Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Valken Truss

Team Bravado

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbae6b53c_images(27).jpg.6c0769c85349bb054264257c708c2b47.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142607" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbae6b53c_images(27).jpg.6c0769c85349bb054264257c708c2b47.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Shadow Mage was not surprised when Emmerich pretty much completely ignored him. He didn't really expect him to hold back. Ever since they had met some months in a drunken brawl no less, he'd been fighting and struggling to hold back this entire time. Valken knew of his Berserker nature and really, against a pit of blood thirsty Grimoire Heart mages, this would likely be the only chance for him to unleash his full force. He just hoped he could explain away the carnage to Maya and thus the Council... then again, if Emmerich was arrested it wouldn't be hard for Valken to bust him out... another adventure no doubt.

Valken looked almost lazily around the faces surrounding him, watching their every tell tale step and twist of an ankle and at seemingly the last moment he would side step them, or bend in an oddly agile manner, watching a blade slash inches from him or fire wizz past his hair or slid a foot back as ice spikes shot up from the ground. It was almost inhuman how quickly he could dodge, but in a way he had a helping hand.

Valken was always attached to the Shadows and any fluctuation in a Shadow he would feel like a bug landing on the thin strands of a Spiders web. While he could technically dodge must sooner, the advantage of leaving it to the last minute was keeping the combat as close as possible, almost uncomfortably so, where Valken was the most deadly.

With a cold, almost dead expression he side stepped one mage to thrust his hooked and curved dagger into his thigh, before hoisting the man up and over his shoulder to send him crashing behind him, yanking the dagger from his leg which make a sickening tearing noise as the dagger was designed to cause more carnage coming out then going in from it's hooked tip and razor barbs.

A second mage flung a flaming fist not unlike Tanari's at him to which Valken twisted and boinked him none to gently in the noise, cracking it, with the hilt of his dagger. Then did a wide arcing slice across his chest to send him falling back in pain.

Now the third mage he met was a Sour looking girl and for the first time since he started fighting he couldn't help but don a cheeky grin. As she tried to attack he did a convincing Zoro impression and in a few very practiced flicks he cut the straps of her dress causing the whole thing to fall down exposing a rather shapely and very naked frame underneath.

Here Valken had a grin ear to ear as the girl pretty much slapped him and ran off in the chaos and he watched her trying desperately to hold said broken dress over her bouncing cleavage. He even lifted the dagger to blow the tip like someone might a pistol having just been fired.

Well he was grinning till he turned his head and his whole frame tensed up as he heard an ear-piercing scream down the far end of the corridor from whence all the mages were coming from. There was absolutely no doubt in his mind that ear-piercing scream came from Millie.

His once cold expression and momentary grin now replaced with something close to a teeth gritted rage. Jaw tensed. Almost instantly there was a ploom of dark smoke waft out from his very feet. One by one the lights overhead exploded, starting above him and traveling down the entire length of the corridor. His very body posture exuded such death and coldness that even Emmerich would have flinched.

His knuckles grew white on the hilt of both daggers.

Now shrouded in darkness the Dark Guild Mages gasped and panicked as they were unable to see much. And under the pitch black darkness they would see and hear nothing. In short work Valken had literally jumped from mage to mage with a one shot kill every time. Slit throat, dagger punched through their back and out their front, limb dismembered, major arteries torn.

In no more then 10 seconds Valken had systematically slaughtered 30 or more mages in the pitch darkness, leaving them dead instantly or in their last moments dying, the floor a sea of blood red.

Having now cleared a path down the corridor (Ferra, Emmerich, Tanari and Lavender still circled by mages that had already surrounded them), Valken found a locked room. With a half grunt he with ease broke into the room and swung the door wide to hear it slam loudly against the wall.

He almost couldn't believe what he saw but he was so livid a single emotion didn't flicker over his face. Some man had Millie chained against the wall, arms spread wide. They'd stripped her to just her underwear though Valken had yet to establish if she were injuried. In another flash Valken had run up grasp the man by the throat, dragging him away from her while throwing him against the wall. He dropped whatever item he was holding as he made a gurgled cry, but Valken's fingers only tightened around his neck as his dagger slammed into his shoulder, pinning him to the very wall. But that didn't stop Valken keeping him hung there with that crushing grip on his throat.

Not taking his glowing purple gaze off the man as his lips turned blue and his legs kicked out. Oh how he wanted to torture him for days but he didn't want Millie to see the sick and twisted things he was capable of.

Then an idea...

Valken's face finally lit up as he pushed the man suddenly into the shadows on the wall, like it were liquid, forcing his back then arms and body and his gurlged, contorted face of agony in last into the sweet, dark embrace of the Shadow Realm, before the Shadow Mage pulled his arms and dagger back out.

Literally leaving the man to drown in the Shadows, gasping for breath as the Shadows enveloped him, dragged him down and sucked the very oxygen from his lungs.

Valken snapped at the chains holding the half naked girl up, breaking her fall as he pulled her in tight and slowly sliding to his knees as he kept her close.

"I'm here Millie.... I'm here... It's Ok..." His fingers almost painfully tight as he held her to him, telling her she was safe.

@Kayzo @Britt-21 @Mitchs98

((This is the post that never ends.... it goes on and on my friends... some people, started reading it not knowing what it was, but then it just keep going on and on because this is the post that never ends .."



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Zuka said:
Draneri - The Siren
Dark Guild Corridor


The Siren's face lit up as a smile spread almost cheek to cheek. This... was utter chaos!! It was beautiful! As she expected one of her suitors broke her free from one of the man's grasp(Adrian), while the other distracted the tiger boy(Eric). Admittedly she had lost her needle but no matter, she always kept spares on her as they did oftentimes break.

The man (Chris) turned into some sort of vicious beast and for a moment she put a finger to her chin in thought, did she use Envy or Rage? It certainly didn't matter but his chaotic rage intrigued her greatly. Though the rage from the Dark woman (Mizuki) was equally as amusing. Two perfectly delicious and powerful mages out for blood, for her! Perhaps she should follow this 'magic' prey more often?

She turned to the boy who came beside her (Ethan) with hands still clasped on her cheeks as an excited tremble escaped her. She knelt down before the boy and out of habit let her long white fingers run through his hair. She adored children... so cute, so adorable... the perfect weapon should one desire to. And this boy had joined a Dark Guild no less! Her raven wings coiling around him so she could whisper and only he could hear.

"Your leader sought me out for the promise of limitless high-end prey.... How could I refuse?... Now... Which one would you like to attack? That boy from earlier?"

Her raven wings lowered and almost as if on cue the very boy she spoke of, Eric, demanded to tell him why she did what she did. While Ethan was of Grimoire Heart this boy was not and she was not obliged to tell him anything. So she started a soft song, though the very breath coming from her mouth this time was a soft blue.


"Hush little baby~.... Don't say a word~... Mumma's gunna buy you a mocking bird..."

As she wasn't within face distance the spell was no where near as strong as the others, but it may have dulled his senses enough to illicit a big yawn. And while she sung she shot Ethan a quick nod and smile, gently pushing him forward by his shoulders to get him to use the distraction as an opening to attack.

"And if that mockingbird don't sing~

Mumma's gunna buy you a Diamond Ring..."

After this she heard Adrian start some speech about how the Siren didn't love Chris, that it was artifical... her eyes narrowed down momentarily but she continued the humming sound of her song at least till Ethan had restrained Eric himself.

Of course Lady Luck seemed to be on her side as Chris only momentarily hesitated before snarling and trying to bite at Adrian once more. What a beautiful Prey... so gullible. She was certain of her victory at this point in subduing 5 mages when suddenly a shout caused her whole body to turn and her hum to instantly stop.

There standing in an archway with emerald eyes livid was some blonde hair girl with a red haired Samuria beside her. Kelica's grip had loosened on Ryu's hand as her hands balled into fists.


She seemed to be only focusing on the beast boy (Chris) and not the Siren herself which was music to her ears.



Grimoire Heart

Counting his blessings

Well this was certainly an interesting turn of events. As Ethan was pushed forward, he pouted a little at the fact that this Siren had actually basically cuddled him...HIM! It was embarrassing to think about, and so he decided not to for the time being. "Well..." he said, approaching Eric's pacified form. "I suppose I can't play around anymore." He suddenly kicked Eric to the ground, before kneeling next to him. "Sorry dude, i'd finish this fair and square if i could." He said, sounding oddly genuine, before he stood up and kicked Eric in the stomach a few times. Some blows could be felt, while others, not so much to to Ethan's magic.

@Zuka @Jackaboi
Eric: Why is everyone beating me up!?

Eric saw a weird puff of smoke escape the Sirens lips. Unfortunately he ended up breathing it in causing him to feel far more drowsy. "W-why am... I felling... tired." Not only that but then Mizuki dropped a huge block of darkness on him pinning him down as he felt his energy draining. He knew Mizuki was being brainwashed but hell... It's scary being on the receiving end of her attacks. "Mizuki! That Siren is controlling you! You have to break free!" Thankfully she ended up becoming distracted by something else. Another Siren? Impostor? Either way it saved him. But it didn't end there... Now that same brat from before showed up, kicking him as he was down coupled with a few other blows from his magic. Then again it didn't hurt that much, he's only a kid after all. "Heh you call that a kick? What are you? An ant?" Eric provoked him hoping the kid would go for a harder blow. Eric covered his skin in dragon scales right before the blow landed, hopefully hurting the kid more. Then he tripped him up while there was an opening and pinned him on the ground holding him by the throat. "Stay down if you know what's good for ya." Eric may have been feeling drowsy but he still had enough energy to fight.

@Kayzo @Zuka @Isune @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98
Timothy Harvard: A Quest for a Flower

A Fudging Flower

Timothy managed to retrieve his bag from the passenger car which he slept in without too "much" trouble. He continued down the path to the town square as he passed book land and a bunch of other shops. He looks at the children running around and the people peacefully walking about.
"I can definitely get use to living here, it's so quiet and peaceful...my kind of place!" he said to himself as he took out the same map again and traced his foot steps to the most famous guild in all of Fiore.

"Fairy Tail"


Timothy looked up at the massive guild. The sight of it amazed him and was beyond his expectations. He stuffed the map back into his bag and continued to gaze upon the building.
"This is it! Time to start my very own adventure!" he said as he took a step forward however as soon as he took that step, he immediately started having flashbacks of all the times he's been rejected. He quickly stepped back with self doubt in his mind and looked up at the guild. "Maybe not today...I'm not good enough to be accepted." he thought to himself as he walked away from the guild with a disappointed look in his eyes.

He walked through the town with the same calm demeanor however a bit more depressed than usual.
"If only I didn't have so much bad luck with magic...maybe I might even have a chance." he quietly said to himself. All of his life, Timothy had problems with magic. Despite his interest in learning how to use it, he always ran into difficulties and issues. Still, he was hoping that he might be able to learn someday. Timothy settled in a small cafe by the docks, drinking some tea. He looked at the ocean and thought how beautiful the waves would come by accompanied with the sounds of bells and horns of ships docking. Timothy continued to sip his tea calmly when something caught his eye.

Sitting in another table is an old man making a bouquet of flowers. However, he seemed awfully stressed for some apparent reason which peaked Timothy's concern.

Target Stress Level: Unnaturally High

Timothy stood up from his seat and walked slowly towards the old man while observing him. "Excuse me sir? Are you alright? You seem awfully worried about something?" he asked in a polite manner. The old man jerked from his voice and looked at Timothy with a sigh. "It's nothing really important to be honest." he sighed as he continued making the bouquet. "I can help! My name is Timothy by the way! It's nice to meet you." he introduced himself. "Solomon, it's nice to meet you as well." he replied as he finished the bouquet. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you but my bouquet is missing a very important flower." he explained as he took out a locket from his pocket which revealed a picture inside of Solomon and a woman. "Today marks our 60th anniversary together...and I feel awful that I wasn't able to get her favorite flower." Timothy looked at the man with a soft smile. "What kind of flower is it?" he asked curiously.


"It's known as a Moonlight Lily, it's a special kind of lily flower that fully blooms under the full moon." he explains. "I would get it but I'm in no shape to walk 80 miles to the forest..." he said regrettably. Timothy looked at the old man and smile "I can get that flower for you!" Timothy smiled with glee. Solomon was a bit in surprise as he smiled back "Can you really do that for me? I don't have much to give in return." he asked. Timothy simply nodded and ran off quickly. However this shocked the old man "WAIT! Do you even know how the flower looks like?...that crazy kid...still, he's a good kid." Solomon said to himself.


Timothy managed to run 80 miles all the way until he reached the entrance of the forest. He stops and gazes at the sight of a beautiful entrance in front of a beautiful lake.


Timothy loved how the forest looked like, he also saw a girl sitting on one of the trees.
"Excuse me! Do you know where I can find one of the Moonlight Lilies? I've heard that there are some in this forest?" he shouted to the girl. She simply looked at him while pointing at the path leading inside "Yeah! Just stick to the path on the forest! You'll see a hill! That's where you want to go!" she replied as she flipped her hair. "However, I'll be careful if I were you, I heard there were strange creatures lurking around that area!" Timothy smiled and walked on the path "Thank you! I think I'll be fine!" he replied.

Soon Timothy was admiring the flora that surrounded the area, it looked pretty mystical. As he continued down the path, Timothy managed to see a hill just like what the girl said. He climbed up the hill and saw a small field of grass with some strange looking flowers.
"These must be the Moonlight Lilies! I'm glad that I was able to find them." he said happily as he approached them and picked up one. However little did he know that he was being watched. "Grrrrrrrr....." was the sound heard. Timothy noticed and wondered why such a peculiar sound. He simply turned around and looked up to see where the sound has come from before locking his eyes with...


...A Green Wyvern.

Timothy simply looked at the dragon before saying
"Oh Fudge Nuggets." The Wyvern roared and swooped down to grab Timothy. He ducked and covered as the Wyvern flew up to gain aerial maneuver. Timothy was now running for his "life" as the Wyvern tried to attack him. However as soon as the Wyvern got close, Timothy stopped and clapped his hands together to create a massive shock wave that took the Wyvern by surprise. Timothy continues running but manages to trip causing him to fall flat on his face. "Oof!" he said as his face met the ground. This gave the Wyvern the chance to grab him and lift him up way above the forest about 50 feet in the air. Timothy was struggling, trying to grab on to something. "Let me go you over-sized lizard!" he shouted. Timothy managed to punch the belly of the Wyvern causing it to fly further upwards and lost it's grip on Timothy. At first, Timothy felt victorious until he remembered one important thing...he can't fly.

"Uh oh...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs before descending rapidly. He crashed so hard that he managed to create a massive crater and burrow underground to the point where he crashed into an underground cavern with rocks falling above onto him. Rocks covered him, soon Timothy managed to slowly get out with no visible injuries on him whatsoever. He slowly dusted himself and looked around and saw a strange group of people who seem to be fighting. "Ooooo nice place you have here, don't mind me! I'm just passing through!" he said while sheepishly rubbing his head.

@Zuka @Isune @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98
Zareh said:
Timothy Harvard: A Quest for a Flower
A Fudging Flower

Timothy managed to retrieve his bag from the passenger car which he slept in without too "much" trouble. He continued down the path to the town square as he passed book land and a bunch of other shops. He looks at the children running around and the people peacefully walking about.
"I can definitely get use to living here, it's so quiet and peaceful...my kind of place!" he said to himself as he took out the same map again and traced his foot steps to the most famous guild in all of Fiore.

"Fairy Tail"


Timothy looked up at the massive guild. The sight of it amazed him and was beyond his expectations. He stuffed the map back into his bag and continued to gaze upon the building.
"This is it! Time to start my very own adventure!" he said as he took a step forward however as soon as he took that step, he immediately started having flashbacks of all the times he's been rejected. He quickly stepped back with self doubt in his mind and looked up at the guild. "Maybe not today...I'm not good enough to be accepted." he thought to himself as he walked away from the guild with a disappointed look in his eyes.

He walked through the town with the same calm demeanor however a bit more depressed than usual.
"If only I didn't have so much bad luck with magic...maybe I might even have a chance." he quietly said to himself. All of his life, Timothy had problems with magic. Despite his interest in learning how to use it, he always ran into difficulties and issues. Still, he was hoping that he might be able to learn someday. Timothy settled in a small cafe by the docks, drinking some tea. He looked at the ocean and thought how beautiful the waves would come by accompanied with the sounds of bells and horns of ships docking. Timothy continued to sip his tea calmly when something caught his eye.

Sitting in another table is an old man making a bouquet of flowers. However, he seemed awfully stressed for some apparent reason which peaked Timothy's concern.

Target Stress Level: Unnaturally High

Timothy stood up from his seat and walked slowly towards the old man while observing him. "Excuse me sir? Are you alright? You seem awfully worried about something?" he asked in a polite manner. The old man jerked from his voice and looked at Timothy with a sigh. "It's nothing really important to be honest." he sighed as he continued making the bouquet. "I can help! My name is Timothy by the way! It's nice to meet you." he introduced himself. "Solomon, it's nice to meet you as well." he replied as he finished the bouquet. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you but my bouquet is missing a very important flower." he explained as he took out a locket from his pocket which revealed a picture inside of Solomon and a woman. "Today marks our 60th anniversary together...and I feel awful that I wasn't able to get her favorite flower." Timothy looked at the man with a soft smile. "What kind of flower is it?" he asked curiously.


"It's known as a Moonlight Lily, it's a special kind of lily flower that fully blooms under the full moon." he explains. "I would get it but I'm in no shape to walk 80 miles to the forest..." he said regrettably. Timothy looked at the old man and smile "I can get that flower for you!" Timothy smiled with glee. Solomon was a bit in surprise as he smiled back "Can you really do that for me? I don't have much to give in return." he asked. Timothy simply nodded and ran off quickly. However this shocked the old man "WAIT! Do you even know how the flower looks like?...that crazy kid...still, he's a good kid." Solomon said to himself.


Timothy managed to run 80 miles all the way until he reached the entrance of the forest. He stops and gazes at the sight of a beautiful entrance in front of a beautiful lake.


Timothy loved how the forest looked like, he also saw a girl sitting on one of the trees. "Excuse me! Do you know where I can find one of the Moonlight Lilies? I've heard that there are some in this forest?" he shouted to the girl. She simply looked at him while pointing at the path leading inside "Yeah! Just stick to the path on the forest! You'll see a hill! That's where you want to go!" she replied as she flipped her hair. "However, I'll be careful if I were you, I heard there were strange creatures lurking around that area!" Timothy smiled and walked on the path "Thank you! I think I'll be fine!" he replied.

Soon Timothy was admiring the flora that surrounded the area, it looked pretty mystical. As he continued down the path, Timothy managed to see a hill just like what the girl said. He climbed up the hill and saw a small field of grass with some strange looking flowers.
"These must be the Moonlight Lilies! I'm glad that I was able to find them." he said happily as he approached them and picked up one. However little did he know that he was being watched. "Grrrrrrrr....." was the sound heard. Timothy noticed and wondered why such a peculiar sound. He simply turned around and looked up to see where the sound has come from before locking his eyes with...


...A Green Wyvern.

Timothy simply looked at the dragon before saying "Oh Fudge Nuggets." The Wyvern roared and swooped down to grab Timothy. He ducked and covered as the Wyvern flew up to gain aerial maneuver. Timothy was now running for his "life" as the Wyvern tried to attack him. However as soon as the Wyvern got close, Timothy stopped and clapped his hands together to create a massive shock wave that took the Wyvern by surprise. Timothy continues running but manages to trip causing him to fall flat on his face. "Oof!" he said as his face met the ground. This gave the Wyvern the chance to grab him and lift him up way above the forest about 50 feet in the air. Timothy was struggling, trying to grab on to something. "Let me go you over-sized lizard!" he shouted. Timothy managed to punch the belly of the Wyvern causing it to fly further upwards and lost it's grip on Timothy. At first, Timothy felt victorious until he remembered one important thing...he can't fly.

"Uh oh...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs before descending rapidly. He crashed so hard that he managed to create a massive crater and burrow underground to the point where he crashed into an underground cavern with rocks falling above onto him. Rocks covered him, soon Timothy managed to slowly get out with no visible injuries on him whatsoever. He slowly dusted himself and looked around and saw a strange group of people who seem to be fighting. "Ooooo nice place you have here, don't mind me! I'm just passing through!" he said while sheepishly rubbing his head.

@Zuka @Isune @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98
Also Tagging @Jackaboi and @purplepanda288
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Why is everyone beating me up!?

Eric saw a weird puff of smoke escape the Sirens lips. Unfortunately he ended up breathing it in causing him to feel far more drowsy. "W-why am... I felling... tired." Not only that but then Mizuki dropped a huge block of darkness on him pinning him down as he felt his energy draining. He knew Mizuki was being brainwashed but hell... It's scary being on the receiving end of her attacks. "Mizuki! That Siren is controlling you! You have to break free!" Thankfully she ended up becoming distracted by something else. Another Siren? Impostor? Either way it saved him. But it didn't end there... Now that same brat from before showed up, kicking him as he was down coupled with a few other blows from his magic. Then again it didn't hurt that much, he's only a kid after all. "Heh you call that a kick? What are you? An ant?" Eric provoked him hoping the kid would go for a harder blow. Eric covered his skin in dragon scales right before the blow landed, hopefully hurting the kid more. Then he tripped him up while there was an opening and pinned him on the ground holding him by the throat. "Stay down if you know what's good for ya." Eric may have been feeling drowsy but he still had enough energy to fight.

@Kayzo @Kayzo @Zuka @Isune @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98
Kelica Zefara

Siren Battle

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbb176228_images(31).jpg.4dbd65a9d6b319a2b24fcff0e994630c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142699" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbb176228_images(31).jpg.4dbd65a9d6b319a2b24fcff0e994630c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Forest Mage should have been concerntrating on the chaotic battle but her emerald eyes were only focused on Chris as he was looming over Adrian with her heart clenched. Why was he attacking him? Did he loose control of his beast form again? Then he turned and his eyes locked onto her. She knew he was different, this wasn't him out of control like before; his movements were steady, practiced, even his ears were pricked and fangs exposed. But why?-

She heard Adrian call out it was because of a Siren and she glanced quickly to the woman, feeling the predator nature leech from her very soul. The blonde girl shuddered uncomfortably but not everyone would sense that Predator nature like she had. She turned back just in time to see Chris charge.

His werecat was too fast, it closed the distance in record time and crash tackled her hard into the ground moments after she tried to make an Earth Shield, effectively wrappering the roots around the two and cutting them off from the rest of the world. Despite Adrian attempting to protect her it seemed both defensive spells aligned with one another causing the floating blocks to rotate and protect the Earth Shield rather then the Caster only making it harder for someone to break into it to save the girl.

She was literally alone with the beast now, struggling under his sheer weight, but it was do or die and she had to do something, fast, otherwise she was as good as dead!!

"...C....Chris please!!! Listen to me! It's me Kelica!... Please... you have to stop this! I know you can, I know your stronger then this!!" Tears whelling in the corner of her eyes. "Please..."

@Kayzo @Zareh



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Chris Lengheart(No one will save you!)

Chris finally had the girl right he wanted her. He now loomed over her, mouth open with a small bit of drool already dripping down onto Kelica as he looked around and saw the root barrier. A look of recollection soon fell onto Chris' face but was quickly replaced with Cheshire grin as he teased,"It's just me and you. No one can help you now, just me and you. I'm sure you'll make a great meal for me, and your head will earn me Draneri's love and affection!" before his claws tore into Kelica's arms to keep her just where he wanted. From there, Chris did the same thing he had to Adrian, he started trying to bite at Kelica's throat for the kill. He was even trying to predict where she'd try to move so he could more effectively tear her throat out.

Necr0Danc3r said:

Ethan: Why can't anyone just stay down?

Ethan grunted as he hit the floor, his leg throbbing a bit in dull pain. He got careless and forgot about Eric's magic, but he could berate himself later. Now, he had to get this bastard off of him. Eric suddenly felt the multiplied force of the stored blows rain on his head, throwing him off of Ethan. "Man, you're pretty tough." He said, getting up from the ground. "I don't suppose you'll make it easy for me and not get up?" He said, looking over to his opponent, wondering how hard it must be trying to resist a Siren's song.

@Kayzo @Zuka @Isune @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98
Eric: This kid...

Eric was knocked back a little from the invisible punches. "Man dragon scales really does make great armour." He's been thinking ever since he met this kid, he never seems to attack the the intent to kill... actually he's more hesitant than anything. "Hey I wanna ask a question. Why did you join Grimoire Heart? I mean you're not really evil are you?" He had all the correct tropes that would make an average child. Playing pranks, arguing, not very reasonable... "Hey listen I don't know what kind of crappy experience you had in the past... But the world ain't a bad place and it's not to late to walk away from this fight either." Eric stopped fighting for now but that doesn't mean he's going to let his guard down.
Jackaboi said:
Eric: This kid...

Eric was knocked back a little from the invisible punches. "Man dragon scales really does make great armour." He's been thinking ever since he met this kid, he never seems to attack the the intent to kill... actually he's more hesitant than anything. "Hey I wanna ask a question. Why did you join Grimoire Heart? I mean you're not really evil are you?" He had all the correct tropes that would make an average child. Playing pranks, arguing, not very reasonable... "Hey listen I don't know what kind of crappy experience you had in the past... But the world ain't a bad place and it's not to late to walk away from this fight either." Eric stopped fighting for now but that doesn't mean he's going to let his guard down.
@Kayzo @Zareh (Forgot to tag)

((This is the post that never ends.... it goes on and on my friends... some people, started reading it not knowing what it was, but then it just keep going on and on because this is the post that never ends .."

Tanari Varos - Dungeon


Despite the numbers advantage the Grimoire Heart mages seemed to be sorely lacking in any real combat experience. Even as she was surrounded she was able to deftly maneuver around their strikes before countering with her own. Their swings wide, their spells slow, it was all just generally very sloppy. It was like night and day between her and her opponents as her strikes were precise and deliberate. Each punch, every kick, all of them landing with grace and power enough to send her targets reeling back in pain at their absolute best. Unlike some others there she had no grin on her face. Rather she seemed almost mildly upset. Dealing with weak opponents was all fine and dandy if she was able to get some space and toy with them as she had done with the kidnapper the other day. But this? It was too easy to be fun yet too overwhelming to be lax enough to crack jokes. She was constantly forced to move for remaining stationary for even a moment would see an enemy's strike find it's mark.

As an axe wielding man approached her from behind she finished her current target with a powerful blow to the abdomen, the explosive force sending him flying into another man. She turned slightly and levied a kick behind her, catching the axe wielding mage by surprise and stunning him long enough for her to fully twirl around and grip his arm. While maintaining her momentum she leaned forward, pulling him up and over her before slamming him down onto the ground before her. Before he could recover she brought a flaming fist down into his gut, pausing momentarily before the flames brightened slightly before exploding. The explosion elicited a spittle infused gasp of air as the man was stripped of consciousness. As was the problem in this fight she wasn't given time to rest as there was already a spear of ice hurling through the air towards her. She shifted her weight, turning to face the spear head-on and brought her hand up in an upper-cut. The ice was shattered and directed upward before it could reach her. Using this moment she got back to her feet, surveying the battlefield.

It seemed the purple knight had joined the fray at some point as well. Emmerich was carving a bloody path towards the knight as Valken was further down the corridor dealing with his own group of enemies. Even the kid seemed to be taking pot-shots at some of the mages. One intrepid mage sought to capitalize on her surveying and lunged after her. She spun to the side, narrowly avoiding his tackle before using her momentum to bring her leg to land on his back sending him flying face first into the wall. It was then that she noticed the atmosphere down the corridor seemed to change. The lights flickered out as a cold darkness consuming the area. Within moments she could hear screams coming from the darkness before abruptly falling silent. Within the span of a few seconds she couldn't hear the sounds of combat coming from Valken's direction.

Not exactly inclined to sit in darkness she snapped her fingers and several glowing orbs of fire appeared above her, illuminating the corridor once more. The mages around her were dazed from the sudden darkness and then the blinding light from her fire. Taking this time she directed her attention over towards where Valken had been, noting his absence along with the corpses of more than a few mages. That certainly wasn't going to sit well with the council when they inevitably investigated, that's for sure. However Valken's absence now freed her up to be a bit more proactive. With the Purple knight back towards the cell-block, Emmerich going to help her, and the kid providing ranged support that meant the only one further in was Valken. With the shadow mage gone a grin formed on her lips as the blue flames flared out and extended from her arms to encase her entire body.

She leapt down the corridor a ways, back towards the cell, ensuring her little group of enemies were now all in front of her. She extended her arms and laced her fingers together, aiming her fists towards the group of enemies. The fire that had encased her body was now drawn into her fists, coalescing and burning brilliantly as she spoke up. "Incineration!" The flames swirling around her fists suddenly burst forth, expanding rapidly to fill the entire corridor and engulfing the Grimoire Heart mages in front of her. As the attack waned and the fire flickered out she allowed her arms to drop back to her sides, surveying the carnage. Now there was over a dozen well-done mages laying on the floor, those still conscious groaning in pain.

"Phew" She let out a breath of air as she wiped her arm across her forehead. Looking back over her shoulder she saw her three companions still fighting off their own enemies. She contemplated helping them, to rejoin the fight. But given how they had fared thus far it was a safe bet they could handle themselves. There was also the issue with the shadow mage vanishing into the darkness. Deciding that she had done her part she began down the corridor the way the enemy mages had come from. "I suppose I'll go look for tall dark and creepy." The shadow mage hadn't gone back towards the cells so that left only one option.
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Draneri - The Siren

Dark Guild Corridor


It was like watching the Theater or a Circus! The red headed Samurai (@Kayzo) As Chris was stuck under the Earth Dome, her dependence soley rested on the Dark Mage now. And she wasn't much a fan of those odds, or in the weird strength of these Mages. It seemed an unlikely number had little to no effect and that ground her in an annoying manner.

So with Mizuki in mind, Drenari stepped closer to her with her arms outstretched wide and her voice very quiet. In fact she closed the distance herself to the woman, as she reached with delicate white fingers to brush her black hair behind her ear, tucking it over and drawing it to her chest gently. She leaned in then to nuzzle at the very girl's ear, her golden eyes lowered as she glanced from the corner of her gaze. "She lies... You know who your true Mistress is..." Her very breath this time, not Red of Lust or blue of Pacify. A yellow with a tiniest hint of green. Rage with an Envy overtone. Her voice only loud enough for the girl to hear, and so close she was hit with the complete full force of her ability. As Siren's effects were most deadly in close quarters, this was already the advantage she had over the imposter. And from everyone's slip ups, she also acquired her Name. Which was the holy grail in terms of seduction for a Siren. "Mi...zu....ki...." She breathed as her thumb rose up to travel in a sensual manner right across her very lip. "You are strong...the strongest one here...These fools should bow before your greatness...before you...they should kneel willing at your very feet, or be forced...you are a Goddess...let us rule.... together~..."

Finally The Siren sealed her words with a kiss as she cradled the girl's head, letting her heart thunder. And as she drew away slowly, her eyes reopened to gaze to her as she smirked.









It was at that moment as she stepped back some tiny girl strode up and wrapped Mizuki in a green barrier, but it was far too late. (@Mitchs98) The woman belonged to her. And once more the Siren had a delirious smile spread from cheek to cheek as she clutched her face.

They were dead.

They were all dead.


@Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zareh
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Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(No one will save you!)

Chris finally had the girl right he wanted her. He now loomed over her, mouth open with a small bit of drool already dripping down onto Kelica as he looked around and saw the root barrier. A look of recollection soon fell onto Chris' face but was quickly replaced with Cheshire grin as he teased,"It's just me and you. No one can help you now, just me and you. I'm sure you'll make a great meal for me, and your head will earn me Draneri's love and affection!" before his claws tore into Kelica's arms to keep her just where he wanted. From there, Chris did the same thing he had to Adrian, he started trying to bite at Kelica's throat for the kill. He was even trying to predict where she'd try to move so he could more effectively tear her throat out.

@Mitchs98 @Rhodus @Embaga Elder [/size][/color][/size]

Chris Lengheart(Kelica!? What have I done!?)

The moment Chris tasted that bitter flavor of blood in his mouth, a smile fell onto his face. He watched as the barrier fell and decided that he had to go for the kill. Right as he was about to finish the girl off, a loud scream filled his ears. It stopped him just as he was about to snap around Kelica's throat. As he tried to replay what the hell just happened, he heard her words ringing in the back of his head "You promised me...love and protect me." was all Chris could hear in his head.

Suddenly, Chris let out a roar of pain as he held his head. What was this feeling!? He rolled around in agony before suddenly snapping back to reality. He looked over to Kelica and saw the damage that he had cause. Chris immediately released his takeover and crawled over to Kelica. He pressed down on the wound to try and slow down the bleeding while holding her close. For once, tears were actually streaming down Chris' face as he wiped a hand across his mouth, only smearing the blood that was there. "
I-I'm....so sorry! Kelica, I-I...forgive me! I d-don't want to lose you, come on...stay with me...stay with me!!" Chris cried out as he held Kelica close to him. "please...please be okay....this is my fault...she was right." He muttered to himself, his voice growing hoarser with ever sentence.

@Mitchs98 @Rhodus @Embaga Elder @Necr0Danc3r
Zuka said:
Draneri - The Siren
Dark Guild Corridor


It was like watching the Theater or a Circus! The red headed Samurai (@Kayzo) As Chris was stuck under the Earth Dome, her dependence soley rested on the Dark Mage now. And she wasn't much a fan of those odds, or in the weird strength of these Mages. It seemed an unlikely number had little to no effect and that ground her in an annoying manner.

So with Mizuki in mind, Drenari stepped closer to her with her arms outstretched wide and her voice very quiet. In fact she closed the distance herself to the woman, as she reached with delicate white fingers to brush her black hair behind her ear, tucking it over and drawing it to her chest gently. She leaned in then to nuzzle at the very girl's ear, her golden eyes lowered as she glanced from the corner of her gaze. "She lies... You know who your true Mistress is..." Her very breath this time, not Red of Lust or blue of Pacify. A yellow with a tiniest hint of green. Rage with an Envy overtone. Her voice only loud enough for the girl to hear, and so close she was hit with the complete full force of her ability. As Siren's effects were most deadly in close quarters, this was already the advantage she had over the imposter. And from everyone's slip ups, she also acquired her Name. Which was the holy grail in terms of seduction for a Siren. "Mi...zu....ki...." She breathed as her thumb rose up to travel in a sensual manner right across her very lip. "You are strong...the strongest one here...These fools should bow before your greatness...before you...they should kneel willing at your very feet, or be forced...you are a Goddess...let us rule.... together~..."

Finally The Siren sealed her words with a kiss as she cradled the girl's head, letting her heart thunder. And as she drew away slowly, her eyes reopened to gaze to her as she smirked.









It was at that moment as she stepped back some tiny girl strode up and wrapped Mizuki in a green barrier, but it was far too late. (@Mitchs98) The woman belonged to her. And once more the Siren had a delirious smile spread from cheek to cheek as she clutched her face.

They were dead.

They were all dead.


@Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zareh
Mizuki stalked forwards towards who she believed to be the imposter, ready to tear the girl apart. But much to her surprise the girl approached her with open arms. Before she could make her attack everything melted away and once again the dark Mage found herself in the arms of a goddess once again. They had never been this close before, their bodies pressing together filling her with an indescribable happiness. Her own hands rose up and gently rested on her chest, just below her shoulder, leaning into the succubis as she played with her hair. Every moment in her presence was like heaven, and Mizuki just wanted to stay like this forever. Suddenly her feelings turned into a passionate rage and Daneri breathed a new perfume into her. Her hands tightly gripped her shirt and her gaze drifted down to the ground, or at least tried to. It'd be hard to do that when she had such a big personality in the way. "Why would they lie to me?" She growled, starting to shake slightly. "They want to ruin the love I have for you! They want me to hate you! I can't let that happen..." When Daneri whispered her name Mizuki's gaze shot up into the eyes of the girl before her, her voice making her legs melt. Her face grew a confident and angry look when told that she was the strongest here, and that she too was a goddess. If it was coming from the black haired girl then it must be true. "Y-yes, I am the strongest! I am strong because of your love. It makes me strong. I'll kill them all for you, my love." She said. Then the unexpected happened. Daneri had done what she wanted all along, gave her a kiss! The moment their lips touched Mizuki's mind was filled only with a devotion to Daneri. It was all she thought about, and cared about. Nothing would get between them. Her dark eyes close momentarily before she kissed her back, taking advantage of the situation. The only bad part in her mind was that it didn't last long, though she felt like she had the power to take on the Magic Council. "Yes my love!"

Mizuki turned away from her lover and stood in front of her protectively, but once again before she could attack a magical barrier was placed around her. It was tight and cramped, but nothing compared to the power she had. Her dark slashes made quick work of the barrier and the beast was free. Until she got rammed by a sudden magical barrier. The dark magic was flung away from Draneri and landed a few feet away from Alicia. She stared up at the young girl momentarily before standing up., acting as if she was invisible. Even In this blind rage she knew not to hurt this certain human. There was a bond that they shared, but she couldn't tell what. "Little girl, please leave." She instructed, patting her head gently before snapping back into her angry self. Upon turning around she saw a terrible sight; a Mage was hurting her precious Daneri. She let out a screech of rage before firing a large black beam at Adrian's back. The blast of darkness ripped through all the magical barriers that stood in her way, blasting into his back full on. The power of the S-Class combined with the amount of anger and love she felt meant that this attack would be devastating. It's like she's on PCP.

@Rhodus @Mitchs98 @Genon
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Timothy Harvard: The Cyborg Avenger

Why was I given the function to feel sadness?

Timothy looked around after he crashed in this mysterious underground corridor filled with a unique cast of people apparently battling each other. However for some apparent reason, nobody payed any attention to his presence. Which is a good thing because what he did was embarrassing and it would make it much easier leaving this place and delivering the flower to Solomon.
"Well...I'll just be leaving...please don't mind me!" he said as he walked passed the whole battle scene towards the exit. However as soon as he started walking, Timothy heard a scream so loud that it caught his attention causing him to turn around.


What he saw was a beast biting into a young girl's neck (@Kayzo) who blasted that guy (@Kayzo) and tries to get close to her. "Hey lady! If you want to fire at something! Fire at me!" he shouted to get he attention once more and tries to land a hit on her head with a flurry of punches so she would be knocked out.

@Rhodus @Isune @Zuka @Necr0Danc3r @Jackaboi @Embaga Elder @purplepanda288 @Genon

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Eric: Having some bad recollections

Suddenly Eric heard an ear-piercing scream coming from the bundle of roots further ahead, he watched as the roots retracted into the ground and revealed a tear stained Chris kneeling over his girlfriend who was bleeding from the neck. Eric could only guess what happened but due to these circumstances he'd probably be right. Chris must've injured her while he was under the Sirens influence. Right now he was at his most vulnerable point and Eric had to do something fast. "Chris! You're not the one that injured her! It was the Siren! If you wanna take your anger out on someone, make it that monster not yourself! For now just get her somewhere safe!" Eric wasn't sure if Chris heard him but hoped to god he did.

Things are going bad... All this screaming, tears of agony and sorrow... It was all bringing up memories of his childhood. Eric didn't want to go through that hell again... That's why he wants to get stronger, so he can protect what family he has left. His attention was suddenly drawn to some other guy who he hasn't noticed before. (@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Rhodus @Embaga Elder @Necr0Danc3r
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Ayano Soru: Humans... Always the same

Oh poor little Rodwen... Idiot even put her life on the line to follow a few orders... But that's how the world works. The strong control the weak and merely store them away once they serve their purpose. Humans have their own food chain, Rodwen has always tried to control Ayano while Lucian controlled her. Honestly She'd be lucky if Lucian still finds some other purpose for her. Ayano quietly approached Rodwen and cleared the debris from her body. "How does it feel? To be crushed under the boot of someone stronger than you?" She smiled a little before making her way to Aiden's cell so she can finally settle some business with him. "Now if you'll excuse me I'll need to make sure your incompetence doesn't cause us to lose anymore prisoners." Then she finally disappeared into the shadows unknown to anyone where she could've gone.

Upon arriving at Aiden's cell Ayano wasted no time cutting straight to the chase. "You! You tried looking into my memories didn't you? Just how much do you know? Depending on your answer you might live a little longer..." It's too bad that Ayano might have to kill him... He would've been a wonderful slave... well he might still be one, it just all depends whether or not if he knows too much. How should she kill him though? Would it be through crushing? Or maybe she could slice his stomach open and watch him desperately trying to keep his guts in. Yeah... That could be fun!
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Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru: Humans... Always the same

Oh poor little Rodwen... Idiot even put her life on the line to follow a few orders... But that's how the world works. The strong control the weak and merely store them away once they serve their purpose. Humans have their own food chain, Rodwen has always tried to control Ayano while Lucian controlled her. Honestly She'd be lucky if Lucian still finds some other purpose for her. Ayano quietly approached Rodwen and cleared the debris from her body. "How does it feel? To be crushed under the boot of someone stronger than you?" She smiled a little before making her way to Aiden's cell so she can finally settle some business with him. "Now if you'll excuse me I'll need to make sure your incompetence doesn't cause us to lose anymore prisoners." Then she finally disappeared into the shadows unknown to anyone where she could've gone.

Upon arriving at Aiden's cell Ayano wasted no time cutting straight to the chase. "You! You tried looking into my memories didn't you? Just how much do you know? Depending on your answer you might live a little longer..." It's too bad that Ayano might have to kill him... He would've been a wonderful slave... well he might still be one, it just all depends whether or not if he knows too much. How should she kill him though? Would it be through crushing? Or maybe she could slice his stomach open and watch him desperately trying to keep his guts in. Yeah... That could be fun!
(Again forgot the tag >-<) @purplepanda288 @Mr Swiftshots
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Jackaboi said:
Eric: This kid...

Eric was knocked back a little from the invisible punches. "Man dragon scales really does make great armour." He's been thinking ever since he met this kid, he never seems to attack the the intent to kill... actually he's more hesitant than anything. "Hey I wanna ask a question. Why did you join Grimoire Heart? I mean you're not really evil are you?" He had all the correct tropes that would make an average child. Playing pranks, arguing, not very reasonable... "Hey listen I don't know what kind of crappy experience you had in the past... But the world ain't a bad place and it's not to late to walk away from this fight either." Eric stopped fighting for now but that doesn't mean he's going to let his guard down.
Ethan: Grimoire Heart

Ethan slipped into a fighting stance. "I never walk away from a fight. I got pride you know." He dashed forward, delivering a spin kick at Eric's head pushing him away from Draneri. "The hell would you even know about a crappy past anyway?" Ethan sounded somewhat restrained, as if he was holding something in. He knew what would happen if he let his emotions get to him, and he wouldn't stand for it. He could almost feel the other personality getting ready to assume control. He just needed to finish this fight.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Rhodus @Embaga Elder

-Ryu Miyamoto (???)-


Immortal. Immortal. Immortal. The word kept echoing inside Ryu's head, growing in intensity with each repetition. After all the time he had spent wandering, all the time he had spent searching, all the time he had wasted. After all that, a member of the group he so vehemently despised with all his being had just appeared before him, as if by intervention of fate itself. But now, it seemed as though the others wanted nothing more than to get in his way, to shatter the dream he had worked his whole life for. He stood there, motionless, as the scene unfolded around him. Slowly, he raised his head, a fierce intensity burning behind his eyes. "ENOUGH" He shouted as his calm façade finally shattered, his bellowing voice echoing off the cavern walls. "I have not waited this long, and worked this hard, only to have my dream snatched away from me as I reach out to grasp it, especially not by zeroes such as yourselves!" He reached over his shoulder, his hand wrapping around the hilt of his Murasame, and drew the nodachi slowly and purposefully. "I will not repeat myself again," He said coldy, his voice filling with murderous intent. "I WILL BE THE ONE TO DISPOSE OF THIS CREATURE!" And with that he leaped forward, preparing to run the siren through with his sword (now super-heated), as well as anyone foolish enough to get in his way.

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Aiden and Kimberly lock

Cell|Team Beta|Hall way of cells

Aiden breathed in and out, desperately trying to calm his nerves. Ashley was right he needed to calm down a soon as possible. "Ashely, thanks for the encouraging words. I really needed that." He froze, there were foot steps coming down the hall towards them. He prayed that is was Kim or Aidren, but what ever god up there wasn't in the mood for a petty wish. Ayano approached his cell, her dead eyes boreing a hole into his soul. She came to know if her had read her memories. It was in his best interest to tell the truth, for he knew she ment business. "Look, What ever your hiding I don't know. My magic doesn't allow me to keep memories after I get out of a copy. So basically, I don't know anything about your messed up past." Aiden saw his keys dangling on a wall in side his cell, crap! There was no way that he could possibly reach them with his arms chained to the wall.

Kim's aliments began to melt away the farther away to moved into the maze, most of the magic signatures had faded away into the distance. Her face relaxed, she straightened up and began to pull her own weight. "I feel much better dear, thank you." With their arrival she spotted two Cells that held Ashley and Aiden, her first instinct was to yell out his name. But she suppressed that urge for she saw a rather dangerous Magic Signature coming from the out side Aiden's Cell. She listened to him speak, who was that woman? Kim had quite enough seeing her stare at him through the bars of the cell. "Eias, I'm going to fight her. When you get the chance open the two cell doors with your bubbles."

The smell of acid started to fill the hall way, Kim's own Taint stains began to flruish with their usual purple hue. "Hey bitch! Over here!" She began to walk to the Blood sucking abomination, her eyes trained on her figure. She raised her left hand, small violet plants stared to take root around her. " Taint Swarm." The room started to fill up with the small purple lights, each one starting to suck the energy right out of Ayano.

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Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto (???)-


Immortal. Immortal. Immortal. The word kept echoing inside Ryu's head, growing in intensity with each repetition. After all the time he had spent wandering, all the time he had spent searching, all the time he had wasted. After all that, a member of the group he so vehemently despised with all his being had just appeared before him, as if by intervention of fate itself. But now, it seemed as though the others wanted nothing more than to get in his way, to shatter the dream he had worked his whole life for. He stood there, motionless, as the scene unfolded around him. Slowly, he raised his head, a fierce intensity burning behind his eyes. "ENOUGH" He shouted as his calm façade finally shattered, his bellowing voice echoing off the cavern walls. "I have not waited this long, and worked this hard, only to have my dream snatched away from me as I reach out to grasp it, especially not by zeroes such as yourselves!" He reached over his shoulder, his hand wrapping around the hilt of his Murasame, and drew the nodachi slowly and purposefully. "I will not repeat myself again," He said coldy, his voice filling with murderous intent. "I WILL BE THE ONE TO DISPOSE OF THIS HIDEOUS CREATURE!" And with that he leaped forward, preparing to run the siren through with his sword (now super-heated), as well as anyone foolish enough to get in his way.

@Zuka @purplepanda288 @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Isune @Zareh @Mitchs98

Adrian, even in his current mental state, knew better than to take a hit like that head-on. His mental goal hadn't changed, so he bore Ryu no ill will for his recklessness. He couldn't bear anyone ill will for that matter. He was a machine, carrying out his goal as efficiently as possible. The face hidden within the dark helmet bore no emotion, not even a hint of fear or surprise. He rolled out of the way, taking his sword with him as a large hole (already regenerating) was visible in his shield from Mizuki's beam attack (which almost certainly went straight through the siren, and had created a dent in his armor's torso section, but hadn't hurt him directly).

Looking up, he began to get some of his emotions and humanity back, realizing that with so many mages attacking, most of which either didn't know each other or hadn't fought alongside each other for a long time, were going to get in each other's way. It's like what happens when a circle of riflemen shoot at a pane of glass in the center: they all shoot each other. All it would take to screw everyone over would be for Daneri to use something like Hidden, and suddenly everyone hit each other. Sirens were immortal, and this one obviously had plenty of combat experience. The best strategy would be to hold back and wait for the situation to resolve itself. He needed to get some magic power back anyway after using so much on the way here. To this end, he disengaged his armor and sat in the corner, trying to recover. Aside from Mizuki continuing to go berserk, the situation would probably take care of itself pretty soon.

Of course, he still had to do something about the imminent teamkillapalooza. He created a dome-like barrier around Ryu and Daneri, configuring its properties so that she was trapped inside, and everybody but Ryu couldn't get in..or out. Ryu was their best option. With his anti-immortal stance, he would stand the best chance against the Siren in single combat. And frankly, he pitied anyone trapped in a ring with that close-combat monster. Everyone else on the other hand? They'd be trapped outside. Let them hit his barrier, he put a crap-ton of power into it.


(@Zareh, I'm going to ignore your bear hug post and I advise everyone else to do so as well. Adrian was already behind Daneri and grabbing her at the time, you would have either clipped through him like in a bad video game or squeezed him as well.)
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