Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Arietta Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ




Arietta peered curiously at Ayano, gauging her reaction with those ears perking up to pick up the emotion in the vampire's words. It was touching to help a child in such a way and Aria knew deep down that Ayano wasn't as terrible as the girl seemed to think. Being bred to act a certain way or pushed to drastic means happened to a lot of people and living with survival instincts wasn't the only way, hopefully the vampire would be able to learn that. People were halfly to blame, being judgmental and shunning the small girl, forcing her to feel isolated and alone. Having noboody to turn to would change a person and Aria wouldn't be surprised if fear and solitude had shaped Ayano to hate mankind for a period of time. Well not anymore, that was going to change. " Happiness stems from a lot of places and things. The fact that you can still feel and recognize it means you're not as far from your humanity as you might have thought. " Aria's expression seemed hopeful as she spoke, eyes lingering on the vampire child before flickering towards Sera. I wonder if those two could become friends, being so alike. It will certainly be interesting to see them walk the new paths laid before them. Aria smiled at the inner conversation being held with herself as she looked towards the three new faces in her life. 


An eyebrow had lifted itself upwards as Timothy began to speak, only to be defended and backed up by Ayano. A tilt of the head let her messy white mop of wavy hair to shift and fall past her shoulders, lithe figure leaning against the desk whilst her arms found their ways crossed snugly across her chest. " Family trait? I have an odd feeling that you're more unique than you might want to admit. " Her nose wrinkled a bit, as if the suspicion was sprinkling itself like pepper upon her face and making her want to sneeze. The feeling soon passed and she sighed heavily, almost wanting to scold the child for being so silly. He really had no idea how important he was, one of a kind even, and the self doubt he harbored was only a hindrance. " Magic isn't the only way to support your friends. " Her hands came to fall upon his shoulders, the touch only confirming her skepticism but a smile seemed to linger as she continued speaking. " I know you're strong, I can feel it. " Her fingers flexed against his coat for emphasis and then relaxed, yellow hues bearing into those mechanical ones that were so perfect that it was no surprise that his whole facade fooled everyone.


" You're special. I see it, your new friends see it, and you would be a fool to not realize that you have a place in this world too. I'll accept you into the guild as well but we are going to work on the faith you have in yourself. If you want others to rely on you, you need to stop doubting yourself. " Aria's hands had begun creeping downwards to his waist as she spoke, fingertips trailing with an expertise that would leave anyone breathless but she doubt he could feel it nor was it intentional. She picked him up then, arms having coiled around his frame and pulled him into a sudden and tight hug. " Plus you're so stinkin' cute! Look at that uncertain and misplaced blush! " Her whole serious demeanor had vanished and turned almost into an overly excited fan girl one. They twirled once, Aria's smile glistening in glee before she put him down and released him with a playful bounce as she took a few steps away from them.


" Ayano, Timothy, and Verdana. " That smile dropped and the drastic change probably made everyone in the room nervous, each name falling from her lips with a heaviness that would demand attention. " I will accept all three of you into the guild. I believe you all have the heart and spirit for it, regardless of the questionable past in some of your lives. The harbinger of change demands that I extend the chance and offer for you all to do something amazing. To become part of something that will carve an eternal mark on your souls. Please understand that where I am kind, I am also protective and won't hesitate to do what I deem necessary shall a situation ever arise where I need to. Do not try to make a fool out of me because that would be the last thing you would get the opportunity to try to do. " Aria didn't mean to sound or visually appear so scary but those yellow hues bore into each of them like a scolding parent, the only thing missing was the finger wagging and the disapproving head shakes. " Other than that, I am here if you need any guidance, any at all. You can confide in me about anything and I will know if you're lying for I am the master of deceit. " That smile reappeared, albeit wider than before, canines exposed fully.


" Now come back tonight to receive your marks! Remember to have a colour and place picked out for it or else I'll choose for you. " A cute and sly wink followed the last remark as she walked around the desk and plopped into the comfy looking chair behind it, legs politely crossing that hefted her dress up a bit to expose pale yet enticing thighs." I only say later because I have no idea where the stamp is... " She admitted with a bashful gaze to the side, hands fumbling to scatter papers that went flying off the desk to fall slowly to the ground as she began her search for it. " It'll show up eventually... " She mumbled, attention dwindling from the group as she started the exasperating hunt within the unruly office that only looked like Sora must have had a freak out within it. It was slightly funny to watch her scoot around the office in a hurried frenzy, things flying around chaotically as she refused to leave the comfort of her seat.


As soon as they took their leave though, Aria would come to a sliding halt, a long drawn out sigh being released as her thoughts drifted back to the day that she received her mark. Mavis's comforting and reassuring smile had moved her and Aria knew that she would have followed the girl anywhere, protected her with all the magic and power that resided within her if she had stayed. That one regret lingered like a dark omen that never ceased to remind her of that terrible choice she had made that day by leaving everything behind. Now she could make up for it and watch over the children and this time there would be no running. Not again. Her white hair hit the desk first, splaying out as her cheek shortly followed to rest upon its cold surface, Mavis's name being mouthed but not spoken as her eyes drooped to a serene close. 




@Mitchs98   @Zareh   @Jackaboi   @hudhouse
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Aurelia Goldnight

"I suppose that I find nothing wrong with working together on a job..." Aurelia wondered aloud before nodding. "Alright I've decided! You shall join me in giving cheer to children." She announced as she presented her the flyer she had just received. "Err...that is if you'd want to join me?" She added after a short pause. "I mean, I don't mind it if you don't, you had the eyes on the job first so it's only fair for you to be in charge. I wouldn't want to intrude or anything I just figured that you could use some company..."

 Amelia Dezeria

[SIZE= 20px] Location- Sabertooth Guild[/SIZE]

Amelia shrugs. "Going to have to make friends sometime. Honestly your the first person I've talked to in the guild." She sighs and gives her smile. "Actually I could really use the company. If I may ask though... what kind of magic you use. I am a magic fanatic so I like to learn about all the types of magic I can. I've always found it interesting learning about other magic's besides my own."  She stretches her hands over her head suddenly remembering Stormy. "Oh and I hope you don't mind dogs. I have one, she's really gentle. I'm sure you'll like her." 






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On 11/9/2016 at 1:27 PM, Mitchs98 said:

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Sera smiled at Arietta's response, honestly not entirely sure how she would of taken both her asking to be demoted and Verdana joining at the same time. She understood what she meant, though until she could fully accept herself she didn't think she was mentally stable enough to have such responsibility. Sure she wasn't exactly crazy or anything, but she was prone to fits of rage or depression if openly called a monster and attacked for being such. Something she was working hard on fixing. As far as Verdana staying with her she didn't have any issues with that at all, in-fact she wanted the girl to stay. It would be nice having company around the house plus she really did want to help her. If that meant being her mentor and such than by all means.

She was definitely surprised about Ayano however and her mark, though not entirely so. It made sense for them to have a vampire in their ranks. Ayano herself was one she really wanted to talk to later, curious how old she was and such. Timothy she wanted to speak with as well, mostly because she could tell he wasn't human; and she was sure Arietta could too. She wasn't going to openly out him for not being human though. Once Ayano finished speaking Sera piped up, "Of course I'd be more than willing to mentor and have Verdana stay with me." She replied. "As long as she herself has no issue with it I don't see why not, she really is nice." She said. "Plus it'd be great to have someone staying with me for a change." She added, smiling to Verdana. "How about it? Willing to stay with me a while longer?" She asked her.



Verdana grew off a wicked smile, which revealed that she had a rolled up tongue! She spat it out, where the clean and bright crimson red thing fluttered in the wind like a party horn! It made an adorable squeaking sound before wrapping up neatly into Verdana's maw. She bowed to her new master, squeaking out, "Thank you so much, master!" She would be dancing at the tips of her heels to some sort of dark, internal melody. The rapid movements at least told it was something either pop or even faster in tone and volume. The little dancing bug girl would twirl around Sera, before stopping dead in her tracks. She heard Sera's words, and shyly put her hands behind her back. She asked aloud, "Sooo... you have been the nicest person to me in my entire two-day life... and you want to mentor me and take care of me...? I just have one thing to say to that..." She would leap with all of her energy at Sera, trying to hug her with all of her might. Best, day, ever! Friends, family, someone to love and cherish! She even went in to kiss Sera on the cheek, asking, "Then that makes you my mommy, doesn't it?" 

 @Kyuubey  @Zareh   @Jackaboi
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Kami: Blue Pegasus, story time!

image.jpgKami smiled at the interest shown in his story. He was glad he finally had someone to tell his stories to. Well besides Alara that was. He had began longing for a new audiance to share in his stories with. So he thought for a moment, getting a very intense look on his face, his hand on his chin, with his other hand holding his elbow. Then smiled, as the story came to mind.

"Well you see, this was a good bit ago. My sister was 14, and I was 12. So as you'd expect Alara was the mature one. At the time she was still taller than me. Although that changed once i turned 13. But anyways, I had come home from hanging out with my friends.

Although my girlfriend at the time was with me. It wasn't anything serious of course, being as we were only 12. But we spent time together, you know holding hands, and all that.

So I enter the house, and hear the water running in the bathroom. I can only assume it's my beloved older sister. As our father was off on one of his work trips. So me and let's call her Lin, went to the living room.

We where talking, and laughing, having a good time. Until I heard my sister's scream from the bathroom. Immediately I made my way towards the bathroom, and banged on the door to get a response.

But as I did so the door swung open, and a nude, soaking wet Alara clung hold of me screaming for me to "Kill it". So with a bewildered, and embarrassed look on my face I slowly entered the bathroom. I immediately began laughing, as the cause of my dear older sisters distress was a moth.

Which after I took care of, she immediately realized her mistake.  I apologized to Lin, but i think she may have gotten the wrong idea. Because we never spoke again." 

Kami finished his story, smiling  his perfect smile in amusement. He then turned towards the food, gladly eating some. He also waved at all those he hadn't introduced himself to."Oh for those of you who I haven't introduced myself to. I apologize, I am Kami Rezonai, younger brother to Alara Rezonai. Whom you all know so well I'm sure." Kami said this flashing his pearly white smile once more.

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Zeldafangirl @TripTripleTimes @Jackaboi


 Amelia Dezeria

[SIZE= 20px] Location- Sabertooth Guild[/SIZE]

Amelia shrugs. "Going to have to make friends sometime. Honestly your the first person I've talked to in the guild." She sighs and gives her smile. "Actually I could really use the company. If I may ask though... what kind of magic you use. I am a magic fanatic so I like to learn about all the types of magic I can. I've always found it interesting learning about other magic's besides my own."  She stretches her hands over her head suddenly remembering Stormy. "Oh and I hope you don't mind dogs. I have one, she's really gentle. I'm sure you'll like her." 







Aurelia Goldnight

"Oh I love dogs! I think they're very adorable." Aurelia said with a smile. "Really? I thought it would've been obvious with my get up...no matter, I'll answer your question." She clasped her hands together. "Gold Make: Coin!" She intoned  before she pulled her hands apart and held up a small gold coin, The coin itself was detailed, with one side engraved with intricate designs of flowers and the other an intricate image of a moth. "As you can see, I'm a user of the Lost Magic known as Gold Make Magic." She flipped the coin into the air and caught it before giving it to Amelia. "Here, a token of our friendship."

Aurelia Goldnight

"Oh I love dogs! I think they're very adorable." Aurelia said with a smile. "Really? I thought it would've been obvious with my get up...no matter, I'll answer your question." She clasped her hands together. "Gold Make: Coin!" She intoned  before she pulled her hands apart and held up a small gold coin, The coin itself was detailed, with one side engraved with intricate designs of flowers and the other an intricate image of a moth. "As you can see, I'm a user of the Lost Magic known as Gold Make Magic." She flipped the coin into the air and caught it before giving it to Amelia. "Here, a token of our friendship."

                                                              Amelia Dezeria

[SIZE= 20px] Location- Sabertooth Guild[/SIZE]

"WOW, thanks." Amelia says with a smile. "And I figured you did. You look like an animal lover, with all the pretty gold and all." She studies the coin. "I've heard of that magic, I've just started studying Lost Magic's. Your magic is so beautiful and yet so powerful." Amelia looks over the beautiful coin. It glisten in the light, it was defiantly the most beautiful gift she had gotten in a long time. "Oh I guess I should return the favor, huh." She pulls out a small rod from her pocket and begins to glide her hand over it. The rod quickly extends and turns into a metal sword. It was detailed so well like she had created this sword many times before. "I can create almost and weapon I please and I can rebuild things that are broken, well with the right materials." She blushes. "My magic isn't as lovely as yours, but it's something.



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Verdana grew off a wicked smile, which revealed that she had a rolled up tongue! She spat it out, where the clean and bright crimson red thing fluttered in the wind like a party horn! It made an adorable squeaking sound before wrapping up neatly into Verdana's maw. She bowed to her new master, squeaking out, "Thank you so much, master!" She would be dancing at the tips of her heels to some sort of dark, internal melody. The rapid movements at least told it was something either pop or even faster in tone and volume. The little dancing bug girl would twirl around Sera, before stopping dead in her tracks. She heard Sera's words, and shyly put her hands behind her back. She asked aloud, "Sooo... you have been the nicest person to me in my entire two-day life... and you want to mentor me and take care of me...? I just have one thing to say to that..." She would leap with all of her energy at Sera, trying to hug her with all of her might. Best, day, ever! Friends, family, someone to love and cherish! She even went in to kiss Sera on the cheek, asking, "Then that makes you my mommy, doesn't it?" 

 @Kyuubey  @Zareh   @Jackaboi


Sera kept a smile on her face the entire time Arietta addressed everyone, definitely happy that she was such an understanding person. Out of Cece and Ophelia she thought Arietta was likely the best fit for the guild so far. She was definitely happy she was letting Ayano into the guild for sure. It would be nice to have another of her kind to talk to since Mika left...maybe she'd actually want to talk. She wouldn't force the girl or anything, but it'd be good for the both of them she'd think. "Yes, thank you Master." Sera replied on the topic of letting Verdana join. She giggled as she watched the clearly very happy Verdana dance, arching a brow when she started speaking to her. Her eyes widened when she suddenly leapt on her hugging and kissing her cheek, she froze entirely when she asked if it made her her mother.

"I...." She began, trailing off not really sure what to say. Her? Somethings mother? Verdana was nice enough and all...but she wasn't so sure. She considered her a friend more than a child...but maybe someone to look after her in such a capacity was what she needed more? "I guess it does..." She finally said, smiling slightly at her. "We'll leave you to your work think Master, sorry the previous masters weren't exactly the most organized people." She told Arietta, respectfully bowing before carrying Verdana out of the room.

Kami: Blue Pegasus, story time!

View attachment 202422Kami smiled at the interest shown in his story. He was glad he finally had someone to tell his stories to. Well besides Alara that was. He had began longing for a new audiance to share in his stories with. So he thought for a moment, getting a very intense look on his face, his hand on his chin, with his other hand holding his elbow. Then smiled, as the story came to mind.

"Well you see, this was a good bit ago. My sister was 14, and I was 12. So as you'd expect Alara was the mature one. At the time she was still taller than me. Although that changed once i turned 13. But anyways, I had come home from hanging out with my friends.

Although my girlfriend at the time was with me. It wasn't anything serious of course, being as we were only 12. But we spent time together, you know holding hands, and all that.

So I enter the house, and hear the water running in the bathroom. I can only assume it's my beloved older sister. As our father was off on one of his work trips. So me and let's call her Lin, went to the living room.

We where talking, and laughing, having a good time. Until I heard my sister's scream from the bathroom. Immediately I made my way towards the bathroom, and banged on the door to get a response.

But as I did so the door swung open, and a nude, soaking wet Alara clung hold of me screaming for me to "Kill it". So with a bewildered, and embarrassed look on my face I slowly entered the bathroom. I immediately began laughing, as the cause of my dear older sisters distress was a moth.

Which after I took care of, she immediately realized her mistake.  I apologized to Lin, but i think she may have gotten the wrong idea. Because we never spoke again." 

Kami finished his story, smiling  his perfect smile in amusement. He then turned towards the food, gladly eating some. He also waved at all those he hadn't introduced himself to."Oh for those of you who I haven't introduced myself to. I apologize, I am Kami Rezonai, younger brother to Alara Rezonai. Whom you all know so well I'm sure." Kami said this flashing his pearly white smile once more.

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Zeldafangirl @TripTripleTimes @Jackaboi

@Zuka@Zeldafangirl@TripTripleTimes@Jackaboi@Halffix@Arius LaVari(Pretty sure ari and half arrived at the hall if not ignore me c:)

Alara was to busy eating to really focus on Kami starting his story, at first anyway. Food took priority for the girl who was pretty hungry at the moment. She wanted to eat and get done so she could focus on spending time with Kami. Of course she paused her meal when Kami started speaking, eyes widening slightly. She instantly remembered the story he was telling them all, probably one of the most embarrassing things ever for her. No one knew the paladin was easily shook up by something so insignificant as a moth. What would they think if someone whose role was to protect people was scared by something like that? By the time he finished speaking her face was a deep shade of crimson and for once the talkative girl was silent staring at the food that remained on her plate. RIP reputation.


Dragging Acus to the Guild Hall-Arrival


Celestia had dragged Acus out the door not giving him much chance to answer, he could settle in later, it was Christmas and they should really be in the hall! She had half dragged half carried him with her and was surprisingly running, well she had planned to start taking some lessons and exercising again, she'd been lazy for far too long while recovering from her parents deaths, she had annoying jiggle...even if it accented every curve she had. Those curves were particularly noticeable in her current outfit. A tight black sweat dress and black thigh highs, her blonde hair in two pig tails with two butterfly clips in it. She wondered what everyone was doing...without realizing she made it to the hall and grinned before she pushed open the door and dashed inside; immediately burying her darker thoughts in her cheer, "Merry Christmas Everyone!" She yelled out loud before finally releasing Acus from her annoying grasp, socializing she needed it to keep her head on straight, especially now that she had a room mate. She takes a deep breath smelling the air, it smelled similar to what she had cooked minus a few things but it was breakfast smells. It was busy here~ The cheerful blonde laughed sweetly when she noticed Rosa was firing bolts of lightning at some boy's feet. "Yo! Knock it off Rosa, you're going to exhaust him, oh yeah you're good at hand to hand combat right Rosa? Wanna spar? I need to work some rust off my joints...I plan on starting up a training regimen again, you'd be the perfect opponent. No magic just martial arts." It was a sudden question to anyone else but to her it was something she had wanted to do for ages, find a good training partner, Rosa was a great match, because while Celestia was skilled; for her own reasons; she wasn't the best, she could work on that though. Always improve and work towards tomorrow! Quickly she smacked her cheeks and grinned at the much bigger blonde her bright two colored eyes glittering with a challenge, just so Rosa would take her seriously. She was curious about the boy though...and what Yamato was doing...a thought struck across her head but she wiped it out super quickly, Now don't go start thinking like a moron now Cele...Let's focus on Rosa and this girl. Celestia shook her thoughts and held out her hand to the boy; her green eye glowing suddenly as flowers grew down her right side and she activated a tiny magic circle under the new guy, then lifted him away from Rosa's bolts; which were being conducted by the earth. "I'm Celestia Corona, nice to meet you new guy, are you interested in seeing a spar?"


@Zuka @Zeldafangirl @EveryoneElseInTheHall @TripTripleTimes

Taylor just looked at her as she just smiled" thank you miss Rosa" she say as she smiled as she looked at her as the blonde girl looked down as she saw someone else come in as she got nervous" what do you mean Miss Rosa you teach me more than teach me how to deal with the bad guys" she tiltied her head as she looked at her as she looked at the other girl" um.... hi..... i ..... er..... taylor......" she say as she was nervous about meeting new people she just hold onto her book as she place her face in it she was really shy she didn't really get along with the others she was manly always stuck in her room reading some books she just looked at the girl than to Miss rosa as she just smiled a little she didn't know what to talk about her face was slightly red from her being emberassed she didn't know what to talk about to the others @Zuka

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Veniano smile softens at Taylor as the girl states her age. If he remembers right, just before he was choked the lights out by Rosaline the girl said something about family and death. Even if he had heard wrong, for a young child to have a motivation to grow strong and join a guild as large as Blue Pegasus, usually started when the child had witnessed a tragedy. Cases like those have often fell into the man's hands as candidates to talk about in talk shows. Of course, those subjects rarely makes it live or recorded, but Veniano knows what's up, having to review all the papers his manager throws at him. 

The dark-skinned man turns around when the familiar sweet voice of Alara introduces her brother to the guild. He looks at the brother with a speculating eye, but he cheers and greets the man,"Good morning, Kami!" and Veniano throws up a hand for a wide wave. Then he hears a tall tell words of a sibling about to embarrass their sibling. He grins in glee and forgets about preparing magic to teleport from Rosaline. 

Sadly, that is a mistake the man should have not made. Just as Veniano turns to join Alara and Kami at their side of the hall, he sees a spark of lightning, or rather feels the static. He spins on his heels just to see the bright magic shooting right towards him. He leaps from his spot to avoid the radiating sparks, nearly tripping on his feet 

"Dio mio, Rosa!" He yells and dances away from another lightning. "I'm in my good shoes!

Endurance fitness! Or Dancing Feet, as Rosaline likes to call it, is definitely not an amusing exercise when he is the one tapping around like a maniac! He doesn’t understand the woman’s fascination with physical prowess when he’s already physically fit! Sure, he can’t lift an astonishing amount of weight or run a mile within a minute. This is probably Rosaline’s way of increasing his stamina, but- HE NEARLY GETS HIT!

Me cago en todo lo que se menea!” Veniano swears loudly and dares to look up from the ground to Rosaline to glare. However, the glare ends up looking like a desperate plea. The lightning continues to rain on him, and so, Veniano is unable to spare a glance at the new duos bursting into the guild hall. Veniano’s eyes widen at the magic circle suddenly appearing under where he just lands after a leap.

La madre del dulce!” The man yells loudly when his long legs flys out from under him and finds himself floating in the air. He flails around a bit; just because he is floating in the air, it doesn't mean Rosaline will automatically stop shooting her magic at him. He spots the line of vegetation and looks up at the bright green eyes. He blinks his feverish duo coloured eyes and gives the girl a shaky smile. If he isn't in the mercy of Rosaline and doesn't have control of his movement, the man would have given the very pretty lady a gentleman greeting. 

"Greeting, Bonita." At least he is able to say. "As much as I would love to, perhaps in another time."

Kami: Blue Pegasus, story time!

View attachment 202422Kami smiled at the interest shown in his story. He was glad he finally had someone to tell his stories to. Well besides Alara that was. He had began longing for a new audiance to share in his stories with. So he thought for a moment, getting a very intense look on his face, his hand on his chin, with his other hand holding his elbow. Then smiled, as the story came to mind.

"Well you see, this was a good bit ago. My sister was 14, and I was 12. So as you'd expect Alara was the mature one. At the time she was still taller than me. Although that changed once i turned 13. But anyways, I had come home from hanging out with my friends.

Although my girlfriend at the time was with me. It wasn't anything serious of course, being as we were only 12. But we spent time together, you know holding hands, and all that.

So I enter the house, and hear the water running in the bathroom. I can only assume it's my beloved older sister. As our father was off on one of his work trips. So me and let's call her Lin, went to the living room.

We where talking, and laughing, having a good time. Until I heard my sister's scream from the bathroom. Immediately I made my way towards the bathroom, and banged on the door to get a response.

But as I did so the door swung open, and a nude, soaking wet Alara clung hold of me screaming for me to "Kill it". So with a bewildered, and embarrassed look on my face I slowly entered the bathroom. I immediately began laughing, as the cause of my dear older sisters distress was a moth.

Which after I took care of, she immediately realized her mistake.  I apologized to Lin, but i think she may have gotten the wrong idea. Because we never spoke again." 

Kami finished his story, smiling  his perfect smile in amusement. He then turned towards the food, gladly eating some. He also waved at all those he hadn't introduced himself to."Oh for those of you who I haven't introduced myself to. I apologize, I am Kami Rezonai, younger brother to Alara Rezonai. Whom you all know so well I'm sure." Kami said this flashing his pearly white smile once more.

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Zeldafangirl @TripTripleTimes @Jackaboi


Sera kept a smile on her face the entire time Arietta addressed everyone, definitely happy that she was such an understanding person. Out of Cece and Ophelia she thought Arietta was likely the best fit for the guild so far. She was definitely happy she was letting Ayano into the guild for sure. It would be nice to have another of her kind to talk to since Mika left...maybe she'd actually want to talk. She wouldn't force the girl or anything, but it'd be good for the both of them she'd think. "Yes, thank you Master." Sera replied on the topic of letting Verdana join. She giggled as she watched the clearly very happy Verdana dance, arching a brow when she started speaking to her. Her eyes widened when she suddenly leapt on her hugging and kissing her cheek, she froze entirely when she asked if it made her her mother.

"I...." She began, trailing off not really sure what to say. Her? Somethings mother? Verdana was nice enough and all...but she wasn't so sure. She considered her a friend more than a child...but maybe someone to look after her in such a capacity was what she needed more? "I guess it does..." She finally said, smiling slightly at her. "We'll leave you to your work think Master, sorry the previous masters weren't exactly the most organized people." She told Arietta, respectfully bowing before carrying Verdana out of the room.

@Zuka@Zeldafangirl@TripTripleTimes@Jackaboi@Halffix@Arius LaVari(Pretty sure ari and half arrived at the hall if not ignore me c:)

Alara was to busy eating to really focus on Kami starting his story, at first anyway. Food took priority for the girl who was pretty hungry at the moment. She wanted to eat and get done so she could focus on spending time with Kami. Of course she paused her meal when Kami started speaking, eyes widening slightly. She instantly remembered the story he was telling them all, probably one of the most embarrassing things ever for her. No one knew the paladin was easily shook up by something so insignificant as a moth. What would they think if someone whose role was to protect people was scared by something like that? By the time he finished speaking her face was a deep shade of crimson and for once the talkative girl was silent staring at the food that remained on her plate. RIP reputation.

Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall 

It seemed it was Rosaline’s great day today! Not only did her troublesome pupil Ven finally appear as if like a mirage, to some well earned training (which one could tell because he was jumping around like a blooming idiot when she was throwing sparks at him), but Taylor wanted to be tutored as well! Rosaline was looking to her from the corner of her eyes, concerned just how to train her without killing or injuring the poor dear. Simple exercises rather than full on attacks. Not that Rosaline ever went full strength, at her heart Rosa was actually terrified of killing people with her still out of control lightning. Though her Brother could survive it... and maybe that Cele girl... as if on cue, someone bounced on in and stole Ven away or rather lifted the man off his feet to dangle him precariously. Rosa grinned as he cried out, obviously worried she'd attack him. 

"I might like a joke or two Mr Veniano,  but I will not attack a man unable to defend himself. Or a woman or child for that matter. What is the fun in that?" 

She looked at Cele as she shouted for a fight and her grin only widened. She pointed to Taylor as Male Alara told his tale, Rosa made a mental note Actual Alara didn't like moths, but whispered it to Cele.

"I'd like you to meet Taylor, she enjoys her books as much as you and that Yamato fella it seems!"

 Rosa didn't have time for a big introduction after that! She was full of food and someone wanted a brawl! In her excitement Lady Laxus stood up suddenly taking the whole table with her and flipping it sending cutlery and food EVERYWHERE! 


And if Blue Pegasus knew the blonde Dreyar any they'd realise to take there belongings and run otherwise they'd get caught in the cross fire.
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Magnolia Forest[/COLOR]

As the Forest Mage was focusing in on energies of the Forest, it wasn't hard in this state to literally see as well as feel the energies that were out. The two behind her, and as she focused in on the one's closest she turned her head slightly to almost look to them though her eyelids remained closed. Noah's was... interesting. His was a multitude of signatures of the Djinn that resides within him that he could take control off, his actual power was buried way down and almost hard to find among all the take overs. Bastion's... Here the girl stopped a fraction. Something was absolutely different with his, there was things locked within locks that were hidden and an aura she couldn't quite put her finger on. But she wasn't trying to find those two... her head turned back to the tree as her vision spread further and further out.

Very far away she sensed something that filled her with a deep seeded dread. In the pit of her stomach. The fact it was fire essence was obvious, at least to the girl who's own mother was a Fire Mage. However there was a darkness within that power that made her reef her hands back from the tree as her eyes snapped opened and her whole body trembled as she started to panic. It was moving away, that much she gathered and it was on the very edge of the Forest. But it was not a small amount of magic energy and all she could sense was pure malice. Her eyes slowly stopped the swirling of grey and she turned to face Noah and Bastion with the same look of dread as she did before.

"T....they are moving away....but... th...their energy is...is..." She could barely get the words out. She wanted to confront them before without knowing, but the knowledge of such a sense of dread made her shake even more. "I...I don't think they were here to... hurt the forest but..." Glancing in the direction of the dead bodies. She wanted to find them, and set and example, to tell them what for.

But honestly Kelica was absolutely terrified by what she felt. And it clearly showed on her face.

@FreeZing @Embaga Elder @Arius LaVari



Noah stepped towards Kelica and placed his hand on her shoulders, he didn't say a word, and brought Kelica in for a deep hug. He understood by her face just how terrified she was. The magic that was left over was weak, but when Noah focused he felt the malice of the magic. It was strong and cold, and no doubt it had to be related a dark guild. Noah thought that is would be best if they just got out of this place, away from this magic. He reached out to Bastion placing his hand on her arm. Bararaq. Right after he spoke those words, a lightning bolt strikes down onto the group transporting them back to the guild. Noah released Bastion, and lifted Kelica up, carrying her in his arms. It's okay Kelica, everything is okay.  Noah walked inside, heading back towards the table where they were sitting. The pup was still laying there sleeping on the table. He placed Kelica down on seat and sat next to her. He looks at Bastion. Good job, putting out the fire. He spoke as he wrapped his arm around Kelica. @Zuka @Arius LaVari

Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall 

It seemed it was Rosaline’s great day today! Not only did her troublesome pupil Ven finally appear as if like a mirage, to some well earned training (which one could tell because he was jumping around like a blooming idiot when she was throwing sparks at him), but Taylor wanted to be tutored as well! Rosaline was looking to her from the corner of her eyes, concerned just how to train her without killing or injuring the poor dear. Simple exercises rather than full on attacks. Not that Rosaline ever went full strength, at her heart Rosa was actually terrified of killing people with her still out of control lightning. Though her Brother could survive it... and maybe that Cele girl... as if on cue, someone bounced on in and stole Ven away or rather lifted the man off his feet to dangle him precariously. Rosa grinned as he cried out, obviously worried she'd attack him. 

"I might like a joke or two Mr Veniano,  but I will not attack a man unable to defend himself. Or a woman or child for that matter. What is the fun in that?" 

She looked at Cele as she shouted for a fight and her grin only widened. She pointed to Taylor as Male Alara told his tale, Rosa made a mental note Actual Alara didn't like moths, but whispered it to Cele.

"I'd like you to meet Taylor, she enjoys her books as much as you and that Yamato fella it seems!"

 Rosa didn't have time for a big introduction after that! She was full of food and someone wanted a brawl! In her excitement Lady Laxus stood up suddenly taking the whole table with her and flipping it sending cutlery and food EVERYWHERE! 


And if Blue Pegasus knew the blonde Dreyar any they'd realise to take there belongings and run otherwise they'd get caught in the cross fire.


BP Guild Hall- dodging a table and cutlery!


Celestia grinned widely when she heard the man speaking Spanish and switched over to the language as if it was her own natural tongue, "La preocupación no mi amigo no te haré daño!" After she spoke she smiled at the boy and let him down those flowers on her right side seeming to retreat back into her skin before tilting her head at Rosaline as the woman introduced her to a little girl named Taylor. "Hello my dear. It's a pleasure to meet you you can call me Cele that's what Rosa here calls me." Her smile was sweet and bright that was until Rosa got extremely excited by the idea of a fight and went so far as to flip a table and toss cutlery everywhere. Celestia leaped backwards to avoid the mess, and laughed at the excited woman. Celestia immediately spoke up, trying to raise her voice so Rosaline could hear, "Yay! This will be fun then. Let's go outside to avoid destroying anything yeah?" The other blonde giggled and bounced on the balls of her heels, she would have happily started the fight right then but now she thought it best to lead her opponent outside.


She headed out the door and over to a rather empty field, yes she was in a dress, but had shorts on under the dress since she had planned to challenge Rosa anyway. Even in the snow she kicked off her flats standing in the field in just her stockings stretching as a warm up and to loosen up her muscles slightly. Internally she was running through all the moves in her head, her body should remember how to move properly...so she prayed at least or Rosa was gonna hand Celestia her ass.



Back at the Hall


Bastion blinked when Noah put his hands on her, some instinct kicking in to smack his hand away but too fast...way too fast for Bastion's liking he activated his magic and lightning bolted them back where she promptly jerked away from him and stumbled back landing on her rear shaking her head. "Warn me before you do that next time!" Okay so she freaked out slightly and was grateful when Noah started ignoring her in favor of caring for Kelica even while thanking her for putting out the fire, "Of course I put it out...I didn't like seeing Kel so panicked...if I hadn't put the fire out she would have been more upset." Bastion ran a hand through her strange ombré locks and sighed, she didn't feel like going back into the guild hall, didn't feel like looking at anyone there, because she was far more concerned about the dark guild wizard that had lit the forest on fire. She'd like to ring their neck, several small red explosions happened around where she was planted in the snow, melting it and leaving small dents in the ground, the combination of her concern and Noah frazzling her mind by teleporting her without warning was making her temperamental and touchy. With a sigh she glanced over her shoulder at Noah carrying Kelica, "I'm going home, if Kelica wants to see me later she can come by." Slightly grouchy now and scowling at the ground Bastion stomped off for home, she had enough for today it seemed and the day wasn't even over.



Timothy Harvard: A Fresh New Start



[SIZE= 18px]Timothy felt a bit stiff and uncomfortable even as Ayano tried to back him up, his thoughts were still uneasy as she saw the guild master swirl around him like a shark about to go in for the kill. At this point he didn't know what to say and remained deadly silent with an awkward smile on his face. However Ayano seemed happy and relieved that her mark was finally gone and she could start all over again fresh and anew. However he was not in the clear as the guild master started focusing her attention on him. Her talking was like hearing the voice of a god bestowing her presence upon him, he started blushing more furiously.  [/SIZE]" Family trait? I have an odd feeling that you're more unique than you might want to admit. " [SIZE= 18px]she said with suspicion in her voice. Her face shifted towards Sera and Ayano, he wondered what she was thinking about. That thought process stopped when he felt her hands on his shoulders " Magic isn't the only way to support your friends." he flinched a bit when she touched him but felt relief at her words about not needing magic. As her fingers feel his coat and shoulders, that touch could even be felt through the metal interior within him "I know you're strong, I can feel it". His mind became worried that she might find out about his true identity but the one thing that truly caught him off guard was when...[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]Those [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]yellow eyes[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px] bared into his [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]mechanical lifeless eyes[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]Timothy's non existent heart started racing as she stared into his eyes like she was watching his non existent soul burst into a million flames. However as soon as she stop staring at him, she spoke words that meant a lot from a guild master herself. "You're special. I see it, your new friends see it, and you would be a fool to not realize that you have a place in this world too. I'll accept you into the guild as well but we are going to work on the faith you have in yourself. If you want others to rely on you, you need to stop doubting yourself." Timothy didn't know why but those words were very uplifting to him and his hope. He nodded and tried smiling until she picked him up like a soft toy and started hugging him "Plus you're so stinkin' cute! Look at that uncertain and misplaced blush!" he felt his face red up to the point where he had to put his hands on his face just to hide his embarrassed expression. He didn't understand this feeling, is it anxiety or something else? The weird thing was that his pants felt tighter as she let go. Perhaps it was some sort of response that he never knew he had within him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]Finally, he along with two others were accepted into the guild. He stood there silent and still almost as his entire mind went blank. All those years of rejection finally...he had a place to call home. He still had some thoughts linger as if the master knows of his true identity but it didn't matter. Timothy walked out of the room with no words left in his mouth, he looked at Ayano with blank eyes. He looked lifeless like a zombie. [/SIZE]


However his lifeless eyes turned into those of relief and happiness, he was in...he was finally in. After many years, he finally was able to join the guild that he has always dreamed of. Now he could start his new journey. He turned to Ayano and smiled "Let's go home, we should really think about our marks right?" he said in a satisfied voice. As he walked out the door of the guild, he finally could wear his mark proudly on his shoulder with sky blue happiness.

@Kyuubey @Jackaboi @Mitchs98 @hudhouse

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Ayano Soru: Wait what!?


This was the start of a new life for Ayano, finally having her mark removed has certainly helped with her faith in others. Maybe she could actually... Help people instead. Just like Wendy said so many years ago. "Prove to them you're not what they think you are." The fox-lady was just as kind as Fairy Tail was a hundred years ago. However there is still one more thing that scarred her brain. She has taken so many lives. Death-by-death all caused by her unbrideled rage and Grimoire Heart. The people she killed can no longer be brought back, but instead Ayano can at least change so no more have to see the same fate. (At least not at her hands.) The guild master also accepted Timothy into the guild. But the vampire started to wonder who was more excited by the decision. Timothy or the fox-lady. Regardless it was a moment like this that made her question why any other guild would reject him like that. "Well done Timothy." But Ayano was baffeled by the guild master's next choice. "You're... Letting me in too?" Unable to speak anymore words than that she pondered on the thought. Ayano has commited so many crime's... Being accepted into a light guild like Fairy Tail was last thing she was expecting. That's unless... The guild master was using this chance to have Ayano to right everything she's done wrong. If that was the case then... Maybe she could go along with the idea... This way she could help people in so many ways. Helping people... With a red Fairy Tail mark to on the back of her right hand... The spot that Grimoire Heart once defiled. Timothy looked as if a massive boulder just got lifted of his shoulder's too. He stated that they should now go home. To which Ayano simply nodded and followed him out, she looked back at the other two members, especially the vampire. Maybe she could talk with her when Ayano see's her again. 

@Mitchs98 @Zareh @Kyuubey @hudhouse
@Arius LaVari@Kyuubey@TheSecretSorcerer@LeSoraAmari@Mr Swiftshots@guardianshadow@Jackaboi@Zareh@Happy Red Mage@Bolts@purplepanda288@hudhouse@Salt Lord@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@Isune@Zuka @Genon@Killorkiller@Drakerus@Embaga Elder@Solemn Jester@Britt-21@Maki@TripTripleTimes@Sinister Clown@FreeZing@MidnightStar@Talon@Zeldafangirl@Grandmaster@Spanner@GeoMancy@Geozaki@Psionic Nightingale@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Halffix@Nenma Takashi@Kojuen

Christmas soon drew to a close, gifts being distributed and parties with family and friends were had. The following months for most of the members of each guild were filled with mostly training and missions to earn back the sizeable amount of jewel everyone spent on gifts and food during the holiday; of course New Years parties shortly after Christmas didn't help, especially for the more alcohol prone members of each guild who likely destroyed more than one bar chair in the process of 'celebrating'. Seasons changed and soon it was spring time, with the Grand Magic Games drawing near those that were in training in hopes of being chosen for a team only trained harder.

Finally though the day of the Grand Magic Games was upon everyone, said event starting later that day. As it stood now everyone was settling into whatever area their guild master had rented for them to stay in or simply exploring the grand city of Crocus while waiting for their Masters to announce who would occupy their respective teams.
A Few Days Earlier | Town of Hargeon

  "Focus all your energy on one spot," Nikolas and Phineas's father, a human man holding a book on dragons, said calmly. 

  Nikolas took a deep breath, feeling himself transform into a heavy blade. Phineas, closing his eyes, caught his brother in midair, swinging him round twice. 

".....O-Okay....now think about why you're fighting and keep it in your mind as a reference. Never forget it, no matter what."

  To live. 'Cuz dying ain't an option. 

 To prove that I'm more than just an incompetent half-breed. To see those looks on all their faces once I prove that I am much different than my brother. I'm probably being overly ambitious. 

  "Now....." Bismarck Donovan Saedor pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, shrugging off his turquoise uniform vest and pulling out a dagger. "Show me spirit that your grandpa Rudolf would be proud of.....i-if you don't mind, of course."

Present | Crocus

  Phineas Saedor had not yet congregated with the rest of the guild; instead, he was looking dazedly at the last gift their dad had given them before he went missing. Again. Honestly, if he learned a new spell for every time Bismarck Saedor ran off with a new (probably illegal) potion recipe/stolen valuable item that belonged to Dark Mages/panic attack/random shit that didn't really make much sense, he would be a Gary Stu. Some of the "random shit not making much sense" things being something about a "kastel berning", the dead coming back to life, "BisMaria fangirls" and a "red carpet". And who could forget the weird letter about clowns and lotuses, followed by something about harps not having enough members. 

  ....Okay. So their dad had some mental issues, probably pertaining to a traumatic PTSD-inducing backstory that he really didn't care about.  Phineas exhaled a long sigh, fiddling with his shoulder-length hair before forcing it into a ponytail. 

  "Ey. How long does it take to get dressed?" Phineas's twin brother, Nikolas, said, leaning on a door. He looked like a pirate captain the way he had chosen to wear a large green coat. Or a coat/cloak. Eh. Something like that. Phineas himself had gone with the usual white-collar shirt, with a turquoise vest over it. They looked at each other for a moment, then cracked up. 

  ".....Arr, me hearty. Let's roll."


Crocus Hiding Out in a training area


To say that Celestia had been surprised would have been an understatement, she hadn't known about these Grand Magic Games, of course she wasn't from this country so that made sense, but aside from Kirin and Yamato the selections had to have been random, nothing else explained why she even had a chance to get chosen, the Mixer Maker quietly prayed she wouldn't get picked but also desperately wanted to get chosen! This was bad...joining a guild had been a mistake hadn't it? She'd changed her name, changed her appearance; aside from her eyes and she only hadn't been able to wear color contacts because her magic disintegrated the stupid things; but she had been careful. Those eyes in the dark...bright purple as they were still haunted her nightmares. The Grand Magic Games were a huge and public deal! Celestia couldn't afford to participate but she would have to if she got chosen...so she came to realize she needed to rely on something else...not her magic, in case she would be chosen. Hand to hand combat, that would work, she was skilled in that as traveling to such countries would do that to a woman, so without telling anyone she signed up for classes, learning karate would improve her skills. Over the months leading up to the GMG she had practiced day in and day out,  having already planned to pick up a training regimen again, she had changed her eating habits, had lost weight and turned it into lean powerful muscle, it was all well toned and lean. Nobody at the hall knew she was training this hard, except Acus but that was only because he lived with her, the results were obvious though, her stomach was flatter, her legs a little bit more muscular but it didn't affect her shape though, she still had every curve but it jiggled a lot less than before now. She kept training, even now when it was the day of the festival she had found a training field and was practicing every move she knew on the training dummy, her hands were flying fairly quick as sweat dropped down her face, pooling between her chest with each blow to the wooden dummy, she had on protective gloves at least and she was talking to herself with each swing. "Okay get your head together! Why do you keep thinking about that person when you have more important things to worry about! Like how to hide your magic if you get picked!" The blonde stepped back then pulled a round house kick on the dummy before sighing and taking a break, she plopped onto the floor next to her water and thought back on what she had found.


Why had she hurt her enemy instead of just running? That's an easy answer they used shadows... and could have very likely used that to chase you, you idiot! You had to hurt them...this is the GMG though...I can't get away with using no magic at all...or the stronger side of it...the flowers that grow down my right side is far too obvious...what if I only used lightning though? She thought in total silence while taking a few much needed gulps of water. She couldn't use too much magic but...she could test this out. She hadn't meditated in a few days, she should and try to call up only the lightning half of it. Taking a deep breath she crosses her legs and breathed out pulling her thoughts and magic into herself, she focused on how she felt in thunder storms, she drowned out her surroundings doing her best to not focus on how she could sense the bugs and worms that lived in the earth, she needed to focus on the sky, she recalled how it felt when lightning rode through her body suddenly, then raced up into the sky, this was right. Her eyes snap open both glowing yellow, matching the magic circle below her. She had worked hard, this would pay off! In seconds she's on her feet again and dashing at the training dummies, each blow is packed with lightning, but after five hits she quickly stops, not wanting to waste her magic so much. Panting she grinned, if anyone happened to be around her, they would think it maniacal and she laughed. She could hide, she knew it, she would just have to be careful, just in case.



Pacing Her Hotel Room in Crocus


Shiro frowned as she paced back and forth, thinking back on the first Christmas she hadn't spent by herself, she'd gotten a little closer to Nikolas, Laura, and Ferra but she had spent most of her time chatting to Phineas mostly about music, she was reminiscing though and she had bigger things to worry about, it had ended so suddenly but during the time leading up to the GMG she spent more time with people, trying to open up and sorta kinda failing, so she had stopped trying and spent most of her time training, though she didn't know why. First of all she was B class no way she could fight, she was a shield, and that's how she worked. Nobody knew the teams but that was fine, having the mystery for those who knew of the games would motivate them to train, she certainly had but hadn't felt much change in her magic, she really needed to get to know her guild mates more or she would b one hell of a useless shield. The white haired woman collapsed to the floor sighing agitated and frustrated, maybe she should just go meet the rest of the guild...but what would they say about her change in tone? Well they shouldn't complain with this being such a public event she wanted to represent her guild properly, and wearing a super short black dress yelled at her being a much different woman than she was; which was a conservative lover of music. Sighing once more Shiro got to her feet and wandered out of her room, heading to the big main area where the guild was supposed to gather, once there she actually didn't hide in a corner, instead standing in the open and watching while waiting on the others to come around.



Watching and waiting in the hotel for the others


Bastion really didn't want to be here or be doing this, she didn't stand a chance in this but she was here to support her guild, if she got picked she would refuse and pass it to someone more deserving, really she just didn't have control as she would like to, even though she had been desperately trying to control her magic she just couldn't...maybe if she could remember herself, who she had been she would gain her control, but she likely would never remember who she had been. Oh well, it's not like she was unhappy with her current situation, she liked this place, Fairy Tail, they seemed like an accepting bunch, but she still kept her secret, she just felt it would be better that way and okay so maybe she didn't trust people easily. Well didn't trust most people easily, Kelica was a different matter entirely, she had trusted the forest girl right away, but then again they had kind of become the mom and dad to that pup Bastion had brought home on Christmas, as a result the two were close but right now her biggest fear was losing track of Kelica, she had flipped out in spring and Bastion was worried, she was taking her sweet time wasn't she? Did she need to go track down the girl? Just the thought had her pinching the bridge of her nose with one hand and rubbing her temple with the other. The sooner she shows up the more comfortable I'm going to be...I don't mind keeping an eye on her but when she's not in my sight lately I freak out. Bastion groaned at the thought and started pacing nearly immediately.



@Embaga Elder @Solemn Jester (mentioned)[COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)] @ANYONEINSABERTOOTH[/COLOR]


Instead of in spots, it actually runs on her skin here and there. (no her entire body isnt covered in cracks. just enough to make her look badass ok? XDD )  and how the light is coming out isnt how Nexus is showing. Its showing like
this, instead of red it's blue and isnt like a super bright light. And the cool part is you actually see the nexus moving within the cracks. When not in use though, it goes away

Sitting in the front yard of Sabertooth guild hall was Kathy. Her legs crossed as she was sitting on the ground with her eyes closed and blue cracks running along any exposed skin and making her look like she was about to burst like glass. In these cracks, blue light emitted from them, indicating that Nexus was in use. Usually if her eyes were open, the color would be blue instead of purple but since they were closed, no one was able to see said blue eyes. Over the months that passed, Christmas and New Years was the most fun but the fact that the Grand Magic Games were coming around seemed to inspire people to train such as herself. The fact that she was able to train gave her the ability to no longer need her staff as a conductor for Nexus because she had stablized it all on her own and is able to control the power she shoots out. Kathy also has a higher capacity of Magic power so she is able to last much longer in fights.


The mage was in her brand new pair of favorite clothing which bore a hood and cape which she absolutely loved. The colors and how the suit was made fit her perfectly and made her look less like she wanted nothing to do with the world and more she meant business and that she was part of a guild to protect others or make a mess with a job. Either way she still got Jewel for it and is still living properly. With Miles off with his brother, Kathy couldnt follow him around like she usually did. But even so, the sepration had actually made her more independent and make her feel like her own leader. Sure, she loved Miles to pieces but for many years she followed him. Now it was time to fully follow herself and hang out with Miles when it happens. Plus it gave them both space. Not that it mattered because behind closed doors they were all over eachother as if they were seprated for years on end.


Kathy was on guard for anything or anyone that would approach her. Whether she had to work super fast or blast some Nexus at someone.




There she was, the mighty warrior of Fairy Tail. The wizard who actually acted as if she was a knight and played the part pretty damn well. Her long blonde hair was in a pony tail, her blade was hanging from a belt on her waist and she was dressed pretty casually. There was no use wearing her armor to a place where tons of people would be walking and kids would be running around. Not to mention the Armor only was really made for more crazier fights. But knowing Fiore, it was possible that a fight could potentially break out. Which is why she brought her blade and her shieldbut that was sitting in hers and Chris's hotel room. Now knowing most of the people around, they'd think that they would constantly bed eachother. Obviously they were totally wrong because they fought over cubes of sugar, sometimes tea.


Now these were little fights that they'd laugh at later but when it came to tea and sugar cubes, Lavender was a tough cookie. But when they dont fight, they're just snuggling, talking or taking nice walks outside. Maybe just napping at most. But the past few months Lavender was training, trying to get stronger and of course she made Chris train too. It was a nice workout for both of them. Anyways! Off to the fun part. Unlocking the door to their hotel room, she pushed it open and walked in, two bags in her hand "Well that was fun, wasnt it, Chris? This place is so lively and very excited for the Grand Magic Games!" it was pretty obvious that she was excited too, even if she was in it or not. There were many people stronger than her in FT but whatever the GM says, will go. "Are you looking forward to this fine event?" the warrior asked, walking over to the dresser and placing the two bags down
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[SIZE= 18px]Chris Lengheart(GMG, here we come!)[/SIZE]

The beast powerhouse of fairytail, Chris Lengheart, followed the ever so brave and courageous knight into their room. He wasn't really wearing much out of his usual, a pair of shorts and his usual sleeveless shirt. The only real thing that was different about him was his longer hair, which hung wildly at around neck length. He held a few bags in his hands and quickly walked in once the door was opened. He placed the bags on his bed and grinned as Lavender talked about their little shopping expedition. "I never expected so many vendors. There has to be more this year than there were last year."

Slowly removing everything from its bag and putting it away in its proper place, Chris continued to listen to Lavender as she talked about being excited for this year's games. "Hell yeah I am!" He said in response to her question. Who wouldn't be excited or the Grand Magic Games? Although Chris didn't know whether or not he was going to compete, it wouldn't put on damper on his excitement. "After all that training, we better get picked. I know I didn't nearly get my head sliced off to not get picked." Chris joked as he finished putting everything away. Laying flat on his back, Chris couldn't help but ask,"Think we're gonna win this year? I heard the other guilds have been working their asses off to catch up to us. From that alone, I can tell this year's games are gonna be good."


Eric Banner.png


These past few months have been incredibly active for Eric, just hearing about the Grand Magic Games has sparked something within him. Something that told him to GET THE HELL OFF YOUR ASS AND TRAIN! Wait a minute... That was his guild mates that said that... Regardless he's been training non stop for this moment. Right now he's trying to train his magic by attempting to extend the limits of his take-overs along with overall physical training to increase his stregnth and speed. "Heh! I'll show them damn Fairies who's the number one guild in Fiore!" So far Eric has actually managed to transform into bigger sizes. He can even match the size of an elephant now without giving himself even the smallest hint of a headache. Speaking of which Eric is now transforming into one. To test his new-found stregnth he sought out a suitable target, eventually he found an old boulder. "Alright... Don't fail me now head..." Eric charged full-force at the boulder and upon making contact it smashed into pieces with pebbles flying everywhere!. He would even happier than he already was had one of the pebbles not smashed someone's window in the process. To respond to this Eric simply turned back into his human form and slowly backed away before sprinting towards the guild hall. Upon approaching the guild hall he spotted Katherine doing some weird form of meditation. Was that how she trained? Not that he was complaining, the method looked cool as heck. "Sup Kathy! Whatcha doin' there?" Of course little to Eric's knowledge he's made a grave mistake by disturbing Katherine's meditation.


Timothy Harvard: Training Hard



"One Thousand...One Thousand Two...One Thousand Three...One Thousand Four!" [SIZE= 18px]he cried out as he continued his push ups. [/SIZE]"Gotta....keep....pushing....forward..." [SIZE= 18px]Timothy finished his final push up and collapsed on the floor before getting up to stretch his joints and pistons. Its the day of the Grand Magic Games and everyone seems to be working hard, in fact ever since he joined the guild. Timothy has been doing his best to keep up with everyone despite his hindrance of unable to use magic. To make up for this, he devoted his entire foundation to physical adaption alone. Being in Fairy Tail alone was enough motivation to help him. He has met many people during his time at the guild and is quite happy to be a part of their world. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]First there was Sora, the one who helped him join Fairy Tail, Kelicia the one who remembered him, Ayano a reformed friend who is trying to atone for her actions, Ryu a strong swordsman, Clair a powerful saint, Hibiki the head strong demon wizard, Arietta his fox master and many more. He enjoyed being a part of Fairy Tail and would do anything just to make sure his friends would succeed in the games even if he wasn't picked to be part of the team. In fact, he decided to get an early head start to train in the mountain regions of Crocus. He's been punching and kicking many rocks and hills. He let out some steam...literally out of his ears after the training and drinks some water to keep hydrated. At last his final test has come, a giant mountain stands in front of him. He flexes his muscles to ready for a barrage of furious punches [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"MACHINE GUN BLOWS" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he shouts with power in his voice as he unleashed his pent up energy into a focus spot of the mountain and continuously punches the hole, over and over again. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]The hole soon became deeper and deeper and deeper until nearly half the mountain was torn apart by his punches causing the entire foundation to fall down tremendously with vibrations in the background. He took a deep breathe and slumped down from the intensity of the training and pushing his systems to the max. Timothy laughed at the whole scene, formerly a mountain now nothing more than a huge crater. Hopefully no one will notice the giant hole in the ground but he couldn't help but smile at how much effort he has put into working out while also upgrading himself. However there was one thing that made him feel more emptier than usual as a familiar sound rumbled like thunder. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"HRRRRGHHHUHHHHH" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]the sounds came from his empty stomach. Timothy moaned with soreness as he tries to get up [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Maybe I should have eaten something before training...being hungry is terrible...how do humans even deal with this kind of feeling? I'm so hungry I could eat a giant tree at this point" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said in a funny tone as he turned his head towards a particular pine tree. Shaking his head he turned around and sighed [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"I don't think Kelicia would like that...I don't want to hurt her feelings." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said sadly as he picked up a rock and took a bite out of it. His molars crunching the bits of earth material. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Hmmmm *crunch* *crunch* taste like rock candy without the artificial flavors." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said continuing to eat the rock, hoping that he won't regret his decisions in the future.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @Jackaboi @Zuka @LeSoraAmari @Rhodus (All Mentioned).[/SIZE]



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Taylor been training everyday since she meet Rosa she just wanted to be stronger she was all she wanted was revange on the people who killed her family but didn't say anything her parents death had a big impact on her but she was happy to be in the blue pegasus she laughes at she was panting as she was training she just looked up at the dummy she was basically training by herself she wiped her sweat off her face she was wandering what miss rosa was doing or the other guild memebers was doing she just looked around she just place her hands in front of her face as she was punching the dummy as she was angry a bit' i'll kill them for hurting my family no one knows how i feel everyday i don't really sleep so i just read' she thought as she knocked down the dummy as she was panting from her anger and from the training @Zuka

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Crocus City Streets[/COLOR]

If there was one girl in all of Fiore that trained harder then anyone else it was little, blonde, Forest Mage Kelica. A week of rest was all the girl had over Christmas and even despite the colder weather and her instincts trying to get her to hibernate, and wanting to do nothing but sleep, Kelica ignored all that and went straight to it. Over the couple of days Noah told her he was planning on joining Lamia Scale much to the girl's horror. She had cried quite strongly after hearing that but after an hr of two of collecting herself, she realized that's just who he WAS. Her long haired purple mirage, the man who appeared when she needed him the most and disappeared without a trace. It wasn't the end of them by any means. In a way, his absence made her heart grow fonder and she wanted to prove her worth and excel her magic. The thought of his face when they meet again, for him to see how much her powers had grown was what spurred her on. She trained as much as she could with Hibiki and Ryu, but they too were busy with training in some way, shape or form for Grand Magic Games, and they had show her all she needed to know.

This was Kelica's journey and she wouldn't rest until she could prove her worth to everyone. The dark energy she felt around Magnolia on Christmas Day still haunted her, leaving her shaking as she sat up in the middle of the night. But she promised she would train twice as hard the next day. She owed that to Fairytail and all her Guild Mates. Even before the sun had risen, Kelica was wandering the Forest's early to examine plants, find new branches and leaves for remedies and herbal extracts, finding suitable defenses and ways to attack offensively. Once the sun was up she was running around till she was sweat drenched and ate only enough to see her running once again. The girl didn't stop and even after dusk she would run to her room and collapse in a heap to do it all again.

Her saving grace was spending moments caring for the pup and helping Bastion, talking with him and explaining her worries and her fears. Her nightmares of the Dragon that destroyed Malina. Of telling him her uselessness and inadequacy. But he would smile and tell her to keep trying the next day so she trained just as hard. She had to know she was making a difference, that she was helping and doing everything possible to show her worth to Fairytail. Even to this day, she still felt unworthy. Like somewhere deep down she would never amount to the greatness that was her Father. That she could never protect the Forest as she always wanted to. But that was what the Grand Magic Games was for. To show a small girl like her could really make a difference.

She'd made the trip with most the Guild to Crocus, wandering the street with a soft pace as opposed to her normal hyperactive run. She was amazed at the huge bundles of flowers cascading from almost every window, the smells, the sounds of the birds flying overhead. Sitting on ledges, talking to one another about the activity. Kelica could hear all that. But her attention was diverted when a not so small young Wolf was bounding around her feet and leaping up to tug on her dress a fraction. Yes, Kelica was even wearing a cute sundress instead of her normal vest and shorts! Though she still refused to wear shoes as it kept her disconnected from the Earth and took longer to use her powers. Not to mention her Guild Mark was right there, in a soft green, against her right ankle. Kelica turned down as the wolf whom she named "Fate" promptly cut off her walk and sat on her feet making the girl giggle as she rubbed behind his ears and down along his spine into the threads of his fur. "I know I know, we should find Bastion... I'm sure he will be worried sick..." She spoke softly before she idly jumped onto a bridge edge and spread her arms out as she balanced along the brick edge.

@Embaga Elder @Arius LaVari
@Arius LaVari

After a while of casual conversation (which was very rare), Nikolas and Phineas walked downstairs to where the rest of the guild would be meeting. Phineas kept repeatedly tugging on the vest, as though it would somehow give him good luck. Nikolas had put on a very familiar pair of round glasses in favor of his usual contact lenses. Okay, let's face it, his eyesight actually sucked, so these glasses came in handy. Both of their shirts had the Saedor crest and motto on it, so they could represent their family, both biological and Lamia Scale, in battle. After walking downstairs, Phineas found Shiro and approached her.

  "......Good morning, Shiro," he said calmly, waving at her. "You look great today." There was a pause as he slowly looked at her; behind Shiro's back, Nikolas puckered his lips, making fluttering motions with his hands. Phin rolled his eyes at his brother. "Watch it, Nik, or I'll send Valken after you." Nikolas drooped, letting out a collective shudder. From what he heard, the guy had a dog now. A freaking POOCH! Sometimes he wondered if Valken was just trying to murder him in his sleep. Ever since he and Ferra slept in the same bed together.....

  The half-Neko sighed. Couldn't he just be desperately in love with her in peace? It wasn't like she was pregnant or anything.

  No. If Ferra were pregnant, he would have been killed already. And buried. Without a funeral or a memorial service. Nikolas shuddered in fear of that. Well, no backing out now! He refused to break Ferra's heart, especially after how it had already been broken once! And despite everyone's obvious disapproval, he was going to do whatever it took to make her happy! 

  Because that was what was important.


The Crest
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[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Rosaline Dreyar[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Blue Pegasus Section[/COLOR]

Lady Laxus, unlike most, did nothing more training wise then the girl would do on a normal basis. That is to say, Rosaline trained from sun up till sun down, or took on missions and was only home to sleep and shower. She didn't even eat there, only steal whatever Yamato was cooking. Though she did cut down her drinking since the Blue Pegasus incident that saw her drink Cele's delicious but very very dangerous moonshine and dance with that Kazuo fellow.... Memories hopefully buried in the deepest darkest pits of her mind for ever and all of eternity. Along with his kiss in their fight that still made her face twitch up and her angry expression darken but was that a hint of red on her cheeks? Surely not. Rosaline wasn't capable of such things as that. The only real difference to her training was including Cele in her spar sessions (and she could sense someone watching but that couldn't possibly be the case, could it?Kazuo), as well training her new recruit Taylor, and the long lost hopeless man Veniano.

So here she was in Crocus, in a section of the town that had been designated for Blue Pegasus, with her arms crossed  and her back leaning into the wall. She was dressed in her battle attire. Her swimsuit one piece, stockings, boots and gloves. She even had her prized whip sword slung over her back. The only thing that softened her expression any was the earrings and golden hair clip in her hair and one braid that twisted and fell across one shoulder. But her sharp blue eyes wandered around the people bustling to and fro. Any people who stopped for half a second to stare at her were quickly met with her stern gaze that made them half squeak and run away again. She took a soft breath outwards as she watched the townsfolk and mages, before lifting her eyes to the sky.

"Blue Pegasus phsaw... Bunch of pansies... Just what is that rabble up to anyway? I don't have time to be just standing around. Either tell us the line up, otherwise I'll go back to something more interesting. Like picking my own fight or going for a drink..." Eyeing off a strong mage or two she considered was worthy enough to fight before dismissing it and going back to her usual aggressive and bored slump. She detested being bored and had little to no patience.

@Britt-21 @Arius LaVari @Halffix @Jackaboi @Zeldafangirl @TripTripleTimes @LeSoraAmari @hudhouse @Happy Red Mage
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Taylor just picked up the dummy as she just walked outside as she looked up the sky she wanted to pick up something from her appartment but she forgot to pay for her apartment' crap i forgot gah being 14 and forgeting stuff sucks at times' she thought as she saw some of the boys who usually picks on her but she usually ignore them she just walked to her apartment she just grabbed a diary as she put it in her hoddie jacket she just was pushed out of her apartment as she try to go back in but her land lady didn't let her back in' ow that hurt but i'm okay' she just got up from the ground' why does she have to be so mean' she thought as she was walking around the town she saw her trainer rosa she just smiled a bit she had bandages on her hands since she been training she just sighed' look like i don't have a home she just slide down the wall' guess i sleep outside tonight' she thought to herslef  @Zuka
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Timothy Harvard: Training Hard


"One Thousand...One Thousand Two...One Thousand Three...One Thousand Four!" [SIZE= 18px]he cried out as he continued his push ups. [/SIZE]"Gotta....keep....pushing....forward..." [SIZE= 18px]Timothy finished his final push up and collapsed on the floor before getting up to stretch his joints and pistons. Its the day of the Grand Magic Games and everyone seems to be working hard, in fact ever since he joined the guild. Timothy has been doing his best to keep up with everyone despite his hindrance of unable to use magic. To make up for this, he devoted his entire foundation to physical adaption alone. Being in Fairy Tail alone was enough motivation to help him. He has met many people during his time at the guild and is quite happy to be a part of their world. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]First there was Sora, the one who helped him join Fairy Tail, Kelicia the one who remembered him, Ayano a reformed friend who is trying to atone for her actions, Ryu a strong swordsman, Clair a powerful saint, Hibiki the head strong demon wizard, Arietta his fox master and many more. He enjoyed being a part of Fairy Tail and would do anything just to make sure his friends would succeed in the games even if he wasn't picked to be part of the team. In fact, he decided to get an early head start to train in the mountain regions of Crocus. He's been punching and kicking many rocks and hills. He let out some steam...literally out of his ears after the training and drinks some water to keep hydrated. At last his final test has come, a giant mountain stands in front of him. He flexes his muscles to ready for a barrage of furious punches [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"MACHINE GUN BLOWS" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he shouts with power in his voice as he unleashed his pent up energy into a focus spot of the mountain and continuously punches the hole, over and over again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]The hole soon became deeper and deeper and deeper until nearly half the mountain was torn apart by his punches causing the entire foundation to fall down tremendously with vibrations in the background. He took a deep breathe and slumped down from the intensity of the training and pushing his systems to the max. Timothy laughed at the whole scene, formerly a mountain now nothing more than a huge crater. Hopefully no one will notice the giant hole in the ground but he couldn't help but smile at how much effort he has put into working out while also upgrading himself. However there was one thing that made him feel more emptier than usual as a familiar sound rumbled like thunder. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"HRRRRGHHHUHHHHH" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]the sounds came from his empty stomach. Timothy moaned with soreness as he tries to get up [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Maybe I should have eaten something before training...being hungry is terrible...how do humans even deal with this kind of feeling? I'm so hungry I could eat a giant tree at this point" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said in a funny tone as he turned his head towards a particular pine tree. Shaking his head he turned around and sighed [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"I don't think Kelicia would like that...I don't want to hurt her feelings." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said sadly as he picked up a rock and took a bite out of it. His molars crunching the bits of earth material. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Hmmmm *crunch* *crunch* taste like rock candy without the artificial flavors." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said continuing to eat the rock, hoping that he won't regret his decisions in the future.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @Jackaboi @Zuka @LeSoraAmari @Rhodus (All Mentioned).[/SIZE]




(Faceclaim has been changed)






The past few months had been... hectic, to say the least. Christmas had come and gone surprisingly quickly as did the previous months which in turn, led to this day. Arietta, the kitsune wizard saint was their new guild master and she had actually done a rather good job on running things thus far. However there was one thing Hibiki didn't feel that particular happy about, and that was Ayano being welcomed into the guild. The vampire witch child had killed hundreds of people, she tortured them, tormented them- all in the name of Grimoire Heart. Heck, she even stabbed him in the leg, and had the nerve to undermine himself and Sora. None of those things would soon be forgotten by the S-Class. In fact, they had sunk deep into his memory, staining it so much so that he refused to forget. No, not something like that. Even if everyone else trusted the defected dark mage, Hibiki, who is usually one of the most welcoming people in the guild, did not. Hibiki felt as though he could never trust her, not until she proved to him that she could be trusted at least, and that would take a very long time indeed. 


Having woken up about an hour ago, Hibiki left the place Fairy Tail had called residence for the coming weeks and decided to go for a stroll. It was the opening day of the Grand Magic Games, and virtually everyone would be there. All of the main guilds would no doubt be participating for the top spot, a spot Fairy Tail vowed to keep. For almost over 100 years, Fairy Tail has been the strongest. A title Hibiki and the others of the guild swore to uphold and keep in their name, they would fight in order to keep their title, to have fun, and to most certainly have fun whilst doing so. It was relatively early in the morning and the sun was very slowly rising as Hibiki walked the streets of Crocus. Even at this time, it was ram packed full of mages from across Fiore, as well as normal citizens, parading the streets in hopes of a good games this year. Thousands of people would be watching, and the amount of people willing to wake up this early in the morning certainly proved that to him. 




Hibiki gradually made his way out of the streets of Crocus and into the outskirts, making his way towards a mountain pass his grandfather used to take him to. His grandfather was a remarkable man, and someone whom of which Hibiki was very proud of. Walking through the mountain pass would add to Hibiki's resolve for that fact and that fact alone. He knew that he'd have to help in the lead of Fairy Tail during the games, and by the blood of his family he swore to uphold Fairy Tails name and glory. After a very quiet walk, Hibiki heard the sounds of rocks shattering in the distance, followed by a small tremor as yet more rocks fell and instinct of course told him to investigate that. His brow furrowed as he couldn't detect any magical signatures in the area, which meant that whatever it was wasn't exactly human. Or at least, was a regular person whom of which was not a mage. Upon further inspection, Hibiki arrived at the area and noticed that it was in fact Timothy who was making all of the noise, no doubt he was training for the games. At first, Hibiki didn't say a word, and instead simply sat back quietly and watched the boy train. His punches were strong, and very fast. In all honesty, Hibiki was rather impressed with it all. 


Timothy was one of the people that Hibiki liked very much despite him also being one of the newer members. Well, he liked virtually everyone in the guild but some more than others. Fairy Tail was a huge family after all, even if Ayano wasn't welcome in that, in his eyes anyway. But to Hibiki, Tim had something special about him. His determination was virtually unparalleled and his strive to improve unmoved. Quite evidently Timothy was determined to keep getting stronger and stronger, and countless training would no doubt do that for him. Hibiki chuckled as he jumped down from the boulder behind Timothy and slowly approached him. Hibiki placed his hands in his pockets as he smiled to the robotic boy. "Nice form, Tim. Strong and quick punches too, very impressive. Just remember not to strain yourself too much, we wouldn't want that now would we?" He said, continuing to smile as he did so. "I didn't expect to see you up here, usually this mountain pass is so very quiet. But it's nice to see you in the zone like that." Hibiki paused for a moment as he stopped speaking, hand she in his pockets as he admired the view they had from up in the mountains. From up here, it was as if the world was at its most peaceful. Just the wind in the air and the birds singing, it was serene. Especially now that Timothy had stopped pummelling the earth. Hibiki chuckled at the thought of people panicking in Crocus city about it. Perhaps they thought the mountain was about to explode or something stupid like that? The very thought amused Hibiki, and as he waited for Timothy to react to his sudden appearance, he chuckled at the thought, a kind and warm smile on his face as he did so.


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