Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC




Miles was right, third wheeling is probably something Tyson didnt want to feel like so that's why he refused to come with them. Not like the two were going to do anything lewd while Tyson was at her house. Miles was kind enough to put Lionel on top of his head and of course, he looked at Kathy and she locked eyes with Miles, just adoring those eyes before he got to her front door which was something she wasnt too happy about because she liked to be carried. Lionel hopped down and put her staff by her feet which she picked up and placed her hand on the knob, sending some nexus through it before the door opened and allowed them inside. Once inside she shut the door behind them and they were greeted with the warmth of her home and Lionel ran over to his bed by the fireplace and curled up


"Sit down if you'd like... Have a cigarette if you want one.." she knew how much he loved them and reall she didnt mind. She headed upstairs and changed her clothes into something a lot more festive. She even got the sack she had with the random presents inside. She came downstairs with it and then slowly moved into the livingroom, letting the sack stick behind and allowing Miles to fully see her "Merry christmas..." she said softly, looking down at her shoes for a moment before looking back at him "Is it too much...?" she asked, standing there as if she was wearing her normal clothes. Plus her expression was pretty normal too, aside from the light pink that was rising onto her cheeks and making her pale skin have a break.

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[SIZE= 16px]Mile's frowned as his brother denied his offer. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Well since you're heading back now. Make sure no one takes MY couch. Hurt them if you must. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He turned and started walking towards Katherine's house. Katherine spoke about Tyson's since of adventure. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]It's not about adventuring Kathy. It's about third wheeling. I'm sure he doesn't want to intrude. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He adjusted Katherine on his back, by pushing her up some more. Miles looked back chuckling at what he saw, Lionel trying to climb on Katherine. Miles guessed that the dragon wanted to be picked up, so Miles used his aura to light him up and placed him on his head. [/SIZE]There all better. Miles chuckled out. He turned his head slightly  to the side looking at Katherine through the corner of his eyes. Of course, I'm going to like it. It was picked by you. And yes red is my favorite color. Surprisingly the walk from Miles home, to Katherine's didn't take long at all. He stopped at Katherine's door, and crouched down a bit, allowing her to get off and unlocked their door. Once she unlocks the door and opens it. He walks in looking around.  @Britt-21 @Solemn Jester

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

The Siren was sitting in a booth in the very corner of the Guild Hall. She had her legs crossed and her fingers clasped together in her lap, letting the long digits merely tap to a silent rhythm in her head as she hummed to herself. The woman's golden eyes drifted around the Guild Hall and it's inhabitants like a watchful Eagle's eyes, but was keeping herself withdraw and away from the spotlight. Her raven black wings where folded up to have the top most peek of her wing joint, the elbow portion, to fold down over the edge of the couch and just sort of let her flight feather dangle there against the back of the couch. She took the softest of sighs that left her red lips as her gaze drifted over to the kitchen where young Alicia and Mizuki were preparing a breakfast it seemed. While she knew the basics to cooking, the woman didn't eat what one would call a normal diet so it wouldn't make much sense for her to be in there. Not to mention her wings would be a walking hazard and just get in the way of such a cramped space.

Her eyes drifted over then to look to the Grand Piano in the corner of the room with a wistful look, her fingers flexing a little. It looked to be in perfect shape but covered in dust from disuse, the old GuildMaster Gilad had fine taste it seemed and she would give anything to run her fingertips over the keys and fill the room with music. She couldn't help it... it was just too quiet here. She wanted to sing and play the piano... but another soft sigh escaped her lips. Most would be aware of what she was by now, a Siren who incapacitates her foe's using her voice and her charms, so even if she were to sing or play normally she would have the stigma that she were somehow plotting some massive plan to take over the entire Guild.

Which just was not true.

Even if she were the same killer she used to be, she wasn't stupid enough attack a whole Light Guild (or Dark Guild for that matter). She could, theoretically, drain them all dry and gain enough life energy to live for several more centuries, but it would attract far too much attention to her anyway and the Council would find her and kill her within months. No.. much better to take one victim that no body will miss every few months. Or at least, that was the case till she found her Mizuki. Her eyes drifted down to her hands which were shaking a portion. She had drunk from Mizuki to almost death yesterday and even now she was shaking a fraction like she would need more. To be fair Draneri was in a pretty terrible state when she found her but even so... she didn't expect to be so hungry so soon... Her gold eyes drifting up to peer out the window behind her. But she refused to tell Mizuki and simply sat, watching the members. A day or so would do her no harm. It was the Mass of X or something similar.

@Maki @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Drakerus @Britt-21 @Embaga Elder @Solemn Jester @Rhodus (@probably more people from Saber I can't remember right now)

Tyson, Redd


Tyson simply nodded at his brothers request, then headed to the guild. He wasn't in the most festive mood, which was strange since Christmas was his favorite holiday. But he didn't bother dwelling on the mood much. He just pushed on as always, until he reached the guild. It was a surprisingly fast walk. Tyson was so deep in thought that he almost didn't notice his arrival. But luckily he stopped before he put a dent in the guild walls. He looked up, and pushed the guild door open. He immediately targeted his brothers spot, and frowned. 

He moved slowly towards the couch, and looked down at the woman sitting on it. He knew her as Draneri, and honestly had never paid her much attention. Until now that was, so with a low growl, and piercing glare he confronted her."You're in my brothers spot, move." Tyson said rather forcefully, watching to see what she did in response. He wasn't really trying to start anything. He was just doing as his brother had request, but his social skills were rather lacking. But if it came to it he'd do as his brother suggested. He'd forcefully remove her, although that was up to her.

@Embaga Elder @Britt-21 @Zuka @Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Jackaboi@kyuu (anyone else in Sabertooth, also Fairytail)

Mitsuki, Yamada

large (8).jpg

Mitsuki skipped through the hallways singing merrily to himself."Oh I wish you a merry Christmas! I wish you a merry Christmas! I wish you a merry Christmas, and a happy new year!" He felt great, he had to remember to thank Kelica for that tea. He sure was lucky to have such great guild mates. 

He figured he'd join the rest of the guild, see what they where up to. He also had to think about his gift, he wasn't sure about it. He had blown all his money on, well other expenses. So he really couldn't buy anyone anything. So instead he had made coupons, or something of the sort. They were good for one favor from Mitsuki himself. They where magic, so he was more or less unable to refuse. That was unless they asked him for something he couldn't do. Say if they asked him to breath underwater, fly, or kill himself. It only worked for reasonable task, say doing their chore, or giving a hug. Stuff like that," Geez I hope they're okay with them. This is honestly all I could think of." 



As Kelica's lips touched his, for Noah it felt like time had stopped and only him and Kelica were only able to move throughout time. Kelica pushed her lips harder against his lips as if she wanted more. He held her even tighter, he started to lift her up, but then he snapped back to reality. His eyes, opened as he realized where he was exactly. He slowly pulled away, letting a breath of air out on her face. His eyes drifted down to her feet then back up to her face. Merry Christmas Kelica. He said with a smile. Noah looked at all the stuff that Kelica had brought out for the wolf pup. You might wanna finish taking care of that wolf pup Keli. I think it needs you right now, along with the manticore. He walked towards the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of wine. It seems like your plate is full. Luckily I'll be here to help. But first I need a drink. He pops open the bottle and downs most of it. While you do that, I'll go apologize to both Lavender and Chris for mooning them. He chuckled then walked towards both Chris and Lavender. Upon approaching them, he took another sip from his wine bottle. Hey guys. He waved at them with a smile. Lemme start of by saying that I'm sorry for what happened earlier. Nothing happened between Kelica and I last night, just so you guys know. I went to sleep last night fully clothed, and awoke naked. Mainly because I always sleep naked, so when I went to sleep fully clothed, I subconsciously wanted my clothes off and thats what happened. I took my clothes off while sleeping. I didn't mean to cause a problem, especially today of all days. So I hope you guys please forgive me? @Zuka @Isune @Britt-21


[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

The Forest mage felt Noah's grip around her smaller frame tighten to the point he almost lifted the girl up from the ground. Not that she would have minded. He could have done really what he pleased and the girl probably would have let him, she pretty much melted fully into his arms by then, like she had waited so long and wasn't sure how to take it now.  It seemed like the girl had only just started when he slowly started to pull away from her. At first she seemed pretty stubborn and kept her hands and fingers threaded into his hair before her eyes slowly slipped open to peer to his own gold eyes, and eventually her grip on the back of his head eased enough to let him pull back away. She felt her chest rising and falling in a fast pace as she started to squirm on the spot, glancing down and away with cheeks as red as any Christmas setting or outfit flooded her cheeks. Luckily (or unlucky for the girl), she glanced back only in time to watch his gaze drift all the way down to her toes then back to her face and her cheeks puffed out more as she made an angry, embarrassed, almost shy sort of huff that just came off as more adorable.

As she was busy trying to recollect her thoughts, lifting up her hands to clasp at her cheeks in a ditzy manner, his suggestion to deal with the puppy had her eyes widen as she realized she had completely forgotten! So in a flustered hurry, the girl suddenly half sprinted around the room as she grasped the now room temperature milk and pour it into a glass bottle, cutting up the steak into pieces. Not fully diced, but into three different sized sections that would still allow the pup to chew happily... maybe she should have gotten him meat on the bone?... No matter, she'd already pulled this out now. While she did all this she glanced as Noah grabbed a bottle of wine out of the fridge and took a huge swig out of it. A soft smile flooded her face and she whipped her hands over a tea towel to clean them quickly before she side stepped him just before he exited, slipping her hand into his grip and peeled the bottle from his fingers with a rather impressive Ninja move (or maybe he was just surprised) before she put the wine bottle to her lips and sculled the last of it's contents with barely a blink. While alcohol did have a tenancy to go to the girl's head, that wasn't to say she could down it in a rather impressive manner. Made all the more impressive by her sheer smallness and cuteness.

She really was an enigma... In fact it was after an altercation with some Florists and Emmerich saving her, did the two have a drinking contest (too which he won) and ended up with her spending the entire Spring with him before they parted once more. But that was another story for another day... that she may or may not tell Noah. So with having drunk the last of his bottle, she turned and took the empty casing with her and left him apologize to Chris and Lavender. She dropped the wine bottle into the bin before she piled the meat onto a plate in one hand, holding it like a waiter does, before she had the bottle with the milk in the other. And without a backwards glance she strode away from Noah with a tiny little sway of her hips as she did though she refused to look over her shoulder to him. Like they hadn't just made out in the very Guild Hall kitchen that still had her face partially red.

She threw one portion of the steak to the Manticore as she realized he must have been hungry, before she finally came beside Bastian and slid onto the seat beside him, placing the plate onto the table and the bottle in her hands. "How is the pup holding up?" She said in a soft tone, her thigh practically touching the boy's as she did. And with that, Kelica reached her hands forward and slipped them around the wolf cub, crossing her legs and placing the pup into her lap facing up to her, tickling his tummy before playing with his paws gently, feeling his tail waggling against her stomach as she did. "Why don't you tell me a little more about where and how you found him?" Her green eyes glancing to the side at him before they drew back down to the pup who was playfully nomming at her fingers and making an adorable sound as he did. Like a yip, whine. Here she grasped at the bottle of milk and slipped it into his muzzle to feed him and watched with a raised eyebrow and he quite hungrily gulping it down.

@Arius LaVari @Isune @Britt-21
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[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Rosaline Dreyar[/COLOR]

The Lightning Mage peered down to her brother whom she was convinced had woken up when she placed the pillow on his face, and furthermore when she had dumped her squishy present onto his facial features. But alas, her little 'Biki did nothing more then continue snoring, and what she thought was him awaking was the boy simply rolling in his sleep. She glanced out of the window with the sun in the sky. How very unlike a Dreyar... they were always up at Dawn to train. But when her eyes drew back she noticed he had huge bags under them. Just what did he DO last night? He clearly didn't sleep then. She reached down to let her fingers draw through his hair in an almost cute gesture before she lifted herself from the couch and moved the present to the coffee table beside him. She quickly dressed into a pair of black jeans, a purple furred vest and her hair tied up in a high ponytail. But unlike normal, she didn't braid it this time, just let the long thick strands fall to her hips, though she did use Cele's hair clip to pull that stubborn one section of her fridge behind her right ear to keep it from her face.

She quickly scribbled a note as she placed it onto the present, saying "You must have not slept well. I have some gifts to give to others, but when you wake up... come find me. I know you know where I am. Stay as long as you need. <3 Rosa"

She hefted a sack of presents over her shoulder and without another word she closed the door behind her. She thought about zapping around the Town, but decided to get some fresh air and simply walk (after still feeling incredibly hung over from the night before) and was walking through the main streets of Balsam Village, in the general direction of the Guild Hall. Well she was till she spotted a place to the right of her and stopped walking. She didn't even know if her Guild Mate was inside but... it wouldn't hurt to check right? Hurry him along if he wasn't? As she thought all this she found her steps appear in front of his house and before she knew it she was ringing his doorbell and had already slipped a hand into her sack to pull out a present, standing there wide eyed with present in hand. Just drop the present... just drop it and leave it and go to the Guild Hall... It's only Kazuo... He's probably not even home... he'll be at the Guild Hall... so why am I still standing here? Why can't I move why-

@Britt-21 @LeSoraAmari

Tyson, Redd

View attachment 194508

Tyson simply nodded at his brothers request, then headed to the guild. He wasn't in the most festive mood, which was strange since Christmas was his favorite holiday. But he didn't bother dwelling on the mood much. He just pushed on as always, until he reached the guild. It was a surprisingly fast walk. Tyson was so deep in thought that he almost didn't notice his arrival. But luckily he stopped before he put a dent in the guild walls. He looked up, and pushed the guild door open. He immediately targeted his brothers spot, and frowned. 

He moved slowly towards the couch, and looked down at the woman sitting on it. He knew her as Draneri, and honestly had never paid her much attention. Until now that was, so with a low growl, and piercing glare he confronted her."You're in my brothers spot, move." Tyson said rather forcefully, watching to see what she did in response. He wasn't really trying to start anything. He was just doing as his brother had request, but his social skills were rather lacking. But if it came to it he'd do as his brother suggested. He'd forcefully remove her, although that was up to her.

@Embaga Elder @Britt-21 @Zuka @Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Jackaboi@kyuu (anyone else in Sabertooth, also Fairytail)

Mitsuki, Yamada

View attachment 194521

Mitsuki skipped through the hallways singing merrily to himself."Oh I wish you a merry Christmas! I wish you a merry Christmas! I wish you a merry Christmas, and a happy new year!" He felt great, he had to remember to thank Kelica for that tea. He sure was lucky to have such great guild mates. 

He figured he'd join the rest of the guild, see what they where up to. He also had to think about his gift, he wasn't sure about it. He had blown all his money on, well other expenses. So he really couldn't buy anyone anything. So instead he had made coupons, or something of the sort. They were good for one favor from Mitsuki himself. They where magic, so he was more or less unable to refuse. That was unless they asked him for something he couldn't do. Say if they asked him to breath underwater, fly, or kill himself. It only worked for reasonable task, say doing their chore, or giving a hug. Stuff like that," Geez I hope they're okay with them. This is honestly all I could think of." 


[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

The Siren noticed a towering something heading towards her slowly with her keen vision, even in the corner of her eyes. While most might have been intimidated or scared, Draneri only had a beautiful and soothing smile grace her red lips as the huge beast of a man came towards her. She barely moved at all, though she did lift her hand to cup one of her cheeks as her golden eyes almost glowed with a sudden fascination. She already knew the words that would leave his lips before he spoke them, but allowed him to speak regardless. Her wings snapped out suddenly with a loud thud, before the huge flight feathers slowly lowered, her huge wing span now covering the entire couch as she then leaned back more. Looking mighty comfortable as she did and not looking as if to move anywhere.

"Oh?" Peering over his shoulder for a moment almost lazily before she looked back to his face and his glare. Letting it brush over her like running water. "Is your Brother a mage in Invisibility? Shadows perhaps? Because as far as I can see, you are alone..." Tilting her head a portion almost looking on the sweet side though there was still something oddly chilling and dark about her. "You see, I only came to this Tooth of the Saber yesterday... I was lead to believe you humans..." She said that word with an almost sound of distaste as she did, "....did a strange concept called sharing. Is this not the case then?" Looking more bemused as she did. A laughter then slipped from her lips that was almost bewitching and echoed slightly as it did. "Come now... Why don't you come a little closer so we can talk more~" Draneri was fully aware of the position she was putting herself in, the danger aura coming from this gentlemen but that only made her more intrigued and amused for his reaction. Her last words starting to be laced with the tiniest hint of red as did, her perfume of lust. Feeling the warmth spreading through her stomach as she worked on generating her perfumes....

Just in case...

She was nothing if not cautious after all.

@Embaga Elder @Britt-21 @Maki
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View attachment 194559

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Rosaline Dreyar[/COLOR]

The Lightning Mage peered down to her brother whom she was convinced had woken up when she placed the pillow on his face, and furthermore when she had dumped her squishy present onto his facial features. But alas, her little 'Biki did nothing more then continue snoring, and what she thought was him awaking was the boy simply rolling in his sleep. She glanced out of the window with the sun in the sky. How very unlike a Dreyar... they were always up at Dawn to train. But when her eyes drew back she noticed he had huge bags under them. Just what did he DO last night? He clearly didn't sleep then. She reached down to let her fingers draw through his hair in an almost cute gesture before she lifted herself from the couch and moved the present to the coffee table beside him. She quickly dressed into a pair of black jeans, a purple furred vest and her hair tied up in a high ponytail. But unlike normal, she didn't braid it this time, just let the long thick strands fall to her hips, though she did use Cele's hair clip to pull that stubborn one section of her fridge behind her right ear to keep it from her face.

She quickly scribbled a note as she placed it onto the present, saying "You must have not slept well. I have some gifts to give to others, but when you wake up... come find me. I know you know where I am. Stay as long as you need. <3 Rosa"

She hefted a sack of presents over her shoulder and without another word she closed the door behind her. She thought about zapping around the Town, but decided to get some fresh air and simply walk (after still feeling incredibly hung over from the night before) and was walking through the main streets of Balsam Village, in the general direction of the Guild Hall. Well she was till she spotted a place to the right of her and stopped walking. She didn't even know if her Guild Mate was inside but... it wouldn't hurt to check right? Hurry him along if he wasn't? As she thought all this she found her steps appear in front of his house and before she knew it she was ringing his doorbell and had already slipped a hand into her sack to pull out a present, standing there wide eyed with present in hand. Just drop the present... just drop it and leave it and go to the Guild Hall... It's only Kazuo... He's probably not even home... he'll be at the Guild Hall... so why am I still standing here? Why can't I move why-

@Britt-21 @LeSoraAmari

[SIZE= 36px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR][/SIZE]



Christmast eve was quite eventful if he did say so himself. When Rosa had brought her brother back to the guild hall, he was behind them and had taken his own seat a the time. A long while after, Rosa had literally lifted him off his seat and began to dance with him and he noticed that her cheeks were red and that her words were slurring so she definitely had more to drink than she should of. Kazuo didnt mind dancing with her either so they just danced untill Rosa basically passed out. It was fun while it lasted and just seeing her as happy as she was did lift his spirits quite a bit before leaving the hall.


It was Christmas morning and Kazuo was leaning on his kitchen counter with a mug in his hand which was steaming from the hot cocoa sitting inside. Not to mention the mage was also shirtless due to how warm his house was so he really didnt need a shirt. Lifting the mug to his lips, he took a sip and thought about the kiss he had given Rosa during their brief brawl. Rosa was in the right for telling him that their next kiss should be the best kiss ever. Of course he wasnt going to let her down when it came to it. That's if he even was able to get her to have another kiss with him. Just as his doorbell rang, he lifted his head and raised an eyebrow before looking up at the clock "Strange... I didnt see anyone outside five minutes ago..." he put his mug down and moved to the front door, unlocking it and opening it to reveal a familiar blonde mage standing in front of his house with a present in her hands.


The cold air brushed up against his upper frame but he didnt let it bug him "Rosa?" he asked, wondering why she was here but the present was self explanitory. Plus she seemed pretty zoned out but as soon as she looked at him, he knew that he grabbed her attention. "You shouldnt be out in the cold like this. Especially with a hangover you probably have after what happened yesterday at the guild hall." it was clear that the cold didnt even bother him one bit.


[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

The Siren noticed a towering something heading towards her slowly with her keen vision, even in the corner of her eyes. While most might have been intimidated or scared, Draneri only had a beautiful and soothing smile grace her red lips as the huge beast of a man came towards her. She barely moved at all, though she did lift her hand to cup one of her cheeks as her golden eyes almost glowed with a sudden fascination. She already knew the words that would leave his lips before he spoke them, but allowed him to speak regardless. Her wings snapped out suddenly with a loud thud, before the huge flight feathers slowly lowered, her huge wing span now covering the entire couch as she then leaned back more. Looking mighty comfortable as she did and not looking as if to move anywhere.

"Oh?" Peering over his shoulder for a moment almost lazily before she looked back to his face and his glare. Letting it brush over her like running water. "Is your Brother a mage in Invisibility? Shadows perhaps? Because as far as I can see, you are alone..." Tilting her head a portion almost looking on the sweet side though there was still something oddly chilling and dark about her. "You see, I only came to this Tooth of the Saber yesterday... I was lead to believe you humans..." She said that word with an almost sound of distaste as she did, "....did a strange concept called sharing. Is this not the case then?" Looking more bemused as she did. A laughter then slipped from her lips that was almost bewitching and echoed slightly as it did. "Come now... Why don't you come a little closer so we can talk more~" Draneri was fully aware of the position she was putting herself in, the danger aura coming from this gentlemen but that only made her more intrigued and amused for his reaction. Her last words starting to be laced with the tiniest hint of red as did, her perfume of lust. Feeling the warmth spreading through her stomach as she worked on generating her perfumes....

Just in case...

She was nothing if not cautious after all.

@Embaga Elder @Britt-21 @Maki

Tyson Redd,


Tyson observed the winged woman, a look of disinterest on his face."Succubus? That's the term for your kind, correct?" Tyson said, as she attempted to charm him. At first he felt slightly angry, but then his overall indifference came into play. 

He moved towards her, leaning in closer. He was now facing her, his frame hanging over hers. Tyson slipped his arms around her, his eyes giving away nothing as to his intentions. He then lifted her in his arms, and then dropped her onto the floor."My brother wants his seat when he arrives. I'll make sure he has it," Tyson said sitting down on the couch, and stretching out across the it. He titled his head, and gave Draneri  a uncaring look. Then with a heavy sigh he puffed out his face."Wanna pull up a seat?" Tyson offer unsure of how to respond to this moment. He hadn't intended to be rude, but the woman didn't seem that nice herself. He still wanted to at least make a attempt at being nice. Even if it failed horribly, which wouldn't be the first time.

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[SIZE= 36px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR][/SIZE]


Christmast eve was quite eventful if he did say so himself. When Rosa had brought her brother back to the guild hall, he was behind them and had taken his own seat a the time. A long while after, Rosa had literally lifted him off his seat and began to dance with him and he noticed that her cheeks were red and that her words were slurring so she definitely had more to drink than she should of. Kazuo didnt mind dancing with her either so they just danced untill Rosa basically passed out. It was fun while it lasted and just seeing her as happy as she was did lift his spirits quite a bit before leaving the hall.


It was Christmas morning and Kazuo was leaning on his kitchen counter with a mug in his hand which was steaming from the hot cocoa sitting inside. Not to mention the mage was also shirtless due to how warm his house was so he really didnt need a shirt. Lifting the mug to his lips, he took a sip and thought about the kiss he had given Rosa during their brief brawl. Rosa was in the right for telling him that their next kiss should be the best kiss ever. Of course he wasnt going to let her down when it came to it. That's if he even was able to get her to have another kiss with him. Just as his doorbell rang, he lifted his head and raised an eyebrow before looking up at the clock "Strange... I didnt see anyone outside five minutes ago..." he put his mug down and moved to the front door, unlocking it and opening it to reveal a familiar blonde mage standing in front of his house with a present in her hands.


The cold air brushed up against his upper frame but he didnt let it bug him "Rosa?" he asked, wondering why she was here but the present was self explanitory. Plus she seemed pretty zoned out but as soon as she looked at him, he knew that he grabbed her attention. "You shouldnt be out in the cold like this. Especially with a hangover you probably have after what happened yesterday at the guild hall." it was clear that the cold didnt even bother him one bit.



[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Rosaline Dreyar[/COLOR]

The Lightning Mage was still standing pretty much like a statue as the panic was raging in her mind, telling her to just drop the present and run, and she lifting on the balls of her feet almost about to do that very thing and run away from this weird situation she had found herself in, when she heard the door start to unlock and low and behold a Kazuo was standing there in the now open doorway. Not just any Kazuo, a Kazuo lacking any form of clothing on his upper half at all. Like it was hard enough him just wearing a jacket the day before after him giving her his shirt, but there wasn't anything hiding his frame at all now. She pretty much gritted her teeth and refused to look lower then anything on eye level but you could tell in the sheer tenseness of her entire frame, she wasn't doing very well at hiding it. Her grip tightening on his present and luckily it seemed soft because there might have been a distinct crushing noise if had been anything fragile.

Finally he asked her question causing her mouth to open and protest that a little cold never hurt anyone, let alone a Dreyar, but then her eyes widened hugely when he mentioned her hung over. Her surprise was fleeting before her eyes narrowed down dangerously. "What do you mean, 'what happened yesterday at the Guild Hall'?" Her memory was still completely hazy, but the pit in her stomach was dropping even more. "I remember Yamato making a feast and that girl Cele making a wicked Moonshine..[SIZE= 10px].that I can still taste on my breathe it seems..." [/SIZE]Glancing to the side with that same deep frown that always coating her face making her look far more intimidating then she really was. But for some reason that face didn't seem to intimidate Kazuo. Or Cele... or the dwarf for that matter. In fact, almost everyone at Blue Pegasus didn't seem that effected for some reason. While she was still pondering this she looked back to his face and suddenly thrust the present forward slamming it into his chest as she did with a not small portion of force. [COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]"I got you a present... I'm not sure what I have planned for today, most likely spending time with my brother, so I thought while he was sleeping... I could drop this lot off... I'm heading to the Guild Hall after this...I'm hoping Yamato is making something delicious because I just don't eat if that man doesn't cook."[/COLOR] Letting slip her absolute incompetence in the kitchen. [COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]"Are you coming along or-?" [/COLOR]Before she forgot also reached into her sack and pulled out his shirt from the day before, folded neatly, and offered that to him on her hand like a waiter. "And...well um, this is yours to. [COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]T..thank you for letting me borrow it...[/COLOR]" Her gaze drifting down to her feet as her cheeks burst into red, she wasn't used to thanking people and the words sounded weird and weak to her.

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]@LeSoraAmari @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @Halffix [/COLOR]@hudhouse (mentioned)
Tyson Redd,

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Tyson observed the winged woman, a look of disinterest on his face."Succubus? That's the term for your kind, correct?" Tyson said, as she attempted to charm him. At first he felt slightly angry, but then his overall indifference came into play. 

He moved towards her, leaning in closer. He was now facing her, his frame hanging over hers. Tyson slipped his arms around her, his eyes giving away nothing as to his intentions. He then lifted her in his arms, and then dropped her onto the floor."My brother wants his seat when he arrives. I'll make sure he has it," Tyson said sitting down on the couch, and stretching out across the it. He titled his head, and gave Draneri  a uncaring look. Then with a heavy sigh he puffed out his face."Wanna pull up a seat?" Tyson offer unsure of how to respond to this moment. He hadn't intended to be rude, but the woman didn't seem that nice herself. He still wanted to at least make a attempt at being nice. Even if it failed horribly, which wouldn't be the first time.



[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

The woman had to blink several times as he made a broad assumption to her species, another soft laughter escaping as she did. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]"Close, I suppose. I am actually a Siren. We work slightly differently.... Succubus get their powers through touch... my kind use our voice to sway our suitors..."[/COLOR] Her voice in a normal Soprano, lowering into an almost sultry tone as she did. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]"Not to mention Succubus have bat wings... but you tried~..." [/COLOR]She wasn't even sure why she was trying to antagonize this fellow as much as she was, she just found him far too amusing not to. She was bored honestly and just trying to entertain herself till Mizuki and Alicia were finished with breakfast. Not surprisingly he moved towards her and leaned in closer, her eyes simply continued to peer up to him as she kept a completely relaxed posed on the couch. She didn't even blink just continued to look up to him as his huge frame leaned over her own almost hiding her from the rest of the Guild except for the big wings that stretched out along the couch. And even when he slipped his arms around her, the Siren didn't even move a muscle in fear or otherwise. Just watched him curiously as the corner of her mouth turned up gently.

What the girl wasn't really expecting was for him to heft her up off the couch and suddenly drop her onto the floor like a sack of potatoes, making the girl screech out suddenly as her eyes widened a huge extent. Butt on the floor with a look of shock over her face, her wings still spread out now against the cold ground. He even had the nerve to stretch out against the couch like her charm did absolutely nothing on him at all! With mouth still gaped the woman finally regained her composure and stood up suddenly as she patted down the front of her dress and smothered her bent and flexed feathers with a soft touch, before she shot him a rather frosty glare as she did.

Gaining a quick idea the Siren closed her eyes as she lifted her chin, then turned around and sat right there on his chest, legs crossed and her wings tucked into the back of the couch like a make shift backing. The smug look of a defiant toddler on her face.

[SIZE= 14px]"Fine, I'll take this one. With or without a giant oaf sitting on it. You don't intimidate me. Nor does your invisible brother."[/SIZE]

@Maki @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder @Britt-21
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Growing sad and retreating:


Laura was happy when Phineas said that he enjoyed her idea to throw a party. She hadn't hosted a get together before and ideas were flashing through her head. When Shiro rushed out of the room she didn't know why and felt as though she had done something wrong. It felt like a large weight crushing down on her heart. She cased Shiro to the door and watched as she walked off and then as Phineas chased after her. Laura could feel a tear forming at the edge of her eyes and she blinked it away. "Was my idea to throw a party that terrible?" She asked to no one in particular. She looked back at Nickolas, and asked her question in a different way. "Did you think that my idea to throw a party was that bad?" Her face was twisting into it's almost emotionless expression. Her hand rested on the door frame questioning if she wanted to leave and be alone or to stay and be in the company of others. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to, I think I am going to leave and spend the holiday alone, I have gifts for you two and I will somehow get the others their gifts."

Talon stood slightly behind Fera and Nikola during the events that had transpied since arriving at Nikolas' new house. He watched everything happen in silence, feeling  a bit awkward at never meeing these other people before. He was son left with Nikolas as Ferra ran to get her... clothes?¿?¿ 'Why would her clothes be here?¿?¿' He thought suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at the back of Nikolas's head. "So... what now?¿?¿" He asked after a few moments. 

(tags are broken for me...) 


Ferra smiled wide when Phineas told her where her clothes were, "Aww you even washed them? Thanks Phin!" She told him cheerfully. Of course soon after he ran off after Shiro, causing her to grin. She could easily tell that he had a thing for her, that much was more than obvious just by watching the two of them. At-least it was for her. Maybe she was just good at matching people, she had matched Millie and Valken after all! She was just about to run off for her clothes when Laura walked up all sad about Phineas running off, causing her to frown. 

She hugged the woman gently before flashing her a smile, "Your idea for a party is a great idea! Everyone at the hall would love it I'm sure! Me and Nik can help you plan it if you want!" She told her encouragingly. "Ohh! And this is Talon." She added, gesturing to her friend. "I'll be right back guys." She said. That said she ran to the laundry room to change out of her pajamas. Admittedly she was mostly interested in her hat. Deciding to take dressing a little slow she let Talon have a bit to get to know Nikolas.

  Nikolas blinked when Laura got upset, unintentionally grabbing the slightly scary woman by the hand. "Waitwaitwait....did you say 'party'? Party is my middle name! Well, not literally. Nikolas Party Saedor sounds pretty damn stupid, but still! And as for Phin, I know he likes the idea. I could see it in his expression. Trust me, he's just grabbing Shiro. And giving her a present which is a notebook that says, 'if music be the fruit of love play on'. Whatever the hell that means. Annnnyways," The half-Neko, after having probably chatted Laura's ear off, turned to his next victim Talon. "So you're Talon. I'm Nikolas Saedor! Dontcha worry about Ferra, she's in good hands! I mean, my family's sorta financially stable and the parents are nice. You should meet them, Dad is fucking hilarious when he meets new people. I think one time he dropped a heavy box on his foot when Phin walked in with a girl he didn't know, but we were like twelve and Phineas ain't exactly the romantic type, so it's all cool. Plus we all love to talk about it a lot, plus we tease Dad ALLLLL the time. It's nice to meet you! What's up?"
@Mitchs98 @Talon @Arius LaVari @TheSecretSorcerer

  Phineas blinked when Shiro handed him his present before running off, staring at the present then at the open door. Nikolas just kind of looked back and forth between Phineas and the present. The moment was interrupted by Ferra asking where the clothes were. 

  "Laundry room. Down the hall, second door to the left," he answered pointedly, moving swiftly to the coat hook and putting his coat on, then to the closet next to it to take out Shiro's present; the notebook. 

  "Hey, where are you going?"

  "To deliver a present. I'll return when I return." And with that, the pianist swiftly turned towards the door and ran after Shiro. She was still in view; he could make it, guaranteed. The man ran faster; a couple of civilians shouted curses at him. 

  "Hey, watch it!"

  "Pardon me. I'm delivering a present," was Phineas's stoic response. Finally, he reached Shiro's location; now panting from the long run, he stumbled over to where she was seated and sat next to her. Then he handed her the gift. "......One-sided gift exchanges often make the receiver look selfish, so...I got this for you."

  Meanwhile, back at the house, Nikolas stared for a long time at the place Phineas was, amazed. ".....What's his problem?"

Sitting in the snow


Shiro was slightly startled when Phineas suddenly caught up to her and sat next to her, she schooled her expression quickly, had he heard her talking to herself? She sure hoped not, he would likely think she was nuts not that she was doing much better for that right now, she had run away suddenly after all...but emotions...not something she could handle well at all. He suddenly passed her a present, a book of sorts it seemed, she didn't really think about it too much but she took it anyway and blinked a few times. Carefully, because she wasn't used to people being kind to her ever or at all, she read the quote and blinked twice it made her feel a little warm but she didn't show it really, instead tracing her fingers over the quote, "Why did you get me something like this? It's cute...but we only just started talking so...how come?"She stared at the notebook, she wasn't trying to be disagreeable or anything she just did not do emotions well, at all.



Sitting with Ace for breakfast


Celestia took the bag quickly before the dwarf could take off and hide it in her horror show of a book invasion.




There was no way she would find it in this big of a mess, and she did like it a lot, so she came up with a solution, "Okay I'll accept your present...but you have to stay with me until you get your own place or keep living with me either way, you're not allowed to sleep under the tables at the hall again, if you don't come home I'll have to hunt you down and drag you home." She smiled cheerfully, maybe she was being pushy but really she had every reason to be, no one deserved to be without a place to call home. "Call my home your home from now on okay?" She grinned at the dwarf cheerfully and pushed the plate over to him, while she put the necklace around her neck and rubbed her fingers over the jewel at its center, her actions showed how much she actually appreciated it.



Being Cautious...


Pets, animals in general were not Bastion's strong suit...but she had held the puppy only because Kelica had thrust the little wolf at her, she was frozen though, animals really weren't her thing and she couldn't have been more thankful when the blonde returned with milk and some meat and even more blessedly took the puppy but Bastion immediately felt sick. Meat made her so naseaous no matter what it was, eventually she managed to choke back the bile rising and sighed with relief, finally speaking to Kelica, "I can't tell you much I did a job yesterday and got...a little lost....and....maybe had to waste some of my reward to buy new clothes....but on the way through the forest the pup just kinda...came up to me and bit me...I was pretty sure he was hungry...but... I don't eat meat so I couldn't kill him something either." Her voice was strange, deep but...light...described best as a tenor tone, impossible to identify her voice as anything beside a boy with a strange pitch to his tone, it was mildly confusing though. Of course Bastion knew why, had been diagnosed with the problem once she earned enough jewel to see a doctor, originally for her amnesia but was then told she had higher testosterone than estrogen in her system, she had all the pipes of a woman but...didn't look a damn thing like one. Of course she didn't tell anyone here, that would be embarrassing as heck after all. She sent Kelica a very charming smile though, chuckling under her breath, "Thank you Kelica, you know your stuff. I'm glad I brought the little fella here, you'll help him out I'm sure." She kicked her legs as she leaned back on the bench, the smile never leaving her face.


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Sitting in the snow


Shiro was slightly startled when Phineas suddenly caught up to her and sat next to her, she schooled her expression quickly, had he heard her talking to herself? She sure hoped not, he would likely think she was nuts not that she was doing much better for that right now, she had run away suddenly after all...but emotions...not something she could handle well at all. He suddenly passed her a present, a book of sorts it seemed, she didn't really think about it too much but she took it anyway and blinked a few times. Carefully, because she wasn't used to people being kind to her ever or at all, she read the quote and blinked twice it made her feel a little warm but she didn't show it really, instead tracing her fingers over the quote, "Why did you get me something like this? It's cute...but we only just started talking so...how come?"She stared at the notebook, she wasn't trying to be disagreeable or anything she just did not do emotions well, at all.


Sitting with Ace for breakfast


Celestia took the bag quickly before the dwarf could take off and hide it in her horror show of a book invasion.



There was no way she would find it in this big of a mess, and she did like it a lot, so she came up with a solution, "Okay I'll accept your present...but you have to stay with me until you get your own place or keep living with me either way, you're not allowed to sleep under the tables at the hall again, if you don't come home I'll have to hunt you down and drag you home." She smiled cheerfully, maybe she was being pushy but really she had every reason to be, no one deserved to be without a place to call home. "Call my home your home from now on okay?" She grinned at the dwarf cheerfully and pushed the plate over to him, while she put the necklace around her neck and rubbed her fingers over the jewel at its center, her actions showed how much she actually appreciated it.


Being Cautious...


Pets, animals in general were not Bastion's strong suit...but she had held the puppy only because Kelica had thrust the little wolf at her, she was frozen though, animals really weren't her thing and she couldn't have been more thankful when the blonde returned with milk and some meat and even more blessedly took the puppy but Bastion immediately felt sick. Meat made her so naseaous no matter what it was, eventually she managed to choke back the bile rising and sighed with relief, finally speaking to Kelica, "I can't tell you much I did a job yesterday and got...a little lost....and....maybe had to waste some of my reward to buy new clothes....but on the way through the forest the pup just kinda...came up to me and bit me...I was pretty sure he was hungry...but... I don't eat meat so I couldn't kill him something either." Her voice was strange, deep but...light...described best as a tenor tone, impossible to identify her voice as anything beside a boy with a strange pitch to his tone, it was mildly confusing though. Of course Bastion knew why, had been diagnosed with the problem once she earned enough jewel to see a doctor, originally for her amnesia but was then told she had higher testosterone than estrogen in her system, she had all the pipes of a woman but...didn't look a damn thing like one. Of course she didn't tell anyone here, that would be embarrassing as heck after all. She sent Kelica a very charming smile though, chuckling under her breath, "Thank you Kelica, you know your stuff. I'm glad I brought the little fella here, you'll help him out I'm sure." She kicked her legs as she leaned back on the bench, the smile never leaving her face.


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  Phineas held a poker face as Shiro opened the present, but at her question he was frozen in his tracks. Why had he gotten it for her? It took a moment for him to think of a good explanation, his cheeks and ears going pink, then, stammering slightly, he answered. 

  "U-Uh....because you love music. I-I can t-tell. So...I-I'll k-keep playing it....be-because I know that I've got another reason to play other than my br-bro-brother and family." The half-Neko was silent for a moment; just for a moment, he had turned into his dad. All stammery and awkward...it was a total break of character. He was supposed to be the quiet and calm one, the one who silently protected everything he cared about in the background while Nikolas played the role of the performer. Why had he stammered just then?! ".....Is it normal to feel like you're on fire in midwinter?" Phineas questioned out loud. ".....Sorry. I must be going mad."

Chris Lengheart (spirit of the [SIZE= 18px]holidays)[/SIZE]

Seeing Lavender's new helmet made Chris smile. When she rhetorically asked about her being sweet Chris couldn't help but joke around. "Yeah, she can be when she isn't forcing you to give her horsie rides and drooling into your mane." he said in response while chuckling. Looking at the helmet, Chris decided to ask,"So do you have the armor to go along with it? Or is that just a piece that matches all the others? Armor and weapons aren't really my strong suit in case you hadn't noticed."

While the two were talking, it seemed that Noah had walked over to join in on the conversation. Who the hell drank this early in the morning, it wasn't even noon yet...or was it? Regardless, it was a bit early for a drink. As he apologized for basically flashing the two and claimed that nothing had happened between him and Kelica Chris simply put up a hand. "Yeah, yeah it's fine. Just...don't flash us ever again. That image won't leave me along until New Years." Looking at his blanket and then to the manticore, Chris let out a sigh as he folded up his blanket and placed it on a table. Looking at the wine bottle in Noah's hand, Chris simply asked,"How can you drink without even having breakfast yet? Also, you know we have glasses to pour the wine into...right? I mean some of us would like to avoid backwash."

@Britt-21 @Embaga Elder


A little shocked


Shiro blinked several times when his cheeks and ears lit up like little fires, he stammered and sort of freaked out, she was shocked by that, totally different from the man she had sung Christmas music with yesterday, her eyes widened slightly and she stared blankly for a moment, then covered her mouth to try and stifle her laughter. It was a bright chiming thing that no one in their life had ever heard from Shiro before, his panic and his question was adorable; not that she'd say so but she laughed for awhile before wiping her now slightly watery eyes, "Are you going to be okay Phin? You're not getting a cold are you?" Without waiting for his answer, a slightly lingering smile staying on her face, she moved close to Phineas and pressed her forehead against his, her bright purple eyes closed while she tried to feel if he had a temperature or not. "mmm...you're a little warm...we should get you home just to be safe...I have this feeling I might have upset Laura and the others by running off...shall we go?" She pulled away from him finally smiling for a moment in a silent thank you before her face fell back to hard to read and impossible to figure out how she felt.


[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

The woman had to blink several times as he made a broad assumption to her species, another soft laughter escaping as she did. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]"Close, I suppose. I am actually a Siren. We work slightly differently.... Succubus get their powers through touch... my kind use our voice to sway our suitors..."[/COLOR] Her voice in a normal Soprano, lowering into an almost sultry tone as she did. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]"Not to mention Succubus have bat wings... but you tried~..." [/COLOR]She wasn't even sure why she was trying to antagonize this fellow as much as she was, she just found him far too amusing not to. She was bored honestly and just trying to entertain herself till Mizuki and Alicia were finished with breakfast. Not surprisingly he moved towards her and leaned in closer, her eyes simply continued to peer up to him as she kept a completely relaxed posed on the couch. She didn't even blink just continued to look up to him as his huge frame leaned over her own almost hiding her from the rest of the Guild except for the big wings that stretched out along the couch. And even when he slipped his arms around her, the Siren didn't even move a muscle in fear or otherwise. Just watched him curiously as the corner of her mouth turned up gently.

What the girl wasn't really expecting was for him to heft her up off the couch and suddenly drop her onto the floor like a sack of potatoes, making the girl screech out suddenly as her eyes widened a huge extent. Butt on the floor with a look of shock over her face, her wings still spread out now against the cold ground. He even had the nerve to stretch out against the couch like her charm did absolutely nothing on him at all! With mouth still gaped the woman finally regained her composure and stood up suddenly as she patted down the front of her dress and smothered her bent and flexed feathers with a soft touch, before she shot him a rather frosty glare as she did.

Gaining a quick idea the Siren closed her eyes as she lifted her chin, then turned around and sat right there on his chest, legs crossed and her wings tucked into the back of the couch like a make shift backing. The smug look of a defiant toddler on her face.

[SIZE= 14px]"Fine, I'll take this one. With or without a giant oaf sitting on it. You don't intimidate me. Nor does your invisible brother."[/SIZE]

@Maki @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder @Britt-21

Tyson Redd


Tyson frowned as he had guess wrong at her race."Hmm, a siren? I always get those mixed up." He mummbled to himself, as he stretched his arms. He sighed as she went, and sat on his chest. In truth it didnt bother him in the sliggtest, but he couldn't let her just walk all over him.

"My Intention was never to intimidate you. I simply wanted the seat for my brothers. He's...with his girlfriend currently, but they should be arriving soon." Tyson said slightly unsure of when exactly they'd arrive. He looked up at Draneri who still ontop of him. She was attractive, as you'd expect a siren to be. But Tyson wasn't bothered by having a attractive woman sitting on him. So he decided if she wanted to sit on him he'd make the most of it. Then......he grabbed her rear, and squeezed."Hmm, pretty nice...I guess." Tyson said almost as if he were disappointed by the quality of her rear.



Being Cautious...


Pets, animals in general were not Bastion's strong suit...but she had held the puppy only because Kelica had thrust the little wolf at her, she was frozen though, animals really weren't her thing and she couldn't have been more thankful when the blonde returned with milk and some meat and even more blessedly took the puppy but Bastion immediately felt sick. Meat made her so naseaous no matter what it was, eventually she managed to choke back the bile rising and sighed with relief, finally speaking to Kelica, "I can't tell you much I did a job yesterday and got...a little lost....and....maybe had to waste some of my reward to buy new clothes....but on the way through the forest the pup just kinda...came up to me and bit me...I was pretty sure he was hungry...but... I don't eat meat so I couldn't kill him something either." Her voice was strange, deep but...light...described best as a tenor tone, impossible to identify her voice as anything beside a boy with a strange pitch to his tone, it was mildly confusing though. Of course Bastion knew why, had been diagnosed with the problem once she earned enough jewel to see a doctor, originally for her amnesia but was then told she had higher testosterone than estrogen in her system, she had all the pipes of a woman but...didn't look a damn thing like one. Of course she didn't tell anyone here, that would be embarrassing as heck after all. She sent Kelica a very charming smile though, chuckling under her breath, "Thank you Kelica, you know your stuff. I'm glad I brought the little fella here, you'll help him out I'm sure." She kicked her legs as she leaned back on the bench, the smile never leaving her face.


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[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage giggled cutely as the wolf pup was suckling happily at the bottle of milk, so maybe he wanted to both eat and drink? Who knew, all she knew was that the pup was slumping down more into her lap making her smile only widen further as it's eyes glazed over and it's tail was wagging less and less. Kelica turned her head back to Bastion as he started talking in the booth next to her, though her face fell a moment. "....You were doing a mission? On Christmas Eve? You should have just come straight here... I would have been more then happy to come with you, if you needed the help..." Her gaze glancing away with a soft wistful look crossing her features. "...Not that I would have been all that helpful, probably..." Her voice lowered so he might have missed it. Though her green eyes drifted down to the puppy who was quite happily suckling the milk. "Well, maybe I would have been useful, if you ran into this little fella..."

She glanced sideways with a surprised expression before her face fell and her eyes widened realizing the plate of raw meat was sitting right there. She snapped her hand out as she lifted up a corner of the table cloth and tossed it over the meat, bundling it up a fraction before looking back to him. "...You should have told me... I wouldn't have sat next to you with the meat..." While most people would assume Kelica would be vegetarian because of her love for animals, she was more a tuned to the wild then anything domesticated. Animals killed each other all the time to survive, without meat most Carnivores would simply perish. So she wasn't adverse to the idea as most would assume. Sure she might lean more towards salads and herbal remedies, but once that steak was cut up and put before her, it would be wasteful to refuse it. The only thing she detested was torture or abuse or captivity.

Kelica blinked with the charming smile he gave her and couldn't help but giggle slightly wider. "Of course I will! It was just amazing you decided to bring him in today, on Christmas day when I have so much on my plate..." Glancing across the room at the Manticore who was busily chewing and eating at the steak she'd thrown earlier. "When it rains, it pours after all with a healer..." Looking back to Bastion as she leaned to the side and plonked the side of her head onto his shoulder, taking a soft yawn as she did. "I'm in tuned to the seasons, so, because it's so cold and Winter, I'm awfully sleepy...." Doing another loud yawn but keeping the bottle upright as the wolf looked as drunk and sleepy as she was. "Pretty crazy, right Bastion?"
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Tyson Redd

View attachment 195100

Tyson frowned as he had guess wrong at her race."Hmm, a siren? I always get those mixed up." He mummbled to himself, as he stretched his arms. He sighed as she went, and sat on his chest. In truth it didnt bother him in the sliggtest, but he couldn't let her just walk all over him.

"My Intention was never to intimidate you. I simply wanted the seat for my brothers. He's...with his girlfriend currently, but they should be arriving soon." Tyson said slightly unsure of when exactly they'd arrive. He looked up at Draneri who still ontop of him. She was attractive, as you'd expect a siren to be. But Tyson wasn't bothered by having a attractive woman sitting on him. So he decided if she wanted to sit on him he'd make the most of it. Then......he grabbed her rear, and squeezed."Hmm, pretty nice...I guess." Tyson said almost as if he were disappointed by the quality of her rear.

Draneri: The Siren

"I'd like to hope you were not trying to intimidate me because frankly, there are very few mortals who are capable of such a feet..." Thinking briefly about that red headed Samuria warrior at the Dark Guild that almost cooked her alive @Rhodus, before her eyes drifting sideways to look back to the dusty piano with another soft sigh and forelored expression. Her fingers flexing a fraction. She just wanted to play a song... just one... maybe they'd let her once everyone in Sabertooth realised she wasn't here to kill anymore. As the Redd brother stretched his arms he jiggled his body causing Draneri to glare down to him with a sharp piercing gaze. "Last I checked Seats didn't move."  This certaintly wouldn't be the first time Draneri had sat on one of her Preys, some men and women seemed to be into strange and weirder things then that. 

Well it was all fun and games till the brute underneath decided to cope himself a right old feel of her derriere, and The Siren didn't much like that one bit. She was the one who made the calls, not some huge beast man with a dull expression! Her golden eyes narrowed down as an angry tsc escaped her lips, before she gracefully slid from to her feet and turned around before back handing him with such force it hopefully sent his head reeling. 

"Prey does not touch me unless I give it permission. If you want to keep the seat for your invisible brother, then keep it you shall." With that the clearly irritated Siren's wings ruffled in her agitation, flexing before tucking and hugging to her hips before she strode over to the dusty piano she had been eyeing off before. She didn't even look back at him before she let her hand run across the piano's dusty surface, leaving a trail of clean, before she sat down before it and lifted up the lid to expose the pristine keys.

She took a deep breath in as she let her fingers hover over the keys, flexing, back turned to the rest of the guild. She wanted to but.... they would hate her. The villain leaving a beautiful song of death hanging in the air. And as her hands hovered over the keys she found her hands shaking even more violently to the point she pulled them back in to her chest. 

Too weak.... But it had only been a day... what was one more day? She couldn't feed today, not on this day, it had to be tomorrow...




Miles was right, third wheeling is probably something Tyson didnt want to feel like so that's why he refused to come with them. Not like the two were going to do anything lewd while Tyson was at her house. Miles was kind enough to put Lionel on top of his head and of course, he looked at Kathy and she locked eyes with Miles, just adoring those eyes before he got to her front door which was something she wasnt too happy about because she liked to be carried. Lionel hopped down and put her staff by her feet which she picked up and placed her hand on the knob, sending some nexus through it before the door opened and allowed them inside. Once inside she shut the door behind them and they were greeted with the warmth of her home and Lionel ran over to his bed by the fireplace and curled up


"Sit down if you'd like... Have a cigarette if you want one.." she knew how much he loved them and reall she didnt mind. She headed upstairs and changed her clothes into something a lot more festive. She even got the sack she had with the random presents inside. She came downstairs with it and then slowly moved into the livingroom, letting the sack stick behind and allowing Miles to fully see her "Merry christmas..." she said softly, looking down at her shoes for a moment before looking back at him "Is it too much...?" she asked, standing there as if she was wearing her normal clothes. Plus her expression was pretty normal too, aside from the light pink that was rising onto her cheeks and making her pale skin have a break.

  Reveal hidden contents




When Miles entered the warm house, he walked towards the couch sitting right in the center watching Lionel sit in front of the fire place. I'm okay, I don't need to smoke. He told Katherine as she walked up stairs. Miles closed his eyes, and leaned his head back, slowly falling asleep. Right as he was about to pass out, Katherine came down the stairs, and stepped in front of him. He lifted his head up and sat with his arms spread out along the couch. A smile slowly formed on his face the longer he looked at Katherine. Festive.. he stood up. very festive. He walked towards Katherine standing over her. I like it, I like it a lot. I'm glad this is just for me. He lifted her up allowing her to wrap her legs around him.You look cut as ever. He smiled, then kissed her, having a hand run through her hair slightly. After a couple of seconds passed, he slowly pulled away, looking into Katherine's purple eyes. I think it's time to head back o the guild. They could be waiting on us. He placed Katherine down, and grabbed the bag of presents, placing it over his shoulder. He looks over at Lionel. Should we take the express way, orrrr just walk it. @Britt-21

Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Magnolia , FT Guild Hall

Status: Half asleep , quite possibly dead inside....

Clair wasn't one for being woken by loud noises but today's level of noise far surpassed anything she had heard before ! With a loud groan and a few popping joints Clair forced her self to a sitting position and shortly after ordered a slice of cake. Sure cake wasn't the best breakfast in the world and sure it might not even keep her energised for long but cake was still cake and cake never lied ! Well at least not to Clair. With a huff and a puff Clair began to rant to herself as she waited patiently for the cake to arrive. "Stupid Abby ! That good for nothing demon kept me up all night , probably stalked my room and all ! I hate him , hate him , hate him , hate him ! I HATE HIM ! Next time I see his smug face I'll give him a whack of the holy hammer for sure ! HMPH !"

After reviving her cake and quickly digging into it Clair began to look around the room , Sora was still no where to be found. Was the blue haired girl planning to have breakfast with Clair at all today ? Giving off another short sigh Clair shoved another bite of cake into her mouth and continued to watch the room with her heavy eyes. It seemed as though almost everyone bar Sora had arrived , with a smile Clair decided now was probably the best time to hand out her presents. First up she'd start with the group in the corner: Chris , Lavander and Noah.

Moving almost as though she was drink , Clair eventually made it over to the group and attempted to make her intentions Clear. while simultaneously using Chris' shoulder as a support "Happy Christmas guys. Do you mind if I give you guys your presents now. As you can see , I may not be physically capable of doing so later.... I know we normally wait for Sora but could you make an exception this once ? I promise I'll take her lecture solely , you won't be involved."

@Isune @Britt-21 @Embaga Elder (I didn't quite know how to get back into the RP , I had a few projects due so I had to kinda place this on the back burner for a while. If I messed something up please correct me )

@Kyuubey (mentioned)
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR]




Rosa didnt know what the hell even happened which only made him release a light chuckle because now he was wondering if he should tell her or not. He looked at the Present in her hands before she shoved it forcibly into his chest which made him grunt from the force and seeing the box bend a bit "Thank you for getting me a present, Rosaline. That's very kind of you." lifting his own hands, he took the box and gently removed it from his chest and her hands "I plan to head to the guild hall later on today. I'm just trying to get some alone time, sleep, reading. Whatever it may be." he then watched as she went into her bag again and pulled out his shirt that he had given her to avoid getting sick from her own wet shirt back in the guild hall "You're welcome, Rosa." he said as he reached out and grasped his shirt as well.


"If you really want to know what happened at the guild, you can come in and have a mug of hot cocoa. It's really a long story." he said as he put his present and shirt on the small table by the door where he'd normally put a set of keys or something there. Kazuo returned his attention to her and smiled a little "Also, Merry Christmas." he opened his door a little wider for her to walk in "Just a few minutes and then you can head off to the guild hall and go hang with your brother." he really had no bad intention with her and only really wanted to give her hot cocoa and tell her what she did last night when she was drunk. Just the thought made his lips keep the smile. But the cold was really starting to get to him so he reached out and grasped her wrist, gently pulling her into the house with her bag and closing the door, letting the warmth hug his body again.


"It's getting really chilly." he said before walking off into his kitchen, slowly losing his smile since that's how he was.





Lavender only giggled softly as she wiped her lips "I have armor, it does not match this but it does complete my set." she corrected Chris as she hugged him with her one arm before the couple was approached by Noah who had a drink and was apologizing about the tanned buttocks they had gotten this morning. Laughing nervously, the warrior moved her arm from Chris and waved it off like nothing (the noah thing) "It's quite all right... I am still very weirded out because I seen another mans' buttocks." so to speak, she was only used to shirtlessness rather than...Butts. Her attention was turned to Clair who had walked over and looked like she was pretty outta it and she was using her boyfriend's shoulder as support. There was no reason for her to get jealous really since Clair wasnt really doing anything.


"I do not mind, Go ahead, miss Clair. But I believe you should get some sleep and relax a little bit. After all, it is Christmas." a smile had appeared on the warrior's lips "Once you get some rest I am sure that everyone will still be here having a great time. After all, this is Fairy Tail and the party almost never stops." they were so happy and always were friendly with one another. Plus Lavy was very sure that everyone would forgive Clair for being a tiny bit late with her presents after...whatever she had done. Though she did think about Sora when Clair mentioned her "Sora left for a little while, Clair... I do not know for how long but... She's gone..."  I should also head back into the kitchen and make more sweets as well as make some more hot cocoa... I really do not feel like crying once more... Her eyes moved between Noah, Chris and Clair "I'm going to head into the kitchen because I need to finish making cookies and the hot cocoa."


Her eyes landed on clair "I am very sorry I have to go at this second." she said, moving towards her and giving her a nice warm hug "Someone has to keep the guild running with sweets and hot cocoa." she smiled and gave Chris a quick kiss on his cheek -Surprisingly she was far more familiar with cheek kissing then the whole lip kissing thing- and hurried off to the kitchen to continue the festivities. Hiding the sadness hidden within her





Kathy looked up at her boyfriend as he came up to her and lifted her off the ground, her legs wrapping around his waist and her arms going around his neck. He leaned close and kissed her while she closed her eyes and returned his kiss, glad that he liked the cute santa outfit she used because it was hard to find one that wasnt so sexy and revealing. Plus she was able to get another nice kiss just by wearing the cute dress. His lips soon slowly pulled from hers and her purple eyes opened, meeting Miles's golden ones before he slowly put her down and grabbed the presents she brought down "We can take the express way..." she said "After all, Lionel liked to fly and we would make an interesting entrance... feeling a rumble outside the guild from Lionel..." she said and shrugged softly, looking over at Lionel who got up from his bed and stretched before hurrying next to her and looking up at her with his eyes "We're going to fly, Lionel..." the mage crouched and gently petted him.


Lionel ran off but soon came back with her staff bcause he knew that Kathy needed it no matter what. She was able to fight without it, but Nexus was a lot more in control rather than the other way around. Which is why the staff is what she used to channel it better. She was able to control how strong it was and how it acted. Where as her hands, it was unpredictable and could take a toll on her if used the wrong way. "Thanks..." the dragon then ran to the door and she went to open it for him, allowing him to go outside and transform into his larger form. He looked pretty damn badass!
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR]




Rosa didnt know what the hell even happened which only made him release a light chuckle because now he was wondering if he should tell her or not. He looked at the Present in her hands before she shoved it forcibly into his chest which made him grunt from the force and seeing the box bend a bit "Thank you for getting me a present, Rosaline. That's very kind of you." lifting his own hands, he took the box and gently removed it from his chest and her hands "I plan to head to the guild hall later on today. I'm just trying to get some alone time, sleep, reading. Whatever it may be." he then watched as she went into her bag again and pulled out his shirt that he had given her to avoid getting sick from her own wet shirt back in the guild hall "You're welcome, Rosa." he said as he reached out and grasped his shirt as well.


"If you really want to know what happened at the guild, you can come in and have a mug of hot cocoa. It's really a long story." he said as he put his present and shirt on the small table by the door where he'd normally put a set of keys or something there. Kazuo returned his attention to her and smiled a little "Also, Merry Christmas." he opened his door a little wider for her to walk in "Just a few minutes and then you can head off to the guild hall and go hang with your brother." he really had no bad intention with her and only really wanted to give her hot cocoa and tell her what she did last night when she was drunk. Just the thought made his lips keep the smile. But the cold was really starting to get to him so he reached out and grasped her wrist, gently pulling her into the house with her bag and closing the door, letting the warmth hug his body again.


"It's getting really chilly." he said before walking off into his kitchen, slowly losing his smile since that's how he was.

Rosaline Dreyar

"Alone time? On Christmas? I was always lead to believe Christmas was family time.... I wasn't even expecting you home, though I've seen you around Guild Hall last Christmas as well so I guess you really like Yamato's cooking..." not making the connection there might have been a different reason he didn't see his family for Christmas. 

She was quite content to just leave it at that and turn and walk away, but then the man offered to explain what happened the night before, more or less, teasing her which made her temper flare up suddenly. That was until he decided for her, grabbing her to wrist and pulling her inside his house as he closed the door behind her. 

While she wanted to stay angry she found herself unable to and she took a deep breath out as she looked around the room, placing the sack with the presents by the door. And followed him into his kitchen. "Your place is bigger then mine is... mine is simple a studio apartment, bed in one corner, kitchen in the other..." trying to go for some small talk but was failing miserably. She waited patiently with fingers clasped on the edge of his kitchen waiting for him to make a drink.

Afterall she A. wouldn't know where to start looking for cups to make herself Hot cocoa and B. well she wouldn't know how to make Hot Cocoa period.

"Alright, start talking. What happened?" her tone sharp and demanding.

Draneri: The Siren

"I'd like to hope you were not trying to intimidate me because frankly, there are very few mortals who are capable of such a feet..." Thinking briefly about that red headed Samuria warrior at the Dark Guild that almost cooked her alive @Rhodus, before her eyes drifting sideways to look back to the dusty piano with another soft sigh and forelored expression. Her fingers flexing a fraction. She just wanted to play a song... just one... maybe they'd let her once everyone in Sabertooth realised she wasn't here to kill anymore. As the Redd brother stretched his arms he jiggled his body causing Draneri to glare down to him with a sharp piercing gaze. "Last I checked Seats didn't move."  This certaintly wouldn't be the first time Draneri had sat on one of her Preys, some men and women seemed to be into strange and weirder things then that. 

Well it was all fun and games till the brute underneath decided to cope himself a right old feel of her derriere, and The Siren didn't much like that one bit. She was the one who made the calls, not some huge beast man with a dull expression! Her golden eyes narrowed down as an angry tsc escaped her lips, before she gracefully slid from to her feet and turned around before back handing him with such force it hopefully sent his head reeling. 

"Prey does not touch me unless I give it permission. If you want to keep the seat for your invisible brother, then keep it you shall." With that the clearly irritated Siren's wings ruffled in her agitation, flexing before tucking and hugging to her hips before she strode over to the dusty piano she had been eyeing off before. She didn't even look back at him before she let her hand run across the piano's dusty surface, leaving a trail of clean, before she sat down before it and lifted up the lid to expose the pristine keys.

She took a deep breath in as she let her fingers hover over the keys, flexing, back turned to the rest of the guild. She wanted to but.... they would hate her. The villain leaving a beautiful song of death hanging in the air. And as her hands hovered over the keys she found her hands shaking even more violently to the point she pulled them back in to her chest. 

Too weak.... But it had only been a day... what was one more day? She couldn't feed today, not on this day, it had to be tomorrow...


Tyson Redd


Prey? What a odd thing for Tyson of all people to be called. This woman was odd, regardless of what she may have been. Even she should have realized how far from prey Tyson was. He didn't bother mentioning any of this to her. He had no reason to, If she really thought he was prey, then she would find out better sooner or later.

After Tyson groped her rear, he was met with a backhand. It was stronger than Tyson had expected, but still only left a red mark on his cheek. He laid back, and watched as she walked away. Rubbing his cheek as he did so, his face still tingling from the hit."Thank you for the seat, I'm glad this didn't have to get violent. Next time I'll be sure to grab your rear sooner." Tyson said in a serious tone, his face showing a poor attempt at a smile.

Now all he had to do was wait for his brother to return. Which he would do while he observed the guild. He saw the Siren at the piano, and raised a eyebrow. He sat up, and spoke clearly enough for her to hear."What's the issue? Are you going to play, or not? If you're so uncertain of yourself then things won't be easy for you. Doubt only leads to ones own downfall." Tyson said this, and then turned around on the couch. He wasn't sure why he was giving her advice. It was just who he was, someone so indifferent that he'd attempt to help someone who just smacked him.

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Kelica Zefara

The Forest Mage giggled cutely as the wolf pup was suckling happily at the bottle of milk, so maybe he wanted to both eat and drink? Who knew, all she knew was that the pup was slumping down more into her lap making her smile only widen further as it's eyes glazed over and it's tail was wagging less and less. Kelica turned her head back to Bastion as he started talking in the booth next to her, though her face fell a moment. "....You were doing a mission? On Christmas Eve? You should have just come straight here... I would have been more then happy to come with you, if you needed the help..." Her gaze glancing away with a soft wistful look crossing her features. "...Not that I would have been all that helpful, probably..." Her voice lowered so he might have missed it. Though her green eyes drifted down to the puppy who was quite happily suckling the milk. "Well, maybe I would have been useful, if you ran into this little fella..."

She glanced sideways with a surprised expression before her face fell and her eyes widened realizing the plate of raw meat was sitting right there. She snapped her hand out as she lifted up a corner of the table cloth and tossed it over the meat, bundling it up a fraction before looking back to him. "...You should have told me... I wouldn't have sat next to you with the meat..." While most people would assume Kelica would be vegetarian because of her love for animals, she was more a tuned to the wild then anything domesticated. Animals killed each other all the time to survive, without meat most Carnivores would simply perish. So she wasn't adverse to the idea as most would assume. Sure she might lean more towards salads and herbal remedies, but once that steak was cut up and put before her, it would be wasteful to refuse it. The only thing she detested was torture or abuse or captivity.

Kelica blinked with the charming smile he gave her and couldn't help but giggle slightly wider. "Of course I will! It was just amazing you decided to bring him in today, on Christmas day when I have so much on my plate..." Glancing across the room at the Manticore who was busily chewing and eating at the steak she'd thrown earlier. "When it rains, it pours after all with a healer..." Looking back to Bastion as she leaned to the side and plonked the side of her head onto his shoulder, taking a soft yawn as she did. "I'm in tuned to the seasons, so, because it's so cold and Winter, I'm awfully sleepy...." Doing another loud yawn but keeping the bottle upright as the wolf looked as drunk and sleepy as she was. "Pretty crazy, right Bastion?"


Holding Somewhat Still


Bastion had caught what Kelica had said about not being helpful and she frowned at the blonde, "Have more faith in yourself, you think anyone else could handle a manticore and a wolf so easily? Besides healers are rare and hard to find you know?" She sighed a little, of course she understood how Kelica felt, both of them were only C rank mages...one just not strong the other incapable of controlling her magic, so she had immediately felt a sort of connection with Kelica anyway, just over that, though she was always worried she would hurt those in the guild for her lack of control. She simply smiled a bit when the girl started to lean against Bastion to rest, muttering something about not putting the meat near her, not that she really minded the smells of the stuff just made her a little sick but once she got used to it she was fine. "Don't sorry it's not that big a deal I just get a little sick....besides I'm more worried about the puppy anyway." 


She smiled gently when Kelica mentioned how crazy it was that she had brought the wolf in today of all days, responding with, "Maybe it was just fated to happen today. I have to believe in fate to some degree or else how could you explain my ending up here?" With the girl nodding off on her shoulder Bastion did her level best to stay still, it wasn't something she was used to doing so very carefully she lifted the bottle and then the cub from the woman's lap and cradled it a little. Just as gently she used her other hand to pull Kelica's head in her own lap, despite her height and build her thighs were surprisingly soft and acted as a decent pillow. Now that she was more comfortable she took over feeding the small animal, once the milk was gone Bastion sighed and laid the wolf on Kelica's stomach, "It's not so crazy when you think about it. Anyway rest well." Bastion placed one of her large hands on her head and lightly petted the girl's hair letting her sleep like that with the cub curled up on her stomach.



Chris Lengheart(Oh boy...)

Chris could only nod at Lavender's explanation. "One day, you're gonna have to show me how to use one of those swords." He ended up saying halfheartedly. It would be cool to learn how to work with different weapons, but Chris didn't really need it. His fists and takeovers provided enough protection that they could match any sword. 

It was only a short time later, Clair came into the guild. She looked really tired, somehow more tired than Chris was. It was then she began using Chris for support to keep herself upright. She then began talking about how she wanted to give everyone their gifts first and how she didn't mind Sora being upset. It was almost at this exact time, Lavender left Chris alone with Clair. 

Now completely unsure on how to break this to Clair, Chris led her to a stool and let her sit down. He went over to the bar and ordered a glass of ice water and placed it down in front of Clair while he took a seat as well. Chris pinched the bridge of his nose while letting out a short sigh. "I don't think she'll be very mad...she isn't here. She left to go Fiore knows where. She left us all gifts along with letters. I have no clue what the little girl plans on doing, but we all know she'll make it back fine." He told Clair. Now, he waited to see her reaction. Hopefully, she didn't have a melt down, if she did it'd take the entire guild to SOMEWHAT restrain her. Hopefully, she'd be understanding of Sora's wishes and wouldn't go out to travel the world in an attempt to find her.

@Britt-21 @Mr Swiftshots
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  Nikolas blinked when Laura got upset, unintentionally grabbing the slightly scary woman by the hand. "Waitwaitwait....did you say 'party'? Party is my middle name! Well, not literally. Nikolas Party Saedor sounds pretty damn stupid, but still! And as for Phin, I know he likes the idea. I could see it in his expression. Trust me, he's just grabbing Shiro. And giving her a present which is a notebook that says, 'if music be the fruit of love play on'. Whatever the hell that means. Annnnyways," The half-Neko, after having probably chatted Laura's ear off, turned to his next victim Talon. "So you're Talon. I'm Nikolas Saedor! Dontcha worry about Ferra, she's in good hands! I mean, my family's sorta financially stable and the parents are nice. You should meet them, Dad is fucking hilarious when he meets new people. I think one time he dropped a heavy box on his foot when Phin walked in with a girl he didn't know, but we were like twelve and Phineas ain't exactly the romantic type, so it's all cool. Plus we all love to talk about it a lot, plus we tease Dad ALLLLL the time. It's nice to meet you! What's up?"

Talon blinked as his brain scrambled to find a place to store all this information that would most likely never be neccesary to use. "Well, the sky is up, as well as prices and pheonix sightings..." Talon shrugged, "lots of things I guess." Talon looked around. "So... what do you do?¿?¿ Magic wise I mean." He asked his new friend. @Mitchs98 @TheSecretSorcerer

Meanwhile, about a weeks journey east, a lone man witha deck of cards followed a burning thing that was flying overhead. The man puled his hat lower over his eyes and habitually shuffled the cards. "Fates comin fer ya birdy." The man said with a cruel smirk.

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