Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Talon sat on the front lawn of the fancy mansion the guild was staying at. He had his own little picnic set up and was idly eating chips and drinking a 6 pack of root beer (Ferra had ordered him to stay away from achohol till at least after the opening ceremonies). He tossed a chip up into the air and shot a small blast of fire at it, effectively turning it to ash and leaving the smell of burnt seasoning in the air. He sighed and fell back onto the grass. He stared at the sky overhead thinking over the upcoming games and wondering if he was on the team or not. He poably wasnt, as he was new and hadn't really had a chance to prove himself in battle to the guild. A flash of red in the corner of his eye, startling him out of his thoughts, and he sat up quickly, but the thing, whatever it was, was already gone. He searched the sky where it had been for a few moments before shrugging and lying back down.

A man with a cape and fedora threw a card at one of the TVs that were all over the place, smashing it and causing sparks to fly into the air. "Stupid announcer... no one gives a shit about your silly games..." The man muttered to himself as he stalked down a street with his hat pulled over his eyes.

@anyone who wants to interact with Talon

Lily Whiteflower

"Don't you know smoking is bad for your health?" Lily spoke up as she sat next to him. Her blade was plunged into the lawn, making it stand upright. It generate a gentle calming breeze that ruffled the grass a little bit and provided a bit of cooling. It was also banishing the scent of burnt chip and its ashes. "The sky is nice isn't it?" She commented as she looked up. "It's a nice day today, perfect for the upcoming games..." A lone butterfly phantom rested on the sword. "Looking forward to it?"
Veniano greeted the early morning with a rush out from the building the Blue Pegasus had rented for the Grand Magic Games, tying his striped tie as he ran out of the heavy doors. The day had just started and there was much work for the talk show host to do before the games begin.The air was still crisp and cool as the sun had yet to raise over the mountains surrounding the grand city.

The months after Christmas and New Years were a different kind of hectic than from last year. While last year was a continuous stream of work, work, work, this year on top of his work, magic training cramps his schedule mercilessly. The dark skinned man wanted to spend more time at the Blue Pegasus and family than he did the years before. His regular work as a talk show host had lighten, given fewer but regular hours to work, but Rosaline was relentless with his training and no days were free of agonizing pain and weights.

It was not to say that the hell bend training Rosaline set up for the man yield no result.Rosaline’s magic training consisted of both physical and magical training. Like any committed training, Veniano was in more in shape than he ever was in the past years. His muscles were well sculpted and toned and he can do more physically, like run further and faster and lift his mother and carry her long enough to impress his whole family. His mother looked at him with awe and pride and then proceeded to smack him for cracking her back and his younger brother laughed and looked at him a bit of jealousy. Father just patted his back, and his abuelos just smiled and shared each other tales of their younger years at the side.

Veniano’s efficiency in magic grew along side his physical work out. This came more easily to the man as he focused on what he already had. He just needed to improve his range, stamina, and strength.... Okay, that is all the aspect of his magic, but hey! Traveling has never been so quick with his teleportation and his Special Effects! Can quickly fill up the whole Blue Pegasus Headquarter! On top of his two top magics, levitation was also a focus during his training.

The two new members of Blue Pegasus, Celestia and Taylor, are very motivated people. During his time training alongside Taylor under Rosaline, the little girl had proven herself strong and continues to do so. It is amazing how quick children can grow. For training, Veniano had spared with her on occasions and he is happy to say that each time they fought, it feels like the girl is growing. Her gun magic is a thing to look out for and it keeps the man on his feet. Celestia, on the other hand, is frightening in a close range combat. She is lovely and book smart, but the phrase “looks can be deceiving” can be pinned onto the girl’s back.

For the rest of the guildmates, Veniano chatted with the newer mates and catch up with the older mates. He listened to their adventures and shared some of his own. The time spend at the guild was a good one, as they all have a good time with each other and partied every other days.

When he was finally done with the work he is send out to do for the day, Veniano returns back to the large building the Blue Pegasus have rented. The sun has climbed over the mountain and its heat is beating down on his back. Nearing the building, he notices Rosaline.

"Good morning, Rosaline!" Veniano cheerfully greets the lady. 


@Zuka @Zeldafangirl @Arius LaVari @Solemn Jester @Mitchs98
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Aleria hummed quietly as she made her way through the the fine and high class hotel Blue Pegasus was staying in. She had already arranged the teams for the Grand Magic Games and was excited to announce it to the members of her guild. The hotel was lavish and amazing, befitting of the guild. Her armor clinked as she walked down to the hotel's lobby and asked to use the hotel's intercom to broadcast. "Attention all Blue Pegasus members, please gather at the fountain in the hotel lobby in 10 minutes for I am about to announce the teams for the Grand Magic Games. I repeat, please gather at the fountain in the hotel lobby in 10 minutes, thank you." She announced.

Thanking the man who had let her use the intercom she moved to the fountain and awaited for the members to gather before she would divide them into teams. She didn't particularly mind whether or not they won. All she cared for was for them to enjoy themselves, not severely hurt themselves, and put up an excellent show. 


Lily Whiteflower

"Don't you know smoking is bad for your health?" Lily spoke up as she sat next to him. Her blade was plunged into the lawn, making it stand upright. It generate a gentle calming breeze that ruffled the grass a little bit and provided a bit of cooling. It was also banishing the scent of burnt chip and its ashes. "The sky is nice isn't it?" She commented as she looked up. "It's a nice day today, perfect for the upcoming games..." A lone butterfly phantom rested on the sword. "Looking forward to it?"

Talon blinked once, a bit startled at first. "What? I wasn't smoking?" He said, a bit confused. He looked at the girl curiously. "Huh ya I guess... Um who are you?" He asked, now completely confused as to who this girl was. Was that a butterflies ghost? He looked at the butterfly on her sword and finally decided it was, wierd. "Wanna chip? They're barbecue." He asked, holding out the bag to her.
Talon blinked once, a bit startled at first. "What? I wasn't smoking?" He said, a bit confused. He looked at the girl curiously. "Huh ya I guess... Um who are you?" He asked, now completely confused as to who this girl was. Was that a butterflies ghost? He looked at the butterfly on her sword and finally decided it was, wierd. "Wanna chip? They're barbecue." He asked, holding out the bag to her.

"Oh I'm Lily, you're the new guy right?" She asked. "Oh I'd like some, thanks for offering. It's very nice of you to offer food to someone you don't know." She said before reaching for a chip, gingerly plucking one and popping it into her mouth. "I'm also a member of Lamia Scale, it's nice to formally meet you...uh..." She paused and she looked as if she was trying to remember something. "I'm sorry I haven't caught your name from anyone yet..." She admitted with a shy smile.

Mitsu Takara-Sthoss


Mitsu was seated at a small table outside of a relatively small cafe in Crocus. Mitsu observed the people around her, all happily talking with their friends or family. The mood was joyful as everyone seemed to be excited about the annual Grand Magic Games. Mitsu briefly closed her eyes as she grabbed her cup of coffee, downing the whole beverage in one swoop before gently placing the cup back down again. "Here." Mitsu said to Verlaris, handing him a pair of seating tickets for the Grand Magic Games. "Scouting out Ayano and Verdana should be easy. One of us should sit on opposite ends of the stadium for better coverage. We will keep a watchful eye on those two traitors for now, until our Master decides if we should strike. You  should give that spare ticket to Galilea. It's going to be fun. Seeing what kind of mages these light guilds brought. Perhaps we can take advantage of this situation as do a little reconnaissance on all of them." Mitsu said smirking. 

@Sinister Clown @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball(mentioned)

Kira Sthoss


Kira was scouring through the market place for ice cream & other sweets when Aria notified her about her being a part of Fairy Tail's representative team. Giving a subtle nod towards her Guild Master, Kira quickly ordered an Ice cream, a box of mochi balls, and a bag with various candies and sweets before pulling out her sword. It was time to try out a new spell that she had been practicing for the past month in preparation for the Grand Magic Games. Kira turned her sword over, making the tip of her sword touch the concrete road as a small but bright purple pentagram appeared under her feet before it instantly teleported her in front of Fairy Tail's temporary residence. Kira quickly made her way inside, the bag of snacks still in her hands. Entering the room, Kira gave Aria and Abaddon an acknowledging glance before setting down the mountain of candies onto a table nearby. "You all can help yourselves. It's for everyone to share. A little good luck gift from me to you all." Kira said glancing at everyone else.

Before looking back at Aria. "As for you master." Kira extended her arm out with a box of mochi balls. Kira licked her ice cream. "Here." 

@LeSoraAmari @purplepanda288 @Zareh @Jackaboi @Solemn Jester @Spanner @Happy Red Mage @Isune  @Britt-21 @Kyuubey
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Chris continued to hold Lavender until he felt someone tap on his shoulder. Quickly turning around to see who it was, Chris immediately turned around to see that this person was Abaddon, or Abby as he heard Aria call him a couple of times. A huge grin spread across his face as he immediately got Lavender into a huge hug. "We made it, I can't believe we actually made it!" He said as he turned around to "Abby". Before he could say anything however, he was gone. Oh well, Chris still couldn't believe that both he and Lavender got picked to represent Fairy tail this year! "Come on we gotta go meet 'em. Let's go, let's go!" He said while already leading her to the guild's temporary location. Normally he would of just given her a ride, but it was nearby so no use in wasting the magic. He couldn't wait to get to the guildhall, and he couldn't wait to be a part of a team. No way was Fairy tail gonna lose this year, not on Chris' watch.

@Kyubey @Britt-21
(Can't find her in the cd sheets what's she look like?)

Talon was a bit out of his league with this girl, she was so polite and nice and he was pretty average. "Well umm it's what I do I guess..." He replied, feeling a bit embarassed from her compliment. "Oh I'm Talon... Uhh nice to meet you Lily." He said with a grin, his normal self starting to show up once more. "I think I might have seen you around once or twice before." He added. @Grandmaster

(Can't find her in the cd sheets what's she look like?)

Talon was a bit out of his league with this girl, she was so polite and nice and he was pretty average. "Well umm it's what I do I guess..." He replied, feeling a bit embarassed from her compliment. "Oh I'm Talon... Uhh nice to meet you Lily." He said with a grin, his normal self starting to show up once more. "I think I might have seen you around once or twice before." He added. @Grandmaster


"Oh that's nice a nice name. Talon was it? It's nice to formally meet you Talon." She said with a smile. "So, what do you think about the GMG? Feel like you're ready for it if you get picked?" She asked, joining him on lying on the grass. "The chances are low for either of us to get picked for it so we might as well do something with our time. Oh!" She said as she noticed the root beer near the chips. She picked up one can. "Do you mind if I get one? I've been feeling rather thirsty."

Talon grinned, "oh im excited, it's gonna be lit, and I'm totally ready if I get picked!¡!¡" He exclaimed, clearly excited. Talon nodded, "oh yeah sure go ahead." He replied to her question concerning the root beer. "What's your magic by the way?" He asked curiously. "I'm guessing it has something to do with your sword right?" He opened another root beer for himself and grabbed a handful of chips


Talon grinned, "oh im excited, it's gonna be lit, and I'm totally ready if I get picked!¡!¡" He exclaimed, clearly excited. Talon nodded, "oh yeah sure go ahead." He replied to her question concerning the root beer. "What's your magic by the way?" He asked curiously. "I'm guessing it has something to do with your sword right?" He opened another root beer for himself and grabbed a handful of chips


Lily let out a soft giggle at Talon's enthusiasm as she opened up the can of root beer. "That's nice to hear..." She drifted off as she took a sip and shuddered at the drink's sweetness. "Oh I'm not that good of a mage, I'm more of a swordswoman that uses magic more than anything. If anything the sword is more of a mage than I am!" She joked, reaching over to pick up the sword.The breeze suddenly stopped as she pulled the sword closer. "I can make phantoms with my magic, it's very beautiful. Want to see?" She offered before she took another sip of her drink.
Lily let out a soft giggle at Talon's enthusiasm as she opened up the can of root beer. "That's nice to hear..." She drifted off as she took a sip and shuddered at the drink's sweetness. "Oh I'm not that good of a mage, I'm more of a swordswoman that uses magic more than anything. If anything the sword is more of a mage than I am!" She joked, reaching over to pick up the sword.The breeze suddenly stopped as she pulled the sword closer. "I can make phantoms with my magic, it's very beautiful. Want to see?" She offered before she took another sip of her drink.

Talon tried to understand what she was saying and then shrugged and said sure. "It's probably best if you show me, I learn better that way." He explained, sitting up so he could see better. Could the phantoms affect people he wondered to himself. 

Talon tried to understand what she was saying and then shrugged and said sure. "It's probably best if you show me, I learn better that way." He explained, sitting up so he could see better. Could the phantoms affect people he wondered to himself. 


She clasped her hands together in anticipation. "Alright, here we go." She said. Suddenly a small butterfly made of light blinked into existence. Then another, then another, then two, then more and more. Soon they were surrounded by butterflies made of light.They fluttered about aimlessly, some had even landed on the nearby grass. One fluttered over and landed gently on Talon's nose. "I think it likes you." She commented with a smile as she stretched forward and let a couple land on her arm.



Taylor just picked up the dummy as she just walked outside as she looked up the sky she wanted to pick up something from her appartment but she forgot to pay for her apartment' crap i forgot gah being 14 and forgeting stuff sucks at times' she thought as she saw some of the boys who usually picks on her but she usually ignore them she just walked to her apartment she just grabbed a diary as she put it in her hoddie jacket she just was pushed out of her apartment as she try to go back in but her land lady didn't let her back in' ow that hurt but i'm okay' she just got up from the ground' why does she have to be so mean' she thought as she was walking around the town she saw her trainer rosa she just smiled a bit she had bandages on her hands since she been training she just sighed' look like i don't have a home she just slide down the wall' guess i sleep outside tonight' she thought to herslef  @Zuka


[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR]

  Reveal hidden contents

  (left side)

I never heard of these though that's why I used it cause IT LOOKS SO GOOOD



As if on cue, Kazuo had appeared next to her, holding out a small thing of Cookie Fries. Despite her looking at the sky "You know, it's better to be patient." he pointed out, leaning his head into his own small bit of cookie fries and pulling one out with his mouth since his hand was already occupied by holding her bit of food. He chewed till it was no longer in his mouth and he spoke "I know you might not eat these but I can assure you, they're great. It's only a cookie made to look like a fry." He knew that Rosa would just jump out of surprise because he had the tendancy to go and pop out of the blue. Not that Kazuo cared much. He was just being his usual self and coming in when he needed or wanted to. Being on the left side of her actually helped him greatly because it was the side that he could see with.


"You should also not give the townsfolk glares and scare them off. They're only admiring you because you're part of a guild. Not to mention a Wizard. A tough one at that." he added, taking another cookie fry from his small container with his mouth and eating it like no big deal. The snack was actually really yummy. It was like a cookie but in a stick form and really didnt require hands since they werent round and they were sticking up in a small container. It is true that 'you are what you eat' but Kazuo thought that they should have a nice sugary snack for once. Christmas and new years was one thing but the Grand Magic Games? It was all different kinds of food. Corn dogs, fries, cotton candy. It was literally like a fair. Which was pretty cool in Kazuo's book. The wizard looked around, just really keeping himself on guard. HIs sword on his waist and his usual attire on. Keeping him serious and in a state ready for battle.



Veniano greeted the early morning with a rush out from the building the Blue Pegasus had rented for the Grand Magic Games, tying his striped tie as he ran out of the heavy doors. The day had just started and there was much work for the talk show host to do before the games begin.The air was still crisp and cool as the sun had yet to raise over the mountains surrounding the grand city.

The months after Christmas and New Years were a different kind of hectic than from last year. While last year was a continuous stream of work, work, work, this year on top of his work, magic training cramps his schedule mercilessly. The dark skinned man wanted to spend more time at the Blue Pegasus and family than he did the years before. His regular work as a talk show host had lighten, given fewer but regular hours to work, but Rosaline was relentless with his training and no days were free of agonizing pain and weights.

It was not to say that the hell bend training Rosaline set up for the man yield no result.Rosaline’s magic training consisted of both physical and magical training. Like any committed training, Veniano was in more in shape than he ever was in the past years. His muscles were well sculpted and toned and he can do more physically, like run further and faster and lift his mother and carry her long enough to impress his whole family. His mother looked at him with awe and pride and then proceeded to smack him for cracking her back and his younger brother laughed and looked at him a bit of jealousy. Father just patted his back, and his abuelos just smiled and shared each other tales of their younger years at the side.

Veniano’s efficiency in magic grew along side his physical work out. This came more easily to the man as he focused on what he already had. He just needed to improve his range, stamina, and strength.... Okay, that is all the aspect of his magic, but hey! Traveling has never been so quick with his teleportation and his Special Effects! Can quickly fill up the whole Blue Pegasus Headquarter! On top of his two top magics, levitation was also a focus during his training.

The two new members of Blue Pegasus, Celestia and Taylor, are very motivated people. During his time training alongside Taylor under Rosaline, the little girl had proven herself strong and continues to do so. It is amazing how quick children can grow. For training, Veniano had spared with her on occasions and he is happy to say that each time they fought, it feels like the girl is growing. Her gun magic is a thing to look out for and it keeps the man on his feet. Celestia, on the other hand, is frightening in a close range combat. She is lovely and book smart, but the phrase “looks can be deceiving” can be pinned onto the girl’s back.

For the rest of the guildmates, Veniano chatted with the newer mates and catch up with the older mates. He listened to their adventures and shared some of his own. The time spend at the guild was a good one, as they all have a good time with each other and partied every other days.

When he was finally done with the work he is send out to do for the day, Veniano returns back to the large building the Blue Pegasus have rented. The sun has climbed over the mountain and its heat is beating down on his back. Nearing the building, he notices Rosaline.

"Good morning, Rosaline!" Veniano cheerfully greets the lady. 


@Zuka @Zeldafangirl @Arius LaVari @Solemn Jester @Mitchs98

Aleria hummed quietly as she made her way through the the fine and high class hotel Blue Pegasus was staying in. She had already arranged the teams for the Grand Magic Games and was excited to announce it to the members of her guild. The hotel was lavish and amazing, befitting of the guild. Her armor clinked as she walked down to the hotel's lobby and asked to use the hotel's intercom to broadcast. "Attention all Blue Pegasus members, please gather at the fountain in the hotel lobby in 10 minutes for I am about to announce the teams for the Grand Magic Games. I repeat, please gather at the fountain in the hotel lobby in 10 minutes, thank you." She announced.

Thanking the man who had let her use the intercom she moved to the fountain and awaited for the members to gather before she would divide them into teams. She didn't particularly mind whether or not they won. All she cared for was for them to enjoy themselves, not severely hurt themselves, and put up an excellent show. 


[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Rosaline Dreyar[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Blue Pegasus Meeting Area[/COLOR]


The Lightning Mage was peering to the sky when all of a sudden a voice spoke next to her out of the blue sending the tall woman to reef her head down and to the side to peer to him with a look close to horror. In fact Kazuo had surprised the girl so much her lightning snapped aggressively around her frame to the point it start to lick outwards and almost hit him so in reflex she jumped backwards and crouched downwards, splaying her fingers around the ground and flooding the current into the Earth to dissipate it. She honestly was terrified of hurting the guy, or anyone really in close proximity and the single reason she didn't like people touching her unannounced or surprising her. She stood slowly with the same dark frown. "Being patient and being lazy aren't that far from one another. Besides, I wasn't glaring at them I was just looking at them with my normal look..." She said reaching up to confirm her eyebrows were indeed, pressed down, as normal.


As he held a cup of cookie fries-? Rosaline reached up and sniffed a few times before plopping one into her mouth and letting the tip hang out, giving her an almost cute look combined with the serious expression. The Tough Mage compliment completely slipped over her head as these things normally did. That was when she noticed Taylor walking over before she put her back against the wall and slumped down against the ground. Rosaline watched the bandages over her knuckles and it reminded her of when she was a little girl fighting with Hibiki as kids, how she would do that to protect her fists but now they were so tough she didn't need them. But she did still have her gloves on her... She gave Kazuo an oddly soft smile for her, to excuse herself without actually asking as such and wandered to the girl. As she was walking she tucked the cookies under an arm while simultaneously peeling her gloves off her fingers and once she was kneeling before the girl she offered the red gloves to her as her expression may have softened? It was hard to tell.


"Bandages are all well and good, but these gloves will let you punch just as hard without hurting yourself... If you hurt your wrists and knuckles, then you can't train or fight as much. So just keep them... I have heaps of them and for the Games and Fights, it would be best if I didn't use them so I can channel my abilities better..." She slipped them onto the girls hands before she could respond. She was going to ask the girl why she slumped there against the wall, when low and behold her number one most pupil in need of guidance Mr Veni appeared to which the Rosa offered Taylor one last smile as she handed her the cookie fries Kazuo had given her and stood up, turning to face him and crossed her arms as she did. "Nice of you to Grace us with your presence Mr Veni. What's the excuse today?" but as he came closer the girl suddenly threw her arm around his shoulders and tucked him under her strong bicep before giving him a ruff scuffle of his hair to mess up the probably nicely combed locks then pulled away before he could react. That was when the voice of their guild leader echoed and Rosaline had to blink before she looked to the quickly assembled group here and pointed towards the entrance. "Let's find out this team list then shall we?" Hand on her chin as she peered around. "Wonder where that dwarf and Cele are.... Can't be finding out the teams with out them..."

As she started to walk and lead the rabble inside, she walked past Kazuo and noticed idly he had half of his cookie stick still hanging out of his mouth. As she had given her batch to Taylor, she'd only eaten one of them and to be honest they did taste pretty good. So not thinking much on it, Rosaline leaning in to the point her nose was pretty much brushing against his, biting a not small section off while their lips basically touched before just as fast pulling back. Her expression literally showed she had no idea what she had done, or didn't care much about it as she walked away chewing happily and putting her hands behind her head as she walked.


Tyson Redd 

View attachment 204741

Tyson listened to her words, and had he been the type would have smiled. Maybe even laughed at them," Big Red?" Tyson said, seemingly considering the name. Amazingly enough no one had ever referred to Tyson as big red. Well not that he could recall, but he didn't really think back all that much. The past wasn't a good place for him. But in all honesty the name suited him. He was big, and his other main trait was his red hair.

Then she went on to speak her opinion of the Grand Magic Games. He found it strange, just because time goes on Doesn't mean that she has to spend it being miserable. Which is more or less what he told her, after noticing her struggle to stand. He kneeled down, and put one of his massive hands on her face. His fierce eyes seemed to stare into her as he did so."Your pushing yourself to the limit. You really should accept my offer. I can actually regain most of whatever you take from me. So it won't be as bad as it would for whoever you've been feeding on. As for your statement about the grand magic games. It's true, time moves on, and people may forget. But as long as it happened then somewhere out there is proof. Besides, when there are those like you who don't age like us humans. Well you can keep the memories of those events with you, for your long, life. I mean I assume you can't die from old age? Am I correct? Hmm, forget that, now shall I take you somewhere? I refuse to allow you to be so weak, it's pitiful. So you will feed on me, otherwise your just going to be useless, to weak to do anything. Only concerning those that care about your well being. I do this for those of my guild, this includes you." Tyson thought about his words, wondering if she'd understand what he was trying to tell her. Being someone who rarely spoke, he was sure that he must have messed up. Said something that didn't make sense, he was more for action than talking. He looked to her for her response. If it was at all possible for her to respond.

@Zuka @Mitchs98

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Sabertooth Guild Hall[/COLOR]


The Siren's vision was still slightly blurred and she clenched her golden eyes down to try and calm her stomach of the dizzy spell. Not that it would matter, the woman didn't feed as normal mortals did, so even had she been sick not much would have come up anyway. Draneri was literally acting in the same way one would if they hadn't eaten for days only she got no tummy rumbles, just her head was pounding and her body was overall weaker. When she did eventually get her vision to focus in again, she noticed Big Redd was kneeling before her but he was still basically the same height as her sitting on the bench so it didn't change all that much really. What did surprise her was when he reached her hand out to place onto her cheek, her eyes going massive and she almost reefed her whole head back as she did. Was he attacking her? Did he see her weakness as a chance to get her while she couldn't defend herself? That's was what humans did to those that preyed on them, wasn't it?

His words left her in shock for a long time like her lips just stayed open to stare to him. Whoever she was feeding on?... That had to be Mizuki, she was the only one she had fed from for months but every time she did and even if the girl enjoyed herself Draneri was always so painfully worried she would take a fraction too much, to end her life, or see her take her very last breath. The images haunted her, not to mention how much she slept because of it. What chance did Sabertooth have if their own S class couldn't even walk straight just because some Siren needed a breakfast?... Draneri knew if she told the woman how hungry she was she would offer her body to her without question.. but she didn't want that, to constantly keep her so fragile and weak. Not when once she was so strong. She was going to answer about not dying, honestly she didn't know if she could die from old age, she was the only Siren she knew of and didn't exactly have a manual on her own species...


Of course Tyson simply continued on, her face grew livid when he asked to take her somewhere. But the words she was pitiful made that anger replace with something closer to regret. She was a far cry from the beautiful woman who wandered the halls of Grimoire Heart with a laughter and a beautiful song. The fact he basically told her to feed on him like she didn't have a choice made her eyebrows narrow down and she looked away with sadness in her eyes. When she finally spoke it was barely above a whisper. Though it still flowed like a river from how smooth it was.


"I can hold out longer... I don't need to eat...I am not hungry... I will be fine... I will make sure Mizuki has enough energy for the Games... " Statements almost proving to herself that was the case. "I won't... hurt her... I can't allow myself to... I.. have too many people depending on me to stay strong..." Reaching up with her hand to peel his away from her face and pushing it back to him a fraction. She looked close to tears as she looked away.


"...Please.... just go~..."


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Noah stood there smiling, watching as Kelica processed the situation that appeared in front of her. Noah braced himself, knowing that Kelica will soon, jump at him. He held out his arms as she jumped towards him. He caught her, lifting her up as he hugged her. Noah floated into the air, holding Kelica slowly spinning in the air, landing on the bridge. He ended his partial take over and his third eye went away. He grabbed Kelica by her shoulders and gently pulled her away. He looked at Kelica from head to toes, getting a good look at her. It's been awhile, since he's seen her. Kelica, how was the training? You think you're ready for the Grand Magic Games? I know I am. @Zuka

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Crocus Town Bridge[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage felt Noah's strong arms wrap around her frame suddenly pull her quite tightly to him, her face burying itself into his neck and underneath his ear as her emerald eyes slipped closed. She couldn't help it, her whole body just curled up and smoothed in as tightly as she was capable into his strong frame, long blonde locks blowing around her face and against his arms as he floated up, her dress fluttering around her thighs and legs gently. It was almost instantly she was assaulted with his scent, something he probably didn't even realise he had but something she adored as her fingers tightened and gripped at the back of his shirt gently. Even the necklace he had given her was giving off the faintest of a glow that illuminated her face a fraction. Before she knew it he had landed once again and grabbed her shoulders to peel away and for a moment her fingers only tightened into his clothing like she were preventing that very thing from happening. It had been too long! And he smelt so good! He felt so good! He-...


Wait which season was it again?....


She found her feet back onto the surface of the bridge, her toes curling slightly as the balls of her feet pressed into the surface for balance. As he looked her over she found her cheeks glowing a subtle red hue as she glanced down and away from him, looking on the verge of shy though that didn't seem a possible thing for a girl who only every did physical, reckless things without pondering the consequence. She peeled her hands behind her back as she arched her chest (in fact, did that seem bigger? It sure looked like it... along with her hips looks a decidedly healthier size. Spring really did make her look more.... feminine didn't it?). As she tilted her head a fraction and her hair fluttering along before her face, she might have even twisted a foot against the ground in a coy manner. "I trained... so hard Noah. I've never worked so hard in all my life... But that was then and this is now... and now you are here!" Her gaze turning back to look at him with her eyelids squeezing up in that typical fashion she always got when she was excited. "I'm ready Noah! I couldn't be any more ready! I even have some new techniques... would.... you like to see?" Slipping one foot behind her on the Bridge edging, a thin strip of bricks less a foot wide, though she still stood as per normal with her arms behind her back.


"I want to show you what I have learned... so....Try hitting me Noah!" The smile, wide, genuine and eager. Without a trace of fear. "Give me your best shot!" She even pulled a finger forward and wiggled it side to side in no no fashion. "Don't go holding back now! You'll make me sad and we can't have that, can we?"




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Aiden sat on the roof of Ashley's hotel, simply quiet letting the sounds of the capital fill the air around him. It had been a long few months training with Blue Pegasus, but he was stronger and has a much better time keeping his forms then before. The mage turned to Ashley and smiled down at her. "This is nice, just hanging out with you for once. Sorry about not taking you out on a date for so long." He scouted closer to her, outing his around round her shoulder. He put in head on her scarlet red hair, twisting a strand with his hand. Ashley was his queen, a perfect begin to him. His green eyes stared into her own. "How am I so lucky?How did I, Aiden Stone, get such a awesome sweet girl to be my girlfriend?"  Aiden let out a laugh, kissing the top of her fore head. "Hey how about we go on a date? The games won't start until the end of the day."




Ayano Soru: The nightmares...


"Aaaayaaanooo~ Wheeeere aaaare youuuuuuu~"

                    "Why did you kill us"                                                                                                                 "We were only afraid" 

                                                       "We thought you wanted to be a person"                                        "Guess monsters really can't change after all"            "We hate you"

"We hate you"              "We despise you"                                                 "We wish you were dead"                         "We'd still be alive if not for you"       "We hate you"                                                     "We hate you"                      "We hate you"                     "We hate you"                                "We hate you"                       "We hate you"    "We hate you"     "We hate you"      "We hate you"  "We hate you"           "We hate you"      "We hate you"                   "We hate you"       "We hate you"      "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" "We hate you" 


Ayano instantly shot up from the bed she was sleeping on, heavily panting from that awful dream she had. "That's the fourth time this month..." In an attempt to just forget about the dream. Ayano tried to get her bearings, to which her eye's ended up landing on Abbadon who had appeared whithout her noticing. "Ah! What are you doing here?" he explained that the vampire was chosen to fight in the Grand Magic Games and disappeared soon after. "Am I... really worthy of participating in such a thing?" Ayano decided to do as she was asked and headed for the meeting room. She still couldn't get over how big the place was, the dungeons couldn't even compare to a place like this. Upon entering the meeting there was a huge line-up of chairs along with a few other guild mates already waiting there such as Chris, Kira and... "Sora!?" Very much Ayano's surprise Sora had finally returned and just in time for the games too. The vampire wondered how she would react to her new guild mark. If anything she hoped it wouldn't be the same case with Hibiki... Ayano moved further into the room and took a seat beside Sora. "You're finally back... You had a few people here worried you know." Ayano too was also worried but of course... She would never admit that...

[SIZE= 14px]@Kyuubey @FreeZing (mentioned) @Isune[/SIZE] (mentioned)


@Arius LaVari @Mykinkaiser(even though I know he isnt active.)


"So you wanted to try it out?" she asked, putting her hands on her hips as she seen the soft smile upon the blonde's face. She looked fairly nice and didnt seem much of a threat at all. "You 'ave a nice magic there if lightning is actually in your eyes. My magic is the type that if you 'it me, I 'it back but with a stronger power than what I was originally 'it with." Evelyn revealed. The girl introduced herself as Celestia but most people called her Cele or Celest. That was a pretty name for a girl like herself "I actually dont 'ave a team." seeing as she wasnt in a guild but there was no way that Celest could see if that she actually was in a guild. The mark could be hidden anywhere under her clothes but if anything, she'd put her mark where it would be seen most. Evelyn followed Celest out and back towards the hustling and bustling.


But apparently Celest had spaced out on her which made the Faust  mentally sigh and shake her head "No worries. But I'm not in any guild. I was planning on joining Lamia Scale with my brother but since Christmas 'e's been missing. I 'avent found him ever since so i'm being guildless for now and just going to watch the Grand Magic Games for pure enjoyment." she said with a smile "Maybe get some drinks and 'ave a nice brawl with a drunkard or something." she shrugged and looked ahead as they got closer to the vendors and many of people wondering around. "I'm pretty sure we'll lose eachother as soon as we go down that street. Want me to walk with you to wherever your staying? I got nothing better to do other than go and get some drinks. Maybe snacks."


Evelyn was actually pretty happy just walking with Celest because well... She was nice and seemed pretty damn chill to hang with. Just her company alone - even though the Faust just met her - was pretty relaxing and welcoming. "I will wish you luck if you get into the Blue pegasus team. I'll root for you." Evelyn crossed her arms as they walked, looking around at the vendors, the people, the wizards and children. Why was this such a good feeling being here? Maybe it was just the happy exchanges of joy and excitement. I wish you were 'ere, Emmerich. Things arent the same when you're not around... she thought to herself.



@Isune @Kyuubey(mentioned briefly)


Lavender smiled as Chris pulled her close after his gentle peck that had landed on her cheek "Alone time sounds nice..." she said softly before he suddenly got up and grabbed her arm, bringing her outside while she laughed "Oh Chris you always seem to surprise me no matter what the mood might be." the warrior said, walking about outside with him "Why dont we go to a resturant? I dont believe I've eaten out in quite a while actually." Lav moved her hand down to his and laced them together and before they got to their destination, Chris paused their walk and turned, of course she did too to see what was going on. Someone had actually tapped him on his shoulder from the looks of it as the woman revealed they were chosen for the Grand magic Games team. Her blue eyes widen "Thank you miss..." Lavender really didnt think she'd get in!


The hug from Chris had snapped her from her thoughts and she hugged him back  "We did make it indeed." her smile planted onto her lips and was dragged with him back to the location in which Fairy Tail had been housed in. "I'm coming Chris! We both know that dragging me isn ot very polite." she laughed softly and caught up to his side, kissing his cheek in the process and thinking how great of an honor it is to actually participate in the games. She was going to try her best to win for Fairy Tail "I am very surprised that I had gotten in. I was sure someone much stronger than I would be included. To know that we are going to fight for Fairy Tail this year is absolutely stunning..."




Katherine glanced over at Eric as he mentioned he was able to increase the size limit on his transformations. It was good to see one of her friend growing in strength. Speaking of she needed to check on her other guildmates as well just to see how much they've grown within the past few months. "Dont worry about getting carried away... It is just excitement speaking..." even though Kathy didnt really show excitement, on the inside she was bouncing off the walls. "My training has been finished for a very long time now... I now have my grip on nexus and am able to channel it almost perfectly... I had also tried to increase my magic power so I can work with my nexus..." her attention turned up to Miles as he asked about her hair and she slowly nodded "I just want a trim... It's getting harder to brush lately..." it was as if she was going to pout but she never did.


Hearing Miles train with his brother wasnt a surprise. Tyson was unique in his own way and Kathy knew that Miles was a lot stronger given his excitement from his aura in which was actually hotter than usual. "This year we will take the prize... It's about time that we win a tournament for once..." said Kathy, looking between her boyfriend and Eric. "Lets head inside and see what the guild master has chosen for a team...That is if the team is decided already..." honestly she also wanted to sneak away with Miles and make out in a corner for a little bit. But with the excitement going around, she doubted that she would get alone time with Miles till later on in the day. She could wait so it wasnt much of a big deal "Eric, you have worked on your strengths too...right? Not only your limit of your transformations but the power that you use with said transformations..."

[SIZE= 48px]Kazuo Takara[/SIZE]





Of course Rosa would assume that being Patient was the same as being lazy. Lucky for him, she took the small container of the cookie fries and ate one. Though her expression was cute in a way that he would have never thought he'd see again. Though something else had caught her eye and Kazuo did his best to follow it but soon he caught a glimpse of a girl with bandages over her knuckles. His eye returned to Rosa as she offered him a soft smile and walked off, following the girl that both himself and Rosa saw. he stuck another cookie fry into his mouth and ate happily, not minding that she walked off after the girl. Even if the bandaged girl was Dangerous, Rosa could take care of herself but out of Curiosity, he moved towards where Rosa disappeared to and listened to every word that she was telling the girl. For some reason just hearing said words made his heart stop in a good way. Her words were so sweet, so soft.


Moving back to where he was before, he stuck another cookie fry in his mouth and watched as Rosa came back but this time, she walked by him but she returned, leaning close to him, their noses touching and his eye widening in surprise. Their lips had barely touched and she bit off the cookie and pulled back before walking off. Leaving poor Kazuo in shock on what just happened. She never does things like that... I guess she is one big bundle of surprises. Not that I mind.  But that was really out of character for a woman who threatened to hit me if the next kiss wasnt amazing. Ever since then, he gave her a nice kiss under the mistletoe but since then they hadnt gotten contact like that. Till now. Looking at the time, he knew that he should head back so of course, might as well head back with Rosa.




The Grand Magic Games were here and Ashley was actually hanging out with her boyfriend. He had trained for months on end with Blue Pegasus and of course she's still guildless, wanting to be a loner wizard just a little bit longer. Aiden didnt look any different, only that he had only gotten cuter along the span of time. They were on the roof and he was fairly happy. But so was she. "It's okay Aiden. You were training with your guild. You needed it for this day." the day he left her, she was in tears because she grew so attatched to him. Sure he wasnt dying but she loved him and didnt want to see him go. But right here and now, Ashley was by his side. Ready to support him and cheer for him. That is...if he got in. But knowing Ashley, she hoped that he would get in and would wish he would. He was a strong man after all.


His arm wrapped around her and she leaned into him, enjoying his partial embrace as he asked how he got a girl such as herself before kissing her head, laughing and asking about a date. "Well Aiden, you got me because you were you. You didnt treat me bad, you respected me and my home... I let you stay with me after that whole incident." Ashley turned her head and kissed his cheek softly "A date sounds nice... Where would you want to go? Unless you want me to pick. I dont mind." they could eat out, or relax in their hotel room to watch some movies. Maybe even nap like cats. Ashley was up for almost anything "Honestly, as long as im by your side, I dont care what we do. I just want to spend as much time as I can with you."



Shiro's head tilted slightly to the side when she spotted Ferra just before the girl tackled Nikolas from behind, she had been staring at her and Phin for a moment and Shiro found herself confused by the minor spark that danced under her skin, a warning something was possibly being plotted in the girl's wicked head. Her head snapped over to Phin when he suddenly grabbed her hand this odd pink on his face again, just like it had been doing a lot lately when he was around her, how come she wondered? Did he dislike her presence or did she make him nervous somehow? She frowned as the thought he disliked her decided it was going to play front row seat to her mind today, the stoic faced girl was bothered by that thought though she didn't show anything for it. She quietly stewed over the idea, overthinking it majorly which was a weakness she refused to admit she had, she didn't pull her hand away but seriously she couldn't identify emotions like others could, not easily, especially not after all she's been through. Oh lovely now her mind was conjuring every dark thought she ever had, which was slowly making her twitchy and anxious, though her expression remained blank.


She should just ask him if he didn't like something about her, she wouldn't tell him but she did trust him; of course the less someone knows about your thoughts and who you're close to the better. Time to bring her thoughts under control, logic her way out of it. That's right these were irrational thoughts, he often held her hand and sought her presence out, she blinked as a thought skittered across her mind...or was it heart...? But it was gone too quickly for her to process it, instead she sighed and let her body relax before she dropped her head to Phineas' shoulder leaning against him and closer, her arm sort of twirled around his. Did she realize what she'd done? No not at all, but she wanted to know the teams and felt she could be more social as long as she was around Phin, if she got overwhelmed she could hide behind the taller but younger man she was currently leaning against. "I wonder how long it'll be until we get the teams, where's everyone else anyway...it's strange that if all people we're here first...normally we always lag behind." She sighed low, her eyes drifting closed for a moment as she just listened to the sounds around her, she supposed being from a village of entertainment mages made her suceptible to these things.
   It was 11:58 PM. 

  "Ohhhh, Aliaaaaa~....I know you're hiding somewhere...." a girl's voice hissed; the child's eyes followed her bloodstained dress shoes as they paced the room. 

  The child positioned her knife against the bedroom wall. 

  "You can't hide from me...I'm your friend, Hotaru. Remember?"

  The child looked hesitantly at it. 

  "Don't fight me. You can trust me. Riiiight?"

  In one swift motion, Alia rammed herself against the knife on the wall. A soft gurgling sound emitted from her throat, but she kept going. Again and again. 

THUD. Just five seconds before the day restarted. 


  THUD. Two. 

  "What's this?"

  THUD. One. 

  Back to the beginning. Like always. Alia closed her eyes, ignoring the sound of her friend's laughter, then opened them. 

  She was in her room, safe and sound.  

  It was 6:30 AM. 

  Alia shot upwards, her eyes wide in horror. Not that nightmare again. She took a deep breath, clutching her shirt, then she found herself able to speak. Once she was, she stepped out of bed. 

  It had been two years since she escaped the time loop, but her aging hadn't accelerated as she expected. It seemed that time, her worst enemy and her guardian, had decided to mess with her for a little longer. 

  Like always, the purple-haired girl checked her reflection, and like always, she was left disappointed. No wrinkles, no grey hair, no diseases developed overnight. She mumbled curses under her breath, then sighed. Showtime. 

  "Age Illusion: 24." 

  The girl watched silently as she transformed into a 24-year-old woman, who she had named Galilea Hyde, then she walked downstairs to the bar area of the inn, making sure to glare at the barman for extra measure. Then she went out into the streets, remaining silent all the while. The Grand Magic Games. It was a perfect time for Grimoire Heart to strike. 

  At one point, she passed her guildmates, who were hanging out at a cafe. Galilea stopped in the streets, listening carefully to their plans about finding the traitor, Ayano, and the other traitor, Verdana. Galilea walked over, leaning on Mitsu's chair before speaking. 

  "Or you could just give the tickets to me in person," she said boredly. "Good morning, Mitsu, Verlarlis. You two seem to be faring well."

@Sinister Clown @FreeZing





Well Celestia couldn't reveal that both her eyes were the sources of two different magics, she grinned and held onto the girl's arm while guiding them through the crowd, "Well, its more like the magic runs through my blood, my eyes just...carry its source, for my type of magic you have to give up your original eyes. Originally my eyes were bright blue, it's a strange magic hard to explain but once you have it you will have a deeper understanding of many elements. Isn't that strange?" Celestia laughed, though it was muffled because of the noise surrounding them in the hustle and bustle. She kept her hand around the other blonde's wrist so they didn't lose each other, until they arrived at a quieter area with a seemingly tucked away vendor stall and something delicious smelling wafted from the stall. Celestia blinked and rubbed her stomach, she had worked hard all day and forgotten to eat...she wandered over to the stall and bought a bag of the food, teriyaki balls on a stick, sh happily devoured on while giving her new friend one as well, the rest were for Rosa, Taylor, and Veni. "I'm headed back to where we need to gather you can come with me if you like or go get your drinks, either way I've got to go! I'll talk to you more later blondie!" With that she dashed off with a laugh, only just realizing she hadn't gotten her name, but well she was in a hurry.


The blonde dashed through the streets at a blazing speed for someone who didn't have speed magic but she really needed to get back to the hotel quickly! She was all sweaty and gross already but she didn't mind much, she could shower after the announcement, she had nothing to be ashamed of for working hard as she did. In no time at all it seemed she dashed through the doors, without making a sound somehow, not realizing a flower was left stuck between the cracks of the door...which hadn't opened. Soon Celestia skidded to a halt right as she spotted Rosa pull the near kiss move on Kazuo and she couldnting help it, she burst out laughing, loud and bright, she had a lot of the snacks, knowing Rosa would devour many of them but she still offered one to Kaz wiggling her eye brows comically at him, "Well well, one lucky punk aren't ya? Anyway take this, its yummy I already had one and the rest are for Taylor, Rosa and Veni." She walked off with that and offered one to each of the others giving Taylor one alongside her cookie fries and offering one to Veni smiling brightly at him then stepping up to Rosa and patting her back, prepared to conduct any electricity that the other woman might let loose but she smiled brightly at Rosaline taking one more teriyaki on a stick then offering the rest to Rosa, "Here's a decent meal if you're hungry Rose, I already had what I wanted and have given one to others so the rest are yours. Want'em?" Her grin never faded, she was excited to hear the teams and was low key afraid but excited to hopefully participate herself, she had been training alongside Rosa, Veni, and Taylor for months now and then putting her own effort in at home, meditation, studying, and eating more properly.





Bastion had been waiting for ages now on Kelica and the pup, where's my wife and our kid...Erf I mean my best friend and our dog...seriously though we've spent so much time together. Her thoughts were worried, she didn't want Kelica to pounce on some poor man when she had Noah just a lacrima call away and a not so subtle lightning strike that always harolded his arrival, seriously though the wife and kid thing was a running gag and Bastion had just rolled with it, she would happily pass for a husband for a woman, of course the woman would have to know that Bastion was not...as masculine as she seemed. She sighed under her breath muttering low, "As if anyone would wanna ever be with someone as confusing as me..." She could just imagine a man's reaction and a woman's unhappy sigh, she cringed inwardly and several explosions went off around her in random locations, causing a few small dents but thankfully no accidentally freezing people, she wasn't in crowded areas. After wandering for a little while she sensed Noah and Kelica's magic, near each other. She sighed in relief and popped around the corner in time to see Keli acting a little...oh ooooh...she quickly realized and chuckled softly, even as the wolf; now getting bigger senses Bastion's presence and ran at her knocking her off her heels with a loud yelp.


"Argh! Help...! I'm being mauled by kisses!" She laughed loudly, sounding oddly feminine before biting her tongue to silence herself while sitting up holding the wolf and petting it, she had gotten good with the wolf but other pets and animals just didn't deal with her well. She pushed the wolf off of her and then bounced her shoulders into the ground launching herself back to her feet and grinning at the pair on the bridge and tackling Noah from behind in a hug, she was fond of the guy fair enough, even considered him a friend, "Hey Noah! It's been awhile hasn't it? Did you come here to specifically seek out Keli? You sly bastard!" She gave him a boyish grin before hopping around and tilting her head at Kelica while their pup licked at her hand to get Bastion's attention. "Well I'm glad I found you, we should probably get headed to the announcement don't you think? Of course you could skip out and if we get picked one of us will be informed I'm sure. Oooor~ do you want me to take the pup and leave you two alone?" She chuckled low her head tilted to the side while she seemed to wait for an answer, cheerfully oblivious to the fact she might have just pissed off two good mages.
Kami, Free at last free at last!

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After seeing his sister's reaction Kami let out a sad sigh. He dropped his had, almost as if he felt guilty now. He up to Alara, cloak in hands," Alara....look..ummm, THANKS!" Kami said quickly putting on the cloak, and gathering his things in a comedic cartoonist speed. He then stood back infront of her, his passive backpack filled with various items seemingly clinging to his back.

" Okay, love you bye!" Kami said quickly giving his sister a kiss on the cheek, and running like hell outside. As he made it to the outside, he ran through the area screaming."Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty I'm free at last! Now I'm off to my work! Wait no! First I need to figure out how to get rid of this damn guild mark!" He yelled, clearly, so anyone within a few miles could probably hear him. He then continued his cheerful screaming down the street, not even bothering to look back.

Once he had settled down, and made his way to a bench he sat down. Thinking about his sister's words. It had still only been a few minutes since he bolted from her clutches. Although he couldn't say he blamed her for what she did. If it was at all possible he would have taken her with him. His issue wasn't staying with her, it was staying in one place all the time. It was a big change to go from adventuring artifact hunter, to guild mage. But then he got a idea, and stood up before running back towards the guild. He was going to think himself crazy later, but hell what's the harm.

So as he ran back towards the guild, he screamed loudly. A dust cloud appearing behind him as he ran."Oh Alara!!! I've got a deal for you!!!" He yelled, as he made his way back to her. Within moment he had managed to find her. Probably a siblings thing, but no matter where she was, he always seemed to be able to find her. He clasped his hands over hers, and gazed into her eyes. His eyes sparkled with understanding, and sorrow."Oh my dearest Alara, how cruel a brother I am. To simply ignore your feelings. I truely apologize, but you must understand. It's not easy changing your life style so drastically. So ive come to a agreement! I shall make a deal with you! Depending on the results of the Grand Magic Games! I shall either permanently join your guild, or you must leave it! It's very simple, you see we both bet on which guild we believe will win. If I win, then you leave your guild, and accompany me on my journeys. But if you win, then I shall stay with you in your guild, as a member. Devoting all my time to you. This way we shall never be apart. Oh, and dont worry, if neither of use wins. Then I've got a something for that! So what do you say? Deal, or shall I just leave as planned?" Kami smiled confidently, he was prepared to put his freedom on the line for good. The question was, would his sister. In true he had a plan for if neither of their teams won. It was probably the best choice for both of them. But he thought this would make things far more intresting

Needless to say, Alara hadn't expected Kami to actually leave. "Wha-..." She mumbled, staring as he ran out. Of course when she heard his shoutings she started crying, she guessed it must of been just awful staying with her the past few months. She did sort of keep him captive she guessed. But still! She shouldn't have to keep him captive, he should want to stay more than just a single day to see her after so long. She sat down in a nearby chair and just rested her head on it as she realized she was a pretty horrible sister for literally forcing him to stay with her. Though she did it purely because she missed him. When he came back she looked up entirely confused, didn't he hate her for keeping him captive there?

She wiped her eyes on her arm though it didn't stop fresh tears. She listened to his proposal and stared a bit, actually stopping her tears more-so out of pure thought on what to do. If she lost...she'd have to leave her friends and the guild she'd came to care for. But on the other hand if she won Kami would stay. She'd have to pick between her brother or all her friends, did he really expect her to make that decision lightly? "I-I...I don't know..." She replied. "You're asking me to choose between my friends and my brother that I had to force to stay with me for more than one day.." She said. "You left the second I gave your cloak back, how do I know you won't just eventually abandon me again?" She asked with a clearly sad expression.

"I don't want to have to give up my friends and I don't want to have to give up my brother either..." She said, pouting a bit. "Please stay either way....maybe we could go on missions for your artifact stuff?" She suggested.

@Arius LaVari  @Mitchs98

  Phineas shrugged at Shiro's question, watching silently as she moved his hands away from his vest, smoothing it out. ".....Thanks," he said. "And Nik was just teasing us again. Wish he could stop acting so weird."

  "I'm right here, you kno—WHOA!" Nikolas stumbled when Ferra wrapped her arms around him; he grinned at her, pushing his dad's glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Yo, beautiful~! How's it goin'?" he asked his girlfriend casually. She seemed to be doing well like always. The half-Neko swiveled his head around to kiss her cheek. Phineas stared blankly, feeling awkward. How did those two do it so easily? He was still in the fucking friendzone. 

  Oh, the jealousy. It was overwhelming. Though it was hard to tell because he was just wearing the perfect poker face. He did find himself holding Shiro's hand all of a sudden, his cheeks glowing a faint pink. 

@Arius LaVari

Ferra giggled at him when she kissed him on the cheek, "Doing good, didn't know you wore glasses." She replied, returning the kiss with one of her own. She could sort of tell Phineas was jealous of the two of them, but oh well. His fault for not saying words. It was painfully obvious yet Shiro herself was oblivious to her own feelings it seemed. It was sad really. But oh well. "Were the teams announced yet?" She asked. "I didn't sleep through all that did I?" She added, hoping she didn't. She usually overslept a lot so it was entirely possible. The only thing that usually woke her up was her hunger. "Also good morning Phin! Good morning Shiro! You two look as cute as ever together today~" She told them cheerfully.
Needless to say, Alara hadn't expected Kami to actually leave. "Wha-..." She mumbled, staring as he ran out. Of course when she heard his shoutings she started crying, she guessed it must of been just awful staying with her the past few months. She did sort of keep him captive she guessed. But still! She shouldn't have to keep him captive, he should want to stay more than just a single day to see her after so long. She sat down in a nearby chair and just rested her head on it as she realized she was a pretty horrible sister for literally forcing him to stay with her. Though she did it purely because she missed him. When he came back she looked up entirely confused, didn't he hate her for keeping him captive there?

She wiped her eyes on her arm though it didn't stop fresh tears. She listened to his proposal and stared a bit, actually stopping her tears more-so out of pure thought on what to do. If she lost...she'd have to leave her friends and the guild she'd came to care for. But on the other hand if she won Kami would stay. She'd have to pick between her brother or all her friends, did he really expect her to make that decision lightly? "I-I...I don't know..." She replied. "You're asking me to choose between my friends and my brother that I had to force to stay with me for more than one day.." She said. "You left the second I gave your cloak back, how do I know you won't just eventually abandon me again?" She asked with a clearly sad expression.

"I don't want to have to give up my friends and I don't want to have to give up my brother either..." She said, pouting a bit. "Please stay either way....maybe we could go on missions for your artifact stuff?" She suggested.

@Arius LaVari

Ferra giggled at him when she kissed him on the cheek, "Doing good, didn't know you wore glasses." She replied, returning the kiss with one of her own. She could sort of tell Phineas was jealous of the two of them, but oh well. His fault for not saying words. It was painfully obvious yet Shiro herself was oblivious to her own feelings it seemed. It was sad really. But oh well. "Were the teams announced yet?" She asked. "I didn't sleep through all that did I?" She added, hoping she didn't. She usually overslept a lot so it was entirely possible. The only thing that usually woke her up was her hunger. "Also good morning Phin! Good morning Shiro! You two look as cute as ever together today~" She told them cheerfully.



Kami, simply smirked a confident smile, one that seemed to say he could take on the world."Well, dear sister, don't you think this makes things much more interesting. I'll let you know one thing, if you want what you just said to become reality. Then neither of us can win. As for how you can trust me, well I came back didn't i? Why would I return on my own, and propose this deal if I was just going to back out if I lost?" Kami crossed his arms still smiling, his words filled with pride. 

"Do you truely think so little of me? That I would simply go back on a deal? I am a businessman, just as much as I am a adventurer, or anything else. You're actions where misguided, and I myself should have seen your feelings sooner. You simply wished for me to stay, but you know I indeed am a busy person. But I am not above making deals! So for the sake of our sibling bond!!! Will you dear Sister Alara, accept my offer!?"  Kami asked, holding a hand out for her to shake, or dismiss as she saw fit. He seemed to glow now, like the sun. Of course this was simply because of his overwhelming personality. Although it only seemed to show at certain moments.

Sora Marvell

Sora hovered over the massive city of Crocus, eyes shining as the sun dared to blind her. For some reason though she smiled wide, not seeming phased by the glare that obscured her vision. The sky sorceress of Fairy Tail finally drifted downwards, pale blue shoes touching down upon the ground as her eyes fixated upon the rubble of loose rocks scattered about it. It was good to be back but part of her worried how the others had been during her absence. Hopefully they weren't too peeved that she had decided to leave so suddenly. The entire time Sora had spent training and working on really figuring herself out as was necessary to pull herself out of the sorrowful pit her mind had taken shelter in. Her small hands rose to grasp at the loose strands of hair encircling her frame and they masterfully pulled them back to bring it into a tight pigtails, save a few locks that slid to caress her cheeks and hang idly. A small piece of paper was plucked out of her backpack that she had slung forward before hitching it back into place, gaze falling to read it. It was the directions to where the Fairy Tail members were residing during the Grand Magic Games and where she too would stay.

" Time to see everyone again! " Her eyes lit up and she raced off towards the address like an overly excited child, nervousness and anticipation written clearly all over her face. The building that loomed overhead was massive and Sora had to double check the number to make sure it matched the one on the note that was crumpled within her grasp. It was indeed and with this realization the small slayer pushed opened the doors before taking a seat in a line up of chairs in a room directly within view, though slightly off to the side. A grin befell her features at the thought of all of her training being put into action. The little defensive slayer had evened out her protective nature to have a newly found fierce side to accompany it. Her bag was plopped down beside her kicked out feet and a sigh of slight exhaustion released itself. It had been a long trip, a tedious yet beautiful adventure as she had flown back just in time to make it since she had been assigned to a team. Being dragged back by the new guild master was also something that didn't sound too appealing so she had made sure she wouldn't be late. Speaking of....

Arietta Forsyth

Arietta twirled the black key that usually always remained on her person, fingers going through a seemingly nervous tick as her hues remained fixated upon the lighted ceiling. " Well, they've had enough time to settle in! " Her lithe frame rolled off the bed in a fluid motion, hair falling to rest back in its normal position as she never was one to wear it up. " Abby, help me gather the people we discussed. " Abaddon's smiling face popped out of the wall adjacent to her and a salute to match his witty humor was also given before he disappeared. Arietta walked straight for the wall where he had been, steps not slowing as her figure almost crashed into it. Instead she melted through, the shadows on the wall seemed to cloak her and devour her but to her it felt more like an embrace of the most intimate kind. The two began to dart around and gather the people that had been chosen to make up the two teams representing Fairy Tail this year. Abandon first appeared beside Chris and Lavender, fingers extending to tap the beast man on the shoulder. " You've both been picked, head to the meeting room. Hard to miss! " His words were almost sung as he quickly disappeared and found Kim next. " You've been picked, head to the meeting room at your soonest convenience." Abaddon bowed deeply and blinked out of proximity to make his final stop at Bel's room. " Bel, oh Bel. I've only been sent to summon you to the meeting hall. If only I had more time to play... " His words were as soft as the touch of his fingers that managed to comb through the boys hair. Before Bel could react though, his fingers had disentangled themselves and he was gone.

Arietta made her first appearance at the beautiful mountainside where Hibiki, Timothy, and Raa were gathered. The view alone was breath taking and even though she was visible to them she took her time in acknowledging them, eyes absorbing the scene as the sun rose over the tops of the rocky backdrop. A smile tugged at her lips as her frame swayed and swiveled, hair cascading about in the wind like rebellious ribbons. " You three, I'm glad I found you. You're all going to be representing Fairy Tail this year! " Her eyes seemed fierce with an ignited passion but the rest of her expression was soft and inviting, remaining so even as she peered curiously at the crater that Timothy had made. " When you're ready.... " She motioned towards the results of his training before continuing. " Please make your way back to our residence and find the meeting room. I'll be splitting everyone up into two teams accordingly. Try not to take too long... " As she spoke her hues lingered on Hibiki naturally, seeing similar traits that passed down through his family on his face. It was nostalgic and when they had finally met, Aria had welcomed him like an old friend even though she refused to admit any 'personal' experiences with an ancestor of his. Shortly after speaking she approached them and let her fingers trail from one side of Timothy's shoulder to the other in a questionably slow manner, still quite intrigued at what he was. She began walking circles around them as her hand drifted off Timothy, almost like one circling their prey before the shadows rose from the ground and engulfed her. The news of being on the team was given to Ayano and Kira as well, Aria finally making her last stop to tell Mitsuki that he was a reserve member before she got settled in the meeting hall, Abaddon standing behind the chair she occupied. His hands rested upon the back of it and he made sure to make eye contact with everyone who showed up and walked through the door, not breaking it until they took a seat. 


Lyra was hiding under a huge blanket but it wasn't just any blanket. Oh no, it most certainly wasn't. In fact, it was Hibiki's blanket.The woman had been waiting as patiently as possible for Hibiki to leave his room. It was rather humorous to watch her go tip toe darting across the hallway as she slipped into his room, snatching up a shirt that he had lazily thrown on his dresser, and dove onto his bed with a giddy smile. Her fingers clutched at the material like she had no intention in the world of releasing it, holding it dear. Anytime footsteps were heard coming down the hall her entire frame would tense up, eyes wide as she listened intently. A few times it sounded like Hibiki might be returning so she ducked under the blanket as if it might hide her and the human sized lump under it wouldn't be noticeable. It didn't help that her white hair was draped over the side of the bed, heaps of it neatly just laying there. Her face poked out of the blanket after a few minutes of silence and she crawled out of the bed with his packed bag as her destination. " Hibi-kun said he brought my doll... I'll just take a quick looksie.. " Her words fumbled out as she began searching, carelessly flinging his belongings around his room until she found finally found Mr.Cursey tucked away safely at the bottom. Lyra blinked a couple times as she turned the doll over in her hands to inspect it thoroughly before a pleased smile stretched across her face. She looked around at the mess she had created and rather than clean it the woman went bolting out of the room and down the stairs, her bare feet thankful for the soft material coating the floors on each step. A guilty look was painted on her face as one hand held the doll by an arm and the other hand was still tightly holding Hibiki's shirt hostage.

@LeSoraAmari @purplepanda288 @Zareh @Jackaboi @Solemn Jester @Spanner @Happy Red Mage @Isune  @FreeZing @Britt-21 (and anyone else I didn't tag, they keep breaking ;-;)


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This had been Mitsuki more or less since after Christmas. He of course had trained, it was only right that he trained as hard as the others. Although he doubted he would be picked for a team. To be perfectly honest he hoped he wouldn't get picked. He was a lover not a fighter, so if he did get picked then how could he hope to win. To actually show Fairytails strength? But no, he couldn't think like that, he would just need to prepare for that scenario. His powers weren't really meant for fighting. Besides his stripper magic, he used most of his other abilities to help people. 

Which is another thing he had been doing since everyone started training. Every now, and then he would check on his fellow guild mates. If they seemed like they needed some pep in their step, Mitsuki would help. Using his Impulse magic, he would boost their morale. Also boosting their energy, to help with training. Of course he did this in secret, he wasn't sure how the others would react to him messing with their emotions. Even if it was to help out, but this made Mitsuki feel useful to the guild. So when the teams where picked, and he was chosen as a reserve member.....well, you can be sure he was shocked.

He was in the middle of training, and had worked up quite a sweat. Then she came, the new guild master. The foxy miss Aria, someone Mitsuki admired alot. Despite the mishap from their first encounter. But he has since worked off that mistake. So why was she here? "Ahh, hello my foxy goddess, and guild master. So how may I a simple messenger of love assist you on this fine day?" His question was quickly answered however. When she informed him that he was to be a reserve member for the Fairytail team. 

So she had left, and Mitsuki made his way to the meeting room shocked. "Why him of all people? He would have to ask her for sure." He thought as he entered the meeting hall, and quickly took a seat. Ignoring everyone around him. Which this alone would show something was wrong. Being as he usually acknowledged everyone with  warm greetings. He then waited for the meeting to start.

@Isune @Britt-21  @Kyuubey @everyone else picked 

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Sabertooth Guild Hall[/COLOR]


The Siren's vision was still slightly blurred and she clenched her golden eyes down to try and calm her stomach of the dizzy spell. Not that it would matter, the woman didn't feed as normal mortals did, so even had she been sick not much would have come up anyway. Draneri was literally acting in the same way one would if they hadn't eaten for days only she got no tummy rumbles, just her head was pounding and her body was overall weaker. When she did eventually get her vision to focus in again, she noticed Big Redd was kneeling before her but he was still basically the same height as her sitting on the bench so it didn't change all that much really. What did surprise her was when he reached her hand out to place onto her cheek, her eyes going massive and she almost reefed her whole head back as she did. Was he attacking her? Did he see her weakness as a chance to get her while she couldn't defend herself? That's was what humans did to those that preyed on them, wasn't it?

His words left her in shock for a long time like her lips just stayed open to stare to him. Whoever she was feeding on?... That had to be Mizuki, she was the only one she had fed from for months but every time she did and even if the girl enjoyed herself Draneri was always so painfully worried she would take a fraction too much, to end her life, or see her take her very last breath. The images haunted her, not to mention how much she slept because of it. What chance did Sabertooth have if their own S class couldn't even walk straight just because some Siren needed a breakfast?... Draneri knew if she told the woman how hungry she was she would offer her body to her without question.. but she didn't want that, to constantly keep her so fragile and weak. Not when once she was so strong. She was going to answer about not dying, honestly she didn't know if she could die from old age, she was the only Siren she knew of and didn't exactly have a manual on her own species...


Of course Tyson simply continued on, her face grew livid when he asked to take her somewhere. But the words she was pitiful made that anger replace with something closer to regret. She was a far cry from the beautiful woman who wandered the halls of Grimoire Heart with a laughter and a beautiful song. The fact he basically told her to feed on him like she didn't have a choice made her eyebrows narrow down and she looked away with sadness in her eyes. When she finally spoke it was barely above a whisper. Though it still flowed like a river from how smooth it was.


"I can hold out longer... I don't need to eat...I am not hungry... I will be fine... I will make sure Mizuki has enough energy for the Games... " Statements almost proving to herself that was the case. "I won't... hurt her... I can't allow myself to... I.. have too many people depending on me to stay strong..." Reaching up with her hand to peel his away from her face and pushing it back to him a fraction. She looked close to tears as she looked away.


"...Please.... just go~..."



Tyson Redd


Tyson sighed, and stared at her for a moment. He knew she was close to breaking. She had to be, so then there was only one choice."You've been on your own for a while haven't you? Never depending on others, always bearing the full weight of your choices. It must be strange to have people who depend on you, or believe in you." As he talked Tyson moved closer to Draneri. He was now a Decent distance away from her face.

"I use to be somewhat like that, hmph I still am. But even I know it's foolish to take on the weight of the world alone. To try and appear strong for the sake of others, and for the sake of your pride, that is something I can admire. I also see you want to make sure Mizuki can participate. But to see you suffer, such a beautiful, and Majestic woman as yourself. It truely pains me, im sure Mizuki would feel the same. So even if it means showing you my weak side. I will allow it, no, I will demand it." Tyson was now face to face with her. Close enough for them to kiss, his breath was hot. Something she would be aware of by the way it blew on her neck. He refused to back down, not until he had accomplished what he had come for. That pride he was speaking of coming into place he guessed.


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