Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Holding Somewhat Still


Bastion had caught what Kelica had said about not being helpful and she frowned at the blonde, "Have more faith in yourself, you think anyone else could handle a manticore and a wolf so easily? Besides healers are rare and hard to find you know?" She sighed a little, of course she understood how Kelica felt, both of them were only C rank mages...one just not strong the other incapable of controlling her magic, so she had immediately felt a sort of connection with Kelica anyway, just over that, though she was always worried she would hurt those in the guild for her lack of control. She simply smiled a bit when the girl started to lean against Bastion to rest, muttering something about not putting the meat near her, not that she really minded the smells of the stuff just made her a little sick but once she got used to it she was fine. "Don't sorry it's not that big a deal I just get a little sick....besides I'm more worried about the puppy anyway." 


She smiled gently when Kelica mentioned how crazy it was that she had brought the wolf in today of all days, responding with, "Maybe it was just fated to happen today. I have to believe in fate to some degree or else how could you explain my ending up here?" With the girl nodding off on her shoulder Bastion did her level best to stay still, it wasn't something she was used to doing so very carefully she lifted the bottle and then the cub from the woman's lap and cradled it a little. Just as gently she used her other hand to pull Kelica's head in her own lap, despite her height and build her thighs were surprisingly soft and acted as a decent pillow. Now that she was more comfortable she took over feeding the small animal, once the milk was gone Bastion sighed and laid the wolf on Kelica's stomach, "It's not so crazy when you think about it. Anyway rest well." Bastion placed one of her large hands on her head and lightly petted the girl's hair letting her sleep like that with the cub curled up on her stomach.



[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage's eyes drifted up to peer to Bastion's face gently and gave him a wiry smile. "Well the wolf is easy because I know he isn't going to kill me... the Manticore..." Glancing over sideways as the beast had finished it's meat and faced away from her to curl up again in the corner. "To be honest it lunged at me. I can't seem to talk in it's head like I normally can with animals, it's like it doesn't want anyone to help it at all.. I managed to push Noah and Timothy out of the way but..." Her eyes drifting lower sadly. "I only managed to calm him because of the bottle that Timothy gave me, some magical portion that subdued him... He would have killed me or worse still, them, without it...heh resident beast expert and couldn't contain an angry kitty... pretty great Forest Guardian right?" @Zareh Her voice trailing off again. As much as she tried to think of her powers as useful or handy, they still seemed very mehish to her, and not very useful. What if a huge army came through and attacked all of Fariytail? What if they had to do some huge line of defense? What would she do?... make a flower? The mental image was laughable and a hollow chuckle escaped her lips though she didn't bother to explain it to Bastion.

Of course when Bastion mentioned fate a bemused smile crossed over Kelica's face. Her eyes drifted away to peer to another portion of the hall and where Noah was standing with Chris, Lavender and now a Clair wandered over before Lavender disappeared into her normal kitchen. She thought about how he had simply appeared after all these months, the day before Christmas. Fate was a pretty weird thing wasn't it? @Embaga Elder @Isune @Britt-21 @Mr Swiftshots Kelica didn't protest as Bastion lifted the bottle and the pup from her grasp because another even bigger yawn escaped her lips, sliding downwards to have her head resting on the man's rather nice and soft thighs. She murmured a fraction as she turned her head more to face the back of the booth seat, and in no time she felt the warmth of the wolf puppy slip back onto her lap. Naturally Kelica's arms wrapped around the wolf cub and her fingers rubbed the back of his ear and down the back of his head as her eyes blinked slower and slower till they closed fully. Tucking her legs up and letting her knees fall to the side to rest against the side of the seat, keeping the pup warm and secure in her lap. That was when Bastion started to pat her own head and another loud yawn escaped.

It didn't take very long before the slow rise and fall of Kelica's chest indicated she was fast asleep. And the pup had the same soft, small breaths as she did.
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  Nikolas blinked when Laura got upset, unintentionally grabbing the slightly scary woman by the hand. "Waitwaitwait....did you say 'party'? Party is my middle name! Well, not literally. Nikolas Party Saedor sounds pretty damn stupid, but still! And as for Phin, I know he likes the idea. I could see it in his expression. Trust me, he's just grabbing Shiro. And giving her a present which is a notebook that says, 'if music be the fruit of love play on'. Whatever the hell that means. Annnnyways," The half-Neko, after having probably chatted Laura's ear off, turned to his next victim Talon. "So you're Talon. I'm Nikolas Saedor! Dontcha worry about Ferra, she's in good hands! I mean, my family's sorta financially stable and the parents are nice. You should meet them, Dad is fucking hilarious when he meets new people. I think one time he dropped a heavy box on his foot when Phin walked in with a girl he didn't know, but we were like twelve and Phineas ain't exactly the romantic type, so it's all cool. Plus we all love to talk about it a lot, plus we tease Dad ALLLLL the time. It's nice to meet you! What's up?"

Talon blinked as his brain scrambled to find a place to store all this information that would most likely never be neccesary to use. "Well, the sky is up, as well as prices and pheonix sightings..." Talon shrugged, "lots of things I guess." Talon looked around. "So... what do you do?¿?¿ Magic wise I mean." He asked his new friend. @Mitchs98 @TheSecretSorcerer

Meanwhile, about a weeks journey east, a lone man witha deck of cards followed a burning thing that was flying overhead. The man puled his hat lower over his eyes and habitually shuffled the cards. "Fates comin fer ya birdy." The man said with a cruel smirk.


Ferra smiled wide when Phineas told her where her clothes were, "Aww you even washed them? Thanks Phin!" She told him cheerfully. Of course soon after he ran off after Shiro, causing her to grin. She could easily tell that he had a thing for her, that much was more than obvious just by watching the two of them. At-least it was for her. Maybe she was just good at matching people, she had matched Millie and Valken after all! She was just about to run off for her clothes when Laura walked up all sad about Phineas running off, causing her to frown. 

She hugged the woman gently before flashing her a smile, "Your idea for a party is a great idea! Everyone at the hall would love it I'm sure! Me and Nik can help you plan it if you want!" She told her encouragingly. "Ohh! And this is Talon." She added, gesturing to her friend. "I'll be right back guys." She said. That said she ran to the laundry room to change out of her pajamas. Admittedly she was mostly interested in her hat. Deciding to take dressing a little slow she let Talon have a bit to get to know Nikolas.

Talon stood slightly behind Fera and Nikola during the events that had transpied since arriving at Nikolas' new house. He watched everything happen in silence, feeling  a bit awkward at never meeing these other people before. He was son left with Nikolas as Ferra ran to get her... clothes?¿?¿ 'Why would her clothes be here?¿?¿' He thought suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at the back of Nikolas's head. "So... what now?¿?¿" He asked after a few moments. 

(tags are broken for me...) 


Feeling some relief

ishzu ishtar.jpg

Laura let out a deep breathing feeling better about it but she was worried about Phineas and Shiro. Hopefully Phineas would be able to bring the girl to her senses.  "Well do you really think that it is a good idea? I am going to need help getting the guild together." She looked at Talon and held out her hand to the man. "Hi I am Laura." She was glad that she made sure to get extra gifts since she didn't know that Talon was in her guild. However, she didn't find his humor funny, of course the sky was up, as well as all of the other things that he was saying. "Would any of you like to help me put the party together? I Am going to need to start cooking to make sure there is enough food and like I said I am going to need help getting everyone together. I have a feeling they wouldn't say yes if I asked."



Kathy looked up at her boyfriend as he came up to her and lifted her off the ground, her legs wrapping around his waist and her arms going around his neck. He leaned close and kissed her while she closed her eyes and returned his kiss, glad that he liked the cute santa outfit she used because it was hard to find one that wasnt so sexy and revealing. Plus she was able to get another nice kiss just by wearing the cute dress. His lips soon slowly pulled from hers and her purple eyes opened, meeting Miles's golden ones before he slowly put her down and grabbed the presents she brought down "We can take the express way..." she said "After all, Lionel liked to fly and we would make an interesting entrance... feeling a rumble outside the guild from Lionel..." she said and shrugged softly, looking over at Lionel who got up from his bed and stretched before hurrying next to her and looking up at her with his eyes "We're going to fly, Lionel..." the mage crouched and gently petted him.


Lionel ran off but soon came back with her staff bcause he knew that Kathy needed it no matter what. She was able to fight without it, but Nexus was a lot more in control rather than the other way around. Which is why the staff is what she used to channel it better. She was able to control how strong it was and how it acted. Where as her hands, it was unpredictable and could take a toll on her if used the wrong way. "Thanks..." the dragon then ran to the door and she went to open it for him, allowing him to go outside and transform into his larger form. He looked pretty damn badass!



Miles smiled as Katherine agreed with him, on taking the express way. He enjoys riding on Lionel. Yeah Miles can fly as well, but flying with his aura doesn't quite feel the same as flying on a dragon. Miles followed Lionel outside as he changed into his full bad ass dragon form. Miles took a smoke out his pocket and lit it with his aura. Yeah before he said he didn't need to smoke, but that was only because he was in Katherine's house. He didn't want it to smell like smoke.  Miles grabbed Katherine with his free arm, after she was finished locking up her house. Miles uses his aura to form wings, and with one flap he was lifted into the air landing on top of Lionel. Miles sat down behind Katherine, with the bags of presents between them. Ready when you are. @Britt-21

Chris Lengheart (spirit of the [SIZE= 18px]holidays)[/SIZE]

Seeing Lavender's new helmet made Chris smile. When she rhetorically asked about her being sweet Chris couldn't help but joke around. "Yeah, she can be when she isn't forcing you to give her horsie rides and drooling into your mane." he said in response while chuckling. Looking at the helmet, Chris decided to ask,"So do you have the armor to go along with it? Or is that just a piece that matches all the others? Armor and weapons aren't really my strong suit in case you hadn't noticed."

While the two were talking, it seemed that Noah had walked over to join in on the conversation. Who the hell drank this early in the morning, it wasn't even noon yet...or was it? Regardless, it was a bit early for a drink. As he apologized for basically flashing the two and claimed that nothing had happened between him and Kelica Chris simply put up a hand. "Yeah, yeah it's fine. Just...don't flash us ever again. That image won't leave me along until New Years." Looking at his blanket and then to the manticore, Chris let out a sigh as he folded up his blanket and placed it on a table. Looking at the wine bottle in Noah's hand, Chris simply asked,"How can you drink without even having breakfast yet? Also, you know we have glasses to pour the wine into...right? I mean some of us would like to avoid backwash."

@Britt-21 @Embaga Elder

Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Magnolia , FT Guild Hall

Status: Half asleep , quite possibly dead inside....

Clair wasn't one for being woken by loud noises but today's level of noise far surpassed anything she had heard before ! With a loud groan and a few popping joints Clair forced her self to a sitting position and shortly after ordered a slice of cake. Sure cake wasn't the best breakfast in the world and sure it might not even keep her energised for long but cake was still cake and cake never lied ! Well at least not to Clair. With a huff and a puff Clair began to rant to herself as she waited patiently for the cake to arrive. "Stupid Abby ! That good for nothing demon kept me up all night , probably stalked my room and all ! I hate him , hate him , hate him , hate him ! I HATE HIM ! Next time I see his smug face I'll give him a whack of the holy hammer for sure ! HMPH !"

After reviving her cake and quickly digging into it Clair began to look around the room , Sora was still no where to be found. Was the blue haired girl planning to have breakfast with Clair at all today ? Giving off another short sigh Clair shoved another bite of cake into her mouth and continued to watch the room with her heavy eyes. It seemed as though almost everyone bar Sora had arrived , with a smile Clair decided now was probably the best time to hand out her presents. First up she'd start with the group in the corner: Chris , Lavander and Noah.

Moving almost as though she was drink , Clair eventually made it over to the group and attempted to make her intentions Clear. while simultaneously using Chris' shoulder as a support "Happy Christmas guys. Do you mind if I give you guys your presents now. As you can see , I may not be physically capable of doing so later.... I know we normally wait for Sora but could you make an exception this once ? I promise I'll take her lecture solely , you won't be involved."

@Isune @Britt-21 @Embaga Elder (I didn't quite know how to get back into the RP , I had a few projects due so I had to kinda place this on the back burner for a while. If I messed something up please correct me )

@Kyuubey (mentioned)



Lavender only giggled softly as she wiped her lips "I have armor, it does not match this but it does complete my set." she corrected Chris as she hugged him with her one arm before the couple was approached by Noah who had a drink and was apologizing about the tanned buttocks they had gotten this morning. Laughing nervously, the warrior moved her arm from Chris and waved it off like nothing (the noah thing) "It's quite all right... I am still very weirded out because I seen another mans' buttocks." so to speak, she was only used to shirtlessness rather than...Butts. Her attention was turned to Clair who had walked over and looked like she was pretty outta it and she was using her boyfriend's shoulder as support. There was no reason for her to get jealous really since Clair wasnt really doing anything.


"I do not mind, Go ahead, miss Clair. But I believe you should get some sleep and relax a little bit. After all, it is Christmas." a smile had appeared on the warrior's lips "Once you get some rest I am sure that everyone will still be here having a great time. After all, this is Fairy Tail and the party almost never stops." they were so happy and always were friendly with one another. Plus Lavy was very sure that everyone would forgive Clair for being a tiny bit late with her presents after...whatever she had done. Though she did think about Sora when Clair mentioned her "Sora left for a little while, Clair... I do not know for how long but... She's gone..."  I should also head back into the kitchen and make more sweets as well as make some more hot cocoa... I really do not feel like crying once more... Her eyes moved between Noah, Chris and Clair "I'm going to head into the kitchen because I need to finish making cookies and the hot cocoa."


Her eyes landed on clair "I am very sorry I have to go at this second." she said, moving towards her and giving her a nice warm hug "Someone has to keep the guild running with sweets and hot cocoa." she smiled and gave Chris a quick kiss on his cheek -Surprisingly she was far more familiar with cheek kissing then the whole lip kissing thing- and hurried off to the kitchen to continue the festivities. Hiding the sadness hidden within her



[SIZE= 16px]Noah gave a big cheesy smile and a thumbs up as both Chris and Lavender accepted Noah's apology. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Thanks for excepting my apology, I'll try my best not to make it happen again. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He said as his free hand rubbed the back of his head. He then looked at the empty bottle as Chris mentioned it. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Honestly mate... you can blame Kelica for this. Yeah I'm the one that got it and took a sip from it, but she downed almost the rest of it leaving me only a small sip of it left..  I'll just have to dig in my stash and replace it. At least it wasn't one of the finest ones. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He said turning around. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]I'll see you all later. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah walks off heading back towards Kelica and Bastion. He noticed how Kelica was resting her head on another guild mate. Noah didn't quite know this one, but he seemed cool, and Kelica looked really cute sleeping. He continued his way over there. Upon approaching he waved hello to the unknown guy/girl. Truth is Noah really can't make it out, just yet. He sat across from them looking at kelica for a second. He looks at Bastion and reaches his hand out for a shake. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Merry Christmas, mate. My name is Noah, Noah Cross. @Britt-21 @Isune @Zuka @Arius LaVari[/SIZE]
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR]




Rosa didnt know what the hell even happened which only made him release a light chuckle because now he was wondering if he should tell her or not. He looked at the Present in her hands before she shoved it forcibly into his chest which made him grunt from the force and seeing the box bend a bit "Thank you for getting me a present, Rosaline. That's very kind of you." lifting his own hands, he took the box and gently removed it from his chest and her hands "I plan to head to the guild hall later on today. I'm just trying to get some alone time, sleep, reading. Whatever it may be." he then watched as she went into her bag again and pulled out his shirt that he had given her to avoid getting sick from her own wet shirt back in the guild hall "You're welcome, Rosa." he said as he reached out and grasped his shirt as well.


"If you really want to know what happened at the guild, you can come in and have a mug of hot cocoa. It's really a long story." he said as he put his present and shirt on the small table by the door where he'd normally put a set of keys or something there. Kazuo returned his attention to her and smiled a little "Also, Merry Christmas." he opened his door a little wider for her to walk in "Just a few minutes and then you can head off to the guild hall and go hang with your brother." he really had no bad intention with her and only really wanted to give her hot cocoa and tell her what she did last night when she was drunk. Just the thought made his lips keep the smile. But the cold was really starting to get to him so he reached out and grasped her wrist, gently pulling her into the house with her bag and closing the door, letting the warmth hug his body again.


"It's getting really chilly." he said before walking off into his kitchen, slowly losing his smile since that's how he was.




Lavender only giggled softly as she wiped her lips "I have armor, it does not match this but it does complete my set." she corrected Chris as she hugged him with her one arm before the couple was approached by Noah who had a drink and was apologizing about the tanned buttocks they had gotten this morning. Laughing nervously, the warrior moved her arm from Chris and waved it off like nothing (the noah thing) "It's quite all right... I am still very weirded out because I seen another mans' buttocks." so to speak, she was only used to shirtlessness rather than...Butts. Her attention was turned to Clair who had walked over and looked like she was pretty outta it and she was using her boyfriend's shoulder as support. There was no reason for her to get jealous really since Clair wasnt really doing anything.


"I do not mind, Go ahead, miss Clair. But I believe you should get some sleep and relax a little bit. After all, it is Christmas." a smile had appeared on the warrior's lips "Once you get some rest I am sure that everyone will still be here having a great time. After all, this is Fairy Tail and the party almost never stops." they were so happy and always were friendly with one another. Plus Lavy was very sure that everyone would forgive Clair for being a tiny bit late with her presents after...whatever she had done. Though she did think about Sora when Clair mentioned her "Sora left for a little while, Clair... I do not know for how long but... She's gone..."  I should also head back into the kitchen and make more sweets as well as make some more hot cocoa... I really do not feel like crying once more... Her eyes moved between Noah, Chris and Clair "I'm going to head into the kitchen because I need to finish making cookies and the hot cocoa."


Her eyes landed on clair "I am very sorry I have to go at this second." she said, moving towards her and giving her a nice warm hug "Someone has to keep the guild running with sweets and hot cocoa." she smiled and gave Chris a quick kiss on his cheek -Surprisingly she was far more familiar with cheek kissing then the whole lip kissing thing- and hurried off to the kitchen to continue the festivities. Hiding the sadness hidden within her




Kathy looked up at her boyfriend as he came up to her and lifted her off the ground, her legs wrapping around his waist and her arms going around his neck. He leaned close and kissed her while she closed her eyes and returned his kiss, glad that he liked the cute santa outfit she used because it was hard to find one that wasnt so sexy and revealing. Plus she was able to get another nice kiss just by wearing the cute dress. His lips soon slowly pulled from hers and her purple eyes opened, meeting Miles's golden ones before he slowly put her down and grabbed the presents she brought down "We can take the express way..." she said "After all, Lionel liked to fly and we would make an interesting entrance... feeling a rumble outside the guild from Lionel..." she said and shrugged softly, looking over at Lionel who got up from his bed and stretched before hurrying next to her and looking up at her with his eyes "We're going to fly, Lionel..." the mage crouched and gently petted him.


Lionel ran off but soon came back with her staff bcause he knew that Kathy needed it no matter what. She was able to fight without it, but Nexus was a lot more in control rather than the other way around. Which is why the staff is what she used to channel it better. She was able to control how strong it was and how it acted. Where as her hands, it was unpredictable and could take a toll on her if used the wrong way. "Thanks..." the dragon then ran to the door and she went to open it for him, allowing him to go outside and transform into his larger form. He looked pretty damn badass!

Chris Lengheart(Oh boy...)

Chris could only nod at Lavender's explanation. "One day, you're gonna have to show me how to use one of those swords." He ended up saying halfheartedly. It would be cool to learn how to work with different weapons, but Chris didn't really need it. His fists and takeovers provided enough protection that they could match any sword. 

It was only a short time later, Clair came into the guild. She looked really tired, somehow more tired than Chris was. It was then she began using Chris for support to keep herself upright. She then began talking about how she wanted to give everyone their gifts first and how she didn't mind Sora being upset. It was almost at this exact time, Lavender left Chris alone with Clair. 

Now completely unsure on how to break this to Clair, Chris led her to a stool and let her sit down. He went over to the bar and ordered a glass of ice water and placed it down in front of Clair while he took a seat as well. Chris pinched the bridge of his nose while letting out a short sigh. "I don't think she'll be very mad...she isn't here. She left to go Fiore knows where. She left us all gifts along with letters. I have no clue what the little girl plans on doing, but we all know she'll make it back fine." He told Clair. Now, he waited to see her reaction. Hopefully, she didn't have a melt down, if she did it'd take the entire guild to SOMEWHAT restrain her. Hopefully, she'd be understanding of Sora's wishes and wouldn't go out to travel the world in an attempt to find her.

@Britt-21 @Mr Swiftshots

Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Magnolia , FT Guild Hall


Clair was more than happy to listen to Lavender now that she had Chris to keep her upright. Clair of course thought nothing of this due to the fact she had no idea how far the two's relationship had advanced. Besides that Clair wasn't really thinking about such things at the moment , she had to focus entirely on the conversation or the backround noise would drown it out.

Lavender continued on to both give Clair advice and also mention that Sora was gone for a while. Now of course Clair took the Sora part up entirely wrong , you see "Sora left for a little while, Clair... I do not know for how long but... She's gone..."  doesn't really give off the impression that Sora's done anything more than gone on an errand. Needless to say Clair found the advice a lot more useful and thought for quite some time about what to do. Lavender was always good at giving advice , not only that but Lavender was quite a swordswoman herself.

Now of course Clair was brought back to her senses upon receiving a hug from Lavender and of course the first thing she noticed afterward was the fact Lavender kissed Chris. A large grin began to slowly creep onto Clair's face and of course she couldn't help but give a sly remark in a somewhat forced seductive tone " Chris.... Are you wearing mistletoe around our neck or something ?"

However before Clair could get the reaction she wanted from the man beast , he had taken it upon himself to escort her to the bar. Apparently Chris couldn't take a joke ! "l.l.l.listen Chris it was a joke , a joke ! J.O.K.E. ! Listen your a great guy and all but...."

Clair was ever so quickly cut off by Chris whom went on to crush Clair in a matter of seconds , leaving her eyes empty , her voice silent and her body still.

Sora had left , not on an errand but on a..... On something that's not an errand ! The little brat had not only bruised Clair's chest but she had also left Clair with a mental rift. 'Why would she not have said anything to me ? I'm her partner , her best friend. Surely she must have said something or even done something I didn't pick up on.... is it my fault ? Have I brought this upon her ? Was it the chest comments ! I wasn't wrong but.... was it  ? Surely they'll grow eventually , why's she so mad about that ? I didn't decide she'd be a 'triple a' for life did I ! When will she be back ?

Who's going to make me cake now ! who's going to ensure I'm not getting fat ! Who's going to clean the cat ! ....... She'll be back , and when she is I'll give her a smack with the holy hammer !'

Clair's eyes remained empty yet seemed to lock with Chris' when she finally spoke again "Fight me , I don't want to destroy the guild hall on Christmas morning."

@Isune @Britt-21 

@Kyuubey (mentioned)
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Arietta Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ




Aria could only picture the chaos or weirdness that had ensued within the very walls of the guild hall and a stern look replaced the visible heart torn expression previously there. The doors protested with a slight creak as they were pushed open, warmth and light embracing Aria like a lover would. Her figure was vaguely covered by a slender black dress, clinging to her body as the thin straps upon her shoulders dared to slide downwards and the ends splayed out to dance upon the area around her with each step. It was a miracle that she didn't have goosebumps or even feel the bite of the frosty air outside, but her core temperature always was much higher than that of the average person. A yawn broke loose and the woman didn't bother to try to cover it up. Instead her whole frame shifted from side to side, back arching as her arms positioned themselves out into a satisfying looking stretch that relieved the tension in her body. Those ears twitched slightly at the soft words being picked up from various conversations and a sly smile touched at her lips for a moment. Now it was just a inner battle of if she should slip into the kitchen and procure a bite to eat or sneak away into her office to do 'authoritative' type stuff. In hindsight the decision for which she would prefer was quite obvious but there was probably a load of papers that needed some attention. A sigh of defeat fell upon the joyful air, messy haired head hanging low as it had released itself.


" Fiiiiiiiiine. Abby bring me a drink. Make that two. No wait... " Her eyes drifted towards the room she would soon be occupying and the mere thought of the condition it lay in and all the papers piled on the desk seemed mortifying. " I'll take a bottle. " Aria seemed strangely pleased with the request she had made and her piano like fingers combed idly through a few messy patches in her snow colored hair. Touching her own soft hair reminded her of something, well someone. " I'll have to go visit the beautiful Maya as well once the holiday is over. Maybe she will even let me touch her hair. " She spoke to herself as if speaking it aloud would somehow act as a reminder in the days to come.  Those exotic and entrancing yellow hues skimmed past a few familiar faces, only remaining still to rest on their features for a few moments before jumping to the next. She seemed particularly interested in watching Chris lead Clair away, fingers tapping almost anxiously against her lithe arms that had subconsciously crossed against her chest. What were they discussing? Clair's expression had fallen quite somber and Aria didn't feel like barging in to see what was wrong as the red head detested her but she noticed the woman's eyes flash dangerously. I know that look... She thought to herself before those arms slipped free and she started walking towards the two, intent on stopping that request before it bloomed into fruition.




A hand had reached for her shoulder out of nowhere, fingers curling into the black material resting there almost as if to tug her back but the touch was abnormally gentle for the one behind it. Those fox-like eyes slid to the side in an attempt to spot him through her peripherals to no avail." Abby. " His name was spoken with caution, thoughts already drifting on the hundred possibilities of what he was up to. Now Aria was indeed a master trickster but Abaddon was obscenely worse since he reveled in it, fed off it. " Master Aria, I'll handle it. " The tone he held was extremely questionable, his intents seeming sincere but there was always a touch of something else residing in the words he spoke. The spirit bowed deeply, his usual smile creeping onto his features before he appeared next to Clair and hovered behind her, leaning forward. He didn't really respect personal space nor was he keen on being hands off, it just wasn't amusing enough. Humans were so sensitive about that kind of thing so naturally he did it just to irk them. His voice reached her before his presence would, words being whispered into her ear. " Do I get a present too? Surely you hadn't forgotten about me already. In fact.... " He trailed off for a moment bring a gloved finger to his lips as if in thought, tapping it against them rhythmically. " I bet you thought about me all night, didn't you? " His hues were coated in red, mischievously gazing at the firey red head. 


" Well! " He clapped his hands together, letting out a rather sinister yet mocking laugh. " It definitely shows, you've got bags under your eyes. Such a shame to taint a beautiful face with trivial things. " He spoke as he maneuvered his way in front of her, peering down at the face that was sure to be reddening at the cheeks. Clair always got flustered easily and it was almost too much fun to prod her in times like these. " Were you challenging this young man? Moving on from me, I see... I won't let you do so that easily. I overheard you saying some nasty things about me under your breath earlier. I remember you saying my name in a different tone once before though. Nevertheless they were quite flattering, so why don't we discuss your obsession with me instead?  " One eye closed, appearing to be a wink but he held it like that, grinning. " You can try to hurt me if you're into that kind of thing, you little sadist. " His dark laughter filled the hall as he closed the distance between them significantly more, eyes glued to hers almost tauntingly. " But if you do, you won't get to see what I got you for this lovely jolly holiday. " His smile widened as his hands disappeared behind his back, moments later returning into view delicately holding a medium size box adorned with ribbons. The box itself looked like it had time and care put into it, the bow perfect along with everything else. Abaddon was a perfectionist, a weird trait for a demon to have but only Aria seemed to know about it, rather, be annoyed by it. 


@Isune  @Mr Swiftshots @LeSoraAmari (mentioned) @ anyone else in the Guild Hall
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FT Guild Hall: Grinning~


Bastion stared down at the blonde in her lap frowning deeply at what she had said, her voice coming out in a gentle whisper, "You're wonderful...either way both of us struggle with one thing or another but we can get better, I'll work right alongside you to gain control...before I lost my memories I had control...I think but I don't anymore so don't worry so much, at least your powers won't threaten your guild mates..." She sighed under her breath falling silent while petting Kelica's head more letting her sleep peacefully. It was at that moment that someone approached the pair, a man who introduced himself as Noah Cross.


She chuckled a deep sound in her chest that nearly reverberated through her body, she always used male mannerisms, mostly because she didn't want anyone to find out what she really was. She took his hand in one of hers, a strong grip and a slight smirk on her face, "Pleasure to meet ya Noah, I'm Bastion Teloska, bullet magic is my game, not gun magic, don't confuse it. I saw you and Keli here holding hands, she your girl?" She smiled, her hood pulled up over her head slightly as she watched the purple haired man for any sort of reaction to Kelica sleeping in her lap; when she knew he couldn't tell she was a woman. She turns her head slightly so her ear is more focused on the conversation between a red head and some creepy fella with black eyes, though she wasn't looking at them so they wouldn't know she was listening at all, she was half tempted to fire a Direct Shot at the creep...yellow to paralyze, thankfully she didn't though instead kept her glowing blue eyes focused on Noah, the bright cerulean glow coming from both of them despite the fact she had a glass eye, that was the only thing easy to tell about her, after all...her Fairy Tail mark was in said eye.




  Reveal hidden contents


Miles smiled as Katherine agreed with him, on taking the express way. He enjoys riding on Lionel. Yeah Miles can fly as well, but flying with his aura doesn't quite feel the same as flying on a dragon. Miles followed Lionel outside as he changed into his full bad ass dragon form. Miles took a smoke out his pocket and lit it with his aura. Yeah before he said he didn't need to smoke, but that was only because he was in Katherine's house. He didn't want it to smell like smoke.  Miles grabbed Katherine with his free arm, after she was finished locking up her house. Miles uses his aura to form wings, and with one flap he was lifted into the air landing on top of Lionel. Miles sat down behind Katherine, with the bags of presents between them. Ready when you are. @Britt-21


[SIZE= 16px]Noah gave a big cheesy smile and a thumbs up as both Chris and Lavender accepted Noah's apology. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Thanks for excepting my apology, I'll try my best not to make it happen again. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He said as his free hand rubbed the back of his head. He then looked at the empty bottle as Chris mentioned it. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Honestly mate... you can blame Kelica for this. Yeah I'm the one that got it and took a sip from it, but she downed almost the rest of it leaving me only a small sip of it left..  I'll just have to dig in my stash and replace it. At least it wasn't one of the finest ones. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]He said turning around. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]I'll see you all later. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah walks off heading back towards Kelica and Bastion. He noticed how Kelica was resting her head on another guild mate. Noah didn't quite know this one, but he seemed cool, and Kelica looked really cute sleeping. He continued his way over there. Upon approaching he waved hello to the unknown guy/girl. Truth is Noah really can't make it out, just yet. He sat across from them looking at kelica for a second. He looks at Bastion and reaches his hand out for a shake. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Merry Christmas, mate. My name is Noah, Noah Cross. @Britt-21 @Isune @Zuka @Arius LaVari[/SIZE]

FT Guild Hall: Grinning~


Bastion stared down at the blonde in her lap frowning deeply at what she had said, her voice coming out in a gentle whisper, "You're wonderful...either way both of us struggle with one thing or another but we can get better, I'll work right alongside you to gain control...before I lost my memories I had control...I think but I don't anymore so don't worry so much, at least your powers won't threaten your guild mates..." She sighed under her breath falling silent while petting Kelica's head more letting her sleep peacefully. It was at that moment that someone approached the pair, a man who introduced himself as Noah Cross.


She chuckled a deep sound in her chest that nearly reverberated through her body, she always used male mannerisms, mostly because she didn't want anyone to find out what she really was. She took his hand in one of hers, a strong grip and a slight smirk on her face, "Pleasure to meet ya Noah, I'm Bastion Teloska, bullet magic is my game, not gun magic, don't confuse it. I saw you and Keli here holding hands, she your girl?" She smiled, her hood pulled up over her head slightly as she watched the purple haired man for any sort of reaction to Kelica sleeping in her lap; when she knew he couldn't tell she was a woman. She turns her head slightly so her ear is more focused on the conversation between a red head and some creepy fella with black eyes, though she wasn't looking at them so they wouldn't know she was listening at all, she was half tempted to fire a Direct Shot at the creep...yellow to paralyze, thankfully she didn't though instead kept her glowing blue eyes focused on Noah, the bright cerulean glow coming from both of them despite the fact she had a glass eye, that was the only thing easy to tell about her, after all...her Fairy Tail mark was in said eye.



Kelica Zefara

The forest mage was happily snoring away with her not small chest rising and falling in a slow rhythm. The wolf cub seemed equally as sleepy as it rested in her lap and her arms stayed protectively around it like a mother to a baby. She refused to let the pup out of her sight, even for a moment now, especially since it had no where to go. She mostly dreamed of floating over clouds, or being carried as she had been once upon a time by a long purple haired mystery man. It was with this very dream, real world Keli made a mumble in her sleep and wriggled herself closer into Bastion's lap, planting her face into his stomach as she nuzzled in deeper before a soft word left her lips.


Giggling even in her half sleep as she mouthed at Bastion's tummy. 


Sitting with Ace for breakfast


Celestia took the bag quickly before the dwarf could take off and hide it in her horror show of a book invasion.



There was no way she would find it in this big of a mess, and she did like it a lot, so she came up with a solution, "Okay I'll accept your present...but you have to stay with me until you get your own place or keep living with me either way, you're not allowed to sleep under the tables at the hall again, if you don't come home I'll have to hunt you down and drag you home." She smiled cheerfully, maybe she was being pushy but really she had every reason to be, no one deserved to be without a place to call home. "Call my home your home from now on okay?" She grinned at the dwarf cheerfully and pushed the plate over to him, while she put the necklace around her neck and rubbed her fingers over the jewel at its center, her actions showed how much she actually appreciated it.



Breakfast Time With Celestia

Taking the bag from his hands and began to place the present he had given around her neck under certain conditions, Acus nodded "Aye thats a deal then Cele" looking down as she nudged the second plate of breakfast his way. Grasping some cutlery and about to dig into the hot breakfast she had cooked for them. "ah it's good to be home" mostly to reiterate her comment to call her home his home for the time while he was looking for a place to stay, taking a mouthful and smiling. "I dunno if I would find a place to stay on my own when the food and company is this good."

His eyes catching her fingers running over the jewel, "so what is all this Christmas malarkey about, folks seem to have gone a bit strange about it as of late, I suppose when we are done here we should go and have a look at what everyone is doing at the guild hall?" He stated eating more from the plate. 

@Arius LaVari

Arietta Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ




Aria could only picture the chaos or weirdness that had ensued within the very walls of the guild hall and a stern look replaced the visible heart torn expression previously there. The doors protested with a slight creak as they were pushed open, warmth and light embracing Aria like a lover would. Her figure was vaguely covered by a slender black dress, clinging to her body as the thin straps upon her shoulders dared to slide downwards and the ends splayed out to dance upon the area around her with each step. It was a miracle that she didn't have goosebumps or even feel the bite of the frosty air outside, but her core temperature always was much higher than that of the average person. A yawn broke loose and the woman didn't bother to try to cover it up. Instead her whole frame shifted from side to side, back arching as her arms positioned themselves out into a satisfying looking stretch that relieved the tension in her body. Those ears twitched slightly at the soft words being picked up from various conversations and a sly smile touched at her lips for a moment. Now it was just a inner battle of if she should slip into the kitchen and procure a bite to eat or sneak away into her office to do 'authoritative' type stuff. In hindsight the decision for which she would prefer was quite obvious but there was probably a load of papers that needed some attention. A sigh of defeat fell upon the joyful air, messy haired head hanging low as it had released itself.


" Fiiiiiiiiine. Abby bring me a drink. Make that two. No wait... " Her eyes drifted towards the room she would soon be occupying and the mere thought of the condition it lay in and all the papers piled on the desk seemed mortifying. " I'll take a bottle. " Aria seemed strangely pleased with the request she had made and her piano like fingers combed idly through a few messy patches in her snow colored hair. Touching her own soft hair reminded her of something, well someone. " I'll have to go visit the beautiful Maya as well once the holiday is over. Maybe she will even let me touch her hair. " She spoke to herself as if speaking it aloud would somehow act as a reminder in the days to come.  Those exotic and entrancing yellow hues skimmed past a few familiar faces, only remaining still to rest on their features for a few moments before jumping to the next. She seemed particularly interested in watching Chris lead Clair away, fingers tapping almost anxiously against her lithe arms that had subconsciously crossed against her chest. What were they discussing? Clair's expression had fallen quite somber and Aria didn't feel like barging in to see what was wrong as the red head detested her but she noticed the woman's eyes flash dangerously. I know that look... She thought to herself before those arms slipped free and she started walking towards the two, intent on stopping that request before it bloomed into fruition.




A hand had reached for her shoulder out of nowhere, fingers curling into the black material resting there almost as if to tug her back but the touch was abnormally gentle for the one behind it. Those fox-like eyes slid to the side in an attempt to spot him through her peripherals to no avail." Abby. " His name was spoken with caution, thoughts already drifting on the hundred possibilities of what he was up to. Now Aria was indeed a master trickster but Abaddon was obscenely worse since he reveled in it, fed off it. " Master Aria, I'll handle it. " The tone he held was extremely questionable, his intents seeming sincere but there was always a touch of something else residing in the words he spoke. The spirit bowed deeply, his usual smile creeping onto his features before he appeared next to Clair and hovered behind her, leaning forward. He didn't really respect personal space nor was he keen on being hands off, it just wasn't amusing enough. Humans were so sensitive about that kind of thing so naturally he did it just to irk them. His voice reached her before his presence would, words being whispered into her ear. " Do I get a present too? Surely you hadn't forgotten about me already. In fact.... " He trailed off for a moment bring a gloved finger to his lips as if in thought, tapping it against them rhythmically. " I bet you thought about me all night, didn't you? " His hues were coated in red, mischievously gazing at the firey red head. 


" Well! " He clapped his hands together, letting out a rather sinister yet mocking laugh. " It definitely shows, you've got bags under your eyes. Such a shame to taint a beautiful face with trivial things. " He spoke as he maneuvered his way in front of her, peering down at the face that was sure to be reddening at the cheeks. Clair always got flustered easily and it was almost too much fun to prod her in times like these. " Were you challenging this young man? Moving on from me, I see... I won't let you do so that easily. I overheard you saying some nasty things about me under your breath earlier. I remember you saying my name in a different tone once before though. Nevertheless they were quite flattering, so why don't we discuss your obsession with me instead?  " One eye closed, appearing to be a wink but he held it like that, grinning. " You can try to hurt me if you're into that kind of thing, you little sadist. " His dark laughter filled the hall as he closed the distance between them significantly more, eyes glued to hers almost tauntingly. " But if you do, you won't get to see what I got you for this lovely jolly holiday. " His smile widened as his hands disappeared behind his back, moments later returning into view delicately holding a medium size box adorned with ribbons. The box itself looked like it had time and care put into it, the bow perfect along with everything else. Abaddon was a perfectionist, a weird trait for a demon to have but only Aria seemed to know about it, rather, be annoyed by it. 


@Isune  @Mr Swiftshots @LeSoraAmari (mentioned) @ anyone else in the Guild Hall

Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Magnolia , FT Guild Hall

Status: Unknown

Clair retained her 'dead look' until of course she heard the faint whisper of Abaddon enter her ear. Clair's hair's almost immediately stood on edge and a cold , nasty shiver plagued her spine as a result. Frozen still , eyes filled with both dread and a slight hint of fear , Clair could do nothing more than listen helplessly. To her dismay Abaddon brought up the reasoning behind her current state , but of course he had to add a twist with his words and tone of voice. He always did this and it was probably the most infuriating thing about him , he always gave people the wrong impression ! Which actively made Clair redden every time without fail !

And of course to make things worse , the demon made his way around the stool to face her. Clair knew the only reason he did so was to bask in the glory of the fact that he had made her blush yet again. Such a stupid reason , such a stupid demon ! 

Once facing Clair , Abaddon began verbally harassing her once again , bringing warped versions of the past into the conversation was just cruel ! Unbelievably cruel , in fact it forced Clair to speak , but even when forced no words would present themselves. Even crueller yet the demon presented Clair with a present she couldn't decline in her current position.

Why did Sora have to leave now ? why now of all times !

@Kyuubey @Isune
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Kira Sthoss

Returning to Fairy Tail


Kira stood in front of the gates of Fairy Tail for the first time in a while since her notified, temporary leave so that she could help her parents out with their growing business. The fact that she is able to finally see her fellow guild mates once more after a year of absence excited her greatly. Kira took a deep breath, before exhaling shortly after. She then stretch her arm out and pushed open the gates to the guild, stepping into the guild hall for the first time after a year. Her inner happiness was quickly replaced by the tension in the guild hall. She saw that Abbadon and Aria were talking to Clair. And from the tone Abbadon was using, he seemed serious too, before Abbadon handed Clair a gift. Wondering what exactly she just stumble upon, Kira put a hand on her hip and looked in Abbadon and Aria's direction. "You two. What's going on?" 

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Inari Hakuzo - Magnolia Streets



The figure of a man gazing the sky from his position under the shade of a currently supposed to be unblossomed Sakura Tree, a rare view in the city of Magnolia, was clearly seen by any passerby walking by a certain street of Magnolia. The scene was quite beautiful, especially considering that the antiquatedly dressed figure was surrounded by pink colored leaves that fluttered down to the ground while carried away by the wind, a scene that was supposed to be impossible till the middle of January by common standards. A passerby would be even more impressed when carefully looking the figure of the man, that quietly ate an Apple under the tree, as he undoubtedly had an appearance that could easily be described as otherworldly, with with a white hair that could barely hide the equally white colored fox ears as well as four white colored tails coming from his back, an figure that clearly gave away his non-human identity.


The individual, Inari, himself didn't look like he had any conscience of the impact he had in the surroundings, as he was deeply focused on his own thoughts. He was quite worried about his own objective for coming to the city, as any chance of finding someone like him could be regarded as a matter of utmost importance for him. His own desire to find the person he was tracking was enough to make him drop his generally uncaring attitude and actually show some happiness in his countenance, even if the said demonstration was just a faint smile that would hardly be detected by someone. After all, even with all his years of life he never had the pleasure to known anyone who could possibly live as long as him, so even if the person that he currently tracked happens to be unfriendly it would still be a sign that he had the hope of finding others like him, hope that was enough to faintly suppress the melancholy that he came to develop after all the years he passed thinking that he was the only one with a seemingly endless life. 


He finally decided to continue his way after a few minutes of thought, finally finding the resolve to continue his search. He walked away from the tree that up till now acted as his resting spot, following the street that had the fairy tail guild hall as the final destination, the leaves that up till now fluttered around his body slowly disappearing together with the ones that previously covered the tree as the illusion he used for his convenience dissipated. It was time to find the one called Aria.


@Kyuubey (Mentioned)
Talon blinked as his brain scrambled to find a place to store all this information that would most likely never be neccesary to use. "Well, the sky is up, as well as prices and pheonix sightings..." Talon shrugged, "lots of things I guess." Talon looked around. "So... what do you do?¿?¿ Magic wise I mean." He asked his new friend. @Mitchs98 @TheSecretSorcerer

Meanwhile, about a weeks journey east, a lone man witha deck of cards followed a burning thing that was flying overhead. The man puled his hat lower over his eyes and habitually shuffled the cards. "Fates comin fer ya birdy." The man said with a cruel smirk.

  Reveal hidden contents

Feeling some relief

Laura let out a deep breathing feeling better about it but she was worried about Phineas and Shiro. Hopefully Phineas would be able to bring the girl to her senses.  "Well do you really think that it is a good idea? I am going to need help getting the guild together." She looked at Talon and held out her hand to the man. "Hi I am Laura." She was glad that she made sure to get extra gifts since she didn't know that Talon was in her guild. However, she didn't find his humor funny, of course the sky was up, as well as all of the other things that he was saying. "Would any of you like to help me put the party together? I Am going to need to start cooking to make sure there is enough food and like I said I am going to need help getting everyone together. I have a feeling they wouldn't say yes if I asked."


"I'd love to help!" Ferra called out cheerfully as she returned from changing, clearly happy to have her hat back. "Might not wanna let me near the food though...." She added, giggling lightly and grinning. She'd most likely 'accidentally' eat everything that Laura prepared, especially if it was good. There'd more or less be no feast if she got a hold of it, the way Talon ate at the festival she could say the same about him too. She hummed in thought, how exactly was she going to get everyone together? They probably wouldn't listen to her either. They weren't like her with the simple mention of food and a party getting them to show up. She then grinned rather evilly when the idea hit her. "Depending on where we have the party, or well anywhere, we could hold the presents captive. No one gets anything unless they show up to the party, have fun, and we all open presents together at the end?" She suggested. "What do you guys think? Good idea?" She asked. "Maybe? No?" She added, looking between everyone curiously.

Sounded perfect to her. Hostage the presents, force everyone together.

FT Guild Hall: Grinning~


Bastion stared down at the blonde in her lap frowning deeply at what she had said, her voice coming out in a gentle whisper, "You're wonderful...either way both of us struggle with one thing or another but we can get better, I'll work right alongside you to gain control...before I lost my memories I had control...I think but I don't anymore so don't worry so much, at least your powers won't threaten your guild mates..." She sighed under her breath falling silent while petting Kelica's head more letting her sleep peacefully. It was at that moment that someone approached the pair, a man who introduced himself as Noah Cross.


She chuckled a deep sound in her chest that nearly reverberated through her body, she always used male mannerisms, mostly because she didn't want anyone to find out what she really was. She took his hand in one of hers, a strong grip and a slight smirk on her face, "Pleasure to meet ya Noah, I'm Bastion Teloska, bullet magic is my game, not gun magic, don't confuse it. I saw you and Keli here holding hands, she your girl?" She smiled, her hood pulled up over her head slightly as she watched the purple haired man for any sort of reaction to Kelica sleeping in her lap; when she knew he couldn't tell she was a woman. She turns her head slightly so her ear is more focused on the conversation between a red head and some creepy fella with black eyes, though she wasn't looking at them so they wouldn't know she was listening at all, she was half tempted to fire a Direct Shot at the creep...yellow to paralyze, thankfully she didn't though instead kept her glowing blue eyes focused on Noah, the bright cerulean glow coming from both of them despite the fact she had a glass eye, that was the only thing easy to tell about her, after all...her Fairy Tail mark was in said eye.


  Reveal hidden contents

View attachment 195915

Kelica Zefara

The forest mage was happily snoring away with her not small chest rising and falling in a slow rhythm. The wolf cub seemed equally as sleepy as it rested in her lap and her arms stayed protectively around it like a mother to a baby. She refused to let the pup out of her sight, even for a moment now, especially since it had no where to go. She mostly dreamed of floating over clouds, or being carried as she had been once upon a time by a long purple haired mystery man. It was with this very dream, real world Keli made a mumble in her sleep and wriggled herself closer into Bastion's lap, planting her face into his stomach as she nuzzled in deeper before a soft word left her lips.


Giggling even in her half sleep as she mouthed at Bastion's tummy. 



[SIZE= 16px]Noah raised an eyebrow as Bastion told him about his magic. Noah was somewhat confused. When the young man asked about Kelica, Noah really didn't really have a problem with it, especially since the boy looked on the young side. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Yes she is. By the way, your [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]magic sounds interesting, tell me more about it later. As for me I use take over. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Djinn Soul. [/SIZE]Noah then smiled as he heard Kelica speaking his name ins her sleep. [SIZE= 16px]Cute..[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] Noah stood up and pointed at Kelica. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Do you mind?[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] He asked and without a response Noah performed a partial take over of Focalor's limbs, using wind to lift Kelica and the pup into the air, and into his arms. He looks at Bastion. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]I'll be back, maybe you can tell me more about your magic. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]Noah turned back towards the stairs, and instead of using them, He floated into the air heading to the second floor, where he landed right on the broken door in front of Kelica's room. He walked inside placing both Kelica and the pup down on the bed. Noah kissed Kelica on her forehead, and turned around leaving. [/SIZE]Noah looks down over the railing, looking at Bastion. He hopped over the railing, gracefully floating towards Bastion. He lands and takes a sit across from him. She's going to freak out when she wakes up. He chuckled and looked at bastion, noticing the guild mark in his eye. Alright Bastion, tell me about your magi, and I'll return the favor. He said as he ceased his partial take over. @Zuka @Arius LaVari
Talon grinned evilly. "Yes lets!¡!¡" He exclaimed whle rubbing his hands together. "Mmmm I hope there will be pie and icecream!¡!¡" He licked his lips, "Oooh and turkey, and stuffing, and mashed potatoes, and gravy, and pickles and beans and corn with butter and fruit cake..." His voice trailed off into what sounded suspiciously liked crazy mutterings. He sat in a sort of daze, dreaming about food and stuff.

@Mitchs98 @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @TheSecretSorcerer
@everyone else @Maki

Alicia; Sabertooth Hall

Alicia had stayed up late wrapping gifts for everyone, having spent a sizeable portion of jewel on gifts for her friends and guild mates she didn't entirely remember everything she'd gotten the next day. Surprisingly everything was wrapped well, something Alicia herself was proud of. She'd carried everything to the guild hall and piled it up in a corner before Mizuki had awoken, keeping one gift she had for her in her pocket; it being the new bar rag. Once she had woken up though she'd eaten breakfast with her, after suggesting they go to the guild hall and cook everyone something nice for Christmas; having decided to make a small feast. Plus it was perfect for Alicia to teach Mizuki how to cook better too, she had been giving her a few lessons and it'd honestly improved a lot; but they could both stand to be better.

Currently the kitchen of the Sabertooth Hall would be filled with the smell of food of various kinds. While the portions were somewhat small for everything Alicia was determined to prepare a decent variety. "It smells good Mizuki!" She told her, having tasked her with making stuffing. She didn't respond when she heard Sakura announce presents, far to busy cooking.

Mizuki Kohaku

Sabertooth Guild Hall

Mizuki was doing her absolute best not to mess up her cooking. Alicia and her had decided to try and cook up a breakfast for the whole guild, and it was the most stress she had been under in a long time. The younger girl had been helping the dark Mage improve in the culinary arts ever since she last cooked for her, keeping the promise she made. Although Mizuki wasn't the top chef in Fiore, she definetly improved since. Today was one of the few times where she hadn't burned the food. She was currently working on the stuffing, the last bit of the meal before they were finished. "Thank you, dear Alicia. Your encouraging words only make me do better. Although what I've done is nothing compared to what you've done..." She said, reaching over and gently patting the silver haired girls head. "You're very talented, and I hope that you know that..."

Despite te being so focused on the food in front of her, Mizuki heard all the commotion going on outside. She heard Tokine come in announcing that she had gifts, reminding her that she'd have to pass out her gifts after breakfast. She brought a lot of gifts for everyone, a large pile culminating underneath the tree, though most of it was for Alicia. Luckily everyone in the guild got a gift from her, all but Draneri. The siren came to her on such a short notice that she had to time to buy her a gift. Having her stay at her place didn't help the situation either. She hoped that she would understand and wouldn't get mad, but if it came down to it then so be it. Speaking of Draneri, the black haired girl overheard things going on around her. She didn't know exactly what was going on, but it sounded like she was socializing, which was good. The quicker she became acquainted with the other guild members the better. However when Mizuki stepped away from the stuffing and scanned the guild hall, she saw that Draneri was sitting alone. That was unacceptable. 

As as the stuffing was finished, Mizuki made it her duty to deliver breakfast to Draneri personally. She hoped that her presence would lighten her mood, though she seriously doubted it. Since when has her presence ever been uplifting and bright? Scooping on a little bit of everything, the dark Mage brought the plate over to the sitting siren, carefully placing the plate of food on top of the dusty and old piano. "I do not know if human food will satisfy your hunger, or if you can even eat human food, but here is breakfast. If this doesn't fill you up, then we can take it out back..." She explained to Draneri, glancing at the piano bench with a look of uncertainty before taking a seat. Her sharp eyes quickly caught sight of her shaking hands and curiosity filled her mind. Did something happen to her or was she just scared to play? Folding her hands in her lap, Mizuki looked over at Draneri and gave an abrupt nod towards the piano. "You're allowed to play this. You're welcome to use anything within the guild hall..." 


A little shocked


Shiro blinked several times when his cheeks and ears lit up like little fires, he stammered and sort of freaked out, she was shocked by that, totally different from the man she had sung Christmas music with yesterday, her eyes widened slightly and she stared blankly for a moment, then covered her mouth to try and stifle her laughter. It was a bright chiming thing that no one in their life had ever heard from Shiro before, his panic and his question was adorable; not that she'd say so but she laughed for awhile before wiping her now slightly watery eyes, "Are you going to be okay Phin? You're not getting a cold are you?" Without waiting for his answer, a slightly lingering smile staying on her face, she moved close to Phineas and pressed her forehead against his, her bright purple eyes closed while she tried to feel if he had a temperature or not. "mmm...you're a little warm...we should get you home just to be safe...I have this feeling I might have upset Laura and the others by running off...shall we go?" She pulled away from him finally smiling for a moment in a silent thank you before her face fell back to hard to read and impossible to figure out how she felt.

  Phineas wasn't quite able to register what was going on when Shiro pressed her forehead against his; in fact, his face/ears turned a deeper shade of pink when she did so, and soon it could only qualify as a light shade of red. "I......yeah," he said quietly. She had actually laughed. And that laugh was like music—and he wouldn't mind if he heard it a couple hundred more times. Then her smile had slipped back to a neutral expression. Now Phineas was running in circles, confused about how exactly she felt. But, in the end, all he wound up doing was nodding and standing up to go back to the apartment. 

Girls are so confusing......


@Talon @TheSecretSorcerer @Mitchs98

  Nikolas was about to demonstrate his awesome transformation abilities to Talon, but then the topic of the party came up again. Ferra soon returned, suggesting keeping the presents captive. The half-Neko thought about it, then he literally fell over laughing. "AHAHAHAHAHAHA NICE! We should totally do that, it will be priceless! ComeonwegottadoitguysthatisthebestideaEVER!"



Kathy held onto Miles as he picked her up with his one arm and brought her on top of lionel. She sat down and he sat behind her with the bag between them "Mhm..." she said softly, looking ahead and patting lionel softly "To the Sabertooth guild hall, Lionel.." with that Lionel flapped his wings and got off the ground before flying through the air to the guild hall. The cold air running against her frame and causing her to Shiver a fraction. It was cold and she couldnt deny that she was freezing while in flight. As much as she wanted to turn and ask Miles to warm her up, she didnt because she couldnt let the presents fall nor could she risk him losing his balance if Lionel made a turn. Her eyes closed as she took in a deep breath, trying to keep herself composed. "Miles, can you sit with me when we get to the guild hall...?" she looked over her shoulder, her silver hair flying in the wind "I want to feel your aura again..." it was always unbeliveably warm and Katherine loved it as if she was being bathed in the aura.


[SIZE= 36px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR][/SIZE]



Kazuo didnt say anything about Christmas being family time because he had no family aside from BP, there was no one blood related to him that he could spend his time with. He began to make her a mug of hot cocoa "My house isnt that big. It's jsut really the standard home for one person living inside." he informed her, taking a spoon and mixing the cocoa in with the warm milk before putting some marshmellows inside. Just as he did, she asked about what happened yesterday. He grasped the mug and handed it to her before grabbing his own "I'll start from where you endlessly drank till you were just out of it completely." he knew that as soon as he told her, she'd probably turn a crimson red or hit him or walk out. But it was a story was pretty damn funny to others.


He began "At first you were fine, christmas music going on while I was relaxing at the table I sat down at." he took a sip of his drink before continuing. "That was untill you drank so much that you actually walked over to the table I was sitting at and pulled me up and out to the open floor to dance with me." he said, leaning on his counter while he was still showing off his well chiseled torso without even realising. He was comfortable... "You spun me around and pretty much I acted like your doll because you were really rough with the turns, dips, and all of the other dance moves you did with me." a smile had tugged at his lips when he thought about it "It was really fun, to be completely honest with you. You passed out after a while and thus you appeared at your home with the hangover you might have at this moment."

[SIZE= 20px][COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]                                                                         Amelia Dezeria [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]                                                                Location- Sabertooth Guild[/SIZE]


Amelia stomach turns as she stands in front of the guild hall. She had only been past of the guild a couple weeks and still didn't know anybody there. The only times she went to the guild was to get a job and it was really early in the morning so not many people were there. However today was Christmas so many guild members are inside celebrating and have a grand time. It wasn't that she didn't want to meet her guild mates, it was just she didn't feel it was the right time. Stormy, her dog, licks her hand and Amelia reaches down and pats the dog on the head. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]"I'll be right back. I'm going to find us an easy job to do, okay." [/COLOR]The dog barks sitting down to wait for Amelia to return.

Inside the guild hall boomed with many members of the guild. Amelia had seen some before but most of them were new faces. She starts to walk towards the jobs board dogging people as she went. Amelia was so small and quiet no one really noticed her as she passed by. When she makes it to the board she sighs a little disappointed. She expected it to be bare, only five poster hung up. She was willing to take almost any job hoping it would help her forget about her father. It was there favorite holiday one they would never be able to celebrate together again. She looks at one of the posters asking for help on passing out gifts to needy children. It had very low pay but this was the job she was looking for.

@any one at the guild hall
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Tyson Redd

View attachment 195457

Prey? What a odd thing for Tyson of all people to be called. This woman was odd, regardless of what she may have been. Even she should have realized how far from prey Tyson was. He didn't bother mentioning any of this to her. He had no reason to, If she really thought he was prey, then she would find out better sooner or later.

After Tyson groped her rear, he was met with a backhand. It was stronger than Tyson had expected, but still only left a red mark on his cheek. He laid back, and watched as she walked away. Rubbing his cheek as he did so, his face still tingling from the hit."Thank you for the seat, I'm glad this didn't have to get violent. Next time I'll be sure to grab your rear sooner." Tyson said in a serious tone, his face showing a poor attempt at a smile.

Now all he had to do was wait for his brother to return. Which he would do while he observed the guild. He saw the Siren at the piano, and raised a eyebrow. He sat up, and spoke clearly enough for her to hear."What's the issue? Are you going to play, or not? If you're so uncertain of yourself then things won't be easy for you. Doubt only leads to ones own downfall." Tyson said this, and then turned around on the couch. He wasn't sure why he was giving her advice. It was just who he was, someone so indifferent that he'd attempt to help someone who just smacked him.


Mizuki Kohaku

Sabertooth Guild Hall

Mizuki was doing her absolute best not to mess up her cooking. Alicia and her had decided to try and cook up a breakfast for the whole guild, and it was the most stress she had been under in a long time. The younger girl had been helping the dark Mage improve in the culinary arts ever since she last cooked for her, keeping the promise she made. Although Mizuki wasn't the top chef in Fiore, she definetly improved since. Today was one of the few times where she hadn't burned the food. She was currently working on the stuffing, the last bit of the meal before they were finished. "Thank you, dear Alicia. Your encouraging words only make me do better. Although what I've done is nothing compared to what you've done..." She said, reaching over and gently patting the silver haired girls head. "You're very talented, and I hope that you know that..."

Despite te being so focused on the food in front of her, Mizuki heard all the commotion going on outside. She heard Tokine come in announcing that she had gifts, reminding her that she'd have to pass out her gifts after breakfast. She brought a lot of gifts for everyone, a large pile culminating underneath the tree, though most of it was for Alicia. Luckily everyone in the guild got a gift from her, all but Draneri. The siren came to her on such a short notice that she had to time to buy her a gift. Having her stay at her place didn't help the situation either. She hoped that she would understand and wouldn't get mad, but if it came down to it then so be it. Speaking of Draneri, the black haired girl overheard things going on around her. She didn't know exactly what was going on, but it sounded like she was socializing, which was good. The quicker she became acquainted with the other guild members the better. However when Mizuki stepped away from the stuffing and scanned the guild hall, she saw that Draneri was sitting alone. That was unacceptable. 

As as the stuffing was finished, Mizuki made it her duty to deliver breakfast to Draneri personally. She hoped that her presence would lighten her mood, though she seriously doubted it. Since when has her presence ever been uplifting and bright? Scooping on a little bit of everything, the dark Mage brought the plate over to the sitting siren, carefully placing the plate of food on top of the dusty and old piano. "I do not know if human food will satisfy your hunger, or if you can even eat human food, but here is breakfast. If this doesn't fill you up, then we can take it out back..." She explained to Draneri, glancing at the piano bench with a look of uncertainty before taking a seat. Her sharp eyes quickly caught sight of her shaking hands and curiosity filled her mind. Did something happen to her or was she just scared to play? Folding her hands in her lap, Mizuki looked over at Draneri and gave an abrupt nod towards the piano. "You're allowed to play this. You're welcome to use anything within the guild hall..." 


[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Sabertooth Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Draneri was peering down to the piano with that same sad expression, even her wings were dipped a fraction as she bowed her head. The brute of a man from before (Tyson) spoke to her across the room making the woman tense up again as she glared over her shoulder to him with her piercing golden eyes. "You are making broad assumptions once again. I do not doubt my ability to play. I am one of the finest Piano players for the past few centuries. I am not used to this... Guild business. And what one can and can not do in the presence of others. Especially not one of my kind." With that explanation the girl turned back to look to the dust covered keys and took a deep breath in and blew the dust from the white notes, smiling more happily.

The Siren blinked a fraction as she spotted Mizuki coming towards her from the opposite direction and almost instantly the tenseness in her body started to subside. She moved a wing a fraction behind her so that Mizuki could sit beside her on the seat before the piano, glancing to the plate of warm food on the piano's surface with another gentle smile. It was a kind gesture, and she wondered if Mizuki realise how nice a gesture it was. Once the girl was seated, her wing came around a fraction to hover almost around her, but didn't touch her. More just trying to find a comfortable position for them while at the same time keeping Mizuki somewhat cut off from the world and leaving the two there. "I can still eat Human food, and it still tastes lovely I just..." Glancing sideways as she put a hand to her chin. "It doesn't... fill me up so to speak. It is a nice lingering taste on my mouth and nothing more. It does not warm my belly."

The woman watched Mizuki curiously as she gave her permission to play the piano and her face softened unbelievably. "You don't realise how kind you are, do you, my Dear Mizuki~..." Reaching a hand up to grasp a long strand of her black hair and sweeping it back behind her ear gently. "As for food, I can wait for tomorrow... I ate yesterday... I could not possibly be hungry again so soon~..." She said in the smoothest soprano tone, with the uttermost assurance. It was a lie, of course, but very few could tell when Draneri was lying. She sounded so sure and calm you couldn't even pick it on her face. That was when she finally broke her gaze and looked to the keys as she took a huge breath and moved her long fingers to the keys. At first she started slowly, playing a note or two that echoed gently however once she started her eyes closed gently and the classical tone got slightly faster and more in depth. It was a Christmas Carol, or so it seemed, but the notes leap leapfrogged over one another that it could have been something made from Mozart and seemed very old. It seemed to soothe the very soul and would bring a smile to most people's lips.

That was until the beautiful song abruptly stopped when Draneri's eyes snapped open and she found her fingers pressed one wrong note. A look of panic flooded her face as she reefed her hands back. Draneri never made mistakes.

@Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @MidnightStar @Embaga Elder @Britt-21 @Drakerus @Nenma Takashi
[SIZE= 20px][COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]                                                                         Amelia Dezeria [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]                                                                Location- Sabertooth Guild[/SIZE]


Amelia stomach turns as she stands in front of the guild hall. She had only been past of the guild a couple weeks and still didn't know anybody there. The only times she went to the guild was to get a job and it was really early in the morning so not many people were there. However today was Christmas so many guild members are inside celebrating and have a grand time. It wasn't that she didn't want to meet her guild mates, it was just she didn't feel it was the right time. Stormy, her dog, licks her hand and Amelia reaches down and pats the dog on the head. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]"I'll be right back. I'm going to find us an easy job to do, okay." [/COLOR]The dog barks sitting down to wait for Amelia to return.

Inside the guild hall boomed with many members of the guild. Amelia had seen some before but most of them were new faces. She starts to walk towards the jobs board dogging people as she went. Amelia was so small and quiet no one really noticed her as she passed by. When she makes it to the board she sighs a little disappointed. She expected it to be bare, only five poster hung up. She was willing to take almost any job hoping it would help her forget about her father. It was there favorite holiday one they would never be able to celebrate together again. She looks at one of the posters asking for help on passing out gifts to needy children. It had very low pay but this was the job she was looking for.

@any one at the guild hall

Aurelia Goldnight

Aurelia sat on a chair near the board, calmly sipping warm tea that she had procured moments ago. She didn't particularly feel like staying in the guild and celebrating all day. 'Maybe I could find something to do?' She thought to herself as she looked at the board. Just as she was about to go back to her tea she saw a girl she was not familiar with. 'She must be one of the new ones.' Aurelia concluded with a small nod to herself, it looked like that she had roughly the same idea. Very few people would choose to work during a festive time.

She stood up and walked briskly to her side, reaching her in a few seconds. She followed her gaze to the poster she was looking at before looking back at her. "Hello." She greeted with a smile.


On the way back


Shiro wasn't used to dealing with people, she had no idea how confused she had made Phineas with her inability to express her thoughts, the white haired girl was used to working alone, or being alone in general, it was just one of her quirks another was her actually fiercely protective nature, she was sure they'd get to see that side of her soon enough though. Her thoughts had wandered away with her but she blinks slightly feeling like she should probably hurry along with her walking companion so she grabs Phin's hand and starts running back pulling him along until he would likely start running, no way she could keep up, she had stamina for days but she was a tank designed for taking hits and not for speed. "We should hurry back...I think you'll like what I got, but it's for both of you."




At home for now 


Celestia smiled cheerfully when Acus called her place his home, then went sort of quiet while she ate her portion of breakfast, as she ate her thoughts ran around in circles, she wondered if Rosa had made it home safely, what Kirin and Yamato were doing or if they were even up; she had a feeling Yamato was, he just struck her as that type to be up early, yup Celestia was a morning bird and now that she was thinking about everyone she actually wanted to see them. With a sigh she finishes off her breakfast and gets up, "I'll be right back Ace, I'm going to go shower and change, feel free to look around, oh...in that pile to the left I have a lot of Christmas books you can go ahead and read them." She waved at him over her shoulder not specifying which pile was which since there was about six stacks of the things on his left side.


Celestia sighs deeply once she's in her room and she closes the bedroom door, one of two bathrooms were attached to the two bedrooms, so Acus would have his own restroom as well. Humming a tune under her breath she ducks into the shower and gets cleaned up quite quickly then hops out getting dressed a bit differently than her usual outfit. Once she's all ready she comes out of her room and nearly dances through her piles upon piles of books to make it back to the table and turning off the radio. "Once you're all ready to go we can head out!" She giggles smiling brightly with her hair in two pig tails instead of just having a butterfly clip in her hair. @Halffix



FT Hall - Chatting


Bastion blinked a bit when Kelica mouthed her stomach, and had to bite her lip to avoid giggling because it tickled her a bit but she did however squirm slightly while feeling nothing but relief when Noah moved Kelica away from her, she sighed with relief and patiently waited on Noah to return, though Bastion was starting to miss the wolf pup...okay and the girl but she wouldn't say that, she just liked the blonde immediately. Eventually Noah does return and oddly asks about her magic, which makes her realize she must have given a very strange greeting, "Oh whoops sorry about the odd greeting, the doctor I see told me to recite things I know about myself occasionally since I showed no signs of having hit my head, she's worried things could short circuit in my head, since we don't know what caused me to lose my memories. All that aside...my magic uses multiple elements..." As if to reiterate that she lifts one of her hands and forms five orbs in her palm, all of varying colors, yellow, blue, red, purple, green they pulsed to some sort of beat; not that she'd tell anyone it was to the music she wrote and made at home; but the odd balls spun away from her forming a 20 ft radius around her, "Sadly that's the extent of my range  but anyway yellow is lightning it has a chance to paralyze you, blue is an icy element  can possibly freeze you, red is fire and can cause burning, purple is poisonous, green is earth and the basic version of my magic. I'm not all that good at controlling my magic...when I get emotional it explodes and can be dangerous to my allies, it's why even though I'm so weak I fight alone I don't want to hurt anyone, when I'm calm I'm pretty controlled." She sent a wide grin to Noah, "You're turn then Noah. Tell me about you."




Kathy held onto Miles as he picked her up with his one arm and brought her on top of lionel. She sat down and he sat behind her with the bag between them "Mhm..." she said softly, looking ahead and patting lionel softly "To the Sabertooth guild hall, Lionel.." with that Lionel flapped his wings and got off the ground before flying through the air to the guild hall. The cold air running against her frame and causing her to Shiver a fraction. It was cold and she couldnt deny that she was freezing while in flight. As much as she wanted to turn and ask Miles to warm her up, she didnt because she couldnt let the presents fall nor could she risk him losing his balance if Lionel made a turn. Her eyes closed as she took in a deep breath, trying to keep herself composed. "Miles, can you sit with me when we get to the guild hall...?" she looked over her shoulder, her silver hair flying in the wind "I want to feel your aura again..." it was always unbeliveably warm and Katherine loved it as if she was being bathed in the aura.


[SIZE= 36px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR][/SIZE]


Kazuo didnt say anything about Christmas being family time because he had no family aside from BP, there was no one blood related to him that he could spend his time with. He began to make her a mug of hot cocoa "My house isnt that big. It's jsut really the standard home for one person living inside." he informed her, taking a spoon and mixing the cocoa in with the warm milk before putting some marshmellows inside. Just as he did, she asked about what happened yesterday. He grasped the mug and handed it to her before grabbing his own "I'll start from where you endlessly drank till you were just out of it completely." he knew that as soon as he told her, she'd probably turn a crimson red or hit him or walk out. But it was a story was pretty damn funny to others.


He began "At first you were fine, christmas music going on while I was relaxing at the table I sat down at." he took a sip of his drink before continuing. "That was untill you drank so much that you actually walked over to the table I was sitting at and pulled me up and out to the open floor to dance with me." he said, leaning on his counter while he was still showing off his well chiseled torso without even realising. He was comfortable... "You spun me around and pretty much I acted like your doll because you were really rough with the turns, dips, and all of the other dance moves you did with me." a smile had tugged at his lips when he thought about it "It was really fun, to be completely honest with you. You passed out after a while and thus you appeared at your home with the hangover you might have at this moment."




As Lionel flew into the air, Miles held onto the bags enjoying the breeze. He wasn't cold what so ever. Yeah he did have his coat on, but even without it on he still won't be cold. Miles closed his eyes and held his head back slightly, enjoying the cool wind, and the ride. Due to me having his eyes closed. He had no idea that Katherine was shivering from the coldness. Though when she asked about sitting next to him when they got to the guild in order to feel his aura, he opened his eyes. He noticed how she was shivering a bit, and felt bad for not thinking about it sooner. Why wait until then? As he said that Miles' aura started to flow off of him, covering him and Katherine in the warmth. @Britt-21

Timothy Harvard: Go on without hesitation



Timothy looked at Ayano as she came out the bathroom and his face went from normal to a cat face in a mere few seconds "You look adorable with those cat ears! Sora must really care about you if she gave you those accessories." he said with the same :3 face as he pondered about what to do next. He really wanted to join Fairy Tail but had no idea how to or if it is alright. He needed to talk to someone and plus Sora had originally planned to go with him so everything was in a bit of flux. He looked to his bag and saw the tiny leaf poking out and it reminded him of the one person who did recognize him and even remembered him. He picks up the bag and begins to walk out "I guess we can go to Fairy Tail first and see if we can sign up...if possible, hopefully they won't mind if I don't have any magic on me." he said softly. "I'm not in a hurry but do you have anywhere that you need to go to? We can stop there first." he asked Ayano in a ponderous tone.

@Jackaboi @Kyuubey (Mentioned) @Zuka (Mentioned)







[SIZE= 36px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR][/SIZE]


Kazuo didnt say anything about Christmas being family time because he had no family aside from BP, there was no one blood related to him that he could spend his time with. He began to make her a mug of hot cocoa "My house isnt that big. It's jsut really the standard home for one person living inside." he informed her, taking a spoon and mixing the cocoa in with the warm milk before putting some marshmellows inside. Just as he did, she asked about what happened yesterday. He grasped the mug and handed it to her before grabbing his own "I'll start from where you endlessly drank till you were just out of it completely." he knew that as soon as he told her, she'd probably turn a crimson red or hit him or walk out. But it was a story was pretty damn funny to others.


He began "At first you were fine, christmas music going on while I was relaxing at the table I sat down at." he took a sip of his drink before continuing. "That was untill you drank so much that you actually walked over to the table I was sitting at and pulled me up and out to the open floor to dance with me." he said, leaning on his counter while he was still showing off his well chiseled torso without even realising. He was comfortable... "You spun me around and pretty much I acted like your doll because you were really rough with the turns, dips, and all of the other dance moves you did with me." a smile had tugged at his lips when he thought about it "It was really fun, to be completely honest with you. You passed out after a while and thus you appeared at your home with the hangover you might have at this moment."


Rosaline Dreyar

The woman clasped at the cocoa in her hands, the warmth spreading through her palms and fingers gently. She continued to look at it and two marshmellows which were just bobbing around doing their own thing. It was as she went to take a sip that Kazuo expanded on the night before but stopped with the cup resting on her lips, eyes growing huge as they flicked up to him. Of course his story didn't end there and her face pretty much completely drained of colour when he mentioned dancing with her and spinning him around in a rather aggressive manner.... Well that explained the weird bits and pieces of her memory and dancing with someone... Still shocked and looking completely away with the same huge eyes and strangely no-frowned eyebrows, she coughed to try and reinvigorate her voice. "I'm guessing then... everyone at the Guild saw?" wanting to lightning strike straight home that moment and hide in her bed for all of eternity.

"I'm surprised I even danced at all... I've... never even been taught any of that crazy stuff... Let me side step an opponent in battle, no problem. Dancing? Yeah forget it..." here the frown finally returned with a vengeance. "I don't understand all that fluffy romantic stuff. How does that make you stronger? Challenge you... I don't understand..." and truthfully Rosaline just didn't understand at all. Finally lifting the cocoa to her lips and slamming it down in a hurry like one does a beer or some alcohol beverage. She was nothing if not predictable. She placed the cup onto his kitchen table and spun on the spot starting to move away. "Guess I'll be taking a break from drinking for awhile..."
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Eric: Man that pianist is good! Wait... We don't have a pianist!


Kenya seemed to be happy with Eric's gift which made him happy in return. "Well I wouldn't say your gift was bad... I mean my gift isn't even handmade! So in a way that book doesn't really compare. But I'm still glad you like it!" Looks like today was going to be a good day after all! It was snowing! The guild was bustling with excitement! The pianist was playing awesome music! Wait... Pianist? We never had one of those in ages! Eric looked over to the old piano they had only to lay eye's on that one and only Siren who stopped playing after hitting the wrong key. "W... Why is she here again!?!?" Eric scrambled off the chair he'd been sitting on and made a quick decision to finally get some answers. He thought at first that Mizuki just brought her here to question her or something. But now she was playing a piano? Walking over to Draneri, Mizuki and Tyson with a half angry look on his face, he ended up dragging a chair behind him and put it in front of the piano and sat on it looking really tense. "Okay... I remember yesterday that Mizuki brought you here for some reason and I would like to know WHY and HOW I can be sure you won't just bend all of us to your will and feed on us like cattle!" Back when Eric was stuck wandering the wilderness before he joined Sabertooth, he had his fair share of run-ins with Sirens and other types of dangerous creatures. He knew how they all hunt, they either sing their alluring song or try and gain your trust so they can strike when the prey least expects it. Having survived encounters before it was pretty clear that Eric was skeptical about this whole scenario.

@Maki @Solemn Jester @Zuka @Nenma Takashi
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