Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Alara nodded slowly when Kami responded about the food, humming in thought a bit. "Oooh...I know this awesome meat bun stand near by!" She told him cheerfully. "You gotta try it, they're amazing." She added, starting to practically drag him to said stand. "I'm paying too, no arguments. You don't get to visit often so it's the least I could do." She said smiling up to him. She honestly couldn't be happier that he was back safe and sound, taking on the phone as a lot different than actually spending time with him. When they got to the stand Alara's eyes lit up, ordering two of the biggest pork buns they had. Said buns being as large as her two fists put together each. She handed one to Kami and bit into hers, "Mm...what do you think?" She asked.

Kami laughed at Alara's insistence on paying for his meal. She obviously knew money wasn't a issue for him. He more or less had a talent for making it. Sometimes he even started small businesses, which did fairly well. Although he usually passes them on to another person, since he couldn't be bothered to stay in one place for long. "Alright, you can pay, I suppose it's only fair, since I paid to get here. So we can call it even," Kami said grinning back at his sister. He was impressed by the size of the buns, and thanked the man who worked at the stand. Then thanked his elder sister, before eating the bun. He wasn't picky about food, since he traveled so often he had tasted lots of strange foods. So it was nice to eat something more normal for a change. He swallowed what food he had in his mouth, then cleaned his face with his robe."Alright, so I guess I'm ready to head to your guild whenever you are. It's been forever since I was there last, can't wait to see it again." 

Tyson, Redd 


Tyson was more or less lost in all the chaos. He had stopped paying attention to all that was happening, but figured everything was fine now. He stood up to his full height, then looked at his formerly injured shoulders and sighed. He disliked being healed, even when it was by his own guild mates. He preferred normal means of healing, unless the situation was dire. He stretched his massive frame somewhat, then turned to leave the Fairytail guild, not even bothering to say so much as a goodbye.

@Britt-21 @Isune @Zuka @Embaga Elder @Kyuubey  (anyone else in the ft guild)
Kami laughed at Alara's insistence on paying for his meal. She obviously knew money wasn't a issue for him. He more or less had a talent for making it. Sometimes he even started small businesses, which did fairly well. Although he usually passes them on to another person, since he couldn't be bothered to stay in one place for long. "Alright, you can pay, I suppose it's only fair, since I paid to get here. So we can call it even," Kami said grinning back at his sister. He was impressed by the size of the buns, and thanked the man who worked at the stand. Then thanked his elder sister, before eating the bun. He wasn't picky about food, since he traveled so often he had tasted lots of strange foods. So it was nice to eat something more normal for a change. He swallowed what food he had in his mouth, then cleaned his face with his robe."Alright, so I guess I'm ready to head to your guild whenever you are. It's been forever since I was there last, can't wait to see it again." 

Tyson, Redd 

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Tyson was more or less lost in all the chaos. He had stopped paying attention to all that was happening, but figured everything was fine now. He stood up to his full height, then looked at his formerly injured shoulders and sighed. He disliked being healed, even when it was by his own guild mates. He preferred normal means of healing, unless the situation was dire. He stretched his massive frame somewhat, then turned to leave the Fairytail guild, not even bothering to say so much as a goodbye.

@Britt-21 @Isune @Zuka @Embaga Elder @Kyuubey  (anyone else in the ft guild)

Alara would have paid even if Kami didn't let her. She intended on treating him to a lot more than just pork buns later on, probably taking him to a decent place to eat. Not to mention buying him a present he'd like, the question being what. She smiled when he seemed to like the bun, nodding at his statement. "Awesome then!" She replied cheerfully. "I'm sure everyone will be happy to meet you, I doubt anyone remembers you if they know you it's been so long." She said. "You can sleep over with me too since it's getting so late." She added. "I got plenty of room in my room, I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with you either." She offered, smiling as she walked towards the same shop she'd used to teleport before.
Alara would have paid even if Kami didn't let her. She intended on treating him to a lot more than just pork buns later on, probably taking him to a decent place to eat. Not to mention buying him a present he'd like, the question being what. She smiled when he seemed to like the bun, nodding at his statement. "Awesome then!" She replied cheerfully. "I'm sure everyone will be happy to meet you, I doubt anyone remembers you if they know you it's been so long." She said. "You can sleep over with me too since it's getting so late." She added. "I got plenty of room in my room, I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with you either." She offered, smiling as she walked towards the same shop she'd used to teleport before.

Kami smiled and nodded finishing up his meat bun as he did."That sounds great, it sucks that no one will remember me. But I'll probably have a hard time remembering the aswell. As for the sleeping arrangements it's been so long since we spent time together. So I'd be more than happy to snuggle up with you dear elder sister. Besides I usually end up sleeping in the middle of no where. My travels don't really allow for alot of stops at towns." Kami said laughing uncomfortably at the thought of all the times he's had to sleep in a monster filled forest. "Besides the few times I did get to a inn, um let's just say I didn't do much sleeping." Kami said laughing, at the thought of all the times he entered a new town.

Kirin just stared at Rosealine until she heard just what her brother had said. She got straight up, and walked up to Rosealine and Hibiki. She commented, "And this, sweety, is the mostly thunder dragon of Blue Pegasus. Still trying to take out the loud speaker, but small steps... small steps!" She could see the rage build in her face, but also just how calm she was around Hibiki. She couldn't shake off the feeling of an almost... emotional dependence on him. If she could, she would put her single index finger into Hibiki's chest, saying, "Sweety, please don't walk into my home and insult my life's work the instant you see me, alright?"



[SIZE= 36px]Kazuo Takara[/SIZE]

Kazuo really didnt say much. Though when he met the brother of Rosa, he nodded in greeting and said nothing more. There was no reason. Plus seeing Rosa happy and a little mushy like this made him smile a bit. At least she had someone to hug and call family, rather than feeling jealous, he felt happy for her. She needed someone like her brother in her life. Siblings may fight a lot but they're still attatched to the hip in one way or another. Watching as she picked up her brother and began walking off, she actually said something to him as she got farther and farther away. Kazuo followed with his hands in his pockets. Rosa was walking pretty damn fast for someone on her shoulder and for a woman with the same long legs as him. He didnt speed his pace up though and kept at his normal walk. Watching as she got farther and farther away.


It was clear that she was gonna get to the hall a lot quicker than he would. So he took his time on looking around and letting his eye run along christmas lights that hung on buildings or over him. The snow crunching beneath his feet and some snow falling. He looked up towards the sky and took a deep breath before bringing his eyes back down to earth and started jogging towards the hall where he opened the door and walked in just moments before Rosa turned to him and said that he took her first kiss and then something about her wet shirt and making it longer for her to see her brother. "I only made you change your shirt so you'd avoid the headache of a cold, Rosaline." he stated, "Dont worry about the kiss so much either, Rosa. I hadnt kissed a woman before so that was mine as well." ( @Zuka )as much as he hated to admit it... It was true.


He kept his distance for a reason but finally opened a little bit just for now. He noticed her staring at him for a while but he didnt mention anything to her and just let her stare at him before dragging her brother off to a table while he walked off to another table and sat down, not taking off his jacket simply because he didnt have a shirt on underneath. Rosa had it and he didnt mind. Besides, he liked the warmth of his jacket and was pretty comfortable. What else could he do today?



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Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

The dwarf stood up from his stool as a the doors opened and Rosa made her grand re-entrance placing this new person down with a great deal more care than Dorian earlier that day. Before a greeting could be said the tall woman sniffed at the air and bellowed about a fight taking place the, and was answered by Kirin. 

next thing he saw was the tables rearranging themselves complete with shelves before a large spread of food was floated out laid itself on said table the resident chef in the guildhall which was impressive even for the dwarf, even though he didn't really recognise what most of the food was, surface dweller food was quite strange

During this whole display Rosa was focused on Kirin and the fact she hadn't been summoned to participate in the fight even a little, the dwarf rummaged around in his satchel he had nearby grasping a simple bottle looked to be and old one for liquor re-purposed for this particular potion with a rough looking label slapped on it stating something about resistance, but it wasn't clear some of it wasn't even in English. But he knew what it did take a nice long swig shuddering from the taste, re corking the bottle and putting it away again. Rosa was clearly unimpressed.

Right on cue Cele sprang in handing out her potent creation offering some to Acus who everyone seemed to be calling ace for some reason or another. But with the offer of free potent liquor on offer the dwarf moved faster than anyone that had cared to notice him the time had been in the guild hall. Returning soon after with a few cups mugs and jars filled with it's content squirreling his way back to his seat and laying the various liquor filled vessels withing reaching distance. Raising a glass to Cele "most kind of yer Cele" he said sipping from the glass,

Rosa still crackled with energy not too far away from the dwarf he looked on as this new person simply talked to Rosa and managed to get her to calm down -ah well least that's settled for now must be some kind of relative or something- he thought to himself having seen similar methods of overly long fights in the dwarven taverns back home. Its all well and good to have a healthy brawl but if it carries on too long or causes to much damage it's a chore for everyone..

Rosa started the introductions for this one called Hibiki, she was still unhappy about the situation but had pulled control out from somewhere and the liquor from Cele helped. As Rosa mentioned him and his limitless supply of drink "aye near limitless lets be realistic here, still enough to put you down for a sleep dear" he chuckled finishing his glass before grasping another set of two as Rosa had one already and roughly shoved it into Hibikis hands "A man without drink in his hands when everyone else is, mighty suspicious. Might put some hair on your chest and pull that stick out of your butt too." he said looking up to him and chuckled but still not intimidated by either of them as everyone was taller then the dwarf.





Rosaline glanced to her brother to the the side with a chuckle as the dwarf offered him a drink into his hand. Now this would be entertaining, because people assumed that him being her brother he might enjoy a drink, which was not the case at all. In fact, in terms of siblings, they were almost polar opposites, though the blonde hair was the same. That was about how similar they were, plus the natural defensiveness one shared with the other. Her eyes glanced across the table to Ace. "Enough to put me down to sleep? You got a long way to go before that happens Little Man..." She said with a grin and taunt though it was more in a playful manner then her usual irritable temper. Maybe sitting down next to her brother eased her, or the Cele's moonshine was starting to ease her a little. Speaking of Moonshine, that stuff was decidedly stronger then she gave it credit for. She was by no means intoxicated but it certainly made her lick her lips once or twice before her eyes drifted over to peer to Cele curiously.

That girl.. it seemed the more time she spent with her, the more she was seeing parts to her personality that surprised her. Drinking, fighting... the girl was like a Swiss army knife of all interesting things, with random presents to boot and a mixture of magic that was so unique. She went to lift a particularly heavy fork of food when it only just NOW clicked what Kazuo had said. You couldn't say the girl was quick, she heard what he said but it seemed to go in one ear and out the other till her brain decided to scream in her ear like HEY GIRL, YOU MISSED SOMETHING IMPORTANT!


Her fork slipped from her fingers as her lips parted and her eyes wide like saucers. He'd sat down a table away and wasn't focused on her but hell if she were focused on him and didn't exactly go about hiding it (not that she would think to do so). He said he'd never kissed a girl before her as well. A pretty boy like that with a cheeky attitude and he'd never even been romantically involved. She just couldn't seem to understand that, she just assumed everyone knew the basics especially at their age and she was literally the only one up till now that either didn't care, or didn't have time. Or both. There was a darker reason for not getting involved but it was mostly a subconscious reaction to push people away. Even as she whirled with these thoughts the room seemed to die down so she was literally only staring across the room at Kazuo like she didn't see or hear a single other thing. Her face an enigma. She wasn't frowning, or not anymore then normal.

Which was something because her Brother was sitting right there beside her and Cele was fluttering around with enough grog to feed an army. Or, you know, an hour with Rosaline.


Talon lunged forward putting Valken into a headlock quickly. Making an opening for Akane to make a grab for the daggers. He knew Valken would be able to break out easily but Akane only needed a few seconds to accomplish their goal. @Zuka @Happy Red Mage
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Akane considered her current predicament and possible course of actions. On one hand she could try using her mouth to get the dagger. On the other hand, she could attack some more.One thing she could rely on right now were her fists. She didn't know what tricks Valken had up his sleeves or other clothing parts but she sure as hell wasn't going to go down that easily. Her arm glowed as she started to use Earth Shaker from her position, the other arm still holding onto her Lightning Walk.


Her fist met the ground and Earth Shaker, true to its name, shook the earth apart with a smash, intent on at least getting Valken to distance himself so she had more time to think of a tactic. Maybe she should enlist Talon's help, after all, they were both in the same boat and technically on the same team.


Talon lunged forward putting Valken into a headlock quickly. Making an opening for Akane to make a grab for the daggers. He knew Valken would be able to break out easily but Akane only needed a few seconds to accomplish their goal. @Zuka @Happy Red Mage



The Shadow Mage figured he had the girl pretty much stabilized against the ground, and he watched her eyeing off the dagger at his hip with a smirk on his face. Was she going to grab it? Interesting, he did practically thrust the thing into her face after all. He watched her slam her fist to shake the earth apart. The wobbling was sending his legs and thighs to shake and tense up to remain standing, but he did have supreme balance and posture control so he simply rode out the earth quake with barely a bead of sweat as he rolled his feet to be almost on the tips of his toes. His keen vision spotted Talon as he lunged forward and almost instantly let go of Akame (not that he couldn't continue to hold her down while dodging the boy), as he leaned his head back over the guy's shoulder and allowed him to headlock him. "UUuuhhhh ohhh You got me!...... What now then?" Valken's smirk only widened in an taunting manner as he peered over his shoulder to him.

"Oh, for the reference, when you head lock them, make sure to press them more..." reaching up and hooking his arm into the boys too break his grip and strong arm him away only an inch, before he readjusted the angle and pressed it more against his jugular specifically. "Here. You put pressure on here, it constricts their airway and forces them to pass out." Closing his eyes happily as he felt the sensation of the correct pressure in the right place. It wasn't that Valken necessarily liked pain, but he was one if not a stickler for doing the holds correctly. Then he glanced down and wiggled his hips side to side to make the daggers clink slightly on his hips, to tease the girl further. "Well? Going to grab them or-?"
@Arius LaVari @TheSecretSorcerer

  While the other two weren't looking, Phineas had quickly drifted off to grab presents; and he was pretty thoughtful about them. For Laura, he got her a jewelry box, not too simple-looking, not too gaudy. And for Shiro, he had gotten her a floral-patterned notebook with a nice quote on it. The old woman behind the counter certainly pointed it out, a teasing smile on her face. And she kept teasing him as she wrapped all the presents, much to Phineas's dismay. He actually thought the quote was quite nice. 

  If music be the fruit of love, play on. 



  Nikolas's confidence level went off the charts after Ferra agreed to his plan; in fact, nothing could beat the stupid grin he had on his face. Someone could tell him that a dark guild was attacking Fiore and he'd still be grinning like an idiot. The waiter, of course, looked very confused as he set their plates down, and even more confused when Ferra asked about porno mags for Nikolas. 

  "Sounds awesome, actually," Nik said without thinking. Holy shit, if Phin were here, he would be laughing his ass off. 
  Reveal hidden contents

 The Forest Mage was still glued to the shop front on her immediate left though as much as she was concentrating on it, she couldn't tell you a single thing it actually sold. Her vision was there but her mind was elsewhere. It wasn't often the girl was at a loss for words, and it was even less often when she was unsure exactly how she should act. The girl only every lived on instinct so to be thinking about her movements and what she wanted to do was a first for her. She noticed him coming back towards her in her peripheral vision, not to mention the echoing crunch of his boots on the cold snow that grew slightly louder. Kelica was well aware of all of this. Her eyes glanced upwards very quickly as he said not quite, but then she felt the warmth of his fingers curl about her chin and lift it upwards towards him so she was forced to look at his face again. 

She listened to his every word with a bated breath like she always did, leaning in a fraction as she rocked on her toes so she was closer towards him. Drinking in his voice that rolled around in her head long after he even spoke. Feeling the warmth of his palms course over her shoulders making her take a sharp breath. "....not crazy just what-?" She echoed in a voice that was so soft it could have almost been covered by a gust of wind. Then the warmth of his hand returned to cup her cheek and she found herself naturally leaning into that touch, that warmth as she took a long slow blink. "I... missed you to..." She whispered gently. She couldn't lie, she didn't think she was even capable of such a thing. Everything Kelica ever did or said was genuine and she wore her heart on her sleeve. She noticed him moving closer all up in her personal bubble (now when did the Forest Mage ever care about that), her heart was thundering to a point she couldn't even hear the outside world anymore. Her whole frame was starting to tremble a little like she wasn't sure what to do anymore.

She felt like time was slowing down and as he leaned down towards her to kiss her, the girl turned her head to the side just a fraction, to let his lips rest gently against her cheek. She let him hold his kiss there for a moment before she pulled her face back a portion and lifted a hand to let her index finger tap against his lower lip. "...I can't." She said softly as she pushed his head back a fraction, then she slipped the hand downward to rest against his chest, right above where his heart was, feeling the beat through her palm and the tips of her fingers. "I need to know if you are staying here... and you will not disappear again. If I see you tomorrow... on Christmas Day.... Then I know you will not go. And then.. maybe, you can kiss me." Her words solemn and serious, but after her last word a wide smile broke away across her face. With that said the girl twisted out of his grasp with an almost impish look on her face as she twirled around to his side and behind him before doing a completely circle to pop up onto his other side. A hand reaching out to brush against his sides and back as she did before she spun and ended up before him with a swirl of her blonde hair. She extended out her arm then with her fingers spread wide, beckoning him in.

"Why don't you dance with me in the snow, Noah? I think I would like that..." Her eyes squeezing up as they often did and the beautiful smile that seemed to light up the world on her face.



[SIZE= 16px]Noah came into to contact with kelica and realized that it wasn't her lips. He opened his eyes, and continued kissing her on her cheek until she pulled away. Noah stood there some what confused as she said she can't., after she pushed his head away and placed her hand on his chest. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]what do you mean? [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He asked with a somewhat confused look on his face. Then she answered his question, giving an actual reason. She was worried that he would leave again. Noah knew that he wasn't planning on going anywhere anytime soon, but he also knew Kelica wanted to be sure. Her voice sounded as if she was serious about her decision, so Noah went along with it. Okay, tomorrow maybe. He said with a nod of his head. He stuck his hand in his pocket and felt the gift. I guess I'll give this to her tomorrow as well. He thought to himself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Noah chuckled as Kelica spun around him. Once she stood in front of him asking for a dance, a smile grew upon his face. He stepped forward and took her hands, bringing her in closer. Who am I to deny a pretty girl a dance?? Noah wrapped his right arm around her waist, while his left hand held her right hand. Noah led, and rocked side to side, slow dancing in the snow. There was no music, but it still felt good dancing with her, looking into her eyes. Kelica while we're dancing, I would like to know a bit more about you. If you don't mind of course. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Zuka[/SIZE]

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Katherine just let time pass by before she heard the sound of him pushing the guild hall doors open which made the mage open her eyes and process what she was seeing. Soon the plush and comfortable couch had caught her fall when Miles tossed her on it and he made himself comfortable before falling asleep on her legs. "You really were Tired..." said Kathy as she gently ran her hand through the red strands of his hair. Lionel approached the two and hopped on the short table, putting her weapons down and the boquet of flowers with it "Thank you Lionel..." her eyes were pretty much stuck on Miles. His sleeping face was so peaceful, he also looked handsome. As much as she wanted to close her eyes and fall asleep with him, she refused it because he was finally back in her arms. She was able to hear the sound of his voice again and feel his aura once again.


All the mage wanted to do was watch him sleep and live in the moment. Which is exactly what she was doing "I'm happy you're back home, Miles... I've missed you very much..." she said softly in almost a whisper tone "Dont leave without me next time..." its not that she was alone or in pain while he was gone. It was more like she was bored out of her mind and found missions such a bore without him. He always seemed to pump up the party with what she could do, basically mixing up their powers and creating a bit of a mess. More than they should but Kathy didnt care much, as long as she was having fun it didnt matter. PDA wasnt her strongest suit. She quite frankly hated it because she normally would be all over her boyfriend if she was tempted enough which wasnt a good thing and she just really really really wanted to give Miles a nice kiss on the cheek...




While asleep Miles started to dream. His dream started off with him laying down on the stone ground with snow falling all around him. Laying next to him on his left is his elder brother Tyson, and snuggled up on him on his right is his girlfriend Katherine. Leaving Lionel the dragon laying on Miles' stomach. No one was actually saying a word, the only thing they were doing was laying down, relaxing in the snow. Then the ground beneath Miles started to crack and he fell into utter the darkness. Miles snapped awake, sitting up with his eyes glowing. He looked around in a panic, then stopped and looked at Kathy. She could see his glowing eyes, slowly returning back to normal. He took a deep breath and laid back down. How long was I out?? @Britt-21



Kathy was just in space now but that ended when Miles shot up and looked around then at her with his sexy glowing eyes, she blinked for a second before watching him rest his head back down on her lap "Only a few minutes..." she said softly, running her fingers through his hair and watching his face with her purple eyes. "You looked like you'd also hurt someone... Your eyes were glowing..." she moved her hand to his chest and gently rested her hand against it while the other ran through his hair continuously.  Either way, he was just being on guard, especially after that dream. Why was just only staring at him made her happy? Just running her hand through his hair and feeling him in her grasp...


Hearing his voice is what made things all the more better. Tired or bored, heck, even just blankly asking her to head out with her on a mission she instantly clicked to and went with him.  Just thinking, the mage then came up with something that she really wanted to ask him but refrained from doing so. It wasnt something important, plus it wasnt in her character to keep talking with how much she was. At this point she was just petting his hair as she did before and moved her eyes to his chest where her other hand was gently messing with the rope necklace, slowly losing herself in her thoughts as silence filled the air between the two.
Kami smiled and nodded finishing up his meat bun as he did."That sounds great, it sucks that no one will remember me. But I'll probably have a hard time remembering the aswell. As for the sleeping arrangements it's been so long since we spent time together. So I'd be more than happy to snuggle up with you dear elder sister. Besides I usually end up sleeping in the middle of no where. My travels don't really allow for alot of stops at towns." Kami said laughing uncomfortably at the thought of all the times he's had to sleep in a monster filled forest. "Besides the few times I did get to a inn, um let's just say I didn't do much sleeping." Kami said laughing, at the thought of all the times he entered a new town.

Alara smiled, eating her meat bun as he spoke. She couldn't help but frown as he continued, saying he didn't get much sleep. It was pretty funny if she thought about it but at the same time unhealthy, "You should try to get more sleep...it's not healthy going without it you know?" She told him, finishing her food right after. "Oh well...no more overprotective sister for now. We focus on having fun while you're here." She said. "I'll bitch at ya over the phone instead~" She joked followed by a gentle laugh. When they got to the building she paid for everything, them arriving at the guild hall once done. 

@Arius LaVari @TheSecretSorcerer

  While the other two weren't looking, Phineas had quickly drifted off to grab presents; and he was pretty thoughtful about them. For Laura, he got her a jewelry box, not too simple-looking, not too gaudy. And for Shiro, he had gotten her a floral-patterned notebook with a nice quote on it. The old woman behind the counter certainly pointed it out, a teasing smile on her face. And she kept teasing him as she wrapped all the presents, much to Phineas's dismay. He actually thought the quote was quite nice. 

  If music be the fruit of love, play on. 



  Nikolas's confidence level went off the charts after Ferra agreed to his plan; in fact, nothing could beat the stupid grin he had on his face. Someone could tell him that a dark guild was attacking Fiore and he'd still be grinning like an idiot. The waiter, of course, looked very confused as he set their plates down, and even more confused when Ferra asked about porno mags for Nikolas. 

  "Sounds awesome, actually," Nik said without thinking. Holy shit, if Phin were here, he would be laughing his ass off. 

When their food arrived she blushed, noticing the waiter had heard her talking about the porno mags. When Nikolas actually said he'd like that as a gift she stared at him blankly before laughing, thinking he was kidding. If she were being honest there'd be no way she would be able to buy that...and not just because she was technically underage. "You're so funny Nik." She said with a wide grin, starting to eat immediately after. "Mmm...this is great!" She told him cheerfully before focusing on eating.
@Talon@Arius LaVari@Kyuubey@TheSecretSorcerer@LeSoraAmari@Mr Swiftshots
@guardianshadow@Jackaboi@Zareh@Happy Red Mage@Bolts@purplepanda288@hudhouse@Salt Lord@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@Isune@Genon@Zuka@Killorkiller@Drakerus@Solemn Jester@Embaga Elder@Britt-21@Maki@MidnightStar@Zeldafangirl@Grandmaster@Spanner@GeoMancy@Geozaki

Timeskip to Xmas Day

As everyone settled in for the night or otherwise stayed up late wrapping presents and finalizing last minute arrangements the hours would pass and soon turn into morning. The streets of each city would now be fully decorated with wreathes and lights for the night to come. In the center of Magnolia stood a large Christmas tree decorated from top to bottom with all ornaments imaginable. In Crocus stood a tree of similar decor, though a good bit bigger than Magnolia's in the town square. Everyone would be waking up, failing those that woke up early to get started on the festivities sooner, to get started on the actual day of the holiday, open presents, and spend time with friends and family.


Kami had slept like a baby, he had spent the night catching up with Alara.  He didn't even recall dozing off, but was comfortably snuggled up to his sister before long. He drooled slightly, and dreamed of adventure, and treasure. A dopey smile on his face. He dreamt he was going through some ancient ruins. Dodging poison darts, giant boulders, the cliche traps. Along with a few magical based traps. He barely made it past all the traps. But as he walked through a empty tunnel he saw a light. Then he heard what sounded like angels singing. His eyes widened in amazement, as he approached the light. He entered the room that the light was shining from, and found a mighty shining staff. It many ancient ruins marked on it, and was standing upright in the center of the room. Which appeared to be a circular spiral floor, with similar markings on it. Kami carefully approached the staff, and upon making his way to it attempted to lift it. Although for some reason he couldn't quite do it, it was to heavy. So he grabbed it in a hug, and pulled with all his might. Although he wasn't aware he was doing that exact thing in the real world. Assuming Alara was snoozing next to Kami she would be currently in his arms, getting squeezed tightly by Kami. 

Tyson, Redd


Tyson had left quickly, and made his way home. Not bothering to make any stops, nor paying much attention to anything. He was exhausted, after such a exhausting day all he required was sleep. He'd eat and Bath in the morning. So he snored loudly as he slept, his snore echoing through the house. He didn't dream, at least not tonight. He was still unaware that his brother had returned, so he wasn't expecting him this morning. He had planned to spend Christmas by himself unless any of the other sabertooth members wished to celebrate with him. But regardless he would most likely just spend time training, or doing missions.

@Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder @Britt-21
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Aiden held on to her for as long as Ashley let him, the kiss sending waves of emotion barreling down his entire body. His heart beating out of his chest, threatening to simply burst out of his chest. The kiss wasn't given without some type of recompensation, she kissed back with just as much pressure he had. he closed his eyes, trying to imagine them apart from each other. Far away because he wanted to join a guild so he could make something out of himself. It was sad, His heart ached for her, it pleaded with every long and drawn out beat. An audible whine came from him as Ashley pulled away from the kiss. Their eyes locked, green clashing with red as they had a silent conversation with just a simple stare. "It's ok, Ashley, I'm scared too. I've never been this far in love with anyone." Aiden held Ashley's hands, his thumbs rubbing her palms. His brown eyes glowing with a conflicting mixture of sadness and happiness. "I love you, Ashley, This decision was hard for me to make. Knowing that I had to live without you."  Aiden pulled her into a hug, a deep one at that. In his despair, he whispered in her ear. "I think that you would make a wonderful girlfriend, Its just like when you took care of me. You are a strong woman who has a big heart. And that's what I love about you."  After all was said and done they fell asleep in each other's arms, holding each other like they were each other's lifeline. The fire had died out, the food they had made was finished off by a group of spirits that came from Aiden's keys, the chocolate all finished by Aiden himself. The blankets were wrapped around them keeping the cold at bay, soft breaths left their bodies. 



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Kami had slept like a baby, he had spent the night catching up with Alara.  He didn't even recall dozing off, but was comfortably snuggled up to his sister before long. He drooled slightly, and dreamed of adventure, and treasure. A dopey smile on his face. He dreamt he was going through some ancient ruins. Dodging poison darts, giant boulders, the cliche traps. Along with a few magical based traps. He barely made it past all the traps. But as he walked through a empty tunnel he saw a light. Then he heard what sounded like angels singing. His eyes widened in amazement, as he approached the light. He entered the room that the light was shining from, and found a mighty shining staff. It many ancient ruins marked on it, and was standing upright in the center of the room. Which appeared to be a circular spiral floor, with similar markings on it. Kami carefully approached the staff, and upon making his way to it attempted to lift it. Although for some reason he couldn't quite do it, it was to heavy. So he grabbed it in a hug, and pulled with all his might. Although he wasn't aware he was doing that exact thing in the real world. Assuming Alara was snoozing next to Kami she would be currently in his arms, getting squeezed tightly by Kami. 

Tyson, Redd

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Tyson had left quickly, and made his way home. Not bothering to make any stops, nor paying much attention to anything. He was exhausted, after such a exhausting day all he required was sleep. He'd eat and Bath in the morning. So he snored loudly as he slept, his snore echoing through the house. He didn't dream, at least not tonight. He was still unaware that his brother had returned, so he wasn't expecting him this morning. He had planned to spend Christmas by himself unless any of the other sabertooth members wished to celebrate with him. But regardless he would most likely just spend time training, or doing missions.

@Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder @Britt-21

Alara had enjoyed the night up until Kami had fallen asleep, just talking like they used to and listening to his stories of travel. She was honestly a little jealous he got to do such cool things, but she knew that life wasn't for her. She was much more suited to guild life....not to mention Kasumi so, yeah. When he did fall asleep she snuggled into the bed with him, sleeping the entire night with a smile on her face and arms wrapped snugly around him.

That was of course until she woke up to him squeezing her to death. "Kami...wake up..can't breathe..." She whined, slapping his back as hard as she could.
-- Nikolas --


  Nikolas had slept soundly right next to Ferra for the night, holding her quite close as he mumbled about fish under his breath. The previous night, he and Phineas had a feast before Phineas mysteriously disappeared, along with pretty much all of their belongings. Now, when he woke up, he and Ferra were on the floor with a sticky note taped to his forehead. Nikolas grumbled under his breath, peeling it off. An address. Weird. The half-Neko stretched, still in his pajamas. 


  Oh, wait. Phineas had left him a brand-new sweatshirt, a pair of his jeans just out of the washer, and another note. Get a move on, you nerd. 

  "Phineas, you asshole...."


  Meanwhile, Phineas was in the room of his and Nikolas's new house, enjoying a mug of hot chocolate and waiting for his brother to just get here already. He had spent all of the previous night furnishing and vamping up the place, so now it had a nice vibe to it. He checked his watch, and, letting out a long sigh, leaned backwards into the couch. Nik was probably awake by now. He took another sip of his hot chocolate, looking at the mosaic, which he had now carefully attached to the wall. Ah, perfect. Now to wait for the look on his brother's face. 

  And maybe call Laura and Shiro over. 

( @TheSecretSorcerer @Arius LaVari)



Ashley was happy with his words, he was so sweet and pushed her up the highest he could.  Saying she was wonderful and was a strong woman with a big heart. He loved that about her and she loved him for that. He seen the real her, he experienced her personality first hand. Her kindness her hospitality... Everything. "Thank you Aiden..." she said, being held in his arms before they both laid down in the sheets and pillows they had resting around. The fire died out and the only thing that kept her warm was Aiden and his embrace and kinda the blankets keeping the cold from hitting any other exposed skin. Her hands gently grasped at his shirt as she snuggled as close as she could to him. The sound of her coo-coo clock went off down the hall which was enough to wake her up and pull her from the dream world.


The ice mage stretched her legs but then relaxed as she pulled a hand from Aiden's shirt and rubbed her eye softly before they fluttered open, lifting her head and looking at the sleeping face of her newly-found boyfriend and smiled a little bit. His face was so relaxed and the earrings made him look cute. Earrings were something that fit him quite well and she was glad to have gotten them now. He took her first kiss yesterday and now they were snuggled close, keeping eachother warm and being happy of being embraced. How did I get so lucky...  but then the thoughts of him leaving began to flood her mind, making her heart break. Again..things were bittersweet.
-- Nikolas --


  Nikolas had slept soundly right next to Ferra for the night, holding her quite close as he mumbled about fish under his breath. The previous night, he and Phineas had a feast before Phineas mysteriously disappeared, along with pretty much all of their belongings. Now, when he woke up, he and Ferra were on the floor with a sticky note taped to his forehead. Nikolas grumbled under his breath, peeling it off. An address. Weird. The half-Neko stretched, still in his pajamas. 


  Oh, wait. Phineas had left him a brand-new sweatshirt, a pair of his jeans just out of the washer, and another note. Get a move on, you nerd. 

  "Phineas, you asshole...."


  Meanwhile, Phineas was in the room of his and Nikolas's new house, enjoying a mug of hot chocolate and waiting for his brother to just get here already. He had spent all of the previous night furnishing and vamping up the place, so now it had a nice vibe to it. He checked his watch, and, letting out a long sigh, leaned backwards into the couch. Nik was probably awake by now. He took another sip of his hot chocolate, looking at the mosaic, which he had now carefully attached to the wall. Ah, perfect. Now to wait for the look on his brother's face. 

  And maybe call Laura and Shiro over. 

( @TheSecretSorcerer @Arius LaVari)

Ferra had enjoyed her date with Nikolas a lot the previous night. They'd talked a while about gifts and such; Ferra teasing Nikolas about his gift of choice. When they finished he'd invited her to sleep over with him. A little nervous she accepted, trusting him well enough. All she had to do was get herself some pajamas and she was set, said pajamas being pink with a bunny on the front of the shirt.

When it was time for bed she slept soundly next to Nikolas in his arms, enjoying the closeness of the hold. When morning came and Nikolas got up she yawned and stretched, waking up just in time to hear him speak about Phineas. "Huh...where's the bed?" She mumbled, leaning up from the floor. "...better question is where's everything else." She said, blinking and looking around the room. Her eyes then landed on Nikolas, causing her to shrug and put her arms around him. "Lemme guess. Nikolas did this?" She asked.




When Verdana had awoken, it was as if she had entered into a vast metamorphosis. Her physical aged seemed to around double as her dress simplified itself. She yawned before munching into her bed of silk. She tugged at it for a few moments before it came loose and slithered down Verdana's maw like spaghetti. Her dress expanded to the side to catch the air, allowing her to float down gently. She would secretly try to sneak into Sera's kitchen and begin cooking breakfast for her. The books looked like they should be good, so she went on to try and make a horrific mess! The foods would be nowhere close to breakfast, like an apple pie and a hamburger...


  Reveal hidden contents


[SIZE= 16px]Noah came into to contact with kelica and realized that it wasn't her lips. He opened his eyes, and continued kissing her on her cheek until she pulled away. Noah stood there some what confused as she said she can't., after she pushed his head away and placed her hand on his chest. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]what do you mean? [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He asked with a somewhat confused look on his face. Then she answered his question, giving an actual reason. She was worried that he would leave again. Noah knew that he wasn't planning on going anywhere anytime soon, but he also knew Kelica wanted to be sure. Her voice sounded as if she was serious about her decision, so Noah went along with it. Okay, tomorrow maybe. He said with a nod of his head. He stuck his hand in his pocket and felt the gift. I guess I'll give this to her tomorrow as well. He thought to himself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Noah chuckled as Kelica spun around him. Once she stood in front of him asking for a dance, a smile grew upon his face. He stepped forward and took her hands, bringing her in closer. Who am I to deny a pretty girl a dance?? Noah wrapped his right arm around her waist, while his left hand held her right hand. Noah led, and rocked side to side, slow dancing in the snow. There was no music, but it still felt good dancing with her, looking into her eyes. Kelica while we're dancing, I would like to know a bit more about you. If you don't mind of course. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Zuka[/SIZE]


[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage wasn't really sure what she was expecting from Noah, though the smile that lit up his face seemed to light up her own. He stepped forward and brought her in closer, an adorable giggle escaped her lips at his words, as he wrapped his arm around her waist and held onto her right hand. Kelica honestly had no idea if Noah could even dance, though she shouldn't really be surprised around him anymore. Kelica felt the coldness of the snow falling against her shoulders and head but she paid it no mind. Her gaze seemed forever locked to Noah's eyes, like she was losing herself in them. She assumed she must have been breathing but she wasn't consciously focused in on it. She didn't need music, Kelica could feel the very tempo from his frame as he rocked back and forth, his feet light and steps practiced like he had done this more then once. And despite them having never actually danced before, she could almost read his every step and followed suit to make it seem like this was their hundredth dance not first.

How odd it must have looked just two people dancing in the snow as they were, not even dancing to a single note but some rhythm that they both shared. Like both bodies fell to a beat that didn't even exist but connected all the same. She could dance like this for hours with him, staring up to his face as her face softened and her mind remained blank. Not a single voice, not even one creature or tree asking for them to notice her. For their opinion. Just the two in their own little world. "....No one has ever asked more about me..." the Forest mage admitted as she looked away sheepishly for a minute before her gaze as always drifted back to stare to his face. "There is not much to say about me that you don't already know.... I'm that crazy blonde girl who hears voices all the time, who loves to touch people, who can be obsessive and annoying, and my magic is useless...I love animals and plants. And I believe everyone is shaped by their circumstances and at their heart, every person is good." Here she gave him a soft smile which told him she was saying all this but not in a depressed or negative way, simply stating facts. This is what the girl honestly believed and her expression alone showed that.

Having spoken enough for a life time, the girl continued to sway and move with Noah even as she said all this. "But I don't want to hear about me... I pulled us away from Guildhall to talk about you. Where you have been and what you have been doing?... I want to hear everything... I can only imagine the things you did while you were away..." Here the girl gave a tiny little yawn, not out of boredom but not realizing how tired she was getting. After all it WAS winter and most animals hibernate and plants were either bare or just surviving.  She'd been tired earlier but since Noah had returned she had been like a child in a candy store. The soft sway of his body side to side not helping the girl who's eyelids were getting heavier and heavier to the point her eyes slipped closed fully. He was talking then, telling her about his great adventures and what he did but she didn't hear anything other then the rumble of his voice in her ears and slowly she stepped closer to him as her face turned and landed with a small thud on to his chest, her breathing slowing down significantly.

Slowly her body leaned more and more into him as her knees started to weakened and the grip of her hand in his loosened as the hand that had found it's way onto his shoulder had slipped down to rest more into the cress of his elbow. And eventually her feet stopped dragging along as the girl simply stood, albeit barely, as her golden hair fell across her face and hid it from the world. The slow rise and fall of her chest and full weight on his body telling Noah she was fast asleep.


Kelica stayed in a beautiful dream where she was hovering over clouds with a giggle and a laugh, the weightless was invigorating but she couldn't help but curl into the warmth of.. well whatever cloud was covering her at the time. A soft breeze washing over her forehead in sweeps, that she reached out and clasped at that cloud to stop it drifting away. And it didn't! The cloud only drew back to her and she made a soft smile as she drew it into a deep hug, burying her face into the cloud as she did, hugging it like one does a body pillow. A nice, fluffy, warm, breathing...

Wait breathing?

Kelica's emerald eyes snapped opened as the realization hit her, and as her vision focused in she saw Noah right next to her. His eyes were closed so he didn't spot her at first but her face whirled around a moment as she looked around the place she was at. She was in her room, the scent of flowers filled the space even despite it being Winter, and sheets were on her side. So she was in her bed... but then why-? Kelica's eyes spun slightly to reface Noah as he was fast asleep beside her and naturally she found herself with a leg slung over him. And it was only as her eyes lowered she noticed something very very obvious about him.

The guy was completely naked.


Not a shred of clothing on his entire frame.

Kelica tensed up fully as her face turned into a flustered mess, a incoherent gargle escaping for a moment before realization dawned and then the girl reefed her frame away from him like he were on fire, the action so fast and furious she managed to tangle herself up in her own blankets with the movement as a high pitched, ear piercing scream escaped her lips and echoed down the hallway and probably through the Fairytail Guild Hall. Still screaming the tangled girl rolled off the side of the bed and landed with an audible thud beside the bed, stopping screaming for a second as she sat up and popped her head up to peer over to her bed.

Had to be a dream right? ....

.....Nope seems there was still a completely naked Noah just snoozing in her bed like she had thought a second ago. So the girl only screaming louder and more high pitched in her confusion.




When Verdana had awoken, it was as if she had entered into a vast metamorphosis. Her physical aged seemed to around double as her dress simplified itself. She yawned before munching into her bed of silk. She tugged at it for a few moments before it came loose and slithered down Verdana's maw like spaghetti. Her dress expanded to the side to catch the air, allowing her to float down gently. She would secretly try to sneak into Sera's kitchen and begin cooking breakfast for her. The books looked like they should be good, so she went on to try and make a horrific mess! The foods would be nowhere close to breakfast, like an apple pie and a hamburger...


The previous night Sera had given Verdana the spare room, seeing as she hadn't seen Mika around in quite some time. She had no clue where he went or anything else, she just hoped she'd see him again eventually. That being said she woke up a little bit after Verdana to the smell of...hamburgers? "What the hell...?" She mumbled as she got up yawning. Surely Verdana wasn't cooking? The girl wasn't even tall enough to reach the eyes of the stove or anything else! Though it didn't make sense for someone to break into her house and cook food. She pushed herself off of bed, wearing little more than panties and a over-sized t-shirt to cover her lower half. Walking downstairs she rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Verdana is that you?" She asked once she reached the kitchen, staring to the girl with wide eyes. It only made sense to be Verdana, but if so how was she so different?
Ferra had enjoyed her date with Nikolas a lot the previous night. They'd talked a while about gifts and such; Ferra teasing Nikolas about his gift of choice. When they finished he'd invited her to sleep over with him. A little nervous she accepted, trusting him well enough. All she had to do was get herself some pajamas and she was set, said pajamas being pink with a bunny on the front of the shirt.

When it was time for bed she slept soundly next to Nikolas in his arms, enjoying the closeness of the hold. When morning came and Nikolas got up she yawned and stretched, waking up just in time to hear him speak about Phineas. "Huh...where's the bed?" She mumbled, leaning up from the floor. "...better question is where's everything else." She said, blinking and looking around the room. Her eyes then landed on Nikolas, causing her to shrug and put her arms around him. "Lemme guess. Nikolas did this?" She asked.

  Nikolas was furiously beginning to put on his clothes, mumbling curses directed at his twin, and was about to punch a hole in the wall, when he noticed Ferra waking up and hugging him. And asking if he did this. "Nope. It was Phin this time around," he said grumpily, showing Ferra the sticky note with the address. "I have no clue why the hell he would do such an evil thing ON CHRISTMAS! COME ON, DUDE!" he shouted at the sky. Aaaaannnd the floor below him and Ferra caved in. Nikolas let out a loud scream, hastily transforming into his Exceed form to catch Ferra and lower her down to the basement floor, just a few inches away from a set of keys. Nikolas transformed back into his human self, picking the keys up. House keys. To a new house. Holy SHIT. 

  "....Come on, Ferra, we've gotta find this place!"
  Nikolas was furiously beginning to put on his clothes, mumbling curses directed at his twin, and was about to punch a hole in the wall, when he noticed Ferra waking up and hugging him. And asking if he did this. "Nope. It was Phin this time around," he said grumpily, showing Ferra the sticky note with the address. "I have no clue why the hell he would do such an evil thing ON CHRISTMAS! COME ON, DUDE!" he shouted at the sky. Aaaaannnd the floor below him and Ferra caved in. Nikolas let out a loud scream, hastily transforming into his Exceed form to catch Ferra and lower her down to the basement floor, just a few inches away from a set of keys. Nikolas transformed back into his human self, picking the keys up. House keys. To a new house. Holy SHIT. 

  "....Come on, Ferra, we've gotta find this place!"

Ferra looked confused as could be when he mentioned it was Phineas...then realized she had said Nikolas. She guessed she was sleepier than she realized. When he showed her the address she blinked, staring at it curiously. "Huh..." She mumbled. Then Nikolas started shouting, "Calm down Nik, I'm sure it's not as bad as you think." She managed to say...right until the floor caved in causing her to scream and cling to Nikolas..up until he transformed and thus caused her to scream louder until he caught her. She breathed heavily once she was sat down, trying to calm herself, eyes wide as she looked around. "Why'd the floor do that?" She questioned before sighing, at-least he'd caught her.

When he held the keys up she looked to them curiously, "Oooh..alright!" She told him cheerfully. "I'm still in my pajamas though...I bet he stole my clothes too." She said before pouting, then shrugged. "Oh well...hasn't stopped me before. Let's go!" She cheered, immediately grabbing his hand and smiling after.
The previous night Sera had given Verdana the spare room, seeing as she hadn't seen Mika around in quite some time. She had no clue where he went or anything else, she just hoped she'd see him again eventually. That being said she woke up a little bit after Verdana to the smell of...hamburgers? "What the hell...?" She mumbled as she got up yawning. Surely Verdana wasn't cooking? The girl wasn't even tall enough to reach the eyes of the stove or anything else! Though it didn't make sense for someone to break into her house and cook food. She pushed herself off of bed, wearing little more than panties and a over-sized t-shirt to cover her lower half. Walking downstairs she rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Verdana is that you?" She asked once she reached the kitchen, staring to the girl with wide eyes. It only made sense to be Verdana, but if so how was she so different?



Verdana smiled and flipped up a pancake, the only actual breakfast food she had made. Her hair was in thick bundles like tendrils, holding onto several plates as she worked. She revealed her razor sharp back fangs, speaking with a snake's tongue, "Yup! Since I'm a Daemon, my body is screwy! My type of curse.. which is pretty much just magic... is adaptations!" She abruptly grew a few hands out of her back, that quickly grew into clean arms! The now six armed young adult poured a few more pancakes before juggling them in between. She sighed before saying, "Unfortunately, I don't think as well when I do it. It's like... I'm a water bottle?" She curved an eyebrow and made sure Sera was listening, "Or maybe, the pancake mix? Either way, a bottle filled with something. It can make about... 80 pancakes. But then you use a little bit..." She flipped a pancake onto a plate of about 20...

She desperately wanted to say 'smells like... VICTORY', but she decided to keep on explaining instead. She began to pour out some orange juice and prepared a steaming plate for Sera, patting the seat as she talked to try and tell her how it worked, "It can be shaped and warped and become whatever you want, but it takes away from the bottle. The bottle now makes about.... 70? You can pour the mix back in to return it back to its old self, but then where's the pancakes?! That is how my main brain works basically." One of the tendrils face deep in a book, lifted itself up to reveal it had a glowing eye. It was scanning the ink and translating it into words, or there was an eye deep down that was trying to not freak out Sera. The tendril melted to reveal it was a string of soft bones that grew brown fur, giving her the soft hair she had. The fur would darken to black as a flower would bloom out of it, proving to be part of Verdana herself as well! 




Heading Over to visit Phineas


Shiro had sat up at home with a vague look on her face she, Phineas, and Laura had worked hard as hell last night to get everything moved while Nikolas and...Ferra was it...had slept on the floor, the white haired woman had shook her head at the pair of love birds and rolled her eyes then, now she was sort of cursing Nikolas for being lazy but she didn't let that give her pause she thought about it as she moved around her own well lived in apartment, brushing her hair and teeth before she changed out of her nightgown into an open backed black dress that was almost too short but covered her rump then put on a pair of black flats, it was what she normally wore though so it was no different than what she had been wandering around in yesterday, different dress same style. She had stayed up even later wrapping the boys' gift and was quite satisfied with it. It was wrapped up in a colorful spotted paper which she'd seen a few days ago and had picked it up because of the new recruits, thinking they might like it. With a cheerful hum she grabbed the gift and walked outside not bothering to lock her door just yet and made her way over to Phineas and Nikolas' apartment wondering idly if the boy had found the keys yet and was on his way.


Shiro's expression was blank as the snow surrounding the buildings, impossible to read as she knocked quickly and almost lightly on the door she knew belonged to her...kinda sorta friend, now. She fussed with her dress just a little while she waited on him to answer the door, the only thing off though was her long while hair was up in a pony tail.


Taylor was just waking up as she just yawned as she fell off of her bed" yack" she say" owie that hurt she complained to herself she went to get dress as she smiled she was happy she just put her hair onto two pony tails she went to the hall where all the presents was she just yawned as she looked around for the others she had her book in her hand she loved reading she couldn't believe it was christmas day she just was happy she made a scrapbook for the others she smiled as she sit in a chair as she was reading her book she was waiting to she didn't have anyone to talk to she don't really talk to anyone except the guild master and her books she was shy to talk to anyone she was nice to them but it was hard to get to know new people she just smiled enjoying her book she was reading at the moment @Mitchs98

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