Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC



Ashley frowned softly as Aiden spilled the news on him moving out and joining Blue Pegasus. It was rather...Unexpected. Knowing the Ice Mage, she would be happy for him and encourage him but something else made her feel like he shouldnt go and continue staying with her. Her heart wrenched as she looked at him, watching his finger as he held it up and rushed to the couch where he pulled something from underneath and returned to her. The frown on her face slowly vanished as he opened up the box and revealed the necklace which had a ring attatched to the chain. Slowly she picked it up as he explained what it was and her eyes lifted back to his "You didnt have to get me this..." it was a bittersweet Christmas. He was leaving but he got her a necklace which probably costed a good amount of Jewel.


"Thank you, though..." she looked back down to the necklace and looked towards the ring, letting her thumb run over it. "I got a gift for you too but I dont know if it's just as good..." she placed the necklace back into the box and got up, leaving the room where some rustling was heard and she returned with a small box in her hand as she sat back down with him "I didnt know what to really get you so I got these since you already wore them..." the mage opened the box and revealed round earrings -for men- that had icicles attatched to them "I got you earrings... It's kind of convenient, seeing as you're moving out soon." why couldnt she be happy for him? What was making her so upset that she couldnt be happy for him? Was it because it was on short notice? On a happy holiday?



like this but the cross is the icicles
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Ayano Soru: Just what's going on in there?


At this point Ayano and Timothy were pretty much in the same boat. Both of them never belonged in a place like this, even if the reasons are far more different than the other it was still the same result anyway. The boy sat a bit closer to Ayano than she felt comfortable with. She's been alone for so long she isn't used to having company all of a sudden but she remained motionless. Staring at the main doors of the Fairy Tail guild hall waiting for something to happen. Eventually Timothy stood up and told her that he was going to try something. Ayano looked up in wonder before he took off towards the large building. "What has that boy got planned now...?" She murmured to herself speaking none too loudly. Now with curiosity getting the better of her Ayano also decided to have a look herself. The vampire quietly made her way to the building opening the doors ever so slightly to peer through and get a closer look. One thing she didn't notice before was the big wounded manticore lying inside along with a blonde mage (@Zuka) that was trying to heal it with Timothy's help. At first she swore she could sense the presence of another vampire (@Mitchs98) but now it's gone. Was she going mad again? She sure hoped not, but then again her senses have never failed her before. Ayano will keep an eye out for any potential threats. Still looking inside she once again felt alone... Just even being here makes her feel out of place. Everyone inside were so open with each other. Even though Timothy couldn't use magic he still looked like he fitted in. But Ayano... A murderer, sociopath, relentless killer... "I'm a monster..." She once again looked at the mark on the back of her hand. She was a member of Grimoire Heart and now after all that's happened she'll no longer be accepted there either.

Ayano was exactly what a monster should be... Alone... Although there is one thing she does know. She doesn't want to kill anymore. She doesn't want people to be afraid of her... But what can she do? This was her curse... Cursed to be no longer be accepted... By anyone. But again she remembered Wendy... The girl who saved her life for just a little bit longer. The grandmother of Sora. Her words swirled in the vampires head numerous times before she repeated it out loud. "Show them your good intentions and they will respond in kind." Now that Ayano has met Sora, it was like she was talking with Wendy all over again. They were so much alike it was unreal. Focusing on the group inside again, Clair seems to be leaving in a huff. Ayano stepped out the way of the doors to let her out but also to kinda hide too. Timothy followed behind her not long after but with a sad look on his face. "Aren't you going to join the guild? Sora wanted you to join so why don't you take the chance? Isn't it just stupid to just... Give up like that." Ayano was not expecting words like that to come out her mouth. Especially with the fact that's exactly what she done so many years ago trying to seek help. Could that be Kim's influence? (@purplepanda288) Ayano remembered that Kim said very similar words to her back in the dungeons and now she was passing on the message to someone else. "Well It's your choice anyway... Not like it'll affect me... Do you plan on going back to Sora's home?"

@Zareh @Kyuubey @hudhouse @Isune >>>Still too lazy... so Imma just say anyone else in FT guild Hall<<<

Timothy Harvard: The Cold Nights that Burn Bright



[SIZE= 18px]Timothy looked at Ayano with a face that showed unmotivated feelings. He didn't say anything for a moment as he walked slowly to pick up Sora's bags and strapped them on his arms. He then walked back to her with weary hopeful eyes. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"I guess your right...I am kind of a stupid person already...ha ha ha..." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said with a half hearted laugh. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"I guess I don't feel strong enough to stand my ground to be honest...I really want to join, I really do but without Sora, I feel vulnerable...I don't know why, I guess it's just my feelings." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he explained to her as he went down the stairs slowly with each step shaking a bit from the aftermath of seeing fairy tail for the first time. His body suggested that he was getting tired and worn out by today and just wanted to rest. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Yeah that's what I was thinking, let's go back for now...once Sora comes back then we can think about what we want to do for tomorrow." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he suggested as he finished walking down the stairs and back onto the streets. The evening to night transition seemed very lovely and cloudy with the stars up above shining onto the ground. It was wonderful but Timothy had thoughts linger in his mind about whether or not he should truly join that guild. Somehow he felt alone however his mind soon turned to Ayano "Hey Ayano? Do you know what you want to do once this is all over? I mean like, what do you wish to do? Is there anywhere you want to go?" he asked her as they seemed to finally reach the house. He saw the same broken bathroom window and below it was his precious orb. He picks it up and examines it, so far nothing too damaging of it. "So this is where you've been." he said to himself as he smiled, reclaiming his lost belonging. He enters the house as the warmth greets him with open arms. He places the bags on Sora's living room table. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]He takes the stairs to the 2nd floor "Ayano, I'm just going to take a look upstairs...I'll be right back." he says as he goes up and enters a room. He wasn't unsure who's room this is but he assumes that this is Sora's room perhaps or maybe the guest room? She did never show him so it's a new experience for him. He looks outside at the setting sun with the greeting of the night coming along as well.[/SIZE]



He finds himself feeling a bit at peace. Nothing to worry about for now but he still wishes that he had more confidence in his metal system of junk. "I wonder how Sora is able to keep up with being a S-class mage...it must be hard." he says out loud to himself wondering about the future and what it holds. He begins to head back downstairs feeling the need to sit down and relax. "Ayano...I'm just going to go to sleep for now...please wake me up if you need me or anything at all." he says as he lies down on the couch and turns off. His eyes closes and he's off to sleep with his backpack next to him. His face remains motionless and his body relaxed.






On 10/12/2016 at 5:37 PM, Mitchs98 said:

Sera just sort of watched at first as Verdana started speaking, seemingly ignoring everything both her and Aria had said and brushing it off by saying she couldn't be friends even if she wanted to. That didn't make any sense to her...until she caught sight of the Grimoire Heart mark on her. She sighed lightly, that explained a lot. She didn't notice the book Niur held or she probably would of figured out a few things, instead she stood up and looked between both Niur and Aria. Neither seemed to be going after her, not that they stood a chance against that speed...unless Aria had supernatural speed too. That left it up to her. "I'll be back!" She told everyone whom was present before running quickly out of the hall in a blur, it would make her need to feed sooner but eh...this was sort of important. It didn't take her long to catch up with Verdana at all, "Verdana wait a minute!" She called out. "I just want to talk don't worry!" She assured her, in-case she thought she was chasing her due to her mark.

@hudhouse@Jackaboi@Kyuubey@Spanner@Bolts@Zuka@Rhodus@Genon@Solemn Jester@purplepanda288@Happy Red Mage@Isune@Embaga Elder




Verdana turned around, her eyes glowing a dark green. She had some tears in her eyes, though for what reason would be unknown. She said, "You chase me down to say... Don't worry?" Se snickered a bit, more tears dripping to the floor before she laughed insanely. She gave off a crazed grin, "Well at least you people care! Unfortnatly, I have everything to worry about. I don't own anything... not my soul, not my breath, not even my destiny. I have to become a slaver ad reprogramed due to being 'wrong'." She went back to a snicker. Her eyes turned back to crimson as she continued walking on, no longer running at least. 

Chris Lengheart (Me?)

Chris continued to hold Sora until the loud roar filled the entire guildhall. Chris quickly dropped Sora off at a booth and was running to see what had happened. Sure enough, there was a drunk looking manticore along with a hurt Kelica. Almost completely ignoring Noah, Chris crouched down next to Kelica and muttered,"God damn it Kel, don't scare us like that.

After that, it seemed like Clair and the new guild master got into a bit of an argument. It ultimately ended with Clair storming out of the guild, but not before calling the new guild master a prick. Chris only shook his head as he watched her leave. She had some nerve to speak to someone in such a way, let alone a guild master. Of course, Chris would never voice his concerns to her. Most due to fear that she'd obliterate him. Chris liked his face the way it was, he didn't want to have it remodeled anytime soon.

Once all of that happened seemingly in a span of a couple of seconds to him, Chris simply raised an eyebrow as the new guild master said that he and Kelica should watch over the manticore. "Me?" he said rather surprised "Well I guess we could take it to the farm, but we'd have to make sure to keep it away from the other animals, if it snapped like that at Kelica, no telling what it could do to the livestock."

Now looking over to Kelica, Chris asked,"So how do you wanna go about this? We can wait 'till my family gets here for Christmas and just ride with them to the farm, or we can try something else if you want. At this point, my mind is everywhere...kinda hard to think."

@Zuka @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @Embaga Elder @EVERYONEELSE


[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Valken Truss
Lamia Scale Guild Hall

The Shadow Mage still held onto the boy with his eyes traveling over his frame. He looked okay enough, and he was still half sleeping so that was good. His questions went unanswered and he had things to do, plus Millie was itching to get her cuddle on so Valken slowly got to his feet and shifted his grip sliding the boy into the woman's wide spread arms. "Alright Millie, I'm going to help these recruits while Maya is... well where ever she is, doing whatever she is doing. Just let me know if he wakes up in a panic. But, I'm sure you can handle it Babe..." Grinning to her for a moment before he leaned in and kissed at her forehead gently and let his fingers and hand travel across her cheek for a minute before he pulled away.

That was when Valken turned and rolled his shoulder as he did, hearing a pop or two along his spine as he stretched out his muscles and strode over towards where Miss Akane and Mr Talon were waiting for him. His gaze glanced between the two, resting on Talon's little fireball creations before he grinned. "Talon! Long time no see! I remember you and Noah waiting at the Train station with Ferra... it's good to see you finally made the choice to join us. Funny how Noah hasn't come by... I thought for sure he would join Lamia Scale.." putting a hand on his chin as he pondered this very thing before shaking his head. "Not that it matters. Two potential recruits are better then none... alright, if you would both follow me please........" Here Valken turned without a word turning to a doorway at the back of the hall and swung it wide before exposing them out into the cold air as the Sun was slowly starting to set over the Horizon. This causing strange shadows and elongated shapes to shift against the ground. While it wasn't night time, it certainly gave Valken a bigger advantage then say, the middle of the day.

Valken Truss continued walking to the training grounds situation out back and turned to face both with his arms crossed.

"Okay. For your trial, I will be testing both of you at once. The test is really a very simple one. Do you see the two daggers slung at my hips?" Moving his hips side to side once for emphasis to make the daggers clank a fraction against his thighs. They were nestled in holsters strapped on separate belted loop around his hips, with the left side dangling slightly lower then the right. "Your trail is to steal, beg, plead, attack or do anything necessary to get both. You can use any form of Magic you are trained in, and any attacks you deem necessary." Grinning as he turned slightly more to Talon. "Now I will remind you as I did tell Miss Akane, here at Lamia Scale we protect one another like family. We would die to save one another. I need to know you are capable of protecting me, even if it means sacrificing yourself to do so.... would you give your everything to Protect your Guild Mates? That remains to be seen."

"You may begin." Keeping his pose completely relaxed as his purple eyes lazily glanced between the two.

@Talon @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Maki @Happy Red Mage @Drakerus @Embaga Elder
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Katherine had noticed his glowing eyes and she felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach. That was so sexy for him... Glowing red eyes... Ugh how she wished to see them again. She took his hand and followed him, pulling her hood up with her one hand and whistling for Lionel to come with (Her dragon) and being a good dragon, he brought her staff and her lantern. For a small dragon, he had strength to carry her items. Before she kenw it, they were outside where the cold brushed up against her exposed skin and Kathy moved a little closer to Miles. And for some odd reason a flower stand was still up and open. Then again the cold might have perserved the flowers...or rather froze them... Either way Miles got her a bunch of them and handed her the whole bouquet. Lifting her hand, she took them "Thanks..." she wasnt a huge flower girl because flowers tended to die faster but since Miles gave them to her, she'd try to keep them alive for as long as she could.


"Inside... It's too cold to be out here..." she looked up at him. EVen though Kathy knew that he was probably being nervous, she was trying to be as not-so-mean as possible. But the more she thought about it, was he really that nervous? Either way, Kathy dragged him inside the restaurant and got a table for two before being escorted to a corner booth which looked like it was away from everyone. Which it was. Plus they were able to sit close if they wanted to. Which Kathy was gonna do and just be close to Miles enough to be warm and be within his grasp. Even if the two were a thing now, she still acted as they did before. Always being by eachother's side, sleeping or having her drink while he was lazying around on the couch with his head in her lap. The waitor dropped the menus onto the table and vanished. The mage moved into the booth towards the middle of it and put the flowers on the side of her while Lionel went under the table by her feet. "I like that we have this corner all to ourselves..." plus it was comfortable and very roomy!


Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall

The Forest Mage still had her emerald gaze locked down to the Manticore that was awake but, well drunk I guess was the best explanation for it. She did feel a trickle of something warm drip from her shoulders from a few scratch marks as the Beast had pinned her down against the floorboards but Kelica was so happy to have been of some use she didn't even feel a thing. She stayed knelt against the ground watching the rhythmic rise and fall of the Beast's chest telling her it was awake but relaxed, a soft weird rumble not unlike a kitten purr escaping as its tail (or at least what was left) was twitching side to side. 

Kelica still had that beautiful and genuine smile crossed her face.  As the Manticore laid, with its tongue dangling out, she noted it had some teeth chipped along with the severed tail. Her face fell a fraction as she realized she'd have to get her hand into the creatures mouth to fix those teeth. Even Kelica, the girl who loved her animals, was more then a little hesitant to stick her arm into the Beast that had almost just tried to nom her face off. She stopped her musing when she heard Noah mention about fixing her up, to which her gaze turned to face him then. "That is really not necessary I've had wor-"

Of course the words practical lodged in her throat when he had peeled off his jacket as her eyes widened an exponential amount as he torn off his shirt, with one hand one might add. Every time she went to use words, they got lost from the short distance from her voice box to her mouth, and her cheeks looked about as flaming as Ryu's Fire magic. 

Why was he shirtless?...

He crouched down before her which only brought that naked upper half closer to her body and try as she might to look up to his face the best she got was the top of his shoulders. Well, she certainly knew how Sera felt earlier, though Kelica’s reaction was far different to Sera's full on chest press feast. She'd been so focused on not focusing but failing, and focusing 100% on his naked upper body, she didn't realise he'd cleaned up her shoulders and even put ice on them till a shiver worked across her entire frame. After all the girl only had a now bloody and dirty tablecloth so it made sense she was starting to get cold. And certain bra-less assets were starting to show just how cold she was getting.

Kelica finally snapped out of her totallynotstaringatNoah'sbarechest gaze as he mentioned Sora and she finally looked up to him a warm with a smile, though her stupid cheeks refused to loose the equally stupid blush. "Well... I can heal myself you know... it will just hurt... but if I just had something to cling to I'm sure I'd be fine. Pains only temporary after all...." 

At this she turned her head to gaze around looking out for Timothy where ever she had shoved him to. "T...Timothy? You ok? I'm sorry I pushed you so hard... I hope I didn't hurt you... I didn't mean to but I didn't want you to get hurt, and it was the only way I could think of at the time..."

@Zareh @Mitchs98 @Rhodus @Kyuubey 

Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail GH

Aria stood quietly and observed everything going on once both her and Ryu's attention had been diverted towards it. Clair was screaming at her per usual and some of the guild members had returned from what looked like a rather dangerous mission. Kelica was quite impressive as she took charge and tended to the beast whom was extremely livid. The others helped where they could and the teamwork they all shared was uncanny, unmatched even. Though they could argue and fight, be at one another's throats at times, they did work well when the moment arose. The blue haired slayer known as Sora had her own perilous thoughts swimming in her head, that much was obvious, but Aria commended her strength to push past it and heal the wounded scattered about. Quite a few instances popped up where Aria dared to step in but then they managed to settle it on their own, so she stood deathly still, ready to pounce if needed. A non-human boy seemed to step in and help as well, pulling out some sort of potion and Aria was quite curious until she saw it in action. The results amused her greatly and she made a mental note to obtain a potion like that, simply just for the fact of having it.


Her lithe arms dropped to her sides, key being held casually between two fingers almost as if magnetized there. The guildhall went from filled with the scent of blood and tension to having laughter bubble about from the forest mage which definitely helped clear out the bad emotion that had been nestling quite snugly in every corner. It wasn't as if Aria didn't want to end all of this on her own but if they were to grow and become stronger they needed to handle all of this together as she knew they were fully capable of doing. Clair was ignored for now, those words only being jabbing remarks that would do nothing but turn this now calm situation into a chaotic one. A soft sigh pushed past her pursed lips, steps falling audibly as she appeared in front of Kelica, leaning down to be eye level with her.


" Kelica.. " Her tone was soothing, entrancing even. " You did an amazing job. Focus on my ears .. " She murmured as her hands reached forward to grasp hers, lifting them up towards her ears to place them there so the girl may touch and play with them. Her own hands dropped to slide down to Kelica's shoulder, brushing past the girls skin to envelop it in a warm light. The warmth itself spread down the girl's arms and possibly along her spine as the light magic tended to travel downwards like water being bathed upon someone. " Good job. " That same hand rose to the girl's head while she praised her, rubbing it gently as her blonde strands went splaying about. " Exceptional job to all of you, you all handled everything wonderfully. The hurt have been treated, the beast is sedated, and you're all okay which is the most important thing. " Aria's voice echoed out into the halls in a pleasant tone before her gaze dropped to fixate on the raging red head; Clair.




" Now Clair, as much as I love your accusations, I can honestly say this wasn't my doing. If you wish to pin it on me for your own sense of 'comfort' feel free to do so. I do have some wonderful news for you though! " Aria peeled herself away from Kelica so that she could stand inches from Clair, hips swaying tauntingly as she approached her. " I'm your new guild master, nya! " Her face contorted to an extremely cute one, hands mimicking paws as they rose to shoulder level, body beginning to dance around " Abby come say hello to Clair, I think she missed you. " Aria's hands dropped as the demon appeared next to her, black hair hanging idly as he bowed deeply, coming back up to look at her with a sinister grin.




" Ms. Fernandes, are you still sour over our last meeting? It was just one night and you tasted quite exquisite, but I'm not really into women. " A frown befell his features as if he was actually sorry before it turned ultimately wicked, washing any sincerity away. Aria's gaze slid to the side and she shrugged as if to say it wasn't her doing.



" I hope we can get along, Clair. I would rather protect you than fight you since you're in my care, but I will allow you to try to kick me out of this guild hall once. You'll have one shot before I fight back and we both know how one sided that's going to be. " Aria's lips showed no sign of curving into a smile but her tone remained genuine. Fighting Clair wasn't at the top of her list but as they stared at one another it was as if sparks were flying between the two. Aria knew if they were to fight, destruction would follow in its wake as they were both powerful enough to level cities as if they were knocking over a doll house with a mere kick. " In the Christmas spirit, I say we put our differences aside. " She hoped that statement would be enough to calm Clair into at least backing down for the moment. 


Her body shifted to the side then, turning to face the rest of the people in the guild hall, a sleepy smile now have drifted onto her features. " Tomorrow is a wonderful day to be celebrated and I'm so happy I get to be here with you all. Get some rest soon though, night has fallen. The manticore can be taken care of by... Chris, since you're a beast user. Kelica as well since she's good with animals of all sorts. I would recommend getting that beast soul as it's certainly a strong one. See you all bright and early... and the tree is beautiful! Lovely star... " Aria let out a long drawn out yawn, fingers fumbling to her reach her mouth in time to suppress it before her attire dropped to the floor and she disappeared. A small baby fox nuzzled its way out of the heap of clothes and curled up atop of it. The only difference between a regular fox and herself was that she had seven small tails that embraced her small body to keep her warm. Little did she know that this transformation was a bad idea in the presence of a certain crazed animal lover but she was tired and this was comfortable. 


Chris Lengheart (Me?)

Chris continued to hold Sora until the loud roar filled the entire guildhall. Chris quickly dropped Sora off at a booth and was running to see what had happened. Sure enough, there was a drunk looking manticore along with a hurt Kelica. Almost completely ignoring Noah, Chris crouched down next to Kelica and muttered,"God damn it Kel, don't scare us like that.

After that, it seemed like Clair and the new guild master got into a bit of an argument. It ultimately ended with Clair storming out of the guild, but not before calling the new guild master a prick. Chris only shook his head as he watched her leave. She had some nerve to speak to someone in such a way, let alone a guild master. Of course, Chris would never voice his concerns to her. Most due to fear that she'd obliterate him. Chris liked his face the way it was, he didn't want to have it remodeled anytime soon.

Once all of that happened seemingly in a span of a couple of seconds to him, Chris simply raised an eyebrow as the new guild master said that he and Kelica should watch over the manticore. "Me?" he said rather surprised "Well I guess we could take it to the farm, but we'd have to make sure to keep it away from the other animals, if it snapped like that at Kelica, no telling what it could do to the livestock."

Now looking over to Kelica, Chris asked,"So how do you wanna go about this? We can wait 'till my family gets here for Christmas and just ride with them to the farm, or we can try something else if you want. At this point, my mind is everywhere...kinda hard to think."

@Zuka @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @Embaga Elder @EVERYONEELSE


Noah Cross

Noah smiles lightly as Kelica mentioned her healing abilities. He knew very well that she could heal, its just that he grew to dislike seeing her in pain. Instead of saying that he just watched as she checked up on Timothy. Chris and Aria appeared in front of them. Chris being worried and Aria speaking with kind words and in a soothing voice. She gave Kelica and the group a job well done, as she allowed Kelica to play with her fox ears. He already knew how she would react. As Aria continued she moved on to confronting Clair about their differences. One thing lead to another and the information about her being the new guild leader was dropped. The information was some news to Noah since he planned on joining Fairy Tail.

As she continued on her speech she decided to go down the good path and put their differences behind them, just for the Christmas spirit. Noah grinned and stood up placing his hands in his pockets. In his right pocket he felt Kelica's gift in his pocket. He looked at her and sighed. Damn with so much going on I doubt I'll get any alone time with her. Just as that thought crossed his mind Aria gave the command for Kelica and Chris to take care of the manticore. Honestly it was a good idea, but it didn't settle well with Noah since it was Chris. As Chris spoke about taking the manticore and Kelica to his family farm, Noah crossed his arms. He didn't like the idea of Kelica and Chris being alone, so the wheel in his head started to spin and ideas began to form. 

Hey, I know I don't actually have a say in this, especially since I'm not in the guild yet, but instead of taking it to a farm where your family and livestock is, why not take it back to the forest where it belongs. Find an open area where the Manticore has enough space to roam around and heal without hurting anyone. I know just the place to take it as well. Oh and when I say heal, I mean mental and physical by the way. I might not be a beast expert but I do know that bringing an unstable beast around people would be a bad idea. Just saying.

@Isune @Zuka @Kyuubey


Miles Redd

Miles grew a light smile as Katherine dragged him to their seats. As it seemed Katherine's wish to be alone and isolated with Miles came true. The booth looked as if it was big enough to seat 6-8 people which gives a lot of room for just the two of them. Once the waitress placed the menus on the table, it didn't take her long to disappear. Miles followed behind Katherine as she sat down in the center of the booth. He sat down next to her placing his arm around her as his aura begins to flow off of him in a nice calm fashion. [COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]Yeah, a lot more private then back at the guild, please more space. [/COLOR]He looks at the menu and his aura reaches out to it grabbing it and holding it up for them. Do you see anything you like?? I think I might have the chicken pasta.



Katherine had snuggled up to his side, loving the flow of his arua run along her body. "A lot more space..." she said softly, closing her eyes as she felt the comfort of his arms around her shoulders as well.  Kathy was obviously comfortable and wasnt planning on moving from Miles anytime soon. Though when she heard his chest rumble as he spoke, her purple eyes opened back up and looked over towards the menu which he was holding up with his Aura. She was so happy of having Miles by her side again that she actually forgot they came out to eat something and he was going for a chicken pasta... But what would she want? She could have a dessert instead of actual food. Her eyes scanned the menu and then they lifted back up to Miles "I'm not sure what I want... I had forgotten we came out here to eat..." and as if on cue, her stomach made a small rumbleing noise which made her look down and then back up at him.


"It seems my stomach wants food..." maybe she'd have a chicken salad? She like chicken... And salads. "A chicken salad I think i'll go for..." the mage rested her head back on his shoulder and closed her eyes again, faintly hearing the sound of his heartbeat. Maybe it was best to stay quiet for a little while and relax with Miles. He'd gone through enough and was glad to be with her again, or at least that's what she's noticed from his actions of holding her and going out with her. Followed by the flowers. Not to mention the nice kiss she recieved from him which made her almost melt within his grasp and in front of the entire guild hall. KAthy was strong but when kissed by someone she had a thing for, sometimes she'd melt. Slowly but surely, her breathing softened as she fell into a light sleep against him, her hand holding onto his shirt enough so it wouldnt fall. But soon it did and fell into his lap.

Yamato Ren: Dinner... Is served~

Yama was glad to hear that the moonshine would be ready soon he considered using his wind magic to help cool it off a little but he's already expended more magic than he intended and plans to keep what he can spare for a more elaborate delivery. It looks like Cele has the drinks under control anyway. Yama opened all the ovens to check on the progress of the food and was delighted with the results. Celestia asked if she could help with setting up the feast. "Well by the looks of things you're already a big enough help as it is. The apple-pie moonshine smells divine~. So don't worry about the feast... I already planned for this anyway." Now with all the food finished it's time for the grand reveal. True it would take far too long to set out all the meals, even with two people, but thanks to the magic he managed to save from the fight, this'll be no problem.

(Listen to this music for extra badassery)

His arms outstretched as food came floating out of all the ovens at once inside bubbles with hot air inside to keep it all warm. There was enough food to satisfy the king of giants! As they all floated in the air Yamato swung his arms towards the kitchen doors as they blasted open hopefully grabbing the attention of the guild members in the main hall. The tables in the main hall shook and shuddered and were then shot up into the sky with a powerful gust of wind. Each individual table landed in a specific order and position to have four large tables to hold all the food and plates. Four white sheets erupted from the kitchen to be placed on the tables along with some Christmas decor. Yama walked out of the kitchen doors with his hands behind his back. "Attention! All of Blue Pegasus! Dinner... Is served~" Finally the all of the food floated out of the kitchen in their individual bubbles. All kinds of meat fruit and vegetables could be seen within them. Of course the most iconic of Christmas food would be included too such as the turkey but Yama made sure to include his guild mates favourite dishes too. The bubbles all popped at once when they were all correctly positioned and the result couldn't be any better. Four large tables filled with all kinds of amazing food of the finest quality. Today was a joyous occasion so he wanted to make the most elaborate dinner time he could think of.


(Here you can stop listening to the music if you wish)

Pleased with the results Yama turned back to Celestia with a kind smile on his face. "I do hope that moonshine will finish soon~ Apart from that, enjoy the food." Yamato strolled out of the kitchen to see that Rosa has returned with a boy he hasn't seen before. "Welcome back Rosa, I heard you shouting from the kitchen, I apologise that we couldn't hold the battle for later. But for now enjoy the feast." The main course wasn't all there was. After all what is a dinner like this without a desert. Yama looked to Kirin and nodded as if to say. "I've done my part. It'll be your turn soon."

@Arius LaVari @Zuka @hudhouse @Halffix @LeSoraAmari >>>Anyone else in BP I may have missed<<<
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Katherine had snuggled up to his side, loving the flow of his arua run along her body. "A lot more space..." she said softly, closing her eyes as she felt the comfort of his arms around her shoulders as well.  Kathy was obviously comfortable and wasnt planning on moving from Miles anytime soon. Though when she heard his chest rumble as he spoke, her purple eyes opened back up and looked over towards the menu which he was holding up with his Aura. She was so happy of having Miles by her side again that she actually forgot they came out to eat something and he was going for a chicken pasta... But what would she want? She could have a dessert instead of actual food. Her eyes scanned the menu and then they lifted back up to Miles "I'm not sure what I want... I had forgotten we came out here to eat..." and as if on cue, her stomach made a small rumbleing noise which made her look down and then back up at him.


"It seems my stomach wants food..." maybe she'd have a chicken salad? She like chicken... And salads. "A chicken salad I think i'll go for..." the mage rested her head back on his shoulder and closed her eyes again, faintly hearing the sound of his heartbeat. Maybe it was best to stay quiet for a little while and relax with Miles. He'd gone through enough and was glad to be with her again, or at least that's what she's noticed from his actions of holding her and going out with her. Followed by the flowers. Not to mention the nice kiss she recieved from him which made her almost melt within his grasp and in front of the entire guild hall. KAthy was strong but when kissed by someone she had a thing for, sometimes she'd melt. Slowly but surely, her breathing softened as she fell into a light sleep against him, her hand holding onto his shirt enough so it wouldnt fall. But soon it did and fell into his lap.


Miles Redd

Miles chuckled at Katherine's words. The walk wasn't even that long and she already forgot why they came out to the restaurant. If your stomach wants food, then you want food. If the chicken salad is what you want, then the chicken salad is what you get. Miles played with her hair as she laid her head on his shoulder. For awhile she's been quiet and Miles started to get the idea that she was just resting, but once her hand fell to his lap he knew she was asleep. He chuckled and the waitress from before returned asking if we are ready to order. Miles nodded yes in response. For drinks we'll have one Maitai and a glass of whiskey. For food we'll take the chicken salad and the chicken pasta. The waitress nods and leaves again. While he was waiting Miles managed to fall asleep as well, allowing his head to rest on hers. Minutes pasted and Miles was awoken by the aroma of chicken pasta. Miles slowly opened his eyes to be welcomed by their order on their table still hot. He looks over at Katherine seeing that she was still sleep and slightly nudges her. Hey Kathy, wake up. Our order is here. Miles looked at the table and noticed a photo just laying their. He reached out and grabbed it and a smile instantly grew on his face. The photo was of him and Katherine sitting there sleeping. Miles found the picture cute and showed Kathy. Hopefully she liked it.
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[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Valken Truss
Lamia Scale Guild Hall

The Shadow Mage still held onto the boy with his eyes traveling over his frame. He looked okay enough, and he was still half sleeping so that was good. His questions went unanswered and he had things to do, plus Millie was itching to get her cuddle on so Valken slowly got to his feet and shifted his grip sliding the boy into the woman's wide spread arms. "Alright Millie, I'm going to help these recruits while Maya is... well where ever she is, doing whatever she is doing. Just let me know if he wakes up in a panic. But, I'm sure you can handle it Babe..." Grinning to her for a moment before he leaned in and kissed at her forehead gently and let his fingers and hand travel across her cheek for a minute before he pulled away.

That was when Valken turned and rolled his shoulder as he did, hearing a pop or two along his spine as he stretched out his muscles and strode over towards where Miss Akane and Mr Talon were waiting for him. His gaze glanced between the two, resting on Talon's little fireball creations before he grinned. "Talon! Long time no see! I remember you and Noah waiting at the Train station with Ferra... it's good to see you finally made the choice to join us. Funny how Noah hasn't come by... I thought for sure he would join Lamia Scale.." putting a hand on his chin as he pondered this very thing before shaking his head. "Not that it matters. Two potential recruits are better then none... alright, if you would both follow me please........" Here Valken turned without a word turning to a doorway at the back of the hall and swung it wide before exposing them out into the cold air as the Sun was slowly starting to set over the Horizon. This causing strange shadows and elongated shapes to shift against the ground. While it wasn't night time, it certainly gave Valken a bigger advantage then say, the middle of the day.

Valken Truss continued walking to the training grounds situation out back and turned to face both with his arms crossed.

"Okay. For your trial, I will be testing both of you at once. The test is really a very simple one. Do you see the two daggers slung at my hips?" Moving his hips side to side once for emphasis to make the daggers clank a fraction against his thighs. They were nestled in holsters strapped on separate belted loop around his hips, with the left side dangling slightly lower then the right. "Your trail is to steal, beg, plead, attack or do anything necessary to get both. You can use any form of Magic you are trained in, and any attacks you deem necessary." Grinning as he turned slightly more to Talon. "Now I will remind you as I did tell Miss Akane, here at Lamia Scale we protect one another like family. We would die to save one another. I need to know you are capable of protecting me, even if it means sacrificing yourself to do so.... would you give your everything to Protect your Guild Mates? That remains to be seen."

"You may begin." Keeping his pose completely relaxed as his purple eyes lazily glanced between the two.

@Talon @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Maki @Happy Red Mage @Drakerus @Embaga Elder

Akane tilted her head slightly after hearing what Valken had said. "So...Take the daggers through any means necessary..." She summarized as she crossed her arms. "I mean, I like fighting as much as the next guy but are you sure that fighting is...oh who am I kidding" Her arms fell to the side. "Let's get in a fight...I might be overthinking things..." She said before her fists balled up and she entered into her Closed Fist stance. Her arms glowed brightly as Fallen Empire and Lightning Walk spells were readied.

She then charged towards Valken. Fists ready to punch.




Kathy was sleeping peacefully but that was until she felt the nudging from Miles which made her eyes flutter open and made her rub her eyes before he presented a picture of both himself and Kathy sleeping. "I guess the waitress took the picture..." she said, glancing up at Miles "You can keep it... In case you go away again..." the mage fixed how she was sitting and looked at the salad plus the maitai that she didnt order and instantly she assumed it was Miles who got her the drink cause there was no way that she ordered that in her sleep. Not to mention the waitress wouldnt have known what to get her as a drink. Katherine picked up her fork and began to eat her salad, allowing her stomach to shut up its rumbling and allowing her to enjoy the food. She was curious about Miles's food and how it tasted so she glanced at Miles.


"Do you mind if I have a piece...?" at most she meant one little cube of chicken and a bit of pasta just to see if she would like what he liked. Kathy took her fork and slowly reached it into his plate, grabbing a chicken and a pasta before popping it into her mouth without warning. Merely just taking even though she asked and hadnt had a chance to answer. The two bits were quite nice and complimented eachother well "It needs a little salt..." she stated as her eyes looked towards miles and seen his face which made her blink "...What...? Is there something on my face...?" she asked as her hand reached for her drink and brought the cup towards her lips, though the straw stuck in her mouth first as she began to drink. Her expression was normal as always, just her eyes holding curiosity as she looked at him. Though for some reason it was like she was making a cute face even though she wasnt even doing so.
Talon brightened up a Valken walked up. "Oh hey ma dude" He replied to his greeting. "Ya havent talked to Noah in a while either..." He shrugged as he followed Valken outside with Akane. Talon listened attentively while Valken explained their mission. Akane charged almost immediately. Talon watched her charge blindly into a fight. He understood Valkens magic and he was pretty sure Akane didnt, so he watched her charge and was betting she wasnt going to be able to touch him. Talon knew that Valken had a major advantange over them because their maic was of a more physical nature whereas Valken could make himself a shadow and theoretically dodge everything. This ruled out brunt force.

The next choice was a battle of the mind but he was sure Valken would be to smart to be tricked and probably wouldnt give in to begging. Talons mind whirled with these thoughts and others before he decided on a plan. He would wait to see if Valken stayed on the defensive side or not. @Zuka @Happy Red Mage
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Kelica had her attention on Timothy, so when he mentioned he was okay she took a huge breath outwards as she did. She knew Noah would be okay, after all she only had wrapped the vines around his frame, but Kelica had thrust practically her whole weight into the boy to send him crashing to the ground. She didn't know his strength or anything about him really. So she was more then relieved to hear he was okay. "Yes, I am fine... Honestly I barely felt a thing..." She had a big smile cross her face but tilted her head as he mentioned his name and no one remembering him. "But of course I do! I know things were pretty chaotic at the base, but you came up to me just like this..." She said reaching out as he looked more and more anxious and panic driven, clasping his hands and lifting them up as she did. "You said you were moved by my words... how everything deserved to live. How everything deserved a second chance. And you wanted to help. Of course I remember!" Smiling more warmly. "You left a piece of paper-"

She started to speak but that was when Chris rushed over in a half panic. It seemed the girl's attention was constantly taken in this place, which wasn't a bad thing but it meant she could never spend as long as she wanted with everyone as she might have liked. "I... I'm sorry Chris. Honestly I tried to calm him down but he just lunged... It was the only way I could see to try and fix it was by using that bottle Tim gave me..." That was when the girl whirled to notice a voice behind her saying her name. Almost instantly she turned to face the Kitty-eared lady as the lady grasped her hands and the girl was taken aback by how warm and comforting her touch was! The girl hands came up to touch at Aria's ears as her mouth turned into something close to Awe, while she had leaped on her before she didn't really get a good touch on them before Ryu had peeled her off. She couldn't believe it!! They were soft and almost seemed to twitch and turn more into her grasp. While this wasn't her first experience touching animals ears, she'd never really touched any on a normal human. Well human-ish... Kelica despite her animal knowledge still wasn't aware of what Aria really was. There weren't any Kitsune in her Father's Magical Realm. 

Her touch was soft and soothing even before she had used her magic and Kelica's emerald eyes slipped closed as an audible sigh escaped gently. She could only dream her Healing magic could feel this soothing, this beautiful and lulling. She assumed Sora's magic would feel the same rather then the intensity that her magic ensued. Maybe... one day... she could learn from Aria or Sora to perhaps lessen the pain? Even if just a little... she wouldn't be so hesitant to use her powers then and might be even more useful! As the woman stood up and ruffled her hair a fraction, Kelica's face turned into a smile that spread from ear to ear, lips parted as another adorable laugh escaped. Whoever this woman was, and whatever magic she had, Kelica hoped she would stay.

As the lady's attention turned to the Guildhall and Clair once more, Kelica found her gaze looking over to Timothy as he was slowly backing away. She went to say something but then Aria talked about Kelica and Chris looking after the Manticore! She didn't mind at all, she was planning on looking after it anyway. "Well, I mean, it's getting very late and it's only going to get colder and colder... making a trip now wouldn't make much sense..." her eyes glancing over to the Manticore that was simply dozing gently. "He is relaxed right now, let us just leave him be... I didn't even ask Tim how long the potion would last...." She turned then as she watched Timothy getting further and further away "Okay, I will tell Sora but.. why are you going?" He seemed set in his ways because he was already turned as if to leave and facing out. She glanced to Noah and put her hand on his chest with a smile that literally said 'I'll be right back' before she was running to Timothy. As she did she reached up to the clip in her hair and peeled away one of the seeds in her hair clip, and cupped it into her hand before she closed and entwined her fingers together. There was a soft green glow between her fingers and a tiny green sprout started to peek from the seed. When she reached Tim, she grasped at his backpack (The one he had pulled the bottle out of) and dropped the seed into the front pocket, before she zipped it back up. She peeked a head over his shoulder and whispered into his ear. "Please come back anytime. Fairytail would love to have you around."

Before he could even respond, the girl was already running back towards where Chris and Noah were discussing about the Manticore, coming into the last portion of Noah's conversation. "I can only influence beasts, I can not guarantee he will never hurt people. Furthermore in the current state he is in with his damaged tail and teeth... Even if I managed to heal him, his mind is dark and lonely. His species Mate's for life and I'm guessing something has killed his Mate..." She looked away then as she wrapped her arms around herself. "His kind can not survive alone once mated." She said this in a tone that dripped with sadness. "If left in the wild he would have died within the week, and I don't have the power nor the want to keep him drugged or passed out to avoid him hurting others for life...." This was honestly the hardest part for the girl, and it was showing her as being visibly shaken. "I do not want him to be caged or held against his will... he doesn't deserve that." At this point Kelica's eyes were starting to burn a fraction, as she reached up and bite at her knuckle. "Please just... let him rest her for the night, in the hall. I'll brush his mane and keep the water to him and then..tomorrow we will..." Her voice broke at that point. "....I...I'm going to go get him something to drink!" She exclaimed suddenly before she half pushed her way between Chris and Noah, fleeing almost to the kitchen as she did.

Almost the second she escaped the crowded the Guild Hall and Kelica came into the kitchen, she slammed her back into the cupboard door as she slid down it's surface coming to a sit at it's base with her knees tucked into her face and her arms sliding around her legs. It wasn't humane, she had to give it a mercy kill... she couldn't see it live out it's life like that... could she? Wasn't she always the one sprouting about how important life was, and how there was always another way.

So how could she even be contemplating ending it's suffering? It was so happy, dozing off now.. but if it stayed as it was, without it's Mate, it would only suffer. Kelica's morals were so torn. She didn't know what to do! The expert in Forest Guardian magic... with a beast and having no idea what to do!


At Sora's place, and inside Timothy backpack, the tiny seed was slowly growing so that the tip of a vine started to peek through a whole where she hadn't closed zip completely, one tiny leaf peeking out as if to stare at Timothy while he slept.

@Embaga Elder @Kyuubey @Isune @Zareh


[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Rosaline Dreyar[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Blue Pegasus Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Rosaline watched Kirin walk up to her. Her blue eyes widened slightly before her eyebrow narrowed gently. Okay, so Rosaline wasn't the fastest current in the wire, but she could have sworn that Kirin had both arms on her when she left... To double check, Rosaline's tall frame peered behind her back like she might have been hiding the arm behind her. Not that the girl minded if she only had the one, to have any kind of handicap and still be a high ranking mage was impressive in her books. If a one arm Music mage could still best her, Rosaline Dreyar will her limbs at full strength, then who was she to question her powers or what she looked like? Rosaline even glanced over her own shoulder as she peered to Kazuo as her gaze drifted onto his eye path, almost to confirm her point, but then she shook her head slightly as she looked over into the distance musing over just why that thought of him came into her mind.

So being slightly bemused and impressed, was short lived as it suddenly clicked with the temper-heavy girl that Yamato and Kirin, the two strongest mages within Blue Pegasus had been fighting it out for the last 30minutes or so one might add (was she and Kazuo really out there for a whole 30mins looking for her brother?) and she had missed....




She might have made a note to Kirin about not really caring if she were "normal" or otherwise, but the rage that was steadily building within her was rising at an incredibly fast pace. Her fists started to clench up as her teeth gritted inside her mouth, her eyebrow pushed down and her eyes turned into slits. And if that wasn't warning enough, a spark or two crackled around her frame as the very hair and fibers within the room started to lift up due to the static the Lightning Mage was stirring up.

"You fought.... this entire time... without me?" she said in a voice as dark as possible, her head even dropped down and the one chunk of her hair draped before her face to half cover it, something akin to a horror movie. Oh there was tables, and cloths, and food that looked and smelt divine. But Rosaline was far too livid about any of that. "You didn't think to once try and find me... or to wait till I came back?" She is another voice as dark and cold as ice. Another clap of lightning echoed about the room as it laced around her frame.

@LeSoraAmari @Britt-21 @Halffix @hudhouse @Jackaboi @Solemn Jester @Arius LaVari

Talon brightened up a Valken walked up. "Oh hey ma dude" He replied to his greeting. "Ya havent talked to Noah in a while either..." He shrugged as he followed Valken outside with Akane. Talon listened attentively while Valken explained their mission. Akane charged almost immediately. Talon watched her charge blindly into a fight. He understood Valkens magic and he was pretty sure Akane didnt, so he watched her charge and was betting she wasnt going to be able to touch him. Talon knew that Valken had a major advantange over them because their maic was of a more physical nature whereas Valken could make himself a shadow and theoretically dodge everything. This ruled out brunt force.

The next choice was a battle of the mind but he was sure Valken would be to smart to be tricked and probably wouldnt give in to begging. Talons mind whirled with these thoughts and others before he decided on a plan. He would wait to see if Valken stayed on the defensive side or not. @Zuka @Happy Red Mage

  Reveal hidden contents

Akane tilted her head slightly after hearing what Valken had said. "So...Take the daggers through any means necessary..." She summarized as she crossed her arms. "I mean, I like fighting as much as the next guy but are you sure that fighting is...oh who am I kidding" Her arms fell to the side. "Let's get in a fight...I might be overthinking things..." She said before her fists balled up and she entered into her Closed Fist stance. Her arms glowed brightly as Fallen Empire and Lightning Walk spells were readied.

She then charged towards Valken. Fists ready to punch.


[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Valken Truss[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]Lamia Scale Battle Ground[/COLOR]

Valken listened to the girl's words idly, just allowed her to speak when she finally came to the conclusion that fighting was her course of action. To be fair he was expecting both to attack him at once, he simply shrugged as her fists balled up and she changed her stance slightly. Valken might have looked bored almost but his sharp eyes took in everything about her stance, how her feet pressed in and fingers tightened. And as her arms glowed he only grinned a fraction wider as a cold breeze blew across his face and made his hair rustle along with it. As she was running to him, he glanced past her to Talon. He was standing there interesting enough, though his face was contorted as he watched, like he was struggling with a course of action.

"I watched you fidget at the side of Noah and I's fight... I'm fairly certain you were itching to hit me back then to... are you not so eager now? Why not? I'm  not going to bite..." Though his smirk revealed otherwise. By now Miss Akane had closed the distance and was approaching him, he allowed her to swing towards him but the second her arm lunged out he waited till the very last second so her fist was practically up-top of him before he twisted in an almost unnatural display as he bent backwards letting her fist completely bypass his chest as he did. With his arms still crossed over his chest and daggers still slung at his hips, he threw a leg up and over her right shoulder and curled it around behind her neck, before he then jumped up and twisted in something reminiscent of a wrestler move, using his lower body and nothing else to twist her whole body along with the momentum and throw her back down to the ground. Though his gaze only stayed on her briefly as he did this, glancing over to Talon to see what he would do. Meanwhile the position forced one dagger rather temptingly close to her face as he threw her down onto her back.

@Talon @Happy Red Mage @LeSoraAmari @Embaga Elder
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5 hours ago, Zuka said:

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Rosaline Dreyar[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Blue Pegasus Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Rosaline watched Kirin walk up to her. Her blue eyes widened slightly before her eyebrow narrowed gently. Okay, so Rosaline wasn't the fastest current in the wire, but she could have sworn that Kirin had both arms on her when she left... To double check, Rosaline's tall frame peered behind her back like she might have been hiding the arm behind her. Not that the girl minded if she only had the one, to have any kind of handicap and still be a high ranking mage was impressive in her books. If a one arm Music mage could still best her, Rosaline Dreyar will her limbs at full strength, then who was she to question her powers or what she looked like? Rosaline even glanced over her own shoulder as she peered to Kazuo as her gaze drifted onto his eye path, almost to confirm her point, but then she shook her head slightly as she looked over into the distance musing over just why that thought of him came into her mind.

So being slightly bemused and impressed, was short lived as it suddenly clicked with the temper-heavy girl that Yamato and Kirin, the two strongest mages within Blue Pegasus had been fighting it out for the last 30minutes or so one might add (was she and Kazuo really out there for a whole 30mins looking for her brother?) and she had missed....




She might have made a note to Kirin about not really caring if she were "normal" or otherwise, but the rage that was steadily building within her was rising at an incredibly fast pace. Her fists started to clench up as her teeth gritted inside her mouth, her eyebrow pushed down and her eyes turned into slits. And if that wasn't warning enough, a spark or two crackled around her frame as the very hair and fibers within the room started to lift up due to the static the Lightning Mage was stirring up.

"You fought.... this entire time... without me?" she said in a voice as dark as possible, her head even dropped down and the one chunk of her hair draped before her face to half cover it, something akin to a horror movie. Oh there was tables, and cloths, and food that looked and smelt divine. But Rosaline was far too livid about any of that. "You didn't think to once try and find me... or to wait till I came back?" She is another voice as dark and cold as ice. Another clap of lightning echoed about the room as it laced around her frame.

@LeSoraAmari @Britt-21 @Halffix @hudhouse @Jackaboi @Solemn Jester @Arius LaVari




Kirin suddenly frowned and leaned into Rosealine asking her in a more concerned voice then anything, "So... is everything supposed to be about you little miss goldy? Me, Celestia and Yamato were cooking in the kitchen with me preparing a desert, Celestia her surprise, and Yamato this whole dish, and what are you doing? Complaining that you didn't watch a fight? I apologize you didn't see it dear, but we had our own reasons to see who was stronger, and we did. Now blue boy is going to be my servant for a day!" She sighed, thinking how she was going to make a good dress if she was missing an arm. She didn't have a lot to work with was the issue. It was going to be a pain to eat things now too, wasn't it? She continued going into Rosealine, pressing her own thin, flat chested body against hers. Kirin looked into her eyes and said, "You have had two separate temper tantrums today dear, can you please just humor me and enjoy the dinner that was made for all of us? Its Christmas Eve, not Thunderdome." Just to finish her display, she would reach up and boop Rosealine on the nose before calmly walking off. She would sit down and begin making herself a dish.



[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Kelica Zefara[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

Kelica had her attention on Timothy, so when he mentioned he was okay she took a huge breath outwards as she did. She knew Noah would be okay, after all she only had wrapped the vines around his frame, but Kelica had thrust practically her whole weight into the boy to send him crashing to the ground. She didn't know his strength or anything about him really. So she was more then relieved to hear he was okay. "Yes, I am fine... Honestly I barely felt a thing..." She had a big smile cross her face but tilted her head as he mentioned his name and no one remembering him. "But of course I do! I know things were pretty chaotic at the base, but you came up to me just like this..." She said reaching out as he looked more and more anxious and panic driven, clasping his hands and lifting them up as she did. "You said you were moved by my words... how everything deserved to live. How everything deserved a second chance. And you wanted to help. Of course I remember!" Smiling more warmly. "You left a piece of paper-"

She started to speak but that was when Chris rushed over in a half panic. It seemed the girl's attention was constantly taken in this place, which wasn't a bad thing but it meant she could never spend as long as she wanted with everyone as she might have liked. "I... I'm sorry Chris. Honestly I tried to calm him down but he just lunged... It was the only way I could see to try and fix it was by using that bottle Tim gave me..." That was when the girl whirled to notice a voice behind her saying her name. Almost instantly she turned to face the Kitty-eared lady as the lady grasped her hands and the girl was taken aback by how warm and comforting her touch was! The girl hands came up to touch at Aria's ears as her mouth turned into something close to Awe, while she had leaped on her before she didn't really get a good touch on them before Ryu had peeled her off. She couldn't believe it!! They were soft and almost seemed to twitch and turn more into her grasp. While this wasn't her first experience touching animals ears, she'd never really touched any on a normal human. Well human-ish... Kelica despite her animal knowledge still wasn't aware of what Aria really was. There weren't any Kitsune in her Father's Magical Realm. 

Her touch was soft and soothing even before she had used her magic and Kelica's emerald eyes slipped closed as an audible sigh escaped gently. She could only dream her Healing magic could feel this soothing, this beautiful and lulling. She assumed Sora's magic would feel the same rather then the intensity that her magic ensued. Maybe... one day... she could learn from Aria or Sora to perhaps lessen the pain? Even if just a little... she wouldn't be so hesitant to use her powers then and might be even more useful! As the woman stood up and ruffled her hair a fraction, Kelica's face turned into a smile that spread from ear to ear, lips parted as another adorable laugh escaped. Whoever this woman was, and whatever magic she had, Kelica hoped she would stay.

As the lady's attention turned to the Guildhall and Clair once more, Kelica found her gaze looking over to Timothy as he was slowly backing away. She went to say something but then Aria talked about Kelica and Chris looking after the Manticore! She didn't mind at all, she was planning on looking after it anyway. "Well, I mean, it's getting very late and it's only going to get colder and colder... making a trip now wouldn't make much sense..." her eyes glancing over to the Manticore that was simply dozing gently. "He is relaxed right now, let us just leave him be... I didn't even ask Tim how long the potion would last...." She turned then as she watched Timothy getting further and further away "Okay, I will tell Sora but.. why are you going?" He seemed set in his ways because he was already turned as if to leave and facing out. She glanced to Noah and put her hand on his chest with a smile that literally said 'I'll be right back' before she was running to Timothy. As she did she reached up to the clip in her hair and peeled away one of the seeds in her hair clip, and cupped it into her hand before she closed and entwined her fingers together. There was a soft green glow between her fingers and a tiny green sprout started to peek from the seed. When she reached Tim, she grasped at his backpack (The one he had pulled the bottle out of) and dropped the seed into the front pocket, before she zipped it back up. She peeked a head over his shoulder and whispered into his ear. "Please come back anytime. Fairytail would love to have you around."

Before he could even respond, the girl was already running back towards where Chris and Noah were discussing about the Manticore, coming into the last portion of Noah's conversation. "I can only influence beasts, I can not guarantee he will never hurt people. Furthermore in the current state he is in with his damaged tail and teeth... Even if I managed to heal him, his mind is dark and lonely. His species Mate's for life and I'm guessing something has killed his Mate..." She looked away then as she wrapped her arms around herself. "His kind can not survive alone once mated." She said this in a tone that dripped with sadness. "If left in the wild he would have died within the week, and I don't have the power nor the want to keep him drugged or passed out to avoid him hurting others for life...." This was honestly the hardest part for the girl, and it was showing her as being visibly shaken. "I do not want him to be caged or held against his will... he doesn't deserve that." At this point Kelica's eyes were starting to burn a fraction, as she reached up and bite at her knuckle. "Please just... let him rest her for the night, in the hall. I'll brush his mane and keep the water to him and then..tomorrow we will..." Her voice broke at that point. "....I...I'm going to go get him something to drink!" She exclaimed suddenly before she half pushed her way between Chris and Noah, fleeing almost to the kitchen as she did.

Almost the second she escaped the crowded the Guild Hall and Kelica came into the kitchen, she slammed her back into the cupboard door as she slid down it's surface coming to a sit at it's base with her knees tucked into her face and her arms sliding around her legs. It wasn't humane, she had to give it a mercy kill... she couldn't see it live out it's life like that... could she? Wasn't she always the one sprouting about how important life was, and how there was always another way.

So how could she even be contemplating ending it's suffering? It was so happy, dozing off now.. but if it stayed as it was, without it's Mate, it would only suffer. Kelica's morals were so torn. She didn't know what to do! The expert in Forest Guardian magic... with a beast and having no idea what to do!


At Sora's place, and inside Timothy backpack, the tiny seed was slowly growing so that the tip of a vine started to peek through a whole where she hadn't closed zip completely, one tiny leaf peeking out as if to stare at Timothy while he slept.

@Embaga Elder @Kyuubey @Isune @Zareh

Chris Lengheart(Slumber party!)

Chris simply shrugged as Kelica said that making a trip now would basically be pointless. "Yeah, you do make a good point..." He said while trying to ponder what else they could do. But then, Chris' heart sank as Kelica started to talk about how the creature had no hope of surviving without its mate. Why didn't Chris stop Tyson from killing its mate, or why didn't he tell Lavender to not cut off its stinger. A smile somehow managed to work onto his face as she mentioned giving him water and brushing his mane, but the smile soon left as Kelica suddenly exclaimed that she needed to get something to drink. Chris knew what she really meant, and quickly stood up and quickly followed after her. Seeing her the way she was hurt Chris, he sat down next to her and muttered,"I'm sorry Kelica, if I had known this would happen, I would of taken a different approach." Trying to think of a way to take her mind off of the depression, Chris began thinking. Eventually, he had the idea to use a partial takeover. His normal ears were replaced with those of his werewolf form. They were nice and fuzzy, nowhere near the level of fuzziness that Aria's possessed, but were definitely up there on the fuzziness scale. "Focus on my ears Kelica, now's not the time to be sad. Manticore's gonna be okay, he's gonna be happy again. But first, you need to be happy. I'm not sure how we'll do it, but I promise we'll find a way to make things work."

@Embaga Elder @Zuka


Kelica zefara.png

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage was peering to her knees as she continued to stay curled up, her toes curled in almost a fraction as she cuddled herself for warmth. That was when Chris wandered in a moment later as her eyes flicked up before they dropped a moment later and squeezed up. She wasn't really surprised he had sat down next to her and when he muttered she took a soft breath outwards. "How were you meant to know Chris? A girl comes in, freezing to death and tells you she spotted a Manticore, you go and find it and something like this happens? I don't know exactly what would happen but I assume the beast attacked you, followed by the other and clearly one didn't came out of the struggle alive. Animals are unpredictable, even me who has grown up her entire life around them still gets surprised by the things they do. It's Christmas Eve and I'm stuck here, panicking about some creature that most people would have simply killed... I'm too soft, aren't I?" She muttered back. "My Father would have slammed his staff down and known the exact thing to do, but me? I have no idea... I'm wadding through my own magic with no idea what to do..." Glancing sideways. "It's not easy. I hear voices all the time, telling me different things. I feel such devotion to love and life. It's unhealthy..." She closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them again she looked to the side and Chris's new fuzzy wolf ears.

The girl's eyes still burnt a fraction but a soft smile crossed her face and naturally she reached up to scratch at the back of his ear gently by instinct. Then she let her hand drop a fraction. "We haven't really talked the last few months have we, Chris? I've been so busy I haven't even stopped to ask how you have been.." glancing up to the roof as a cute smile plastered her face. "And then Noah appears, out of no where, after being away this whole time, and I haven't even had a chance to talk to him either...." Her expression alone told Chris she was bemused over this fact and ever her eyes softened a fraction to as she thought of Noah. But her green eyes turned back to Chris. "I wasn't expecting Noah to come back at all..." She admitted in a soft voice like a friend who is expressing a deep dark secret to another. "And then you bust in the door with your busted shoulder and a Manticore in tow... you had me really worried..." She said softly. She stretched out her legs a little as she did. "I'm glad Sora healed your wounds..." Slowly she pushed herself up to a stand as she grasped a huge vase and filled it to the brim with cool water. Then she came back to Chris. "I want to spend some time with Noah to talk, and while the Manticore is resting, do you think you could give him a drink? I'll be back before you know it and we can try to talk to him...." She offered him the vase then. "Your the best friend I could ask for Chris, so thank you for being there for me..." kissing at his cheek for a moment before she patted his other cheek and let her hand drop gently.

With that said she turned from the kitchen and walked out, moving gently over to the Manticore as she brushed her hand through his mane and leaned in to press her ear against his chest, to hear his steady breathing and feeling the slow rise and fall of his chest. Once she was certain he was okay, she finally walked over to Noah with her gaze dipping and sliding to the side like she was getting nervous again and her hands clasped in front of her. "I haven't had a chance to talk to you since you came back. The Manticore is resting so, maybe we could go for a walk? I want you to tell me all about your adventures and what you did while you were away!" her face lighting up in a way it hadn't in a very long time.

@Isune @Embaga Elder

Eric: What's going on in there!?


Eric sat watching the doors of the Guild masters office, impatience weighed heavily upon him. But who can blame him? Two of his guild mates were stuck inside with that Siren Draneri. But both Mizuki and Alicia hinted him to stay out of it. Was Draneri really planning to stay tame? Eric will have to remain sceptical though, there's no telling when she'll suddenly strike. Tokine soon returned wearing a santa outfit and her usual trademark blank expression, but yet she seemed worried. "Tokine... Oh right! It's nothing... Just me being weird as usual! Heh heh... heh..." Eric did a nervous laugh at the end which made a pretty clear clue that there clearly is something wrong. Tokine wasn't involved with the dungeon incident so she had no clue who Draneri was. If it was any other occasion Eric would've spilled the beans already but right now Mizuki and Alicia probably wouldn't want him to start any trouble right now. What is he going to do...? Eric was a great spy but he was terrible at lying when his friends were involved. He needs to change the subject before Tokine catches on. "Uh... Hey nice weather were having!" Eric immediately turned his back to Tokine and face-palmed himself. He muttered to himself. "Goddammit Eric what kind of conversation starter is that!?!? Who do you think you're talking to? A stranger!?" To calm himself down Eric took a breath in and out then turned back to Tokine. "Forget that last question... What I meant to say was... Why are you wearing a santa outfit?" At this point Eric started to slam his head against the wall several times because of that unbelievably stupid question. "For gods sake Eric! Of course you know why she's wearing a santa outfit! It's freaking Christmas you idiot!" Eric stopped hitting his head against the wall, leaving behind a few minor cracks. His eyes hovered over the main keg holding all the booze. here he got an idea. Eric dashed over to the keg and threw it out the window. "Oh no! It seems were all out of beer! I'll go buy some more. I'll be back soon! Ciao!" Before anyone could say anything he dashed out the guild hall and as soon as he was a reasonable distance away he slowed down to walking pace making his way to the general direction of the grocery store. For once he was actually glad it was so far away. "(sigh) I need some time to think... Just what was Mizuki and Alicia planning to bring that monster to the guild?"


@Drakerus @Zuka @Maki @Mitchs98 @Nenma Takashi
Last edited by a moderator:


[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]

The Forest Mage was peering to her knees as she continued to stay curled up, her toes curled in almost a fraction as she cuddled herself for warmth. That was when Chris wandered in a moment later as her eyes flicked up before they dropped a moment later and squeezed up. She wasn't really surprised he had sat down next to her and when he muttered she took a soft breath outwards. "How were you meant to know Chris? A girl comes in, freezing to death and tells you she spotted a Manticore, you go and find it and something like this happens? I don't know exactly what would happen but I assume the beast attacked you, followed by the other and clearly one didn't came out of the struggle alive. Animals are unpredictable, even me who has grown up her entire life around them still gets surprised by the things they do. It's Christmas Eve and I'm stuck here, panicking about some creature that most people would have simply killed... I'm too soft, aren't I?" She muttered back. "My Father would have slammed his staff down and known the exact thing to do, but me? I have no idea... I'm wadding through my own magic with no idea what to do..." Glancing sideways. "It's not easy. I hear voices all the time, telling me different things. I feel such devotion to love and life. It's unhealthy..." She closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them again she looked to the side and Chris's new fuzzy wolf ears.

The girl's eyes still burnt a fraction but a soft smile crossed her face and naturally she reached up to scratch at the back of his ear gently by instinct. Then she let her hand drop a fraction. "We haven't really talked the last few months have we, Chris? I've been so busy I haven't even stopped to ask how you have been.." glancing up to the roof as a cute smile plastered her face. "And then Noah appears, out of no where, after being away this whole time, and I haven't even had a chance to talk to him either...." Her expression alone told Chris she was bemused over this fact and ever her eyes softened a fraction to as she thought of Noah. But her green eyes turned back to Chris. "I wasn't expecting Noah to come back at all..." She admitted in a soft voice like a friend who is expressing a deep dark secret to another. "And then you bust in the door with your busted shoulder and a Manticore in tow... you had me really worried..." She said softly. She stretched out her legs a little as she did. "I'm glad Sora healed your wounds..." Slowly she pushed herself up to a stand as she grasped a huge vase and filled it to the brim with cool water. Then she came back to Chris. "I want to spend some time with Noah to talk, and while the Manticore is resting, do you think you could give him a drink? I'll be back before you know it and we can try to talk to him...." She offered him the vase then. "Your the best friend I could ask for Chris, so thank you for being there for me..." kissing at his cheek for a moment before she patted his other cheek and let her hand drop gently.

With that said she turned from the kitchen and walked out, moving gently over to the Manticore as she brushed her hand through his mane and leaned in to press her ear against his chest, to hear his steady breathing and feeling the slow rise and fall of his chest. Once she was certain he was okay, she finally walked over to Noah with her gaze dipping and sliding to the side like she was getting nervous again and her hands clasped in front of her. "I haven't had a chance to talk to you since you came back. The Manticore is resting so, maybe we could go for a walk? I want you to tell me all about your adventures and what you did while you were away!" her face lighting up in a way it hadn't in a very long time.

@Isune @Embaga Elder



Noah nodded his head as Kelica poked a hole in both of their ideas. Her reasoning for keeping the manticore here made perfect sense. But when she cried and stormed off, all the other feelings he had quickly faded away as his heart sank. He didn't understand this feeling he had in his body, it was completely new for him. As Noah stood there conflicted with himself, Chris ran over and tried cheering up Kelica. Noah was completely and utterly confused. He didn't understand why he was feeling this way. This wasn't his first time seeing a girl cry, but for some reason seeing Kelica break down broke him. Noah started to walk towards the kitchen but he stopped when he saw her moving. She filled a vase with water, which he guessed it was for the manticore, he turned and looked back at the resting beast. A couple of seconds he noticed Kelica walking over towards the beast, where she checked his heart rate. From what he could tell the beast had a pretty steady heart rate. Noah smiled lightly as Kelica made her way over towards him. 

[SIZE= 16px]The weird feeling in Noah's body went away when Kelica asked to go for a walk with him. Finally, things have calmed down enough for them to actually be alone. Noah smiled and nodded his yeah. Yeah we can go for a walk, and I'll tell you everything I did while away. But before we go... Noah looked at her attire and his realizing neither of them were properly dressed for the cold. We both should probably change. with that being said Noah used transformation magic to change his entire clothing attire. [/SIZE]I'm sure you have a room here in Fairy Tail right? I'll wait here while you change.


Verdana turned around, her eyes glowing a dark green. She had some tears in her eyes, though for what reason would be unknown. She said, "You chase me down to say... Don't worry?" Se snickered a bit, more tears dripping to the floor before she laughed insanely. She gave off a crazed grin, "Well at least you people care! Unfortnatly, I have everything to worry about. I don't own anything... not my soul, not my breath, not even my destiny. I have to become a slaver ad reprogramed due to being 'wrong'." She went back to a snicker. Her eyes turned back to crimson as she continued walking on, no longer running at least. 

Sera was thankful for her slowing down, honestly wanting to burn off as little blood as possible. She chuckled lightly and nodded at her initial question, "I did yeah. I wanted to talk." She replied. She frowned when she noticed her tears, having caught up to the girl due to her slowing down to walk beside her. She sighed at her words and thought for a bit. "You know. I used to think the same thing?" She said. "I was kidnapped when I was little and tortured continously for years in preparation for a dark magic ritual. Every day I welcomed death even though I knew they wouldn't let me die. They kept me too weak to fight back though strong enough to be a suitable vessel." She explained. 

"Day after day I knew I had no chance, no choice to do anything but what they wanted. In the end I gave up, I stopped resisting, and hell even stopped caring. I didn't care what they did anymore. The day of the ritual came and I thought I was finally going to be free from everything, finally be able to just rest in wherever I'd end up once I died." She continued, heaving a shaky sigh. "But...no...even then. Even on the verge of death I wasn't in control. The ritual failed and turned me into a monster. I had the ability to fight back like I always wanted but I wasn't in control. I murdered everyone..senselessly and brutally. I found out my parents and hell even my entire village was involved." She told her, pausing a bit and wiping her eyes on her arm.

"All my friends...everyone I had known...they'd all did this to me. They never really even cared. I...I ended up killing them all and burning the village to the ground." She said. "Even then...I didn't have control over my actions, even after. I...I roamed around killing people to feed. When I was able I tore myself away from the world and just...roamed for a while." She told her. "After a while I was better, in control. I took a long, long time. But I did it. In the end I joined Fairy Tail, everyone there helped me stay in control and comforted me.." She said.

She grew silent and sighed heavily, looking to the ground and wiping tears from her eyes again as they walked. "What I'm trying to say is...no matter what you think...no matter what you're being used for or what people want you for you are in control. You're you, not some object. If you want control you can have it, all you need is friends and to genuinely want it." She said, stopping the both of them and pulling Verdana into a hug. "I'm more than willing to be that friend for you if you want me to be..I'll keep Grimoire Heart from hurting you. You never have to see them again." She said.

"You do have a choice. The guys back at the hall..I'll talk to them to." She had no idea why she had told all of that to Verdana, Ophelia and Cece being the only ones that knew that much about her. She just thought it was right to, what was best to convince her to stay and away from the horrible people. She could tell Verdana didn't want that life, all she needed was a bit of hope and a friend that knew what she was going through.



Kathy was sleeping peacefully but that was until she felt the nudging from Miles which made her eyes flutter open and made her rub her eyes before he presented a picture of both himself and Kathy sleeping. "I guess the waitress took the picture..." she said, glancing up at Miles "You can keep it... In case you go away again..." the mage fixed how she was sitting and looked at the salad plus the maitai that she didnt order and instantly she assumed it was Miles who got her the drink cause there was no way that she ordered that in her sleep. Not to mention the waitress wouldnt have known what to get her as a drink. Katherine picked up her fork and began to eat her salad, allowing her stomach to shut up its rumbling and allowing her to enjoy the food. She was curious about Miles's food and how it tasted so she glanced at Miles.


"Do you mind if I have a piece...?" at most she meant one little cube of chicken and a bit of pasta just to see if she would like what he liked. Kathy took her fork and slowly reached it into his plate, grabbing a chicken and a pasta before popping it into her mouth without warning. Merely just taking even though she asked and hadnt had a chance to answer. The two bits were quite nice and complimented eachother well "It needs a little salt..." she stated as her eyes looked towards miles and seen his face which made her blink "...What...? Is there something on my face...?" she asked as her hand reached for her drink and brought the cup towards her lips, though the straw stuck in her mouth first as she began to drink. Her expression was normal as always, just her eyes holding curiosity as she looked at him. Though for some reason it was like she was making a cute face even though she wasnt even doing so.



Miles grabbed the photo and placed it in his pocket. I'll keep it, but only to get this framed and duplicated. I told you if I ever leave again, I'll take you along side with me. So you don't have to worry about me leaving. Miles grabbed his entire plate and sat back on the couch. The plate was still hot but it really didn't have much affect on Miles. Before Miles took his first bite, Kathy asked for a piece. Go ahead. He said in response, but it looked like she wasn't even gone wait for a response since she was already moving for it. He watched as she took two bites. Appearantly some sauce ended up on her face and Miles just stared at it, with a slight grin. Yeah there is, but I'm not gone tell you where. He chuckled as he cut the noodles and chicken up a bit and mixed the pasta real good, after adding some salt and pepper. A took a big bite out of his pasta, chewing it as he turned his head to Katherine, who was making a cute face. Though he couldn't help but look at the sauce still on her face. Miles swallowed the food in his mouth and took a sip from his whiskey. he grabs his fork and prepares to take another bite but right be fore he does he speaks. You might wanna wipe that sauce off your face. He glances at her with a grin, then takes another bite.  


[SIZE= 18px]Chris Lengheart(I understand)[/SIZE]

Chris sighed as Kelica said that she essentially wasn't her dad and that she was too soft. "You're not too soft, and you're not your dad. You're Kelica Zefara, and it's time you recognize that. You will never be your father, you'll never be your mother, but the one thing you will be is you. Strive to be different, not just a carbon copy. While you may not be the same as your parents, and while you may never reach their level, you'll surpass them in ways you could never imagine. Everyone has different response to situations, your response, and you're father's response are two very different things. You have to make something of yourself, copying your parents is not the way. Be who you want. That's honestly all I can say." Chris lectured as he held her by her shoulders, looking her square in the eyes. It hurt Chris to see Kelica think like that, it really did. And right now, it was his job as a friend to try and help her through things like this. This way, she grew stronger. Not physically, not mentally, but emotionally.

A grin somehow found a way onto Chris' face during this entire thing when Kelica reached over and began to rub the back of his ears. It had been so long since he had last felt a loving touch like that. He almost didn't want her to stop. His enjoyment came to an end as Kelica mentioned them not talking as much as they used to. To this, Chris' eyes merely looked down at the floor as he simply shrugged. "Yeah, guess not." Was all he had to say in response to this. As she brought up Noah, Chris couldn't help but joke. "Maybe he came back for you," Chris said while nudging her slightly "I would....you know what I mean.

When Chris was asked to watch over the manticore while Kelica and Noah went out for a walk to catch up, Chris simply nodded as he followed Kelica to fill up a vase. He took it and placed it down next to him when Kelica told him that he was the best friend anyone could ask for. He was rewarded with a small kiss on his cheek. Chris however, returned the favor by bringing Kelica into a hug. After a few seconds, Chris released Kelica and said,"Thanks, don't really think anyone's really ever said that to me before. I'll make sure to watch that manticore, be careful out there."

And without saying another word, Chris picked up the vase and carried it out to the manticore. He gently placed it down out of its reach and sat down with it. The manticore still seemed rather ditsy seeing as how it was tapping the wood with its paw without a care in the world. Every now and then, it'd roll about but always end up in the same place. It wasn't as talkative as before (although Chris couldn't blame it seeing as what it went through not too long ago), but Chris didn't mind. He offered the vase to the manticore, and was surprised to see it walk over and begin lapping water from it for a while. Once it had its fill, it turned around and plopped back down on the ground. What were they going to do with this thing.

  Phineas walked in after Shiro, looking over her shoulder when she picked up a magazine filled with the notes of songs. The music playing in the shop entered his ears; the teenager swayed in his spot, contented by the sounds, before slowly halting to nod at Shiro, who was tilting her head in his direction. She seemed a little....concerned. 

  "Ah. Sorry," he said calmly, searching for the mens' clothing, and, upon finding it, drifted over to the section. "Knowing Nikolas, he probably would like to get some stylish clothing or something. He likes neon colors, so....maybe this?" He withdrew a brightly colored sweatshirt, presenting it to Shiro.  

  Nikolas thought about Ferra's question, adjusting the collar of his shirt as he did so before coming up with an idea. "Then get 'im a sword or a gun! If he has a lot of daggers, then maybe spicing it up with the weaponry could impress the dude. Or porno mags, guys like that." He shrugged, then grinned when the waiter came back with their drinks. Well, more than grinned; he excitedly started drinking from it. "Hmm....or armor. That'd work too, I guess."

Ferra listened to his suggestion, giggling when he mentioned the porno mags. "Well...he already has plenty of porno stashed in his room...sort of took some of it..." She replied, mumbling the part of her taking some of his though still loud enough Nikolas likely heard. She blushed and shook her head, taking a sip of her drink. "He isn't really the armor type...though a gun might work!" She told him cheerfully. "I dunno if he knows how to use one but it'd useful in a pinch if he couldn't get close enough for his daggers." She said.

"I think I might try that!" She added with a wide grin. "Thanks for the suggestion." She said, then smirked. "Since guys like porno mags so much that might be your present~" She teased jokingly, wondering how he'd react as she smiled innocently at him.

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