Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC



Noah nodded his head as Kelica poked a hole in both of their ideas. Her reasoning for keeping the manticore here made perfect sense. But when she cried and stormed off, all the other feelings he had quickly faded away as his heart sank. He didn't understand this feeling he had in his body, it was completely new for him. As Noah stood there conflicted with himself, Chris ran over and tried cheering up Kelica. Noah was completely and utterly confused. He didn't understand why he was feeling this way. This wasn't his first time seeing a girl cry, but for some reason seeing Kelica break down broke him. Noah started to walk towards the kitchen but he stopped when he saw her moving. She filled a vase with water, which he guessed it was for the manticore, he turned and looked back at the resting beast. A couple of seconds he noticed Kelica walking over towards the beast, where she checked his heart rate. From what he could tell the beast had a pretty steady heart rate. Noah smiled lightly as Kelica made her way over towards him. 

[SIZE= 16px]The weird feeling in Noah's body went away when Kelica asked to go for a walk with him. Finally, things have calmed down enough for them to actually be alone. Noah smiled and nodded his yeah. Yeah we can go for a walk, and I'll tell you everything I did while away. But before we go... Noah looked at her attire and his realizing neither of them were properly dressed for the cold. We both should probably change. with that being said Noah used transformation magic to change his entire clothing attire. [/SIZE]I'm sure you have a room here in Fairy Tail right? I'll wait here while you change.

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[SIZE= 18px]Chris Lengheart(I understand)[/SIZE]

Chris sighed as Kelica said that she essentially wasn't her dad and that she was too soft. "You're not too soft, and you're not your dad. You're Kelica Zefara, and it's time you recognize that. You will never be your father, you'll never be your mother, but the one thing you will be is you. Strive to be different, not just a carbon copy. While you may not be the same as your parents, and while you may never reach their level, you'll surpass them in ways you could never imagine. Everyone has different response to situations, your response, and you're father's response are two very different things. You have to make something of yourself, copying your parents is not the way. Be who you want. That's honestly all I can say." Chris lectured as he held her by her shoulders, looking her square in the eyes. It hurt Chris to see Kelica think like that, it really did. And right now, it was his job as a friend to try and help her through things like this. This way, she grew stronger. Not physically, not mentally, but emotionally.

A grin somehow found a way onto Chris' face during this entire thing when Kelica reached over and began to rub the back of his ears. It had been so long since he had last felt a loving touch like that. He almost didn't want her to stop. His enjoyment came to an end as Kelica mentioned them not talking as much as they used to. To this, Chris' eyes merely looked down at the floor as he simply shrugged. "Yeah, guess not." Was all he had to say in response to this. As she brought up Noah, Chris couldn't help but joke. "Maybe he came back for you," Chris said while nudging her slightly "I would....you know what I mean.

When Chris was asked to watch over the manticore while Kelica and Noah went out for a walk to catch up, Chris simply nodded as he followed Kelica to fill up a vase. He took it and placed it down next to him when Kelica told him that he was the best friend anyone could ask for. He was rewarded with a small kiss on his cheek. Chris however, returned the favor by bringing Kelica into a hug. After a few seconds, Chris released Kelica and said,"Thanks, don't really think anyone's really ever said that to me before. I'll make sure to watch that manticore, be careful out there."

And without saying another word, Chris picked up the vase and carried it out to the manticore. He gently placed it down out of its reach and sat down with it. The manticore still seemed rather ditsy seeing as how it was tapping the wood with its paw without a care in the world. Every now and then, it'd roll about but always end up in the same place. It wasn't as talkative as before (although Chris couldn't blame it seeing as what it went through not too long ago), but Chris didn't mind. He offered the vase to the manticore, and was surprised to see it walk over and begin lapping water from it for a while. Once it had its fill, it turned around and plopped back down on the ground. What were they going to do with this thing.



Kelica zefara.png

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]


The Forest Mage peered up to Noah with a tilt of her head. She couldn't help it, if he smiled, she did to, it was almost addictive in a way and it was completely uncontrollable. It was like her face would move of it's own accord even if she tried not to. He seemed to like the idea of a walk and her hands lifted up to clasp at her chest and you could almost see her start to bounce on the spot. Of course he stopped and said before they went, that was when she watched his gaze drift towards over her frame before it lifted up again to her face and the second his eyes returned he might have noticed her cheeks were burning to the point it was fairly obvious against her green eyes and blonde hair. She lifted up her hands as it try and rub rub rub in a fast pace on her cheeks as if to try and smear it away like dirt, but it wasn't working and that was pretty much obvious.

Of course she realized the real reason he was staring at her. Not her body specifically (or maybe he was? who knew?) but her outfit or lack there of. So she hooked the end of her tablecloth dress around her fingers and nodded enthusiastically. Even before he had mentioned her room, she had already turned and was running across the Guild Hall with a flurry of her blonde hair. She disappeared for a few long minutes, before the girl bounded back down the steps and ran back towards Noah. She skidded to a stop before him, bent over and huffing and puffing before she caught her breath and stood up straight. Unusually she had let her long bouncing hair kept down when normally she would keep it in a ponytail, letting the long blonde curls weave and cascading around both shoulders. One green clip with 4 seeds still pulled a tiny portion of her hair away from her face.


Now nice and toasty warm, the girl couldn't help but be reminded of Chris's warm embrace moments ago as he hugged her, it felt so much similar to her normal fur lined jacket that she glanced over to spot him sitting by the Manticore as it was pawing the ground. The beast would be fine, surely? And Chris should be more then capable to over power him if he flipped for whatever reason. With that knowledge, her gaze turned to Noah as she fully drunk in his own warmer clothes and her eyes squeezed up even more. "It's weird seeing you in normal clothes now...." Poking at his chest for a moment before she laughed and entwined her fingers into his own as she had done many times before.

With that the girl was already half jogging, yanking him along behind her like a hyperactive kid that couldn't sit still. And almost the second they had left the Guild Hall, Kelica kicked up the snow with her feet and let go of his hand to twirl a little and make funny pictures in the snow as she kept a general forward pace. She wasn't sure where she was headed, just that she was heading somewhere with a man she was convinced she would never see again. She stopped her weird twirling to face him but continued to walk backwards, moon-walking so to speak. "I didn't expect to see you today... or any day really! I was convinced you were a illusion or something... You appeared in front of that train to save me, then carried me all the way to the base... you took me to the trees to save me, and then stopped that fire ball that Lucian shot towards me... and then, when I woke up from having been passed out, you were just gone! Voiped! Disappeared! And now... on Christmas Eve... you came back?"

Here she stopped her odd walk and stood before him, in the middle of his path causing him to stop his walk as well. Her face growing slightly enigmatic, which was a sight to see on a girl who only ever was happy or sad. "....just why did you come back, anyway?" She whispered softly.
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Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

Rosaline watched Kirin walk up to her. Her blue eyes widened slightly before her eyebrow narrowed gently. Okay, so Rosaline wasn't the fastest current in the wire, but she could have sworn that Kirin had both arms on her when she left... To double check, Rosaline's tall frame peered behind her back like she might have been hiding the arm behind her. Not that the girl minded if she only had the one, to have any kind of handicap and still be a high ranking mage was impressive in her books. If a one arm Music mage could still best her, Rosaline Dreyar will her limbs at full strength, then who was she to question her powers or what she looked like? Rosaline even glanced over her own shoulder as she peered to Kazuo as her gaze drifted onto his eye path, almost to confirm her point, but then she shook her head slightly as she looked over into the distance musing over just why that thought of him came into her mind.

So being slightly bemused and impressed, was short lived as it suddenly clicked with the temper-heavy girl that Yamato and Kirin, the two strongest mages within Blue Pegasus had been fighting it out for the last 30minutes or so one might add (was she and Kazuo really out there for a whole 30mins looking for her brother?) and she had missed....




She might have made a note to Kirin about not really caring if she were "normal" or otherwise, but the rage that was steadily building within her was rising at an incredibly fast pace. Her fists started to clench up as her teeth gritted inside her mouth, her eyebrow pushed down and her eyes turned into slits. And if that wasn't warning enough, a spark or two crackled around her frame as the very hair and fibers within the room started to lift up due to the static the Lightning Mage was stirring up.

"You fought.... this entire time... without me?" she said in a voice as dark as possible, her head even dropped down and the one chunk of her hair draped before her face to half cover it, something akin to a horror movie. Oh there was tables, and cloths, and food that looked and smelt divine. But Rosaline was far too livid about any of that. "You didn't think to once try and find me... or to wait till I came back?" She is another voice as dark and cold as ice. Another clap of lightning echoed about the room as it laced around her frame.

@LeSoraAmari @Britt-21 @Halffix @hudhouse @Jackaboi @Solemn Jester @Arius LaVari



Main Hall


Celestia was throughly impressed with Yamato's display, if she wasn't already charmed by his magic because of his fight earlier she definitely was now. The blonde giggled happily and pulled two trays down and filled the trays with glasses which she filled with the apple pie moonshine she had made and balanced the trays on her hands, somehow balancing no less than 20 cups per tray in each of her hands, she carefully set them down with the food and called out, her bright cheerful voice rising above all the noise. "Alongside dinner we have some homemade apple pie moonshine! Come get a cup! Drink it warm or put ice in it doesn't matter please enjoy! There's more in the back if it runs out." The mixer mage wandered over to the angry Rosaline and grinned at her happily, having brought her a mug of the homemade alcohol, "Here! Have this, if you're still feeling like a brawl later I'll spar you, okay? I was itching to fight with them too. I might not look it but I enjoy a good brawl. For now come on drink up! It's delicious!" She had her own glass and quickly downed it winking at Rosaline before doing a twirly move over to Yamato; having picked up another glass to bring to him offering it to the man with a playful wink, "Drink up Yama~ careful its strong though and has no alcoholic aftertaste, depending on your tolerance you can have 3 glasses before you risk passing out I can down a lot myself. Oh! Help yourself by the way Ace!" She spoke mostly to Yamato until she remembered her friendly dwarf friend, he might not like the stuff but it was still good, and he was her friend, as was Kirin but Celestia would take a glass to her later, for now the blonde with odd black speckles of glitter in her hair stuck close to Rosa and Yama, she was really curious how well Yamato could handle his alcohol.



Inside a Shop


Shiro giggled a little when she saw the sweater that Phineas had found, it was really bright and something she wasn't used to seeing her face immediately fell back to her stoic mask though while she tilted her head at Laura, "That's some cute stuff you both found, I like the sweater you found Phin, I bet he'll like it." Shiro sung softly under her breath while perusing some of the other wares until she happened upon a somewhat odd little object, it was some sort of globe that had coral inside it and little almost holographic fish swimming in the ocean looking waters, she was charmed immediately and picked it up to peek at the price, ouch...it was a little expensive but...curious she sent a spark of magic into it and it started playing peaceful piano music blended with tropical sounds, the coral changed color as well and she knew she had to get it. Both of the brothers would like it right? She hoped so...she turned off the music and giggled with a grin, having plucked up a music magazine and that globe. She was done and paid for her items quickly, before Phineas could notice her the old lady running the register giggling and pointing at Phin conspiratorially which made Shiro shake her head violently at the old lady's teasing, only teasing because as far as the woman knew Shiro didn't smile...ever. She brushed off the woman and hid her bag behind her back, paper rustling a little, "Well I found what I was looking for, did you guys find what you wanted to? If so we should get to work moving you guys. One of us should try and find Nikolas though." 






Standing out in the cold outside as snow fell wasn't exactly at the top of Hibiki's list of things to do, and instead of him being the one to find Rosa, it seemed as though she had found him instead. Before Hibiki could even speak, Rosaline had charged towards him and  brought him into a hug that would seem back-breaking to anybody else. Rosa used her full strength as she hugged him, and although Hibiki wasn't phased by the strength of his sister, it most certainly did catch him by surprise. That, and the unintentional face full of boob he had now been struck with. "Ah, well it's good to see that you've not changed one bit, except for a few certain things- but, that doesn't matter~" He trailed off, a happy grin on his face as he did so. 


After the long long hug between the two siblings, Rosa began to speak but was awfully under exaggerating the fact of just how long it had actually been. Hibiki knew full well that Rosa did in fact know all of the facts, but was obviously playing it off like it was not as long as it was in reality. Oh well, Hibiki sighed as she spoke, the smile ever present on his face until she whisked in off his feet in one fell swoop and threw him over her shoulders and seemingly charged towards the Blue Pegasus guild hall.  "I should've guessed you'd be here." Spoke the blonde, chuckling ever so slightly as he realised how obvious the whole thing was. Hibiki wondered as to why he didn't even think to look at the guild hall in the first place, it did make a whole lot of sense and all of that seemed to have had just shot past Hibiki with the speed equivalent to that of  a bullet. Eventually, they arrived at the Blue Pegasus guild and Rosa gently placed Hibiki beside her, and on his feet as she then... went into Rosa mode. 


Overall the Blue Pegasus guild hall did not appeal to Hibiki. The smell of excessive perfume encased it in its horrible entirety and members all over the place walked with slight arrogance, the infamous pretty boy guild most certainly did live up to its name. And of course, being from Fairy Tail, this did make Hibiki feel slightly uneasy. Even then, Hibiki kept a smile on his face as he kept all of that to himself and hidden underneath a mask as he turned to Rosa and smiled before saying "What a lovely guild hall you have, it smells so nice. All of your members seem really nice too, have they been keeping you well?" He spoke, that last part with a slight tone of malice within it. And although Hibiki did not look in any way intimidating, he most certainly did sound it even if by a tiny bit. And what made it even more funny was the fact that Hibiki was not in any which way intimidating, and to the Blue Pegasus members that did see him, they most probably did think he was some initiate wannabe mage looking to join them. That thought alone, made Hibiki want to cry. 


What happened next however, was almost so instantaneous and so sudden that it threw Hibiki off slightly, but even he was expecting such a thing to occur. The area was seeped with residual magic, which meant that people were either showing off, fighting, or perhaps even both. Hibiki decided to go with the latter, and stood back alone as he watched Rosa confrontthe guilds S-Class mages. Standing there with his arms to his sides looking totally innocent, Hibiki watched as the larger, armless girl got into Rosa's face and said some things. Judging from her facial expressions, Hibiki could tell that whatever the girl had said to his sister was done so in a passive aggressive manner, and after she had tapped Rosa's nose and walked away, Hibiki walked forward and stood in front of Rosa, placing his hands on her shoulders. 


The electrical charge that surrounded Rosa's body and crackled violently didn't bother Hibiki as he made contact with her. In fact, upon his hands making contact with her shoulders the electrical charge seemed to envelop him as well, and the two of them stood there illuminating the whole guild hall before Hibiki made the charge that covered them both fizzle out of existence with a crackle. His purple eyes gazing up to the taller woman as he smiled. "You need to remember to stay calm when faced with situations such as that." As he said that, he turned back to look at Kirin before looking back to Rosa and saying, "Don't let other people's arrogance get the better of you. If this was a fight between two actual S-Classes, there would be more left in the aftermath than just residual magic. Trust me~" 


With that, Hibiki moved to stand beside Rosa as he continued to hold that same innocent smile on his face that he had upon walking in. "Now then, how about we go and talk to your guild members, hm?" Hibiki knew just how much Rosa wanted to introduce him to all of her guildmates, so Hibiki thought he'd sit back and let her. After that, then they'd finally be able to catch up - properly.


@Zuka @Britt-21 @BluePegasusMembers
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Kirin suddenly frowned and leaned into Rosealine asking her in a more concerned voice then anything, "So... is everything supposed to be about you little miss goldy? Me, Celestia and Yamato were cooking in the kitchen with me preparing a desert, Celestia her surprise, and Yamato this whole dish, and what are you doing? Complaining that you didn't watch a fight? I apologize you didn't see it dear, but we had our own reasons to see who was stronger, and we did. Now blue boy is going to be my servant for a day!" She sighed, thinking how she was going to make a good dress if she was missing an arm. She didn't have a lot to work with was the issue. It was going to be a pain to eat things now too, wasn't it? She continued going into Rosealine, pressing her own thin, flat chested body against hers. Kirin looked into her eyes and said, "You have had two separate temper tantrums today dear, can you please just humor me and enjoy the dinner that was made for all of us? Its Christmas Eve, not Thunderdome." Just to finish her display, she would reach up and boop Rosealine on the nose before calmly walking off. She would sit down and begin making herself a dish.

Main Hall


Celestia was throughly impressed with Yamato's display, if she wasn't already charmed by his magic because of his fight earlier she definitely was now. The blonde giggled happily and pulled two trays down and filled the trays with glasses which she filled with the apple pie moonshine she had made and balanced the trays on her hands, somehow balancing no less than 20 cups per tray in each of her hands, she carefully set them down with the food and called out, her bright cheerful voice rising above all the noise. "Alongside dinner we have some homemade apple pie moonshine! Come get a cup! Drink it warm or put ice in it doesn't matter please enjoy! There's more in the back if it runs out." The mixer mage wandered over to the angry Rosaline and grinned at her happily, having brought her a mug of the homemade alcohol, "Here! Have this, if you're still feeling like a brawl later I'll spar you, okay? I was itching to fight with them too. I might not look it but I enjoy a good brawl. For now come on drink up! It's delicious!" She had her own glass and quickly downed it winking at Rosaline before doing a twirly move over to Yamato; having picked up another glass to bring to him offering it to the man with a playful wink, "Drink up Yama~ careful its strong though and has no alcoholic aftertaste, depending on your tolerance you can have 3 glasses before you risk passing out I can down a lot myself. Oh! Help yourself by the way Ace!" She spoke mostly to Yamato until she remembered her friendly dwarf friend, he might not like the stuff but it was still good, and he was her friend, as was Kirin but Celestia would take a glass to her later, for now the blonde with odd black speckles of glitter in her hair stuck close to Rosa and Yama, she was really curious how well Yamato could handle his alcohol.


Inside a Shop


Shiro giggled a little when she saw the sweater that Phineas had found, it was really bright and something she wasn't used to seeing her face immediately fell back to her stoic mask though while she tilted her head at Laura, "That's some cute stuff you both found, I like the sweater you found Phin, I bet he'll like it." Shiro sung softly under her breath while perusing some of the other wares until she happened upon a somewhat odd little object, it was some sort of globe that had coral inside it and little almost holographic fish swimming in the ocean looking waters, she was charmed immediately and picked it up to peek at the price, ouch...it was a little expensive but...curious she sent a spark of magic into it and it started playing peaceful piano music blended with tropical sounds, the coral changed color as well and she knew she had to get it. Both of the brothers would like it right? She hoped so...she turned off the music and giggled with a grin, having plucked up a music magazine and that globe. She was done and paid for her items quickly, before Phineas could notice her the old lady running the register giggling and pointing at Phin conspiratorially which made Shiro shake her head violently at the old lady's teasing, only teasing because as far as the woman knew Shiro didn't smile...ever. She brushed off the woman and hid her bag behind her back, paper rustling a little, "Well I found what I was looking for, did you guys find what you wanted to? If so we should get to work moving you guys. One of us should try and find Nikolas though." 



Standing out in the cold outside as snow fell wasn't exactly at the top of Hibiki's list of things to do, and instead of him being the one to find Rosa, it seemed as though she had found him instead. Before Hibiki could even speak, Rosaline had charged towards him and  brought him into a hug that would seem back-breaking to anybody else. Rosa used her full strength as she hugged him, and although Hibiki wasn't phased by the strength of his sister, it most certainly did catch him by surprise. That, and the unintentional face full of boob he had now been struck with. "Ah, well it's good to see that you've not changed one bit, except for a few certain things- but, that doesn't matter~" He trailed off, a happy grin on his face as he did so. 


After the long long hug between the two siblings, Rosa began to speak but was awfully under exaggerating the fact of just how long it had actually been. Hibiki knew full well that Rosa did in fact know all of the facts, but was obviously playing it off like it was not as long as it was in reality. Oh well, Hibiki sighed as she spoke, the smile ever present on his face until she whisked in off his feet in one fell swoop and threw him over her shoulders and seemingly charged towards the Blue Pegasus guild hall.  "I should've guessed you'd be here." Spoke the blonde, chuckling ever so slightly as he realised how obvious the whole thing was. Hibiki wondered as to why he didn't even think to look at the guild hall in the first place, it did make a whole lot of sense and all of that seemed to have had just shot past Hibiki with the speed equivalent to that of  a bullet. Eventually, they arrived at the Blue Pegasus guild and Rosa gently placed Hibiki beside her, and on his feet as she then... went into Rosa mode. 


Overall the Blue Pegasus guild hall did not appeal to Hibiki. The smell of excessive perfume encased it in its horrible entirety and members all over the place walked with slight arrogance, the infamous pretty boy guild most certainly did live up to its name. And of course, being from Fairy Tail, this did make Hibiki feel slightly uneasy. Even then, Hibiki kept a smile on his face as he kept all of that to himself and hidden underneath a mask as he turned to Rosa and smiled before saying "What a lovely guild hall you have, it smells so nice. All of your members seem really nice too, have they been keeping you well?" He spoke, that last part with a slight tone of malice within it. And although Hibiki did not look in any way intimidating, he most certainly did sound it even if by a tiny bit. And what made it even more funny was the fact that Hibiki was not in any which way intimidating, and to the Blue Pegasus members that did see him, they most probably did think he was some initiate wannabe mage looking to join them. That thought alone, made Hibiki want to cry. 


What happened next however, was almost so instantaneous and so sudden that it threw Hibiki off slightly, but even he was expecting such a thing to occur. The area was seeped with residual magic, which meant that people were either showing off, fighting, or perhaps even both. Hibiki decided to go with the latter, and stood back alone as he watched Rosa confrontthe guilds S-Class mages. Standing there with his arms to his sides looking totally innocent, Hibiki watched as the larger, armless girl got into Rosa's face and said some things. Judging from her facial expressions, Hibiki could tell that whatever the girl had said to his sister was done so in a passive aggressive manner, and after she had tapped Rosa's nose and walked away, Hibiki walked forward and stood in front of Rosa, placing his hands on her shoulders. 


The electrical charge that surrounded Rosa's body and crackled violently didn't bother Hibiki as he made contact with her. In fact, upon his hands making contact with her shoulders the electrical charge seemed to envelop him as well, and the two of them stood there illuminating the whole guild hall before Hibiki made the charge that covered them both fizzle out of existence with a crackle. His purple eyes gazing up to the taller woman as he smiled. "You need to remember to stay calm when faced with situations such as that." As he said that, he turned back to look at Kirin before looking back to Rosa and saying, "Don't let other people's arrogance get the better of you. If this was a fight between two actual S-Classes, there would be more left in the aftermath than just residual magic. Trust me~" 


With that, Hibiki moved to stand beside Rosa as he continued to hold that same innocent smile on his face that he had upon walking in. "Now then, how about we go and talk to your guild members, hm?" Hibiki knew just how much Rosa wanted to introduce him to all of her guildmates, so Hibiki thought he'd sit back and let her. After that, then they'd finally be able to catch up - properly.


@Zuka @Britt-21 @BluePegasusMembers



[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]cooltext202138354677304.png[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Blue Pegasus Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Rosaline's whole frame was trembling as her fists were contorted into such a hard surface, her actual nails were starting to cut into the skin on her palms. That was when the one armed women leaned in like this was somehow all her fault. "See who is stronger?! I'll challenge you or Yamato any day of the week! I'm not about to be the one to roll over and take defeat, not by you or any-" Of course Rosaline didn't get to finish it because the woman was stepping closer and pushing up her flat frame against the tall woman to the point Rosaline's mouth gaped open wildly and her fists un clenched in surprise. Why was she-? "TEMPER TANTRUMS!" Rosaline's bellowing voice echoed out suddenly only to have Kirin reach up and boop her straight on the nose!! Rosaline had had about all she could take now and as Kirin stepped away, she obviously was unaware just how close to death the girl truly was.

She had pretty much already half moved her feet to follow Kirin and perhaps slam her into the back of her head, but she didn't even get a half step before something was blocking her path and placed his hands on her shoulders. Rosaline glanced down with her face still livid and she was still torn between pushing him aside and punching the day lights out of Kirin or Yamato, whoever she could get her hands on quicker, but that thought soon faded as her eyes focused in more on Hibiki. And without a word the excess lightning simply absorbed into nothingness from a simple touch of his hands on her shoulders. While she still looked mildly ticked, her expression softened a fraction and her anger seemed to melt along with the excess current from her frame. He told her to stay calm and the taller girl took a huge breath inwards as she did. What a sight to see, this huge, tall, intimidating girl basically being calmed by someone much smaller and meeker in comparison. She eventually relaxed enough she gave him a curt nod even as another huge deep breath escaped.

"Yeah, well, it doesn't help this place seems to be constantly trying to tick me off each and every way it can." She said in an angry gruff, before rubbing her forehead like she were developing some sort of migraine. It was at that moment that Cele wandered over to her and held out a big old glass of home made Moonshine, the girl grasped it like she hadn't drunk it in weeks and slammed it in seconds, before she grasped two more and slammed them down in about the same fast succession as the first. Having finished off three in a relatively quick time, the girl licked her lips a fraction and slung her arm around her younger brother and pulled him into her side, or rather slammed him in as she constantly forgot to hold back when it came to affection of any sort around him. She meant it only for the best though. "Hibiki... the girl with the sparkly hair is Cele, she uses a form of lightning magic and earth magic, and she's pretty much becoming one of my only saving graces in this place..." Rosaline turned slightly and started pointing around the room with the hand still slung around his shoulders. "The suit wearing glasses man is Yamato, he likes cooking, cleaning, reading novels and romantic walks through the park probably @Jackaboi... The girl who has a death wish is Kirin and uses sound magic.... The guy in the corner sleeping it off..." She said as she hurled the mug in her hands straight for him not really caring if it slammed him in the face, "is Dorian, who likes to fall asleep in girl's laps apparently.. @Mykinkaiser" Giving him a sharp glare even if he wasn't conscious enough to see it though a weird blush worked on her face at the same time.

She turned Hibiki slightly to look to a head popping up behind a table and grinned. "This is Ace and my residence limitless Ale supply..." @Halffix. "The really tall guy over there is Gleb and he loves Sunflowers..." @Salt Lord. "And then, of course, we can't forget Mister Casanova himself!" Rosaline turned slightly to the man who had been trailing the two this entire time and glaring with a renewed vengeance towards Kazuo. "This guy had the gal to side step me mid fight and take my First Kiss!... And furthermore, he insisted that I got changed after an altercation with some Ale that saw my top soaked, and he was the single reason why it took so long to find you in the first place!" @Britt-21 grumbling more to herself as she did. Though even as she said all this she found herself staring at Kazuo with a weird look plastered on her face but immediately shook it because staring at him too long made her head hurt. And the muscle inside her head (her brain) wasn't excised all that often, so yeah, she just side stepped that thought in her mind. She finally let her arm slip from his shoulder and grabbed his bicep instead, dragging him to the nearest table and slamming him down onto a seat on her right, before she was already filling a plate like a tower and placed it before him without looking to him once. "You're look skinny as always, so eat up all your meat this time..." she said in a forceful tone before she opened her eye and peered over her shoulder to Kazuo. "And you, pretty boy, sit down and eat." Gesturing to the seat on her left before she made her own tower and stuffed her face as she did.
Sera was thankful for her slowing down, honestly wanting to burn off as little blood as possible. She chuckled lightly and nodded at her initial question, "I did yeah. I wanted to talk." She replied. She frowned when she noticed her tears, having caught up to the girl due to her slowing down to walk beside her. She sighed at her words and thought for a bit. "You know. I used to think the same thing?" She said. "I was kidnapped when I was little and tortured continously for years in preparation for a dark magic ritual. Every day I welcomed death even though I knew they wouldn't let me die. They kept me too weak to fight back though strong enough to be a suitable vessel." She explained. 

"Day after day I knew I had no chance, no choice to do anything but what they wanted. In the end I gave up, I stopped resisting, and hell even stopped caring. I didn't care what they did anymore. The day of the ritual came and I thought I was finally going to be free from everything, finally be able to just rest in wherever I'd end up once I died." She continued, heaving a shaky sigh. "But...no...even then. Even on the verge of death I wasn't in control. The ritual failed and turned me into a monster. I had the ability to fight back like I always wanted but I wasn't in control. I murdered everyone..senselessly and brutally. I found out my parents and hell even my entire village was involved." She told her, pausing a bit and wiping her eyes on her arm.

"All my friends...everyone I had known...they'd all did this to me. They never really even cared. I...I ended up killing them all and burning the village to the ground." She said. "Even then...I didn't have control over my actions, even after. I...I roamed around killing people to feed. When I was able I tore myself away from the world and just...roamed for a while." She told her. "After a while I was better, in control. I took a long, long time. But I did it. In the end I joined Fairy Tail, everyone there helped me stay in control and comforted me.." She said.

She grew silent and sighed heavily, looking to the ground and wiping tears from her eyes again as they walked. "What I'm trying to say is...no matter what you think...no matter what you're being used for or what people want you for you are in control. You're you, not some object. If you want control you can have it, all you need is friends and to genuinely want it." She said, stopping the both of them and pulling Verdana into a hug. "I'm more than willing to be that friend for you if you want me to be..I'll keep Grimoire Heart from hurting you. You never have to see them again." She said.

"You do have a choice. The guys back at the hall..I'll talk to them to." She had no idea why she had told all of that to Verdana, Ophelia and Cece being the only ones that knew that much about her. She just thought it was right to, what was best to convince her to stay and away from the horrible people. She could tell Verdana didn't want that life, all she needed was a bit of hope and a friend that knew what she was going through.





Verdana listened to the story as shadows draped her entire face. Tiny pinpricks of emerald green came from the frozen shadow, looking down to disgusted hands. Memories of someone, or somethings, past kept on blinking in her eyes. Kill the Fairies, Maim the Memory, Burn to ash. But when Sora leaned in and hugged it, it sent her over the wall. The little girl sniffled, allowing thick blobs of tears to explode down her face. She rested her head on Sora's elbow due to the height difference, crying. She couldn't find any of the words. It was like her first master, except that it was so much more innocent. He wanted to be known, and seen as the best summoner on the planet. He died, and she was born. Now the world hated her. For Sora, her entire village was killed to create a monster, and she was reborn. now the world loved her. The childish eyes of Verdana looked up, and she told her short story, almost as if a bit of payback

"I don't even know a single person from Grimoire Heart yet. My original master... made me to get away from this loneliness. He fell ill almost the instant I was born, and when he told me that I: was supposed to be a present... he died..." She took a few seconds to breathe before nearly whispering, "I just don't want to be alone anymore... but I don't want to kill a Fairy... how will I get over that..." She was willingly, yet slowly trudging back to the Guild Hall with Sora, but it was at her slowest pace yet.

38 minutes ago, Zuka said:


[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]View attachment 188470[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Blue Pegasus Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Rosaline's whole frame was trembling as her fists were contorted into such a hard surface, her actual nails were starting to cut into the skin on her palms. That was when the one armed women leaned in like this was somehow all her fault. "See who is stronger?! I'll challenge you or Yamato any day of the week! I'm not about to be the one to roll over and take defeat, not by you or any-" Of course Rosaline didn't get to finish it because the woman was stepping closer and pushing up her flat frame against the tall woman to the point Rosaline's mouth gaped open wildly and her fists un clenched in surprise. Why was she-? "TEMPER TANTRUMS!" Rosaline's bellowing voice echoed out suddenly only to have Kirin reach up and boop her straight on the nose!! Rosaline had had about all she could take now and as Kirin stepped away, she obviously was unaware just how close to death the girl truly was.

She had pretty much already half moved her feet to follow Kirin and perhaps slam her into the back of her head, but she didn't even get a half step before something was blocking her path and placed his hands on her shoulders. Rosaline glanced down with her face still livid and she was still torn between pushing him aside and punching the day lights out of Kirin or Yamato, whoever she could get her hands on quicker, but that thought soon faded as her eyes focused in more on Hibiki. And without a word the excess lightning simply absorbed into nothingness from a simple touch of his hands on her shoulders. While she still looked mildly ticked, her expression softened a fraction and her anger seemed to melt along with the excess current from her frame. He told her to stay calm and the taller girl took a huge breath inwards as she did. What a sight to see, this huge, tall, intimidating girl basically being calmed by someone much smaller and meeker in comparison. She eventually relaxed enough she gave him a curt nod even as another huge deep breath escaped.

"Yeah, well, it doesn't help this place seems to be constantly trying to tick me off each and every way it can." She said in an angry gruff, before rubbing her forehead like she were developing some sort of migraine. It was at that moment that Cele wandered over to her and held out a big old glass of home made Moonshine, the girl grasped it like she hadn't drunk it in weeks and slammed it in seconds, before she grasped two more and slammed them down in about the same fast succession as the first. Having finished off three in a relatively quick time, the girl licked her lips a fraction and slung her arm around her younger brother and pulled him into her side, or rather slammed him in as she constantly forgot to hold back when it came to affection of any sort around him. She meant it only for the best though. "Hibiki... the girl with the sparkly hair is Cele, she uses a form of lightning magic and earth magic, and she's pretty much becoming one of my only saving graces in this place..." Rosaline turned slightly and started pointing around the room with the hand still slung around his shoulders. "The suit wearing glasses man is Yamato, he likes cooking, cleaning, reading novels and romantic walks through the park probably @Jackaboi... The girl who has a death wish is Kirin and uses sound magic.... The guy in the corner sleeping it off..." She said as she hurled the mug in her hands straight for him not really caring if it slammed him in the face, "is Dorian, who likes to fall asleep in girl's laps apparently.. @Mykinkaiser" Giving him a sharp glare even if he wasn't conscious enough to see it though a weird blush worked on her face at the same time.

She turned Hibiki slightly to look to a head popping up behind a table and grinned. "This is Ace and my residence limitless Ale supply..." @Halffix. "The really tall guy over there is Gleb and he loves Sunflowers..." @Salt Lord. "And then, of course, we can't forget Mister Casanova himself!" Rosaline turned slightly to the man who had been trailing the two this entire time and glaring with a renewed vengeance towards Kazuo. "This guy had the gal to side step me mid fight and take my First Kiss!... And furthermore, he insisted that I got changed after an altercation with some Ale that saw my top soaked, and he was the single reason why it took so long to find you in the first place!" @Britt-21 grumbling more to herself as she did. Though even as she said all this she found herself staring 'at Kazuo with a weird look plastered on her face but immediately shook it because staring at him too long made her head hurt. And the muscle inside her head (her brain) wasn't excised all that often, so yeah, she just side stepped that thought in her mind. She finally let her arm slip from his shoulder and grabbed his bicep instead, dragging him to the nearest table and slamming him down onto a seat on her right, before she was already filling a plate like a tower and placed it before him without looking to him once. "You're look skinny as always, so eat up all your meat this time..." she said in a forceful tone before she opened her eye and peered over her shoulder to Kazuo. "And you, pretty boy, sit down and eat." Gesturing to the seat on her left before she made her own tower and stuffed her face as she did.



Kirin just stared at Rosealine until she heard just what her brother had said. She got straight up, and walked up to Rosealine and Hibiki. She commented, "And this, sweety, is the mostly thunder dragon of Blue Pegasus. Still trying to take out the loud speaker, but small steps... small steps!" She could see the rage build in her face, but also just how calm she was around Hibiki. She couldn't shake off the feeling of an almost... emotional dependence on him. If she could, she would put her single index finger into Hibiki's chest, saying, "Sweety, please don't walk into my home and insult my life's work the instant you see me, alright?"



Kathy didnt say much after she continued to eat her food. That was till Miles pointed out she had sauce on her face and she grabbed a napkin, wiping it from the side of her lips. If he was trying to subtley hint to her that he wanted to lick it off, she completely missed it "Thanks..." the mage glanced at him and just stared at his face for a while before breaking her gaze and returning to her food. She even took a piece of lettuce and reached under the table where Lionel began to crunch on it and she petted him softly before returning back to her food and  giving her dragon a chicken or lettuce every now and then. It didnt take her long to finish and she placed her fork down before reaching for her drink and bringing the straw to her lips, slowly sipping at her drink and relaxing against the coushin of the booth. And slightly leaning on Miles. Not enough to disturb his eating.


Though her maitai did make some bubble sounds but her face remained the same. It was obvious the straw was the cause of the bubbles so Kathy must have did something. But she said nothing out of the ordinary. She even made it look like she didnt even do it. Like she had no idea it happened. But Miles would pick it up, he always did. Being around Miles for so many years was fun. Still is fun. Sleeping on the couch next to him, going on missions and finishing them in one blow and getting the money to save or spend where ever, annd more sleeping. Sometimes talking.  Kathy soon pulled her lips from the straw "What are we going to do after this...? Go back to the guild hall...?" she asked, looking at him once again and allowing her eyes to trace the strands of his hair.


[SIZE= 36px]Kazuo Takara[/SIZE]


Kazuo really didnt say much. Though when he met the brother of Rosa, he nodded in greeting and said nothing more. There was no reason. Plus seeing Rosa happy and a little mushy like this made him smile a bit. At least she had someone to hug and call family, rather than feeling jealous, he felt happy for her. She needed someone like her brother in her life. Siblings may fight a lot but they're still attatched to the hip in one way or another. Watching as she picked up her brother and began walking off, she actually said something to him as she got farther and farther away. Kazuo followed with his hands in his pockets. Rosa was walking pretty damn fast for someone on her shoulder and for a woman with the same long legs as him. He didnt speed his pace up though and kept at his normal walk. Watching as she got farther and farther away.


It was clear that she was gonna get to the hall a lot quicker than he would. So he took his time on looking around and letting his eye run along christmas lights that hung on buildings or over him. The snow crunching beneath his feet and some snow falling. He looked up towards the sky and took a deep breath before bringing his eyes back down to earth and started jogging towards the hall where he opened the door and walked in just moments before Rosa turned to him and said that he took her first kiss and then something about her wet shirt and making it longer for her to see her brother. "I only made you change your shirt so you'd avoid the headache of a cold, Rosaline." he stated, "Dont worry about the kiss so much either, Rosa. I hadnt kissed a woman before so that was mine as well." ( @Zuka )as much as he hated to admit it... It was true.


He kept his distance for a reason but finally opened a little bit just for now. He noticed her staring at him for a while but he didnt mention anything to her and just let her stare at him before dragging her brother off to a table while he walked off to another table and sat down, not taking off his jacket simply because he didnt have a shirt on underneath. Rosa had it and he didnt mind. Besides, he liked the warmth of his jacket and was pretty comfortable. What else could he do today?


Verdana listened to the story as shadows draped her entire face. Tiny pinpricks of emerald green came from the frozen shadow, looking down to disgusted hands. Memories of someone, or somethings, past kept on blinking in her eyes. Kill the Fairies, Maim the Memory, Burn to ash. But when Sora leaned in and hugged it, it sent her over the wall. The little girl sniffled, allowing thick blobs of tears to explode down her face. She rested her head on Sora's elbow due to the height difference, crying. She couldn't find any of the words. It was like her first master, except that it was so much more innocent. He wanted to be known, and seen as the best summoner on the planet. He died, and she was born. Now the world hated her. For Sora, her entire village was killed to create a monster, and she was reborn. now the world loved her. The childish eyes of Verdana looked up, and she told her short story, almost as if a bit of payback

"I don't even know a single person from Grimoire Heart yet. My original master... made me to get away from this loneliness. He fell ill almost the instant I was born, and when he told me that I: was supposed to be a present... he died..." She took a few seconds to breathe before nearly whispering, "I just don't want to be alone anymore... but I don't want to kill a Fairy... how will I get over that..." She was willingly, yet slowly trudging back to the Guild Hall with Sora, but it was at her slowest pace yet.


Kirin just stared at Rosealine until she heard just what her brother had said. She got straight up, and walked up to Rosealine and Hibiki. She commented, "And this, sweety, is the mostly thunder dragon of Blue Pegasus. Still trying to take out the loud speaker, but small steps... small steps!" She could see the rage build in her face, but also just how calm she was around Hibiki. She couldn't shake off the feeling of an almost... emotional dependence on him. If she could, she would put her single index finger into Hibiki's chest, saying, "Sweety, please don't walk into my home and insult my life's work the instant you see me, alright?"

Sera just continued hugging the girl, soothingly rubbing her back as she cried. It'd seem she had made something of a breakthrough with her considering she didn't run and instead stayed in her embrace. She honestly didn't care what the others would think, as far as she was concerned Verdana wasn't a bad person. Etherious or not she didn't choose to live like this much like she didn't. She stayed silent as Verdana cried and spoke to her, slowly walking back to the guild hall with her as she told her her own small story. 

If she was being honest it was more depressing than her own. Sera had actually had some experience with the world and people before everything happened, Verdana hadn't. She was thrust into basically being alone and a part of Grimoire Heart. It was good no one knew her yet though, it would make everything easier by far. Though she was more than willing to protect her if some of their goons showed up.

When she asked her how to get around everything she smiled. "Simply ignore what they want." She said. "You don't know them, they don't know you. How are they going to directly tell you what to do otherwise?" She asked. "You won't be alone, I promise. I'm not sure what the new Master has been through but I'm sure she will be accepting of you like I am." She said. "We both understand dark pasts. The past is the past, if you want to change you can." She said. "You have the choice to, and like I said I want to help you. I don't want to see another life ruined by dark mages." She told her. "All we have to do is explain everything to them, Verdana. It'll be alright." She assured the smaller girl, ruffling her hair a bit and smiling.
  Reveal hidden contents


[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]


The Forest Mage peered up to Noah with a tilt of her head. She couldn't help it, if he smiled, she did to, it was almost addictive in a way and it was completely uncontrollable. It was like her face would move of it's own accord even if she tried not to. He seemed to like the idea of a walk and her hands lifted up to clasp at her chest and you could almost see her start to bounce on the spot. Of course he stopped and said before they went, that was when she watched his gaze drift towards over her frame before it lifted up again to her face and the second his eyes returned he might have noticed her cheeks were burning to the point it was fairly obvious against her green eyes and blonde hair. She lifted up her hands as it try and rub rub rub in a fast pace on her cheeks as if to try and smear it away like dirt, but it wasn't working and that was pretty much obvious.

Of course she realized the real reason he was staring at her. Not her body specifically (or maybe he was? who knew?) but her outfit or lack there of. So she hooked the end of her tablecloth dress around her fingers and nodded enthusiastically. Even before he had mentioned her room, she had already turned and was running across the Guild Hall with a flurry of her blonde hair. She disappeared for a few long minutes, before the girl bounded back down the steps and ran back towards Noah. She skidded to a stop before him, bent over and huffing and puffing before she caught her breath and stood up straight. Unusually she had let her long bouncing hair kept down when normally she would keep it in a ponytail, letting the long blonde curls weave and cascading around both shoulders. One green clip with 4 seeds still pulled a tiny portion of her hair away from her face.

Now nice and toasty warm, the girl couldn't help but be reminded of Chris's warm embrace moments ago as he hugged her, it felt so much similar to her normal fur lined jacket that she glanced over to spot him sitting by the Manticore as it was pawing the ground. The beast would be fine, surely? And Chris should be more then capable to over power him if he flipped for whatever reason. With that knowledge, her gaze turned to Noah as she fully drunk in his own warmer clothes and her eyes squeezed up even more. "It's weird seeing you in normal clothes now...." Poking at his chest for a moment before she laughed and entwined her fingers into his own as she had done many times before.

With that the girl was already half jogging, yanking him along behind her like a hyperactive kid that couldn't sit still. And almost the second they had left the Guild Hall, Kelica kicked up the snow with her feet and let go of his hand to twirl a little and make funny pictures in the snow as she kept a general forward pace. She wasn't sure where she was headed, just that she was heading somewhere with a man she was convinced she would never see again. She stopped her weird twirling to face him but continued to walk backwards, moon-walking so to speak. "I didn't expect to see you today... or any day really! I was convinced you were a illusion or something... You appeared in front of that train to save me, then carried me all the way to the base... you took me to the trees to save me, and then stopped that fire ball that Lucian shot towards me... and then, when I woke up from having been passed out, you were just gone! Voiped! Disappeared! And now... on Christmas Eve... you came back?"

Here she stopped her odd walk and stood before him, in the middle of his path causing him to stop his walk as well. Her face growing slightly enigmatic, which was a sight to see on a girl who only ever was happy or sad. "....just why did you come back, anyway?" She whispered softly.



[SIZE= 16px]As Kelica ran back downstairs, Noah braced himself just encase she couldn't stop. But luckily she stopped herself with a skid. The girl was clearly out of breath, and for obvious reasons. Noah checked his pockets making sure the gift was still there, while Kelica was looking at the beast. when she turned back, Noah quickly stopped what he was doing and had a nervous look on his face, especially when she squeezed her eyes at him. He hoped that she didn't catch what he was doing. Noah released a breath of relief as she poked his chest commenting on his clothes. "Weird" was the term she used. Wait, whaa?? He managed to get out before Kelica laughed and grabbed his hand entwining their fingers, pulling him out of the guild hall. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Right as they left the hall completely, Kelica released his hand, and kicked up the snow and twirled around in it, causing Noah to smile. he lifted his hand up as the snow landed in his hands, reminding him of his time in Iceberg. He squeezed the snow and let it fall out his hand, and followed Kelica as she walked backwards talking. As she spoke Noah had flash backs of each and everyone of those moments when he saved her. As he thought about it he really did seem like he was just an imagination, because he always appeared out of nowhere. And when they were together it was only for a short while. Noah then stopped in his tracks as he noticed Kelica had stopped, and asked why did he returned. Noah placed his hands in his coat pocket, and smiled. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]The answer to that is very simple. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah walked forward and stopped when he was right beside Kelica. He turned his head towards her. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]You[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] Dropping that on her he started walking again. He turned around and started walking backwards like Kelica did.[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] Every since I left, I couldn't get you off my mind. Throughout everything I did, you was always there. I didn't understand it, so I came back to know why. And to help me with that, I decided to join Fairy Tail as well. Hopefully your new guild master accepts me. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Zuka[/SIZE]


Kathy didnt say much after she continued to eat her food. That was till Miles pointed out she had sauce on her face and she grabbed a napkin, wiping it from the side of her lips. If he was trying to subtley hint to her that he wanted to lick it off, she completely missed it "Thanks..." the mage glanced at him and just stared at his face for a while before breaking her gaze and returning to her food. She even took a piece of lettuce and reached under the table where Lionel began to crunch on it and she petted him softly before returning back to her food and  giving her dragon a chicken or lettuce every now and then. It didnt take her long to finish and she placed her fork down before reaching for her drink and bringing the straw to her lips, slowly sipping at her drink and relaxing against the coushin of the booth. And slightly leaning on Miles. Not enough to disturb his eating.


Though her maitai did make some bubble sounds but her face remained the same. It was obvious the straw was the cause of the bubbles so Kathy must have did something. But she said nothing out of the ordinary. She even made it look like she didnt even do it. Like she had no idea it happened. But Miles would pick it up, he always did. Being around Miles for so many years was fun. Still is fun. Sleeping on the couch next to him, going on missions and finishing them in one blow and getting the money to save or spend where ever, annd more sleeping. Sometimes talking.  Kathy soon pulled her lips from the straw "What are we going to do after this...? Go back to the guild hall...?" she asked, looking at him once again and allowing her eyes to trace the strands of his hair.


[SIZE= 36px]Kazuo Takara[/SIZE]

Kazuo really didnt say much. Though when he met the brother of Rosa, he nodded in greeting and said nothing more. There was no reason. Plus seeing Rosa happy and a little mushy like this made him smile a bit. At least she had someone to hug and call family, rather than feeling jealous, he felt happy for her. She needed someone like her brother in her life. Siblings may fight a lot but they're still attatched to the hip in one way or another. Watching as she picked up her brother and began walking off, she actually said something to him as she got farther and farther away. Kazuo followed with his hands in his pockets. Rosa was walking pretty damn fast for someone on her shoulder and for a woman with the same long legs as him. He didnt speed his pace up though and kept at his normal walk. Watching as she got farther and farther away.


It was clear that she was gonna get to the hall a lot quicker than he would. So he took his time on looking around and letting his eye run along christmas lights that hung on buildings or over him. The snow crunching beneath his feet and some snow falling. He looked up towards the sky and took a deep breath before bringing his eyes back down to earth and started jogging towards the hall where he opened the door and walked in just moments before Rosa turned to him and said that he took her first kiss and then something about her wet shirt and making it longer for her to see her brother. "I only made you change your shirt so you'd avoid the headache of a cold, Rosaline." he stated, "Dont worry about the kiss so much either, Rosa. I hadnt kissed a woman before so that was mine as well." ( @Zuka )as much as he hated to admit it... It was true.


He kept his distance for a reason but finally opened a little bit just for now. He noticed her staring at him for a while but he didnt mention anything to her and just let her stare at him before dragging her brother off to a table while he walked off to another table and sat down, not taking off his jacket simply because he didnt have a shirt on underneath. Rosa had it and he didnt mind. Besides, he liked the warmth of his jacket and was pretty comfortable. What else could he do today?





Mile finished his pasta soon after Kathy finished her salad.He sat his plate on the table and placed on leg on top of the other with one arm wrapped around Kathy, and the other behind the booth, holding his whiskey. Miles turned his head towards her raising an eyebrow as he heard bubbles in her drink. He smirked and turned his head towards her dragon as it ate the food she gave him. Miles vision started to get a bit blurry as he slowly fell asleep. Luckily he caught himself and woke back up, to catch Katherine's question. What's next?? Yeah let's head back before we both fall asleep here. Hopefully my brother is there too. I'm pretty sure, that giant is worried about me. The waitress came back with the check placing it on the table as she grabbed the plates, leaving to take them to the kitchen. Miles downed the rest of his whiskey, and placed it on the table. He looked at the bill, and placed it down, paying the amount exactly. He stood up and looked down at Kathy. Are you ready?? If you want, you can get on my back. I know its been awhile since you've done that. Miles crouched down, for Kathy to climb on. @Britt-21



Kathy looked at the check and watched as Miles paid for it with the exact money it called for. The mage finished her drink and she placed the glass on the table and watched as Miles slid from the booth and crouched down for her to get on his back. It has been a long time since she's done it so she took this oppertunity as she moved out of the booth as well, climbing onto his back and wrapping her arms around his neck before she placed her head on his back, closing her eyes and allowing a soft smile to form on her lips. Kathy was just the happiest she could be and the fact that she was showing an emotional response was even better. It showed that she was more than happy and that nothing could ruin that wonderful mood "Thank you for taking me out today,Miles..." he went out of his way to go on and take her out even after coming home from a mission where he was tired and just wanted to relax.


Her smile soon faded and had returned to its usual state, snuggling into the warmth that radiated off of him "You're so warm... Like a blanket..." she said softly, happy that the cold wasnt making any chills run up and down her spine. "If your brother isnt at the hall, would you like to sleep for a while...? To pass the time and give you energy to accept a hug you will recieve from him..." Kathy always had tabs on Tyson. He was always so quiet like her and almost had the same expression. He didnt talk unless he had to answer a question that didnt require a nod or shake of the head. Plus you'd never know if he was angry.
6 hours ago, Mitchs98 said:

Sera just continued hugging the girl, soothingly rubbing her back as she cried. It'd seem she had made something of a breakthrough with her considering she didn't run and instead stayed in her embrace. She honestly didn't care what the others would think, as far as she was concerned Verdana wasn't a bad person. Etherious or not she didn't choose to live like this much like she didn't. She stayed silent as Verdana cried and spoke to her, slowly walking back to the guild hall with her as she told her her own small story. 

If she was being honest it was more depressing than her own. Sera had actually had some experience with the world and people before everything happened, Verdana hadn't. She was thrust into basically being alone and a part of Grimoire Heart. It was good no one knew her yet though, it would make everything easier by far. Though she was more than willing to protect her if some of their goons showed up.

When she asked her how to get around everything she smiled. "Simply ignore what they want." She said. "You don't know them, they don't know you. How are they going to directly tell you what to do otherwise?" She asked. "You won't be alone, I promise. I'm not sure what the new Master has been through but I'm sure she will be accepting of you like I am." She said. "We both understand dark pasts. The past is the past, if you want to change you can." She said. "You have the choice to, and like I said I want to help you. I don't want to see another life ruined by dark mages." She told her. "All we have to do is explain everything to them, Verdana. It'll be alright." She assured the smaller girl, ruffling her hair a bit and smiling.


Verdana stared at her through the tears, sniffling in fear and discomfort. She had no idea what to think, but one fact was certain. She moaned out in sorrow, "But I just made a scene about it... No one will want to be my friend. They will just think I'm a spy or not telling the truth. Even if we explain... its not going to fix anything. I... I don't know anything anymore..." Her heart yearned for her to go to Fairy Tail, but her brain yelled at her that dreams are dreams. They will stab and throw out her heart. The same that could be said about Grimoire Heart could be said about Fairy Tail. The little child raised her hands into the air towards Sera's face, two feet smaller than the woman at least. She asked, "C-can you pick me up?" She just wanted to feel warm again... she had only felt the cold since she was born. That room and Sera had the warmth she wanted. Either way, Verdana sighed, before giving a weak smile, "...Alright... I will try..."

Main Hall


Celestia was throughly impressed with Yamato's display, if she wasn't already charmed by his magic because of his fight earlier she definitely was now. The blonde giggled happily and pulled two trays down and filled the trays with glasses which she filled with the apple pie moonshine she had made and balanced the trays on her hands, somehow balancing no less than 20 cups per tray in each of her hands, she carefully set them down with the food and called out, her bright cheerful voice rising above all the noise. "Alongside dinner we have some homemade apple pie moonshine! Come get a cup! Drink it warm or put ice in it doesn't matter please enjoy! There's more in the back if it runs out." The mixer mage wandered over to the angry Rosaline and grinned at her happily, having brought her a mug of the homemade alcohol, "Here! Have this, if you're still feeling like a brawl later I'll spar you, okay? I was itching to fight with them too. I might not look it but I enjoy a good brawl. For now come on drink up! It's delicious!" She had her own glass and quickly downed it winking at Rosaline before doing a twirly move over to Yamato; having picked up another glass to bring to him offering it to the man with a playful wink, "Drink up Yama~ careful its strong though and has no alcoholic aftertaste, depending on your tolerance you can have 3 glasses before you risk passing out I can down a lot myself. Oh! Help yourself by the way Ace!" She spoke mostly to Yamato until she remembered her friendly dwarf friend, he might not like the stuff but it was still good, and he was her friend, as was Kirin but Celestia would take a glass to her later, for now the blonde with odd black speckles of glitter in her hair stuck close to Rosa and Yama, she was really curious how well Yamato could handle his alcohol.


Inside a Shop


Shiro giggled a little when she saw the sweater that Phineas had found, it was really bright and something she wasn't used to seeing her face immediately fell back to her stoic mask though while she tilted her head at Laura, "That's some cute stuff you both found, I like the sweater you found Phin, I bet he'll like it." Shiro sung softly under her breath while perusing some of the other wares until she happened upon a somewhat odd little object, it was some sort of globe that had coral inside it and little almost holographic fish swimming in the ocean looking waters, she was charmed immediately and picked it up to peek at the price, ouch...it was a little expensive but...curious she sent a spark of magic into it and it started playing peaceful piano music blended with tropical sounds, the coral changed color as well and she knew she had to get it. Both of the brothers would like it right? She hoped so...she turned off the music and giggled with a grin, having plucked up a music magazine and that globe. She was done and paid for her items quickly, before Phineas could notice her the old lady running the register giggling and pointing at Phin conspiratorially which made Shiro shake her head violently at the old lady's teasing, only teasing because as far as the woman knew Shiro didn't smile...ever. She brushed off the woman and hid her bag behind her back, paper rustling a little, "Well I found what I was looking for, did you guys find what you wanted to? If so we should get to work moving you guys. One of us should try and find Nikolas though." 



Standing out in the cold outside as snow fell wasn't exactly at the top of Hibiki's list of things to do, and instead of him being the one to find Rosa, it seemed as though she had found him instead. Before Hibiki could even speak, Rosaline had charged towards him and  brought him into a hug that would seem back-breaking to anybody else. Rosa used her full strength as she hugged him, and although Hibiki wasn't phased by the strength of his sister, it most certainly did catch him by surprise. That, and the unintentional face full of boob he had now been struck with. "Ah, well it's good to see that you've not changed one bit, except for a few certain things- but, that doesn't matter~" He trailed off, a happy grin on his face as he did so. 


After the long long hug between the two siblings, Rosa began to speak but was awfully under exaggerating the fact of just how long it had actually been. Hibiki knew full well that Rosa did in fact know all of the facts, but was obviously playing it off like it was not as long as it was in reality. Oh well, Hibiki sighed as she spoke, the smile ever present on his face until she whisked in off his feet in one fell swoop and threw him over her shoulders and seemingly charged towards the Blue Pegasus guild hall.  "I should've guessed you'd be here." Spoke the blonde, chuckling ever so slightly as he realised how obvious the whole thing was. Hibiki wondered as to why he didn't even think to look at the guild hall in the first place, it did make a whole lot of sense and all of that seemed to have had just shot past Hibiki with the speed equivalent to that of  a bullet. Eventually, they arrived at the Blue Pegasus guild and Rosa gently placed Hibiki beside her, and on his feet as she then... went into Rosa mode. 


Overall the Blue Pegasus guild hall did not appeal to Hibiki. The smell of excessive perfume encased it in its horrible entirety and members all over the place walked with slight arrogance, the infamous pretty boy guild most certainly did live up to its name. And of course, being from Fairy Tail, this did make Hibiki feel slightly uneasy. Even then, Hibiki kept a smile on his face as he kept all of that to himself and hidden underneath a mask as he turned to Rosa and smiled before saying "What a lovely guild hall you have, it smells so nice. All of your members seem really nice too, have they been keeping you well?" He spoke, that last part with a slight tone of malice within it. And although Hibiki did not look in any way intimidating, he most certainly did sound it even if by a tiny bit. And what made it even more funny was the fact that Hibiki was not in any which way intimidating, and to the Blue Pegasus members that did see him, they most probably did think he was some initiate wannabe mage looking to join them. That thought alone, made Hibiki want to cry. 


What happened next however, was almost so instantaneous and so sudden that it threw Hibiki off slightly, but even he was expecting such a thing to occur. The area was seeped with residual magic, which meant that people were either showing off, fighting, or perhaps even both. Hibiki decided to go with the latter, and stood back alone as he watched Rosa confrontthe guilds S-Class mages. Standing there with his arms to his sides looking totally innocent, Hibiki watched as the larger, armless girl got into Rosa's face and said some things. Judging from her facial expressions, Hibiki could tell that whatever the girl had said to his sister was done so in a passive aggressive manner, and after she had tapped Rosa's nose and walked away, Hibiki walked forward and stood in front of Rosa, placing his hands on her shoulders. 


The electrical charge that surrounded Rosa's body and crackled violently didn't bother Hibiki as he made contact with her. In fact, upon his hands making contact with her shoulders the electrical charge seemed to envelop him as well, and the two of them stood there illuminating the whole guild hall before Hibiki made the charge that covered them both fizzle out of existence with a crackle. His purple eyes gazing up to the taller woman as he smiled. "You need to remember to stay calm when faced with situations such as that." As he said that, he turned back to look at Kirin before looking back to Rosa and saying, "Don't let other people's arrogance get the better of you. If this was a fight between two actual S-Classes, there would be more left in the aftermath than just residual magic. Trust me~" 


With that, Hibiki moved to stand beside Rosa as he continued to hold that same innocent smile on his face that he had upon walking in. "Now then, how about we go and talk to your guild members, hm?" Hibiki knew just how much Rosa wanted to introduce him to all of her guildmates, so Hibiki thought he'd sit back and let her. After that, then they'd finally be able to catch up - properly.


@Zuka @Britt-21 @BluePegasusMembers

  Reveal hidden contents


Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

Rosaline's whole frame was trembling as her fists were contorted into such a hard surface, her actual nails were starting to cut into the skin on her palms. That was when the one armed women leaned in like this was somehow all her fault. "See who is stronger?! I'll challenge you or Yamato any day of the week! I'm not about to be the one to roll over and take defeat, not by you or any-" Of course Rosaline didn't get to finish it because the woman was stepping closer and pushing up her flat frame against the tall woman to the point Rosaline's mouth gaped open wildly and her fists un clenched in surprise. Why was she-? "TEMPER TANTRUMS!" Rosaline's bellowing voice echoed out suddenly only to have Kirin reach up and boop her straight on the nose!! Rosaline had had about all she could take now and as Kirin stepped away, she obviously was unaware just how close to death the girl truly was.

She had pretty much already half moved her feet to follow Kirin and perhaps slam her into the back of her head, but she didn't even get a half step before something was blocking her path and placed his hands on her shoulders. Rosaline glanced down with her face still livid and she was still torn between pushing him aside and punching the day lights out of Kirin or Yamato, whoever she could get her hands on quicker, but that thought soon faded as her eyes focused in more on Hibiki. And without a word the excess lightning simply absorbed into nothingness from a simple touch of his hands on her shoulders. While she still looked mildly ticked, her expression softened a fraction and her anger seemed to melt along with the excess current from her frame. He told her to stay calm and the taller girl took a huge breath inwards as she did. What a sight to see, this huge, tall, intimidating girl basically being calmed by someone much smaller and meeker in comparison. She eventually relaxed enough she gave him a curt nod even as another huge deep breath escaped.

"Yeah, well, it doesn't help this place seems to be constantly trying to tick me off each and every way it can." She said in an angry gruff, before rubbing her forehead like she were developing some sort of migraine. It was at that moment that Cele wandered over to her and held out a big old glass of home made Moonshine, the girl grasped it like she hadn't drunk it in weeks and slammed it in seconds, before she grasped two more and slammed them down in about the same fast succession as the first. Having finished off three in a relatively quick time, the girl licked her lips a fraction and slung her arm around her younger brother and pulled him into her side, or rather slammed him in as she constantly forgot to hold back when it came to affection of any sort around him. She meant it only for the best though. "Hibiki... the girl with the sparkly hair is Cele, she uses a form of lightning magic and earth magic, and she's pretty much becoming one of my only saving graces in this place..." Rosaline turned slightly and started pointing around the room with the hand still slung around his shoulders. "The suit wearing glasses man is Yamato, he likes cooking, cleaning, reading novels and romantic walks through the park probably @Jackaboi... The girl who has a death wish is Kirin and uses sound magic.... The guy in the corner sleeping it off..." She said as she hurled the mug in her hands straight for him not really caring if it slammed him in the face, "is Dorian, who likes to fall asleep in girl's laps apparently.. @Mykinkaiser" Giving him a sharp glare even if he wasn't conscious enough to see it though a weird blush worked on her face at the same time.

She turned Hibiki slightly to look to a head popping up behind a table and grinned. "This is Ace and my residence limitless Ale supply..." @Halffix. "The really tall guy over there is Gleb and he loves Sunflowers..." @Salt Lord. "And then, of course, we can't forget Mister Casanova himself!" Rosaline turned slightly to the man who had been trailing the two this entire time and glaring with a renewed vengeance towards Kazuo. "This guy had the gal to side step me mid fight and take my First Kiss!... And furthermore, he insisted that I got changed after an altercation with some Ale that saw my top soaked, and he was the single reason why it took so long to find you in the first place!" @Britt-21 grumbling more to herself as she did. Though even as she said all this she found herself staring at Kazuo with a weird look plastered on her face but immediately shook it because staring at him too long made her head hurt. And the muscle inside her head (her brain) wasn't excised all that often, so yeah, she just side stepped that thought in her mind. She finally let her arm slip from his shoulder and grabbed his bicep instead, dragging him to the nearest table and slamming him down onto a seat on her right, before she was already filling a plate like a tower and placed it before him without looking to him once. "You're look skinny as always, so eat up all your meat this time..." she said in a forceful tone before she opened her eye and peered over her shoulder to Kazuo. "And you, pretty boy, sit down and eat." Gesturing to the seat on her left before she made her own tower and stuffed her face as she did.



Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

The dwarf stood up from his stool as a the doors opened and Rosa made her grand re-entrance placing this new person down with a great deal more care than Dorian earlier that day. Before a greeting could be said the tall woman sniffed at the air and bellowed about a fight taking place the, and was answered by Kirin. 

next thing he saw was the tables rearranging themselves complete with shelves before a large spread of food was floated out laid itself on said table the resident chef in the guildhall which was impressive even for the dwarf, even though he didn't really recognise what most of the food was, surface dweller food was quite strange

During this whole display Rosa was focused on Kirin and the fact she hadn't been summoned to participate in the fight even a little, the dwarf rummaged around in his satchel he had nearby grasping a simple bottle looked to be and old one for liquor re-purposed for this particular potion with a rough looking label slapped on it stating something about resistance, but it wasn't clear some of it wasn't even in English. But he knew what it did take a nice long swig shuddering from the taste, re corking the bottle and putting it away again. Rosa was clearly unimpressed.

Right on cue Cele sprang in handing out her potent creation offering some to Acus who everyone seemed to be calling ace for some reason or another. But with the offer of free potent liquor on offer the dwarf moved faster than anyone that had cared to notice him the time had been in the guild hall. Returning soon after with a few cups mugs and jars filled with it's content squirreling his way back to his seat and laying the various liquor filled vessels withing reaching distance. Raising a glass to Cele "most kind of yer Cele" he said sipping from the glass,

Rosa still crackled with energy not too far away from the dwarf he looked on as this new person simply talked to Rosa and managed to get her to calm down -ah well least that's settled for now must be some kind of relative or something- he thought to himself having seen similar methods of overly long fights in the dwarven taverns back home. Its all well and good to have a healthy brawl but if it carries on too long or causes to much damage it's a chore for everyone..

Rosa started the introductions for this one called Hibiki, she was still unhappy about the situation but had pulled control out from somewhere and the liquor from Cele helped. As Rosa mentioned him and his limitless supply of drink "aye near limitless lets be realistic here, still enough to put you down for a sleep dear" he chuckled finishing his glass before grasping another set of two as Rosa had one already and roughly shoved it into Hibikis hands "A man without drink in his hands when everyone else is, mighty suspicious. Might put some hair on your chest and pull that stick out of your butt too." he said looking up to him and chuckled but still not intimidated by either of them as everyone was taller then the dwarf.

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Verdana stared at her through the tears, sniffling in fear and discomfort. She had no idea what to think, but one fact was certain. She moaned out in sorrow, "But I just made a scene about it... No one will want to be my friend. They will just think I'm a spy or not telling the truth. Even if we explain... its not going to fix anything. I... I don't know anything anymore..." Her heart yearned for her to go to Fairy Tail, but her brain yelled at her that dreams are dreams. They will stab and throw out her heart. The same that could be said about Grimoire Heart could be said about Fairy Tail. The little child raised her hands into the air towards Sera's face, two feet smaller than the woman at least. She asked, "C-can you pick me up?" She just wanted to feel warm again... she had only felt the cold since she was born. That room and Sera had the warmth she wanted. Either way, Verdana sighed, before giving a weak smile, "...Alright... I will try..."

Sera listened to Verdana's concerns. She knew it would be hard to convince them, especially after her running out and all. But she was sure more than just herself would want to be her friend. She was a sweet girl and little more than a child that didn't know much more. Her other form seemed more intelligent and all but in essence she was just that, a child. She smiled and nodded when she raised her arms to her, asking to be picked up. She picked her up and cradled her against her in her arms, soothingly running a hand through her hair. "Everything will be fine, I promise." She replied. "As long as you're nice and genuinely want to change and be their friend, I'm sure you can be." She said. "Besides, Niur seemed to like you a lot. I'm sure she'd be happy to be your friend. I will too." She told her. She walked to the hall and paused outside of the door, still holding Verdana. "Want me to carry you in?" She asked. "I don't mind if you do." She said.
29 minutes ago, Mitchs98 said:

Sera listened to Verdana's concerns. She knew it would be hard to convince them, especially after her running out and all. But she was sure more than just herself would want to be her friend. She was a sweet girl and little more than a child that didn't know much more. Her other form seemed more intelligent and all but in essence she was just that, a child. She smiled and nodded when she raised her arms to her, asking to be picked up. She picked her up and cradled her against her in her arms, soothingly running a hand through her hair. "Everything will be fine, I promise." She replied. "As long as you're nice and genuinely want to change and be their friend, I'm sure you can be." She said. "Besides, Niur seemed to like you a lot. I'm sure she'd be happy to be your friend. I will too." She told her. She walked to the hall and paused outside of the door, still holding Verdana. "Want me to carry you in?" She asked. "I don't mind if you do." She said.


Verdana had a strange texture. Her hair was almost like cloth, yet a bit like spider webs. It wasn't sticky, but it felt like a soft net. A bit, fleshy too. Her entire body was organic, which gave her a strange feel. She looked up to Sera and said, "Thank you... your so warm... but I think we should talk this out a bit more. I can tell you a few things about what I am or whatever you want... but how quickly you turned me around to them could be the most suspicious thing. I really am lonely, and I love the fact your giving me attention... but I am so much younger than all of you. I can't think as clear as any of you.... or am I just too stupid?" Her self-doubt was clear. She was supposed to be a mindless brute that terrorized her foes with stupid little tea parties of death that ended with a hulking voidspawn trying to consume your heart. But she was born with a powerful brain to calculate and work her expansive features. The constant checking however constantly made her conscious mind a perfectionist... and this was one time where it would trigger like a gun. 
  Reveal hidden contents

[SIZE= 16px]As Kelica ran back downstairs, Noah braced himself just encase she couldn't stop. But luckily she stopped herself with a skid. The girl was clearly out of breath, and for obvious reasons. Noah checked his pockets making sure the gift was still there, while Kelica was looking at the beast. when she turned back, Noah quickly stopped what he was doing and had a nervous look on his face, especially when she squeezed her eyes at him. He hoped that she didn't catch what he was doing. Noah released a breath of relief as she poked his chest commenting on his clothes. "Weird" was the term she used. Wait, whaa?? He managed to get out before Kelica laughed and grabbed his hand entwining their fingers, pulling him out of the guild hall. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Right as they left the hall completely, Kelica released his hand, and kicked up the snow and twirled around in it, causing Noah to smile. he lifted his hand up as the snow landed in his hands, reminding him of his time in Iceberg. He squeezed the snow and let it fall out his hand, and followed Kelica as she walked backwards talking. As she spoke Noah had flash backs of each and everyone of those moments when he saved her. As he thought about it he really did seem like he was just an imagination, because he always appeared out of nowhere. And when they were together it was only for a short while. Noah then stopped in his tracks as he noticed Kelica had stopped, and asked why did he returned. Noah placed his hands in his coat pocket, and smiled. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]The answer to that is very simple. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah walked forward and stopped when he was right beside Kelica. He turned his head towards her. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]You[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] Dropping that on her he started walking again. He turned around and started walking backwards like Kelica did.[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] Every since I left, I couldn't get you off my mind. Throughout everything I did, you was always there. I didn't understand it, so I came back to know why. And to help me with that, I decided to join Fairy Tail as well. Hopefully your new guild master accepts me. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Zuka[/SIZE]

Mile finished his pasta soon after Kathy finished her salad.He sat his plate on the table and placed on leg on top of the other with one arm wrapped around Kathy, and the other behind the booth, holding his whiskey. Miles turned his head towards her raising an eyebrow as he heard bubbles in her drink. He smirked and turned his head towards her dragon as it ate the food she gave him. Miles vision started to get a bit blurry as he slowly fell asleep. Luckily he caught himself and woke back up, to catch Katherine's question. What's next?? Yeah let's head back before we both fall asleep here. Hopefully my brother is there too. I'm pretty sure, that giant is worried about me. The waitress came back with the check placing it on the table as she grabbed the plates, leaving to take them to the kitchen. Miles downed the rest of his whiskey, and placed it on the table. He looked at the bill, and placed it down, paying the amount exactly. He stood up and looked down at Kathy. Are you ready?? If you want, you can get on my back. I know its been awhile since you've done that. Miles crouched down, for Kathy to climb on. @Britt-21


Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Streets

Kelica could feel the stiff cold wind from behind her that made her hair dance forward almost covering her face. And as her feet were planted in the snow, Noah halted before her as she well expected him to. She found her chin and head tilted up to look to him as the 5'4 girl watched the same wind blow at his own long, purple hair. She just wanted to reach out and grab at it, it looked so soft and inviting, but her fingers clasped together more as if trying to hold back that urge. 

Despite his smile, she found her eyebrow crease in irritation that only really came off as cute. He said the answer was simple, but if that were the case then she wouldn't have asked in the first place! Or maybe she would have... she was a bit of a ditz at times.

He walked to her side and she found her head turning that way as her emerald gaze stayed glued to those golden eyes of his. She couldn't help that either, they just drew her in to the point her brain almost completely blanked out and for once the voices that raged in her head stilled and she was only now aware of how fast her heart was beating. Then his word "you" seemed to echo around her head as her eyes widened further. Chris had told her he came back because of her, but she couldn't seriously believe that! 

[SIZE= 14px]As he walked away her whole body turned to face him as her steps naturally followed his, reversing the strange walking dance they'd starting moments ago as she clasped her hands behind her back. And it seemed the head tilt was back as well. As if starting some sort of confession she glanced sideways as well. "I kept looking out the window waiting for a flash of light... whenever there was a thunder storm, I wondered if that was a real lightning strike or you'd appear again... I kept telling myself that it was silly and you'd never come back but... I had this feeling one day you'd appear again just like you did..." Here the girl pulled her arms forward and spreading them wide, imitating his very posture when he strode into the Guildhall. "...just like this. And you did!" Letting her arms drop before one lifted up to rub at her opposite elbow across her chest. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"You think I'm crazy right? Random girl always in trouble, waiting for some guy to appear and save her again? Pretty ridiculous huh?" Refusing to look at him now she was embarrassed as she glanced off to the right and the pretty shop fronts with lights still on though they were closed for business. [/SIZE]
Verdana had a strange texture. Her hair was almost like cloth, yet a bit like spider webs. It wasn't sticky, but it felt like a soft net. A bit, fleshy too. Her entire body was organic, which gave her a strange feel. She looked up to Sera and said, "Thank you... your so warm... but I think we should talk this out a bit more. I can tell you a few things about what I am or whatever you want... but how quickly you turned me around to them could be the most suspicious thing. I really am lonely, and I love the fact your giving me attention... but I am so much younger than all of you. I can't think as clear as any of you.... or am I just too stupid?" Her self-doubt was clear. She was supposed to be a mindless brute that terrorized her foes with stupid little tea parties of death that ended with a hulking voidspawn trying to consume your heart. But she was born with a powerful brain to calculate and work her expansive features. The constant checking however constantly made her conscious mind a perfectionist... and this was one time where it would trigger like a gun. 

Sera had made note of the rather strange texture of her hair, but didn't think anything about it. She knew she wasn't exactly human and she wasn't about to start asking questions the second she was getting her to calm down. She smiled down to her as she started speaking, nodding in understanding. "You aren't stupid Verdana, you're young, a child." She explained. "It's only natural for you not to be able to understand things so well." She said. "I'd be more than happy to talk to you some more first if that's what you'd prefer." She said. "It's getting late...so how about we go to my house for something to eat while we talk?" She suggested. "You can sleep there too if you want, and then tomorrow we can go in and talk to everyone. Tomorrow's Christmas so I'm sure everyone will be in a much better mood." She explained.

She was honestly trying to do everything possible to make Verdana comfortable and to convince her to stay. If the others didn't like it she honestly didn't care. She knew what it was like to not be liked or trusted, she was well used to it. Hardly anyone had trusted her when she asked to join Fairy Tail in the first place and she sincerely doubted everyone fully trusted her now. She was, after all, a monster. Tame or otherwise.

Ayano Soru: He's asleep...


On the way back to Sora's house Timothy asked Ayano where she plans to go in the future. "Where... I wonder that myself sometimes... It's strange, this whole time I've always been going somewhere but I never knew the destination. But... I feel like there's a few things I need to wrap up in my old home..." This was an unusual move on Ayano's part, in the past that would be the last thing she'd ever do. But now... With nowhere else to go, she feels oddly drawn to the place now but why? She... "Erased" any further need to go back there. Her parents were gone now and even if they were still around it'll just be the same case as always. They won't see their daughter, they'll see a monster. She still feels like she's missing something though... Ayano and Timothy had both arrived at Sora's house. The broken window from before was still there and upon entering Timothy said he was going to explore upstairs. This left the vampire on her own for a little while, she hopped onto a nearby chair and took a moment to have another look at her mark."How am I ever going to get rid of this..." This accursed mark was just begging for trouble and with it on such an obvious spot on the back of her hand it'll be extremely difficult hiding it. It's said that the only person capable of removing a mark is the guild master and if she goes to Lucian now she'll be killed. Could she go to another Guild to get it off? Even if she could how would they react to such a request? Wait... She did know... They would just simply turn her in to the magic council... One good look at her mark and she'll become an enemy. Hell if it isn't what she is that's causing people to fear her it would definitely be the mark... Timothy returned from the room above and said he was going to fall asleep for a while. Almost immediately after saying that he flops onto the couch and starts to slumber. Wait... Was he already in a deep sleep? That was fast! That's one more for the list of weird things Timothy does. What really sticks out though was the taste of his blood... That revolting taste... It tasted... Fake... Of course with it being the middle of the night Ayano wasn't tired so maybe she should find something to do? The vampire searched around the place for something to keep her entertained. That was until she found a book. Ayano remembered that she used to read a lot back when she was actually alive. She wondered how much human literature has changed since then. Before long she sat on the chair again and started reading.

@Zareh @Kyuubey (Mentioned)
1 hour ago, Mitchs98 said:

Sera had made note of the rather strange texture of her hair, but didn't think anything about it. She knew she wasn't exactly human and she wasn't about to start asking questions the second she was getting her to calm down. She smiled down to her as she started speaking, nodding in understanding. "You aren't stupid Verdana, you're young, a child." She explained. "It's only natural for you not to be able to understand things so well." She said. "I'd be more than happy to talk to you some more first if that's what you'd prefer." She said. "It's getting late...so how about we go to my house for something to eat while we talk?" She suggested. "You can sleep there too if you want, and then tomorrow we can go in and talk to everyone. Tomorrow's Christmas so I'm sure everyone will be in a much better mood." She explained.

She was honestly trying to do everything possible to make Verdana comfortable and to convince her to stay. If the others didn't like it she honestly didn't care. She knew what it was like to not be liked or trusted, she was well used to it. Hardly anyone had trusted her when she asked to join Fairy Tail in the first place and she sincerely doubted everyone fully trusted her now. She was, after all, a monster. Tame or otherwise.


Verdana pondered this for a few moments before asking, "Well, I guess that explains a lot, eh?" She warmed up a bit to lady, so happy that Sera had helped her find a home. She decided to hug her leg once more and nod, saying, "I can't find any way to repay you..." Her eyes opened wide and she looked up sheepishly. She then looked away and scratched gently at her face with a finger, "Sorry.. I don't remember your name..." She would happily bounce alongside Sera wherever she went, happy to have found a purpose in her own eyes, to be a Fairy's friend.
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[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Valken Truss[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Lamia Scale Battle Ground[/COLOR]

Valken listened to the girl's words idly, just allowed her to speak when she finally came to the conclusion that fighting was her course of action. To be fair he was expecting both to attack him at once, he simply shrugged as her fists balled up and she changed her stance slightly. Valken might have looked bored almost but his sharp eyes took in everything about her stance, how her feet pressed in and fingers tightened. And as her arms glowed he only grinned a fraction wider as a cold breeze blew across his face and made his hair rustle along with it. As she was running to him, he glanced past her to Talon. He was standing there interesting enough, though his face was contorted as he watched, like he was struggling with a course of action.

"I watched you fidget at the side of Noah and I's fight... I'm fairly certain you were itching to hit me back then to... are you not so eager now? Why not? I'm  not going to bite..." Though his smirk revealed otherwise. By now Miss Akane had closed the distance and was approaching him, he allowed her to swing towards him but the second her arm lunged out he waited till the very last second so her fist was practically up-top of him before he twisted in an almost unnatural display as he bent backwards letting her fist completely bypass his chest as he did. With his arms still crossed over his chest and daggers still slung at his hips, he threw a leg up and over her right shoulder and curled it around behind her neck, before he then jumped up and twisted in something reminiscent of a wrestler move, using his lower body and nothing else to twist her whole body along with the momentum and throw her back down to the ground. Though his gaze only stayed on her briefly as he did this, glancing over to Talon to see what he would do. Meanwhile the position forced one dagger rather temptingly close to her face as he threw her down onto her back.

@Talon @Happy Red Mage @LeSoraAmari @Embaga Elder

Akane considered her current predicament and possible course of actions. On one hand she could try using her mouth to get the dagger. On the other hand, she could attack some more.One thing she could rely on right now were her fists. She didn't know what tricks Valken had up his sleeves or other clothing parts but she sure as hell wasn't going to go down that easily. Her arm glowed as she started to use Earth Shaker from her position, the other arm still holding onto her Lightning Walk.


Her fist met the ground and Earth Shaker, true to its name, shook the earth apart with a smash, intent on at least getting Valken to distance himself so she had more time to think of a tactic. Maybe she should enlist Talon's help, after all, they were both in the same boat and technically on the same team.



Kathy looked at the check and watched as Miles paid for it with the exact money it called for. The mage finished her drink and she placed the glass on the table and watched as Miles slid from the booth and crouched down for her to get on his back. It has been a long time since she's done it so she took this oppertunity as she moved out of the booth as well, climbing onto his back and wrapping her arms around his neck before she placed her head on his back, closing her eyes and allowing a soft smile to form on her lips. Kathy was just the happiest she could be and the fact that she was showing an emotional response was even better. It showed that she was more than happy and that nothing could ruin that wonderful mood "Thank you for taking me out today,Miles..." he went out of his way to go on and take her out even after coming home from a mission where he was tired and just wanted to relax.


Her smile soon faded and had returned to its usual state, snuggling into the warmth that radiated off of him "You're so warm... Like a blanket..." she said softly, happy that the cold wasnt making any chills run up and down her spine. "If your brother isnt at the hall, would you like to sleep for a while...? To pass the time and give you energy to accept a hug you will receive from him..." Kathy always had tabs on Tyson. He was always so quiet like her and almost had the same expression. He didnt talk unless he had to answer a question that didnt require a nod or shake of the head. Plus you'd never know if he was angry.



[SIZE= 16px]Miles stood up after Katherine climbed on his back. Miles missed the feeling of carrying Kathrine on his back, though he could've sworn she was lighter than this. Either he completely forgot about the feeling of her on his back, or.... Miles turned his head to the side as Katherine spoke, looking at her through the side of his eyes. She thanked him for taking her out, which she really didn't have to do.  [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]You're welcome, Kathy. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]It was the very least he could do, especially since he's been gone for a long time. Miles turned his head back forward, and activated his aura having it cover them sense they're about to enter the cold. He started walking leaving the restaurant and entering the cold. [/SIZE]

A[SIZE= 16px]long the way Katherine asked about what they were going to do next. Miles was extremely tired, so sleeping would be the best thing he could do when he gets back. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Yeah, we can sleep once we get back. I really need it. I'm surprised I managed to last this long.  [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]When Kathrine mentioned Tyson's hug, Miles sighed at the fact that Tyson would most likely bear hug him hurting Miles. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Yeah, looking forward to seeing my brother, just not the hug.[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] Miles opened the guild hall doors and made a B-line straight for his couch. There he playfully tossed Kathrine on it, and laid down placing his head on her lap instantly falling asleep. @Britt-21     Mentioned: @Solemn Jester[/SIZE]

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Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Streets

Kelica could feel the stiff cold wind from behind her that made her hair dance forward almost covering her face. And as her feet were planted in the snow, Noah halted before her as she well expected him to. She found her chin and head tilted up to look to him as the 5'4 girl watched the same wind blow at his own long, purple hair. She just wanted to reach out and grab at it, it looked so soft and inviting, but her fingers clasped together more as if trying to hold back that urge. 

Despite his smile, she found her eyebrow crease in irritation that only really came off as cute. He said the answer was simple, but if that were the case then she wouldn't have asked in the first place! Or maybe she would have... she was a bit of a ditz at times.

He walked to her side and she found her head turning that way as her emerald gaze stayed glued to those golden eyes of his. She couldn't help that either, they just drew her in to the point her brain almost completely blanked out and for once the voices that raged in her head stilled and she was only now aware of how fast her heart was beating. Then his word "you" seemed to echo around her head as her eyes widened further. Chris had told her he came back because of her, but she couldn't seriously believe that! 

[SIZE= 14px]As he walked away her whole body turned to face him as her steps naturally followed his, reversing the strange walking dance they'd starting moments ago as she clasped her hands behind her back. And it seemed the head tilt was back as well. As if starting some sort of confession she glanced sideways as well. "I kept looking out the window waiting for a flash of light... whenever there was a thunder storm, I wondered if that was a real lightning strike or you'd appear again... I kept telling myself that it was silly and you'd never come back but... I had this feeling one day you'd appear again just like you did..." Here the girl pulled her arms forward and spreading them wide, imitating his very posture when he strode into the Guildhall. "...just like this. And you did!" Letting her arms drop before one lifted up to rub at her opposite elbow across her chest. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"You think I'm crazy right? Random girl always in trouble, waiting for some guy to appear and save her again? Pretty ridiculous huh?" Refusing to look at him now she was embarrassed as she glanced off to the right and the pretty shop fronts with lights still on though they were closed for business. [/SIZE]



[SIZE= 16px]After listening to Kelica, Noah started feeling a little bad for up and leaving out of the blue like that. Leaving her behind, and having her worry about him. He stopped in his steps and listened as she continued. He smiled as she imitated him when he returned, but his smiled, slowly faded away as Kelica started rubbing her elbow as if she was sad or embarrassed. Noah slowly walked towards Kelica, as she assumed Noah for thinking she was crazy. He stopped a foot away from her, looking dead at her as she couldn't even look at him. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Not quite. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah grabbed Kelica's chin and turned it so they were face to face. Noah stared into Kelica's emerald eyes, as snow fell on their heads. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Kelica, you're nowhere near crazy. Just because you had strong faith in my return doesn't make you crazy, just quite the opposite. [/SIZE]Noah smiled and placed his hands on both of Kelica's shoulders. It's okay to worry about someone as bad as you did. It doesn't make you crazy, just... Noah paused and glanced to the side just a bit because he wasn't sure if he wanted to say exactly he wanted to say. He looks back at kelica and places a hand on her cheek. rubbing it with her thumb. I really missed you Kelica, even though we barely had time to actually talk before I left. He looks Kelica into her eyes, feeling warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach. He slowly moved closer towards kelica as if he was about to kiss her. @Zuka
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[SIZE= 16px]After listening to Kelica, Noah started feeling a little bad for up and leaving out of the blue like that. Leaving her behind, and having her worry about him. He stopped in his steps and listened as she continued. He smiled as she imitated him when he returned, but his smiled, slowly faded away as Kelica started rubbing her elbow as if she was sad or embarrassed. Noah slowly walked towards Kelica, as she assumed Noah for thinking she was crazy. He stopped a foot away from her, looking dead at her as she couldn't even look at him. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Not quite. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah grabbed Kelica's chin and turned it so they were face to face. Noah stared into Kelica's emerald eyes, as snow fell on their heads. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Kelica, you're nowhere near crazy. Just because you had strong faith in my return doesn't make you crazy, just quite the opposite. [/SIZE]Noah smiled and placed his hands on both of Kelica's shoulders. It's okay to worry about someone as bad as you did. It doesn't make you crazy, just... Noah paused and glanced to the side just a bit because he wasn't sure if he wanted to say exactly he wanted to say. He looks back at kelica and places a hand on her cheek. rubbing it with her thumb. I really missed you Kelica, even though we barely had time to actually talk before I left. He looks Kelica into her eyes, feeling warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach. He slowly moved closer towards kelica as if he was about to kiss her. @Zuka


Kelica zefara.png

 The Forest Mage was still glued to the shop front on her immediate left though as much as she was concentrating on it, she couldn't tell you a single thing it actually sold. Her vision was there but her mind was elsewhere. It wasn't often the girl was at a loss for words, and it was even less often when she was unsure exactly how she should act. The girl only every lived on instinct so to be thinking about her movements and what she wanted to do was a first for her. She noticed him coming back towards her in her peripheral vision, not to mention the echoing crunch of his boots on the cold snow that grew slightly louder. Kelica was well aware of all of this. Her eyes glanced upwards very quickly as he said not quite, but then she felt the warmth of his fingers curl about her chin and lift it upwards towards him so she was forced to look at his face again. 

She listened to his every word with a bated breath like she always did, leaning in a fraction as she rocked on her toes so she was closer towards him. Drinking in his voice that rolled around in her head long after he even spoke. Feeling the warmth of his palms course over her shoulders making her take a sharp breath. "....not crazy just what-?" She echoed in a voice that was so soft it could have almost been covered by a gust of wind. Then the warmth of his hand returned to cup her cheek and she found herself naturally leaning into that touch, that warmth as she took a long slow blink. "I... missed you to..." She whispered gently. She couldn't lie, she didn't think she was even capable of such a thing. Everything Kelica ever did or said was genuine and she wore her heart on her sleeve. She noticed him moving closer all up in her personal bubble (now when did the Forest Mage ever care about that), her heart was thundering to a point she couldn't even hear the outside world anymore. Her whole frame was starting to tremble a little like she wasn't sure what to do anymore.

She felt like time was slowing down and as he leaned down towards her to kiss her, the girl turned her head to the side just a fraction, to let his lips rest gently against her cheek. She let him hold his kiss there for a moment before she pulled her face back a portion and lifted a hand to let her index finger tap against his lower lip. "...I can't." She said softly as she pushed his head back a fraction, then she slipped the hand downward to rest against his chest, right above where his heart was, feeling the beat through her palm and the tips of her fingers. "I need to know if you are staying here... and you will not disappear again. If I see you tomorrow... on Christmas Day.... Then I know you will not go. And then.. maybe, you can kiss me." Her words solemn and serious, but after her last word a wide smile broke away across her face. With that said the girl twisted out of his grasp with an almost impish look on her face as she twirled around to his side and behind him before doing a completely circle to pop up onto his other side. A hand reaching out to brush against his sides and back as she did before she spun and ended up before him with a swirl of her blonde hair. She extended out her arm then with her fingers spread wide, beckoning him in.

"Why don't you dance with me in the snow, Noah? I think I would like that..." Her eyes squeezing up as they often did and the beautiful smile that seemed to light up the world on her face.
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[SIZE= 16px]Miles stood up after Katherine climbed on his back. Miles missed the feeling of carrying Kathrine on his back, though he could've sworn she was lighter than this. Either he completely forgot about the feeling of her on his back, or.... Miles turned his head to the side as Katherine spoke, looking at her through the side of his eyes. She thanked him for taking her out, which she really didn't have to do.  [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]You're welcome, Kathy. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]It was the very least he could do, especially since he's been gone for a long time. Miles turned his head back forward, and activated his aura having it cover them sense they're about to enter the cold. He started walking leaving the restaurant and entering the cold. [/SIZE]

A[SIZE= 16px]long the way Katherine asked about what they were going to do next. Miles was extremely tired, so sleeping would be the best thing he could do when he gets back. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Yeah, we can sleep once we get back. I really need it. I'm surprised I managed to last this long.  [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]When Kathrine mentioned Tyson's hug, Miles sighed at the fact that Tyson would most likely bear hug him hurting Miles. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Yeah, looking forward to seeing my brother, just not the hug.[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] Miles opened the guild hall doors and made a B-line straight for his couch. There he playfully tossed Kathrine on it, and laid down placing his head on her lap instantly falling asleep. @Britt-21     Mentioned: @Solemn Jester[/SIZE]




Katherine just let time pass by before she heard the sound of him pushing the guild hall doors open which made the mage open her eyes and process what she was seeing. Soon the plush and comfortable couch had caught her fall when Miles tossed her on it and he made himself comfortable before falling asleep on her legs. "You really were Tired..." said Kathy as she gently ran her hand through the red strands of his hair. Lionel approached the two and hopped on the short table, putting her weapons down and the boquet of flowers with it "Thank you Lionel..." her eyes were pretty much stuck on Miles. His sleeping face was so peaceful, he also looked handsome. As much as she wanted to close her eyes and fall asleep with him, she refused it because he was finally back in her arms. She was able to hear the sound of his voice again and feel his aura once again.


All the mage wanted to do was watch him sleep and live in the moment. Which is exactly what she was doing "I'm happy you're back home, Miles... I've missed you very much..." she said softly in almost a whisper tone "Dont leave without me next time..." its not that she was alone or in pain while he was gone. It was more like she was bored out of her mind and found missions such a bore without him. He always seemed to pump up the party with what she could do, basically mixing up their powers and creating a bit of a mess. More than they should but Kathy didnt care much, as long as she was having fun it didnt matter. PDA wasnt her strongest suit. She quite frankly hated it because she normally would be all over her boyfriend if she was tempted enough which wasnt a good thing and she just really really really wanted to give Miles a nice kiss on the cheek...


Aiden kept a somewhat a somber tone to his face, this was after all his last day till he left. His green eyes bore holes in to Ashley, waiting for some type of protest from the Ice Mage. Nothing, she didn't have some type of out cry,Not a plead. "Well I wanted to, you've done so much for me." He wanted as Ashley pulled out a small black box, the inside had a pair of earrings. Just for him. He held the pair in his right hand, with the other he pulled out the two ruby studs he had on. He placed the two in his pierced ears, the dangling was a new sensation for him. "Thank you Ashley, for everything." He reached out to hold the red-haired female's hands, his thumbs rubbing her hands in small circles. "Ashley, I've waited a long time to tell you this." Aiden smiled and blow away a strand of brown hair out of his face. He leaned in and placed his lips on Ashley's own. 
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Ashley was glad that he accepted her gift that she had gotten him for christmas. Her eyes watched as he pulled out the studs in his ears and replaced them with the earrings she had given him and once he put his hands down, she couldnt help but smile, knowing that they looked really good on him. His hands had reached for hers and she blushed softly as his thumbs began to move around on her hands. "What is it you..." her words slowly faded away as he leaned close to her, his eyes closing and his lips getting closer to her own. Ashley's eyes widen as soon as his lips pressed against hers because even though she seen this coming just a second ago... It was something she hadnt experienced. Ever. Her mind was racing with thoughts and going out of control. Mainly filled with "what if"'s due to him leaving. He'd be far from her and if she even dared of thinking of having a relationship with him... She might end up with her heart being broken.


That was something she didnt want but, she had a thing for Aiden.  Despite her way to hide her feelings and kept them as friendly as possible, she couldnt help but fall for him. He always made her smile, he always helped and if it werent for her, he wouldnt be here for her to get to know. Giving into the temptation of closing her eyes, she pressed her lips a little harder against his so he knew that she was kissing him back and it wasnt one sided. The ice make mage wanted him to stick around but his heart was pulling him towards a guild she knew that he could make a living in. Unlike herself who was only a Rank B and was more of a support class and barely did damage. Ashley broke the kiss and she pulled away, slowly opening her eyes and locking them with Aiden's eyes .


"Aiden...I..." she blushed softly and looked down at their hands "I'm really happy that you feel the same as I do...But...I'm afraid." her eyes lifted back up to his face "You're leaving to join a guild where as I will be here. And I wouldnt want to be the one to hold you back because of my feelings." why was this christmas so bittersweet. Was it really needing to be this way? "I'm also afraid of not being able to see you." her hands squeezed his hands tightly as she leaned forward and pressed her forehead against his, not sure what else to really say. "What if i'm not the best girlfriend to you...." she whispered


Moses kept his disposition even after being called out by the woman."Well, no one likes talking to someone who's always walking around with a sour look on their face." Moses said taking a seat, and leaning back to relax."Besides, it's bad manners to call someone out on something like a fake smile. They could have very good reason for such a expression." Moses pointed out, before noticing her attention turn towards the stage. This annoyed him slightly, he frowned and his eyes slightly became hostile. Then he quickly regained his composure, and decided to watch the battle as well."You know it doesn't matter who you cheer for, I doubt this battles going to really end anyway. Most likely it'll be stopped before it gets to serious, or it'll end in a draw. Doubt either will win, although judging by they're abilities I'd say Kirin has the best chances." Moses finished picking up some booze and sipping it.  

(Can't tag others so yeah)

Kami thought for a moment then sighed,"Being constantly on the go i usually pick the quickest thing to eat, or easiest to carry around. But since I'm in no rush to travel, I'd be happy with anything you want." Kami finished looking down at his elder sister, and smiling his perfect smile. He knew his sister disliked being shorter than him. But he honestly didn't see the problem, he thought it made her seem cuter. So what if some people where taller than you? It just meant that they'd miss out on all the interesting things on ground level. Kami would tell Alara, and he strongly believed this. As a adventurer he thought it important to keep to the ground. Well except for that one time he tried finding a flying city, but that sas the acception. So he constantly tried to cheer her up about it. Although she seemed happy enough at the moment, so he didnt feel like bringing up her height. Even though he was sure she was thinking about it.


Alara nodded slowly when Kami responded about the food, humming in thought a bit. "Oooh...I know this awesome meat bun stand near by!" She told him cheerfully. "You gotta try it, they're amazing." She added, starting to practically drag him to said stand. "I'm paying too, no arguments. You don't get to visit often so it's the least I could do." She said smiling up to him. She honestly couldn't be happier that he was back safe and sound, taking on the phone as a lot different than actually spending time with him. When they got to the stand Alara's eyes lit up, ordering two of the biggest pork buns they had. Said buns being as large as her two fists put together each. She handed one to Kami and bit into hers, "Mm...what do you think?" She asked.
Verdana pondered this for a few moments before asking, "Well, I guess that explains a lot, eh?" She warmed up a bit to lady, so happy that Sera had helped her find a home. She decided to hug her leg once more and nod, saying, "I can't find any way to repay you..." Her eyes opened wide and she looked up sheepishly. She then looked away and scratched gently at her face with a finger, "Sorry.. I don't remember your name..." She would happily bounce alongside Sera wherever she went, happy to have found a purpose in her own eyes, to be a Fairy's friend.

Sera giggled and nodded, "Sure does." She replied. When she forgot her name in the middle of thanking her she grinned, "It's Sera." She said. "But as long as you don't call me a demon, 'crazy vampire lady', or 'that slut with wings', I don't mind what you call me." She told her jokingly, laughing and ruffling her hair as she started walking with her to her house. "Mmm...what do you like to eat?" She asked her. "Whatever you want to have I'll make you. I'm sure you're hungry." She said, holding the smaller girls hand as she walked. She couldn't help but smile at how cheerful Verdana was now, to have hope for a better life than she had. She could tell her words were genuine and not a trick just by how she was acting, not to mention she seemed a little to...slow...to think of some grand plan to try and fail an assassination attempt on Masaki.
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