Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

@Zuka[/URL] [/Fieldset]
Kelica Zefara

Forest Entrance

The Forest Mage couldn't stop panicking it's just the kind of person she was. Comparatively weak with support type magic and no offense or defense. Everything seemed dangerous and scary to her. Though she was momentarily pulled from her panic when Noah's strong hands clasped at her arms and told her to relax. "But I-... the others I can't-...." memories starting to flood all of a sudden, coming to that opening in the wall with Ryu, eyes flowing over the chaos...Chris.


He was trying to maul Adrian and then turned on her! She tried to stop him but then...

Her fingers reached up to her shoulder which looked pristine but her vest ripped and half drooping as he had bitten clean through her sleeve. She felt Noah holding her head then try and pull her backwards, but she shoke his grip away, shaking her head violently side to side in a flurry of blonde hair. Clasping her cheeks as her fast breathing started up again. "N...No! Chris he...he...."

She had tears in the corners of her eyes.

"I need to go back I need to help! I need to I can't let them die... like the forest at Malina... I can't, I can't!!.... Take me back Noah, take me back!!"

@Embaga Elder
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Forest Entrance

The Forest Mage couldn't stop panicking it's just the kind of person she was. Comparatively weak with support type magic and no offense or defense. Everything seemed dangerous and scary to her. Though she was momentarily pulled from her panic when Noah's strong hands clasped at her arms and told her to relax. "But I-... the others I can't-...." memories starting to flood all of a sudden, coming to that opening in the wall with Ryu, eyes flowing over the chaos...Chris.


He was trying to maul Adrian and then turned on her! She tried to stop him but then...

Her fingers reached up to her shoulder which looked pristine but her vest ripped and half drooping as he had bitten clean through her sleeve. She felt Noah holding her head then try and pull her backwards, but she shoke his grip away, shaking her head violently side to side in a flurry of blonde hair. Clasping her cheeks as her fast breathing started up again. "N...No! Chris he...he...."

She had tears in the corners of her eyes.

"I need to go back I need to help! I need to I can't let them die... like the forest at Malina... I can't, I can't!!.... Take me back Noah, take me back!!"

@Embaga Elder
Noah Cross

Forest Entrance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Sinbad.full.1043351.jpg.77ba9b7b2bc543088a7a1214ff6c443b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144844" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Sinbad.full.1043351.jpg.77ba9b7b2bc543088a7a1214ff6c443b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah sighed as his normal efforts at calming Kelica down did work. Her breakdown escalated to the point she begged him to take her back to the others. Which was a terrible idea, in her case. Noah used a internal partial take over using the voice of Zepar. He wrapped his arms around Kelica and spoke. Relax Kelica. Relax. Your friends will be alright. No one, and I mean No one is going to die. His voice was both soothing and relaxing, trying to force Kelica's mind into a chill and relax state. So you just need to calm down, and rest. He wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and held her tightly. Everything is going to be alright. This day will soon come to a happy ending.



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Kimberly Lock

I can't use a sword!

The entire time Kim used that sword she was lying to her self, she didn't know how to use a sword at all. All of the strike had been blocked by pure luck, and cruel luck it was. Ayano was about to strike once again at her, that was till a giant foam hand came to her rescue. "Thank god for you Eias.." Lucky the distraction had bought enough time for her to change the useless sword to a much preferred whip. Kim gave the constructed whip a good crack to see if it worked properly, the resulting noise made her gain a smile to her face. "You know, I don't actually know how to use a sword. Beginners luck I believe." The Mage carked the whip, attempting to get a few hits in before Ayano could recover.

@Bolts @Jackaboi
Eric: No holding back...

"Ethan eh? Well now that's out the way..." Eric was still figuring out how his magic worked... Ethan has probably taken multiple blows but he doesn't look all that beat up. Weird... He also somehow creates some kind of force to attack back. Was Ethan somehow storing Eric's punches? In that case He'd better be carefull... Is there any way to beat someone in a fight without punching or kicking? Then again... If he can store all kinds of force then doesn't that mean he can run out? He could always try... Eric started throwing a flurry of punches towards Ethan but although they look like they're about to hit him Eric intentionally misses in the hopes that the kid will do a few counter attacks.

@Kayzo @Britt-21 @purplepanda288
Eias looked up at her mirror bubble. Just as she thought. It always has to be attacks from behind... With her new found areal vision, she managed to scurry just out of the way from her neck getting grasped. Really I thought this would be harder.. I guess I am getting the shorter end of the fight though. She huffed. Although she was getting attacked, she didn't have the sense of death coming for her. It was more like fighting a punching bag that got to hit back. Eias moved away from her previous position and made her way towards Kim and her own attacker. If she was calculating enough, she knew this would work. As she backed up, she placed the flute in her mouth again. Mini Bomb bubbles! She said as explosive bubbles rocketed out of the end towards the clone.

On the other end of the room, where she had been kicked, the small pool of spit started to rise. Out from it came a few stray explosive bubbles. Quickly they hid out of sight.

Kimberly lock


Kim's whip had been stopped in its tracks, great now how was she going t-. The Mage's expression changed as soon as Ayano spoke, she was going to what Aiden? He was going to what?! A soft giggle started to rise out of her lower stomach, soon it turned into a full on laugh. "He's going to what?!" She only managed to choke out a few of those words, her deranged laughing continued. "I don't think you understand." Kim's laugh had ceased, now only a stone cold expression painted her features.

The air around them started to become dry, the pungent smell of sulfur began to fill the corridor.
"I'm going to tell you something that a few people know about. I don't use magic." The whip began to disintegrate, falling to the ground while it started to crumble to ashes. "I am the child of the Taint. I am what is left of magic when it's used." Kim raised her hand, the stains that adorned her body started to emit their eerie tones. A large ball started to form in her hand, as soon as it grew to the size of a base ball it shot in a beam. Kim aimed for her only target, Ayano.

@Bolts @Jackaboi
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Draneri Fight
Alicia glanced to the fighting and chaos around her and wished she could help, but in reality she couldn't do anything. They needed a healer, not a barrier or beads to the face. And right now they had the issue of Timothy. She was extremely happy she had managed to snap Mizuki out of it though, she wasn't sure if she could of let the others hurt her to stop her or not. She would of likely attacked them and basically force them to let her handle it. She glared at Timothy as he started speaking, though slowly calmed down as he explained why he attacked. Really she couldn't blame him, even she had initially considered knocking her out to begin with but quickly decided against it. Once he was threatened and let go and the situation was over her beads returned to her side and she quickly placed them back in her hair.

She smiled at Mizuki's words and hugged her tightly, "
You didn't hurt me, I promise. Even when she was controlling you you seemed to remember me." She replied. "If anything you scared me a little. But its okay, I know you couldn't help it." She explained, smiling up at her. Really she couldn't stay mad at her or hate her even if she had hurt her, after all it wouldn't of been her fault. Mizuki though...she was sure it would of devastated her if she had. She glanced over to the fight between Ryu and Draneri, "Who do you thinks gunna win?" She asked, genuinely worried Draneri might kill Ryu and come for them next.
Mizuki was extremley relieved when she found out that no harm had come Alicia's way. It was bad enough that she had hurt other Mage's from her guild, but it would've been her worst nightmare if she had hurt Alicia even a little. If that did happen she'd never forgive herself, even if the little one said that it was ok. She made a vow never to do so, and it was a vow that she'd never break. "I'm terribly sorry for scaring you Alicia. I'll never do something like that again..." She explained, patting her head softly. Her eyes glanced quickly at the dome fight but turned back to Alicia just as fast. She really didn't know who would win the battle. The two duking it out were both strong, but really it could go either way. "I do not know who will win. Though I hope that the man with a sword wins. That demon must be put down."

Mizuki quickly stuck out a hand to catch a small piece of debris that fell from the ceiling. It seemed that the intensity of this fight was causing the room to fall apart, and she had to get Alicia out fast. The dark Mage scooped Alicia up into her arms and began to walk back towards the staircase that they came from. "The room is falling apart. Stay calm..." She cooed, making it halfway up the stairs before turning around to see what happened.
Zuka said:
Draneri - The Siren


The Siren had a weird shiver roll down over her entire frame as this Red-Haired Sword wielding mage jumped backwards out of reach of a heavy hit from her claws. A flesh wound and nothing more. Disappointed, at least at first, but this Prey was proving to be a good deal faster then she had first anticipated. Faster and stronger. While it
was a nuisance she couldn't help but get excited. After all killing a skillful Prey was far more exciting then one that would automatically bow down to her feet. And this one had practice killing Immortals? Well that was interesting. Siren's as a whole didn't live for very long, most only till 50 years or so, getting caught in a stupid situation with no escape. But she was no Junior. And his threats did little to faze her. "Ahh... fought many Immortals? Alas you probably have.... but you have yet to face me, Prey." She said in that condescending tone with a breath that was partially laced with yellow. Rage. Designed to try and rile him up, flare his angry, so that he might become slack and disorientated.

She watched him idly as he sprung up right to the top of the doom Adrian had created, wings already snapping out at a fast pace to ready herself for an attack, and attack he did. She felt the resurgence of Magic in the very air beneath her, not knowing he was capable of flame based attacks and only assuming his strength lay in that long Sword of his. The Siren had literally moments to leap backwards with a heavy flap of her wings to dodge it, feeling the very heat itself wash over her front and face, wincing as the heat was intense. Even burning her skin despite not being encased in it. She missed but only narrowly, though now she was behind the pillar the very edges of her dress starting to burn and singe. The Siren drew her Raven wings back before throwing them down and to the side creating a huge gust of wind in the process that snuffed the very pillar out.

"I certainly hope you have more to offer then that, young Prey." She teased, finger to her chin as a soft merry laugh escaped her lips. Out of place except knowing her personality and calm soothing nature to ensnare her enemies. "Is it my turn then?" She whispered almost with a yawn, her clothing barely holding together but her skin already completely healed to it's normal creamy complexion. She tilted her head back and filled her lungs with air, wings stretching high behind her, before throwing them down along with letting out another huge Screech. "Sonic Boom!" She called, though this was far stronger with the combined action of her wings as a huge rounded headed blast rocked straight for him that was birthed literally from her entire frame. 6' tall and 5' wide at least.

Unfortunately the structural integrity of the Corridor was shaking and groaning under the sheer weight of the physical Magical presence of the energies here, and the constant physical use of The Siren's voice was sending the walls and roof to shake and crack slowly, pieces starting to break away and fall down as a sickening sound of walls loosing their strength was starting to echo to all except the two far to busy fighting within the Arcane Dome.

@Mitchs98 @Isune @Zareh @Necr0Danc3r @purplepanda288 @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Kelica...no, my guildmates!)

Chris continued trying to keep Kelica alive with what little tools he had at his disposal. That was when another mage moved Chris off to the side and picked up Kelica. He had to be using some kind of takeover magic, but before Chris could say anything they had both vanished to Fiore knows where. He wanted to follow, he wanted to be sure that Kelica would be okay, but that's when the walls started shaking.

Chris looked up and saw a few small pebbles drop down from the ceiling. That's when the realization hit him, this place was going to collapse if he, or anyone else didn't do something soon. Thinking quickly, Chris took over his centaur form and got to work on keeping this place from going out on everyone. With a forceful upward push of his arms, multiple pillars formed that touched the roof of the cave while some formed the touched the side walls of the cave. At this point, Chris had reinforced the cave but had yet to know if it would hold or not. All the magic he used to create all of these pillars had honestly drained Chris as he released the takeover.

At this point, Chris sat down on the ground and caught his breath. His newly created support beams seemed to be holding, for how long? Chris had no clue. He looked over to the arcane barrier and watched Ryu attempt to kill the siren. Who knew what that crazy bitch would try next. Chris stared down at his own body as things seemed to be calming down. Right away, he noticed all the blood that had stained his body. It was on his hands, chest, and his upper legs. This, was a constant reminder that he had almost killed the one he loved...not just that, a guildmate, a friend. Chris just hoped that she could forgive him, he should of be mentally prepared...he should of known!

First and foremost, Chris needed to worry about his guildmates and the others. Afterwords, Chris could figure out where Kelica and that over mage went. It was clear that he wasn't going to hurt her, but where could he have possibly taken her?

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @Zareh @Necr0Danc3r @purplepanda288 @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Embaga Elder
Kayzo said:
Mizuki was extremley relieved when she found out that no harm had come Alicia's way. It was bad enough that she had hurt other Mage's from her guild, but it would've been her worst nightmare if she had hurt Alicia even a little. If that did happen she'd never forgive herself, even if the little one said that it was ok. She made a vow never to do so, and it was a vow that she'd never break. "I'm terribly sorry for scaring you Alicia. I'll never do something like that again..." She explained, patting her head softly. Her eyes glanced quickly at the dome fight but turned back to Alicia just as fast. She really didn't know who would win the battle. The two duking it out were both strong, but really it could go either way. "I do not know who will win. Though I hope that the man with a sword wins. That demon must be put down."

Mizuki quickly stuck out a hand to catch a small piece of debris that fell from the ceiling. It seemed that the intensity of this fight was causing the room to fall apart, and she had to get Alicia out fast. The dark Mage scooped Alicia up into her arms and began to walk back towards the staircase that they came from. "The room is falling apart. Stay calm..." She cooed, making it halfway up the stairs before turning around to see what happened.
Alicia: Dungeon Exit

Alicia continued watching both fights as they raged on, not entirely sure what to do, nor sure if she could even do anything or should. She knew she couldn't help Ryu with his and that he'd hurt her if she did, but as far as Ethan fighting Eric she could help. But how she still wasn't sure. She smiled at Mizuki's words and hugged her once more. "It's okay Mizuki. I know you didn't do it on purpose." She replied, releasing her shortly after to resume watching the fight between Ryu and Draneri. She nodded in agreement with Mizuki when she said she hoped Ryu won, Draneri was nothing but evil and indeed did need to be destroyed; or at the very least incapacitated and imprisoned.

Soon though the entire room seemingly started to collapse, which prompted Mizuki to pick her up and carry her to and up the stairs. "I hope everyone'll be alright. We still haven't freed the others yet either." She told her. She really wanted to go help free everyone, however the thought of getting crushed below rubble didn't really appeal to her. She was of course worried about Eric who had opted to stay behind, but she figured he could hold his own.
Chris Lengheart(Hi oh silver, away!)

Chris watched the two fights going on with a worried look on his face. His support beams seemed to be holding, but Chris felt like he needed to put more. As everyone else started to flee, Chris decided to take one last precaution. He changed to centaur form before creating a few more support beams. That would set back the imminent cave in just a little bit more. He finally turned his attention to Eric as he finally said,"You better not lose to some brat Eric. Give 'em one for me for chomping down on my hand!" before releasing his takeover and quickly following after Mizuki and and Alicia.

After starting to walk up the stairs, Chris finally decided to ask,"
So...now what? Three of our people are basically out of commission and who knows what's ahead."

At this point, Chris could only hope that Alicia wouldn't freak out from seeing all the blood that stained Chris. That little girl had already been through so much. To be honest, Chris was proud of the girl. She was really something else, when Chris was her age he'd curl up into a ball and start crying in a situation like this. Even now, Chris had that constant churning in his stomach. How could things get any worse?

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r
Ayano Soru: What's left of magic...

Kim's reaction was rather... Unexpected... Rather than getting angry or scared she simply laughed. This confused Ayano a little but Kim stopped and gave her a cold look. She wasn't afraid at all, Ayano could see it in her eye's... Kim went on to explain her magic. Or was it magic? She wasn't sure. But this excited her! Ayano doesn't get to fight many unique mages. She could've fought the dragon slayer but that's too late now. She didn't have much time to think when a sudden beam came flying towards her. Ayano barely dodged it merely escaping with a single scratch on her cheek. Soon after though Ayano spoke again as if that never happened, still bearing a twisted smile. "A child of the taint? Interesting..." Ayano stared at Kim with lifeless pitch black eyes. "Well I am a child of the night and we are in my domain... Shadows... Blood... You name it! Everything in this room can be used to your disadvantage... Even your own friends!" She threw blood spikes at Aiden. Two hit both of his arms while one barely skimmed the side of his face. "Why don't you let your anger do the talking? I can tell you're not fighting to your fullest. I wonder if that would change if I were to kill him now..." Ayano threw one more spike Aiming directly for his head.

As for the clone's activity it was not going very well. Because of the beam heading for the real Ayano she couldn't get the clone to move out the way of the bubbles. The clone had exploded and all that remained was a blackened torso with one arm. It remained very very still before it's head jerked up with the face completely distorted but still had a barely visible smile. It scrambled towards Eias surprisingly fast despite it only having one arm and no legs. The clone threw itself off the ground and violently grabbed Eias by the neck strangling her. It spoke with a disturbingly distorted voice.
"I'm not done yet..."

Gilad Arcturus - Forests of Magnolia

His interrogation of had yielded exactly what he sought. In the forests beyond Magnolia lay an old base used by Grimoire Heart and he and his 'guest' were in agreement that that was likely where the kidnapped mages had been taken. And thus here he was, standing in a clearing outside what appeared to be a large stone structure, almost castle-like in construction. Were it not protected by a powerful illusionary spell he might not have found it. Unfortunately for the dark guild it was their very own defenses that allowed him to pinpoint their location. This fact had not gone unnoticed as the dark guild rallied it's forces to stop him. As the forces gathered before him a bright light emanated from his hand, quickly taking to the shape of a large greatsword. He brought the sword before him, stabbing it's blade into the ground as he rested his hands atop it's pummel. A cold glare adorned his features as he silently gazed upon his enemies, powerful magic pouring from him causing many of the weaker mages to instinctively take a step back.

His gaze drifted across the masses towards the more stylized individuals in the back. Not only their appearances but the magic coming from them signified them as higher ranking members of Grimoire Heart. They were clearly the shot-callers in this engagement and it was them that he would have to defeat in order to progress. Nevertheless he would be remiss to forgo his duties as Guild Master and as loathe as he was to even speak to such 'people' he had no choice. He took in a breath, closing his eyes as he did so as he took a moment to compose himself. After only the briefest of delays he focused his glare on the tall, lanky dark-haired man that seemed to be the one in charge. In a booming voice that seemed to unnaturally reverberate throughout the clearing he called out. "I am Gilad Arcturus, Guild Master of Sabertooth. You have abducted many Magicians including members of my guild. This is your one chance to return them."

He left it at that already knowing the response he would receive. The ominous aura surrounding him coupled with the ice-cold glare he held upon his foes did little to assure the Grimoire Heart mages. Both he and his opponents knew that regardless of the choice made this would not end peacefully for the dark guild. With no incentive to adhere to his demands the lanky man merely laughed hysterically, holding his hands over his face as he did so. "If you want your precious Wizards come and get them!" With that said the front line of mages rushed him, their magics diverse even if their robed appearances were not. Some wielded weapons such as swords or axes while others channeled magic such as arcane bolts or fireballs. All those that relied on magic were quickly left confused and surprised as they found themselves stripped of their power. Their confusion quickly turned to panic as the very ground beneath them tore open, a massive fissure snaking it's way down their line before erupting into a massive column of flame. The explosion echoed faintly throughout the forest, signifying the beginning of his campaign to retrieve Alicia.


Sora Marvell - Tunnels


Sora's head bobbed slightly as she tilted it side to side, lips seeming to follow suit as they scrunched around. Hibiki had begun walking down the right path and her small frame remained still, unsure if she wanted to follow. In one hand, there could be people who needed desperate help that way but if Hibiki and Maya went down that path then surely that would be enough reinforcements for whomever may need it. On the other hand, who would help those towards the left? The idea of leaving others behind without any help was forcing a rather gross feeling to rise within her. " Maya, I'm going the other way. I know they'll need you to the right but I also feel something to the left. I'll quickly investigate and catch back up, I promise! " Sora's feet were already enchanted and the fading magic circle on the ground was all that Maya would be left to see as the 'I promise' echoed ever so softly behind her as she disappeared down the tunnel.

She knew all too well that once she made a decision she'd have to dart off like that, lest Maya convince the small slayer to do otherwise; something she was fully capable of doing.
It's time for me to make some of my own decisions... She thought grimly with a light air of confidence, lips thinning out at the thought of possibly upsetting the older woman by her choice to branch off. The blue haired girl slowed as she found herself treading past already sprung traps, the remnants of their destruction and once dangerous workings scattered upon the ground and walls. " They sure do go all out... " Her words were a faint mumble as she navigated her way past the rubble and further down the tunnel, the sound of talking reaching her ears from ahead. Voices? This caused her to quiet her footsteps even more, back gently pressing into the walls as light poured into the faintly lit cavern from a doorway it'd seem.

The room was well lit, looking like a laboratory of sorts, and a few figures occupied it, one whom was all too familiar.
Lysander? Her fingers gripped the door-frame, ready to swiftly burst into the room with the realization that a foe stood before him. Her frame froze as the woman then disappeared, a sigh of relief escaping her lips. Sora's hand dropped to rest idly by her side as she entered the room, doing her best to remain composed and not rush to envelop Lysander within her arms that desperately wished to pull him in. An inquisitive look slowly crept onto her face as she glanced at Mikado, noticing they were both equally as injured. " Looks like I found you! So, who am I healing up first? " Sora spoke up, approaching them as a gentle glow began to twirl around her hands and emit outwards. She held them out and smiled childishly, awaiting an answer patiently.

The girl was clearly pleased to have found Lysander but she didn't know who was accompanying him and didn't want to risk sending him into a fit of shyness or embarrassment with any physical endearments. "
I really hope you're both alright. " That smile remained on her face, genuine and forward, as her hues flickered from face to face. Even though she didn't know Mikado she could tell that the cap wearing girl was a friend of Lysander's and was to be treated with just as many pleasantries as any of his other acquaintances. Her eyes eventually held still on Lysander's face, not able to stop them from widening with a rising joy as she took in every detail of him. She'd leave it up to Lysander's own discretion if he decided to introduce them since the two seemed to be guildmates. The last thing Sora wanted to do was come off as pushy or weird, brash even.


@LeSoraAmari @Huor Spinks @Colt556
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Eias was surprised the bubbles actually hit! It was rather cool for her moves to land for once. Finally her little scuffle was over. She sighed in relief for a moment to prepare to help support Kim. She moved her hands a little to conduct the bubbles she had hid just a few moments ago. In this concentration, she forgot to check her mirror bubble. The horrible looking clone was now choking her violently. For one hand, the clone had a grip that was not breaking no matter how much Eias flailed. She gasped for air as her neck was getting smaller from the hand.

No, She had to get the task done. She had to! That is one of the reasons for Kim bringing her along. She stopped struggling with her hands as the clone was rather strong. Instead, she started to twitch her fingers just out of sight of the clone. With the twitching, the bubbles she had summoned were now set over to the cells. Check mate... She opened her mouth that had drool coming from the strangling, out came a bubble. She snapped her fingers. The bubbles at the cells exploded the bars and so did the bubble right at the clones face. In turn, she too was caught in her own blast.

Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara

The Forest mage couldn't deal with it; Chris had turned on her, who knows what happened to Ryu or Adrian... If that Siren could turn Chris then what else could she be capable of?... And Hibiki and Sora were probably still locked in a cell being tortured right now...

She felt so USELESS!

Her guilt stopped a fraction as she felt strong arms wrap around her frame, emerald eyes going huge as she stared up to Noah. Then something weird was happening with his voice. Even now her heart was slowing down, her eyelids were sliding down about half way as her fingers unclenched. Her body was feeling all limp like the muscles were losing their strength. "...N...Noah what are you-" It felt unnatural only because she knew how panic driven she normally was. This wasn't the time for her to be relaxing... at least that's what she was thinking. Even her speech was getting half slurred. "...Why are your eyes so pretty?~..." she murred out in an almost half drunken state.

She was fairly weak so it would make sense his spell was probably working stronger then he had intended for.

@Embaga Elder
Noah Cross

Forest Entrance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Sinbad.full.1023745.jpg.dea5104bc6445fcb66ae3c915f3d214a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Sinbad.full.1023745.jpg.dea5104bc6445fcb66ae3c915f3d214a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah smiled down on to Kelica as his spell seemed to be working, a little too well though. He chuckled softly as she asked about his eyes. You can thank my mother for that. I never gotten the chance to. His face showed a small amount of sadness, for short time as he said that. He then smiled again and played with Kelica's hair. You have nice hair, I wonder who's hair is longer. Yours or mine. As he just talked to Kelica, the voice wasn't as strong as before it just kept her in a relax state, no progressing any further.



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[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]Noah Cross
Forest Entrance

View attachment 321476

Noah smiled down on to Kelica as his spell seemed to be working, a little too well though. He chuckled softly as she asked about his eyes. You can thank my mother for that. I never gotten the chance to. His face showed a small amount of sadness, for short time as he said that. He then smiled again and played with Kelica's hair. You have nice hair, I wonder who's hair is longer. Yours or mine. As he just talked to Kelica, the voice wasn't as strong as before it just kept her in a relax state, no progressing any further.

Kelica Zefara


The blonde girl's brain was melting and she wasn't even sure how. This relaxing thing was a whole new concept for the girl usually associated with being almost hyperactive. Things seemed slower, and she could take more in. Though even in her half drunkened-esque mannerisms she noted the words he was saying and the shift in his tone. "....I'm sorry to hear that...." she said in a genuine tone.

The conversation turned to her own long blonde hair and with a smile, and with even less inhibitions then before, she lifted her hand up to put her hand around his, threading her fingers through his own as he played with her hair. "Yours is longer right now but....I have a secret weapon..." she said in that same slurred tone, her palm growing a soft green glow as her fingers tightened. Then in no more then a few blinks time the girl had grown a portion of her blonde hair to drape all the way to floor she was kneeling on. Slowly withdrawing her fingers from the warmth of his own.

"It’s.... my healing. Cell regeneration. I can multiple and expand the cells in my hair causing it to grow exponentially... usually my heals hurt as I don't remove the pain. But, as hair cells are already dead, no pain."

Even relaxed the girl gave off a small, pathetic sigh. "My magic is completely useless.... I can heal but the pain is magnified, grow hair, talk to animals and trees, upgrade wooden weapons and create houses out of trees.... I can't even protect my friends or the forests I love..." twisting away from him now as she knelt by herself, head and shoulders bowed. "...there was no point to bringing me here, I should have died in that hideout... at least it may have a given a purpose ..for Fairytail to avenge me or something..." wrapping her arms around herself.
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Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru: What's left of magic...

Kim's reaction was rather... Unexpected... Rather than getting angry or scared she simply laughed. This confused Ayano a little but Kim stopped and gave her a cold look. She wasn't afraid at all, Ayano could see it in her eye's... Kim went on to explain her magic. Or was it magic? She wasn't sure. But this excited her! Ayano doesn't get to fight many unique mages. She could've fought the dragon slayer but that's too late now. She didn't have much time to think when a sudden beam came flying towards her. Ayano barely dodged it merely escaping with a single scratch on her cheek. Soon after though Ayano spoke again as if that never happened, still bearing a twisted smile. "A child of the taint? Interesting..." Ayano stared at Kim with lifeless pitch black eyes. "Well I am a child of the night and we are in my domain... Shadows... Blood... You name it! Everything in this room can be used to your disadvantage... Even your own friends!" She threw blood spikes at Aiden. Two hit both of his arms while one barely skimmed the side of his face. "Why don't you let your anger do the talking? I can tell you're not fighting to your fullest. I wonder if that would change if I were to kill him now..." Ayano threw one more spike Aiming directly for his head.

As for the clone's activity it was not going very well. Because of the beam heading for the real Ayano she couldn't get the clone to move out the way of the bubbles. The clone had exploded and all that remained was a blackened torso with one arm. It remained very very still before it's head jerked up with the face completely distorted but still had a barely visible smile. It scrambled towards Eias surprisingly fast despite it only having one arm and no legs. The clone threw itself off the ground and violently grabbed Eias by the neck strangling her. It spoke with a disturbingly distorted voice.
"I'm not done yet..."


Ashley Hart

Everything had been happening so fast. The fight was so quick but she remembered every detail. But then Ayano started to injure Aiden which made her jump up in her cell "You witch!" she spat out, gripping onto the bars of her cell. "I will kick your crazy little ass to the next universe when I get out of here!" Whatever Ayano was doing to Aiden... She already knew that Ayano was willing to kill Aiden. "I wonder if that would change if I were to kill him now..." these words echoed in her head. Ashley had to get out, had to do something. I swear if she kills him... Even in the short amount of time she's known Aiden. They had the tiniest bit of friendship and that meant so much to Ashley.

She wasnt going to let him die.

@purplepanda288 @Bolts @Jackaboi (I think that's it.)​
Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Forests of Magnolia

His interrogation of had yielded exactly what he sought. In the forests beyond Magnolia lay an old base used by Grimoire Heart and he and his 'guest' were in agreement that that was likely where the kidnapped mages had been taken. And thus here he was, standing in a clearing outside what appeared to be a large stone structure, almost castle-like in construction. Were it not protected by a powerful illusionary spell he might not have found it. Unfortunately for the dark guild it was their very own defenses that allowed him to pinpoint their location. This fact had not gone unnoticed as the dark guild rallied it's forces to stop him. As the forces gathered before him a bright light emanated from his hand, quickly taking to the shape of a large greatsword. He brought the sword before him, stabbing it's blade into the ground as he rested his hands atop it's pummel. A cold glare adorned his features as he silently gazed upon his enemies, powerful magic pouring from him causing many of the weaker mages to instinctively take a step back.

His gaze drifted across the masses towards the more stylized individuals in the back. Not only their appearances but the magic coming from them signified them as higher ranking members of Grimoire Heart. They were clearly the shot-callers in this engagement and it was them that he would have to defeat in order to progress. Nevertheless he would be remiss to forgo his duties as Guild Master and as loathe as he was to even speak to such 'people' he had no choice. He took in a breath, closing his eyes as he did so as he took a moment to compose himself. After only the briefest of delays he focused his glare on the tall, lanky dark-haired man that seemed to be the one in charge. In a booming voice that seemed to unnaturally reverberate throughout the clearing he called out. "I am Gilad Arcturus, Guild Master of Sabertooth. You have abducted many Magicians including members of my guild. This is your one chance to return them."

He left it at that already knowing the response he would receive. The ominous aura surrounding him coupled with the ice-cold glare he held upon his foes did little to assure the Grimoire Heart mages. Both he and his opponents knew that regardless of the choice made this would not end peacefully for the dark guild. With no incentive to adhere to his demands the lanky man merely laughed hysterically, holding his hands over his face as he did so. "If you want your precious Wizards come and get them!" With that said the front line of mages rushed him, their magics diverse even if their robed appearances were not. Some wielded weapons such as swords or axes while others channeled magic such as arcane bolts or fireballs. All those that relied on magic were quickly left confused and surprised as they found themselves stripped of their power. Their confusion quickly turned to panic as the very ground beneath them tore open, a massive fissure snaking it's way down their line before erupting into a massive column of flame. The explosion echoed faintly throughout the forest, signifying the beginning of his campaign to retrieve Alicia.

Grace had been lost the entire day. Ever since she passed out everyone slowly left her. First Masaki went off with his friends, or had gotten kidnapped, and then when she came back from the bathroom almost everyone disappeared. It had been a long and lonely day that she wished would end. But boredom got the best of her, and she got the urge to help. Being useless was not something that would be accepted, and searching seemed helpful enou. Besides, she might run into the group.

And here she was know, a few hours later wandering around in the forest. She was even more lost than she had been earlier, passing by the wooden shack countless times. Since all of the fighting was underground she couldn't hear any of it. However what she could hear and feel was a strong rumble in the ground. Her blue eyes lit up excitedly and the short girl began to run in the general direction. There was a fight going on, and she had to help! Her explosions would outshine any other lame magic. It would be her dream come true!

As she reached the sight of the battle Grace was surprised to see one lone Mage fighting an entire army of mages. She immediately recognized the man to be Gilad, Sabertooth's guildmaster. She realized that this was an oppurtunitoes for her, to show off her strength to him! It would be like winning the approval of dating Masaki. If he knew that he was dating a strong girl, he surely would approve it. The brown haired girl ran to his side, careful not to fall into the deep pit he opened. "Master Gilad, I'm Grace from Lamia Scale, the girl who's dating Masaki. I'm here to help you!"

(This is a really bad post. I'm not at home and none of my posts have been good)
Kayzo said:
Grace had been lost the entire day. Ever since she passed out everyone slowly left her. First Masaki went off with his friends, or had gotten kidnapped, and then when she came back from the bathroom almost everyone disappeared. It had been a long and lonely day that she wished would end. But boredom got the best of her, and she got the urge to help. Being useless was not something that would be accepted, and searching seemed helpful enou. Besides, she might run into the group.
And here she was know, a few hours later wandering around in the forest. She was even more lost than she had been earlier, passing by the wooden shack countless times. Since all of the fighting was underground she couldn't hear any of it. However what she could hear and feel was a strong rumble in the ground. Her blue eyes lit up excitedly and the short girl began to run in the general direction. There was a fight going on, and she had to help! Her explosions would outshine any other lame magic. It would be her dream come true!

As she reached the sight of the battle Grace was surprised to see one lone Mage fighting an entire army of mages. She immediately recognized the man to be Gilad, Sabertooth's guildmaster. She realized that this was an oppurtunitoes for her, to show off her strength to him! It would be like winning the approval of dating Masaki. If he knew that he was dating a strong girl, he surely would approve it. The brown haired girl ran to his side, careful not to fall into the deep pit he opened. "Master Gilad, I'm Grace from Lamia Scale, the girl who's dating Masaki. I'm here to help you!"

(This is a really bad post. I'm not at home and none of my posts have been good)
Gilad Arcturus - Forests of Magnolia

Those that had not been caught in the blast were quick to recover and resume their charge. As they neared him they were suddenly slammed into the ground, a powerful force weighing down on them. The force was so great that it cratered the ground beneath them, the sound of shattering bones filling the air. With the entire charge brought to a halt he turned his attention towards the mages that still stood in his way. It was at that moment that the lanky man began to laugh maniacally. After a few moments he calmed down and promptly swept his arm across his abdomen as he extended a gracious bow towards the Guild Master.

As he straightened up he brought his hand up to his face and swept his long black hair back into place. "I apologize, Master Arcturus. I know full well that such an attack would do nothing against someone such as yourself. I just wanted a meager demonstration of your powers." The man extended his arms to his side, gesturing to the several individuals beside him. "Unfortunately, Grimoire Heart is well aware of your reputation. Territory Control!" As the man screamed out his words he rose his hands into the air, magical energy flowing skywards from within him as it formed to create a large dome that encased the battlefield. Once in place the magical energy faded from view and soon there was no trace there was anything at all.

As his opponents acted he narrowed his eyes and attempted to neutralize the man's magic. However one of the man's comrades, a young woman, was quick to intervene as she took up position between him and his target. As she got into positions she held her hands out to her sides as a magic circle formed before her. In rapid succession a series of magic circles surrounded the man behind her, one on each side as well as above him. Once the duo finished their setup it became abundantly clear to him what it was they were doing causing his features to darken even further. He should have expected as much from Grimoire Heart but it aggravated him all the same.

Emboldened by their leaders the second wave of mages charged his position. Like before their attacks were diverse as the front line of melee combatants rushed forward while an array of range-focused mages took up position behind them. If they believed this enough to win they were sorely mistaken. He ripped the large sword from the ground and held it skyward, the clouds above swirling and darkening by the second as flashes of light began to spread within them. A bolt of lightning emerged from one such flash and lanced down to impact upon his sword, temporarily blinding those closest to him. Electricity danced across the blade as it illuminated his surroundings. He gripped the handle with both of his hands and swung the blade down, leveling it towards the charging mages as a powerful blast of electricity arced forwards and slammed through the enemy's ranks. Those too slow or ill-equipped to handle the blast fell to the ground in convulsing heaps as others still were able to continue their attack.

The mages in the back unleashed a torrent of spells in his direction in the hopes of softening him up for their comrades. He hefted his sword up before slamming it down into the ground once again. A low rumble shook the ground as the very earth beneath him was torn asunder as massive slabs of stones rose forth to provide a barrier between him and his opponents. The sound of explosions once more rocked the clearing as the myriad of spells impacted upon his impromptu barricade. It was at this time that he took note of a rather peculiar individual approaching from behind. Based on her attire it was unlikely she was a member of Grimoire Heart, or at the very least not one of their foot soldiers.

He was about to deal with her when she identified herself as a member of Lamia Scale. He could see no mark on the girl to validate her claims and the only thing allowing her to remain standing was the fact that she had visited his Hall once before. He closed his eyes as he mulled over how to handle the girl. While not exactly pleased with having to deal with a member of another guild it was true that his opponents had robbed him of his most valuable assets. Seeing as how it was too late to turn her away the only option was to accept her offer. He opened his eyes and looked down towards the girl as she came to a stop beside him and offered her a small nod. "Well, Miss Grace, I shall accept your offer." He again pulled his sword from the ground and leveled it forward, pointing at the stone barrier before him and the man that lay beyond. "There are two powerful Grimoire Heart members that we must neutralize. If we can do that we shall win this battle."

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Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara

The blonde girl's brain was melting and she wasn't even sure how. This relaxing thing was a whole new concept for the girl usually associated with being almost hyperactive. Things seemed slower, and she could take more in. Though even in her half drunkened-esque mannerisms she noted the words he was saying and the shift in his tone. "....I'm sorry to hear that...." she said in a genuine tone.

The conversation turned to her own long blonde hair and with a smile, and with even less inhibitions then before, she lifted her hand up to put her hand around his, threading her fingers through his own as he played with her hair. "Yours is longer right now but....I have a secret weapon..." she said in that same slurred tone, her palm growing a soft green glow as her fingers tightened. Then in no more then a few blinks time the girl had grown a portion of her blonde hair to drape all the way to floor she was kneeling on. Slowly withdrawing her fingers from the warmth of his own.

"It’s.... my healing. Cell regeneration. I can multiple and expand the cells in my hair causing it to grow exponentially... usually my heals hurt as I don't remove the pain. But, as hair cells are already dead, no pain."

Even relaxed the girl gave off a small, pathetic sigh. "My magic is completely useless.... I can heal but the pain is magnified, grow hair, talk to animals and trees, upgrade wooden weapons and create houses out of trees.... I can't even protect my friends or the forests I love..." twisting away from him now as she knelt by herself, head and shoulders bowed. "...there was no point to bringing me here, I should have died in that hideout... at least it may have a given a purpose ..for Fairytail to avenge me or something..." wrapping her arms around herself.
Noah Cross

Forest Entrance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/large.jpg.a0b66ef13c812e25b087e150e8b61155.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145350" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/large.jpg.a0b66ef13c812e25b087e150e8b61155.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It's okay. He said still partially sadden. He seemed to brush it off and continued on with life playing with Kelica's hair rubbing his fingers through it. The conversation took a turn when she stated she had a secret weapon. Secret weapon huh? Lets see it. He said with a smile. He watch in awe as Kelica's hair grew all the way to the floor. He frowned then crossed his arms. Cheater. He said with slight anger, his frown turned to a smile and he laughed softly. Hehe I'm joking.

He listened as she explained about her healing process. He thought it was neat that she could heal herself, but terrible that she still feels the pain. He didn't go on much about it but what really shocked him was when she started talking down about herself. He frowned as she went on about how useless her magic is. His frown became even deeper when she said she should've died back there. He raised his hand and flicked his wrist lightly popped her on the back of her head. Stop. He crossed his arms and placed his back against the wall. I didn't bring you here to listen to you talk down about yourself. I brought you here so you can heal, and continue to live out your life as a wizard of Fairy Tail. Now since that part is done, why don't you train so you can protect the forest and your friends with your so called useless magic that you will improve over the time. He stands up and walks in front of Kelica standing over her with his arms crossed.

The moonlight shining nicely on him.
Your magic isn't useless it's just undeveloped. He pauses and looks at the tree that healed her. He looks back at Kelica and sighs. I can't believe I'm about to explain this to a forest mage, but imagining it like a tree. It starts off as a little seed that people step all over, but once it's been given time and care it grows to become big and powerful, able to withstand alot.

He sits down in front of Kelica with his feet on the ground, and his forearms on his knees. Your still young, so you still have time to improve. Just don't lemme hear you say stuff like that again. Alright?



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Jackaboi said:
Eric: No holding back...

"Ethan eh? Well now that's out the way..." Eric was still figuring out how his magic worked... Ethan has probably taken multiple blows but he doesn't look all that beat up. Weird... He also somehow creates some kind of force to attack back. Was Ethan somehow storing Eric's punches? In that case He'd better be carefull... Is there any way to beat someone in a fight without punching or kicking? Then again... If he can store all kinds of force then doesn't that mean he can run out? He could always try... Eric started throwing a flurry of punches towards Ethan but although they look like they're about to hit him Eric intentionally misses in the hopes that the kid will do a few counter attacks.

@Kayzo @Britt-21 @purplepanda288
Ethan: Grimoire Heart

Ethan watches Eric's movements like a hawk, knowing that if he didn't a punch would likely nail him. It helped that he was now getting a good feel of Eric's attacks, and was able to redirect some of their force elsewhere. That was tiring though, as shown by the slightly heavier breaths he was now taking. Ethan slapped a haymaker aimed at his side away, using the opening to get in close. He took the opportunity to land three blows, one to each bicep, and one to the chest. The two on the arms wouldn't hurt too much, but Eric would feel the numbness creep through his muscles for a while. The chest blow would serve to shorten his breath a bit. He didn't want to collapse the lung completely after all. 'Jeez, maybe my guildmates were right,' He thought. 'maybe I am too soft.' he quickly rolling away from Eric to dodge a falling rock.
Eric: You think you're too so...? Wait is that a boulder?

He knew it... All those attacks Eric just did we're redirected elsewhere, made obvious by the multiple dents appearing on the walls. Although trying to push away so many punches at once must've paid quite a toll on Ethan. Trying to maintain such momentum was hard though. The kid mast have saw an opening and used it to launch a counter attack. Eric took multiple blows to the arm and chest. He took a step back trying to regain what air he lost. "Too soft? Do you really think your in any position to go soft on me?" Ethan jumped out of Eric's way for some reason. He didn't even launch an attack for him to dodge. That was until he noticed a shadow at his feet growing larger and larger. "W-wait your joking right?" He reluctantly looked up to notice a giant boulder about to land on him. "Oh dear god... (SMASH!)"

The boulder hit it's target and was sat there for a few moments in silence until it started rumbling. It started slowly lifting off the ground to reveal Eric using the strength of his gorilla arms to free himself from the boulder. "I said it before and I ain't gonna say it again... AIN'T NO PILE OF ROCKS STOPPING ME NOW!!!" Eric launched the boulder directly at Ethan with some impressive velocity. "Let's see you try and stop that one!"

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Isune @Necr0Danc3r @Rhodus @Zuka
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[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]Noah Cross
Forest Entrance

View attachment 321951

It's okay. He said still partially sadden. He seemed to brush it off and continued on with life playing with Kelica's hair rubbing his fingers through it. The conversation took a turn when she stated she had a secret weapon. Secret weapon huh? Lets see it. He said with a smile. He watch in awe as Kelica's hair grew all the way to the floor. He frowned then crossed his arms. Cheater. He said with slight anger, his frown turned to a smile and he laughed softly. Hehe I'm joking.

He listened as she explained about her healing process. He thought it was neat that she could heal herself, but terrible that she still feels the pain. He didn't go on much about it but what really shocked him was when she started talking down about herself. He frowned as she went on about how useless her magic is. His frown became even deeper when she said she should've died back there. He raised his hand and flicked his wrist lightly popped her on the back of her head. Stop. He crossed his arms and placed his back against the wall. I didn't bring you here to listen to you talk down about yourself. I brought you here so you can heal, and continue to live out your life as a wizard of Fairy Tail. Now since that part is done, why don't you train so you can protect the forest and your friends with your so called useless magic that you will improve over the time. He stands up and walks in front of Kelica standing over her with his arms crossed.

The moonlight shining nicely on him.
Your magic isn't useless it's just undeveloped. He pauses and looks at the tree that healed her. He looks back at Kelica and sighs. I can't believe I'm about to explain this to a forest mage, but imagining it like a tree. It starts off as a little seed that people step all over, but once it's been given time and care it grows to become big and powerful, able to withstand alot.

He sits down in front of Kelica with his feet on the ground, and his forearms on his knees. Your still young, so you still have time to improve. Just don't lemme hear you say stuff like that again. Alright?

Kelica Zefara

Entrance to Forest


The forest mage took a deep sigh, she wasn't crying over her guilt so that was an improvement and probably had something to do with the lingering effects of the his relaxation voice. Though if anything her dull gaze was probably more disturbing for it's overwhelming sheer mehness. She felt a bop on the back of her head that made her half wince, turning to look back to him while she rubbed her head.

She listened silently, she didn’t think he'd let her interrupt anyway. As he moved to stand tall before her and peer down to her, she couldn't help by hold her breath a fraction. But when he actually explained it like she was a seed growing into a tree her whole face seemed to light up. She'd never even considered it like that, leaning forward a fraction like she was drinking in every word.

"...I..." She didn't even know what to say anymore. She thought back on her Father and how powerful and commanding his whole presence was. Realising that could be her one day. Maybe. If she trained really hard.

"Thank you Noah..." she whispered with happy little tears in the corners of her eyes.

"I'd like to go back and help my friends now...but...if things goes south...you'll keep me safe, right?"

To be honest she was nervous, she didn't know if Chris was under control again, what more damage the Siren had done to Adrian or Ryu and she was certain she had seen little Alicia there in the background... and Mizuki? She needed to help even if it was just with general First Aid and not her Cell Regeneration.

Gaining more enthusiasm by the second, she held a finger out in a wait a second pose, before she lept up and dashed in a purposeful fashion around the immediate area, plunking an assortment of leaves, herbs, vines, flowers and bark which she tucked into her tactical military belt she had looped on her hips.

She was actually very knowledgeable in Herbal Remedies for healing, and could use that first before her magical heals... returning minutes later with pockets filled with all manner of plants.
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Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Team Bravado


The Shadow Mage couldn't believe after all the running around, all the chasing and mind numbing bad moments had finally ended and he had found Millie alive. That was honestly the thing that he was worried about the most, second to her being tortured or.... well luckily he had arrived when he had, a minute or two later and he would have walked in during or just after Option Three and that thought alone had his whole body tense up in a shaking rage, teeth gritted. But he took a huge, deep breath inwards to try and calm himself as he cradled her as close as he was able to, his arms a warm embrace to soothe her and keep her safe. As she tried to grasp at his shirt she may have realized he was wearing nothing but his pants and boots, not that it mattered. The skin on skin contact with her frame only cemented how much he had missed it and was glad it was safe with him again.

"... I'm sorry I couldn't have found you sooner..." He said in a deep voice right against her ear before squeezing his eyes and burying his face deep within the strands of her soft hair. "But I'm here now... I'll always find you...always." He moved his face then to bring his nose to brush and wash over her cheek before he slipped a hand up to cup at her face, bringing his mouth to her to kiss her. With an intensity he didn't realized he possessed. He broke away almost as quickly as he had kissed her, his deep purple eyes switching from one of hers to the other before he slipped his face up to kiss at her forehead tenderly. And without a word the Shadow Mage slung his daggers back into the holsters on his hips, before scooping her up in his strong hold, an arm under her knees and the other around her back, curling her very body in closer to his chest. He had nothing to offer her to re-clothe her just yet, but he hoped the hold might cover up her decency. Perhaps when he found Maya she could Illusion her something. At least to stop everyone else gawking at her, not that they would gawk long if he had anything to say about it.

And despite the turmoil of emotions he was already feeling, after seeing her in such a state and then removing the man to rescue her, the Shadow Mage couldn't help but briefly be smug at the thought that is was him and not that Casa-Noah that had saved her. Lord knows he'd never live it down then.... he slowly started to walk out of the room holding her close, seeing someone walking towards him through the sea of people.

A red-headed girl if he was not mistaken.

@Britt-21 @Mykinkaiser

Ferra: Team Bravado

Soon all the enemies were either dead, incapacitated, or in the case of a rare few actually ran away. Valken had of course saw this as a time to run ahead to find Millie, Tanari following soon after. Of course without another word Ferra did her best to run and follow him and utterly failing. She sighed and wandered in the direction he had went somewhat lost. She figured she'd run into them eventually but she was mostly worried about running into guards. Soon she had found everyone though and it seemed Valken had found Millie.

She was going to run up for a group hug thing then she realized Millie was naked. She looked suspiciously to Valken but brushed it off, surely he wasn't dumb enough to do anything with her in a situation like this. Though it still rose questions as to why. Nonetheless she smiled at her. "Millie! I'm so glad you're okay!" She told her cheerfully. "We should probably g-" She began, being interrupted by dust falling from the ceiling and the ground shaking slightly. "Yeah..we should go. Like now." She told them seriously, her demeanour shifting almost instantly.
Mitchs98 said:
@Britt-21 @Kayzo @Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98 @Britt-21
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

She gave the poorly-clad woman another look-over as Valken introduced her. "Millie, eh?" Her gaze lingered on the woman's bare chest, a look of annoyance covering her features. "You're one of the ones that scored higher than me...." She held her look for a few moments before refocusing her attention on the shadow-mage as he answered her question while trying to step past her. She followed his lead and took a step out of his way, giving him free access to pass her. A semi-familiar voice rang out as the kid from earlier ran up, excited about her comrades well-being. It was at that moment that the man cut himself off mid-sentence causing her to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

Her attention was drawn down the corridor as the magic circle appeared and the new foe slowly emerged. Bringing her hand up to rub her face she let out an exaggerated sigh. "Don't these guys know when to give up? Their persistence is way too unattractive." As she spoke flames reignited around her fists as she dropped down into her usual combat-ready stance. With the creature's mighty roar her hair and jacket whipped around behind her. Although more importantly than the roar was the shadow-mages whispered words. Based on what she saw back there it didn't seem like having that 'Frosty' fellow would help much. Didn't seem like having any of them would help that much given they were all melee-focused, and it sure didn't seem like this thing would budge from a punch.

"I'm tired and wanna go home, so let's get this over with shall we?" Not bothering to wait around for the purple knight or the berserker she opted to charge forth herself. As she approached the golem it lifted it's hand and brought it down towards her in an attempt to squash her right then and there. She deftly kicked off the ground and leapt over it's fist before sliding underneath it all the while blasting it with a stream of fire. What they were thinking summoning this thing here was beyond here, the dumb thing couldn't even hardly fit. How they expected it to fight when it couldn't even move properly was a question she likely would never get the answer to. All the same she quickly hopped to her feet and took a few hops back, gaining some distance from the creature. She leaned to the side, looking past the creature to the trio on the other side of it before calling out. "I didn't see you use your magic in that last fight, time to step up Your Highness!"

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