Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Fairytail HQ

Clair was busy tending to everyone and anyone who had stayed behind at the Guild hall be it for medical reasons or otherwise. The red haired mage could have easily went ahead with the others but without Sora to tend to the wounded Clair felt like she , as Sora's partner, had to do something if anything for those people.

Clair had to hand it to the blue haired girl this wasn't easy not in any way shape and or form , in fact Clair was exhausted and could hardly keep up with the mass of members seeking aid. However thanks to some sort of miracle she was !

LeSoraAmari said:

Maya Morne

-Dungeon Cells-

View attachment 313624

Maya smiled towards Sora as she hurried over to her friend and healed him. Truly, she was a delight, and Fairy Tail were more than luckily to have such a kind soul in their guild. In a flash, Maya formed a telekinetic barrier around Sora and Hibiki as the two stood their quietly, it was in that moment that Rodwen had recovered from the blast and was traversing the halls towards her at a great speed. With a smile, Maya stood perfectly still as the girl rushed towards her and unleashed her attack, however just before Rodwens first connected with Maya's cheek, the Wizard Saint formed a spherical telekinetic barrier that surrounded her entire body and shielded her from the blast. Then, Maya thrusted her palm towards Rodwens chest as telekinetic energy gathered in the centre and then sent a large spherical pulse towards Rodwen at a crushing force. "I can tell that you're an S-Class Mage, and you certainly live up to your rank. However, the gap in our abilities spans many years. There is no victory for you here." With that, Maya still stood there in the exact same place as she held her palms together as if in a praying motion, ready for whatever would be thrown her way.

Rodwen Kiernan

Grimoire Heart


Rodwen had thought for sure that she had hit her mark , in fact she was so certain she hit her mark the next attack caught her completely off guard. The force of the next attack was nothing like the last , it was far more concentrated so much so that it probably broke a few ribs. No it defiantly did at least one had to be broken and the fact Rodwen was sent flying backwards again only made it more dangerous.

Rodwen didn't land so gracefully this time , no she hit the ground hard and rolled along it for quite some time before getting back onto her feet. It was when she stood back up that she began coughing up blood , presumably from the broken rib , and well this was the last straw for her. If there was too much of a power gap between the councils mage and herself well the she'd have to borrow some !

Within the next few seconds Rodwen began to glow intensely and eventually she was completely enveloped by the light she was outputting. The air around her began to turn toxic with magic and the ground below her simply vanished from view. Eventually the light reached it's peak and well it exploded much like her last attack.And after the blast had subsided standing in the center of the blast was Rodwen , her image completely changed. The girl now had Wings and a halo hug above her head ,both made of dense light and both moving perfectly in sync with the rest of her body.

With a blank expression and a morphed and echoing voice Rodwen spoke "God Slayer mode achieved". Shortly after saying this Rodwen launched her next attack "Light God's Bellow !" . A large Beam of light shot from the girls mouth , filling the entirety of the corridor as it flew towards the mage. Anything in the beams way was simply eradicated.

@LeSoraAmari @Jackaboi @Kyuubey
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Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust "Nice to meet you Lav," Emmerich responds, staying true to his usual habit of shortening other people's names, "And yeah, me and those two are all from Lamia Scale as you saw." The way the woman carried herself and spoke intrigued the brawler as both were so far removed from his own. This was likely the first time anyone had called him "sir" seriously, though that might also be a product of the types of bars he went to and his habit of picking fights. Either way it was an interesting experience, especially when it came from a beautiful woman, though Emmerich was not nearly as likely as Valks to either fixate on that or bring it up without reason.
He turned as he heard another woman speak up from behind some bars off to the side. However, before he could react Valks had already gone up to her and begun talking. It seemed like he knew the girl as he addressed her by her name, Tanari (Tana would do for Emmerich), which lead the blond man to figure that she was likely another member of Lamia Scale he didn't know yet. This thought was reinforced by Valks' mention of a bikini contest.

Of course, Valken predictably began to hit on the woman, requesting that she strip for him in return for him letting her out. Raising an eyebrow, Emmerich was about to respond when Ferra beat him to the punch, adding in some new information about Valks reading lewd magazines. Now, Emmerich really didn't care about this and it was quite honestly to be expected given Valks' character. That said, he likely would have ribbed his friend over it had not the alarm been blaring, meaning that there was more important shit to do.

As though reading his thoughts Valks walked over and detailed a short battle plan, namely Emmerich fucks them up from the front and Valken from the rear. Emmerich one more donned a wolfish, bloodthirsty grin, an almost palpable aura of battlelust coming off of him. That was when Valken spoke up, goading Emmerich on which only served to make his grin wider.
"In your fucking dreams mate," he replies simply, an almost crazed look in his eyes, before charging off in the direction of their assailants and calling "Back in a moment Lav," over his shoulder.

Just before reaching the crowd of enemy mages Emmerich invokes Niflhiem and Muspelhiem, causing his left and right limbs to burst into flames and frost over respectively. Immediately after this he stomps his left foot down and pivots, throwing the entire weight of his charge into a right-handed punch to the closest mages chest. In doing so he "accidentally" puts too much force into the blow, sending his fist through the man's torso and out the back. Unfazed, Emmerich kicks the dying man off of his arm before grabbing the next closest mage's head and slamming it down onto his knee, producing a crunching noise as their skull shattered. Another mage swung a sword from behind, giving Emmerich a long shallow gash on his back. Unfortunately for the man Emmerich didn't seem to feel the pain or else he ignored it as he spun and kicked the side of the man's head, partially caving in his skull and snapping his neck in the process. From there Emmerich continued to wade through the crowd of mages, dealing with each new foe in a similarly brutal fashion, his smile never leaving his face.

Watching Emmerich during this fight you might think that the man doesn't know how to hold back, or else doesn't care to, and you'd be half right. He knows very well how to hold back, he has to know since crushing someone's head in one hand is an incredibly easy feat for him. However, he has no shred of remorse within him for the mages of Grimoire Heart since they took his comrades. With that lack of remorse comes much more deadly force and, as you could tell by looking at the bloodlust in his eyes, a sort of savage enjoyment in dealing death to these mages.
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Team Bravado

Valken found this girl oddly amusing. The confusion flooded over her face was justified because honestly he had simply been a male face in the crowd sitting beside Lysander so he wasn't all that surprised she didn't recognize him. As he expected, she noticed the dagger slowly unlocking her cell, and he had to smirk even wider as she claimed him as that guy. My how people turned when they wanted something. However that was as far as the Shadow Mage was intending to go, he wasn't expecting the girl to literally strip just to get out.

"...Hmmm I suppose you're right..." His voice turning more serious now. "I distinctly remember you having flames in your performance, so I'm assuming you are a fire mage?" And with that the Shadow Mage suddenly unlocked her cell and swung open the door to step aside. "Call me Prince Charming by the way... I also respond to Valken."

Once she was free, he stepped to a locked metal cupboard as he used his dagger to break into that as well to retrieve her sword and personal items. "I believe you also want these? I appreciate you staying with us to help repel the Mages at least till we are free of this Dark Guild Base. It's the least I expect considering I saved your nice behind..." Throwing her a quick grin before he turned to walk and stopped shoulder to shoulder with Emmerich, whispering so only he could hear.

"With that alarm we have no idea how many Mages are convening to this location. " A weird grin similar to Frosty's blood thirsty one. "You go forward and distract them, I'll do the stealth kills... I mean disables. But if they attack first and we act in self defense... and you know, your fist happens to hit their head a smidgen too hard... or my dagger grip slips... and they die well, you know, it was self defense..."

Even as he said this there was a thundering of boots down the hall way. Valken already grabbed Ferra and pulled her to his side and in the center, keeping Lavender slightly behind Frosty and on his left, and grasping Tanari to position her on his right flank. Like a spear head, leaving Valken at the back with his number one to keep Ferra safe and an overall observing role so he could spring in and out as needed. "Keep a count Frosty! We both know I'll finish off more then you!" He called to his friend.

This worked two fold; not only was it in good fun, it would invigorate Emmerich to fight even harder and stronger, like an immovable carry. Valken despite his sometimes annoying personality was actually an outstanding tactician.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

Lavender Gray - Currently Shocked

Lavender nodded softly "I see." the alarm continued to go off as the Warrior sighed and shook her head softly. Through the alarm she could hear another male who was being very, very, dirty. At a time like this? Why would he even think that was such a good idea? No matter, walking out of the room after Emmerich, he leaned down towards Valken, only for Valken to whisper something into Emmerich's ear after he'd let out another woman who had been trapped. Lavender didnt think about it too much as she felt the ground begin to give off a small tremor. I believe we have some company. she thought as her assumptions were correct, a large amount of mages coming to fight the guild members off.

They were already on the move and Lavender obviously moved with them. Though, she was behind Emmerich but closter to both Valken and Tanari. Before she knew it, Emmerich was going around with super strength, shedding blood from every mage he touched which made her golden eyes widen How could someone be like this?! This is insane! this scene had made her keep her distance from ever getting close to him (But we all know that'll break xD ) or ever getting on his bad side. Sure, she had shedded some blood in her time as well but the person actually lived! They only had the wound and possible scar of her blade.

This made her look at Valken "He cannot do something such as this!" the mage said in outrage "He cant just kill these mages! Some of them are most likely innocent!" even some mages had to do this against their own wills for being in a dark guild "Do not tell me you accept this type of action!" it wasnt normal, it wasnt human, Emmerich seemed like a total bloodthirsty monster (Who she'll fall in love with because that's how things work in just about everything xD ) who just wanted to watch people die or watch the blood spill just about everywhere.

@Colt556 @Mitchs98 @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @WHOEVER ELSE

Ethan: Starting to get annoyed

Ethan looked at Chris in contempt as he threw him over to his teammate Mizuki. 'i hope that bite mark scars you bastard.' he thought to himself before he looked at the woman he was thrown to. She was...kinda creepy. 'You can get out of this you know.' he heard the voice again as he saw the other personality staring at the enemy mages in what could only be assumed to be cold observation. 'They like each other. Use that.' It said coldly, now looking at Ethan as he stood up. "That's not what I do." Ethan stated simply. The apparition appeared disappointed before disappearing back into the depths of Ethan's subconscious. Now back to the task at hand. "What do you want?" He said turning to Mizuki very standoffishly.

@Kayzo [/color]@Mitchs98

Maya Morne

-Dungeon Cells-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.8ba120f96ca0ae1a2d863d38144ff7c9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141827" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.8ba120f96ca0ae1a2d863d38144ff7c9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Maya sighed at the girls persistence. Maya fully intended on giving this girl some sort of chance to display her capabilities but in all honesty- it was boring. The Wizard Saint fully intended on letting this battle drag out for a while, but apparently it was just better to end it straight up like originally planned. When the pretty mage entered what was apparently her 'God Mode', Maya stood there with an expression on her face that hadn't changed since she had arrived. Maya spoke with her signature stern tone as she stared at the opponent as she launched an attack. "My dear, you truly have much so much learn." And with that, Maya slammed her palms together as telekinetic energy seemingly exploded throughout the entire of the surrounding area, tearing away at the brickwork of the walls and flooring, as well as tearing through Rodwens spell like nothing. The sheer power of her magic waning down on everybody in the area. Then, Maya pointed her right palm towards Rodwen as all of the telekinetic energy was then sent towards Rodwen in an omnidirectional assault, each blast of energy holding incredibly force incomparable to what the girl had faced earlier. Maya then stood there sighing as she then spoke once more. "You are a fool, girl. Let this be a lesson to you." With that, Maya turned on her heels and made her way towards Sora and Hibiki. The surrounding area was filled with destruction, nothing but debris remained. As Maya dispelled the barrier that protected the two Fairy Tail mage's, Maya smiled to them, but mainly to Sora. "It's time to go, we should hurry and find the others."

@Kyuubey @Jackaboi



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Ayano Soru: The Dungeons

Ayano was ready to strike until Rodwen destroyed her spikes. Ayano simply looked at her trying to figure out what she's planning. Is she trying to tell her not to interfere? Although Ayano wasn't given much time to think when she saw a mass amount of explosions heading towards them. The vampire tensed up hoping not to take much damage from them even though she was still knocked back by the sheer force. While Rodwen landed quite gracefully Ayano's landing looked kinda painful. She was lying on the ground but rather than getting up to fight back she just stayed there laughing. "That is definitely the power of a wizard saint... I'm not strong enough to fight an opponent like that."

Ayano knew she had to get more powerful. But that didn't bother her, she had all the time in the world to do so (Literally in this case). Ayano moved to watch the fight elsewhere. She managed to find a darker area where she would be able to camouflage with the shadows just in time to witness the sheer power of the wizard saints last spell. She was forced to raise her arm to her face due to the force as it tore it's way through the whole room. Then suddenly it all focused on Rodwen. There's no way she'd be able to stand after that! Heck she would be lucky if she survived! "Is she even human?" The words just blurted out. She instantly silenced herself hoping not to grab the saints attention.

@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
LeSoraAmari said:

Maya Morne

-Dungeon Cells-

View attachment 313727

Maya sighed at the girls persistence. Maya fully intended on giving this girl some sort of chance to display her capabilities but in all honesty- it was boring. The Wizard Saint fully intended on letting this battle drag out for a while, but apparently it was just better to end it straight up like originally planned. When the pretty mage entered what was apparently her 'God Mode', Maya stood there with an expression on her face that hadn't changed since she had arrived. Maya spoke with her signature stern tone as she stared at the opponent as she launched an attack. "My dear, you truly have much so much learn." And with that, Maya slammed her palms together as telekinetic energy seemingly exploded throughout the entire of the surrounding area, tearing away at the brickwork of the walls and flooring, as well as tearing through Rodwens spell like nothing. The sheer power of her magic waning down on everybody in the area. Then, Maya pointed her right palm towards Rodwen as all of the telekinetic energy was then sent towards Rodwen in an omnidirectional assault, each blast of energy holding incredibly force incomparable to what the girl had faced earlier. Maya then stood there sighing as she then spoke once more. "You are a fool, girl. Let this be a lesson to you." With that, Maya turned on her heels and made her way towards Sora and Hibiki. The surrounding area was filled with destruction, nothing but debris remained. As Maya dispelled the barrier that protected the two Fairy Tail mage's, Maya smiled to them, but mainly to Sora. "It's time to go, we should hurry and find the others."

@Kyuubey @Jackaboi
Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru: The Dungeons

Ayano was ready to strike until Rodwen destroyed her spikes. Ayano simply looked at her trying to figure out what she's planning. Is she trying to tell her not to interfere? Although Ayano wasn't given much time to think when she saw a mass amount of explosions heading towards them. The vampire tensed up hoping not to take much damage from them even though she was still knocked back by the sheer force. While Rodwen landed quite gracefully Ayano's landing looked kinda painful. She was lying on the ground but rather than getting up to fight back she just stayed there laughing. "That is definitely the power of a wizard saint... I'm not strong enough to fight an opponent like that."

Ayano knew she had to get more powerful. But that didn't bother her, she had all the time in the world to do so (Literally in this case). Ayano moved to watch the fight elsewhere. She managed to find a darker area where she would be able to camouflage with the shadows just in time to witness the sheer power of the wizard saints last spell. She was forced to raise her arm to her face due to the force as it tore it's way through the whole room. Then suddenly it all focused on Rodwen. There's no way she'd be able to stand after that! Heck she would be lucky if she survived! "Is she even human?" The words just blurted out. She instantly silenced herself hoping not to grab the saints attention.

@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
Rodwen Kiernan

Grimoire Heart

Dungeon debris

Rodwen's emotionless face stayed as it was throughout the entirety of the saints counter attack , she had no control over the matter , she was barely herself in this mode. No maybe she was more like her true self than she'd like to admit. Heck none of that mattered at all ! Not now , not with how many attacks she had failed to hit , not with how much pain she was currently in. No nothing mattered now , nothing at all. The fact that her attack could be so easily dismissed was a joke and well it was only made more comical by the fact that the saint's attack had knocked her out cold.Had covered her from head to toe in debris and cuts.

Maybe , if she was lucky Lucian would let her live , maybe if she was lucky Lucian would still trust her , maybe if she had just prayed a little harder that morning , maybe. Maybe.
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Team Ryuing the Moment

The Forest Mage blinked as she could have sworn she heard clomping and strange noises way above in the vertical shaft they had fallen down, but right now she was surrounded on all sides in a weird cavern in a pool of very very warm water. Still bobbing she turned as Ryu mentioned getting himself out minus her and her face fell a little. I mean the water was pleasant enough but she didn't want to be stuck down here for all of eternity! It didn't occur to her the others would probably have noticed them missing by now.

Kelica felt her heart clench then and panic start up once more but she tried really, really, really hard not to loose it. "P...Please Ryu! Don't leave me here!... I know I've been annoying but I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted to help Sora and Hibiki... What if they have been tortured? Bleeding out right now in agony? I can heal them Ryu but I can't do anything while I am stuck in here!!"

She made a soft almost whimper noise, disappointed with herself more then anything. "You think it is fun being the weakest in the group? I want to be more then just the annoying girl who tags along but I just haven't had any real training in my magic. I have no offensive powers at all, so of course I'm always scared! Imagine tagging along on these adventures without your sword or your fire magic? It's terrifying! I'm constantly thinking this one trap will kill me, this one bad guy will hurt me... it sucks..."

Finally she grew silent as her shoulders sagged. She just bobbed in silence, her long blonde hair finally breaking free of it's ponytail confines to sway hypnotically around her. She had somewhat accepted her fate, if those words didn't work she really had nothing else to say to sway him. Her eyes drew down as she wrapped her arms around herself. Floating in silence.

@Rhodus @Isune

-Ryu Miyamoto (Gokasai)-

>>Underground Cavern<<

Ryu sighed and paused in his climb. This girl was really starting to get on his nerves. Not only was she constantly whining, she was also trying to guilt trip him. Unbelievable. He was just about to ignore her and resume climbing when a thought entered her head. The girl might not be much on her own, but she seemed to be well liked in Fairy Tail. She likely had some friends in high places, and so a favor with her would go a long way. He turned around slowly to face her, sighing again. "Alright, alright" He said with exasperation. "I'll carry you up, if, and only if, you promise to stop your whining," He leaned back and extended his left hand for her to grab. "And if you think I'm powerless without my sword and magic, think again,"

Eric: Creepy Corridor

Eric was just passively watching everything unfold until suddenly Mizuki just appeared out of no where. "Ahh! Oh it's just you... Don't sneak up on me like that!" Alicia was also here too, so she decided to help? She's brave wandering back into a place she just escaped from. Also not far behind them was Masaki. "Heh looks like everyone's finally arriving!" Mizuki told Chris to give the boy to her. Eric certainly knew that things aren't going to end well once that kid is in Mizuki's hands. "Hey kid! You'd might as well start talking now. Mizuki here won't go easy on you if you don't. Then again talking will probably only make the beating less intense."

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Isune @Genon
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Team BravadoFerra only smiled innocently at Valkens' subtle threat. He had it coming, just casually sitting there talking about how many times him and Millie had had 'fun' like she didn't even exist. Though, this would probably be bad for her in the somewhat near future..this was now, not then. She could potentially do something like save his life and have him forget all about it later on. It was possible. Hopefully. And then Emmerich replied to her teasing, which was meant to discredit Valken, not impress Emmerich. How did that manage to impress him? Did he not get the point she was trying to make? She was about to interject on the whole 'virgin' thing, though Valken replied quickly before she could. Lucky for him to. He probably wouldn't of liked it if she had mentioned his stash of 'magazines', of which he had many, in his room. It was completely his fault with that stash of his he had even understood the conversation at hand too. She still hadn't told him she'd snuck in and looked through it..multiple times. He wasn't the only one that could be sneaky.

She refrained from outright bursting into laughter when Valken mentioned Millie 'begging for it'. She hadn't exactly witnessed anything like that between them, nor did she want to, but she couldn't exactly picture that between Millie and him. He seemed more the type to convince Millie to do it, rather that for Millie to ask. Millie seemed a bit to innocent to be the one to prompt such things, at-least in her opinion. Before she could comment on that, very much to her dismay, she was thrust into a small hole in the wall...directly between Emmerich and Valken. Her face nigh instantly reddened deeply once she realized this. Thank god she wasn't exactly a midget or her face would be...no. Just. No. This wouldn't exactly be that bad, had the both of them not been shirtless and male. Or just shirtless period really. Thankfully the very, very awkward moment and position soon ended with Valken being the first out of the hole to run down the hallway.

She presumed it was to rescue the Fairy Tail girl the two guards were talking about. Or perhaps he really just wanted out of the situation too. Emmerich followed after him next prompting Ferra to follow quickly behind them, her face still very red. Luckily they'd soon have another girl in their group and she no long had to be the only girl surrounded by shirtless men. Upon reaching them, and the metal door, she winced as Emmerich broke down the door rather loudly without a second thought. She was no master of stealth like Valken, and even she knew not to do something like that. And of course it sounded alarms. She cursed under her breath at the sheer amount of stupid of what Emmerich did. Nevertheless she followed Emmerich inside and much to her relief there were actually TWO females who were captured, one of which she recognized entirely. It was that girl that had fought Talon and saved her from getting kidnapped herself. She should of guessed that this would of happened when she did help her. It was a bad thing to find joy in finding someone else kidnapped, but, meh.

She was somewhat distracted when Valken started tossing chunks of metal at her, one hitting her right in the head and knocking her over and nearly rendering her unconscious, following that the rest of them landed on top of her. She groaned loudly and shoved the metal off of her, bringing a hand up to her forehead to see if it was bleeding from the impact, and sure enough it was. She glared at Valken and had half a mind to throw the metal at the back of his head but decided against it. Finally she could be useful other than being a general annoyance for Valken. Nevertheless she calmly started eating the metal as fast as she could while she watched Valken saunter over to the cage Tanari was in and proceed to hit on her. Was he serious? She would tell Millie, but it'd crush her rather than be amusing. Although..now she had blackmail to get herself out of whatever revenge he was currently planning. He really shouldn't of done that.

She watched as he freed her and only continued flirting with her, roll her eyes at his subtle 'nice ass' comment. Before she knew what happened she was pulled into some kind of odd tight fighting formation with the rest. Oh well..at-least she was at the back and least likely to get hit. It was also a perfect position for everyone to hear her. "Why do you need a bikini show from Tanari anyway?" She asked. "You have a bunch of bikini magazines in your room back at the hall anyways. Not to mention the other more uhh..lewd..ones." She told him. "What would Millie think if she found out about those? And your request, huh?" She asked, lowkey blackmailing him and hoping he'd get the point of not to mess with her too badly in the near future.
Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust "Nice to meet you Lav," Emmerich responds, staying true to his usual habit of shortening other people's names, "And yeah, me and those two are all from Lamia Scale as you saw." The way the woman carried herself and spoke intrigued the brawler as both were so far removed from his own. This was likely the first time anyone had called him "sir" seriously, though that might also be a product of the types of bars he went to and his habit of picking fights. Either way it was an interesting experience, especially when it came from a beautiful woman, though Emmerich was not nearly as likely as Valks to either fixate on that or bring it up without reason.
He turned as he heard another woman speak up from behind some bars off to the side. However, before he could react Valks had already gone up to her and begun talking. It seemed like he knew the girl as he addressed her by her name, Tanari (Tana would do for Emmerich), which lead the blond man to figure that she was likely another member of Lamia Scale he didn't know yet. This thought was reinforced by Valks' mention of a bikini contest.

Of course, Valken predictably began to hit on the woman, requesting that she strip for him in return for him letting her out. Raising an eyebrow, Emmerich was about to respond when Ferra beat him to the punch, adding in some new information about Valks reading lewd magazines. Now, Emmerich really didn't care about this and it was quite honestly to be expected given Valks' character. That said, he likely would have ribbed his friend over it had not the alarm been blaring, meaning that there was more important shit to do.

As though reading his thoughts Valks walked over and detailed a short battle plan, namely Emmerich fucks them up from the front and Valken from the rear. Emmerich one more donned a wolfish, bloodthirsty grin, an almost palpable aura of battlelust coming off of him. That was when Valken spoke up, goading Emmerich on which only served to make his grin wider.
"In your fucking dreams mate," he replies simply, an almost crazed look in his eyes, before charging off in the direction of their assailants and calling "Back in a moment Lav," over his shoulder.

Just before reaching the crowd of enemy mages Emmerich invokes Niflhiem and Muspelhiem, causing his left and right limbs to burst into flames and frost over respectively. Immediately after this he stomps his left foot down and pivots, throwing the entire weight of his charge into a right-handed punch to the closest mages chest. In doing so he "accidentally" puts too much force into the blow, sending his fist through the man's torso and out the back. Unfazed, Emmerich kicks the dying man off of his arm before grabbing the next closest mage's head and slamming it down onto his knee, producing a crunching noise as their skull shattered. Another mage swung a sword from behind, giving Emmerich a long shallow gash on his back. Unfortunately for the man Emmerich didn't seem to feel the pain or else he ignored it as he spun and kicked the side of the man's head, partially caving in his skull and snapping his neck in the process. From there Emmerich continued to wade through the crowd of mages, dealing with each new foe in a similarly brutal fashion, his smile never leaving his face.

Watching Emmerich during this fight you might think that the man doesn't know how to hold back, or else doesn't care to, and you'd be half right. He knows very well how to hold back, he has to know since crushing someone's head in one hand is an incredibly easy feat for him. However, he has no shred of remorse within him for the mages of Grimoire Heart since they took his comrades. With that lack of remorse comes much more deadly force and, as you could tell by looking at the bloodlust in his eyes, a sort of savage enjoyment in dealing death to these mages.
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

She took a step back as the man finally unlocked her cell and swung the door open, freeing her from her magic-nullifying confines. As she walked out she gave the man a simple nod. "You'd be right on that... Valken." Even if he did rescue her, like hell she'd call him something as cringey as Prince Charming. Her eyes lit up as Valken opened a locker containing her personal effects. The thought that they had lost her sword had weighed on her ever since she had been captured. She was quick to grab her sword, hugging it closely and nuzzling it's cross-guard for a few moments before lovenly setting it down on the ground. She equipped her gauntlets as well as the sheath around her waist, slipping her sword into it's proper resting place at the small of her back. Properly outfitted she turned her attention to the group of mages, for the first time getting a good look at the entire party. They all seemed strong enough, except the kid... Why there was a kid there was certainly a question to be asked, but maybe later. For now she made her way to the group.

Valken was quick to grab her and position her to the blonde man's flank. He clearly had no idea what her fighting style was if he expected her to remain in any sort of formation. Guess he'll just have to find out the hard way. It was then that the kid spoke up, giving her a very strong sense of familiarity. It really felt as if she knew this kid from somewhere. She tilted her head to the side slightly, thinking deeply over where the two of them could have met. Alas she drew up a blank and with a shrug of her shoulders decided it wasn't important. However what the kid said was somewhat amusing judging by Valken's response to it. "Oooohhh~ So my Prince Charming is actually a philanderer?" She wore a big dumb grin on her face as she spoke, immediately jumping on the teasing bandwagon.

The teasing was cut short as the blonde man who introduced himself as Emmerich charged out towards the incoming mages. She watched carefully as the man ignited one arm and froze the other before going on a rampage. Seemed their fighting styles were more than a little similar, and in the tight confines of the hallway that would prove a bit cumbersome. Nevertheless she rose her arms and placed her hands at the back of her head, letting out an impressed whistle. "Your boy's a bit aggressive, isn't he?" She watched as the man proceed to punch straight through one mage, crush the skull of another. "Y'know, if the Magic Council finds out about this he's going to jail....." Even when dealing with dark guilds murder was still murder, even she knew that much. It was hard to believe someone so reckless could be in a light guild.

After a few more moments of watching Emmerich she turned slightly to face Valken. "So what's the plan, Boss? You said you wanted me to help but it seems like the Wild Man has it under control." While she was all for a good fight she wasn't above sitting back and letting other people handle it for her. If Emmerich wanted to be some one-man army, who was she to say no? That said, if they did encounter something a bit more challenging than some low-level goons she might not have a choice in the matter. Without waiting for a response she turned back forward, again watching as the man fight. Aside from his savagery she figured the two of them would work well together if it came to that.
@Colt556[/URL] @Mitchs98 @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @WHOEVER ELSE

Valken Truss

Team Bravado

The Shadow Mage was thankful for his emo fringe when he suddenly turned with mouth agap towards Ferra. The flirting thing with Tanari was warranted although Ferra and Emmerich should realize he was just joking yeah? I mean he wasn't going to object had her shirt slipped off and he got a front row seat, he did just have that pervert personality. But it was just a verbal quip more then anything... People around him were way too uptight.

Then Ferra continued on talking about his rather impressive magazine collection, he narrowed his eyes as he grabbed Ferra by the back of her neck to lift her up like a puppy dog. "How did you even manage to find that? And break into the dark shadow spell I put over the edge? It would have alerted me the moment you broke into that box with your grubby hands...." Try as he might to stay angry he was weirdly impressed with Ferra. Getting under a Master of all this Ninja and Spy was no mean feet afterall.

Eventually Valkens face paled with the threat and he oddly gently placed Ferra on her feet and quickly patted her down of dirt, readjusting her probably scrunched shirt in a half panicked manner. "Y...You won't tell her right?" Eyes half pleading. Afterall he probably could bs some excuse but that was the harder option. "How about we call it even yeah? Clean slate as it where..."

Valken idly watched Emmerich run head long and start taking out the mass of mages with less then a care, afterall this was a man so close to the edge of Light/Dark with his powers.... If any of them saw what he did to get information out of victims... But that's why his jobs were all hush hush, under the table, but paid a fortune. His clients had to find him personally rather then grabbing posters off the Guild Wall. Not even Lloyd or Maya knew where he went half the time.

He heard Tanari mention Emmerich's brutality and the Magic Council, followed a moment later by Lavender defending them. This made him snare suddenly and approach the purple haired mage, his posture seething rage while the very shadows at his feet seemed to slowly seep outwards, crawling, like outstretched eager hands.

He spoke up so all three girls could hear.

"They have the Grimoire Heart symbol burnt into their very flesh! Their symbol is not just pressed down like ours do... it is physically branded with wicked magic that few manage to uplift. If they were innocents they could have come to us for help, or the Magic Council to protect them, but they chose their own path. They chose this direction." Letting his hand sweep out towards the army. "Do you see any of them refrain from attacking Frosty? Look closely! Watch his body language! Every punch or kick he does he stops a half second and exposes himself to them, he drops his arms and legs. He gives them one full, unprotected opening for them to back down and they chose that opening to swing at him. They would kill him without a second thought! They don't have the same Chilvary we do. They are out for blood. Would you like us all to lie down and die?"

He stopped as he turned his head quickly to Emmerich as more and more seemed to be flooding the corridor. "If you want to stay behind, just turn around and look away! Some Fairytail protector you are!" His gaze turning to Tanari. "If you don't want to fight then stay here and look after Ferra. I won't let a single one of these idiots escape till I have Millie back...."

With that the Shadow Mage had already turned on his heels and was sprinting to engage the enemies right behind Emmerich. Only unlike Frosty crashing head long, Valken was using a sort of duck and weave approach, using the mages own body weight and momentum to spin them to hit each other.

Finally he came up behind Frosty and pressed his back against his, unslinging both daggers to point down along his forearms like razor sharp elbow blades. While Frosty was almost glowing with fire and ice, the area around Valken was darkening like the very air was being sucked of light, heat and life. His eyes starting to glow purple once more.

"...Maybe slightly less on the brutality Frosty..." He whispered. "..But then I know you like a challenge...can you try to make these wounds seem at least half in self defense?...I know Maya is in the Magic Council but still... she'll have some explaning to do.."

Though he had to grin at the absurdity of those words.
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Jackaboi said:
Eric: Creepy Corridor

Eric was just passively watching everything unfold until suddenly Mizuki just appeared out of no where. "Ahh! Oh it's just you... Don't sneak up on me like that!" Alicia was also here too, so she decided to help? She's brave wandering back into a place she just escaped from. Also not far behind them was Masaki. "Heh looks like everyone's finally arriving!" Mizuki told Chris to give the boy to her. Eric certainly knew that things aren't going to end well once that kid is in Mizuki's hands. "Hey kid! You'd might as well start talking now. Mizuki here won't go easy on you if you don't. Then again talking will probably only make the beating less intense."

@Kayzo @Kayzo [/color]@Mitchs98 @Jackaboi
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Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto (Gokasai)-

>>Underground Cavern<<

Ryu sighed and paused in his climb. This girl was really starting to get on his nerves. Not only was she constantly whining, she was also trying to guilt trip him. Unbelievable. He was just about to ignore her and resume climbing when a thought entered her head. The girl might not be much on her own, but she seemed to be well liked in Fairy Tail. She likely had some friends in high places, and so a favor with her would go a long way. He turned around slowly to face her, sighing again. "Alright, alright" He said with exasperation. "I'll carry you up, if, and only if, you promise to stop your whining," He leaned back and extended his left hand for her to grab. "And if you think I'm powerless without my sword and magic, think again,"

Kelica Zefara

Underground Cavern

Kelica was still staring into the still water that was steaming gently around her. It seemed all she did was get in people's way or irritate them and she found much more solice within the depths of a Great Forest then alone with these people. Despite being an extrovert, humans were just confusing at times. Animals just helped one another, or hated one another. She felt more and more inclined after she knew Sora and Hibiki were safe to leave for some months to really practice her powers. Which to be fair was the sole reason her Father sent her away in the first place, to practice.

She hadn't done a lot of that really in the years she had been wandering Fiore.

She glanced up as he finally agreed to help her up and she paddled over to grasp at his left arm, gripping surprising tightly at his forearm. ".... Thank you Ryu. And I never said you were powerless..." putting her spare hand to her chin in thought. "Maybe when this is all over you could help me train in offensive abilities? I think I'd like that!" She said as a genuine smile actually flooded her face.
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Necr0Danc3r said:


Grimoire Heart

Tired of Eric

Ethan was getting just a little bit annoyed at Eric, so without looking, he released his hold of the force of his previous blows. Suddenly, Eric Felt punches raining down on his face and stomach, tossing him into a wall. "Maybe you should shut up now." he said, smiling smugly. That had probably felt better than it should've.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Creepy Corridor

Eric was just passively watching everything unfold until suddenly Mizuki just appeared out of no where. "Ahh! Oh it's just you... Don't sneak up on me like that!" Alicia was also here too, so she decided to help? She's brave wandering back into a place she just escaped from. Also not far behind them was Masaki. "Heh looks like everyone's finally arriving!" Mizuki told Chris to give the boy to her. Eric certainly knew that things aren't going to end well once that kid is in Mizuki's hands. "Hey kid! You'd might as well start talking now. Mizuki here won't go easy on you if you don't. Then again talking will probably only make the beating less intense."

@LeSoraAmari @Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Isune @Genon
Mizuki chuckled darkly when the little boy suddenly bit into Chris' hand with surprising force. It was probably the same hand he used to hit Kelica earlier in the day too. Karmas a bitch. But her chuckle soon came into an end as Chris threw him down and left poor Ethan with Mizuki. Sure, Eric was there, but she was sure that he wouldn't interfere. Really the only one that would was Alicia, the younger girl most likely disapproving of the whole "beating up a child thing". But if she did the dark mage would explain that it was for justice, and that she was really saving him from a life of potential hell. Speaking of beating up the child Eric seemed to know where this was going, but instead of listening Ethan started to beat the shit out of him with an invisible force. Quickly Mizuki sprang forward with all shadowy arms extended, roughly shoving the kid to the ground. She wasn't sure if this would actually stop him from being able to use his magic, and she didn't really care, but she hoped that it would distract him or something. Her four magical arms held down his arms and legs while her one of her hands held down his head, the other slapping him swiftly across the cheek. "Knock it off..." She said, raising her hand to hit him again.

(lmao we've got a wife beater and a child beater in the same group.)

Colt556 said:
Mysterious WomanScience Laboratory

"Oho~ A mad scientist's lair..." A cold voice rang out throughout the laboratory at Lysander's remark. It seemed to have no origin as it echoed off the walls, dancing through their ears in an almost seductive manner. "I'll take it as a compliment." The voice was much crisper as a woman was now standing next to a table off to the side from the trio. She was adorned in a pristine white lab-coat and fairly benign clothes beneath. Her eyes seemed cold and distant, almost disinterested even.

She reached out, delicately scooping up a nearby pile of papers and organized them before turning her attention back to the mages. "The magicians you seek are not here. That said I would appreciate it if you did not try to rescue them, they are extraordinarily valuable you see." She gently placed the stack of papers back atop the table before bringing her hand up to her chin, slowly tapping her index finger on her cheek before continuing. "Then again I suppose you would not be willing to grant that request, would you?"

A small sigh escaped her lips as she allowed her gaze to drift from one magician to the next, taking in the three of them. If only they could understand the importance of what they were doing here. Alas, if these people could understand she wouldn't have been forced to work with Grimoire Heart. All the same she couldn't just allow them to leave and get in the way. Especially not with stolen documents. She focused her gaze on the purple-haired man, eyeing him up slowly before giving an approving nod. She repeated the process with the blonde girl and then finally with Lysander. With him she allowed her gaze to linger as she addressed him directly.

"All of you seem to be quite powerful magicians. While not as powerful as those brought in before you're certainly nothing to dismiss." She brought her free arm up under her chest, cupping her elbow in order to support her arm as she continued. "Perhaps I should try the diplomatic approach? That might yield better results...." She again tapped her index finger along her cheek as she stared off into space, consistently fluctuating between speaking to them and speaking to herself. After a brief pause her finger came to a stop as she refocused on Lysander. "Yes, diplomacy seems like a good choice." She threw her arms to the side in an extravagant gesture. "Let us have a discussion." Her tone hardly matched her gestures as it remained as cold and seductive as ever. After a few seconds she lowered her arms and looked over the trio. "I shall answer whatever questions you might have so long as you give yourselves up to my research."

Mikado Saris - Dungeon

She looked over her shoulder at the sound of a collision. Seeing Noah fall to his own ice left her with an unimpressed expression before she looked over at Lysander who disappeared into a side-room or something. As Noah put his question up she simply gave a small shrug. "Who knows. Although considering it's Grimoire Heart...." She trailed off, her sentence not even needing to be finished as she looked back at the vats lining the wall. The mention of leaving the room was a good idea to be sure and she made her way over towards Noah and the door Lysander had went through.

Soon enough her companion re-emerged from the door, this time holding a pile of papers. Sifting through those was definitely a job for the boys, that much she knew. Without warning a voice rang through the room, apparently retorting to some remark about the appearance of this place. With a flick of her wrists and a small burst of light she was equipped with twin handguns as her eyes darted around in search of the source of the voice. Soon enough the voice spoke up again, this time it's origins clear as she was quick to aim her left gun at the woman.

She narrowed her eyes as the woman spoke. Based off how she acted and what she said it seemed like this woman was in charge of the lab. Not exactly happy about encountering the boss she slowly inched her way over to Lysander and Noah, never once taking her weapon off the woman. Despite the hostile actions directed at her, the woman seemed unphased and continued to ramble on. As the woman concluded her lengthy introduction Mikado spared quick glances at the two men, speaking quietly so as not to allow the strange woman to overhear. "What do you guys think? Can I shoot her?"

@Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20160711_101206.png.fd87c0351e7bc38c752fcf79c7e5e984.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141996" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20160711_101206.png.fd87c0351e7bc38c752fcf79c7e5e984.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Creepy Room

Noah snapped his head towards the force that came from an unknown woman. His left hand instinctively moved towards the hilt of his sword on his left side. By looking at her clothing it was safe to say she is a scientist. There's a high chance that she's the one over them all. But the other thing on Noah's mind beside who she is was how fine she looked. I mean damn a fine lady in a lab coat come on why does she have to be in a Dark Guild.

Noah glanced at his companions as they both seemed sure aboutwhat exactly they want to do next. Noah has been itching for a good fight for the longest. He drew his sword with his right hand and smirked. Lady, as I see it there's two choices on the table for you. Choice number one, you tell us where our friends are. Choice number two. He spins his sword then points it towards the lady. We beat it out of you. He smirked looking at his companions.

@Colt556 @Huor Spinks



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Mysterious Woman

Science Laboratory

The woman's cold expression lingered as her eyes shifted from one magician to the next as they all gave their responses to her offer. The two men seemed to be in agreement on their course of action and the girl seemed equally as eager to resort to violence. She brought her hand up to rest on her chin, once again supporting her elbow with her other arm, a look of mild disappointment adorning her features. "It would appear diplomacy has failed. I suppose it was inevitable given the situation." With a deep breath she again gently tapped her finger on her cheek as she mulled over her option.

She began to pace back and fourth, her gaze downcast as she continued tapping her cheek and mumbling to herself. "If I give in they might leave peacefully... But then they would know the whereabouts of the lab. No... That wont do. The loss of the subjects would be regretable but that can be overcome. Maybe if I ask nicely...? No, diplomacy does not work. But the damage done to the lab..." She abruptly came to a stop, her finger finally resting on her cheek as she turned her gaze back on the trio.

"If we have to fight can we move out of the lab?" She stared at them for a brief moment before cutting off any response they might have given. "No, that wont work. Diplomacy doesn't work..." She seemed genuinely crestfallen every time she reminded herself that diplomacy was not an option. After a few more moments she closed her eyes and gave a small sigh. "It seems there is only one possible option, as unfortunate as it might be."

Without warning she thrust her arm towards the ceiling, her palm flat and facing upwards. A large magical circle appeared in the air above and slightly to the front of her. Four large columns of light slowly descended from the circle, forming up into a large mass with protrusions from the top and the back. As it was nearly finished descending from the circle the light seemed to peel back and shatter, revealing a large creature, easily twice as tall as Noah or Lysander. As the last of the light peeled away the circle shrunk and vanished, the creature falling to the ground and letting out an ear-piercing roar as it flexed it's wings.

The woman looked over the creature before turning her attention back to the trio of magicians. "While he may be the result of an abject failure I still hold absolute confidence in his abilities. If you will not agree to diplomacy then you shall provide me with crucial combat data." She looked up towards the side, as if feeling something amiss elsewhere in the facility. Even if she dealt with these intruders the ones that triggered the base alarm were still out there. And judging by this magic she very much doubted any of Grimoire Heart's magicians could handle it. The facility was clearly lost regardless of her actions.

The creature stamped it's front hoofs as if preparing a charge however instead of actually charging the three mages it instead began to draw in a deep breath. As it sucked in air little wisps of flame darted around it's mouth. After only a moment it brought it's head down, mouth agape, as a torrent of fire spewed forth. The force of the blast threw all manner of object from it's path while the sheer heat almost instantly began to melt anything in it's path.

Mikado Saris - Dungeon

A wide grin etched itself across her lips as she listened to what her comrades had to say. She expected nothing less but having her wishes reaffirmed verbally still made her happy. Even so the woman continued to ramble on, eliciting a quirked brow from her as the woman asked them to leave the lab for their fight before quickly rescinding the request. It seemed their would-be opponent finally came to a decision.

She watched on as the woman seemed to summon forth some kind of creature. As soon as it made it's full appearance it's roar forced her to bring her hands up to her ears in a desperate attempt to find some relief. The pain assaulting her caused her to screw her eyes shut and let out a strained breath. As soon as the sonic assault began it came to an end, drawing a sigh of relief from the girl as she turned her attention towards the new foe, her grin widening even more at the prospect of fighting such an enemy.

At this point the creature fully blocked her view of the woman, preventing her from actually shooting her directly. Even so with three of them and only one monster it shouldn't be too hard to deal with both the woman and her pet. She looked over at her comrades and was about to speak up when she noticed the creature preparing some kind of attack. Her eyes widened slightly as the creature unleashed it's attack, forcing her to quickly leap to the side and away from the blast. She landed roughly on the ground, taking the opportunity to fire a few rounds off in the creature's general direction. What few shots landed bounced harmlessly off it's skin causing her to click her tongue and look over towards her comrades, wanting to make sure they were in decent enough shape. "You two still alive over there?"

@Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder
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Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Underground Cavern

Kelica was still staring into the still water that was steaming gently around her. It seemed all she did was get in people's way or irritate them and she found much more solice within the depths of a Great Forest then alone with these people. Despite being an extrovert, humans were just confusing at times. Animals just helped one another, or hated one another. She felt more and more inclined after she knew Sora and Hibiki were safe to leave for some months to really practice her powers. Which to be fair was the sole reason her Father sent her away in the first place, to practice.

She hadn't done a lot of that really in the years she had been wandering Fiore.

She glanced up as he finally agreed to help her up and she paddled over to grasp at his left arm, gripping surprising tightly at his forearm. ".... Thank you Ryu. And I never said you were powerless..." putting her spare hand to her chin in thought. "Maybe when this is all over you could help me train in offensive abilities? I think I'd like that!" She said as a genuine smile actually flooded her face.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

>>Underground Cavern<<

Ryu sighed and resumed climbing as Kelica continued chattering. Was this girl always this suffocatingly chipper? If this kept up, he was going to get real sick of it real fast. "Uh, maybe" he said in reply to Kelica's request for him to train her. "Listen, I'm not exactly the teaching type, and we should really wait to talk about his stuff until after we've rescued our captive friends, alright?" he kept scaling the cavern walls, making slow, but steady progress.

Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

>>Underground Cavern<<

Ryu sighed and resumed climbing as Kelica continued chattering. Was this girl always this suffocatingly chipper? If this kept up, he was going to get real sick of it real fast. "Uh, maybe" he said in reply to Kelica's request for him to train her. "Listen, I'm not exactly the teaching type, and we should really wait to talk about his stuff until after we've rescued our captive friends, alright?" he kept scaling the cavern walls, making slow, but steady progress.

Kelica Zefara

Underground Hotspring Shaft

The forest mage with Ryu's permission now quickly scrambled onto his back, slinging her arms around his neck and wrapping her legs around his middle. She didn't know how she kept managing to be carried like this so often, it was normally Chris, but then Noah to get to the forest and finally Ryu to escape this weird underground hot spring. She wasn't complaining, she always preferred being up higher and safer with a greater vantage point.

He mentioned a solid maybe to training her and really that's all she could ask for in this situation. She was certain most of the Fairytail mages would be able to train her to be stronger, calmer, more precise with time. She might even be able to heal faster or without pain like Sora did! That would be something....

Unintentionally she put her face forward to bury her head somewhat behind his ear to nuzzle against his very hair, sighing happily. Kelica afterall was a touchy feely person and it was meant to be similar to a cat grinding in for affection.

Her way to say thanks without the words needed. The girl just wasn't practiced on the do's and don't with personal affection, the move as platonic to her as a smile. Though she did finally whisper into his ear. "....thank you for taking me with you... I appreciate it..."
@Colt556[/URL] @Mitchs98 @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @WHOEVER ELSE
Zuka said:
Valken Truss

Team Bravado

The Shadow Mage was thankful for his emo fringe when he suddenly turned with mouth agap towards Ferra. The flirting thing with Tanari was warranted although Ferra and Emmerich should realize he was just joking yeah? I mean he wasn't going to object had her shirt slipped off and he got a front row seat, he did just have that pervert personality. But it was just a verbal quip more then anything... People around him were way too uptight.

Then Ferra continued on talking about his rather impressive magazine collection, he narrowed his eyes as he grabbed Ferra by the back of her neck to lift her up like a puppy dog. "How did you even manage to find that? And break into the dark shadow spell I put over the edge? It would have alerted me the moment you broke into that box with your grubby hands...." Try as he might to stay angry he was weirdly impressed with Ferra. Getting under a Master of all this Ninja and Spy was no mean feet afterall.

Eventually Valkens face paled with the threat and he oddly gently placed Ferra on her feet and quickly patted her down of dirt, readjusting her probably scrunched shirt in a half panicked manner. "Y...You won't tell her right?" Eyes half pleading. Afterall he probably could bs some excuse but that was the harder option. "How about we call it even yeah? Clean slate as it where..."

Valken idly watched Emmerich run head long and start taking out the mass of mages with less then a care, afterall this was a man so close to the edge of Light/Dark with his powers.... If any of them saw what he did to get information out of victims... But that's why his jobs were all hush hush, under the table, but paid a fortune. His clients had to find him personally rather then grabbing posters off the Guild Wall. Not even Lloyd or Maya knew where he went half the time.

He heard Tanari mention Emmerich's brutality and the Magic Council, followed a moment later by Lavender defending them. This made him snare suddenly and approach the purple haired mage, his posture seething rage while the very shadows at his feet seemed to slowly seep outwards, crawling, like outstretched eager hands.

He spoke up so all three girls could hear.

"They have the Grimoire Heart symbol burnt into their very flesh! Their symbol is not just pressed down like ours do... it is physically branded with wicked magic that few manage to uplift. If they were innocents they could have come to us for help, or the Magic Council to protect them, but they chose their own path. They chose this direction." Letting his hand sweep out towards the army. "Do you see any of them refrain from attacking Frosty? Look closely! Watch his body language! Every punch or kick he does he stops a half second and exposes himself to them, he drops his arms and legs. He gives them one full, unprotected opening for them to back down and they chose that opening to swing at him. They would kill him without a second thought! They don't have the same Chilvary we do. They are out for blood. Would you like us all to lie down and die?"

He stopped as he turned his head quickly to Emmerich as more and more seemed to be flooding the corridor. "If you want to stay behind, just turn around and look away! Some Fairytail protector you are!" His gaze turning to Tanari. "If you don't want to fight then stay here and look after Ferra. I won't let a single one of these idiots escape till I have Millie back...."

With that the Shadow Mage had already turned on his heels and was sprinting to engage the enemies right behind Emmerich. Only unlike Frosty crashing head long, Valken was using a sort of duck and weave approach, using the mages own body weight and momentum to spin them to hit each other.

Finally he came up behind Frosty and pressed his back against his, unslinging both daggers to point down along his forearms like razor sharp elbow blades. While Frosty was almost glowing with fire and ice, the area around Valken was darkening like the very air was being sucked of light, heat and life. His eyes starting to glow purple once more.

"...Maybe slightly less on the brutality Frosty..." He whispered. "..But then I know you like a challenge...can you try to make these wounds seem at least half in self defense?...I know Maya is in the Magic Council but still... she'll have some explaning to do.."

Though he had to grin at the absurdity of those words.
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

She turned slightly to see past her elbow as she watched Valken approach the other girl and start chastising her. Her eyebrows rose slightly as she watched with a bemused grin as the man clearly had some issues with dark guilds. As Valken seemed to finish his tirade she gave a low whistle, her bemused grin threatening to turn into a full-on smirk. She wasn't exactly one to care if people died, so long as she wasn't one of them, and to see the other girl playing the chivalrous knight amused her greatly. It reminded her of her childhood, and although she never laid into him like Valken was doing now there was more than one occasion when she had to chastise her knightly friend. But that was then, and this was now and her attention was focused back on Valken as he turned to address her.

'Look after Ferra'... wait, did he really just say that? "Wha-? H-hey! Wai-..." She reached out to grab the man to make him stop but he was quickly gone, already sprinting down the corridor towards the fight. She allowed her arm to fall limply to her side, her head drooping as a sigh slipped past her lips. "I never agreed to babysitting..." She mumbled quietly to herself as she looked back at the kid. She stared silently at the girl for a few moments before her face brightened and she snapped her fingers, quickly pointing at the purple-haired mage. "You seem like the dependable sort, watch the kid for me, will ya?" Following Valken's lead she didn't bother giving the knight any room to complain as flames erupted along her limbs and she rocketted down the corridor towards the action. If the choice was between getting a work-out or babysitting some strange kid... well that was an obvious choice to make.

At this point she noticed Valken had all but vanished into the crowd of attackers, deftly maneuvering his way through the crowd as he went for Emmerich. She, however, had no interest in such things and simply aimed for the closest enemy she could find. As she neared the enemy lines she did a little hop in order to slide forward, narrowly avoiding a swipe of the man's sword before she offered him a clean punch to the gut. As her fist connected a small explosion detonated and sent the man flying back towards his comrades. Hopping back to her feet she dropped down into her usual combat-ready stance as the enemy began to encircle her as well. If it wasn't for the two men further in this would be a piece of cake. This many combatants in such a tight corridor? Oh there was a plethora of ways she could handle that. Unfortunately her newfound teammates tied her hands so she'd have to settle on the good ol' one-two. Taking a deep breath the flames around her fists shifted hues, slowly transitioning from her usual crimson flames into a deep blue. After a slow exhale she leapt forward, ducking and weaving around the attacks of her assailants while ensuring to land blows of her own.
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Draneri - The Siren

Dark Guild Corridor

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb9f6ec9e_images(28).jpg.bfcc0ed559eb255c2ff46248b2b680e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb9f6ec9e_images(28).jpg.bfcc0ed559eb255c2ff46248b2b680e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It was pitch black at the very back of a corridor towards the heart of the base and away from the entrance. Except a beautiful song started up with a Soprano voice as pristine and perfect as any Opera singer. Although as the sounds came out it was evident the singer could transition to the very upper levels of possibility right down to a sultry contralto. No sound seemed out of reach and the very sounds seemed to soothe, to coax and relax the entire room like a lullaby.

And as the words echoed around the dark walls finally a figure appeared to almost glide along with her white dress trailed behind, long black raven wings bent down to hug her hips and very tip of her flight feathers dragging against the ground making the faintest of a rustle.

Long purple hair a stark contrast to her white dress, blowing about her shoulders and arms curled in to rest against her lap. Even her very golden eyes seemed to glow warmly, a beautiful smiling doning her lips. Like an angel her whole body almost seemed to glow or draw attention. And then the woman like a gift from God started to sing.

"Five little ducks went out one day

Over the hills and far away...

Mother duck said, Quack Quack Quack Quack..."

Her golden eyes flowing over the entire group, meeting each and every pair solidly though she had yet to know there names. Mizuki, Alicia, Masaki, Eric, Chris. Five seperate mages surrounding one Grimoire Boy.

".....But none of the Five Little Ducks came back...."

She whispered moreso to herself.

As came before the little rabble her golden eyes settling finally on Mizuki as she had Ethan pinned down quite strongly and was beating him senseless. She didn't flip however, merely stepped before the two and reached down to let her very index finger rest against the woman's chin, gently pulling her entire body up and away from the boy.

Now Mizuki's eyes had locked onto Draneri her glowing gaze seemed more intense, swirling like the depths of a molten gold pool. Distracting her perhaps long enough to stop her slap feast to focus in on the new woman who had finally stopped her singing.

When she spoke, however, even her voice seemed soothing. Elegant and graceful.


Drawing in.

"....Why do you hit this boy so?..." She whispered in a voice only loud enough so she may hear. Still knowing the rest would be watching her. They always did, it was hard not to. That was her power, her magic. She even smelled inviting like Spring just bloomed or honeycomb.

@Kayzo @Necr0Danc3r @LeSoraAmari @Jackaboi @Mitchs98



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Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

She turned slightly to see past her elbow as she watched Valken approach the other girl and start chastising her. Her eyebrows rose slightly as she watched with a bemused grin as the man clearly had some issues with dark guilds. As Valken seemed to finish his tirade she gave a low whistle, her bemused grin threatening to turn into a full-on smirk. She wasn't exactly one to care if people died, so long as she wasn't one of them, and to see the other girl playing the chivalrous knight amused her greatly. It reminded her of her childhood, and although she never laid into him like Valken was doing now there was more than one occasion when she had to chastise her knightly friend. But that was then, and this was now and her attention was focused back on Valken as he turned to address her.

'Look after Ferra'... wait, did he really just say that? "Wha-? H-hey! Wai-..." She reached out to grab the man to make him stop but he was quickly gone, already sprinting down the corridor towards the fight. She allowed her arm to fall limply to her side, her head drooping as a sigh slipped past her lips. "I never agreed to babysitting..." She mumbled quietly to herself as she looked back at the kid. She stared silently at the girl for a few moments before her face brightened and she snapped her fingers, quickly pointing at the purple-haired mage. "You seem like the dependable sort, watch the kid for me, will ya?" Following Valken's lead she didn't bother giving the knight any room to complain as flames erupted along her limbs and she rocketted down the corridor towards the action. If the choice was between getting a work-out or babysitting some strange kid... well that was an obvious choice to make.

At this point she noticed Valken had all but vanished into the crowd of attackers, deftly maneuvering his way through the crowd as he went for Emmerich. She, however, had no interest in such things and simply aimed for the closest enemy she could find. As she neared the enemy lines she did a little hop in order to slide forward, narrowly avoiding a swipe of the man's sword before she offered him a clean punch to the gut. As her fist connected a small explosion detonated and sent the man flying back towards his comrades. Hopping back to her feet she dropped down into her usual combat-ready stance as the enemy began to encircle her as well. If it wasn't for the two men further in this would be a piece of cake. This many combatants in such a tight corridor? Oh there was a plethora of ways she could handle that. Unfortunately her newfound teammates tied her hands so she'd have to settle on the good ol' one-two. Taking a deep breath the flames around her fists shifted hues, slowly transitioning from her usual crimson flames into a deep blue. After a slow exhale she leapt forward, ducking and weaving around the attacks of her assailants while ensuring to land blows of her own.

Lavender Gray - Fighting the Dark Guild Mob

Valken's words slapped her right in the face. Part of him was right but part of him was wrong. Some of these wizards could have been forced into the guild just because a parent or sibling was in them. Valken didnt know the story behind these troops and why they were in this Dark Guild. Sure, some of them probably had bad intentions but not all of them. And Lavender knew this. "You seem like the dependable sort, watch the kid for me, will ya?" moving her head towards the other female who had been with her snapped the warrior out of her thoughts "Excus-" before Lavender could finish, the girl ran off and left her with the child. Well that was very rude...

Looking at Ferra, she thought of something that might be of use. Actually. Will be of use. Pulling put a key from her pouch which hung from her hips she threw her hand foward and spoke "Open: Gate of the Nemean Lion Slayer, Hercules!" turning the key, a doorbell was heard and a bright light had cme by and faded within seconds to reveal a large Male who had a pretty great build to his body and looked like he could be a body guard to just about any higher up "Yes Lady Lavender? How may I be of assistance?"

"Could you please watch over this little one here and protect her." she placed her hand on Ferra's head "I must help those who had saved me."

Hercules moved his gaze over to the young girl and nodded "I can do that. If something goes wrong, Lady Lavender, i'll ask Draco to come here"

Lavender smiled softly "I greatly appreciate it, Hercules. I'm counting on you."

With that said, Lavender looked at Ferra and gave her a warm smile "Stay with my great friend, Hercules. He shall protect you from anyone who dares to threaten you." the warrior then turned and made her way down the hall, drawing her sword and preparing her shield. Lavender hadnt been one to kill people, only injure, so if Valken or Emmerich wanted the wizards dead that she had wounded, they were free to do so. Just by Valken's harsh words, the warrior knew that there was no convincing him to not kill the dark guild members. I do not wish to have death on my hands. I could not bare the pain that comes with it.

The golden eyed mage joined battle and was now fighting her own set, occassionally others could hear the sound of a sword hitting another object which left a "Clink" sound or a large booming sound indicating that someone had hit her shield. For the most oddest of reasons, Lavender never seemed to use magic unless it was a dire need. For instance, a monster she'd use her magic, knowing that hand to hand or weapons wouldnt be the main use to kill a monster. Despite these wizards using magic, she was able to reflect and counter.

Lavender swiped her sword at a Mage's arm which caused him to scream in pain and stop him from trying to fight. She knew that this guy wasnt coming up to fight back. I'm greatly sorry for causing such a wound... But it is better than being murdered. in about a million ways it was better than being murdered for sure. The warrior continued to fight those who had came at her full force and of course, Lavender fought and only caused wounds which left the mages defenseless and not able to continue their battles.

Being caught off guard, she was suddenly grabbed by the hair and clearly it was a girl doing so. As far as Lavender noticed, girls always pulled another's hair in fights. But that told Lavender that the girl was easy to fight. Though from the sudden pull, she dropped her sword and shield and pulled her head foward- despite the pain that was being done to her scalp- and slammed it back, hitting the mage right in the face and knocking her back. "You do know..." Lavender began as she huffed "Pulling a woman's hair can prove how weak you can be." she then turned and faced the mage.

By the looks of it, the mage had regained her balance and charged at Lavender "I'm sorry, Miss." she said as she blocked the punch that came her way and clocked her right in the face which had her stumble back and gave Lavender the opening to give a nice few punches and then a nice roundhouse kick which sent the mage flying past her rescuers and towards a wall before slamming into it and getting knocked out.

After her small fight with the female mage, Lavender's chest had been rising and falling as if she ran about 5 miles non stop. Before any other mage could go for her, she quickly grabbed her sword and shield and resumed her fighting. Despite her fatigue.

@Mitchs98 (mentioned and briefly interacted with) @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Colt556 (mentioned)
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Chris Lengheart (Almost-wait,who are you?)

Chris had finally managed to make a clearing in the cave in that he could see through. He could see Kelica and Ryu, they seemed to be alright. Chris then decided to poke his head through a little bit and shouted, "Hey you two, I'll have you guys out in just a sec!" before he looked at the wall closest to him. Chris pushed both his arms down as the wall soon became a beautiful staircase that would lead to the hole. He also made sure to create a few pillars with roofing to keep the stairs safe from another cave in. Just to be on the safe side, Chris also widened the hole to ensure that they'd be able to fit through.

As Chris was doing all of this, poor Eric was basically launched straight into a wall like he had been not too long ago by a certain dragon. Luckily, Mizuki seemed to be handling things as she gave the poor a nice little slap across the face as her four extra arms held him down. To be frank, he wanted to shout for her to use her wrist more but now didn't seem like the time for that.

Everything seemed calmed until a odd looking lady came through. She was singing nursery rhymes. Chris was able to pick up on the part out the five little ducks never coming back and immediately had a large rock floating beside him. As she approached Mizuki and attempted to seduce her. Chris looked at the woman and suddenly ordered, "
Let her go. No one has to get hurt."

@Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari
Eric: What's that singing?

Eric felt a flurry of punches landing on him at once knocking him back into a wall. To be honest... It hurt... But that only made him more angry yet angry in a comical sense. "Grr... Someone hold me back before I kill this brat!" Then he heard a voice... A beautiful voice... As Eric listened he instantly calmed down and felt relaxed. He heard a woman singing nursery rhymes drawing closer to them. He turned around to see the woman with giant black wings and beautiful golden eyes. But he instantly knew it wasn't human, it was a Siren! Eric grew up travelling on the road and the wilderness and discovered exotic creatures during that time. Sirens were one of the many that attempted to devour him.

As someone who has avoided them before he knew that you should never listen to them sing or look into their eyes. That's how they draw you in for the kill. The Siren walked up to Mizuki and stopped her from beating the kid. Eric could clearly tell the Siren was targeting her first. "Mizuki! Get away from her! That's a Siren!" He transformed into a tiger and attempted to pounce at the Siren. He never actually tried fighting one before but if push comes to shove, he might just have to. First for everything after all.
Jackaboi said:
Eric: What's that singing?

Eric felt a flurry of punches landing on him at once knocking him back into a wall. To be honest... It hurt... But that only made him more angry yet angry in a comical sense. "Grr... Someone hold me back before I kill this brat!" Then he heard a voice... A beautiful voice... As Eric listened he instantly calmed down and felt relaxed. He heard a woman singing nursery rhymes drawing closer to them. He turned around to see the woman with giant black wings and beautiful golden eyes. But he instantly knew it wasn't human, it was a Siren! Eric grew up travelling on the road and the wilderness and discovered exotic creatures during that time. Sirens were one of the many that attempted to devour him.

As someone who has avoided them before he knew that you should never listen to them sing or look into their eyes. That's how they draw you in for the kill. The Siren walked up to Mizuki and stopped her from beating the kid. Eric could clearly tell the Siren was targeting her first. "Mizuki! Get away from her! That's a Siren!" He transformed into a tiger and attempted to pounce at the Siren. He never actually tried fighting one before but if push comes to shove, he might just have to. First for everything after all.
(Forgot to tag soz)

@Kayzo @Isune @Mitchs98 @Genon @LeSoraAmari @Necr0Danc3r
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Jackaboi said:
Eric: What's that singing?

Eric felt a flurry of punches landing on him at once knocking him back into a wall. To be honest... It hurt... But that only made him more angry yet angry in a comical sense. "Grr... Someone hold me back before I kill this brat!" Then he heard a voice... A beautiful voice... As Eric listened he instantly calmed down and felt relaxed. He heard a woman singing nursery rhymes drawing closer to them. He turned around to see the woman with giant black wings and beautiful golden eyes. But he instantly knew it wasn't human, it was a Siren! Eric grew up travelling on the road and the wilderness and discovered exotic creatures during that time. Sirens were one of the many that attempted to devour him.

As someone who has avoided them before he knew that you should never listen to them sing or look into their eyes. That's how they draw you in for the kill. The Siren walked up to Mizuki and stopped her from beating the kid. Eric could clearly tell the Siren was targeting her first. "Mizuki! Get away from her! That's a Siren!" He transformed into a tiger and attempted to pounce at the Siren. He never actually tried fighting one before but if push comes to shove, he might just have to. First for everything after all.
Adrian heard the singing as well. It sounded...enchanting, like aural honey. For a few moments, he was transfixed, but he soon realized he was walking towards it as if his legs weren't under his own power--WAIT A MINUTE!

Realizing what this meant, he decided he would play along with the Siren's schemes getting closer and closer and watching the Siren focus its power elsewhere. He was right behind the Siren when he attempted to get her in a chokehold, putting his elbow around her neck. He was going to make her pass out from lack of oxygen. It wasn't like she could sing if she had no air.

EDIT: I've edited this post's second paragraph.
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Genon said:
Adrian heard the singing as well. It sounded...enchanting, like aural honey. For a few moments, he was transfixed, but he soon realized he was walking towards it as if his legs weren't under his own power--WAIT A MINUTE!

Realizing what this meant, he decided he would play along with the Siren's schemes getting closer and closer and watching the Siren focus its power elsewhere. He was right behind the Siren when he attempted to get her in a chokehold, putting his elbow around her neck. He was going to make her pass out from lack of oxygen. It wasn't like she could sing if she had no air.

EDIT: I've edited this post's second paragraph.
(Forgot to tag @Kayzo @Isune @Necr0Danc3r @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari)

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