Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Timothy Harvard: Going to Fairy Tail...slowly



[SIZE= 18px]Timothy encouraged by Ayano's words, decided to take a chance and give it his all again. He waited for her to dress up and they both went out the door. [/SIZE]"Thank you for coming with me Ayano, it makes me more relaxed knowing that I have someone to accompany me." [SIZE= 18px]he said in a grateful voice while continuing down the path towards the guild rubbing his hands together with his breathing getting shaky. However he wasn't cold but rather he was nervous and preparing himself to ask for an application to join the guild. If Ayano is right then the guild should be friendly but that was a hundred years ago and a lot of things have changed since then. Speaking of change, he wondered why Ayano decided to come with him. What business did she have with the guild he pondered for a bit but decided to leave it at that, best not to pry.[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px] They arrived at the guild and Timothy nerved up and his body begins to shake. He took a step forward but fell afterwards into the snow. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Ugh....not the best start to a day....I'm I right?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said in a comedic tone as he stood up with some snow on his face resembling a white beard. He shakes his head back and forth swooshing the snow off his face. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Alright...time to do something that I'll probably regret later or not or maybe or should I? Nope! Just going to head in there like a force of nature! Charge!" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he charges forward up the stairs only to make another full U-turn back to Ayano. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Um....maybe more like a teeny tiny push of nature...?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he stated anticlimactically. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]Timothy slowly tipped up the stairs into the guild while trying to hold on to his sanity. He saw many people, even some familiar faces too. He didn't know how to react but he was ready to give it his all again....for the 59th time. "Hello is there anyone here who can help me? I'm actually looking to join Fairy.....Tail?" he said while blushing. Sora would want this and he would do his best even if he didn't get accepted.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@Jackaboi @Kyuubey (mentioned) @Fairy Tail Guild[/SIZE]

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Kathy closed her eyes as she felt the aura begin to cover her in warmth which stopped her shivering "I didnt think you could reach this far..." she said, opening her eyes and looking back at him "Thats why I was going to wait..." of course their ride wasnt too long since Lionel was a large dragon who had nice speed going on and was now decending towards the front of the guild hall where he landed carefully and layed down for both Kathy and Miles to slide off with ease "Thank you, Lionel..." she looked towards him and petted him before looking at Miles "lets go inside before everyone is bothered by the large dragon in the front of Sabertooth..." Kathy made sure to slide down carefully due to her santa dress she was wearing and landed on her feet before turning and looking up towards Miles.


"Slide the bag down first so you dont have to worry about it while coming down..." Miles was strong and she didnt doubt him, it was just one less thing to worry about coming down from Lionel. Plus she'd be able to start walking in and surprise everyone with a new outfit that no one had seen her in out of her usual wear. Plus the random gifts for literally everyone for them to trade if they dont like them. Katherine wasnt good at picking presents....Like ever.




Miles nodded as Katherine spoke about his aura. It only took will power. And since we're approaching the guild you don't have to wait. We'll be sitting down before you know it. Miles said looking at the guild as the grow closer. As Lionel landed and laid down allowing Kathy and Miles to slide off. Miles watched as Katherine slid down Lionel. She asked for the bag and Miles nodded sliding the bag down towards her with the help of his aura. Once the bag was down safely he lazily laid down on Lionel, too lazy to get up. The only way he'll get up is if Lionel shrinks back down. @Britt-21
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Yamato Ren: Oh! The guild is filling up again!


Now finished with making breakfast for everyone Yamato heard a voice calling out to him. He turned around to see Alara saying that a boy named Kami wanted to talk with him. "Oh! Your here!" Yama strolled over to Alara and another man who looked a lot like her. A brother maybe? Either way it would be a safe guess he would be the one called Kami. "I must apologize. I got a little taken in by the cooking I never noticed anyone come in. But now breakfast is ready~" Yama looked to Kami who seemed that he really was Alara's brother, the fact that he was tickling her ribcage was an obvious hint. "So I would assume you are Kami correct? Alara said you wanted to see me so here I am! What services may I provide?" Yama talked with his usual kind but polite voice performing a formal bow as he said that last sentance. But suddenly the main doors suddenly burst open! So many colours bursted out of the doors Yama thought there was some mages attacking the  guild. That was until some Christmas imagery followed behind the explosions and then finally revealed a guild-mate that Yama hasn't seen for a while. "Veniano! Your back!" Yamato was always glad to see the safe arrival of his fellow guild-mates. Especially after they take a three month leave. "How have you been? I'm sure you must be exauhsted. Well your just in time for breakfast! Feel free to have some. I made enough for everyone in the guild and any potential guests." Yamato looked back at Kami to know what it is he actually wanted.

@TripTripleTimes @Solemn Jester @Mitchs98

Aurelia Goldnight

"Hello!" Aurelia repeated, somewhat cheerfully compared to before. "I am considering it. I considered just celebrating it by myself but then I realized...what better way to celebrate Christmas than to help others celebrate it?" She said with a smile and a slight giggle. "Right, I suppose you don't. Oh how rude of me, it's nice to meet you Amelia! My name is Aurelia!" She introduced herself with an elegant curtsy. Pierro, who was sleeping on the brim of her hat woke up and fluttered about. "And this is Pierro!" She said pointing to the tiny moth on her golden hat.

 Amelia Dezeria

[SIZE= 20px]Location- Sabertooth Guild[/SIZE]

"Nice to meet you, Aurelia." She looks at the little moth on Aurelia hat. "And you to Pierro." she said with a small laugh. She would've never thought she would ever greet a moth. "And I guess your right about wanting to help others today. That is one reason I want to take this job. They need help with delivering presents to needy children and I thought I would lend a hand." Amelia reaches up and pulls down the flyer handing it to Aurelia. "I mean if you want the job I don't mind or anything." She takes a breath. "Or maybe we can do it together." she says in a mumble. She looks up at the little moth a gives it a smile.
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  Reveal hidden contents


[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Like a little child, Kelica was out cold almost the second her eyes were closed. She had the weirdest dreams mostly about floating and Noah for some reason. But despite being fast asleep her hands and arms cradled the pup in a hold that could almost be called extremely protective. It was a good thing then Noah decided to lift both her and the pup up together, because had someone tried to rip the wolf cup from her arms she would have awoken with something close to a Death Aura that screamed, don't even. Luckily he didn't and the Forest Mage continued to curl up and snooze. Her head tilted more to nuzzle in against his chest and the warmth of his frame she just couldn't seem to get enough of. That floating sensation ended and the girl rolled onto her side as she slipped the pup upwards to curl into her chest gently, curling up her frame as she did so and burying her face into the pillow of her bed and her own long blonde curls.

She felt like she was snoozing for hours but sleep was a weird concept and she was only out for a few minutes or so. Her green eyes slipped opened gently but only came to halfway as a hand reached up to rub at them and she gave a half yawn as she did. Slowly, and still half asleep, the girl slipped up unable to get out of this weird sleep walk state and continued to cuddle the wolf pup. Her bare feet (realizing but only barely she hadn't put on any shoes since the night before) stepped silently across the floorboards as she exited the room with that same barely there expression covering her face. Now something interesting was happening with the girl Being half asleep caused her mind to be as calm as a still river, the voices only distance murmurs like soft rain drops far away. She gracefully stepped over the broken door frame, and was heading straight towards the railing of the second floor. There was a broken section were Chris and Lavender had taken a tumble earlier, and Kelica was heading straight for it completely unaware of the danger of simply walking off of it!

She got to the opening with her eyes still half closed and glassy, taking a step out into the air but where one might expect her to fall instead something amazing happened. The floor boards suddenly melded as the wood was transmuted into it's more base form, creating almost tendrils of thickened and hardened vines that weaved and braided them self to created an extra step for her jutting out. Kelica, completely unaware, just continued to step and it was as if the very wood floor boards at her feet, cascaded and flowed downwards to create a brand new set of steps. And once she finally reached the bottom level, the very wood retracted and melded back upwards like a hose reeling itself up to morph into the same floor board as if nothing had happened. Depositing Kelica, still half asleep, in front of Noah and Bastion and their probably bewildered expression. For you see the Forest was always willing to help with Kelica, if only she were relaxed enough to simply let it.

It seemed the purple hair registered in her sub conscious and the girl made a huge yawn before she crawled up on the seat and thus Noah's lap, curling up and plonking her head onto his shoulder. "mmm.. the weirdest thing just happened Noo..oooo...oooaahhhh!" Yawning halfway through his name before relaxing down again. "I was...laying on Bastion and den... I woke up... in my bed.. I have no idea..." And just like that, with those few little words, his very body warmth already put the girl back into the same sleep she was in moments ago.

@Kyuubey @Mitchs98 @Mr Swiftshots @FreeZing @Isune @Britt-21 ( @LeSoraAmari @Rhodus Senpai)



[SIZE= 16px]Noah turned his head back towards Kelica's room. He noticed Kelica slowly, and sleepily walking out her room. He stood up as he saw her walking towards the broken section of the railing. He was prepared to use his magic to save her, but what he saw put him in somewhat of a shock. Kelica was on a newly formed stairs. Noah was surprised that she could do something like this. A smile grew on his face as Kelica sat in his lap. Noah moved his arms placing them around her. As she started speaking about waking up in her room, Noah started laughing in silence. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Really? That is weird. When I got over here, you were already gone. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He chuckled. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]At least on the bright side, you got some more sleep. @Zuka @Arius LaVari[/SIZE]
4 hours ago, Jackaboi said:

Yamato Ren: Oh! The guild is filling up again!


Now finished with making breakfast for everyone Yamato heard a voice calling out to him. He turned around to see Alara saying that a boy named Kami wanted to talk with him. "Oh! Your here!" Yama strolled over to Alara and another man who looked a lot like her. A brother maybe? Either way it would be a safe guess he would be the one called Kami. "I must apologize. I got a little taken in by the cooking I never noticed anyone come in. But now breakfast is ready~" Yama looked to Kami who seemed that he really was Alara's brother, the fact that he was tickling her ribcage was an obvious hint. "So I would assume you are Kami correct? Alara said you wanted to see me so here I am! What services may I provide?" Yama talked with his usual kind but polite voice performing a formal bow as he said that last sentance. But suddenly the main doors suddenly burst open! So many colours bursted out of the doors Yama thought there was some mages attacking the  guild. That was until some Christmas imagery followed behind the explosions and then finally revealed a guild-mate that Yama hasn't seen for a while. "Veniano! Your back!" Yamato was always glad to see the safe arrival of his fellow guild-mates. Especially after they take a three month leave. "How have you been? I'm sure you must be exauhsted. Well your just in time for breakfast! Feel free to have some. I made enough for everyone in the guild and any potential guests." Yamato looked back at Kami to know what it is he actually wanted.

@TripTripleTimes @Solemn Jester @Mitchs98



The first person to greet Veniano is none other than the equally stylish and charming man, Yamato Ren. Jovial to see the younger mage, Veniano smiles widely and saying “Yamato, mi amigo!” The spokesman takes the man’s hand for a shake and then pulls him forward for a hug. “I have been very busy and I’m sorry for missing out on the party last night.” Veni looks at Yamato with guilt but then smiles. He looks to a side where the kitchen is located “I’ll be happy to join you and the guild for breakfast. Did you cooked? It has been forever since I ate your cooking!

The man pulls away from Yamato and looks around the main hall. Nothing seems too out of place other than the Christmas decoration tastely placed around. He sees a couple of guildmates around. His eyes widen but he turns toward the floating presents behind him. A few boxes flys in front of the man until he reaches a handout and grasps a present. He spins on his heel and gives Yamato the shiny silver, snowflake patterned wrapped present.

This isn’t much, but Merry Christmas!” Veniano smiles. Actual sparkles fly out from behind.


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FT Guild hall- sort of quiet


Bastion blinked and stared at Noah a little, he had risen up from a street rat then had he? It did slightly annoy the blunette that he didn't tell her what sort of magic he had, when she had put hers on full display, but said nothing. Instead she ran a hand through her strange blue locks, she was reminiscent of a clear evening where navy painted the sky and faded down to the horizon in a light blue, just enough like dawn for the yellow to not affect the fact the sky was lightening up as bright blue at the ends of her hair, and stars still painted the skyline, that's what her short hair reminded people of, or at least herself...when she looked in a mirror, there were days she found herself pretty or handsome, depending on her mood, and then she hated how confusing her appearance was, sometimes. It was while thinking about this that she turned her head to the side, showing off a strong jawline but a strangely slender neck, her strange bright blue hues focused on where Kelica was about to walk off a dangerous railing and was in the process of rising from her seat to catch her when the most amazing thing happened! As the blonde woman stepped out into air the floor boards grew into free like steps, and Bastion had to do a double take when it led her safely down to Noah and she planted herself in his lap. This girl thought her magic was useless? She could destroy any city she wanted if she felt it necessary, after all nature would reclaim everything in the end, she had seen a mansion and that was proof enough of that fact.


Bastion stared at the couple across from her, a tiny spark of jealousy lighting in her heart, not of them specifically but of the fact she could never have something like that, her confusing appearance and biology would likely prevent that. Still she grinned at them, brightly, boyishly and laughed, "You two are amazing one is protected by the forest itself, the other a take over mage!" She chuckled a bit before leaning back, expecting to hit her back against a chair back and instead hollering as she fell backwards off the bench and onto the floor, she was flipped upside down, her lean back and flat stomach exposed while her long legs nearly tapped the floor by her head, she groaned from her place on the floor but made no effort to get up.





[SIZE= 36px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR][/SIZE]



Kazuo noticed her widen eyes as she looked at him and knew that she was shocked at the story she heard "Yes everyone at the guild saw. They didnt really mind it. Everyone was having fun and laughing." he took a sip from his mug once again as she spoke and of course he listened. From what it sounded like, she didnt know what all the romantic stuff did and how it made people stronger. It was a good question since he had no romantic relations with anyone. Watching as she placed her hot cocoa down on the counter, she spun and walked away "I dont see why you should." he spoke up, his eye tracking her as she walked towards the doorway "It's Christmas so it's only natural to drink till you're drunk. I may not be a drinker but it's still nice to watch others."


"I really didnt mind you dancing with me. You had fun so I just let you." he put his mug down and walked over, taking her hand and pulling her right back to him "I could teach you a thing or two with dancing if you'd like." his face was serious, but he released her and moved back to where his mug was "If not, you can continue with your delivery with presents Miss Clause." he looked over his shoulder "I'm sure you still have many of presents to deliver, am I correct?" he grabbed his mug and turned back to her, tilting his head slightly.  "Plus everyone is at the guild hall I'm sure."

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Rosaline Dreyar[/COLOR]

The fact Kazuo agreed that everyone saw was bad enough. But the idea that the whole of Blue Pegasus Guild Hall had been laughing and having fun at her expense made the already temperamental girl only fume further! A noticeable lightning charge arched about her arms before disappearing just as quickly with her fists clenched. The whole idea she had fun dancing with Kazuo she just couldn't seem to understand at all... she couldn't remember it anyway. Well she had the best of intentions to leave when she felt him take her hand and pull her right back to him, her eyes going massive as a sharp breath escaped her. It certainly wasn't the first time he'd done that and surprised her, in fact it was the day before where he had done the same thing in their fight and kissed the girl! With her mind still half racing as her breathing stilled, she peered to him half expecting him to kiss her again, her cheeks already a dark hue. "D... Dancing?" She said in a tiny voice that was so unlike her normal one.

He only held that close position with a offer to teach her to dance, before just as quickly he released her and moved back, while she still looked half stunned. The lines of her forehead almost smothered out in her surprise. She held the adorable expression for only another moment before the frown was back with a vengeance and she turned on her heels again this time actually scooping up the red Santa Bag and slinging it over her shoulder. "Yes. Well. One day. Maybe..." sounding like she was having a hard time concentrating and she glanced over her shoulder to him as he tilted his head, her eyes actually running over his half naked frame this time before that stupid red was back on her cheeks and she turned away from him. "Alone. In private. Without the Guild Watching perhaps. But you are correct and I need to deliver these presents..." Glancing up to the roof before she used her spare hand to grasp his present and fling it over her shoulder towards him, again with not a small amount of force. "Open your present, put some clothes on and meet me there."


With that the girl hurried out of the house, slamming the door behind her as she did and with a thunder clap the flustered girl had disappeared and reappeared right before the Guild Doors which were swinging to and fro. She stepped in then with with usual hard lined frown as she looked around though almost instantly her mouth watered with the huge spread of breakfast Yamato had made. So in a typical Rosaline fashion the girl bellowed her greetings. "OI! BLUE PEGASUS! I GOT SOME GIFTS FOR YOU! After I eat, that is..." And storming her way over to a table she promptly dropped the sack by her side (Luckily all her presents were soft otherwise every single one would be broken from her woman-handling), and started to dig into Yamato's cooking. It can be said without Yamato the girl would literally not eat, she didn't have a single chef or cooking bone in her body. Though as she started to shovel food into her mouth at an alarming rate (realizing she was still hung over and suddenly starving) the girl peered to Alara with a mouthful and pointed a fork at both her, the girl by her and the dude who looked like her. "Where were you hiding last night girl! You missed Yamato's feast! And who's the boy then?" Looking to Taylor with the same raised eyebrow, and then she noticed Veniano throwing sparkles and who knows what.

"DID I MISS AN EMERGENCY CALL OR SOMETHING?! Where the Hell have you all been till now? Don't expect any extra presents from me till after today... "

@Jackaboi @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @TripTripleTimes @Zeldafangirl
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Deep in the woods on the outskirts of Magnolia

View attachment 197849

A couple hysterical dark mages were on their hands and knees, before their boss. Both of them were crying profusely. "Please." One of the dark mages said sniffling. "Have mercy. We never meant to fail." Mercy. A word that Mitsu hated hearing. Showing mercy was a sign of weakness. A sign that the person wasn't strong enough to fight. Without any hesitation, Mitsu, with all her might, kicked the dark mage who had just spoken right under his chin, sending him through the air a good few feet before crashing back down on top of the snow covered ground, as blood started to spill out of his mouth. The other dark mage stared at his dead comrade in fear before clenching onto Mitsu's leg. "Please. Give me a second chance." 

Mitsu placed a hand on top of the mage's wet hair. "Please. I beg you." 

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhh." Mitsu replied softly as she stroked the man's wet hair back and forth. "Shhhhhhhh." After a while, the mage calmed down, as he slowly started to gather his sanity again. "T-thank you." Mitsu gave the mage a warm smile, patting the relieved man on the back. "I promise. To not fail a second time." 

"Don't worry." Mitsu replied, still smiling at the man who still clenched onto her. "You won't." with a final pat on the pack, Mitsu activated her Hellion Fira pentagram, instantly setting the dark mage on fire. The mage violently sprang up, screaming from the pain as he flailed his arms before diving into the snow, trying to defuse the fire. Watching the man roll around in the snow, Mitsu activated her Hellion Fira pentagram once more, as she used it to cut down a nearby tree, dropping it over the dark mage, who's screams were silence almost immediately. "You should've known better." Mitsu said, her smile curling into a demented smirk. "I'll make sure you both are never found." Mitsu ended, as she stretched her arms out, as several more trees were ripped or cut down from their roots and trunks, burying the two bodies, before she snapped her fingers, igniting a fire over the pile of trees as the large plume of smoke started to rise up into the sky. "Your families, will instead pay for your failures." 

Mitsu then spun around, not even taking a glance or showing any emotion at her small rampage before disappearing into the depths of the forest. 

Kira Sthoss

Fairy Tail Guild


When Kira glanced around, waiting for a response form Aria and Abaddon, her eyes caught onto Kelica who seemed to be sleep walking. When it seemed as though she was about to tumble from the second floor, Kira was ready to jump into action but. Just as though she was mentally preparing to rescue a fellow guild mate, something peculiar happened. The floor boards started to transform into steps, allowing for Kelica to ascend from the second floor, down to one of the tables. Kira let out a small breath of relief. "Looks like I need to start getting use to the Guild again." She glanced over in Kelica's direction once more, finally noticing the tiny wolf pup. The site of such an innocent and cute animal, caused Kira's face to turn slightly red, before she quickly whipped her head around so that no one could see her. Instead, she opted to move her eyes in order to admire the wolf pup from afar. 

@Kyuubey(mentioned) @Zuka(mentioned)

Timothy Harvard: Going to Fairy Tail...slowly



[SIZE= 18px]Timothy encouraged by Ayano's words, decided to take a chance and give it his all again. He waited for her to dress up and they both went out the door. [/SIZE]"Thank you for coming with me Ayano, it makes me more relaxed knowing that I have someone to accompany me." [SIZE= 18px]he said in a grateful voice while continuing down the path towards the guild rubbing his hands together with his breathing getting shaky. However he wasn't cold but rather he was nervous and preparing himself to ask for an application to join the guild. If Ayano is right then the guild should be friendly but that was a hundred years ago and a lot of things have changed since then. Speaking of change, he wondered why Ayano decided to come with him. What business did she have with the guild he pondered for a bit but decided to leave it at that, best not to pry.[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px] They arrived at the guild and Timothy nerved up and his body begins to shake. He took a step forward but fell afterwards into the snow. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Ugh....not the best start to a day....I'm I right?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said in a comedic tone as he stood up with some snow on his face resembling a white beard. He shakes his head back and forth swooshing the snow off his face. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Alright...time to do something that I'll probably regret later or not or maybe or should I? Nope! Just going to head in there like a force of nature! Charge!" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he charges forward up the stairs only to make another full U-turn back to Ayano. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Um....maybe more like a teeny tiny push of nature...?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he stated anticlimactically. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]Timothy slowly tipped up the stairs into the guild while trying to hold on to his sanity. He saw many people, even some familiar faces too. He didn't know how to react but he was ready to give it his all again....for the 59th time. "Hello is there anyone here who can help me? I'm actually looking to join Fairy.....Tail?" he said while blushing. Sora would want this and he would do his best even if he didn't get accepted.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@Jackaboi @Kyuubey (mentioned) @Fairy Tail Guild[/SIZE]


  Reveal hidden contents


[SIZE= 16px]Noah turned his head back towards Kelica's room. He noticed Kelica slowly, and sleepily walking out her room. He stood up as he saw her walking towards the broken section of the railing. He was prepared to use his magic to save her, but what he saw put him in somewhat of a shock. Kelica was on a newly formed stairs. Noah was surprised that she could do something like this. A smile grew on his face as Kelica sat in his lap. Noah moved his arms placing them around her. As she started speaking about waking up in her room, Noah started laughing in silence. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Really? That is weird. When I got over here, you were already gone. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He chuckled. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]At least on the bright side, you got some more sleep. @Zuka @Arius LaVari[/SIZE]

FT Guild hall- sort of quiet


Bastion blinked and stared at Noah a little, he had risen up from a street rat then had he? It did slightly annoy the blunette that he didn't tell her what sort of magic he had, when she had put hers on full display, but said nothing. Instead she ran a hand through her strange blue locks, she was reminiscent of a clear evening where navy painted the sky and faded down to the horizon in a light blue, just enough like dawn for the yellow to not affect the fact the sky was lightening up as bright blue at the ends of her hair, and stars still painted the skyline, that's what her short hair reminded people of, or at least herself...when she looked in a mirror, there were days she found herself pretty or handsome, depending on her mood, and then she hated how confusing her appearance was, sometimes. It was while thinking about this that she turned her head to the side, showing off a strong jawline but a strangely slender neck, her strange bright blue hues focused on where Kelica was about to walk off a dangerous railing and was in the process of rising from her seat to catch her when the most amazing thing happened! As the blonde woman stepped out into air the floor boards grew into free like steps, and Bastion had to do a double take when it led her safely down to Noah and she planted herself in his lap. This girl thought her magic was useless? She could destroy any city she wanted if she felt it necessary, after all nature would reclaim everything in the end, she had seen a mansion and that was proof enough of that fact.


Bastion stared at the couple across from her, a tiny spark of jealousy lighting in her heart, not of them specifically but of the fact she could never have something like that, her confusing appearance and biology would likely prevent that. Still she grinned at them, brightly, boyishly and laughed, "You two are amazing one is protected by the forest itself, the other a take over mage!" She chuckled a bit before leaning back, expecting to hit her back against a chair back and instead hollering as she fell backwards off the bench and onto the floor, she was flipped upside down, her lean back and flat stomach exposed while her long legs nearly tapped the floor by her head, she groaned from her place on the floor but made no effort to get up.



[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage made a big yawn as Noah mentioned that she had already gone by the time he got there, her eyes slipping open a fraction as she peered up to him. She was too ditzy to realise he may have been a little lax with the truth and his smile was as warm and friendly as it always was. So then if he didn't... did she walk up by herself? That seems weird... maybe Bastion-? That was when the girl glanced over just in time to see Bastion lean back and cry out as he fell backwards and his legs ended up somewhere near his head in a weirdly impressive display of flexibility. Her eyes slipping open slightly more as her brain was coming into gear again after her mini-nap, her green eyes flowed over the man's stomach and lean back with a curious look. He certainly had very long legs for a guy, or maybe that was just the angle?

Kelica had a hand still rubbing at her eye as she was trying to come to in Noah's lap, when suddenly her whole body went rigid and every muscle seemed hard as a rock. Whatever ditzy expression she had on her face turned into one of a cold feature as her eyes glossed over and the grey swirled for a second. That was the only indication she had before the girl twisted and thrust the wolf pup into Noah's chest suddenly as she slipped from his arms and clutched at her head as the screaming came in like a freight train. Kelica mouth dropped open like she were in agony as the screams continued, as panicked screams of animals fleeing from the quickly enveloping flames of something in a forest outside of Magnolia.

Kelica tried to stand up but only crashed to her knee a second time, her fingers threading into her hair to the point she almost started to pull fistfuls out. Who was burning the Forest outside of Magnolia? For what purpose? The screams... it was the dragon all over... Lucian.. it was happening again. By now Kelica's fight or flight mechanism had activated, adrenaline coursed through her veins as the girl suddenly shot up from the ground and found she was running straight for the Guild Door. She didn't even look back to Noah, or Bastion. No one registered in her mind except the screams she could hear in her head. With a look of pure panic flooding her face, Kelica slammed straight into Timothy almost sending the two tumbling, but she regained her footing as she caught him by his arms, preventing him from falling over. The look of pure panic stayed true to her face, her skin paled and her eyes like saucers though a grey mist continued to cloud in her eyes like she almost looked blind. She held Timothy's gaze for only a moment, as she gripped his shoulders, before the girl side stepped him and was already running through the cold winter landscape of the Magnolia Streets, bare foot. Feeling the pull of the Forest to draw her straight to it.

She ran for what felt like forever before she finally came to the burning pile of tree's and the smell of burning human flesh that had her cover her mouth and heave. Who would do that? Why? For what purpose? She couldn't see straight as she held a hand to her mouth to try and stop herself from being sick.

Arietta Forsyth - Fairy Tail GH




Arietta felt frozen for quite some time, simply watching the happenings between Abaddon and Clair, the light chatter from their conversations and many other ones around the guild hall falling upon her ears. There was some sort of comfort to be found in it, observing them all as they jested or poked fun at one another. It seemed as merry of a time as any and her entire frame turned just a fraction as groans of wood was heard down the hall. Is that my door? She thought to herself, lips scrunching to the side as she pondered on whether to investigate the sound or not. A shrug soon befell her shoulders as the woman thought better of it, taking on a more lazy approach and remaining idle. Those yellow hues once again seemed to dance around and land on each face until Sera seemed to be trucking straight for her. Aria's entire posture changed as if almost by immediate demand, sliding into less of a childishly sleepy one and slapping into complete alertness. A brow rose after Sera spoke, face contorting into a slight look of disbelief before a trailing off " Ahuh... " left those pursed lips. Aria hoped Sera didn't take her to be some easily fooled or gullible type person. She was a trickster of sorts herself and knew how to play that game better than anyone here, possibly even on all of Earthland. But alas Aria had no intention of bragging about such a thing and it was just a door. That was considered minimal damage for a Fairy Tail member and her eyes subconsciously looked towards the roof as she silently thanked whomever that it stood to see another day.


Kelica's little stunt was registered in her peripherals but her face showed no sign of change, gaze holding itself vigilant as it jumped onto Verdana. " Oh? In private? " Aria finally replied to Sera with a hint of coy mischief, body leaning forward as she got rather up close and personal with the vampire. " With the door broken and everything? You're bold, Sera.... so bold. " She murmured in a tone that made the woman seem like she was deep in thought, probably imagining the hundreds of possibilities of how that would turn out. One would never know what was going on in the pretty little head of Aria's and her hand flew to her chin, fingers grasping her own cheek as she let out a small questionable laugh. " I'm jesting. Yes, of course. I would love to talk about the little bug girl you've seen to become acquainted with. " Her lips broke out into a sincere smile shortly after. " Would you like to do it outside, perhaps? Or the mysteriously broken doored office of mine? " That smile remained spread on her face, eyes narrowing a faction as a drop of sarcasm was hinted in the second suggestion to let Sera know that she knew but that was only if she managed to catch it. White hair spun itself through the air as she turned towards the voice of a boy at the entrance of the hall inquiring about joining the guild, those massive doors flung open as hints of snow flurried in to collide with the warm air only to melt instantaneously. " Oh, Sera! One moment, I'll be right back! " She exclaimed, rising excitement seeming to seep throughout her body as she jetted over to the boy standing there like a disheveled and nervous mess.


" Hello! Welc-- " Her words were cut off as her eyes flashed over, lithe figure instinctively stepping to the side to avoid the panicked Kelica. Perhaps she should have grabbed Timothy out of the way to avoid being run into but Kelica seemed to at least balance the two so Aria felt no need to intervene. If they were going to fall over, however, well then there would have been a reason to lend a helping hand. The blonde girl darted off quicker than before and Aria watched her go, head tilting to the side by a fraction. It was enough to show curiosity but it soon vanished from her expression, remaining a thought within her mind. It wasn't her job to chase after the girl, that was something better left off for a friend to do. Kelica was getting much stronger though and Aria felt the girl could fend for herself, especially with the way her magic protected her even while asleep. Her attention quickly averted back to the newcomer as she stepped back within view, replacing Kelica's bewildered expression with her own mesmerizing and adorable one. " So, you want to join Fairy Tail? " She appeared and disappeared from every angle, checking him out like one would during a sped up physical exam. " Hm, ah, yes. I see... " Little remarks tumbled out of her mouth at each new discovery, citrine-coloured eyes flickering up to rest on the boy's face whose cheeks were sprinkled with a blush. " Follow me then. " The tone of her voice gave no decision away and it would probably leave Timothy nerve-wracked, enough to break a sweat even; that is if he even could. " Your friend may come as well. " She told him loud enough for Ayano to hear, a yawn erupting as her arms extended forward in unison, going through the motion of a quick stretch.


Her hand soon slithered up to reach to the nape of his neck, fingers entangling themselves within the material of his coat as she began to drag him off back towards Sera and eventually past her. Her steps stopped for a mere moment as she beckoned for Sera to follow, remembering that the woman also needed to speak with her. " Two birds with one stone! " A fox-like smile widened to show off those shiny canines and while they were cute they were also extremely dangerous. They made it to the door and Aria hesitated to stare inquisitively at the repaired door, though it wasn't the prettiest to look at it most certainly now served its purpose once more. " In, in. ~ " She ushered them all to step inside, her voice chiming to sing the word as she herself entered the extremely messy office. Perhaps she should have straightened everything up once she arrived but there just never seemed to be enough time in the day. I definitely need to have Mitsuki carry out his punishment sooner than I thought... this is terrible.. She thought to herself as the grip on Timothy eased up and she placed him into a barren chair with extreme care, being surprisingly gentle in comparison to how she had just hefted him around the hall like weightless luggage. " Sera, you first. " A hand flicked out towards the woman, fingers remaining hovering within the air as if beckoning the words to be spoken. It may have sounded urgent or like she was rushing her but her entire posture screamed otherwise as she lifted herself to sit upon the cluttered desk patiently, legs kicking out to remain mid-air for the time being. 








Abaddon had leaned closer towards Clair, face inches from her own. A soft breath exhaled itself as he shoved the present delicately onto her lap and peered up at her. " Loss for words? I recall you having the same sensation during our last encounter that long eventful night. " It was hard to take him seriously, words dripping with a teasing tone that would turn anyone's cheeks a quick crimson. As a woman spoke to them, Abaddon inched back some, face turning in her direction, harmlessly smiling as his whole frame shrugged for full emphasis. " Just exchanging a Christmas gift. Does this displease you? Isn't that what people do during this Holiday? " He asked with a slight mockery entwined in his tone before he pulled away from Clair completely, leaving the present to sit atop her lap. " The whole hip sassy look thing is quite cute though. Do you find yourself intimidating? " A laugh released itself as Abaddon found humor in his own words, hands throwing themselves up into the air and to the sides as he smirked. " Who knew Fairy Tail would be full of such interesting and ludicrous characters. Speaking of.... where did that Bel guy go? He's just exquisite. " Abaddon looked lost deep in thought, tongue trailing across his lips before it disappeared back into his mouth with a satisfied grin. " Oh well, he can't hide from me forever. " He concluded before taking a seat at the bar, remaining within close proximity of the red faced and red headed Clair. His fingers clutched at the collar of his shirt, tugging at it enough to make it disheveled before a glass and bottle appeared in front of him. His hands masterfully poured a drink in one fell swoop, fingers not idling to clutch the crystallized glass as it was brought up to his lips.



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Dashing from the hall after Kelica


Bastion didn't think twice about it, despite the position she found herself in she could see Kelica looking as if in agony, she had been trying to be funny by staying that way but she quickly showed how agile and flexible she really was by slamming her shoulders into the floor and using the reflected momentum to jump up onto her feet, despite her size, standing at 6'4 her long legs could carry her faster than a lot of people, she was immediately dashing after Kelica, since no one else seemed to deem it worth their time to chase down the obviously distressed woman. Bastion noticed though, since she was impressed by the girl she was worried, the bluenette had caught up to Kelica quickly, slowing her pace slightly to keep step with the blonde. What she hadn't expected to find was a pile of burning trees, no wonder the girl had lost it and ran...if she could really hear their deaths. Bastion noticed how on the edge of getting sick she was, the disgusting smell didn't affect her as much, so she grabs Kelica and hugs the girl tightly to her chest, trying to use her own smell; which was vanilla and flowers weirdly enough; to get as much of the smell out of Kelica's nose as possible, she needed to get her away from the smell. Without a thought she scoops the forest mage into her arms, finding her weight easy to lift and dashed after the traces of magic she could sense in the air, similar to the fire burning behind. Her magic could do something though...once far enough away from the smell Bastion sets Kelica down, "I'll be right back, I think I can put out that fire. Do you sense that magic? Try and find it, I'll join you asap, I'm associated with your magic now so I'll be able to find you easily. I don't want you getting sick on me, yeah?" She carefully stroked Kelica's head and pulled her shirt over her head, giving it to Kelica so she could stay warm in this snow and keep that awful smell out of her nose, before using those long legs to carry her back to the flames.


"Let's get to work then...hopefully someone else shows up..." Bastion mumbled to herself and then activated her magic, as long as she kept her emotions in check...it would be fine...bright blue orbs of light pulsed out around her, thankfully if she wasn't exploding it didn't devour her magic, the orbs floated over the flames then exploded downwards in an icy explosion that brought with it the power of ice, almost mist like the bullets she used scattered and scattered into more and more ice particles eventually doing exactly what she had hoped...putting out the flames, she knew it was too late for the bodies below though, dead...who had done that? Something so awful to people? She sighed and waited for a little bit, partially hoping Noah gave the pup to someone else and would be here soon, so she sat there shirtless her eyes closed so she wouldn't lose track of Kelica's magic, she could focus sometimes, she would leave in no less then a minute though, she didn't want to leave Kelica alone for long.


10 hours ago, Zuka said:

With that the girl hurried out of the house, slamming the door behind her as she did and with a thunder clap the flustered girl had disappeared and reappeared right before the Guild Doors which were swinging to and fro. She stepped in then with with usual hard lined frown as she looked around though almost instantly her mouth watered with the huge spread of breakfast Yamato had made. So in a typical Rosaline fashion the girl bellowed her greetings. "OI! BLUE PEGASUS! I GOT SOME GIFTS FOR YOU! After I eat, that is..." And storming her way over to a table she promptly dropped the sack by her side (Luckily all her presents were soft otherwise every single one would be broken from her woman-handling), and started to dig into Yamato's cooking. It can be said without Yamato the girl would literally not eat, she didn't have a single chef or cooking bone in her body. Though as she started to shovel food into her mouth at an alarming rate (realizing she was still hung over and suddenly starving) the girl peered to Alara with a mouthful and pointed a fork at both her, the girl by her and the dude who looked like her. "Where were you hiding last night girl! You missed Yamato's feast! And who's the boy then?" Looking to Taylor with the same raised eyebrow, and then she noticed Veniano throwing sparkles and who knows what.

"DID I MISS AN EMERGENCY CALL OR SOMETHING?! Where the Hell have you all been till now? Don't expect any extra presents from me till after today... "







Veniano jumps at the sudden bang of the main hall door swinging open. He watches the blonde woman greeting the guild loudly and stomps towards the food. The man's shoulders hitch up high when Rosaline addresses him with a booming voice. Now, Veniano Avenoz is not a coward but he almost forgot how, ah, energetic Rosaline Dreyar can be. The women in the entertainment industry and the women in the magical world are definitely different... Well, he is aware that some people may argue otherwise- It's not a good time to argue with himself! 

"Excuse me, Yamato," Veniano apologies and, making sure that Yamato has a firm grip on his present, the man whisks away towards the lightning mage. He slides onto the seat next to the woman. In his haste, the presents floating behind him continues to be diligent and are most likely be smacking against people and things as they follow Veniano to Rosaline

"Rosaline Dear, have you been worried about me?" He teases with a cheeky grin. "I apologise for not calling sooner. Business was very busy around this time of the year. Don’t worry about presents for me, but-” His grins widens and instead of pulling a present from the storm behind him, Veniano pulls out a Christmas bag that is hanging off of his arm. With a sing-song voice he says, “I got one for you!

Being one of the two… three guildmates Veniano asks for magical help, the man made sure that these few presents are more special. Waiting inside in Rosaline’s bag is a luxurious bath set with different scented bath bombs, bubble bars, body butter, and soap. He heard that this is a popular set and he hopes the lightning mage will enjoy this. Aside from this box, there is another, smaller box that houses a pair of yellow precious stone. Earrings Veniano bought knowing it has lightening attributes.

Evil Plotting

Keep the presents hostage, that could work. However, they would first have to get the presents. "Well, someone would have to sneak the presents away from everyone and leave a note telling them where to find them." She had a thought of who could be their first target could be. "I think that who ever does it should start with Valken, I am sure that will draw some attention to what we are doing." She pushed a hair from her face behind her ear as thoughts flowed through her mind. "Okay so who wants to do what? I will cook food but I need some one to join me."


Ferra- Margaret Town, Nikolas and Phineas' house.

"Well if we're all in agreement...I bet me and Nik can sneak the presents away pretty easily." Ferra replied with an evil grin that admittedly looked more cute than anything given how she herself looked. "Talon and Phineas could help with the cooking?" She suggested, looking at Talon and shrugging. "That is if Talon doesn't eat all the food. Guy can rival me in eating, not even kidding." She teased, smiling widely. It was honestly good to have Talon here and still being her friend. "If we're going to be out and about much though I'll need to get a change of clothes from the hall." She said, tugging her shirt collar up over her neck rather suspiciously to hide what looked like small bruises along it. "So uh...we going to your place then Laura?" She asked, needing to know where to put the presents at.
Taylor just looked at the person who was there with the christmas presents as she just sighed" i'm taylor i been her for a few years someone found me in the island destroyed my family are dead and you haven't  seen me cause i'm shy and i always stay in a library" she say as she just looked away as she just eat her food" i only been here a few days i don't know anyone beside  Miss Alara and mr Kami" she say as she just smiled as she just looked at the person' why do i feel so lonely i doubt no one will give me any presents since i'm new' she sighed as she looked at them as she was eating her food" afteer this i'm going to my room i 'm not getting any presents as she frowned a bit as she looked at the new person she don't know she really don't talk to the others @Zuka 
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10 hours ago, Kyuubey said:

Arietta Forsyth - Fairy Tail GH




Arietta felt frozen for quite some time, simply watching the happenings between Abaddon and Clair, the light chatter from their conversations and many other ones around the guild hall falling upon her ears. There was some sort of comfort to be found in it, observing them all as they jested or poked fun at one another. It seemed as merry of a time as any and her entire frame turned just a fraction as groans of wood was heard down the hall. Is that my door? She thought to herself, lips scrunching to the side as she pondered on whether to investigate the sound or not. A shrug soon befell her shoulders as the woman thought better of it, taking on a more lazy approach and remaining idle. Those yellow hues once again seemed to dance around and land on each face until Sera seemed to be trucking straight for her. Aria's entire posture changed as if almost by immediate demand, sliding into less of a childishly sleepy one and slapping into complete alertness. A brow rose after Sera spoke, face contorting into a slight look of disbelief before a trailing off " Ahuh... " left those pursed lips. Aria hoped Sera didn't take her to be some easily fooled or gullible type person. She was a trickster of sorts herself and knew how to play that game better than anyone here, possibly even on all of Earthland. But alas Aria had no intention of bragging about such a thing and it was just a door. That was considered minimal damage for a Fairy Tail member and her eyes subconsciously looked towards the roof as she silently thanked whomever that it stood to see another day.


Kelica's little stunt was registered in her peripherals but her face showed no sign of change, gaze holding itself vigilant as it jumped onto Verdana. " Oh? In private? " Aria finally replied to Sera with a hint of coy mischief, body leaning forward as she got rather up close and personal with the vampire. " With the door broken and everything? You're bold, Sera.... so bold. " She murmured in a tone that made the woman seem like she was deep in thought, probably imagining the hundreds of possibilities of how that would turn out. One would never know what was going on in the pretty little head of Aria's and her hand flew to her chin, fingers grasping her own cheek as she let out a small questionable laugh. " I'm jesting. Yes, of course. I would love to talk about the little bug girl you've seen to become acquainted with. " Her lips broke out into a sincere smile shortly after. " Would you like to do it outside, perhaps? Or the mysteriously broken doored office of mine? " That smile remained spread on her face, eyes narrowing a faction as a drop of sarcasm was hinted in the second suggestion to let Sera know that she knew but that was only if she managed to catch it. White hair spun itself through the air as she turned towards the voice of a boy at the entrance of the hall inquiring about joining the guild, those massive doors flung open as hints of snow flurried in to collide with the warm air only to melt instantaneously. " Oh, Sera! One moment, I'll be right back! " She exclaimed, rising excitement seeming to seep throughout her body as she jetted over to the boy standing there like a disheveled and nervous mess.


" Hello! Welc-- " Her words were cut off as her eyes flashed over, lithe figure instinctively stepping to the side to avoid the panicked Kelica. Perhaps she should have grabbed Timothy out of the way to avoid being run into but Kelica seemed to at least balance the two so Aria felt no need to intervene. If they were going to fall over, however, well then there would have been a reason to lend a helping hand. The blonde girl darted off quicker than before and Aria watched her go, head tilting to the side by a fraction. It was enough to show curiosity but it soon vanished from her expression, remaining a thought within her mind. It wasn't her job to chase after the girl, that was something better left off for a friend to do. Kelica was getting much stronger though and Aria felt the girl could fend for herself, especially with the way her magic protected her even while asleep. Her attention quickly averted back to the newcomer as she stepped back within view, replacing Kelica's bewildered expression with her own mesmerizing and adorable one. " So, you want to join Fairy Tail? " She appeared and disappeared from every angle, checking him out like one would during a sped up physical exam. " Hm, ah, yes. I see... " Little remarks tumbled out of her mouth at each new discovery, citrine-coloured eyes flickering up to rest on the boy's face whose cheeks were sprinkled with a blush. " Follow me then. " The tone of her voice gave no decision away and it would probably leave Timothy nerve-wracked, enough to break a sweat even; that is if he even could. " Your friend may come as well. " She told him loud enough for Ayano to hear, a yawn erupting as her arms extended forward in unison, going through the motion of a quick stretch.


Her hand soon slithered up to reach to the nape of his neck, fingers entangling themselves within the material of his coat as she began to drag him off back towards Sera and eventually past her. Her steps stopped for a mere moment as she beckoned for Sera to follow, remembering that the woman also needed to speak with her. " Two birds with one stone! " A fox-like smile widened to show off those shiny canines and while they were cute they were also extremely dangerous. They made it to the door and Aria hesitated to stare inquisitively at the repaired door, though it wasn't the prettiest to look at it most certainly now served its purpose once more. " In, in. ~ " She ushered them all to step inside, her voice chiming to sing the word as she herself entered the extremely messy office. Perhaps she should have straightened everything up once she arrived but there just never seemed to be enough time in the day. I definitely need to have Mitsuki carry out his punishment sooner than I thought... this is terrible.. She thought to herself as the grip on Timothy eased up and she placed him into a barren chair with extreme care, being surprisingly gentle in comparison to how she had just hefted him around the hall like weightless luggage. " Sera, you first. " A hand flicked out towards the woman, fingers remaining hovering within the air as if beckoning the words to be spoken. It may have sounded urgent or like she was rushing her but her entire posture screamed otherwise as she lifted herself to sit upon the cluttered desk patiently, legs kicking out to remain mid-air for the time being. 








Abaddon had leaned closer towards Clair, face inches from her own. A soft breath exhaled itself as he shoved the present delicately onto her lap and peered up at her. " Loss for words? I recall you having the same sensation during our last encounter that long eventful night. " It was hard to take him seriously, words dripping with a teasing tone that would turn anyone's cheeks a quick crimson. As a woman spoke to them, Abaddon inched back some, face turning in her direction, harmlessly smiling as his whole frame shrugged for full emphasis. " Just exchanging a Christmas gift. Does this displease you? Isn't that what people do during this Holiday? " He asked with a slight mockery entwined in his tone before he pulled away from Clair completely, leaving the present to sit atop her lap. " The whole hip sassy look thing is quite cute though. Do you find yourself intimidating? " A laugh released itself as Abaddon found humor in his own words, hands throwing themselves up into the air and to the sides as he smirked. " Who knew Fairy Tail would be full of such interesting and ludicrous characters. Speaking of.... where did that Bel guy go? He's just exquisite. " Abaddon looked lost deep in thought, tongue trailing across his lips before it disappeared back into his mouth with a satisfied grin. " Oh well, he can't hide from me forever. " He concluded before taking a seat at the bar, remaining within close proximity of the red faced and red headed Clair. His fingers clutched at the collar of his shirt, tugging at it enough to make it disheveled before a glass and bottle appeared in front of him. His hands masterfully poured a drink in one fell swoop, fingers not idling to clutch the crystallized glass as it was brought up to his lips.




Verdana watched her, noticing the fox-like features. She was clued into her being a Kitsune, but she had no idea what a kitsune was! The little spikes of her hair gave the idea of, what if she split her scarf? Verdana warped her scarf, causing it to rip into six crimson petals. It hanged down behind her back, being the origin spot for her wings. She chirped up, "I'll answer with her! Sera was kind and told me about things... and I don't really want to be used as a tool. I want to be free to do what I want, so I would like to ask if I could be a member of Fairy Tail...?" 
  Reveal hidden contents

Miles nodded as Katherine spoke about his aura. It only took will power. And since we're approaching the guild you don't have to wait. We'll be sitting down before you know it. Miles said looking at the guild as the grow closer. As Lionel landed and laid down allowing Kathy and Miles to slide off. Miles watched as Katherine slid down Lionel. She asked for the bag and Miles nodded sliding the bag down towards her with the help of his aura. Once the bag was down safely he lazily laid down on Lionel, too lazy to get up. The only way he'll get up is if Lionel shrinks back down. @Britt-21


Katherine caught the bag and almost fell on her butt but she had caught herself and put the sack down on the ground, when she looked back up, Miles was still laying on Lionel. "He's going to push you off..." she pointed out, but with her soft voice, she didnt know if her boyfriend would hear her or not. So she just watched for the time being before Lionel forced Miles off his back by tilting his whole body and since he wasnt a scale-like dragon, he slid off with ease. Making Miles faceplant -Or almost faceplant- into the snow. To which Kathy tried not to let laughter to show on her face or escape her lips. Lionel shrunk and ran over towards his Mistresses feet, sitting down and looking at Miles before letting out a tiny roar due to his tiny form. Though he'd sound a lot more ferocious in his much larger form. "Let's get inside... I'm getting cold..." she then turned and began to head towards the guild hall, slinging the sack over her shoulder.


Once at the door, she pushed open with all her might but she stopped because the doors opened outward rather than inward and made her look towards Miles "...Help...?" she asked, backing from the door and waiting for Miles to open it for her "When we get inside can you shout that anyone can open these presents and if they dont like them, they can trade...?" less work for her and more fun for the people of Sabertooth. As soon as he opened the door, she stepped inside and looked at all of the members there. Tyson ( @Solemn Jester ) was in the building, so was Draneri i( @Zuka ) and a few others.

[COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]@ Literally Everyone at [/COLOR]Sabertooth
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Ayano Soru: I hope this works...

Ayano started walking towards the guild-hall along with Timothy. He ended up falling over along the way which probably didn't help with any kind of confidence he was trying to build up but he still went on. Upon arrival at the guild hall Ayano could tell that Timothy was a little hesitent to go on although despite all of that he charged forward towards the doors which of course would've been admirable had he not turned the opposite direction and run back. "You don't have to run you know." Timothy decided to slowly go up instead and just as Timothy entered and asked to join, a blonde woman slammed right into him causing the boy to knocked over once more but this time the woman caught him. This woman looked panicked, actually she had the look of utter fear on her face. Yet another Ayano recognizes clear as day. "What happened to you...?" The woman once more started sprinting out of the hall towards the Magnolia Forest. Ayano stared at her as she eventually ran out of sight and looking to the distance the vampire noticed a plume of smoke coming from the forest. Perhaps the woman went away to deal with the fire but even so Ayano had a bad feeling about it. Ayano brought her attention back to the guild hall when another woman with fox ears called her out saying that she too can come in. A little hesitant herself she slowly made her way into the main hall trying to remain hidden from anyone who could potentially recognize her. Finally making it to the office she wondered why the whole place was a mess. The fox-like guild master spoke out asking someone called Sera to speak first. When Ayano laid eyes upon her she was more than surprised by Sera's appearance. She was the vampire that she sensed yesterday. Ayano wondered how long it would take the fellow vampire to realise that she herself was a vampire too. Ayano waited for Sera to ask her question first then asked her own. "Timothy... I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you this before..." Ayano looked at her right hand thinking to herself that this was the an extreme risk she was taking. If the guild master saw her as an enemy then it could not be guaranteed that the vampire will leave unscathed. But she decided to go through with it. Ayano removed one of her gloves and extended her hand to show the accursed mark to her. "Guild master... All I ask is that if you can remove this guild mark from my hand. I am not an enemy... At least not anymore. I'm done with Grimoire Heart. If you can remove this mark then... I'll... I'll do what I can to repay you." Ayano was sure this might cause a few reactions to happen but if worse comes to worse, at least she tried.

@Kyuubey @Mitchs98 @Zareh @Kyuubey

Sera could easily tell that Arietta didn't believe her whatsoever about the broken door. Oh well, that really wasn't what was important to her at the moment. She'd pay for a new door if she needed one that badly, she had broken it after all. Before she could say anything though Arietta had moved to speak to Timothy and Ayano, her eyes widening at Ayano specifically. Another vampire..? So soon? So close together? Sera herself was more than sure that Ayano instantly and easily recognized her as a vampire, the wings sort of giving it away. Something about her really, really wanted to make the girl join the guild. Or at-least try to convince her to. If both Ayano and Verdana were allowed to join she'd definitely be happy. Timothy she didn't entirely recognize, but he seemed to be with Ayano. Nevertheless when instructed she just silently nodded and followed Arietta with Verdana and the rest, staying silent until Arietta told them to speak first.

She was more than surprised when Verdana was the first to speak up, actually requesting to join the guild by herself. She smiled at her nonetheless and encouragingly patted her on the head. After that she supposed it was her turn to speak, "It's about my rank...there's a few issues with it." She replied before sighing. "I've been an S-Class since shortly after I joined when Cece was the Master, I wasn't sure why she promoted me then and I'm not really sure why now. My magic isn't that strong, I'm more physical based than anything. While I'm good at what I have...I haven't learned enough spells to really be considered S-Class." She explained. "That and....the job of an S-Class is to protect my guild mates and set a decent example, something I'm able to do without the rank. There's mages in the guild much more suited than me. I'd like to formally request being demoted to A or even lower if you see fit." She told her. She then grew silent to allow the rest to speak, her smile not wavering in the slightest.


[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Valken Truss[/COLOR]

The Shadow Mage's eyes were hazy as his mind was racing, he couldn't seem to settle on one thing and was rubbing his temple with one hand while simultaneously spinning Millie's ring on the tip of his index finger with the other. Normally Valken would feel a shift on the shadows to let him know she was stirring but he didn't notice today until her soft mutters and cute yawn pulled his attention. In a half panic Valken thrust the ring into the shadow realm pocket in his pants and patted them down before he spun trying his hardest to stop the panic expression over his face while he leaned back against the railing in something so casual it was almost too obvious he had something to hide. When she beckoned him he wandered back into the room and closed the sliding door as he did before he turned and threw his back onto the bed beside her like a toddler might. With only a bounce or two he settled down and put a hand behind his head while the other arm scooped her up and dragged her into his warm frame, his hand sliding up her back to thread into the back of her blonde hair as he massaged and scratched at her skull a fraction.

A bemused smile over his face, he peered down to her gently. "I couldn't sleep... you know me... night owl and all..." Peering up to the roof gently as he let silence cover the room before a soft deep chuckle rumbled in his chest. "Do you remember the first day that you joined Lamia Scale? I remember... You walked in through the Guild Hall doors, almost skipped in, you had this huge smile on your face. Like the whole world couldn't bring you down..." He lifted up hand and tucked it up under his chin imitating her holding a box up under her face. "Just like this..." Even coping a silly girl expression as he did before he dropped the face not wanting to tease her too much. "I just.. couldn't stop looking at you. You didn't even see me... and why would you? Just some boy, hiding in the corner with a hoodie and a sloppy grip on his daggers."

He paused again thinking it over. "Maya walked up to me while you were running around talking to everyone, asking them about Guilds and Magic, she sat by me and told me to go and talk to you... and I said I couldn't. We had nothing in common. But I couldn't stop looking at you anyway..." Here Valken eventually rolled over on his side as he rested his head on the pillow, just staring at her face with a soft expression and his dark purple eyes. "....You always amazed me. You still amaze me...I fell in love with you the moment I meet you but... I was always so scared to talk to you. It was only when Maya asked you to Tutor me because I couldn't read or write... that we even started to talk..." He let his voice eventually drop again as he leaned in and kissed at her cheek gently as his eyes slipped closed, letting his nose brush in against her own softly. "I never thought it would have been Ferra of all people... to be the one to force us together.. because of some stupid prank I was too scared to say no to.. but... I'm glad she did."

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari

Millie smiled softly as Valken returned to the bed and pulled her close. Her own arm gently threw itself over his chest, and her leg was raised up and laid over his. "I'm not mad at you for getting up. I just missed you..." She said quietly, burying her face in his neck. If there was a heaven on earth, Millie was there right now, and it was evident. She looked like she was in pure bliss, which she was. Life didn't get much better than Cuddling in bed with the love of her life. A small giggle escaped her mouth as Valken started talking about their first days together. It'd been so long since they met and it was hard to believe that Valken was once so shy and innocent. "I remember that, and I remember how shy you were. I thought you were so cute, all quiet and awkward." Moving her head back, Millie placed a little kiss on his cheek and sighed. "I wish you could be more that now, shy and innocent... I'm kidding of course."

Millie was learning so much about Valken that she didn't know. Millie had no clue that he was so in love with her from the start. It almost made her feel bad for not doing anything about it. If she had known this a few years ago she would've made a move so much sooner. But would that have been the best idea ever? The Valken back then wasn't the same Valken today, so things might have never worked out. Perhaps it was better how things worked out. As Valken rolled over Millie pulled herself into his chest, arms wrapped around him, listening happily to him talk. "I'm glad that you didn't back down form that dare. We never would've made it without eachother. I love you so much Valken!" 
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage made a big yawn as Noah mentioned that she had already gone by the time he got there, her eyes slipping open a fraction as she peered up to him. She was too ditzy to realise he may have been a little lax with the truth and his smile was as warm and friendly as it always was. So then if he didn't... did she walk up by herself? That seems weird... maybe Bastion-? That was when the girl glanced over just in time to see Bastion lean back and cry out as he fell backwards and his legs ended up somewhere near his head in a weirdly impressive display of flexibility. Her eyes slipping open slightly more as her brain was coming into gear again after her mini-nap, her green eyes flowed over the man's stomach and lean back with a curious look. He certainly had very long legs for a guy, or maybe that was just the angle?

Kelica had a hand still rubbing at her eye as she was trying to come to in Noah's lap, when suddenly her whole body went rigid and every muscle seemed hard as a rock. Whatever ditzy expression she had on her face turned into one of a cold feature as her eyes glossed over and the grey swirled for a second. That was the only indication she had before the girl twisted and thrust the wolf pup into Noah's chest suddenly as she slipped from his arms and clutched at her head as the screaming came in like a freight train. Kelica mouth dropped open like she were in agony as the screams continued, as panicked screams of animals fleeing from the quickly enveloping flames of something in a forest outside of Magnolia.

Kelica tried to stand up but only crashed to her knee a second time, her fingers threading into her hair to the point she almost started to pull fistfuls out. Who was burning the Forest outside of Magnolia? For what purpose? The screams... it was the dragon all over... Lucian.. it was happening again. By now Kelica's fight or flight mechanism had activated, adrenaline coursed through her veins as the girl suddenly shot up from the ground and found she was running straight for the Guild Door. She didn't even look back to Noah, or Bastion. No one registered in her mind except the screams she could hear in her head. With a look of pure panic flooding her face, Kelica slammed straight into Timothy almost sending the two tumbling, but she regained her footing as she caught him by his arms, preventing him from falling over. The look of pure panic stayed true to her face, her skin paled and her eyes like saucers though a grey mist continued to cloud in her eyes like she almost looked blind. She held Timothy's gaze for only a moment, as she gripped his shoulders, before the girl side stepped him and was already running through the cold winter landscape of the Magnolia Streets, bare foot. Feeling the pull of the Forest to draw her straight to it.

She ran for what felt like forever before she finally came to the burning pile of tree's and the smell of burning human flesh that had her cover her mouth and heave. Who would do that? Why? For what purpose? She couldn't see straight as she held a hand to her mouth to try and stop herself from being sick.

Dashing from the hall after Kelica


Bastion didn't think twice about it, despite the position she found herself in she could see Kelica looking as if in agony, she had been trying to be funny by staying that way but she quickly showed how agile and flexible she really was by slamming her shoulders into the floor and using the reflected momentum to jump up onto her feet, despite her size, standing at 6'4 her long legs could carry her faster than a lot of people, she was immediately dashing after Kelica, since no one else seemed to deem it worth their time to chase down the obviously distressed woman. Bastion noticed though, since she was impressed by the girl she was worried, the bluenette had caught up to Kelica quickly, slowing her pace slightly to keep step with the blonde. What she hadn't expected to find was a pile of burning trees, no wonder the girl had lost it and ran...if she could really hear their deaths. Bastion noticed how on the edge of getting sick she was, the disgusting smell didn't affect her as much, so she grabs Kelica and hugs the girl tightly to her chest, trying to use her own smell; which was vanilla and flowers weirdly enough; to get as much of the smell out of Kelica's nose as possible, she needed to get her away from the smell. Without a thought she scoops the forest mage into her arms, finding her weight easy to lift and dashed after the traces of magic she could sense in the air, similar to the fire burning behind. Her magic could do something though...once far enough away from the smell Bastion sets Kelica down, "I'll be right back, I think I can put out that fire. Do you sense that magic? Try and find it, I'll join you asap, I'm associated with your magic now so I'll be able to find you easily. I don't want you getting sick on me, yeah?" She carefully stroked Kelica's head and pulled her shirt over her head, giving it to Kelica so she could stay warm in this snow and keep that awful smell out of her nose, before using those long legs to carry her back to the flames.


"Let's get to work then...hopefully someone else shows up..." Bastion mumbled to herself and then activated her magic, as long as she kept her emotions in check...it would be fine...bright blue orbs of light pulsed out around her, thankfully if she wasn't exploding it didn't devour her magic, the orbs floated over the flames then exploded downwards in an icy explosion that brought with it the power of ice, almost mist like the bullets she used scattered and scattered into more and more ice particles eventually doing exactly what she had hoped...putting out the flames, she knew it was too late for the bodies below though, dead...who had done that? Something so awful to people? She sighed and waited for a little bit, partially hoping Noah gave the pup to someone else and would be here soon, so she sat there shirtless her eyes closed so she wouldn't lose track of Kelica's magic, she could focus sometimes, she would leave in no less then a minute though, she didn't want to leave Kelica alone for long.



Noah caught the pup and cautiously looked at Kelica. Something was obviously wrong with her and Noah needed to find out. He need to take care of whatever was causing this. The first time he's seen her react like this was back in the Grimoire Heart Base, when Lucian burned some part of the forest. Noah feared that history might be repeating itself. Kelica and Bastion already bolted out as Noah tried piecing things together. He got up and placed the pup on the table. Noah looked at the pup and used an internal takeover using Zepar's vocal cords. Sleep. Noah spoke placing the pup in a trance forcing him to sleep. Noah walked towards the doors leaving the guild. As soon he stepped outside he saw the white smoke coming from the forest. He spoke one word. Bararaq. After speaking that word a blue lightning bolt stroke Noah allowing him to travel via lightning towards Kelica. Soon a lightning bolt stroke next to Kelica. As the smoke dies down Nah is left standing there pup less. Hello Kelica. Are you okay?? He looks at her and walks towards her wrapping his arms around her hugging her tightly. I'm sorry that this has happened...again. He looks around noticing that Bastion isn't near he assumed he went to put out the fire. Especially since he sees no sign of a fire. Kelica I need to get you out of here, especially if the person who caused this is still around. @Zuka @Arius LaVari @FreeZing
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Veniano jumps at the sudden bang of the main hall door swinging open. He watches the blonde woman greeting the guild loudly and stomps towards the food. The man's shoulders hitch up high when Rosaline addresses him with a booming voice. Now, Veniano Avenoz is not a coward but he almost forgot how, ah, energetic Rosaline Dreyar can be. The women in the entertainment industry and the women in the magical world are definitely different... Well, he is aware that some people may argue otherwise- It's not a good time to argue with himself! 

"Excuse me, Yamato," Veniano apologies and, making sure that Yamato has a firm grip on his present, the man whisks away towards the lightning mage. He slides onto the seat next to the woman. In his haste, the presents floating behind him continues to be diligent and are most likely be smacking against people and things as they follow Veniano to Rosaline

"Rosaline Dear, have you been worried about me?" He teases with a cheeky grin. "I apologise for not calling sooner. Business was very busy around this time of the year. Don’t worry about presents for me, but-” His grins widens and instead of pulling a present from the storm behind him, Veniano pulls out a Christmas bag that is hanging off of his arm. With a sing-song voice he says, “I got one for you!

Being one of the two… three guildmates Veniano asks for magical help, the man made sure that these few presents are more special. Waiting inside in Rosaline’s bag is a luxurious bath set with different scented bath bombs, bubble bars, body butter, and soap. He heard that this is a popular set and he hopes the lightning mage will enjoy this. Aside from this box, there is another, smaller box that houses a pair of yellow precious stone. Earrings Veniano bought knowing it has lightening attributes.

Taylor just looked at the person who was there with the christmas presents as she just sighed" i'm taylor i been her for a few years someone found me in the island destroyed my family are dead and you haven't  seen me cause i'm shy and i always stay in a library" she say as she just looked away as she just eat her food" i only been here a few days i don't know anyone beside  Miss Alara and mr Kami" she say as she just smiled as she just looked at the person' why do i feel so lonely i doubt no one will give me any presents since i'm new' she sighed as she looked at them as she was eating her food" afteer this i'm going to my room i 'm not getting any presents as she frowned a bit as she looked at the new person she don't know she really don't talk to the others @Zuka 


[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Rosaline Dreyar[/COLOR]

Rosaline had the utmost care and manners when it came to eating.... not... so when the man slid on the seat next to her the girl pretty much had a full pancake dribbling out of her mouth along with the maple syrup with it. The girl's sharp eyes snapped sideways only when he started to speak and in one loud slurp and gulp she licked her lips and wiped the back of her mouth with an arm, the intimidating and ferocious glare she had before only intensified as she focused in on him as he spoke. Oh she noticed the cheeky grin and was already figuring out the correct way to deal with said cheek. "I wouldn't even need to worry about you if you had turned up to your lessons like I asked of you..." She closed her eyes briefly as she took an angry shuddering breath out then in a weird gesture her arm slipped around the mans shoulders, curling around his front. It was all nice and almost lovely till she reefed her bicep and arm around his neck in a headlock and dragged him in closer, putting pressure on his neck enough that all he might get out was a squeak or two. 

"If I ask you to come to a training session at Dawn, Mister Avenoz, I Damn well expect you to turn up to that training session...." Her grip tightened around his head to the point maybe the whole thing might have popped off? But before the man could pass out the girl slowly released her hold and leaned back though she kicked out a leg and hooked a foot around the legs of his chair, effectively kicking the chair out from under him and sending him crashing backwards as she did. As he fell she grasped at the bag he had outstretched for her opened it up slowly as she peered in. Bath soups? Ahh that would work wonders at the Bathhouse while she relaxed after a hard day of training. And furthermore, the girl pulled out the second box with the earrings, and her eyes narrowed. She glanced to the side and down to Veniano with the same dark, piercing glare. "What do these do then?" After all Rosaline didn't like anything feminine in any which way, shape or form but... if it had a purpose... she might consider wearing it. The hair clip Cele had given her the day before to reduce the excess electricity from escaping her body was nestled on her hair as it peeled that one chunk of hair that refused to leave to the side of her face in an almost gentle way.

If not for the hard lines of her face.

Rosaline's eyes drifted back to Taylor with a thoughtful look and with a sigh she reached into her Santa sack, and grasped a present before sliding it on over to her. "I know you were always here, and I know you like the library.. I was merely making a mention about this idiot..." Gesturing with her thumb behind her shoulder to Veniano "And Alara and her male look alike."

For Taylor, Rosaline got her a soft, knitted throw rug. Something she could use to curl up into if she liked to read her books so much. Speaking of books... "Hey Taylor, if you like those written words so much, why don't you go say hi to Cele? She's relatively new but she was fan-girling over some book Yamato had last night... After watching her reaction I wouldn't be surprised if her house is a Library in and of itself!" Grinning wildly at that.

@Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester
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Taylor just Rosaline as she just smiled" yay thank you Miss Rosaline" she say as she looked at the present" um can you introduce me to cele i'm a bit shy i just freeze if i introdouce myself like that" she say as she was looking down at her food she was eating as she looked at everyone as she giggled as she got out a present" um Miss Rosaline do you think you can teach me how to do hand to hand combat i only know how to use my magaic so can you teach me please" she say as she looked at her" i do whatever you say give me this chance please" she say looking at her as she just gave her a smile as she was waiting for an answer looking around she was getting nervous she was playing with her fingers she made a scrap book of the whole guild" i do like books a lot its my favorite but i need to train more to get better betting bad guys on my missions" she say @Zuka
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Katherine caught the bag and almost fell on her butt but she had caught herself and put the sack down on the ground, when she looked back up, Miles was still laying on Lionel. "He's going to push you off..." she pointed out, but with her soft voice, she didnt know if her boyfriend would hear her or not. So she just watched for the time being before Lionel forced Miles off his back by tilting his whole body and since he wasnt a scale-like dragon, he slid off with ease. Making Miles faceplant -Or almost faceplant- into the snow. To which Kathy tried not to let laughter to show on her face or escape her lips. Lionel shrunk and ran over towards his Mistresses feet, sitting down and looking at Miles before letting out a tiny roar due to his tiny form. Though he'd sound a lot more ferocious in his much larger form. "Let's get inside... I'm getting cold..." she then turned and began to head towards the guild hall, slinging the sack over her shoulder.


Once at the door, she pushed open with all her might but she stopped because the doors opened outward rather than inward and made her look towards Miles "...Help...?" she asked, backing from the door and waiting for Miles to open it for her "When we get inside can you shout that anyone can open these presents and if they dont like them, they can trade...?" less work for her and more fun for the people of Sabertooth. As soon as he opened the door, she stepped inside and looked at all of the members there. Tyson ( @Solemn Jester ) was in the building, so was Draneri i( @Zuka ) and a few others.

[COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]@ Literally Everyone at [/COLOR]Sabertooth



Miles barely heard Katherine as she informed him of Lionel pushing him off. He continued laying there with one leg propped up and his hands behind his head allowing the snow to fall on him. But when Lionel tilted his body Miles was too lazy to react and fell to the snow filled ground face planting. He looked up at Kathy knowing that she's trying not to laugh at him. He got up just in time chuckling as small Lionel roared at him. I can't take you serious when you're that size. He said with a grin. He looks up at Katherine as she requested him to come along. 

[SIZE= 16px]He followed her to the door, taking the bag from her. He nodded responding to her request and pulled the door open allowing her and Lionel to enter first. Once those two are inside Miles enters allowing the door to close behind him. He walked towards the center of the hall, looking around for second, seeing his brother and a couple other of his guild mates. He cleared his throat preparing himself to yell. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Hey Sabertooth!!! Merry Christmas!!! If you don't like the gifts...trade!![/SIZE] [SIZE= 16px]He said placing the bag on the floor. When he finished his little announcement, he walked towards his couch and plopped down on it. He reaches between the couch sits and pulls out a pack of smokes and a lighter. He took out a cigarette and placed it in his mouth lighting it with the lighter. He then stretches his arms across the couch. @Britt-21 @Zuka @Solemn Jester @[/SIZE]Sabertooth



Kathy looked over at Miles as he placed the bag down on the floor for her before moving to their favorite couch where he pulled out his smokes and a lighter. The mage made her way over and sat next to him, his arms along the back of the couch. Kathy actually made herself comfortable and layed on her side, her head resting on Miles's lap, her eyes closing and trying to get a nap in. As much as she didnt need it, she took them simply for the sake of being by Miles. Ever since she met him she was like this and was attatched to the hip with him and did nothing but sleep, drink her mai tai and go on missions like she always had. The sound of others talking and the smell of christmas kept her in a light sleep and gave her the ability to listen if Miles even said a word to her. Lionel, however, curled up in a ball on the end of the couch, laying on the arm rest like a good dragon he was.



Arietta Forsyth - Fairy Tail GH




Arietta felt frozen for quite some time, simply watching the happenings between Abaddon and Clair, the light chatter from their conversations and many other ones around the guild hall falling upon her ears. There was some sort of comfort to be found in it, observing them all as they jested or poked fun at one another. It seemed as merry of a time as any and her entire frame turned just a fraction as groans of wood was heard down the hall. Is that my door? She thought to herself, lips scrunching to the side as she pondered on whether to investigate the sound or not. A shrug soon befell her shoulders as the woman thought better of it, taking on a more lazy approach and remaining idle. Those yellow hues once again seemed to dance around and land on each face until Sera seemed to be trucking straight for her. Aria's entire posture changed as if almost by immediate demand, sliding into less of a childishly sleepy one and slapping into complete alertness. A brow rose after Sera spoke, face contorting into a slight look of disbelief before a trailing off " Ahuh... " left those pursed lips. Aria hoped Sera didn't take her to be some easily fooled or gullible type person. She was a trickster of sorts herself and knew how to play that game better than anyone here, possibly even on all of Earthland. But alas Aria had no intention of bragging about such a thing and it was just a door. That was considered minimal damage for a Fairy Tail member and her eyes subconsciously looked towards the roof as she silently thanked whomever that it stood to see another day.


Kelica's little stunt was registered in her peripherals but her face showed no sign of change, gaze holding itself vigilant as it jumped onto Verdana. " Oh? In private? " Aria finally replied to Sera with a hint of coy mischief, body leaning forward as she got rather up close and personal with the vampire. " With the door broken and everything? You're bold, Sera.... so bold. " She murmured in a tone that made the woman seem like she was deep in thought, probably imagining the hundreds of possibilities of how that would turn out. One would never know what was going on in the pretty little head of Aria's and her hand flew to her chin, fingers grasping her own cheek as she let out a small questionable laugh. " I'm jesting. Yes, of course. I would love to talk about the little bug girl you've seen to become acquainted with. " Her lips broke out into a sincere smile shortly after. " Would you like to do it outside, perhaps? Or the mysteriously broken doored office of mine? " That smile remained spread on her face, eyes narrowing a faction as a drop of sarcasm was hinted in the second suggestion to let Sera know that she knew but that was only if she managed to catch it. White hair spun itself through the air as she turned towards the voice of a boy at the entrance of the hall inquiring about joining the guild, those massive doors flung open as hints of snow flurried in to collide with the warm air only to melt instantaneously. " Oh, Sera! One moment, I'll be right back! " She exclaimed, rising excitement seeming to seep throughout her body as she jetted over to the boy standing there like a disheveled and nervous mess.


" Hello! Welc-- " Her words were cut off as her eyes flashed over, lithe figure instinctively stepping to the side to avoid the panicked Kelica. Perhaps she should have grabbed Timothy out of the way to avoid being run into but Kelica seemed to at least balance the two so Aria felt no need to intervene. If they were going to fall over, however, well then there would have been a reason to lend a helping hand. The blonde girl darted off quicker than before and Aria watched her go, head tilting to the side by a fraction. It was enough to show curiosity but it soon vanished from her expression, remaining a thought within her mind. It wasn't her job to chase after the girl, that was something better left off for a friend to do. Kelica was getting much stronger though and Aria felt the girl could fend for herself, especially with the way her magic protected her even while asleep. Her attention quickly averted back to the newcomer as she stepped back within view, replacing Kelica's bewildered expression with her own mesmerizing and adorable one. " So, you want to join Fairy Tail? " She appeared and disappeared from every angle, checking him out like one would during a sped up physical exam. " Hm, ah, yes. I see... " Little remarks tumbled out of her mouth at each new discovery, citrine-coloured eyes flickering up to rest on the boy's face whose cheeks were sprinkled with a blush. " Follow me then. " The tone of her voice gave no decision away and it would probably leave Timothy nerve-wracked, enough to break a sweat even; that is if he even could. " Your friend may come as well. " She told him loud enough for Ayano to hear, a yawn erupting as her arms extended forward in unison, going through the motion of a quick stretch.


Her hand soon slithered up to reach to the nape of his neck, fingers entangling themselves within the material of his coat as she began to drag him off back towards Sera and eventually past her. Her steps stopped for a mere moment as she beckoned for Sera to follow, remembering that the woman also needed to speak with her. " Two birds with one stone! " A fox-like smile widened to show off those shiny canines and while they were cute they were also extremely dangerous. They made it to the door and Aria hesitated to stare inquisitively at the repaired door, though it wasn't the prettiest to look at it most certainly now served its purpose once more. " In, in. ~ " She ushered them all to step inside, her voice chiming to sing the word as she herself entered the extremely messy office. Perhaps she should have straightened everything up once she arrived but there just never seemed to be enough time in the day. I definitely need to have Mitsuki carry out his punishment sooner than I thought... this is terrible.. She thought to herself as the grip on Timothy eased up and she placed him into a barren chair with extreme care, being surprisingly gentle in comparison to how she had just hefted him around the hall like weightless luggage. " Sera, you first. " A hand flicked out towards the woman, fingers remaining hovering within the air as if beckoning the words to be spoken. It may have sounded urgent or like she was rushing her but her entire posture screamed otherwise as she lifted herself to sit upon the cluttered desk patiently, legs kicking out to remain mid-air for the time being. 








Abaddon had leaned closer towards Clair, face inches from her own. A soft breath exhaled itself as he shoved the present delicately onto her lap and peered up at her. " Loss for words? I recall you having the same sensation during our last encounter that long eventful night. " It was hard to take him seriously, words dripping with a teasing tone that would turn anyone's cheeks a quick crimson. As a woman spoke to them, Abaddon inched back some, face turning in her direction, harmlessly smiling as his whole frame shrugged for full emphasis. " Just exchanging a Christmas gift. Does this displease you? Isn't that what people do during this Holiday? " He asked with a slight mockery entwined in his tone before he pulled away from Clair completely, leaving the present to sit atop her lap. " The whole hip sassy look thing is quite cute though. Do you find yourself intimidating? " A laugh released itself as Abaddon found humor in his own words, hands throwing themselves up into the air and to the sides as he smirked. " Who knew Fairy Tail would be full of such interesting and ludicrous characters. Speaking of.... where did that Bel guy go? He's just exquisite. " Abaddon looked lost deep in thought, tongue trailing across his lips before it disappeared back into his mouth with a satisfied grin. " Oh well, he can't hide from me forever. " He concluded before taking a seat at the bar, remaining within close proximity of the red faced and red headed Clair. His fingers clutched at the collar of his shirt, tugging at it enough to make it disheveled before a glass and bottle appeared in front of him. His hands masterfully poured a drink in one fell swoop, fingers not idling to clutch the crystallized glass as it was brought up to his lips.



Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Magnolia , FT Guild Hall

Status: Currently launching a mischievous counter attack

Clair Continued to sit in silence for quite sometime , her face growing more crimson with every sentence the demon spew , body becoming more tense by the second That was Until she eased a little as Abaddon seemed to  forget about her and focus his attention on yet another member of the guild. Clair of course took this moment of tranquillity as a chance to try and compose herself as best as possible. Of course there was no way to vanquish the crimson glow but she did manage to calm it somewhat before Abaddon took a seat at the bar.

Now calmed somewhat Clair regained control of the situation and in a moment of brilliance , well she hatched a sinister plan. You see Abaddon liked to play the cool card , and knocking said card away from him was her key to success. Oh yes and besides Aria there was no one better suited for the job than Clair herself. You see Abaddon may have learned quite a few things about Clair on that dreaded night , but as a result Clair learned a few things about him too. Such as a certain pet hate the demon hated , no refused to admit he had. Apparently it wasn't cool....

With a bracing sigh Clair slowly pulled upon one side of the ribbon , letting the left 'swirl' come undone yet allowing the right to remain steadfast. This would most certainly catch the demons eye and of course force a reaction out of him in time. Oh so evil but oh so brilliant ! Revenge served cold.

Leaving the present upon the bar Clair happily turned into it and ordered herself a drink , along with some cake of course , before attempting to engage Abaddon in some casual talk. This was the icing on the cake , well it wasn't , but it was still good , just not as good , but still pretty good..... yes.....

"So Abaddon , how have things been ? I haven't spoken with you over a drink in god knows how many years ?"( two , to be exact , put Clair wasn't counting...)


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