Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

  Nikolas grinned at being called sexy, his/her tail swaying slightly. He/she then started walking towards the house. Just a few more blocks and he'd be there. "Yeah, dude. Totally uncalled for. 'Specially on Christmas. Nope, you're comin' with us. And you're gonna have a bash. 'Kay?" Finally, he reached the house where his brother presumably was and pressed the buzzer. Phineas, who was listening to Laura suggest a party, opened the door. 

  "So you followed the clues?"

  "Yep. Where's my present?"

  "Right here. Welcome home, Nikolas. We were just discussing the possibility of a party, which is a splendid idea, might I add, Miss Laura."

  "Bro." Nikolas turned into his normal self so he could hug his brother. "Teach me how to give awesome presents like you do."

  "Ha. Never."Phineas patted Nikolas's back. "Merry Christmas, you big douche."

  "Merry Christmas, Beethoven wannabe." Nikolas smirked.

 "Ooh. Touche."

@Arius LaVari  @TheSecretSorcerer

@Arius LaVari@TheSecretSorcerer@Talon

Ferra smiled to everyone present, giggling at the small scene between Phineas and Nikolas. When Shiro rushed out however she blinked, "What's wrong with Shiro?" She asked, looking between Laura and Phineas with a slight frown. She debated on going after her but decided against it. Instead she looked around the new house that Phineas had bought for himself and his brother, finding it rather impressive. "Ooh...this place is nice." She said, deciding not to go and figuring that Shiro just needed some time alone. That comment done she looked to Phineas, "So uhh...where'd you put my clothes? Namely my hat?" She asked, staring at him rather intensely. If he lost her hat she'd flip..
@Mitchs98 @Talon @Arius LaVari @TheSecretSorcerer

  Phineas blinked when Shiro handed him his present before running off, staring at the present then at the open door. Nikolas just kind of looked back and forth between Phineas and the present. The moment was interrupted by Ferra asking where the clothes were. 

  "Laundry room. Down the hall, second door to the left," he answered pointedly, moving swiftly to the coat hook and putting his coat on, then to the closet next to it to take out Shiro's present; the notebook. 

  "Hey, where are you going?"

  "To deliver a present. I'll return when I return." And with that, the pianist swiftly turned towards the door and ran after Shiro. She was still in view; he could make it, guaranteed. The man ran faster; a couple of civilians shouted curses at him. 

  "Hey, watch it!"

  "Pardon me. I'm delivering a present," was Phineas's stoic response. Finally, he reached Shiro's location; now panting from the long run, he stumbled over to where she was seated and sat next to her. Then he handed her the gift. "......One-sided gift exchanges often make the receiver look selfish, so...I got this for you."

  Meanwhile, back at the house, Nikolas stared for a long time at the place Phineas was, amazed. ".....What's his problem?"


Growing sad and retreating:

ishzu ishtar.jpg


Laura was happy when Phineas said that he enjoyed her idea to throw a party. She hadn't hosted a get together before and ideas were flashing through her head. When Shiro rushed out of the room she didn't know why and felt as though she had done something wrong. It felt like a large weight crushing down on her heart. She cased Shiro to the door and watched as she walked off and then as Phineas chased after her. Laura could feel a tear forming at the edge of her eyes and she blinked it away. "Was my idea to throw a party that terrible?" She asked to no one in particular. She looked back at Nickolas, and asked her question in a different way. "Did you think that my idea to throw a party was that bad?" Her face was twisting into it's almost emotionless expression. Her hand rested on the door frame questioning if she wanted to leave and be alone or to stay and be in the company of others. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to, I think I am going to leave and spend the holiday alone, I have gifts for you two and I will somehow get the others their gifts."

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Kelica Zefara

Kelica's emerald eyes rolled around the Guild Hall gently as that weird enigmatic expression held on her face. It was hard to hear with all the of the commotion around, her eyes glanced to Chris and Lavender as they were talking in a weird tone and she was trying to match the voices she was hearing to the expression's on people's faces. Her pupils were starting to cloud over a fraction as a swirl of grey was seeping into her very eyes, almost starting to look on the side of blind as she did. Her grip remained tight on Noah's hand while she tried to collect herself and focus in on her magic but it was growing increasingly difficult. Sera walked in chuckling and teasing, she was with another small someone who was talking whom she didn't recognize, Clair bumbled in and fell to sleep against the bar. So many different things, so many voices... they were just in the immediate area, but the baby crying in her mind was dragging her attention.

Throughout this she heard Noah speak again, her face tilting up to his so he could see her pupils almost completely gone now, the green turning to the faintest of colors among the grey of most of her eyes. Distant. He mentioned an animal cry and almost the second those words slipped his lips she made a soft 'ahh...' of realization, as she glanced back. As she realized it must have been an animal, it was like the Dam had been released and the huge flood of creatures and plants voiced she always heard, every minute of every waking day flooded to the point the girl actually threw her hands up to cover her ears like that might help. She winced visibly, looking half shaken. For you see Kelica heard the murmurs of every creature in over a 2 mile radius she just tried to focus in on the human or animal voiced closet to her and in her near vicinity. This was the single reason the girl was always so hyperactive, her attention was almost constantly diverted with a laugh in one ear or a cry in another. It was always a struggle to calm the voices in her head, and she found it even harder to pin point one voice (like the wolf cub's) in her mind without physically seeing that creature or person talk right before her.

This was also the single hardest task for the girl and why Ryu's meditation was such a struggle for the girl who heard millions of voices constantly murmuring in her head. Just when she looked close to losing it, looking more worried about hearing that baby's cry and unable to locate it, she heard Sera yelling in a serious voice. Not to mention she felt the unease coursing through the vampire which instantly snapped the girl back to reality once again. She blinked slowly and when her vision focused in again, her pupils were back and her expression seemed to come alive again. She wandered over to Sera then and blinked up to her.

"Sera what's wrong? What's the matter?" Seeing the note still in her hand the girl couldn't help but give it a quick glance and spotted one or two words and Sora's signature. Kelica's chest suddenly tightened, before she turned and ran straight to her huge tree and dug through the huge pile, finding a tiny present just for her with the same handwritten note on it. And as she straightened, The Forest Mage had to re read the note several times before she collapsed to her knees before the huge tree as she hugged Sora's present to her chest. Kelica was distraught and she hunched down even more. "...S.....Sora.... I....I'm so sorry... All those times I came over... and talked to you... when you sat me down to teach me... I noticed you were distant... I felt the darkness about you... but... It never even thought to ask if you were okay...." Kelica's tears just kept streaming down her face now like once she had started she couldn't stop.

[SIZE= 14px]"...I'm so sorry Sora... I'm so sorry...why didn't you tell me... I could have helped you...."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]She needed to find Hibiki... and Ryu... she needed to find her, she needed to help, she had to.... Panic starting to take over her frame again even as she sobbed. What about the kitty haired lady? Maybe she could help... [/SIZE]

@Mr Swiftshots @Isune @Britt-21 @Arius LaVari @LeSoraAmari @Rhodus @hudhouse



[SIZE= 16px]Noah grew a concerned looks as he realized Kelica's eyes turn from its beautiful emerald green, to a nice dull grey. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Uh....Kelica are you okay?? [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He asked her with full concern. Noah's question was quickly answered by Kelica wincing and covering her ears with her hands. She wasn't okay, not one bit. Whatever she was hearing was causing a really problem. He placed his hands on her shoulders and talked into Kelica's ear. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Kelica just relax. Listen to my voice and my voice only. Tune everything else out, but focus on the cry from the creature from before. Everything else is a distraction. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah moved his hands from her shoulders as she removed her hands from her ears. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Kelica was always been an active person, as soon she relaxed a bit from the voices in her head she walked over to Sera, asking what happened. She wasn't over there for long until she bolted over towards the Christmas tree searching for something. Noah walked towards her and watched as she grabbed a present, presumably hers. Noah stood behind her as she read the letter that came with the note.Noah couldn't help but read it, and once Kelica dropped to her knees, he didn't even hesitate to dropped to his knees and hold her and Lavender as they cried. Noah wiped both of their tears away.. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Its okay, let it out. She'll be back. You can't blame yourselves for this. Neither of you can. She most likely had an excellent reason on why she left. Sora will return, I'm just not sure win. But what I am sure of is that Fairy Tail is her family and she won't abandon it forever. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Zuka @Britt-21 [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px] [/SIZE]
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

The Forest mage kept the present clutched to her chest with tears that refused to leave. She kept thinking of the ifs, the buts, the maybes. All the times she should have helped but didn't as the guilt was starting to work all over her face. She glanced to her side as Lavender appeared out of no where and wrapped her arms around her, hearing her questions that she had no answers to and the same shimmering within her own eyes. What could she possibly say to ease either of them? That was when Kelica turned her head to spot Noah as he crouched and pulled both girls into his frame before he whipped them of tears. Still clutching her present, she found her sniffling grow less as she simply blinked to him. How does he always know the exact right thing to say? She thought to herself as she finally pulled the gift away from her chest to peer down to it. "I just wish she knew how much we cared about her... if she only talked to me..." Kelica whispered on a still shaking breath as her long slender fingers ducked in under the wrapping paper and lifted it up and away to reveal the seed the girl had found for her. And as Kelica's green eyes drifted out the window she already knew the exact spot she would put it as she peered to poor old Willow all alone in the courtyard behind Fairytail... she figured she could use a new friend.

So quickly Kelica slipped the seed into an empty slot on her hair clip, as she looked to Lavender and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and a soft smile. "Noah is right... she'll come back. She has to... At least the very least she has to see her present she gave to me when it's all big and strong!" Letting out a small laugh to try and ease the tension though her chest still hurt a little. Her gaze turned back to Noah then as she leaned in a whispered into his ear softly, "Thank you...." but when she drew back a fraction she let her cheek brush against his own for a moment before she placed the tiniest of a kiss on his jawline. So soft, he might have even missed it. Just to say thanks. And to be there when she needed him... again. 

The Forest Mage's eyes drifted back around the room and it was only as everything calmed down a fraction she noticed someone in the very corner of the room. She had to blink a few times and she reached out to brush the side of Noah's face though her complete attention was drawn to the corner of the Guild Hall, lifting herself up and walking almost into a trance as she made her way in that direction. Every step the crying got louder and louder until finally Kelica came up to the booth with the boy in the corner and the puppy who seemed not to pleased. At least outwards, Kelica was hearing a much different story in her mind...

"Bastian... when did you get here?" Her voice soft but even as she said all this the girl with ease slipped her fingers around the aggressive wolf cub and picked him up out of Bastian's arms, right under his front legs, before turning him to face her and lifting him up to peer to him. Not breaking her eye contact with the cub for a moment she continued to speak to Bastian. "...why have you got a wolf cub Bastian? I didn't see you as the type to keep an animal as a pet..." As she said all this the wolf pup's eyes naturally drooped and it let out a soft yip/yawn, his tail swaying to and fro lazily. But it was almost like Kelica's constant gaze was putting the pup in it's place, because eventually he stopped snapping his jaws, to simply lick his muzzle instead. His tail drooped as did his ears. Everything about his posture got meeker and weaker and this pup wasn't a patch on the aggressive one that Bastian was dealing with moment's ago.

"His parent's are dead...." Kelica said in a soft breath that was saddened, but that was the nature of life unfortunately. Of course as she was verbally talking to Bastian, her mind was connecting and talking with the pup to help ease him and not too long after she had grabbed it, the girl pulled it into someone of a cradle like one would a baby. Though she tickled in against his tummy fur making his tail wag happily. "mmm Looks like's I'll have a Manticore AND wolf cub to deal with..." though if the words sounded stern they were anything but. Kelica's whole face brightened up at the thought. She looked back to Bastian. "He's calmed down now he knows who the Queen is." Kelica only meant it as a figure of speech, all the creatures for some reason called her Queen. She figured it was due to the fact she was the only person she knew of (other then her Father) that could connect and talk with any animal or plant in her mind.  "Why don't you try holding him again while I get him some food?" And before he would have had a chance to refute the girl plonked the now placid pup into his hands and lap before she was off again to head towards the kitchen to hunt for some food the creature might like.

@Kyuubey @Britt-21 @Embaga Elder @Arius LaVari


Kathy only stood and watched, she didnt flinch or make any move when Tyson mentioned Miles being with her and that's why he didnt call Tyson. Then he just left and went upstairs while she turned her attention to Miles who stood there with her before stopping his brother when he came down and tried to get Tyson to go with them back to the guild hall and hang out for christmas. Not that Kathy minded, Tyson was cool and all and didnt really irritate her since he was so quiet just like herself. Approaching Miles, she took a cookie from his hand and took a small bite from it, only listening to the conversation that was going to happen between the brothers. Seeing as one hand was occupied with her staff and the other was occupied with her cookie, she just leaned forward and rested her forehead against Miles's chest and continued to eat the cookie.


Thinking of Christmas, she actually remembered she had a suit back at her place followed by a bag of presents that could be for anyone and if they wanted they could trade presents. Plus the wrapping she had for all of them had dragons on them so she knew which ones were the ones she had gotten everyone for christmas. Some were socks, another could be a nail set (for clipping and such), necklaces or jewelery... She only got enough for the people in the guild though for Miles... It was mostly the santa outfit she had which was so cute and wasnt skimpy like most outfits would. Her eyes closed as she ate the cookie and just relaxed against him, feeling the warmth radiate off of him and seem to coat her in a nice blanket of warmth to keep the cold away. It was nice to have her own personal heater. "So warm..."


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Tyson, Redd

View attachment 192567

Tyson was stopped at the bottom of the stairs by his brother. He just stared at him, listening to his words. He considered them, it was Christmas. His favorite holiday, mainly because of spending time with others. So with a sigh, and shake of his head Tyson agreed. He walked over to the cookies grabbed a handful, then began munching on them."Alright, let's go." He said with cookies, still in his mouth. He didn't bother wiping any crumbs off his face. He just grabbed the plate of cookies, and headed to the guild. He had a content look on his face as he ate. Somewhat like a goat or horse eating with his big blank eyes.



Miles nodded as his brother agreed to hangout at the guild instead of doing a mission. He watched as the giant grabbed a handful of cookies. As he passed him, Miles grabbed two pieces of his cookies, claiming them as his own. He ate another cookie whole, then looked at Katherine. Aren't there things  you need to get from your place?? He asked her with a stuffed mouth. After countless chewing, he swallowed his cookie. These are really good. But if you need help we can head to your place first then the guild. Tyson and I don't mind. He said basically volunteering his brother for help.
[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

The Forest mage kept the present clutched to her chest with tears that refused to leave. She kept thinking of the ifs, the buts, the maybes. All the times she should have helped but didn't as the guilt was starting to work all over her face. She glanced to her side as Lavender appeared out of no where and wrapped her arms around her, hearing her questions that she had no answers to and the same shimmering within her own eyes. What could she possibly say to ease either of them? That was when Kelica turned her head to spot Noah as he crouched and pulled both girls into his frame before he whipped them of tears. Still clutching her present, she found her sniffling grow less as she simply blinked to him. How does he always know the exact right thing to say? She thought to herself as she finally pulled the gift away from her chest to peer down to it. "I just wish she knew how much we cared about her... if she only talked to me..." Kelica whispered on a still shaking breath as her long slender fingers ducked in under the wrapping paper and lifted it up and away to reveal the seed the girl had found for her. And as Kelica's green eyes drifted out the window she already knew the exact spot she would put it as she peered to poor old Willow all alone in the courtyard behind Fairytail... she figured she could use a new friend.

So quickly Kelica slipped the seed into an empty slot on her hair clip, as she looked to Lavender and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and a soft smile. "Noah is right... she'll come back. She has to... At least the very least she has to see her present she gave to me when it's all big and strong!" Letting out a small laugh to try and ease the tension though her chest still hurt a little. Her gaze turned back to Noah then as she leaned in a whispered into his ear softly, "Thank you...." but when she drew back a fraction she let her cheek brush against his own for a moment before she placed the tiniest of a kiss on his jawline. So soft, he might have even missed it. Just to say thanks. And to be there when she needed him... again. 

The Forest Mage's eyes drifted back around the room and it was only as everything calmed down a fraction she noticed someone in the very corner of the room. She had to blink a few times and she reached out to brush the side of Noah's face though her complete attention was drawn to the corner of the Guild Hall, lifting herself up and walking almost into a trance as she made her way in that direction. Every step the crying got louder and louder until finally Kelica came up to the booth with the boy in the corner and the puppy who seemed not to pleased. At least outwards, Kelica was hearing a much different story in her mind...

"Bastian... when did you get here?" Her voice soft but even as she said all this the girl with ease slipped her fingers around the aggressive wolf cub and picked him up out of Bastian's arms, right under his front legs, before turning him to face her and lifting him up to peer to him. Not breaking her eye contact with the cub for a moment she continued to speak to Bastian. "...why have you got a wolf cub Bastian? I didn't see you as the type to keep an animal as a pet..." As she said all this the wolf pup's eyes naturally drooped and it let out a soft yip/yawn, his tail swaying to and fro lazily. But it was almost like Kelica's constant gaze was putting the pup in it's place, because eventually he stopped snapping his jaws, to simply lick his muzzle instead. His tail drooped as did his ears. Everything about his posture got meeker and weaker and this pup wasn't a patch on the aggressive one that Bastian was dealing with moment's ago.

"His parent's are dead...." Kelica said in a soft breath that was saddened, but that was the nature of life unfortunately. Of course as she was verbally talking to Bastian, her mind was connecting and talking with the pup to help ease him and not too long after she had grabbed it, the girl pulled it into someone of a cradle like one would a baby. Though she tickled in against his tummy fur making his tail wag happily. "mmm Looks like's I'll have a Manticore AND wolf cub to deal with..." though if the words sounded stern they were anything but. Kelica's whole face brightened up at the thought. She looked back to Bastian. "He's calmed down now he knows who the Queen is." Kelica only meant it as a figure of speech, all the creatures for some reason called her Queen. She figured it was due to the fact she was the only person she knew of (other then her Father) that could connect and talk with any animal or plant in her mind.  "Why don't you try holding him again while I get him some food?" And before he would have had a chance to refute the girl plonked the now placid pup into his hands and lap before she was off again to head towards the kitchen to hunt for some food the creature might like.

@Kyuubey @Britt-21 @Embaga Elder @Arius LaVari



[SIZE= 16px]Noah smiled as he accomplished his cool and cheered up Kelica. Surprisingly it didn't take much, but he wasn't complaining. He liked how Kelica passed on the encouragement on to Lavender, causing him to smile more. Then she turned towards him and leaned towards him, whispering "Thank you" in his ears. Noah missed the kiss she planted on him as she drew back. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]You're welcome.[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] He said with a nod and a smile. As she reached out and rubbed his cheek, her mind seemed somewhere else. Noah watched as she got up and walked towards a booth where a young "boy" was sitting with a distraught wolf pup. He watched from afar as Kelica spoke to him, holding the pup. The wolf started to calm down as Kelica held it. Noah stood up and placed his hands in his pockets feeling on the present. he started to walk towards her, but saw as she started to walk away heading towards the kitchen. This was his chance. He walked towards the kitchen meeting up with Kelica. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Hey Keli..[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He reached out and grabbed Kelica's hand, entwining their fingers. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small box which was green and had a red bow on top. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Merry Christmas. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah was finally able to present Kelica with her Christmas gift. He had a nice cheesy smile as he presented the gift. Once she opens it, inside the gift would be a leaf necklace that glows not only in the dark, but in response to her mood and magic. Do you like it??[/SIZE]


Ayano Soru: Did I fall asleep?


Ayano ended up falling asleep on the couch after she finished reading the book. She was finally awoken when Timothy started to shake her. The vampire sat up a little dazed trying to gather her surroundings. Almost as if out of nowhere a ramdom IV bag just appeared randomly, but it was actually Timothy handing it to her. "Oh... I must've fell asleep..." Ayano took the bag but decided to save it for later since she couldn't feel the hunger building up just yet. Timothy mentioned something about Sora leaving, upon hearing this Ayano snapped more awake wondering what happened. He said that there was a letter on the table that she should read. "A letter? I'll go see." Ayano stumbled towards the kitchen. There she found the letter lying on top of the table. She picked up the letter and read it. Kind of almost relating to it.

To Ayano; I want to make you believe in people again but I need to fix myself first. I am and always will be your friend so please be there for Timothy as he might blame himself for me leaving. I accept you for who you are and others will too, just give them a chance. - A pair of cat ears like the ones she wore were placed atop of the note, waiting to be worn. - I got these from my granny and I thought you'd appreciate them so please hold them dear to you, they're super special to me. Merry Christmas!

"So that's why you went..." Back when Ayano met Sora after the dungeon incident. The vampire could feel a dark aura clouding the slayers mind. But even if that wasn't enough, the amount of pent up anger and fustration Sora released that day was almost unreal. Either way Ayano "admittedly" hoped Sora would return. That slayer and her grandmother was the only reasons why Ayano is still alive, even if she never owned up to it. But this wasn't only for Ayano's sake but Timothy's as well. Ayano looked at the cat ears that Sora left behind for her. Picking them up Ayano was kind of hesitant but she went to the bathroom anyway to see in a mirror. Let's say... It wasn't her taste in fashion but it was still worth holding on to. Something like a memento. If only she had something like a backpack to keep them safe in... If these were special to Sora it would be bad if she lost or broke them while she was gone. "(Sigh) I don't have a choice do I...?" Ayano soon made her way back to the living room still wearing the cat ears. Timothy was still in the room. "So what do you have planned then?" The vampire stared at Timothy trying to guess what his reaction would be to her wearing these things. "I swear if you call me cute..." Ayano mumbled just barely audible enough for her to hear. This was the priority reason she didn't want to wear the cat ears.

@Kyuubey (mentioned) @Zareh


Caught off guard


Celestia's thoughts scattered like a small group of mice running from a cat, she jumped when Acus came out of the room he was using in a red coat and yelling ho ho ho while trying to act like Santa as he was depicted in children's books, it reminded her of the book she had been reading a day or so before, aloud in a candle lit room by herself, as her parents had often done for her when she was little. Her eyes were as wide as a full moon, glowing so he couldn't see her pupils at all, intricate designs sprouting from the corner of each eye, her green eye had vine patterns swirling back across the right side of her face, lightning bolts expanded from the yellow eye and somewhat along the left side of her face, he'd scared her out of her thoughts so her magic just automatically activated, but she pulled it under quickly blinking once, twice, three times and finally the light was gone, the traces of her magic fading, and she buried her sadness in the deep ocean of her heart, then she smiled brightly, "Sorry about that Ace! You scared me! I'm all good now though. What's that?" She blinked her head tilting to the side as she took the offered velvet bag and peeked inside, going wide eyed once more, "Ace...I can't accept this...it's far too beautiful for me." She was slightly shocked and handed him back the little bag, he'd already given her that mug that was on her nightstand she wasn't in a good place at the moment anyway but she did smile at him, "Thank you for the thought though. Now come on let's eat breakfast it's nearly all done." She turned away from him and into the kitchen where everything was finished up and served up two plates of the food she had made, at least her kitchen wasn't drowned in books, as many as she had she could have opened up a bookstore honestly and some were in dangerously high piles all around the room.




Celestia's Residence

As the colours and blank expression on he face appeared the dwarf stopped for a moment with a questioning look on his face not hugely aware that he might actually be in trouble right at that moment, but while falling quiet and holding the gift out to Cele who came back around and greeted him with a smile. She returned the gift to him stating she can't accept it and it's far too beautiful for her, "nonsense.. it's pretty and shiny like you, reaching into the bag taking the necklace and chain unclasping it and holding it out for her to put on. even though she had turned around to continue with breakfast "Ill hide it somewhere in your house if you don't put it on now though." he said with a sly smile "You gave me a place to stay when everyone else over looked me as well remember, I haven't even thanked you properly,"

Navigating the piles of books to the table where she placed the plates of food for them both.

@Arius LaVari
  Reveal hidden contents


[SIZE= 16px]Noah smiled as he accomplished his cool and cheered up Kelica. Surprisingly it didn't take much, but he wasn't complaining. He liked how Kelica passed on the encouragement on to Lavender, causing him to smile more. Then she turned towards him and leaned towards him, whispering "Thank you" in his ears. Noah missed the kiss she planted on him as she drew back. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]You're welcome.[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] He said with a nod and a smile. As she reached out and rubbed his cheek, her mind seemed somewhere else. Noah watched as she got up and walked towards a booth where a young "boy" was sitting with a distraught wolf pup. He watched from afar as Kelica spoke to him, holding the pup. The wolf started to calm down as Kelica held it. Noah stood up and placed his hands in his pockets feeling on the present. he started to walk towards her, but saw as she started to walk away heading towards the kitchen. This was his chance. He walked towards the kitchen meeting up with Kelica. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Hey Keli..[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He reached out and grabbed Kelica's hand, entwining their fingers. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small box which was green and had a red bow on top. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Merry Christmas. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah was finally able to present Kelica with her Christmas gift. He had a nice cheesy smile as he presented the gift. Once she opens it, inside the gift would be a leaf necklace that glows not only in the dark, but in response to her mood and magic. Do you like it??[/SIZE]


[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

The Forest mage made her way into the kitchen with a hand on her chin, thinking about the Wolf pup and what would be the best food source for the little guy. If he was young enough milk would suffice but judging by the way he was snapping and kept telling her how hungry he was, maybe he needed the protein from raw meat? The girl opened up the Guild Hall fridge and pulled out a not small piece of prime steak as she placed it onto a cutting board, having to move over some of Lavender's cooking utensils and cookies as she did. She needed to get the meat as warm as possible without cooking it, so she if allowed it to come to room temperature that should work shouldn't it? Still half in thought as she pulled a carton of milk from the fridge with her plan B, when she heard Noah calling her name, and the girl turned slightly as he grabbed her hand and pulled her the rest of the way to face him. Her green eyes flicked to his fingers as they entwined with her own.

"Noah what are you-..." That was when he pulled out a small present and said Merry Christmas. Kelica's eyes widened as she almost dropped the milk carton but caught it at the last second and placed it down on the bench beside her.  "You... got me a present?" This completely bewildered the girl, when did he have time to organize that? He'd been by her side since he returned unless he's gotten it even before he arrived back into Magnolia.... the questions were already starting to rage again in her head, but she decided for once not to dwell on it as she slipped her fingers from his to grasp the present with both hands and open it, spotting the necklace inside that made her eyes widen even further and her heart to literally stop. "This is..." beautiful she thought but words seemed hard for the girl, though she hoped her amazed expression was word enough. She let her fingers run through the chain before she lifted it from it's box to let it twirl a little in the air before without a word she slipped it into one of his hands and spun away from him grasping at the mass of her blonde curls to heave it up and away from her neck. Allowing him to put it on. Though the cold breeze on her neck made her shiver a fraction.

"....I..didn't get you a present... I... didn't get anyone a present..." She looked deeply saddened over that. "I just... have had no money or time or-.... [COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]well for you, I didn't even know you'd be back.[/COLOR].." her voice drawing down to a tiny whisper, still believing he was some sort of dream. [COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]"I still... find it hard to believe...."[/COLOR] She whispered gently.
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Lavender was lost for what seemed like forever but Chris had pulled her out of that state, her eyes opening and seeing the large smile on his face. Clearly he liked what just happened between them and she couldnt help but smile and allow her blush to deepen.  "I will admit, that was very nice..." she looked down at their hands and just continued to think about the kiss she shared with her guildmate. It was really odd in a way... But she accepted it. Though, the question surprised her as her eyes looked back up at him, and widen a little while losing the smile "...A-A thing...?" she asked. Lavender wasnt really good when it came to romance and only knew some things. Being the proper woman -or almost proper- she knew some things that could potentially help her.


"If you mean becoming a pair from "a thing" then yes. We are." the warrior took her hand from one of his and cupped his cheek, gently feeling the facial hair along his jaw and allowing a smile to tug at her lips "I will be guessing that this is my christmas present, hmm?" ( @Isune ) just as she asked, she heard Sera's voice coming from the hall and she was yelling loud enough for her to hear right outside the hall "Miss Sera needs us..." the blush fled her cheeks and her expression changed from shy to worried as she dragged Chris into the hall where she seen the gifts around the guild hall. "Sera what's wrong?" asked Lavender. ( @Mitchs98 )


She released her new boyfriend's hand and approached Sera before glancing at the note. Her eyes widen and she looked towards the tree where Keli was holding something to her chest and crying ( @Zuka ) "Oh no..." Lavender then moved to keli and kneeled down next to her "Kelica..." without another word, the mage wrapped her arms around Keli "It's okay..." looking towards the presents under the tree, she noticed one of them had a note with her name written right on it and knew that it was Sora who did it. "Our Sora could not tell us anything? Could she not have come to us for help?" the blue eyes of the mage began to fill with tears as they fell down her face too.



Chris Lengheart(Sora?)

Chris couldn't help but squeeze Lavender's hands a little as she said the kiss was nice. Seeing her lose the smile at his question however, Chris could feel his stomach dropping once again. As she seemingly asked him what he had said, almost as if she didn't understand. Nervous, Chris nodded in response. 

When Chris heard Lavender basically say yes, a large grin spread onto his face and the knot had completely loosened in his stomach. He wrapped Lavender up in a tight hug and after a few seconds, pulled away. As she asked if this was her Christmas present from him, Chris simply rubbed behind his neck as he said,"Kinda is, one hell of a present though.

All this was cut short however by Sera suddenly calling for everyone. Without a word, Chris followed behind Lavender as the two arrived at the guild hall. Seeing Kelica, then Sera, then Lavender all start tearing up, Chris approached the Christmas tree and picked up his gift. He opened the letter first and began to read. His grip on it soon became shaky as the corners of his eyes began to water. Chris simply muttered in a low voice,"I will." Hardly anyone could hear it, but those words mattered to Chris. 

After slowly placing the letter on the table, Chris grabbed the blanket and opened it up. It showed a massive pyramid that contained a whole plethora of beasts with a dragon at the very top. But looking at all of them, they seemed to be kneeling before the man in the very center of pyramid. All throughout the blanket, it showed the man befriending most if not all of the beasts that were shown on the pyramid. Chris sighed as he placed the blanket on top of the letter.

Now looking to Lavender, Chris decided to try and comfort her. He walked over to her and brought her close to him, holding one of her arms. "This is Sora's journey. The way she chooses to take it, and we have to respect that. I'm sure she'll be fine. She's a little girl, but damn is she tough as nails. I don't think we have to worry about her. She'll be back, I know she will."

@Mitchs98 @Britt-21 @Zuka
Talon stood slightly behind Fera and Nikola during the events that had transpied since arriving at Nikolas' new house. He watched everything happen in silence, feeling  a bit awkward at never meeing these other people before. He was son left with Nikolas as Ferra ran to get her... clothes?¿?¿ 'Why would her clothes be here?¿?¿' He thought suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at the back of Nikolas's head. "So... what now?¿?¿" He asked after a few moments. 

(tags are broken for me...) 

Ferra smiled wide when Phineas told her where her clothes were, "Aww you even washed them? Thanks Phin!" She told him cheerfully. Of course soon after he ran off after Shiro, causing her to grin. She could easily tell that he had a thing for her, that much was more than obvious just by watching the two of them. At-least it was for her. Maybe she was just good at matching people, she had matched Millie and Valken after all! She was just about to run off for her clothes when Laura walked up all sad about Phineas running off, causing her to frown. 

She hugged the woman gently before flashing her a smile, "Your idea for a party is a great idea! Everyone at the hall would love it I'm sure! Me and Nik can help you plan it if you want!" She told her encouragingly. "Ohh! And this is Talon." She added, gesturing to her friend. "I'll be right back guys." She said. That said she ran to the laundry room to change out of her pajamas. Admittedly she was mostly interested in her hat. Deciding to take dressing a little slow she let Talon have a bit to get to know Nikolas.
  Reveal hidden contents

Miles nodded as his brother agreed to hangout at the guild instead of doing a mission. He watched as the giant grabbed a handful of cookies. As he passed him, Miles grabbed two pieces of his cookies, claiming them as his own. He ate another cookie whole, then looked at Katherine. Aren't there things  you need to get from your place?? He asked her with a stuffed mouth. After countless chewing, he swallowed his cookie. These are really good. But if you need help we can head to your place first then the guild. Tyson and I don't mind. He said basically volunteering his brother for help.



Kathy listened to Tyson as he grabbed the plate before she felt Miles moving, and out of curosity, she looked and seen him grabbing another two cookies where as the plate  was for sure, missing. Then her purple eyes lifted up towards him and nodded softly "I have a sack at home... and something for you personally...I wasnt sure if I was going to wear it this year since you were missing..." she said softly, nibbling on her cookie still as she looked up at him. He was so tall and she was so tiny compared to him. She only came up to his pecks, even so, her frame was small too so she looked a lot smaller. Though it was obvious that Miles didnt mind much and embraced what and who she was. Unstable Nexus and all. And since Tyson wasnt in the room, she took the advantage and grabbed his rope necklace to pull him down.


The small mage then pressed her lips up against his, her eyes closing. At least one kiss a day would have her live for a while. Since they were in private, things were a lot more comfortable for Katherine. No one around to bother them, no one to state, and no one to tease the emotionless girl and her companion she always had naps with and went on missions with. She soon pulled away and slowly opened her eyes to look at Miles "...Let's get going... Dont want to miss christmas at the guild hall."

Chris Lengheart(Sora?)

Chris couldn't help but squeeze Lavender's hands a little as she said the kiss was nice. Seeing her lose the smile at his question however, Chris could feel his stomach dropping once again. As she seemingly asked him what he had said, almost as if she didn't understand. Nervous, Chris nodded in response. 

When Chris heard Lavender basically say yes, a large grin spread onto his face and the knot had completely loosened in his stomach. He wrapped Lavender up in a tight hug and after a few seconds, pulled away. As she asked if this was her Christmas present from him, Chris simply rubbed behind his neck as he said,"Kinda is, one hell of a present though.

All this was cut short however by Sera suddenly calling for everyone. Without a word, Chris followed behind Lavender as the two arrived at the guild hall. Seeing Kelica, then Sera, then Lavender all start tearing up, Chris approached the Christmas tree and picked up his gift. He opened the letter first and began to read. His grip on it soon became shaky as the corners of his eyes began to water. Chris simply muttered in a low voice,"I will." Hardly anyone could hear it, but those words mattered to Chris. 

After slowly placing the letter on the table, Chris grabbed the blanket and opened it up. It showed a massive pyramid that contained a whole plethora of beasts with a dragon at the very top. But looking at all of them, they seemed to be kneeling before the man in the very center of pyramid. All throughout the blanket, it showed the man befriending most if not all of the beasts that were shown on the pyramid. Chris sighed as he placed the blanket on top of the letter.

Now looking to Lavender, Chris decided to try and comfort her. He walked over to her and brought her close to him, holding one of her arms. "This is Sora's journey. The way she chooses to take it, and we have to respect that. I'm sure she'll be fine. She's a little girl, but damn is she tough as nails. I don't think we have to worry about her. She'll be back, I know she will."

@Mitchs98 @Britt-21 @Zuka



Lavender just seemed to lose track of time from her crying but she was all of a sudden pulled into a hug and her tears were wiped away before she looked up at the man holding both her and Keli which happened to be Noah. He then said that Sora would come back and when Lav looked at Keli, she agreed as well which made the warrior slowly nod ( @Zuka @Embaga Elder ) "She'll be stronger..." repeated Lavender as she pulled from Noah and went to the tree, grabbing her gift, looking at the note which was still folded on the top. Chris had also grabbed his present and opened it, pulling out a blanket which was really nice. It looked nice and warm too. With a sniffle, Lavender took the letter and read it and couldnt help but laugh a little while tears fell down her face "You always think of others, Sora..."


Before she could open the present, Chris pulled her close and she couldnt help but bury her face into shoulder as she tried to relax herself. Sora was coming back, she wasnt leaving for good but it seemed like she was just by how most of the people were crying. "I will Hope she comes back... Waiting till she returns to her family." Turning her head towards her present, she wondered what was inside "I must see what she has gotten me..." pulling from Chris, she picked up the box and opened it, only to pull out a pretty badass helmet "...This is..Beautiful... A piece that could complete my armor..." she couldnt help but hug the helmet as she turned to Chris with  soft smile, tears still falling "Isnt She so sweet....?"


  Reveal hidden contents
[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

The Forest mage made her way into the kitchen with a hand on her chin, thinking about the Wolf pup and what would be the best food source for the little guy. If he was young enough milk would suffice but judging by the way he was snapping and kept telling her how hungry he was, maybe he needed the protein from raw meat? The girl opened up the Guild Hall fridge and pulled out a not small piece of prime steak as she placed it onto a cutting board, having to move over some of Lavender's cooking utensils and cookies as she did. She needed to get the meat as warm as possible without cooking it, so she if allowed it to come to room temperature that should work shouldn't it? Still half in thought as she pulled a carton of milk from the fridge with her plan B, when she heard Noah calling her name, and the girl turned slightly as he grabbed her hand and pulled her the rest of the way to face him. Her green eyes flicked to his fingers as they entwined with her own.

"Noah what are you-..." That was when he pulled out a small present and said Merry Christmas. Kelica's eyes widened as she almost dropped the milk carton but caught it at the last second and placed it down on the bench beside her.  "You... got me a present?" This completely bewildered the girl, when did he have time to organize that? He'd been by her side since he returned unless he's gotten it even before he arrived back into Magnolia.... the questions were already starting to rage again in her head, but she decided for once not to dwell on it as she slipped her fingers from his to grasp the present with both hands and open it, spotting the necklace inside that made her eyes widen even further and her heart to literally stop. "This is..." beautiful she thought but words seemed hard for the girl, though she hoped her amazed expression was word enough. She let her fingers run through the chain before she lifted it from it's box to let it twirl a little in the air before without a word she slipped it into one of his hands and spun away from him grasping at the mass of her blonde curls to heave it up and away from her neck. Allowing him to put it on. Though the cold breeze on her neck made her shiver a fraction.

"....I..didn't get you a present... I... didn't get anyone a present..." She looked deeply saddened over that. "I just... have had no money or time or-.... [COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]well for you, I didn't even know you'd be back.[/COLOR].." her voice drawing down to a tiny whisper, still believing he was some sort of dream. [COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]"I still... find it hard to believe...."[/COLOR] She whispered gently.



[SIZE= 16px]As Kelica opened the box, her expression said it all. Her eye were wide, and she couldn't get her words out, practically speechless. Once Noah was given the necklace he placed it on Kelica. He leaned forward getting closer to her ears. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]The necklace matches your eyes. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He whispered in her ears, and as he drew back, he left a small unnoticeable peek on her neck. When she turned around she looked really sadden. Then she started freaking out a bit allowing her voice to get softer and softer. Noah grabbed her arms by the side, and pulled her a little closer. Kelica relax. Its okay, that you didn't get me a gift. You had no idea that I was coming back, so don't beat yourself up about it. Especially since that's not the only thing I plan on giving you for Christmas. His eyes gestured up to the ceiling where a mistletoe was hanging right above them. Noah smiled as he looked at kelica. His arms slowly wrapped around her and he pulled her even closer. I won't be leaving for awhile Kelica. He spoke as his golden eyes were practically glowing. Noah slowly moved his head closer, tilting a bit as his eyes closed. [/SIZE]

View attachment 192843

Kami happily followed as his sister dragged him along. The guild looked just as nice as the last time he visited. He Always remembered buildings, it was important for when he was searching for ruins, and other such things. He nodded as his sister introduced him to one of her guild mates." It's a pleasure to meet you. I haven't been here in a while, I use requip magic." Kami said not going into more detail. He looked around the guild, and couldn't help but feel cheerful. Although he was often cheerful, so this just made his mood that much better."I'm old enough to talk for myself," Kami chuckled. Then held out his hand to shake," I'm 18, so sis where's everyone else at? The guild seems far emptier than before." Kami said referring to his last visit. He was suprised, usually guilds where always full of mayhem and fun.


Taylor put down her book she was reading as she saw Alara and someone else" hi there Merry Christmas its a great day don't ya think" she say she was very cheerful" nice to meet you Kami as she say i'm taylor" she say as shse looked at the boy there he was a bit shy around new people she just sighed looking around" there a lot of gifts don't ya think Miss Alara" she say as she just hold onto her book" so what magic do you use Mr Kami" she asked as she smiled she liked being in the guild it was warm she was a orphan she glad she joined this guild they were always friendsly to here" so miss Alara what you going to do since no one is awake is yet i'm like the only one awake i couldn't sleep" she say she had a nightmare from what happend to her parents she was sometimes feeling lonely" how old is your brother" she asked as she wasn't looking up she was just holding onto her book she was bored' why do i feel shy around this boy' she thought she just smiled she thought of everyone in the guild was her family they treated her well @Mitchs98

Alara just smiled and nodded in response to Taylor, staying silent as her brother and her spoke. "Yeah there's a lot of gifts, I'm surprised no one is up yet." She said, looking around at the relatively empty hall. At Taylor's question of what she was going to do she shrugged, letting Kami answer her question first. She turned to him when he asked his. "Not sure, asleep would be my guess." She told him. She then looked back to Taylor and gave the little girl a smile, "How about me, you, and Kami go out and get some breakfast since no one else is here yet?" She suggested. "It'd be fun, plus I don't really feel up to cooking..." She added, giggling lightly. She then turned to Kami, "How about it lil bro? Up to go get breakfast?" She asked with a grin. She wasn't too hungry, but she was sure by the time she smelled food that she would be. She also knew not a lot of places would be open but she was sure there was at-least one place they could get SOMETHING from. After all Christmas was a busy time of year, people didn't have time to cook breakfast and a big meal for their families usually.
Verdana slammed her legs together, warping her flesh and becoming a soft scarf around Sera's throat to make sure that she could stay on! She didn't understand what was going on, but she was going for the ride. The 'innocent' little child smiled and gave off a soft, 'yeah' as she went along.

  Reveal hidden contents


Kelica Zefara

Kelica's emerald eyes rolled around the Guild Hall gently as that weird enigmatic expression held on her face. It was hard to hear with all the of the commotion around, her eyes glanced to Chris and Lavender as they were talking in a weird tone and she was trying to match the voices she was hearing to the expression's on people's faces. Her pupils were starting to cloud over a fraction as a swirl of grey was seeping into her very eyes, almost starting to look on the side of blind as she did. Her grip remained tight on Noah's hand while she tried to collect herself and focus in on her magic but it was growing increasingly difficult. Sera walked in chuckling and teasing, she was with another small someone who was talking whom she didn't recognize, Clair bumbled in and fell to sleep against the bar. So many different things, so many voices... they were just in the immediate area, but the baby crying in her mind was dragging her attention.

Throughout this she heard Noah speak again, her face tilting up to his so he could see her pupils almost completely gone now, the green turning to the faintest of colors among the grey of most of her eyes. Distant. He mentioned an animal cry and almost the second those words slipped his lips she made a soft 'ahh...' of realization, as she glanced back. As she realized it must have been an animal, it was like the Dam had been released and the huge flood of creatures and plants voiced she always heard, every minute of every waking day flooded to the point the girl actually threw her hands up to cover her ears like that might help. She winced visibly, looking half shaken. For you see Kelica heard the murmurs of every creature in over a 2 mile radius she just tried to focus in on the human or animal voiced closet to her and in her near vicinity. This was the single reason the girl was always so hyperactive, her attention was almost constantly diverted with a laugh in one ear or a cry in another. It was always a struggle to calm the voices in her head, and she found it even harder to pin point one voice (like the wolf cub's) in her mind without physically seeing that creature or person talk right before her.

This was also the single hardest task for the girl and why Ryu's meditation was such a struggle for the girl who heard millions of voices constantly murmuring in her head. Just when she looked close to losing it, looking more worried about hearing that baby's cry and unable to locate it, she heard Sera yelling in a serious voice. Not to mention she felt the unease coursing through the vampire which instantly snapped the girl back to reality once again. She blinked slowly and when her vision focused in again, her pupils were back and her expression seemed to come alive again. She wandered over to Sera then and blinked up to her.

"Sera what's wrong? What's the matter?" Seeing the note still in her hand the girl couldn't help but give it a quick glance and spotted one or two words and Sora's signature. Kelica's chest suddenly tightened, before she turned and ran straight to her huge tree and dug through the huge pile, finding a tiny present just for her with the same handwritten note on it. And as she straightened, The Forest Mage had to re read the note several times before she collapsed to her knees before the huge tree as she hugged Sora's present to her chest. Kelica was distraught and she hunched down even more. "...S.....Sora.... I....I'm so sorry... All those times I came over... and talked to you... when you sat me down to teach me... I noticed you were distant... I felt the darkness about you... but... It never even thought to ask if you were okay...." Kelica's tears just kept streaming down her face now like once she had started she couldn't stop.

[SIZE= 14px]"...I'm so sorry Sora... I'm so sorry...why didn't you tell me... I could have helped you...."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]She needed to find Hibiki... and Ryu... she needed to find her, she needed to help, she had to.... Panic starting to take over her frame again even as she sobbed. What about the kitty haired lady? Maybe she could help... [/SIZE]

@Mr Swiftshots @Isune @Britt-21 @Arius LaVari @LeSoraAmari @Rhodus @hudhouse


Lavender was lost for what seemed like forever but Chris had pulled her out of that state, her eyes opening and seeing the large smile on his face. Clearly he liked what just happened between them and she couldnt help but smile and allow her blush to deepen.  "I will admit, that was very nice..." she looked down at their hands and just continued to think about the kiss she shared with her guildmate. It was really odd in a way... But she accepted it. Though, the question surprised her as her eyes looked back up at him, and widen a little while losing the smile "...A-A thing...?" she asked. Lavender wasnt really good when it came to romance and only knew some things. Being the proper woman -or almost proper- she knew some things that could potentially help her.


"If you mean becoming a pair from "a thing" then yes. We are." the warrior took her hand from one of his and cupped his cheek, gently feeling the facial hair along his jaw and allowing a smile to tug at her lips "I will be guessing that this is my christmas present, hmm?" ( @Isune ) just as she asked, she heard Sera's voice coming from the hall and she was yelling loud enough for her to hear right outside the hall "Miss Sera needs us..." the blush fled her cheeks and her expression changed from shy to worried as she dragged Chris into the hall where she seen the gifts around the guild hall. "Sera what's wrong?" asked Lavender. ( @Mitchs98 )


She released her new boyfriend's hand and approached Sera before glancing at the note. Her eyes widen and she looked towards the tree where Keli was holding something to her chest and crying ( @Zuka ) "Oh no..." Lavender then moved to keli and kneeled down next to her "Kelica..." without another word, the mage wrapped her arms around Keli "It's okay..." looking towards the presents under the tree, she noticed one of them had a note with her name written right on it and knew that it was Sora who did it. "Our Sora could not tell us anything? Could she not have come to us for help?" the blue eyes of the mage began to fill with tears as they fell down her face too.




[SIZE= 16px]Noah grew a concerned looks as he realized Kelica's eyes turn from its beautiful emerald green, to a nice dull grey. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Uh....Kelica are you okay?? [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He asked her with full concern. Noah's question was quickly answered by Kelica wincing and covering her ears with her hands. She wasn't okay, not one bit. Whatever she was hearing was causing a really problem. He placed his hands on her shoulders and talked into Kelica's ear. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Kelica just relax. Listen to my voice and my voice only. Tune everything else out, but focus on the cry from the creature from before. Everything else is a distraction. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah moved his hands from her shoulders as she removed her hands from her ears. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Kelica was always been an active person, as soon she relaxed a bit from the voices in her head she walked over to Sera, asking what happened. She wasn't over there for long until she bolted over towards the Christmas tree searching for something. Noah walked towards her and watched as she grabbed a present, presumably hers. Noah stood behind her as she read the letter that came with the note.Noah couldn't help but read it, and once Kelica dropped to her knees, he didn't even hesitate to dropped to his knees and hold her and Lavender as they cried. Noah wiped both of their tears away.. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Its okay, let it out. She'll be back. You can't blame yourselves for this. Neither of you can. She most likely had an excellent reason on why she left. Sora will return, I'm just not sure win. But what I am sure of is that Fairy Tail is her family and she won't abandon it forever. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Zuka @Britt-21 [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px] [/SIZE]




Shiro was so embarrassed, why had she randomly wandered over so early in the morning? Yes it was Christmas but she always spent them alone before now, why did she feel lonely this time? Her expression actually became mildly panicked and she pushed the boxed present into Phineas' hand before turning tail and running off, did she actually run? Nope, she walked away not bothering to answer any of them, she was not good at handling emotions so her body automatically activated her fight or flight response, and since she was a defender...flight took control. Once out of sight she ran, arriving at a small park in the town while trying to control her breathing, didn't Valken live around here...? Whatever Shiro hoped to avoid everyone today, if she could keep to herself...for the rest of the day that would allow her to pull herself together again, You're stupid Shiro breathe...you can't protect anyone like this emotions have no purpose whatsoever, not for someone like you so why are you panicking like this? Come on..."Breathe!" Shiro sighed and sat under a tree in the snow, she did not know how to handle emotions at all, that would be embarrassing when she saw those two again but by then she wouldn't let it affect her. She stayed there practicing her breathing and bringing herself back to her blank expression that was hard to read, slowly but definitely back to normal.


Caught off guard


Celestia's thoughts scattered like a small group of mice running from a cat, she jumped when Acus came out of the room he was using in a red coat and yelling ho ho ho while trying to act like Santa as he was depicted in children's books, it reminded her of the book she had been reading a day or so before, aloud in a candle lit room by herself, as her parents had often done for her when she was little. Her eyes were as wide as a full moon, glowing so he couldn't see her pupils at all, intricate designs sprouting from the corner of each eye, her green eye had vine patterns swirling back across the right side of her face, lightning bolts expanded from the yellow eye and somewhat along the left side of her face, he'd scared her out of her thoughts so her magic just automatically activated, but she pulled it under quickly blinking once, twice, three times and finally the light was gone, the traces of her magic fading, and she buried her sadness in the deep ocean of her heart, then she smiled brightly, "Sorry about that Ace! You scared me! I'm all good now though. What's that?" She blinked her head tilting to the side as she took the offered velvet bag and peeked inside, going wide eyed once more, "Ace...I can't accept this...it's far too beautiful for me." She was slightly shocked and handed him back the little bag, he'd already given her that mug that was on her nightstand she wasn't in a good place at the moment anyway but she did smile at him, "Thank you for the thought though. Now come on let's eat breakfast it's nearly all done." She turned away from him and into the kitchen where everything was finished up and served up two plates of the food she had made, at least her kitchen wasn't drowned in books, as many as she had she could have opened up a bookstore honestly and some were in dangerously high piles all around the room.


Watching Everyone in the Hall


Bastion had only recently joined the guild, she had no idea who this 'Sora' was that everyone was so upset about, not that she was unsympathetic she just couldn't say anything for a person she knew nothing about, instead, even while being bitten she picked up the wolf pup that had been biting her for ages and stared at it, it had finally released her hand and was snapping at Bastion's nose but she kept her long arms out to keep it away from her face. What she had wanted to do was hug it but it might seriously hurt the explosive bullet mage so she stared at it glancing at the forest mage she had wanted to find, only to find her crying on the floor hugging something that seemed important, Bastion would keep to herself for now, let those that know what's going on comfort others. She shuts her blue eyes and leans against a wall just watching people, she may have a temper and be annoyingly loud sometimes and not too smart but even she knew when to keep quiet, now was one of those times, at least the wolf was visible now and no longer hidden under the table that Bastion had been sitting at. 



Chris Lengheart(Sora?)

Chris couldn't help but squeeze Lavender's hands a little as she said the kiss was nice. Seeing her lose the smile at his question however, Chris could feel his stomach dropping once again. As she seemingly asked him what he had said, almost as if she didn't understand. Nervous, Chris nodded in response. 

When Chris heard Lavender basically say yes, a large grin spread onto his face and the knot had completely loosened in his stomach. He wrapped Lavender up in a tight hug and after a few seconds, pulled away. As she asked if this was her Christmas present from him, Chris simply rubbed behind his neck as he said,"Kinda is, one hell of a present though.

All this was cut short however by Sera suddenly calling for everyone. Without a word, Chris followed behind Lavender as the two arrived at the guild hall. Seeing Kelica, then Sera, then Lavender all start tearing up, Chris approached the Christmas tree and picked up his gift. He opened the letter first and began to read. His grip on it soon became shaky as the corners of his eyes began to water. Chris simply muttered in a low voice,"I will." Hardly anyone could hear it, but those words mattered to Chris. 

After slowly placing the letter on the table, Chris grabbed the blanket and opened it up. It showed a massive pyramid that contained a whole plethora of beasts with a dragon at the very top. But looking at all of them, they seemed to be kneeling before the man in the very center of pyramid. All throughout the blanket, it showed the man befriending most if not all of the beasts that were shown on the pyramid. Chris sighed as he placed the blanket on top of the letter.

Now looking to Lavender, Chris decided to try and comfort her. He walked over to her and brought her close to him, holding one of her arms. "This is Sora's journey. The way she chooses to take it, and we have to respect that. I'm sure she'll be fine. She's a little girl, but damn is she tough as nails. I don't think we have to worry about her. She'll be back, I know she will."

@Mitchs98 @Britt-21 @Zuka


Kathy listened to Tyson as he grabbed the plate before she felt Miles moving, and out of curosity, she looked and seen him grabbing another two cookies where as the plate  was for sure, missing. Then her purple eyes lifted up towards him and nodded softly "I have a sack at home... and something for you personally...I wasnt sure if I was going to wear it this year since you were missing..." she said softly, nibbling on her cookie still as she looked up at him. He was so tall and she was so tiny compared to him. She only came up to his pecks, even so, her frame was small too so she looked a lot smaller. Though it was obvious that Miles didnt mind much and embraced what and who she was. Unstable Nexus and all. And since Tyson wasnt in the room, she took the advantage and grabbed his rope necklace to pull him down.


The small mage then pressed her lips up against his, her eyes closing. At least one kiss a day would have her live for a while. Since they were in private, things were a lot more comfortable for Katherine. No one around to bother them, no one to state, and no one to tease the emotionless girl and her companion she always had naps with and went on missions with. She soon pulled away and slowly opened her eyes to look at Miles "...Let's get going... Dont want to miss christmas at the guild hall."


Lavender just seemed to lose track of time from her crying but she was all of a sudden pulled into a hug and her tears were wiped away before she looked up at the man holding both her and Keli which happened to be Noah. He then said that Sora would come back and when Lav looked at Keli, she agreed as well which made the warrior slowly nod ( @Zuka @Embaga Elder ) "She'll be stronger..." repeated Lavender as she pulled from Noah and went to the tree, grabbing her gift, looking at the note which was still folded on the top. Chris had also grabbed his present and opened it, pulling out a blanket which was really nice. It looked nice and warm too. With a sniffle, Lavender took the letter and read it and couldnt help but laugh a little while tears fell down her face "You always think of others, Sora..."


Before she could open the present, Chris pulled her close and she couldnt help but bury her face into shoulder as she tried to relax herself. Sora was coming back, she wasnt leaving for good but it seemed like she was just by how most of the people were crying. "I will Hope she comes back... Waiting till she returns to her family." Turning her head towards her present, she wondered what was inside "I must see what she has gotten me..." pulling from Chris, she picked up the box and opened it, only to pull out a pretty badass helmet "...This is..Beautiful... A piece that could complete my armor..." she couldnt help but hug the helmet as she turned to Chris with  soft smile, tears still falling "Isnt She so sweet....?"



@Mr Swiftshots(I forgot Claire was still in the hall tbh..sorry) @Kyuubey

Kelica was the first to run downstairs after hearing her shouting, Lavender soon following alongside Noah. Even before she could say anything the blonde haired girl had already raced over to the tree digging through the presents to find her own, of course she soon started crying. Sera walked over to the bar nearby and sat down, reading the note over and over again, looking from it to the small barrel she held. It really was the perfect gift for her and it'd certainly save on her tab at the bar, but even still she wished that Sora was here with them instead. That she could of given it to her in person. She had noticed her seeming different since Malnia like Kelica had, but she didn't expect anything like this to happen. A good question would be did Arietta even know if she was gone or not? If not she was going to tell her as soon as possible.

But first she squeezed the barrel as instructed and hefted it onto the bar counter, grabbing herself a mug and filling it before taking a huge gulp as everyone came inside realizing the news. Of course it tasted much better than anything the bar had ever served her, likely because it was from Sora. She had had a present for her too, a light blue dress similar in style to ones she usually wore, but she supposed she'd just save it until she came back. Whenever that might be. Much like Kelica she was thinking the same on helping Sora, if she had of only thought it was a bigger issue then she would of probably been able to help her. Or at-least try to, she didn't see how she could make anything worse otherwise.

She couldn't help but smile at the little joke on her letter despite the few tears streaming down her cheeks still, if there was one person in the guild that she had considered telling her past to outside of the guild masters it would have to be her. Perhaps Kelica and Lavender too, both of them were very good friends to the vampire. Really, after this note, she was contemplating telling everyone. The fact she was keeping something so important from her guild members was really eating away at her, if she kept hiding it she might end up like Sora and leave. She knew they didn't see her as a monster or anything, but the fact was that she was. They deserved to know that it was still possible for her to snap and try to kill them all on instinct, ask if they truly wanted her to stay knowing this.

Or maybe it was best they never find out? What if they outcast her and never wanted to see her again? Or hell, even turn her into the council to have her imprisoned? She sighed heavily, downing her mug of ale before pouring herself another and shrinking the barrel back down. That glass down she looked to Chris as he started speaking, smiling as he did and nodding. "Yeah...you're right. She'll be back for sure." She said. "She better come back for the games to or I'm tracking her ass down by scent." She added grinning widely and showing off her fangs, chuckling and standing up immediately after downing half of her second glass. "Even when she was going away for herself she still thought of us...the 'lil brat." She spoke, mostly to herself, sighing and folding the letter to put in her pocket.

That done she looked up to Verdana, "C'mon, let's go see Master Arietta." She told her before ascending the stairs, past the broken bits, and to Arietta's room. She gently knocked on it though loud enough for her to hear, honestly a bit nervous. Would she be mad at her for bringing Verdana back? Or understanding that she only wanted to help the girl? She wasn't entirely sure, but all she could do was wait and find out. "Master Arietta? Are you in there? I have something important to talk to you about." She said, impatiently shifting back and forth a bit as she stared at the wooden door with a blank expression.
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[SIZE= 16px]As Kelica opened the box, her expression said it all. Her eye were wide, and she couldn't get her words out, practically speechless. Once Noah was given the necklace he placed it on Kelica. He leaned forward getting closer to her ears. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]The necklace matches your eyes. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He whispered in her ears, and as he drew back, he left a small unnoticeable peek on her neck. When she turned around she looked really sadden. Then she started freaking out a bit allowing her voice to get softer and softer. Noah grabbed her arms by the side, and pulled her a little closer. Kelica relax. Its okay, that you didn't get me a gift. You had no idea that I was coming back, so don't beat yourself up about it. Especially since that's not the only thing I plan on giving you for Christmas. His eyes gestured up to the ceiling where a mistletoe was hanging right above them. Noah smiled as he looked at kelica. His arms slowly wrapped around her and he pulled her even closer. I won't be leaving for awhile Kelica. He spoke as his golden eyes were practically glowing. Noah slowly moved his head closer, tilting a bit as his eyes closed. [/SIZE]


[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage kept her arms and hands threaded up into her hair to keep the curls up and away as he put the necklace around her neck, touching the soft skin around her neck without even meaning to in the process that sent a soft shudder throughout her smaller frame. Her body completely tensed and rigid as he leaned forward and whispered in her ear, glancing down to the necklace and it's soft green that confirmed his opinion. She could have sworn he kissed at her neck but it was hard to tell, he was so close as he was but she found her should tensing up a portion around his face as she did. Letting her hair down in one movement, the blonde lengths bouncing a fraction as they flowed down her back. He grabbed at her arms and pulled her a little closer, her head tilted up to peer to him as her whole body trembled a fraction. She wasn't even sure why she was trembling, but her feet moved forward regardless. "[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]...I can't help it... I want to get you something for Christmas...[/COLOR]" Her voice barely above a whisper. Wait... did he say that wasn't the only thing he planned on giving her for Christmas? What did he mean by that?..

Kelica's eyes drifted up as his eyes did, to spot the mistletoe above them. She knew exactly what it was, even people not versed in plants knew what that was, and the connotations behind it. And when her eyes slowly dropped down to peer to his face again she found him smiling right at her. She felt him wrap his arms around her, pulling her in even closer and she lifted her hands up in a half way ditzy manner, her eyes only widening a fraction more in surprise. He was warm... unbelievably so. And she was pretty much convinced her heart had stopped then. His words saying he won't be leaving for awhile, echoing around in her ears and her head making her eyes droop a fraction like the earlier panic was subsiding.

His eyes... She couldn't break her sparkling emerald gaze from them even if she wanted it, they drew her in to the point her mind went completely blank and the murmurs and voices in her head stopped. He could tell her anything and she would believe him, just by the tone in his voice and those eyes that drew her in. She watched him lean in and she felt like time had stilled, she could have been in the middle of a packed room and she wouldn't have seen a single other person then him. Finally once his eyes slipped closed she broke from that weird trace as her hands slipped up along his chest, to brush over his shoulders and slide along his neck to thread into the strands of his long, purple hair. She couldn't help it, it felt so right. He felt so right. He made her feel safe... secure. She knew he could save her from anything if he just stayed near to her, even from herself and her own powers.

Her tilted the other way from him as her own eyes slipped closed and she reached up on her tip toes. She had said no yesterday, but... he had stayed had he not?...Just like she had asked?....

She found her body move of it's own accord as she found her soft lips pressed in against his own, savoring the texture for a minute. She pulled her face back a portion so  that her lips were touching his own but only just, parted slightly as she breathed over his face. His name slipping from her lips, letting the letters roll over her tongue for a moment as she pressed herself closer. She couldn't help it, he draw her in to the point she melted, still on her tip toes but her knees shook. Not a moment later she pressed her lips to his even harder then the first time, almost hungrily, like now she had a taste she wasn't sure if she was ready to let that go. Let him go. Her heart in full force as it thundered within her chest.
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Kathy listened to Tyson as he grabbed the plate before she felt Miles moving, and out of curosity, she looked and seen him grabbing another two cookies where as the plate  was for sure, missing. Then her purple eyes lifted up towards him and nodded softly "I have a sack at home... and something for you personally...I wasnt sure if I was going to wear it this year since you were missing..." she said softly, nibbling on her cookie still as she looked up at him. He was so tall and she was so tiny compared to him. She only came up to his pecks, even so, her frame was small too so she looked a lot smaller. Though it was obvious that Miles didnt mind much and embraced what and who she was. Unstable Nexus and all. And since Tyson wasnt in the room, she took the advantage and grabbed his rope necklace to pull him down.


The small mage then pressed her lips up against his, her eyes closing. At least one kiss a day would have her live for a while. Since they were in private, things were a lot more comfortable for Katherine. No one around to bother them, no one to state, and no one to tease the emotionless girl and her companion she always had naps with and went on missions with. She soon pulled away and slowly opened her eyes to look at Miles "...Let's get going... Dont want to miss christmas at the guild hall."



[SIZE= 16px]Miles raised an eyebrow when Katherine stated she had something to wear just for him. Knowing Katherine he was a bit worried at first, but then he realized that they were going to be in public, so she wasn't going to wear anything that draws too much attention. He placed his hands in his pocket, looking down at the small mage in front of him. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]I can't wait to see it. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He said with a smirk. As Kathy pulled on his necklace, a smile appeared on his face. Kathy planted one on him, taking full advantage of Tyson's absence. Miles closed her eyes kissing her back. After Katherine pulled back and suggested to leave, Miles pulled her back in and kissed her lifting her up as he did. He pulled back and smiled. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Alright, but I get to carry you along the way. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Miles placed Katherine back down, then crouched allowing her to climb on. Once she was on, he left the house with Katherine on his back. Mils caught up with Tyson and walked along side of him. Ty, we're heading to Katherine's place first. Are you coming, or are you going back to the guild. He asked with a calm expression. @Britt-21 @Solemn Jester[/SIZE]
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[SIZE= 16px]Miles raised an eyebrow when Katherine stated she had something to wear just for him. Knowing Katherine he was a bit worried at first, but then he realized that they were going to be in public, so she wasn't going to wear anything that draws too much attention. He placed his hands in his pocket, looking down at the small mage in front of him. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]I can't wait to see it. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He said with a smirk. As Kathy pulled on his necklace, a smile appeared on his face. Kathy planted one on him, taking full advantage of Tyson's absence. Miles closed her eyes kissing her back. After Katherine pulled back and suggested to leave, Miles pulled her back in and kissed her lifting her up as he did. He pulled back and smiled. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Alright, but I get to carry you along the way. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Miles placed Katherine back down, then crouched allowing her to climb on. Once she was on, he left the house with Katherine on his back. Mils caught up with Tyson and walked along side of him. Ty, we're heading to Katherine's place first. Are you coming, or are you going back to the guild. He asked with a calm expression. @Britt-21 @Solemn Jester[/SIZE]

Tyson Redd,


Tyson hadn't bothered to wait for the others to follow. It was their suggestion after all, so if they didn't follow they'd join eventually. But he didn't get very far before his brother, and Katherine appeared again.He listened to his brother, who informed them that they where going to Katherines house first."No, I'll meet you at the guild." He answered, turning away, and heading towards the sabertooth guild without a second thought. He still had a few cookies, and munched on them happily as he walked.

@Britt-21 @Embaga Elder

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Alara just smiled and nodded in response to Taylor, staying silent as her brother and her spoke. "Yeah there's a lot of gifts, I'm surprised no one is up yet." She said, looking around at the relatively empty hall. At Taylor's question of what she was going to do she shrugged, letting Kami answer her question first. She turned to him when he asked his. "Not sure, asleep would be my guess." She told him. She then looked back to Taylor and gave the little girl a smile, "How about me, you, and Kami go out and get some breakfast since no one else is here yet?" She suggested. "It'd be fun, plus I don't really feel up to cooking..." She added, giggling lightly. She then turned to Kami, "How about it lil bro? Up to go get breakfast?" She asked with a grin. She wasn't too hungry, but she was sure by the time she smelled food that she would be. She also knew not a lot of places would be open but she was sure there was at-least one place they could get SOMETHING from. After all Christmas was a busy time of year, people didn't have time to cook breakfast and a big meal for their families usually.



Kami frowned at her answer,"yeah I guess." He said thinking about how the guild was usually full, even at this time of day. He figured the holidays was a special occasion. He then turned, and poked his big sister in the forehead. Looking  annoyed as he did so,"Wasn't the point of me coming to the guild to meet all the guild members?" You know I do enough walking around on my travels. So I'd rather we didn't go scurrying all across the town while I'm here. At least not this early, I just woke up after all." Kami smirked[SIZE= 16px], half-heartedly, and moved his hand from Alara's forehead. He may be a adventurer, but even they need rest everyonce in a while.[/SIZE]

Yamato Ren: Blue Pegasus GH

Currently cooking a classic breakfast


Yamato was already in the Guild Hall quite early in the morning. He aimed to have everyones breakfast ready by the time they start arriving so they could avoid the wait. In the kitchen several pans and lacrima powered toasters were in use. Yama thought that after such a huge dinner last night his guild mates might appreciate something simple but still delicous. So he was making the all time classic toast with bacon and eggs. Of course with so many people in the guild he had to manage several pans at once but that was no problem with his magic. He knew that not everyone was going to have this breakfast as some may have already had it at home or are just overall not hungry. If anything he was making it for anyone who was hungry. The bacon and the eggs were sizzling and sounded just about done, just in time for the toast to pop up too! He filled all the plates with their fair share of eggs bacon and toast. Then brought them all out to be sat on the tables in the main hall. one plate for each chair at every table. It seems he done the math right and was rather pleased with the result. The aroma of a morning cooked breakfast filled the room. Hopefully those who do eat will enjoy the food~

>>>Pretty much anyone who enters the guild hall<<<
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[SIZE= 16px]Miles raised an eyebrow when Katherine stated she had something to wear just for him. Knowing Katherine he was a bit worried at first, but then he realized that they were going to be in public, so she wasn't going to wear anything that draws too much attention. He placed his hands in his pocket, looking down at the small mage in front of him. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]I can't wait to see it. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He said with a smirk. As Kathy pulled on his necklace, a smile appeared on his face. Kathy planted one on him, taking full advantage of Tyson's absence. Miles closed her eyes kissing her back. After Katherine pulled back and suggested to leave, Miles pulled her back in and kissed her lifting her up as he did. He pulled back and smiled. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Alright, but I get to carry you along the way. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Miles placed Katherine back down, then crouched allowing her to climb on. Once she was on, he left the house with Katherine on his back. Mils caught up with Tyson and walked along side of him. Ty, we're heading to Katherine's place first. Are you coming, or are you going back to the guild. He asked with a calm expression. @Britt-21 @Solemn Jester[/SIZE]



Kathy was caught off guard when Miles pulled her back into another kiss while lifting her up. Slowly her eyes closed as she returned his kiss before he put her down and pulled away while saying he's gonna carry her. "Thank you..." she said and climbed onto his back, Lionel following as Miles walked out of the house. Kathy wrapped her arms around his neck while he held her and looked around because she could. Then they landed on Tyson who rejected the offer that Miles had given him to stop by her place. "He needs more adventure..." she said softly before looking at the back of Miles's head, her purple eyes following every spike and she shifted a bit against his back "I hope that all of the guild will like what I got them... It's nothing much..." Feeling a tug on the back of her dress, she glanced over her shoulder and spotted Lionel climbing onto her with her staff.


"Why are you climbing on me, Lionel...? Is something wrong...?" the mage looked around and seen nothing before she shrugged slightly and rested against Miles again "I hope you like my present too... It's red so you should like it...You like red...right?" of course he did, he had red hair, he had a red aura, and ironically his name was Miles Redd.  Because of him, she was starting to like red too so that was also a plus! Her head tried torest up on his shoulder so she could at least see half of his beautiful face. Even just being a day back, she was attatched to the hip with him which she had wanted.

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

The Siren was sitting in a booth in the very corner of the Guild Hall. She had her legs crossed and her fingers clasped together in her lap, letting the long digits merely tap to a silent rhythm in her head as she hummed to herself. The woman's golden eyes drifted around the Guild Hall and it's inhabitants like a watchful Eagle's eyes, but was keeping herself withdraw and away from the spotlight. Her raven black wings where folded up to have the top most peek of her wing joint, the elbow portion, to fold down over the edge of the couch and just sort of let her flight feather dangle there against the back of the couch. She took the softest of sighs that left her red lips as her gaze drifted over to the kitchen where young Alicia and Mizuki were preparing a breakfast it seemed. While she knew the basics to cooking, the woman didn't eat what one would call a normal diet so it wouldn't make much sense for her to be in there. Not to mention her wings would be a walking hazard and just get in the way of such a cramped space.

Her eyes drifted over then to look to the Grand Piano in the corner of the room with a wistful look, her fingers flexing a little. It looked to be in perfect shape but covered in dust from disuse, the old GuildMaster Gilad had fine taste it seemed and she would give anything to run her fingertips over the keys and fill the room with music. She couldn't help it... it was just too quiet here. She wanted to sing and play the piano... but another soft sigh escaped her lips. Most would be aware of what she was by now, a Siren who incapacitates her foe's using her voice and her charms, so even if she were to sing or play normally she would have the stigma that she were somehow plotting some massive plan to take over the entire Guild.

Which just was not true.

Even if she were the same killer she used to be, she wasn't stupid enough attack a whole Light Guild (or Dark Guild for that matter). She could, theoretically, drain them all dry and gain enough life energy to live for several more centuries, but it would attract far too much attention to her anyway and the Council would find her and kill her within months. No.. much better to take one victim that no body will miss every few months. Or at least, that was the case till she found her Mizuki. Her eyes drifted down to her hands which were shaking a portion. She had drunk from Mizuki to almost death yesterday and even now she was shaking a fraction like she would need more. To be fair Draneri was in a pretty terrible state when she found her but even so... she didn't expect to be so hungry so soon... Her gold eyes drifting up to peer out the window behind her. But she refused to tell Mizuki and simply sat, watching the members. A day or so would do her no harm. It was the Mass of X or something similar.

@Maki @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Drakerus @Britt-21 @Embaga Elder @Solemn Jester @Rhodus (@probably more people from Saber I can't remember right now)
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage kept her arms and hands threaded up into her hair to keep the curls up and away as he put the necklace around her neck, touching the soft skin around her neck without even meaning to in the process that sent a soft shudder throughout her smaller frame. Her body completely tensed and rigid as he leaned forward and whispered in her ear, glancing down to the necklace and it's soft green that confirmed his opinion. She could have sworn he kissed at her neck but it was hard to tell, he was so close as he was but she found her should tensing up a portion around his face as she did. Letting her hair down in one movement, the blonde lengths bouncing a fraction as they flowed down her back. He grabbed at her arms and pulled her a little closer, her head tilted up to peer to him as her whole body trembled a fraction. She wasn't even sure why she was trembling, but her feet moved forward regardless. "[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]...I can't help it... I want to get you something for Christmas...[/COLOR]" Her voice barely above a whisper. Wait... did he say that wasn't the only thing he planned on giving her for Christmas? What did he mean by that?..

Kelica's eyes drifted up as his eyes did, to spot the mistletoe above them. She knew exactly what it was, even people not versed in plants knew what that was, and the connotations behind it. And when her eyes slowly dropped down to peer to his face again she found him smiling right at her. She felt him wrap his arms around her, pulling her in even closer and she lifted her hands up in a half way ditzy manner, her eyes only widening a fraction more in surprise. He was warm... unbelievably so. And she was pretty much convinced her heart had stopped then. His words saying he won't be leaving for awhile, echoing around in her ears and her head making her eyes droop a fraction like the earlier panic was subsiding.

His eyes... She couldn't break her sparkling emerald gaze from them even if she wanted it, they drew her in to the point her mind went completely blank and the murmurs and voices in her head stopped. He could tell her anything and she would believe him, just by the tone in his voice and those eyes that drew her in. She watched him lean in and she felt like time had stilled, she could have been in the middle of a packed room and she wouldn't have seen a single other person then him. Finally once his eyes slipped closed she broke from that weird trace as her hands slipped up along his chest, to brush over his shoulders and slide along his neck to thread into the strands of his long, purple hair. She couldn't help it, it felt so right. He felt so right. He made her feel safe... secure. She knew he could save her from anything if he just stayed near to her, even from herself and her own powers.

Her tilted the other way from him as her own eyes slipped closed and she reached up on her tip toes. She had said no yesterday, but... he had stayed had he not?...Just like she had asked?....

She found her body move of it's own accord as she found her soft lips pressed in against his own, savoring the texture for a minute. She pulled her face back a portion so  that her lips were touching his own but only just, parted slightly as she breathed over his face. His name slipping from her lips, letting the letters roll over her tongue for a moment as she pressed herself closer. She couldn't help it, he draw her in to the point she melted, still on her tip toes but her knees shook. Not a moment later she pressed her lips to his even harder then the first time, almost hungrily, like now she had a taste she wasn't sure if she was ready to let that go. Let him go. Her heart in full force as it thundered within her chest.



As Kelica's lips touched his, for Noah it felt like time had stopped and only him and Kelica were only able to move throughout time. Kelica pushed her lips harder against his lips as if she wanted more. He held her even tighter, he started to lift her up, but then he snapped back to reality. His eyes, opened as he realized where he was exactly. He slowly pulled away, letting a breath of air out on her face. His eyes drifted down to her feet then back up to her face. Merry Christmas Kelica. He said with a smile. Noah looked at all the stuff that Kelica had brought out for the wolf pup. You might wanna finish taking care of that wolf pup Keli. I think it needs you right now, along with the manticore. He walked towards the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of wine. It seems like your plate is full. Luckily I'll be here to help. But first I need a drink. He pops open the bottle and downs most of it. While you do that, I'll go apologize to both Lavender and Chris for mooning them. He chuckled then walked towards both Chris and Lavender. Upon approaching them, he took another sip from his wine bottle. Hey guys. He waved at them with a smile. Lemme start of by saying that I'm sorry for what happened earlier. Nothing happened between Kelica and I last night, just so you guys know. I went to sleep last night fully clothed, and awoke naked. Mainly because I always sleep naked, so when I went to sleep fully clothed, I subconsciously wanted my clothes off and thats what happened. I took my clothes off while sleeping. I didn't mean to cause a problem, especially today of all days. So I hope you guys please forgive me? @Zuka @Isune @Britt-21
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Kathy was caught off guard when Miles pulled her back into another kiss while lifting her up. Slowly her eyes closed as she returned his kiss before he put her down and pulled away while saying he's gonna carry her. "Thank you..." she said and climbed onto his back, Lionel following as Miles walked out of the house. Kathy wrapped her arms around his neck while he held her and looked around because she could. Then they landed on Tyson who rejected the offer that Miles had given him to stop by her place. "He needs more adventure..." she said softly before looking at the back of Miles's head, her purple eyes following every spike and she shifted a bit against his back "I hope that all of the guild will like what I got them... It's nothing much..." Feeling a tug on the back of her dress, she glanced over her shoulder and spotted Lionel climbing onto her with her staff.


"Why are you climbing on me, Lionel...? Is something wrong...?" the mage looked around and seen nothing before she shrugged slightly and rested against Miles again "I hope you like my present too... It's red so you should like it...You like red...right?" of course he did, he had red hair, he had a red aura, and ironically his name was Miles Redd.  Because of him, she was starting to like red too so that was also a plus! Her head tried torest up on his shoulder so she could at least see half of his beautiful face. Even just being a day back, she was attatched to the hip with him which she had wanted.

Tyson Redd,

View attachment 194284

Tyson hadn't bothered to wait for the others to follow. It was their suggestion after all, so if they didn't follow they'd join eventually. But he didn't get very far before his brother, and Katherine appeared again.He listened to his brother, who informed them that they where going to Katherines house first."No, I'll meet you at the guild." He answered, turning away, and heading towards the sabertooth guild without a second thought. He still had a few cookies, and munched on them happily as he walked.

@Britt-21 @Embaga Elder



[SIZE= 16px]Mile's frowned as his brother denied his offer. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Well since you're heading back now. Make sure no one takes MY couch. Hurt them if you must. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He turned and started walking towards Katherine's house. Katherine spoke about Tyson's since of adventure. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]It's not about adventuring Kathy. It's about third wheeling. I'm sure he doesn't want to intrude. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He adjusted Katherine on his back, by pushing her up some more. Miles looked back chuckling at what he saw, Lionel trying to climb on Katherine. Miles guessed that the dragon wanted to be picked up, so Miles used his aura to light him up and placed him on his head. [/SIZE]There all better. Miles chuckled out. He turned his head slightly  to the side looking at Katherine through the corner of his eyes. Of course, I'm going to like it. It was picked by you. And yes red is my favorite color. Surprisingly the walk from Miles home, to Katherine's didn't take long at all. He stopped at Katherine's door, and crouched down a bit, allowing her to get off and unlocked their door. Once she unlocks the door and opens it. He walks in looking around.  @Britt-21 @Solemn Jester

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