Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Sora Marvell - Streets of Magnolia



Sora replayed the whole scene in slow motion within her head, the more gory parts seeming to drift back to the front of her mind repetitively. Both hands had come to cover her mouth as if trying to keep back any noises that would give away how utterly horrifying it all was to her. Her fingers shook, pressed tightly to clamp over her mouth as her small petite frame huddled over into the snow that blanketed the streets around them. This is too much... The words weakly drifted in and out of her thoughts. It's too much... Every muscle seemed to loosen itself as she went from battle mode to defeated, eyes glazing over to be void of the spark that gave them life. I was helpless then and I feel that way again... Those hues stared blankly out towards the scene before her, more focused on the snow fluttering soundlessly within the light breezes that helped accompany the winter chill. " I have to help... " Her words were nothing but a hushed whisper, a small stab at trying to motivate herself to rise off the cold ground. It was solid though and it was keeping her together.


She imagined standing and conquering her fears but the images that played out only resulted in her crumpling into a broken mess once more. The worst part wasn't the injuries, or his jabbed through eye; no it was the disappearance of emotion in them. He seemed to be numb to everything going on, physically and mentally, and that terrified Sora. Where was her once cheerful and jubilant friend? Her mind drifted towards Lysander then and she subconsciously curled up tighter, nails digging into the skin of her palms. Light trails of blood trickled from them, falling to the snow as her fingers eased up. " I can't be weak anymore. " Sora's eyes ignited with life as she found the courage to stand back up, feet exploding in light and a flurry of icy wind that went flying about the chill air as she used the momentum from her sudden outburst of magic to land herself in front of Ayano. I'm a member of Fairy Tail, I'll always get back up, the thought erased any doubt harbored within her mind, only offering her strength now. 




The slayer's frame hesitated for a moment, eyes glued on the small vampire before she brought her resolute gaze to turn and fall upon Timothy. Her hands spread outwards and she steeled herself, acting as a wall between the two. This act wasn't to be mistaken as the girl having some sort of change of heart. She knew deep down she would never forgive herself if she let Timothy go too far and she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she didn't stand to protect others when the fight seemed so one sided. And as of right now, the battle was over, Ayano was out cold. " That's enough, Timothy. " Sora almost sounded sad, voice dropping to a remorseful tone as she assessed all the physical damages to both of them. As much as there was a deep seeded disdain towards Ayano, it was still heart wrenching to see a smaller child be so beaten up in every sense of the word.


" Before you say anything else, promise me you'll explain what you are to me later. No lies. No evading it or trying to be elusive. Right now, however, you both need medical attention. " Her eyes stared into his, bearing down upon him in a serious manner to solidify what she had just stated. If she wasn't so short it would most certainly seem like the slayer was looking down upon him, trying to make him feel small. She was unsure if her healing abilities would even work on him since he was anything but close to human. 

Timothy Harvard: A Sincere Sorry



[SIZE= 18px]The target seemed to be out cold, he stared at the whole entire scene. Giant holes in the walls that he made along with some minor damage but he is kind of glad that nothing got too out of hand or chaotic. However his mind is still set in a rational state as he tries to approach Ayano in case if she tries to attack again but he was soon blocked by Sora. His eyes still emotionless and blank as he looked at her. [/SIZE]"I know Sora, the battle is over...but..." [SIZE= 18px]his face shifted from emotionless to one that looks like he was about to cry. Timothy felt some sort of [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]disappointment[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px] [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]in himself. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Are you mad at me?..." he asks as his legs weaken and falls to the ground on his knees with tears and blood coming from both his eyes. "I-I'm sorry....please don't hate me....please don't hate me...I didn't w-want to fight, I just wanted to....I just wanted to help....I never intended for this to happen." he said with deep regret and sadness in his voice as he tries to wipe away the tears from his eyes.[/SIZE]

He finished wiping all of his tears but a sad face followed as she asked about "what" he is and demanded an explanation. He went silent for a moment and walked passed Sora to Ayano as he picked up her with his two blood filled hands. Timothy walked back to Sora and looked at her, struggling to not cry in front of her. [SIZE= 18px]"I'll...explain everything back at the house...I don't think it's a good idea to show you here [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]especially[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px] how I look..." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he said in a depressed tone knowing that his cover has been blown and he couldn't do anything but run away however he doesn't intend on abandoning his only friend.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]He walked back with Sora back to her home, Timothy laid Ayano on the couch still bloody in most aspects. He stood up and stripped his clothes off revealing his naked muscular torso however the most shocking surprise is the fact that most of the cuts made by the spikes were gone with a few exceptions healing up. "I know that by now you realize that I'm not exactly human...you've probably never seen anything like me before...but the truth is..." he explained before stopping dramatically and opening his eye which revealed the same damaged eyeball. He reached his hand into the socket and ripped the eye ball out revealing a metallic eye which shined brightly red.[/SIZE]

"I'm not a real boy..."


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Just as Lavender turned to face Chris, he tripped and fell. Causing the blonde to go down with him and land on her back with a thud "ow..." she said softly as she opened her eyes and noticed that she wasnt looking at the celing, but rather Chris who was hovering above her in a very suggestive way which made the blonde's cheeks turn pink "M-Mr Chris..." her voice had seemed to have held a shyness to it as she studied the man above her "A-Are you okay?" even though she took the brute force from the floor, he was the one who tripped over something and could have hurt himself in the process. I may be a warrior but I have not gotten so close to a man in this way... Sure he had only fallen and hopefully he had meant no harm... But this posistion could make others think otherwise... Lavender was getting more embarassed by the minute as she turned her face to avoid eye contact How does one act in such a situation as this? I believe I should remain calm and take a deep breath. And so she took in a deep breath and let it out before looking back up at Chris


@Isune @Anyonewillingtowalkinonthemin FT guild hall kitchen :P

Chris Lengheart(Oh...uh...this never happened.)

Chris stared down at Lavender, the blood filling his cheeks as a blush had managed to find it's way onto his face. As she asked if he was okay, Chris simply nodded as he backed up on all fours to avoid falling onto her. As he got away, Chris stood up and quickly dusted himself off. A small sigh escaped him as he fixed up his hair slightly. Trying to play off the whole situation like it had never happened, Chris simply looked away from Lavender as he muttered,"See what I mean? I don't want to risk the lives of my or anyone else's family. I don't care whether or not you decide to go with me, but there's nothing that'll stop me from going out there."

And soon enough, Chris was already walking to the door. whether or not Lavender decided to follow was her own decision, but Chris' mind was already made. He didn't care if he got hurt, if there was one thing he learned when he was young it was to always fight to protect those closest to you, no matter the risk. 


Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

She had already downed around half a plate of cookies when she heard a loud thud come from the kitchen. Curious more than anything she hopped from her seat and made her way over to the door that led to the kitchen. "Lavy? You alright?" She called out softly as she opened the door. Upon seeing what had happened she fell silent as a wide smirk covered her lips. Standing in the doorway she leaned sideways against the frame while crossing her arms under her chest. She simply stood there silently watching the pair's awkward reactions to what was obviously some sort of accident. However they finally untangled themselves as Chris got to his feet and made mention of people's lives being at risk. This piqued her interest and as she was blocking the door she figured it was the perfect time to get filled in on what was going on. "What's this about lives being at risk?"

@Britt-21 @Isune

Celestia Corona: On the way back


It had taken some time; and maybe a little sobbing in her home but she had finally buried her feelings, of course she had washed her face thoroughly and had waited for her eyes to stop burning, hoping they weren't red as she rummaged through a bunch of the magic trinkets and little artifacts she had obtained in her travels, she had a box full of them and each item had magical properties to them. It was after digging for a bit that she found the two items she had sought out, pulling a dagger from the box and then a small three inch wide and six inch long box which she pocketed then clipped the dagger to the belt that held her skirt up, then quickly made her way out of the building with a bright smile that hid her feelings perfectly.

It didn't take her long to reach the guild once again and she easily pushed the door open, she had two targets in mind and made her way quickly towards one of them. Rosaline was the first one she approached grinning brightly as she caught the very end of the words where she asked where Celestia had gone, "Nah I'm right here! I wanted to apologize to you, I wasn't mad at anyone...you were just so angry and upset I was worried...and I spoke without thinking." Still grinning brightly, almost too happily at the other blonde while she pulled the little box from her coat pocket and offered the item inside to Rosaline. A glance in the open lid revealed a strange metallic and lacrima looking material in the form of a hair clip, "This clip is actually a new material being made in another country, it's a blend of lacrima and some metal...that's not all its a great conductor for electricity, but it can also store a decent amount of magic inside of it...So um...if you ever get that angry again excess electricity can be conducted into that, to help you out." The sweet blonde girl set it down in front of Rosaline with a bright smile before turning her attention to the second target, Kazuo.

She shot a small glare his way before storming up to him, as if she was angry, that dagger at her side being whipped out far quicker than he could actually react to and stopped a little in front of him dagger still looked at him...before suddenly grinning, tossing the dagger up and catching it by the blade he hilt pointed his way, while the dagger itself was plain steel with an oddly deep groove up its center at the bottom of the hilt was a small pearl made of what appeared to be the same material as the clip she had given Rosaline. "I wanted to apologize to you as well Kazuo, I spoke without thought...Trust me I won't do it again. I normally pride myself on thinking before speaking...anyway. From what I can recall about the research I did on you when looking into the guild you handle blades well right? Well I want you to have this one, it's a unique magical blade that when a spark of any type of magic is pushed into the pearl at the end there...it activates the lacrima, this particular lacrima causes a paralyzing agent to run down the center, when pierced into skin the liquid will drain into the enemy's blood stream and cause paralysis for a time." She used her free hand to unclip the sheath from her belt now offering the man she had stormed up to the two items with a sweet smile on her face, just as bright and cheerful as before if not more so.

@Zuka @Britt-21

Shiro Ai: at a storage unit


Shiro squeaked when Laura picked her up without giving Phineas the chance to do so, she had been right for sure, there was no way she could have kept up. When placed back down a deep blush colored her pale face at having been carried so quickly, part of her embarrassed because she had been wearing a dress as well and hoped that Phin hadn't gotten an accidental peek, was she going to ask him? Would she ever admit his little act with the string was cute? No, never, on either one but she would silently worry about one while taking the other to her grave. However when she saw the state of Laura's belongings she frowned deeply, color draining from her face instantly, her violet eyes were wide as she watched the other woman move a box into Phineas' hands, though she didn't know there was lead in the box either. Her eyes were too focused on Laura as she pulled some shiny stuff from one of the boxes and asked if the two would help her move, swallowing the sudden lump Shiro nodded speaking softly, "Erm Laura...would you like me to scout around and see if whoever did this to your things is still nearby? I...I don't say it much but I can't stand to see my guild mates harrassed foe any reason. Oh and...yeah I'll definitely help you move once we get the shopping done, no worries okay?" Her normally expressionless face suddenly softened and she gave the woman in front of her a genuine smile, smiling just a little more than what she normally did, than she had at Phin earlier even. She really was concerned which is why she had let her guard down a bit, even though her ears were listening for any odd noises besides Chrismas music, laughing children as they played in the snow, or the odd hum of prayers in the distance.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball @TheSecretSorcerer

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

For the most part things seemed to go back to normal as the hostility slowly drained from the guild hall. They had certainly had such skirmishes in the past but it was rare for things to get as heated or serious as they had that night. Even though the holiday season was one of joy there was the unmistakable underlying current of tension. Few people enjoyed how much time and effort had to be put into Christmas and the slow-down on jobs didn't help matters. Reasoning that those factors were the cause for the blow-out she gave herself a small nod of confirmation as she took puff of her pipe. Soon enough the Guild Hall's doors opened as Kazuo returned from his journey. The fact that he was still in one piece caused her to flash the man a smile. "Seems you were more successful than I thought you would be."

Not long after the remaining two came back in accompanied by the dwarf who was wheeling a large cart. She watched as the man pulled off the tarp, unveiling his metallic Christmas Tree and presenting it as a gift to the hall. Had he been any other member, other than Kirin that is, she would have expressed her gratitude and complement the blacksmith on his skills. Alas she had no tolerance for those who looked down on her due to her species and she was not enough of an upstanding woman to look past such grievances. Her gaze shifted from the dwarf and his tree to Rosa who made mention of punching the tree before quickly retracting that statement. She pursed her lips as she watched the girl, not everything had returned to normal yet. Although she didn't expect to bounce back that quickly. Nevertheless Rosa's smile did not go unnoticed. While she was at the center of most scuffles that happened within the guild, right alongside Rosa, she did not appreciate events getting out of control as they had that night. She didn't blame the blonde for how things went, after all it wasn't the first time she was forced to use her talismans to keep the Guild Hall in one piece. Nevertheless the 'apology' was still nice and so she gave the girl a faint nod before turning her gaze back down to the book in her hand.

@Halffix @Zuka @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @hudhouse @Mykinkaiser

Celestia Corona: On the way back


It had taken some time; and maybe a little sobbing in her home but she had finally buried her feelings, of course she had washed her face thoroughly and had waited for her eyes to stop burning, hoping they weren't red as she rummaged through a bunch of the magic trinkets and little artifacts she had obtained in her travels, she had a box full of them and each item had magical properties to them. It was after digging for a bit that she found the two items she had sought out, pulling a dagger from the box and then a small three inch wide and six inch long box which she pocketed then clipped the dagger to the belt that held her skirt up, then quickly made her way out of the building with a bright smile that hid her feelings perfectly.

It didn't take her long to reach the guild once again and she easily pushed the door open, she had two targets in mind and made her way quickly towards one of them. Rosaline was the first one she approached grinning brightly as she caught the very end of the words where she asked where Celestia had gone, "Nah I'm right here! I wanted to apologize to you, I wasn't mad at anyone...you were just so angry and upset I was worried...and I spoke without thinking." Still grinning brightly, almost too happily at the other blonde while she pulled the little box from her coat pocket and offered the item inside to Rosaline. A glance in the open lid revealed a strange metallic and lacrima looking material in the form of a hair clip, "This clip is actually a new material being made in another country, it's a blend of lacrima and some metal...that's not all its a great conductor for electricity, but it can also store a decent amount of magic inside of it...So um...if you ever get that angry again excess electricity can be conducted into that, to help you out." The sweet blonde girl set it down in front of Rosaline with a bright smile before turning her attention to the second target, Kazuo.

She shot a small glare his way before storming up to him, as if she was angry, that dagger at her side being whipped out far quicker than he could actually react to and stopped a little in front of him dagger still looked at him...before suddenly grinning, tossing the dagger up and catching it by the blade he hilt pointed his way, while the dagger itself was plain steel with an oddly deep groove up its center at the bottom of the hilt was a small pearl made of what appeared to be the same material as the clip she had given Rosaline. "I wanted to apologize to you as well Kazuo, I spoke without thought...Trust me I won't do it again. I normally pride myself on thinking before speaking...anyway. From what I can recall about the research I did on you when looking into the guild you handle blades well right? Well I want you to have this one, it's a unique magical blade that when a spark of any type of magic is pushed into the pearl at the end there...it activates the lacrima, this particular lacrima causes a paralyzing agent to run down the center, when pierced into skin the liquid will drain into the enemy's blood stream and cause paralysis for a time." She used her free hand to unclip the sheath from her belt now offering the man she had stormed up to the two items with a sweet smile on her face, just as bright and cheerful as before if not more so.

@Zuka @Britt-21

Shiro Ai: at a storage unit


Shiro squeaked when Laura picked her up without giving Phineas the chance to do so, she had been right for sure, there was no way she could have kept up. When placed back down a deep blush colored her pale face at having been carried so quickly, part of her embarrassed because she had been wearing a dress as well and hoped that Phin hadn't gotten an accidental peek, was she going to ask him? Would she ever admit his little act with the string was cute? No, never, on either one but she would silently worry about one while taking the other to her grave. However when she saw the state of Laura's belongings she frowned deeply, color draining from her face instantly, her violet eyes were wide as she watched the other woman move a box into Phineas' hands, though she didn't know there was lead in the box either. Her eyes were too focused on Laura as she pulled some shiny stuff from one of the boxes and asked if the two would help her move, swallowing the sudden lump Shiro nodded speaking softly, "Erm Laura...would you like me to scout around and see if whoever did this to your things is still nearby? I...I don't say it much but I can't stand to see my guild mates harrassed foe any reason. Oh and...yeah I'll definitely help you move once we get the shopping done, no worries okay?" Her normally expressionless face suddenly softened and she gave the woman in front of her a genuine smile, smiling just a little more than what she normally did, than she had at Phin earlier even. She really was concerned which is why she had let her guard down a bit, even though her ears were listening for any odd noises besides Chrismas music, laughing children as they played in the snow, or the odd hum of prayers in the distance.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball @TheSecretSorcerer


Storage Facility

Laura was quick to put Shiro on her shoulders as though she was nothing, not giving Phineas a chance to put her on his shoulders. It wasn't a long walk to the storage facility and in no time they were there. Phineas acted funny when they first got there, playing with string but she let it slide. She pulled keys off of the rope that held her keys close to her and unlocked the storage locker. She instantly lifter her hand over her mouth in surprise at the sight of her locker. It didn't look like anything was stolen but all of her boxes were thrown all over the place. It looked like a hurricane had gone through her things. She slowly walked in and set Shiro down, she made sure to be gentle but she was shaking from her things being treated so unjustly. She only had six boxes, three of them were laying all over the floor with the contents exposed. One of the items was a picture of her family, the picture frame was broken and the picture was laying face down. She walked up to it and held it close to her, before picking up the boxes and sitting the picture safely inside of it. The people in the picture all had her completion and obviously were her family. The other three boxes were standing up nicely just like they were set. "Hey Phineas I need you to hold this box." There were two boxes stacked on each other. She picked the first one up and handed it to Phineas not think of how much it weighed since it was a box of lead. Once he took it from her she went through the box under it, which was just as heavy. She grabbed some gold jewelry, gold bars and jewel to buy the Christmas gifts with. "Alright when I get the Christmas gift and my apartment would you two mind helping me move?"

  Phineas watched calmly as Shiro was lifted, getting a perfect view of...her underwear. Oh lord. Had it been Nik rather than him, well....let's just say that there would have been a very unfortunate death in the Saedor family. Phineas awkwardly shaded his eyes, not wanting to seem like a perv, until the door opened and a total disaster was revealed. He didn't get much time to look at it, however, for Laura handed him a very heavy box, which felt like it had an entire block of lead in there. 

  Whew. His arms felt like they were gonna FALL OFF. Phin peeked behind the box, already looking exhausted, but nodded in agreement to what Shiro had said.  "I will help you in the finding of the presents and apartment search, then," he volunteered, as usual looking completely emotionless. "I would like ideas on what to get my family....if you don't mind helping a bit. Dad and Mom are fairly easy, but Nikolas....he always wants something crazy. Frustrating if you ask me."

Ferra was genuinely curious as to what his answer would be. Any logic pointed towards them going on a date, but she wasn't sure what he'd decide to do. Her first date had gone pretty well, but she usually decided not think of that for obvious reasons. When his suggestion was in-fact a date she grinned before nodding. "Sure, that sounds great!" She replied cheerfully. "I haven't really eaten anything in a while so I'm pretty hungry." She said, her while being about an hour...closer to thirty minutes. "Where did you have in mind?" She asked excitedly. She figured a relationship with Nikolas would go much better considering they'd known each other for a few months already. Not to mention if he ended up breaking up with her she'd be sure to prank him literally every single time he stepped foot into the guild hall. Or serve him ruined fish, either or.

  Nikolas tapped his chin, considering the many options, then snapped his fingers. "How 'bout a diner? It's affordable, groovy, and fun! What could be better, amirite?" He winked playfully at Ferra, stupid grin still intact on his face, then, after a moment of thought, nodded. That would work. It was a good way to start off a relationship; WITH FOOOOOOOD! And he had read that the best way to a girl's heart was by treating them to dinner. Or lunch. Or linner. Whatever this was. "Ah...Ferra? One more thing...do you wanna be called anything? I mean...like...y'know, in some relationships people wanna be called stuff like 'babe' or 'honey' or somethin'. So is that your thing....? Or no...? Random question, but I'm just curious."

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Kazuo only sighed and pretty much ignored everyone who had spoken to him at this rate. Aside from Yama who offered cookies, still not able to grab them due to these spikes. Dorian didnt even release him and just headed out, leaving the poor man alone in the death trap. So Kazuo wasted no time in using his shadow walk and disappeared from within the spikes that surrounded his body. As soon as he got out of his walk, he grabbed the cookies and made a run for it to find Rosa. Screw the eggnog for now and just give her a cookie. Though when he had gotten outside, he spotted Dorian walking with Rosa and trying to talk to her "Dorian, did I not say I would talk to her?" he asked kindly as he jogged over and walked on the opposite side of Rosa "And you do realise those spikes wouldnt have held me long." he let out a soft chuckle and then glanced at Rosa, losing his smile and feeling instantly guilty for what he had done to her.


"Here, Rosa." he just handed her the small thing of Two Gingerbread men towards her "I greastly apologize for what I did." he then looked at Dorian to explain what happened while he was sleeping. Kazuo didnt even need to overhear to tell him what happened when he asked for it. "I began cross lines that shouldnt have been crossed with her... So she charged at me, tried to throw a punch... I then finished it with a kiss... Though not everyone was not happy about it." he admitted "I wanted to apologise to her but you didnt allow me to escape unless it was out of my own magic power." not that he minded, he knew Dorian wouldnt kill him "So here I am..." he said before glancing at the blonde  who hadnt said anything this entire time.


  Reveal hidden contents

Balsam Village Street


Rosaline was angry... or was she? She couldn't tell anymore. She had her teeth gritted and her pace was fast and heavy, her shoulders tensed and her whole posture just screamed for citizens to run away from her. Which they whole-hardheartedly did, taking one look at the death aura girl and hurrying away or leaping over stalls or going into houses or shops. More then one occasion she had blown up property on a rampage, never citizens (at least not on purpose) so the townsfolk tended to steer clear of her. Especially with her volatile personality. 


It wasn't just townsfolk though, Rosa had a way of making everyone tense it seemed even within Blue Pegasus. Why couldn't she be more calm like her younger Brother?  He wouldn't have flown off the handle like that... she still found her eyes burning like they were dirty and with a huff she reached up and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. It was only as she pulled her hand back did she stare at her knuckles and realized they were wet. Her pace came to a halt as she peered down. Was she cr-?


Her head lifted as she heard a voice and she half turned to see Dorian beside her, at first surprised but a moment later she felt her chest tighten so she turned away from him and angrily rubbed her wet eyes. "I'm fine why wouldn't I be!" She said loudly, at least she thought it did but it sounded weaker then she expected. "You...you fell asleep beside me. Your head fell onto my lap...I...I didn't know what to do so I just let you sleep." Crossing her arms. "Everyone was having a right old giggle, especially Kazuo and that vile Snake Woman. So I snapped." 


It was at that point Kazuo jogged up on her other side and as he looked to her with a guilty expression she could only glare him back with an expression of pure hate. She was starting to tense up again as her hands balled up. "....You... apologize?..." She said in an equally dark tone, leaving his hand stretched out with cookies still clasped. She refused to take them. As he spoke more and more her rage only escalated but it was more then that. For the first time her heart hurt as well, and she suddenly threw her hand out to slap his hand away sending the cookies flying. 


"YOU APOLOGIZE?!! Saying sorry won't bring that moment back you know! That kiss was never meant to be yours to take! And not for something as trivial as a fight! Where do you get off using a kiss as a distraction in battle?" Despite how angry she was she couldn't stop the tears that flowed from her eyes. 


"Everyone talks about how great love is, and how wonderful a kiss is, but frankly if that is all it is then I want nothing to do it!" It probably only became apparent now Rosaline had never been romantically involved with anyone, which wasn't really all that surprisingly. She never had the experience nor the time around training with her mind only ever capable of two emotions. Anger and excitement. This sadness and confusion were completely new and it showed on her face.




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Kazuo Takara

Out in the Village


Kazuo knew she wouldnt be happy at all. Especially what he had done earlier that day to her.  Just by her expression and just by her words it made Kazuo feel even more guilty for what he had done and seeing the tears that flowed down her cheeks really stabbed him through the heart. He took something that wasnt for him and he had no idea about it. His look softened and he moved in front of her, stopping her from walking and he reached out, wiping her tears away with his gloved hand "Rosa.." he needed to explain everything to her...or almost everything "I didnt know that I had taken something that was precious to you, never would I ever even use a kiss to be a distraction. That was not my intention at all." his face showed that he was genuinely guilty and was genuinley sorry.


"Love is a far more powerful thing than you really know... And a kiss is only a little bit of what could become great." he explained as he dropped his hand, knowing she'd smack it away anyways and he let it fall to his side "If I could take back what I did to you, I would." Kazuo hated to see her this way. Upset, angry, confused... It was too many emotions at once and he was surprised that she hadnt hit him in the face with an electrified punch and sent him flying. If she did hit him, he would take it. "What I did was wrong and rude. Not only did I take something from you but I have also hurt you deeply." Kazuo always manned up to something if he had done something wrong in any shape or form. The Takeover mage never really exposed much of his emotions this way, but it was for the girl he started to develop a thing for



Balsam Village Streets


Rosaline found despite all her angry words and even how he offered her the cookies which she knocked aside, he still stepped before her. She noticed idly her gaze was level when normally she would look down. It took that momentary conclusion to hold her steady even if her fists were balled. She wanted to punch him, as hard as she could and send him careening like that might help settle the emotions in her chest. But what would the punch do really? Would it fix anything at all? He reached out a hand to touch her face and she took a sharp breath inwards as she tried to pull her head back, eyes pressed down. Expecting him to yank her down to hit her or... she was surprised once again by the gentleness of his touch, something she just wasn't familiar with at all. When he spoke her eyes slowly slipped open again as she peered to him, blinking a number of times as her brain tried to digest this new information. It didn't help he insisted on using her Nickname to calm her. 


Every word he said she felt her rage rear its ugly head, but then a second later it would slip again. She looked like she had something to say on the tip of her tongue but it just wouldn't form into words past her lips. What was she supposed to DO? What would Hibiki do in this situation? He was smart, he'd know how to react he'd... She took a step closer to Kazuo before she realized, to close the distance for some reason she couldn't quite make out. But then she seemed to catch out what she had done as something caught in the corner of her eyes. She turned her head gently even as she was standing uncomfortably close to Kazuo, her eyes peering onto Dorian who had simply stood and watched this whole thing with his normal half asleep gaze. Though he looked weirdly concerned for her and that alone sent her heart pounding.


What should she DO?


She glanced back to Kazuo. A weird look crossing her face. And the oddest thing occurred. Her cheeks gain a weirdly red hue, not unlike when he had used her own momentum to kiss her in their fight earlier. She drew her arm back as her fist tightened and in this close quarters she threw her arm forward and slammed his stomach with the brute force of her punch which was enough to send most Men flying. But she angled it in such a way all it would make him do was lift him on his toes and heave over. Though she didn't electrify it so that was a plus.


[SIZE= 16px]"If you're going to kiss me you Damn well better make it the single best thing in the universe. Otherwise, I will kill you." [/SIZE]


Letting out an angry huff she turned on her heels and grasped onto Dorian's arm as she stormed away and dragged the man along with her. As she was walking she was taking huge breaths to try and calm down herself down though that stupid red hue refused to leave her cheeks. "I could have finished another Keg by now..." she grumbled more to herself. As she walked she spotted the dwarf walking down the road pushing a huge trolley with a blanket covering it. She came up beside him still with her stern frown but more laced with intrigue. "What in the world have you got there, Ace?"





Blue Pegasus Guild Hall / Balsam Village


Pushing the large object back towards the guild hall, there was a slight incline making it more difficult than he had realised, it wasn't long until Rosa stormed up catching him a bit off guard turning to her but leaning into the cart so it didn't begin to roll back down "ah there you are it's a present for the guild hall I noticed a lack of one of these 'Christmas Trees' I've heard everyone talking about so I made one and it even shoots flames too, just hope the belt doesn't use it as a warming post or something."

On the front of the cart was his wheeled chest with his belongings on it and next to it sat the Mug he had given her "I grabbed your mug that you left behind didnt wont someone taking it, will have to fill it when we get back to the guild hall, give us a hand pushing this would yah since you are miss muscles"

Pushing the cart together well the dwarf was holding on trying to not get left behind the cart slamming and casting the doors to the guild hall bursting inwards the large covered object filling most of the doorway the dwarf walking around the front "All right you lot here you go!" pulling the tarp from off the tree to reveal the shiny metal riveted Xmas tree, before wheeling the tree into a better place and going to a panel on the back fiddling for a moment and a couple of swears later the tips of the metal tree hissed and fire spouted out in a controlled pleasant manner like a whole set of large candles had been lit.

"now enjoy it and lets get some drinks" taking his belongings and Rosa's mug thumping it down on a nearby table and set about filling it "Oi lass your behind on drink, better catch up...:"


@Mykinkaiser@Zuka@LeSoraAmari@Britt-21@Jackaboi@Arius LaVari@Happy Red Mage

 (and anyone else in BP guild Hall I forgot)

Kazuo Takara

Out in the Village


Kazuo didnt understand why Rosa had gotten closer to him and said nothing. The silence was just killing him along with the suspense and it put him off a little bit. He moved his eye to her arm which began to lift and she slammed her fist foward which slammed right into his stomach and had him heave over with his arm wrapped around it once she pulled away. He coughed and closed his eye as she heard her words which had seemed to give him permission to kiss her again but also threaten him at the end. That was the typical Rosaline "I deserved that punch..." he muttered under his breath as he lifted his head to see Rosa walking away with Dorian and it seemed she was back to normal.


I can only assume that things could get better from now on. he thought to himself, spotting the dwarf who seemed to be dragging a trolly with a blanket on top. At this time, Kazuo didnt want to jump into a conversation that was not needed of him. As he stood tall, he took a breath I do hope she continues to keep that atittude and her actions... now that everything had been settled, the Takeover mage headed off back to the Hall where everyone had still been hanging around and having fun. Though when he had stepped inside he still realised spikes had been in the middle of the hall. With a sigh, he tried to think of a way to remove them and to keep them from hurting others... He could use his Titan Soul... But Titan soul was deadly if not controlled properly.


Though the sound of the hall doors opening once more caused Kazuo to turn and see the Dwarf walking in with this odd looking christmas tree. With swift movements, he moved out of the way and watched has he began to set up and watch as it soon let fire out like a candle Well that is an interesting tree I may say.. he didnt think there would be a tree such as this one. Plus it wasnt green.


@Zuka and @Mykinkaiser (mentioned) [SIZE= 24px]@ANYONEINBP[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 28px]Blue Pegasus Guild Hall[/SIZE]


Rosaline watched the Dwarf struggle to push up a rather heavy looking cart up an incline and she let go of Dorian's arm to have a short, stiff laugh as she reached over his head to grasp onto the handle to push it up with barely a sweat. In fact if you looked more closely it probably was only one or two fingers pushing the trolley along up the hill rather then her own hand. "Seriously why would you even make something that big if you can't even wheel it around?... No matter I suppose." She glanced up noticing the mug teetering on the top of the cart and glanced sideways to him with another warm smile. "Ahh, can't be leaving treasure like that behind.. thank you Ace." Despite her violate personality Rosaline could actually be capable of a rash conversation. It was more, certain things set her off. And those certain things were an actual rather long list of things and her set off was rather destructive and brutal in nature. Of course because she was decidedly taller and stronger then the Dwarf the cart was practically flying and he struggled to cling on for the journey. Rosaline didn't seem to notice. Or care really.


They burst into the door and she let go but the momentum saw it continue to wheel through the hall fraction before bumping harmlessly on the crazy stone spikes. He took the tarp off, and showed off the tree to which the girl crossed her arms with a grin flooding her face. "Nice tree. Flames and all. Looks tough.... maybe I should punch it... you know, just to see if it's as tough as it looks?" Already pulling her arm out from the crossed position under her chest as lightning flicked for a second across her fist. Then, even as she said it, she glanced around the room and pulled her arm right back to tuck under her chest again. "On second though.. maybe not. I think I've done enough punching for today." Her blue eyes drifting as she spotted Kazuo already inside the building. Now just how did he manage that? He was behind them wasn't he?


She made another angry tsc noise and turned away from him before she noticed the Dwarf and her mug which was full to the brim. She let a huge breath, as she snatched it and lifting it to her lips, holding it steady in the air as she just kept gulping and gulping and gulping. A little bit of haziness to forget the recent time would be a good thing... right? She lowered the mug very slowly as she made a concentrated effort to burp but turn away so it didn't seem AS rude. She glanced to the side at Dorian with a raised eyebrow. "You... planning on falling asleep anytime soon there? Because I'm not sitting down if that's the case... and also, if you could lower the Death Spikes, that would be wonderful." 


She made a half hiccup as the liquid seemed to be hitting the spot for the tall girl and her shoulders were relaxing just a fraction. This was good! The more she drunk, the more she would relax, the more she would smile and laugh and not be AS likely to punch things. Though she may still zap people just to irritate them. Her gaze purposefully avoiding Kazuo for no reason as she spotted Kirin, Xira and Yamato at opposite ends of the room and blinked. "Hey Kirin... be a dear, More music please. There is a reason I don't wear headphones anymore."


She gave them all a half weak smile, almost coy in the way she glanced sideways after it, to say, sorry about earlier. It was about the closest thing the stern girl would get to an apology. Though as her gaze flicked she noticed Cele wasn't there anymore. "Hey Yamato... have you seen Cele? She was here earlier..." Her voice oddly soft. Now just why would a girl that happy sudden tear herself away? Was it what happened earlier?











She had let him sleep on her lap? That... was,,, unexpected to say the least... Dorian was actually very surprised to hear that as she'd normally have shocked him awake or something by then, if not long before. His face grew slightly red as he realized what exactly the soft thing he had been sleeping on and hugging was exactly, which was odd for him. Since when did he care where he slept? Was there something about Rosa? Unfortunately, before he could properly ponder these questions Kazuo appeared, with predictable results. He watched their exchange, staying out of it and letting the two of them sort it out themselves. This wasn't so much him being lazy, for once, but rather that he didn't think that it was his right to step in without cause. Haah... why was life so troublesome? Regardless of the answer to that he noted with some satisfaction that the situation was only resolved with one, well deserved, blow to Kazuo. Though, he did feel an odd sense of displeasure and annoyance at Rosa seemingly giving Kazuo the go-ahead to kiss her again, in her own threatening manner. Now why would that matter to him? He'd have to look into it... troublesome things seem to be piling up today...

His musings were interrupted, as usual, by Rosa. This time she grabbed him by the arm and began to drag him bodily back towards the guild hall, not that he resisted mind you. If anything, he was glad he didn't have to walk back, walking took effort after all. As Rosa continued to drag him they met up with the dwarf from earlier, "Ace" Rosa called him. Dorian liked that nickname, it was short and easy to say, he'd probably use it too to be honest. Back to the present, Ace seemed to be rolling some sort of cart around, with a large, tarp-covered contraption inside. From what he could hear it seemed to be some sort of fire-spewing Christmas tree, or in other words, something he couldn't sleep on and thus didn't care much about.

Continuing on, the trio reached the guild hall, crashing the cart into the doors and throwing them open in an unnecessarily loud manner. Though, it was Rosa so what else could he really expect? Looking around a bit more he saw some of the other members of the guild before his attention was, very briefly, taken by the tree which, true to word, did in fact shoot fire, just not to the degree he had imagined it would listening to Ace. That was when he heard Rosa speak up once more, asking him if he was going to back to sleep as well as to get rid of the spikes. Sighing he crouched and laid a hand on the ground once again, transmuting the floor exactly to the way it had been before standing back up and looking over at the lighting mage, "Nah... I'll stay up a little longer... I suppose..." he replied while sitting down. He then turned to the dwarf, "Got any more to drink?" he asked as a request for some alcohol of his own. 
  Reveal hidden contents



@Mykinkaiser @Zuka (since valk was kinda involved Lolz)

LS Guild Hall




Evelyn watched as the fight began to unfold with Emmerich being on bottom while the dark-haired male was pinning him down. Emmy got a boyfriend eh?  she thought to herself as she stifled a laugh. It didnt take Emmerich long to throw the guy off and rush over to her and pull her into a bearhug which made her actually release her laugh. She wasnt able to hug him back simply because his bearhug restricted her arms.  "If I told you I was on my way 'ere it wouldnt 'ave been a surprise!" once she was put down, she gave him a tight hug in return and began to answer his questions "Mom and Dad are great. Though dad got 'imself sick again by working like a dog by shoveling snow. Woulda thought by now 'e would be used to the cold." the blonde pulled away from the hug and shook her head before jumping onto his next question "I came all the way 'ere just to see you! I've 'eard word you were around. Mostly in bars you practially claimed." her smile turned into her grin "Good job on doing that."


Evelyn was so glad to see her brother again "It's good to see you too, Em." she lifted her fist and punched his arm playfully. She always looked up to Emmerich and always hoped that one day she can follow in his footsteps and be a beserker just like him. "The biggest reason why I came 'ere  was because I wanted to spend Christmas Day with my awesome brother. It gets boring back at 'ome when you arent around plus there is no one to teach a lesson or give knuckle sandwhiches to." she began to lose her grin but it instantly came back when a thought popped into her head "I was 'owever greeted by wizards who allowed me to kick their asses outside the guild 'all! I made a 'uge mess though." she laughed after telling her brother the short but sweet story and rubbed the back of her head


The young Faust was more than happy to see Emmerich. He was the only person who really brightened up her mood and had truely had fun with. She had friends, yeah, and would have fun and have happy moments but those moments couldnt add up to what Emmerich brought to her. Put it in simple terms: She adored Emmerich.


"Soo, is your friend over there gonna live?" she asked, tilting her body a little bit to look at the mage who was thrown with such strenth.




His dad was sick, that did concern Emmerich a bit but he wasn't overly worried. After all, this wasn't the first time such a thing had happened and his dad was robust enough that he'd in all likelihood be fine soon. As such, the brawler stopped worrying and instead focused his attention on the rest of what his sister was saying, which turned out to be a good choice. He grinned in amusement at her story about the greeting, shall we say, that she had received outside the guild hall. She had handled the situation, at least in his opinion, about as well as anyone could have and he showed that sentiment by ruffling her hair affectionately.  It was then that he heard her last question, his grin widening, "Ah, Valken? He'll be fine. Takes a lot more than that to kill the fucker."

Emmerich was really enjoying the time with his sister, it reminded him of old times and it had been far too long since he'd last seen her. Actually, on that note, Emmerich was struck with an idea, which usually meant something bad was going to happen to things around him. "You know, since you mentioned bars, a drink has started to sound good to me," he remarked, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, "So I was thinking, why don't we 'ead over to one? 'Ave a good time there?" One Faust was already bad enough for the nearby establishments, and now there was two... One could only pray for the surrounding bars at that point.
  Phineas watched calmly as Shiro was lifted, getting a perfect view of...her underwear. Oh lord. Had it been Nik rather than him, well....let's just say that there would have been a very unfortunate death in the Saedor family. Phineas awkwardly shaded his eyes, not wanting to seem like a perv, until the door opened and a total disaster was revealed. He didn't get much time to look at it, however, for Laura handed him a very heavy box, which felt like it had an entire block of lead in there. 

  Whew. His arms felt like they were gonna FALL OFF. Phin peeked behind the box, already looking exhausted, but nodded in agreement to what Shiro had said.  "I will help you in the finding of the presents and apartment search, then," he volunteered, as usual looking completely emotionless. "I would like ideas on what to get my family....if you don't mind helping a bit. Dad and Mom are fairly easy, but Nikolas....he always wants something crazy. Frustrating if you ask me."

  Nikolas tapped his chin, considering the many options, then snapped his fingers. "How 'bout a diner? It's affordable, groovy, and fun! What could be better, amirite?" He winked playfully at Ferra, stupid grin still intact on his face, then, after a moment of thought, nodded. That would work. It was a good way to start off a relationship; WITH FOOOOOOOD! And he had read that the best way to a girl's heart was by treating them to dinner. Or lunch. Or linner. Whatever this was. "Ah...Ferra? One more thing...do you wanna be called anything? I mean...like...y'know, in some relationships people wanna be called stuff like 'babe' or 'honey' or somethin'. So is that your thing....? Or no...? Random question, but I'm just curious."

Ferra grinned and nodded, "Sounds great!" She replied cheerfully. She giggled at his wink, only continuing to grin at him a bit. At his next question she arched a brow in slight confusion. She knew it was a normal thing considering the fact of how much Millie and Valken used those honorifics on a nigh constant basis, but still. "Well uh....I dunno. You'd be the second person I've dated and the other one lasted like a day so..." She explained, trailing off slightly and shrugging. "I guess just call me Ferra?" She finished, shrugging once more. "What about you?" She asked curiously. If he wanted her to call him anything special she would, but as far as she was concerned she would just stick to using their normal names. She was a little nervous though, mostly because of Valken finding out. She already knew he'd tease her a lot, though lucky for her she had the whole issue of the magazines she could use to blackmail him into stopping. Sure, Ferra knew she had already used it to get him off her back for the whole Millie thing...which she still didn't comprehend at all considering it had worked out. But oh well.

Celestia Corona: On the way back


It had taken some time; and maybe a little sobbing in her home but she had finally buried her feelings, of course she had washed her face thoroughly and had waited for her eyes to stop burning, hoping they weren't red as she rummaged through a bunch of the magic trinkets and little artifacts she had obtained in her travels, she had a box full of them and each item had magical properties to them. It was after digging for a bit that she found the two items she had sought out, pulling a dagger from the box and then a small three inch wide and six inch long box which she pocketed then clipped the dagger to the belt that held her skirt up, then quickly made her way out of the building with a bright smile that hid her feelings perfectly.

It didn't take her long to reach the guild once again and she easily pushed the door open, she had two targets in mind and made her way quickly towards one of them. Rosaline was the first one she approached grinning brightly as she caught the very end of the words where she asked where Celestia had gone, "Nah I'm right here! I wanted to apologize to you, I wasn't mad at anyone...you were just so angry and upset I was worried...and I spoke without thinking." Still grinning brightly, almost too happily at the other blonde while she pulled the little box from her coat pocket and offered the item inside to Rosaline. A glance in the open lid revealed a strange metallic and lacrima looking material in the form of a hair clip, "This clip is actually a new material being made in another country, it's a blend of lacrima and some metal...that's not all its a great conductor for electricity, but it can also store a decent amount of magic inside of it...So um...if you ever get that angry again excess electricity can be conducted into that, to help you out." The sweet blonde girl set it down in front of Rosaline with a bright smile before turning her attention to the second target, Kazuo.

She shot a small glare his way before storming up to him, as if she was angry, that dagger at her side being whipped out far quicker than he could actually react to and stopped a little in front of him dagger still looked at him...before suddenly grinning, tossing the dagger up and catching it by the blade he hilt pointed his way, while the dagger itself was plain steel with an oddly deep groove up its center at the bottom of the hilt was a small pearl made of what appeared to be the same material as the clip she had given Rosaline. "I wanted to apologize to you as well Kazuo, I spoke without thought...Trust me I won't do it again. I normally pride myself on thinking before speaking...anyway. From what I can recall about the research I did on you when looking into the guild you handle blades well right? Well I want you to have this one, it's a unique magical blade that when a spark of any type of magic is pushed into the pearl at the end there...it activates the lacrima, this particular lacrima causes a paralyzing agent to run down the center, when pierced into skin the liquid will drain into the enemy's blood stream and cause paralysis for a time." She used her free hand to unclip the sheath from her belt now offering the man she had stormed up to the two items with a sweet smile on her face, just as bright and cheerful as before if not more so.

@Zuka @Britt-21

Shiro Ai: at a storage unit


Shiro squeaked when Laura picked her up without giving Phineas the chance to do so, she had been right for sure, there was no way she could have kept up. When placed back down a deep blush colored her pale face at having been carried so quickly, part of her embarrassed because she had been wearing a dress as well and hoped that Phin hadn't gotten an accidental peek, was she going to ask him? Would she ever admit his little act with the string was cute? No, never, on either one but she would silently worry about one while taking the other to her grave. However when she saw the state of Laura's belongings she frowned deeply, color draining from her face instantly, her violet eyes were wide as she watched the other woman move a box into Phineas' hands, though she didn't know there was lead in the box either. Her eyes were too focused on Laura as she pulled some shiny stuff from one of the boxes and asked if the two would help her move, swallowing the sudden lump Shiro nodded speaking softly, "Erm Laura...would you like me to scout around and see if whoever did this to your things is still nearby? I...I don't say it much but I can't stand to see my guild mates harrassed foe any reason. Oh and...yeah I'll definitely help you move once we get the shopping done, no worries okay?" Her normally expressionless face suddenly softened and she gave the woman in front of her a genuine smile, smiling just a little more than what she normally did, than she had at Phin earlier even. She really was concerned which is why she had let her guard down a bit, even though her ears were listening for any odd noises besides Chrismas music, laughing children as they played in the snow, or the odd hum of prayers in the distance.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball @TheSecretSorcerer

  Phineas watched calmly as Shiro was lifted, getting a perfect view of...her underwear. Oh lord. Had it been Nik rather than him, well....let's just say that there would have been a very unfortunate death in the Saedor family. Phineas awkwardly shaded his eyes, not wanting to seem like a perv, until the door opened and a total disaster was revealed. He didn't get much time to look at it, however, for Laura handed him a very heavy box, which felt like it had an entire block of lead in there. 

  Whew. His arms felt like they were gonna FALL OFF. Phin peeked behind the box, already looking exhausted, but nodded in agreement to what Shiro had said.  "I will help you in the finding of the presents and apartment search, then," he volunteered, as usual looking completely emotionless. "I would like ideas on what to get my family....if you don't mind helping a bit. Dad and Mom are fairly easy, but Nikolas....he always wants something crazy. Frustrating if you ask me."

  Nikolas tapped his chin, considering the many options, then snapped his fingers. "How 'bout a diner? It's affordable, groovy, and fun! What could be better, amirite?" He winked playfully at Ferra, stupid grin still intact on his face, then, after a moment of thought, nodded. That would work. It was a good way to start off a relationship; WITH FOOOOOOOD! And he had read that the best way to a girl's heart was by treating them to dinner. Or lunch. Or linner. Whatever this was. "Ah...Ferra? One more thing...do you wanna be called anything? I mean...like...y'know, in some relationships people wanna be called stuff like 'babe' or 'honey' or somethin'. So is that your thing....? Or no...? Random question, but I'm just curious."


Storage Facility

ishzu ishtar.jpg

Her eyes were filled a with a mixture of a emotions, anger, happiness, and sadness. She was happy that Phineas and Shire were there to help but she was both mad and sad that her things have been so miss treated. There had been no sign of forced entry on the lock and some her things were still intact so there must not have been an earth quack. Granted two of the boxes weigh a ton but the other one still had fragile in it. Who ever did it must have had keys and was thinking that they were trying to find her money. At least the was the most logical reason but she they must have to weak and as a result they must have pasted by the box of lead. That was the only reason she could think of that explained the condition of her things. However, that did remind her that the box she had given Phineas had a block of lead in it and that it weighed a ton. She quickly closed the box with her gold and money before retrieving the box from Phineas and setting it on top of the other box. "Shiro I don't think that you will find anyone and it would just waste time. I do appreciate the offer, and I am happy that you guys are going to join me for everything. I suspect that today is going to be a long day and we are not going to be back before dark." She looked at Phineas and opened the box that she had gotten back from him to make sure that there was lead in there, and of course there was. "Sorry Phineas, I forgot that I was using this box to make sure my money was safe." She then began to head to the door, expecting the other two to follow her. "Well where should we go first? To get me an apartment or Christmas shopping?"


Chris Lengheart(Oh...uh...this never happened.)

Chris stared down at Lavender, the blood filling his cheeks as a blush had managed to find it's way onto his face. As she asked if he was okay, Chris simply nodded as he backed up on all fours to avoid falling onto her. As he got away, Chris stood up and quickly dusted himself off. A small sigh escaped him as he fixed up his hair slightly. Trying to play off the whole situation like it had never happened, Chris simply looked away from Lavender as he muttered,"See what I mean? I don't want to risk the lives of my or anyone else's family. I don't care whether or not you decide to go with me, but there's nothing that'll stop me from going out there."

And soon enough, Chris was already walking to the door. whether or not Lavender decided to follow was her own decision, but Chris' mind was already made. He didn't care if he got hurt, if there was one thing he learned when he was young it was to always fight to protect those closest to you, no matter the risk. 


Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia Town

She had already downed around half a plate of cookies when she heard a loud thud come from the kitchen. Curious more than anything she hopped from her seat and made her way over to the door that led to the kitchen. "Lavy? You alright?" She called out softly as she opened the door. Upon seeing what had happened she fell silent as a wide smirk covered her lips. Standing in the doorway she leaned sideways against the frame while crossing her arms under her chest. She simply stood there silently watching the pair's awkward reactions to what was obviously some sort of accident. However they finally untangled themselves as Chris got to his feet and made mention of people's lives being at risk. This piqued her interest and as she was blocking the door she figured it was the perfect time to get filled in on what was going on. "What's this about lives being at risk?"

@Britt-21 @Isune

Celestia Corona: On the way back


It had taken some time; and maybe a little sobbing in her home but she had finally buried her feelings, of course she had washed her face thoroughly and had waited for her eyes to stop burning, hoping they weren't red as she rummaged through a bunch of the magic trinkets and little artifacts she had obtained in her travels, she had a box full of them and each item had magical properties to them. It was after digging for a bit that she found the two items she had sought out, pulling a dagger from the box and then a small three inch wide and six inch long box which she pocketed then clipped the dagger to the belt that held her skirt up, then quickly made her way out of the building with a bright smile that hid her feelings perfectly.

It didn't take her long to reach the guild once again and she easily pushed the door open, she had two targets in mind and made her way quickly towards one of them. Rosaline was the first one she approached grinning brightly as she caught the very end of the words where she asked where Celestia had gone, "Nah I'm right here! I wanted to apologize to you, I wasn't mad at anyone...you were just so angry and upset I was worried...and I spoke without thinking." Still grinning brightly, almost too happily at the other blonde while she pulled the little box from her coat pocket and offered the item inside to Rosaline. A glance in the open lid revealed a strange metallic and lacrima looking material in the form of a hair clip, "This clip is actually a new material being made in another country, it's a blend of lacrima and some metal...that's not all its a great conductor for electricity, but it can also store a decent amount of magic inside of it...So um...if you ever get that angry again excess electricity can be conducted into that, to help you out." The sweet blonde girl set it down in front of Rosaline with a bright smile before turning her attention to the second target, Kazuo.

She shot a small glare his way before storming up to him, as if she was angry, that dagger at her side being whipped out far quicker than he could actually react to and stopped a little in front of him dagger still looked at him...before suddenly grinning, tossing the dagger up and catching it by the blade he hilt pointed his way, while the dagger itself was plain steel with an oddly deep groove up its center at the bottom of the hilt was a small pearl made of what appeared to be the same material as the clip she had given Rosaline. "I wanted to apologize to you as well Kazuo, I spoke without thought...Trust me I won't do it again. I normally pride myself on thinking before speaking...anyway. From what I can recall about the research I did on you when looking into the guild you handle blades well right? Well I want you to have this one, it's a unique magical blade that when a spark of any type of magic is pushed into the pearl at the end there...it activates the lacrima, this particular lacrima causes a paralyzing agent to run down the center, when pierced into skin the liquid will drain into the enemy's blood stream and cause paralysis for a time." She used her free hand to unclip the sheath from her belt now offering the man she had stormed up to the two items with a sweet smile on her face, just as bright and cheerful as before if not more so.

@Zuka @Britt-21

Shiro Ai: at a storage unit


Shiro squeaked when Laura picked her up without giving Phineas the chance to do so, she had been right for sure, there was no way she could have kept up. When placed back down a deep blush colored her pale face at having been carried so quickly, part of her embarrassed because she had been wearing a dress as well and hoped that Phin hadn't gotten an accidental peek, was she going to ask him? Would she ever admit his little act with the string was cute? No, never, on either one but she would silently worry about one while taking the other to her grave. However when she saw the state of Laura's belongings she frowned deeply, color draining from her face instantly, her violet eyes were wide as she watched the other woman move a box into Phineas' hands, though she didn't know there was lead in the box either. Her eyes were too focused on Laura as she pulled some shiny stuff from one of the boxes and asked if the two would help her move, swallowing the sudden lump Shiro nodded speaking softly, "Erm Laura...would you like me to scout around and see if whoever did this to your things is still nearby? I...I don't say it much but I can't stand to see my guild mates harrassed foe any reason. Oh and...yeah I'll definitely help you move once we get the shopping done, no worries okay?" Her normally expressionless face suddenly softened and she gave the woman in front of her a genuine smile, smiling just a little more than what she normally did, than she had at Phin earlier even. She really was concerned which is why she had let her guard down a bit, even though her ears were listening for any odd noises besides Chrismas music, laughing children as they played in the snow, or the odd hum of prayers in the distance.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball @TheSecretSorcerer

  Reveal hidden contents

His dad was sick, that did concern Emmerich a bit but he wasn't overly worried. After all, this wasn't the first time such a thing had happened and his dad was robust enough that he'd in all likelihood be fine soon. As such, the brawler stopped worrying and instead focused his attention on the rest of what his sister was saying, which turned out to be a good choice. He grinned in amusement at her story about the greeting, shall we say, that she had received outside the guild hall. She had handled the situation, at least in his opinion, about as well as anyone could have and he showed that sentiment by ruffling her hair affectionately.  It was then that he heard her last question, his grin widening, "Ah, Valken? He'll be fine. Takes a lot more than that to kill the fucker."

Emmerich was really enjoying the time with his sister, it reminded him of old times and it had been far too long since he'd last seen her. Actually, on that note, Emmerich was struck with an idea, which usually meant something bad was going to happen to things around him. "You know, since you mentioned bars, a drink has started to sound good to me," he remarked, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, "So I was thinking, why don't we 'ead over to one? 'Ave a good time there?" One Faust was already bad enough for the nearby establishments, and now there was two... One could only pray for the surrounding bars at that point.

[SIZE= 22px]LS Guildhall -> Heading outside[/SIZE]



Even though Evelyn was slightly younger than her brother, the praise from him still made her react as if she was a child. Her eyes closed and her smile was pretty much stuck on her face before she opened her eyes and looked at her brother once again as he said Valken would be fine. Honestly, she took his word for it. As soon as he mentioned a bar, her eyes lit up "Sure why not? Seeing as I brought this..." she pulled her bag off from her back (I only just realised that she needed a bag for extra clothes and such so... i put it in here) and Unzipped it, pulling out a decent sized bottle filled with... Something. "This can be our first Drink before we 'it the bar itself." her smile turned into a grin "I got this puppy from one of our Neighbors."  she then put her bag down and opened the bottle, waving around the top at his nose, avoiding the cigarette in the process.


"Seeing as that was a great oppertunity to come see you, I took it." plus it was a awesome present for her brother...even though she was going to drink it with him "Emmy, you 'ave no idea 'ow good this stuff is. I'm surprised i'm not an addict because of it." she then pulled back the bottle and took a wiff for herself before letting out a content sigh "Oh I cant wait to take a sip of this." Evelyn then closed up the bottle once more and put it back into her bag  where it was safe between her clothes and zipped up her bag before putting back on her back "Let's get going." the faster they got to the bar the faster they could start drinking. "You also have a ton to tell me when we get there. I want to 'ear all about the faces you broke." spinning on the heels of her shoes, she then began heading out


"Also, dont mind the mess outside." Ev looked behind her and gave him a Sheepish smile. "You know I dont like to clean up after myself. Especially after a nice brawl" she informed her brother before continuing on her walk towards the guild hall doors. The young Faust was pretty happy that she found Emmerich and that she was able to go out to a bar with him. Being away from Emmerich really made her bored but as soon as he came into view, it was game on and no more moments of being bored. Pushing the door open wide enough for emmerich, she slipped through and if he noticed, he could see a little bit of debris scattered on the floor "Seems they ran away and didnt want to meet you, Emmy. Guess they were too scared to face my older brother." her sheepish smile turned into that signature Frosty grin as she placed her hands on her hips


Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Kazuo glanced over at Rosa who had walked in with Dorian. Just seeing her brought a small smile to his lips due to the fact he was given a second chance to make things right. Though he had to think of the proper way to do so. Before he could think any more on the matter, he was met with a dagger which didnt make him flinch but rather look at the one holding the blade. Turns out it was Celestia before she pulled back and apologized for her actions earlier and had offered him the dagger she had once pointed at him and explained what the lacrima was able to do. He realised that she was offering him a gift - or that's what he thought - and lifted his hands to take the items from her. "Thank you, Celestia. I accept your apology." a soft smile appeared on his lips in a friendly manner.


"Though I should apologize for making you angry with what I had done to Rosaline." it wasnt his intention to make others want to chop his head off "You were in the right as well, even if I do like her, the way I had initiated was not the proper way. But things have been settled and everything is back to normal." he then glanced at Rosa "Almost normal." he softly added before looking at Celest "Again, I appreciate this gift. Though I am afraid I do not have a gift to exchange with you..." actually he didnt have any gifts to give to anyone in the guild. Then again he really didnt have much jewel to buy presents. He had enough to live... Maybe he should take up more jobs so he wouldnt be like this. Then again it is Christmas eve and he could find something...No?


@Zuka (mentioned) @Arius LaVari (interacted with)


The awkward setting had been finished once he got off her which she didnt mind. It was odd having a man on top like that and when he got up and started walking to the door, she was also getting up onto her feet as she spotted this. Though, seeing Tanari leaning on the doorway made the Warrior pale a little bit. Did Tanari see what happened? Was she going to go around the guild hall and spread rumors? If so... Lavender had to bribe with cake. Off the subject of Tanari, Chris was right, Fairy Tail helped others no matter what. Stopping this beast was one of those things they needed to Vanquish. Tanari also piped into the conversation "Mr Chris has something going on in which requires us to vanquish a beast." she informed the fire mage "And protect his family." she added "I'll be willing to go if it means saving your family, Mr Chris. Though...I must get out of this apron... And gather my armor and weapons."


Last edited by a moderator:

Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall

When Eric came to Tokine calmly patted the clearly disoriented Eric on the head before standing up.

"I apologize if I hurt you, but it was an effective way to rouse you. I recommend you find a better place to sleep."She said in a flat, but good natured tone. She then turned to Sakura and smiled a little while speaking.

"Hello Sakura, Eric was unconscious so I was just assisting him. What have you been up to?" She asked.

@Mitchs98  @Jackaboi


Sakura - Sabertooth GH

Sakura giggled at Eric's reaction to the hot cookie in his mouth, grinning and nodding slightly in agreement with Tokine. When she turned to speak to her she smiled back, "Thinking of what presents to get everyone and stuff." She replied, though by get she meant draw. She was having quite the hard time coming up with something for Tokine, the girl being pretty hard to read most of the time. "What about you? Other than waking up Eric with fresh cookies of course." She asked. "Nice work on that by the way." She added, chuckling slightly. She figured it'd annoy Eric quite a bit but she didn't really mind, she knew he'd get over it anyways.



Alicia: Streets of Crocus > Miziki's Apartment

After picking up a few more things Alicia had decided to head back home, her small arms loaded down with as much as she could possibly carry. She had been sure to buy everyone at-least two presents each, if not more. She really hoped everyone would like what she picked out for them. If not she guessed they could take them back to the store and get money to buy what they wanted or something; though she figured that wouldn't happen. A short walk down the street later and she was back at the apartment she shared with Miziki that they'd recently gotten. She struggled to get her key out an unlocked the door before walking in; a feat in and of itself considering how much the girl was carrying. She then moved to her own bedroom and sat everything down. After she decided she'd look around to make sure Miziki wasn't home before starting to wrap the presents she'd got for her. She went around the place peeking into all of the rooms and looking around, Miziki's bedroom being the last.

"Miziki are you in he-" She asked as she walked in, being halted by the sight of Draneri with Miziki. Her eyes immediately narrowed at the sight, "What are you doing here! Get away from Miziki!" She shouted, not even thinking of the possibility of Miziki willingly allowing her to be here after what happened. She would attack, but that'd hurt Miziki too. The only thing she could hope for was that Draneri would lean up away from her or something so she could do something. "What did you do to Miziki?" She added, figuring she'd done something for her to be here.

Ayano Soru: So you really aren't human...

Everything was so calm now. The dragon slayer stood before her now and the voices remained quiet for the time being. Ayano tried to listen to what they were saying. From what she was gathering it seemed that the boy was crying? That emotionless face from the battle was crying now? Then again that is a smart tactic, push aside all of your emotions, let your attacks do all the talking. Since he was crying now, it didn't seem that he planned on finishing the vampire off. The boy picked her up and started walking somewhere, though she did not know where she was too tired to care. Ayano let her eyes drift of for a little while before waking up again lying on a couch inside an apartment. Then she looked around the room and found the boy and Sora standing there. But it turned out the boy really wasn't a boy after all. Surprisingly Ayano was actually weirded out by this. She really had no clue as to what he was but it also intrigued her. "W... What... Are you?" Ayano spoke weakly and only just audible enough to allow both Sora and Timothy hear her.

@Zareh @Kyuubey



The snowfall grew heavier as the two seemingly gazed at each other with malice in their eyes, hate radiating out of the females like venom, intoxicating the very air around them. The wind blew softly even still, causing Maya's gown to flutter gracefully in the wind even now. When Ophelia turned around to finally face her, Maya simply kept her gaze averted onto the young girl. Although young, Ophelia held a rather respectable composure, that of which Maya respected very much. However, Ophelia's crimes to Fiore and the magic world were too severe to go unpunished. Thus, if need be, Maya would not hesitate to bring down Ophelia with brute force, and by the looks of things, that's exactly what needed to be done. 


In what seemed to be a moment, Ophelia drew her sword and stabbed it into the ground swiftly, her movements not escaping the Saints observant eyes one bit. It was then that the tiny girl accumulated hundreds of scorching water rings her way. The rings melted the snow in its path as they all came hurling towards Maya. The Guild Master stood with a palm outwards as a large telekinetic force seemingly halted all of the water rings in their tracks, then, Maya pointed her finger towards Ophelia as the telekinetically augmented boiling water spheres were sent crashing back down towards Ophelia with twice the speed and twice the power. Amongst it all, Maya simply stood there. "My dear." She called out, "Do not make matters worse for yourself than they already are." It was in that moment, that Maya's gaze quite literally pierced the girls soul, and with it, Ophelia's sense of reality itself would become warped. The surrounding area would start to appear distorted to the young girl, her senses jumbled up in a huge mess as her sense of direction grew weary. 


Maya had placed an illusion on Ophelia, targeting her very mind itself. And although not her strongest, it was very powerful.





Ophelia Kaiser -- Middle of Nowhere

It had all happened so very quickly. In almost the blink of an eye, Ophelia found that all of her beautiful rings of boiling water had been redirected back at her, and had even more momentum than when she had sent them out. There was nothing she could do about it either, considering she had only realized any of this had happened after she was on the ground and basically useless at this point.

Her steel blade, once as cold as the wintery air, had been flung from her hand and stuck straight up from the ground, steaming with the watery death spell that had been reflected back at it. The girl herself could hardly move, her skin red and bruised, with cuts wherever her clothes hadn't been protecting. Ophelia tried to soothe herself with a bit of magical rain, but it had seemed that even her magic had been washed away by... her own magic. 

The blame had all fallen back onto Alfie, who had even lied to her about how strong she'd become...

[SIZE= 14px]She wanted to fight. She wanted to show Maya that just having a special title didn't make anyone stronger... She wanted heads to roll. She wanted to watch everything burn and drown, and for the world to drown while burning. But that would never actually be the case, would it? The stars had all aligned for one simple and holy fate--to make sure nothing ever went her way. The tides--tides that she was supposed to have mastery over--would always turn in someone else's favor, solely to keep her miserable. And the one person to carry out that holy fate today was Maya, who had now given her no choice but to submit...[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]And with her whole body aching and emitting water vapor like it was still the middle of summer, Ophelia felt she should have taken the earlier offer to give herself up.[/SIZE]

Unable to do anything else, she only laid there, silent and unmoving, waiting for the former Wizard Saint to do her thing.


The Shadow Mage blinked for a moment as an eyebrow lifted up, even while Masaki flicked through a book fast he casually caught out Valken's ploy. Maybe this Masaki boy was a lot more observant then the man had first believed. Or he was getting sloppier over the years. Though he was certain it was the former, not the latter, as Valken was the essence of all things smooth and clever. Almost as if he were Mr Bond. No no.. better then Mr Bond. Mr Truss, International Superstar. What did he ask? Oh yeah that's right, how he could help. Valken found a sweat drop running down the side of his face even as he glanced away, slowly slipping to a lounge seat in the side of the room as he allowed Masaki to peruse the books, crossing his legs slowly as he crossed his arms as well.


"You're new around here... You probably only know what Grace has told you and I'm not sure exactly how much she has told you.  But Millie.... I've known Millie since I was 16 and I've adored her...well a really really long time.... We've been dating for a number of months now but..." He glanced up to the ceiling as he already found his chest tightening and his throat was closing over. He refused to look to Masaki as he took another sideways glance. No one really saw this side of Valken anymore. Not really. It was like he was turning back into his teenage self. He looked itching and his foot was tapping against the ground. "I.... I want to...aa...aa...ask Millie to marry me..." He blurted out suddenly as he lowered his head looking to his lap. He hadn't told anyone this...not even his best mate Frosty. "I want to propose to her but...well I need a ring...and..." His eyes rapidly focusing on the books, remembering once upon a time he couldn't even read. Not until Millie had taught him. A soft smile crossing his face gently as he relaxed remembering the memory. "I... love her so much. She is perfect in every single way... the light to my shadow. I need her in my life otherwise... I have no life at all... And I need a ring. A ring just for her. A ring perfect for the perfect girl..." He whispered gently before looking back to Masaki finally.


"I know you are a Crystal Mage... would...it be possible to make the perfect ring for her? I....I can give you whatever money you want!" leaping up suddenly as he ran to him surprisingly fast and grabbed as his shoulders in a half panic. "A million jewels? Two Million? Whatever you need I can get you! It just needs to be perfect! Can you do this?"








Masaki was busy taking books off of the mass of shelves in the library and piling them up on the nearby table. The boy planned to read all of these books, and he most certainly would do just that. it was in that moment, that Valken continued to speak, and eventually gave his reasoning as to why really took him here. Masaki thought it was going to be about some super secret or something, which, it was, but he most certainly wasn't expecting this. "Y-You want me to make you a ring?" He said, dropping the book in his grasp as Valken seemingly launched towards him and placed his hands on his shoulders. Masaki smiled as he looked up towards the taller man, Masaki nodded. "Yeah, I can do that, sure." It was the least he could do, right? Valken had been so nice to him after all, nice enough to even show him the guilds secret library that pretty much no one knew about. When Valken blurted out about giving him whatever he wants, Masaki shook his head. "I don't want anything for it, I'm doing this for a friend." With that, Masaki turned away from Valken and started stacking the books into a neat pile, picking up the one he dropped and adding it to it. "It won't take me long to make." He said, a smile on his face as he did so, "And I'll make sure not to tell anyone about the proposal, your secret is safe with me."

Storage Facility

Her eyes were filled a with a mixture of a emotions, anger, happiness, and sadness. She was happy that Phineas and Shire were there to help but she was both mad and sad that her things have been so miss treated. There had been no sign of forced entry on the lock and some her things were still intact so there must not have been an earth quack. Granted two of the boxes weigh a ton but the other one still had fragile in it. Who ever did it must have had keys and was thinking that they were trying to find her money. At least the was the most logical reason but she they must have to weak and as a result they must have pasted by the box of lead. That was the only reason she could think of that explained the condition of her things. However, that did remind her that the box she had given Phineas had a block of lead in it and that it weighed a ton. She quickly closed the box with her gold and money before retrieving the box from Phineas and setting it on top of the other box. "Shiro I don't think that you will find anyone and it would just waste time. I do appreciate the offer, and I am happy that you guys are going to join me for everything. I suspect that today is going to be a long day and we are not going to be back before dark." She looked at Phineas and opened the box that she had gotten back from him to make sure that there was lead in there, and of course there was. "Sorry Phineas, I forgot that I was using this box to make sure my money was safe." She then began to head to the door, expecting the other two to follow her. "Well where should we go first? To get me an apartment or Christmas shopping?"

Shiro Ai: with Laura and Phin


Shiro nodded, she had known her suggestion wasn't actually something worth pursuing but she had wanted to suggest it anyway. She listened to what Phineas had said before nodding slightly, she didn't know much about Nikolas but she could ask Phin about the guy so she could maybe help him out. As for Laura's question she thought a moment before answering, "It's Christmas Eve...so I honestly feel like you should seek out an apartment first. Landlords and such will probably be getting ready to see family soon. So I suggest apartment first then we go Christmas shopping, what do you think?" Shiro tilted her head slightly as she put her suggestion out there, idly wondering; for no particular reason; what she could get for Phineas...though it'd be her first time giving a present so she was internally unsure but she would try to pay attention to Phin's reactions to things, aside from suggesting they look for an apartment first she doesn't speak much more though, simply watching the other two.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball (sorry for crap reply mobile.)


Blue Pegasus Guild Hall


having seated himself on a nearby table with Rosa, Dorian looking to the sleepy floor spike wielder his face brightening to his request "ah that's more like it," going to his chest of belongings rummaging around producing a cast metal mug with a green wrap and studded with a couple of gems added. setting the mug down in front of Dorian and promptly set about filling it with frosty goodness. seeing Cele giving a present to Rosa going back to rummage around for another mug of sorts, "I am afraid I am all out of fancy mugs there but here all the same." offering a simple Polished sterling silver mug to the other lightning mage having it filled in short order and sliding it across the table in her general direction. taking a seat once again and filling his own "lets get to drinking then shall we?" raising his tankard

@Zuka@Mykinkaiser@Arius LaVari

Celestia Corona: On the way back


It had taken some time; and maybe a little sobbing in her home but she had finally buried her feelings, of course she had washed her face thoroughly and had waited for her eyes to stop burning, hoping they weren't red as she rummaged through a bunch of the magic trinkets and little artifacts she had obtained in her travels, she had a box full of them and each item had magical properties to them. It was after digging for a bit that she found the two items she had sought out, pulling a dagger from the box and then a small three inch wide and six inch long box which she pocketed then clipped the dagger to the belt that held her skirt up, then quickly made her way out of the building with a bright smile that hid her feelings perfectly.

It didn't take her long to reach the guild once again and she easily pushed the door open, she had two targets in mind and made her way quickly towards one of them. Rosaline was the first one she approached grinning brightly as she caught the very end of the words where she asked where Celestia had gone, "Nah I'm right here! I wanted to apologize to you, I wasn't mad at anyone...you were just so angry and upset I was worried...and I spoke without thinking." Still grinning brightly, almost too happily at the other blonde while she pulled the little box from her coat pocket and offered the item inside to Rosaline. A glance in the open lid revealed a strange metallic and lacrima looking material in the form of a hair clip, "This clip is actually a new material being made in another country, it's a blend of lacrima and some metal...that's not all its a great conductor for electricity, but it can also store a decent amount of magic inside of it...So um...if you ever get that angry again excess electricity can be conducted into that, to help you out." The sweet blonde girl set it down in front of Rosaline with a bright smile before turning her attention to the second target, Kazuo.

She shot a small glare his way before storming up to him, as if she was angry, that dagger at her side being whipped out far quicker than he could actually react to and stopped a little in front of him dagger still looked at him...before suddenly grinning, tossing the dagger up and catching it by the blade he hilt pointed his way, while the dagger itself was plain steel with an oddly deep groove up its center at the bottom of the hilt was a small pearl made of what appeared to be the same material as the clip she had given Rosaline. "I wanted to apologize to you as well Kazuo, I spoke without thought...Trust me I won't do it again. I normally pride myself on thinking before speaking...anyway. From what I can recall about the research I did on you when looking into the guild you handle blades well right? Well I want you to have this one, it's a unique magical blade that when a spark of any type of magic is pushed into the pearl at the end there...it activates the lacrima, this particular lacrima causes a paralyzing agent to run down the center, when pierced into skin the liquid will drain into the enemy's blood stream and cause paralysis for a time." She used her free hand to unclip the sheath from her belt now offering the man she had stormed up to the two items with a sweet smile on her face, just as bright and cheerful as before if not more so.

@Zuka @Britt-21

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

For the most part things seemed to go back to normal as the hostility slowly drained from the guild hall. They had certainly had such skirmishes in the past but it was rare for things to get as heated or serious as they had that night. Even though the holiday season was one of joy there was the unmistakable underlying current of tension. Few people enjoyed how much time and effort had to be put into Christmas and the slow-down on jobs didn't help matters. Reasoning that those factors were the cause for the blow-out she gave herself a small nod of confirmation as she took puff of her pipe. Soon enough the Guild Hall's doors opened as Kazuo returned from his journey. The fact that he was still in one piece caused her to flash the man a smile. "Seems you were more successful than I thought you would be."

Not long after the remaining two came back in accompanied by the dwarf who was wheeling a large cart. She watched as the man pulled off the tarp, unveiling his metallic Christmas Tree and presenting it as a gift to the hall. Had he been any other member, other than Kirin that is, she would have expressed her gratitude and complement the blacksmith on his skills. Alas she had no tolerance for those who looked down on her due to her species and she was not enough of an upstanding woman to look past such grievances. Her gaze shifted from the dwarf and his tree to Rosa who made mention of punching the tree before quickly retracting that statement. She pursed her lips as she watched the girl, not everything had returned to normal yet. Although she didn't expect to bounce back that quickly. Nevertheless Rosa's smile did not go unnoticed. While she was at the center of most scuffles that happened within the guild, right alongside Rosa, she did not appreciate events getting out of control as they had that night. She didn't blame the blonde for how things went, after all it wasn't the first time she was forced to use her talismans to keep the Guild Hall in one piece. Nevertheless the 'apology' was still nice and so she gave the girl a faint nod before turning her gaze back down to the book in her hand.

@Halffix @Zuka @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @hudhouse @Mykinkaiser

  Reveal hidden contents

She had let him sleep on her lap? That... was,,, unexpected to say the least... Dorian was actually very surprised to hear that as she'd normally have shocked him awake or something by then, if not long before. His face grew slightly red as he realized what exactly the soft thing he had been sleeping on and hugging was exactly, which was odd for him. Since when did he care where he slept? Was there something about Rosa? Unfortunately, before he could properly ponder these questions Kazuo appeared, with predictable results. He watched their exchange, staying out of it and letting the two of them sort it out themselves. This wasn't so much him being lazy, for once, but rather that he didn't think that it was his right to step in without cause. Haah... why was life so troublesome? Regardless of the answer to that he noted with some satisfaction that the situation was only resolved with one, well deserved, blow to Kazuo. Though, he did feel an odd sense of displeasure and annoyance at Rosa seemingly giving Kazuo the go-ahead to kiss her again, in her own threatening manner. Now why would that matter to him? He'd have to look into it... troublesome things seem to be piling up today...

His musings were interrupted, as usual, by Rosa. This time she grabbed him by the arm and began to drag him bodily back towards the guild hall, not that he resisted mind you. If anything, he was glad he didn't have to walk back, walking took effort after all. As Rosa continued to drag him they met up with the dwarf from earlier, "Ace" Rosa called him. Dorian liked that nickname, it was short and easy to say, he'd probably use it too to be honest. Back to the present, Ace seemed to be rolling some sort of cart around, with a large, tarp-covered contraption inside. From what he could hear it seemed to be some sort of fire-spewing Christmas tree, or in other words, something he couldn't sleep on and thus didn't care much about.

Continuing on, the trio reached the guild hall, crashing the cart into the doors and throwing them open in an unnecessarily loud manner. Though, it was Rosa so what else could he really expect? Looking around a bit more he saw some of the other members of the guild before his attention was, very briefly, taken by the tree which, true to word, did in fact shoot fire, just not to the degree he had imagined it would listening to Ace. That was when he heard Rosa speak up once more, asking him if he was going to back to sleep as well as to get rid of the spikes. Sighing he crouched and laid a hand on the ground once again, transmuting the floor exactly to the way it had been before standing back up and looking over at the lighting mage, "Nah... I'll stay up a little longer... I suppose..." he replied while sitting down. He then turned to the dwarf, "Got any more to drink?" he asked as a request for some alcohol of his own. 


Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


Kazuo glanced over at Rosa who had walked in with Dorian. Just seeing her brought a small smile to his lips due to the fact he was given a second chance to make things right. Though he had to think of the proper way to do so. Before he could think any more on the matter, he was met with a dagger which didnt make him flinch but rather look at the one holding the blade. Turns out it was Celestia before she pulled back and apologized for her actions earlier and had offered him the dagger she had once pointed at him and explained what the lacrima was able to do. He realised that she was offering him a gift - or that's what he thought - and lifted his hands to take the items from her. "Thank you, Celestia. I accept your apology." a soft smile appeared on his lips in a friendly manner.


"Though I should apologize for making you angry with what I had done to Rosaline." it wasnt his intention to make others want to chop his head off "You were in the right as well, even if I do like her, the way I had initiated was not the proper way. But things have been settled and everything is back to normal." he then glanced at Rosa "Almost normal." he softly added before looking at Celest "Again, I appreciate this gift. Though I am afraid I do not have a gift to exchange with you..." actually he didnt have any gifts to give to anyone in the guild. Then again he really didnt have much jewel to buy presents. He had enough to live... Maybe he should take up more jobs so he wouldnt be like this. Then again it is Christmas eve and he could find something...No?




Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

having seated himself on a nearby table with Rosa, Dorian looking to the sleepy floor spike wielder his face brightening to his request "ah that's more like it," going to his chest of belongings rummaging around producing a cast metal mug with a green wrap and studded with a couple of gems added. setting the mug down in front of Dorian and promptly set about filling it with frosty goodness. seeing Cele giving a present to Rosa going back to rummage around for another mug of sorts, "I am afraid I am all out of fancy mugs there but here all the same." offering a simple Polished sterling silver mug to the other lightning mage having it filled in short order and sliding it across the table in her general direction. taking a seat once again and filling his own "lets get to drinking then shall we?" raising his tankard

@Zuka@Mykinkaiser@Arius LaVari


[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Blue Pegasus Guild Hall[/COLOR]


The Lightning Mage was still looking left and right in search for Cele when low and behold the girl appeared as if she had always been there right behind her! While Rosa did jump a little she wasn't overly surprised because her voice carried before her and it was bright and bubbly enough to not accidentally cause the girl to shock her. That would be a right good look wouldn't it, cheerful girl bounces into the Guild Hall only to be struck down and turned to ash... yes... best not do that. As she stood before her Rosa had a habit of straightening to her full height, not liking to slouch when people addressed her though that made her seem more intimidating combined with the stern look on her face. Though as the girl (who one might mention despite being shorter, was actually older then her), opened up a chest Rosaline's eyes went slightly wide as she uncrossed her arms. "This is..." beautiful she would have said, but she didn't think she was capable of saying that right now. "For me?" She said quickly. Why would anyone gift her of all people, the one responsible of 9/10 fights in the place?


The blonde warrior watched the girl bend as if to place it at her feet but she reached out instead to peel the box from her hands gently, calm enough and in control to not shock her in the least. The alcohol helping a fraction as well. She almost immediately slipped her hand in and peeled the hair clip from the case as she turned it before her face to peer to it. "Thank you..." She said and just before the girl stormed away she reached forward and eclipsed the girl into a bear hug that literally lifted her completely off her feet, squeezing enough to perhaps make her gasp for air for a moment before she placed her back down and pushed her like one might a child towards her second target.


Still peering to the object in her hand, then she plopped it into her mouth momentarily as she slipped both her hands up to her hair and pulled her plait forward as she took out the hair tie at the base and started to slowly weave it from it's tight confines. Higher and higher till she got to the base of her skull then she shook her hair out a fraction and ran her fingers through the strands. Surprisingly her hair was rather long, and once it was out of it's confines it bounced in those loose curls one finds after untying a plait. It rested basically at her hips now. Rosaline had that same stern expression but she looked almost completely different with her hair down and it completely softened her features.


She pulled the clip out of her mouth before she looked to Dorian and wordlessly slipped the clip into his fingers before plonking down to sit on the ground with her back resting against the edge of the seat (being he was seated right on the edge). "I need someone to put it in for me." She said in a hard tone like that completely explained her actions. "And seeing as your awake you should make yourself useful." In the same commanding tone. Her eyes slipping closed. "Although if you want to drink I'm sure Kazuo will be more then happy to do it for me." She said as an afterthought, wondering why in the world she would even say such a thing. After all she still hated that guy from what he did earlier, and besides it's not like him putting the clip in would worry Dorian anyway, would it? With that done she held a hand aloft. "AND SOMEONE PASS ME MY DRINK!"



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Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall


"Me? Well I was...I was..." she trailed off. What WAS she doing? After she had done what she had set out to do by making cookies, she just kind of wandered around. But she didn't feel awkward doing so, in fact it was nice to just watch everyone enjoy themselves.

"I was just enjoying myself I suppose." She stated simply. Her thoughts then drifted to the topic of presents. In truth she had forgotten to think about what sorts of gifts to get certain people. Sakura's gift would be especially difficult to decide on. The young artist's ability to create just about any material object at the stroke of a pencil certainly wasn't going to make getting anything impressive easy. Tokine opted to worry about that later though...in the middle of the night where she would sneak out to find something suitable. Before she could become too lost in her thoughts, Tokine turned her attention back to Sakura.

"Would you like help with present ideas? It could be enjoyable to compare how we view our friends' tastes." She suggested.



Celestia Corona: Her mood fully returning


Celestia was surprised when she had been caught up in Rosa's hug but when she had been placed down to go to Kazuo she laughed, a bright and cheerful thing while she faced Kazuo who easily took her present which had her expression softening, her green and yellow eyes lighting up nearly as bright as Ace's terrifying tree contraption thing. "I don't need a gift back, spoiling people is my favorite thing anyway. I have a bunch of magical trinkets like that dagger and the clip, worldly travels tend to do that for you." She shrugged as if it was no big deal, even though internally she knew these items would go for a very high price in Fiore simply because they were from another country, add to their beauty and use and they would easily fetch 500,000 jewel a piece. With a small smirk on her face she gave Kazuo a little jab in the side as soon as she noticed Rosa's hair fall from how she normally kept it, just so he would notice but she said nothing instead walking over to the bar where she had the polished sterling silver mug filled up by the dwarf that she recalled Rosa calling Ace and grinned at him brightly before pulling him into a hug, squishing him to her chest without meaning to before she released him, "It's lovely thank you! I love it." Her bright smile was back full force now and she scooped it up drinking from it quickly while she used the granite quality of Rosa's mug to lift it and pass it to the blonde waiting for her sleepy friend to clip her hair up, she giggled a little but not a teasing sound like before.

"Wait till you see it catch the light at different angles...it changes shades of yellow. I'm glad you like it...I was worried you'd find it too girly but I wasn't ever going to use it anyway." she lifts one of her lightly tanned hands up to point at the scarily realistic blue butterfly clip in her own hair, which only kept a small section out of her face, "This was something I made for myself when I was young so I don't plan on replacing it." She smirked slightly as she chatted to those around her, part of her wanted to go sit by Yamato and try to see what he was reading but since the place she was had more people she opted to stay put, but she went about memorizing the title and realizing she hadn't read whatever he had before, she would surely seek it out later.

@Zuka @Britt-21 @Halffix

Yamato Ren: Ah good the mood is coming back~

Yamato looked up from his book for a moment when the guild hall doors burst open all of a sudden. For some reason he was actually expecting Kazuo to be sent flying through the hall and crash into the wall with Rosa trailing not far behind him. Instead he was met by a monstrous yet impressive looking metal tree, most likely been built by Ace. Speaking of which him and Rosa just got back and she looks to be back in her same mood again. Kazuo also somehow got back without him noticing which is impressive saying that not much gets past Yamato. Rosa called out to Yama asking him where Cele was. He was just about to answer before she suddenly came back. "Well there she is right there." In order to apologise she handed out a couple gifts as a sign of good will. Of course her gifts seemed awfully extravagant and expensive looking and she says she collected them from her travels? This girl doesn't fail to impress to say the least. Cele seemed to look over in Yama's direction debating something but he wasn't sure what. Though her eye contact seemed to lead towards his book.

The book was called "The Sister" A story about a girl called Grace who loses her best friend and seeks out friends sister Anna in hopes of making a new friend. But weird things happen around her. Things disappearing, Grace's boyfriend acting weird. Pretty soon Grace does not feel safe around Anna. Instead she is quite possibly in danger. This is probably unexpected but Yama was always a fan of thrillers and psychological horrors. As a matter of fact Yama has just finished reading it. He closed the book and stood up to join the rest of the crowd again. He went to Celestia and handed her his book. "Are you a fan of horrors? I just finished reading this one and I must say I wasn't disappointed. I know you say you say you don't need a gift but surely you can't expect that to happen on Christmas." Yamato also did this to strike up another topic that's been on his mind since Cele left the hall. "Also... I feel I should let you know that no one can fault you for speaking your mind. I don't know if it's just me but I see as Blue Pegasus as a family. Not just because of sentimental value but also because we have our quarrels all the time. But no matter what happens everyone always comes back with our bond stronger than ever. So next time don't be afraid to speak up if you feel like something something is wrong. I will take any criticism if it means the further improvement of our guild. Perfection is impossible but it doesn't hurt to strive for it right?" At this point Yama realised that he ended up talking a bit longer than he should have. "Oh sorry I'm rambling. Anyway I've made some gingerbread men for the guild if you would like some. Also enjoy the book!"

@Arius LaVari @Zuka @Britt-21 @hudhouse @Colt556 @Halffix @Mykinkaiser

Timothy Harvard: Man or Machine?



Timothy immediately turned away from Ayano and covered his eye with his right hand as soon as she spoke those words and realized she was awake. He gently grabs Sora by the arm and leads her away from the living room into the kitchen. He took out a small lacrima orb from his jacket and placed it into Sora's hands. "This will tell you everything...now go...I can't risk having my cover blown twice..." he whispered into her ear silently as he pushed her into the bathroom and shut the door. Timothy takes out a pair of sunglasses and wears them covering and darkening his eyes. He goes back to the living room and looks at Ayano. "Oh...you are awake...I didn't realize that...um, I have something you might want." he said slowly as he reached into his bag and took out an Iv bag full of blood and handed it to her. "I realized that you didn't eat so I thought this might help..." he calmly said while avoiding Ayano's question completely.

Meanwhile back at the bathroom, the small lacrima orb in Sora's hand suddenly showed a video of an old man apparently in his 60's with a white beard and lab coat. [SIZE= 18px]"Greetings! Whoever is watching this, be prepared for something [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]extraordinary[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]! My greatest creation is about to be unfolded." [/SIZE]he triumphantly claimed. "I have been working on this project for a while now, using every resource at my disposal to create the ultimate anti-mage solution! Of course, this invention of mine will be used only for last resort solutions. In case if another mage like Zeref appears then we will be prepared." [SIZE= 18px]he continued as the camera pans over to what appears to be a bunch of lacrima showing statistics and diagrams along with a [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]metallic[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px] skeleton like body standing in the middle of the room. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"This is the Gyro Robust Immunity Machias or in short: G.R.I.M, this machine has the [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]capacity[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px] to take on armies of mages. I have used the finest of metals that I scavenged from an alternate dimension where magic doesn't even exist!" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]the cameras pans closer to the skeleton as the man places his hand on its [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]chassis. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"I envision a good future for this invention but I hope everything will go according to plan." [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]the view changes to a switch on the wall with his hand ready to flip it. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]"Without further ado, I present G.R.I.M! The invention to a peaceful future!" [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]he exclaims as the flip goes on, at first everything seems to run smoothly until electricity starts fluxing and the lacrima starts beeping warnings that make the man seem nervous "What's going on?! This isn't suppose to happen! OH NO! The lab is going to-" the video turns to static and the lacrima begins to stop displaying the video.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]@Jackaboi @Kyuubey[/SIZE]
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Alicia: Streets of Crocus > Miziki's Apartment

After picking up a few more things Alicia had decided to head back home, her small arms loaded down with as much as she could possibly carry. She had been sure to buy everyone at-least two presents each, if not more. She really hoped everyone would like what she picked out for them. If not she guessed they could take them back to the store and get money to buy what they wanted or something; though she figured that wouldn't happen. A short walk down the street later and she was back at the apartment she shared with Miziki that they'd recently gotten. She struggled to get her key out an unlocked the door before walking in; a feat in and of itself considering how much the girl was carrying. She then moved to her own bedroom and sat everything down. After she decided she'd look around to make sure Miziki wasn't home before starting to wrap the presents she'd got for her. She went around the place peeking into all of the rooms and looking around, Miziki's bedroom being the last.

"Miziki are you in he-" She asked as she walked in, being halted by the sight of Draneri with Miziki. Her eyes immediately narrowed at the sight, "What are you doing here! Get away from Miziki!" She shouted, not even thinking of the possibility of Miziki willingly allowing her to be here after what happened. She would attack, but that'd hurt Miziki too. The only thing she could hope for was that Draneri would lean up away from her or something so she could do something. "What did you do to Miziki?" She added, figuring she'd done something for her to be here.

  Reveal hidden contents

Mizuki Kohaku

Her Bedroom


Mizuki wasn't surprised that Draneri managed to escape the clutches of Grimoire Heart. Maybe in the past, but after their most recent failure it was proven that they couldn't keep a simple rabbit in a cage. "I see... I don't know what they'd want to do with the likes of you, but I sure hope it's nothing too sinister. Yet I doubt that any good will come from it..." She muttered, bringing a hand to her chest. What did surprise her was the Siren's age. Nearly 400 years on this earth full of lonlieness and suffering? And Mizuki thought she had it bad. What mad things even crazier was that she mumbled something about a Guild Master Gilad. "You must be lying about your age if you knew Master Gilad as a child. He is much older than 400 years. Despite your young apperance, I believe you to be around 700 years old..." Due to Mizuki's expressionless face and boring voice it was hard to tell if she was joking or not. The dark Mage believed the older man to be around 1000 years old. He was so wise, powerful, and old in appearance. 

Draneri was was correct about Mizuki not realizing how much energy she drained from her. She's completely new to this whole energy draining thing, never before has she been so weak. She was so used to powering through everything she couldn't help but be thrown off. Yet there was such an emphasis on resting, and she had to give in. Mizuki wasn't exactly keen on resting for long periods of time, but if it meant no more nagging then it was just another thing to power through. However her mood seemed to brighten when Draneri agreed that Alicia was wonderful. The little girl truly was a wonderful thing, and any praises about her just filled the dark girl with joy. "Alicia is just a dear. I wish everybody could appreciate her as much as I do..."

Finally the tiredness was taking its toll on Mizuki, and the call for sleep began to overtake her mind. Her eyes began to slowly close, the feeling,of Draneri's hands playing with her hair startling her, but not driving her away. In fact she slowly inched her way forwards a bit, closing up the gap between them. However her hands stayed by her chest. "Do not let me sleep for long... I wish to get back to my guild hall soon..." She said before finally falling asleep once again. 






The Siren watched Mizuki cuddle in closer to her frame and wrapped her arms in tight, cuddling the smaller girl. She even coiled a wing around like a make-shift blanket to keep her covered, the feathers laying flat to not tickle the Dark Mage. Simply resting the same as one would a thick blanket. She continued to hum into her ear till she was sure the girl was sleeping, fingers idly running through her hair as she peered to a vacant wall. She adored this part, cuddling someone close as she threaded her finger through their hair, the only difference is normally the people she did this too would never awaken again and would grow cold in her very arms. Though Mizuki would stay warm. Her heart would beat still. Draneri made sure of that.


She allowed her to sleep for some time in her arms and wings, barely moving a muscle except for brushing her long fingers through her hair. A few hours at most. Draneri heard the front door open and naturally her body tensed up a fraction as she swung a gaze towards the bedroom doorway. Was there someone in here? Who then? She assumed it was just Mizuki here today and naturally the Siren tightened her grip on the Dark Mage in an almost possessive manner as her golden eyes gained a unnaturally angry glow. Her movements and grip starting to stir Mizuki from her sleep. Suddenly a shout echoed through the room so if Mizuki was only half asleep then she would have been fully awake now. Though the Siren still kept the girl hugged close to her as her grip tightened in her hair. Almost afraid the little girl would take her away.


Little girl... wait wasn't this the little girl the same one at that Dark Guild? The one Mizuki turned to attack... she looked only to be 10 years old... then it finally clicked for the Siren, realizing this was Alicia that the Dark Mage had spoken of before. Her expression softened and her grip loosened gently as she pulled away and slowly came to a stand beside the bed, bowing her head a fraction as her finger entwined at her lap. "Forgive me young Alicia..." Her gaze lowered to the floor. Thinking how best to respond. "Mizuki...found me... I was not well..." Glancing sideways waiting for a response from Mizuki as she wasn't sure what to say. This was Mizuki's dear not her own, so she didn't want to put the woman in any more of an awkward situation as she was already in.



Niur was having a bit of trouble with her little activity. She was wearing a little Santa outfit and was dragging around a huge brown sack in the snow. Having spent a few months in Fairy Tail had been fun for her, but she noticed it wasn't anything different. Being around Raa had always been fun, whether or not there were good or bad things happening. She even managed to properly meet the others, holding back on the jokes that Raa had said would help her make friends. On the coming Christmas Day, she had planned to get people something from her and Raa, something to help her fellow guildmates in an emergency. The large and strong sack clinked loudly as she dragged it on the ground. 

The insides had taken a week to create with Raa. Firstly they had to draw up what the amulets would look like, which had surprisingly taken a couple of days to make, mostly due to her trying to pick out a pattern. Picking out the materials had taken her and Raa a couple of days too. She wanted in to be pretty and he wanted it to be tough and they both kept lobbing ideas at each other until they had finally decided on using a mixture of glass and dark steel. Finding and shaping the material had been surprisingly easy since it was easy to find sand, melt it down to glass and have Raa shape it into the form she wanted. Finally there came her part, socketing her Gifts Of Life into each and every amulet. This had taken her a day and a half to do due to the sheer amount they were making. She had finished just in time for Christmas Eve and was dragging the sack along into the guild hall. The loud noise she was making with her trinkets drawing a bit of attention.





Masaki was busy taking books off of the mass of shelves in the library and piling them up on the nearby table. The boy planned to read all of these books, and he most certainly would do just that. it was in that moment, that Valken continued to speak, and eventually gave his reasoning as to why really took him here. Masaki thought it was going to be about some super secret or something, which, it was, but he most certainly wasn't expecting this. "Y-You want me to make you a ring?" He said, dropping the book in his grasp as Valken seemingly launched towards him and placed his hands on his shoulders. Masaki smiled as he looked up towards the taller man, Masaki nodded. "Yeah, I can do that, sure." It was the least he could do, right? Valken had been so nice to him after all, nice enough to even show him the guilds secret library that pretty much no one knew about. When Valken blurted out about giving him whatever he wants, Masaki shook his head. "I don't want anything for it, I'm doing this for a friend." With that, Masaki turned away from Valken and started stacking the books into a neat pile, picking up the one he dropped and adding it to it. "It won't take me long to make." He said, a smile on his face as he did so, "And I'll make sure not to tell anyone about the proposal, your secret is safe with me."




Valken still had his hands clasped onto Masaki's shoulders, peering down to him with wide dark purple eyes. He looked... scared? No, that couldn't possibly be right, Valken was afraid of nothing! Although his expression said otherwise. It was only as he heard him say the very words he was hoping for, that he would indeed make the ring, that Valken look a huge breath in at the same moment as realizing he had in fact been holding his breath in this entire time. Nerves... who needed them. Not this man! He took a step backwards away from him as he reached forward and adjusted Masaki's probably tussled shirt and straightened the front and shoulder pads a fraction before he stepped back. The last thing Valken would want is to scare his Crystal Mage now.


Though at his next words of not wanting anything he couldn't help but have a conflicted look cross his face. He was both fairly surprised that Masaki had called him a friend, which was a lovely gesture and one he whole-hardheartedly agreed. But in the same breath the book-boy said he didn't want anything in return. Now that just wouldn't do at all... did he not understand how Perfect this ring had to be? It couldn't be some cheap knock off one might find in a side stall by a shady looking fellow that also sold rugs at a discount price... He watched him stack the pile of books and was already side stepping him with the intention to at least carry some of them. "I.. don't think you realize just how Perfect this ring needs to be... it has to be the Single Most Beautiful Ring in all of Fiore... It is not something you can just knock up in 5 minutes with left overs in your trunk...I want to pay you correctly for it. At least... let me pay for your rent for... let's say... a Year? That should cover it yes?" Reaching into his pants pocket for a moment with a grave expression, his hand seeping into a well placed Shadow Realm portal in his pocket and his whole arm almost disappearing in an absurd looking manner as he reached in. His pocket quite clearly looking unable to take in such a long limb and yet it did?


He slowly withdrew with a crumpled up piece of paper, and meekly offered it to Masaki as his head was bowed to peer to the ground. And was that a tinge of red on his cheeks? Doubtful. Though it almost looked like it. On the piece of paper was a few pictures, mostly scribbled out except for one dead center with his design of what he wanted Millie's ring to look like.




"I...Is this possible?" He said in a rather soft and breaking voice for him (almost like he were turning back into a teenage boy with his voice breaking in). He was glad only Masaki saw this side, heaven help the teasing he would receive had Grace, Ferra or anyone else been listening in. It never even occurred to him to incorporate any sort of Magic within the ring, he just wanted it to be perfect just for her. He owed it for the girl he thought was the Fairest Maiden in all the lands. "I...I wanted to ask her... tomorrow... on Christmas Day but... I understand if it will take a few weeks..." Just because he wanted to, didn't mean he would work up the courage to ask before then mind you.



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