Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

  Nikolas reddened when he found himself squished against Ferra's chest; This. Was. Wow. Was this how Dad always felt when Mom teased him? He couldn't exactly breathe, but it still felt....kinda nice. Of course, the moment was very brief and he was moved away from Ferra's chest, his furry face blushing heavily. 

  "Yeah.....n-neat...." he repeated stupidly, his eyes wide. "Uhh....Ferra? I was actually wanting to ask you something...." Nikolas then remembered they were in public. And that Grace would probably find a way to seek revenge if he said it here. "....But it's kind of a private thing, soooo.....uh.....wanna come over to my place? Or something?"


 Phineas shrugged when he was told he was wonderful, along with his brother. "I'm not really all that great," he responded before getting hugged. By a girl. Just like what his parents did to show affection. Does not compute, Phineas thought nervously. He looked to the always-such-a-playboy Nikolas for help, but Ferra was hugging HIM! WITH HER CHEST! His eyes wide, Phin looked away. Never mind. Nikolas was a lost cause with that. He did smile, relieved, at Shiro's words. So it was a friendly hug. Okay. Whew. She did move away, eventually, but now that Phineas had experienced the hug, he wanted more of the hug. The hug felt interesting, therefore he wanted to feel what it felt like. Just for statistic reasons. What was he doing, he sounded like a robot. So he just moved to hug Shiro. 

  "Thank you...for the offer. It means a lot."

Shiro Ai: Lamia Scale Hall


Shiro was a little startled when she felt Phin moving to hug her again but somehow didn't seem to mind, she didn't really know why she didn't mind but it felt comfortable, maybe because he was one of the few people who loved music like she did? Or at least it seemed that way to her. So when he came in for the hug she returned it, wrapping her arms just around his sides, hands folded over her each other on his back. She didn't really notice how he seemed a little shell shocked by her actions at first, "Of course Phin, I may not be friendly all the time but well...I love life, it's why I always watch everyone in the hall so quietly. It's interesting seeing what they do and how they deal with each other...speaking of..." She tapped his back from the hug they were in and sort of gestured to Nikolas and Ferra, then she whispered quietly...right by his ear and so his brother wouldn't hear. "I'm normally not nosy but seems something pretty serious is going on over there." Shiro pulled back away from him once more with an amused glint on her bright eyes, she wasn't being nosy, she wasn't...at least that's what she told herself. As if to prove the point and so it wouldn't look so suspicious she grabbed one of Phin's hands and started singing Silent Night softly only pausing to speak, "Play some more please? I really love listening to you play."

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

Rosa had grown quite and he caught her mumbling a few times paying little mind to it, everyone does that from time to time. sipping from his mug Rosa went off on her spat his beard frazzling even more his arm bracing him from falling over as you cant spill good drink of course! "Steady on there luv.." as she launched herself up into the rafters some of the drink making its way into his almost afro like red beard now, placing his tankard down and producing a strange fine toothed comb made from some kind of bone to try and tame the frazzle.

"hrmm I'll have to find an actual place to stay soon," he mentioned to himself "but as to where? Maybe somewhere had a basement near a hot spring or something, that would certainly be nice" considering what the town of balsam mainly catered for. leaving that trail of thought be as he simply continued drinking looking up to rosa as she mounted the railing "your falling behind lass," finishing his drink before pouring himself another. @Zuka

  Reveal hidden contents

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


Kazuo kept his eye on the lightning user as she reacted without hesitation. Before he knew it, she was up on the rafters with him and he rose up to his feet "Rosa you are one-" he was cut off when she charged at him, he stepped to the side and dropped from sight before grasping onto the beam with his one hand. Kazuo lifted his head to look at Rosa "Fiesty woman, arent you?" he chuckled and dropped off before landing on his feet "Let's see if you can land a hit on me. Even if you had, I wouldnt mind. I have a thing for women who talk with their fists." he was just going to keep pushing all the wrong buttons. But in doing so could cause the guild hall to be destoryed unless someone had gotten between the mages.


"Though if you keep charging me like that you'll keep missing and become even more angrier which could cloud your judgement." lucky for her, he didnt have his blade on him. Only his experience with fighting and dodging had been equipped "Not that'd you listen to me, you'll just keep doing it anyway." Kazuo fully turned towards the Rafter she had been on and backed up to create distance between both of them and give him time to dodge if needed "I honestly dont see what's so wrong with saying I like something I see." even though he was mostly conflicted about what he felt, he just played on what was there in his 'Feelings' bank.


I'm sure she's going to beat me senseless. I'm just stepping on all the wrong plates and only making her want to kill me all the more. Is it really worth it?.....Yeah, it is. he thought to himself as a grin began to grow on his lips. Though no words had escaped as he awaited for her move.




Rosaline's face lit up as she snapped forward with huge speed, expecting her fist to collide with Kazuo and sent him flying through a wall and across town with any luck. However she blinked for a second or two as her fist collided with nothing but air and the wind whistled straight past her. Surprise donned her features, finally her eyes drawing downwards to where he had landed with ease and dodged her attack completely. "Yeah yeah, Dwarf, I can't throw a punch and drink now can I?! I'll catch up after I deal with this idiot!" She let out a half angry cry as she slammed both her fists together, almost charging herself up more as the lightning arced and fluttered around her body further. "LAND A PUNCH ON YOU?! I'LL DO MORE THEN LAND A PUNCH ON YOU SLIPPERY BASTARD! I'll PUNCH YOU SO HARD I'LL SEND YOU INTO NEXT WEEK!!" She screamed loudly, the sheer energy surrounding the girl but now was at such a fever pitch one could almost hear and feel and rumbling outside, like she was literally summoning a Lightning Storm to their current location outside. Hovering above the Guild Hall.

And predictably the girl's whole body tensed up and lightning licked around her frame once more as she slipped to the floor, rolling just as she hit it, then forcing her legs underneath her body and jumping up from the spot as she charged him for the second time, bringing her fist right back behind her ear before throwing it out towards him. Like this time would have any different baring then the last, like THIS charge attack would connect somehow when the other one didn't. All in the passion of the moment right?

@Arius LaVari @Jackaboi @Mykinkaiser @Colt556
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Rosaline's face lit up as she snapped forward with huge speed, expecting her fit to collide with Kazuo and sent him flying through a wall and across town with any luck. However she blinked for a second or two as her fist collided with nothing but air and the wind whistled straight past her. Surprise donned her features, finally her eyes drawing downwards to where he had landed with ease and dodged her attack completely. "Yeah yeah, Dwarf, I can't throw a punch and drink now can I?! I'll catch him up after I deal with this idiot!" She let out a half angry cry as she slammed both her fists together, almost charging herself up more as the lightning arced and fluttered around her body further. "LAND A PUNCH ON YOU?! I'LL DO MORE THEN LAND A PUNCH ON YOU SLIPPERY BASTARD! I'll PUNCH YOU SO HARD I'LL SEND YOU INTO NEXT WEEK!!" She screamed loudly, the sheer energy surrounding the girl but now was at such a fever pitch one could almost hear and feel and rumbling outside, like she was literally summoning a Lightning Storm to their current location outside. Hovering above the Guild Hall.

And predictably the girl's whole body tensed up and lightning licked around her frame once more as she slipped to the floor, rolling just as she hit it, then forcing her legs underneath her body and jumping up from the spot as she charged him for the second time, bringing her fist right back behind her ear before throwing it out towards him. Like this time would have any different baring then the last, like THIS charge attack would connect somehow when the other one didn't. All in the passion of the moment right?

@Arius LaVari @Jackaboi @Mykinkaiser @Colt556

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Kazuo released a laugh as he heard her fury as she began to charge up She is for sure going to take down the guild hall... he sweatdropped even though he laughed a bit but soon came to his senses as Rosa charged at him with a fist ready to strike him down. Now, at this moment he would think of dodging again and avoiding the possible death that would come from her hit. It was more than likely high voltage to where his body would fry up like french fries and he really didnt feel like being fried. "Now now... We cant have you charged up like that now can we?" he asked as he lifted his hand.


Her fist came into straight contact with it and he pulled her close with her fist before used his free hand to place on the back of her blonde head and press his lips to hers. If he held this kiss too long, he would die within the second so he quickly pulled away and released her before jumping back and keeping distance. He was so dead. So dead that she'd knock him through the next 5 universes with no oxygyn due to space and space travel. I should most likely run for my life and stay in hiding till im dead. She wont be able to wake me up from the dead and kill me all over again. though when he thought about her tender lips, it almost had given him butterflies. The more he thought about it, the more he might have had a little bit of a thing for her.


Not that he minded. She is pretty attractive. "Rosa?" was the only word to escape his lips


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Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


Kazuo released a laugh as he heard her fury as she began to charge up She is for sure going to take down the guild hall... he sweatdropped even though he laughed a bit but soon came to his senses as Rosa charged at him with a fist ready to strike him down. Now, at this moment he would think of dodging again and avoiding the possible death that would come from her hit. It was more than likely high voltage to where his body would fry up like french fries and he really didnt feel like being fried. "Now now... We cant have you charged up like that now can we?" he asked as he lifted his hand.


Her fist came into straight contact with it and he pulled her close with her fist before used his free hand to place on the back of her blonde head and press his lips to hers. If he held this kiss too long, he would die within the second so he quickly pulled away and released her before jumping back and keeping distance. He was so dead. So dead that she'd knock him through the next 5 universes with no oxygyn due to space and space travel. I should most likely run for my life and stay in hiding till im dead. She wont be able to wake me up from the dead and kill me all over again. though when he thought about her tender lips, it almost had given him butterflies. The more he thought about it, the more he might have had a little bit of a thing for her.


Not that he minded. She is pretty attractive. "Rosa?" was the only word to escape his lips







He spoke, again, as she was diving towards him. Why did he even speak so much anyway? And in a fight no less? Was he that cocky, that confidant he thought he could have a right old chat while she was seconds away from killing the slippery bastard? He reached out a hand as if to catch her fist and she was so momentarily surprised the lightning drained from her fist, though the momentum continued on. Which the guy used to drag her into a much to close combat setting. She was a brutal fighter, that tried to take down her foes in a combo or one simple movement at full strength, she never really had built up a defense if they were particularly agile or side stepped her. Which only made her more pissed off.


If that wasn't rage inducing enough, the guy leaned down suddenly into her face. She reefed her head back, expecting him to headbutt as foe's tended to do that in close quarters, but her eyes went wide as saucers as she felt his lips press in against her own. The lightning almost instantly ceased around her frame as her fists un-clenched, her spare arm simply dangling fingers splayed at her side like she wasn't even aware she had that limb anymore.


A second.

If that.

That's all he kissed her for, a tiny second, a second she had never had anything similar before and a second that felt like an eternity that she had no idea what to do. Her cheeks gaining a flustered glow in her confusion. Wait... he was kissing her? Why? Why was he kissing her? Why now when she was trying to kill him?

It was only as he pulled back and jumped away, when she heard him say her name did her mind finally snap back into focus. Was he smiling? Did he simply kiss her to distract her so she wouldn't kill him?


If she felt rage before it was nothing on the rage she felt now. Not only had he side stepped her, he had gotten close to her and taken her very first kiss. Used that to his advantage. She was rope-able. Her face dipped as her yellow braid fell across a shoulder, body trembling as her fingers balled into fists, body curling over slightly. There was a thunder clap or two. A heavier rumble outside. Her face hidden by the fridge that had fallen cross her face. Her whole body glowed yellow and sparked furiously. She was charging up a dome as she stood, planning to explode out with such a concussive wave it would send the entire building into rubble.


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Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

She held her gaze down on the young blonde as she visibly got more and more riled up. She fully expected the young woman to leap up and attack her as was so often the case. When Rosa leapt up to the rafters she instinctively reached for one of her talismans. Much to her surprise it was not her that had truly invoked Rosa's ire, it was her companion. The electrifying blonde quickly lunged at Kazuo, officially kicking off their little scuffle. Fortunately for her Kazuo was quick to evade and draw the battle down from the rafters and to ground level, expertly avoiding the rather dangerous attacks Rosa was throwing at him. She maneuvered herself around the rafters to get a better look at the combatants using her spare hand to take a puff of her pipe as she watched. However soon into their fight Kazuo did something she did not expect. Her own eyes widened as the man used Rosa's momentum against her and stole a quick kiss. "Oh my~" As amusing as it was to see yet another adorable reaction from their dear Rosa it rapidly became apparent that Kazuo had crossed the line as thunder boomed outside the guild hall and arcs of electricity began flowing across Rosa's form.


Seeing the disaster on the horizon she released her coil around the rafters and fell gracefully to the floor below with a rather loud thud. She held her hand up before her face, the talisman held between her index and middle finger as she did. "There's that temper." A mystical blue flame appeared at the bottom of the talisman and quickly raced up it's length, vaporizing the small piece of paper as she extended both arms to her sides. Dozens of talismans appeared around her creating rings as they raced through the air to encircle her. Seeing Rosa's entire body consumed by the electrical glow as arcs of lightning danced about her skin she knew what was coming. She raised her hand high into the air causing the lines of talismans to began spiraling upwards around her arm. With only the briefest of pauses to allow the talismans to get into place she quickly brought her arm down, leveled directly at Rosa. "Celestial Art: Sealing!" The spiraling lines of talismans shot forth towards the woman and separated into several chains as each talisman connected end to end. The paper chains quickly wrapped around the lightning mage to bind her in place with four of the chains lancing into the floor to act as anchors. Once in place all the talismans began to glow with the same yellow tint as Rosa, stripping away her control over the electricity while seemingly absorbing the magical energy directly.

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse
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View attachment 164005

After Grace was finishing introducing him to 'her favourite people', the pair were quick to link arms and start heading towards the guild door so as to explore Margaret Town and potentially find something to do. The boy sighed as he remembered that he still had  to bring all of his things to his new place, the house being right on the edge of the town, it'd take a fair bit to even get there. Sighing again, Masaki then turned his attention to Grace and simply chuckled, a smile on his face as he spoke with a kind tone in his voice. "We can do whatever you want, Grace. I don't min-" and before he could say anything else, the young boy was practically stolen away from Grace and by Valken, who had broke Masaki away from Grace and dragged him away by his shirt. The red head struggled for freedom for a moment but in the end just let Valken get on with it. Obviously, Valken wanted to speak with him for some reason. And Masaki felt obliged to listen to it, seeing as the man had been nice to him so far. 

After the two males had finished walking through a few hallways, Valken took him to a strange wall. Masaki could tell right off the bat that this wasn't just an ordinary wall, and that much was confirmed when Valken pushed a brick back and the wall opened up to reveal a library. The place didn't look that well kept, but it's contents were vast. Masaki stood there with grin on his face and a look similar to that of a child on Christmas Day. "All of these works... They're so ancient, I can't see all of them, but on this shelf I recognise all of them!" And with that, the boy walked towards the shelf and pulled out a book from its contents, flicking through ever page rather rapidly. After a minute or so, Masaki turned to look at Valken as he said. "Thank you, for this. But I know you didn't just come here to show me the secret library, what can I do for you? I'll be happy to help" A smile on his face as he did so. Masaki was extremely sharp, and he knew that Valken dragged him away from Grace to tell him something the moment he used the whole 'showing him around' charade. He just wondered what it was Valken wanted, and Masaki would do his best to help the man whatever that may be.





The Shadow Mage blinked for a moment as an eyebrow lifted up, even while Masaki flicked through a book fast he casually caught out Valken's ploy. Maybe this Masaki boy was a lot more observant then the man had first believed. Or he was getting sloppier over the years. Though he was certain it was the former, not the latter, as Valken was the essence of all things smooth and clever. Almost as if he were Mr Bond. No no.. better then Mr Bond. Mr Truss, International Superstar. What did he ask? Oh yeah that's right, how he could help. Valken found a sweat drop running down the side of his face even as he glanced away, slowly slipping to a lounge seat in the side of the room as he allowed Masaki to peruse the books, crossing his legs slowly as he crossed his arms as well.


"You're new around here... You probably only know what Grace has told you and I'm not sure exactly how much she has told you.  But Millie.... I've known Millie since I was 16 and I've adored her...well a really really long time.... We've been dating for a number of months now but..." He glanced up to the ceiling as he already found his chest tightening and his throat was closing over. He refused to look to Masaki as he took another sideways glance. No one really saw this side of Valken anymore. Not really. It was like he was turning back into his teenage self. He looked itching and his foot was tapping against the ground. "I.... I want to...aa...aa...ask Millie to marry me..." He blurted out suddenly as he lowered his head looking to his lap. He hadn't told anyone this...not even his best mate Frosty. "I want to propose to her but...well I need a ring...and..." His eyes rapidly focusing on the books, remembering once upon a time he couldn't even read. Not until Millie had taught him. A soft smile crossing his face gently as he relaxed remembering the memory. "I... love her so much. She is perfect in every single way... the light to my shadow. I need her in my life otherwise... I have no life at all... And I need a ring. A ring just for her. A ring perfect for the perfect girl..." He whispered gently before looking back to Masaki finally.


"I know you are a Crystal Mage... would...it be possible to make the perfect ring for her? I....I can give you whatever money you want!" leaping up suddenly as he ran to him surprisingly fast and grabbed as his shoulders in a half panic. "A million jewels? Two Million? Whatever you need I can get you! It just needs to be perfect! Can you do this?"


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  Reveal hidden contents


Pro: Got a huge stone mug filled to the brim with alcohol. Alcohol which amazingly keeps refilling itself from an equally amazing metal flask owned by the Dwarf Ace.


Con: Everyone in Blue Pegasus are pushing Rosa's buttons and she has half a mind to electrify every single one of them at this rate.


Her blue gaze turned to Ace as he mentioned not getting on her bad side and she had to do a hearty smirk towards him. At least someone took the girl seriously.. this other lot however.... Rosaline wasn't all that surprised that her small attack did nothing but flow over Cele's frame, to be honest she wasn't really trying all that hard to hurt her. She could adjust the current as she saw fit and had she wanted to she could have flooded her with a million volts with enough current to see her heart stop completely. At first Rosa was impressed and took a liking to Cele but she was very fast going into her bad books with the constant giggles and side comments. "Won't be funny if I send you flying through a wall with a lightning charged fist..." She grumbled more to herself. Where people just not intimidated by her anymore? Maybe she had grown too soft around this lot. Maybe she had to assert her Dominance once again. Take charge. Yes... that sounded like a good idea. It seemed both Cele and Ace had an idea to shovel the man off her frame, even commenting to say that it wasn't comfortable for her. She made another tsc noise and turned to her head to face the wall avoiding looking at them all. "You think I can't handle being a little uncomfortable? This is nothing to what I train on a daily basis. If the stupid man is stupid enough to fall asleep on me, then so be it."


First it was Kazuo's comment that he liked what he saw and she mouth half dropped open with her eyes going huge again. What the Hell did he mean by that? And if that wasn't bad enough he challenged her by having the audacity to ask if it were wrong to watch! Her fingers by this point had gripped so tightly around the mug her knuckles were white. And then... the snake woman decided to question her being a lady. Rosaline was a lady! A fine lady indeed! She was fit, and strong and trained every day! She was the embodiment of the perfect, strongest woman in town!! It never occurred to her there was a difference between being a lady and being feminine. The latter something the girl had never ever ever been acquainted with.


Her rage by this point has escalated. And like a reactor that was on the brink, her teeth gritted and her whole frame trembled. But it was Kazuo's words oddly enough that was ringing around in her head the most. She needed something to punch and he seemed the perfect candidate with his calm and smug attitude. She could attack Xira of course, but that fight had been done to death. Slowly her hand lowered from the mug as her blue gaze kept onto the man in the Rafters. She slammed a hand down onto the table as she jumped up frighteningly fast (snatching a hand out to catch Dorian's head as it fell in the process, setting it down gently against the bench). The next minute the whole girl's frame sparked and licked with lightning as she jumped up onto the table, making it shake and possibly cause the Dwarf to fall off the edge if he didn't tense himself, then she lept up with arms high, grasping onto a beam and then swinging her legs back then forward to throw herself up onto the top of the beam in much the same way as a gymnast might. Crouched down low with a hand holding steady before her, an almighty grin crossed the girl's normal stern face.


"I'll give you something worth looking at..." She hissed and on the last word her whole body exploded in a yellow and blue blur of lightning as she lunged forward in an attempt to throw her fist right into his stomach. Not holding back at all compared to the flick of a bolt she sent Cele's way earlier.


Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


Kazuo kept his eye on the lightning user as she reacted without hesitation. Before he knew it, she was up on the rafters with him and he rose up to his feet "Rosa you are one-" he was cut off when she charged at him, he stepped to the side and dropped from sight before grasping onto the beam with his one hand. Kazuo lifted his head to look at Rosa "Fiesty woman, arent you?" he chuckled and dropped off before landing on his feet "Let's see if you can land a hit on me. Even if you had, I wouldnt mind. I have a thing for women who talk with their fists." he was just going to keep pushing all the wrong buttons. But in doing so could cause the guild hall to be destoryed unless someone had gotten between the mages.


"Though if you keep charging me like that you'll keep missing and become even more angrier which could cloud your judgement." lucky for her, he didnt have his blade on him. Only his experience with fighting and dodging had been equipped "Not that'd you listen to me, you'll just keep doing it anyway." Kazuo fully turned towards the Rafter she had been on and backed up to create distance between both of them and give him time to dodge if needed "I honestly dont see what's so wrong with saying I like something I see." even though he was mostly conflicted about what he felt, he just played on what was there in his 'Feelings' bank.


I'm sure she's going to beat me senseless. I'm just stepping on all the wrong plates and only making her want to kill me all the more. Is it really worth it?.....Yeah, it is. he thought to himself as a grin began to grow on his lips. Though no words had escaped as he awaited for her move.


Rosaline's face lit up as she snapped forward with huge speed, expecting her fist to collide with Kazuo and sent him flying through a wall and across town with any luck. However she blinked for a second or two as her fist collided with nothing but air and the wind whistled straight past her. Surprise donned her features, finally her eyes drawing downwards to where he had landed with ease and dodged her attack completely. "Yeah yeah, Dwarf, I can't throw a punch and drink now can I?! I'll catch up after I deal with this idiot!" She let out a half angry cry as she slammed both her fists together, almost charging herself up more as the lightning arced and fluttered around her body further. "LAND A PUNCH ON YOU?! I'LL DO MORE THEN LAND A PUNCH ON YOU SLIPPERY BASTARD! I'll PUNCH YOU SO HARD I'LL SEND YOU INTO NEXT WEEK!!" She screamed loudly, the sheer energy surrounding the girl but now was at such a fever pitch one could almost hear and feel and rumbling outside, like she was literally summoning a Lightning Storm to their current location outside. Hovering above the Guild Hall.

And predictably the girl's whole body tensed up and lightning licked around her frame once more as she slipped to the floor, rolling just as she hit it, then forcing her legs underneath her body and jumping up from the spot as she charged him for the second time, bringing her fist right back behind her ear before throwing it out towards him. Like this time would have any different baring then the last, like THIS charge attack would connect somehow when the other one didn't. All in the passion of the moment right?

@Arius LaVari @Jackaboi @Mykinkaiser @Colt556

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall


Kazuo released a laugh as he heard her fury as she began to charge up She is for sure going to take down the guild hall... he sweatdropped even though he laughed a bit but soon came to his senses as Rosa charged at him with a fist ready to strike him down. Now, at this moment he would think of dodging again and avoiding the possible death that would come from her hit. It was more than likely high voltage to where his body would fry up like french fries and he really didnt feel like being fried. "Now now... We cant have you charged up like that now can we?" he asked as he lifted his hand.


Her fist came into straight contact with it and he pulled her close with her fist before used his free hand to place on the back of her blonde head and press his lips to hers. If he held this kiss too long, he would die within the second so he quickly pulled away and released her before jumping back and keeping distance. He was so dead. So dead that she'd knock him through the next 5 universes with no oxygyn due to space and space travel. I should most likely run for my life and stay in hiding till im dead. She wont be able to wake me up from the dead and kill me all over again. though when he thought about her tender lips, it almost had given him butterflies. The more he thought about it, the more he might have had a little bit of a thing for her.


Not that he minded. She is pretty attractive. "Rosa?" was the only word to escape his lips






He spoke, again, as she was diving towards him. Why did he even speak so much anyway? And in a fight no less? Was he that cocky, that confidant he thought he could have a right old chat while she was seconds away from killing the slippery bastard? He reached out a hand as if to catch her fist and she was so momentarily surprised the lightning drained from her fist, though the momentum continued on. Which the guy used to drag her into a much to close combat setting. She was a brutal fighter, that tried to take down her foes in a combo or one simple movement at full strength, she never really had built up a defense if they were particularly agile or side stepped her. Which only made her more pissed off.


If that wasn't rage inducing enough, the guy leaned down suddenly into her face. She reefed her head back, expecting him to headbutt as foe's tended to do that in close quarters, but her eyes went wide as saucers as she felt his lips press in against her own. The lightning almost instantly ceased around her frame as her fists un-clenched, her spare arm simply dangling fingers splayed at her side like she wasn't even aware she had that limb anymore.


A second.

If that.

That's all he kissed her for, a tiny second, a second she had never had anything similar before and a second that felt like an eternity that she had no idea what to do. Her cheeks gaining a flustered glow in her confusion. Wait... he was kissing her? Why? Why was he kissing her? Why now when she was trying to kill him?

It was only as he pulled back and jumped away, when she heard him say her name did her mind finally snap back into focus. Was he smiling? Did he simply kiss her to distract her so she wouldn't kill him?


If she felt rage before it was nothing on the rage she felt now. Not only had he side stepped her, he had gotten close to her and taken her very first kiss. Used that to his advantage. She was rope-able. Her face dipped as her yellow braid fell across a shoulder, body trembling as her fingers balled into fists, body curling over slightly. There was a thunder clap or two. A heavier rumble outside. Her face hidden by the fridge that had fallen cross her face. Her whole body glowed yellow and sparked furiously. She was charging up a dome as she stood, planning to explode out with such a concussive wave it would send the entire building into rubble.




One moment Dorian was happily asleep on something very comfortable, and the next he was rudely awakened by an intense light and some subsequent shouting. Now, if that wasn't enough, he was no longer resting on the comfortable thing, but rather upon the bench itself. Because of all of this, Dorian found himself to be rather annoyed... no, quite cross... no... alright, he was really fucking pissed. This wasn't to say that he couldn't have slept on the bench, because he could have, rather, it was the fact that he had been so rudely awakened, twice in a row no less, that set him off. Slowly sitting up Dorian became even angrier as he saw that they had woken him up for some stupid fight or the like. Couldn't they just sit down, shut up, and let him sleep? Was it that hard? However, as if that wasn't enough, Dorian watched as Kazuo leaned in to kiss Rosa, his anger reaching critical mass. It wasn't that he was jealous or anything, he wasn't in a good enough relationship with Rosa to feel said emotion, but rather that they had woken him up from a very comfortable nap not only to fight, but to fucking flirt.

Dorian began to radiate an aura of cold fury, enough to send shivers down the spines of those around him as he stood up. Then, he reached down to place his hand on the floor, moving in a seemingly calm manner. This façade soon crumbled as he, without warning, transmuted the ground, causing numerous stone spikes to sprout up around the two combatants, the tips stopping mere centimeters from their bodies and throats. He then smiled at them, a smile that never reached his eyes, rather, his eyes were hard and sharp like those of a predator. "Is it too much to ask for you two to be quiet?" he asked, the murderous undercurrent to his innocent sounding tone making his words all the more menacing. To anyone who knew the lazy archer's normal mannerisms this would have been an abrupt change as the man, rather than seeming like the sleepy good-for-nothing he usually was, now exuded the deadly air of a hunter looking at his prey, the air of a man to be trifled with.

@Arius LaVari @Jackaboi@Halffix
  Reveal hidden contents



Draneri peered to Mizuki with a bated breath, she even clutched her hands in under her chin as she peered to her with her golden eyes. Hoping the soup she had literally prepared with such low knowledge on human food and with whatever she could scrounge up within her cupboards and fridge was eatable. More then eatable, that it would satisfy Mizuki and help the dear recover even faster! Despite the blank look on her face and the monotone of her voice, the fact the girl said the soup was good made the Siren give a breath out in relief. Always happy to keep her Prey....no she mustn't think like that anymore, her company in happiness! "I am most certain a warm tummy will help out." Draneri reached forward to place her warm hands outside of Mizuki's clutching at the bowl and by extension her fingers, before she slipped it and moved it onto the side table out of the way. She rested her hands back into her lap as she half fell onto the bed onto her tummy, leaning up on her elbows as she crossed her legs at the ankles and peered to Mizuki curiously with a tilt of her head. (Picture as above.)


"Well... I have never encountered a Mage of such strong Magical essence before..." She answered honestly as she tapped a finger onto her lip. "To...be honest I have not be affiliated with any Guild before... Not really... I mostly wandered alone. I worked for what one might call a Dark Guild once or twice with the promise of fine food. Like at Grimoire Heart, I believe it was called? The Guild I meet you!" Making a wistful smile as she did, recalling it. Though her face fell as she didn't want to bring up any unnecessary bad memories of turning Mizuki against her guild. "Is... there others as strong as you? Stronger even?..." She said with a face of half awe. "And... a girl. There was a little girl with you as well... She pulled you from my spell." Turning her gaze to peer to the roof. "Children... so innocent... so...pure. You must love her very much to break my spell as you did..." She said honestly before looking back to her. "I... would love to see this Guild you are from some day!..." Letting one hand lower to drag a finger tip in swirls on top of her blanket. Creating soft hills in the material.

Mizuki Kohaku



Mizuki was a bit saddened when the empty bowl of delicious soup was taken from her hands and placed on the table beside her. It was so tasty and she couldn't help but wonder if this is what Draneri tasted when she fed. If human energy tasted this good she wouldn't mind being a siren for a day.  "Thank you again, Draneri. That soup was exceptional..." She said, rolling on her side to face her. The dark Mage was still surprised at how comfortable Draneri acted in her home, as if it was her own. Really Mizuki wouldn't care unless things got out of hand, or if it affected Alicia. As the winged girl began to talk she listened to her words, nodding slightly as she went along. Honestly Mizuki wouldn't get mad or upset if someone mentioned her previous guild. Yes, it really left a bad impact on her life, but she's learned to live with the existence of the guild. Though the compliment of her strength rooted out any sadness.   Yes, the guild is called Grimoire Heart. But they are more of a cult if anything. I'm surprised that they let you walk off Alife after failing to kill any of us..." She didn't mean to sound so mean, but was just trying to be honest. All that guild cared about was their own personal gang. They usually held enemies captive, or made deals only to break them later. The fact that Draneri had both of her wings was just a miracle. When the topic of stronger mage's came up Mizuki really had to think. Sure, Gilad and the other guildmaster' were much stronger than her, but what about the others? Gilad always said she was his to Mage, but did that mean she was the strongest? Her strength was undeniably powerful, but she wouldn't say that she's the strongest. "Yes, there are other mage's that are stronger than me, one of which is in the same guild as me. But do not try to feed off them. Unlike myself, they might attack you. That would be rather unpleasant to have Master Gilad attack you..." Draneri then moved into the topic of Alicia, and the dark haired girl didn't know where to start. There was just so much good things about Alicia that she couldn't list them all if she tried. "Yes... Her name is Alicia. She is my everything in this world. My little angel. My bond with hers in the strongest I have with anyone... Perhaps once I am rested I can bring you to the guild to meet everyone. Thought hey might be unhappy to see you, especially Eric. But I'm sure he can suck it up for a bit...


Sora Marvell - Magnolia Streets




Both hues went instinctively wide and the series of events that followed were quite a blur. Ayano had furthermore closed the distance between them, a look dancing in her eyes that only resembled a lust of sorts. Timothy had shouted to warn her and his voice sounded so far away in that moment. It almost felt like time had slowed to an agonizing point and before she knew it Timothy's hands were shoving her to the ground. The landing upon the ground warranted a small noise to leave her from the impact, though it sounded more surprised than one of pain. This surely wasn't going as planned, in fact it had become quite chaotic. Sora scrambled onto her feet, ignoring the complaints and cries that her limbs were aching out and she darted forward with the intent to help her friend.


However, soon, Ayano's words acted as confirmation to her own suspicions of Timothy not being human and Sora stopped in her tracks. She didn't know if surprise was something coursing through her. It wasn't a secret that he was different but hearing it from someone else was another story. Blue strands danced about as she suddenly shook her head to whisk away those thoughts. Timothy was her friend no matter what! No matter what he may or may not be. That didn't and wouldn't change anything. Ayano's eyes had once again fallen onto her but that gaze was soon blocked by Timothy whom had stepped between them. Part of her felt relieved and rather grateful to have such an amazing friend that he was so readily willing to protect her. The other part of her felt anger and remorse that she was viewed as someone who needed to be saved. A hand stretched out towards the ongoing bloodshed, fingers curling as they soon disappeared out of view, legs giving out to drop her into a kneeling position in the snow.


" This needs to stop.. " Sora spoke under her breath but the words compelled her to stand and run after them, traversing through man made holes in the walls to once again get them in her sights. The two were almost frightening to watch and what was once a fight now almost seemed simply acting on the instinct to destroy. " Timothy, this isn't like you.. " Sora meant to call this out to him but the words could barely be heard even as they slipped past her lips. Truthfully Ayano wasn't a priority or concern but the way her friend looked was starting to instill worry within her. Her wide eyes seemed to shake along with her small frame at the realization that she probably had appeared quite similar when Ayano had been within her grasp. It was nearly impossible to imagine that this was the guy whom had been trying to keep the peace with sincerity and kindness only minutes before. Everyone is capable of harboring many sides... I guess I'm just surprised because I've never witnessed this side of him.. Sora thought to herself.


A hand flung itself out to the side as she called out to him, using the wind to project her voice. " Timothy please, I already lost someone close to me and I can't handle you getting hurt because of me... it will shatter me.. " Sora knew she could handle Ayano but she didn't care if the vampire hurt her in the process. If Timothy continued getting hurt and bleeding the way he was then Sora was about to unleash a lot more than just simple pent up frustration. 


Timothy Harvard: I'll always be with you


Timothy continued to stare blankly at Ayano with the same emotionless glare that seems to be inhuman and uncanny. His ears caught the voice of his friend's cry and refused to allow him to continue fighting with the vampire. The thought of stopping did not occur to him nor does he intend of destroying his enemy. Timothy turned his torso around and looked back at Sora in the distance with cold emotionless eyes "Sora, do not worry about me...I am not hurt in the slightest" he said in a monotone voice despite the visible bleed coming from his left hand "I understand that you have the power to defeat this vampire but even with that guaranteed success of 85% there's a 94% chance that you would get bitten thus triggering the transformation into a vampire...seeing how 'she' turned out to be...I do not wish to let you suffer the same fate." he continued to explain his reasoning hoping that Sora will not join in this fight for her safety is a priority. He turned back to face Ayano with the wind carrying his voice to Sora "Don't worry, everything is alright...it will take more than just a few slashes and bites to put me down." he said reassuring her in an emotionless voice.

"I can't promise to fix all of your problems but I can promise you won't have to face them alone...so please, trust me."


In all honesty, all Timothy wants to do is find a way to help Ayano and Sora but he knows that it won't be easy as simply saying a few words. Sometimes you need to take action because it speaks a lot louder than words.


  Reveal hidden contents


FT Kitchen @Colt556 @Zuka


Lavender watched Tanari with a giggle as she ate the cake that she had given her "I'm glad you are enjoying yourself." she said "I'm also very surprised that you think that I should be a baker. I had never really thought of being one before since my life is here with everyone." and kicking some butt and gaining some jewel. Before she knew it, Kelica was inside the room too but looking over Tanari's shoulder and then soon moved to look from behind Lavender before she began going on a small rant on how she should have let her help "Well, Kelica, if I let you help me you probably would have ate the cookies that had come out of the oven." the blonde laughed softly "You look as if you've woken from the dead." like a mother, she leaned down and cupped the felllow blonde's face and ran her thumbs over the bags "When was the last time you had gotten sleep, kelica?"


Being the worrying motherly figure, she couldnt help but worry about Kelica's health. She could pass out any minute with such lack of sleep. Maybe it's best that she didnt mention the cake that she had made for Kelica... And give it to her tomorrow. "No matter, let's get you back with Ryu ( @Rhodus ) so you can nap for a while. I refuse to see you in such a horrible state on Christmas eve." Knowing Kelica, she might fight back "If you take a nap I promise to give you your christmas gift I have nice and ready for you." bribing her had to have worked, right? Especially someone of her nature who was similar to a child. Oh I pray that this bribery works...if it does not I would have to visit Sabertooth to grab the smoke user there in order to knock her out...



Adrian entered the Guild Hall, a pile of gifts carried in a huge knapsack twice his size. The money from the translation job had been a lot higher than a normal job, and so Adrian was able to get a bunch of gifts. He didn't go overboard, but Fairy Tail was a pretty big guild, so he had to get over a dozen gifts just to accommodate everyone. To celebrate the Christmas spirit, he had shown up wearing a Santa hat, and while he was rather muscular, he struggled to carry the load, dropping it down on the floor, huffing and puffing.

He looked up, sweat dripping down his forehead despite the chilly air outside, he noticed there was no Christmas tree. No Christmas tree!? On Christmas Eve!? Creating an Arcane barrier, with writing on it reading "Christmas Tree goes here" standing upright in the center of the Guild Hall, he emptied the knapsack and put the pile of gifts around it, and went to go see Kelica.

Hearing her incoherent yelling coming from the kitchen, he opened the door, saying, "Hey, Kelica, there's no Christmas tree--" only to see Kelica currently being a hyperactive mess. The bags under her eyes were especially troubling. "Hey, uh...you alright there?"

@Zuka @Salt Lord @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Rhodus


Just roleplay the gift you got, and try to make it something that makes sense. Don't make Adrian give you coal or manure, try to make it something appropriate to the character. For example, the only gift that CAN'T be changed is that Adrian got Kelica a bonsai kit. That's something that would work.


Fairy Tail Guild Hall





Hibiki had woke up early this morning in order to resume his usual training routine. The past few months being so hectic, he never really had any time to take a  break and actual train like he usually does, however the Christmas period was a great time to knuckle down and get on with things, especially since there were less jobs flowing into the guild and there wasn't anything important to do for the time being anyway. Training was, as always, a very vital practice for nearly every single mage out there, even for the S-Class wizards. Wizard Saints didn't get their strength from no where after all. With continuous training, one would get stronger, in all aspects, all in good time, and some mages didn't even train one bit which was very bad in Hibiki's opinion. A few weeks back, Kelica came to Hibiki, Ryu, and Sora respectively and requested that they tutor and train her so as for her to grow stronger and more powerful come the Grand Magic Games. Of course, they all happily agreed, however it was beyond hard work. Hibiki trained her in combat, Ryu trained her in restraint and in the mind and Sora, would teach Kelica social etiquette and how to behave how a respectable woman and Fairy Tail mage should.


(Un)fortunately for Kelica, Hibikis training routines were very strict and incredibly draining for those not used to it, and the forest mage would usually find herself with some kind of wound at the end of nearly every single training session be it a light graze or a large bruise on her chest. The other day, Hibiki could've sworn he nearly took off the girls head but even then Kelica was as bubbly and excited as ever, her willingness to grow and improve was empowering and her refusal to stop was admirable, even for someone as crazy as her. 


After training in the S-Class training grounds for a few hours, Hibiki left and returned to the main guild hall. As he entered, it was a bustling as ever. Members of the guild filled its contents and it was loud, cheerfully so. Being so close to Christmas, it was a nice atmosphere, seeing everyone so happy really did put a smile on the males face. The whole Grimoire Heart brought everyone closer, it seemed. But for some, it was the catalyst for a bad turn of events. Sora was never the same after the incident, and especially after the events of last month, she became totally closeted and sealed away from everyone else. Her boyfriend, Lysander, was killed during a mission and it tore the poor girls heart in two. In fact, Hibiki was meant to be checking in on her later, as he was really the only one that still tried making her smile again. Lyra seemed to be out on missions a lot recently too, and Hibiki was very excited for her return indeed. Looking through the guild hall, Hibiki saw Kelica running around the place like some child lunatic. And it was in that moment that his eyes befell Ryu, and thus he slowly walked towards him. The two had gotten very close ever since the Grimoire Heart incident, and it was actually quite nice, Ryu was great to be around. Hibiki put a hand on the pyromancers shoulder as he spoke, a kind and calm tone in his voice. "It's nice seeing the guild like this again, isn't it?"


@EveryoneElse(Won't let me tag any more for some reason :/)


Kelica zefara.png

Fairytail Guild Hall


The Forest Mage was still bouncing around like a kid on candy, waving around her mittens like a lunatic, or at least she was until Lavender leaned down to the girl and cupped her face gently, feeling her thumb run underneath her eyes gently. Blinking, it was only as she stopped for a moment with the warmth of that touch on her face, did the girl give out a rather loud yawn, face scrunching up as she did. And even when her eyes opened again, they only slipped halfway like now she had stopped for a moment her body was starting to catch up a the tiredness. But still had the bright, bubbly smile plastered on her face. "Actually I slept not that long ago! Chris found me wandering around the streets in nothing but a singlet and shorts, so he gave me his coat and Santa hat... I fell asleep on his back and had a nap at his house for a bit.. that was just before I got here..."


The blonde girl turned slightly as she looked as someone entered the room, smiling wildly as she spotted it was Adrian and ran to him with her arms wide, practically flinging herself into his frame with her arms like a leech around his middle. Another huge yawn escaping that shook her entire frame. "I'm okay... nnnghhh I...I'm just really tired and stuff...*yawn*... Winter always makes me really sleepy for some reason...I just wanna curl up in bed and sleep all season is all..." As she said this her face buried harder into his chest and her eyelashes drooped a fraction more, like her body were realllyyy struggling to wake up now. She glanced back as Lavender told her to go back to Ryu, pulling herself away from Adrian enough to cover yet another yawn with a hand as her shoulder's sagged slightly more. "Mmm presents? Already? But it's not Christmas yet Lavender! Though that nap suggestion sounds like an aaawweefullllyyy great idea..." Turning back to look up to Adrian with a big smile before she side stepped him but threaded her fingers into his own and dragged him back out of the kitchen and into the normal Hall.


One day eventually she might get out of her friends personal bubbles and stop with the touchy-feely business but today was most certainly not this day. As she came to the center of the room, she instantly perked up again as she spotted Adrian's sign and the load of presents, letting go of his hand as she bounced around on the spot again. "OHHHH WOW, did you get all these Presents? I swear they weren't here a moment ago? And a sign to! Speaking of which..." Her green eyes fluttering over the sign momentarily before she giggled and cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled around the Guild Hall. "ALRIGHT FAIRYTAIL, I'M GIVING EVERYONE SOMETHING REALLLLYYYY SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS!" She smiled broadly as she peeled Adrian back some steps from the middle of the room then patted down the coat Chris had given her earlier. "I...don't have any money as I've been training so hard with Ryu, Hibiki and Sora to get stronger..I've been too weak to do any Missions.. so... I wanted to get a present everyone can enjoy, and show you all what I've learned!"


With that said, and even if not everyone heard, they would understand soon enough. She reached into her hair and a bobby pin that was hastily stashed in it, and as it withdrew there were 6 very special round like objects on it. Her special seeds. She plucked one of them, a small brown one, before she shifted the bobby pin back into her messy blonde hair again. With that done the girl cupped her fingers tightly around the seed as she leaned down and breathed warmly into her hands, a green circle springing up around her feet and her hair starting to agitate slightly. Even her necklace glowed along with the very big increase in magical flow around her, closing her eyes as she concentrated. The tiny seed rocked and rolled in her palms for a moment before vines suddenly burst from it and slipped from the cracks of her fingers. In moment the seed grew into a miniature tree, to which Kelica stepped forward and placed it right there against the floorboards of the Guild Hall. She leaned back as her hands sprung out, fingers splayed and slowly moved her arms upwards as her smile only widened in wonder.


The tiny tree grew, and grew, and grew, it's trunk thickening and darkening as branches erupted all over it, big branches then slightly smaller ones off that. And suddenly there was an almost explosion as thousands of green leaves burst from the very branches themselves to coat the tree top to bottom. It was so big it literally pushed aside some tables in the middle of the room and went from the base of the first floor right to the roof past the second level. Groaning wearily as it did.


Kelica's face, one with wonder at her own magic and abilities, couldn't believe she was even able to summon and create such a huge and strong Christmas Tree~! Her momentary wonder however soon fell as the girl's eyes slid closed and almost instantly her knees collapsed and she crumpled to the floor in a heap. The last reserves of her energy, both physical and magical, now depleted, her body returned to what it was doing before and she was out cold. Chest slowly rising and falling. Returning to her hibernation as she slept on the cold wooden floor.




Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ryu set his paper down on the table and looked up as he felt a hand on his shoulder. "I suppose so," he replied to Hibiki's question with a chuckle. "But I much prefer a quieter atmosphere. I like to be able to hear myself think." Hibiki's question prompted him to look around the guild hall again. He sat up, taking in the scene. It was nice to see everyone working together, preparing for the holiday festivities. This was to be his first Christmas celebration in a long while. When he still lived at his family's home in Crocus, his parents were always gone, and far too busy to take time off work for something as trivial as a holiday. So most of his Christmases back then were spent with the servants who looked after him and his sister. Likewise, when he'd gone off to train with Saito, and eventually Hanekoma, there had been no breaks, no time to slack off; every moment was spent learning and getting stronger. When he'd lived as a wanderer, he simply hadn't bothered to make any sort of fuss around the holidays, not seeing any point. However, over his last few months had been spent in Magnolia, helping to train Kelica, as well as getting to know the members of the guild better, most notably Hibiki, who he'd become good friends with. As he looked around the hall, he noticed Kelica take out a seed and used it to then grow a huge tree in the middle of the guild hall. However, after finishing up the large display she crumpled to the floor, once again out cold. He sighed and got up from where he was sitting in the booth, walking over to Kelica. He then picked her up carefully and started carrying her to one of the inn rooms of the guild hall. "Honestly Kelica," He sighed exasperatedly "How are you ever going to function on your own?"

@LeSoraAmari @Zuka @Genon @Isune @Salt Lord @Colt556 @Kyuubey

Cold, it was so cold. She was shivering from head to toe and pulling her thick torn blanket, her only protection against the weather, wasn't helping at all. But then what could she do? She didn't have much, enough food to last a few days if she only ate once, a torn blanket, her tattered battle wear, and her keys. And she wasn't going to let go of any of them. She trudged on slowly, strength sapping away faster than one could say 'Eyorgehblergenbol'. She collapsed on Fairy Tail's door, although she didn't know it, with a thud and curled into a ball.

Kenya walked over to the bar where her guild master was sitting. Kenya had been thinking about it for a long time now and it suddenly dawned on her.....she had no idea what to get someone for Christmas. In all her life with her parents all her gifts was mostly were in total her sword, some sword sharping tools, and change of clothes so she had no clue what to get anyone. She wanted to get all her guild mates something good so she decided to ask Gilad what he thought she should get everyone. "Master Gilad I'd like to ask a few questions if it's not too much trouble." She asked as she walked over to him with her arms folded across her chest, a face of absolute confusion on her face as she continued to try and think of good gifts for her guild mates. "What gifts do you think would be good to get for everyone? Or maybe just Eric and Tokine?" She wanted to get something for those two the most also Gilad but she had heard the surprise of getting a gift is part of the tradition so she didn't want him to know. Although it did seemed to somewhat show on her face that she was mostly excited to give him a gift as well.

Gilad Arcturus - Sabertooth Guild Hall: Crocus

It hadn't been long since he took his seat and already he already had someone coming over to him. The voice immediately clued him in as to it was, it seemed their newest member needed some advice. He turned in his seat to face the girl as she spoke and gave a simple nod to her question. "Of course, ask away." He placed his elbow atop the counter while resting his chin on his fist as he gave the girl his undivided attention. The source of her question caused a small smile to tug at his lips. It was a somewhat surprising question but given her background and her relatively recent induction into the guild it should be expected. As the girl finished posing her question he closed his eyes and took a deep breath followed by a quiet 'hmm'. After musing over it for a few seconds he opened his eyes and looked at the blue-haired girl. "Getting gifts for others is rarely an easy task. The most important thing is to try and get something they will like. Tokine's a fairly reserved girl however she does have a soft spot for animals. Perhaps some sort of stuffed animal? As for Eric...." He paused at the mention of Eric, his sentence trailing off as he seemed to be thinking of how best to word it.


"Eric's an idiot who would likely be happy with anything. One of his strong points I suppose. That said his love of alcohol is no secret as you can plainly see." As he finished his sentence he diverted his gaze from the girl to the man in question back behind her. It was clear as day for all to see that he was absolutely smashed and given the boy's position when he first approached the balcony it was clear that Eric had already passed out at least once. With his point proven he turned his attention back to Kenya. "That boy is likely to get little more than a variety of alcohol and it will all be gone by the end of Christmas. Ultimately you can always ask the person what they would like. You are a recent addition to our Guild and nobody would hold it against you. If you want it to be a surprise then you can simply ask for a list of things they want." He had spent years with many of the people within his Guild and still struggled to this day with what to gift them, he certainly didn't expect Kenya to figure that out after just a few months.



Celestia Corona: Blue Pegasus Hall


Celestia had been cheerfully sipping her drink about to speak to the dwarf and ask him if he could get her a refill when she saw Rosaline leap into the rafters, she was fast enough, maybe not agile but she made it up without issue and Celestia watched the chaos of the fight ensue, Kazuo was a quick man and had been expertly dodging the rage filled blonde's fists left and right. Her eyes were trained on the two, watching how they moved and trying to print the movements to her photographic memory, but her studying immediately stopped when she saw Kazuo use Rosaline's momentum against her and pull her in giving her a quick kiss. Celestia's smile faded from her face quickly, she had a really specific set of standards and that crossed every single one, she was normally never serious not even in a fight. She watched Dorian rise from his resting on the bench, his sleep having been disturbed twice from what she had seen and he was enraged, she didn't get a chill down her spine as she should have and vaguely saw the chains that had seemed to wrap around Rosa, she hadn't talked to her much but really Celestia liked people and wanted to make friends with the lightning mage so still frowning she raised her voice, eyes focused on Kazuo as she spoke to him, making sure he had noticed she was staring, "All right pal...I don't care if you like her or not, there are lines that shouldn't be crossed and guess what?" She snapped with a glare emanating from her green and yellow orbs, a deep anger burning in her eyes. "You just crossed one. If you actually like someone then you shouldn't just kiss them, no there are steps to be followed and that was the least gentlemanly thing I've witnessed, isn't Blue Pegasus about chivalry and treating others with respect? Well I think that's one of the most disrespectful things I've ever seen." Maybe it was just her standards that had ticked her off about his actions but she had studied all the guilds before joining one, Blue Pegasus wasn't just the place she had visited before, no it was probably the calmest and most respectful of them and she thought it would suit her, her opinion was quickly changing, at least concerning Kazuo.

@Britt-21 @Zuka @Colt556

Celestia Corona: Blue Pegasus Hall


Celestia had been cheerfully sipping her drink about to speak to the dwarf and ask him if he could get her a refill when she saw Rosaline leap into the rafters, she was fast enough, maybe not agile but she made it up without issue and Celestia watched the chaos of the fight ensue, Kazuo was a quick man and had been expertly dodging the rage filled blonde's fists left and right. Her eyes were trained on the two, watching how they moved and trying to print the movements to her photographic memory, but her studying immediately stopped when she saw Kazuo use Rosaline's momentum against her and pull her in giving her a quick kiss. Celestia's smile faded from her face quickly, she had a really specific set of standards and that crossed every single one, she was normally never serious not even in a fight. She watched Dorian rise from his resting on the bench, his sleep having been disturbed twice from what she had seen and he was enraged, she didn't get a chill down her spine as she should have and vaguely saw the chains that had seemed to wrap around Rosa, she hadn't talked to her much but really Celestia liked people and wanted to make friends with the lightning mage so still frowning she raised her voice, eyes focused on Kazuo as she spoke to him, making sure he had noticed she was staring, "All right pal...I don't care if you like her or not, there are lines that shouldn't be crossed and guess what?" She snapped with a glare emanating from her green and yellow orbs, a deep anger burning in her eyes. "You just crossed one. If you actually like someone then you shouldn't just kiss them, no there are steps to be followed and that was the least gentlemanly thing I've witnessed, isn't Blue Pegasus about chivalry and treating others with respect? Well I think that's one of the most disrespectful things I've ever seen." Maybe it was just her standards that had ticked her off about his actions but she had studied all the guilds before joining one, Blue Pegasus wasn't just the place she had visited before, no it was probably the calmest and most respectful of them and she thought it would suit her, her opinion was quickly changing, at least concerning Kazuo.

@Britt-21 @Zuka @Colt556







Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

She held her gaze down on the young blonde as she visibly got more and more riled up. She fully expected the young woman to leap up and attack her as was so often the case. When Rosa leapt up to the rafters she instinctively reached for one of her talismans. Much to her surprise it was not her that had truly invoked Rosa's ire, it was her companion. The electrifying blonde quickly lunged at Kazuo, officially kicking off their little scuffle. Fortunately for her Kazuo was quick to evade and draw the battle down from the rafters and to ground level, expertly avoiding the rather dangerous attacks Rosa was throwing at him. She maneuvered herself around the rafters to get a better look at the combatants using her spare hand to take a puff of her pipe as she watched. However soon into their fight Kazuo did something she did not expect. Her own eyes widened as the man used Rosa's momentum against her and stole a quick kiss. "Oh my~" As amusing as it was to see yet another adorable reaction from their dear Rosa it rapidly became apparent that Kazuo had crossed the line as thunder boomed outside the guild hall and arcs of electricity began flowing across Rosa's form.


Seeing the disaster on the horizon she released her coil around the rafters and fell gracefully to the floor below with a rather loud thud. She held her hand up before her face, the talisman held between her index and middle finger as she did. "There's that temper." A mystical blue flame appeared at the bottom of the talisman and quickly raced up it's length, vaporizing the small piece of paper as she extended both arms to her sides. Dozens of talismans appeared around her creating rings as they raced through the air to encircle her. Seeing Rosa's entire body consumed by the electrical glow as arcs of lightning danced about her skin she knew what was coming. She raised her hand high into the air causing the lines of talismans to began spiraling upwards around her arm. With only the briefest of pauses to allow the talismans to get into place she quickly brought her arm down, leveled directly at Rosa. "Celestial Art: Sealing!" The spiraling lines of talismans shot forth towards the woman and separated into several chains as each talisman connected end to end. The paper chains quickly wrapped around the lightning mage to bind her in place with four of the chains lancing into the floor to act as anchors. Once in place all the talismans began to glow with the same yellow tint as Rosa, stripping away her control over the electricity while seemingly absorbing the magical energy directly.

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse











He spoke, again, as she was diving towards him. Why did he even speak so much anyway? And in a fight no less? Was he that cocky, that confidant he thought he could have a right old chat while she was seconds away from killing the slippery bastard? He reached out a hand as if to catch her fist and she was so momentarily surprised the lightning drained from her fist, though the momentum continued on. Which the guy used to drag her into a much to close combat setting. She was a brutal fighter, that tried to take down her foes in a combo or one simple movement at full strength, she never really had built up a defense if they were particularly agile or side stepped her. Which only made her more pissed off.


If that wasn't rage inducing enough, the guy leaned down suddenly into her face. She reefed her head back, expecting him to headbutt as foe's tended to do that in close quarters, but her eyes went wide as saucers as she felt his lips press in against her own. The lightning almost instantly ceased around her frame as her fists un-clenched, her spare arm simply dangling fingers splayed at her side like she wasn't even aware she had that limb anymore.


A second.

If that.

That's all he kissed her for, a tiny second, a second she had never had anything similar before and a second that felt like an eternity that she had no idea what to do. Her cheeks gaining a flustered glow in her confusion. Wait... he was kissing her? Why? Why was he kissing her? Why now when she was trying to kill him?

It was only as he pulled back and jumped away, when she heard him say her name did her mind finally snap back into focus. Was he smiling? Did he simply kiss her to distract her so she wouldn't kill him?


If she felt rage before it was nothing on the rage she felt now. Not only had he side stepped her, he had gotten close to her and taken her very first kiss. Used that to his advantage. She was rope-able. Her face dipped as her yellow braid fell across a shoulder, body trembling as her fingers balled into fists, body curling over slightly. There was a thunder clap or two. A heavier rumble outside. Her face hidden by the fridge that had fallen cross her face. Her whole body glowed yellow and sparked furiously. She was charging up a dome as she stood, planning to explode out with such a concussive wave it would send the entire building into rubble.








Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

Kirin, Allegro, Melody,  Sonata, Ariana, Vivace, TallisOctavian

The doors kicked open once more as the now horned Kirin walked in. She said, "Stay close now, alright?" Marching in behind her was her gang of children. Octavian sighed as he called out in a rather deep voice , "I'm smelling ozone, which foretells lightning. Assuming by the charge..." He watched as Melody's hair began to float up. She looked around to her brown locks now entwined around her. She giggled while Allegro tried to get the hair out of his face. Tallis twisted his arms, looking around. He tried to not look impressed, but it was easy to see past his shy demeanor. Sonata folded up her wings and walked a bit more cautiously to not hit someone on the head with her horns. Then, Kirin understood the situation...

Kirin exploded with her magic, starring at her foes of Rosaline, Kazuo Takara @Britt-21,Xira, Dorian @Mykinkaiser, and Celestia. A thick drum beat began to play, foretelling her wrath. She had patience for her friends, but when they were going to hurt or abuse each other she lost her temper like that. She shrunk back down to her Dues Ex Machina suit, tapping her large white hat. A golden magic circle coated the room before shrinking down to bubbles of them surrounding her targets. The circles spun and sparkled until they pounded out music, becoming a dense bubble of music. She spoke with pure rage and disgust at them, "I leave you fools alone for five minutes so that I can take care of my children, and we already have a brawl going on?! This is Blue Pegasus, where everything we do must represent our glorious valor! Our shining age of youth! Our glamor personified! This is a selfish dirty oil stain on our glorious reputation, and I for one lack the ability to have patience with those who show no respect to a guild such as our own!" The tiny woman then put her now glowing blood red eyes towards Rosaline. She snarled out towards her, "Go on, you can explode in there and not hurt anyone else. Or if your time out is done and your off your ozone high, pray tell me what happened so we can handle this situation like adults instead of children..." All of her children were in a gitty silence. It was a rare treat for them to see Kirin in her old form before she had her kids.


Allegro, Melody,  Sonata, Ariana, Vivace, TallisOctavian


Allegro - M

Age - 9 Months



Melody - F

Age - 9 Months



Sonata - F

Age - 9 Months



Ariana - F

Age - 1 Year



Vivace - F

Age - 1 Year



Tallis - M

- Age 1 Year



Octavian - M

Age - 2 Years









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  Reveal hidden contents



He spoke, again, as she was diving towards him. Why did he even speak so much anyway? And in a fight no less? Was he that cocky, that confidant he thought he could have a right old chat while she was seconds away from killing the slippery bastard? He reached out a hand as if to catch her fist and she was so momentarily surprised the lightning drained from her fist, though the momentum continued on. Which the guy used to drag her into a much to close combat setting. She was a brutal fighter, that tried to take down her foes in a combo or one simple movement at full strength, she never really had built up a defense if they were particularly agile or side stepped her. Which only made her more pissed off.


If that wasn't rage inducing enough, the guy leaned down suddenly into her face. She reefed her head back, expecting him to headbutt as foe's tended to do that in close quarters, but her eyes went wide as saucers as she felt his lips press in against her own. The lightning almost instantly ceased around her frame as her fists un-clenched, her spare arm simply dangling fingers splayed at her side like she wasn't even aware she had that limb anymore.


A second.

If that.

That's all he kissed her for, a tiny second, a second she had never had anything similar before and a second that felt like an eternity that she had no idea what to do. Her cheeks gaining a flustered glow in her confusion. Wait... he was kissing her? Why? Why was he kissing her? Why now when she was trying to kill him?

It was only as he pulled back and jumped away, when she heard him say her name did her mind finally snap back into focus. Was he smiling? Did he simply kiss her to distract her so she wouldn't kill him?


If she felt rage before it was nothing on the rage she felt now. Not only had he side stepped her, he had gotten close to her and taken her very first kiss. Used that to his advantage. She was rope-able. Her face dipped as her yellow braid fell across a shoulder, body trembling as her fingers balled into fists, body curling over slightly. There was a thunder clap or two. A heavier rumble outside. Her face hidden by the fridge that had fallen cross her face. Her whole body glowed yellow and sparked furiously. She was charging up a dome as she stood, planning to explode out with such a concussive wave it would send the entire building into rubble.


One moment Dorian was happily asleep on something very comfortable, and the next he was rudely awakened by an intense light and some subsequent shouting. Now, if that wasn't enough, he was no longer resting on the comfortable thing, but rather upon the bench itself. Because of all of this, Dorian found himself to be rather annoyed... no, quite cross... no... alright, he was really fucking pissed. This wasn't to say that he couldn't have slept on the bench, because he could have, rather, it was the fact that he had been so rudely awakened, twice in a row no less, that set him off. Slowly sitting up Dorian became even angrier as he saw that they had woken him up for some stupid fight or the like. Couldn't they just sit down, shut up, and let him sleep? Was it that hard? However, as if that wasn't enough, Dorian watched as Kazuo leaned in to kiss Rosa, his anger reaching critical mass. It wasn't that he was jealous or anything, he wasn't in a good enough relationship with Rosa to feel said emotion, but rather that they had woken him up from a very comfortable nap not only to fight, but to fucking flirt.

Dorian began to radiate an aura of cold fury, enough to send shivers down the spines of those around him as he stood up. Then, he reached down to place his hand on the floor, moving in a seemingly calm manner. This façade soon crumbled as he, without warning, transmuted the ground, causing numerous stone spikes to sprout up around the two combatants, the tips stopping mere centimeters from their bodies and throats. He then smiled at them, a smile that never reached his eyes, rather, his eyes were hard and sharp like those of a predator. "Is it too much to ask for you two to be quiet?" he asked, the murderous undercurrent to his innocent sounding tone making his words all the more menacing. To anyone who knew the lazy archer's normal mannerisms this would have been an abrupt change as the man, rather than seeming like the sleepy good-for-nothing he usually was, now exuded the deadly air of a hunter looking at his prey, the air of a man to be trifled with.

@Arius LaVari @Jackaboi@Halffix

Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Well her reaction was really unexpected. She had just stood there but calling her name had snapped her out of the trance she was put into. Rosa began to charge up and it didnt seem like she was going to hold back on her lightning. Now he could say she was actually going to kill him. Though with the light blush on his cheeks - barely visable on the right cheek- it was hard to deny the fact that he liked the kiss. Liked her lips... Liked her... it didnt take long for Xira ( @Colt556 )to jump down and use her talismans to trap Rosa in her own little bubble. Unlike her, he didnt use magic -like his titan soul- against her. He only merely used words and dodging.


Not only did Xira get involved but so did an angry Dorian ( @Mykinkaiser ) who sent spikes towards himself and Rosa. Though the spike did some dangerously close to his throat which made him sweatdrop "Sorry Dorian. I wont make any excuses but I did make some noise." he glanced at Rosa  who was also within spikes before the doors of the guild hall were kicked open to reveal Kirin who also had used her magic to put him in a bubble with music as well as everyone who got involved. A sigh escaped the golden-eyed man's lips as he carefully kept his head still to keep him from stabbing himself. "Celestia, please do not add more to what is already happening..." he said softly as he closed his eye @Arius LaVari


Why did so many people have to get involved with this? Not only Xira, but Dorian,Kirin and  Celestia too. Just listening to Kirin made him open up his eye and speak up "You should not be scolding Rosa so much, Kirin." he said "I'm the one who erked her on. Pushed buttons which shouldnt have been pressed. During this we had awoken Dorian as well." he was going to take the blame since it was mostly his fault. But he wasnt one to be a coward and he was one to accept any punishment given to him. From the looks of it, Kazuo had nothing else to add seeing as he went back into his quiet state rather than pushing Rosa's buttons. Lifting his hand, her coughed slightly into the back of it and looked off to the side, trying to rid the light redness of his cheeks.


Lucky for him, it began to fade.

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Cold, it was so cold. She was shivering from head to toe and pulling her thick torn blanket, her only protection against the weather, wasn't helping at all. But then what could she do? She didn't have much, enough food to last a few days if she only ate once, a torn blanket, her tattered battle wear, and her keys. And she wasn't going to let go of any of them. She trudged on slowly, strength sapping away faster than one could say 'Eyorgehblergenbol'. She collapsed on Fairy Tail's door, although she didn't know it, with a thud and curled into a ball.


Lavender looked over as Adrian popped in and surprised Keli. Though, she seemed to have grown even more tired than before even though her hyperactivity and soon left with Adrian. The blonde looked at Tanari ( @Colt556 ) and then went back to working on the eggnog. It didnt take her long to finish and give it a taste test "Woah..." she said before giggling "This is wonderful!" she then grabbed multiple mugs and put them on another rolling cart  along with the canister of eggnog before heading towards the door "I shall be right back, miss Tanari." with that, the warrior left the kitchen and pulled the cart by the hot cocoa "Alright everyone, the eggnog has been completed! Come grab your drinks and Enjoy!" she was glad to have made many of things for her very large family. The cookies had to be brought out as well. So lavender hurried into the kitchen and grabbed two large plates of cookies and walked out into the hall as she placed the cookies on a long empty table "Here are more cookies!" she called out as she caught a glimpse of snow falling outside "It's snowing.." she said softly.


It didnt take her long to jog over to the door and open it. She did not expect to see this one thing outside the door in such a state... And it had been a girl who was curled up and shivering. Her eyes widen as she quickly dropped to her knees and scooped up the girl before hurrying inside and rushing past anyone who had been standing around. She moved towards the fireplace and placed her close enough to where she wouldnt freese "Miss?" she asked, lifting her hand and cupping the small girl's cheek and gently pating it to make her open her eyes "Come on now, open your eyes..." Lavender then looked around for someone who could get her a mug of hot cocoa for the girl "Can someone please get me a mug of hot cocoa? Milk version please." she called out to just about anyone who was quick enough



Yamato Ren: I guess I could use some help in the kitchen.


Rosa obviously wasn't happy with the events happening around her. Dorian sleeping on her lap, Kazuo and Xira toying with her from above. Lately this has become a norm in the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall. Though Celestia grabbed his intention when she offered to help in the kitchen. "You want to help? Well... I guess cooking for a guild is a pretty daunting task. Especially at this time of year when feasts are being served rather than meals. It certainly wouldn't hurt to have some assistance. Right now all the food is in the oven so once it's ready I know there's something you could help with." Suddenly Rosa took off and charged at Kazuo. Did Yamato miss something? Clearly Kaz did something to really tick Rosa off. Yama was about to intervene before Kazuo made a pretty bold move. He simply took Rosa's hand and gave her a quick kiss. It wasn't long before he decided to run off again. Yamato witnessed this event and was not too pleased about it either.

A man does not simply steal a kiss from a woman like that. Yamato keeps to the highest standards of Blue Pegasus and expects his guild mates to do the same. Celestia too didn't seem very happy with the man's actions either. It also looks like they woke up Dorian too. Which of course is an impressive feat to accomplish. Not that many live to tell the tale anyway. Yama was glad to see Kirin come in and quickly deal with the situation at hand. "Ah welcome back Kirin! I do hope that that your children are faring well?" He realised that was a pointless question when he saw Kirin's children following her from behind. Rosa will have to calm down soon though Xira mind have her held for now but there's always a risk that one day this whole building could blow up. He looked at Kazuo with the look of disappointment on his face. "I'm glad you admit to your mistakes but I do hope I won't have to witness my guild mate doing something like that again will I?"

@Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Mykinkaiser @Britt-21 @Zuka @Colt556 @Halffix
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Ayano Soru: So that's how it's gonna be?

This boy clearly planned to get in Ayano's way. In that case she'll have to take care of him first. Unexpectedly though Timothy managed to grab her with ease and slam her into several walls with unbelievable force. Whatever he was his strength was far more than a cut above the average human. He stared at Ayano with an emotionless glare but she stared back. Except hers was more like the look of anger. Tim picked up the magic four-wheeler and threw it directly at her. She had to quickly roll out the way but she recovered by throwing multiple blood spikes at her enemy. Actually she was throwing too many, Ayano had completely lost all sense of self and attacked like some wild animal who hasn't eaten in a long time and was practically starving. "You bleed! You bleed so that means you can die right!? Well! hurry up and die!" The spikes ad finally stopped and she ran in with her sword again desperately slashing again and again not giving Timothy much time to take a breather. "Unless you don't want to die. If that's so then why don't you hurry up and kill me instead!? It's the only way to end this! Kill me and end my pain!" Ayano was running low though, she was lacking in blood to begin with but she was still using more and in such an inefficient manner. If the boy is able to survive her onslaught then she may just end up fainting on the spot from the lack of feeding.

@Zareh @Kyuubey
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Ferra; Lamia Scale Hall

Ferra only grinned when she noticed the evident blush on Nikolas' chest, her own blush persisting. Just because he was in exceed form didn't really make him not Nikolas, so it was pretty embarrassing what just happened; in her opinion anyway. At his question she arched a brow, not sure what he could mean. Then he mentioned it being private and going over to his house. She nodded slowly before sitting him down on the table, "Uh...yeah, sure." She replied, genuinely curious to see what he could possibly be asking her, before standing up. "Not really sure where you live at all sooo...lead the way?" She asked, gesturing to the door. There weren't really too many things it could be that she could think of, though it could also be some kind of plan to prank Grace she doubted it. It was likely something more personal or something he needed help with.

Shiro Ai: Lamia Scale Hall


Shiro was a little startled when she felt Phin moving to hug her again but somehow didn't seem to mind, she didn't really know why she didn't mind but it felt comfortable, maybe because he was one of the few people who loved music like she did? Or at least it seemed that way to her. So when he came in for the hug she returned it, wrapping her arms just around his sides, hands folded over her each other on his back. She didn't really notice how he seemed a little shell shocked by her actions at first, "Of course Phin, I may not be friendly all the time but well...I love life, it's why I always watch everyone in the hall so quietly. It's interesting seeing what they do and how they deal with each other...speaking of..." She tapped his back from the hug they were in and sort of gestured to Nikolas and Ferra, then she whispered quietly...right by his ear and so his brother wouldn't hear. "I'm normally not nosy but seems something pretty serious is going on over there." Shiro pulled back away from him once more with an amused glint on her bright eyes, she wasn't being nosy, she wasn't...at least that's what she told herself. As if to prove the point and so it wouldn't look so suspicious she grabbed one of Phin's hands and started singing Silent Night softly only pausing to speak, "Play some more please? I really love listening to you play."

   Nikolas's furry face brightened significantly; he grinned at Ferra before changing to his normal self, walking over to the door, and opening it. He was grinning like an idiot now, his mind going back to when Ferra hugged him. Now he understood why his dad went crazy around his mom! They just....just....yes! 

  Still beaming, Nikolas walked outside, his face still a little red. He was incredibly jubilant and eager for this entire thing. He was gonna tell Ferra. He was gonna tell Ferra! After walking down the streets, he stopped at an apartment. Looking behind him to see if Ferra was following, he got out the key to the house and unlocked it. Okay. Deep breath. 


  Phineas looked over at Nikolas as he walked out of the guild hall all jubilant and happy, nodding. "I agree. Nik isn't normally like this. He's a bit more crazy; I think he's in love," he added, rather on the blunt side of things. "Well. Nothing I can do about it." 

  Phineas was confused when Shiro grabbed his hand. Was this normal? In his family, people were like this all the time, so he assumed it was just a family thing. He stared at Shiro for a second. Does not compute, Error. People outside of family holding hand not found, his mind told him in a sarcastic tone. Which didn't help. He did, however, nod and start playing Silent Night, a calm expression on his face as he tried to find out what the hell was going on. 
   Nikolas's furry face brightened significantly; he grinned at Ferra before changing to his normal self, walking over to the door, and opening it. He was grinning like an idiot now, his mind going back to when Ferra hugged him. Now he understood why his dad went crazy around his mom! They just....just....yes! 

  Still beaming, Nikolas walked outside, his face still a little red. He was incredibly jubilant and eager for this entire thing. He was gonna tell Ferra. He was gonna tell Ferra! After walking down the streets, he stopped at an apartment. Looking behind him to see if Ferra was following, he got out the key to the house and unlocked it. Okay. Deep breath. 


  Phineas looked over at Nikolas as he walked out of the guild hall all jubilant and happy, nodding. "I agree. Nik isn't normally like this. He's a bit more crazy; I think he's in love," he added, rather on the blunt side of things. "Well. Nothing I can do about it." 

  Phineas was confused when Shiro grabbed his hand. Was this normal? In his family, people were like this all the time, so he assumed it was just a family thing. He stared at Shiro for a second. Does not compute, Error. People outside of family holding hand not found, his mind told him in a sarcastic tone. Which didn't help. He did, however, nod and start playing Silent Night, a calm expression on his face as he tried to find out what the hell was going on. 

Ferra giggled lightly when Nikolas reddened further, still laughing silently to herself when he turned back and was still blushing. Of course she followed him out of the guild hall and down the street to his apartment. In all honesty she was a little nervous. What if it was what she thought it was? Of course...she'd likely accept and all, but, still. She briefly wondered if it'd go the same way as Talon; the guy dissappearing to who the hell knows where immediately after they started dating, but she knew that was fairly impossible since they were in the same guild. Nevertheless she smiled to herself the entire time they walked, smiling to Nikolas when he looked back.

"Ooh, nice apartment." She said. "From the outside anyways." She added before shrugging. "I really should get my own place I guess, just used to living at the hall.." She said, mostly thinking out-loud.

Chris Lengheart(Emergency hot cocoa!)

Chris basically chilled out at his little booth while Kelica hung out in the kitchen. Well, that was until Adrian came in with a bag filled with goodies and the holly jolly spirit. Chris couldn't help but chuckle slightly as he watched the poor guy struggle with the bag. Chris stood up and walked over to the bag with a smile on his face, how nice of Adrian to get everyone gifts. Chris honestly wished he could do the same, but they'd most likely end up being small or flat out useless...maybe next year. For now, Chris went through the bag and carefully removed his gift from it. It looked average sized, very neatly wrapped, and kinda wide.

Chris wasted no time tearing off the wrapping paper to reveal a large book. His eyes widened as he flip it over to the cover page. The book was entitled "Monster Compendium, everything you'd ever need to know about monsters and beasts." with a few small claw marks around the edges of the book. It was perfect! Just what Chris needed. He left the book on his booth and watched as Kelica made a giant Christmas tree right in the middle of the guildhall. She really was becoming a stronger mage. But then, the girl hit the ground. Chris didn't worry too much since Ryu was there, but still went over to make sure she was fine.

Once Chris walked over to the two, Ryu had already picked up Kelica and was carrying her off somewhere. Probably to a room where she could rest for a while. That was when Lavender came out with a cart of eggnog, telling everyone to come and get a glass. As Chris turned around to do so, he watched her run out and grab some lady before pulling her back in and asking someone to grab a cup of hot cocoa, the milky one. Since Chris was as close as he was, he quickly grabbed what she asked for and ran over to the fire place, trying his best not to spill any. He quickly got down to his knees and held the drink out for Lavender. Who was this girl anyways? "Is she hurt?" Asked Chris as he looked to Lavender once more. How did that girl get there? What happened?

@Britt-21 @Genon @Zuka @Rhodus @EVERYONEELSE
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Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

She held her gaze down on the young blonde as she visibly got more and more riled up. She fully expected the young woman to leap up and attack her as was so often the case. When Rosa leapt up to the rafters she instinctively reached for one of her talismans. Much to her surprise it was not her that had truly invoked Rosa's ire, it was her companion. The electrifying blonde quickly lunged at Kazuo, officially kicking off their little scuffle. Fortunately for her Kazuo was quick to evade and draw the battle down from the rafters and to ground level, expertly avoiding the rather dangerous attacks Rosa was throwing at him. She maneuvered herself around the rafters to get a better look at the combatants using her spare hand to take a puff of her pipe as she watched. However soon into their fight Kazuo did something she did not expect. Her own eyes widened as the man used Rosa's momentum against her and stole a quick kiss. "Oh my~" As amusing as it was to see yet another adorable reaction from their dear Rosa it rapidly became apparent that Kazuo had crossed the line as thunder boomed outside the guild hall and arcs of electricity began flowing across Rosa's form.


Seeing the disaster on the horizon she released her coil around the rafters and fell gracefully to the floor below with a rather loud thud. She held her hand up before her face, the talisman held between her index and middle finger as she did. "There's that temper." A mystical blue flame appeared at the bottom of the talisman and quickly raced up it's length, vaporizing the small piece of paper as she extended both arms to her sides. Dozens of talismans appeared around her creating rings as they raced through the air to encircle her. Seeing Rosa's entire body consumed by the electrical glow as arcs of lightning danced about her skin she knew what was coming. She raised her hand high into the air causing the lines of talismans to began spiraling upwards around her arm. With only the briefest of pauses to allow the talismans to get into place she quickly brought her arm down, leveled directly at Rosa. "Celestial Art: Sealing!" The spiraling lines of talismans shot forth towards the woman and separated into several chains as each talisman connected end to end. The paper chains quickly wrapped around the lightning mage to bind her in place with four of the chains lancing into the floor to act as anchors. Once in place all the talismans began to glow with the same yellow tint as Rosa, stripping away her control over the electricity while seemingly absorbing the magical energy directly.

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse

  Reveal hidden contents

One moment Dorian was happily asleep on something very comfortable, and the next he was rudely awakened by an intense light and some subsequent shouting. Now, if that wasn't enough, he was no longer resting on the comfortable thing, but rather upon the bench itself. Because of all of this, Dorian found himself to be rather annoyed... no, quite cross... no... alright, he was really fucking pissed. This wasn't to say that he couldn't have slept on the bench, because he could have, rather, it was the fact that he had been so rudely awakened, twice in a row no less, that set him off. Slowly sitting up Dorian became even angrier as he saw that they had woken him up for some stupid fight or the like. Couldn't they just sit down, shut up, and let him sleep? Was it that hard? However, as if that wasn't enough, Dorian watched as Kazuo leaned in to kiss Rosa, his anger reaching critical mass. It wasn't that he was jealous or anything, he wasn't in a good enough relationship with Rosa to feel said emotion, but rather that they had woken him up from a very comfortable nap not only to fight, but to fucking flirt.

Dorian began to radiate an aura of cold fury, enough to send shivers down the spines of those around him as he stood up. Then, he reached down to place his hand on the floor, moving in a seemingly calm manner. This façade soon crumbled as he, without warning, transmuted the ground, causing numerous stone spikes to sprout up around the two combatants, the tips stopping mere centimeters from their bodies and throats. He then smiled at them, a smile that never reached his eyes, rather, his eyes were hard and sharp like those of a predator. "Is it too much to ask for you two to be quiet?" he asked, the murderous undercurrent to his innocent sounding tone making his words all the more menacing. To anyone who knew the lazy archer's normal mannerisms this would have been an abrupt change as the man, rather than seeming like the sleepy good-for-nothing he usually was, now exuded the deadly air of a hunter looking at his prey, the air of a man to be trifled with.

@Arius LaVari @Jackaboi@Halffix

Celestia Corona: Blue Pegasus Hall


Celestia had been cheerfully sipping her drink about to speak to the dwarf and ask him if he could get her a refill when she saw Rosaline leap into the rafters, she was fast enough, maybe not agile but she made it up without issue and Celestia watched the chaos of the fight ensue, Kazuo was a quick man and had been expertly dodging the rage filled blonde's fists left and right. Her eyes were trained on the two, watching how they moved and trying to print the movements to her photographic memory, but her studying immediately stopped when she saw Kazuo use Rosaline's momentum against her and pull her in giving her a quick kiss. Celestia's smile faded from her face quickly, she had a really specific set of standards and that crossed every single one, she was normally never serious not even in a fight. She watched Dorian rise from his resting on the bench, his sleep having been disturbed twice from what she had seen and he was enraged, she didn't get a chill down her spine as she should have and vaguely saw the chains that had seemed to wrap around Rosa, she hadn't talked to her much but really Celestia liked people and wanted to make friends with the lightning mage so still frowning she raised her voice, eyes focused on Kazuo as she spoke to him, making sure he had noticed she was staring, "All right pal...I don't care if you like her or not, there are lines that shouldn't be crossed and guess what?" She snapped with a glare emanating from her green and yellow orbs, a deep anger burning in her eyes. "You just crossed one. If you actually like someone then you shouldn't just kiss them, no there are steps to be followed and that was the least gentlemanly thing I've witnessed, isn't Blue Pegasus about chivalry and treating others with respect? Well I think that's one of the most disrespectful things I've ever seen." Maybe it was just her standards that had ticked her off about his actions but she had studied all the guilds before joining one, Blue Pegasus wasn't just the place she had visited before, no it was probably the calmest and most respectful of them and she thought it would suit her, her opinion was quickly changing, at least concerning Kazuo.

@Britt-21 @Zuka @Colt556

Blue Pegasus Guild Hall

Kirin, Allegro, Melody,  Sonata, Ariana, Vivace, TallisOctavian

The doors kicked open once more as the now horned Kirin walked in. She said, "Stay close now, alright?" Marching in behind her was her gang of children. Octavian sighed as he called out in a rather deep voice , "I'm smelling ozone, which foretells lightning. Assuming by the charge..." He watched as Melody's hair began to float up. She looked around to her brown locks now entwined around her. She giggled while Allegro tried to get the hair out of his face. Tallis twisted his arms, looking around. He tried to not look impressed, but it was easy to see past his shy demeanor. Sonata folded up her wings and walked a bit more cautiously to not hit someone on the head with her horns. Then, Kirin understood the situation...

Kirin exploded with her magic, starring at her foes of Rosaline, Kazuo Takara @Britt-21,Xira, Dorian @Mykinkaiser, and Celestia. A thick drum beat began to play, foretelling her wrath. She had patience for her friends, but when they were going to hurt or abuse each other she lost her temper like that. She shrunk back down to her Dues Ex Machina suit, tapping her large white hat. A golden magic circle coated the room before shrinking down to bubbles of them surrounding her targets. The circles spun and sparkled until they pounded out music, becoming a dense bubble of music. She spoke with pure rage and disgust at them, "I leave you fools alone for five minutes so that I can take care of my children, and we already have a brawl going on?! This is Blue Pegasus, where everything we do must represent our glorious valor! Our shining age of youth! Our glamor personified! This is a selfish dirty oil stain on our glorious reputation, and I for one lack the ability to have patience with those who show no respect to a guild such as our own!" The tiny woman then put her now glowing blood red eyes towards Rosaline. She snarled out towards her, "Go on, you can explode in there and not hurt anyone else. Or if your time out is done and your off your ozone high, pray tell me what happened so we can handle this situation like adults instead of children..." All of her children were in a gitty silence. It was a rare treat for them to see Kirin in her old form before she had her kids.


Allegro, Melody,  Sonata, Ariana, Vivace, TallisOctavian


Allegro - M

Age - 9 Months


Melody - F

Age - 9 Months



Sonata - F

Age - 9 Months


Ariana - F

Age - 1 Year



Vivace - F

Age - 1 Year


Tallis - M

- Age 1 Year



Octavian - M

Age - 2 Years









Kazuo Takara

Blue Pegasus Guild hall



Well her reaction was really unexpected. She had just stood there but calling her name had snapped her out of the trance she was put into. Rosa began to charge up and it didnt seem like she was going to hold back on her lightning. Now he could say she was actually going to kill him. Though with the light blush on his cheeks - barely visable on the right cheek- it was hard to deny the fact that he liked the kiss. Liked her lips... Liked her... it didnt take long for Xira ( @Colt556 )to jump down and use her talismans to trap Rosa in her own little bubble. Unlike her, he didnt use magic -like his titan soul- against her. He only merely used words and dodging.


Not only did Xira get involved but so did an angry Dorian ( @Mykinkaiser ) who sent spikes towards himself and Rosa. Though the spike did some dangerously close to his throat which made him sweatdrop "Sorry Dorian. I wont make any excuses but I did make some noise." he glanced at Rosa  who was also within spikes before the doors of the guild hall were kicked open to reveal Kirin who also had used her magic to put him in a bubble with music as well as everyone who got involved. A sigh escaped the golden-eyed man's lips as he carefully kept his head still to keep him from stabbing himself. "Celestia, please do not add more to what is already happening..." he said softly as he closed his eye @Arius LaVari


Why did so many people have to get involved with this? Not only Xira, but Dorian,Kirin and  Celestia too. Just listening to Kirin made him open up his eye and speak up "You should not be scolding Rosa so much, Kirin." he said "I'm the one who erked her on. Pushed buttons which shouldnt have been pressed. During this we had awoken Dorian as well." he was going to take the blame since it was mostly his fault. But he wasnt one to be a coward and he was one to accept any punishment given to him. From the looks of it, Kazuo had nothing else to add seeing as he went back into his quiet state rather than pushing Rosa's buttons. Lifting his hand, her coughed slightly into the back of it and looked off to the side, trying to rid the light redness of his cheeks.


Lucky for him, it began to fade.

Yamato Ren: I guess I could use some help in the kitchen.


Rosa obviously wasn't happy with the events happening around her. Dorian sleeping on her lap, Kazuo and Xira toying with her from above. Lately this has become a norm in the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall. Though Celestia grabbed his intention when she offered to help in the kitchen. "You want to help? Well... I guess cooking for a guild is a pretty daunting task. Especially at this time of year when feasts are being served rather than meals. It certainly wouldn't hurt to have some assistance. Right now all the food is in the oven so once it's ready I know there's something you could help with." Suddenly Rosa took off and charged at Kazuo. Did Yamato miss something? Clearly Kaz did something to really tick Rosa off. Yama was about to intervene before Kazuo made a pretty bold move. He simply took Rosa's hand and gave her a quick kiss. It wasn't long before he decided to run off again. Yamato witnessed this event and was not too pleased about it either.

A man does not simply steal a kiss from a woman like that. Yamato keeps to the highest standards of Blue Pegasus and expects his guild mates to do the same. Celestia too didn't seem very happy with the man's actions either. It also looks like they woke up Dorian too. Which of course is an impressive feat to accomplish. Not that many live to tell the tale anyway. Yama was glad to see Kirin come in and quickly deal with the situation at hand. "Ah welcome back Kirin! I do hope that that your children are faring well?" He realised that was a pointless question when he saw Kirin's children following her from behind. Rosa will have to calm down soon though Xira mind have her held for now but there's always a risk that one day this whole building could blow up. He looked at Kazuo with the look of disappointment on his face. "I'm glad you admit to your mistakes but I do hope I won't have to witness my guild mate doing something like that again will I?"

@Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Mykinkaiser @Britt-21 @Zuka @Colt556 @Halffix


Blue Pegasus Guild Hall


Rosaline felt the electricity charging within her body to the point it was spilling out like a Battery over-charged. She was furious and rightly so. There were a few reasons, and Kazuo stealing a kiss was only half of it. The fact he was still dodging and side stepping her rage induced hits were making her livid, he didn't even have his sword with him while she did. She lifted a hand up to grasp at the hilt of her sword strapped to her back, fingers tightening around the metal as she started to slide it from it's holster. She was so focused on attacking him with the full brunt of her magic that her whole frame tensed. But then everything happened so suddenly. She glanced down as she felt paper coating her arms and body to anchor her down, stripping her of her excess electricity to the point at least she wasn't sparking anymore.


And if that wasn't surprise the girl visibly straightened as her head lifted up, a huge breath inwards as stone spikes appeared out of no where to surround her. Most noticeably pointed directly at her neck and face, the rest of her body didn't concern her too much. Just who had created that? She heard a voice moment later as her vision swung to the right, towards that voice. Dorian was up! Or sort of up, he was awake at least but he was crouched with a hand against the ground. Was he...the one controlling the spikes? She had a strange look cover her face, it was like terror but intrigue all in one. She had no idea he was capable of that magic, if it was indeed him that was the one that summoned the spikes. Her suspicions were confirmed when Kazuo apologized to Dorian about waking him, which meant he really was able to turn the very ground into stone spikes. Her eyes meet with Kazuo as she realized that perhaps she HAD been a bit loud and a bit to forward when she had thrown a punch straight at him. She could have asked him to fight outside in hindsight, but rage is rage after all and no one expects to think coherently when their temper flares.


She was surrounded by a bubble which was somewhat of a mote point really, Rosaline had been stripped of her excess energy from Xira, she had spikes angled at her vitals so she couldn't move, Cele was yelling at them both and now Kirin had sealed her into a magical bubble? Rosaline was tense but she couldn't move, not really. Not without getting skewered. As she was stuck with no where to go it was dawning on her just what had transpired, her heart rate slowing down as her eyes started burn, almost growing glossy though her teeth gritted while she stared at Kazuo, before drifting more towards Dorian. "ENOUGH!" She bellowed as she kept her chin held high, eyelashes snapping closed as water pooled more in the corners of her eyes. Her whole body glowed like she were a miniature sun, and in one thunder clap she had transformed her body using her remaining Magical energy into that of a single lighting bolt. The lightning not being a physical form slipped past both spikes and magical music bubble alike before clapping somewhere more towards the entrance of the Guild Hall. She melded straight back into her human form facing away from them all, turning her head slightly so her stern voice would carry though she kept looking forward. "I'm sorry for ruining your Christmas party.... I'm going to go train." And with that the girl left the building without another word.


Though she did reach up a hand and found her cheek wet. She frowned harder as she strolled down the street to somewhere quieter she could distract herself from the whole debacle.






Kim Nodded her head"Yup, Man we have so many gifts this year." She went to the front of the flat and carefully put on a loose fitting coat. Fashion was fun, but frostbite was not. About a dozen different colored gifts floated with her cakes, Eias had a few aswell. "Off we go!" Kim opened the door and pulled Eias with her, Kim let a few loud giggles out. The walk wasn't very eventful, they just talked about random stuff. They finally arrived at the large wooden doors of the guild hall, oddly the door was slightly agape. A strong smell of pine filled the air around the guild, how odd. the guild had that smell during Christmas. Kim pushed the door open to show a large two-story pine tree smack dab in the middle of the room "Alright who let a giant tree grow in the guild? Anyways. We have gifts for all of you guys, and some cakes too." Kim walked to a table near the pine tree. "Sorry we're so late, I took so long to get ready."  She took off her coat and set it down on a chair, she patted down the dark fabric of the dress. "Are we opening gifts already?"

 @Bolts @Zuka @Isune @Britt-21 @Salt Lord @any one else that iforgot 

Xira Lin - Blue Pegasus Guild Hall: Hosenka

After she successfully bound the electrified Rosa she was about to address the issue when a series of stone spikes emerged from the ground around the two combatants, cutting off even the slightest movement lest they impale themselves. As if that weren't enough Kirin decided now to be a grand time to return and further encased Rosa. Even the new girl was threatening to throw her hat into the ring, although her anger was directed at Kazuo rather than Rosa. An audible sigh escaped her lips at the intervention. This had escalated far beyond any reasonable proportion as several individuals allowed their anger to get the better of them. Sure enough Rosa channeled the remainder of her magic to make her get-away, the girl's eyes moist as she made her hasty departure. The dozens of talismans that had once held the blonde in place fell harmlessly to the ground before quickly vaporizing in a mystical blue fire. She directed her gaze towards Dorian and then towards Kirin. "This is why you let me handle Rosa. All of you jumping in and ganging up on her did nothing but hurt the situation." She cast an even colder glare towards Kirin as she spoke. The girl may be S-rank but her age still shone vibrantly, as it did with Dorian. "You two need to control your emotions just as our dear Rosa must." With that she turned to look at the new girl, that same disapproving glare still firmly within her piercing red eyes. "And you as well. This guild has little need for overly emotional individuals who would escalate such a benign situation into something such as this."


Her features softened as she let out a deep breath. When did Blue Pegasus gain so many problem children? She had half a mind to go after Rosa, for all her jabs at the girl this situation had certainly gone beyond what she was comfortable with. Alas their feud ensured any attempt she made would end in failure. She turned her attention back towards Kazuo, flashing him a look of sympathy for how things had transpired. "Kazuo, you should likely apologize to Rosa once she calms down." It was clear that anger wasn't the only emotion churning within their dear Rosa and while she knew it was probably best to give the girl some space she couldn't help but worry. As such she looked back to one of the few who had not involved themselves. "Yamato, Acus, perhaps one of you should go talk with her?" In situations such as these it never helped to have those involved go immediately chasing after the person. Emotions ran rampant and the last thing they needed was to see it flare back up.

@Zuka @Halffix @Britt-21 @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @hudhouse @Mykinkaiser
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