Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Fairytail on the floor @Mitchs98 @Kyuubey @

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As soon as he was released from Sera's grip he fell on his face. He was perfectly content with just laying there until the end of time, or until he felt better. Then the new Guild master Aria requested he come over to her. Well it was a order, but still Mitsuki liked to pretend he had a choice. 

"Yes ma'am right away," Mitsuki said as he kicked his feet in an attempt to push himself towards her. Mitsuki basically dragged across the floor, which if he wasn't feel terrible he would have never done. But he could always clean himself off later, maybe with fire. Then he stopped infront of her and turned into his back. He smiled weakly and saluted her," private Yamada reporting for duty! I'm willing to take Whatever punishment you find necessary." Mitsuki said, although his tone was more like someone accepting their death now.

Kami Rezonai 

Reunited at long last

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Kami was elated to see his big sis, and returned her hug ten fold.  Lifting her up, and spinning her around before returning her to the ground.He then released her, and stood with his arms crossed, and a smiled on his face." Oh you know same old stuff. Exploring strange lands, and ancient ruins. Escaping dangerous traps, and finding magical artifacts. Oh yeah I forgot I also got you this!" Kami said digging through his bag until he found the item he was speaking of. Then handed her a blue stuffed rabbit, dressed as a surgeon."So...do you like it?" Kami asked nervously watching her for a response."I also got you this!" Kami said handing her a second gift. This one was a bag stuffed with various Christmas candies.

Alara giggled as she was spun around, sighing contentedly when she was sat down and listening to her brother speak. She frowned when he mentioned dangerous traps, herself always being protective over him. Though she perked up when he mentioned him getting her something, tilting her had slightly in question. Her eyes lit up with excitement when she saw the surgeon rabbit, immediately hugging the thing at his question. "I love it!" She cheered. "You remembered didn't you?" She asked, laughing at the fact she had a small hoard of stuffed rabbits of varying colors and clothes. When he held out yet another gift for her which was a bag of candy she frowned slightly, "Aww Kami you didn't have to get this for me...I feel bad now I didn't get anything for you." She told him, though gratefully accepted the gifts anyway. "Don't worry! While you're here I'll find you the best present ever!" She told him determinedly. "You can stay with me at my house too. We'll go back to Blue Pegasus for a bit and hang out there." She said, more or less fed up with looking.
@Arius LaVari

  Phineas was grateful about all of this....but he was weirded out by the twisted smile Laura gave him. Wait. Was all of this....to keep an eye on him? The boy stood there for a moment, thinking about it, then exhaled a sigh, attempting a smile. But since he was stoic, the smile looked more like a psychopathic killer smile. And he only held it for about five minutes before releasing the smile and returning to the poker face. He was just as curious as Laura with the question, though. 

  Nikolas grinned when Ferra said she knew where he lived if he dared dump her. He did feel bad about the fact that she got ditched after one day, though. "Well, you don't hafta worry about that, then, Ferra! I'll do my best to stay loyal to you! And I am dead serious on that part," he added, winking at her. "Plus....and I'm dead serious about this....I have been freaking head-over-heels for you since we met. Dammit, is Phin gonna tease us......" he added as an afterthought, imagining his twin's face after all this. Probably grinning evilly at him, chuckling lowly. Scary pianist. Yay. Nik started walking towards the cafe, holding Ferra's hand. "As for me in this relationship, guess I'd better give you a fair warning—" More or less in the heat of the moment, Nikolas paused, before running forward. So maybe he was a bit hyperactive right now. So what. "I do almost everything on an impulse, and that makes it even more fun! Am I right?"

Ferra smiled, re-assured by Nikolas' words as he spoke. Not that she had any doubts to begin with, but still. She could tell he was completely genuine with his feelings, plus to hear he was in love with her since they met...was kind of nice. A bit unexpected, but still nice. "That's great to know." She replied. "And I'm not too worried about Phin. I'm nore worried about Valken. Guy can literally pop out of anywhere." She said, laughig nervously. Oh it was a good thing he didn't know where they went...

When they started walking she sighed happily, she was honestly getting hungrier by the minute. She hadn't bothered taking her normal bag of food considering it'd be weird to take to what had amounted to a love conffession. She looked confused as he spoke about a fair warning, "Huh?" She asked. Of course immediately after she yelped in surprise and started running alongside him, nearly falling over in the process. She laughed slightly and nodded, "Yeah it is pretty fun!" She told him cheerfully. She was sort of the same way so it'd only end up being very fun she guessed.

Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ




" Feel free to touch them anytime, Niur. " She smiled warmly as she left Niur with the open invitation, wondering why she was already so attached to all of the children now under her care. Aria had both hands on the mug of hot chocolate, fingers gripping it like it was a sacred treasure, a few sips being taken from time to time throughout the different introductions. Mituski made a comment about eating her up and before the 'kitty' eared woman could respond, a low but sinister voice did it for her. " Is that so? Not if I eat you up first. " Abaddon spoke almost in a threatening tone but there was a hint of jest behind it, just not enough to factor in that it be taken lightly. It was clear the mage was sick so when he grabbed her hand, she was anything but reluctant to retract it and quickly bathe it in a cleansing light. Better safe than sorry! The last thing they needed was a sick Guild Master sulking around with a runny nose. A playful look crossed over her features though as she observed and watched everyone. They were all so friendly, well most of them, and they surely got along better than she'd expected for how vastly different they all seemed to be. 


[SIZE= 16px]Sera approached her then and before the woman could even introduce herself, Aria re-positioned her hands to hold the mug in one and slide the other around Sera's shoulders, dragging her in whilst Sera spoke. " You've got that look on your face, you know? Don't worry about what I think. " She perked up after hearing what the vampire had to say. " I know what you are and I know you're a good person. Though I am a little worried... " Aria trailed off, hardening the grip that she had on her. " After all this reputation of you drinking people under the table, I'm really worried I might make you look like a light weight.  " A dangerous yet challenging smirk spread across her face before it turned into a more cute and endearing one. " [/SIZE]Well, I won't do that! I'd practically be cheating. [SIZE= 16px]" She admitted without hesitation and she pulled away from the small embrace after ushering a small squeeze. Sera truly had nothing to fear or worry about with Aria, the woman was a good judge of character and it was clear that Sera was honorable and not true to the nature her kind tended to lean towards. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Everything was peaceful for the time being until Aria dared to focus on her drink once more. It was that singular moment of distracting herself that made her a little late on feeling the magic but still, there had been time to stop it in one direction. The black key was thrown into the air and snatched up by skillful fingers, a quick twirl releasing a gigantic scythe to form and materialize within that hand. It spun in an erratic way before she trailed the blade to swipe down in front of Ryu, missing his face by a fraction of a breath until it remained still before him to cancel out the magic wave from hitting him. Aria's hand dropped from the long handle then and the scythe itself remained perched with part of the blade embedded into the ground. The magic itself became apparent once her yellow hues flashed about to witness the naked bodies of some of her members. Her tongue clicked in slight annoyance and she held her hands out as white markings covered half of her body as if light trying to break through cracks in her skin. Each naked person found themselves encased in light; a light that shone so brightly that if anyone dared to look directly into it they would find themselves temporarily dazed. [/SIZE]

Their movement wasn't hindered but at least they weren't show casing their bodies anymore.... Aria looked at Kelica and her thoughts continued... Or unknowingly being on display. The girl was adorable but it was quite obvious that she had the attention span of a squirrel. " All of you please go acquire some clothes or you will be forced to walk around like tiny blaring suns. " Aria's tone left no room for debate and her arms fluidly crossed, fingers tapping along her skin in an almost irritable manner. The repetitive notion of that soon stopped as the little moth girl approached her. Aria seemed unfazed by the level of creepy radiating off of her and the way she spoke was hardly more pleasant but she listened anyways. " You'll have to elaborate, Verdana. What child? Why are they sealed? I'm afraid I don't understand. " Aria's gaze bore down patiently upon Verdana, brows furrowing slightly from how strange it all sounded. 

Might as well take this opportunity to scold a certain someone before everyone sends him to his grave... [SIZE= 16px]She thought to herself with a long internal sigh. [/SIZE]Chaos already on the first day? Yeah, I'm definitely home[SIZE= 16px]. Her head turned to the side to allow her eyes to fixate on the sick boy who was seconds away from being pummeled. " [/SIZE]Mitsuki, please come here.[SIZE= 16px] " It wasn't an invitation, it was a strict order. The words didn't come out as stern though. Instead they were dripping with a cosseting tone, one she knew he wouldn't be able to resist. A small glance was given to Ryu as she confirmed that he was alright and not having become subject to the magic most of them had been hit with. She subconsciously questioned why in the heat of the moment it was him that she had chosen to aim the scythe at but that was a question better left for another time. For now though... there was a boy to lightly scold, a mystery to get to the bottom of with this girl, getting her fairies back in clothes, and Abaddon... well..[/SIZE]

Abaddon had appeared in his human form and he stood in front of Bel while this all went down, barring his path. " Let's hug out your anger issues! What do you say? " He exclaimed while holding out his arms as if to embrace the boy. 



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Sera hoenstly wasn't to sure what to say when Arietta had hugged her. She'd laughed when she mentioned drinking her under the table, a smile spreading across her lips. She seemed so kind...perhaps she'd start liking her as well as she did Cece. They'd both likely not had the best pasts so it only made sense she was understanding of her. Even still she was thankful, it wasn't every day she was accepted for what she was after all.Back at the current situation she was staring Mituski down now that he'd woken up. "Buy me new clothes?" She asked. "You can't just buy that outfit! I've had it for years.." She told him, growling slightly.

She was contemplating slapping him in tandem with Bel's death threats up until Kelica walked up...completely naked. Luckily she got a good look at her before Aria's spell kicked in. Sure her hair covered her chest partly, but it was good enough for her. Plus her hair didn't really cover any lower. She let go of Mitsuki and turned to face Kelica fully, "Could say the same to you." She told her, poking her in the stomach after. She of course pouted at Arietta's spell, rather enjoying the little show she was getting from Kelica. Even still, the spell didn't stop her from hugging her to her with a wide grin. "Yes..let's get some clothes. I might have an outfit you can borrow Keli." She said, grinning from ear to ear and at this point focusing on her.

Okay, so she was sort of a slut. If that wasn't obvious to anyone...well...they clearly didn't know Sera.

The moth girl flew around sera and Aria, covering them in layers and layers of silk. The silk would warp around them snuggly, forming into bath robes. As long as she was nice, she wouldn't have to fight. She was weak now, but her etherious form... it let her think. All the buzzing and screaming was finally out of her head, and all she had to do was think. She mutated her fingers to form silk glands, weaving a film of silk that formed bioluminescent lights to form her images. She said, "...I was programmed to hunt for my family members from over a hundred years ago. They are the Etherious Daemons of Tartarus, and the Fairy Tail member that took them... was Mirajane Strauss. I do not know of what has happened to her... so I am coming straight to the source. I am willing to have them turned to weaklings, but I just want to be with my family once again..." Her eyes drooped a bit as she just silently looked on at her as if she was a million miles away...


Fairytail on the floor @Mitchs98 @Kyuubey @

View attachment 176677

As soon as he was released from Sera's grip he fell on his face. He was perfectly content with just laying there until the end of time, or until he felt better. Then the new Guild master Aria requested he come over to her. Well it was a order, but still Mitsuki liked to pretend he had a choice. 

"Yes ma'am right away," Mitsuki said as he kicked his feet in an attempt to push himself towards her. Mitsuki basically dragged across the floor, which if he wasn't feel terrible he would have never done. But he could always clean himself off later, maybe with fire. Then he stopped infront of her and turned into his back. He smiled weakly and saluted her," private Yamada reporting for duty! I'm willing to take Whatever punishment you find necessary." Mitsuki said, although his tone was more like someone accepting their death now.

Kami Rezonai 

Reunited at long last

View attachment 176698

Kami was elated to see his big sis, and returned her hug ten fold.  Lifting her up, and spinning her around before returning her to the ground.He then released her, and stood with his arms crossed, and a smiled on his face." Oh you know same old stuff. Exploring strange lands, and ancient ruins. Escaping dangerous traps, and finding magical artifacts. Oh yeah I forgot I also got you this!" Kami said digging through his bag until he found the item he was speaking of. Then handed her a blue stuffed rabbit, dressed as a surgeon."So...do you like it?" Kami asked nervously watching her for a response."I also got you this!" Kami said handing her a second gift. This one was a bag stuffed with various Christmas candies.

Bel was obviously about to try finding out how many holes a human body could possible have without dying using Mitsuki's body as a subject when the guild master acted to cover the bodies of all the naked guild members with a strange light, that blinded his eyes for a second before finally subsidizing to the point where he clearly saw his surroundings. At first Bel naturally thought that he was going to die, as he naturally registered the strange light as a menace, but this conception slowly proved itself wrong as the light merely covered his body without any harm.

The demon finally came to understand what was happening when he heard the words of the guild master. It was apparently merely an way of covering their naked bodies until they found clothes, not some kind of attack. He immediately sighed in a alleviated way as the suspection of being condemned was dispelled away by the words of the guild master. God, that was some fright I had today. That's why I should just stay asleep, it's way easier. He sloppily thought, completely forgetting about Mitsuki's punishment as he slowly walked towards the exit.

He came to stop right after starting his walk to leave the guild hall, as the figure of the dark haired man came into his view while blocking his way, apparently trying to hug him. "Let's hug out your anger issues! What do you say? " Bel's expression immediately paled when he heard that. He could almost hear the danger alert comming from his soul exploding from an overload. "C-Can't we talk about that without physical contact..?" He exclaimed in a surprisingly soft voice for someone who barely talked. He could clearly relate the guy with the unpleasant presence of the demon from before, so he didn't immediately try to run, forcing himself to talk on a conciliatory way in a temptative of escaping the weird situation.

 @Bolts @Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288 @hudhouse @Happy Red Mage 

Kelica zefara.png

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]


Kelica the ditzy Forest Mage still had her hands half outstretched as she watched Sera keep Mitsuki a loft.  She still had no idea she was in her birthday suit, but she didn't much like the aura that was surrounding Bel and Sera as they closed in on the sick man. "Come on guys... I'm not sure what Misuki has to do with both of you guys naked, but come on! Look at him! He looks terrible..." Coming up to the side of Sera then. The Vampire girl turned to face her then for obvious reasons before she dropped the sick man like a sack of potatoes. Sera approached Kelica then and poked her in the stomach, to which the Forest Mage blinked a fraction. EVEN despite her nail brushing against the nakedness of her midriff the girl STILL didn't seem to notice and only tilted her head further as she gazed up to the vampire. "Say the same about what to me?" It was at that time there was a blinding light and Kelica threw up her hands to cover her eyes as Sera was so close to her and therefore half blinding her. The motion doing nothing but making her chest bounce slightly more with the momentum. She honestly had no idea what was going on anymore.

It was as her eyes were covered did Sera close the gap and wrap her arms around the girl, causing her naked frame to press up against her own in only the most close of ways. And it was pretty much at that point as Kelica spread her fingers to peer up to Sera's face did she realize with a start that she most definitely WAS naked.

They both were naked.

And close.

Very close.

The vampire's chest pressed in hard to make a not small cleavage against the Blonde girl's, as a deep blush worked it's way over Kelica's innocent looking face. "C...Clothes?" She almost squeaked out. Well, if she were indeed naked like the rest, then no doubt she would need clothes after all. And they were roughly the same height and body size yes? It made sense right? The girl completely mistaking the grin on her face and her probably more malicious intent. Then out of no where there was a moth girl floating around spinning silk? Into some sort of bathrobe thing? Well that was a great idea but for some unknown reason, the girl had put it over Sera and Aria of all people, Aria of whom was still clothed, leaving Kelica still completely naked. At least her naked breasts weren't all pressed in against Sera's now... although being this close to Sera wasn't the worst thing she'd ever experienced. She was pretty soft after all.

@Rhodus @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage @Salt Lord
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Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Valken peered down to the girl as she moved her fist into her other hand and did a rather traditional looking bow to which he lifted an eyebrow. The formality was surprising but he didn't mind in the slightly. After all despite being somewhat perverted the man also was a Gentlemen in some instances and enjoyed respect at least when he himself gave it out. He tilted his head a fraction before he grinned wider. He meant it in a genuine manner but it came off as a more Natsu-esque kind of deal. "Miss Akane, you wish to join Lamia Scale? How interesting..." He mused more to himself. He glanced off in a direction in thought before his dark gaze peered back again. "As Miss Maya is our Guild Master I will leave it up to her to decide if you will join us or not, however.... We at Lamia Scale treat all our Guild Members as family. We will all risk our very lives if it means we can protect our loved ones and keep each other safe... while I respect how you have approached me thus far, can I count on you to protect me if I fall in battle? Will you come to my aid, and lay your very life on the line to do so? That... I am not so sure of yet. But we shall see." Nodding curtly. He was thinking about how to test or prove this girl was capable when he tensed a little feeling a flex in the Shadows just outside the door. He reached forward to place a hand on the girl's shoulder gently as he leaned down to speak to her more privately. "Please excuse me Miss Akane..."

With that he side stepped as he re opened the door she had only just closed and peered outside after hearing several soft knocks on it's surface. His eyes fell down to a boy curled up against the ground right outside the Guild Hall, in nothing but rags it seemed and his whole body seemed to tense. Valken had been that way once before, when he was 5, curled up against the snow covered back streets in Margaret Town with no family and no where to go. My how funny things looked from the other side. He crouched down almost instantly as he slipped his arms around the boy and hefted him up not unlike a Bridal Pose, before he turned and strode back inside the warm building still holding the boy. "Miss Akane, close that door." He said in a no nonsense tone before he fast made his way across the Hall to the back Fire Place, his gaze drifting to Millie as he spoke strongly to her. "Millie, get some warm blankets and extra clothes." Normally would Valken say please but they needed to help the boy now before he froze so he didn't have time for pleasantries. Valken hooked his foot over a wooden chair closest to the fire to drag it over as he sat down, curling the boy up in his lap as he did so before he rather quickly maneuvered his arm to get his jacket off and slipped it around the boys frame. "Now just why were you outside in that weather wearing that..." He said oddly soft for him, as he mused more so to himself.

@LeSoraAmari @Maki

Akane gave a nervous nod as the man she refers to as sir Valken grinned in the same way the elders did whenever they got fresh meat, or commonly known to them as new recruits. The look made her spine shudder as she became slightly lost in the memories of her train. Then he started to list off what Lamia Scale was about. 'Treat the guild as family, I could definitely do that. To live is to risk so I can accept that, especially the part about protection and safety. I don't think anything I say could prove that I can do these things. I think it's be best if I wait if he tests me. That sounds smart.' She thought to herself as she shifted out of the way when he excused himself, not wanting to get in the way of whatever he had been planning on doing. 

Then she witnessed the act of Valken bringing in an injured...stranger? He was helping some stranger that looked like he'd been out in the cold for quite some time. "Yes sir." She said, gently and quickly pushing the door shut and occupying the nearest chair she could find. 'Is this...I guess this must be what being in a guild looks like...' She concluded quietly watching things unfold, resting her elbow on the table and propping her face against it. There wasn't much she could do but wait a bit more, and she had a bit of a feeling that if she ever got near them she might cause things to spiral out of control on accident. So there she sat, wishing at least that she had something nice to drink, like tea, or since it was a celebration of some sorts, something with a bit of kick in it.

Shiro Ai: A little worried...


Shiro blinked, first Laura had a random twisted smile that didn't escape the white haired mages attention and then Phin had to put on this psychopathic attempt at a smile that sent a chill down her spine, though she kept her expression blank while listening to the pair both asking when they'd be able to move in. In response Shiro's two companions were handed a key each, each set had two keys a spare and one to keep on them or in the case of Phineas and Nikolas one for each of them, the keys marked with their apartment numbers now, "As long as you've got the key and pay rent on time you can move in at any time." Shiro simply nodded watching the two in front of her with a rather passive expression even though internally she was concerned but would try to change the subject back to the original purpose. "Anyway Laura where were you wanting to look for Christmas presents? If you can tell me what you're looking for I can guide you to the stores as need be." 



Yamato Ren: Still impressed by Kirin's music


[SIZE= 14px]Yamato wasn't entirely experienced with overly difficult riddles and word play. But the simpler one's he didn't have much problem with. Although even with that being said he was still glad that he got the answer right. Soon after Celestia turned round and pulled Yama into the Kitchen asking if she could make some apple pie moonshine. One thing for sure was that he's never heard of the stuff but the way she describes it makes it sound rather nice. "Apple pie moonshine? I don't think I've had any before. But it do think it sounds like something the guild would like to try. You can make some if you like." Upon entering the kitchen the first thing he noticed was Kirin and her children preparing what looked to be some kind of song. She said sorry for taking up the kitchen but Yama didn't mind. As long as the main course that he had been making was still their respective ovens. She mentioned making a cake and Yamato was of course interested hear more. "Hello Kirin! I see you and your kids are making a cake? Well feel free. It really would make for a great desert."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Knowing Kirin it was pretty obvious that she wasn't simply going just make a cake. She's sure to make some kind of elaborate song during the process. Yama always did enjoy her music, it always brightens up the guild no matter the mood. Kirin was already dancing and singing along with her children while making a VERY large cake. It looks so professionally made too! As soon as the children finished the final chorus Yamato applauded the lot of them for their hard work. "Your music is amazing as usual I see. As for the cake... It looks outstanding! I'm sure the guild will love it!" Yama looked to Celestia to hear her opinion to this whole scenario too. "In case you don't know already this is Kirin. And yes she does this often." Suddenly there was a thought that popped into Yama's head. He was here making the main course, Kirin just finished making a lovely cake and now Celestia was here to make some apple pie moonshine. The guild was certainly in for a surprise at dinner time. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@hudhouse @Arius LaVari[/SIZE]
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Celestia Corona: Giggling and bouncing a bit to the beat, impressed.


Celestia couldn't help it she bobbed to the beat slightly giggling as she watched the children and the woman who had bubbled her early get to work on some crazy cake. She didn't answer Yamato until after the song ended and she was left laughing happily, "Oh that was fun to just watch a cheerful and fun thing!" She hummed a bit giving a slight bow to the woman she just learned was called Kirin, "Pleasure to meet ya ma'am, I'm Celestia Corona, I just joined the guild a few days ago." As she introduced herself to the woman she turned back to the kitchen, setting what she had been carrying down before rolling up her long sleeves and gathering up items she needed to make the drink, if she worked on it all day she could finish it in time for dinner, she had permission to do it as well, it was a little more complicated than eggnog and it would be alcoholic and not something weak either. She was proud of her skills honestly and set to work quickly on a large amount of the drink, she could help stock back up on the ingredients she just pulled out. "I'll set to work on making plenty of it then. I'll help refill these ingredients." Her smile was bright as she mixed apple cider, apple juice, cinnamon sticks, and brown sugar into a big pot and turned the heat up to get it boiling, it would take ages for it to cook down enough with such a big pot of the stuff but she wanted to make sure everyone got some...and Rosa as well as herself got a little extra. It was one of her favorite drinks to make anyway, was sweet but if you drunk too much you'd get hit with it hard. Once she got it all set up she turned back to Yamato with a smile. "I've got it started but it'll take awhile to boil it down, then I cool it, mix it with the alcohol and voila, apple pie moonshine. Careful it's VERY powerful and easy to drink...too much and you'll be drunk before ya know it." She left herself open to conversation with either of them though her yellow and green eye flickering between the pair of them.



The little cookie girl snickered in her own demented madness. Memories of the past came flooding in, other monsters that told her that they were her.. bits and pieces of lost lives. The parents of her concept, the very beings that she was made to fix. The weight of her task and the weight of her mind came crashing down into her. Her eyes flooded over pitch black, dropping her to her knees in the corner. Her emerald green eyes snapped around, looking around for anyone to help her. No one... why wasn't a single person trying to help her? Why was she unable.. to breath? She heard the sound of her heart beating faster and faster tell it was the thundering crash of the war drums. The pounds began to outpace sound itself in her nightmares, beginning to become a physical thing that stole her attention. She kissed the darkness, letting it drain down her throat in some attempt to try and form the light again. The intoxicating darkness of the past came to haunt her, fusing into her flesh and usurping control of her body from her. Her spine snapped violently, popping and contorting as she raised herself like a zombie. She swayed, twirling with a demented smile on her face.

The twirling girl spun a few times before she snapped her own neck, releasing emerald green flames around herself. This facade of a simple girl, oh how it soured her rage! The ignored child watched as she was crashed into by a wave of magic. Her bones fell off, clattering to the floor like discarded armor. They burned with emerald green acid, flooding the air with an intoxicating sulfur scent. The ash drowned Verdana's lungs that just made her bittersweet mind regain some consciousness. She grabbed at her own chest violently, growing claws to tear herself apart. She impaled herself, hoping to end her pain with Seppuku. She looked up in crying tears, asking at Niur, "Master... why did they take them..." Tapping into the bloody past, her flesh and body transformed into emerald green juice. Her pitch black bug skeleton screamed as she burned in green light.

The daemon radiated with pure power, revealing her pseudo-Etherious form. She was so much more powerful than before, but now it was at about the level of a B rank wizard. The strange moth girl was attracted to the true source of her anger... but she couldn't find it. There was someone so powerful here, it was messing with all of her Ethernano senses. She starred straight at the person who she saw as being this interference... and walked straight at Aria. Her multi-colored eyes sparkled brilliantly to the point it shined out of the flames. Her large wings flapped a bit, revealing their strange pitch black color. Blues and reds seemed scattered on at random, paint droplets that managed to get scattered on by accident? Her wings were like a holographic card, changing color and pattern from perspective. At another angel, it was a solid, cool blue with red lines and circles, almost as if she was written on in an ancient language. The colors inverted for the other perspective, but in a vastly different language if anyone could even see it. She raised a hand as she spoke to Aria, "...I am Veeeerrdaaannaaa... I wisszzzzhh to geeett my family bacckkk. Faaaairrryyy Taaailll killed them a hundreeed yeaaarrs agoo... and nooow theeey remainn sealled inside a child... May I gettzzz them back without having to fightttzzz? I waaaanntt to zzzeee my faamillyy again...."

  @Spanner @Bolts @Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288

Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ




" Feel free to touch them anytime, Niur. " She smiled warmly as she left Niur with the open invitation, wondering why she was already so attached to all of the children now under her care. Aria had both hands on the mug of hot chocolate, fingers gripping it like it was a sacred treasure, a few sips being taken from time to time throughout the different introductions. Mituski made a comment about eating her up and before the 'kitty' eared woman could respond, a low but sinister voice did it for her. " Is that so? Not if I eat you up first. " Abaddon spoke almost in a threatening tone but there was a hint of jest behind it, just not enough to factor in that it be taken lightly. It was clear the mage was sick so when he grabbed her hand, she was anything but reluctant to retract it and quickly bathe it in a cleansing light. Better safe than sorry! The last thing they needed was a sick Guild Master sulking around with a runny nose. A playful look crossed over her features though as she observed and watched everyone. They were all so friendly, well most of them, and they surely got along better than she'd expected for how vastly different they all seemed to be. 


[SIZE= 16px]Sera approached her then and before the woman could even introduce herself, Aria re-positioned her hands to hold the mug in one and slide the other around Sera's shoulders, dragging her in whilst Sera spoke. " You've got that look on your face, you know? Don't worry about what I think. " She perked up after hearing what the vampire had to say. " I know what you are and I know you're a good person. Though I am a little worried... " Aria trailed off, hardening the grip that she had on her. " After all this reputation of you drinking people under the table, I'm really worried I might make you look like a light weight.  " A dangerous yet challenging smirk spread across her face before it turned into a more cute and endearing one. " [/SIZE]Well, I won't do that! I'd practically be cheating. [SIZE= 16px]" She admitted without hesitation and she pulled away from the small embrace after ushering a small squeeze. Sera truly had nothing to fear or worry about with Aria, the woman was a good judge of character and it was clear that Sera was honorable and not true to the nature her kind tended to lean towards. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Everything was peaceful for the time being until Aria dared to focus on her drink once more. It was that singular moment of distracting herself that made her a little late on feeling the magic but still, there had been time to stop it in one direction. The black key was thrown into the air and snatched up by skillful fingers, a quick twirl releasing a gigantic scythe to form and materialize within that hand. It spun in an erratic way before she trailed the blade to swipe down in front of Ryu, missing his face by a fraction of a breath until it remained still before him to cancel out the magic wave from hitting him. Aria's hand dropped from the long handle then and the scythe itself remained perched with part of the blade embedded into the ground. The magic itself became apparent once her yellow hues flashed about to witness the naked bodies of some of her members. Her tongue clicked in slight annoyance and she held her hands out as white markings covered half of her body as if light trying to break through cracks in her skin. Each naked person found themselves encased in light; a light that shone so brightly that if anyone dared to look directly into it they would find themselves temporarily dazed. [/SIZE]

Their movement wasn't hindered but at least they weren't show casing their bodies anymore.... Aria looked at Kelica and her thoughts continued... Or unknowingly being on display. The girl was adorable but it was quite obvious that she had the attention span of a squirrel. " All of you please go acquire some clothes or you will be forced to walk around like tiny blaring suns. " Aria's tone left no room for debate and her arms fluidly crossed, fingers tapping along her skin in an almost irritable manner. The repetitive notion of that soon stopped as the little moth girl approached her. Aria seemed unfazed by the level of creepy radiating off of her and the way she spoke was hardly more pleasant but she listened anyways. " You'll have to elaborate, Verdana. What child? Why are they sealed? I'm afraid I don't understand. " Aria's gaze bore down patiently upon Verdana, brows furrowing slightly from how strange it all sounded. 

Might as well take this opportunity to scold a certain someone before everyone sends him to his grave... [SIZE= 16px]She thought to herself with a long internal sigh. [/SIZE]Chaos already on the first day? Yeah, I'm definitely home[SIZE= 16px]. Her head turned to the side to allow her eyes to fixate on the sick boy who was seconds away from being pummeled. " [/SIZE]Mitsuki, please come here.[SIZE= 16px] " It wasn't an invitation, it was a strict order. The words didn't come out as stern though. Instead they were dripping with a cosseting tone, one she knew he wouldn't be able to resist. A small glance was given to Ryu as she confirmed that he was alright and not having become subject to the magic most of them had been hit with. She subconsciously questioned why in the heat of the moment it was him that she had chosen to aim the scythe at but that was a question better left for another time. For now though... there was a boy to lightly scold, a mystery to get to the bottom of with this girl, getting her fairies back in clothes, and Abaddon... well..[/SIZE]

Abaddon had appeared in his human form and he stood in front of Bel while this all went down, barring his path. " Let's hug out your anger issues! What do you say? " He exclaimed while holding out his arms as if to embrace the boy. 



  Reveal hidden contents
Bel was obviously about to try finding out how many holes a human body could possible have without dying using Mitsuki's body as a subject when the guild master acted to cover the bodies of all the naked guild members with a strange light, that blinded his eyes for a second before finally subsidizing to the point where he clearly saw his surroundings. At first Bel naturally thought that he was going to die, as he naturally registered the strange light as a menace, but this conception slowly proved itself wrong as the light merely covered his body without any harm.

The demon finally came to understand what was happening when he heard the words of the guild master. It was apparently merely an way of covering their naked bodies until they found clothes, not some kind of attack. He immediately sighed in a alleviated way as the suspection of being condemned was dispelled away by the words of the guild master. God, that was some fright I had today. That's why I should just stay asleep, it's way easier. He sloppily thought, completely forgetting about Mitsuki's punishment as he slowly walked towards the exit.

He came to stop right after starting his walk to leave the guild hall, as the figure of the dark haired man came into his view while blocking his way, apparently trying to hug him. "Let's hug out your anger issues! What do you say? " Bel's expression immediately paled when he heard that. He could almost hear the danger alert comming from his soul exploding from an overload. "C-Can't we talk about that without physical contact..?" He exclaimed in a surprisingly soft voice for someone who barely talked. He could clearly relate the guy with the unpleasant presence of the demon from before, so he didn't immediately try to run, forcing himself to talk on a conciliatory way in a temptative of escaping the weird situation.

 @Bolts @Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288 @hudhouse @Happy Red Mage 

The moth girl flew around sera and Aria, covering them in layers and layers of silk. The silk would warp around them snuggly, forming into bath robes. As long as she was nice, she wouldn't have to fight. She was weak now, but her etherious form... it let her think. All the buzzing and screaming was finally out of her head, and all she had to do was think. She mutated her fingers to form silk glands, weaving a film of silk that formed bioluminescent lights to form her images. She said, "...I was programmed to hunt for my family members from over a hundred years ago. They are the Etherious Daemons of Tartarus, and the Fairy Tail member that took them... was Mirajane Strauss. I do not know of what has happened to her... so I am coming straight to the source. I am willing to have them turned to weaklings, but I just want to be with my family once again..." Her eyes drooped a bit as she just silently looked on at her as if she was a million miles away...

Niur was very confused on what course of action she should take. Something seemed to be going on, something emotionally taxing, and she didn't know what to do. Should she speak up? Should she stay out of it? She did have some say into this, she just didn't know what to say. She decided to defer to thinking back to Raa, asking herself what'd he'd do in this situation. She closed her eyes and thought back to the time where this was this hotshot of a C Rank mage trying to bully her and force her to give all her Jewels to him. It was kinda funny to think about what happened next.

"Now Niur..." Raa said as he hefted a warhammer onto his shoulder, the darksteel head shining in the  sunlight as Raa shoved the C Rank mage into a nearby alley. "Now Niur, sometimes people do things, bad things, because they're hurting on the inside. What you have to remember is that..." The hammer was lifted up. "To help people hurting on the inside, you just have to hurt them even more on the outside!" The hammer went down but missed the C Rank mage by a bit, the smell of urine wafted through the air. "In all seriousness Niur, what you do when people are hurting on the inside is you gently walk up to them arms spread wide, and slowly engulf them in a soft hug while telling them reassuring things." He pulled up the C Rank mage. "Run, boy." He said harshly as he shoved him out of the alley. "Let's go Niur, this place reeks."

Noddin resolutely to herself, Niur decided  to do just that. Arms wide open, she engulfed Verdana in the softest and gentlest hug she could muster. "It's alright, it's okay, I'm here, everything is going to be fine..." She said reassuringly.

Yamato Ren: Still impressed by Kirin's music


[SIZE= 14px]Yamato wasn't entirely experienced with overly difficult riddles and word play. But the simpler one's he didn't have much problem with. Although even with that being said he was still glad that he got the answer right. Soon after Celestia turned round and pulled Yama into the Kitchen asking if she could make some apple pie moonshine. One thing for sure was that he's never heard of the stuff but the way she describes it makes it sound rather nice. "Apple pie moonshine? I don't think I've had any before. But it do think it sounds like something the guild would like to try. You can make some if you like." Upon entering the kitchen the first thing he noticed was Kirin and her children preparing what looked to be some kind of song. She said sorry for taking up the kitchen but Yama didn't mind. As long as the main course that he had been making was still their respective ovens. She mentioned making a cake and Yamato was of course interested hear more. "Hello Kirin! I see you and your kids are making a cake? Well feel free. It really would make for a great desert."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Knowing Kirin it was pretty obvious that she wasn't simply going just make a cake. She's sure to make some kind of elaborate song during the process. Yama always did enjoy her music, it always brightens up the guild no matter the mood. Kirin was already dancing and singing along with her children while making a VERY large cake. It looks so professionally made too! As soon as the children finished the final chorus Yamato applauded the lot of them for their hard work. "Your music is amazing as usual I see. As for the cake... It looks outstanding! I'm sure the guild will love it!" Yama looked to Celestia to hear her opinion to this whole scenario too. "In case you don't know already this is Kirin. And yes she does this often." Suddenly there was a thought that popped into Yama's head. He was here making the main course, Kirin just finished making a lovely cake and now Celestia was here to make some apple pie moonshine. The guild was certainly in for a surprise at dinner time. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@hudhouse @Arius LaVari[/SIZE]


Celestia Corona: Giggling and bouncing a bit to the beat, impressed.


Celestia couldn't help it she bobbed to the beat slightly giggling as she watched the children and the woman who had bubbled her early get to work on some crazy cake. She didn't answer Yamato until after the song ended and she was left laughing happily, "Oh that was fun to just watch a cheerful and fun thing!" She hummed a bit giving a slight bow to the woman she just learned was called Kirin, "Pleasure to meet ya ma'am, I'm Celestia Corona, I just joined the guild a few days ago." As she introduced herself to the woman she turned back to the kitchen, setting what she had been carrying down before rolling up her long sleeves and gathering up items she needed to make the drink, if she worked on it all day she could finish it in time for dinner, she had permission to do it as well, it was a little more complicated than eggnog and it would be alcoholic and not something weak either. She was proud of her skills honestly and set to work quickly on a large amount of the drink, she could help stock back up on the ingredients she just pulled out. "I'll set to work on making plenty of it then. I'll help refill these ingredients." Her smile was bright as she mixed apple cider, apple juice, cinnamon sticks, and brown sugar into a big pot and turned the heat up to get it boiling, it would take ages for it to cook down enough with such a big pot of the stuff but she wanted to make sure everyone got some...and Rosa as well as herself got a little extra. It was one of her favorite drinks to make anyway, was sweet but if you drunk too much you'd get hit with it hard. Once she got it all set up she turned back to Yamato with a smile. "I've got it started but it'll take awhile to boil it down, then I cool it, mix it with the alcohol and voila, apple pie moonshine. Careful it's VERY powerful and easy to drink...too much and you'll be drunk before ya know it." She left herself open to conversation with either of them though her yellow and green eye flickering between the pair of them.



Kirin looked down to the girl who was quite literally 20 feet shorter than her at the moment. She floated down to ground level before realizing she was still fat! Kirin took a deep breath in before her entire suit crashed down into herself in a brutal display. When she finished, however, the tiny 4'11 woman stared up to Celestia. She offered her hand, light steam still coming off of her. Her skin would be unnaturally cold, even with the warm steam around her, "I'm Kirin, and I have been here about all of my life!" Fortunately enough, her children were talking out their issues and rages with each other Faaaaaar away from the cake. With Octavian acting as a supervisor to the supervisor, Kirin was certain she was safe talking for a few minutes. She put a hand behind her head and sighed, "Sorry... Most of the people around me hate fat people. I hope I didn't disgust you." That was honestly true. Who she wanted to be, she wasn't allowed to be or else she would be forced out of so many missions. She was one of the best in the whole country being an S rank, yet something as simple as her body being the opposite of everyone else's beauty turned her into a leper, at least in her eyes.

She sighed before twisting back, saying to Celestia, "You know, since both you and Yamato are here, I'll tell you both a slight secret!" She gave off a slight wink before saying, "I'm not even certain I'm Human anymore. More of a... slime at this point?" She stuck a finger into the flesh of her chest, then shoved her whole hand into herself. Her skin around the point was blue and framed, a bit like a game character. It all pulsed and jiggled to the beat of her constant music. She lifted up her clean fingers as her skin closed up like nothing happened. She sighed, "My body stores so much magic, that I am basically pure magic when I change outfits or when I'm in this form. It's the reason I am constantly afraid of Brandheart... within a couple of seconds he could casually erase me from existence... or any of my kids..." She looked visibly shocked by the words, but it was the honest truth. She wanted to get closer to people, but the way her mind just... went off by itself. She showed just how strange she can be there, and furthered it by casually smiling and saying, "How about I help? I can vibrate the inside of the pot so that it can all be cooked at a steady temperature, reducing the amount of time required by about half?" 


Kirin, Allegro, Melody,  Sonata, Ariana, Vivace, TallisOctavian



Age - 17



Allegro - M

Age - 9 Months



Melody - F

Age - 9 Months



Sonata - F

Age - 9 Months



Ariana - F

Age - 1 Year



Vivace - F

Age - 1 Year



Tallis - M

- Age 1 Year



Octavian - M

Age - 2 Years


Alara giggled as she was spun around, sighing contentedly when she was sat down and listening to her brother speak. She frowned when he mentioned dangerous traps, herself always being protective over him. Though she perked up when he mentioned him getting her something, tilting her had slightly in question. Her eyes lit up with excitement when she saw the surgeon rabbit, immediately hugging the thing at his question. "I love it!" She cheered. "You remembered didn't you?" She asked, laughing at the fact she had a small hoard of stuffed rabbits of varying colors and clothes. When he held out yet another gift for her which was a bag of candy she frowned slightly, "Aww Kami you didn't have to get this for me...I feel bad now I didn't get anything for you." She told him, though gratefully accepted the gifts anyway. "Don't worry! While you're here I'll find you the best present ever!" She told him determinedly. "You can stay with me at my house too. We'll go back to Blue Pegasus for a bit and hang out there." She said, more or less fed up with looking.

Kami Rezonai 

With Big sis


Kami couldn't help but feel all warm and tingly inside, when his sister  happily accepted his gift. He always admired her, so he was glad she liked his gift. " Oh good, you like it, that's great for a moment there I was worried. What, oh don't worry it's fine, I wasn't expecting to get anything from you anyway. My coming here was last minute anyway. No time to prepare, its perfectly fine." Kami said this with a content smile on his face. But if you could read his mind then you'd know he was sobbing on the inside. "Oh no, I've made her feel like a bad sister! That's not good, what if she runs away because she doesn't think she deserves to be my sister anymore! She could leave and I'd never see her again! No, I mustn't come up with such ridiculous ideas. She'd never do that," Kami said having a brief argument with himself in his mind. Before letting out a sigh, and noddong," sure sounds great, lets head out then." Kami said placing a arm around Alara's shoulder, and walking with her.

Chris Lengheart(Dog it is!)

Chris gave Lavender a small smile as she held the door open for Tanari and himself. He walked out with his hands deep in his pockets, trying to keep them from freezing off. As Chris was told to change back to werewolf form due to its incredible stamina, Chris simply responded while changing into his wolf form regardless,"Well, it's not a trait specific to that form, having stamina kinda comes wi-" before being suddenly cut off by Lavender who was asking Tanari where she was headed. Chris, who was now in werewolf form, started to walk over to Tanari with his hind legs, albeit slightly hunchbacked, until he heard what she said. She wanted to go off and do something that'd get her paid. Chris' ears suddenly fell flat against his head, the fur along his neck standing up, and his lip upturning into a vicious snarl. "Potentially saving someone from a brutal death, their eternal gratitude....that's not good enough for you!? Just the fact that you had the nerve the say that makes my blood boil! You don't represent what Fairytail stands for! If Cece were still here, she'd probably rip your ass straight from the guild and thrown you out onto the streets!" Chris roared to the girl without so much as a second thought. Chris then suddenly began to snarl, his rage seemingly getting the better of him. But luckily for everyone there, Chris took a deep breath and tried his best to keep calm. "You wanna leave us, fine. Be my guest." Chris said while turning around and walking back towards Lavender, "But, if this is how you want to act while in this guild, it'd be best if that was your last job under the Fairytail name.

After his rant, Chris went over to Lavender and got onto all fours. "Hurry up and get on, I don't want to be here any longer than I have to." He said while motioning for Lavender to hop on, an extremely irritated look still on his face. Once Lavender got on, she'd best hold on tight since Chris felt like he had wasted enough time here and frankly, wanted to leave this all behind him.

@Britt-21 @Solemn Jester ((If ya wanna witness the verbal assault)) 

Tyson, Redd


Tyson sat back watching the argument go down. He honestly didn't care about money, as long as the mission was challenging. The guy with the take over powers seemed really passionate about whatever this mission was. So Tyson figured he'd follow along. He made sure to stay hidden, still not sure why he was stalking them. Probably because he didn't believe they would take kindly to someone just watching them as they went on their mission. Maybe it was all the eggnog he had drunken. Regardless, Tyson didn't care, he had nothing better to do with his time, and his gut was telling him to follow them. So he kneeled down, and waited for them to take off before following after. He'd make sure to keep a good distance without losing track of them, like a good hunter would do...or a stalker. Tyson ignored this last thought, as he watched them from the corner of a building.

@Britt-21 @Isune @Mitchs98
  Reveal hidden contents
Kami Rezonai 

With Big sis

View attachment 178288

Kami couldn't help but feel all warm and tingly inside, when his sister  happily accepted his gift. He always admired her, so he was glad she liked his gift. " Oh good, you like it, that's great for a moment there I was worried. What, oh don't worry it's fine, I wasn't expecting to get anything from you anyway. My coming here was last minute anyway. No time to prepare, its perfectly fine." Kami said this with a content smile on his face. But if you could read his mind then you'd know he was sobbing on the inside. "Oh no, I've made her feel like a bad sister! That's not good, what if she runs away because she doesn't think she deserves to be my sister anymore! She could leave and I'd never see her again! No, I mustn't come up with such ridiculous ideas. She'd never do that," Kami said having a brief argument with himself in his mind. Before letting out a sigh, and noddong," sure sounds great, lets head out then." Kami said placing a arm around Alara's shoulder, and walking with her.

Tyson, Redd

View attachment 178300

Tyson sat back watching the argument go down. He honestly didn't care about money, as long as the mission was challenging. The guy with the take over powers seemed really passionate about whatever this mission was. So Tyson figured he'd follow along. He made sure to stay hidden, still not sure why he was stalking them. Probably because he didn't believe they would take kindly to someone just watching them as they went on their mission. Maybe it was all the eggnog he had drunken. Regardless, Tyson didn't care, he had nothing better to do with his time, and his gut was telling him to follow them. So he kneeled down, and waited for them to take off before following after. He'd make sure to keep a good distance without losing track of them, like a good hunter would do...or a stalker. Tyson ignored this last thought, as he watched them from the corner of a building.

@Britt-21 @Isune @Mitchs98

Chris Lengheart(Dog it is!)

Chris gave Lavender a small smile as she held the door open for Tanari and himself. He walked out with his hands deep in his pockets, trying to keep them from freezing off. As Chris was told to change back to werewolf form due to its incredible stamina, Chris simply responded while changing into his wolf form regardless,"Well, it's not a trait specific to that form, having stamina kinda comes wi-" before being suddenly cut off by Lavender who was asking Tanari where she was headed. Chris, who was now in werewolf form, started to walk over to Tanari with his hind legs, albeit slightly hunchbacked, until he heard what she said. She wanted to go off and do something that'd get her paid. Chris' ears suddenly fell flat against his head, the fur along his neck standing up, and his lip upturning into a vicious snarl. "Potentially saving someone from a brutal death, their eternal gratitude....that's not good enough for you!? Just the fact that you had the nerve the say that makes my blood boil! You don't represent what Fairytail stands for! If Cece were still here, she'd probably rip your ass straight from the guild and thrown you out onto the streets!" Chris roared to the girl without so much as a second thought. Chris then suddenly began to snarl, his rage seemingly getting the better of him. But luckily for everyone there, Chris took a deep breath and tried his best to keep calm. "You wanna leave us, fine. Be my guest." Chris said while turning around and walking back towards Lavender, "But, if this is how you want to act while in this guild, it'd be best if that was your last job under the Fairytail name.

After his rant, Chris went over to Lavender and got onto all fours. "Hurry up and get on, I don't want to be here any longer than I have to." He said while motioning for Lavender to hop on, an extremely irritated look still on his face. Once Lavender got on, she'd best hold on tight since Chris felt like he had wasted enough time here and frankly, wanted to leave this all behind him.

@Britt-21 @Solemn Jester ((If ya wanna witness the verbal assault)) 




Lavender watched Chris's reaction and it was obvious he wasnt very happy. She herself wasnt happy either and was very disappointed in Tanari. Being in Fairy Tail meant you had a big responsibility but she was being selfish and didnt seem to care what happened. "Mr Chris, it's okay." she said softly, watching as he returned to her and went back on all fours and the warrior nodded "Okay." she then climbed up onto Chris and gently rubbed the areas where she had tugged his hair when they arrived "I'm terribly sorry about the hair pulling, Mr Chris. I promise to make up for the pain." it was obvious she didnt mean it in any sexual way. If Chris even dared think like that and mentioned it to her, she would whack him upside the head with the book she had in the bag on her back. "Let's hurry. I dont want to see your family get injured or even worse."


To see someone's family be wiped out within just a mere few seconds was horrible. Especially if no one was around to even try to save them from death. I just hope that we get there on time and do not fail our mission. I would feel guilty for the rest of my life. she thought to herself as she gripped a bit onto his hair "With our strengths i'm sure we can fight this beast and send it running back to it's home."


[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Kazuo Takara[/COLOR]



Kazuo looked at her frowning face as she fully turned towards him. Though he didnt dare look down past her neck knowing what he might run into if he were to look any lower. Besides, he respected women and wouldnt allow his eyes to drop down. No matter how much his eyes wanted to drop. Though she did say she wouldnt change something as trivial as a wet shirt. From the sounds of it, she wanted to see her brother no matter what. So with a light sigh, he grabbed Rosa and brought her to a far corner where his frame blocked anyone from looking at Rosa "Here, It's better than getting sick." he said as he reached the hem of his shirt and pulled it up, exposing the battle scars and the golden flame tattoo that ran on the side of his torso as well as his guild mark on his arm. He then handed it to her and took the towel, lifting it to be like a curtain as he looked away, his eyepatch being the side she was able to see and his eye was elsewhere.


"Change into my shirt. I'm sure if you got sick you wouldnt like it. Stuffy nose, sneezing, fatigue... You'd hate it if I am to be honest with you." it was surprising how quick she would flip with her moods. Not that he minded, it was normal in his book, especially for what he did to her earlier and caused a commotion. There was no way for him to really make up for what he did but make her next kiss the best kiss she could ever have. Which wouldnt have been too hard. He'd surprise her again and give her a nice kiss on the lips. Hell, maybe try to get her under the mistletoe just to really challenge her... That's a good Idea. He'll do just that and see what happens. After all, she couldnt turn down a challenge and a tradition. "Just put it on, Rosa." he said before she could protest and hope that'd she just put on the damn long sleeved shirt. It was big enough to fit her fine.

far right
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Chris Lengheart(Halt, who goes there!?)

Chris let out one last snarl as Tanari left. He couldn't believe how selfish she was. It just made his blood boil. He soon tried to forget about it as Lavender mounted up and grabbed on. As she apologized for pulling his hair and promised she'd find a way to make it up to him, Chris simply chuckled and said,"And how exactly do you plan on doing that? I've been forced to endure so much pain in this form I may never be able to use it again." But the grin that somehow worked its way onto Chris vanished almost instantly as his family was brought up. "We've wasted too much time here..." Chris said rather coldly "We need to get going, and fast. For all I know, my dad and brother are probably at my door right now knocking. Even if they are, I refuse to let that manticore hurt anyone else."

And without saying another word, Chris shot down the street. Out of the corner of his eye however, Chris noticed a person moving out from cover. Had that person been there spying on them? It didn't matter now, what mattered more was getting to the forest and fast! Once he managed to get to the forest, Chris came to a sudden stop. His ears perked up, and his nose went down to the ground. He looked around for a moment and seemed to be staring off in some random direction before suddenly looking up to Lavender and saying,"We're not alone. Someone's been following us." That was when Chris shouted out,"Hey there stranger, mind if I ask why you're following us? Don't try to run off now, I've already found where you are and I'm not afraid to give chase, The choice is yours."

@Britt-21 @Solemn Jester ((Busted)) 

Chris Lengheart(Halt, who goes there!?)

Chris let out one last snarl as Tanari left. He couldn't believe how selfish she was. It just made his blood boil. He soon tried to forget about it as Lavender mounted up and grabbed on. As she apologized for pulling his hair and promised she'd find a way to make it up to him, Chris simply chuckled and said,"And how exactly do you plan on doing that? I've been forced to endure so much pain in this form I may never be able to use it again." But the grin that somehow worked its way onto Chris vanished almost instantly as his family was brought up. "We've wasted too much time here..." Chris said rather coldly "We need to get going, and fast. For all I know, my dad and brother are probably at my door right now knocking. Even if they are, I refuse to let that manticore hurt anyone else."

And without saying another word, Chris shot down the street. Out of the corner of his eye however, Chris noticed a person moving out from cover. Had that person been there spying on them? It didn't matter now, what mattered more was getting to the forest and fast! Once he managed to get to the forest, Chris came to a sudden stop. His ears perked up, and his nose went down to the ground. He looked around for a moment and seemed to be staring off in some random direction before suddenly looking up to Lavender and saying,"We're not alone. Someone's been following us." That was when Chris shouted out,"Hey there stranger, mind if I ask why you're following us? Don't try to run off now, I've already found where you are and I'm not afraid to give chase, The choice is yours."

@Britt-21 @Solemn Jester ((Busted)) 

Tyson Redd....damn


Tyson, was impressed he was caught. Usually he was much more careful about these things. He blamed the eggnog, but who knows. This guy could have just been that good. He considered coming out from his cover, then had another idea. He moved out into view, in his santa outfit, stumbling as he did, and smelling of eggnog. His massive figure staggering closer, and closer. Then he stopped infront of them, and waved a hand at them."You cant park your horse here. Your blocking tha ride, ya stupid..." Tyson grumbled, seemingly far drunker than he actually was.

@Britt-21 @Isune


The little cookie girl snickered in her own demented madness. Memories of the past came flooding in, other monsters that told her that they were her.. bits and pieces of lost lives. The parents of her concept, the very beings that she was made to fix. The weight of her task and the weight of her mind came crashing down into her. Her eyes flooded over pitch black, dropping her to her knees in the corner. Her emerald green eyes snapped around, looking around for anyone to help her. No one... why wasn't a single person trying to help her? Why was she unable.. to breath? She heard the sound of her heart beating faster and faster tell it was the thundering crash of the war drums. The pounds began to outpace sound itself in her nightmares, beginning to become a physical thing that stole her attention. She kissed the darkness, letting it drain down her throat in some attempt to try and form the light again. The intoxicating darkness of the past came to haunt her, fusing into her flesh and usurping control of her body from her. Her spine snapped violently, popping and contorting as she raised herself like a zombie. She swayed, twirling with a demented smile on her face.

The twirling girl spun a few times before she snapped her own neck, releasing emerald green flames around herself. This facade of a simple girl, oh how it soured her rage! The ignored child watched as she was crashed into by a wave of magic. Her bones fell off, clattering to the floor like discarded armor. They burned with emerald green acid, flooding the air with an intoxicating sulfur scent. The ash drowned Verdana's lungs that just made her bittersweet mind regain some consciousness. She grabbed at her own chest violently, growing claws to tear herself apart. She impaled herself, hoping to end her pain with Seppuku. She looked up in crying tears, asking at Niur, "Master... why did they take them..." Tapping into the bloody past, her flesh and body transformed into emerald green juice. Her pitch black bug skeleton screamed as she burned in green light.

The daemon radiated with pure power, revealing her pseudo-Etherious form. She was so much more powerful than before, but now it was at about the level of a B rank wizard. The strange moth girl was attracted to the true source of her anger... but she couldn't find it. There was someone so powerful here, it was messing with all of her Ethernano senses. She starred straight at the person who she saw as being this interference... and walked straight at Aria. Her multi-colored eyes sparkled brilliantly to the point it shined out of the flames. Her large wings flapped a bit, revealing their strange pitch black color. Blues and reds seemed scattered on at random, paint droplets that managed to get scattered on by accident? Her wings were like a holographic card, changing color and pattern from perspective. At another angel, it was a solid, cool blue with red lines and circles, almost as if she was written on in an ancient language. The colors inverted for the other perspective, but in a vastly different language if anyone could even see it. She raised a hand as she spoke to Aria, "...I am Veeeerrdaaannaaa... I wisszzzzhh to geeett my family bacckkk. Faaaairrryyy Taaailll killed them a hundreeed yeaaarrs agoo... and nooow theeey remainn sealled inside a child... May I gettzzz them back without having to fightttzzz? I waaaanntt to zzzeee my faamillyy again...."

  @Spanner @Bolts @Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester @purplepanda288

Aria Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ




" Feel free to touch them anytime, Niur. " She smiled warmly as she left Niur with the open invitation, wondering why she was already so attached to all of the children now under her care. Aria had both hands on the mug of hot chocolate, fingers gripping it like it was a sacred treasure, a few sips being taken from time to time throughout the different introductions. Mituski made a comment about eating her up and before the 'kitty' eared woman could respond, a low but sinister voice did it for her. " Is that so? Not if I eat you up first. " Abaddon spoke almost in a threatening tone but there was a hint of jest behind it, just not enough to factor in that it be taken lightly. It was clear the mage was sick so when he grabbed her hand, she was anything but reluctant to retract it and quickly bathe it in a cleansing light. Better safe than sorry! The last thing they needed was a sick Guild Master sulking around with a runny nose. A playful look crossed over her features though as she observed and watched everyone. They were all so friendly, well most of them, and they surely got along better than she'd expected for how vastly different they all seemed to be. 


[SIZE= 16px]Sera approached her then and before the woman could even introduce herself, Aria re-positioned her hands to hold the mug in one and slide the other around Sera's shoulders, dragging her in whilst Sera spoke. " You've got that look on your face, you know? Don't worry about what I think. " She perked up after hearing what the vampire had to say. " I know what you are and I know you're a good person. Though I am a little worried... " Aria trailed off, hardening the grip that she had on her. " After all this reputation of you drinking people under the table, I'm really worried I might make you look like a light weight.  " A dangerous yet challenging smirk spread across her face before it turned into a more cute and endearing one. " [/SIZE]Well, I won't do that! I'd practically be cheating. [SIZE= 16px]" She admitted without hesitation and she pulled away from the small embrace after ushering a small squeeze. Sera truly had nothing to fear or worry about with Aria, the woman was a good judge of character and it was clear that Sera was honorable and not true to the nature her kind tended to lean towards. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Everything was peaceful for the time being until Aria dared to focus on her drink once more. It was that singular moment of distracting herself that made her a little late on feeling the magic but still, there had been time to stop it in one direction. The black key was thrown into the air and snatched up by skillful fingers, a quick twirl releasing a gigantic scythe to form and materialize within that hand. It spun in an erratic way before she trailed the blade to swipe down in front of Ryu, missing his face by a fraction of a breath until it remained still before him to cancel out the magic wave from hitting him. Aria's hand dropped from the long handle then and the scythe itself remained perched with part of the blade embedded into the ground. The magic itself became apparent once her yellow hues flashed about to witness the naked bodies of some of her members. Her tongue clicked in slight annoyance and she held her hands out as white markings covered half of her body as if light trying to break through cracks in her skin. Each naked person found themselves encased in light; a light that shone so brightly that if anyone dared to look directly into it they would find themselves temporarily dazed. [/SIZE]

Their movement wasn't hindered but at least they weren't show casing their bodies anymore.... Aria looked at Kelica and her thoughts continued... Or unknowingly being on display. The girl was adorable but it was quite obvious that she had the attention span of a squirrel. " All of you please go acquire some clothes or you will be forced to walk around like tiny blaring suns. " Aria's tone left no room for debate and her arms fluidly crossed, fingers tapping along her skin in an almost irritable manner. The repetitive notion of that soon stopped as the little moth girl approached her. Aria seemed unfazed by the level of creepy radiating off of her and the way she spoke was hardly more pleasant but she listened anyways. " You'll have to elaborate, Verdana. What child? Why are they sealed? I'm afraid I don't understand. " Aria's gaze bore down patiently upon Verdana, brows furrowing slightly from how strange it all sounded. 

Might as well take this opportunity to scold a certain someone before everyone sends him to his grave... [SIZE= 16px]She thought to herself with a long internal sigh. [/SIZE]Chaos already on the first day? Yeah, I'm definitely home[SIZE= 16px]. Her head turned to the side to allow her eyes to fixate on the sick boy who was seconds away from being pummeled. " [/SIZE]Mitsuki, please come here.[SIZE= 16px] " It wasn't an invitation, it was a strict order. The words didn't come out as stern though. Instead they were dripping with a cosseting tone, one she knew he wouldn't be able to resist. A small glance was given to Ryu as she confirmed that he was alright and not having become subject to the magic most of them had been hit with. She subconsciously questioned why in the heat of the moment it was him that she had chosen to aim the scythe at but that was a question better left for another time. For now though... there was a boy to lightly scold, a mystery to get to the bottom of with this girl, getting her fairies back in clothes, and Abaddon... well..[/SIZE]

Abaddon had appeared in his human form and he stood in front of Bel while this all went down, barring his path. " Let's hug out your anger issues! What do you say? " He exclaimed while holding out his arms as if to embrace the boy. 



Miyamoto Ryu (Artist's Brush; Shadow; Molten).png

Ryu watched Aria as she reassured him that Kelica's actions were fine, then bent down to let Niur touch her ears as well. For some reason, he found that he couldn't take his eyes off of her, finding her very presence captivating. He glanced over briefly to look in the direction of Abaddon, who seemed to be having quite the staredown with... who was that again? Ryu had to think for a second to remember the individual's name. Belphegor, that's right. He and Ryu didn't see eye to eye on things. Ryu strongly disapproved of Belphegor's lazy, irresponsible, and immature behavior, so the two didn't interact much. He eventually lost interest, and directed his attention towards Kelica, who had started to guzzle booze. Ryu knew Kelica couln't hold her liquor to save her life, and he had reprimanded her about it many times. "Kelica," He said, sending a stern look towards the blonde girl. "What have I told you about binge drinking?" He let out an exasperated sigh. It seemed no matter how hard he tried, Kelica always did the opposite of what he told her. The girl could certainly be a handful at times.

When Mitsuki sneezed and sent out a wave of magic, Ryu didn't have much time to react before Aria summoned her scythe and swung it down in front of him. He didn't flinch as the large blade passed only millimeters from his face, instead turning his disapproving glare in the direction of Mitsuki. Mitsuki was another member of the guild with whom Ryu did not work well with. He was loud and obnoxious, and would constantly flirt with every girl who would so much as look in his direction. Ryu looked around the hall, gauging how much chaos Mitsuki's outburst had thrown it into. As he surveyed the hall, he noticed that Kelica was among those who had lost their clothes, and she hadn't even noticed yet. He sighed again before picking up one of the many tablecloths and throwing it onto Kelica to cover her up. "Please find another set of clothes Kelica" He said sternly.

Once again his attention was grabbed as some small girl who wasn't a member of the guild started convulsing and writhing. Shortly however, she stood up again and walked straight over to Aria. She announced herself as Verdana and that her family had been killed by Fairy Tail. All this served to further elevate Ryu's annoyance. Just as it looked like he was going to get a chance to talk with Aria more, this thing appeared and stole her away, parading with melodrama no less. He folded his arms as Aria replied to the creature, stating that further elaboration was required, which it was. Verdana had made quite a substantial claim when she'd said that Fairy Tail had killed her family, without providing any evidence or context to back it up. Eventually, Verdana began to explain further, and Ryu leaned back against the bar as he listened to what she said. Apparently Mirajane Strauss had taken her family, according to her story. The whole thing seemed a little far fetched, not to mention the fact that it had apparently happened one hundred years ago. So why was Verdana making a big song and dance about this now? Why hadn't someone done something about it sooner if the event had been so important? These questions continued to fuel Ryu's skepticism of both Verdana and her story.

@Happy Red Mage @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Zuka @Solemn Jester @Spanner @Genon
Last edited by a moderator:

Chris Lengheart(Halt, who goes there!?)

Chris let out one last snarl as Tanari left. He couldn't believe how selfish she was. It just made his blood boil. He soon tried to forget about it as Lavender mounted up and grabbed on. As she apologized for pulling his hair and promised she'd find a way to make it up to him, Chris simply chuckled and said,"And how exactly do you plan on doing that? I've been forced to endure so much pain in this form I may never be able to use it again." But the grin that somehow worked its way onto Chris vanished almost instantly as his family was brought up. "We've wasted too much time here..." Chris said rather coldly "We need to get going, and fast. For all I know, my dad and brother are probably at my door right now knocking. Even if they are, I refuse to let that manticore hurt anyone else."

And without saying another word, Chris shot down the street. Out of the corner of his eye however, Chris noticed a person moving out from cover. Had that person been there spying on them? It didn't matter now, what mattered more was getting to the forest and fast! Once he managed to get to the forest, Chris came to a sudden stop. His ears perked up, and his nose went down to the ground. He looked around for a moment and seemed to be staring off in some random direction before suddenly looking up to Lavender and saying,"We're not alone. Someone's been following us." That was when Chris shouted out,"Hey there stranger, mind if I ask why you're following us? Don't try to run off now, I've already found where you are and I'm not afraid to give chase, The choice is yours."

@Britt-21 @Solemn Jester ((Busted)) 

  Reveal hidden contents
Tyson Redd....damn

View attachment 178419

Tyson, was impressed he was caught. Usually he was much more careful about these things. He blamed the eggnog, but who knows. This guy could have just been that good. He considered coming out from his cover, then had another idea. He moved out into view, in his santa outfit, stumbling as he did, and smelling of eggnog. His massive figure staggering closer, and closer. Then he stopped infront of them, and waved a hand at them."You cant park your horse here. Your blocking tha ride, ya stupid..." Tyson grumbled, seemingly far drunker than he actually was.

@Britt-21 @Isune



Lavender held on as he took off towards the woods. Actually, to avoid having her face frozen off, she lowered herself on his back and kept her face to his fur as she held on but he came to a sudden stop which had her lift her head and look around before laying her eyes on Chris who lifted his head from the ground and looked at her to inform her that they had been followed. Her eyes narrowed and she drew her sword as well as looked around as Chris called out the follower and of course, the follower turned out to be a large and tall, well built man with red hair in a santa suit. Lavender wasted no time in letting her eyes drag across any exposed skin that could hold a guild mark "I do not spot any Guildmark on his exposed skin." she muttered to Chris before the man had actually called Chris a horse.


"I beg your pardon? You must be blind if you believe that this beast is a horse." she said "He is a werewolf. If it wasnt quite obvious." she noticed his stumbles as he got closer and she gripped tightly onto her sword before holding it out to him "Do not step any closer!" she demanded  "Why were you following us?" there had to be a reason why he was following. Why else would he be? There was no way he overheard them talking about the manticore because they mentioned it at the hall and then at her house... Did he over hear them when they were outside?

Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall

"Of course. We can go to the cafe near the park." Tokine said, nodding in agreement to Sakura's suggestion to find somewhere quieter to chat. Before she could do anything else, Kenya suddenly appeared with some rather...interestingly designed gifts. Despite this, she gratefully took the apparently handmade stuffed animal from her friend and smiled warmly.

[SIZE= 14px]"You made these yourself? Wow, I'm impressed. I'll keep it in my room to remind me of yet another friend I've made these past few [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]months[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]. Thank you Kenya. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait until tomorrow for your gift." she said while hugging the slightly worse for wear gift. She turned it around to inspect it's face. Tokine had a pondering on expression on her face for a while before she looked back up at Kenya.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"I think i shall call him Ken in honor of you." she said in a satisfied tone. She then turned back to Sakura to give the 'ok' that she was ready to go but then a thought hit her. Tokine turned back to Kenya [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]quickly[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px].

"Kenya, iI would be very happy if you came with Sakura and I to relax and chat. Would you like to come?" she asked politely.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@Mitchs98 @Nenma Takashi[/SIZE]
Kenya's face lit up with glee as Tokkine accepted her gift and seemed happy by it. "I'm glad you like it to be honest I was a bit worried you wouldn't like it. Ken's a great name for it I'll be happily waiting for my gift." Kenya thought about her offer she had nothing else to do today so she figured why not it was a great chance to bond with more members of the guild. "Sure I'd be happy to go with you where shall we be off to might I ask?" 

@Drakerus @Mitchs98


Fairytail on the floor @Mitchs98 @Kyuubey @

View attachment 176677

As soon as he was released from Sera's grip he fell on his face. He was perfectly content with just laying there until the end of time, or until he felt better. Then the new Guild master Aria requested he come over to her. Well it was a order, but still Mitsuki liked to pretend he had a choice. 

"Yes ma'am right away," Mitsuki said as he kicked his feet in an attempt to push himself towards her. Mitsuki basically dragged across the floor, which if he wasn't feel terrible he would have never done. But he could always clean himself off later, maybe with fire. Then he stopped infront of her and turned into his back. He smiled weakly and saluted her," private Yamada reporting for duty! I'm willing to take Whatever punishment you find necessary." Mitsuki said, although his tone was more like someone accepting their death now.

Kami Rezonai 

Reunited at long last

View attachment 176698

Kami was elated to see his big sis, and returned her hug ten fold.  Lifting her up, and spinning her around before returning her to the ground.He then released her, and stood with his arms crossed, and a smiled on his face." Oh you know same old stuff. Exploring strange lands, and ancient ruins. Escaping dangerous traps, and finding magical artifacts. Oh yeah I forgot I also got you this!" Kami said digging through his bag until he found the item he was speaking of. Then handed her a blue stuffed rabbit, dressed as a surgeon."So...do you like it?" Kami asked nervously watching her for a response."I also got you this!" Kami said handing her a second gift. This one was a bag stuffed with various Christmas candies.

The moth girl flew around sera and Aria, covering them in layers and layers of silk. The silk would warp around them snuggly, forming into bath robes. As long as she was nice, she wouldn't have to fight. She was weak now, but her etherious form... it let her think. All the buzzing and screaming was finally out of her head, and all she had to do was think. She mutated her fingers to form silk glands, weaving a film of silk that formed bioluminescent lights to form her images. She said, "...I was programmed to hunt for my family members from over a hundred years ago. They are the Etherious Daemons of Tartarus, and the Fairy Tail member that took them... was Mirajane Strauss. I do not know of what has happened to her... so I am coming straight to the source. I am willing to have them turned to weaklings, but I just want to be with my family once again..." Her eyes drooped a bit as she just silently looked on at her as if she was a million miles away...

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Fairytail Guild Hall[/COLOR]


Kelica the ditzy Forest Mage still had her hands half outstretched as she watched Sera keep Mitsuki a loft.  She still had no idea she was in her birthday suit, but she didn't much like the aura that was surrounding Bel and Sera as they closed in on the sick man. "Come on guys... I'm not sure what Misuki has to do with both of you guys naked, but come on! Look at him! He looks terrible..." Coming up to the side of Sera then. The Vampire girl turned to face her then for obvious reasons before she dropped the sick man like a sack of potatoes. Sera approached Kelica then and poked her in the stomach, to which the Forest Mage blinked a fraction. EVEN despite her nail brushing against the nakedness of her midriff the girl STILL didn't seem to notice and only tilted her head further as she gazed up to the vampire. "Say the same about what to me?" It was at that time there was a blinding light and Kelica threw up her hands to cover her eyes as Sera was so close to her and therefore half blinding her. The motion doing nothing but making her chest bounce slightly more with the momentum. She honestly had no idea what was going on anymore.

It was as her eyes were covered did Sera close the gap and wrap her arms around the girl, causing her naked frame to press up against her own in only the most close of ways. And it was pretty much at that point as Kelica spread her fingers to peer up to Sera's face did she realize with a start that she most definitely WAS naked.

They both were naked.

And close.

Very close.

The vampire's chest pressed in hard to make a not small cleavage against the Blonde girl's, as a deep blush worked it's way over Kelica's innocent looking face. "C...Clothes?" She almost squeaked out. Well, if she were indeed naked like the rest, then no doubt she would need clothes after all. And they were roughly the same height and body size yes? It made sense right? The girl completely mistaking the grin on her face and her probably more malicious intent. Then out of no where there was a moth girl floating around spinning silk? Into some sort of bathrobe thing? Well that was a great idea but for some unknown reason, the girl had put it over Sera and Aria of all people, Aria of whom was still clothed, leaving Kelica still completely naked. At least her naked breasts weren't all pressed in against Sera's now... although being this close to Sera wasn't the worst thing she'd ever experienced. She was pretty soft after all.

@Rhodus @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage @Salt Lord

Niur was very confused on what course of action she should take. Something seemed to be going on, something emotionally taxing, and she didn't know what to do. Should she speak up? Should she stay out of it? She did have some say into this, she just didn't know what to say. She decided to defer to thinking back to Raa, asking herself what'd he'd do in this situation. She closed her eyes and thought back to the time where this was this hotshot of a C Rank mage trying to bully her and force her to give all her Jewels to him. It was kinda funny to think about what happened next.

"Now Niur..." Raa said as he hefted a warhammer onto his shoulder, the darksteel head shining in the  sunlight as Raa shoved the C Rank mage into a nearby alley. "Now Niur, sometimes people do things, bad things, because they're hurting on the inside. What you have to remember is that..." The hammer was lifted up. "To help people hurting on the inside, you just have to hurt them even more on the outside!" The hammer went down but missed the C Rank mage by a bit, the smell of urine wafted through the air. "In all seriousness Niur, what you do when people are hurting on the inside is you gently walk up to them arms spread wide, and slowly engulf them in a soft hug while telling them reassuring things." He pulled up the C Rank mage. "Run, boy." He said harshly as he shoved him out of the alley. "Let's go Niur, this place reeks."

Noddin resolutely to herself, Niur decided  to do just that. Arms wide open, she engulfed Verdana in the softest and gentlest hug she could muster. "It's alright, it's okay, I'm here, everything is going to be fine..." She said reassuringly.

Ryu watched Aria as she reassured him that Kelica's actions were fine, then bent down to let Niur touch her ears as well. For some reason, he found that he couldn't take his eyes off of her, finding her very presence captivating. He glanced over briefly to look in the direction of Abaddon, who seemed to be having quite the staredown with... who was that again? Ryu had to think for a second to remember the individual's name. Belphegor, that's right. He and Ryu didn't see eye to eye on things. Ryu strongly disapproved of Belphegor's lazy, irresponsible, and immature behavior, so the two didn't interact much. He eventually lost interest, and directed his attention towards Kelica, who had started to guzzle booze. Ryu knew Kelica couln't hold her liquor to save her life, and he had reprimanded her about it many times. "Kelica," He said, sending a stern look towards the blonde girl. "What have I told you about binge drinking?" He let out an exasperated sigh. It seemed no matter how hard he tried, Kelica always did the opposite of what he told her. The girl could certainly be a handful at times.

When Mitsuki sneezed and sent out a wave of magic, Ryu didn't have much time to react before Aria summoned her scythe and swung it down in front of him. He didn't flinch as the large blade passed only millimeters from his face, instead turning his disapproving glare in the direction of Mitsuki. Mitsuki was another member of the guild with whom Ryu did not work well with. He was loud and obnoxious, and would constantly flirt with every girl who would so much as look in his direction. Ryu looked around the hall, gauging how much chaos Mitsuki's outburst had thrown it into. As he surveyed the hall, he noticed that Kelica was among those who had lost their clothes, and she hadn't even noticed yet. He sighed again before picking up one of the many tablecloths and throwing it onto Kelica to cover her up. "Please find another set of clothes Kelica" He said sternly.

Once again his attention was grabbed as some small girl who wasn't a member of the guild started convulsing and writhing. Shortly however, she stood up again and walked straight over to Aria. She announced herself as Verdana and that her family had been killed by Fairy Tail. All this served to further elevate Ryu's annoyance. Just as it looked like he was going to get a chance to talk with Aria more, this thing appeared and stole her away, parading with melodrama no less. He folded his arms as Aria replied to the creature, stating that further elaboration was required, which it was. Verdana had made quite a substantial claim when she'd said that Fairy Tail had killed her family, without providing any evidence or context to back it up. Eventually, Verdana began to explain further, and Ryu leaned back against the bar as he listened to what she said. Apparently Mirajane Strauss had taken her family, according to her story. The whole thing seemed a little far fetched, not to mention the fact that it had apparently happened one hundred years ago. So why was Verdana making a big song and dance about this now? Why hadn't someone done something about it sooner if the event had been so important? These questions continued to fuel Ryu's skepticism of both Verdana and her story.

@Happy Red Mage @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Zuka @Solemn Jester @Spanner @Genon


Sera somewhat focused on everything else around her, though she mostly focused on Kelica in her arms. That and well the fact some girl turned into some somewhat adorable moth girl speaking about losing her family and such. That honestly depressed her. A lot. She knew what it felt like herself...though she wasn't sure the kind of pain Verdana had been through they shared similar. She barely even noticed the gown that was put on her or even Kelica as she debated on hugging the girl. Though it seemed Niur had that covered. Thus she turned to Kelica's question of clothes, though a lot less lustful than she had originally been. "Mhm, some clothes." She replied. "We're about the same size so mine should fit you." She said. "My house isn't too far from the hall, I could even fly you there if you'd like." She offered, giving her a small smile. Of course...it would be much better if the girl didn't have the spell blocking her body from view, but it didn't stop her hands at all.

If she flew her to her home it would give her ample means to 'accidentally' put her hands on her chest too. "What do you say?" She asked, pressing up against her a bit more, though now she was clothed. Despite her lewd intentions for Kelica she couldn't help but think of Verdana. Other than actually flying Kelica for clothes she would likely come immediately back just to talk to her. She knew all about rough pasts and didn't want the girl to do anything rash due to it.

Chris Lengheart(As if!)

Chris watched as the man approached. The fur on his neck once again stood up as an audible snarl left Chris. "He's lying!" Chris roared "He's been following us,I know you can smell to booze in his breath, but I know what I saw!" It looked like at any given moment, Chris would pounce on the man. Of course, Chris wouldn't do such a thing, not yet at least. Seeing Lavender tighten on her grip on her sword, Chris also got into a much more hostile stance. He seemed ready to charge to give Lavender the chance to skewer the man if needed.Chris honestly hoped that things wouldn't have to result in that, but nowadays who knew what some people were capable of doing to others.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21

Chris Lengheart(As if!)

Chris watched as the man approached. The fur on his neck once again stood up as an audible snarl left Chris. "He's lying!" Chris roared "He's been following us,I know you can smell to booze in his breath, but I know what I saw!" It looked like at any given moment, Chris would pounce on the man. Of course, Chris wouldn't do such a thing, not yet at least. Seeing Lavender tighten on her grip on her sword, Chris also got into a much more hostile stance. He seemed ready to charge to give Lavender the chance to skewer the man if needed.Chris honestly hoped that things wouldn't have to result in that, but nowadays who knew what some people were capable of doing to others.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21

Tyson Redd

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Tyson was hoping that they'd fall for his little act. But it seemed like he would have to take things a bit farther."Okay, the horse talked, I'm to drunk. Nighty night," Tyson said walking next to a tree, then laying down. After a moment he decided to get up, and undid his pants. He then began to pee on the tree, before laying back down next to a new tree. After waiting a moment he sat up, and looked at Lavender, and Chris once more."Hey, don't you two got a manticore to be hunting? What are you doing over here? Shooo go on, let me sleep." Tyson said in a slurred manner, before laying back down.

@Britt-21 @Isune
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Akane gave a nervous nod as the man she refers to as sir Valken grinned in the same way the elders did whenever they got fresh meat, or commonly known to them as new recruits. The look made her spine shudder as she became slightly lost in the memories of her train. Then he started to list off what Lamia Scale was about. 'Treat the guild as family, I could definitely do that. To live is to risk so I can accept that, especially the part about protection and safety. I don't think anything I say could prove that I can do these things. I think it's be best if I wait if he tests me. That sounds smart.' She thought to herself as she shifted out of the way when he excused himself, not wanting to get in the way of whatever he had been planning on doing. 

Then she witnessed the act of Valken bringing in an injured...stranger? He was helping some stranger that looked like he'd been out in the cold for quite some time. "Yes sir." She said, gently and quickly pushing the door shut and occupying the nearest chair she could find. 'Is this...I guess this must be what being in a guild looks like...' She concluded quietly watching things unfold, resting her elbow on the table and propping her face against it. There wasn't much she could do but wait a bit more, and she had a bit of a feeling that if she ever got near them she might cause things to spiral out of control on accident. So there she sat, wishing at least that she had something nice to drink, like tea, or since it was a celebration of some sorts, something with a bit of kick in it.

Millie Muffin

Lamia Scale Guildhall 


Millie was sitting beside Grace at the bar, her hands playing with the small white fluffy balls on her outfit and a small frown on her face. She missed Valken a lot even though he had only been away for a few minutes. She was kinda like a dog who had Seperation anxiety when its owner went away. Sure, she had her short friend to keep her company, but Grace was dead silent. They both just missed their hubbies. Fortunately for the blonde babe her black haired lover was the first to come out. He had swiftly made her way over, arm wrapping around her hips and pulling her close. The front of her body pressed tightly against his. "It's ok sweetie, I don't care. I was just afraid that you were scaring the kid! But he doesn't look very scared, so I'll assume nothing bad happened." She said softly, smiling softly and kissing his cheek. Once again she felt Valkens sly hands snake down her backside knowing exactly where they were going. It was a typical boy move for him to try and grab her ass. Unfortunately it didn't connect as Valken slipped away outside. 

Millie's bright blue eyes quickly caught sight of the frail boy in Valken's arms, a pang of guilt hitting her chest. He looked so cold and weak. What would he be doing outside during the winter? It actually reminded her a bit of Valken seeing that both of them were homeless kids at one point. When ordered to grab some clothes and a blanket for the boy Millie nodded and quickly set off to find what he needed. The guildhall wasn't exactly a full on home, but she was sure that Maya's office had to have something in it. The girl opened the door and stepped inside, scanning the room for anywhere that might contain a blanket. The first place she decided to check was the many drawers inside, but instead of blankets she found stacks of papers. There was no way that paper would suffice, plus Maya wouldn't be happy to find out that she used important documents to warm a kid up. The next place she checked was a small closet in the back of the office. Inside were some clothes, but none of it would fit the boy. Plus would he really want to wear clothes for a woman? No boy would want that... However there was a blanket which she grabbed.

Millie quickly returned to Valken and the boy, using the blanket to wrap up Light tightly and comfortably. "I tried to find clothes, but I don't think that they would fit. It was Maya's things..." She mumbled, making her way behind Valken and wrapping her arms around them, chin resting on her head. "Does he have a name? Or parents? Do we know anything about him?" 




Light Falren - Lamia Scale Guild Hall

7 years ago

It was a calm winter night on the eve of Xmas. The Falren family had just finished having a lovely holiday feast and now they were in the process of putting Light to bed. As their cherished 12 year old son snuggled into the covers of his bed. The boy's familiar, Mir was already asleep on a pillow directly next to him. Once he was suitably comfortable, Light looked up at his parents.

"Mommy, daddy. Can...I ask you something?" he said nervously.

"You just did Mister." his father, Orion chuckled in his trademark deep bass. His wife Mi'thra shook her head disapprovingly as she socked him in the shoulder playfully.

"Of course you can sweety. You can tell us anything." she cooed with a gentle smile. Light nodded his head slowly before roling over to stare at the ceiling. He took a deep breath.

"What if I said, that I don't wanna take over daddy's business?" he said meekly. The boy's parents gave him a bewildered look.

"What do you mean by that kiddo?" Orion said carefully. There was a moment of slience before Light continued speaking.

"I want to be a wizard, like mom." he said. At hearing this the silence was broken by the soft chuckles of his parents. Orion ruffled his son's hair playfully.

"Oh son, you can just do both at the same ti-"

"I want to join a guild." Light cut him off.

"Oh." his father blurted simply. Mi'thra moved to sit on the bed and proceeded to stroke Light's side gently.

"Sweety, there's no problem with wanting to learn magic but being part of a wizard guild is..." she trailed off, a worried look in her eyes.

"It's a dangerous type of lifestyle." Orion finished for her. Light sighed and nodded.

"It's just...I don't think I'd be happy, living this way for the rest of my life. Don't misunderstand, I love you guys, I love Mir, and I love Sebastion. I couldn't ask for a better family. It's just that, there has to be more out there for me than just managing stocks and studying magic that I probably won't ever get the chance to have real experience with. I want to see the world with my own eyes."he said almost dreamily, reaching his hand out to the ceiling as if he were trying to reach out to his dreams.

"I understand if you won't let me put myself in danger like that. I just, thought that telling you guys how I feel was the right thing to do." he said, turning to face away from his parents, afraid of the looks of disappointment that would surely be etched onto their faces. Orion let out a long breath before taking his own seat on Light's bed, resting his hand on his son's shoulder.

"Listen Light. You're still young and there's lots of time to think about what you really want to do when you don't need us to watch over you anymore. For now, just focus on being the cheerful young man we've raised with all our heart. Enjoy yourself. And if...by the time you've grown you're still set on becoming a guild wizard then, who are we to stop you?" Orion said, trying to sound reassuring. This made Light turn back to face his parents.

"Really? You'd let me join a guild?" he asked somewhat incredulously. Both Orion and Mi'thra chuckled.

"Of course, in the end your happiness is what matters the most. As long as you're happy, your father and I will be happy as well. " Mi'thra said, a bright smile on her face. Her husband nodded in agreement. Mi'thra then leaned down to plant a kiss on her son's forehead.

"Always remember. You're the light that illuminates every day of our lives."

The dreaming boy now had a slight smile on his face as he was being cared for by Valken and Millie.

Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Valken was sitting in a wooden chair close by the fire place as he had the boy curled up in his lap. His face was complete enigma, it had none of it's normal cheeky characteristic nor did he have his 'work face' the one he normally did when he was doing his under cover intelligence job or under the table missions. Instead, he looked oddly calm and collected though there was a hint of worry dotted his face. He hadn't really been on the receiving end of seeing the frailty of human life, the closest he got to caring about anyone would have been Millie and that was more constant panic over making sure she was OK. This... was new for him. And he wasn't sure how he felt about it exactly. Grace, Ferra, the boys, they were like little siblings that could take care of themselves but were more an annoyance then anything, but actually seeing something this frail really took him back. Where once he could cut out the screams of pain and agony Valken was starting to turn a page as he started to loose a part of the emotionless facade he bore while he tortured people. The Sadist side starting to wain.

Why did he even torture people in the first place?

Well it mostly started taking the worst and most dangerous missions by accident, his reflexes second to none and he had always had a strange affinity for daggers and knives. They were easily concealed and easy to wield for someone with his uncanny ability to duck and out of situations. It wasn't always that way though, he could distinctly remember a time when he was young, he must have only been 12 and had snatched a poster off the Guild Wall. Knowing Mad Maya had told the bar keep to refuse Valken signing out himself onto missions, he promptly waited till the woman had busied herself with another Guild Member before leaping over the counter, scribbling something that looked vaguely like a signature before he had already run away. The boy at that stage couldn't read or write, being a street kid none had ever taught him. So he simply went with the prettiest looking flyer.

Unfortunately for him that very mission had been classified an A class when he could barely be caused a B and despite Valken's reflexes he couldn't escape unharmed. He got beaten to a bloody pulp. He could only duck into the Shadow Realm for a few seconds at a time, he dodged too late, his knife throws were sloppy and missed the target. The fact he even got out at all was a miracle. He remember pushing opening the Lamia Scale Guild Hall with one arm, blood pouring out from a broken noise, a dislocated shoulder, his pants in tattered and bruises covered his small frame. His eye was that badly black and blue he could barely see out of it. He remembered taking one or two steps, as a huge gasp escaped the Guild Hall and it grew silence, while he lifted up his still working arm with a necklace clutched between his blooded fingers.

"S...see I did it!" He remembered choking out before the boy's face paled and his knees buckled, crashing to the floor. The last thing he remembered was a brown haired woman kneeling over him, shouting orders around the place as he drifted in and out of consciousness. He remembered the look of pure horror on her face as she whispered 'you Silly silly boy...'. 


Well he had gotten a right old scolding from the woman after that. Just as his thoughts started on Maya, he felt Millie's arms loop around his middle, a momentary panic working his entire frame as he remembered the rings. Well only for a moment till he reassured himself, they were safe and hidden in the Shadow Realm.. still he found himself holding his breath as his voice half squeaked out. "He hasn't said a word... Although his face looks oddly familiar...." Valken of course the Master of knowing everything (at least in his mind) was trying to put a name to the face. He turned his head gently to brush his face into Millie's cheek, half closing his eyes as he did. Though his gaze drifted down as he spotted the boy giving out a slight smile and Valken in turn couldn't help but smile a fraction as well. "At least the cold seems to have shaken off of him." Glancing up to Millie with the cheeky grin slipping out as he did. "Did you wanna try holding him Millie? Bring up a chair. I want to keep him by the fire till he warms up fully, but I need to test a new recruit..."

His gaze drifting over to Miss Akane. "If you are after a drink, please help yourself behind the bar. We have all manner of drinks cold and hot. But be prepared once this boy is warm, I'll be testing you. And also, don't touch the Scotch. That's mine. All of it..." Glancing down to the floor with the broken pieces of chair he'd tossed at Frosty earlier.

@LeSoraAmari @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mitchs98

Chris Lengheart(As if!)

Chris watched as the man approached. The fur on his neck once again stood up as an audible snarl left Chris. "He's lying!" Chris roared "He's been following us,I know you can smell to booze in his breath, but I know what I saw!" It looked like at any given moment, Chris would pounce on the man. Of course, Chris wouldn't do such a thing, not yet at least. Seeing Lavender tighten on her grip on her sword, Chris also got into a much more hostile stance. He seemed ready to charge to give Lavender the chance to skewer the man if needed.Chris honestly hoped that things wouldn't have to result in that, but nowadays who knew what some people were capable of doing to others.

@Solemn Jester @Britt-21

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Tyson Redd

View attachment 178944

Tyson was hoping that they'd fall for his little act. But it seemed like he would have to take things a bit farther."Okay, the horse talked, I'm to drunk. Nighty night," Tyson said walking next to a tree, then laying down. After a moment he decided to get up, and undid his pants. He then began to pee on the tree, before laying back down next to a new tree. After waiting a moment he sat up, and looked at Lavender, and Chris once more."Hey, don't you two got a manticore to be hunting? What are you doing over here? Shooo go on, let me sleep." Tyson said in a slurred manner, before laying back down.

@Britt-21 @Isune



Lavender couldnt believe what she was seeing before her eyes. This man was so drunk. But as soon as he went to sleep by a tree he had the nerve to get up and undo his pants. Quickly the warrior looked away "You have no manners do you?!" she yelled before he moved to another spot which made her slowly look back to see him sit by another tree and tried to go to sleep. Only for her to narrow her eyes as he mentioned the manticore "Get up." she demanded. When he didnt listen she shouted "Get up!" obviously she wasnt going to back down "You have been tailing us since the beginning! There would be no way for you to know we are hunting a manticore! Why are you pretending to not know what you are doing. Mr Chris can smell the booze on you but he does know that you are not that drunk!" This man had no idea what he was getting imself into when it came to a warrior and a Takeover mage.
Ferra smiled, re-assured by Nikolas' words as he spoke. Not that she had any doubts to begin with, but still. She could tell he was completely genuine with his feelings, plus to hear he was in love with her since they met...was kind of nice. A bit unexpected, but still nice. "That's great to know." She replied. "And I'm not too worried about Phin. I'm nore worried about Valken. Guy can literally pop out of anywhere." She said, laughig nervously. Oh it was a good thing he didn't know where they went...

When they started walking she sighed happily, she was honestly getting hungrier by the minute. She hadn't bothered taking her normal bag of food considering it'd be weird to take to what had amounted to a love conffession. She looked confused as he spoke about a fair warning, "Huh?" She asked. Of course immediately after she yelped in surprise and started running alongside him, nearly falling over in the process. She laughed slightly and nodded, "Yeah it is pretty fun!" She told him cheerfully. She was sort of the same way so it'd only end up being very fun she guessed.

  Nikolas grinned when Ferra agreed that doing everything on an impulse was more fun, but was also mentally prepared for Valken literally appearing out of nowhere. It was true; if Phineas was appearing out of nowhere, it was just him saying something completely random at the wrong time. Such as when they were doing a raid mission and Phineas had literally appeared at the front door after Nikolas spent all that energy running, all to comment that the cooks there made delicious chili and by the way he stole the item they were assigned to steal. Sigh. That guy was just weird. 

  Finally, Nik arrived at the familiar diner, a place that they had literally packed a lot of memories with. It was kind of a.....family tradition. In fact, on the bulletin board was a photo of their father, (deceased) grandfather, and (deceased) aunt, nomming on hamburgers. Another showed their father, Nikolas, Phineas, and their mother. Ahhh, traditions. Nikolas steered over to a table and sat down, grinning eagerly. 

Shiro Ai: A little worried...


Shiro blinked, first Laura had a random twisted smile that didn't escape the white haired mages attention and then Phin had to put on this psychopathic attempt at a smile that sent a chill down her spine, though she kept her expression blank while listening to the pair both asking when they'd be able to move in. In response Shiro's two companions were handed a key each, each set had two keys a spare and one to keep on them or in the case of Phineas and Nikolas one for each of them, the keys marked with their apartment numbers now, "As long as you've got the key and pay rent on time you can move in at any time." Shiro simply nodded watching the two in front of her with a rather passive expression even though internally she was concerned but would try to change the subject back to the original purpose. "Anyway Laura where were you wanting to look for Christmas presents? If you can tell me what you're looking for I can guide you to the stores as need be." 


  Phineas accepted the keys, nodding as Shiro spoke. "......I'll probably start packing all my stuff today," he commented. ".....I....hope it's not too much trouble, but I could use a little help with that. The house we currently live in is a total mess, being....ah....overly customized, and the mosaics need to get peeled off the floor carefully. Our landlord's a bit.....upset about that. Whiiiiich is why I think we'd better move from that crumbling place.....and, again, thank you very much for all of this."

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Valken Truss

Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Valken was sitting in a wooden chair close by the fire place as he had the boy curled up in his lap. His face was complete enigma, it had none of it's normal cheeky characteristic nor did he have his 'work face' the one he normally did when he was doing his under cover intelligence job or under the table missions. Instead, he looked oddly calm and collected though there was a hint of worry dotted his face. He hadn't really been on the receiving end of seeing the frailty of human life, the closest he got to caring about anyone would have been Millie and that was more constant panic over making sure she was OK. This... was new for him. And he wasn't sure how he felt about it exactly. Grace, Ferra, the boys, they were like little siblings that could take care of themselves but were more an annoyance then anything, but actually seeing something this frail really took him back. Where once he could cut out the screams of pain and agony Valken was starting to turn a page as he started to loose a part of the emotionless facade he bore while he tortured people. The Sadist side starting to wain.

[SIZE= inherit]fWhy did he even torture people in the first place?[/SIZE]

Well it mostly started taking the worst and most dangerous missions by accident, his reflexes second to none and he had always had a strange affinity for daggers and knives. They were easily concealed and easy to wield for someone with his uncanny ability to duck and out of situations. It wasn't always that way though, he could distinctly remember a time when he was young, he must have only been 12 and had snatched a poster off the Guild Wall. Knowing Mad Maya had told the bar keep to refuse Valken signing out himself onto missions, he promptly waited till the woman had busied herself with another Guild Member before leaping over the counter, scribbling something that looked vaguely like a signature before he had already run away. The boy at that stage couldn't read or write, being a street kid none had ever taught him. So he simply went with the prettiest looking flyer.

Unfortunately for him that very mission had been classified an A class when he could barely be caused a B and despite Valken's reflexes he couldn't escape unharmed. He got beaten to a bloody pulp. He could only duck into the Shadow Realm for a few seconds at a time, he dodged too late, his knife throws were sloppy and missed the target. The fact he even got out at all was a miracle. He remember pushing opening the Lamia Scale Guild Hall with one arm, blood pouring out from a broken noise, a dislocated shoulder, his pants in tattered and bruises covered his small frame. His eye was that badly black and blue he could barely see out of it. He remembered taking one or two steps, as a huge gasp escaped the Guild Hall and it grew silence, while he lifted up his still working arm with a necklace clutched between his blooded fingers.

"S...see I did it!" He remembered choking out before the boy's face paled and his knees buckled, crashing to the floor. The last thing he remembered was a brown haired woman kneeling over him, shouting orders around the place as he drifted in and out of consciousness. He remembered the look of pure horror on her face as she whispered 'you Silly silly boy...'. 


Well he had gotten a right old scolding from the woman after that. Just as his thoughts started on Maya, he felt Millie's arms loop around his middle, a momentary panic working his entire frame as he remembered the rings. Well only for a moment till he reassured himself, they were safe and hidden in the Shadow Realm.. still he found himself holding his breath as his voice half squeaked out. "He hasn't said a word... Although his face looks oddly familiar...." Valken of course the Master of knowing everything (at least in his mind) was trying to put a name to the face. He turned his head gently to brush his face into Millie's cheek, half closing his eyes as he did. Though his gaze drifted down as he spotted the boy giving out a slight smile and Valken in turn couldn't help but smile a fraction as well. "At least the cold seems to have shaken off of him." Glancing up to Millie with the cheeky grin slipping out as he did. "Did you wanna try holding him Millie? Bring up a chair. I want to keep him by the fire till he warms up fully, but I need to test a new recruit..."

His gaze drifting over to Miss Akane. "If you are after a drink, please help yourself behind the bar. We have all manner of drinks cold and hot. But be prepared once this boy is warm, I'll be testing you. And also, don't touch the Scotch. That's mine. All of it..." Glancing down to the floor with the broken pieces of chair he'd tossed at Frosty earlier.

@LeSoraAmari @Fem the Huffling Riceball @Mitchs98

Light Faren - Lamia Scale Guild Hall


[SIZE= 14px]As his dream faded, Light began to return to consciousness, although slowly. With his eyes still closed, the boy registered the warmth that came from the gentle flames to his right. That was funny, he didn't remember going to bed near the fireplace last night. He also noticed that the surface he had apparently fallen asleep on was quite firm, although not uncomfortably so. In fact, he felt safe and secure. It was as if his father was cradling him in his arms just like when he was younger. The next thing Light registered was a man's voice, probably his father. He couldn't really tell but it sounded a bit...rougher? He quickly dismissed the thought and snuggled deeper into the couch he had surely fallen alseep on in the living room. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to rest peacefully much longer as the memories of his home burning and his mother telling him to run came flooding into his head. For a moment he panicked but reasoned that it must have alll been a nightmare. After all, how could he be in such a comfortable position now if those events had really happened? Still though, his slumber was pretty much ruined so Light opted to wake up..or at least he tried to. The boy yawned loudly and turned his body slightly but he couldn't bring himself to open his eyes just yet. However, he was now awake enough to realize that he was in fact in somebody's arms if the steady breathing and warmth that seemed to coe efrom all around him was any [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]indication[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]. It was strange, his father had told him that he was too old to be cradled like a baby 9 years ago. Maybe he changed his mind? Either way, Light definitely didn't mind and took comfort in his father's warmth. Since he had intentions of waking up, he decided to speak to help the process along.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Daddy..? I had the worst nightmare last night. There was fire everywhere and these people were attacking you and mom. It was..." he trailed off as he yawned again, noticing how strangely hard his father's body felt against his. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"I suppose it doesn't matter. it was just a dream. Have...you been working out lately? I don't remember you being so...firm. It feels nice though..." he said in a quiet, drowsy voice. His eyes were still closed as he enjoyed the nostalgia of in his father's hold.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@Maki[/SIZE]
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Aiden had laid out a couple of mismatched blankets six feet away from the fire, a few pillows were also thrown into the mix. In the disparity of fabric sat Aiden with low table in front of him, there sat the plate of cookies and his drink. "Come, the fire is delightful." He waved them over, and patted a seat next to him. "Ashley I want to talk to you about something." Butterflies bloomed in his stomach, maybe this wasn't a good idea to drop on Christmas. No. He needed to tell her, mabye it was time. He kept going over what he was going to say to her, knowing full well how she could get if he said the wrong thing.



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