Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Eric: Huh? Right through?

Yukimi wasn't even moving? Eric knew he was fast even with his cheetah form he'd be no where near fast enough to get past human reaction times. He pressed forward anyway and went for the hit. It hit it's mark but... yet it didn't... What? The punch went right through her like it was some sort of illusion. During the confusion the real Yukimi went ahead to slash at Eric with an uppercut with her sword. She even jumped for added strength so he couldn't block it. Well normal mages wouldn't anyway, Eric's dragon claws we're not only great weapons but great shields too thanks to the scales. Before the sword touched his chest Eric used his scales to stop the sword on it's tracks. Unfortunately there was still a little pain. Sure he had dragon scales but their nothing compared to a real dragon. Regardless though it did heavily increase his defence. While keeping the sword in place Eric looked Yukimi straight in the eyes and smirked a little. "Sorry but you're gonna have to try better than that." Eric jumped up and kicked Yukimi away using the momentum to gain some distance himself. Upon landing he gave himself the legs of a cheetah to bolster his mobility in the battlefield by about three times more and charged forward again to deal multiple swift and strong kicks.

@Nenma Takashi @Colt556 @Drakerus

Kenya Yukimi:Sabertooth Guild

Kenya wasn't too surprised he stopped her attack he seemed to be able to change him body to animal versions. His ability to change his body impressed her she thought about all the different animals who could use and it seemed dragon was his most defensive which made sense. As he kicked her away she saw he had changed his legs to that of a cheetah. He came rushing at her his speed greatly increased Kenya couldn't help but smile. She was having tons of fun he was strong lose or win this was fun. "Fine then I will, just don't go dying on me!" She used her Blazing Winds attack,the blade of her sword ignited with flames her body gained a green glow as wind began to whip around her. She slashed rapidly now able to keep up with his speed she figured she'd win this clash since her sword was on fire and all. But she didn't know if he had some way to counter this or not which made it all the more exciting. 

Before the time skip

All the commotion help shield Ayano coming up and speaking with Kim. The  magic council has not arrived yet, so they a bit of time left to get her out of there. Kim looked down to the small child like vampire, what looked like concern and fear laced their face."Mother get out here already." She jeered. " Oh you never let me have my fun!" There standing next to Kim is a tall female with long flowing violet hair, and a set of green glowing eyes. "Hello dear, I'm Mother. I see that you and Kim had a little of a tussle. No matter. She asked me if I can keep you in hiding while the council look for you and the other members." Mother made a soft cooing face at Ayano, finding their height funny. "Off we go then!" With a simple wave of her hand the small group was whisked away to their respective locations.

@Bolts @Jackaboi @Britt-21


Lavender Gray


The warrior looked on her shoulder as a bird had landed on her shoulder and it seemed to be cute "To what do I have this honor?" she asked as she lifted her hand and took her finger, scratching the bird's chin. Though, her attention was brought to a silver haired male who was apologizing for his bird and that he had been looking for food for his flock. His flock?  Does he raise birds? she thought to herself before speaking "It's quite alright. I will ask, what kind of food you're looking for? Seeds, Corn?" this man seemed to be turning a little pink just by talking her. Lavender tilted her head a bit as she placed her hands on her hips I've never seen his face before... I'm sure he's new to magnolia... Is he part of a guild?  she doubted it. He didnt look much like a fighter. Then again, there were wizards who didnt even look like they had a magic or didnt look like they fought at all!


Feeling someone bump into her from behind, she looked over her shoulder and turned to see a woman who's chest was wrapped in bandages -Which did no justice seeing as her breasts were pretty much popping out of the damn thing- and her waist held something similar to a Gi, though the warrior could not tell at the moment. "Dont worry." she warrior said as she spoke "You werent paying attention now were you?" a smile spreaded upon her lips with a gentle laugh before looking at the silver haired boy to see if he would respond. Two new faces that she had never seen before. Lavender didnt mind meeting new people, that meant more allies and friends.




Ashley Hart


After the kidnapping, so many things happened at once. When she found out what was actually going on, it was a much bigger problem. There was a guild master trying to fight off wizards while others were injured or fighting others. Everything was thrown up into the air. It's been a week since then and Ashley brought in Aiden to care for him. With the best of her ability, she tried to care for him and get healing mages to get rid of a scar that wont disappear. Now it would be something he'd have to live with and probably be reminded every time he would look at it of when he had been chained and tortured...


The Ice Make mage was currently sitting on a red and white checkered blanket with Aiden, various foods placed around the blanket. From lunch items, to fruits to desserts. As she picked a grape, her eyes moved over to Aiden who thanked her for taking care of him. A small smile appeared on her lips "You're welcome." she said "It was the least I could do. You went through a lot on that one day. I wanted to repay you somehow." though, her taking care of him might have brought them a little closer "What matters now, is that you're fully healed and back outside where you're having a picnic. I dont think anything could get better than this, right?" she then popped the grape into her mouth and looked up to the sky, closing her eyes and feeling the warm sun hit her skin "Just looking up to the sky and feeling the sun hit your skin... It feels so nice. Better than that dark dungeon."


Small crumbs caked the corners of Aidens mouth, a small smile formed on his sharp features. "You've been so kind to me." He mumbled out, his gaze fell on to her lips. A thought that had come up lately reasserted it's self into his mind, what would her lips feel like. The thought lingered over him like a cloud till Ashley pulled him from his thoughts. "It is better, isn't it. The sky's so pretty up there, so many fluffy clouds too." The somber tone that Aiden had for the past few days seemed to lift, his green eyes glisten like gems. "I'm glad that I came up here. I guess I never told you where I came from. I could tell you if you want, it's up to you." He chimed. Aiden set down the sandwich on a spare plate, he put his hands on his lap ready to reveal as much as she asked of him.  


Miyamoto Ryu (Artist's Brush; Shadow; Molten).png

Magnolia (Amaranth; Stone).png

As the pain in his forehead subsided, Ryu noticed that Kelica had put her hands on either side of his head. He could tell that she was worried about him, and he felt bad about that. He disliked when people worried about him too much, as he felt like a burden when they did. However, he could also tell that she was examining him at the same time, checking for any sign of physical or mental damage. "Miss Kelica," He said, opening his eyes to look at her. "I would much prefer if you could refrain from that for the time being. I am quite alright." He didn't resist as she sat him back down on the grass. He listened to her quietly as she explained the reasons for her concern, waiting for her to finish before responding. "I was afraid you might say something like that," He said with a sigh, his expression turning solemn. "I'm sorry to say, this isn't the first time someone has told me I acted in such a way." He sighed again, taking a moment before speaking again. "I really wish I could tell you that this was an isolated incident, that it was a one time thing, but it's not. Unfortunately this kind of thing has happened before, and although I don't remember what happens, every once in a while I do remember it. In every visceral, bloody detail." He paused allowing some time for his words to sink in. "When I encounter a malicious immortal, I lose it; I go berserk. It's been this way for a while now, and I hate to say it, but I've slowly gotten used to it; slowly accepted it." Another pause. Inside, he was horribly conflicted. Should he tell Kelica the reason behind his episodes? Could he trust her to keep it a secret? This was a girl he'd only recently got to know as more than an acquaintance, and he still knew next to nothing about her. He took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, then exhaled. "I'm sorry that you had to witness such a horrific scene miss Kelica. After going through something like that, You deserve an explanation." This was it. He was going to tell her the reason behind his outbursts, the reason why he nearly immolated a siren in cold blood. "When I was younger, I was very close to my younger sister. She looked up to me, and so I wanted to be the best role model I could be. I wanted to protect her from everything. But I couldn't. I was eight years old, and on a visit to see my sister for the first time in almost a year, as I had been busy with my training. During the night something broke into the house. It wasn't human, possessing strength far greater than any I'd ever seen. I tried to stop it, but it easily beat me, smashing me into a wall and knocking me out cold. When I came to, I was in a hospital bed. It was explained to me that my neighbors had heard the commotion, and come to make sure everything was alright. When they arrived, they found me unconscious on the floor, and my sister lying across the room. The doctors told me that my sister's injuries had caused her to become paralysed from the waist down. I only learned later, that it was really because that thing had tried to make her the same as him." His brow furrowed and his fist clenched as he recalled the story, reliving every last detail as he recanted it. "And so, I vowed to find the vile being that confined my sister to that damn chair, and to kill any of his ilk that I could find,"


Chris Lengheart(Pre-time skip)

Chris remained up in his tree until Lavender started to ask him what he had done to deserve getting punched over. To be fair, he just wanted to remain silent but then Emmerich decided to pick up the tree that Chris was currently in and tried to toss it with him still in it. Luckily, Chris dropped out before the tree hit the ground and looked at Emmerich as he made a surprisingly valid point. What would happen if Chris had nowhere left to run? What if he was cornered with no choice of escape? What would he do then?  "I-I...hit Kelica." He responded at last with a sharp exhale. "I handled that situation in the worst possible way. I could have easily disarmed her, there's so much more I could of done but instead I just slapped her. I'm willing to own up to that mistake, I understand it was wrong. I let my emotions get the better of me, I was just filled with an unbridled rage that I didn't even think twice about lashing out like that."

And since Chris had already went this far, he thought he may as well finish strong. He turned his gaze over to Emmerich and with a surprisingly stern look on his face, added a little something to Lavender's previous statement about allies not supposed to be fighting. "I know you're upset," Chris said as he took a deep breath before continuing "But lashing out here in the present won't affect the past. What I did is a permanent part of the past, and there isn't anything any of us can do to possibly fix it, as much as most of us really want to. If you still believe that harming me would serve as retribution, then go on ahead. Now however, is not the time for such a thing." As he finished, Chris looked over at the arm he had used to block Emmerich's previous strike and could already see a bruise starting to form. 

Whatever happened next, happened. And Chris was ready to accept whatever hand he was dealt with open arms.


*Initiate time skip!*

Chris Lengheart(Post-time skip)

After the whole Grimoire heart situation was done and over with, after all the interviewing, and after all the headaches, Chris was able to get a normal schedule going. Whenever he could, Chris would visit Kelica and do minor things like put a hand on her forehead and brush away all the stray hairs. It was hard to tell whether or not Kelica was even aware of his presence, but Chris wanted to make sure she'd be alright. He'd normally have to leave early because of this reason or that, usually ending up relating to the recent Grimoire heart events.

Today, as Chris went to go and check on Kelica he found out that she had up and left to go and was talking to some flowers. Yep, that was Kelica alright. When Chris asked if anyone had known where she had run off to or if she had said where she was going at all, but the staff members would only shake their heads due to the fact that they had no clue. At least Kelica was feeling much better, that alone managed to work a smile onto Chris' face. He knew he'd probably run into her later, so no need to worry. For now, Chris just walked down the street with both his hands in his pockets. Who know's maybe he'll run into someone during his little walk.

@Zuka ((mentioned)) @Rhodus ((Mentioned)) @Anyonewhowantstointeract
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Millie lunged forward when the plate was suddenly launched off his knee in an attempt to save her precious homemade meal, accidentally giving Valken a face full of boob. She didn't actually realize this, her priorities being the potential mess, but it was obvious that Valken wouldn't mind at all.  Fortunately there was no big mess and the shadow Mage had actually managed to save the plate. Great saves of relief rushed over the blonde girl, taking shelter in the fact that her hard work wasn't ruined. "Valken you need to be more careful. You almost spilled the breakfast I made for you!" She scolded, making damn sure that he got the message that she made it. As she began to lift her head Valken suddenly brought it back down, sealing their lips in a kiss. Her eyes closed and her shoulders relaxed as their kiss continued. Despite the two kissing countless times, each one felt different and special. It was as if he had a secret kissing magic. When the two broke their kiss Millie noticed that her lover was quick to jump on the touching train, his hand hopping to her thigh and slowly traveling up it. A blush grew on her face as she thought that it'd travel up to her sacred spots, but was a bit surprised when it went into her pocket. She then expected a grope or something, but no, instead he took out the utensils that she forgot to give him. How else would he eat her meal. As Valken ate Millie stood and watched, smiling down at him with her signature warm face. He looked like he was happy, and he spoke highly of her meal, which really boosted her confidence. If it was so good she'd do this everyday for him! Anything to keep her Valken-Poo happy. The idea of going home also sounded pleasant. It was nice to get out and travel, but she really missed sleeping in her own bed. "I want to go back home too, but is it a good idea? I still don't know if you're in good enough of a condition to get up and move around, let alone ride a train. I'd hate for you to hurt yourself again" Truth be told, Valken was pretty much in tip top shape. All of his major and most of the minor injuries he had were completely gone thanks to her healing and rest, yet the beautiful blonde was still worried about him. She really didn't want him to endure anymore pain than he had already. Out of the blue however crawled Mikado from out under the bed. Millie gasped in surprised and jumped away from Valken, clutching at her chest tightly. She had no idea that the younger girl had been sleeping under their bed, and she had no idea how long she had been there or when she got in. Millie had been by Valken's side almost 24/7 the past few days, and she would've known if Mikado had entered. Her blue eyes trailed the messy girl as she plopped down beside Valken, cringing internally. She didn't like another woman getting in the same bed as her hubby, especially when he was "hurt"! "I don't know if we are all better yet. I'm still worried about Valken, but I'm sure that we will be able to leave soon. How about you, when do you plan to leave? Are you waiting for us or will you just take Grace and leave?" She asked, taking his pale hand and marked her territory. 

While le all of this was going on Mizuki was awkwardly skulking around outside their hotel room. Wizard Saint Maya had told the dark Mage to meet her here to discuss something, but she didn't quite understand why it was here. She wasn't associated with the people inside the room at all, not even knowing their names. Did they have to be present for whatever this was about? All she hoped was that this whole meeting was something worth her time, and that Alicia wouldn't be too bored. If anything made her more upset than killing it was a sad Alicia. That pure soul deserved nothing bad, and Mizuki would make sure that'd happen. But for now all she could do was wait for Maya to arrive. 

@Colt556 @Zuka @LeSoraAmari

Magnolia Hotel


Valken had Millie's boobs in his face. He couldn't believe it. I mean, it wasn't the first time, nor the last time but there he was, with a face full of her boobs. Right there. He probably could have died right there and he moved his head side to side in a motion like he were struggling to breath, but in fact the man could hold his breath for quite a while considering his magic so... he wasn't even close to dying. He was just enjoying the soft pillows in around his face.... And then she moved away. Drats. Oh well there was always later... or now depending how he felt. Well after he had finished his breakfast. He was halfway through his 4th pancake when he heard a noise at the foot of his bed and his whole frame stilled and tensed. A sound, followed a moment later by a movement of some hair. And then low and behold a girl stretching her arms wide. Not just any girl, Mikado of all girls. His purple eyes looked like saucers and he must have looked like a right intelligent fellow with food still half dangling from his mouth and maple syrup dripping from his chin as she clambered onto the bed and plonked herself right there beside him. And stole a sausage no less.

How did she even GET IN? Like, he slept all night with Millie, he felt her shift out of the bed to make breakfast...and neither noticed her at the end of their bed? Him, the Master of knowing and seeing all, being the sneakiest son of a B around and world renowned (in his head) Ninja Assassin and yet she managed to sneak in, somehow, and sleep right there in the same room? For how long? After momentarily kicking himself in his mind about how much he must have slipped in his powers and vowing to do more training the second they returned to Margaret Town and Lamia Scale, he promptly lunged out to bite right onto the other half of her sausage. Growling right into her face like some sort of angry dog, he then chomped down and snatched it back with a few meaningful chews. Then he slowly slipped his eyes closed as his fingers grasped the edge of the blanket and threw it over her head, before in a flash he had somehow wrapped her up within the Blanket's confines and promptly shoved the girl off the side of the bed to land with a muffled thud against the ground.

Damn Ninja girls... First it was Ferra breaking into his Magazine collection now Mikado hitching a ride in his bedroom? What would Grace do next then? Follow him down some side alley to shoot paint balls at the back of his head? Despite the oddity of the situation he couldn't help but chuckle and then laugh. Though his laughter abruptly halted as he recounted exactly what she had said.... newlyweds? His face instantly paled and his whole body tensed up again as he gaped wide mouthed. Is that really what they looked like? He turned very slowly to peer to Millie with a still shocked look on his face but she didn't even seem to flinch at the comment. If anything she leaned down and put her hand into his own to which his gaze naturally lowered to look to her fingers. So... she didn't mind being called newlyweds? What did that mean exactly? They were just dating weren't they? He couldn't imagine his life without the girl, not since he was 16 years old... was she somehow expecting him to propose now? His brain by this point was starting to swirl and cave in on itself. They'd only been dating for a week!... well 2 or 3 weeks depending if you counted Ferra's prank...

His inner turmoil halted then as Millie mentioned that she was still worried about him and he broke the thoughts as he face turned into a cheeky grin. "Millie, Babe, I'm fine really. Look!" Here the guy slide his feet out from under the sheets and stood tall with his hands on his hips. The guy was shirtless, with something close to baggy pants that hung loosely on his hips. He even did a pose or two, half bending and flexing his arms and back as he did, before turning away from her and flexing those shoulders and biceps even more. "See? Good as gold!" After he'd teased her enough, he stood up straight again and rolled a shoulder to actually loosen his joints a fraction. Here he glanced around the room, his hair snapping slightly around his face. "Actually, anyone seen Frosty around recently? I didn't see him yesterday or the day before..." His eyes narrowing down a fraction in thought. 

@Mykinkaiser @Maki @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari

As the pain in his forehead subsided, Ryu noticed that Kelica had put her hands on either side of his head. He could tell that she was worried about him, and he felt bad about that. He disliked when people worried about him too much, as he felt like a burden when they did. However, he could also tell that she was examining him at the same time, checking for any sign of physical or mental damage. "Miss Kelica," He said, opening his eyes to look at her. "I would much prefer if you could refrain from that for the time being. I am quite alright." He didn't resist as she sat him back down on the grass. He listened to her quietly as she explained the reasons for her concern, waiting for her to finish before responding. "I was afraid you might say something like that," He said with a sigh, his expression turning solemn. "I'm sorry to say, this isn't the first time someone has told me I acted in such a way." He sighed again, taking a moment before speaking again. "I really wish I could tell you that this was an isolated incident, that it was a one time thing, but it's not. Unfortunately this kind of thing has happened before, and although I don't remember what happens, every once in a while I do remember it. In every visceral, bloody detail." He paused allowing some time for his words to sink in. "When I encounter a malicious immortal, I lose it; I go berserk. It's been this way for a while now, and I hate to say it, but I've slowly gotten used to it; slowly accepted it." Another pause. Inside, he was horribly conflicted. Should he tell Kelica the reason behind his episodes? Could he trust her to keep it a secret? This was a girl he'd only recently got to know as more than an acquaintance, and he still knew next to nothing about her. He took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, then exhaled. "I'm sorry that you had to witness such a horrific scene miss Kelica. After going through something like that, You deserve an explanation." This was it. He was going to tell her the reason behind his outbursts, the reason why he nearly immolated a siren in cold blood. "When I was younger, I was very close to my younger sister. She looked up to me, and so I wanted to be the best role model I could be. I wanted to protect her from everything. But I couldn't. I was eight years old, and on a visit to see my sister for the first time in almost a year, as I had been busy with my training. During the night something broke into the house. It wasn't human, possessing strength far greater than any I'd ever seen. I tried to stop it, but it easily beat me, smashing me into a wall and knocking me out cold. When I came to, I was in a hospital bed. It was explained to me that my neighbors had heard the commotion, and come to make sure everything was alright. When they arrived, they found me unconscious on the floor, and my sister lying across the room. The doctors told me that my sister's injuries had caused her to become paralysed from the waist down. I only learned later, that it was really because that thing had tried to make her the same as him." His brow furrowed and his fist clenched as he recalled the story, reliving every last detail as he recanted it. "And so, I vowed to find the vile being that confined my sister to that damn chair, and to kill any of his ilk that I could find,"



Magnolia Park


The Forest Mage nodded silently as she let Ryu speak. The fact this wasn't the first time didn't surprise her, considering just how cold he had been towards her like she didn't exist. There had literally only been him and that Siren in the room when he had attacked. When he decided to offer her an explanation she nodded and rested her hands against her thighs as she continued to peer to him with her full attention. She didn't realize at the time it was such a big deal for him to open up like this to her, after all she just didn't have the social sense to moderate what she said and how she said it. Always the open book with her emotions on her chest and her face. But she wasn't dumb enough to try to interrupt him, his solemn face was enough to make her simply sit and listen.

Her whole body tensed as her fingers suddenly grasped at the edge of her shorts, her face turning into one of complete horror as he explained what had happened to his sister. She had no idea! But how could she till now? A person's actions shaped simply by their circumstances, as she had always believed. There were no evil people in the world, just people with evil actions due to cause. She honestly believed that and still did. Every person had a reason for why they did what they did, and this was no different. She looked down to his hand at it clenched and she reached out letting both of her hands curl about his as she gave him a warm and genuine smile. Though her green eyes still looked hurt. "I...am so sorry to hear about your Sister...and what happened to you. I understand now... You didn't have to tell me this, and yet you did. Thank you Ryu..." She spoke softly, words absent of her normal hyperactivity and with a strangely calm nature to them.

"However I do still believe that everyone can change, including that Siren. I know you have been through so much... But she was just doing what she had to to survive. She needs to feed otherwise she dies. That does not condone her actions in the least, but... just as I trusted in you that there was a reason behind your actions, I also believe there was a reasoning behind hers as well." Glancing around the Forest for a moment as she felt the blades of grass brush against her legs, the slow breeze washing through the trees making the plants whistle slightly. "Everything the Forest does is for a purpose, a Predator kills to eat to grow stronger, to breed and to continue it's race. Some animals live, some animals die. Some trees flourish while others do not. Some flowers while sickly still nourish and feed other plants in the Forest. It is one big circle...The Forest dies, grows and dies once again. I know you will always have that unbridled rage towards Malicious Immortals, I understand that. And I don't expect you to change any because of it... but... think how far you have come now because of your sister. You said you could not protect her before... and yet here you are, today, an A-rank of Fairytail with the ability to protect so many more people then when you were younger. She may look like she is helpless but she had made you into the man you are today. You should be proud. Of her as well as yourself..."

Here the girl smiled warmly before she grasped the Red-haired Mage and pulled him into a soft comforting hug, not unlike how a Mother might, brushing his head gently. "When you are ready.. we should head back to the Guild Hall... there are still others I need to check up on but I am glad you are Ok now.."

@Rhodus @LeSoraAmari
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Eric: A fire sword? That looks awesome!

Eric pretty surprised to see that Yukimi's Sword has been completely engulfed in flames. Although anyone else would be threatened by such a sight, Eric just thought it was cool as heck! He wasn't going to let that distract him though. "I don't plan on dying anytime soon!" Yukimi began slashing Eric so using his increased speed he managed to dodge the attacks... for a while. It seemed that she started adjusting to his speed, Eric would have to do something quick. Eric waited for her to do one more slash before managing to grab the blade of the sword (Which indeed hurt like hell due to the blade and the flames) "Ow! This thing still hurts even with the scales huh?" Eric attempted throw the sword away. If Yukimi were to let go then she'd be disarmed but if she kept holding on she'd be thrown across the battlefield with it. Regardless though she is a really tough fighter so maybe even tough enough to join Sabertooth. While Eric had the chance he started blowing on his hands trying to cool them down after getting burned by the sword.

@Nenma Takashi @Colt556 @Drakerus
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Small crumbs caked the corners of Aidens mouth, a small smile formed on his sharp features. "You've been so kind to me." He mumbled out, his gaze fell on to her lips. A thought that had come up lately reasserted it's self into his mind, what would her lips feel like. The thought lingered over him like a cloud till Ashley pulled him from his thoughts. "It is better, isn't it. The sky's so pretty up there, so many fluffy clouds too." The somber tone that Aiden had for the past few days seemed to lift, his green eyes glisten like gems. "I'm glad that I came up here. I guess I never told you where I came from. I could tell you if you want, it's up to you." He chimed. Aiden set down the sandwich on a spare plate, he put his hands on his lap ready to reveal as much as she asked of him.  


Ashley Hart


Ashley opened her eyes and glanced over at Aiden with a smile on her face "You dont have to tell me anything if you dont want to." she turned and fully faced him as she picked up another grape "You can tell me just about anything you want. From where you came from and how did you get into magic... Though I do wanna say one thing... You look good with earrings." she admitted. Ashley didnt have a thing for Aiden (yet) but she did like to compliment him when he looked good. She was one of those girls who werent too shy to really say how good someone looked "Alright, you can tell me everything..If you want!" she said as she popped the grape into her mouth once more and hate happily I'm glad we finally got out of the house and i'm glad he was able to heal properly. The amount of pain he went through was crazy and I kinda wish I was the one who was tortured... Ashley thought to herself as she gave Aiden her full attention.


Ayano Soru: Where are we...?

Ayano jumped a little at the sudden appearance of a tall woman with green eyes. She said that she was going to teleport us out of the dungeons. But shortly after The violet haired female made a face when she looked at Ayano. Which of course annoyed her "Oi... What are you laughing at?" But before she knew it she was whisked away and was standing inside a room of a house... no... apartment maybe? She wasn't sure... For some reason Kim was allowing her to stay in her apartment until things calm down. "Why are you helping me? Don't you understand I'm a mass murderer and a monster that could suck your blood dry right now!?" Ayano stood in place awaiting her her answer.

After timeskip:

Ayano sat on a chair inside the hut like she had for the past couple days. She started thinking to herself... "Why didn't I just kill her while I had the chance?" Ayano just thought she was going to tag along with them enough so she could escape but now she was waiting here inside a well hidden hut in the woods. So far it's been a week since the fights in the dungeon took place and as far as she knew Lucian had managed to escape... Again... Stupid mages. If they were to just grow a pair and kill him they wouldn't have to go through all this trouble all the time. Although she had to give them marks for managing to force him to escape, Ayano was sure that Lucian would kill all of them.


Mikado Saris - Magnolia Hotel

She focused her attention on Millie as she was the first to properly address her presence. She wasn't sure if it was because she was gone so long or what, but it definitely seemed like Millie was babying Valken way more than she had in the past. He'd been perfectly fine for days now and yet she was still worried? While listening to the woman she continued to nibble on the sausage, finally swallowing down the bite once Millie had posed her question. "I figured I'd go back with---" Her explanation was abruptly cut off as Valken lunged forward and bit into the sausage she stole. Her face reddened at the close proximity the two now found themselves, her eyes going wide in surprise. After a quick growl Valken pulled back, giving her no time to respond beyond the red cheeks and wide eyes. She wasn't even given the ability to voice her disapproval as she was suddenly shrouded in darkness and roughly shoved off the bed to fall flat on the floor with a muffled yelp. As what happened finally registered she began violently thrashing within the confines of the blanket. "Valken!" A string of curses unbefitting a young lady quickly followed as she finally managed to worm her way out from beneath the blanket. The tiredness that had plagued her mere moments ago was all but forgotten, her face flushed red and her eyebrows furrowed as she glared daggers at the shadowmage. "What the hell, Valken!? You don't see me for years and this is how you treat me when we finally get some family time?" Even as she spoke she was visibly calming down, the initial surge of adrenaline quickly subsiding. Her features softened and a long sigh escaped her lips. The girl pulled the blankets back over her head as she snaked her way back into the confines, this time maneuvering them to wrap around her body properly before once more popping her head out. Now wrapped up in the blanket and sitting comfortably on the floor she turned her attention back to Millie to finish her original reply. "Anyways.... I figured I'd head back with you guys. As far as I know nobody from Lamia Scale has gone back yet so I didn't want to head back by myself."

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Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia

Her gaze drifted around awkwardly as the redhead turned her back on her. This mention of 'Triple A' had her terribly confused, she could only imagine the redhead was referring to the guild master of Fairy Tail. Must just be some kind of nickname or something. Based on the fact that the redhead was sharing this information it must have to do with the whole refusal to accept applicants thing. "I see..." She wasn't sure how well blackmailing a guild master would go, but at least she now had the option.... The redhead even gave a warning not to mention the guild master's chest. "Thanks for the information, I'll be careful with it." She gave the redhead a small nod before turning her gaze towards the large doors of the guild hall. However there was still one rather significant issue remaining. She turned her attention back towards the redhead before continuing. "Um... what does 'Triple A' look like? I've never actually seen Fairy Tail's guild master, how do I find her?"

Clair thought on the subject for a few moments and eventually came to a conclusion "Well she's pretty short , child like actually. Hmm big forehead , billboard style. What else..... Oh duh her chest is flatter than that of a six year old child. Oh and her temper is unparalleled , she could turn on you in a second.".  Now Clair was pretty happy with the description she gave but that's not to say it was good or of any help , anyway next was how she could find her "just go in the door there and call out 'oi triple a' really really loudly. She's bound to come running"

(sorry my internet down so I'm using my phone)
Kirin looked around, watching eyes turn to slash into her flesh. All of the stares she got just made her, twitch with pleasure. She just wanted to perform there so bad, but it was a public place and she would probably be kicked off if she did. She was sitting down on a train, tapping her fingers against her enlarged belly, Kirin tried to think why so many people looked at her. When she was called in and told about the whole situation and that she stopped the fires around a Dark Guild and some high ranking members were there, she began stress eating. Maybe she was cursed? Maybe she was just imagining it all? Maybe she just was too sensitive due to her magic? Whatever was the case, she was LOVING all of this attention. Maybe should just do her specialty...

She used her music to form a small table in front of her, crafting the final designs for her evolution of her Shinigami costume. She was contested between calling it the 'Pressure Buster' or 'Dues Ex Machina', since both fit in the situation. Either way, she had all the techniques done and prepared. The technique would allow her to warp space around her, using her magic from any distance within a Mach without even moving her body, just her eyes. Plus, her 'Kirin' technique would end any foe dead in their tracks. She was buzzing with joy thinking about it! She put the drawing away in her trench coat, tapping her thick black hat down to get a bit of shut eye on the train. Then she'll zoom over to Magnolia and maybe get some creme puffs or something. She was in the mood for a treat!


Clair thought on the subject for a few moments and eventually came to a conclusion "Well she's pretty short , child like actually. Hmm big forehead , billboard style. What else..... Oh duh her chest is flatter than that of a six year old child. Oh and her temper is unparalleled , she could turn on you in a second.".  Now Clair was pretty happy with the description she gave but that's not to say it was good or of any help , anyway next was how she could find her "just go in the door there and call out 'oi triple a' really really loudly. She's bound to come running"

(sorry my internet down so I'm using my phone)

Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia

She held her gaze firmly on the redhead, listening intently to the description. As best she could figure out their Guild Master was a short, flat chested girl with a big forehead and a quick temper. Certainly wasn't the most flattering description she'd ever heard and it did little to reassure her. Nevertheless there couldn't be that many child-sized people in Fairy Tail so that, at least, should help narrow it down. The mention of simply walking in and calling out for the Guild Master still didn't sit well with her. If she was willing to barge in and make a scene she wouldn't have sat out here waiting for someone to walk by. That said, the fact that a member of Fairy Tail suggested it did help boost her confidence. Reminding herself that she was on a time limit here she gave the other girl an appreciative nod. "Thanks for the information, let's see if I can get a hold of your Guild Master... Wish me luck." And with that she turned towards the large doors, pulling them open and making her way inside the rowdy hall. Nobody even really bat an eye at her entry, most of the mages simply too engrossed in whatever they were currently doing. She gave a quick look around the place to see if she could locate anyone that fit the redhead's description. After turning up empty it seemed there was little she could do other than make a scene as suggested. She took a deep breath before shouting out loud enough for everyone in the hall to hear. "Is there a 'Triple A' here!?" As expected the sudden shout did well to silence the inhabitants and turned all their gazes on her. Only time would tell if that call actually did the trick or not, though.

@Salt Lord
Kenya remembers every conversation her and her parents had about not embarrassing the Yukimi family name. Word for word she can recite every and all conversations that how badly it was drilled into her head. One of those conversations that she took to heart that was drilled into the very depths of her brain. "A warior never loses their weapon." She mumbled as her sword was grabbed Eric threw her maybe he thought she'd let go but she'd rather die than do that. As she flew across the guild room she kicked her legs catching herself on a wall then jumped up. Fire seemed most effective so she figured she give another fire attack a shot. Somersaulting in the air she slashed downward her sword once again engulfed in flames. "Icarus Drop!" She called as she hurled right at Eric her swords red hot flames only rivaled in heat by the burning pride in her heart and the burning blood in her veins.


Eric: Ah... Shit...

She actually held on!? Not only that but she was also able to recover and use the momentum to her advantage! If Eric didn't know any better then he'd think Yukimi was flying. Her sword once again was covered in flames as she slashed downward towards Eric. Caught by surprise he had no choice but to block the attack, this time covering his entire body in scales hoping to minimise the damage. Eric crossed his arms above his head to block the sword but even as the sword hit it still hurt... A lot. The flames felt even hotter than before and the sheer force caused him to get knocked back and hit the ground hard. Even while covered in scales Eric took a fair amount of damage and to be blown back like that was also impressive. Lying on the floor Eric sat up and smiled. "Yeah you've got some powerful magic there, you're totally Sabertooth material in my book. But I ain't done yet... I may look like some ordinary lazy mage but I'm afraid it's not that easy to take me down!" As Eric struggled to stand up there was a few visible burns here and there, but still he was acting as if they weren't even there. "Alright... Now let's finish this fight!" This time Eric pounced Yukimi with his dragon claws ready to slash down on her as soon as he gets in range.

@Nenma Takashi @Colt556 @Drakerus
Kenya was impressed Eric could still stand most opponents up to this point had fallen. Eric had earned her respect as a warrior and she had now decided to forgive him for mistaking her for a boy which was a rare case. She smiled at him as usual it was a smile that seemed more sinister than it actually was. "I would hope so you've proven to be very entertaining to fight. Almost sad to hear it'll be ending soon but I suppose it must." Kenya may have been acting tough by she wasn't unharmed the act of bouncing off the wall was more tasking on her right ankle than she had thought it would be. Not to mention her hands were stinging after he had blocked her attacks the force of them somewhat coming back at her. But she simply stepped forward her eyes burned that the fire magic she wielded. "I'll finish it with this! Yukimi Secret Style Fallen Grace!" A combo attack that would lead with the Swallow's flight than Icarus Drop followed by the False Step ending with the Blazing Winds. If it all hit she'd no doubt win in her mind if she missed she had no doubt she'd lose at that point. Since she'd be wide open for a counter attack.

(OKAY, so I'm new here and everything, so I'll just.. Like..)


Literally the only thought that comes to mind as an incredibly hungover Chi lifts himself from the bar table. His stomach hurts, he feels incredibly nauseous, and had clearly one too many drinks last night. Luckily, he didn't drool, like he usually does, but on closer inspection, finds that he had been sleeping in a small pool of alcohol.

How long was I out?

Lying next to him are a few of his guildmates(if you want to be sleeping next to him, it's your choice), whom haven't woken up yet. They snore quite loudly, which Chi laughs at to himself quietly. Chi, after setting up the drinks at the bar, vaguely remembers a drinking contest he had with a few guild members after completing a mission. That was a bad idea. Chi gets off of his chair, and puts his arm underneath a few of the drunken Fairy Tail mages, and picks them up, throwing them over his shoulder. One by one, they stack over his shoulder, until he has about 5 people on his shoulders. He then casually walks over to the large couch in the guildhall, and gently sitting them side by side on the couch, smiling.

"Taken care of. Now.. For the rest of the mess.", Chi says glumly, glancing at broken tables and beer everywhere. Just another day in the Fairy Tail guildhall.

Eric: Bring it!

Eric was just about ready slash before Yukimi took stance for her final attack. At first he would've tried to dodge but Eric was already in the air. Unable to dodge he was hit my several sword strikes from multiple directions, one after another he tried his best to block but they we're too fast. Perhaps Yukimi was waiting for the moment he pounced so she could use her combo. Coming up to her final attack Eric had one final chance to dodge, although it was risky. Before her final hit landed Eric fully transformed into a mouse causing Yukimi to miss her target. Once Eric was back on his feet he decided to transform back to his original form and rested. "Alright... Ya got me, I yield" Then he flopped on to the ground and looked at Gilad who had been observing the fight. "Sorry master, looks like I lost this one." Breathing heavily he wondered if Gilad was going to let Yukimi into the guild. Though her chances are pretty good as far as he can tell.

@Colt556 @Drakerus @Nenma Takashi

Gilad Arcturus - Sabertooth Guild Hall: Crocus

The battle had been short but intense and yet he had not even needed to step in. With Eric's yield he pushed himself off the stool and made his way over to the two. As he walked he looked both of them over, Eric had certainly taken the brunt of the damage but he could tell Miss Yukimi had not come out quite as unscathed as she appeared. He finally came to a stop beside Eric, giving the boy a small nod of approval. "Thank you for your assistance, Eric. Go get those wounds tended." With that he turned his full attention on the girl now standing before him. He held a rather cold gaze down on the young woman as he allowed an eerie silence to linger for several painfully long moments before finally speaking up. "You fought well, Miss Yukimi. Eric is far from my strongest but he is a cut above your average mage. To best him in combat is truly worthy of recognition." Despite the praise his expression remained cold, far colder than it had been earlier. "However, that was but one part of the test. For the final part of this test you shall be facing me."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth a bright light appeared by his side and quickly took the shape of his trusty axe. He reached out and grasped his weapon as it finished materializing and with a quick flourish brought it's head to rest on the ground in front of him. He now stood before the young girl, towering over her clad in his customary full-plate suit of armor and now wielding his mighty axe as he gazed down on her. "Be warned, this will be no friendly match. I shall give you all I have and if you fail you will die." To help drive this fact home he unleashed the full might of his magic. Waves of energy emanated off him, whipping up debris and small objects in a whirlwind that forced the spectators to back up. It was as if an oppressive weight bared down on all those present. The sheer power was far beyond what most magicians were capable of to the point where it felt as if him simply releasing his magic could defeat them. The difference between them was so vast it was painfully obvious that any conflict would be downright suicidal. So powerful was the magic that even those incapable of wizardry could feel the weight of it, bringing the entire city to a momentary standstill as it's citizens all turned their gaze towards the Sabertooth Guildhall. He cast a cold, merciless glare at the woman before him, waiting to see what her next move would.

@Drakerus@Jackaboi@Nenma Takashi
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Tanari Varos - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Magnolia

She held her gaze firmly on the redhead, listening intently to the description. As best she could figure out their Guild Master was a short, flat chested girl with a big forehead and a quick temper. Certainly wasn't the most flattering description she'd ever heard and it did little to reassure her. Nevertheless there couldn't be that many child-sized people in Fairy Tail so that, at least, should help narrow it down. The mention of simply walking in and calling out for the Guild Master still didn't sit well with her. If she was willing to barge in and make a scene she wouldn't have sat out here waiting for someone to walk by. That said, the fact that a member of Fairy Tail suggested it did help boost her confidence. Reminding herself that she was on a time limit here she gave the other girl an appreciative nod. "Thanks for the information, let's see if I can get a hold of your Guild Master... Wish me luck." And with that she turned towards the large doors, pulling them open and making her way inside the rowdy hall. Nobody even really bat an eye at her entry, most of the mages simply too engrossed in whatever they were currently doing. She gave a quick look around the place to see if she could locate anyone that fit the redhead's description. After turning up empty it seemed there was little she could do other than make a scene as suggested. She took a deep breath before shouting out loud enough for everyone in the hall to hear. "Is there a 'Triple A' here!?" As expected the sudden shout did well to silence the inhabitants and turned all their gazes on her. Only time would tell if that call actually did the trick or not, though.

@Salt Lord

Ophelia -- Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ophelia had just gotten back from her meeting with a few of the Wizard Saints, and the news she had gotten was not good. They knew something was up with her status as a Guild Master, and while she was grateful they didn't do any further questioning, they told her she wasn't fit for such a high spot. If she didn't resign soon, they'd kick her out of the guild at the least, and force her into some sort of lawsuit at most... There had to be something she could do to get a bit more time. A few more wide-scale quests to prove her worth might work. Or was there something to it other than saving towns and warding off monsters?

She didn't have time to think, unfortunately, as a rather familiar nickname from an unfamiliar voice caught her ears. She broke into an irritated grimace and looked behind her before realizing the person shouting the insult might not have been in Fairy Tail. The newcomer looked like a younger (and hotter) version of Clair... Ophelia could only hope she wasn't as much as a prick.

The guild master took a breath and smiled, walking over to the redhead and tapping her back. "That would be me," she chuckled, though a certain glimmer in her eyes suggested she wasn't in the mood to joke around. "So you don't look very familiar... Only place I remember seeing you is the tournament. Here for any specific reason, or...?"
Millie watched in horror as Valken acted against Mikado. When he suddenly lunged forward she was afraid that he'd kiss the other girl, something that the boy could only do to her. His lips were hers, and hers were his, not some short teenager's. Fortunately it didn't escalate to that and instead Valken just snatched back his sausage, which was gross in its own way. "Jeez Valken, you're getting rather close to her face..." She muttered, taking a seat beside her boyfriend on the foot of the bed. The blonde haired girl let out a sudden gasp as Valken rolled the girl up into the covers and rudely shoved her off the bed. The sausage thing was bad enough, but this was just plain rude. Millie quickly crawled over Valken just to check on the girl, wanting to make sure that she didn't fall and crack her head open, or anything like that. She didn't want to use any more of her healing magic this week, her reserves drained thanks to Valken getting roasted by Ryu and friends. "Valken, You can't shove Mikado off the bed like that! You could've hurt her, and it was extremley mean. Just because she's a little younger doesn't mean that you can bully her like that." She said in an angry tone while slipping off the bed, taking a seat beside the short girl, one arm wrapping around her shoulders. "Are you ok Mikado? I'm really sorry that you were subjected to that, he just can't control himself sometimes..." When Mikado was confirmed alright, and so was Valken from all of his posing and teasing, Millie finally settled down. "I'm glad to see that very one is alright. I'd hate to have another injury on my hands, Plus it'd delay our trip back! I think Valken is healthy enough to make the train ride, and Mikado is always welcome to tag along. Should we get Grace as well to give Mimado some company? I'd hate to leave her behind?"

@Colt556 @Zuka
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Tokine - Sabertooth Guild Hall


(Basically Tokine's face right now)

Unlike most of the other people watching the test, Tokine didn't bother to move from her seat let alone show any visible signs of being intimidated by Gilad's raw power. It wasn't that she was overconfident or simply indifferent to the whole situation, it was that she was trying to give Kenya a vital clue to pass this particular test. Of course, she wasn't allowed to directly tell her the correct solution but nobody said anything about subtle hints. She hoped that Kenya would notice how calm she was and feel encouraged to remain calm as well instead of going straight in like she did with Eric. She made sure to look at Kenya straight in the eyes while doing this to make the message even clearer. Maybe it wasn't her place to be helping like this, but she really wanted Kenya to join Sabertooth and the thought of a simple test of humility getting in the way was a bit too bitter for Tokine's taste.

@Colt556@Nenma Takashi@Jackaboi

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