Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Talons smile faltered. Boyfriend... I was too late... As soon as she asked where he had been his face clouded with guilt. He shot Nikoas a quick glance before answering Ferra. "Im sorry, I really am. I had to deal with some stuff back home and it was important. I didnt know where you lived and didnt have the time to tell you... I wanted too..." He looked at the ground for a few moments,  feeling Nikolas's glare, before loojing back a Ferra. "I looked for you in Magnolia, but you hd already left for home so I came here and arrived a few days ago. I tried to find you but I couldnt. I then went to the guild hall but you werent there, so I took the entry test. But failed... Iv been wandeing around trying to find you. Someone at the guild hall told me where you lived but you werent home last night. I was sitting here... trying to figure out where you were, or how I could find you, when you found me..." He sighed as he finished his explanation. "But im happy that you met someone." He said, trying to actually sound happy but not really succeeding. He had ruined eveything. He had let down Ferra and failed his entry test. He felt at an all time low.

@Mitchs98 @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball

  "....Okay. No 'miss'. Got it,"  Phineas said calmly, giving Shiro two thumbs-up. He was about to close the door, when next Laura came along. He held the door open for her, nodding politely. Although he'd only known her for one day, he already respected her. Mostly because she was one of the first people he had met that could shut Nikolas up. And trust me, that was an achievement. 

"An idea? You've already caught my attention. What is the idea?"

  Nikolas was now very jealous. This guy was lifting Ferra up and suddenly acting as though she was his girlfriend or something. The half-Neko stared at him, about to say something, when Ferra said exactly what she was thinking. Hello? Nikolas was her boyfriend. She sounded pretty ticked about it, too. How he had just left her. 

  "Yeah, what the hell, man? I'm normally pretty chill, but seriously. I kinda want an explanation on why you'd just up and leave someone as awesome as Ferra. I sure as hell would not do that."

Ferra smiled a bit to Nikolas at his words before focusing on Talon. She could tell her words had hurt...but did he really expect her to wait three months without so much as a goodbye? Then he started speaking, telling her exactly why that was and apologizing. She looked to the ground and frowned, feeling a bit terrible. She was still a bit mad at him for sure, but honestly...it wasn't his fault. She was sort of beginning to think that what she'd done was a little mean...but at the same time she knew it was decently justified. 

She wasn't sure what to say at all, he'd looked for her for who knows how long; even following false information about her having a house somewhere, to find out she'd moved on when he clearly hadn't. "I...I'm sorry..." She eventually said. "You did all that for me...and.." She said, sighing heavily. She then smiled up at him, not entirely able to stay angry to to the point of silence. For some illogical reason she was definitely still mad over him leaving her, but she mostly just felt depressed. "We can still be friends?" She offered. "I...I'd be lying if I said I didn't still have feelings for you but...I'm with Nik now.." She explained.

"I'd really love to be friends with you still though. You're an awesome guy and really kind." She said, giving him a reassuring smile. "I'm sure you'll be able to find someone." She told him encouragingly. Though in reality despite the previous night she was heavily conflicted, for some odd reason she still wanted to be with Talon, especially now. She guessed it was because he was technically her first boyfriend.


[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Valken Truss[/COLOR]

The Shadow Mage was sitting at the end of the bed with a stern look covering his normally cheeky face. He had his hands clasped in under his chin as he peered out of the balcony sliding doors. He sat like this for quite some time, in the cover of darkness. @Maki He had laid in bed with Millie and had spent several hours trying to calm the girl's hyperactivity so she could rest peacefully, but the second her eyes closed and she was fast asleep, Valken had slipped himself from the bed to sit in his current position on the edge of mattress. Valken was already a night owl because of his powers, he felt most awake during the night time as that was also his strongest time. But that wasn't the real reason he wasn't sleeping, he had a lot his mind. The exam he had with Talon @Talon and Akame @Happy Red Mage didn't go exactly according to plan and the more he thought about it, the more he wondered if he had made the right choice in not allowing them to join... yet. It wasn't that Valken was a bad guy, and he didn't do it out of any spite or to annoy them but he made it clear what he expected in the exam.... didn't he? Maybe he should have told them exactly what he wanted to see? Was he being too strict with them?

In hindsight he'd asked them to get the daggers in any way necessary, but the dagger's weren't even the crux of the whole exam. He couldn't care less if they got the weapons, if both had simply turned to each other to discuss, then asked him together to simply hand them over he would have just passed the weapons straight into their hands. What Valken wanted to see was team work. Lamia Scale would die to save it's own brethren, and Valken didn't exactly like the idea that either of them were alone on a mission with Ferra or Grace. @Mitchs98 Would either of the girls come back alive? Valken had to know they would be protected around his fellow Guild mates, it wasn't even a case of pure strength, it was about risking it all to protect another. He saw some of that when Talon came to Akame's rescue, but rather then simply grabbing her and pulling her out of harm's way he had attacked Valken instead, of whom he was well aware of his powers and what he was capable of.

Was Valken being too strict? Was he an alright Leader in Maya's absence? @LeSoraAmari

He never expected to be given the role, but then no one expected the brooding, agitated Lloyd to become a Guild Master either. Right place right time...right? Valken tilted his head back as he looked over his shoulder to Millie and her adorable pose and soft breaths as she slept. That wasn't all... Valken had a fairly big thing to do today, reaching into pocket and feeling Masaki's rings in his Shadow Realm, before he took another sigh and sweat dropped. For all his bravado Valken was actually incredibly shy, he only put on the brave face before people started to notice the teenager as he got taller and couldn't hide in the shadows anymore. So to combat it, he flipped a complete switch. That didn't mean he didn't still find it incredibly uncomfortable, he was just really good at hiding it now. He slowly stood up from the bed and with silent feet opened up the sliding glass door to step out into the balcony and the stiff cold breeze, enjoying the cold in only a singlet and his pants which hung about his hips. He came to the balcony railing and half leaned on it, lifting out Millie's ring to spin it on the very tip of his index finger, watching the rising sun's rays glanced off it making it sparkle.

How was he even supposed to ask? What should he say? How should he even propose? He didn't even get a chance to talk to Emmerich about it before he left with his sister @Britt-21... he was literally alone with no idea what to do... maybe he should have asked Maya?... Then a stiff chuckle left his lips. Now why in the world would Maya care what he did?.. Well I guess Lamia Scale was family and in a weird kind of way Valken did see Maya as her own Mother almost, she had been around him ever since he joined Lamia Scale when he was little. And she seemed to pop up out of no where whenever he thought she wasn't around.... not to mention that tone she often used whenever he did something stupid. Maybe... if he could find five minutes alone with her today he could tell her. Maybe she could help him.... who knew. His mind was still swirling. That was if he could find a minute around Ferra, Grace even those Neko boys, Shiro or Laura! @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Arius LaVari @TheSecretSorcerer ....maybe he should ask Millie to marry him now, this morning, before they left to the Guild Hall... Another huge sweat drop traveled down the side of his face.

What the Hell was he supposed to do!
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Katherine had gone back to Miles's home after they had relaxed at the guild hall and from the looks of it, they had fell asleep on the couch with her resting on his chest. Her small frame relaxed on his and her expression more relaxed than blank as usual. Though she began to feel a hand messing with her hair but then started to scratch her head as well which made the mage's eyes flutter open and look at Miles who was smiling at her and greeted her with Merry Christmas "Merry..." she yawned "Christmas..." her sleepy gaze watched as he leaned down to reach under the couch and  he pulled out a small box which he presented to her on his upper chest. It had a green bow on top but the box was red. Very christmasy actually and she lifted her hand, tugging at a part of the bow very softly and making it come lose before she opened the box.


The red glow emitted from it and when she seen what it was, she blinked for a few moments before moving her eyes up to Miles "Thank you..." her eyes lowered back down to the necklace and she pulled it from the box. It was beautiful, the red and then the gold case to hold the red jewel in place. Kathy sat up and pretty much almost straddled his waist as she stretched her arms and then looked at the necklace again before trying to put it on which was kind of tough for her because she just woke up and barely had any strength to fiddle with a necklace lock.



In the kitchen there was Lavender once again, making cookies and drinks. Sitting in a chilled cabinet was Keli's cake and she planned to give it to her. Just as Lavender brought out a tray of cookies, she heard a loud scream which made her look around. It was high pitched and came from the dorms and it made Lavy wonder who the heck was it. Placing the tray down on the bar of the hall, she heard the scream again which made her react this time and dash to the source. Who the heck would be screaming in the morning and on Christmas day? Unless this person was being attacked, then Lavender would understand but the fact it was only one scream kinda worried her in a way.


By the time she had gotten to the floor where it came, she assumed maybe it was Kelica because no one else could scream like her. Her scream was a lot different and a lot louder than anyone she's known. The warrior approached the door and opened it quickly "Kelica!?" the warrior shouted, only to be met with a male's bare bottom facing towards the door, his hair was purple followed by his body being well buily and when she turned her gaze to kelica, she noticed that the girl was covered in sheets and her eyes widen "My apologies!" her face had slowly turned red "I-I did not know you both had-" she just closed the door right back up with her back against the door. Wasnt that Noah? Didnt he just get back from wherever he went? He was also naked along with Kelica so did that mean they did it!?


Either way, Lavender was still mooned by the toned man and it left her face red. She was embarassed for barging in on something like that.


Chris Lengheart(When I see Kelica I'm gonna....)

Chris woke up on Christmas day rather grumpy. He hadn't been able to go out with family since he had to sit and watch the manticore. Kelica should of been back by now, Noah too. She said they were going out for just a walk, but Chris has never seen two people walk for this long before. Chris slid off of the booth he was sleeping at and straightened himself up somewhat. Looking over to the manticore, it seemed the be curled up without a care in the world. The potion wore off sometime last night, but the manticore still seemed calm. How long that was going to last for, Chris had no idea. But at least he managed to replenish most of his magic so if anything were to go wrong, he'd at least be able to knock it out.

Chris had finished taking care of his mess of hair when he heard a loud scream fill the guildhall. Chris immediately recognized it as Kelica's and made a B-line for her room. It seemed that Lavender had already beat him up there as once Chris caught up he immediately wanted to turn around and run the other way. A pair of ass-cheeks were being proudly presented to whoever was looking through that door. Chris immediately shut his eyes as the image slowly and painfully etched itself into his memory. His face immediately went red much like Lavender's. He walked over to her, a look of frustration on his face, and stated,"I know damn well that Kelica didn't blow- show up just to bang some dude. And in the guildhall of all places, it's Kelica...why am I not surprised. Same girl made out with another girl on my sofa. Didn't even see her come in...how did she get in there? I didn't fall asleep 'till at least one or two. Whatever."

Before Lavender could even respond, Chris threw both his hands into the air in an almost surrendering sort of way as he marched back to where the manticore was. Trying to shake the image that at this point was basically branded to his eyeballs, Chris took a seat while continuing to watch the manticore. It had woken up due to Kelica's screams and seemed as annoyed as Chris. It got up and made sure to keep its distance from Chris. It found a small area nearby the bar to call home and as long as no one overstayed their welcome in the manticore's territory, it wouldn't lash out at anyone else. Chris wondered what they'd do once the guildhall started filling up, would they just isolate the manticore? Or would they close down for the day being that it was Christmas. Whatever happened, Chris had to make sure that manticore didn't hurt anyone. At least one of them had to be responsible instead of sleeping around with every man, woman, and animal imaginable.

@Britt-21 @Zuka @Embaga Elder

  Reveal hidden contents

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

If Kelica was only half sure that Noah was naked before, the second the man jumped up from the bed certain assets moved along with the motion causing Kelica's already flaming red cheeks to only burn and burst into something close to a crimson red before he managed to cover himself with her own pillow. It wasn't that Kelica hadn't mm... seen certain things before, it was more, this was Noah, the guy she'd been dreaming about for...you know... a little while now. And to top it off this was the second time in a day she'd seen him shirtless (and not just shirtless but everything-less now). Furthermore where the hell did he hide that figure underneath all his clothes anyway! As he spoke her screaming died down but those emerald eyes continued to be wide like saucers when he mentioned he went to bed completely clothed. "BUT HOW DID I EVEN GET HERE NOAH!? We were dancing and then, I wake up, here, and your-! your-!" jabbing a finger towards his pile of clothes. Did he do something to her while she was sleeping?? She glanced down to look underneath the jumble of blankets she'd wrapped herself up, noting she was, indeed, clothed. So...

She didn't have time to think more on it before suddenly the door slammed open to reveal a Lavender standing in the door frame. With Kelica still wide eyed, she noticed a moment later Chris popped his head in as well, but Kelica wasn't at the same angle as them and so she didn't exactly see the same things they did... all she knew was they looked in, spotted Noah while both their faces grew red and then Lavender had apologized and closed the door after saying.. she didn't know they'd?..... Kelica face paled a little as she realized just what the situation might have looked like to both and in a hurry the girl launched herself from the floor and started to hop around like one does in a fully enclosed sleeping bag. The girl was still trapped after all. Bouncing till she came to the doorway and thrust herself at it suddenly with an almighty bang. "WAIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTT LAAAAAAAAAAVEEEEEEYYYYY!!! CHRRRRIISSSS!!! IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE WE HAVEN'T EVEN KISSED! I HAVE NO IDEA WHY HE'S NAKED!" She screamed through the doorway, however as she bounced back and then forward once more she suddenly broke the hinges to the door and the still blanket entangled girl suddenly fell with another loud squeal.  Not realising Lavender was on the other side, or even what the hell Noah was doing in all this.

Meanwhile there was still a Manticore to try and go find, and Kelica could have SWORE she sensed a tiny frightened... something whimpering in her ears that wasn't to far from her, but she couldn't be certain. As she laid there on her back glancing around, her panic sort of left a little as she could hear the sounds of a little tiny baby asking for it's parents. At least in her mind, it was echoing but it sounded distraught. "N...Noah!! Help me out of this thing!" She said even as she wiggled against the ground.

Blankets!... her greatest foe yet....



Noah snapped his head towards the door once he heard it opened. Both Lavender and Chris was standing there with red faces. Though Chris had his eyes  closed which was very understandable. Noah sighed as he got dressed. Great, time to explain this mess yet again. I honestly lost track on how many times this happened to me. He thought to himself. 

Kelica then ran out the room still covered in sheets which isn't helping them what so ever. It actually worsens it. Those blankets are going to be a tripping hazard for her. Noah thought to himself as Kelica exited the room trying to explain what happened. He followed her out the room, too late to catch her as she falls to the ground. Luckily the blankets had to soften her fall. Noah chuckled as she was squirming around. Alright I'm coming. He chuckled out as she yelled at him for help. 

Noah crouched down and pulled the blankets unrolling Kelica, freeing her from her greatest enemy. You are free to go. 

Arietta Forsyth/ Sora Marvell - Magnolia




Blue haired had draped itself upon Aria's fox face, those fierce yet gentle eyes slowly opening to figure out what was tickling her fur. A rather adorable sneeze released itself in the air and if it weren't for the small hands curled upon the fox's body she would've gone flying across the guild hall floor. A wide yawn exposing canine teeth shook her entire body before she fixated on the young girl's face, hues dancing about in wonder. This girl looked sad, torn, and just... helpless. Her heart began to ache simply from the defeated look plastered on Sora's face and she couldn't help but want to pull her into an embrace. The fox began morphing, growing in size until Aria returned to her normal womanly body. Lithe arms didn't hesitate to wrap around Sora's small frame and hold her close. A mop of blue hair was all that could be seen as she looked downwards, noticing that Sora had completely buried her face into her rather large chest. Not that she minded and it was nice to know they served a purpose other than being nice to look at. Aria's fingers combed through the dragon slayer's hair, arms protectively grasping at her to let her know that this was a safe place. A place she could just break down instead of trying to be strong. " Shhh, Sora. Shhh... " The words slithered out in a lullabetic tone, trying to soothe the girl. As Sora began to cry and shake, Aria simply craddled her closer, nuzzling a cheek into her hair for even more comfort. 


Sora had stumbled upon the small fox once she'd waken at some point in the night, realizing that she'd fainted and it was eerily quiet. It was odd to see a random animal in the guildhall just sleeping atop of some clothes so she'd knelt down to inspect it, eyes wide as the fox began to go through the notions of waking up. She also wasn't expecting the creature to change into a beautiful woman but it was the arms that seized her as a prisoner that was the biggest surprise. Usually Sora would've protested but the warmth and emotion flowing from her made her feel strangely vulnerable. Her eyes slipped to a close as she pushed her face into the woman's shirt, face shifting from side to side as tears began to flow freely. It was as if she were trying to wipe each new tear off her face to pretend it had never fallen in the first place but she failed, only succeeding in soaking Aria's shirt in the process. " How do you know my name...? " She tried to whisper it but she only managed to choke out the words, now tilting her head up to peer into those yellow eyes. 


Aria smiled in a nurturing way, loosening her grip by a fraction. Her white hair had flowed downwards to entangle itself within the blue strands as her hair was much longer, long enough in fact that it laid loosely around them in colourless waves. " I guess you weren't here when I made the announcement. My name is Arietta Forsyth and I'm your new guild master. As to how I know your name.... well, you're the spitting image of your grandmother and I've heard of your accomplishments. She would've been so proud of the woman you're becoming. " Aria spoke softly as if she were filled in a room with sleeping people whom she didn't wish to wake, though that wasn't the case. The guild hall had emptied out and all that remained looming in the room was the gigantic tree and the shining star that rested at the very top. Aria proceeded to stand with ease, lifting the smaller slayer up with her as if the two shared the weight of a feather. " Let's talk and maybe I can help, your secrets are safe with me, Sora. But that pained look on your face and in your heart will only remain or even worse, it could grow into something nasty. " Aria's eyes flashed as she remembered a certain incident in her past in regards to someone she had once known. They had gone down a bad path and she had been much too late to stop the transformation they had taken. It filled her with a regret that weighed upon her shoulders to this very day and she would be damned if there was a repeat of any kind, especially from one of her fairies. 


And the two did talk in fact, throughout the hours remaining of the night. Their voices carried on without pause until the sun began to rise, bringing light to pour over the mountains in the distance. They had wandered out into the city while they conversed and finally their steps fell silent as they approached Sora's home. " You're making the right decision. Just be back in time for the Grand Magic Games. I need to watch my fairies kick some ass and I would prefer to have you compete. Your heart and magic is incredibly strong, you better not miss it or else I'll drag you back myself. Understand? " Aria winked playfully and enveloped her arms around the slayer once more, breathing in heavily before releasing that breath and the girl in unison. 

It was almost hard to let her go. Aria felt like a mother whom was sending their child off into the world; the dark and dangerous world. Even though she wouldn't admit it, Aria knew deep down that she would send someone to keep a close eye on the small slayer, simply for Sora's protection. One couldn't be too careful but if Sora needed space and time to heal, it wasn't right for her to deny that request. After all, she had been the one to suggest Sora go off and deal with the inner war brewing within her. A hesitant step backwards was made before Aria turned completely and walked away, eyes narrowed in an attempt to force themselves staring forward. Looking back would only make things harder for the slayer she felt so she continued until she was a good distance away and out of view. " Do come back in one piece... " She whispered as she had turned the corner, hoping the words would reach her ears. 


Sora felt renewed after speaking to Aria throughout the night and when the sun had begun to creep along the horizon, she was quite startled. How long had it been? What if she didn't have enough time to gather her belongings before someone woke up? Her feet shifted uneasily within the snow beneath them, fingers curling into Aria's back as the woman hugged her before leaving. It was funny how a few hours of opening up to someone could truly bring them closer. Such a short amount of time but it was as if they had known each other much, much, longer. Sora felt safe with her and that meant the world to her. It was the same feeling that she got around Maya so it could only be taken as a wonderful thing. Aria's words were heard as a gust of wind almost intentionally carried them to her and she smiled faintly in response before heading into her home. It was quiet. " Good... They're not awake yet. " Sora mumbled as she first tip toed about her own home, finding it slightly humorous that she even had to do so in the first place. As she roamed about and packed her backpack, stuffing it to the brim with essentials she may need, her steps seemed to halt once she came across Ayano and Timothy fast asleep. A pang of guilt wracked her features but she soon pursed her lips and snuck into her room to obtain her writing pad. 


It took an hour or so as she wrote to her guild and explained everything that had happened, along with why she had been so distant. Losing Lysander had been too much and if she were to find herself able to genuinely smile without remorse then she would need to leave Magnolia for a while. 


To Timothy; you have been an amazing and dear friend. I will truly miss you until I return and I want to strongly ask that you remain here in the city and join Fairy Tail. I better see the guild mark on your somewhere when I get back. No ifs or buts! Please take care of Ayano as she's going to need a friend in you. You're welcome to stay at my home. She is as well. Stay safe and see you in no time! P.S Don't come looking for me... All I can truly ask is that you respect my wishes. - A long steampunk type jacket was laid next to the note, folded carefully and delicately. - This belonged to my father and I wanted you to have it, I think it'll look wonderful on you. Merry Christmas! @Zareh


To Ayano; I want to make you believe in people again but I need to fix myself first. I am and always will be your friend so please be there for Timothy as he might blame himself for me leaving. I accept you for who you are and others will too, just give them a chance. - A pair of cat ears like the ones she wore were placed atop of the note, waiting to be worn. - I got these from my granny and I thought you'd appreciate them so please hold them dear to you, they're super special to me. Merry Christmas! @Jackaboi


To Clair; I'll be back. Don't go on any dangerous missions without me! Also, you're not fat at all, I just like to tease you. You're one of my oldest and bestest friends, please take care of Nami and don't let her cause too much trouble around the guild hall. I left a cake for you in the fridge of my place so make sure you get to it before someone else finds it. - A box filled with an armor set was nestled under the note, ribbon splayed everywhere. - It's sky armor, I've been working on this for you for years so I hope you like it. Merry Christmas! @Mr Swiftshots


To Chris; I'm sorry for being so defensive towards you in the past. You're really strong and I admire your strength! I hope you learn a new beast form or two while I'm gone and I can't wait to see them. Protect everyone for me, alright? They're going to need you. - A huge quilt blanket was folded that the note was tied down to. When unfolded, it was filled with many different exotic creatures and beasts that were sewn into a small story. - I made this for you and I really hope you like it. I know you have your forms to turn to when you're in need but this blanket will always keep you warm, it's magically warded so that it can't be destroyed either. Merry Christmas! @Isune


To Hibiki; I know you're going to want to find me and bring me back because that's who you are. Please don't. I really need this and I'll be back before you know it. Keep an eye out for everybody! You've always been like a big brother to me, I just wanted you to know that Hibi-kun! - A pair of shoes with lightning bolts on the sides lay next to his note, shining with some sort of aura. - These shoes can handle your electrical input and won't wear or tear no matter how fast you zoom around. You needed a new pair anyway! You keep ruining your others. Merry Christmas! @LeSoraAmari


To Kelica; You've grown so much in every aspect and I'm really proud of you! Keep doing your best and don't forget what I taught you. You're a lady and everyone should treat you like one because you're beautiful and lovely. See you when I get back and try not to get into any trouble while I'm gone. Thanks for being so kind to me, I'm happy to call you family. - The letter was tied to a glowing seed, magic pulsating off of it. - I went in search of this quite some time ago for you... It's said to grow into an enormous tree that produces waters that have healing abilities. It's definitely too big for a pot but I know you'll find the perfect home for it. And I think you'd give it the love and nurturing it needs to grow! Merry Christmas! @Zuka


To Lavender; You're always so caring and sweet, thinking about the best interest of others. I've always noticed your determination and ability to be rational no matter what situation is thrown your way. Keep the guild fed and keep them from destroying the building again, I don't want to come back to an entirely new guild hall. - A beautiful Valkyrie looking helmet sat next to the note, lined in a mineral that was extremely rare. -  Something to keep you safe while I'm not here to protect you like I normally would. It's supposed to have enhanced defensive abilities so I'm sure you'll put it to good use if the time ever arises. Plus you'll look stunning wearing it! Merry Christmas! @Britt-21


To Ryu; Out of everyone I think you'll understand the most why I needed to get away for a while. You've always been the understanding one out of us all so thank you. Thank you for doing your best to take care of everyone and keep things as minimally chaotic as possible. Keep being you and don't let that darker side of you surface much, you're stronger than him. - The note was rolled up and tied together by an elegant red ribbon. - I found this for you on one of my missions, I thought it would look beautiful on the hilt of your sword. It's said to be able to keep anything together and it reminded me of you. @Rhodus


To Sera; Don't eat anyone! I'm joking. Try not to drink anyone under the table and do your best to not ransack the kitchen in the middle of the night on one of your drunk escapades. I need stuff to cook with when I get back! Remember that you're cherished and I don't care what you are, you're just Sera to me. - A small alcohol barrel that could fit in your palm was sitting on the note as if holding it down. - It's a portable drinking party for you! You just squeeze it and it'll grow in size and it never empties. Don't become too friendly with it, you're enjoyable when sober too. Merry Christmas! @Mitchs98


Sora sighed almost too audibly as she looked down at the presents and notes, as satisfied as she would be with them. She left Timothy and Ayano's on the kitchen table before she grabbed the rest of the presents and the bag she had packed, taking a small moment to look around. This was the best thing, hopefully they will understand.... Sora let another small smile drift into her face as she passed by them sleeping and made her way out of the house only to be confronted by Nami. Both her hands went up immediately in a defensive fashion as she backed away almost in fear of the small exceed. Her eyes darted between her bag and that now seemingly rising to anger face, eyes widening as Nami's cheeks filled with air to puff out. And puff out they did, though the effect was much less impressive while it was in action, almost like a sad deflating balloon. Sora's gaze slipped down guiltily as she stepped forward and pulled the small cat into hug that lasted much too long though the silence was eerily welcomed. " It won't be for long, let's drop these off and remember to stay with Clair. She will make sure you're fed, you have access to my jewels so you can pay for whatever you need. " The two remained quiet after that, simply soaking in one another's presence before that ultimate yet undesired goodbye had to be made. 


Sora stopped as she approached the guildhall, presents in hand to stare up at it lovingly, knowing she would be back within its rowdy and lovely walls once more. The sounds of screams filled the air but she didn't sense any immediate danger so she took the opportunity of distraction to place all of the presents under the beautiful tree. " Goodbye guys. Merry Christmas. " She said under her breath, a genuine smile tugging at her lips as she headed out, eyes peering into Nami's once outside and back in the chilly winter air. " This is it, behave and your present .... " Sora pulled out a small bow from her jacket pocket and tied it to Nami's tail. " When you touch it here... " She leaned forward as she spoke, pointing out the activation button and continued, " it will shoot out a glitter trail with stars behind you. I thought it would be cute when you're flying. " She mused as she imagined it, tears now forming in her eyes. " I won't be the same person when I get back, Nami. I'll be stronger both mentally and physically. I look forward to seeing you again, my dearest friend. I love you so much, Nami! " Sora's small hands fisted together as she held herself together, not wanting to cry as she made the quick notion to wave goodbye and darted off. Nami watched her go whilst her wings started to droop sadly, the glistening in her own eyes resembling tears. " Goodbye everyone. " One more departing statement was said and that seemed to be what pushed her over the edge in terms of not crying. A few tears slipped past closed eyes, the water only making her face tingle as the cold air came into contact with her damp cheeks. And before anyone would be aware that she was leaving, the young slayer was out of town and already standing atop one of those mountaintops in the distance. Her blue hair danced about in the wind freely, strands slipping in and out of her vision as she gazed back down over Magnolia with a determined look dancing within those hues that sparkled with the reflection of the new dawn.


Aria stood outside the guildhall and off to the side a bit, watching Sora as she ran off with a newly ignited spark to push her forward. It was necessary to allow the girl to do this to grow and become stronger, or at least she told herself that so that her motherly instincts would remained quelled for the time being. " Just a few minutes longer before I walk into the lion's den. " She spoke to herself, sighing so heavily that some of the snow scattered wildly that had been slow-falling in front of her face. The screams and loud yelling from inside could be heard but she hadn't expected any less. What holiday or day even wasn't eventful in some way when it came to Fairy Tail? She honestly couldn't think of one. Fairy Tail did everything humanly possible to get all eyes on them and it wasn't even intentional, perhaps that was the enthralling part. " Alright! " She mentally prepared herself as her more than desirable body pushed itself off from the wall that had served as a leaning post for the time being. " Let's do this! " A smile quickly followed her words as she headed towards the double doors.




@anyone else in Magnolia or the FT HQ

Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Magnolia : Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Status : Sleep Deprived

After her little run in with Aria and 'Abby' Clair returned home , locked her door and spent the remainder of the night ensuring her lights remained on. In fact Clair had even spent and hour ensuring not a single shadow was present in her room. Now of course your wondering : why ?

Well actually that's quite simple , 'Abby' could materialise through the use of shadows and the last place Clair ever wanted to see that creep was inside her own bedroom. The mere thought of him materialising within her room sent shivers down her spine and undoubtedly was the reasoning behind why she didn't sleep that night.

Was Clair being irrational and quite frankly idiotic ? Yes of course she was but in her mind all these actions were absolute necessities.

Anyway as time does , it progressed and Christmas morning soon arrived. Birds started chirping and other residents started to stir loudly to a wake. It was morning and Clair had successfully made it through the night without a single incident ! Huzzah !

And so with the morning upon her Clair happily yet carefully set about getting ready for the day ahead of herself. Now of course some things didn't work out just as the sleep deprived wizard intended , for example she had accidently dressed herself instead of reequipping , which was remarkable in its own way considering she could have sworn any other day she wouldn't have been capable of such a feat. But all in all she eventually was made ready to advance towards the guild hall presents in tow.

And that she did , walking somewhat to the side while stubbornly trying not to collapse in a heap. Before Clair had even arrived at the guild hall she could hear the banter from within. Fairy Tail , no other guild could hope to compare in character.

Once inside Clair Glanced around the room , forcefully ignoring Aria yet more than glad to see that 'Abby' was no where to be seen. Clair had noted quite quickly that Sora hadn't arrived yet , which was very odd considering she was normally the first to rise on such a morning, and so set about taking a seat at the bar where she ever so gently rested her head upon the counter.

In doing so Clair slowly but surely drifted into a light slumber. Yet another feat considering the level of noise.

@Kyuubey @anyone in the guild hall
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14 hours ago, Mitchs98 said:

Sera just sort of watched with wide eyes as Verdana cooked, eyeing the tendrils and the girl who was quite a bit bigger than before curiously. "Yeah I know what curses are..." She mumbled. She flinched when the arms grew, focused intently on Verdana's explanation. She had to admit, while freaky as all hell, it was pretty damn cool. It brought a grin to the vampires face; though she did shudder when she saw the eyeball. She sat down nevertheless when instructed and nodded, "Huh....that's pretty awesome actually." She replied. "Can you control if you change back or?" She asked, not sure how it worked as she forked a pancake.


Verdana wasn't exactly sure what she meant, but tried to make her best guess, "Well... I can't change back. I just aged like you do. My body has several different animalistic transformations I can end up looking as to suit to my mutation style. Currently, I am on the path of... the Spider. I take the traits from animals to improve on my own abilities to where I become the perfect organic assassin. Plus, it's near impossible to detect my mutations due to them being physical instead of magical or curse! The Curse just causes the mutation but doesn't sustain it. That's why I have multiple brains. Would you like me to be based off of another animal? My creator intended for me to be based off of the Mantis, but I can go all the way into things like a Centaur! Though I must ask..." She tilted her head like a dog, which dropped a pancake from one of her tendrils to the next pan. Her physical reflexes were much greater than her smarts. She asked casually, "So, whats your power?"
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You're welcome Kathy. Miles said with a smile. He watched as she tried putting it on and chuckled as she struggled. She was still practically waking up. Miles shook his head Poor baby he took over for Katherine and locked the necklace around her neck, without getting her hair caught in it.  

Soon Miles heard from foot steps coming down the stairs. He turned his head seeing a tall and muscular big figure with red hair walking. It couldn't be no one else but Tyson. Good brother, what a Christmas present right? He asked with a smirk. The smirk faded to a frown as Tyson practically ignored him and talked to Katherine instead. Miles was confused for a second as his brother wished he was here for Christmas which he was. Yo Ty stop being such ignorant and say good morning. Miles sounded grumpy a bit as he talked to Tyson. He relaxed a little as Tyson walked towards him, thinking he was gone talk to him,  but instead he sat on him almost squishing Katherine. As Miles huge brother sat on him,  he started to become angered at him forcing his eyes to glow again. His aura started to flow covering him. As his aura lifted Tyson up off of him and dripped him on the floor. 

God Tyson, the hell is wrong with you. Sitting your giant self on me. Yeah I didn't tell you that I'm here, but in my defence you weren't at the guild when I returned so if you wanna blame someone blame and sit on yourself. Miles turned his head back towards Katherine. I'm sorry for that Kathy. I told you he was going to do something crazy.

@Britt-21 @Solemn Jester



Kathy felt Miles' hands take the necklace from her and she took her hand and moved her hair off to the side so he could lock it and that's what he did "Thank you..." she said softly before her eyes moved towards the livingroom archway and seen Tyson who greeted her and she nodded in greeting before he mentioned Miles not being able to join them today, already finding the sarcasm in his voice. Plus his voice was a little cheerful which made her only tilt her head slightly, wondering how he got a bit peppy from Christmas. Not to mention he was actually sitting on Miles and squished her a little bit but Miles was quick to react and allowed his red glow to shove Tyson onto the ground which left Kathy the only one sitting on him. It was amazing how Miles didnt even kill Tyson for actually sitting on him.


If she had a sister that sat on her, kathy would've thrown her into the next room just for that little reason. Dealing with something like that irked Kathy and made her glad that she was an only child to her parents. Her purple eyes moved from the fallen Tyson and returned to Miles with a shake of her head, her hand going to her necklace and looking down at it. Clearly the necklace had her very interested and seemed to keep her occupied. Since this necklace was also from him, she'd imagine the red part being Miles' heart. Because why not. "You should learn not to sit on people, Tyson..." said Katherine as her gaze returned to Tyson "Nicely greet your brother..."

  Reveal hidden contents

Noah snapped his head towards the door once he heard it opened. Both Lavender and Chris was standing there with red faces. Though Chris had his eyes  closed which was very understandable. Noah sighed as he got dressed. Great, time to explain this mess yet again. I honestly lost track on how many times this happened to me. He thought to himself. 

Kelica then ran out the room still covered in sheets which isn't helping them what so ever. It actually worsens it. Those blankets are going to be a tripping hazard for her. Noah thought to himself as Kelica exited the room trying to explain what happened. He followed her out the room, too late to catch her as she falls to the ground. Luckily the blankets had to soften her fall. Noah chuckled as she was squirming around. Alright I'm coming. He chuckled out as she yelled at him for help. 

Noah crouched down and pulled the blankets unrolling Kelica, freeing her from her greatest enemy. You are free to go. 



It didnt take long for Chris to come up as well and see the butt in which was shown to him. Though he closed his eyes unlike her who shut the door quickly and tried to get the image of Noah's butt out of her mind. Not to mention Chris started ranting on about something and she spoke up "Chris, I do not believe that she had given Noah such a treatment..." she said before adding "I think that they might have-" she stopped talking as soon as Chris walked off "W-Wait!" she called out before she was caught off guard from the sudden bang from the door and jumped in surprise, hearing Keli on the other side screaming their names and saying it wasnt what it looked like and they havent even kissed. Then how could she explain both of them being naked? There was no way to lie out of that!


Lavender only backed from the door and hurried after Chris "Sir Chris, Wait up!" she called, running after him and heading down the stairs just before her feet tangled up and had her trip right over her own feet, her eyes widening as she fell towards Chris "C-Chris Look out!!!" she yelled, watching as he turned and grabbed her but that only caused both of them to fall now and land at the bottom, having Lavender land on Chris while Chris had the unfortunate landing on the hard floor. As the warrior slowly opened her eyes, she was met with Chris's chin and she slowly sat up "I'm so sorry!" the butt that was pinned to her mind had her in such a panic that she fell on top of chris and what would be seen from other people was Lavender straddling Chris while he layed there. That's when her face slowly turned red
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Alara was on the verge of unconciousness when Kami finally woke up. She coughed and sucked in air before looking to him with a hurt pout. "I was gonna die!" She whined, rubbing her likely bruised ribs. She then sighed lightly, "Oh well..." She said. "You're actually pretty strong these days, huh Kami?" She asked with a grin. She got up off of the bed and stretched before walking over to her shield. "Think you can finally lift it?" She asked, pointing to her shield. It was enchanted to be unnaturrally heavy for anyone but the owner, but Kami likely forgot that, even still she was curious. Plus she had to tease her brother.



Kami sat up and crossed his legs, showing off a Grouchy just woke up kind of expression."Please dear sister, don't be so dramatic. Even if I hadn't woke up, I'm sure you could have escaped my grasp." Kami, lifted a arm and flexed his muscles at the mention of him getting stronger. Then leapt to the floor, and next to her and the shield."Hmm, well I might aswell give it a try." Kami observed the shield, one of his old foes. He had attempted to lift it numerous times before, but always failed. Although the last time he had attempted to lift it was years ago. He walked around it, looking at it from odd angles, and making strange hand gestures. Almost as if he where measuring it up. He then crossed his arms, and sighed hopelessly."Well, you know my chances of actually lifting it are slim. If I remember correctly it had some kind of charm on it, or something like that. I forget, it was a Thor's hammer kind of thing wasn't it? Only the worthy shall wield it, well obviously something more specific. But, I might aswell try," he then spit in his hands, and rubbed them together. He crouched, and got the best footing, then he grabbed the shield at its easiest hand holds."Okay, here goes nothings!" Kami said pulling up on the shield in an attempt to lift it.

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You're welcome Kathy. Miles said with a smile. He watched as she tried putting it on and chuckled as she struggled. She was still practically waking up. Miles shook his head Poor baby he took over for Katherine and locked the necklace around her neck, without getting her hair caught in it.  

Soon Miles heard from foot steps coming down the stairs. He turned his head seeing a tall and muscular big figure with red hair walking. It couldn't be no one else but Tyson. Good brother, what a Christmas present right? He asked with a smirk. The smirk faded to a frown as Tyson practically ignored him and talked to Katherine instead. Miles was confused for a second as his brother wished he was here for Christmas which he was. Yo Ty stop being such ignorant and say good morning. Miles sounded grumpy a bit as he talked to Tyson. He relaxed a little as Tyson walked towards him, thinking he was gone talk to him,  but instead he sat on him almost squishing Katherine. As Miles huge brother sat on him,  he started to become angered at him forcing his eyes to glow again. His aura started to flow covering him. As his aura lifted Tyson up off of him and dripped him on the floor. 

God Tyson, the hell is wrong with you. Sitting your giant self on me. Yeah I didn't tell you that I'm here, but in my defence you weren't at the guild when I returned so if you wanna blame someone blame and sit on yourself. Miles turned his head back towards Katherine. I'm sorry for that Kathy. I told you he was going to do something crazy.

@Britt-21 @Solemn Jester


Kathy felt Miles' hands take the necklace from her and she took her hand and moved her hair off to the side so he could lock it and that's what he did "Thank you..." she said softly before her eyes moved towards the livingroom archway and seen Tyson who greeted her and she nodded in greeting before he mentioned Miles not being able to join them today, already finding the sarcasm in his voice. Plus his voice was a little cheerful which made her only tilt her head slightly, wondering how he got a bit peppy from Christmas. Not to mention he was actually sitting on Miles and squished her a little bit but Miles was quick to react and allowed his red glow to shove Tyson onto the ground which left Kathy the only one sitting on him. It was amazing how Miles didnt even kill Tyson for actually sitting on him.


If she had a sister that sat on her, kathy would've thrown her into the next room just for that little reason. Dealing with something like that irked Kathy and made her glad that she was an only child to her parents. Her purple eyes moved from the fallen Tyson and returned to Miles with a shake of her head, her hand going to her necklace and looking down at it. Clearly the necklace had her very interested and seemed to keep her occupied. Since this necklace was also from him, she'd imagine the red part being Miles' heart. Because why not. "You should learn not to sit on people, Tyson..." said Katherine as her gaze returned to Tyson "Nicely greet your brother..."


It didnt take long for Chris to come up as well and see the butt in which was shown to him. Though he closed his eyes unlike her who shut the door quickly and tried to get the image of Noah's butt out of her mind. Not to mention Chris started ranting on about something and she spoke up "Chris, I do not believe that she had given Noah such a treatment..." she said before adding "I think that they might have-" she stopped talking as soon as Chris walked off "W-Wait!" she called out before she was caught off guard from the sudden bang from the door and jumped in surprise, hearing Keli on the other side screaming their names and saying it wasnt what it looked like and they havent even kissed. Then how could she explain both of them being naked? There was no way to lie out of that!


Lavender only backed from the door and hurried after Chris "Sir Chris, Wait up!" she called, running after him and heading down the stairs just before her feet tangled up and had her trip right over her own feet, her eyes widening as she fell towards Chris "C-Chris Look out!!!" she yelled, watching as he turned and grabbed her but that only caused both of them to fall now and land at the bottom, having Lavender land on Chris while Chris had the unfortunate landing on the hard floor. As the warrior slowly opened her eyes, she was met with Chris's chin and she slowly sat up "I'm so sorry!" the butt that was pinned to her mind had her in such a panic that she fell on top of chris and what would be seen from other people was Lavender straddling Chris while he layed there. That's when her face slowly turned red

Tyson, Redd

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Tyson's shoulders slumped, and he look slightly guilty. Almost as if caught in a lie, although that wasn't the case. Miles just pointed out the thing Tyson hoped he wouldn't. Although then Tyson's posture changed, and his eyes got sharper. His voice even turned went back to its calm emotionless manner. He stood from the floor, and raised his left arm. He then seemed to be stretching out his wrists."You're correct dear younger brother. I wasn't around when you returned, but something just occurred to me." Tyson said as he slowly approached Miles, his form growing more intimidating. His eyes then turned to Katherine, who was still on Miles."Katherine, this is family business, could you leave the room for a moment. At least until you hear Miles call out uncle?" Tyson asked, although he didn't seem to be paying her much attention anymore. What he was referring to by call uncle was exactly that. The word you say when you're tired of being wailed on. Usually by a older sibling," So dear brother explain to me this? If you saw I wasn't around when you returned... why can you tell me? Why you didn't call me on your lacrima!" Tyson raised his voice, but it still seemed to be cold, and emotionless. He then attempted to grab Miles by his face, in a visce grip like manner.

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Kami sat up and crossed his legs, showing off a Grouchy just woke up kind of expression."Please dear sister, don't be so dramatic. Even if I hadn't woke up, I'm sure you could have escaped my grasp." Kami, lifted a arm and flexed his muscles at the mention of him getting stronger. Then leapt to the floor, and next to her and the shield."Hmm, well I might aswell give it a try." Kami observed the shield, one of his old foes. He had attempted to lift it numerous times before, but always failed. Although the last time he had attempted to lift it was years ago. He walked around it, looking at it from odd angles, and making strange hand gestures. Almost as if he where measuring it up. He then crossed his arms, and sighed hopelessly."Well, you know my chances of actually lifting it are slim. If I remember correctly it had some kind of charm on it, or something like that. I forget, it was a Thor's hammer kind of thing wasn't it? Only the worthy shall wield it, well obviously something more specific. But, I might aswell try," he then spit in his hands, and rubbed them together. He crouched, and got the best footing, then he grabbed the shield at its easiest hand holds."Okay, here goes nothings!" Kami said pulling up on the shield in an attempt to lift it.

Tyson, Redd

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Tyson's shoulders slumped, and he look slightly guilty. Almost as if caught in a lie, although that wasn't the case. Miles just pointed out the thing Tyson hoped he wouldn't. Although then Tyson's posture changed, and his eyes got sharper. His voice even turned went back to its calm emotionless manner. He stood from the floor, and raised his left arm. He then seemed to be stretching out his wrists."You're correct dear younger brother. I wasn't around when you returned, but something just occurred to me." Tyson said as he slowly approached Miles, his form growing more intimidating. His eyes then turned to Katherine, who was still on Miles."Katherine, this is family business, could you leave the room for a moment. At least until you hear Miles call out uncle?" Tyson asked, although he didn't seem to be paying her much attention anymore. What he was referring to by call uncle was exactly that. The word you say when you're tired of being wailed on. Usually by a older sibling," So dear brother explain to me this? If you saw I wasn't around when you returned... why can you tell me? Why you didn't call me on your lacrima!" Tyson raised his voice, but it still seemed to be cold, and emotionless. He then attempted to grab Miles by his face, in a visce grip like manner.

"Mmm...maybe." Alara replied. "I couldn't breathe though...so maybe not." She added before shrugging. If she had of been awake she probably could of broken his grip pretty easily, at-least she'd like to think so. She grinned as she watched him get up to go to the shield to lift it, nodding at his question. "Mhm. Heavier to anyone but the wielder...junk like that." She said.

She watched him do his thing to try and lift it, grinning more when he actually did. Kami would find himself actually able to lift it a bit off the ground, no more than two feet, causing Alara to chuckle lightly. "Better than it used to be lil bro." She told him, giving him an encouraging pat on the back.

Ferra smiled a bit to Nikolas at his words before focusing on Talon. She could tell her words had hurt...but did he really expect her to wait three months without so much as a goodbye? Then he started speaking, telling her exactly why that was and apologizing. She looked to the ground and frowned, feeling a bit terrible. She was still a bit mad at him for sure, but honestly...it wasn't his fault. She was sort of beginning to think that what she'd done was a little mean...but at the same time she knew it was decently justified. 

She wasn't sure what to say at all, he'd looked for her for who knows how long; even following false information about her having a house somewhere, to find out she'd moved on when he clearly hadn't. "I...I'm sorry..." She eventually said. "You did all that for me...and.." She said, sighing heavily. She then smiled up at him, not entirely able to stay angry to to the point of silence. For some illogical reason she was definitely still mad over him leaving her, but she mostly just felt depressed. "We can still be friends?" She offered. "I...I'd be lying if I said I didn't still have feelings for you but...I'm with Nik now.." She explained.

"I'd really love to be friends with you still though. You're an awesome guy and really kind." She said, giving him a reassuring smile. "I'm sure you'll be able to find someone." She told him encouragingly. Though in reality despite the previous night she was heavily conflicted, for some odd reason she still wanted to be with Talon, especially now. She guessed it was because he was technically her first boyfriend.

Talons smile faltered. Boyfriend... I was too late... As soon as she asked where he had been his face clouded with guilt. He shot Nikoas a quick glance before answering Ferra. "Im sorry, I really am. I had to deal with some stuff back home and it was important. I didnt know where you lived and didnt have the time to tell you... I wanted too..." He looked at the ground for a few moments,  feeling Nikolas's glare, before loojing back a Ferra. "I looked for you in Magnolia, but you hd already left for home so I came here and arrived a few days ago. I tried to find you but I couldnt. I then went to the guild hall but you werent there, so I took the entry test. But failed... Iv been wandeing around trying to find you. Someone at the guild hall told me where you lived but you werent home last night. I was sitting here... trying to figure out where you were, or how I could find you, when you found me..." He sighed as he finished his explanation. "But im happy that you met someone." He said, trying to actually sound happy but not really succeeding. He had ruined eveything. He had let down Ferra and failed his entry test. He felt at an all time low.

@Mitchs98 @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball

  Nikolas was...kinda just standing there, looking between Ferra and Talon as they spoke. Well, this was awkward. And he wasn't sure if bringing up last night would be a great idea. Especially in this situation. So he placed a hand on Talon's shoulder comfortingly. 

  "Yeah, man. I know you'll find that special someone somewhere. I mean, if ya'd like, I could play matchmaker. I don't wanna be enemies or somethin' 'cuz Ferra 'n' I are datin' now and you 'n' Ferra were together back then. So, seriously, nice to meetcha."

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Kelica squirmed and wormed and struggled against the ground with almost a whimper. It didn't matter how much she tried to rock and roll around she couldn't get out of those blankets! How did someone even tangle themselves up as much as she did? Take a full blow of Hibiki.... no sweat. @LeSoraAmari Sit for hours with her eyes closed and hearing the grass rustling at her feet with Ryu's meditation... no problems (kind of....). @Rhodus But a blanket bested her? Oh lordie... the girl still needed some serious training it seemed. Thankfully her knight in long purple hair armor came to her rescue again as he crouched down beside her, with a chuckle no less, that caused the Forest Mage to glare up to him. Of course, Kelica was the cutest and sweetest thing since ever so the intimidating glare only came off as adorable really and her cheeks puffed out as her lips pierced. @Embaga Elder

Oddly though the girl relaxed down as Noah reached into her blankets to try and wriggle her out of it, of course the tangled mess had her strapped up rather tightly so in order for him to untangle the girl he had to slip a hand in under the sheets to pull a corner edge to unravel the whole lot. UNFORTUNATELY in doing so his hand managed to caress her rather healthy chest though he seemed to be more focused on getting the girl out of the mess then coping a feel. That didn't stop the girl going completely rigid as her eyes flew open to saucers and she literally ceased to breath anymore. And much as Lavender was caught in an equally cheek reddening situation, Kelica's own cheeks only flamed harder as her mouth dropped open to say something. @Britt-21 @Isune

That is to say Noah's hand didn't feel bad it was more just... Oh who know's... but Kelica was torn with not minding the touch but finding it crazy embarrassing at the same time. Eventually he must have found said corner because in one tug he managed to free the blanket which fell by the wayside and the girl was left sprawled against the ground, clothed, with an expression close to bliss as she did. She peered up to Noah, upside down no less as her bouncing blonde hair covered the floor around her face with one of her signature bright smiles over her lips as the embarrassed expression seemed to have faded. Well, her cheeks were still flaming, but you know.

Once she was out of the blankets she sat up and reached a hand out as she allowed Noah to help her to stand then. And once she was up on her feet, she bundled up the blankets against the ground and strode into her room before dumping them on the bed and walked out, stepping over the broken door as she did. "Thank you... again... Noah. Now... you want to try and explaining to me just how I ended up in bed and why you were naked?" She said as she gazed up to him with a lifted eyebrow. "...because now we have some serious explaining to do and I'd like to hope you didn't do anything of that sort with me while I slept..." Here her expression fell a little as she glanced sideways with her cheeks starting to burn red again. "Because, you know, if you did... I dunno, I figured I would have woken up at the very least... I um.. expected you to be better at that... sort of stuff... judging by how often you-... you know what! Never mind!" Talking about this stuff before never embarrassed her previously, she was the most open and honest girl in the guild (and thus the most ditzy it seemed). So why did bringing up this conversation make her almost coy or shy?... It didn't make much sense and she couldn't much explain it herself.

Something about Noah just... made her feel different. And she couldn't quite explain exactly what it was. In the now quite halls of the Dorm rooms, Kelica's expression suddenly lit up out of no where. "OOhhh I completely forgot! It's Christmas! Merry Christmas Noah!" Smiling hugely as she threw her arms around him for a huge hug and buried her face into his chest. Not expecting a present, and not really having anything to give as the girl had done nothing but training for months so she had no money, she hoped a hug would suffice. Her gift to the Guild Hall, had literally been the huge towering tree in it's center. She held the hug for a long time, or at least it felt long to her, before she slowly started to peel back to peer up to his face again. "I um... we should probably-..." gesturing with a thumb over her shoulder to say they should probably go into the actual Guild Hall then and try to clear up this mess with Chris and Lavender. She threaded her hand into his before she lead him down the stairs. Only the girl froze, her fingers still entwined with his and froze on the bottom step as her eyes went huge. Spotting Lavender and Chris... well Lavender on top of Chris.

Welp this morning couldn't get any weirder for the Forest Mage. But even as she stared, stunned, her eyes flicked around the room, quickly to the Manticore as her gaze stayed on him and they had miniature death glare before he huffed and turned away. Obviously he still wasn't on speaking terms with her, for some odd reason. But then her eyes scanned the other way as that weird whining and whimpering and baby crying sound was in her ears again, only louder now and her expression softened as her fingers tightened in Noah's. "....D...do you hear that crying Noah?" She said softly. @Arius LaVari
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Kathy felt Miles' hands take the necklace from her and she took her hand and moved her hair off to the side so he could lock it and that's what he did "Thank you..." she said softly before her eyes moved towards the livingroom archway and seen Tyson who greeted her and she nodded in greeting before he mentioned Miles not being able to join them today, already finding the sarcasm in his voice. Plus his voice was a little cheerful which made her only tilt her head slightly, wondering how he got a bit peppy from Christmas. Not to mention he was actually sitting on Miles and squished her a little bit but Miles was quick to react and allowed his red glow to shove Tyson onto the ground which left Kathy the only one sitting on him. It was amazing how Miles didnt even kill Tyson for actually sitting on him.


If she had a sister that sat on her, kathy would've thrown her into the next room just for that little reason. Dealing with something like that irked Kathy and made her glad that she was an only child to her parents. Her purple eyes moved from the fallen Tyson and returned to Miles with a shake of her head, her hand going to her necklace and looking down at it. Clearly the necklace had her very interested and seemed to keep her occupied. Since this necklace was also from him, she'd imagine the red part being Miles' heart. Because why not. "You should learn not to sit on people, Tyson..." said Katherine as her gaze returned to Tyson "Nicely greet your brother..."


It didnt take long for Chris to come up as well and see the butt in which was shown to him. Though he closed his eyes unlike her who shut the door quickly and tried to get the image of Noah's butt out of her mind. Not to mention Chris started ranting on about something and she spoke up "Chris, I do not believe that she had given Noah such a treatment..." she said before adding "I think that they might have-" she stopped talking as soon as Chris walked off "W-Wait!" she called out before she was caught off guard from the sudden bang from the door and jumped in surprise, hearing Keli on the other side screaming their names and saying it wasnt what it looked like and they havent even kissed. Then how could she explain both of them being naked? There was no way to lie out of that!


Lavender only backed from the door and hurried after Chris "Sir Chris, Wait up!" she called, running after him and heading down the stairs just before her feet tangled up and had her trip right over her own feet, her eyes widening as she fell towards Chris "C-Chris Look out!!!" she yelled, watching as he turned and grabbed her but that only caused both of them to fall now and land at the bottom, having Lavender land on Chris while Chris had the unfortunate landing on the hard floor. As the warrior slowly opened her eyes, she was met with Chris's chin and she slowly sat up "I'm so sorry!" the butt that was pinned to her mind had her in such a panic that she fell on top of chris and what would be seen from other people was Lavender straddling Chris while he layed there. That's when her face slowly turned red


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Kami sat up and crossed his legs, showing off a Grouchy just woke up kind of expression."Please dear sister, don't be so dramatic. Even if I hadn't woke up, I'm sure you could have escaped my grasp." Kami, lifted a arm and flexed his muscles at the mention of him getting stronger. Then leapt to the floor, and next to her and the shield."Hmm, well I might aswell give it a try." Kami observed the shield, one of his old foes. He had attempted to lift it numerous times before, but always failed. Although the last time he had attempted to lift it was years ago. He walked around it, looking at it from odd angles, and making strange hand gestures. Almost as if he where measuring it up. He then crossed his arms, and sighed hopelessly."Well, you know my chances of actually lifting it are slim. If I remember correctly it had some kind of charm on it, or something like that. I forget, it was a Thor's hammer kind of thing wasn't it? Only the worthy shall wield it, well obviously something more specific. But, I might aswell try," he then spit in his hands, and rubbed them together. He crouched, and got the best footing, then he grabbed the shield at its easiest hand holds."Okay, here goes nothings!" Kami said pulling up on the shield in an attempt to lift it.

Tyson, Redd

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Tyson's shoulders slumped, and he look slightly guilty. Almost as if caught in a lie, although that wasn't the case. Miles just pointed out the thing Tyson hoped he wouldn't. Although then Tyson's posture changed, and his eyes got sharper. His voice even turned went back to its calm emotionless manner. He stood from the floor, and raised his left arm. He then seemed to be stretching out his wrists."You're correct dear younger brother. I wasn't around when you returned, but something just occurred to me." Tyson said as he slowly approached Miles, his form growing more intimidating. His eyes then turned to Katherine, who was still on Miles."Katherine, this is family business, could you leave the room for a moment. At least until you hear Miles call out uncle?" Tyson asked, although he didn't seem to be paying her much attention anymore. What he was referring to by call uncle was exactly that. The word you say when you're tired of being wailed on. Usually by a older sibling," So dear brother explain to me this? If you saw I wasn't around when you returned... why can you tell me? Why you didn't call me on your lacrima!" Tyson raised his voice, but it still seemed to be cold, and emotionless. He then attempted to grab Miles by his face, in a visce grip like manner.



By the posture his brother was giving him,  Miles knew what would soon happen next. Miles doesn't get scared my Tyson's intimidating form like he use to when they were much younger. Miles sat up and nicely moved Katherine out of the way. He stood up only to be shorter than his brother by a couple of inches. Miles eyes were glowing red,  matching the color of the aura being emitted off of him. Miles didn't appreciate how he asked Katherine to leave because it was "family matters, he too didn't appreciate having Tyson's giant hand reaching out for his face. 

His aura grabbed onto Tyson's wrist with a very tight and burning grip. First thing brother, Katherine is family brother.  She's been family for a long time, so there's no need for her to leave.  He said with a cold look in his eye and tone. Second, after I arrived I was extremely tired and aggravated. Soo calling you would've only aggravated me more, because that would've been more work. Miles refrained from telling him the other reason why he didn't call. He was too busy with Katherine. Third, we're not going to have yet another endless battle on Christmas Day. So why don't we both take a deep breath and calm down? Miles took his own example first and stopped the flow of his aura. He closed his eye as he took a deep breath calming down. Once he opened his eyes again they returned to their original amber color. Your turn. 

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21



Kathy only gave Tyson a blank look as he said that what was going to happen was family business and leave the room. Clearly he didnt realise how long she knew both him and his brother for. Just watching Tyson reaching for Miles' face she knew that Miles would stop him. Of course, before she could really pipe in, her boyfriend slipped her off him and moved her to where she wouldnt be in the way. Lionel ran in with her staff in his mouth and she looked down at him, reaching down and taking her staff from him with a nod in thanks and placed the end on the floor and watched the two brothers. Miles stood up for her, saying she is family and that there was no reason to leave. Then he began to tell Tyson what happened yesterday but kept their alone time to himself. Those glowing eyes almost made her smile but her expression was too strong.


Watching his eyes close and hearing him breathe in, she knew as soon as his eyes would open that they would be back to their original color. Seeing as she had an opening, she took her staff and hit Tyson on the head with her staff. Not too hard but not too soft. The staff was only a conductor to her main magic which was Nexus and what she used when she was in dire situations. "It's a holiday... No need to start a fight..." she said softly "I brought some cookies from the hall before we came home... Go eat some..." she actually wanted some hot cocoa too but she was going to wait on making that because she wanted to make some with Miles. Plus... She didnt know how many marshmellows he liked in his hot cocoa. Lionel, her dragon, had went up to Tyson and sniffed at his legs before climbing up his body and perching himself on his shoulder, looking at him with his glowing eyes and a tilt of his head before he hopped off and glided to Kathy to land on her head and curl around her head like a garland.


Katherine walked up to Miles and stood next to him, looking up at Tyson who towered over her the most and she had her usual blank face. Willing to do another stare-off if it came to it. Which most likely it would. Though she hadnt noticed her hood was off and revealed how long her hair really was and how silvery it was in the light. It framed her face beautifully and the silver complimented her purple eyes.
"Mmm...maybe." Alara replied. "I couldn't breathe though...so maybe not." She added before shrugging. If she had of been awake she probably could of broken his grip pretty easily, at-least she'd like to think so. She grinned as she watched him get up to go to the shield to lift it, nodding at his question. "Mhm. Heavier to anyone but the wielder...junk like that." She said.

She watched him do his thing to try and lift it, grinning more when he actually did. Kami would find himself actually able to lift it a bit off the ground, no more than two feet, causing Alara to chuckle lightly. "Better than it used to be lil bro." She told him, giving him an encouraging pat on the back.



As Kami struggled to lift he he expected only a slight budge at most. Being as his efforts where usually fruitless, at least when it came to lifting Alara's shield. But instead he actually managed to lift it two feet off the ground. He was lucky to get it one foot of the ground last time when he tried before. He carefully put it back down before he dropped it on his foot. With a heavy sigh, and light clank, he fell on his ass already exhausted from the effort. He raised a tired arm in triumph, proud of his victory."Woohoo, I did it! That's great, new record! Okay so let's get dressed, and then what? Go to the guild hall?" Kami suggest as he walked over to his bag. He then quickly dug through it, until he found a black shirt. He also found some jeans, which he took with him to change. He walked into the bathroom, changing incredibly fast. He was use to quick escapes, mainly because some people didn't appreciate outsiders meddling in their affairs."So, what do you think? Guild or what?" Kami said as he exitted the bathroom.

By the posture his brother was giving him,  Miles knew what would soon happen next. Miles doesn't get scared my Tyson's intimidating form like he use to when they were much younger. Miles sat up and nicely moved Katherine out of the way. He stood up only to be shorter than his brother by a couple of inches. Miles eyes were glowing red,  matching the color of the aura being emitted off of him. Miles didn't appreciate how he asked Katherine to leave because it was "family matters, he too didn't appreciate having Tyson's giant hand reaching out for his face. 

His aura grabbed onto Tyson's wrist with a very tight and burning grip. First thing brother, Katherine is family brother.  She's been family for a long time, so there's no need for her to leave.  He said with a cold look in his eye and tone. Second, after I arrived I was extremely tired and aggravated. Soo calling you would've only aggravated me more, because that would've been more work. Miles refrained from telling him the other reason why he didn't call. He was too busy with Katherine. Third, we're not going to have yet another endless battle on Christmas Day. So why don't we both take a deep breath and calm down? Miles took his own example first and stopped the flow of his aura. He closed his eye as he took a deep breath calming down. Once he opened his eyes again they returned to their original amber color. Your turn. 

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21


Kathy only gave Tyson a blank look as he said that what was going to happen was family business and leave the room. Clearly he didnt realise how long she knew both him and his brother for. Just watching Tyson reaching for Miles' face she knew that Miles would stop him. Of course, before she could really pipe in, her boyfriend slipped her off him and moved her to where she wouldnt be in the way. Lionel ran in with her staff in his mouth and she looked down at him, reaching down and taking her staff from him with a nod in thanks and placed the end on the floor and watched the two brothers. Miles stood up for her, saying she is family and that there was no reason to leave. Then he began to tell Tyson what happened yesterday but kept their alone time to himself. Those glowing eyes almost made her smile but her expression was too strong.


Watching his eyes close and hearing him breathe in, she knew as soon as his eyes would open that they would be back to their original color. Seeing as she had an opening, she took her staff and hit Tyson on the head with her staff. Not too hard but not too soft. The staff was only a conductor to her main magic which was Nexus and what she used when she was in dire situations. "It's a holiday... No need to start a fight..." she said softly "I brought some cookies from the hall before we came home... Go eat some..." she actually wanted some hot cocoa too but she was going to wait on making that because she wanted to make some with Miles. Plus... She didnt know how many marshmellows he liked in his hot cocoa. Lionel, her dragon, had went up to Tyson and sniffed at his legs before climbing up his body and perching himself on his shoulder, looking at him with his glowing eyes and a tilt of his head before he hopped off and glided to Kathy to land on her head and curl around her head like a garland.


Katherine walked up to Miles and stood next to him, looking up at Tyson who towered over her the most and she had her usual blank face. Willing to do another stare-off if it came to it. Which most likely it would. Though she hadnt noticed her hood was off and revealed how long her hair really was and how silvery it was in the light. It framed her face beautifully and the silver complimented her purple eyes.

Tyson, Redd


Tyson smiled at his brothers reaction, and looked at his arm. His brother was strong, but this wasn't a serious fight. So Tyson could break free if he wanted, but he knew it was pointless. He let out a exhausted sigh, then turned, scowling at Katherine as she smacked him on the head.

Then his eyes turned softer, and more or less blank."I see brother, you're as transparent as always. I'm guessing you didn't call me, because you were busy with Katherine. I mean it only makes sense, I did find her laying ontop of you when I came down here." Tyson watched as Katherine's dragon climbed him like a bean stalk. Then gave him a befuddled look as if Tyson was a oddity to him. Tyson then looked back to Miles, and Katherine.

"When I said family I meant blood, I'd rather not have Katherine get caught up in another one of our family fist fights. You know how messy they can be. But it doesn't matter, I've lost interest in this conversation. I'm going to the guild, see if I can find a mission...or something." Tyson said turning, and walking upstairs to change before he left. He may not have been truthful about why he was mad. Sure he would have liked Miles to inform him about his arrival. But lately he had felt strange, it wasn't something he had felt in a while. He seemed to remember his mother calling it loneliness. Anyways, after he changed into a hoodie/Jersey type shirt, with black pants he walked back down stairs.

@Embaga Elder
Verdana wasn't exactly sure what she meant, but tried to make her best guess, "Well... I can't change back. I just aged like you do. My body has several different animalistic transformations I can end up looking as to suit to my mutation style. Currently, I am on the path of... the Spider. I take the traits from animals to improve on my own abilities to where I become the perfect organic assassin. Plus, it's near impossible to detect my mutations due to them being physical instead of magical or curse! The Curse just causes the mutation but doesn't sustain it. That's why I have multiple brains. Would you like me to be based off of another animal? My creator intended for me to be based off of the Mantis, but I can go all the way into things like a Centaur! Though I must ask..." She tilted her head like a dog, which dropped a pancake from one of her tendrils to the next pan. Her physical reflexes were much greater than her smarts. She asked casually, "So, whats your power?"

Sera hadn't actually meant her aging, though she was PRETTY SURE she didn't double her age over night. But, you know. Nevertheless she listened to her as she ate, soaking in everything she had to tell her about her. Of course she wasn't going to have her be some freaky ass tentacle monster the rest of her life...not that she wasn't still cute...the tendrils just sort of creeped her out. Especially that one eyeball STILL STARING AT HER. She had half a mind to poke it out if it wasn't part of Verdana. It was just creepy!

No she'd figure out something cute for her to be. If not she'd just tell her to be small and cute. At her question she shrugged, "Well uh. I have blood magic." She replied. "I can use my blood to burn people or if I cut them with my scythe I can make them bleed more." She explained. "I can fly too?" She said, gesturing to her wings. "I don't have that much variety of magic really. Nothing special." She told her. She hummed in thought a bit, not really able to think of anything.

"As for your mutations...I can't think of anything specific." She said. "I guess something small and cute?" She suggested. "No offense those tendrils kinda creep me the hell out..." She said, shivering lightly. "That eye keeps staring at me too.."
3 minutes ago, Mitchs98 said:

Sera hadn't actually meant her aging, though she was PRETTY SURE she didn't double her age over night. But, you know. Nevertheless she listened to her as she ate, soaking in everything she had to tell her about her. Of course she wasn't going to have her be some freaky ass tentacle monster the rest of her life...not that she wasn't still cute...the tendrils just sort of creeped her out. Especially that one eyeball STILL STARING AT HER. She had half a mind to poke it out if it wasn't part of Verdana. It was just creepy!

No she'd figure out something cute for her to be. If not she'd just tell her to be small and cute. At her question she shrugged, "Well uh. I have blood magic." She replied. "I can use my blood to burn people or if I cut them with my scythe I can make them bleed more." She explained. "I can fly too?" She said, gesturing to her wings. "I don't have that much variety of magic really. Nothing special." She told her. She hummed in thought a bit, not really able to think of anything.

"As for your mutations...I can't think of anything specific." She said. "I guess something small and cute?" She suggested. "No offense those tendrils kinda creep me the hell out..." She said, shivering lightly. "That eye keeps staring at me too.."


Within a few moments of finishing breakfast, Verdana leaped in the air! She held herself up from her tentacle hair, which began to melt away into white silk. Verdana's light black hair quickly turned white, flowing down even longer down her face. Crimson bone quickly grew around her cheeks, softening to become feelers. Wide blue eyes snapped open to give off a cute smile to Sera, who might notice that Verdana was shrinking down to a cuter form. Orange silky cloth would grow from her neck almost like a scarf, which would connect into her own skin to turn into a bright red. Six light wings hung down like a cape of flower petals. Black dots adorned the edges of the wings, almost like burned spots. Hardened carbon began to warp and shift, turning to a diamond-like substance that was as smooth as silk. Fur flew down from below the jewels, forming Verdana's top. The rest of the silk holding Verdana up began to ride up into her groin, transforming into black cloth and white underwear. She gently floated down as her transformation finished!

Verdana spoke a loft softer and smoother, as if every word was calculated, "So Sera, what do you think?"

Within a few moments of finishing breakfast, Verdana leaped in the air! She held herself up from her tentacle hair, which began to melt away into white silk. Verdana's light black hair quickly turned white, flowing down even longer down her face. Crimson bone quickly grew around her cheeks, softening to become feelers. Wide blue eyes snapped open to give off a cute smile to Sera, who might notice that Verdana was shrinking down to a cuter form. Orange silky cloth would grow from her neck almost like a scarf, which would connect into her own skin to turn into a bright red. Six light wings hung down like a cape of flower petals. Black dots adorned the edges of the wings, almost like burned spots. Hardened carbon began to warp and shift, turning to a diamond-like substance that was as smooth as silk. Fur flew down from below the jewels, forming Verdana's top. The rest of the silk holding Verdana up began to ride up into her groin, transforming into black cloth and white underwear. She gently floated down as her transformation finished!

Verdana spoke a loft softer and smoother, as if every word was calculated, "So Sera, what do you think?"

Sera watched as Verdana transformed, not having expected her to do it instantly. Much less for the girl to have something in mind. She wore an awestruck exprssion on her face, her eyes not leaving Verdana for a second. When she'd finally finished transforming she stood up and immediately hugged her, "You're so cute!" She told her excitedly. "This is perfect!" She said, continuing to hug her. "It's so soft too.." She said, admiring the texture she held.

"I'm sure everyone at the hall will love it too!" She told her encouragingly. "Might not recognize ya at first but they'll definitely find you cute." She said. She continued hugging her, finding her extremely adorable. It was definitely a better site than the tendrils.

Eric: Wishing he didn't drink all that beer yesterday...


Eric woke up in his rented apartment with... The... WORST... Headache he's had all year. Every time he promises to never drink booze again but what does he do? Drink more of course! But apart from that Eric went on to deal with his everyday life. Had a shower, had breakfast, watched a little TV and attempted to sneak out through the window so he could avoid contact with the landlord and be forced to pay his already overdue rent. Of which he could not afford due to the amount of presents he had stockpiled. Before he left however he grabbed the presents he had stashed in his closet and stuck on a Santa outfit ready to make his grand entrance into the Sabertooth Guild Hall. After successfully sneaking out with a bag of presents over Eric's shoulders and his traditional Santa outfit he set off in anticipation to see his guild mates. Eric still had the after effects of the hangover he had this morning but he powered through it. "Ain't no headache gonna stop me today!" With that in mind he raced through the streets getting closer to the guild hall. Eric then jumped in the air and burst through the front doors yelling. "MERRY CHRISTMAS SABERTOOTH!!!" Then he fell flat on his face on the solid floor. Even so he got up with a huge smile plastered on his face not doing much to hide his excitement. Eric dropped the bag on the floor and looked inside to make sure he hasn't missed anything. "Let's see here..." Everything seemed to be in place. A shiny new axe for Gilad, a new book for Kenya, an action story about a samurai fighting to protect his family (@Nenma Takashi). A new decorative paint brush and a nice colour palette to go with it for Sakura (@Mitchs98), two stuffed bunnies for Mizuki and Alicia (@Maki and @Mitchs98) The two are inseparable so why not get them matching presents? Tokine (@Drakerus) was the hardest one to get a present for since she's never too open with these sorts of things but Eric may have a good one. The present that Eric decided to get her was a pair of slippers with a lacrima inside them that light up when in motion. A pretty cool present if he says so himself. There was also Katherine and the Redd brothers (@Britt-21 @Solemn Jester @Embaga Elder) but he never talked with them much to get to know them better. So he decided to get the three of them some cakes from the bakers instead. All the presents for everyone inside this one bag. "Alright everyone! I have all of your presents inside this bag! I hope you all like them!" Satisfied Eric lifted the bag onto the table and went to sit down and rest after a job well done.

Ferra smiled a bit to Nikolas at his words before focusing on Talon. She could tell her words had hurt...but did he really expect her to wait three months without so much as a goodbye? Then he started speaking, telling her exactly why that was and apologizing. She looked to the ground and frowned, feeling a bit terrible. She was still a bit mad at him for sure, but honestly...it wasn't his fault. She was sort of beginning to think that what she'd done was a little mean...but at the same time she knew it was decently justified. 

She wasn't sure what to say at all, he'd looked for her for who knows how long; even following false information about her having a house somewhere, to find out she'd moved on when he clearly hadn't. "I...I'm sorry..." She eventually said. "You did all that for me...and.." She said, sighing heavily. She then smiled up at him, not entirely able to stay angry to to the point of silence. For some illogical reason she was definitely still mad over him leaving her, but she mostly just felt depressed. "We can still be friends?" She offered. "I...I'd be lying if I said I didn't still have feelings for you but...I'm with Nik now.." She explained.

"I'd really love to be friends with you still though. You're an awesome guy and really kind." She said, giving him a reassuring smile. "I'm sure you'll be able to find someone." She told him encouragingly. Though in reality despite the previous night she was heavily conflicted, for some odd reason she still wanted to be with Talon, especially now. She guessed it was because he was technically her first boyfriend.

  Nikolas was...kinda just standing there, looking between Ferra and Talon as they spoke. Well, this was awkward. And he wasn't sure if bringing up last night would be a great idea. Especially in this situation. So he placed a hand on Talon's shoulder comfortingly. 

  "Yeah, man. I know you'll find that special someone somewhere. I mean, if ya'd like, I could play matchmaker. I don't wanna be enemies or somethin' 'cuz Ferra 'n' I are datin' now and you 'n' Ferra were together back then. So, seriously, nice to meetcha."

Talon smiled at Nikolas. "Its alright man, i mean if you two wanna find me a girlfriend, then sure, ship it. But im not really finding a girlfriend right away." He looked at the couple, 'they are good together... i guess it just want meant to be'. "Well ill cya guys around."He turned to go, "Oh and by the way," He added turning back to them. "Merry Christmas!¡!¡" With that he turned with a wave and walked away, leaving the couple, into a new and exciting future. 

(That ending felt kinda poetic... the next chapter in Talons life has just begun and a new enemy is just around the corner XD)
  Nikolas was...kinda just standing there, looking between Ferra and Talon as they spoke. Well, this was awkward. And he wasn't sure if bringing up last night would be a great idea. Especially in this situation. So he placed a hand on Talon's shoulder comfortingly. 

  "Yeah, man. I know you'll find that special someone somewhere. I mean, if ya'd like, I could play matchmaker. I don't wanna be enemies or somethin' 'cuz Ferra 'n' I are datin' now and you 'n' Ferra were together back then. So, seriously, nice to meetcha."

Talon smiled at Nikolas. "Its alright man, i mean if you two wanna find me a girlfriend, then sure, ship it. But im not really finding a girlfriend right away." He looked at the couple, 'they are good together... i guess it just want meant to be'. "Well ill cya guys around."He turned to go, "Oh and by the way," He added turning back to them. "Merry Christmas!¡!¡" With that he turned with a wave and walked away, leaving the couple, into a new and exciting future. 

(That ending felt kinda poetic... the next chapter in Talons life has just begun and a new enemy is just around the corner XD)

Ferra nodded in agreement with Nikolas, "Yeah!" She replied cheerfully. Of course it seemed Talon didn't seem to really care to much at all. Her eyes widened a bit when he started talking like he was leaving forever again or something. She looked from Nikolas to Talon, she didn't want him to go! Didn't he understand she still wanted him to be her friend? Wasn't that clear? "Talon wait!" She called out, running after him quickly to grab his arm. "C'mon, don't dissappear again." She told him, frowning a bit.

"Just because I'm dating someone else doesn't mean we can't be friends.." She said. "I really want to be, we were together what, one day? Less?" She asked. "It's stupid of me to get mad over that. I was mostly just worried about you anyway." She said. "Please stay." She said, giving him a small smile. "I'm sure you'll get into the guild if you try again."

(Of course Ferra wouldn't outright let him leave :3)
Kenya looked at the book her eyes watering she held back that tears that seemed to almost shot from her eyes. "Thank you Eric I very much appreciate the gift." She wiped the little tears that managed to squeeze through. "I'm sorry if the I gave you the other day wasn't as nice." Kenya was curious about the book and opened it up to read it. Before she knew it she was completely wrapped up in the story she looked at Eric with stars in her eyes.  "Eric this Hanzaki guy....HE'S SOOOO COOOOOL!!!!" She cheered holding the book up to show Eric a page where Hanzaki slashed through ten samurais in one attack. 

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Jackaboi
46 minutes ago, Mitchs98 said:

Sera watched as Verdana transformed, not having expected her to do it instantly. Much less for the girl to have something in mind. She wore an awestruck exprssion on her face, her eyes not leaving Verdana for a second. When she'd finally finished transforming she stood up and immediately hugged her, "You're so cute!" She told her excitedly. "This is perfect!" She said, continuing to hug her. "It's so soft too.." She said, admiring the texture she held.

"I'm sure everyone at the hall will love it too!" She told her encouragingly. "Might not recognize ya at first but they'll definitely find you cute." She said. She continued hugging her, finding her extremely adorable. It was definitely a better site than the tendrils.


Verdana sighed before commenting, "Well, it's mostly due to the fact I'm shrinking that I could do it so fast! Want me to stunt my growth here, or do you want me to become a woman? Doesn't matter to me." She accepted the hug happily, feeding her need for attention. She would revert to a mere 2 feet to keep with her smol appearance. She would say, "Well... its Chrismas morning and everyone should be around breakfast time... so want to go now...?" Her words turned a bit more shy and reserved towards the end.
Verdana sighed before commenting, "Well, it's mostly due to the fact I'm shrinking that I could do it so fast! Want me to stunt my growth here, or do you want me to become a woman? Doesn't matter to me." She accepted the hug happily, feeding her need for attention. She would revert to a mere 2 feet to keep with her smol appearance. She would say, "Well... its Chrismas morning and everyone should be around breakfast time... so want to go now...?" Her words turned a bit more shy and reserved towards the end.

Sera shrugged, "That's up to you. Only thing I disliked was the tentacle things." She replied. Which as true. She liked Verdana as this, sure, but she also wanted her to just do what she wanted too. After all that's one thing she was trying to convince her of, that she had a choice. 

At her next question she grinned and nodded, "Sounds great to me." She said. Without even asking she picked the small girl up, remembering she liked it before, and starting to head to the hall. "I'll be sure no one outright attacks you or anything like that. I promise. They better be nice to you too, after all it's Christmas. I'll kick their butts if they aren't." She told her reassuringly.
13 minutes ago, Mitchs98 said:

Sera shrugged, "That's up to you. Only thing I disliked was the tentacle things." She replied. Which as true. She liked Verdana as this, sure, but she also wanted her to just do what she wanted too. After all that's one thing she was trying to convince her of, that she had a choice. 

At her next question she grinned and nodded, "Sounds great to me." She said. Without even asking she picked the small girl up, remembering she liked it before, and starting to head to the hall. "I'll be sure no one outright attacks you or anything like that. I promise. They better be nice to you too, after all it's Christmas. I'll kick their butts if they aren't." She told her reassuringly.


Verdana didn't really know what to say. She said, "...Huh. Alright! I will try and grow up then. 5 more days until I become a woman then." She was absurdly light weight and comfy due to her silk exoskeleton. She began to dust a special type of pollen-based off of her hormonal control to release relaxing pheromones into the air with hints of vanilla. Crimson leaves scattered the sky around her as she hummed happily along. 

Chris Lengheart (Save a horse, ride a cowboy)

One minute, Chris was holding out his hands to catch Lavender, and the next he was on the ground with her straddling him. The fall itself didn't really hurt too bad, but it was the way Lavender landed which startled him. His face quickly grew red as he tried to avoid looking directly at her. "A-are ya alright?" Chris somehow managed to choke out. The longer she stayed on him, the more Chris' face went red. What the hell was with today. First, he gets ditched with the manticore, getting to spend hardly any time with his family. Then, he gets mooned by some weirdo who wanted to join the guild. Fiore forbid it actually happen, that guy would most likely be too busy gawking over Kelica to even do jobs from the way it seemed. And now, he was essentially being "ridden" by Lavender, who he was sure was just as embarrassed and confused as he was. Yep, this was going to be one very eventful Christmas. 

@Britt-21 @Zuka @Embaga Elder
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Talon smiled at Nikolas. "Its alright man, i mean if you two wanna find me a girlfriend, then sure, ship it. But im not really finding a girlfriend right away." He looked at the couple, 'they are good together... i guess it just want meant to be'. "Well ill cya guys around."He turned to go, "Oh and by the way," He added turning back to them. "Merry Christmas!¡!¡" With that he turned with a wave and walked away, leaving the couple, into a new and exciting future. 

(That ending felt kinda poetic... the next chapter in Talons life has just begun and a new enemy is just around the corner XD)

Ferra nodded in agreement with Nikolas, "Yeah!" She replied cheerfully. Of course it seemed Talon didn't seem to really care to much at all. Her eyes widened a bit when he started talking like he was leaving forever again or something. She looked from Nikolas to Talon, she didn't want him to go! Didn't he understand she still wanted him to be her friend? Wasn't that clear? "Talon wait!" She called out, running after him quickly to grab his arm. "C'mon, don't dissappear again." She told him, frowning a bit.

"Just because I'm dating someone else doesn't mean we can't be friends.." She said. "I really want to be, we were together what, one day? Less?" She asked. "It's stupid of me to get mad over that. I was mostly just worried about you anyway." She said. "Please stay." She said, giving him a small smile. "I'm sure you'll get into the guild if you try again."

(Of course Ferra wouldn't outright let him leave :3)

  Nikolas pouted at Talon when he started to leave. Oh, COME ON! Really? Nope! Nik was gonna make a new friend, and Talon was gonna like it! The half-Neko transformed into his Exceed form, flying over to in front of where Talon was, and then turned into his....ahem....female form, who was wearing a quite revealing Santa suit. 

  "Oh, no ya don't, buster!" he shouted, sounding way more feminine now. "I ain't gonna let you pull a disappearing trick on my girlfriend! Now come onnnnn!" He/she grabbed Talon by the arm, dragging him in the direction that he/she and Ferra had been heading. "You should come with! It'll be fun!"

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