Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Valken Truss[/COLOR]

The Shadow Mage was sitting at the end of the bed with a stern look covering his normally cheeky face. He had his hands clasped in under his chin as he peered out of the balcony sliding doors. He sat like this for quite some time, in the cover of darkness. @Maki He had laid in bed with Millie and had spent several hours trying to calm the girl's hyperactivity so she could rest peacefully, but the second her eyes closed and she was fast asleep, Valken had slipped himself from the bed to sit in his current position on the edge of mattress. Valken was already a night owl because of his powers, he felt most awake during the night time as that was also his strongest time. But that wasn't the real reason he wasn't sleeping, he had a lot his mind. The exam he had with Talon @Talon and Akame @Happy Red Mage didn't go exactly according to plan and the more he thought about it, the more he wondered if he had made the right choice in not allowing them to join... yet. It wasn't that Valken was a bad guy, and he didn't do it out of any spite or to annoy them but he made it clear what he expected in the exam.... didn't he? Maybe he should have told them exactly what he wanted to see? Was he being too strict with them?

In hindsight he'd asked them to get the daggers in any way necessary, but the dagger's weren't even the crux of the whole exam. He couldn't care less if they got the weapons, if both had simply turned to each other to discuss, then asked him together to simply hand them over he would have just passed the weapons straight into their hands. What Valken wanted to see was team work. Lamia Scale would die to save it's own brethren, and Valken didn't exactly like the idea that either of them were alone on a mission with Ferra or Grace. @Mitchs98 Would either of the girls come back alive? Valken had to know they would be protected around his fellow Guild mates, it wasn't even a case of pure strength, it was about risking it all to protect another. He saw some of that when Talon came to Akame's rescue, but rather then simply grabbing her and pulling her out of harm's way he had attacked Valken instead, of whom he was well aware of his powers and what he was capable of.

Was Valken being too strict? Was he an alright Leader in Maya's absence? @LeSoraAmari

He never expected to be given the role, but then no one expected the brooding, agitated Lloyd to become a Guild Master either. Right place right time...right? Valken tilted his head back as he looked over his shoulder to Millie and her adorable pose and soft breaths as she slept. That wasn't all... Valken had a fairly big thing to do today, reaching into pocket and feeling Masaki's rings in his Shadow Realm, before he took another sigh and sweat dropped. For all his bravado Valken was actually incredibly shy, he only put on the brave face before people started to notice the teenager as he got taller and couldn't hide in the shadows anymore. So to combat it, he flipped a complete switch. That didn't mean he didn't still find it incredibly uncomfortable, he was just really good at hiding it now. He slowly stood up from the bed and with silent feet opened up the sliding glass door to step out into the balcony and the stiff cold breeze, enjoying the cold in only a singlet and his pants which hung about his hips. He came to the balcony railing and half leaned on it, lifting out Millie's ring to spin it on the very tip of his index finger, watching the rising sun's rays glanced off it making it sparkle.

How was he even supposed to ask? What should he say? How should he even propose? He didn't even get a chance to talk to Emmerich about it before he left with his sister @Britt-21... he was literally alone with no idea what to do... maybe he should have asked Maya?... Then a stiff chuckle left his lips. Now why in the world would Maya care what he did?.. Well I guess Lamia Scale was family and in a weird kind of way Valken did see Maya as her own Mother almost, she had been around him ever since he joined Lamia Scale when he was little. And she seemed to pop up out of no where whenever he thought she wasn't around.... not to mention that tone she often used whenever he did something stupid. Maybe... if he could find five minutes alone with her today he could tell her. Maybe she could help him.... who knew. His mind was still swirling. That was if he could find a minute around Ferra, Grace even those Neko boys, Shiro or Laura! @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Arius LaVari @TheSecretSorcerer ....maybe he should ask Millie to marry him now, this morning, before they left to the Guild Hall... Another huge sweat drop traveled down the side of his face.

What the Hell was he supposed to do!

It was Christmas Eve, and the house was anything but quiet. Millie was just riled up. It was as if the little girl inside of her just burst out at the thought of Christmas, and poor Valken had to put up with it. He acted more like her dad rather than her lover, but Millie didn't care. She just couldn't contain her love for the holidays. The jolly vibes, the snow, the festivities, gifts, amd traditions, she loved it all. Though her favorite part had to be getting together as a guild and spending time together and exchanging gifts. She adored making people happy, amd that's just what the blonde planned to do.Luckily for both of them, the moment her eyes closed from tiredness she was out cold for the entire night. Snuggled up to Valken as dreams of sugar plums danced in her head. 

As the bright sun leaked into the bedrooms shining over the sleeping beauty, coupled with the cold winter breeze from the open door, Millie's bright blue eyes slowly opened as she regained consciousness. Despite only being half awake she Almost immediately noticed that her main source of warmth had left her! Valken surely was close, but he wasn't close enough. He had to be touching her to satisfy her. "Valken..?" She muttered softly, yawning as she slowly sat up in the bed, glancing around the room. Her target was quick to find, her black haired lover sitting quietly out on the balcony. "Valken baby, come back to bed. I'm freezing without you here. Lonely too..." She said a bit louder, sending a sleepy, heartwarming smile his way, patting gently at the spot beside her. Although Millie wanted to get right into the Christmas fun she needed to wake up first with a bit of Valken. Only then could she make the trip to the guild hall.

Sunlight seeped through the windows as morning came about. Ciel's face scrunched up as she was blasted by warmth and light. She shifted and brought her warm and nice smelling pillow closer to her with a gentle hug. Her eyes fluttered open as she slowly realized that she wasn't holding a pillow. She was holding onto Haruhi and slowly eased her hold on her. She hoped that she didn't disturb her sleep. She remained perfectly calm and still before she began to slowly detach herself before pausing for a bit. It was Christmas morning and she guessed that it the best time to give her her gift would be after Haruhi had given hers, so she wasn't overwhelmed. @Maki
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"I'd love to help!" Ferra called out cheerfully as she returned from changing, clearly happy to have her hat back. "Might not wanna let me near the food though...." She added, giggling lightly and grinning. She'd most likely 'accidentally' eat everything that Laura prepared, especially if it was good. There'd more or less be no feast if she got a hold of it, the way Talon ate at the festival she could say the same about him too. She hummed in thought, how exactly was she going to get everyone together? They probably wouldn't listen to her either. They weren't like her with the simple mention of food and a party getting them to show up. She then grinned rather evilly when the idea hit her. "Depending on where we have the party, or well anywhere, we could hold the presents captive. No one gets anything unless they show up to the party, have fun, and we all open presents together at the end?" She suggested. "What do you guys think? Good idea?" She asked. "Maybe? No?" She added, looking between everyone curiously.

Sounded perfect to her. Hostage the presents, force everyone together.

Talon grinned evilly. "Yes lets!¡!¡" He exclaimed whle rubbing his hands together. "Mmmm I hope there will be pie and icecream!¡!¡" He licked his lips, "Oooh and turkey, and stuffing, and mashed potatoes, and gravy, and pickles and beans and corn with butter and fruit cake..." His voice trailed off into what sounded suspiciously liked crazy mutterings. He sat in a sort of daze, dreaming about food and stuff.

@Mitchs98 @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @TheSecretSorcerer

  Phineas wasn't quite able to register what was going on when Shiro pressed her forehead against his; in fact, his face/ears turned a deeper shade of pink when she did so, and soon it could only qualify as a light shade of red. "I......yeah," he said quietly. She had actually laughed. And that laugh was like music—and he wouldn't mind if he heard it a couple hundred more times. Then her smile had slipped back to a neutral expression. Now Phineas was running in circles, confused about how exactly she felt. But, in the end, all he wound up doing was nodding and standing up to go back to the apartment. 

Girls are so confusing......


@Talon @TheSecretSorcerer @Mitchs98

  Nikolas was about to demonstrate his awesome transformation abilities to Talon, but then the topic of the party came up again. Ferra soon returned, suggesting keeping the presents captive. The half-Neko thought about it, then he literally fell over laughing. "AHAHAHAHAHAHA NICE! We should totally do that, it will be priceless! ComeonwegottadoitguysthatisthebestideaEVER!"


Evil Plotting

ishzu ishtar.jpg

Keep the presents hostage, that could work. However, they would first have to get the presents. "Well, someone would have to sneak the presents away from everyone and leave a note telling them where to find them." She had a thought of who could be their first target could be. "I think that who ever does it should start with Valken, I am sure that will draw some attention to what we are doing." She pushed a hair from her face behind her ear as thoughts flowed through her mind. "Okay so who wants to do what? I will cook food but I need some one to join me."

Tyson Redd


Tyson frowned at the Sirens response."Who said I was talking about your piano skills." Tyson mummbled before turning over, and relaxing. He had no issue resting his eyes, even when the siren began playing. But then he couldn't help but notice her missed the correct key. He frowned, and turned towards her with a blank but still somehow smug look on his face."You seem to have missed a key. You sure you're not doubting yourself?" 

He was prepared to ignore whatever angry remark she'd give, and just go back to sleep. Then another guild mate approached them. This time it was Eric, who was having concerns about the next guest."You have nothing to worry about. For all you know she could already have control of you. You wouldn't even know, but besides that some of us are actually immune to her charms. At least on a certain level. But if it makes you feel better, I can always puncture your eardrums. That way her voice can't persuade you." Tyson said casually holding up a finger prepared to jab it in someone's ears with the force of a bullet.

@Jackaboi @Zuka @Maki @Nenma Takashi
Kenya went back to reading her book enjoying the music that followed. But when things seemed to clearly get more tense she had no idea what was happening, she guessed this was something that had happened when she was not in the guild yet. Standing up she put a hand on Eric's shoulder stepping next to him. "Eric please sit back down, I assure you we shall be fine. With the number of us vs her even if she was to try something it'd be pointless. Besides one of our guildmates seem to trust her already and I believe if it helps, do not place your trust in her but in your guildmate. Trust them to trust her." She tried to help defuse the moment turning to look at the man who spoke she gave him a cold stare. "He shall be fine that won't be necessary thank you." She said in a bitter tone. 

@Jackaboi @Zuka @Maki @Solemn Jester

Ayano Soru: He said it...


Ayano's face broke the very moment Timothy said the words "You look adorable!" That settles it... She's buying something to keep these cat ears in before she ends up snapping them in fustration. Although the topic changed when Timothy started to consider joining the guild after all. The letter Sora left for him must've helped him decide. "I'm probably one of the few individuals who's known Fairy Tail for a loooong time. Back when I met Wendy she used to tell me of the many adventures she and her friends went through. I'm just saying this from personal experience... They are the most welcoming guild in Fiore. I can't say for sure but your chances are pretty high. As for me... No matter how forgiving they are I don't think I could bring myself to join them... Not after the things I've done... They could probably forgive me but I can't forgive myself." Ayano stared off into space for a few moments to ponder on some thoughts and soon snapped back to reality to talk again. "Anyway enough about that... What I'm trying to say is give it a shot. Even if they do reject you then at least you tried." Ayano remembered the Grimoire Heart mark on her hand. She heard that once a mark has been applied only a Guild Master can remove it. The one thing she wasn't sure of however was if any Guild Master can do it. "Actually... I think I could probably come with you... Inside the guild hall. I just remembered that I do have something to do there." This was a risky move she was taking. If there was anyone in that guild hall that remembers Ayano from the dungeons then she could end up causing more trouble than it's worth. But... She had to try... Not only was this mark going to cause even more trouble but it just felt like a stain that can never be washed away. A sign of her mistakes. The vampire grabbed the winter jacket she had been wearing yesterday. It's probably the best bet she has at staying blended in with the crowd. But there was also a pair of gloves, a scarf and a winter hat. She wrapped the scarf around masking the bottom half of her face, put on the gloves for disguising the mark and applied the winter hat to also help blend in more. "Okay... I'm ready to go when you are."

@Zareh @Kyuubey (Mentioned)

On the way back


Shiro wasn't used to dealing with people, she had no idea how confused she had made Phineas with her inability to express her thoughts, the white haired girl was used to working alone, or being alone in general, it was just one of her quirks another was her actually fiercely protective nature, she was sure they'd get to see that side of her soon enough though. Her thoughts had wandered away with her but she blinks slightly feeling like she should probably hurry along with her walking companion so she grabs Phin's hand and starts running back pulling him along until he would likely start running, no way she could keep up, she had stamina for days but she was a tank designed for taking hits and not for speed. "We should hurry back...I think you'll like what I got, but it's for both of you."



At home for now 


Celestia smiled cheerfully when Acus called her place his home, then went sort of quiet while she ate her portion of breakfast, as she ate her thoughts ran around in circles, she wondered if Rosa had made it home safely, what Kirin and Yamato were doing or if they were even up; she had a feeling Yamato was, he just struck her as that type to be up early, yup Celestia was a morning bird and now that she was thinking about everyone she actually wanted to see them. With a sigh she finishes off her breakfast and gets up, "I'll be right back Ace, I'm going to go shower and change, feel free to look around, oh...in that pile to the left I have a lot of Christmas books you can go ahead and read them." She waved at him over her shoulder not specifying which pile was which since there was about six stacks of the things on his left side.


Celestia sighs deeply once she's in her room and she closes the bedroom door, one of two bathrooms were attached to the two bedrooms, so Acus would have his own restroom as well. Humming a tune under her breath she ducks into the shower and gets cleaned up quite quickly then hops out getting dressed a bit differently than her usual outfit. Once she's all ready she comes out of her room and nearly dances through her piles upon piles of books to make it back to the table and turning off the radio. "Once you're all ready to go we can head out!" She giggles smiling brightly with her hair in two pig tails instead of just having a butterfly clip in her hair. @Halffix

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FT Hall - Chatting


Bastion blinked a bit when Kelica mouthed her stomach, and had to bite her lip to avoid giggling because it tickled her a bit but she did however squirm slightly while feeling nothing but relief when Noah moved Kelica away from her, she sighed with relief and patiently waited on Noah to return, though Bastion was starting to miss the wolf pup...okay and the girl but she wouldn't say that, she just liked the blonde immediately. Eventually Noah does return and oddly asks about her magic, which makes her realize she must have given a very strange greeting, "Oh whoops sorry about the odd greeting, the doctor I see told me to recite things I know about myself occasionally since I showed no signs of having hit my head, she's worried things could short circuit in my head, since we don't know what caused me to lose my memories. All that aside...my magic uses multiple elements..." As if to reiterate that she lifts one of her hands and forms five orbs in her palm, all of varying colors, yellow, blue, red, purple, green they pulsed to some sort of beat; not that she'd tell anyone it was to the music she wrote and made at home; but the odd balls spun away from her forming a 20 ft radius around her, "Sadly that's the extent of my range  but anyway yellow is lightning it has a chance to paralyze you, blue is an icy element  can possibly freeze you, red is fire and can cause burning, purple is poisonous, green is earth and the basic version of my magic. I'm not all that good at controlling my magic...when I get emotional it explodes and can be dangerous to my allies, it's why even though I'm so weak I fight alone I don't want to hurt anyone, when I'm calm I'm pretty controlled." She sent a wide grin to Noah, "You're turn then Noah. Tell me about you."




No problem. [SIZE= 16px]Noah said waving his a hand, like he's saying its okay. As Bastion continued Noah was suprised about what he just learned about the teen. Is pretty sad that he/she lost his memories. Noah couldn't think about losing his memories, forgetting about all his friends he made around the world. Something he wished would never happen to him. Noah frowned as Bastion stated his/her magic as useless. When he/she continued explaining how it worked Noah shook his head when Bastion finished.[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]I don't know if we have different definitions of the word useless, but your magic isn't useless. Just a little underdeveloped. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah slouched down in his chair a bit.[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Well I utilize Take Over Magic. I won't tell you which type, you'll just have to figure it out. And if Fairy Tail lives up to its reputation, then I'm sure you'll find out real quick. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah crosses his arms and looked up to Kelica's room. I wonder how long she'll be out. He turned back to Bastion. Oh and sine you gave me a fun fact about you here's one for me. I use to be a street rat. @Arius LaVari[/SIZE]
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@Britt-21@Isune@Kyuubey@Spanner@Mr Swiftshots@Zuka@Solemn Jester@LeSoraAmari@Embaga Elder@hudhouse @ anyone I missed

Sera just sat outside of the door patiently waiting as best she could, she wasn't really a patient woman by nature so you could imagine how hard that was. She knocked on the door a second time after a while, "Hello? Master Aria?" She asked, beating on the door at this point. Another few minutes of silence and she glared at it. "ANSWER THE DOOR!" She shouted, beating on it constantly for a few moments before stopping and huffing angrily. Seriously, would it kill her to just answer her? Or was she still asleep? Honestly it was starting to seem like the latter. Both Cece and Ophelia had always slept in late like this, so why should this come as any surprise to her? Of course they had to have three lazy guild masters in a row...though at-least this one was good to look at she supposed....so she'd cut her some slack.

After another few moments she beat on the door again, "Open up or I bust it in! I don't have all day!" She yelled, beating on the door a few moments more before shaking the knob for emphasis. She'd already dented the wood on the door a bit, so she meant business. A few more minutes passed and she didn't hesitate to kick the door down while shouting; "Wake up you lazy ass fo-...." ultimately trailing of in the end. She blinked and looked around the completely vacant room, stepping in and checking the bedroom as well. She blinked then looked to the busted door. Well....lying. Lying would work. If anyone asked, the door was like that.

Stepping over the busted door she walked back downstairs, "Has anyone seen the Maste-.......Oh." She began asking, pausing with a blank expression when she saw Arietta. "I uh....Your door broke when I knocked on it. Flimsy ass thing, that door." She lied, rather poorly. She cleared her throat and awkwardly looked away. "I need to talk to you, in private or otherwise. It's about Verdana." She told her, gesturing to the girl. "And it's rather important." She said.

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Sabertooth Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Draneri was peering down to the piano with that same sad expression, even her wings were dipped a fraction as she bowed her head. The brute of a man from before (Tyson) spoke to her across the room making the woman tense up again as she glared over her shoulder to him with her piercing golden eyes. "You are making broad assumptions once again. I do not doubt my ability to play. I am one of the finest Piano players for the past few centuries. I am not used to this... Guild business. And what one can and can not do in the presence of others. Especially not one of my kind." With that explanation the girl turned back to look to the dust covered keys and took a deep breath in and blew the dust from the white notes, smiling more happily.

The Siren blinked a fraction as she spotted Mizuki coming towards her from the opposite direction and almost instantly the tenseness in her body started to subside. She moved a wing a fraction behind her so that Mizuki could sit beside her on the seat before the piano, glancing to the plate of warm food on the piano's surface with another gentle smile. It was a kind gesture, and she wondered if Mizuki realise how nice a gesture it was. Once the girl was seated, her wing came around a fraction to hover almost around her, but didn't touch her. More just trying to find a comfortable position for them while at the same time keeping Mizuki somewhat cut off from the world and leaving the two there. "I can still eat Human food, and it still tastes lovely I just..." Glancing sideways as she put a hand to her chin. "It doesn't... fill me up so to speak. It is a nice lingering taste on my mouth and nothing more. It does not warm my belly."

The woman watched Mizuki curiously as she gave her permission to play the piano and her face softened unbelievably. "You don't realise how kind you are, do you, my Dear Mizuki~..." Reaching a hand up to grasp a long strand of her black hair and sweeping it back behind her ear gently. "As for food, I can wait for tomorrow... I ate yesterday... I could not possibly be hungry again so soon~..." She said in the smoothest soprano tone, with the uttermost assurance. It was a lie, of course, but very few could tell when Draneri was lying. She sounded so sure and calm you couldn't even pick it on her face. That was when she finally broke her gaze and looked to the keys as she took a huge breath and moved her long fingers to the keys. At first she started slowly, playing a note or two that echoed gently however once she started her eyes closed gently and the classical tone got slightly faster and more in depth. It was a Christmas Carol, or so it seemed, but the notes leap leapfrogged over one another that it could have been something made from Mozart and seemed very old. It seemed to soothe the very soul and would bring a smile to most people's lips.

That was until the beautiful song abruptly stopped when Draneri's eyes snapped open and she found her fingers pressed one wrong note. A look of panic flooded her face as she reefed her hands back. Draneri never made mistakes.

@Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @MidnightStar @Embaga Elder @Britt-21 @Drakerus @Nenma Takashi

Mizuki placed her hands gently in the fold of her lap, sitting still as Draneri's wing shielded them from the rest of the guild.  It was nice to be alone with someone that she could relate so well too, but she couldn't help but think about what the rest of the guild thought. She hoped that it wasn't anything bad, though the likes of that that were slim. As the siren explained the situation with human food, Mizuki found herself intrigued, yet not surprised. Obviously if human food filled her up there'd be no reason for her to eat the life force of humans. "I see... Had I known this before, the quality of the food wouldn't have gone down." She simply said, giving the plate a quick glance. 

Her eyes drifted back to Draneri as she began to thank her for giving her permission to play the piano. Something like that was embarrassing enough, but when she felt the soft touch of her hand against her hair Mizuki tensed up a little. Her hands, which were resting peacefully in her lap, tightened up into fists. The dark Mage wasn't against being complimented and having her hair touched, but it felt so new to her and she didn't know how to react properly. "Oh, thank you..." She said quietly, staring down at her stiff arms rather awkwardly. She couldn't understand the fact that letting Draneri feed felt normal, but something as simple as a brush of her hair sent her into such a shock. Fortunately the sweet sound of the piano brought her out of this little shock. Her head slowly rose to watch the siren's masterful fingers make work of the keys. It had been so long since the piano had been played, and to hear something this good was a treat for everyone. Just as Mizuki began to ease up and relax into the black wing that surrounded her, the sweet sound of the piano came to an abrupt end. She wasn't a musician herself and didn't hear the wrong note that was played, but she could tell from the look on Draneri's face that something went wrong. "It sounded very good. I do not understand why you stopped your playing? Did you press a wrong note? It wasn't noticeable if you did..." She said, frowning slightly. 

While one of the Redd brothers began to get at Draneri for missing a note, Eric decided to come over and give her a hard time as well. It was understandable for Eric to be upset around her presence, but Tyson was just being rude. Eric began to create some conspiracy that Draneri was trying to mind control everyone in the guild with her singing just so that she could eat their souls, but Mizuki knew that was a load of crap. "Draneri has changed, Eric. I know it. The two of us have walked similar paths, and if I'm accepted so should she. She's not any less human than you..." Mizuki grumbled, giving Eric a slightly angry look. She wasn't mad at him, just a little annoyed. No one saw Draneri as she did, and it was frustrating. Speaking of frustrating, Tyson continued his teasing of Draneri. Her dark purple eyes locked onto the red headed Mage, eyes narrowing in a menacing glare, one that could shatter souls. She respected her guildmates, but sometimes lines had to be drawn. "Back off Redd..." she growled. Another person had decided to join in, this time it was Kenya, who seemed to be on their side. This act was noted, and Mizuki was very appreciative of this. The next time she needed help Mizuki would be the first to respond. "Thank you Kenya..."

@Jackaboi @Nenma Takashi @Solemn Jester

(When the authors block kicks in)
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[SIZE= 16px]Noah raised an eyebrow as Bastion told him about his magic. Noah was somewhat confused. When the young man asked about Kelica, Noah really didn't really have a problem with it, especially since the boy looked on the young side. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Yes she is. By the way, your [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]magic sounds interesting, tell me more about it later. As for me I use take over. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Djinn Soul. [/SIZE]Noah then smiled as he heard Kelica speaking his name ins her sleep. [SIZE= 16px]Cute..[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] Noah stood up and pointed at Kelica. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Do you mind?[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] He asked and without a response Noah performed a partial take over of Focalor's limbs, using wind to lift Kelica and the pup into the air, and into his arms. He looks at Bastion. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]I'll be back, maybe you can tell me more about your magic. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah turned back towards the stairs, and instead of using them, He floated into the air heading to the second floor, where he landed right on the broken door in front of Kelica's room. He walked inside placing both Kelica and the pup down on the bed. Noah kissed Kelica on her forehead, and turned around leaving. [/SIZE]Noah looks down over the railing, looking at Bastion. He hopped over the railing, gracefully floating towards Bastion. He lands and takes a sit across from him. She's going to freak out when she wakes up. He chuckled and looked at bastion, noticing the guild mark in his eye. Alright Bastion, tell me about your magi, and I'll return the favor. He said as he ceased his partial take over. @Zuka @Arius LaVari



FT Hall - Chatting


Bastion blinked a bit when Kelica mouthed her stomach, and had to bite her lip to avoid giggling because it tickled her a bit but she did however squirm slightly while feeling nothing but relief when Noah moved Kelica away from her, she sighed with relief and patiently waited on Noah to return, though Bastion was starting to miss the wolf pup...okay and the girl but she wouldn't say that, she just liked the blonde immediately. Eventually Noah does return and oddly asks about her magic, which makes her realize she must have given a very strange greeting, "Oh whoops sorry about the odd greeting, the doctor I see told me to recite things I know about myself occasionally since I showed no signs of having hit my head, she's worried things could short circuit in my head, since we don't know what caused me to lose my memories. All that aside...my magic uses multiple elements..." As if to reiterate that she lifts one of her hands and forms five orbs in her palm, all of varying colors, yellow, blue, red, purple, green they pulsed to some sort of beat; not that she'd tell anyone it was to the music she wrote and made at home; but the odd balls spun away from her forming a 20 ft radius around her, "Sadly that's the extent of my range  but anyway yellow is lightning it has a chance to paralyze you, blue is an icy element  can possibly freeze you, red is fire and can cause burning, purple is poisonous, green is earth and the basic version of my magic. I'm not all that good at controlling my magic...when I get emotional it explodes and can be dangerous to my allies, it's why even though I'm so weak I fight alone I don't want to hurt anyone, when I'm calm I'm pretty controlled." She sent a wide grin to Noah, "You're turn then Noah. Tell me about you."



No problem. [SIZE= 16px]Noah said waving his a hand, like he's saying its okay. As Bastion continued Noah was suprised about what he just learned about the teen. Is pretty sad that he/she lost his memories. Noah couldn't think about losing his memories, forgetting about all his friends he made around the world. Something he wished would never happen to him. Noah frowned as Bastion stated his/her magic as useless. When he/she continued explaining how it worked Noah shook his head when Bastion finished. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]I don't know if we have different definitions of the word useless, but your magic isn't useless. Just a little underdeveloped. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah slouched down in his chair a bit. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Well I utilize Take Over Magic. I won't tell you which type, you'll just have to figure it out. And if Fairy Tail lives up to its reputation, then I'm sure you'll find out real quick. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah crosses his arms and looked up to Kelica's room. I wonder how long she'll be out. He turned back to Bastion. Oh and sine you gave me a fun fact about you here's one for me. I use to be a street rat. @Arius LaVari[/SIZE]



[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Like a little child, Kelica was out cold almost the second her eyes were closed. She had the weirdest dreams mostly about floating and Noah for some reason. But despite being fast asleep her hands and arms cradled the pup in a hold that could almost be called extremely protective. It was a good thing then Noah decided to lift both her and the pup up together, because had someone tried to rip the wolf cup from her arms she would have awoken with something close to a Death Aura that screamed, don't even. Luckily he didn't and the Forest Mage continued to curl up and snooze. Her head tilted more to nuzzle in against his chest and the warmth of his frame she just couldn't seem to get enough of. That floating sensation ended and the girl rolled onto her side as she slipped the pup upwards to curl into her chest gently, curling up her frame as she did so and burying her face into the pillow of her bed and her own long blonde curls.

She felt like she was snoozing for hours but sleep was a weird concept and she was only out for a few minutes or so. Her green eyes slipped opened gently but only came to halfway as a hand reached up to rub at them and she gave a half yawn as she did. Slowly, and still half asleep, the girl slipped up unable to get out of this weird sleep walk state and continued to cuddle the wolf pup. Her bare feet (realizing but only barely she hadn't put on any shoes since the night before) stepped silently across the floorboards as she exited the room with that same barely there expression covering her face. Now something interesting was happening with the girl Being half asleep caused her mind to be as calm as a still river, the voices only distance murmurs like soft rain drops far away. She gracefully stepped over the broken door frame, and was heading straight towards the railing of the second floor. There was a broken section were Chris and Lavender had taken a tumble earlier, and Kelica was heading straight for it completely unaware of the danger of simply walking off of it!

She got to the opening with her eyes still half closed and glassy, taking a step out into the air but where one might expect her to fall instead something amazing happened. The floor boards suddenly melded as the wood was transmuted into it's more base form, creating almost tendrils of thickened and hardened vines that weaved and braided them self to created an extra step for her jutting out. Kelica, completely unaware, just continued to step and it was as if the very wood floor boards at her feet, cascaded and flowed downwards to create a brand new set of steps. And once she finally reached the bottom level, the very wood retracted and melded back upwards like a hose reeling itself up to morph into the same floor board as if nothing had happened. Depositing Kelica, still half asleep, in front of Noah and Bastion and their probably bewildered expression. For you see the Forest was always willing to help with Kelica, if only she were relaxed enough to simply let it.

It seemed the purple hair registered in her sub conscious and the girl made a huge yawn before she crawled up on the seat and thus Noah's lap, curling up and plonking her head onto his shoulder. "mmm.. the weirdest thing just happened Noo..oooo...oooaahhhh!" Yawning halfway through his name before relaxing down again. "I was...laying on Bastion and den... I woke up... in my bed.. I have no idea..." And just like that, with those few little words, his very body warmth already put the girl back into the same sleep she was in moments ago.

@Kyuubey @Mitchs98 @Mr Swiftshots @FreeZing @Isune @Britt-21 ( @LeSoraAmari @Rhodus Senpai)
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Mageblade Of Phantoms/Lily Whiteflower

Lily had spent the night in Lamia Scale's Guild Hall. They didn't have a house or somewhere comfortable, a room in an inn with a creaky bed frame and a less than comfortable mattress was their place. It didn't matter since she was a mere puppet, a doll created from efforts and magic, a machination manifested by the sword that she wields. Mop was propped up on the seat next to her, wrapped in a luxurious bundle. If one could say something about her and the sword it would be that she took more care of the sword than herself and they would probably be right.

Christmas, Mop had experienced it for many years. He still didn't get why people celebrated this holiday. He had to give credit however, the festivities were great, humans sure knew how to party. He has had his dolls to give gifts so many times and received some in return. Food gifts were consumed immediately and alcoholic beverage like wine was stored somewhere else. Material objects were kept around but were ultimately given away when he had the doll he was using die. It was nice that people believed the story about the sword being magical and picking its new owner when the last one dies.

Lily sipped from the mug in front of her. Right now all it contained was hot water but that could be easily remedied if someone did invite her for a drink.
It was Christmas Eve, and the house was anything but quiet. Millie was just riled up. It was as if the little girl inside of her just burst out at the thought of Christmas, and poor Valken had to put up with it. He acted more like her dad rather than her lover, but Millie didn't care. She just couldn't contain her love for the holidays. The jolly vibes, the snow, the festivities, gifts, amd traditions, she loved it all. Though her favorite part had to be getting together as a guild and spending time together and exchanging gifts. She adored making people happy, amd that's just what the blonde planned to do.Luckily for both of them, the moment her eyes closed from tiredness she was out cold for the entire night. Snuggled up to Valken as dreams of sugar plums danced in her head. 

As the bright sun leaked into the bedrooms shining over the sleeping beauty, coupled with the cold winter breeze from the open door, Millie's bright blue eyes slowly opened as she regained consciousness. Despite only being half awake she Almost immediately noticed that her main source of warmth had left her! Valken surely was close, but he wasn't close enough. He had to be touching her to satisfy her. "Valken..?" She muttered softly, yawning as she slowly sat up in the bed, glancing around the room. Her target was quick to find, her black haired lover sitting quietly out on the balcony. "Valken baby, come back to bed. I'm freezing without you here. Lonely too..." She said a bit louder, sending a sleepy, heartwarming smile his way, patting gently at the spot beside her. Although Millie wanted to get right into the Christmas fun she needed to wake up first with a bit of Valken. Only then could she make the trip to the guild hall.


[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Valken Truss[/COLOR]

The Shadow Mage's eyes were hazy as his mind was racing, he couldn't seem to settle on one thing and was rubbing his temple with one hand while simultaneously spinning Millie's ring on the tip of his index finger with the other. Normally Valken would feel a shift on the shadows to let him know she was stirring but he didn't notice today until her soft mutters and cute yawn pulled his attention. In a half panic Valken thrust the ring into the shadow realm pocket in his pants and patted them down before he spun trying his hardest to stop the panic expression over his face while he leaned back against the railing in something so casual it was almost too obvious he had something to hide. When she beckoned him he wandered back into the room and closed the sliding door as he did before he turned and threw his back onto the bed beside her like a toddler might. With only a bounce or two he settled down and put a hand behind his head while the other arm scooped her up and dragged her into his warm frame, his hand sliding up her back to thread into the back of her blonde hair as he massaged and scratched at her skull a fraction.

A bemused smile over his face, he peered down to her gently. "I couldn't sleep... you know me... night owl and all..." Peering up to the roof gently as he let silence cover the room before a soft deep chuckle rumbled in his chest. "Do you remember the first day that you joined Lamia Scale? I remember... You walked in through the Guild Hall doors, almost skipped in, you had this huge smile on your face. Like the whole world couldn't bring you down..." He lifted up hand and tucked it up under his chin imitating her holding a box up under her face. "Just like this..." Even coping a silly girl expression as he did before he dropped the face not wanting to tease her too much. "I just.. couldn't stop looking at you. You didn't even see me... and why would you? Just some boy, hiding in the corner with a hoodie and a sloppy grip on his daggers."

He paused again thinking it over. "Maya walked up to me while you were running around talking to everyone, asking them about Guilds and Magic, she sat by me and told me to go and talk to you... and I said I couldn't. We had nothing in common. But I couldn't stop looking at you anyway..." Here Valken eventually rolled over on his side as he rested his head on the pillow, just staring at her face with a soft expression and his dark purple eyes. "....You always amazed me. You still amaze me...I fell in love with you the moment I meet you but... I was always so scared to talk to you. It was only when Maya asked you to Tutor me because I couldn't read or write... that we even started to talk..." He let his voice eventually drop again as he leaned in and kissed at her cheek gently as his eyes slipped closed, letting his nose brush in against her own softly. "I never thought it would have been Ferra of all people... to be the one to force us together.. because of some stupid prank I was too scared to say no to.. but... I'm glad she did."

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari
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Eric: Man that pianist is good! Wait... We don't have a pianist!


Kenya seemed to be happy with Eric's gift which made him happy in return. "Well I wouldn't say your gift was bad... I mean my gift isn't even handmade! So in a way that book doesn't really compare. But I'm still glad you like it!" Looks like today was going to be a good day after all! It was snowing! The guild was bustling with excitement! The pianist was playing awesome music! Wait... Pianist? We never had one of those in ages! Eric looked over to the old piano they had only to lay eye's on that one and only Siren who stopped playing after hitting the wrong key. "W... Why is she here again!?!?" Eric scrambled off the chair he'd been sitting on and made a quick decision to finally get some answers. He thought at first that Mizuki just brought her here to question her or something. But now she was playing a piano? Walking over to Draneri, Mizuki and Tyson with a half angry look on his face, he ended up dragging a chair behind him and put it in front of the piano and sat on it looking really tense. "Okay... I remember yesterday that Mizuki brought you here for some reason and I would like to know WHY and HOW I can be sure you won't just bend all of us to your will and feed on us like cattle!" Back when Eric was stuck wandering the wilderness before he joined Sabertooth, he had his fair share of run-ins with Sirens and other types of dangerous creatures. He knew how they all hunt, they either sing their alluring song or try and gain your trust so they can strike when the prey least expects it. Having survived encounters before it was pretty clear that Eric was skeptical about this whole scenario.

@Maki @Solemn Jester @Zuka @Nenma Takashi

Tyson Redd

View attachment 197280

Tyson frowned at the Sirens response."Who said I was talking about your piano skills." Tyson mummbled before turning over, and relaxing. He had no issue resting his eyes, even when the siren began playing. But then he couldn't help but notice her missed the correct key. He frowned, and turned towards her with a blank but still somehow smug look on his face."You seem to have missed a key. You sure you're not doubting yourself?" 

He was prepared to ignore whatever angry remark she'd give, and just go back to sleep. Then another guild mate approached them. This time it was Eric, who was having concerns about the next guest."You have nothing to worry about. For all you know she could already have control of you. You wouldn't even know, but besides that some of us are actually immune to her charms. At least on a certain level. But if it makes you feel better, I can always puncture your eardrums. That way her voice can't persuade you." Tyson said casually holding up a finger prepared to jab it in someone's ears with the force of a bullet.

@Jackaboi @Zuka @Maki @Nenma Takashi

Kenya went back to reading her book enjoying the music that followed. But when things seemed to clearly get more tense she had no idea what was happening, she guessed this was something that had happened when she was not in the guild yet. Standing up she put a hand on Eric's shoulder stepping next to him. "Eric please sit back down, I assure you we shall be fine. With the number of us vs her even if she was to try something it'd be pointless. Besides one of our guildmates seem to trust her already and I believe if it helps, do not place your trust in her but in your guildmate. Trust them to trust her." She tried to help defuse the moment turning to look at the man who spoke she gave him a cold stare. "He shall be fine that won't be necessary thank you." She said in a bitter tone. 

@Jackaboi @Zuka @Maki @Solemn Jester

Mizuki placed her hands gently in the fold of her lap, sitting still as Draneri's wing shielded them from the rest of the guild.  It was nice to be alone with someone that she could relate so well too, but she couldn't help but think about what the rest of the guild thought. She hoped that it wasn't anything bad, though the likes of that that were slim. As the siren explained the situation with human food, Mizuki found herself intrigued, yet not surprised. Obviously if human food filled her up there'd be no reason for her to eat the life force of humans. "I see... Had I known this before, the quality of the food wouldn't have gone down." She simply said, giving the plate a quick glance. 

Her eyes drifted back to Draneri as she began to thank her for giving her permission to play the piano. Something like that was embarrassing enough, but when she felt the soft touch of her hand against her hair Mizuki tensed up a little. Her hands, which were resting peacefully in her lap, tightened up into fists. The dark Mage wasn't against being complimented and having her hair touched, but it felt so new to her and she didn't know how to react properly. "Oh, thank you..." She said quietly, staring down at her stiff arms rather awkwardly. She couldn't understand the fact that letting Draneri feed felt normal, but something as simple as a brush of her hair sent her into such a shock. Fortunately the sweet sound of the piano brought her out of this little shock. Her head slowly rose to watch the siren's masterful fingers make work of the keys. It had been so long since the piano had been played, and to hear something this good was a treat for everyone. Just as Mizuki began to ease up and relax into the black wing that surrounded her, the sweet sound of the piano came to an abrupt end. She wasn't a musician herself and didn't hear the wrong note that was played, but she could tell from the look on Draneri's face that something went wrong. "It sounded very good. I do not understand why you stopped your playing? Did you press a wrong note? It wasn't noticeable if you did..." She said, frowning slightly. 

While one of the Redd brothers began to get at Draneri for missing a note, Eric decided to come over and give her a hard time as well. It was understandable for Eric to be upset around her presence, but Tyson was just being rude. Eric began to create some conspiracy that Draneri was trying to mind control everyone in the guild with her singing just so that she could eat their souls, but Mizuki knew that was a load of crap. "Draneri has changed, Eric. I know it. The two of us have walked similar paths, and if I'm accepted so should she. She's not any less human than you..." Mizuki grumbled, giving Eric a slightly angry look. She wasn't mad at him, just a little annoyed. No one saw Draneri as she did, and it was frustrating. Speaking of frustrating, Tyson continued his teasing of Draneri. Her dark purple eyes locked onto the red headed Mage, eyes narrowing in a menacing glare, one that could shatter souls. She respected her guildmates, but sometimes lines had to be drawn. "Back off Redd..." she growled. Another person had decided to join in, this time it was Kenya, who seemed to be on their side. This act was noted, and Mizuki was very appreciative of this. The next time she needed help Mizuki would be the first to respond. "Thank you Kenya..."

@Jackaboi @Nenma Takashi @Solemn Jester

(When the authors block kicks in)


[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

Draneri was still staring down to her fingers. She knew she could play. She knew she could play flawlessly. The only reason she had to miss a stroke of her fingers on the keys was if her concentration was lessened. And that would be no doubt due to her need to feed. She wasn't use to this... a day? That was it? A whole body source would normally see her full for months... a mage of Mizuki's capability should see her full for years! Did that last little portion, the very last of someone's essence before they died really that potent? As her mind whirled, her gaze peered up as she noticed a boy pull up a chair nearby to her and her eyes watched him with a blank expression. Eric... she expected him soon enough, no one here had seen her at her worst, turn Guild Mates against one another to kill each other at the Grimoire Heart base. It was expected. In fact for him to take this long and only sit beside her and not attack her outright surprised her. Still peering to him with a blank expression. She went to answer him when the Redd brother did it for her, and she let her eyes roll over him before looking back to Eric. After Mizuki spoke followed by Kenya, Draneri gently placed her hand onto the Dark mage's shoulder to reassure her. Then she turned to face Eric fully, her hands in her lap gently as she tucked her wings more snuggly into her hips.

"I am surprised you have only approached me today after all this time~... it is you more then anyone who should be most wary of me, along with little Alicia." Glancing over to Tyson before her golden eyes peered back to Eric. "The Red haired man is right. I could have complete control of you and you would never know... You have no reason to trust me. Every word I speak could be a further ploy to entrap you and your Guild Mates further. That, of course, is how our kind work." Pausing to let her words sink in seriously. "However in your years you have obviously met my kind before. Think of it this way.. why would I expose myself to a Light Guild, in pure daylight, surrounded by enemies? If I make one wrong move, I will be killed. I have no purpose other then to simply continue on. To survive. Would it not make more sense to stay in the shadows, to attack a person that will not be missed then one that is cherished and loved here?" She opened her hands then to flash him her bare wrists, even tilting her head up to expose her neck, and the outfit she was wearing being one of Mizuki's left nothing to the imagination.

"I have no Grimoire Heart Guild Mark. I have no Guild Mark at all. I only worked for Lucian because he promised me Prey I could not refuse. After that... battle..." Her voice lowered, not going into details but well aware Eric would know about the miniature sun that almost cooked her alive, "I was kept as a prisoner by the Scientist. Had tests, experiments, fed different sources and hurt to study my regeneration powers. I only escaped shortly ago." She stood up then before she came before Eric and knelt before him grasping at his hand with the softest of touches, as light as a feather, as she moved his fingers to wrap against her neck. "I can not promise you I will never use my powers on you, or your Guild Mates. I have killed countless people in my lifetime.. Teenagers, men, women, old men, drunk people...I deserve no forgiveness. But Mizuki has offered it to me." Glancing sideways as she forced his fingers to tighten around her neck before letting her hands fall and her wings  bowed to lay against the ground.

"I will give you one chance, to exact revenge. To kill me for the countless wrong doings I have done."

"But if you choose not to, then we shall speak nothing of it and you shall accept me as I am, in the presence of you Guild Mates."

"The choice is yours..."


Aurelia Goldnight

Aurelia sat on a chair near the board, calmly sipping warm tea that she had procured moments ago. She didn't particularly feel like staying in the guild and celebrating all day. 'Maybe I could find something to do?' She thought to herself as she looked at the board. Just as she was about to go back to her tea she saw a girl she was not familiar with. 'She must be one of the new ones.' Aurelia concluded with a small nod to herself, it looked like that she had roughly the same idea. Very few people would choose to work during a festive time.

She stood up and walked briskly to her side, reaching her in a few seconds. She followed her gaze to the poster she was looking at before looking back at her. "Hello." She greeted with a smile.

                                                           Amelia Dezeria

[SIZE= 20px]                                                                Location- Sabertooth Guild[/SIZE]

Amelia shoots her eyes from the poster to the person who said "hello". The girl was very bright with her golden, well almost everything was golden. "Um, uh, hi..." Amelia says hesitantly. These was the first person she really talked to at the guild. She seemed really nice, one of those chipper and always happy girls, however she had no room to say. Amelia looks back at the poster and then back to the girl. "Are you taking a job today? Being that it's Christmas I thought most people would be celebrating or taking the day off." She laughs with a little. "I guess I don't have room to say anything, huh."

"Sorry... um, my names Amelia." she says with a small smile. She decided not to say her last name not wanting to risk that people knew her dads dark guild. 

@Happy Red Mage
                                                           Amelia Dezeria

[SIZE= 20px]                                                                Location- Sabertooth Guild[/SIZE]

Amelia shoots her eyes from the poster to the person who said "hello". The girl was very bright with her golden, well almost everything was golden. "Um, uh, hi..." Amelia says hesitantly. These was the first person she really talked to at the guild. She seemed really nice, one of those chipper and always happy girls, however she had no room to say. Amelia looks back at the poster and then back to the girl. "Are you taking a job today? Being that it's Christmas I thought most people would be celebrating or taking the day off." She laughs with a little. "I guess I don't have room to say anything, huh."

"Sorry... um, my names Amelia." she says with a small smile. She decided not to say her last name not wanting to risk that people knew her dads dark guild. 

@Happy Red Mage

Aurelia Goldnight

"Hello!" Aurelia repeated, somewhat cheerfully compared to before. "I am considering it. I considered just celebrating it by myself but then I realized...what better way to celebrate Christmas than to help others celebrate it?" She said with a smile and a slight giggle. "Right, I suppose you don't. Oh how rude of me, it's nice to meet you Amelia! My name is Aurelia!" She introduced herself with an elegant curtsy. Pierro, who was sleeping on the brim of her hat woke up and fluttered about. "And this is Pierro!" She said pointing to the tiny moth on her golden hat.



Kathy closed her eyes as she felt the aura begin to cover her in warmth which stopped her shivering "I didnt think you could reach this far..." she said, opening her eyes and looking back at him "Thats why I was going to wait..." of course their ride wasnt too long since Lionel was a large dragon who had nice speed going on and was now decending towards the front of the guild hall where he landed carefully and layed down for both Kathy and Miles to slide off with ease "Thank you, Lionel..." she looked towards him and petted him before looking at Miles "lets go inside before everyone is bothered by the large dragon in the front of Sabertooth..." Kathy made sure to slide down carefully due to her santa dress she was wearing and landed on her feet before turning and looking up towards Miles.


"Slide the bag down first so you dont have to worry about it while coming down..." Miles was strong and she didnt doubt him, it was just one less thing to worry about coming down from Lionel. Plus she'd be able to start walking in and surprise everyone with a new outfit that no one had seen her in out of her usual wear. Plus the random gifts for literally everyone for them to trade if they dont like them. Katherine wasnt good at picking presents....Like ever.


[SIZE= 36px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR][/SIZE]



Kazuo noticed her widen eyes as she looked at him and knew that she was shocked at the story she heard "Yes everyone at the guild saw. They didnt really mind it. Everyone was having fun and laughing." he took a sip from his mug once again as she spoke and of course he listened. From what it sounded like, she didnt know what all the romantic stuff did and how it made people stronger. It was a good question since he had no romantic relations with anyone. Watching as she placed her hot cocoa down on the counter, she spun and walked away "I dont see why you should." he spoke up, his eye tracking her as she walked towards the doorway "It's Christmas so it's only natural to drink till you're drunk. I may not be a drinker but it's still nice to watch others."


"I really didnt mind you dancing with me. You had fun so I just let you." he put his mug down and walked over, taking her hand and pulling her right back to him "I could teach you a thing or two with dancing if you'd like." his face was serious, but he released her and moved back to where his mug was "If not, you can continue with your delivery with presents Miss Clause." he looked over his shoulder "I'm sure you still have many of presents to deliver, am I correct?" he grabbed his mug and turned back to her, tilting his head slightly.  "Plus everyone is at the guild hall I'm sure."
Taylor just look back and forth as she was frowning a bit as he said that he didn't want to go to get something to eat" but but i wanted pancakes" she whined a bit as she looked at alara she just felt her stomach rumble" miss alara i can make some food if you like though i kinda burn the food sometimes but i learning" she say as she wanted some sweets she just looked around" or we can go by some food whatever you wanna do miss Alara" she say as she just hold her book as she just sat back down thinking about reading her book she liked miss Alara she was fairy new to the gaild she just liked the quite sometimes" it so quite though why aernt the others awake i wanna eat and open presents this is my family now i know my real parents would be proud of me coming here" she say as she smiled @Mitchs98
Taylor just look back and forth as she was frowning a bit as he said that he didn't want to go to get something to eat" but but i wanted pancakes" she whined a bit as she looked at alara she just felt her stomach rumble" miss alara i can make some food if you like though i kinda burn the food sometimes but i learning" she say as she wanted some sweets she just looked around" or we can go by some food whatever you wanna do miss Alara" she say as she just hold her book as she just sat back down thinking about reading her book she liked miss Alara she was fairy new to the gaild she just liked the quite sometimes" it so quite though why aernt the others awake i wanna eat and open presents this is my family now i know my real parents would be proud of me coming here" she say as she smiled @Mitchs98

@Solemn Jester@Jackaboi

Alara looked between the both of them as they mentioned wanting to stay and see the others; and eat breakfast. She sighed heavily, "Alright, alright fine we can stay." She told them with a grin. Not soon after and rather luckily Yama seemed to of cooked a big breakfast, enough for a plate at every table. Though it was sort of rude he seemed to just ignore their presence like they didn't exist. She stared as she watched him, remembering it was somewhat normal for him to ignore everything in the midst of cooking. She was honestly beginning to wonder if he was more of a chef than he was a mage, it definitely seemed likely that he was. Once all the plates were on the table she stared, "HEYY YAMA!" She shouted cheerfully. "GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE! KAMI WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" She added, waving to get his attention if the shouting didn't.

@Solemn Jester@Jackaboi

Alara looked between the both of them as they mentioned wanting to stay and see the others; and eat breakfast. She sighed heavily, "Alright, alright fine we can stay." She told them with a grin. Not soon after and rather luckily Yama seemed to of cooked a big breakfast, enough for a plate at every table. Though it was sort of rude he seemed to just ignore their presence like they didn't exist. She stared as she watched him, remembering it was somewhat normal for him to ignore everything in the midst of cooking. She was honestly beginning to wonder if he was more of a chef than he was a mage, it definitely seemed likely that he was. Once all the plates were on the table she stared, "HEYY YAMA!" She shouted cheerfully. "GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE! KAMI WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" She added, waving to get his attention if the shouting didn't.



@Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Zeldafangirl

Kami smiled at the decision to stay here for breakfast. The noticed another guild member had arrived. Although he seemed to ignore them, which Kami thought was a quite rude. He crossed his arms, and pouted puffing his cheeks out."Sis, he doesn't seem to friendly. What's his problem?"

 Kami  asked Alara, as he watched the man suspiciously. Although then at the smell of food his stomach rumbled, and a stupid hunrgy look on his face. Drool hung from the side of his mouth, and he stared intently at the source of the smell. Then his sister called over to the man, and Kami snapped out of his trance. He shook his head, and wiped the drool from his face.

He nudged his sister with his elbow, and gave her a exasperated look."Sis, you really don't have any form of subtlely. Oh well, I guess that's fine, if you where sensible you'd probably be the perfect younger sister. Which would make me look bad in comparison, and we can't have that!" With this Kami Playfully slipped his hands between Alara's arms, and began tickling her ribcage. Geez it sure was good to be back with family.

Mizuki placed her hands gently in the fold of her lap, sitting still as Draneri's wing shielded them from the rest of the guild.  It was nice to be alone with someone that she could relate so well too, but she couldn't help but think about what the rest of the guild thought. She hoped that it wasn't anything bad, though the likes of that that were slim. As the siren explained the situation with human food, Mizuki found herself intrigued, yet not surprised. Obviously if human food filled her up there'd be no reason for her to eat the life force of humans. "I see... Had I known this before, the quality of the food wouldn't have gone down." She simply said, giving the plate a quick glance. 

Her eyes drifted back to Draneri as she began to thank her for giving her permission to play the piano. Something like that was embarrassing enough, but when she felt the soft touch of her hand against her hair Mizuki tensed up a little. Her hands, which were resting peacefully in her lap, tightened up into fists. The dark Mage wasn't against being complimented and having her hair touched, but it felt so new to her and she didn't know how to react properly. "Oh, thank you..." She said quietly, staring down at her stiff arms rather awkwardly. She couldn't understand the fact that letting Draneri feed felt normal, but something as simple as a brush of her hair sent her into such a shock. Fortunately the sweet sound of the piano brought her out of this little shock. Her head slowly rose to watch the siren's masterful fingers make work of the keys. It had been so long since the piano had been played, and to hear something this good was a treat for everyone. Just as Mizuki began to ease up and relax into the black wing that surrounded her, the sweet sound of the piano came to an abrupt end. She wasn't a musician herself and didn't hear the wrong note that was played, but she could tell from the look on Draneri's face that something went wrong. "It sounded very good. I do not understand why you stopped your playing? Did you press a wrong note? It wasn't noticeable if you did..." She said, frowning slightly. 

While one of the Redd brothers began to get at Draneri for missing a note, Eric decided to come over and give her a hard time as well. It was understandable for Eric to be upset around her presence, but Tyson was just being rude. Eric began to create some conspiracy that Draneri was trying to mind control everyone in the guild with her singing just so that she could eat their souls, but Mizuki knew that was a load of crap. "Draneri has changed, Eric. I know it. The two of us have walked similar paths, and if I'm accepted so should she. She's not any less human than you..." Mizuki grumbled, giving Eric a slightly angry look. She wasn't mad at him, just a little annoyed. No one saw Draneri as she did, and it was frustrating. Speaking of frustrating, Tyson continued his teasing of Draneri. Her dark purple eyes locked onto the red headed Mage, eyes narrowing in a menacing glare, one that could shatter souls. She respected her guildmates, but sometimes lines had to be drawn. "Back off Redd..." she growled. Another person had decided to join in, this time it was Kenya, who seemed to be on their side. This act was noted, and Mizuki was very appreciative of this. The next time she needed help Mizuki would be the first to respond. "Thank you Kenya..."

@Jackaboi @Nenma Takashi @Solemn Jester

(When the authors block kicks in)
Kenya went back to reading her book enjoying the music that followed. But when things seemed to clearly get more tense she had no idea what was happening, she guessed this was something that had happened when she was not in the guild yet. Standing up she put a hand on Eric's shoulder stepping next to him. "Eric please sit back down, I assure you we shall be fine. With the number of us vs her even if she was to try something it'd be pointless. Besides one of our guildmates seem to trust her already and I believe if it helps, do not place your trust in her but in your guildmate. Trust them to trust her." She tried to help defuse the moment turning to look at the man who spoke she gave him a cold stare. "He shall be fine that won't be necessary thank you." She said in a bitter tone. 

@Jackaboi @Zuka @Maki @Solemn Jester

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

Draneri was still staring down to her fingers. She knew she could play. She knew she could play flawlessly. The only reason she had to miss a stroke of her fingers on the keys was if her concentration was lessened. And that would be no doubt due to her need to feed. She wasn't use to this... a day? That was it? A whole body source would normally see her full for months... a mage of Mizuki's capability should see her full for years! Did that last little portion, the very last of someone's essence before they died really that potent? As her mind whirled, her gaze peered up as she noticed a boy pull up a chair nearby to her and her eyes watched him with a blank expression. Eric... she expected him soon enough, no one here had seen her at her worst, turn Guild Mates against one another to kill each other at the Grimoire Heart base. It was expected. In fact for him to take this long and only sit beside her and not attack her outright surprised her. Still peering to him with a blank expression. She went to answer him when the Redd brother did it for her, and she let her eyes roll over him before looking back to Eric. After Mizuki spoke followed by Kenya, Draneri gently placed her hand onto the Dark mage's shoulder to reassure her. Then she turned to face Eric fully, her hands in her lap gently as she tucked her wings more snuggly into her hips.

"I am surprised you have only approached me today after all this time~... it is you more then anyone who should be most wary of me, along with little Alicia." Glancing over to Tyson before her golden eyes peered back to Eric. "The Red haired man is right. I could have complete control of you and you would never know... You have no reason to trust me. Every word I speak could be a further ploy to entrap you and your Guild Mates further. That, of course, is how our kind work." Pausing to let her words sink in seriously. "However in your years you have obviously met my kind before. Think of it this way.. why would I expose myself to a Light Guild, in pure daylight, surrounded by enemies? If I make one wrong move, I will be killed. I have no purpose other then to simply continue on. To survive. Would it not make more sense to stay in the shadows, to attack a person that will not be missed then one that is cherished and loved here?" She opened her hands then to flash him her bare wrists, even tilting her head up to expose her neck, and the outfit she was wearing being one of Mizuki's left nothing to the imagination.

"I have no Grimoire Heart Guild Mark. I have no Guild Mark at all. I only worked for Lucian because he promised me Prey I could not refuse. After that... battle..." Her voice lowered, not going into details but well aware Eric would know about the miniature sun that almost cooked her alive, "I was kept as a prisoner by the Scientist. Had tests, experiments, fed different sources and hurt to study my regeneration powers. I only escaped shortly ago." She stood up then before she came before Eric and knelt before him grasping at his hand with the softest of touches, as light as a feather, as she moved his fingers to wrap against her neck. "I can not promise you I will never use my powers on you, or your Guild Mates. I have killed countless people in my lifetime.. Teenagers, men, women, old men, drunk people...I deserve no forgiveness. But Mizuki has offered it to me." Glancing sideways as she forced his fingers to tighten around her neck before letting her hands fall and her wings  bowed to lay against the ground.

"I will give you one chance, to exact revenge. To kill me for the countless wrong doings I have done."

"But if you choose not to, then we shall speak nothing of it and you shall accept me as I am, in the presence of you Guild Mates."

"The choice is yours..."

Tyson Redd


"Back off Redd..." 

Tyson blinked, slightly suprised by this reaction. He had only intended to assist in making Eric feel like a fool, or feel comfortable about Draneri's presence. Whichever he managed that was, but she seemed to take it the wrong way. As she glared at him menacingly, to which he just blinked and shrugged. 

He then watched, as Draneri approached Eric. Basically confirming he could very well be correct. She even went so far as to give him permission to take her life. Tyson moved swiftly between giving them both a cold look. He didn't dare stop either of them. He knew this was a test of trust, but he had something he wished to speak to the siren about.

 He had noticed something for a while now. At first he thought maybe it was something else, but now he was sure. He moved closer to Draneri, getting within whispering distance. Then kneeled next to her, and whispered into her ear."If you need to eat, I can assist. But somewhere private, I suggest you don't refuse. Because if you get to the point where you lose control, I won't hesitate to take you down." With these words Tyson stood to his full height, and then moved back to the couch. Nodding to Draneri, to make sure she understood his seriousness.

@Zuka @Maki @Nenma Takashi @Jackaboi 
@Britt-21@Isune@Kyuubey@Spanner@Mr Swiftshots@Zuka@Solemn Jester@LeSoraAmari@Embaga Elder@hudhouse @ anyone I missed

Sera just sat outside of the door patiently waiting as best she could, she wasn't really a patient woman by nature so you could imagine how hard that was. She knocked on the door a second time after a while, "Hello? Master Aria?" She asked, beating on the door at this point. Another few minutes of silence and she glared at it. "ANSWER THE DOOR!" She shouted, beating on it constantly for a few moments before stopping and huffing angrily. Seriously, would it kill her to just answer her? Or was she still asleep? Honestly it was starting to seem like the latter. Both Cece and Ophelia had always slept in late like this, so why should this come as any surprise to her? Of course they had to have three lazy guild masters in a row...though at-least this one was good to look at she supposed....so she'd cut her some slack.

After another few moments she beat on the door again, "Open up or I bust it in! I don't have all day!" She yelled, beating on the door a few moments more before shaking the knob for emphasis. She'd already dented the wood on the door a bit, so she meant business. A few more minutes passed and she didn't hesitate to kick the door down while shouting; "Wake up you lazy ass fo-...." ultimately trailing of in the end. She blinked and looked around the completely vacant room, stepping in and checking the bedroom as well. She blinked then looked to the busted door. Well....lying. Lying would work. If anyone asked, the door was like that.

Stepping over the busted door she walked back downstairs, "Has anyone seen the Maste-.......Oh." She began asking, pausing with a blank expression when she saw Arietta. "I uh....Your door broke when I knocked on it. Flimsy ass thing, that door." She lied, rather poorly. She cleared her throat and awkwardly looked away. "I need to talk to you, in private or otherwise. It's about Verdana." She told her, gesturing to the girl. "And it's rather important." She said.



Verdana just watched the door fall down, dented and busted like some forgotten old thing. She ripped her legs open, shattering the silk to move her naked toes around. No longer holding onto Sera, the little two-foot tall chibi-like girl walked over to the door and revealed her own monstrous strength. She began to slowly and precisely bend the door back, taking bites from splinters before spitting the bits back out. She would also shove her hands into her mouth, using silk to wrap intricate patterns. Within a few minutes the door would be a little worse for wear, but also covered in silk snowflakes that sparkled with a deep cobalt blue. Verdana walked over to Sera again, squeaking out a cute little, "Yo!"

Deep in the woods on the outskirts of Magnolia


A couple hysterical dark mages were on their hands and knees, before their boss. Both of them were crying profusely. "Please." One of the dark mages said sniffling. "Have mercy. We never meant to fail." Mercy. A word that Mitsu hated hearing. Showing mercy was a sign of weakness. A sign that the person wasn't strong enough to fight. Without any hesitation, Mitsu, with all her might, kicked the dark mage who had just spoken right under his chin, sending him through the air a good few feet before crashing back down on top of the snow covered ground, as blood started to spill out of his mouth. The other dark mage stared at his dead comrade in fear before clenching onto Mitsu's leg. "Please. Give me a second chance." 

Mitsu placed a hand on top of the mage's wet hair. "Please. I beg you." 

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhh." Mitsu replied softly as she stroked the man's wet hair back and forth. "Shhhhhhhh." After a while, the mage calmed down, as he slowly started to gather his sanity again. "T-thank you." Mitsu gave the mage a warm smile, patting the relieved man on the back. "I promise. To not fail a second time." 

"Don't worry." Mitsu replied, still smiling at the man who still clenched onto her. "You won't." with a final pat on the pack, Mitsu activated her Hellion Fira pentagram, instantly setting the dark mage on fire. The mage violently sprang up, screaming from the pain as he flailed his arms before diving into the snow, trying to defuse the fire. Watching the man roll around in the snow, Mitsu activated her Hellion Fira pentagram once more, as she used it to cut down a nearby tree, dropping it over the dark mage, who's screams were silence almost immediately. "You should've known better." Mitsu said, her smile curling into a demented smirk. "I'll make sure you both are never found." Mitsu ended, as she stretched her arms out, as several more trees were ripped or cut down from their roots and trunks, burying the two bodies, before she snapped her fingers, igniting a fire over the pile of trees as the large plume of smoke started to rise up into the sky. "Your families, will instead pay for your failures." 

Mitsu then spun around, not even taking a glance or showing any emotion at her small rampage before disappearing into the depths of the forest. 

Kira Sthoss

Fairy Tail Guild


When Kira glanced around, waiting for a response form Aria and Abaddon, her eyes caught onto Kelica who seemed to be sleep walking. When it seemed as though she was about to tumble from the second floor, Kira was ready to jump into action but. Just as though she was mentally preparing to rescue a fellow guild mate, something peculiar happened. The floor boards started to transform into steps, allowing for Kelica to ascend from the second floor, down to one of the tables. Kira let out a small breath of relief. "Looks like I need to start getting use to the Guild again." She glanced over in Kelica's direction once more, finally noticing the tiny wolf pup. The site of such an innocent and cute animal, caused Kira's face to turn slightly red, before she quickly whipped her head around so that no one could see her. Instead, she opted to move her eyes in order to admire the wolf pup from afar. 

@Kyuubey(mentioned) @Zuka(mentioned)
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Eric: This... Was unexpected...


Eric made sure to listen to every word everyone was saying. Which is actually very rare for him to do but under these circumstances there was no choice in the matter. Tyson offered to puncture his ear-drums but Kenya already refused for him. She was also trying to talk Eric out of this whole thing. He didn't plan to do anything drastic as long as the Siren also remains the same way. Mizuki was defending Draneri saying that she's changed for good. Although it all went silent once the Siren spoke up. She did mention it would be pretty stupid for her to attack in broad daylight which is undeniably the truth. From here everything escalated so quickly. Draneri told her story of why she was in the dungeons and what happened after that whole ordeal. Draneri was tricked into working with Grimoire Heart. Just like they did all the time. He had no reason to not believe the story, it sounded pretty much like what Grimoire Heart does all the time. The fight back then was admitedlly not a pretty sight to behold... Not to mention the state of the Siren when she fought that Kimono guy. He swore he heard someone call him Ryu? Eric watched as Draneri stood up and gently grabbed his hand but he remained unflinching waiting to see what she was doing but it became clear when she clasped his hand around her neck. "Huh? What are you doing?" Draneri continued to talk and one sentance that really stuck out was when she said.

"I will give you one chance, to exact revenge. To kill me for the countless wrong doings I have done."

"But if you choose not to, then we shall speak nothing of it and you shall accept me as I am, in the presence of you Guild Mates."

"The choice is yours..."

This moment... Brought back a whole lot of unwanted memories again. The whole talk of REVENGE... Memories of burning houses and countless bodies. The screams mixed with roaring fires. These memories made him tense right up and his face not doing much to hide his resentment though it was not directed at Draneri. Although it would probably make others think he was actually going to kill her. But he managed to calm down again. "No... I'm not going to kill you... I only have enough room for one grudge so no more's gonna fit in there. If there comes a day I have someone by the neck. It's going to be the one person that truly deserves it, I may not show as much mercy either..." Eric gently let go of Draneri's neck and sat back on his chair feeling a little bit more relaxed. "Listen... I may still not trust you... But if my guildmates do then I have no reason to question them for it. So what I'm saying is... As long as you stay out of trouble then you won't have any problems from me. Deal?" Eric extended his arm offering a handshake to see if Draneri will accept this agreement.

@Zuka @Nenma Takashi @Solemn Jester @Maki
Taylor was being shy as she saw the others she just put the book in her face as she look at the food that was on the table as she just smiled she just put her book back on her lap as she smiled eating the food she just look at the others she was looking around not sure what to talk about she just knew her guild leader and Alara" Miss Alara do you think i can go out you know to get more books" she say as she just looked at her as she heard what she yelled as she covered her ears a bit she just sighed she saw images of the attack when she was younger" i need some air" she say as she grabbed her gun she went outside slaming the door not knowing she was angry @Mitchs98 
~Trivelan Jermis Taylore~


"Just because I don't speak doesn't mean I have nothing to say."

~Arriving to Margaret Town~

*Tip tap tip tap tip tap*


On a long winding path, surrounded by green landscape and fresh air there was a boy strolling along the path at his own, slow pace. Saying not a word or uttering a single sound beside that of folding paper with his tongue sticking out slightly from his mouth in concentration. This particular and quite odd child whose name was 'Trivelan Jermis Taylore' had just made his way back to what he could easily call 'home' in Margaret Town after taking a few months at leave from the place and his duties in Lamia Scale, hence taking him across all Fiore with his parents who insisted he took some time off to see them. Which during that time he mostly helped out with their business and keeping their travelling caravan wagon from breaking apart. But like always, despite how much his parents would try to convince their child otherwise; Trivelan would once again leave to go back to his own life, which lies within Lamia Scale.


Upon arriving Margaret Town, where Trivelan aimlessly wandered into without caution or awareness of his surroundings and instead focusing on folding a piece of paper in various ways; he had been bumped into multiple times by ongoing passerby's, and one even yelling out to him "Hey kid, look at where you're walking!" to which they got no reply what so ever. Although Trivelan could hear them all too well, his lack of care for anything else besides this piece of paper made him oblivious to most comments passed his way; afterall the people of this town had never been the hostile type. After reaching a bridge separating the town he entered from and connecting the second one, Trivelan came to a stop and finally finished what he was working on. Announcing his triumph through simply tossing it up in the air. The piece of paper had been folded into a swan shaped origami piece which once fluttering up into the air, came tumbling back down in an awkward manner that made it difficult for Trivelan to catch back onto, sending him into a crazy flurry of hand swipes to avoid it dropping in the water. But instead once grabbing a hold of it crumbling the piece of paper up with his own hands.






Looking down at what was now but a crumbled up, sad looking paper swan Trivelan's expression darkened for a moment until going into full-blown misery. "AHH!" slamming the piece of paper to the ground and trampling all over it he let out a heavy sigh, slouching his back slightly while sliding his hands into the pockets of his baggy gray sweater. Walking closer to the bridge and over it he took the time to look at the place for a few moments, admiring the river splitting the two towns apart before continuing onward towards the Lamia Scale guild hall, that stood sturdy and somewhat imposing.


Once opening the large wooden doors that lead inside he made his way down a few corridors and turns until reaching the office of Lamia Scale's grandmaster and Wizard saint Maya Morne. Feeling like it was only appropriate to let her know that he was back, so once he knocked and opened the door cautiously; Trivelan didn't hesitate in coming forward and greeting Maya openly. Afterall he had grown fairly comfortable talking with her despite the fairly short time he had spent with Lamia Scale, and took a few steps into the office while making an effortless wave and spoke up with a sense of enthusiasm in his voice.

"Hello Maya-San, I'm back~"


@Anyone within Lamia Scale's Guild Hall

((Also sorry for my lack of the Town's landscape, the wiki wasn't extremely useful especially when it came to inside Lamia Scale's guild hall.))


Blue Pegasus Headquarter

It's Christmas day and the sweet taste of joy and cheer is a fresh breath of freedom that Veniano Avenoz rarely had in the past month or two. Actually it feels longer the last time he had a break from his job as an celebrity, Summer had been busy with acting anf voice overs, Fall was a time for night shows and glamour, and winter filled with more roles played and, just last night, he was at a Christmas special ceremony talking to hundreds of audience and viewers at home. The dark-skin man may be worned out by last night's show, but he is definitely glad to be given a well deserved break from the year's hard work.

Veniano brushes a hand through his dark locks and green and red sparkles out. Magic, but unfortunately some are actual glitters from last night christmas gig that the host had part take in. He smiles at the pedestrians and he continues his short journey towards the behemoth that servers as the Blue Pegasus headquarter. His steps becomes quicker and his heart flutters at the thought of returning to his guild after so long. Was it three month, just before the end of the summer rush and the begining of his nightly schedule, the last time he checked out from the Blue Pegasus?

In his hands are three Christmas bags, each elaborately decorated and packing boxes and soft stuffings. However, trailing right behind the tall man are boxes all wrapped neatly in winter theme. Ribbons and bows tops each of the merrily floating presents. It is Christmas and it would be rude for the man to come to the guild empty handed, especially to the three lovely ladies that help the man into Blue Pegasus. For the boxes behind him, well, being a busy man he is Veniano requested a list of active Blue Pegasus members a while back and ordered scarfs in the colours that he thought would look nice to the wearer. He judged the colour from the picture he received and all of the gifts were soft and new. This may be the most expensive Christmas he has personally spent, but he believes this is money well spent. He'll be seeing old friends and ice breaking the new members with the presents! How exciting! Plus, a dent in his wallet can always be filled with more work later.

The grand entrance of the Blue Pegasus main hall is flung open. Rays of of red, green, and white explodes from the widen entrance and candie canes, reindeers, and other cute Christmas graphics pops outs. In the middle of the sudden explosion of colour is Veniano Avenoz. Donned in a sleek red dress coat over his usual black vest and white dress shirt (this one with subtle snowflakes etched into it) Veniano shouts, "Merry Christmas!"

He walts in foward, his long, black suited legs gracefully carying him. A scent of baked cinnamon and chocolate wafls out from the man as he walks. Missing a tie, the man insteads wears a pionsettia pinned to the crown of his head, its petals matching the red of his coat. As soon as he settles, the eye-catching images and the sweet aura fades


@Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @hudhouse @Britt-21 @Nenma Takashi  @Happy Red Mage @Solemn Jester @Mykinkaiser @LeSoraAmari @Zuka @Halffix @Salt Lord @Kazuko

((Tagging is a b on mobile! Actually, any effects are!))
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