. It wouldn't be good if she came off as creepy now that she was becoming acquainted with everyone. Though it was difficult not to stare at him, like Maya's hair, she was finding herself extremely fond of the samurai in general. He was extremely pleasant to look at and let off an aura that was captivating in itself. 



Abaddon's hands dropped to his sides in a calm yet displeased manner. " What fun is talking? Physical contact is so.... pleasant. " He murmured, getting closer to the boy with each word that tumbled off of his lips; lips that were tugged into a sinister smile. He disappeared and popped up behind Bel, leaning in extremely close as he exhaled strongly enough to send strands of Bel's hair flurrying about. " You smell rather... appetizing. Like a forbidden fruit. " He ran a hand through his jet black hair, fingers twisting and entangling within the strands. His free hand rose as if he was about to grab Bel but he flicked him on the cheek instead and let out a creepy ' boo ' that would be sure to send more chills down Bel's spine before vanishing completely. " I'm watching you... " The words that were spoken were all that were left of his previous appearance as a grim reminder to him. 


Clair Fernandez

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Magnolia , Fairytail Guild hall

Status update ? "I've had enough bull shit for today !"


Clair hadn't expected Timothy to buy her a gift let alone a sword , they had only met less than two hours ago yet here he was handing her what seemed to be some sort of decorative sword. A short sword to be exact. Heck if Sora and he hadn't of continued talking Clair would have been left speechless ! However as I said the two did continue and as a result of Timothy's questioning Clair was in stitches laughing. This scene couldn't have gotten any funnier even if Clair herself had intervened.

Sadly the funniness of the scene quickly came to an end when Sora decided to call Clair out , oh yes this short sentence brought Clair's laughter to a halt in a mater of seconds. It was one thing to call her lazy but it was another to call her fat. However the small chested girl continued to add fuel to the fire by using Clair's chest as a punching bag while explaining to Timothy just what boobs were. In all the years Clair had known her partner , she had never gone this far. It was almost as if the small , flat chested , girl was challenging Clair to a bitch off. But then again that would only end badly for both parties.

Therefore Clair had to just swallow her pride and store the gift within the remaining space of her pocket dimension before swiftly and silently following on behind Sora.

Admittedly it wasn't long until the group arrived at the hall and admittedly it wasn't long before Clair realised the severity of the situation before her. Two of the injured were civilians and the third was Chris just how did this happen ? who could have possibly done such a terrible thing ? Not only that but Chris was strong , maybe one of the strongest the guild had to offer. If he was damaged this much along with civilians then whomever did this was truly nothing short of a monster.

Surely enough it didn't take Clair anything more than a slight pivot of the head to find one standing at the opposite side of the hall. Aria Forsyth , the one and only Aria Forsyth. It had been an entire two years since the last time the two had met , so why now and why like this ?

In Clair's mind there was only one solution , Aria had been the one to cause this. If not she had surely had some part in it , destruction and madness followed this old hag like a shadow.

Clair ensured Sora had things under control before turning to address the Hag , Clair's magic hanging heavy in the stagnant air that engulfed the hall. "Aria , You've been here less than a day and already two civilians have fallen victim to your presence. You don't belong here , You never have and never will. So either you and your little fuck boi of a key leave this instant or I myself will kick you out , even at the cost of my life."

@Kyuubey @Jackaboi @Zareh @everyone in the guild hall ( @Isune mentioned)

Miyamoto Ryu (Artist's Brush; Shadow; Molten).png

Fairy Tail Guild Hall



Ryu continued to watch as Aria and Niur continued their attempts to console Verdana. Despite their best efforts, it seemed that the small moth girl was quite adamant in her quest to avenge what she perceived to be the murder of her family. The two sides had reached an impasse and eventually Verdana ended up fleeing, leaving Niur with some parting words about friendship and gifts or something (Ryu couldn't quite make out what she said since she had moved even further away from him).  He let out a sigh, his shoulders relaxing as the tension left his body. The events that had just transpired could have turned out much worse. In fact, they probably would have taken a much more grim turn had Aria not been there to help Niur talk the girl down. Ryu couldn't  help but smile as Aria reprimanded Mitsuki, her stern side showing. He looked over at the group that had just walked into the guild hall. Chris stated that they had three wounded and a manticore, and that they needed healers. Seeing as Ryu wasn't a healer and had no knowledge of mythical beasts, he decided to keep his distance. If he tried to help, he would more than likely just end up being a liability. He turned to face Aria again after a few seconds. He listened silently as she asked him what the usual workings of the guild were. Although he didn't think that he was the best person to be giving such an explanation, but he was still willing to do the best he could. He was about to respond to Aria's questions, when Clair suddenly stormed over to where he and Aria were standing. She started going on a tirade about how everything that had gone wrong, specifically the civilians who had been injured by the manticore, was all Aria's fault. Ryu's anger immediately flared up. "How dare you" He said sharply, stepping between Aria and Clair. "You come into the hall, take a cursory glance around, and immediately blame Ari for something she had nothing do do with? I don't know what history you two have, and frankly I don't care, but I can guarantee you Ari had nothing to do with the injuries that were sustained by those two civilians."

@Solemn Jester @Jackaboi @Zareh @Isune @Embaga Elder @Britt-21 @Spanner @Bolts @purplepanda288 @Happy Red Mage


[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Rosaline Dreyar[/COLOR]

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

Rosaline had her arms wrapped tightly around her younger brother with enough force to send most people, men and women alike, to have their heads simply pop off. Honestly she was normally more careful then this but she had been rough housing her younger brother ever since they were little and if she hadn't killed him thus far, so he must have been a strapping enough lad, right? Lady Laxus dropped him roughly to his feet before spinning the boy around and facing her, a grin from ear to ear that was completely genuine in just how happy the girl was. "I had no idea you popping into Baslam Village, at first I was worried that something had happened to our parents for you to make the journey... but then I remembered, Dreyar! What a silly idea in the first place. I could interrogate you as to why you are here, but frankly I don't care! It is good to see you!" Slamming her hands onto his shoulders with enough force to wobble his knees if he didn't brace himself. "How many years has it been? 2? 3?? No matter.. I'm sure you've kept yourself busy over at that Fairytail Guild..." As much as she was being offhanded about it, Rosaline actually kept up with everything her younger brother had been doing, knowing for a fact it had been 5 years not 2 or 3, and furthermore he as a S-rank by now. But she didn't want to ever worry him or annoy him so she tried to seem like it was no big deal. She straightened herself upright before a hearty chuckle escaped, for the most part completely forgetting Kazuo was there by her.

"I think you've grown a bit!" Putting her hand above his head and ruffling his hair a fraction. "How old were you when I left? 10? 11?" Again she vastly exaggerated the age just to try and work a reaction out of him. For him to, she would have 'grown' a fraction as well. Half in her overall height but mostly in other assets of which he happened to be right face first into. "You know what, this conversation isn't half an interesting without Ale and I know a very good Dwarf that seems to have a limitless supply of Ale... so..." At this the girl without warning dropped down and shoulder charged the boy effectively throwing him up and onto her shoulder as she stood tall and without even half breaking a sweat, she turned and started to walk back towards the Guild. "Come on Kazuo, don't be dwindling." She finally called out acknowledging his existence but not slowing down any and forcing him to jog to try and catch up with her long legged pace.

In no time (at least it felt like it to her) the girl came to the Guild Hall and threw her hand out to slam the door wide, hearing those constantly damaged hinges creak as they did, with Hibiki still draped over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. It seemed like Déjà vu because only a few hours ago she had done this very thing with Dorian. The difference being when she walked over to the Dwarf's table she actually crouched and placed Hibiki on his feet rather then slamming his back into the table like she had the sleepy archer.

It was here the girl sniffed a few times as she licked her lips tasting a weird sensation in the air. Her eyes narrowing to thin slits as she gazed around the room and her voice echoed out in it's normal loud and overbearing bellow that flew to every single corner of the Guild Hall, including the kitchen and back area.

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]"ALRIGHT! SOMEONE HERE USED MAGIC! I want an explanation to WHO and WHY in the next 5 seconds!!"[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]"5!..........[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]4!..........[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]3!........."[/COLOR]

@LeSoraAmari @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser @Halffix @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Solemn Jester
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Just now, Zuka said:

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Rosaline Dreyar[/COLOR]

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

Rosaline had her arms wrapped tightly around her younger brother with enough force to send most people, men and women alike, to have their heads simply pop off. Honestly she was normally more careful then this but she had been rough housing her younger brother ever since they were little and if she hadn't killed him thus far, so he must have been a strapping enough lad, right? Lady Laxus dropped him roughly to his feet before spinning the boy around and facing her, a grin from ear to ear that was completely genuine in just how happy the girl was. "I had no idea you popping into Baslam Village, at first I was worried that something had happened to our parents for you to make the journey... but then I remembered, Dreyar! What a silly idea in the first place. I could interrogate you as to why you are here, but frankly I don't care! It is good to see you!" Slamming her hands onto his shoulders with enough force to wobble his knees if he didn't brace himself. "How many years has it been? 2? 3?? No matter.. I'm sure you've kept yourself busy over at that Fairytail Guild..." As much as she was being offhanded about it, Rosaline actually kept up with everything her younger brother had been doing, knowing for a fact it had been 5 years not 2 or 3, and furthermore he as a S-rank by now. But she didn't want to ever worry him or annoy him so she tried to seem like it was no big deal. She straightened herself upright before a hearty chuckle escaped, for the most part completely forgetting Kazuo was there by her.

"I think you've grown a bit!" Putting her hand above his head and ruffling his hair a fraction. "How old were you when I left? 10? 11?" Again she vastly exaggerated the age just to try and work a reaction out of him. For him to, she would have 'grown' a fraction as well. Half in her overall height but mostly in other assets of which he happened to be right face first into. "You know what, this conversation isn't half an interesting without Ale and I know a very good Dwarf that seems to have a limitless supply of Ale... so..." At this the girl without warning dropped down and shoulder charged the boy effectively throwing him up and onto her shoulder as she stood tall and without even half breaking a sweat, she turned and started to walk back towards the Guild. "Come on Kazuo, don't be dwindling." She finally called out acknowledging his existence but not slowing down any and forcing him to jog to try and catch up with her long legged pace.

In no time (at least it felt like it to her) the girl came to the Guild Hall and threw her hand out to slam the door wide, hearing those constantly damaged hinges creak as they did, with Hibiki still draped over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. It seemed like Déjà vu because only a few hours ago she had done this very thing with Dorian. The difference being when she walked over to the Dwarf's table she actually crouched and placed Hibiki on his feet rather then slamming his back into the table like she had the sleepy archer.

It was here the girl sniffed a few times as she licked her lips tasting a weird sensation in the air. Her eyes narrowing to thin slits as she gazed around the room and her voice echoed out in it's normal loud and overbearing bellow that flew to every single corner of the Guild Hall, including the kitchen and back area.

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]"ALRIGHT! SOMEONE HERE USED MAGIC! I want an explain to WHO and WHY in the next 5 seconds!!"[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]"5!..........[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]4!..........[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]3!........."[/COLOR]

@LeSoraAmari @Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser @Halffix @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Solemn Jester


The then thin Kirin walked up to Rosealine, and not hiding the fact she only had a single arm. She commented, "Me and Yamato were fighting to see who was the strongest of Blue Pegasus. I won the fight by giving him way to much to deal with in a slight amount of time. Another second more and I would have been face first in the dirt. We've been duking it out for the last half an hour and I'm sore all over..." Kirin gave off a weak, nervous smile as steam seemed to come out of her. She then remembered just who she was talking to and said, "My arm will grow back in a few days! I just... store magical energy in my fat. I'm going to look as everyone says.." She lifted up two fingers, arcing them to emphasize her point, "Normal for the next week or two. Guess I gotta be a bit more careful when the Grand Magic Games come around in a few months..."


Miles Redd

The kiss didn't last for long, but to Miles it felt like forever. He held Katherine tight in his one arm as the kissed. His aura reacted to his feelings and became warmer and excited. When Katherine pulled back Miles opened his eye revealing its red glow. He smiled and rubbed her red cheeks. You're welcome Kathy. His eyes faded back to his normal amber color and his aura calmed down once again. He continued to hold Katherine in his arm as she moved back to the distance she was at before. He chuckled at her comment knowing  well enough that she was serious. He's been gone for some time now so she had no reason to lie about pulling him to a corner. So he stood up standing over her and placed his hand out for her to hold. Lets go get some food. Once Katherine takes Miles hand, he leads them out the guild hall and out into town. On their way to the restaurant they passed a flower stand. He stopped and looked at Katherine smiling a bit. He reached into his pocket and pulled out cash buying a bouquet of flowers.  He resented them to Kathy and said. Here for you. with a light smile. He kissed her on her forehead, and continued leading them on their way to the restaurant. Once there Miles looks at Katherine. Inside or out??

Noah Cross

Noah wiped Kelica's teary eyes as she looked at him. You're welcome Kelica. He gave her a soft smile then turned his head to a newcomer. This guy looked familiar, Noah new he seen him from somewhere, but from where is the question. He scanned the young boy as he offered Kelica a bottle containing rainbow liquid. The boy explained it as a soothing potion, and also how to use it. Whoever this kid was he had some good timing. But just as they received something good, something bad happened as well. Once he heard the ferocious roar of the manticore, his head snapped towards it.  The Manticore was crouched down on the table with his tail swinging back and forth. Noah quickly drew his sword and stood ready. When the Manticore sent himself towards the tree, Noah was ready to protect everyone, but Kelica acted first. She shoved Timothy out the way, then roots coiled around him at a flick of her wrist yanking him back leaving Kelica at the suspense of the Manticore. Kelica watch out!  He yelled as he was pulled back. He watched as the Manticore dug its claws into her shoulders, and Kelica didn't even scream. Noah cut his way out the roots and attempted to rush and save Kelica, but before he could, she spat the rainbow liquid in the Manticore's face. Noah stood close by and watched as the manticore slowly became woozy and passed out right next to her. Kelica busted out laughing, causing Noah to chuckle along with her. The girl had to be laughing out of pure adrenaline and happiness, because her shoulders were still bleeding, and she acted as if it wasn't even damaged. Kelica you are something else. Let's fix you up so we can help this drunken manticore. He chuckled out his mouth. 

Noah took of his suit jacket and ripped off his shirt. He knelled down and used the shirt to wipe up most of the blood on her shoulders. He then uses a partial Valefor take over, and places ice over her wound. Once Sora wakes up we can get her to heal you up, but for now you should be good. Now shall you continue your actions with Drunken manticore?? 

Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall

The Forest Mage still had her emerald gaze locked down to the Manticore that was awake but, well drunk I guess was the best explanation for it. She did feel a trickle of something warm drip from her shoulders from a few scratch marks as the Beast had pinned her down against the floorboards but Kelica was so happy to have been of some use she didn't even feel a thing. She stayed knelt against the ground watching the rhythmic rise and fall of the Beast's chest telling her it was awake but relaxed, a soft weird rumble not unlike a kitten purr escaping as its tail (or at least what was left) was twitching side to side. 

Kelica still had that beautiful and genuine smile crossed her face.  As the Manticore laid, with its tongue dangling out, she noted it had some teeth chipped along with the severed tail. Her face fell a fraction as she realized she'd have to get her hand into the creatures mouth to fix those teeth. Even Kelica, the girl who loved her animals, was more then a little hesitant to stick her arm into the Beast that had almost just tried to nom her face off. She stopped her musing when she heard Noah mention about fixing her up, to which her gaze turned to face him then. "That is really not necessary I've had wor-"

Of course the words practical lodged in her throat when he had peeled off his jacket as her eyes widened an exponential amount as he torn off his shirt, with one hand one might add. Every time she went to use words, they got lost from the short distance from her voice box to her mouth, and her cheeks looked about as flaming as Ryu's Fire magic. 

Why was he shirtless?...

He crouched down before her which only brought that naked upper half closer to her body and try as she might to look up to his face the best she got was the top of his shoulders. Well, she certainly knew how Sera felt earlier, though Kelica’s reaction was far different to Sera's full on chest press feast. She'd been so focused on not focusing but failing, and focusing 100% on his naked upper body, she didn't realise he'd cleaned up her shoulders and even put ice on them till a shiver worked across her entire frame. After all the girl only had a now bloody and dirty tablecloth so it made sense she was starting to get cold. And certain bra-less assets were starting to show just how cold she was getting.

Kelica finally snapped out of her totallynotstaringatNoah'sbarechest gaze as he mentioned Sora and she finally looked up to him a warm with a smile, though her stupid cheeks refused to loose the equally stupid blush. "Well... I can heal myself you know... it will just hurt... but if I just had something to cling to I'm sure I'd be fine. Pains only temporary after all...." 

At this she turned her head to gaze around looking out for Timothy where ever she had shoved him to. "T...Timothy? You ok? I'm sorry I pushed you so hard... I hope I didn't hurt you... I didn't mean to but I didn't want you to get hurt, and it was the only way I could think of at the time..."

@Zareh @Mitchs98 @Rhodus @Kyuubey 
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Talon held up his hands and took a step back. "Nah thats ok I'm good!" He said hurriedly. "Umm ya its cool, ummm so huh whatcha up to?" He asked, quickly trying to change the topic. He didn't exactly feel like getting fisted at the moment. "So are you gonna try to be a member soon?"

"Well I am currently drinking something healthy..." Akane answered, lifting up her mug for him to see. "And yes, I am gonna try to be a member, in fact, I am awaiting sir Valken to come back and test me." She explained. "Oh, you must be tired, why don't you take a seat?" She said, gesturing to the seat across her and setting down her mug after a long drink out of it.


Miles Redd

The kiss didn't last for long, but to Miles it felt like forever. He held Katherine tight in his one arm as the kissed. His aura reacted to his feelings and became warmer and excited. When Katherine pulled back Miles opened his eye revealing its red glow. He smiled and rubbed her red cheeks. You're welcome Kathy. His eyes faded back to his normal amber color and his aura calmed down once again. He continued to hold Katherine in his arm as she moved back to the distance she was at before. He chuckled at her comment knowing  well enough that she was serious. He's been gone for some time now so she had no reason to lie about pulling him to a corner. So he stood up standing over her and placed his hand out for her to hold. Lets go get some food. Once Katherine takes Miles hand, he leads them out the guild hall and out into town. On their way to the restaurant they passed a flower stand. He stopped and looked at Katherine smiling a bit. He reached into his pocket and pulled out cash buying a bouquet of flowers.  He resented them to Kathy and said. Here for you. with a light smile. He kissed her on her forehead, and continued leading them on their way to the restaurant. Once there Miles looks at Katherine. Inside or out??



Katherine had noticed his glowing eyes and she felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach. That was so sexy for him... Glowing red eyes... Ugh how she wished to see them again. She took his hand and followed him, pulling her hood up with her one hand and whistling for Lionel to come with (Her dragon) and being a good dragon, he brought her staff and her lantern. For a small dragon, he had strength to carry her items. Before she kenw it, they were outside where the cold brushed up against her exposed skin and Kathy moved a little closer to Miles. And for some odd reason a flower stand was still up and open. Then again the cold might have perserved the flowers...or rather froze them... Either way Miles got her a bunch of them and handed her the whole bouquet. Lifting her hand, she took them "Thanks..." she wasnt a huge flower girl because flowers tended to die faster but since Miles gave them to her, she'd try to keep them alive for as long as she could.


"Inside... It's too cold to be out here..." she looked up at him. EVen though Kathy knew that he was probably being nervous, she was trying to be as not-so-mean as possible. But the more she thought about it, was he really that nervous? Either way, Kathy dragged him inside the restaurant and got a table for two before being escorted to a corner booth which looked like it was away from everyone. Which it was. Plus they were able to sit close if they wanted to. Which Kathy was gonna do and just be close to Miles enough to be warm and be within his grasp. Even if the two were a thing now, she still acted as they did before. Always being by eachother's side, sleeping or having her drink while he was lazying around on the couch with his head in her lap. The waitor dropped the menus onto the table and vanished. The mage moved into the booth towards the middle of it and put the flowers on the side of her while Lionel went under the table by her feet. "I like that we have this corner all to ourselves..." plus it was comfortable and very roomy!


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"Well I am currently drinking something healthy..." Akane answered, lifting up her mug for him to see. "And yes, I am gonna try to be a member, in fact, I am awaiting sir Valken to come back and test me." She explained. "Oh, you must be tired, why don't you take a seat?" She said, gesturing to the seat across her and setting down her mug after a long drink out of it.

Talon blinked and nodded once before sitting down across from her. He started playing with a small fire ball, tossing it back and forth and making it look like different things. A monkey, a burger, cow, a tree, things like that. He leaned back in his chair and sighed. "So bored…" He sighed and sagged down like jello.

Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail GH


Aria stood quietly and observed everything going on once both her and Ryu's attention had been diverted towards it. Clair was screaming at her per usual and some of the guild members had returned from what looked like a rather dangerous mission. Kelica was quite impressive as she took charge and tended to the beast whom was extremely livid. The others helped where they could and the teamwork they all shared was uncanny, unmatched even. Though they could argue and fight, be at one another's throats at times, they did work well when the moment arose. The blue haired slayer known as Sora had her own perilous thoughts swimming in her head, that much was obvious, but Aria commended her strength to push past it and heal the wounded scattered about. Quite a few instances popped up where Aria dared to step in but then they managed to settle it on their own, so she stood deathly still, ready to pounce if needed. A non-human boy seemed to step in and help as well, pulling out some sort of potion and Aria was quite curious until she saw it in action. The results amused her greatly and she made a mental note to obtain a potion like that, simply just for the fact of having it.


Her lithe arms dropped to her sides, key being held casually between two fingers almost as if magnetized there. The guildhall went from filled with the scent of blood and tension to having laughter bubble about from the forest mage which definitely helped clear out the bad emotion that had been nestling quite snugly in every corner. It wasn't as if Aria didn't want to end all of this on her own but if they were to grow and become stronger they needed to handle all of this together as she knew they were fully capable of doing. Clair was ignored for now, those words only being jabbing remarks that would do nothing but turn this now calm situation into a chaotic one. A soft sigh pushed past her pursed lips, steps falling audibly as she appeared in front of Kelica, leaning down to be eye level with her.


" Kelica.. " Her tone was soothing, entrancing even. " You did an amazing job. Focus on my ears .. " She murmured as her hands reached forward to grasp hers, lifting them up towards her ears to place them there so the girl may touch and play with them. Her own hands dropped to slide down to Kelica's shoulder, brushing past the girls skin to envelop it in a warm light. The warmth itself spread down the girl's arms and possibly along her spine as the light magic tended to travel downwards like water being bathed upon someone. " Good job. " That same hand rose to the girl's head while she praised her, rubbing it gently as her blonde strands went splaying about. " Exceptional job to all of you, you all handled everything wonderfully. The hurt have been treated, the beast is sedated, and you're all okay which is the most important thing. " Aria's voice echoed out into the halls in a pleasant tone before her gaze dropped to fixate on the raging red head; Clair.




" Now Clair, as much as I love your accusations, I can honestly say this wasn't my doing. If you wish to pin it on me for your own sense of 'comfort' feel free to do so. I do have some wonderful news for you though! " Aria peeled herself away from Kelica so that she could stand inches from Clair, hips swaying tauntingly as she approached her. " I'm your new guild master, nya! " Her face contorted to an extremely cute one, hands mimicking paws as they rose to shoulder level, body beginning to dance around " Abby come say hello to Clair, I think she missed you. " Aria's hands dropped as the demon appeared next to her, black hair hanging idly as he bowed deeply, coming back up to look at her with a sinister grin.




" Ms. Fernandes, are you still sour over our last meeting? It was just one night and you tasted quite exquisite, but I'm not really into women. " A frown befell his features as if he was actually sorry before it turned ultimately wicked, washing any sincerity away. Aria's gaze slid to the side and she shrugged as if to say it wasn't her doing.



" I hope we can get along, Clair. I would rather protect you than fight you since you're in my care, but I will allow you to try to kick me out of this guild hall once. You'll have one shot before I fight back and we both know how one sided that's going to be. " Aria's lips showed no sign of curving into a smile but her tone remained genuine. Fighting Clair wasn't at the top of her list but as they stared at one another it was as if sparks were flying between the two. Aria knew if they were to fight, destruction would follow in its wake as they were both powerful enough to level cities as if they were knocking over a doll house with a mere kick. " In the Christmas spirit, I say we put our differences aside. " She hoped that statement would be enough to calm Clair into at least backing down for the moment. 


Her body shifted to the side then, turning to face the rest of the people in the guild hall, a sleepy smile now have drifted onto her features. " Tomorrow is a wonderful day to be celebrated and I'm so happy I get to be here with you all. Get some rest soon though, night has fallen. The manticore can be taken care of by... Chris, since you're a beast user. Kelica as well since she's good with animals of all sorts. I would recommend getting that beast soul as it's certainly a strong one. See you all bright and early... and the tree is beautiful! Lovely star... " Aria let out a long drawn out yawn, fingers fumbling to her reach her mouth in time to suppress it before her attire dropped to the floor and she disappeared. A small baby fox nuzzled its way out of the heap of clothes and curled up atop of it. The only difference between a regular fox and herself was that she had seven small tails that embraced her small body to keep her warm. Little did she know that this transformation was a bad idea in the presence of a certain crazed animal lover but she was tired and this was comfortable. 


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[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Kelica's eyes stayed true to the creature before her though her ears were still listening around the Guild Hall. She mostly tuned out to everything and everyone around her however her mind was becoming blank and that weird darkness was starting to cloud her every thought. It was hard to describe really, Kelica was as much in tune with emotions as she was with physical movements. Her eyes did flutter upwards as she spotted the man who had walked in with the Beast and laid him down along the table, though he was holding him down which at first her eyes narrowed in a slightly frustrated manner but then they soon eased. This beast was easily far bigger, far stronger and far more dangerous judging by the damage it left on Chris and the others then any normal creature she had tried to helped. She ducked in under Tyson's frame (sometimes being the shorter one wasn't so bad after all) and she let her fingers brush into the very tip of his head near The Beast's mane. Her fingers slowly started to travel down the length of the creatures mane and over the middle of his back, brushing against his shoulder and middle with a sure but not aggressive touch. In a similar way to how one approaches a horse without spooking it.

Her emerald eyes kept gazing up towards his face and the blank expression it wore, plus this overwhelming darkness and... soullessness it possessed. It didn't even speak to her. She leaned in a fraction to whisper into the creatures ear, but whatever she said the Manticore suddenly growled deep in it's throat letting out a huge, angry tone. In reflex the girl yanked her head back from his ear her eyes huge, and thankfully whoever the red haired guy was was there helping to restrain it. Though something started to dawn on her though she never let her emerald eyes drift from his face. Her voice grew slightly louder. "These Beasts only ever hunt in pairs, and they Mate for life. Where is his Ma-" Her sentence was cut off as she heard Clair yelling, then finally she broke her gaze from the Manticore to peer over to Chris running over with a rushed explanation and .... was that Sora in his hands?! And if that wasn't weird enough she glanced to the side to see Tyson had knelt down with his head bowed. He looked better, they all did, even as Chris ran she noticed his shoulder was healed now so it must have been Sora that fixed them all while she was connecting with the Beast!

That was when the huge man beside her had asked to end his life and Kelica looked completely stunned as her face paled significantly. Who would say something like that? Did they not realize how precious life was? She was going to say something to that effect with the huge commotion in the air, the yelling, the tenseness and really the Guild Hall was not big enough for a creature like it caused the Beast to start to stir. The Manticore started to snarl a little as it's tail flicked around in an angry manner and Kelica spun back around to face it with her hands half held out in a defensive tone. "E...easy boy! You don't wanna talk to me... I get that... but... where is your Mate? Is she out there? Is that why you attacked?" Even as she said all this, the words were only making the creature more agitated. Kelica knew he would snap at any stage now and the Forest Mage was getting more antsy by the second.

"EVERYBODY PLEASE CALM DOWN! IF YOU WISH TO GO YELL OR FIGHT DO SO OUTSIDE! Otherwise everyone needs to back up a pace or two!" She yelled out in a strangely authoritative tone for her. This creature literally had nothing else left to loose and Kelica was well aware of a creature at the end of it's rope and what it might be capable of. It was starting to sit up on the table now and it didn't look much to happy. "Shhh shh shh it's okay, you're hurt yes? I can't heal you unless you hold still..." Though even as she said this she paled even more. This creature was already not listening to a word she was saying, it was grieving far too much as it was. It was starting to dawn on her the darkness clouding it's mind, and it's whole posture must have had something to do with it's Mate in the first place. The real question was, how was she supposed to use her heals on this creature even if she could get close enough to it? Her heals hurt.... there was no way this creature would lie still enough for her to use her magic... And she wasn't even sure she wanted to put it through anymore more pain then it already was. Kelica felt her heart tensing, what should she do?

@Solemn Jester @Embaga Elder @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @Zareh @Isune @Britt-21 @Mitchs98 @Happy Red Mage @Rhodus

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage was completely conflicted. It seemed that no matter what she did the beast wouldn't calm down and she had tears starting to pool in the corners of her eyes. She had done so much training up till this point, and when it came time to actually put into practice her powers she felt like she was failing again. The guilt and self doubt was starting to flood her face and frame as her hands shook, still half held out towards the beast. If it suddenly turned and charged everyone, someone would have to put it down, and all because she couldn't seem to get through to it. She tried to connect with it's mind but all she was met with was a black void, not unlike that silly black void that she had been trapped in months ago... the one she had been trapped in for a year before the void had spat her out onto the tracks of a oncoming train.

The same train Noah had appeared with a thunder clap and snatched her out of the way. How ironic that he had appeared when she had needed him to the most.

Almost right on cue, as the girl's heart was starting to tense up further to the point she had almost stopped breathing completely, she heard Noah voice echo close to her and she half turned her head to look up to him as she did. He didn't seem to care about her warning and was right by her side like he always was when she desperately need him. She had a soft smile flood her face as she peered up to his golden eyes, though the tears still held in the corners of her own in her worry and self doubt. "...I...I'll try. Thank you Noah..." She whispered softly as she held his gaze for a moment longer, almost upset she had to break it away in the first place.

Kelica's attention was drawn as she felt a hand tapping at her shoulder and she swiveled more to face whoever that was, letting her guard down as she did. It was only as she turned she looked to the boy before her as her eyes traveled over his face. She recognized him from somewhere but where-? He wanted to help and rifled through his backpack before offering up a bottle with some rainbow liquid in it. His hands were shaking so bad, almost as bad as hers were! [COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]"How did you know about my heals?" [/COLOR]She whispered softly even as she tried to put a name to the face. It was only as he kept talking did it start to dawn on her... this was the boy who had run up at Grimoire Heart! He had been moved by her words and desperately wanted to help back then! Though he had offered himself up to try and stop Ryu's Sun. Of course Kelica had refused, she couldn't handle anything taking away it's life no matter for the Greater Good. Life was too precious to her!

She understood animals and people died, that was a fact of nature she could never avoid. Creatures killed each other for food or for survival. What Kelica couldn't understand was someone throwing away the most treasured thing when there was always another option. There was always a way to fix everything if you just believed. She honestly assumed that. As she reached out the shaking in her hands slowed down then stopped, fingers clasped around the bottle before she gave one of her huge, beautiful smiles. "Thank you..." What was his name? What was it?

Obviously what ever attitude the Manticore was in suddenly snapped, he'd had just about all he could take of this area, and he wanted to be gone, to be with his dead Mate even if it meant staying by her side till he to perished. He didn't care, but he didn't want to be here anymore. He let out a huge ferocious roar that shook the room a fraction which made Kelica instantly swivel around just in-time to watch it crouch down on the table with it's severed tail swishing a blur behind it. In barely a second it had thrown itself straight at the three. Even if she couldn't use her training consciously yet, she'd had enough training between all her Master's for it to click into subconsciously. "GET OUT TIMOTHY!" She screamed in that moment like his name kicked in finally with the adrenaline, shoving him away none to gently to move him out of harm's way. Her wrist flicked as roots burst straight up through the floor boards and coiled around Noah's frame effectively reefing him completely off his feet and yanking him backwards. She bit into the cork of the rainbow bottle and spat it away before she thrust the rainbow liquid into her mouth as if she herself was drinking it.

The beast lunged at her making the girl wince as she was slammed into the ground on her back with it's huge claws digging into her shoulders a fraction, making blood start to seep through it's paws gently. But apart from wincing the girl didn't even cry out. It bared it's teeth aggressively before it leaned right into as if to bite right down onto her face. That was when it was apparent why Kelica didn't make a noise, she opened her lips and spat the rainbow liquid right up into the Beast's face and mouth, For a couple of seconds she stared up to the Beast with emerald eyes wide, hoping to Mavis the liquid did what Timothy said it did, before she watched the creature's eyes start to glaze over. And then, as quickly as this all transpired, the Creature's eyes became dull almost woozy and it suddenly fell beside her with an almost drunken expression over it's face. Kelica sat up as she peered down to it, then laughed.

It might have been odd, but Kelica had adrenaline coursing through her veins and her laugh was as much happiness as relief.

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Isune @Mr Swiftshots @Rhodus @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @Britt-21

Fairy Tail Guild Hall



Ryu continued to watch as Aria and Niur continued their attempts to console Verdana. Despite their best efforts, it seemed that the small moth girl was quite adamant in her quest to avenge what she perceived to be the murder of her family. The two sides had reached an impasse and eventually Verdana ended up fleeing, leaving Niur with some parting words about friendship and gifts or something (Ryu couldn't quite make out what she said since she had moved even further away from him).  He let out a sigh, his shoulders relaxing as the tension left his body. The events that had just transpired could have turned out much worse. In fact, they probably would have taken a much more grim turn had Aria not been there to help Niur talk the girl down. Ryu couldn't  help but smile as Aria reprimanded Mitsuki, her stern side showing. He looked over at the group that had just walked into the guild hall. Chris stated that they had three wounded and a manticore, and that they needed healers. Seeing as Ryu wasn't a healer and had no knowledge of mythical beasts, he decided to keep his distance. If he tried to help, he would more than likely just end up being a liability. He turned to face Aria again after a few seconds. He listened silently as she asked him what the usual workings of the guild were. Although he didn't think that he was the best person to be giving such an explanation, but he was still willing to do the best he could. He was about to respond to Aria's questions, when Clair suddenly stormed over to where he and Aria were standing. She started going on a tirade about how everything that had gone wrong, specifically the civilians who had been injured by the manticore, was all Aria's fault. Ryu's anger immediately flared up. "How dare you" He said sharply, stepping between Aria and Clair. "You come into the hall, take a cursory glance around, and immediately blame Ari for something she had nothing do do with? I don't know what history you two have, and frankly I don't care, but I can guarantee you Ari had nothing to do with the injuries that were sustained by those two civilians."

@Solemn Jester @Jackaboi @Zareh @Isune @Embaga Elder @Britt-21 @Spanner @Bolts @purplepanda288 @Happy Red Mage

Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Fairy Tail Guild hall

Status : Abdon , Abdon , Abdon , Abdon , Abdon , Abdon , Abdon ........

Clair stood firm and unmoving while the guild hall around her slowly became more and more crazed , to be fair it wasn't as though this was the first time a beast got louse inside the walls of the guild. However it was most defiantly the first time on had inflicted damage to civilians while fairy tail was present. Clair couldn't bear the fact that this had happened and was undoubtedly searching for someone to vent upon , blame for this scene , and Aria was the perfect someone.

You see Clair had never really got on with Aria , not that the two hadn't tried to get along no but more so due to the fact that Clair didn't agree with Aria's way of doing things. You see Aria held a demonic key , a key that bounds the holder to a demon and more than likely hell itself. Now many know Clair's family hadn't exactly have the best of histories with demons in fact to this day her grandfather was still considered a villain to many a person because of a demon. Yet here was yet another Saint who made a contract with a demon but this saint was considered , quite literally a saint in nature.

Really it just didn't make sense to Clair and later on in life the two came to know each other better as a result of the council itself. You see when Clair was first given the title of saint Aria was the saint who taught her what was to be expected. This involved both lecturing and a fair bit of sparing , none the less the two were spending unreasonable amounts of time together. Therefore it only made sense the two bonded.

In fact the two had bonded so much than when the time came to part ways both considered each other rivals. Rivals whom sought a different means to an end. Rivals that understood each other but refused to accept one another's power. Quite a weird rivalry but a rivalry none the less , no actually a rivalry that incorporated the Fairy Tail way. Utter madness.

Now that you have a bit of a taste as to why Clair was surprised to see Aria within the guild , you probably want to get back to the action so here we go :

Clair turned her stone gaze to Ryu when he thoroughly insisted on getting between herself and Aria. In fact it wasn't long after getting in the way that he also began spewing out what he deemed to be a good defensive speech , but Clair only heard the phrase 'white knight' being spouted time and time again. Clair had no time for the A class mage , if a battle was to break out between her and Aria , put simply Clair would need all her magical power just to stand a chance against her. But then again that was the Aria from two years ago , maybe now she wouldn't even stand a chance.

Clair's thoughts were all but shattered when Aria finally decided to speak. In fact it was the swaying back and forth that really caught her off guard, you'd think after two years the woman would have grown out of that but obviously not ! This was only the first surprise , the second surprise came and winded her all together. Aria was the new Guild master. The days of 'tipple a' were now but a distant memory and now a new era of torture was on the horizon ! 

To be honest Clair didn't want to believe this and to be fair Clair took quite a few seconds to recover as a result. The fox that stood before her though showed no signs of mercy for the next thing that happened left her both flustered and at a loss for words. Abdon , why did she have to summon Abdon ! Why did he have to bring up his and her 'last meeting'. Had he no pride ! No he didn't he was a demon ! And as per usual Aria just stood their with that stupid 'I didn't do anything' look upon her face.

Clair ,at this stage, just wanted to crawl into a hole and die from embarrassment. The only thing she was grateful for was the fact that Sora was soundly asleep , or in a coma. Either one was good enough for Clair.

As one would expect Clair was all too willing to call off the fight for now and it pained her to admit that Aria would in fact win the fight anyway. This wasn't the end of it though Clair would knock that smile off Aria's face at some pint in the future but before that she'd kill Abdon once and for all.

Clair couldn't raise her brightly lit face to look at Abdon eye to eye but she did manage to stutter out "Your a prick" before taking her leave.

@Jackaboi  @Kyuubey @Spanner @Bolts @Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288 @hudhouse @Happy Red Mage  @Britt-21  @Isune  @Embaga Elder
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Sera just sort of watched at first as Verdana started speaking, seemingly ignoring everything both her and Aria had said and brushing it off by saying she couldn't be friends even if she wanted to. That didn't make any sense to her...until she caught sight of the Grimoire Heart mark on her. She sighed lightly, that explained a lot. She didn't notice the book Niur held or she probably would of figured out a few things, instead she stood up and looked between both Niur and Aria. Neither seemed to be going after her, not that they stood a chance against that speed...unless Aria had supernatural speed too. That left it up to her. "I'll be back!" She told everyone whom was present before running quickly out of the hall in a blur, it would make her need to feed sooner but eh...this was sort of important. It didn't take her long to catch up with Verdana at all, "Verdana wait a minute!" She called out. "I just want to talk don't worry!" She assured her, in-case she thought she was chasing her due to her mark.

@hudhouse@Jackaboi@Kyuubey@Spanner@Bolts@Zuka@Rhodus@Genon@Solemn Jester@purplepanda288@Happy Red Mage@Isune@Embaga Elder

Timothy Harvard: Make like a tree and leaf outta here



Timothy felt a bit of relief when she took up on his offer however as soon as she finished talking, the Manticore suddenly sprung into action as it launched itself towards the trio. Before he could react, the girl said "GET OUT TIMOTHY!" and shoved him to the ground out of the way of the monster. He fell to the ground and stood there motionlessly as he was dead as an act of self defense. Kelica summoned some form of root that dragged the magic guy out of the way. "Oof" he simply said as he watched Kelica subdue the monster so easily. He was impressed by her movements and tactics. "Oh wow, that was amazing..." he said in awe. Kelica came up to him as she seemed concerned "T...Timothy? You ok? I'm sorry I pushed you so hard... I hope I didn't hurt you... I didn't mean to but I didn't want you to get hurt, and it was the only way I could think of at the time..." she said in a worried tone. "Yeah I am alright, so no worries! But what about you two? Are you both ok? Nothing broken?" he asked the tree girl known as Kelica and the magic man known as Noah. "How do you know my name? I don't remember telling anyone did I? I didn't actually expect anyone to remember me." he said with a confused look on his face as he got up, still nervous and anxious of being surrounded by mages. A bit of an inferiority complex stirred within him as he looked at both of them. "What will we do with this guy?" he asked as another unfamiliar face entered. He didn't know why but she seemed inhuman just like him. She appeared to be some kind of fox lady with ears and seven tails from the behind. 'A fox....person?' was all he could think of when she appeared and Timothy was flabbergasted when she was able to heal Kelica so easily.

He continued to look at this person who seemed powerful, he slowly backed away as the intense heat between Clair and her arose dramatically. They each seemed to argue with one another. He speculated that they must have some kind of rivalry or bad past. To make things even more weirder, some kind of man...demon? and finally after Clair decided to leave with anger in her voice. Timothy tried to speak up to her "Clair! Wait! Don't go.....please..." he said in an attempt to call out to her but in the end, she left and just called the man a prick.


[SIZE= 18px]He looked back to the fox lady and sees that she's transformed into....a fox? At this point, Timothy wasn't sure what to do or how to react. However he remembers that he isn't a part of Fairy Tail and slowly backs away with his fingers fumbling behind him. [/SIZE]"I'm sorry...I am not suppose to be here..." [SIZE= 18px]he said as the doubts began to flood again. [/SIZE]"I-I'll take my leave excuse me..." [SIZE= 18px]Timothy felt weak without Sora at his side. He felt defenseless for some reason, he believes it's best to head back for the day. [/SIZE]"Um...it was nice to see you again nice tree lady whose name that I don't know at all...I'm sorry we aren't in the same guild...I'm glad you remembered me...not many people remember." [SIZE= 18px]Timothy said with a bit of regret in his voice as he walks his way towards the door slowly shaking with nervousness and fear as he took with each step. He felt that he couldn't stand up on his own when surrounded by people he believed were superior to him in every way.[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px] "Um...please tell Sora when she wakes up that I'm....at her house." he said as he walks out the door of the guild and back into the glistening night time snow. Just standing there for a moment to admire the view.[/SIZE]

  @Jackaboi  @Kyuubey @Spanner @Bolts @Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288 @hudhouse @Happy Red Mage  @Britt-21  @Isune  @Embaga Elder @Mr Swiftshots @Fairy Tail Guild


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Aiden had laid out a couple of mismatched blankets six feet away from the fire, a few pillows were also thrown into the mix. In the disparity of fabric sat Aiden with low table in front of him, there sat the plate of cookies and his drink. "Come, the fire is delightful." He waved them over, and patted a seat next to him. She asked him what he had done while he was out. " I just went out for a walk, then I talked with some of my spirits one in one. You know the usual." He took a small drink of his chocolate and set it down on the table.


Aiden was dress very casual at this point, just a pair of sweat pants and a plain form fiting shirt. "Ashley I want to talk to you about something." Butterflies bloomed in his stomach. "Well firstly , I'm moving out of your house and joining the BP guild." He paused for a few moments, and held up a finger. He bolted to the couch and carefully grabbed the wrapped gift in his hands. He took in a deep breath." And I got you a gift." He walked to the ice mage and sat down on the blankets, his hands still collapsed over the box. "I didn't really know what to get you for Christmas, I didn't plan ahead like every ones else. But this reminded me of you." He opened the small black box to reveal the gold chain necklace with the green studded ring attached. "It's a communication necklace, so we can talk when ever we want to to each other. Even if we are on completely different side of he continent." 



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