Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Talon shrugged, "Sure I'm cool with that." He laughed softly and then said teasingly. "Food?¿?¿ What I'd never do that!¡!¡" He stood up ready to get going and start cooking and totally not eating anything while no one was watching. He raised an eyebrow when Ferra covered what looked suspiciously like bruises. Talons eyes narrowed and looked at Nikolas with suspicion. Why did she have bruises?¿?¿ If he was hurting Ferra he'd have no choice but to literally beat the shit out of his ass and stuff it up his nose. He returned to his normal cheery self quickly but inside he was planning the end of Nikolas for hurting Ferra... Probably... 

@Mitchs98 @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @TheSecretSorcerer
6 hours ago, Zuka said:

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[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Rosaline Dreyar[/COLOR]

Rosaline had the utmost care and manners when it came to eating.... not... so when the man slid on the seat next to her the girl pretty much had a full pancake dribbling out of her mouth along with the maple syrup with it. The girl's sharp eyes snapped sideways only when he started to speak and in one loud slurp and gulp she licked her lips and wiped the back of her mouth with an arm, the intimidating and ferocious glare she had before only intensified as she focused in on him as he spoke. Oh she noticed the cheeky grin and was already figuring out the correct way to deal with said cheek. "I wouldn't even need to worry about you if you had turned up to your lessons like I asked of you..." She closed her eyes briefly as she took an angry shuddering breath out then in a weird gesture her arm slipped around the mans shoulders, curling around his front. It was all nice and almost lovely till she reefed her bicep and arm around his neck in a headlock and dragged him in closer, putting pressure on his neck enough that all he might get out was a squeak or two. 

"If I ask you to come to a training session at Dawn, Mister Avenoz, I Damn well expect you to turn up to that training session...." Her grip tightened around his head to the point maybe the whole thing might have popped off? But before the man could pass out the girl slowly released her hold and leaned back though she kicked out a leg and hooked a foot around the legs of his chair, effectively kicking the chair out from under him and sending him crashing backwards as she did. As he fell she grasped at the bag he had outstretched for her opened it up slowly as she peered in. Bath soups? Ahh that would work wonders at the Bathhouse while she relaxed after a hard day of training. And furthermore, the girl pulled out the second box with the earrings, and her eyes narrowed. She glanced to the side and down to Veniano with the same dark, piercing glare. "What do these do then?" After all Rosaline didn't like anything feminine in any which way, shape or form but... if it had a purpose... she might consider wearing it. The hair clip Cele had given her the day before to reduce the excess electricity from escaping her body was nestled on her hair as it peeled that one chunk of hair that refused to leave to the side of her face in an almost gentle way.

If not for the hard lines of her face.

Rosaline's eyes drifted back to Taylor with a thoughtful look and with a sigh she reached into her Santa sack, and grasped a present before sliding it on over to her. "I know you were always here, and I know you like the library.. I was merely making a mention about this idiot..." Gesturing with her thumb behind her shoulder to Veniano "And Alara and her male look alike."

For Taylor, Rosaline got her a soft, knitted throw rug. Something she could use to curl up into if she liked to read her books so much. Speaking of books... "Hey Taylor, if you like those written words so much, why don't you go say hi to Cele? She's relatively new but she was fan-girling over some book Yamato had last night... After watching her reaction I wouldn't be surprised if her house is a Library in and of itself!" Grinning wildly at that.

@Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester




Being a dignified man that he is, Veniano does not back away when the piercing eyes strick the man’s core. He gulps heavily however and the man’s eyes tracks all the subtle movement the woman in front of her makes. She honestly frightens the man, with her strength in magic, and although Veniano is sure he is physically stronger, he is sure he wouldn't be able to lay a finger on Rosaline, reasons he does not want to share.

Rosaline’s arm snatches up and Veniano snaps to dodge the arm but he is too slow and ends up in the choke hold, half sitting on the seat he was properly sitting and half awkwardly kneeling on the ground. Her arm is really nice and firm, but Veniano really wishes it is not currently choking the lights out of him. He wheezes terrified breathes in and he smacks a hand at the arm around his neck and his other hand smacks on the table in front of them. He tries to squeak out apologies for skipping out on her lessons, but he is pretty sure that he cancel all the lessons with her in a respectable time. Like the night before the lessons. He squeaks out again, this time in pain.

Sweet release is soon granted but before Veniano knows what is up, he finds himself staring at the ceiling of the guild’s hall and notices that not only his neck is in pain, but the back of his head is too. Feeling dizzy and lightheaded, he fumbles around for the table’s edge and pulls himself up. All that rough handling, he really deserved it for standing up so many lessons.

”I-” Veni coughs to reply to Rosaline's question, “I was told that that they neutralize any foreign brainwaves and protects the wearer of any effects that deals with the mind, such as mind read and mind control.” He looks at Rosaline and at to the box with the earrings. He the adds, “I think it has mild protection against stun and bind spells, especially when it's amplified by your magic.”

Veniano's gaze lowers from Rosaline to the little child before them, well beside Rosaline's other side. Being choked to death earlier, he didn't noticed the girl. A girl he definitely haven't met before. Is she a visitor, non that isn't right with the two ladys’ exchange. A member then, but she, Taylor, is so young…

”Little Taylor!” A sliver of chance to introduce himself to her. Recovering quickly, he looks at the girl from his side of the woman with a large smile. “Our dear Rosaline is a lovely teacher you could have asked for! Admittedly, strict, but she is a very  good teacher!” He then processes to smile charmingly at Rosaline. Magic sizzles in preparation to teleport if the lady decides to mess around with him once again. 

Dashing from the hall after Kelica


Bastion didn't think twice about it, despite the position she found herself in she could see Kelica looking as if in agony, she had been trying to be funny by staying that way but she quickly showed how agile and flexible she really was by slamming her shoulders into the floor and using the reflected momentum to jump up onto her feet, despite her size, standing at 6'4 her long legs could carry her faster than a lot of people, she was immediately dashing after Kelica, since no one else seemed to deem it worth their time to chase down the obviously distressed woman. Bastion noticed though, since she was impressed by the girl she was worried, the bluenette had caught up to Kelica quickly, slowing her pace slightly to keep step with the blonde. What she hadn't expected to find was a pile of burning trees, no wonder the girl had lost it and ran...if she could really hear their deaths. Bastion noticed how on the edge of getting sick she was, the disgusting smell didn't affect her as much, so she grabs Kelica and hugs the girl tightly to her chest, trying to use her own smell; which was vanilla and flowers weirdly enough; to get as much of the smell out of Kelica's nose as possible, she needed to get her away from the smell. Without a thought she scoops the forest mage into her arms, finding her weight easy to lift and dashed after the traces of magic she could sense in the air, similar to the fire burning behind. Her magic could do something though...once far enough away from the smell Bastion sets Kelica down, "I'll be right back, I think I can put out that fire. Do you sense that magic? Try and find it, I'll join you asap, I'm associated with your magic now so I'll be able to find you easily. I don't want you getting sick on me, yeah?" She carefully stroked Kelica's head and pulled her shirt over her head, giving it to Kelica so she could stay warm in this snow and keep that awful smell out of her nose, before using those long legs to carry her back to the flames.


"Let's get to work then...hopefully someone else shows up..." Bastion mumbled to herself and then activated her magic, as long as she kept her emotions in check...it would be fine...bright blue orbs of light pulsed out around her, thankfully if she wasn't exploding it didn't devour her magic, the orbs floated over the flames then exploded downwards in an icy explosion that brought with it the power of ice, almost mist like the bullets she used scattered and scattered into more and more ice particles eventually doing exactly what she had hoped...putting out the flames, she knew it was too late for the bodies below though, dead...who had done that? Something so awful to people? She sighed and waited for a little bit, partially hoping Noah gave the pup to someone else and would be here soon, so she sat there shirtless her eyes closed so she wouldn't lose track of Kelica's magic, she could focus sometimes, she would leave in no less then a minute though, she didn't want to leave Kelica alone for long.


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Noah caught the pup and cautiously looked at Kelica. Something was obviously wrong with her and Noah needed to find out. He need to take care of whatever was causing this. The first time he's seen her react like this was back in the Grimoire Heart Base, when Lucian burned some part of the forest. Noah feared that history might be repeating itself. Kelica and Bastion already bolted out as Noah tried piecing things together. He got up and placed the pup on the table. Noah looked at the pup and used an internal takeover using Zepar's vocal cords. Sleep. Noah spoke placing the pup in a trance forcing him to sleep. Noah walked towards the doors leaving the guild. As soon he stepped outside he saw the white smoke coming from the forest. He spoke one word. Bararaq. After speaking that word a blue lightning bolt stroke Noah allowing him to travel via lightning towards Kelica. Soon a lightning bolt stroke next to Kelica. As the smoke dies down Nah is left standing there pup less. Hello Kelica. Are you okay?? He looks at her and walks towards her wrapping his arms around her hugging her tightly. I'm sorry that this has happened...again. He looks around noticing that Bastion isn't near he assumed he went to put out the fire. Especially since he sees no sign of a fire. Kelica I need to get you out of here, especially if the person who caused this is still around. @Zuka @Arius LaVari @FreeZing


[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Outskirts of Magnolia Forest[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage still had that horrified look on her face until someone grabbed her and thrust her entire front and face into their frame. Her eyes widened more in surprise as her brain tried to come to grips with who it was and why, her green eyes drifting up momentarily to spot Bastion of all people! Since when was he here? Did he follow her this whole time? That was when her nose was assaulted vanilla and flowers and while most people would question why a guy smelled strongly of that, Kelica did nothing but have a half glazed expression and relaxed further in his grasp. She wasn't thinking clearly enough to question it. Suddenly she was hoisted up, and carried away, her blonde hair blowing about her face for a moment before she was put back onto her feet. Bastion talked very quickly with the girl who still looked confused and overwhelmed with the voices in her head, but the idea Bastion could put out the fire made the girl relax a fraction. She nodded and clasped onto Bastion's shirt as he reefed it off and before she could say a word the boy was already running away. Even as she ran she realized he was pretty lithe for a boy... She didn't think more on it though, before the girl buried her face into the shirt and soaked up the sweet smell before pulling her face away and starting to walk in the opposite direction.

Kelica was trying to concentrate on that magical energy but trying to focus in with all the commotion was difficult for the girl. She knew there was a faster, easier way to track the magical signature of whoever did such a terrible thing, she strode over to a nearby tree as her eyes slipped closed and she threw Bastion's shirt around her neck not unlike a scarf, before she placed both her hands onto the thick tree trunk. Taking a deep breath, Kelica's hair agitated for a moment as a green circle sprung up around her feet and with barely a whisper of her spell, her blackened vision suddenly lit up with hundreds of thousands of rows of lights not unlike highways. Here Kelica could see the very roots of the Forest that entwined and connected like an underground highway, the essence of the very forest and how the trees communicated to each other via their roots. She was starting to get a lock on something when there was a lightning strike nearby and a rush of smoke that could only be Noah... She broke her hands from the tree and turned to him as the underground light show faded from her vision but her eyes went massive as he strode up and wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly.

Almost instantly the girl found her knees growing slightly weaker like the earlier adrenaline was starting to wear off. But the screaming had stopped now so she assumed Bastion had finally put out the fire. "The screams Noah... the screams...I'm sorry I ran I just..." Glancing to the side and the direction Bastion had run off to. "Someone used the trees... as some sort of fire... there were people there Noah.... dead people burning... I don't know.. what's going on..." She said in a half way terrified voice. Of course when Noah offered to get her out of there, the girl suddenly tensed up and threw her hands out to shove him back a pace breaking the hug as she did.

"No! I'm not going anywhere! Not without Bastion! And not knowing whoever did this is still around! I need answers Noah!! This may not be my Forest, but while I reside in Magnolia then I will make it my duty to protect Magnolia and the Forests all around it! Yes I couldn't help the Forest at Malina, and yes I let the Forest get burned by Lucian once ago, but I'm stronger now!" Her emerald eyes flashing with a determination she had yet to show so far. She turned on her heel as she walked back to trunk of the big tree as she placed her hands back to the trunk and closed her eyes once more, connected with the roots once again to get a fix on that magical energy and whomever owned it.

If they were still in the Forest, Kelica would find them.

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Tyson Redd

View attachment 197816

"Back off Redd..." 

Tyson blinked, slightly surprised by this reaction. He had only intended to assist in making Eric feel like a fool, or feel comfortable about Draneri's presence. Whichever he managed that was, but she seemed to take it the wrong way. As she glared at him menacingly, to which he just blinked and shrugged. 

He then watched, as Draneri approached Eric. Basically confirming he could very well be correct. She even went so far as to give him permission to take her life. Tyson moved swiftly between giving them both a cold look. He didn't dare stop either of them. He knew this was a test of trust, but he had something he wished to speak to the siren about.

 He had noticed something for a while now. At first he thought maybe it was something else, but now he was sure. He moved closer to Draneri, getting within whispering distance. Then kneeled next to her, and whispered into her ear."If you need to eat, I can assist. But somewhere private, I suggest you don't refuse. Because if you get to the point where you lose control, I won't hesitate to take you down." With these words Tyson stood to his full height, and then moved back to the couch. Nodding to Draneri, to make sure she understood his seriousness.

@Zuka @Maki @Nenma Takashi @Jackaboi 

Eric: This... Was unexpected...


Eric made sure to listen to every word everyone was saying. Which is actually very rare for him to do but under these circumstances there was no choice in the matter. Tyson offered to puncture his ear-drums but Kenya already refused for him. She was also trying to talk Eric out of this whole thing. He didn't plan to do anything drastic as long as the Siren also remains the same way. Mizuki was defending Draneri saying that she's changed for good. Although it all went silent once the Siren spoke up. She did mention it would be pretty stupid for her to attack in broad daylight which is undeniably the truth. From here everything escalated so quickly. Draneri told her story of why she was in the dungeons and what happened after that whole ordeal. Draneri was tricked into working with Grimoire Heart. Just like they did all the time. He had no reason to not believe the story, it sounded pretty much like what Grimoire Heart does all the time. The fight back then was admitedlly not a pretty sight to behold... Not to mention the state of the Siren when she fought that Kimono guy. He swore he heard someone call him Ryu? Eric watched as Draneri stood up and gently grabbed his hand but he remained unflinching waiting to see what she was doing but it became clear when she clasped his hand around her neck. "Huh? What are you doing?" Draneri continued to talk and one sentance that really stuck out was when she said.

"I will give you one chance, to exact revenge. To kill me for the countless wrong doings I have done."

"But if you choose not to, then we shall speak nothing of it and you shall accept me as I am, in the presence of you Guild Mates."

"The choice is yours..."

This moment... Brought back a whole lot of unwanted memories again. The whole talk of REVENGE... Memories of burning houses and countless bodies. The screams mixed with roaring fires. These memories made him tense right up and his face not doing much to hide his resentment though it was not directed at Draneri. Although it would probably make others think he was actually going to kill her. But he managed to calm down again. "No... I'm not going to kill you... I only have enough room for one grudge so no more's gonna fit in there. If there comes a day I have someone by the neck. It's going to be the one person that truly deserves it, I may not show as much mercy either..." Eric gently let go of Draneri's neck and sat back on his chair feeling a little bit more relaxed. "Listen... I may still not trust you... But if my guildmates do then I have no reason to question them for it. So what I'm saying is... As long as you stay out of trouble then you won't have any problems from me. Deal?" Eric extended his arm offering a handshake to see if Draneri will accept this agreement.

@Zuka @Nenma Takashi @Solemn Jester @Maki


Miles barely heard Katherine as she informed him of Lionel pushing him off. He continued laying there with one leg propped up and his hands behind his head allowing the snow to fall on him. But when Lionel tilted his body Miles was too lazy to react and fell to the snow filled ground face planting. He looked up at Kathy knowing that she's trying not to laugh at him. He got up just in time chuckling as small Lionel roared at him. I can't take you serious when you're that size. He said with a grin. He looks up at Katherine as she requested him to come along. 

[SIZE= 16px]He followed her to the door, taking the bag from her. He nodded responding to her request and pulled the door open allowing her and Lionel to enter first. Once those two are inside Miles enters allowing the door to close behind him. He walked towards the center of the hall, looking around for second, seeing his brother and a couple other of his guild mates. He cleared his throat preparing himself to yell. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Hey Sabertooth!!! Merry Christmas!!! If you don't like the gifts...trade!![/SIZE] [SIZE= 16px]He said placing the bag on the floor. When he finished his little announcement, he walked towards his couch and plopped down on it. He reaches between the couch sits and pulls out a pack of smokes and a lighter. He took out a cigarette and placed it in his mouth lighting it with the lighter. He then stretches his arms across the couch. @Britt-21 @Zuka @Solemn Jester @[/SIZE]Sabertooth


Kathy looked over at Miles as he placed the bag down on the floor for her before moving to their favorite couch where he pulled out his smokes and a lighter. The mage made her way over and sat next to him, his arms along the back of the couch. Kathy actually made herself comfortable and layed on her side, her head resting on Miles's lap, her eyes closing and trying to get a nap in. As much as she didnt need it, she took them simply for the sake of being by Miles. Ever since she met him she was like this and was attatched to the hip with him and did nothing but sleep, drink her mai tai and go on missions like she always had. The sound of others talking and the smell of christmas kept her in a light sleep and gave her the ability to listen if Miles even said a word to her. Lionel, however, curled up in a ball on the end of the couch, laying on the arm rest like a good dragon he was.




[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Sabertooth Guild Hall[/COLOR]

The Siren was still kneeling against the ground with her golden eyes closed and her head tilted back a fraction. Letting Eric simply hold her neck, while she idly awaited his decision. Her whole posture screamed, whatever he chose, she would accept her fate. So it came as a bit of a shock as she heard a whisper in her ear. Her eyes opened almost lazily as she peered to the side to Tyson. While she might have been surprised over it, she certainly didn't show it on her face at all. Though her eyelids did narrow down slightly at him. "I do not need to feed. And further more, you won't get the chance to 'take me down'... Because I refuse to lose control. I am over 300 year old. I am not a child." Watching curiously as Tyson walked away, her attention was brought back to Eric as he tensed up completely and watched the resentment over his face. Figuring he had made his choice her eyes closed down again only to open once more. He said no? Well that was surprising though the woman didn't show much other then a small bemused smile on her face. Admittedly she wasn't sure which way he would choose which in and of itself was a thrill of the moment. He gave his terms and the woman had a beautiful smile light up her face as she reached up with a dainty hand and slid her fingers into his own, grasping it in an almost shake but bowed her head to have her forehead touch his hand for a second before she stood up to her full height. "Of course Sir Eric."

Still holding his hand gently she leaded down as her wings snapped out in a dramatic fashion before curling in behind her to take up less room, letting her soft lips caress the inside of his wrist a fraction in the gentlest of kisses before she finally let her soft hand drop his own. "I'll see to it I won't disappoint you. That does not mean I won't use my powers to have a little fun however... I hear that what you people do some times, yes?" Lifting a hand up with a finger pointed to the ceiling and let it circle around a few times. "A prank as it were? A game? I hear people do that in their spare time for entertainment. I would certainly like to do more of that..." She all this with that same soft smile and bemused expression, and the very fluid way of her voice made it impossible to tell if she were telling the truth about her inquiry or if she were teasing him and was being heavily sarcastic. Her eyes glanced over as the doors opened as two people entered with a small.. dragon? She figured those were mostly a myth as she had yet to see one herself, so it surprised her to see it in the company of two wizards. That was when the red haired one (another Red Haired one? she thought with a half grumble in her mind) exclaimed something about Christmas presents and dumped a sack. As she peered to the new one and Tyson, it suddenly dawned on her perhaps THIS was the brother he'd been talking about earlier.

Her face paled a fraction at that, she had honestly thought he had been lying... well now she was feeling mighty silly and turned away from all of them to re seat herself at the piano. Wriggling her fingers a fraction, she lowered her hands and started to play the music once more to fill the Sabertooth Guild Hall with the same classical music she had earlier. Her eyes drifting to the side to Mizuki as she played as a tiny smile graced her lips.

@Nenma Takashi @Maki
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Millie smiled softly as Valken returned to the bed and pulled her close. Her own arm gently threw itself over his chest, and her leg was raised up and laid over his. "I'm not mad at you for getting up. I just missed you..." She said quietly, burying her face in his neck. If there was a heaven on earth, Millie was there right now, and it was evident. She looked like she was in pure bliss, which she was. Life didn't get much better than Cuddling in bed with the love of her life. A small giggle escaped her mouth as Valken started talking about their first days together. It'd been so long since they met and it was hard to believe that Valken was once so shy and innocent. "I remember that, and I remember how shy you were. I thought you were so cute, all quiet and awkward." Moving her head back, Millie placed a little kiss on his cheek and sighed. "I wish you could be more that now, shy and innocent... I'm kidding of course."

Millie was learning so much about Valken that she didn't know. Millie had no clue that he was so in love with her from the start. It almost made her feel bad for not doing anything about it. If she had known this a few years ago she would've made a move so much sooner. But would that have been the best idea ever? The Valken back then wasn't the same Valken today, so things might have never worked out. Perhaps it was better how things worked out. As Valken rolled over Millie pulled herself into his chest, arms wrapped around him, listening happily to him talk. "I'm glad that you didn't back down form that dare. We never would've made it without each other. I love you so much Valken!" 


[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Valken Truss[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]His Apartment < Lamia Scale Guild Hall Roof[/COLOR]

Valken couldn't help but stare into Millie's eyes as she did that giggle that made his face grin even wider. She obviously had no idea how adorable that sound was that escaped her lips, though it only clicked after some time that she was laughing at him! And how shy and innocent he was back then... The fact she called him cute and awkward made his cheeks burn suddenly while his eyebrows pressed down, his eyes drifting sideways and up towards the ceiling with what looked almost like an angry pout though he tried his hardest to hide it by flicking his dark fridge forward to try and cover it. "Yeah and my voice kept breaking... every time it did, you'd stifle a laugh.. it's not like I could control it you know...." His now deep rumble of a voice lowered only more for emphasis like it might somehow block out all the earlier memories of those squeaky days. As she exclaimed her love, his half pout turned back into a soft smile as he peered to her and lifted up his hand to brush the strands of her blonde hair back behind her ear gently. "Oh, we would have made it had Ferra never asked... But we wouldn't be happy... well at least, I wouldn't have been. We would have lived... but it wouldn't really be living...." He stopped then as he peered to her, his mind whirling as he thought about what to say. Was it time? It felt right but... he wasn't sure. He still wasn't sure about anything... Should he wait? Should he ask? Would it matter?

"I have something I want to show you...Get dressed..." He said gently and with his heart still racing and a look of a panic crossing over his face. After he had slipped from the bed, Valken quickly threw on a vest as he waited for Millie to get dressed and once she was mostly ready he slung his scarf around her neck and tied it up gently by her chest. In a fluid motion he bent down and picked up the girl into his arms and carried her out onto the balcony before he leaped onto the railing of their balcony. Taking a gulp as he turned away from the view (he didn't like heights after all), he smiled down to her as he slowly started to lean back. "You trust me... right?..." With that said and before she could react he fell backwards from the 2 story building hurtling the two towards the ground at a huge speed but rather then going splat as one would expect he simply voiped the two into the Shadow Realm at the floor and used the propelled motion to race like a missile across town and shoot out onto the very roof of the Lamia Scale Guild Hall.

Once there, he straightened and gently placed Millie onto her feet, keeping an arm around her middle. "Do you remember this spot? I remember one lesson you were trying to teach me to read... I got bored and I promised I'd let you teach me whatever, if we sneaked out for a bit... I took you up here, and you admitted you didn't like heights... that's when I said I didn't much like them either. But we sat up here for ages, just holding hands. Because we were both scared but liked the peace and quite. And the view..." A hand stretching out over all of Margaret Town. It was here Valken grasped one of her hands as he knelt down before her and peered up to her with a warm smile. The man was literally shaking and about ready to pass out but it certainly didn't show on his face.

Very slowly he reached into his pocket and the Shadow Realm and with his palm still sweaty, he pulled out the beautiful ring Masaki had made for her, offering it up to her with the same soft expression and curious deep purple eyes. "Millie... From the moment I saw you I couldn't stop looking at you... You made me feel for the first time in a very long time... I have done some very bad things to people, without a single moment of remorse. But with you I finally feel..."

"Please, Millie Tlaloc..."

"Will you marry me?...."

@LeSoraAmari @Arius LaVari @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Mitchs98 @Talon @Grandmaster @Sinister Clown @Drakerus @TheSecretSorcerer
Taylor looked at the person as she frowned" i'm not that little geez i'm 13 years old and i would like Miss Rosaline to train me she's cool" she say as she just smiled as she hope he didn't ask her where her family was" anyway its a pleasure to meet you i'm taylor and some people call me tay tay" she say as she just smiled with the nickname that was given to her she was a memeber of it she was happy to have a home if it been couple years ago before she knew about magaic the day she will never forget the attack on the island she lived with her parents she just sighed" anyway uh yeah rosaline will be a good teacher for me i like to learn new things i love books i got the coolest present from rosealne" she say as she just smiled looking at him she loved christmas she tends to get her hair get ruffuled with the other members @TripTripleTimes
Nikolas eyed Ferra when she pulled her collar up to cover some "bruises"; his cheeks turned bright pink. He quickly checked the general area of his neck, looking at it to make sure that Ferra hadn't snuck any past the radar, and shrugging when there weren't any. "Yeah! Phin is an awesome cook, plus he's a bit more efficient with time 'n' all. Soooo......yeah." He gave Ferra a light smile, thinking about the previous night and how the entire guild would likely slaughter him if they found out. At least Ferra had agreed to it. And they had used protection. For the first half. Nikolas's face grew even redder, now having intense flashbacks about the whole event. 

  Man. They had really just gone at it. 

@Mitchs98 @TheSecretSorcerer @Talon


  Phineas stayed silent during the walk home, not sure what to say about anything. His face was a bright shade of red (still) and he kept his hands in his pockets, gazing at the ground. Finally, the half-Neko was able to speak. "..............Well......it was......interesting cleaning out the old apartment last night......." he muttered. That was certain. Unfortunately Phineas had been stuck with the fun job of cleaning out Nikolas's room. And carrying the freaking sheets to the nearest washer. All in all, Phineas was not amused by that part. 

@Arius LaVari
@Solemn Jester@Jackaboi@Zuka@TripTripleTimes

Alara glared as her brother poked her, sticking her tongue out at his teasing. "Please, being subtle is pointless." She replied simply. She was going to respond to Yama up until Kami started tickling her. She immediately started giggling, laughing, and squirming; her brother knowing full well where she was ticklish after all these years. "S-Stop it!" She said in-between laughing, finally squirming free after a bit. She sighed lightly and smiled, though before she could actually introduce him both Ven and Rosa had came into the guild hall. She'd expected Rosaline to get more ticked off at Ven than she actually had, though she guessed it was because of Christmas. Or perhaps the more likely factor the woman was hungry and she wanted food. Speaking of which she herself sat down and started eating, waiting for a time of silence to finally speak up when Rosaline mentioned 'her male look alike'.

She couldn't help but laugh a bit and grin, "He isn't my look alike, well technically." She said before shrugging. "Everyone I'd like you to meet my little brother Kami!" She told them cheerfully. "He's here for the holidays and he wanted to meet everyone. He hasn't been around in a few years so I doubt you guys remember him." She explained. "I want you guys to be nice to him while he's here, or else, 'kay?" She threatened, smirking at everyone in the room. Rosaline out of all of them being the only one she would really be afraid of threatening. Though she was mostly joking so she figured she'd take it as such. If not, oh well. She then poked Kami in the stomach, "C'mon and eat, you were complaining about being hungry and Yama went through the trouble of making all this food for everyone here." She said.
@Jackaboi@Nenma Takashi@Zuka@Maki@Solemn Jester@Britt-21@Drakerus@Embaga Elder @anyone else in ST Hall

Alicia, ST Hall

Alicia hadn't really been paying much attention when Mizuki left, though she did smile from her thanks and her complimenting her on her cooking ability. She didn't really think herself to be that wonderful of a cook but if Mizuki thought so then maybe she really was? She tried to ignore the whole fight going on outside in the hall about Draneri. Truth be told she didn't entirely like the Siren either, but she couldn't stay mad at her if Mizuki liked her and if she was genuinely going to be nice and try to change her ways. She couldn't fault her for it, she had no idea how long she'd been alive but she did know beings like her usually lived an incredibly long amount of time so she was probably just going to have a hard time adjusting or something.

She didn't mind her staying or being her at all, or anything she did while she was there, so long as she didn't hurt Mizuki, any of her friends, or her in that particular order. As long as none of that happened she'd be as happy as could be. Soon enough all of the food was ready, including cookies. She let the rest cool to an edible temperature while she brought out the cookies, a rather large tray piled with enough for everyone to have. "I made some sugar cookies for everyone guys!" She called out cheerfully so everyone could hear. The arguing had stopped at-least, instead replaced by Draneri playing the piano. Hopefully the fact of food would calm everyone down as well. Food usually seemed to do that for people.

She sat the tray down on the middle-most table and walked over to Mizuki, smiling when she got up to her. "I got you a present Mizuki." She told her, grabbing the pristine condition bar rag from her pocket and handing it out to her; it even had a tiny bow taped to it. "I have more stuff but I know the one you had is kinda worn out. I figured you'd like it." She said, smiling as she held it out.

Sakura herself had moved back to her room, setting her presents out and grabbing the massive stuffed animal she had for Kenya. She then walked over to her and handed it to her, "Merry Christmas Kenya!" She told her before rushing off to grab the backpack she had for Eric. She'd heard bits of what sounded like fighting and Eric shouting so she figured he'd need the contents right about now, "Here you go Eric, Merry Christmas! I know how much you like drinking so I got you lots of nice stuff." She said, smiling at him cheerfully. She still wasn't sure if Tokine had liked her gift or not...she hoped she did, but she wasn't too sure.
@Solemn Jester@Jackaboi@Zuka@TripTripleTimes

Alara glared as her brother poked her, sticking her tongue out at his teasing. "Please, being subtle is pointless." She replied simply. She was going to respond to Yama up until Kami started tickling her. She immediately started giggling, laughing, and squirming; her brother knowing full well where she was ticklish after all these years. "S-Stop it!" She said in-between laughing, finally squirming free after a bit. She sighed lightly and smiled, though before she could actually introduce him both Ven and Rosa had came into the guild hall. She'd expected Rosaline to get more ticked off at Ven than she actually had, though she guessed it was because of Christmas. Or perhaps the more likely factor the woman was hungry and she wanted food. Speaking of which she herself sat down and started eating, waiting for a time of silence to finally speak up when Rosaline mentioned 'her male look alike'.

She couldn't help but laugh a bit and grin, "He isn't my look alike, well technically." She said before shrugging. "Everyone I'd like you to meet my little brother Kami!" She told them cheerfully. "He's here for the holidays and he wanted to meet everyone. He hasn't been around in a few years so I doubt you guys remember him." She explained. "I want you guys to be nice to him while he's here, or else, 'kay?" She threatened, smirking at everyone in the room. Rosaline out of all of them being the only one she would really be afraid of threatening. Though she was mostly joking so she figured she'd take it as such. If not, oh well. She then poked Kami in the stomach, "C'mon and eat, you were complaining about being hungry and Yama went through the trouble of making all this food for everyone here." She said.



After Alara had escaped his tickle attack, it seemed the guild had filled up alot. Several other members had arrived, and where now sitting around them. One of the new faces called Kami Alaras male look a like. Kami could help but laugh, and was prepared to correct her. Although his big sister seemed to have that handled. She also introduced him to the others. He raised a hand to them, in a greeting gesture."Well it's wonderful to meet you all. You know I wasn't aware my sister had such amazing friends. It reminds me of the time when..."  If Alara knew her brother then she would be aware that he was about to tell a embarrassing story about her as a child. So she'd had better stop it before he got to far in.

Meanwhile Moses was still passed out somewhere. Most likley due to him overdrinking. Although he wouldn't care, he never seemed to worry about such things. He just hoped he wasn't in someone's bed. Either a stranger, or one of his guild mates. He had no intention of waking up next to someone like Kirin, or even god forbid the dwarf.

@Arius LaVari @Mitchs98 

@Zuka @Jackaboi @TripTripleTimes @hudhouse @Halffix

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Sabertooth Guild Hall[/COLOR]

The Siren was still kneeling against the ground with her golden eyes closed and her head tilted back a fraction. Letting Eric simply hold her neck, while she idly awaited his decision. Her whole posture screamed, whatever he chose, she would accept her fate. So it came as a bit of a shock as she heard a whisper in her ear. Her eyes opened almost lazily as she peered to the side to Tyson. While she might have been surprised over it, she certainly didn't show it on her face at all. Though her eyelids did narrow down slightly at him. "I do not need to feed. And further more, you won't get the chance to 'take me down'... Because I refuse to lose control. I am over 300 year old. I am not a child." Watching curiously as Tyson walked away, her attention was brought back to Eric as he tensed up completely and watched the resentment over his face. Figuring he had made his choice her eyes closed down again only to open once more. He said no? Well that was surprising though the woman didn't show much other then a small bemused smile on her face. Admittedly she wasn't sure which way he would choose which in and of itself was a thrill of the moment. He gave his terms and the woman had a beautiful smile light up her face as she reached up with a dainty hand and slid her fingers into his own, grasping it in an almost shake but bowed her head to have her forehead touch his hand for a second before she stood up to her full height. "Of course Sir Eric."

Still holding his hand gently she leaded down as her wings snapped out in a dramatic fashion before curling in behind her to take up less room, letting her soft lips caress the inside of his wrist a fraction in the gentlest of kisses before she finally let her soft hand drop his own. "I'll see to it I won't disappoint you. That does not mean I won't use my powers to have a little fun however... I hear that what you people do some times, yes?" Lifting a hand up with a finger pointed to the ceiling and let it circle around a few times. "A prank as it were? A game? I hear people do that in their spare time for entertainment. I would certainly like to do more of that..." She all this with that same soft smile and bemused expression, and the very fluid way of her voice made it impossible to tell if she were telling the truth about her inquiry or if she were teasing him and was being heavily sarcastic. Her eyes glanced over as the doors opened as two people entered with a small.. dragon? She figured those were mostly a myth as she had yet to see one herself, so it surprised her to see it in the company of two wizards. That was when the red haired one (another Red Haired one? she thought with a half grumble in her mind) exclaimed something about Christmas presents and dumped a sack. As she peered to the new one and Tyson, it suddenly dawned on her perhaps THIS was the brother he'd been talking about earlier.

Her face paled a fraction at that, she had honestly thought he had been lying... well now she was feeling mighty silly and turned away from all of them to re seat herself at the piano. Wriggling her fingers a fraction, she lowered her hands and started to play the music once more to fill the Sabertooth Guild Hall with the same classical music she had earlier. Her eyes drifting to the side to Mizuki as she played as a tiny smile graced her lips.

@Nenma Takashi @Maki

Tyson Redd


Draneri's response was more or less lost to Tyson. As most of his attention was turned towards his brother, and Kathy. To whom he immediately joined, only making sure Draneri knew he was serous. " My offer stands, if you ever decide to take me up on it. Well just hope I'm around. Well, you could also call me with a lacrima. But feeding on one person isn't good. For either of the people involved," Tyson made sure to get close enough that no one else could hear him say this. Then eyed the other girl who had previously come to the sirens defense. He then sat next to his brother, and Katherine on the couch. Crossing his arms, and looking rather bored.

"I protected the couch, as you asked. Although it was easy, the only obstacle was the siren."[SIZE= 16px]Tyson pointed to the siren on the piano. Before lowering his finger, and turning back to his brother. [/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"She seemed to think I was making you up. Thought you where invincible, so I tossed her on the floor." [/COLOR]Tyson's face changed to one of gratitude. He was happy he didn't have to battle anyone. If it was any other day, maybe he would be happy to fight. But not on Christmas, he believed Christmas was a day of love, and peace. All that usual nonsense, hell. After watching the Grinch he hunted down the fictional creature in an attempt to punish him for his actions.

@Embaga Elder @Britt-21



Sitting in the Woods: No one came...


Bastion sighed and only finally moved when she realized she shouldn't leave Kelica alone any longer. With a sigh she hops to her feet and jogs back to where she had left Kelica following her magic; which seemed like it was running on a live wire right now. Once she got closed she sensed someone with magic near Kelica and dashing past a tree she noticed Noah was next to her, and the girl was pressing her head against a tree. She chuckled low, surprised that she hadn't realized someone had come, she was just beginning to lose a little faith in him. "So do you know what she's doing?" Bastion asked Noah quietly not wanting to distract her from her task, she did find it funny Kelica had her shirt wrapped around her neck like a scarf though, because she had been running the icy part of her magic she wasn't at all concerned with the chill in the air, besides while she'd been by the fire she'd been sweating and hot...she'd probably get a cold but oh well, she had a quick recovery time. Quietly Bastion was patiently waiting to see if Kelica would find the person responsible, after all Bastion liked fights and this person had caused needless destruction. Without meaning to a burst of rainbow bullets exploded beside her head, thankfully only travelling a little ways out and seeming to go right through Bastion herself, her temper was going to get the better of her if she wasn't careful.





Finally Back Home: Well more like Phin's apartment


Shiro gave a light laugh, small and short at Phineas' comment about cleaning up the apartment, she had helped of course and well...let's just say the smell wasn't something she had been expecting. Was it normal for anyone to smell that...hmm...musty? That seemed like a good word for it. Hopefully those two had showered, and really she was starting to feel bad for running off. She had released his hand when he seemed content to shove them in his pockets, and for some reason...that she didn't think too much about, her hand had felt colder for it. Cold didn't normally affect Shiro so that was odd to her as well. "Yes well at least we took care of it before Valken could get his paws on them...Might wanna try and keep him away from those two, as a safety precaution." Shiro sighed a little when she said that but she didn't say anything more, they were finally back and she heard voices on the other side of the door, of course Shiro wouldn't go in first, she was too polite for that, so feeling embarrassed about bolting she hides behind Phineas and sighs, "Sorry by the way...for running off...I'm not...I'm not too good at handling it when I get embarrassed. I just...for some reason I was excited to give you that present...ugh..." Now that she had explained she didn't feel any better but at least he knew and at least she had said sorry.


What Kelica would have sensed was the faintest sense of a demonic magical energy deep inside, near the edge of the forest on the opposite side, moving further and further away. But, this type of magic was different. It would not have been the type that the trio would have thought it to be. Instead, what Kelica would have sensed was an entirely different type of fire magic. Grimoire Heart was known to have one other member that used fire. 

While all this was happening, Mitsu was casually hoping from tree branch to tree branch, completely oblivious. She stopped briefly as the snowfall became increasingly heavier to put on her hood from her cape-coat, which ended up covering the upper half of her face which she didn't mind. Despite the useless trash mages she had tasked with spying failed in their ultimate objective, she did know for sure now that both Verdana and Ayano had betrayed the guild for Fairy Tail, and plans on reporting this news back to Lucien. While in her mind, she was thinking of all the ways she can torture both those two when she is given the all clear to hunt them down and bring them back. 

@Zuka @Arius LaVari @Embaga Elder

Arietta Forsyth - Fairy Tail GH




Arietta felt frozen for quite some time, simply watching the happenings between Abaddon and Clair, the light chatter from their conversations and many other ones around the guild hall falling upon her ears. There was some sort of comfort to be found in it, observing them all as they jested or poked fun at one another. It seemed as merry of a time as any and her entire frame turned just a fraction as groans of wood was heard down the hall. Is that my door? She thought to herself, lips scrunching to the side as she pondered on whether to investigate the sound or not. A shrug soon befell her shoulders as the woman thought better of it, taking on a more lazy approach and remaining idle. Those yellow hues once again seemed to dance around and land on each face until Sera seemed to be trucking straight for her. Aria's entire posture changed as if almost by immediate demand, sliding into less of a childishly sleepy one and slapping into complete alertness. A brow rose after Sera spoke, face contorting into a slight look of disbelief before a trailing off " Ahuh... " left those pursed lips. Aria hoped Sera didn't take her to be some easily fooled or gullible type person. She was a trickster of sorts herself and knew how to play that game better than anyone here, possibly even on all of Earthland. But alas Aria had no intention of bragging about such a thing and it was just a door. That was considered minimal damage for a Fairy Tail member and her eyes subconsciously looked towards the roof as she silently thanked whomever that it stood to see another day.


Kelica's little stunt was registered in her peripherals but her face showed no sign of change, gaze holding itself vigilant as it jumped onto Verdana. " Oh? In private? " Aria finally replied to Sera with a hint of coy mischief, body leaning forward as she got rather up close and personal with the vampire. " With the door broken and everything? You're bold, Sera.... so bold. " She murmured in a tone that made the woman seem like she was deep in thought, probably imagining the hundreds of possibilities of how that would turn out. One would never know what was going on in the pretty little head of Aria's and her hand flew to her chin, fingers grasping her own cheek as she let out a small questionable laugh. " I'm jesting. Yes, of course. I would love to talk about the little bug girl you've seen to become acquainted with. " Her lips broke out into a sincere smile shortly after. " Would you like to do it outside, perhaps? Or the mysteriously broken doored office of mine? " That smile remained spread on her face, eyes narrowing a faction as a drop of sarcasm was hinted in the second suggestion to let Sera know that she knew but that was only if she managed to catch it. White hair spun itself through the air as she turned towards the voice of a boy at the entrance of the hall inquiring about joining the guild, those massive doors flung open as hints of snow flurried in to collide with the warm air only to melt instantaneously. " Oh, Sera! One moment, I'll be right back! " She exclaimed, rising excitement seeming to seep throughout her body as she jetted over to the boy standing there like a disheveled and nervous mess.


" Hello! Welc-- " Her words were cut off as her eyes flashed over, lithe figure instinctively stepping to the side to avoid the panicked Kelica. Perhaps she should have grabbed Timothy out of the way to avoid being run into but Kelica seemed to at least balance the two so Aria felt no need to intervene. If they were going to fall over, however, well then there would have been a reason to lend a helping hand. The blonde girl darted off quicker than before and Aria watched her go, head tilting to the side by a fraction. It was enough to show curiosity but it soon vanished from her expression, remaining a thought within her mind. It wasn't her job to chase after the girl, that was something better left off for a friend to do. Kelica was getting much stronger though and Aria felt the girl could fend for herself, especially with the way her magic protected her even while asleep. Her attention quickly averted back to the newcomer as she stepped back within view, replacing Kelica's bewildered expression with her own mesmerizing and adorable one. " So, you want to join Fairy Tail? " She appeared and disappeared from every angle, checking him out like one would during a sped up physical exam. " Hm, ah, yes. I see... " Little remarks tumbled out of her mouth at each new discovery, citrine-coloured eyes flickering up to rest on the boy's face whose cheeks were sprinkled with a blush. " Follow me then. " The tone of her voice gave no decision away and it would probably leave Timothy nerve-wracked, enough to break a sweat even; that is if he even could. " Your friend may come as well. " She told him loud enough for Ayano to hear, a yawn erupting as her arms extended forward in unison, going through the motion of a quick stretch.


Her hand soon slithered up to reach to the nape of his neck, fingers entangling themselves within the material of his coat as she began to drag him off back towards Sera and eventually past her. Her steps stopped for a mere moment as she beckoned for Sera to follow, remembering that the woman also needed to speak with her. " Two birds with one stone! " A fox-like smile widened to show off those shiny canines and while they were cute they were also extremely dangerous. They made it to the door and Aria hesitated to stare inquisitively at the repaired door, though it wasn't the prettiest to look at it most certainly now served its purpose once more. " In, in. ~ " She ushered them all to step inside, her voice chiming to sing the word as she herself entered the extremely messy office. Perhaps she should have straightened everything up once she arrived but there just never seemed to be enough time in the day. I definitely need to have Mitsuki carry out his punishment sooner than I thought... this is terrible.. She thought to herself as the grip on Timothy eased up and she placed him into a barren chair with extreme care, being surprisingly gentle in comparison to how she had just hefted him around the hall like weightless luggage. " Sera, you first. " A hand flicked out towards the woman, fingers remaining hovering within the air as if beckoning the words to be spoken. It may have sounded urgent or like she was rushing her but her entire posture screamed otherwise as she lifted herself to sit upon the cluttered desk patiently, legs kicking out to remain mid-air for the time being. 








Abaddon had leaned closer towards Clair, face inches from her own. A soft breath exhaled itself as he shoved the present delicately onto her lap and peered up at her. " Loss for words? I recall you having the same sensation during our last encounter that long eventful night. " It was hard to take him seriously, words dripping with a teasing tone that would turn anyone's cheeks a quick crimson. As a woman spoke to them, Abaddon inched back some, face turning in her direction, harmlessly smiling as his whole frame shrugged for full emphasis. " Just exchanging a Christmas gift. Does this displease you? Isn't that what people do during this Holiday? " He asked with a slight mockery entwined in his tone before he pulled away from Clair completely, leaving the present to sit atop her lap. " The whole hip sassy look thing is quite cute though. Do you find yourself intimidating? " A laugh released itself as Abaddon found humor in his own words, hands throwing themselves up into the air and to the sides as he smirked. " Who knew Fairy Tail would be full of such interesting and ludicrous characters. Speaking of.... where did that Bel guy go? He's just exquisite. " Abaddon looked lost deep in thought, tongue trailing across his lips before it disappeared back into his mouth with a satisfied grin. " Oh well, he can't hide from me forever. " He concluded before taking a seat at the bar, remaining within close proximity of the red faced and red headed Clair. His fingers clutched at the collar of his shirt, tugging at it enough to make it disheveled before a glass and bottle appeared in front of him. His hands masterfully poured a drink in one fell swoop, fingers not idling to clutch the crystallized glass as it was brought up to his lips.



Kira Sthoss


"Well yes. As a matter of fact, I believe that exchanging gifts is all part of the holidays." Kira replied with her hands raised half way, slowly walking towards both Clair & Abaddon. She had to move aside for Kelica as she forest mage blitzed out of the guild hall with a concerned expression on her face. Kira then proceeded to lean on one of the pillars, next to Clair before pointing to the wide open guild doors. "What's going on with her?" Kira asked looking at Clair. 

@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
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Arietta Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ





Aria's small hand and slender fingers eventually ended up to rest against her face, chin resting atop her palm as she listened to Verdana pipe up. It was actually quite adorable and if Aria wasn't trying to remain collected then she probably would have pounced off the desk and embraced her. A few of her fingers twitched at the physical urge but it soon dissipated at the request. A frown made its way across her features, lips opening just a fraction as if to reply immediately to the question. Before a word managed to slip out, her mouth scrunched off to the side in thought. " I'm new to the whole initiation process and I should probably think of some kind of test to allow people into the guild. " A trickster expression befalling those long lashes and curved lips, hues glancing upwards as many different ideas popped into her head. " For now though, I admire your desire to want to change and this is a guild meant for growing not just in power, but for oneself. For one another. For a purpose. I'll accept you into Fairy Tail as long as Sera agrees to be your mentor and watch over you. You two will be a team and you will also live under the same roof. The final choice is up to her. " Aria's curious gaze flickered towards Sera, a genuine smile resting on her features. It could be the wrong decision but if Verdana ever was a threat then she was sure that it was obvious that Aria wouldn't hesitate to eradicate her. Nothing came above protecting those under her care now and nothing probably ever would. They all now came first, all the children bearing the guild symbol. 


Sera began to speak next and Aria turned her attention fully on the woman, eyes tracing over those magnificent wings before resting on her face. " I haven't known you long enough to be able to confirm nor deny where your power should be ranked. I do know that I would gladly like to honor your request and I will make it known tomorrow and write you in as an A Rank. Just know that your power doesn't just stem from your abilities and magic, there's so much more to it my dear. There's always room for improvement though as I'm sure you're aware. You are an amazing woman and you shouldn't be so humble. " Her tone had slipped into a motherly tone, each word almost caressing and gentle in its own way. Aria had so much respect for the woman standing before her simply because of the request and the reasoning behind it. It certainly wasn't what she had expected to be asked but the day was starting to be filled with new experiences. The kitsune had a feeling that there would be many more days like this in the future. " If you accept my terms for Verdana than I suppose we have a new member in the guild! If others have an issue with it, please come to me immediately and I will sort it all out. " Aria's eyes glistened happily as she leaned back onto the desk, hands sliding backwards to support the weight of her frame. Her small legs kicked out in front of her, doing an up and down motion like an overly excited child might on a swing. 


This isn't so bad. They're learning and children with hatred or darkness and previously accustomed to being cruel were now finding themselves attracted to the light, even reaching for it. The thought made Aria nostalgic, white wavy strands bouncing as her head tilted to peer at the small vampire whom had been with the boy who wanted to join. Her request was by far the most odd but it was something she was capable of doing. Her lithe body slipped off the desk in a fluid motion, feet not making a sound as they hit the ground. She knelt down and grasped at Ayano's hands, yellow eyes peering into her red ones with no intent of looking away as she spoke. " If that is your wish then yes, I can remove the mark from your previous guild. But know that just because the mark is taken off your skin it doesn't mean that the mark it left in your heart will be. That is something that you will need to erase on your own and I'm sure you will be able to do so with the right motivation. Going to have to touch you for a moment, and I can't promise I won't bite. " The last bit was a subtle jest, teeth flashing, in an attempt to ease the serious mood she felt that she had just planted within the room. " When I'm done I would like to speak with the tongue-tied boy in the chair. " The word 'boy' was spoken in a different tone, since it was quite obvious by smell alone that he wasn't an ordinary person. Quite extraordinary, quite mechanic. That made the blush on his cheeks even that more intriguing. 


A weird light coated her hands, seeming to stem from her arms before it burned brighter at her fingertips and they lowered with a feather-like touch upon Ayano's visible mark. It started to disappear, bit by bit until her skin glowed, the sensation seeming to cleanse the entire soul in unison, and it was left barren of any previous affiliation. " I'm happy you made this choice, the path you are picking won't be easy but it also won't be a lonely one. " Aria squeezed her hand reassuringly before retracting her hand and breaking the connection. 

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[SIZE= 36px]Timothy Harvard: A New Beginning[/SIZE]



[SIZE= 18px]Timothy followed the guild master into her office despite its missing door along with Ayano behind him. Still clearly red on his face, he stayed quiet allowing the others to talk before speaking about his request to join Fairy Tail. He sat in a chair while everything seemed smooth, he also noticed that there were others too who wished to join the guild as well making his mind more at ease but then there was one fact that separated him from the rest [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"They can perform magic while I can't..." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he thought as he saw the rest being accepted. His thought was shattered when Ayano told him about her relationship with Grimoire Heart. At first his eyes widened at the thought but then he remembered that she is trying to find acceptance and a home. Although it did bother him that she use to be a part of that guild, it didn't matter anymore since now she is trying to change and he hopes he'll be able to support her just like what Sora told him to do. His pondering was soon interupted when the fox lady talked about him. His non existent heart started racing as the attention was on him. "Um....yeah, actually I just would like to speak to you...u-um about the request to join but there's something that hinders my ability to support this guild..." he said trying to keep a cool composition. "I can't actually do any magic....I don't know why but it's something that my family has never been able to do..." he lied through the skin of his teeth as he looked at the lady and then back to Ayano with her newly formed hand. "Will you still accept someone like me into the guild? I know it is a guild for mages but...I was just wondering." he said in a hopeful voice.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@Kyuubey @hudhouse @Jackaboi @Mitchs98[/SIZE]








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Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

The Lightning Mage blinked as she looked to Taylor with that same heavy grin. "Cele? Oh yeah I'll be sure to introduce her the moment she walks in the door... I could toss you as well, if you prefer... you don't look too heavy.. " the wild grin only continuing. Her expression fell a little as the girl asked for some hand to hand training to 'deal with the bad guys.' Rosaline couldn't stop the huge grin that spread from ear to ear at that and held our her hand across the table to her, knocking a glass or plate off as she did with zero cares. "Tails (A nickname Rosaline literally just came up with), love, I'll do more then teach you how to deal with the bad guys... No one will come near you unless you want them to."

Her hard expression said she meant everyone of those words. And she always pulled through with her promise, being a Dreyar. When Ven finally explained about the earrings after laying against the floor for hours, she was figured that was explanation enough and plonked them straight on even shaking her head a fraction to hear them jingle. A sound she clearly hated and why she was smiling like an idiot. Though one had to wonder just how effective Mind altering was on the girl considering she didn't use that big muscle in her head too often. You know, her brain. Rosa was definitly more brawns.

Rosa shot Ven a cold glare at the strict comment, but the good teacher comment had her lip turn up a fraction. Just a wee bit. Enough to see her not send a thousand vaults through his Kester this time around. Though she may change her mind in five minutes. She lifted up a finger to the roof as a tiny spark danced there on the tip of her index, smirking to him. "You remember this test right? I like to call it 'dancing feet'." With that Rosaline pointed a finger towards his feet and started to shoot tiny but ultra fast bolts of lightning right at his feet and hopefully making him dance like a puppet. With that going on, she turned her head to Alara as she explained it was her little brother and Rosa had to lift an eyebrow at that. "....doesn't look that little to me...." she half grumbled out then the man started what sounded like an interesting story. To this Rosa only grinned wider. "Oh do tell more!" she just knew a backstory of Alara would end well...

One day she might stop the shots to Ven's feet but not anytime soon if she were in charge of it. 

@TripTripleTimes @Zeldafangirl @Mitchs98 @Arius LaVari @Solemn Jester @Jackaboi
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Dragging Acus to the Guild Hall-Arrival


Celestia had dragged Acus out the door not giving him much chance to answer, he could settle in later, it was Christmas and they should really be in the hall! She had half dragged half carried him with her and was surprisingly running, well she had planned to start taking some lessons and exercising again, she'd been lazy for far too long while recovering from her parents deaths, she had annoying jiggle...even if it accented every curve she had. Those curves were particularly noticeable in her current outfit. A tight black sweat dress and black thigh highs, her blonde hair in two pig tails with two butterfly clips in it. She wondered what everyone was doing...without realizing she made it to the hall and grinned before she pushed open the door and dashed inside; immediately burying her darker thoughts in her cheer, "Merry Christmas Everyone!" She yelled out loud before finally releasing Acus from her annoying grasp, socializing she needed it to keep her head on straight, especially now that she had a room mate. She takes a deep breath smelling the air, it smelled similar to what she had cooked minus a few things but it was breakfast smells. It was busy here~ The cheerful blonde laughed sweetly when she noticed Rosa was firing bolts of lightning at some boy's feet. "Yo! Knock it off Rosa, you're going to exhaust him, oh yeah you're good at hand to hand combat right Rosa? Wanna spar? I need to work some rust off my joints...I plan on starting up a training regimen again, you'd be the perfect opponent. No magic just martial arts." It was a sudden question to anyone else but to her it was something she had wanted to do for ages, find a good training partner, Rosa was a great match, because while Celestia was skilled; for her own reasons; she wasn't the best, she could work on that though. Always improve and work towards tomorrow! Quickly she smacked her cheeks and grinned at the much bigger blonde her bright two colored eyes glittering with a challenge, just so Rosa would take her seriously. She was curious about the boy though...and what Yamato was doing...a thought struck across her head but she wiped it out super quickly, Now don't go start thinking like a moron now Cele...Let's focus on Rosa and this girl. Celestia shook her thoughts and held out her hand to the boy; her green eye glowing suddenly as flowers grew down her right side and she activated a tiny magic circle under the new guy, then lifted him away from Rosa's bolts; which were being conducted by the earth. "I'm Celestia Corona, nice to meet you new guy, are you interested in seeing a spar?"


@Zuka @Zeldafangirl @EveryoneElseInTheHall @TripTripleTimes
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Taylor just looked at her as she just smiled" thank you miss Rosa" she say as she smiled as she looked at her as the blonde girl looked down as she saw someone else come in as she got nervous" what do you mean Miss Rosa you teach me more than teach me how to deal with the bad guys" she tiltied her head as she looked at her as she looked at the other girl" um.... hi..... i ..... er..... taylor......" she say as she was nervous about meeting new people she just hold onto her book as she place her face in it she was really shy she didn't really get along with the others she was manly always stuck in her room reading some books she just looked at the girl than to Miss rosa as she just smiled a little she didn't know what to talk about her face was slightly red from her being emberassed she didn't know what to talk about to the others @Zuka

Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall


When Sakura presented the little charm bracelet to her, Tokine gently took it and closely examined it. As she stared at the two individuals on one of the charms, she couldn't help but recall that warm feeling she got the first time Sakura had presented her with a gift. Tokine didn't exactly openly smile this time but she did seem a bit off from her usual self.

"I..um...thank you so much for the gift Sakura, it's...perfect." she said ever so slightly awkwardly, her face turned a bit away from Sakura. She quickly proceeded to clear her throat and fasten the bracelet to her wrist. The girl took a moment to hold her hand up to the ceiling and examine it one more time before pulling out her own present box. It was small but she knew that size wasn't always important when it came to gifts. She could only hope Sakura would like it. Inside the box was her own handcrafted charm. She had visited her adoptive parents' house the night before to retrieve the seashells that had been found with her unconscious body on the night her adoptive father discovered her out in the ocean. As far as she knew, they were the only physical memento of her past life but there wasn't much info that could be gathered from pretty seashells so they were more like a mysterious keepsake. In any case, Tokine figured that making a charm out of them would make for an excellent gift of sentimental value.

"Here." she sadi simply, presenting the box to Sakura.

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Magnolia Forest[/COLOR]

As the Forest Mage was focusing in on energies of the Forest, it wasn't hard in this state to literally see as well as feel the energies that were out. The two behind her, and as she focused in on the one's closest she turned her head slightly to almost look to them though her eyelids remained closed. Noah's was... interesting. His was a multitude of signatures of the Djinn that resides within him that he could take control off, his actual power was buried way down and almost hard to find among all the take overs. Bastion's... Here the girl stopped a fraction. Something was absolutely different with his, there was things locked within locks that were hidden and an aura she couldn't quite put her finger on. But she wasn't trying to find those two... her head turned back to the tree as her vision spread further and further out.

Very far away she sensed something that filled her with a deep seeded dread. In the pit of her stomach. The fact it was fire essence was obvious, at least to the girl who's own mother was a Fire Mage. However there was a darkness within that power that made her reef her hands back from the tree as her eyes snapped opened and her whole body trembled as she started to panic. It was moving away, that much she gathered and it was on the very edge of the Forest. But it was not a small amount of magic energy and all she could sense was pure malice. Her eyes slowly stopped the swirling of grey and she turned to face Noah and Bastion with the same look of dread as she did before.

"T....they are moving away....but... th...their energy is...is..." She could barely get the words out. She wanted to confront them before without knowing, but the knowledge of such a sense of dread made her shake even more. "I...I don't think they were here to... hurt the forest but..." Glancing in the direction of the dead bodies. She wanted to find them, and set and example, to tell them what for.

But honestly Kelica was absolutely terrified by what she felt. And it clearly showed on her face.

@FreeZing @Embaga Elder @Arius LaVari
On 11/6/2016 at 5:19 AM, Zeldafangirl said:

Taylor looked at the person as she frowned" i'm not that little geez i'm 13 years old and i would like Miss Rosaline to train me she's cool" she say as she just smiled as she hope he didn't ask her where her family was" anyway its a pleasure to meet you i'm taylor and some people call me tay tay" she say as she just smiled with the nickname that was given to her she was a memeber of it she was happy to have a home if it been couple years ago before she knew about magaic the day she will never forget the attack on the island she lived with her parents she just sighed" anyway uh yeah rosaline will be a good teacher for me i like to learn new things i love books i got the coolest present from rosealne" she say as she just smiled looking at him she loved christmas she tends to get her hair get ruffuled with the other members @TripTripleTimes


On 11/6/2016 at 1:49 PM, Mitchs98 said:

@Solemn Jester@Jackaboi@Zuka@TripTripleTimes

Alara glared as her brother poked her, sticking her tongue out at his teasing. "Please, being subtle is pointless." She replied simply. She was going to respond to Yama up until Kami started tickling her. She immediately started giggling, laughing, and squirming; her brother knowing full well where she was ticklish after all these years. "S-Stop it!" She said in-between laughing, finally squirming free after a bit. She sighed lightly and smiled, though before she could actually introduce him both Ven and Rosa had came into the guild hall. She'd expected Rosaline to get more ticked off at Ven than she actually had, though she guessed it was because of Christmas. Or perhaps the more likely factor the woman was hungry and she wanted food. Speaking of which she herself sat down and started eating, waiting for a time of silence to finally speak up when Rosaline mentioned 'her male look alike'.

She couldn't help but laugh a bit and grin, "He isn't my look alike, well technically." She said before shrugging. "Everyone I'd like you to meet my little brother Kami!" She told them cheerfully. "He's here for the holidays and he wanted to meet everyone. He hasn't been around in a few years so I doubt you guys remember him." She explained. "I want you guys to be nice to him while he's here, or else, 'kay?" She threatened, smirking at everyone in the room. Rosaline out of all of them being the only one she would really be afraid of threatening. Though she was mostly joking so she figured she'd take it as such. If not, oh well. She then poked Kami in the stomach, "C'mon and eat, you were complaining about being hungry and Yama went through the trouble of making all this food for everyone here." She said.





On 11/6/2016 at 3:44 PM, Solemn Jester said:


View attachment 200001

After Alara had escaped his tickle attack, it seemed the guild had filled up alot. Several other members had arrived, and where now sitting around them. One of the new faces called Kami Alaras male look a like. Kami could help but laugh, and was prepared to correct her. Although his big sister seemed to have that handled. She also introduced him to the others. He raised a hand to them, in a greeting gesture."Well it's wonderful to meet you all. You know I wasn't aware my sister had such amazing friends. It reminds me of the time when..."  If Alara knew her brother then she would be aware that he was about to tell a embarrassing story about her as a child. So she'd had better stop it before he got to far in.

Meanwhile Moses was still passed out somewhere. Most likley due to him overdrinking. Although he wouldn't care, he never seemed to worry about such things. He just hoped he wasn't in someone's bed. Either a stranger, or one of his guild mates. He had no intention of waking up next to someone like Kirin, or even god forbid the dwarf.





18 hours ago, Zuka said:

Rosaline Dreyar

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

The Lightning Mage blinked as she looked to Taylor with that same heavy grin. "Cele? Oh yeah I'll be sure to introduce her the moment she walks in the door... I could toss you as well, if you prefer... you don't look too heavy.. " the wild grin only continuing. Her expression fell a little as the girl asked for some hand to hand training to 'deal with the bad guys.' Rosaline couldn't stop the huge grin that spread from ear to ear at that and held our her hand across the table to her, knocking a glass or plate off as she did with zero cares. "Tails (A nickname Rosaline literally just came up with), love, I'll do more then teach you how to deal with the bad guys... No one will come near you unless you want them to."

Her hard expression said she meant everyone of those words. And she always pulled through with her promise, being a Dreyar. When Ven finally explained about the earrings after laying against the floor for hours, she was figured that was explanation enough and plonked them straight on even shaking her head a fraction to hear them jingle. A sound she clearly hated and why she was smiling like an idiot. Though one had to wonder just how effective Mind altering was on the girl considering she didn't use that big muscle in her head too often. You know, her brain. Rosa was definitly more brawns.

Rosa shot Ven a cold glare at the strict comment, but the good teacher comment had her lip turn up a fraction. Just a wee bit. Enough to see her not send a thousand vaults through his Kester this time around. Though she may change her mind in five minutes. She lifted up a finger to the roof as a tiny spark danced there on the tip of her index, smirking to him. "You remember this test right? I like to call it 'dancing feet'." With that Rosaline pointed a finger towards his feet and started to shoot tiny but ultra fast bolts of lightning right at his feet and hopefully making him dance like a puppet. With that going on, she turned her head to Alara as she explained it was her little brother and Rosa had to lift an eyebrow at that. "....doesn't look that little to me...." she half grumbled out then the man started what sounded like an interesting story. To this Rosa only grinned wider. "Oh do tell more!" she just knew a backstory of Alara would end well...

One day she might stop the shots to Ven's feet but not anytime soon if she were in charge of it. 

@TripTripleTimes @Zeldafangirl @Mitchs98 @Arius LaVari @Solemn Jester @Jackaboi





16 hours ago, Arius LaVari said:


Dragging Acus to the Guild Hall-Arrival


Celestia had dragged Acus out the door not giving him much chance to answer, he could settle in later, it was Christmas and they should really be in the hall! She had half dragged half carried him with her and was surprisingly running, well she had planned to start taking some lessons and exercising again, she'd been lazy for far too long while recovering from her parents deaths, she had annoying jiggle...even if it accented every curve she had. Those curves were particularly noticeable in her current outfit. A tight black sweat dress and black thigh highs, her blonde hair in two pig tails with two butterfly clips in it. She wondered what everyone was doing...without realizing she made it to the hall and grinned before she pushed open the door and dashed inside; immediately burying her darker thoughts in her cheer, "Merry Christmas Everyone!" She yelled out loud before finally releasing Acus from her annoying grasp, socializing she needed it to keep her head on straight, especially now that she had a room mate. She takes a deep breath smelling the air, it smelled similar to what she had cooked minus a few things but it was breakfast smells. It was busy here~ The cheerful blonde laughed sweetly when she noticed Rosa was firing bolts of lightning at some boy's feet. "Yo! Knock it off Rosa, you're going to exhaust him, oh yeah you're good at hand to hand combat right Rosa? Wanna spar? I need to work some rust off my joints...I plan on starting up a training regimen again, you'd be the perfect opponent. No magic just martial arts." It was a sudden question to anyone else but to her it was something she had wanted to do for ages, find a good training partner, Rosa was a great match, because while Celestia was skilled; for her own reasons; she wasn't the best, she could work on that though. Always improve and work towards tomorrow! Quickly she smacked her cheeks and grinned at the much bigger blonde her bright two colored eyes glittering with a challenge, just so Rosa would take her seriously. She was curious about the boy though...and what Yamato was doing...a thought struck across her head but she wiped it out super quickly, Now don't go start thinking like a moron now Cele...Let's focus on Rosa and this girl. Celestia shook her thoughts and held out her hand to the boy; her green eye glowing suddenly as flowers grew down her right side and she activated a tiny magic circle under the new guy, then lifted him away from Rosa's bolts; which were being conducted by the earth. "I'm Celestia Corona, nice to meet you new guy, are you interested in seeing a spar?"


@Zuka @Zeldafangirl @EveryoneElseInTheHall @TripTripleTimes









Veniano smile softens at Taylor as the girl states her age. If he remembers right, just before he was choked the lights out by Rosaline the girl said something about family and death. Even if he had heard wrong, for a young child to have a motivation to grow strong and join a guild as large as Blue Pegasus, usually started when the child had witnessed a tragedy. Cases like those have often fell into the man's hands as candidates to talk about in talk shows. Of course, those subjects rarely makes it live or recorded, but Veniano knows what's up, having to review all the papers his manager throws at him. 

The dark-skinned man turns around when the familiar sweet voice of Alara introduces her brother to the guild. He looks at the brother with a speculating eye, but he cheers and greets the man,"Good morning, Kami!" and Veniano throws up a hand for a wide wave. Then he hears a tall tell words of a sibling about to embarrass their sibling. He grins in glee and forgets about preparing magic to teleport from Rosaline. 

Sadly, that is a mistake the man should have not made. Just as Veniano turns to join Alara and Kami at their side of the hall, he sees a spark of lightning, or rather feels the static. He spins on his heels just to see the bright magic shooting right towards him. He leaps from his spot to avoid the radiating sparks, nearly tripping on his feet 

"Dio mio, Rosa!" He yells and dances away from another lightning. "I'm in my good shoes!

Endurance fitness! Or Dancing Feet, as Rosaline likes to call it, is definitely not an amusing exercise when he is the one tapping around like a maniac! He doesn’t understand the woman’s fascination with physical prowess when he’s already physically fit! Sure, he can’t lift an astonishing amount of weight or run a mile within a minute. This is probably Rosaline’s way of increasing his stamina, but- HE NEARLY GETS HIT!

Me cago en todo lo que se menea!” Veniano swears loudly and dares to look up from the ground to Rosaline to glare. However, the glare ends up looking like a desperate plea. The lightning continues to rain on him, and so, Veniano is unable to spare a glance at the new duos bursting into the guild hall. Veniano’s eyes widen at the magic circle suddenly appearing under where he just lands after a leap.

La madre del dulce!” The man yells loudly when his long legs flys out from under him and finds himself floating in the air. He flails around a bit; just because he is floating in the air, it doesn't mean Rosaline will automatically stop shooting her magic at him. He spots the line of vegetation and looks up at the bright green eyes. He blinks his feverish duo coloured eyes and gives the girl a shaky smile. If he isn't in the mercy of Rosaline and doesn't have control of his movement, the man would have given the very pretty lady a gentleman greeting. 

"Greeting, Bonita." At least he is able to say. "As much as I would love to, perhaps in another time."

[SIZE= 26px]Ayano Soru: It's gone![/SIZE]


Ayano stared as the guild-master had finished talking with the rest of the members then slid off the table. This was the part of whether she will kill the vampire or remove the guild mark. Surprisingly enough however the fox-like woman knelt down and gently took Ayano's hand. The vampire stared into those golden eyes as they dd the same back. It almost seemed like a light of hope in a dark room. Ayano listened as the guild-master proclaimed that she will remove the guild mark with no hassle. But the memories probably won't be as easily forgotten. "I wouldn't even mind if the process was unbearably painful... I just want to be rid of this thing." Ayano waited as the fox lady's hands started to glow. Taken in by the spectical the vampire watched as it glowed brighter with each passing second. The guild-master then touched the mark with the lightest of touches as the logo of Grimoire Heart started to fade away, even Ayano's hand started glowing too. Finally the light dissipated and the mark that once stained the back of Ayano's hand was no more. "It's... Over..." After so long something started to move within the small vampire. It was a warm feeling... Then a single tear formed in the corner of her eye. Everything felt so weird, she was experiencing emotions that she hasn't felt in so many years. "Is... This what happiness feels like? How could I have forgotten..." Memories of the happy times Ayano used to spend with her parents started to resurface. Memories of before she became a vampire. Then with it followed regret. "How could I have done this to them..." She whispered to herself. One of the greatest weights of her life was lifted at last. She can finally be herself again.

Ayano brought her attention to Timothy who wasn't making a great show of confidence with his request. He has accompanied Ayano so far and it was him and Sora that helped her get to this point. So Ayano thought she would repay the favour. "Guild master. Sure Timothy can't use magic but I've witnessed first hand that he has special abilities that I have never seen before in a human. So regardless of magic or not you can't deny he's unique" Ayano spoke of the time she fought Timothy and only said the truth. If anything she hoped this would help increase the boys chances if getting in the guild. "Also... I am very grateful that you removed that mark. If there's any way I can pay you back I'll gladly do it." The vampires red eyes hovered over the other guild members of Fairy Tail still intrigued by the fact there was another vampire here and a small girl that didn't seem so normal herself.

[SIZE= 14px]@hudhouse @Mitchs98 @Kyuubey @Zareh[/SIZE]

Arietta Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ





Aria's small hand and slender fingers eventually ended up to rest against her face, chin resting atop her palm as she listened to Verdana pipe up. It was actually quite adorable and if Aria wasn't trying to remain collected then she probably would have pounced off the desk and embraced her. A few of her fingers twitched at the physical urge but it soon dissipated at the request. A frown made its way across her features, lips opening just a fraction as if to reply immediately to the question. Before a word managed to slip out, her mouth scrunched off to the side in thought. " I'm new to the whole initiation process and I should probably think of some kind of test to allow people into the guild. " A trickster expression befalling those long lashes and curved lips, hues glancing upwards as many different ideas popped into her head. " For now though, I admire your desire to want to change and this is a guild meant for growing not just in power, but for oneself. For one another. For a purpose. I'll accept you into Fairy Tail as long as Sera agrees to be your mentor and watch over you. You two will be a team and you will also live under the same roof. The final choice is up to her. " Aria's curious gaze flickered towards Sera, a genuine smile resting on her features. It could be the wrong decision but if Verdana ever was a threat then she was sure that it was obvious that Aria wouldn't hesitate to eradicate her. Nothing came above protecting those under her care now and nothing probably ever would. They all now came first, all the children bearing the guild symbol. 


Sera began to speak next and Aria turned her attention fully on the woman, eyes tracing over those magnificent wings before resting on her face. " I haven't known you long enough to be able to confirm nor deny where your power should be ranked. I do know that I would gladly like to honor your request and I will make it known tomorrow and write you in as an A Rank. Just know that your power doesn't just stem from your abilities and magic, there's so much more to it my dear. There's always room for improvement though as I'm sure you're aware. You are an amazing woman and you shouldn't be so humble. " Her tone had slipped into a motherly tone, each word almost caressing and gentle in its own way. Aria had so much respect for the woman standing before her simply because of the request and the reasoning behind it. It certainly wasn't what she had expected to be asked but the day was starting to be filled with new experiences. The kitsune had a feeling that there would be many more days like this in the future. " If you accept my terms for Verdana than I suppose we have a new member in the guild! If others have an issue with it, please come to me immediately and I will sort it all out. " Aria's eyes glistened happily as she leaned back onto the desk, hands sliding backwards to support the weight of her frame. Her small legs kicked out in front of her, doing an up and down motion like an overly excited child might on a swing. 


This isn't so bad. They're learning and children with hatred or darkness and previously accustomed to being cruel were now finding themselves attracted to the light, even reaching for it. The thought made Aria nostalgic, white wavy strands bouncing as her head tilted to peer at the small vampire whom had been with the boy who wanted to join. Her request was by far the most odd but it was something she was capable of doing. Her lithe body slipped off the desk in a fluid motion, feet not making a sound as they hit the ground. She knelt down and grasped at Ayano's hands, yellow eyes peering into her red ones with no intent of looking away as she spoke. " If that is your wish then yes, I can remove the mark from your previous guild. But know that just because the mark is taken off your skin it doesn't mean that the mark it left in your heart will be. That is something that you will need to erase on your own and I'm sure you will be able to do so with the right motivation. Going to have to touch you for a moment, and I can't promise I won't bite. " The last bit was a subtle jest, teeth flashing, in an attempt to ease the serious mood she felt that she had just planted within the room. " When I'm done I would like to speak with the tongue-tied boy in the chair. " The word 'boy' was spoken in a different tone, since it was quite obvious by smell alone that he wasn't an ordinary person. Quite extraordinary, quite mechanic. That made the blush on his cheeks even that more intriguing. 


A weird light coated her hands, seeming to stem from her arms before it burned brighter at her fingertips and they lowered with a feather-like touch upon Ayano's visible mark. It started to disappear, bit by bit until her skin glowed, the sensation seeming to cleanse the entire soul in unison, and it was left barren of any previous affiliation. " I'm happy you made this choice, the path you are picking won't be easy but it also won't be a lonely one. " Aria squeezed her hand reassuringly before retracting her hand and breaking the connection. 

[SIZE= 36px]Timothy Harvard: A New Beginning[/SIZE]



[SIZE= 18px]Timothy followed the guild master into her office despite its missing door along with Ayano behind him. Still clearly red on his face, he stayed quiet allowing the others to talk before speaking about his request to join Fairy Tail. He sat in a chair while everything seemed smooth, he also noticed that there were others too who wished to join the guild as well making his mind more at ease but then there was one fact that separated him from the rest [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"They can perform magic while I can't..." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he thought as he saw the rest being accepted. His thought was shattered when Ayano told him about her relationship with Grimoire Heart. At first his eyes widened at the thought but then he remembered that she is trying to find acceptance and a home. Although it did bother him that she use to be a part of that guild, it didn't matter anymore since now she is trying to change and he hopes he'll be able to support her just like what Sora told him to do. His pondering was soon interupted when the fox lady talked about him. His non existent heart started racing as the attention was on him. "Um....yeah, actually I just would like to speak to you...u-um about the request to join but there's something that hinders my ability to support this guild..." he said trying to keep a cool composition. "I can't actually do any magic....I don't know why but it's something that my family has never been able to do..." he lied through the skin of his teeth as he looked at the lady and then back to Ayano with her newly formed hand. "Will you still accept someone like me into the guild? I know it is a guild for mages but...I was just wondering." he said in a hopeful voice.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@Kyuubey @hudhouse @Jackaboi @Mitchs98[/SIZE]









[SIZE= 26px]Ayano Soru: It's gone![/SIZE]


Ayano stared as the guild-master had finished talking with the rest of the members then slid off the table. This was the part of whether she will kill the vampire or remove the guild mark. Surprisingly enough however the fox-like woman knelt down and gently took Ayano's hand. The vampire stared into those golden eyes as they dd the same back. It almost seemed like a light of hope in a dark room. Ayano listened as the guild-master proclaimed that she will remove the guild mark with no hassle. But the memories probably won't be as easily forgotten. "I wouldn't even mind if the process was unbearably painful... I just want to be rid of this thing." Ayano waited as the fox lady's hands started to glow. Taken in by the spectical the vampire watched as it glowed brighter with each passing second. The guild-master then touched the mark with the lightest of touches as the logo of Grimoire Heart started to fade away, even Ayano's hand started glowing too. Finally the light dissipated and the mark that once stained the back of Ayano's hand was no more. "It's... Over..." After so long something started to move within the small vampire. It was a warm feeling... Then a single tear formed in the corner of her eye. Everything felt so weird, she was experiencing emotions that she hasn't felt in so many years. "Is... This what happiness feels like? How could I have forgotten..." Memories of the happy times Ayano used to spend with her parents started to resurface. Memories of before she became a vampire. Then with it followed regret. "How could I have done this to them..." She whispered to herself. One of the greatest weights of her life was lifted at last. She can finally be herself again.

Ayano brought her attention to Timothy who wasn't making a great show of confidence with his request. He has accompanied Ayano so far and it was him and Sora that helped her get to this point. So Ayano thought she would repay the favour. "Guild master. Sure Timothy can't use magic but I've witnessed first hand that he has special abilities that I have never seen before in a human. So regardless of magic or not you can't deny he's unique" Ayano spoke of the time she fought Timothy and only said the truth. If anything she hoped this would help increase the boys chances if getting in the guild. "Also... I am very grateful that you removed that mark. If there's any way I can pay you back I'll gladly do it." The vampires red eyes hovered over the other guild members of Fairy Tail still intrigued by the fact there was another vampire here and a small girl that didn't seem so normal herself.

[SIZE= 14px]@hudhouse @Mitchs98 @Kyuubey @Zareh[/SIZE]


Sera smiled at Arietta's response, honestly not entirely sure how she would of taken both her asking to be demoted and Verdana joining at the same time. She understood what she meant, though until she could fully accept herself she didn't think she was mentally stable enough to have such responsibility. Sure she wasn't exactly crazy or anything, but she was prone to fits of rage or depression if openly called a monster and attacked for being such. Something she was working hard on fixing. As far as Verdana staying with her she didn't have any issues with that at all, in-fact she wanted the girl to stay. It would be nice having company around the house plus she really did want to help her. If that meant being her mentor and such than by all means.

She was definitely surprised about Ayano however and her mark, though not entirely so. It made sense for them to have a vampire in their ranks. Ayano herself was one she really wanted to talk to later, curious how old she was and such. Timothy she wanted to speak with as well, mostly because she could tell he wasn't human; and she was sure Arietta could too. She wasn't going to openly out him for not being human though. Once Ayano finished speaking Sera piped up, "Of course I'd be more than willing to mentor and have Verdana stay with me." She replied. "As long as she herself has no issue with it I don't see why not, she really is nice." She said. "Plus it'd be great to have someone staying with me for a change." She added, smiling to Verdana. "How about it? Willing to stay with me a while longer?" She asked her.


Aiden's rest had been peaceful, full of pure bliss. He had everything to look forwards to, his new home, his new guild, and most importantly his new girlfriend. He held on to her the entire night, no dreams passed him while he slept. The warmth of each other helped keep them warm in the snow filled winter cold. Suddenly he felt that warmth go away, dissipating into the chilly winter morning. A small shiver passed down the brown haired Mage, he let out a small grunt. "No Shen I don't need to eat my veggies." After a few minutes, he slowly started to wake up from his sleep. Once his eyes finally opened he noticed a certain red-haired female was gone. he looked around and found her staring right at him, with a somewhat worried look on her face. "Moring my sunshine." 

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 Amelia Dezeria

[SIZE= 20px]Location- Sabertooth Guild[/SIZE]

"Nice to meet you, Aurelia." She looks at the little moth on Aurelia hat. "And you to Pierro." she said with a small laugh. She would've never thought she would ever greet a moth. "And I guess your right about wanting to help others today. That is one reason I want to take this job. They need help with delivering presents to needy children and I thought I would lend a hand." Amelia reaches up and pulls down the flyer handing it to Aurelia. "I mean if you want the job I don't mind or anything." She takes a breath. "Or maybe we can do it together." she says in a mumble. She looks up at the little moth a gives it a smile.

Aurelia Goldnight

"I suppose that I find nothing wrong with working together on a job..." Aurelia wondered aloud before nodding. "Alright I've decided! You shall join me in giving cheer to children." She announced as she presented her the flyer she had just received. "Err...that is if you'd want to join me?" She added after a short pause. "I mean, I don't mind it if you don't, you had the eyes on the job first so it's only fair for you to be in charge. I wouldn't want to intrude or anything I just figured that you could use some company..."


Aiden's rest had been peaceful, full of pure bliss. He had everything to look forwards to, his new home, his new guild, and most importantly his new girlfriend. He held on to her the entire night, no dreams passed him while he slept. The warmth of each other helped keep them warm in the snow filled winter cold. Suddenly he felt that warmth go away, dissipating into the chilly winter morning. A small shiver passed down the brown haired Mage, he let out a small grunt. "No Shen I don't need to eat my veggies." After a few minutes, he slowly started to wake up from his sleep. Once his eyes finally opened he noticed a certain red-haired female was gone. he looked around and found her staring right at him, with a somewhat worried look on her face. "Moring my sunshine." 



Ashley released a giggle as she heard Aiden telling shen he didnt need to eat his veggies. She took this time to take care of the fire really quick before returning to Aiden just as he woke up and greeted her. "Morning." she tossed him a smile, hoping he wouldnt pick up on her sadness. Ashley slid in the covers again and snuggled close to him "I was just starting the fire again because it's really chilly." her eyes lifted up to his face to see his expression. He was such an amazing guy. He was funny and made the days bright. Even his silly bedhead made her smile and allow a giggle to escape her lips. The mage took her hands and reached them up, trying to fix his hair "Did you sleep well, Aiden? You were telling Shen that you didnt need your veggies. And here I thought you loved eating veggies. Especially mine" her smile turned into a grin just to see his reaction on the matter.

(short but sweet :) )


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