Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC



After Noah left Magnolia, leaving Kelica at Fairy Tail with Bastion and the pup, he first stop was Lamia Scale. There he caught up with Ferra, Talon, Valken, and the other guild members there, joining the guild soon after. His time in Lamia was nothing but a good experience. The drunken nights with his bro-ham Valken,  and the constant fights with Valken, and Talon. He grew close with a lot of the members there creating interesting bonds. Though his time there didn't cause him to forget about Kelica. He kept in contact with her as she was out training very hard for the Grand Magic Games. Noah was proud of how determined she was to get stronger. He stayed away trying not to be a distraction only visiting every so often. 

Kelica's determination was contagious and caused Noah to go on a training spree as well. He had a whole new djinn he need to master. He hasn't spent enough time in with the djinn for him to enter a full take and lot lose control. He left Lamia with the clothes on his back, and sword. He left behind a note telling them how he was about to go train for the GMG and would visit every now and then. Noah traveled back to the country of Enca where the dungeon of the Djinn Furfur was located. There it was safe for him to connect better with the Djinn to allow him to perform a full take over without losing control. Once Noah was able to do that, he didn't stop there. He traveled to other countries returning to other dungeons of the Djinns he took over.

Months passed and GMG was around the corner. Noah arrived to Crocus a couple of days early and rented out his own place. The day the events were suppose to start, Noah thought it would be a good idea to go drink. So he went to a pub, where he drank and drank. Soon entering a drinking competition. He had high drinking tolerance and showed little to no signs of him being drunk. After a couple of drinks, Noah's opponent became a little rowdy. One thing lead to another and the two were fighting. The guy was in no condition to fight, while Noah on the other hand was in a very stable condition. The guy tried to swing at Noah but he simply side stepped and tripped the guy up causing him to crash in the pub's door, knocking the hinges off causing him and the door to fall to the ground. Noah sighed and shook his head. He walked out the pub stepping over the drunk on the ground. He stood in the center of the street with his hands over his eyes as he looked up at the sky. He put his hand down and looked around. He stopped at the bridge when he noticed a blonde walking on a bridge away from him. The back of the blonde's head remind him of someone, someone who he holds deer to him. 

He used a partial Valefor take over, obtaining the third eye. He flew into the air slowly following the blonde haired girl. To Noah's surprise, the girl had a wolf walking along side of her.  This pretty much verified the identity of the girl. Noah flew ahead of the girl landing a couple of feet in front of her, with a big smile on his face. I knew it was you. How are you doing Kelica?? @Zuka
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Beside Sabertooth Guild Hall[/COLOR]

The Siren was sitting on a bench tucked away to the side of the Sabertooth Guild Hall. She sat as she always did with her posture perfect, her legs crossed and her hands and fingers clasped and resting in her lap. Her 13foot wings were curled as they normally were around her hips but she still took up almost the whole bench because of that fact alone. Over the past couple of months Draneri had mostly stayed away from the Guild Members, opting to spend most her time around Mizuki and little Alicia. But the woman had fed till death for centuries, and feeding close to the limit was a struggle even now. She always left Mizuki so weak, so fragile, and exhausted. And had to explain to Alicia she simply was tired and needed to rest more. So she tried to feed less and less, to take the strain off of the dark mage, especially with the Grand Magic Games coming and Mizuki an obvious contender for the matches. Unfortunately in feeding less often, she in turn got weaker and more shaky. It was a never ending struggle. Should she leave Sabertooth completely? Maybe she was wrong in thinking she could survive such this way. That big Redd brother's words kept echoing in her mind, saying she would loose control and he would have to take her down, as well as Eric echoing the same sentiments. She was so adamant she could control herself but now she wasn't so sure...

Maybe it would be safer for everyone if she disappeared to another part of Fiore... It would be better for Mizuki and Alicia perhaps... At least that was her plan till the new Guild Master had approached her the day before, saying he had watched her and seen the change in her. That several Guild Members has approached him and asked if Draneri could join. This completely over whelmed the woman. She assumed everyone on some level detested her, maybe not to her face. And she couldn't blame them for that really. She had killed many people and turned many friends against one another. A monster like her in a Light Guild? The notion alone was inconceivable. Even Mizuki she had assumed only kept the Siren around to keep tabs on her and nothing more.  In a fluster she had accepted the mark, The Sabertooth symbol etched in a purple with gold stripping placed onto her lower back just under her raven black wings. She expected it to burn, almost like the very ink might sear her skin because of her evil sins.

She couldn't help it, she felt like she didn't belong here.

@Maki @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Britt-21 @Embaga Elder @Solemn Jester @Rhodus (new Guild Master) @probably others I'm drawing a blank
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After Noah left Magnolia, leaving Kelica at Fairy Tail with Bastion and the pup, he first stop was Lamia Scale. There he caught up with Ferra, Talon, Valken, and the other guild members there, joining the guild soon after. His time in Lamia was nothing but a good experience. The drunken nights with his bro-ham Valken,  and the constant fights with Valken, and Talon. He grew close with a lot of the members there creating interesting bonds. Though his time there didn't cause him to forget about Kelica. He kept in contact with her as she was out training very hard for the Grand Magic Games. Noah was proud of how determined she was to get stronger. He stayed away trying not to be a distraction only visiting every so often. 

Kelica's determination was contagious and caused Noah to go on a training spree as well. He had a whole new djinn he need to master. He hasn't spent enough time in with the djinn for him to enter a full take and lot lose control. He left Lamia with the clothes on his back, and sword. He left behind a note telling them how he was about to go train for the GMG and would visit every now and then. Noah traveled back to the country of Enca where the dungeon of the Djinn Furfur was located. There it was safe for him to connect better with the Djinn to allow him to perform a full take over without losing control. Once Noah was able to do that, he didn't stop there. He traveled to other countries returning to other dungeons of the Djinns he took over.

Months passed and GMG was around the corner. Noah arrived to Crocus a couple of days early and rented out his own place. The day the events were suppose to start, Noah thought it would be a good idea to go drink. So he went to a pub, where he drank and drank. Soon entering a drinking competition. He had high drinking tolerance and showed little to no signs of him being drunk. After a couple of drinks, Noah's opponent became a little rowdy. One thing lead to another and the two were fighting. The guy was in no condition to fight, while Noah on the other hand was in a very stable condition. The guy tried to swing at Noah but he simply side stepped and tripped the guy up causing him to crash in the pub's door, knocking the hinges off causing him and the door to fall to the ground. Noah sighed and shook his head. He walked out the pub stepping over the drunk on the ground. He stood in the center of the street with his hands over his eyes as he looked up at the sky. He put his hand down and looked around. He stopped at the bridge when he noticed a blonde walking on a bridge away from him. The back of the blonde's head remind him of someone, someone who he holds deer to him. 

He used a partial Valefor take over, obtaining the third eye. He flew into the air slowly following the blonde haired girl. To Noah's surprise, the girl had a wolf walking along side of her.  This pretty much verified the identity of the girl. Noah flew ahead of the girl landing a couple of feet in front of her, with a big smile on his face. I knew it was you. How are you doing Kelica?? @Zuka


[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage was stepping rather gracefully along the wall of the bridge side, toes curled slightly as every step seemed sure and secure. She probably got an odd look or two from people bustling past but for the most part Kelica was in too good a mood! She wasn't even sure why really, she was nervous about the Grand Magic Games as she had never even seen them in her years traveling, let alone being in a Guild like Fairytail while the event was on. She had heard Fairytail had been in the top spot for a very very long time, which only made her heart sore even more that she was surrounded by such strong and capable mages. In a have dazed she didn't notice someone floating behind her, though the Fate seemed to and almost instantly his head turned as he sniffled once or twice and bounced almost on the spot. His excitement was the thing that drew Kelica's attention as she glanced to the right down at him. "What's wrong boy? What do you see?" Of course as Kelica spun on the spot and looked behind her that was exact moment Noah floated around the opposite way and she completely missed him coming around her front.

What this meant was when she turned back around, there he was simply standing on the bridge edging like she was. With his hair blowing in the wind. Just appearing like he just always seemed to do. Kelica had to blink several times as she registered this fact. Why didn't it occur to her he would be here in town for the games? He was with a rival guild wasn't he? But Kelica didn't think of anything like that, she didn't think at all, her whole face light up as her hands clenched up and pulled up to her chest, her mouth wide like a kid opening their birthday present. She found herself already raised up on her tip toes before the Forest Mage's bare feet were running along the thin surface without a shred of imbalance, and at the last second she leaped at him as she threw her arms around his neck, her shrill laughter echoing for ages. She didn't even care about the heavy momentum she had literally slammed Noah with or if he might fall off because of it.

The Wolf meanwhile continued to watch and if it could have raised it eyebrow it probably would have. Instead it sat with a furiously wagging tail, waiting patiently for it's own chance to jump onto the man.
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Beside Sabertooth Guild Hall[/COLOR]

The Siren was sitting on a bench tucked away to the side of the Sabertooth Guild Hall. She sat as she always did with her posture perfect, her legs crossed and her hands and fingers clasped and resting in her lap. Her 13foot wings were curled as they normally were around her hips but she still took up almost the whole bench because of that fact alone. Over the past couple of months Draneri had mostly stayed away from the Guild Members, opting to spend most her time around Mizuki and little Alicia. But the woman had fed till death for centuries, and feeding close to the limit was a struggle even now. She always left Mizuki so weak, so fragile, and exhausted. And had to explain to Alicia she simply was tired and needed to rest more. So she tried to feed less and less, to take the strain off of the dark mage, especially with the Grand Magic Games coming and Mizuki an obvious contender for the matches. Unfortunately in feeding less often, she in turn got weaker and more shaky. It was a never ending struggle. Should she leave Sabertooth completely? Maybe she was wrong in thinking she could survive such this way. That big Redd brother's words kept echoing in her mind, saying she would loose control and he would have to take her down, as well as Eric echoing the same sentiments. She was so adamant she could control herself but now she wasn't so sure...

Maybe it would be safer for everyone if she disappeared to another part of Fiore... It would be better for Mizuki and Alicia perhaps... At least that was her plan till the new Guild Master had approached her the day before, saying he had watched her and seen the change in her. That several Guild Members has approached him and asked if Draneri could join. This completely over whelmed the woman. She assumed everyone on some level detested her, maybe not to her face. And she couldn't blame them for that really. She had killed many people and turned many friends against one another. A monster like her in a Light Guild? The notion alone was inconceivable. Even Mizuki she had assumed only kept the Siren around to keep tabs on her and nothing more.  In a fluster she had accepted the mark, The Sabertooth symbol etched in a purple with gold stripping placed onto her lower back just under her raven black wings. She expected it to burn, almost like the very ink might sear her skin because of her evil sins.

She couldn't help it, she felt like she didn't belong here.

@Maki @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Britt-21 @Embaga Elder @Solemn Jester @Rhodus (new Guild Master) @probably others I'm drawing a blank

@Embaga Elder @Zuka

Tyson Redd


Tyson had been pumped for the Grand Magic Games. Although he didn't show it, he was. He was hoping he would make the team, but wasn't certain. Especially with all the talented mages in Sabertooth. But just incase he had been training extensively. Along with his brother Miles, who was one of the few people who could actually survive training with Tyson. 

This was due to how hard he trained. Pushing even his own limits to the max. Something he had started doing at a young age, in hopes of one day becoming a S rank mage. So far he wasn't a S rank, but he was getting closer, and closer. Well that's what he hoped anyway. Before Tyson knew it, the Grand Magic Games had come. Which meant the teams would be announced today.

So Tyson had been training harder than ever with Miles today. They had just finished, and we're heading back to the guild hall. Upon making it to the guild, Tyson looked around to assess the situation. Just as he expected, the mages of sabertooth where all busy. Off somewhere probably training, or preparing for the Grand Magic Games.

But Tyson couldn't help but notice the newest member of Sabertooth. The siren, who Tyson would never tell, but he may have had a hand in her being asked to join.

Only a small recommendation, he doubted that it had much affect. Others must have also recommended her. Well, that's what he believed, because how could the words of someone who rarely spoke hold enough weight to persuade anyone.

Although maybe the guild master saw something in Draneri, or maybe he was just in a good mood. Either way he had made her a member. So why then did she look so depressed? She had accepted after all. Maybe she was regretting her decision? 

Regardless Tyson turned towards Miles, and patted his shoulder."I've got some stuff to do, preparations, and what not. Go on without me. I'll join you later." Tyson said turning away from his brother.

He then walked infront of Draneri, just staring at her a moment. Waiting for her to say something, being as Tyson was nearly impossible to miss. Something he had learned every time he tried to tail someone. He then blinked a few times, and sighed heavily."Why the depressed look? It's the grand magic games, you're suppose to be excited. Is something wrong?....... 

I just finished training, so I have time to talk. People tell me I'm a good listener. So, if you want to talk, I'm all ears." Tyson said this, and waited for her response.

Kami, Rezonai


Dammit, Dammit, Dammit! 

How could he have been so stupid? He knew how she was, for heaven sake he grew up with her! So why did he let his guard down? Why wasn't he more cautious, maybe it was just nice to be around a familiar face for once. But THIS!!! It was unforgivable, how she could ever think he would be okay with it was beyond reason.

Kami paced the room back, and fourth mumbling swears under his breath. He had originally planned to leave just after Christmas. To go back to work, and find more ancient relics to add to his collection. He would have to leave a note, and sneak away. So it wasn't as hard to go, but things had gone to hell. He woke up to find his cloak missing! Now this would be fine if it was a normal cloak, but it wasn't. It had magical capabilities, and was one of his few means of defending himself.

So obviously he panicked when he couldn't find it. He tore the place up searching. But in the end, it turned out that she had taken it! His dear elder sister, the person that he had come to see after so long. Apparently she refused to let him leave. So while he was asleep she had strong armed it from him. One of the curses of have a paladin for a sister. She was stronger than him. So he had done everything in order to get it back. He had threatened her, he had guilt tripped her. He even tried to bribe her, but of course she refused. 

So he had been with her since then. But if it wasn't enough that she had him trapped there. Then she wanted him to join her guild!!! Outrageous! So he declined, that was until she threatened to destroy his cloak...

So he reluctantly joined the guild. Now here he was, in some fancy mansion with his treacherous sister, and this damn guild mark on his arm. He scratched at the guild mark, to see if maybe he could peel it off. But no luck, it obviously wouldn't come off so easy. Frowned, and the let out a heavy sigh.

"So dear sister? Please can you tell me? How the hell is this okay!? You can't just take my stuff, and then blackmail me into joining your guild! What makes you think I can forgive you for this? I thought we were suppose to be siblings! So how could you do this to me! Now I'll never get back to my work!" Kami dropped to his knees tears in his eyes. As he addressed his sister.



Timothy Harvard: The Morning Entrance



[SIZE= 18px]Timothy continued eating his sugar free rock until he heard a familiar voice from behind him. He turned around to see Hibiki, one of the S class mages appear behind him out of nowhere, he slowly looked at his cheerful smile and then back to his rock that he was eating. A rush of shock overwhelmed him as he instinctively eats the remaining rock whole as his cheeks puff up like a hamster storing food for the winter. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Oh Hello! *crunch* *crunch* *GULP* Hibiki! How are you doing on this fine diddly dandy morning?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said while finishing up his less than tasteful meal. He brushed himself to appear more presentable after his training. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Wait, you mean this?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said while turning his head back on the huge crater that he made with the random punches and laughed a bit. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"To be honest...I don't actually put any thought into form or stances when fighting...I just punch and kick as hard as I can when I can but I'm fine either way really! This is nothing to me, I've been through much worse." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he bashfully explained while rubbing the behind of his head. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"I didn't actually expect anyone to be up here as well...I just decided to do some training in case if they pick me but not then I'll just be happy to watch or to fill in as a substitute entree." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said while gulping a bit. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"It is nice up here isn't it? Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. These kinds of places are great for training. I love peaceful places like these but my favorite has to be when I can look out at the ocean during the sunset. Do you know that the planet is composed of 97% salt water? Isn't that cool? I love the ocean..its so peaceful yet scary due to all of those creepy crawlies swimming about." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said in a relaxed and hyperactive tone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]He walks over to his bad to drink some more water and takes off his tank top to get some fresh air while also avoiding the continuing feeling of having sweat on the back of his skin. He suddenly switched topic in a flash upon remembering something that still hinders him to this day. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"It sure must be nice to be able to use powerful take over magic and all of those cool spells meanwhile I'm stuck just using my bare hands." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said while cracking his knuckles to loosen them up from all the stiff training as his glance shifted away from Hibiki with a disappointed frown on his face however his face shifted back with shock as he switched to a more happier expression [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Oh I'm so dearly excentionally sorry! I was so caught up in my own things that I forget to ask about how are you doing?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he asked in calm voice while smiling back. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Are you going to train too? I was thinking, maybe if you are up for a little sparring match? I mean if you are up for that and don't mind me disappointing you then maybe you'll consider it? Maybe? Maybe Maybe?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he asked in a hopeful tone. "But of course, I mean like you ARE an S-class mage and [/SIZE]I'm just a C-class mage y'know....hehehe[SIZE= 18px]he said with little confidence in his voice. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@LeSoraAmari[/SIZE]

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@Embaga Elder @Zuka

Tyson Redd

View attachment 204413

Tyson had been pumped for the Grand Magic Games. Although he didn't show it, he was. He was hoping he would make the team, but wasn't certain. Especially with all the talented mages in Sabertooth. But just incase he had been training extensively. Along with his brother Miles, who was one of the few people who could actually survive training with Tyson. 

This was due to how hard he trained. Pushing even his own limits to the max. Something he had started doing at a young age, in hopes of one day becoming a S rank mage. So far he wasn't a S rank, but he was getting closer, and closer. Well that's what he hoped anyway. Before Tyson knew it, the Grand Magic Games had come. Which meant the teams would be announced today.

So Tyson had been training harder than ever with Miles today. They had just finished, and we're heading back to the guild hall. Upon making it to the guild, Tyson looked around to assess the situation. Just as he expected, the mages of sabertooth where all busy. Off somewhere probably training, or preparing for the Grand Magic Games.

But Tyson couldn't help but notice the newest member of Sabertooth. The siren, who Tyson would never tell, but he may have had a hand in her being asked to join.

Only a small recommendation, he doubted that it had much affect. Others must have also recommended her. Well, that's what he believed, because how could the words of someone who rarely spoke hold enough weight to persuade anyone.

Although maybe the guild master saw something in Draneri, or maybe he was just in a good mood. Either way he had made her a member. So why then did she look so depressed? She had accepted after all. Maybe she was regretting her decision? 

Regardless Tyson turned towards Miles, and patted his shoulder."I've got some stuff to do, preparations, and what not. Go on without me. I'll join you later." Tyson said turning away from his brother.

He then walked infront of Draneri, just staring at her a moment. Waiting for her to say something, being as Tyson was nearly impossible to miss. Something he had learned every time he tried to tail someone. He then blinked a few times, and sighed heavily."Why the depressed look? It's the grand magic games, you're suppose to be excited. Is something wrong?....... 

I just finished training, so I have time to talk. People tell me I'm a good listener. So, if you want to talk, I'm all ears." Tyson said this, and waited for her response.

Kami, Rezonai

View attachment 204419

Dammit, Dammit, Dammit! 

How could he have been so stupid? He knew how she was, for heaven sake he grew up with her! So why did he let his guard down? Why wasn't he more cautious, maybe it was just nice to be around a familiar face for once. But THIS!!! It was unforgivable, how she could ever think he would be okay with it was beyond reason.

Kami paced the room back, and fourth mumbling swears under his breath. He had originally planned to leave just after Christmas. To go back to work, and find more ancient relics to add to his collection. He would have to leave a note, and sneak away. So it wasn't as hard to go, but things had gone to hell. He woke up to find his cloak missing! Now this would be fine if it was a normal cloak, but it wasn't. It had magical capabilities, and was one of his few means of defending himself.

So obviously he panicked when he couldn't find it. He tore the place up searching. But in the end, it turned out that she had taken it! His dear elder sister, the person that he had come to see after so long. Apparently she refused to let him leave. So while he was asleep she had strong armed it from him. One of the curses of have a paladin for a sister. She was stronger than him. So he had done everything in order to get it back. He had threatened her, he had guilt tripped her. He even tried to bribe her, but of course she refused. 

So he had been with her since then. But if it wasn't enough that she had him trapped there. Then she wanted him to join her guild!!! Outrageous! So he declined, that was until she threatened to destroy his cloak...

So he reluctantly joined the guild. Now here he was, in some fancy mansion with his treacherous sister, and this damn guild mark on his arm. He scratched at the guild mark, to see if maybe he could peel it off. But no luck, it obviously wouldn't come off so easy. Frowned, and the let out a heavy sigh.

"So dear sister? Please can you tell me? How the hell is this okay!? You can't just take my stuff, and then blackmail me into joining your guild! What makes you think I can forgive you for this? I thought we were suppose to be siblings! So how could you do this to me! Now I'll never get back to my work!" Kami dropped to his knees tears in his eyes. As he addressed his sister.


Christmas and the months following had been...interesting...to say the least. Of course, she had expected Kami to up and leave during the night or some such. It was just something he always did, even when little. And thus she had deciding seeing him every couple years wasn't cutting it. They were siblings after all! Not to mention artifact hunting alone was dangerous so her overprotective sibling bit kicked in. She couldn't help it, she loved her brother very much and ever since she had learned her magic she had always protected him like he had her.

Of course, it wasn't easy doing what she did. She took very minimal joy in blackmailing Kami into staying. She had thought about breaking down a few times and returning the cloak, but nope. She refused every single time he begged her. She hoped that he realized she did it because she cared for him, not because she was trying to be mean.

Though in the end it seemed he didn't, causing the paladin to tear up a bit at his words. "I-I just didn't want you to go..." She replied honestly. "I missed you very much...I knew you would just leave without telling me bye." She said, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. "I haven't seen you in so long, and I worry about you all the time...I just wanted you to stay longer." She told him. She then handed him his cloak she had been carrying around the entire time. "Here..take it and go." She added, practically shoving the thing into his arms and looking away sadly.
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The Grand Magic Games were around the corner, Miles was ready. He participated in the games before, in his younger days. He hoped that this time would be better than the last. Well that's if he made the teams, if not him, then his brother. Training along side of his brother was the same as always. Miles was used to Tyson's hardcore way of training. Which is expected since he trained along side of his brother for years. They know each others combat stlye like the back of their own hands.

After today's training session Miles could really go for a long nap. But before that, he had to catch up with Katherine. He wondered just how strong she has gotten over her course of training. He thought a fight between them would be nice. As he and his brother approached the guild, he noticed Katherine sitting in the front yard. She looked like she was meditating. A smile grew on his face as he saw Katherine, but it quickly turned to a frown as Tyson smack him on the back. Tyson told Miles how he was about to handle some business, and Miles simply nodded looking at his brother. 

As Tyson walked off, Mile  turned his head towards Katherine and saw Eric interrupting her meditation. He sigh and walked towards them. Approaching them, Miles placed his hand on Eric's shoulder. Good job mate, you interrupted her meditation. I hope for your sake her dragon doesn't eat you. He said with a blank expression on his face looking at Eric. But then he looked down at Katherine and smiled. Hey Kat...how are you? @Britt-21 @Solemn Jester @Jackaboi
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@Embaga Elder @Zuka

Tyson Redd

View attachment 204413

Tyson had been pumped for the Grand Magic Games. Although he didn't show it, he was. He was hoping he would make the team, but wasn't certain. Especially with all the talented mages in Sabertooth. But just incase he had been training extensively. Along with his brother Miles, who was one of the few people who could actually survive training with Tyson. 

This was due to how hard he trained. Pushing even his own limits to the max. Something he had started doing at a young age, in hopes of one day becoming a S rank mage. So far he wasn't a S rank, but he was getting closer, and closer. Well that's what he hoped anyway. Before Tyson knew it, the Grand Magic Games had come. Which meant the teams would be announced today.

So Tyson had been training harder than ever with Miles today. They had just finished, and we're heading back to the guild hall. Upon making it to the guild, Tyson looked around to assess the situation. Just as he expected, the mages of sabertooth where all busy. Off somewhere probably training, or preparing for the Grand Magic Games.

But Tyson couldn't help but notice the newest member of Sabertooth. The siren, who Tyson would never tell, but he may have had a hand in her being asked to join.

Only a small recommendation, he doubted that it had much affect. Others must have also recommended her. Well, that's what he believed, because how could the words of someone who rarely spoke hold enough weight to persuade anyone.

Although maybe the guild master saw something in Draneri, or maybe he was just in a good mood. Either way he had made her a member. So why then did she look so depressed? She had accepted after all. Maybe she was regretting her decision? 

Regardless Tyson turned towards Miles, and patted his shoulder."I've got some stuff to do, preparations, and what not. Go on without me. I'll join you later." Tyson said turning away from his brother.

He then walked infront of Draneri, just staring at her a moment. Waiting for her to say something, being as Tyson was nearly impossible to miss. Something he had learned every time he tried to tail someone. He then blinked a few times, and sighed heavily."Why the depressed look? It's the grand magic games, you're suppose to be excited. Is something wrong?....... 

I just finished training, so I have time to talk. People tell me I'm a good listener. So, if you want to talk, I'm all ears." Tyson said this, and waited for her response.

Draneri: The Siren

The old woman who didn't look a day over 25 stared down to her long pale fingers who even now trembled a fraction. Well at least she was until a dark shadow passed by and blocked her view like a solar eclipse and slowly her golden eyes drifted upwards to see whatever solar phenomia had caused such a shadow. 



It can be said Draneri didn't much like that towering idiot of a Redd brother. Partially she was annoying with his constant disinterest in pretty much everything (or at least so it looked by his nothing expression), not even her beautiful piano playing could illicit more then an eyebrow twitch. Not to mention her Perfumes did literally nothing on him which also infuriated her to no end. 

Almost instantly her half saddened expression returned to something akin to a resting royal face as she promptly closed her eyes and turned her head sideways like she couldn't even be bothered looking at him. Recrossing her legs the otherway. 

"What look? I have no look that you need to concern yourself with Big Redd. Where is Little Redd anyway? Running from the big bad wolf? I've read that story once or twice." She said in a snark response that seemed far more aggressive then she had intended it to be. "The Games only hold an interest for you humans. In my time had I been concerntrating I could have witnessed 350 or so of these 'games'. So no, frankly, I am not really all that interested. One team wins, the rest loose. It is all meaningless really for someone my age. The results will one day all be forgotten."

It was only about now Draneri realised she'd actually done exactly what he has asked and talked where normally she would keep her opinions to herself. After realising this, she gritted her teeth and only looked away harder. She stood up in an angry hiss, only as she did so she found her legs weren't exactly playing nice with the lack of energy so her wings snapped out in an oddly weird manner (as she used them to straighten herself like one does their arms) and very slowly sat back down with her face more pale as her vision whirled a portion.

Months had passed since Christmas day and it was time for the Grand Magic Games. He was still worried about the old guildmaster...what was her name again? Ah yes, Ophelia. He didn't exactly like her but since Niur was friendly with her he didn't exactly dislike her as well, even now he felt that he was on the fence about her, despite her absence. There was just something different with her gone. The new Guildmaster was...interesting. Arietta Forsyth was some type of fox creature, he hadn't exactly asked for the specifics. She was doing a great job running the show, in his opinion of course. It seemed that there were also new members in his short absence, sadly he hasn't spent a lot of time with any of the new members yet so their names and faces are all jumbled up in his memory.

The months had not been spent wandering around, lazing about, and doing some willy nillly job that gained his interest. it had been spent wandering in between towns, lazing about, doing some willy nilly job that had gained his interest and gathering lots of materials for him to play around with, a hidden ace up his sleeve as it were. He was going to come prepared to the contest. Apparently Fairy Tail held the GMG close to its heart and it would be rude not to perform at his best.

Morning had come as Raa was practicing his weaponry in the solitude of the mountains. He had awoken earlier own before the sun was even up. His signature dark steel jagged scythe was out and it moved about, cutting down earthen pillars that he had pulled up from the ground. He moved fast, holding the scythe with two hands and swung, lopping off most of the pillar. Another swing and another pillar fell. He moved forward and spun at the same time, cutting down the rest if the pillars. He suddenly pulled the scythe in and reshaped it into a jagged and sharp circular blade before throwing it, embedding itself on a boulder.

He took a few deep breathes before moving over and pulling the weapon out and inspecting it. It was dented and scratched all over but a quick reshaping had made it as good as new. He placed it on his back as the pillars rejoined the ground, removing any trace that they were once there. He looked up at the sound of rocks cracking in the distance. It looked like he wasn't the only one to have the idea of some practice. He followed the sounds of destruction, he could feel the earth vibrate with increasing intensity as he drew nearer to the source of the ruckus.

By the time that he had arrived, the sounds and the tremors had stopped altogether and he could hear the distant of chatter. "Oh wow." He said as he approached Hibiki and...the new guy that joined some time ago. 'I know his name...it uh...it starts with a T...Tim! That's the one!' He thought as he drew closer. "And here I thought I was the expert on rocky starts." He joked. "I guess you guys are a fans of rock? That's nice, I'm more of a metal kind of guy. Good morning by the way." He greeted as he stopped moving. @LeSoraAmari @Zareh
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"I believe there are more venders. I've seen many of new things I had not encountered previously." said the wairror, putting her items away and moving over to the bed and laying next to him. When he joked about him getting his head nearly sliced off, she laughed "Hey, we both know that I would not cut down my own significant other. Unless he thought I was a powerless woman and treated me rotten. Besides, training is very good for us. It gets our blood flowing, gives us muscle. Even if we are not chosen, I am very sure that our guild will win once again.  We may  have trained but our higher guild members have too so they may be stronger than both of us." Lavender took his hand and just looked at him with soft and adoring eyes "This year will be the most intense. I've heard rumors from many people about the other guilds that are participating. Many are training but many are strong. Until we know the teams, there is no way that we may be able to determine who may win."


Just being here with her guild and her boyfriend was enough for her. It was already fun as it is. Lavender hoped that they would win this year because Fairy Tail was and Is the best guild. The fun they shared, how they treated eachother like family, cared for one another, respected one another. Sure there were fights but they were mostly out of playing around and just being theirselves. There was not many rules to restrict them from being who they are. People were welcomed, trained, given a home... Fairy Tail was fun in its own way and that's why Lavender wanted to be part of such a wonderful guild. "But until then, we can relax, shop, maybe meet some of the other guild's members."

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR]


  (left side)

I never heard of these though that's why I used it cause IT LOOKS SO GOOOD



As if on cue, Kazuo had appeared next to her, holding out a small thing of Cookie Fries. Despite her looking at the sky "You know, it's better to be patient." he pointed out, leaning his head into his own small bit of cookie fries and pulling one out with his mouth since his hand was already occupied by holding her bit of food. He chewed till it was no longer in his mouth and he spoke "I know you might not eat these but I can assure you, they're great. It's only a cookie made to look like a fry." He knew that Rosa would just jump out of surprise because he had the tendancy to go and pop out of the blue. Not that Kazuo cared much. He was just being his usual self and coming in when he needed or wanted to. Being on the left side of her actually helped him greatly because it was the side that he could see with.


"You should also not give the townsfolk glares and scare them off. They're only admiring you because you're part of a guild. Not to mention a Wizard. A tough one at that." he added, taking another cookie fry from his small container with his mouth and eating it like no big deal. The snack was actually really yummy. It was like a cookie but in a stick form and really didnt require hands since they werent round and they were sticking up in a small container. It is true that 'you are what you eat' but Kazuo thought that they should have a nice sugary snack for once. Christmas and new years was one thing but the Grand Magic Games? It was all different kinds of food. Corn dogs, fries, cotton candy. It was literally like a fair. Which was pretty cool in Kazuo's book. The wizard looked around, just really keeping himself on guard. HIs sword on his waist and his usual attire on. Keeping him serious and in a state ready for battle.





Hearing Eric's voice suddenly cut through the quietness of her location, her one eye slowly opened and looked towards Eric before her other one opened as well and looked up at him directly. The blue in her eyes were clear that Nexus was activated. Not to mention the cracks on her skin he didnt seem to really comment about. With ease Kathy was able to 'turn off' Nexus and thus the cracks disappeared and her eyes had been returned to the normal "I was working with Nexus... You should be happy that I didnt suddenly nexus blast you..." she said with her usual soft toned voice "Nexus hurts very much now that I have worked with it for the past few months... And know how to properly use it...All I require is my lamp..." she informed her fellow guild mate. Lionel - her dragon - in his tiny form came swooping in, landing on Eric's head and leaning down to look Eric in the face with his glowing pink eyes. Of course he was making sure that Eric wasnt planning to give Kathy any harm.


Kathy then looked to Miles who also came over and placed his hand on Eric's shoulder telling him that he hopes that Lionel wouldnt eat him Lionel knows better than to eat people... Unless I tell him to... she thought to herself before Miles gave her that nice and sweet smile that always brought butterflies to her stomach "I'm good... Just talking to Eric... I've been sitting out here for over an hour so he's lucky I didnt snap..." her eyes shifted back to Eric "If you had bothered me 10 minutes or less from when I started... I may have blasted you into the guild hall..." she admitted. Knowing Katherine, most people knew that she would do it without hesitation. With that said, she got up onto her feet and poked Eric's nose -because that was a new thing she did to Eric- before moving to Miles and hugging him, the wind blowing down her hood which revealed her long silver hair and it was long to the point where it reached her butt. She wanted to cut just a little bit of it but no one was willing to and she didnt like barbers either... They always cut wrong. So Kathy just left it as is.

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@Arius LaVari

After a while of casual conversation (which was very rare), Nikolas and Phineas walked downstairs to where the rest of the guild would be meeting. Phineas kept repeatedly tugging on the vest, as though it would somehow give him good luck. Nikolas had put on a very familiar pair of round glasses in favor of his usual contact lenses. Okay, let's face it, his eyesight actually sucked, so these glasses came in handy. Both of their shirts had the Saedor crest and motto on it, so they could represent their family, both biological and Lamia Scale, in battle. After walking downstairs, Phineas found Shiro and approached her.

  "......Good morning, Shiro," he said calmly, waving at her. "You look great today." There was a pause as he slowly looked at her; behind Shiro's back, Nikolas puckered his lips, making fluttering motions with his hands. Phin rolled his eyes at his brother. "Watch it, Nik, or I'll send Valken after you." Nikolas drooped, letting out a collective shudder. From what he heard, the guy had a dog now. A freaking POOCH! Sometimes he wondered if Valken was just trying to murder him in his sleep. Ever since he and Ferra slept in the same bed together.....

  The half-Neko sighed. Couldn't he just be desperately in love with her in peace? It wasn't like she was pregnant or anything.

  No. If Ferra were pregnant, he would have been killed already. And buried. Without a funeral or a memorial service. Nikolas shuddered in fear of that. Well, no backing out now! He refused to break Ferra's heart, especially after how it had already been broken once! And despite everyone's obvious disapproval, he was going to do whatever it took to make her happy! 

  Because that was what was important.


Waiting with the others 


Shiro tilted her head to the side a bit when Phineas approached her while tugging at his vest, he was nervous it seemed, "Good morning Phineas, Nikolas." She turned her head slightly to glance over her shoulder at Nik, smiling slightly since she had softened just a little bit towards the pair of half nekos, then quickly turned her attention back to Phin, where she lightly took his hand to stop him from tugging on it, he was causing it to go crooked, so she smoothed it back out her normal blank expression there. "Thank you for the compliment by the way Phineas, since it's...the GMG I thought it'd be a good idea to wear something a bit more um... what's a good word for it?" Shiro tapped her chin lightly trying to think of a word for it when her head tilted at the threat he sent his brother, "Uh-oh...what's he doing behind my back Phin?" She peered at the antagonist over her shoulder arching a white brow at the brother behind her, she was a shield but if she wanted to she could apply a little pressure to one of her shields and cut some of his air off, if she wanted to, after all shields weren't used to just protect sometimes, when desperate a warrior could bash an enemy in the head with the shield to knock them out. Which was one of several thoughts that passed through her mind, she had considered many ways to get back at Nik and Ferra for pranks here or there they had pulled on her, thankfully she was patient and not mean by nature, so she just took it all in stride and never lashed out against her allies, never. Not even when training, because despite herself and her thoughts she loved all life and wanted to protect it, that was the essence of her magic and that meant more to her than anybody knew.

@Mitchs98 (mentioned)





Evelyn was being the one person that walked around and seen what the Grand Magic Games had to offer. Vendors everywhere, wizards either entertaining or getting something to eat, children running around and having fun. It was like a city fair that everyone could go to and celebrate. It actually filled the void of her missing brother because when she arrived and after they hung out, he suddenly disappeared and left her on her own. Ever since then she kinda was sticking in bars but this time she decided staying sober would be best because she wanted fun. Evelyn kept walking and walking till she reached a quieter area where she heard grunts and screams that sounded like someone was punching something. Putting her hands behind her head, she moved towards the source and seen a blonde girl training, punching, kicking, anything to do just to train.


Her eyes wondered down to the thigh which exposed the Blue Pegasus guild mark in a solid green which instantly told Evelyn that this girl was in a guild. It didnt take her long to sit down and just meditate which had Evelyn raise an eyebrow before she suddenly sprang up and dashed at the Dummies and pretty much released her power on them before cutting herself off "You know I was excited to see what you got blondie." even though she herself was a blonde, she still called some other blondes that as well "Taking out that lightning on those pretty dead dummies." dropping her hands from her head, she let them lay at her sides "I see you're from Blue Pegasus too. 'Ave a good team set up?" Evelyn knew damn well that this girl wasnt the master but hey, it wouldnt stop her from asking. She was just naturally curious in her own way "You also 'ave some nice training going on but I didnt expect that whole sit and suddenly be up on your feet taking dummie's 'eads off"


Training in a field


Celestia pivoted on her heel the moment she heard someone's voice, a woman's from the sounds of it with an odd accent, she was sort of grateful she had grown out of her own accent and really her old language. Upon being called blonde she tilted her head slightly to the side, this woman was blonde too, and she arched one of her brows before looking the girl over, up and down then smiled at her, "Ah, well I was simply practicing. I have some trouble calling up the lighting part of my magic on its own, so I wanted to..." She blinked a bit once she noticed the girl's eyes and cut off what she was saying quickly, she didn't know about this person but purple eyes always made her cautious, she wouldn't judge but she would be a little less forward, as she thought her expression never changed from the sweet smile. "Ah I don't actually know our teams yet, to be honest I should probably go seek out my guild. Ah anyway as for the whole sit then attack thing I was thinking about how to get more used to the lightning in my eyes." Both of her eyes were yellow for the moment and glowing brightly but now that she had cut off the magic her right eye changed back to the bright emerald green that was natural to her magic. 


Still grinning the blonde hopped forward with a bottle of water and a towel wiping her face off grinning at this other girl, "I didn't introduce myself! It's a pleasure to meet you Miss, I'm Celestia, you can call me Cele or Celest if you'd like, my guild mates seem fond of those nicknames. I'm surprised to see another wizard out here though I figured most would be waiting impatiently on their team announcements or have you all decided on your teams already?" Celestia laughed as she began to slowly walk back to town, not taking off and leaving th new girl behind, hmm...she did wonder how many times she'd introduced herself lately though, far too many times but she supposed if she got picked for a team she would be able to stop introducing herself, she had seen her guild mates in action a few times, especially Rosa who had become a sort of sparring partner for her ever since their little brawl Christmas day, that's not to say she would dare underestimate the other guilds, with eyes like hers she could study the magic that hr others used and pinpoint weaknesses she could pass to her guild mates if she wished it. The woman with her strange two colored eyes blinked, she had gotten lost in thought and neglected to keep up conversation for a little bit, "Ah sorry about that I hope I didn't space out on you for too long. Which guild are you from? I'm not exactly from this country so I don't know them by heart." A lie though she was a masterful liar, she was doing her best to show interest in the blonde she was walking with.



Chris Lengheart (I have a better idea)

Snuggling up with Lavender, Chris smiled as she said she'd never hurt him. "I bet," He joked as he gave her a quick peck on the cheek. Wrapping his arm around her and pulling her in close, Chris listened to her suggestions. "Hm...I got a better idea. How about you and me...get some alone time. Maybe find and nice, quiet, place and have some peace and quiet for once." 

[SIZE= 14px]Grabbing Lavender's arm, Chris led her outside and grinned. "Well, what should we do? We can do our usual ride outside, or we can fly. You're choice, maybe we'll find a nice little restaurant that isn't completely packed full. Dare to dream, right?"[/SIZE]

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@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball@Arius LaVari@LeSoraAmari(mentioned)

Ferra was honestly excited, it was finally time for the Grand Magic Games and soon the teams would be chosen. She had of course trained over the past few months but really she didn't make that much progress at all. Faster crafting time was really all she had learned. Oh well! She didn't really mind, she doubted she got chosen anyways. Most of the guild was better suited than she was for combat anyhow, her magic being very situational. If it came down to a 1 vs 1 fight she'd likely lose unless she had time to prepare. And by prepare she meant eat a ton of materials. Nevertheless here she was with the rest of the guild in some posh mansion that apparently belonged to Maya's father or some such. Needless to say it was hard to resist the urge to eat all of the old antique furniture, the one thing stopping her from doing so? Maya quite literally murdering her and covering it up.

Well, maybe she wouldn't kill her. But she would definitely beat the crap out of her she knew that much. Fancy mansion and big event or not it didn't really stop her from dressing how she normally did, especially now that it was spring and starting to warm up again. She soon found her way downstairs right around the same time that Nikolas was making fun of Phineas and Shiro. Though honestly she thought those two might as well get together already herself. It was obvious they had feelings for each other. She had played matchmaker for Millie and Valken, so maybe she could get Nikolas to help her. Regardless of what happened she quickly snuck up on Nikolas and put her arms around him, "Hey Nik!" She shouted enthusiastically.

Christmas and the months following had been...interesting...to say the least. Of course, she had expected Kami to up and leave during the night or some such. It was just something he always did, even when little. And thus she had deciding seeing him every couple years wasn't cutting it. They were siblings after all! Not to mention artifact hunting alone was dangerous so her overprotective sibling bit kicked in. She couldn't help it, she loved her brother very much and ever since she had learned her magic she had always protected him like he had her.

Of course, it wasn't easy doing what she did. She took very minimal joy in blackmailing Kami into staying. She had thought about breaking down a few times and returning the cloak, but nope. She refused every single time he begged her. She hoped that he realized she did it because she cared for him, not because she was trying to be mean.

Though in the end it seemed he didn't, causing the paladin to tear up a bit at his words. "I-I just didn't want you to go..." She replied honestly. "I missed you very much...I knew you would just leave without telling me bye." She said, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. "I haven't seen you in so long, and I worry about you all the time...I just wanted you to stay longer." She told him. She then handed him his cloak she had been carrying around the entire time. "Here..take it and go." She added, practically shoving the thing into his arms and looking away sadly.

Kami, Free at last free at last!


After seeing his sister's reaction Kami let out a sad sigh. He dropped his had, almost as if he felt guilty now. He up to Alara, cloak in hands," Alara....look..ummm, THANKS!" Kami said quickly putting on the cloak, and gathering his things in a comedic cartoonist speed. He then stood back infront of her, his passive backpack filled with various items seemingly clinging to his back. 

" Okay, love you bye!" Kami said quickly giving his sister a kiss on the cheek, and running like hell outside. As he made it to the outside, he ran through the area screaming."Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty I'm free at last! Now I'm off to my work! Wait no! First I need to figure out how to get rid of this damn guild mark!" He yelled, clearly, so anyone within a few miles could probably hear him. He then continued his cheerful screaming down the street, not even bothering to look back.

Once he had settled down, and made his way to a bench he sat down. Thinking about his sister's words. It had still only been a few minutes since he bolted from her clutches. Although he couldn't say he blamed her for what she did. If it was at all possible he would have taken her with him. His issue wasn't staying with her, it was staying in one place all the time. It was a big change to go from adventuring artifact hunter, to guild mage. But then he got a idea, and stood up before running back towards the guild. He was going to think himself crazy later, but hell what's the harm.

So as he ran back towards the guild, he screamed loudly. A dust cloud appearing behind him as he ran."Oh Alara!!! I've got a deal for you!!!" He yelled, as he made his way back to her. Within moment he had managed to find her. Probably a siblings thing, but no matter where she was, he always seemed to be able to find her. He clasped his hands over hers, and gazed into her eyes. His eyes sparkled with understanding, and sorrow."Oh my dearest Alara, how cruel a brother I am. To simply ignore your feelings. I truely apologize, but you must understand. It's not easy changing your life style so drastically. So ive come to a agreement! I shall make a deal with you! Depending on the results of the Grand Magic Games! I shall either permanently join your guild, or you must leave it! It's very simple, you see we both bet on which guild we believe will win. If I win, then you leave your guild, and accompany me on my journeys. But if you win, then I shall stay with you in your guild, as a member. Devoting all my time to you. This way we shall never be apart. Oh, and dont worry, if neither of use wins. Then I've got a something for that! So what do you say? Deal, or shall I just leave as planned?" Kami smiled confidently, he was prepared to put his freedom on the line for good. The question was, would his sister. In true he had a plan for if neither of their teams won. It was probably the best choice for both of them. But he thought this would make things far more intresting.

Draneri: The Siren

The old woman who didn't look a day over 25 stared down to her long pale fingers who even now trembled a fraction. Well at least she was until a dark shadow passed by and blocked her view like a solar eclipse and slowly her golden eyes drifted upwards to see whatever solar phenomia had caused such a shadow. 



It can be said Draneri didn't much like that towering idiot of a Redd brother. Partially she was annoying with his constant disinterest in pretty much everything (or at least so it looked by his nothing expression), not even her beautiful piano playing could illicit more then an eyebrow twitch. Not to mention her Perfumes did literally nothing on him which also infuriated her to no end. 

Almost instantly her half saddened expression returned to something akin to a resting royal face as she promptly closed her eyes and turned her head sideways like she couldn't even be bothered looking at him. Recrossing her legs the otherway. 

"What look? I have no look that you need to concern yourself with Big Redd. Where is Little Redd anyway? Running from the big bad wolf? I've read that story once or twice." She said in a snark response that seemed far more aggressive then she had intended it to be. "The Games only hold an interest for you humans. In my time had I been concerntrating I could have witnessed 350 or so of these 'games'. So no, frankly, I am not really all that interested. One team wins, the rest loose. It is all meaningless really for someone my age. The results will one day all be forgotten."

It was only about now Draneri realised she'd actually done exactly what he has asked and talked where normally she would keep her opinions to herself. After realising this, she gritted her teeth and only looked away harder. She stood up in an angry hiss, only as she did so she found her legs weren't exactly playing nice with the lack of energy so her wings snapped out in an oddly weird manner (as she used them to straighten herself like one does their arms) and very slowly sat back down with her face more pale as her vision whirled a portion.

Tyson Redd 


Tyson listened to her words, and had he been the type would have smiled. Maybe even laughed at them," Big Red?" Tyson said, seemingly considering the name. Amazingly enough no one had ever referred to Tyson as big red. Well not that he could recall, but he didn't really think back all that much. The past wasn't a good place for him. But in all honesty the name suited him. He was big, and his other main trait was his red hair.

Then she went on to speak her opinion of the Grand Magic Games. He found it strange, just because time goes on Doesn't mean that she has to spend it being miserable. Which is more or less what he told her, after noticing her struggle to stand. He kneeled down, and put one of his massive hands on her face. His fierce eyes seemed to stare into her as he did so."Your pushing yourself to the limit. You really should accept my offer. I can actually regain most of whatever you take from me. So it won't be as bad as it would for whoever you've been feeding on. As for your statement about the grand magic games. It's true, time moves on, and people may forget. But as long as it happened then somewhere out there is proof. Besides, when there are those like you who don't age like us humans. Well you can keep the memories of those events with you, for your long, life. I mean I assume you can't die from old age? Am I correct? Hmm, forget that, now shall I take you somewhere? I refuse to allow you to be so weak, it's pitiful. So you will feed on me, otherwise your just going to be useless, to weak to do anything. Only concerning those that care about your well being. I do this for those of my guild, this includes you." Tyson thought about his words, wondering if she'd understand what he was trying to tell her. Being someone who rarely spoke, he was sure that he must have messed up. Said something that didn't make sense, he was more for action than talking. He looked to her for her response. If it was at all possible for her to respond.

@Zuka @Mitchs98
@Arius LaVari  @Mitchs98

  Phineas shrugged at Shiro's question, watching silently as she moved his hands away from his vest, smoothing it out. ".....Thanks," he said. "And Nik was just teasing us again. Wish he could stop acting so weird."

  "I'm right here, you kno—WHOA!" Nikolas stumbled when Ferra wrapped her arms around him; he grinned at her, pushing his dad's glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Yo, beautiful~! How's it goin'?" he asked his girlfriend casually. She seemed to be doing well like always. The half-Neko swiveled his head around to kiss her cheek. Phineas stared blankly, feeling awkward. How did those two do it so easily? He was still in the fucking friendzone. 

  Oh, the jealousy. It was overwhelming. Though it was hard to tell because he was just wearing the perfect poker face. He did find himself holding Shiro's hand all of a sudden, his cheeks glowing a faint pink. 


Katherine's reply to Eric's greeting was a little... Threatening. It seems he would have to keep in mind to never interrupt her meditation again. It wasn't long before Katherine's pet dragon landed on top of Eric's giving him a distrustful stare and Miles also joined into the fray telling him he'd better hope that the dragon doesn't eat him. "Heh... Hey Lionel... I don't plan on hurting anyone alright?" Eric waited for Lionel to calm down before he could do so himself. He hasn't seen the full size of the dragon yet but he doesn't want to risk annoying him either. "Well... Nexus blasts aside... I think I'm finally ready for the Grand Magic Games! I've finally managed to increase the size limit of my take-overs~ I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when tramle over all the other guilds!" Eric was just about imagining a rough sketch of himself trampling over Fairy Tail in his elephant form. Of course this was just a fantasy but HEY A GUY CAN DREAM! "Oh! Sorry I got carried away there..." When he snapped himself out of his fantasy world Katherine had already went to hug Miles. They certainly didn't keep their affection a secret. "Well uh... Anyway how are all of you doing with training? I'm pretty sure all of us are ready to go kick some light guild butt!"

@Britt-21 @Embaga Elder
Sora Marvell


Sora hovered over the massive city of Crocus, eyes shining as the sun dared to blind her. For some reason though she smiled wide, not seeming phased by the glare that obscured her vision. The sky sorceress of Fairy Tail finally drifted downwards, pale blue shoes touching down upon the ground as her eyes fixated upon the rubble of loose rocks scattered about it. It was good to be back but part of her worried how the others had been during her absence. Hopefully they weren't too peeved that she had decided to leave so suddenly. The entire time Sora had spent training and working on really figuring herself out as was necessary to pull herself out of the sorrowful pit her mind had taken shelter in. Her small hands rose to grasp at the loose strands of hair encircling her frame and they masterfully pulled them back to bring it into a tight pigtails, save a few locks that slid to caress her cheeks and hang idly. A small piece of paper was plucked out of her backpack that she had slung forward before hitching it back into place, gaze falling to read it. It was the directions to where the Fairy Tail members were residing during the Grand Magic Games and where she too would stay.

" Time to see everyone again! " Her eyes lit up and she raced off towards the address like an overly excited child, nervousness and anticipation written clearly all over her face. The building that loomed overhead was massive and Sora had to double check the number to make sure it matched the one on the note that was crumpled within her grasp. It was indeed and with this realization the small slayer pushed opened the doors before taking a seat in a line up of chairs in a room directly within view, though slightly off to the side. A grin befell her features at the thought of all of her training being put into action. The little defensive slayer had evened out her protective nature to have a newly found fierce side to accompany it. Her bag was plopped down beside her kicked out feet and a sigh of slight exhaustion released itself. It had been a long trip, a tedious yet beautiful adventure as she had flown back just in time to make it since she had been assigned to a team. Being dragged back by the new guild master was also something that didn't sound too appealing so she had made sure she wouldn't be late. Speaking of....

Arietta Forsyth


Arietta twirled the black key that usually always remained on her person, fingers going through a seemingly nervous tick as her hues remained fixated upon the lighted ceiling. " Well, they've had enough time to settle in! " Her lithe frame rolled off the bed in a fluid motion, hair falling to rest back in its normal position as she never was one to wear it up. " Abby, help me gather the people we discussed. " Abaddon's smiling face popped out of the wall adjacent to her and a salute to match his witty humor was also given before he disappeared. Arietta walked straight for the wall where he had been, steps not slowing as her figure almost crashed into it. Instead she melted through, the shadows on the wall seemed to cloak her and devour her but to her it felt more like an embrace of the most intimate kind. The two began to dart around and gather the people that had been chosen to make up the two teams representing Fairy Tail this year. Abandon first appeared beside Chris and Lavender, fingers extending to tap the beast man on the shoulder. " You've both been picked, head to the meeting room. Hard to miss! " His words were almost sung as he quickly disappeared and found Kim next. " You've been picked, head to the meeting room at your soonest convenience." Abaddon bowed deeply and blinked out of proximity to make his final stop at Bel's room. " Bel, oh Bel. I've only been sent to summon you to the meeting hall. If only I had more time to play... " His words were as soft as the touch of his fingers that managed to comb through the boys hair. Before Bel could react though, his fingers had disentangled themselves and he was gone.

Arietta made her first appearance at the beautiful mountainside where Hibiki, Timothy, and Raa were gathered. The view alone was breath taking and even though she was visible to them she took her time in acknowledging them, eyes absorbing the scene as the sun rose over the tops of the rocky backdrop. A smile tugged at her lips as her frame swayed and swiveled, hair cascading about in the wind like rebellious ribbons. " You three, I'm glad I found you. You're all going to be representing Fairy Tail this year! " Her eyes seemed fierce with an ignited passion but the rest of her expression was soft and inviting, remaining so even as she peered curiously at the crater that Timothy had made. " When you're ready.... " She motioned towards the results of his training before continuing. " Please make your way back to our residence and find the meeting room. I'll be splitting everyone up into two teams accordingly. Try not to take too long... " As she spoke her hues lingered on Hibiki naturally, seeing similar traits that passed down through his family on his face. It was nostalgic and when they had finally met, Aria had welcomed him like an old friend even though she refused to admit any 'personal' experiences with an ancestor of his. Shortly after speaking she approached them and let her fingers trail from one side of Timothy's shoulder to the other in a questionably slow manner, still quite intrigued at what he was. She began walking circles around them as her hand drifted off Timothy, almost like one circling their prey before the shadows rose from the ground and engulfed her. The news of being on the team was given to Ayano and Kira as well, Aria finally making her last stop to tell Mitsuki that he was a reserve member before she got settled in the meeting hall, Abaddon standing behind the chair she occupied. His hands rested upon the back of it and he made sure to make eye contact with everyone who showed up and walked through the door, not breaking it until they took a seat. 



Lyra was hiding under a huge blanket but it wasn't just any blanket. Oh no, it most certainly wasn't. In fact, it was Hibiki's blanket.The woman had been waiting as patiently as possible for Hibiki to leave his room. It was rather humorous to watch her go tip toe darting across the hallway as she slipped into his room, snatching up a shirt that he had lazily thrown on his dresser, and dove onto his bed with a giddy smile. Her fingers clutched at the material like she had no intention in the world of releasing it, holding it dear. Anytime footsteps were heard coming down the hall her entire frame would tense up, eyes wide as she listened intently. A few times it sounded like Hibiki might be returning so she ducked under the blanket as if it might hide her and the human sized lump under it wouldn't be noticeable. It didn't help that her white hair was draped over the side of the bed, heaps of it neatly just laying there. Her face poked out of the blanket after a few minutes of silence and she crawled out of the bed with his packed bag as her destination. " Hibi-kun said he brought my doll... I'll just take a quick looksie.. " Her words fumbled out as she began searching, carelessly flinging his belongings around his room until she found finally found Mr.Cursey tucked away safely at the bottom. Lyra blinked a couple times as she turned the doll over in her hands to inspect it thoroughly before a pleased smile stretched across her face. She looked around at the mess she had created and rather than clean it the woman went bolting out of the room and down the stairs, her bare feet thankful for the soft material coating the floors on each step. A guilty look was painted on her face as one hand held the doll by an arm and the other hand was still tightly holding Hibiki's shirt hostage.

@LeSoraAmari @purplepanda288 @Zareh @Jackaboi @Solemn Jester @Spanner @Happy Red Mage @Isune  @FreeZing @Britt-21 (and anyone else I didn't tag, they keep breaking ;-;)
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage was stepping rather gracefully along the wall of the bridge side, toes curled slightly as every step seemed sure and secure. She probably got an odd look or two from people bustling past but for the most part Kelica was in too good a mood! She wasn't even sure why really, she was nervous about the Grand Magic Games as she had never even seen them in her years traveling, let alone being in a Guild like Fairytail while the event was on. She had heard Fairytail had been in the top spot for a very very long time, which only made her heart sore even more that she was surrounded by such strong and capable mages. In a have dazed she didn't notice someone floating behind her, though the Fate seemed to and almost instantly his head turned as he sniffled once or twice and bounced almost on the spot. His excitement was the thing that drew Kelica's attention as she glanced to the right down at him. "What's wrong boy? What do you see?" Of course as Kelica spun on the spot and looked behind her that was exact moment Noah floated around the opposite way and she completely missed him coming around her front.

What this meant was when she turned back around, there he was simply standing on the bridge edging like she was. With his hair blowing in the wind. Just appearing like he just always seemed to do. Kelica had to blink several times as she registered this fact. Why didn't it occur to her he would be here in town for the games? He was with a rival guild wasn't he? But Kelica didn't think of anything like that, she didn't think at all, her whole face light up as her hands clenched up and pulled up to her chest, her mouth wide like a kid opening their birthday present. She found herself already raised up on her tip toes before the Forest Mage's bare feet were running along the thin surface without a shred of imbalance, and at the last second she leaped at him as she threw her arms around his neck, her shrill laughter echoing for ages. She didn't even care about the heavy momentum she had literally slammed Noah with or if he might fall off because of it.

The Wolf meanwhile continued to watch and if it could have raised it eyebrow it probably would have. Instead it sat with a furiously wagging tail, waiting patiently for it's own chance to jump onto the man.



Noah stood there smiling, watching as Kelica processed the situation that appeared in front of her. Noah braced himself, knowing that Kelica will soon, jump at him. He held out his arms as she jumped towards him. He caught her, lifting her up as he hugged her. Noah floated into the air, holding Kelica slowly spinning in the air, landing on the bridge. He ended his partial take over and his third eye went away. He grabbed Kelica by her shoulders and gently pulled her away. He looked at Kelica from head to toes, getting a good look at her. It's been awhile, since he's seen her. Kelica, how was the training? You think you're ready for the Grand Magic Games? I know I am. @Zuka



"I believe there are more venders. I've seen many of new things I had not encountered previously." said the wairror, putting her items away and moving over to the bed and laying next to him. When he joked about him getting his head nearly sliced off, she laughed "Hey, we both know that I would not cut down my own significant other. Unless he thought I was a powerless woman and treated me rotten. Besides, training is very good for us. It gets our blood flowing, gives us muscle. Even if we are not chosen, I am very sure that our guild will win once again.  We may  have trained but our higher guild members have too so they may be stronger than both of us." Lavender took his hand and just looked at him with soft and adoring eyes "This year will be the most intense. I've heard rumors from many people about the other guilds that are participating. Many are training but many are strong. Until we know the teams, there is no way that we may be able to determine who may win."


Just being here with her guild and her boyfriend was enough for her. It was already fun as it is. Lavender hoped that they would win this year because Fairy Tail was and Is the best guild. The fun they shared, how they treated eachother like family, cared for one another, respected one another. Sure there were fights but they were mostly out of playing around and just being theirselves. There was not many rules to restrict them from being who they are. People were welcomed, trained, given a home... Fairy Tail was fun in its own way and that's why Lavender wanted to be part of such a wonderful guild. "But until then, we can relax, shop, maybe meet some of the other guild's members."

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR]

  Reveal hidden contents

  (left side)

I never heard of these though that's why I used it cause IT LOOKS SO GOOOD



As if on cue, Kazuo had appeared next to her, holding out a small thing of Cookie Fries. Despite her looking at the sky "You know, it's better to be patient." he pointed out, leaning his head into his own small bit of cookie fries and pulling one out with his mouth since his hand was already occupied by holding her bit of food. He chewed till it was no longer in his mouth and he spoke "I know you might not eat these but I can assure you, they're great. It's only a cookie made to look like a fry." He knew that Rosa would just jump out of surprise because he had the tendancy to go and pop out of the blue. Not that Kazuo cared much. He was just being his usual self and coming in when he needed or wanted to. Being on the left side of her actually helped him greatly because it was the side that he could see with.


"You should also not give the townsfolk glares and scare them off. They're only admiring you because you're part of a guild. Not to mention a Wizard. A tough one at that." he added, taking another cookie fry from his small container with his mouth and eating it like no big deal. The snack was actually really yummy. It was like a cookie but in a stick form and really didnt require hands since they werent round and they were sticking up in a small container. It is true that 'you are what you eat' but Kazuo thought that they should have a nice sugary snack for once. Christmas and new years was one thing but the Grand Magic Games? It was all different kinds of food. Corn dogs, fries, cotton candy. It was literally like a fair. Which was pretty cool in Kazuo's book. The wizard looked around, just really keeping himself on guard. HIs sword on his waist and his usual attire on. Keeping him serious and in a state ready for battle.



Hearing Eric's voice suddenly cut through the quietness of her location, her one eye slowly opened and looked towards Eric before her other one opened as well and looked up at him directly. The blue in her eyes were clear that Nexus was activated. Not to mention the cracks on her skin he didnt seem to really comment about. With ease Kathy was able to 'turn off' Nexus and thus the cracks disappeared and her eyes had been returned to the normal "I was working with Nexus... You should be happy that I didnt suddenly nexus blast you..." she said with her usual soft toned voice "Nexus hurts very much now that I have worked with it for the past few months... And know how to properly use it...All I require is my lamp..." she informed her fellow guild mate. Lionel - her dragon - in his tiny form came swooping in, landing on Eric's head and leaning down to look Eric in the face with his glowing pink eyes. Of course he was making sure that Eric wasnt planning to give Kathy any harm.


Kathy then looked to Miles who also came over and placed his hand on Eric's shoulder telling him that he hopes that Lionel wouldnt eat him Lionel knows better than to eat people... Unless I tell him to... she thought to herself before Miles gave her that nice and sweet smile that always brought butterflies to her stomach "I'm good... Just talking to Eric... I've been sitting out here for over an hour so he's lucky I didnt snap..." her eyes shifted back to Eric "If you had bothered me 10 minutes or less from when I started... I may have blasted you into the guild hall..." she admitted. Knowing Katherine, most people knew that she would do it without hesitation. With that said, she got up onto her feet and poked Eric's nose -because that was a new thing she did to Eric- before moving to Miles and hugging him, the wind blowing down her hood which revealed her long silver hair and it was long to the point where it reached her butt. She wanted to cut just a little bit of it but no one was willing to and she didnt like barbers either... They always cut wrong. So Kathy just left it as is.



Katherine's reply to Eric's greeting was a little... Threatening. It seems he would have to keep in mind to never interrupt her meditation again. It wasn't long before Katherine's pet dragon landed on top of Eric's giving him a distrustful stare and Miles also joined into the fray telling him he'd better hope that the dragon doesn't eat him. "Heh... Hey Lionel... I don't plan on hurting anyone alright?" Eric waited for Lionel to calm down before he could do so himself. He hasn't seen the full size of the dragon yet but he doesn't want to risk annoying him either. "Well... Nexus blasts aside... I think I'm finally ready for the Grand Magic Games! I've finally managed to increase the size limit of my take-overs~ I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when tramle over all the other guilds!" Eric was just about imagining a rough sketch of himself trampling over Fairy Tail in his elephant form. Of course this was just a fantasy but HEY A GUY CAN DREAM! "Oh! Sorry I got carried away there..." When he snapped himself out of his fantasy world Katherine had already went to hug Miles. They certainly didn't keep their affection a secret. "Well uh... Anyway how are all of you doing with training? I'm pretty sure all of us are ready to go kick some light guild butt!"

@Britt-21 @Embaga Elder



Miles held Kathy tightly, enjoying this very moment. It's been a long time he held Katherine in his arms. His aura activated flaring up due to his excitement that showed through his aura more than it did in his face. His aura was a bit hotter than warm, and it flowed onto Katherine from head to toe. As the wind blew her hood off revealing her hair. Miles was suprised by how much it grew. After hugging, he stepped back, letting his aura die down, and getting a good look at Katherine. She changed her outfit, and her long hair. Miles stepped closer to her and reached out ran his hands through her hair. Do you nee me to cut this, for you?You can tell me how you want it, even though I'm sure I know how you like.  He said with a grin. He turned his sight towards Eric, who was really excited for this, causing Miles to chuckle a bit. Training went well Eric. You should try training with Tyson sometime. He's a really good trainer. He said with a grin, knowing Eric has some idea how hard Tyson trains. But on another note, we're going to win this year for Sabertooth. The other guilds better watch out. He smiled softly as his eyes began to glow. @Britt-21 @Jackaboi
@Arius LaVari@Kyuubey@TheSecretSorcerer@LeSoraAmari@Mr Swiftshots@guardianshadow@Jackaboi@Zareh@Happy Red Mage@Bolts@purplepanda288@hudhouse@Salt Lord@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@Isune@Zuka @Genon@Killorkiller@Drakerus@Embaga Elder@Solemn Jester@Britt-21@Maki@TripTripleTimes@Sinister Clown@FreeZing@MidnightStar@Talon@Zeldafangirl@Grandmaster@Spanner@GeoMancy@Geozaki@Psionic Nightingale@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Halffix@Nenma Takashi@Kojuen



All around Crocus Lacrima Televisions flickered to life displaying the Grand Magic Game's masoct Mato holding a golden glowing microphone with a pumpkin at the end of it. "Hello? Hello? Is this thing on?" He asked, poking the microphone and causing an ear piercing screech to ring out through the speakers lined all around Crocus in every possible space. Needless to say his voice was already deafening, but oh well. "Apologies fair citizens of Fiore! I was simply testing my microphone." He said, clearing his throat. "Now, you're all probably wondering why I'm speaking to you all early, yes?" He questioned, pausing as if he was actually going to receive an answer. "No, I'm not hear to say the Games were cancelled. Far from it in-fact!" He said rather enthusiastically. "No, no, I'm here to say this year a special event has been decided by the committee." He began. "This year it has been decided that during and after the major events of the Games that one versus one, mano e mano, ME AND YOU BUDDY; you get the picture, fights will be held." He explained.


"The outcome of these fights are rather minor but they WILL however help your guild in the Games by minorly contributing to their scores." He continued. "Arenas of varying handicaps have been set in place in and in the surrounding area of Crocus. These fights will be recorded live during the events for moments where the current event gets a little...dull." He said. "Of course, in-between regular events fight may be conducted in the Domus Flau itself so whoever is fighting will have the crowd's undivided attention on them!" He cheered, prancing around in a comical fashion while giggling in a maddening tone. "I hope to see many participants in everything! Good luck to everyone later today!" He shouted, the broadcast ending shortly after.



Bel returned to his routine of sleeping as soon as he arrived the Aria's residence in crocus, that ended up being used as a temporary residence for the guild members during the magic games. In his own urge of giving a good impression to the new guild master, and consequently avoid being discharged somewhere, he actually managed to muster the energy to travel and joined the rest of the guild to watch the games, a situation that could only be described as unprecedented, as the lazy mage generally didn't even took missions unless the destination was near Magnolia. As a result, he couldn't help but get even more listless than the normal when he finally arrived the capital of the kingdom, immediately choosing a room and proceeding to return to his usual lazy behaviour.


Of course fate wouldn't let him pass off that easily, and as soon as he finally got a few minutes of sleep, the scary-yet-smooth voice that had got an overwhelming presence in his nightmares recently announced the one and only message that he feared to hear: He had been chosen as one of the participants. "...Why m-..." Before he could even finish the small question made in his extremely weak voice, he could feel the other Demon's hand combing his hair and the subsequent disappearance of its presence. You could at least answer before disappearing, damned harasser! He yelled inwardly. Abandon was certainly a scoundrel, taking advantage from him and leaving without even giving a single answer.


Why do i even have to do something so troublesome? He couldn't help but ask himself while slowly making his way to the meeting area, his gloominess reaching the point where it could almost be felt as an aura as he walked by the large residence. Destiny is surely unfair, giving me all this trouble without a reason. I bet that he's a goddam xenophobic sadist. He continued muttering inwardly, apparently groggy by the lack of sleep. His girly face that normally gave quite the harmless feeling to others was completely different from the normal, as the gloominess and the bags under his eyes made him look especially scary as he walked in his usual "so-slow-that-actually-looks-elegant" pace, even if his slender body was covered only by his black colored pajamas that were undoubtedly not adequated to the meeting.


(Couldn't do tagging because RPN hates me)
Talon sat on the front lawn of the fancy mansion the guild was staying at. He had his own little picnic set up and was idly eating chips and drinking a 6 pack of root beer (Ferra had ordered him to stay away from achohol till at least after the opening ceremonies). He tossed a chip up into the air and shot a small blast of fire at it, effectively turning it to ash and leaving the smell of burnt seasoning in the air. He sighed and fell back onto the grass. He stared at the sky overhead thinking over the upcoming games and wondering if he was on the team or not. He poably wasnt, as he was new and hadn't really had a chance to prove himself in battle to the guild. A flash of red in the corner of his eye, startling him out of his thoughts, and he sat up quickly, but the thing, whatever it was, was already gone. He searched the sky where it had been for a few moments before shrugging and lying back down.

A man with a cape and fedora threw a card at one of the TVs that were all over the place, smashing it and causing sparks to fly into the air. "Stupid announcer... no one gives a shit about your silly games..." The man muttered to himself as he stalked down a street with his hat pulled over his eyes.

@anyone who wants to interact with Talon
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Kenya Yukimi

Kenya was sitting in her room with her new stuffed animal sitting nicely besides her. On her bed sat her sword she bowed to the sword then took out a cloth and began to clean the sword. Then a black block and began to slide the sword across it sharpening it she was preparing herself for the long awaited Magic Games. She had a nice break with Christmas but now was the time to get serious. When she finished sharping her sword she put it back into its sheath and sat at her desk. Placing a piece of paper onto the desk she took out a feather pen and dipped it in ink.

Dear Mother and Father, 

It's been some time since I have left home to became a wizard. I have decided to join the guild Sabertooth I've made some nice friends.

The guild is just full of nice people. There's Eric a nice guy who can shapeshift he may seem like an idiot but his heart is in the right place. 

There's also Tokine she's a smart girl who can be so kind. The others in the guild are also very nice I'm having a lot of fun here. 

I know you don't want to hear me say this but I've decided to think more about myself rather than just the family. I'm not saying

I've cut my ties with any of you I'm only saying I won't die for something like pride. When I draw my blade I shall not be Kenya of 

the Yukimi family or Kenya Yukimi of Sabertooth. I'll be Kenya Yukimi just that no more no less I hope maybe you can either see

my match in the games, or simply just pray for my victory. 

Love Your Daughter Kenya.

With her letter done Kenya went down stairs to turn it into the post office. But before she made it out the door she stopped to look at her note, for a moment she wondered if she really should hand it in. She was worried what if they hated her for her choice she took a deep breath and clenched her chest. "Calm down Kenya it's ok, it's time you made your own choices your stronger now." She left the guild and made her way to the post office and turned in the letter to be delivered getting back she smiled. Quickly covering her mouth in case others were around to see her smile, she was proud of herself and just couldn't hold back her happiness. 

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