Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Lysander Connell

Creepy Room

Leaning against the wall, Lysander looked like he was just about to puke. His face was pale, and his hands were clammy, and there was a look of utter disgust on his face. Yet at the same time, his hands clenched into fists, and he forced himself off the wall to join Noah and Mikado. He was more than thankful that he did not face to face this alone. It also made him all the more worried. If these were the people who had Sora in custody... what would they be willing to do to her? Especially if they had this kind of equipment at their disposal? "This... this looks like a mad scientist's lair." He said finally, his voice sounding extremely faint even to his ears. "We should move on," he said gruffly. "More than ever, we need to hurry."

With that, he stalked out of the room. Just ahead of him, due to the light he still bore, he could see a long corridor, with closed doors leading to other areas. With the hope that one of them would at least yield a clue as to where the prisoners might be located, he pulled open one of the doors. This one, fortunately, was not locked. Unfortunately, it looked just as bad as the other room, and staring into it, Lysander felt faint once again. This room was bare, except for a device in the center; a long pole with metal cuffs close to the top. Nearby was a machine with wires leading from it to what looked like metal spokes. A lone table stood at the side, covered with what appeared to be diagrams.

Lysander took a death breath and forced his way into the room, turning his eyes away from the machine, instead heading towards the sheaf of papers. He grabbed at the all the papers at the desk and fled the room, slamming the door shut behind him so he would no longer have to look at anything. He took the papers back to Noah and Mikado. "I found this," he said, showing them the papers. "Hopefully they'd contain something we could use to find the others."

@Colt556 @Embaga Elder
@Huor Spinks[/URL]
Mysterious Woman

Science Laboratory

"Oho~ A mad scientist's lair..." A cold voice rang out throughout the laboratory at Lysander's remark. It seemed to have no origin as it echoed off the walls, dancing through their ears in an almost seductive manner. "I'll take it as a compliment." The voice was much crisper as a woman was now standing next to a table off to the side from the trio. She was adorned in a pristine white lab-coat and fairly benign clothes beneath. Her eyes seemed cold and distant, almost disinterested even.

She reached out, delicately scooping up a nearby pile of papers and organized them before turning her attention back to the mages. "The magicians you seek are not here. That said I would appreciate it if you did not try to rescue them, they are extraordinarily valuable you see." She gently placed the stack of papers back atop the table before bringing her hand up to her chin, slowly tapping her index finger on her cheek before continuing. "Then again I suppose you would not be willing to grant that request, would you?"

A small sigh escaped her lips as she allowed her gaze to drift from one magician to the next, taking in the three of them. If only they could understand the importance of what they were doing here. Alas, if these people could understand she wouldn't have been forced to work with Grimoire Heart. All the same she couldn't just allow them to leave and get in the way. Especially not with stolen documents. She focused her gaze on the purple-haired man, eyeing him up slowly before giving an approving nod. She repeated the process with the blonde girl and then finally with Lysander. With him she allowed her gaze to linger as she addressed him directly.

"All of you seem to be quite powerful magicians. While not as powerful as those brought in before you're certainly nothing to dismiss." She brought her free arm up under her chest, cupping her elbow in order to support her arm as she continued. "Perhaps I should try the diplomatic approach? That might yield better results...." She again tapped her index finger along her cheek as she stared off into space, consistently fluctuating between speaking to them and speaking to herself. After a brief pause her finger came to a stop as she refocused on Lysander. "Yes, diplomacy seems like a good choice." She threw her arms to the side in an extravagant gesture. "Let us have a discussion." Her tone hardly matched her gestures as it remained as cold and seductive as ever. After a few seconds she lowered her arms and looked over the trio. "I shall answer whatever questions you might have so long as you give yourselves up to my research."

Mikado Saris - Dungeon

She looked over her shoulder at the sound of a collision. Seeing Noah fall to his own ice left her with an unimpressed expression before she looked over at Lysander who disappeared into a side-room or something. As Noah put his question up she simply gave a small shrug. "Who knows. Although considering it's Grimoire Heart...." She trailed off, her sentence not even needing to be finished as she looked back at the vats lining the wall. The mention of leaving the room was a good idea to be sure and she made her way over towards Noah and the door Lysander had went through.

Soon enough her companion re-emerged from the door, this time holding a pile of papers. Sifting through those was definitely a job for the boys, that much she knew. Without warning a voice rang through the room, apparently retorting to some remark about the appearance of this place. With a flick of her wrists and a small burst of light she was equipped with twin handguns as her eyes darted around in search of the source of the voice. Soon enough the voice spoke up again, this time it's origins clear as she was quick to aim her left gun at the woman.

She narrowed her eyes as the woman spoke. Based off how she acted and what she said it seemed like this woman was in charge of the lab. Not exactly happy about encountering the boss she slowly inched her way over to Lysander and Noah, never once taking her weapon off the woman. Despite the hostile actions directed at her, the woman seemed unphased and continued to ramble on. As the woman concluded her lengthy introduction Mikado spared quick glances at the two men, speaking quietly so as not to allow the strange woman to overhear. "What do you guys think? Can I shoot her?"

@Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto (Gokasai)-


View attachment 312614

Ryu sighed again as the pair of mages came tumbling down the stairs to stop in front of the group. "Mattaku" he muttered, crossing his arms. He watched disinterestedly as Chris broke up the fight, and took no action to stop him as he grabbed the Grimoire Heart youth by the neck. He leaned against the tunnel wall as he waited for the others to leave, before a cave in suddenly cut him and Kelica off from the rest of the group. Before the two could react, the ground beneath them gave way, and Kelica stumbled straight into him. They didn't seem to fall far, and they landed in what seemed to be a natural hot spring. "I'm fine" He said coldly, in response to the Blonde's question. "What about you? If you're injured, don't expect me to carry you."

@Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Genon @Isune @Bolts

Kelica Zefara

Team Grouch

The forest mage was actually asking Ryu genuinely if he was ok, however his cold response had her eyes narrow down now. "I've never been better, thanks for asking Ryu..." She said in a sarcastic tone, doing everything she could not to roll her eyes at him. "Fairytail mages...." she grumbled more off handedly as she already started to bob and paddle towards the other side of the Underwater Hot Spring. "I'm more then capable of walking once my feet touch the ground, Sir gentleman Ryu."

She kept paddling till she came to the end of the Cavern noting almost immediately no steps or landings just a solid looking wall. She turned to call out to Ryu but she only managed to call out his name when the very roof shuddered, causing her to clasp a hand over her mouth eyes wide then paddle back to him. She leant into his ear. "T...This place doesn't seem safe! I don't think we should yell... or... I shouldn't yell..." She whispered with an embarrassed blush. "I couldn't see anything but a wall over there, and I'm fairly certain the same is on the other side.... so ah... how do we get out Mr Samurai?"
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

She kept her face sternly against the steel bars, listening closely to the exchange of the mages. Based on the conversation they really were rescuing them.. or at least the Fairy Tail mage. Her own rescue was yet to be seen. Finally one of the mages came into view, a tall dark and supposedly handsome type moseyed on over towards her cell. As the man rested his arm on the bars and peered in at her she took a step back. He spoke as if he knew her, although she couldn't say the same about him. A pang of frustration shot through her at the man's remark about her placement during the contest. Clearly it was rigged, anyone with common sense knew it was rigged. But her frustration over the result would have to wait as there was a far more pressing concern at hand. She tilted her head to the side slightly, confusion evident on her face. "Do I know you?"

Her gaze followed the man's knife as he brought it down towards the lock of her cell. Her eyes lit up at the prospect of being rescued. Alas her would-be savior seemed to have other things in mind as he tried to demand payment of sorts in return for her release. Acting quick to address her previous question she gently hit her fist into her outstretched palm and gave a small 'aha!' "Oh, right, you're um... uh.. that one guy! Yeah, sure I don't mind giving you a little service after we get outta here." She looked in the direction of the now-broken down door, the alarm signalling that they didn't exactly have much time to spare. Turning her gaze back on the man she rose her eyebrows and cast an expectant look down at the lock. "But for now we should probably get a move on, yeah?"
Valken Truss

Team Bravado

Valken found this girl oddly amusing. The confusion flooded over her face was justified because honestly he had simply been a male face in the crowd sitting beside Lysander so he wasn't all that surprised she didn't recognize him. As he expected, she noticed the dagger slowly unlocking her cell, and he had to smirk even wider as she claimed him as that guy. My how people turned when they wanted something. However that was as far as the Shadow Mage was intending to go, he wasn't expecting the girl to literally strip just to get out.

"...Hmmm I suppose you're right..." His voice turning more serious now. "I distinctly remember you having flames in your performance, so I'm assuming you are a fire mage?" And with that the Shadow Mage suddenly unlocked her cell and swung open the door to step aside. "Call me Prince Charming by the way... I also respond to Valken."

Once she was free, he stepped to a locked metal cupboard as he used his dagger to break into that as well to retrieve her sword and personal items. "I believe you also want these? I appreciate you staying with us to help repel the Mages at least till we are free of this Dark Guild Base. It's the least I expect considering I saved your nice behind..." Throwing her a quick grin before he turned to walk and stopped shoulder to shoulder with Emmerich, whispering so only he could hear.

"With that alarm we have no idea how many Mages are convening to this location. " A weird grin similar to Frosty's blood thirsty one. "You go forward and distract them, I'll do the stealth kills... I mean disables. But if they attack first and we act in self defense... and you know, your fist happens to hit their head a smidgen too hard... or my dagger grip slips... and they die well, you know, it was self defense..."

Even as he said this there was a thundering of boots down the hall way. Valken already grabbed Ferra and pulled her to his side and in the center, keeping Lavender slightly behind Frosty and on his left, and grasping Tanari to position her on his right flank. Like a spear head, leaving Valken at the back with his number one to keep Ferra safe and an overall observing role so he could spring in and out as needed. "Keep a count Frosty! We both know I'll finish off more then you!" He called to his friend.

This worked two fold; not only was it in good fun, it would invigorate Emmerich to fight even harder and stronger, like an immovable carry. Valken despite his sometimes annoying personality was actually an outstanding tactician.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
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Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust "Oh really, all the bases? All the time," Emmerich asks, still with that all-too-innocent air before Ferra joined in to say that Valken and Millie had only really been together for the last four days. At this news Emmerich makes an exaggerated expression of shock, "Wait, only four days and you've already done everything? I 'ave to admit, I'm impressed with the speed at which your doing fings there Valksey." Here Emmerich pauses for a second before acting as if something had just dawned on him, "Unless you were lying and trying to cover up the fact that you don't actually 'ave much experience that is. But that can't be true right? That you, our guild's foremost lady-killer, are actually a virgin? That definitely can't be true. What am I thinking?" he says in such a way that Valken couldn't fail to catch the underlying meaning, shaking his head at the end in mock disappointment with himself.
Emmerich Faust
Now, Emmerich doesn't actually care how much experience Valken has or doesn't have in these matters. However, as his friend had decided to try to tease him Emmerich figured it was only fair that he reciprocated. The fact that Valken decided to try to imply that he had more experience than he actually did only made things worse for him. However, at the end of the day all of this, in Emmerich's mind at least, was in good fun. The sort of natural banter that comes between friends.

Ferra: Team Bravado

Ferra only smiled innocently at Valkens' subtle threat. He had it coming, just casually sitting there talking about how many times him and Millie had had 'fun' like she didn't even exist. Though, this would probably be bad for her in the somewhat near future..this was now, not then. She could potentially do something like save his life and have him forget all about it later on. It was possible. Hopefully. And then Emmerich replied to her teasing, which was meant to discredit Valken, not impress Emmerich. How did that manage to impress him? Did he not get the point she was trying to make? She was about to interject on the whole 'virgin' thing, though Valken replied quickly before she could. Lucky for him to. He probably wouldn't of liked it if she had mentioned his stash of 'magazines', of which he had many, in his room. It was completely his fault with that stash of his he had even understood the conversation at hand too. She still hadn't told him she'd snuck in and looked through it..multiple times. He wasn't the only one that could be sneaky.

She refrained from outright bursting into laughter when Valken mentioned Millie 'begging for it'. She hadn't exactly witnessed anything like that between them, nor did she want to, but she couldn't exactly picture that between Millie and him. He seemed more the type to convince Millie to do it, rather that for Millie to ask. Millie seemed a bit to innocent to be the one to prompt such things, at-least in her opinion. Before she could comment on that, very much to her dismay, she was thrust into a small hole in the wall...directly between Emmerich and Valken. Her face nigh instantly reddened deeply once she realized this. Thank god she wasn't exactly a midget or her face would be...no. Just. No. This wouldn't exactly be that bad, had the both of them not been shirtless and male. Or just shirtless period really. Thankfully the very, very awkward moment and position soon ended with Valken being the first out of the hole to run down the hallway.

She presumed it was to rescue the Fairy Tail girl the two guards were talking about. Or perhaps he really just wanted out of the situation too. Emmerich followed after him next prompting Ferra to follow quickly behind them, her face still very red. Luckily they'd soon have another girl in their group and she no long had to be the only girl surrounded by shirtless men. Upon reaching them, and the metal door, she winced as Emmerich broke down the door rather loudly without a second thought. She was no master of stealth like Valken, and even she knew not to do something like that. And of course it sounded alarms. She cursed under her breath at the sheer amount of stupid of what Emmerich did. Nevertheless she followed Emmerich inside and much to her relief there were actually TWO females who were captured, one of which she recognized entirely. It was that girl that had fought Talon and saved her from getting kidnapped herself. She should of guessed that this would of happened when she did help her. It was a bad thing to find joy in finding someone else kidnapped, but, meh.

She was somewhat distracted when Valken started tossing chunks of metal at her, one hitting her right in the head and knocking her over and nearly rendering her unconscious, following that the rest of them landed on top of her. She groaned loudly and shoved the metal off of her, bringing a hand up to her forehead to see if it was bleeding from the impact, and sure enough it was. She glared at Valken and had half a mind to throw the metal at the back of his head but decided against it. Finally she could be useful other than being a general annoyance for Valken. Nevertheless she calmly started eating the metal as fast as she could while she watched Valken saunter over to the cage Tanari was in and proceed to hit on her. Was he serious? She would tell Millie, but it'd crush her rather than be amusing. Although..now she had blackmail to get herself out of whatever revenge he was currently planning. He really shouldn't of done that.

She watched as he freed her and only continued flirting with her, roll her eyes at his subtle 'nice ass' comment. Before she knew what happened she was pulled into some kind of odd tight fighting formation with the rest. Oh well..at-least she was at the back and least likely to get hit. It was also a perfect position for everyone to hear her. "Why do you need a bikini show from Tanari anyway?" She asked. "You have a bunch of bikini magazines in your room back at the hall anyways. Not to mention the other more uhh..lewd..ones." She told him. "What would Millie think if she found out about those? And your request, huh?" She asked, lowkey blackmailing him and hoping he'd get the point of not to mess with her too badly in the near future.
Ayano Soru: The Dungeons

Ayano probably should've expected this, Rodwen has always seen people as tools to use and throw away. Now lying under a pile of rubble she found no problem getting back on her feet. She rubbed her cheek where Rodwen had hit her. "That stung you know!" The vampire looked at Hibiki applying pressure to the wound to make sure he didn't lose blood. "See? You wouldn't let me do my part of the job and now he's bleeding." After a small giggle Ayano made a hand gesture and a small amount of the blood on the floor floated up to Hibiki's wound, securely wrapped itself around it and hardened making sure to stop the bleeding. "There... It would be bad to have you dying on us so early. Don't you get your hopes up though all I did was stop the bleeding. The pain will remain the same."

Ayano heard the clicking of high heels at the end of the corridor drawing closer. Looking for the source of the noise she laid her eyes on a woman, but something was off about her... just merely looking at her Ayano already knew that she posed as a serious threat. Maybe this day won't be so boring after all! "Hmm? Let them go? Don't you realise how much trouble it was simply to get the mages in their cells?" She let out a crazed laugh before raising several blood spikes from the ground. "Sorry but I'm afraid we won't be giving them up so easily..." This is obviously a dangerous opponent. So Ayano is going to spend her time studying the woman. Looking for a good chance to strike.

@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @LeSoraAmari
Eric: Creepy Corridor

Eric was just about to do the finishing blow before the kid decided to grab his arm and bite it as hard as possible. He winced at the pain before lifting his other arm to strike "You little brat!" But before he could do anything. Chris picked both of them up by the shirt to break up the fight. "Oh hey Chris! Fancy meeting you here!" Then Eric was dropped practically face-planting the ground. "Ow... Hey what was that for!?" although upon getting up he could see that Chris had a deadly serious face on him. He looked at the kid with the most trollish face imaginable. "You're in our custody now! You'd better be careful about what you decide to do next. There is quite a few powerful mages here!" Anyone could probably tell that Eric was enjoying this.

Suddenly there was a cave-in, since he had only just arrived he never noticed if anyone was standing there or not. "Woah... Uhh... Nobody was standing there right? Even so looks like that routes cut off. Hey kid tell us the safest route to the prison cells! And don't think about tricking us... We'll make sure you take the lead just in case you do lead us into a trap. Also I'll make sure you don't run away either." He turned his attention to Chris asking about the cave-in. "Hey... Nobody was there right? I mean... If anyone is trapped back there I'll do what I can to get the rubble out the way."

@Isune @Necr0Danc3r @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Genon @Rhodus @Bolts
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Forest > Dungeon
Alicia watched as Kelica and Chris suddenly ran off, she wasn't entirely sure why. If there were others they would surely already be trying to help, right? Though, she guessed she'd be the same way if it happened to Mizuki. She only smiled as she apologized for taking so long to find her. "
It's fine Mizuki, really. I'm just glad you found me. I was worried they'd done something to you since they had taken me. I knew you'd do whatever it took to find me." She replied. She didn't blame Mizuki for this at all, it was no ones fault really. Grimoire Heart was just bad people that did things for no reason. Mizuki soon stood up still holding her, other times she would of questioned it and said they'd be faster if she walked herself, but she was very tired as it was. They'd likely have to fight a bit in the dungeon so this was a good idea.

Of course this was all just an excuse because she liked Mizuki holding her. She nodded when she said to point out the direction of the hut. "
It should be that way where Eric and the rest went." She told her, pointing where they went. Hopefully some of the others had found them already.
The moment Mizuki learned the location, or at least direction of the hut, she began to quickly move towards it. She was hellbent on hurting any and all dark mage's she could find in that hideout for taking Alicia and scaring her. Plus she would look for any missing Sabertooth mages. She was Gilad's favorite, and it was her duty to look out for and protect her weaker guildmates as well as make her guildmaster proud. And although she wouldn't admit it, she cared about the others wellbeing too. It'd be tragic to lose anyone else she knew to the hands of Grimoire Heart.

As she continued to grow closer to the hut the sound of intense fighting and what seemed to be vicious animals could be heard. Surely a duel was going on between a light guild Mage and a dark guild Mage, and she intended to make it a 2 on 1. "Alicia, there's a fight up ahead. I'm going to put you down and you're going to stay close..." She instructed, nuzzling her head softly and placing her on her feet, holding onto one of her hands. She moved forwards quickly, trying to get the the source of the fighting. She walked quickly but quietly, not wanting to startle the group, but from the looks of it they were too preoccupied with one another. She arrived just in time to see the two fall down into the hut, and it sounded like they fell down some stairs. "Come Alicia, we will go back in."

Mizuki led the girl down the stairs only to find another group of mages, the Grimoire Heart member in his grasp. They boy couldn't be older than 13, yet he was already messing around with dark guilds. He was going down the same path she had, which wasn't a fun one. However his age wouldn't save him from a beating, it'd just reduce it. "Give me the kid Chris..."

@Zuka @Necr0Danc3r @Isune @Jackaboi
Kayzo said:
The moment Mizuki learned the location, or at least direction of the hut, she began to quickly move towards it. She was hellbent on hurting any and all dark mage's she could find in that hideout for taking Alicia and scaring her. Plus she would look for any missing Sabertooth mages. She was Gilad's favorite, and it was her duty to look out for and protect her weaker guildmates as well as make her guildmaster proud. And although she wouldn't admit it, she cared about the others wellbeing too. It'd be tragic to lose anyone else she knew to the hands of Grimoire Heart.
As she continued to grow closer to the hut the sound of intense fighting and what seemed to be vicious animals could be heard. Surely a duel was going on between a light guild Mage and a dark guild Mage, and she intended to make it a 2 on 1. "Alicia, there's a fight up ahead. I'm going to put you down and you're going to stay close..." She instructed, nuzzling her head softly and placing her on her feet, holding onto one of her hands. She moved forwards quickly, trying to get the the source of the fighting. She walked quickly but quietly, not wanting to startle the group, but from the looks of it they were too preoccupied with one another. She arrived just in time to see the two fall down into the hut, and it sounded like they fell down some stairs. "Come Alicia, we will go back in."

Mizuki led the girl down the stairs only to find another group of mages, the Grimoire Heart member in his grasp. They boy couldn't be older than 13, yet he was already messing around with dark guilds. He was going down the same path she had, which wasn't a fun one. However his age wouldn't save him from a beating, it'd just reduce it. "Give me the kid Chris..."

@Zuka @Necr0Danc3r @Isune @Jackaboi
@Zuka @Necr0Danc3r @Isune @Jackaboi

Alicia: Forest > Hut

Alicia only continued gently clinging to Mizuki as she walked towards the hut. She was so happy she had found her and that she had actually escaped. She was extremely scared to be going back..but she had promised she would help everyone and she was determined to do it. She was a member of Sabertooth after all. Sabertooth was strong and loyal, she couldn't back out now scared or not. Plus Mizuki was going, and she couldn't let her go without her. She'd never forgive herself if she could of been there to help her and she got severely injured. She might not offer that much in terms of fighting, but her shields were top notch. They might not be indestructible but they were capable of helping greatly.

She to heard the fighting up ahead, not entirely sure what it was about herself. She nodded as she sat her down, holding her hand somewhat tightly. There was no way she'd allow herself to be randomly snatched away. They soon made their way downstairs only to find Chris and a few more people down there, along with a Grimoire Heart member that actually didn't look much older than Alicia herself. Kind of creepy..and kind of sad. Alicia only remained silent and close to Mizuki as she told Chris to hand the kid over, not sure what she would do.

Ethan: Not looking good

Ethan squirmed and wriggled in Chris's grip, but couldn't escape. "I ain't a kid!" he yelled, a little peeved at Mizuki's statement. Still, this wasn't looking too good. There were enemies on all sides, and no way to escape. Maybe he should surrender...HA! nope. "You're my enemies and I ain't telling you guys a thing!" he yelled indignantly, managing to pry himself just loose enough before biting Chris's hand.

@Isune @Jackaboi @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Genon @Rhodus
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Chris Lengheart (put a leash on him)

Chris was basically strangling the poor boy with one hand as he listened to Eric mentioned something about a cave in. When he asked if anyone was there, Chris did a quick headcount before his eyes widened. Kelica and Ryu must have fallen in! He looked at the boy and wondered if he should bring him along since there was no way Eric could watch him. But when Mizuki (who seemingly popped out of nowhere) asked Chris to hand the boy over, Chris tossed him to her like a gymbag as he felt a set of teeth chomp down on his hand. Damn kid drew blood.

Once the boy was with Miziki, Chris made a B-line for the cave in. He first changed to his werewolf form to confirm that they both fell in. Yep, those were their scents alright. Then, Chris changed to his centaur form before launching the pileup of rocks out of his way. "
Don't worry, I'm getting you guys out!" Shouted Chris as he already got to work on getting himself down there. Although it was unclear if Kelica and Ryu could hear Chris, the sound of moving rocks and hooves clopping were much more noticeable.

@Rhodus @Jackaboi @Bolts @Genon @purplepanda288

Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Team Grouch

The forest mage was actually asking Ryu genuinely if he was ok, however his cold response had her eyes narrow down now. "I've never been better, thanks for asking Ryu..." She said in a sarcastic tone, doing everything she could not to roll her eyes at him. "Fairytail mages...." she grumbled more off handedly as she already started to bob and paddle towards the other side of the Underwater Hot Spring. "I'm more then capable of walking once my feet touch the ground, Sir gentleman Ryu."

She kept paddling till she came to the end of the Cavern noting almost immediately no steps or landings just a solid looking wall. She turned to call out to Ryu but she only managed to call out his name when the very roof shuddered, causing her to clasp a hand over her mouth eyes wide then paddle back to him. She leant into his ear. "T...This place doesn't seem safe! I don't think we should yell... or... I shouldn't yell..." She whispered with an embarrassed blush. "I couldn't see anything but a wall over there, and I'm fairly certain the same is on the other side.... so ah... how do we get out Mr Samurai?"
-Ryu Miyamoto (Gokasai)-

>>Underground Hot Spring<<

Ryu rolled his eyes in response to Kelica's sarcasm. He watched her as she swam around the hot spring. He sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose as she mentioned not yelling. "It's really not a good idea to yell in general, but yes this cavern doesn't seem very stable," He replied. He looked around the cavern again, searching for any notable features, but all that he found was a sheer wall in every direction. "I don't know about this whole 'we' business, but I," He said, raising his arm slowly, his hand starting to emanate a soft red glow as he raised its temperature. "Am going to climb up out of here" And with that he plunged his hand into the wall, melting the solid earth to create a small handhold. "Not the most ideal," He remarked calmly "But it will have to suffice I suppose"

Kelica Zefara

Team Ryuing the Moment

The Forest Mage blinked as she could have sworn she heard clomping and strange noises way above in the vertical shaft they had fallen down, but right now she was surrounded on all sides in a weird cavern in a pool of very very warm water. Still bobbing she turned as Ryu mentioned getting himself out minus her and her face fell a little. I mean the water was pleasant enough but she didn't want to be stuck down here for all of eternity! It didn't occur to her the others would probably have noticed them missing by now.

Kelica felt her heart clench then and panic start up once more but she tried really, really, really hard not to loose it. "P...Please Ryu! Don't leave me here!... I know I've been annoying but I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted to help Sora and Hibiki... What if they have been tortured? Bleeding out right now in agony? I can heal them Ryu but I can't do anything while I am stuck in here!!"

She made a soft almost whimper noise, disappointed with herself more then anything. "You think it is fun being the weakest in the group? I want to be more then just the annoying girl who tags along but I just haven't had any real training in my magic. I have no offensive powers at all, so of course I'm always scared! Imagine tagging along on these adventures without your sword or your fire magic? It's terrifying! I'm constantly thinking this one trap will kill me, this one bad guy will hurt me... it sucks..."

Finally she grew silent as her shoulders sagged. She just bobbed in silence, her long blonde hair finally breaking free of it's ponytail confines to sway hypnotically around her. She had somewhat accepted her fate, if those words didn't work she really had nothing else to say to sway him. Her eyes drew down as she wrapped her arms around herself. Floating in silence.

@Rhodus @Isune
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Rodwen Kiernan

Grimoire Heart


Rodwen watched the vampires movements very closely , should she step out of line again Rodwen would need to hold through on her word. Why did Lucian even take this vampire on as a full time member of the guild ? She was weak , disposable and for the most part rude no ungraceful. This time the vampire actually did the task she was assigned and not only that but she also didn't seem to have messed it up , yet.

Rodwen's train of thought was however broken when she heard the echoing clicks of heels approaching , and not only that but she also felt a strong magic presence , no a sickening magic presence. A magic presence comparable to that which Lucian possessed yet far more light hearted , no was it .... it was more despicable that his. Just what kind of demonic being could posses such a presence ?

Well that was made all to clear when the woman possessing said presence turned the corner , she didn't seem to irregular nor did she look demonic. What kind of sorcery was this !

After the newcomer had said her piece and after the Ayano had said something and done something idiotic yet again Rodwen spoke up "you must excuse this arrogant vampire she knows not of manners , and apparently she doesn't understand the position she is currently in. However I was sent here to ensure the captives do not escape and any order Lucian gives must be carried out no matter the cost.". With a simple and sweet smile Rodwen took a step towards the mage ,blocking her path towards both the captives and Ayano. At the same time the blood spike Ayano had conjured seemed to dissipate into small sparkles of bright light "Therefor I'm going to have to ask that you leave miss...."

@LeSoraAmari @Jackaboi
Lysander Connell

Creepy Room

Lysander jerked at the sudden, unexpected, unfamiliar voice. His eyes darted all about the room, seeing nothing at first, until they finally caught sight of a strange woman standing before them, next to a table off the side of the room. He did not want to admit it, but her voice gave him the creeps. Or perhaps it as the aura she seemed to project. She seemed... sadistic, and he could only come to the conclusion that no matter what, the three of them could not afford to fall into her hands. There was no telling what she might do to them; he did not even want to imagine it.

Even creepier, Lysander could not help feeling that out of all three of them. she had, for some reason, taken an interest in him of all people. Her eyes lingered on him the most (if she was not talking to herself), and she seemed to be addressing him specifically rather than all three of them, as if she had assumed him to be the leader of the trio or something (a laughable thought). At least, that was what he hoped. If she found him interesting... That sense of foreboding only increased, and Lysander could not resist letting his right hand rest on the handle of the pistol strapped to his right side; the touch comforted him and made him feel somewhat less defenseless. It also allowed him to gain a sense of raw courage, enough, at least to reply to her.

"Definitely not," he said, flatly. "I will not allow the people I care for to be subjected to your experiments. And I have another suggestion; how about we defeat you, and then extract the answers we need from you." He glanced between Noah and Mikado, noting that Mikado too had her guns out, and was inching closer to him. Three against one; he only hoped that that difference in numbers was enough to give them an advantage. And he could not help thinking that he would be of no use to Sora if he allowed himself to be mutilated beyond endurance. Fighting was their only option; he did not think this woman was inclined to disclose her secrets voluntarily. He gripped the handle of his pistol, ready to pull it out at a moment's notice the moment she tried something.

Mikado spoke then, and Lysander moved a step closer to her. He was still too near the woman to risk speaking and having her overhearing his reply, but he hoped that his battle-ready stance was answer enough.

@Colt556 @Embaga Elder
Kimberly Lock

Oh for gods sake|Dungeons|Team Fairytail

Kim held Eias' arm like a scared little child, she of course could of let go of her arm but didn't for obvious reasons. She watched as the two idiots came Rollin down the stairs and hall. A large sweat drop made it way down the side of her face " Oh great.." Kim tugged on Eias to the hall way, she looked at them with blank eyes. " You guys take care of him, Eias you want to go ahead it looks like these guys will stay back here for a while?"

Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Team Bravado
Ferra only smiled innocently at Valkens' subtle threat. He had it coming, just casually sitting there talking about how many times him and Millie had had 'fun' like she didn't even exist. Though, this would probably be bad for her in the somewhat near future..this was now, not then. She could potentially do something like save his life and have him forget all about it later on. It was possible. Hopefully. And then Emmerich replied to her teasing, which was meant to discredit Valken, not impress Emmerich. How did that manage to impress him? Did he not get the point she was trying to make? She was about to interject on the whole 'virgin' thing, though Valken replied quickly before she could. Lucky for him to. He probably wouldn't of liked it if she had mentioned his stash of 'magazines', of which he had many, in his room. It was completely his fault with that stash of his he had even understood the conversation at hand too. She still hadn't told him she'd snuck in and looked through it..multiple times. He wasn't the only one that could be sneaky.

She refrained from outright bursting into laughter when Valken mentioned Millie 'begging for it'. She hadn't exactly witnessed anything like that between them, nor did she want to, but she couldn't exactly picture that between Millie and him. He seemed more the type to convince Millie to do it, rather that for Millie to ask. Millie seemed a bit to innocent to be the one to prompt such things, at-least in her opinion. Before she could comment on that, very much to her dismay, she was thrust into a small hole in the wall...directly between Emmerich and Valken. Her face nigh instantly reddened deeply once she realized this. Thank god she wasn't exactly a midget or her face would be...no. Just. No. This wouldn't exactly be that bad, had the both of them not been shirtless and male. Or just shirtless period really. Thankfully the very, very awkward moment and position soon ended with Valken being the first out of the hole to run down the hallway.

She presumed it was to rescue the Fairy Tail girl the two guards were talking about. Or perhaps he really just wanted out of the situation too. Emmerich followed after him next prompting Ferra to follow quickly behind them, her face still very red. Luckily they'd soon have another girl in their group and she no long had to be the only girl surrounded by shirtless men. Upon reaching them, and the metal door, she winced as Emmerich broke down the door rather loudly without a second thought. She was no master of stealth like Valken, and even she knew not to do something like that. And of course it sounded alarms. She cursed under her breath at the sheer amount of stupid of what Emmerich did. Nevertheless she followed Emmerich inside and much to her relief there were actually TWO females who were captured, one of which she recognized entirely. It was that girl that had fought Talon and saved her from getting kidnapped herself. She should of guessed that this would of happened when she did help her. It was a bad thing to find joy in finding someone else kidnapped, but, meh.

She was somewhat distracted when Valken started tossing chunks of metal at her, one hitting her right in the head and knocking her over and nearly rendering her unconscious, following that the rest of them landed on top of her. She groaned loudly and shoved the metal off of her, bringing a hand up to her forehead to see if it was bleeding from the impact, and sure enough it was. She glared at Valken and had half a mind to throw the metal at the back of his head but decided against it. Finally she could be useful other than being a general annoyance for Valken. Nevertheless she calmly started eating the metal as fast as she could while she watched Valken saunter over to the cage Tanari was in and proceed to hit on her. Was he serious? She would tell Millie, but it'd crush her rather than be amusing. Although..now she had blackmail to get herself out of whatever revenge he was currently planning. He really shouldn't of done that.

She watched as he freed her and only continued flirting with her, roll her eyes at his subtle 'nice ass' comment. Before she knew what happened she was pulled into some kind of odd tight fighting formation with the rest. Oh well..at-least she was at the back and least likely to get hit. It was also a perfect position for everyone to hear her. "Why do you need a bikini show from Tanari anyway?" She asked. "You have a bunch of bikini magazines in your room back at the hall anyways. Not to mention the other more uhh..lewd..ones." She told him. "What would Millie think if she found out about those? And your request, huh?" She asked, lowkey blackmailing him and hoping he'd get the point of not to mess with her too badly in the near future.
Emmerich Faust "Nice to meet you Lav," Emmerich responds, staying true to his usual habit of shortening other people's names, "And yeah, me and those two are all from Lamia Scale as you saw." The way the woman carried herself and spoke intrigued the brawler as both were so far removed from his own. This was likely the first time anyone had called him "sir" seriously, though that might also be a product of the types of bars he went to and his habit of picking fights. Either way it was an interesting experience, especially when it came from a beautiful woman, though Emmerich was not nearly as likely as Valks to either fixate on that or bring it up without reason.

He turned as he heard another woman speak up from behind some bars off to the side. However, before he could react Valks had already gone up to her and begun talking. It seemed like he knew the girl as he addressed her by her name, Tanari (Tana would do for Emmerich), which lead the blond man to figure that she was likely another member of Lamia Scale he didn't know yet. This thought was reinforced by Valks' mention of a bikini contest.

Of course, Valken predictably began to hit on the woman, requesting that she strip for him in return for him letting her out. Raising an eyebrow, Emmerich was about to respond when Ferra beat him to the punch, adding in some new information about Valks reading lewd magazines. Now, Emmerich really didn't care about this and it was quite honestly to be expected given Valks' character. That said, he likely would have ribbed his friend over it had not the alarm been blaring, meaning that there was more important shit to do.

As though reading his thoughts Valks walked over and detailed a short battle plan, namely Emmerich fucks them up from the front and Valken from the rear. Emmerich one more donned a wolfish, bloodthirsty grin, an almost palpable aura of battlelust coming off of him. That was when Valken spoke up, goading Emmerich on which only served to make his grin wider.
"In your fucking dreams mate," he replies simply, an almost crazed look in his eyes, before charging off in the direction of their assailants and calling "Back in a moment Lav," over his shoulder.

Just before reaching the crowd of enemy mages Emmerich invokes Niflhiem and Muspelhiem, causing his left and right limbs to burst into flames and frost over respectively. Immediately after this he stomps his left foot down and pivots, throwing the entire weight of his charge into a right-handed punch to the closest mages chest. In doing so he "accidentally" puts too much force into the blow, sending his fist through the man's torso and out the back. Unfazed, Emmerich kicks the dying man off of his arm before grabbing the next closest mage's head and slamming it down onto his knee, producing a crunching noise as their skull shattered. Another mage swung a sword from behind, giving Emmerich a long shallow gash on his back. Unfortunately for the man Emmerich didn't seem to feel the pain or else he ignored it as he spun and kicked the side of the man's head, partially caving in his skull and snapping his neck in the process. From there Emmerich continued to wade through the crowd of mages, dealing with each new foe in a similarly brutal fashion, his smile never leaving his face.

Watching Emmerich during this fight you might think that the man doesn't know how to hold back, or else doesn't care to, and you'd be half right. He knows very well how to hold back, he has to know since crushing someone's head in one hand is an incredibly easy feat for him. However, he has no shred of remorse within him for the mages of Grimoire Heart since they took his comrades. With that lack of remorse comes much more deadly force and, as you could tell by looking at the bloodlust in his eyes, a sort of savage enjoyment in dealing death to these mages.
purplepanda288 said:
Kimberly Lock
Oh for gods sake|Dungeons|Team Fairytail

Kim held Eias' arm like a scared little child, she of course could of let go of her arm but didn't for obvious reasons. She watched as the two idiots came Rollin down the stairs and hall. A large sweat drop made it way down the side of her face " Oh great.." Kim tugged on Eias to the hall way, she looked at them with blank eyes. " You guys take care of him, Eias you want to go ahead it looks like these guys will stay back here for a while?"

Since everything seemed to be going much better now that the boulder was done, Eias could breath once again. It was surprising to Eias that Kim was tugging on her arm like she was scared. When she thought of Kim she thought of how strong and confident she was. Hell, she literally stabbed her in the gut! If that doesn't scream badass then what does? Maybe she was just claustrophobic? Either way, she was still getting dragged everywhere by her. Some things don't change even in the middle of a dungeon. She looked to Kim and nodded at her thought. Yes, that works for me. Let us look for traps though so we don't get caught off guard or for the others too. She said in her speech bubbles.

@LeSoraAmari[/URL] @Jackaboi
Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru: The Dungeons

Ayano probably should've expected this, Rodwen has always seen people as tools to use and throw away. Now lying under a pile of rubble she found no problem getting back on her feet. She rubbed her cheek where Rodwen had hit her. "That stung you know!" The vampire looked at Hibiki applying pressure to the wound to make sure he didn't lose blood. "See? You wouldn't let me do my part of the job and now he's bleeding." After a small giggle Ayano made a hand gesture and a small amount of the blood on the floor floated up to Hibiki's wound, securely wrapped itself around it and hardened making sure to stop the bleeding. "There... It would be bad to have you dying on us so early. Don't you get your hopes up though all I did was stop the bleeding. The pain will remain the same."

Ayano heard the clicking of high heels at the end of the corridor drawing closer. Looking for the source of the noise she laid her eyes on a woman, but something was off about her... just merely looking at her Ayano already knew that she posed as a serious threat. Maybe this day won't be so boring after all! "Hmm? Let them go? Don't you realise how much trouble it was simply to get the mages in their cells?" She let out a crazed laugh before raising several blood spikes from the ground. "Sorry but I'm afraid we won't be giving them up so easily..." This is obviously a dangerous opponent. So Ayano is going to spend her time studying the woman. Looking for a good chance to strike.

@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @LeSoraAmari

Maya Morne

-Dungeon Cells-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.b74b9fd7e483b8d7f33fab0bb19e510f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.b74b9fd7e483b8d7f33fab0bb19e510f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Maya couldn't help but laugh slightly at the vampire as she spoke. Apparently, the captives had escaped once before but were all recaptured. "If you can't do your job by keeping the captured in their cells, then what kind of subordinate are you?" Maya said, addressing the vampire with a calm yet imposing tone in her voice. "No matter, I'm not one to care about the affairs of a dark guild." It was then that the vampire girl had formed some kind of magical spikes that were formed from blood. That meant that she was obviously knowledgable in the use of blood magic, and that fact didn't faze Maya at all. In fact, none of this did. Before Maya spoke again, the prettier one stepped in front of the vampire and spoke instead. This woman clearly knew how to handle things, and judging from their magical signatures, was the strongest of the two. Listening to the girl speak, Maya simply sighed and then spoke again, her voice retaining that intimidating tone as she said "Very well". It was in that moment that the air began to feel dense with magical power as a magical aura, a dark purple in colour, began to envelop Maya. It flowed calmly for a moment before it then seemingly erupted and then dissipated. The density could have probably been felt throughout the entirety of the building. "I applaud you for staying so loyal to your master, but you should know that by attacking me you are directly attacking the Magic Council. However, you two have no intention of stepping down. Therefore I will force you to do so." With a sigh, and a deathly glare facing both dark mages, a large magical glyph formed in front of her as a massive telekinetic blast exploded outwards and towards the mages, tearing away at the floor as it traversed down the hall and towards the girls. Then, Maya sent two blasts towards the cells and blasted them both open. Freeing the captives. The woman then turned to face Sora, sending a warm and caring smile towards her "Sora, take your friend and get behind me. You have two options, take your friend and go, or sit and watch. This shouldn't take long."




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Sora Marvell - Dungeons


The fingers wound upon the cell bars slowly began to cease their tightened hold as the clicking of heels was heard. Her hues quickly averted themselves in the direction from which they were approaching, eyes glued to the corridor with a tensing of her entire figure as each second passed by that the person loomed closer and closer. Maya's figure steadily came into view, relief and adoration being the first two emotions to wash over Sora's previously distraught expression. A loving smile beamed there now, hands dropping from the bars, eyes beginning to water from the sheer sensitivity of how Maya made Sora feel in that moment by being there to rescue them. The blue haired girl knew that people would come find them but to see Maya of all people, her mother type figure, standing before them, was enough to make the slayer want to cry from joy.

Deep down she'd been hoping to see Lysander too but she could only hope that despite all of the dark guilds shenanigans and planning that he'd been spared of it and was safe somewhere away from this. Then again that seemed unlike him and Sora could almost bet he was within the maze like tunnels of this place. It was hard not to feel a vague sense of smugness as the mages began to exchange words in the corridor, the Grimoire heart mages refusing to back down even caused Sora to flinch as she watched Maya go into a battling mode. Even though she knew Maya would never ever lift a finger against her, it was still quite frightening to watch the Saint unleash any fraction of her magic and Sora knew that the two mages before the woman stood no chance. Maya had given them the opportunity to tuck tail and leave though which they'd unwisely seemed to decline.

As the older woman spoke towards her, that warm smile itself filled her with a happiness that had been robbed of her during her time here, Sora smiled in return; her small coy one that she'd never shaken since she was a child. She refused to run off though, Hibiki was hurt and she had vowed to heal it when she could so that's just what she would do. Sora ran behind Maya the moment the cell doors were blasted down, appearing beside Hibiki, arms stretching forward and preparing to heal him the moment her hands came into position. Both lids came to a close as the sounds around her were zoned out, the only focus being the male before her and healing the injuries that had been inflicted upon him by the dark mages, which only looked more gruesome up close. A dim light only grew in brightness as it enveloped her hands and began to rain down upon his skin, a cooling sensation slowly trickling beneath it as his wounds in turn began to heal themselves and disappear.

Sora's face contorted into concentration, lips scrunching to the side, eyes squeezing visibly more shut as if she were pushing out more magic than usual to speed up the process.
The light died down and the stab wound was nowhere to be seen, the only indication of it having happened being the splatters and stains of blood upon his skin and clothes. " Better? " An almost jubilant tone leaked into the word, eyes opening to peer up to Hibiki's face to search his face for an answer, almost as if impatient for a verbal confirmation, a grin childishly misplaced upon her features. A few flexes of her hands were made, fingertips touching her palms before straightening themselves back out, the regained connection to her magic making the dragon slayer undeniably ecstatic as she'd felt a lot of negative things when cut off from it. She was sure Hibiki felt the same.

Auntie Maya is about to get really scary. " Her voice dropped to a more hushed level now as her hues slid over to peer at the woman, knowing that if others feared her now then they certainly wouldn't be able to handle how the Saint would get in a few minutes if she was allowed to continue. Sora had half the mind to just drag Maya off and tell her it wasn't worth it but one could only imagine how the woman felt in this moment underneath all of the calm she was showing standing before some of the mages that had taken her guildmates and Sora. The composure she was holding was actually more frightening in itself and all the blue haired girl could do was stay beside Hibiki and watch; not daring to interfere at this point. But Sora was proud and relieved as she watched the woman, wanting nothing more than to throw her arms around her, bury her face into her shirt and hug her without the intention of letting go. However, that would have to wait.

@LeSoraAmari @Jackaboi @Mr Swiftshots
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LeSoraAmari said:

Maya Morne

-Dungeon Cells-

View attachment 313594

Maya couldn't help but laugh slightly at the vampire as she spoke. Apparently, the captives had escaped once before but were all recaptured. "If you can't do your job by keeping the captured in their cells, then what kind of subordinate are you?" Maya said, addressing the vampire with a calm yet imposing tone in her voice. "No matter, I'm not one to care about the affairs of a dark guild." It was then that the vampire girl had formed some kind of magical spikes that were formed from blood. That meant that she was obviously knowledgable in the use of blood magic, and that fact didn't faze Maya at all. In fact, none of this did. Before Maya spoke again, the prettier one stepped in front of the vampire and spoke instead. This woman clearly knew how to handle things, and judging from their magical signatures, was the strongest of the two. Listening to the girl speak, Maya simply sighed and then spoke again, her voice retaining that intimidating tone as she said "Very well". It was in that moment that the air began to feel dense with magical power as a magical aura, a dark purple in colour, began to envelop Maya. It flowed calmly for a moment before it then seemingly erupted and then dissipated. The density could have probably been felt throughout the entirety of the building. "I applaud you for staying so loyal to your master, but you should know that by attacking me you are directly attacking the Magic Council. However, you two have no intention of stepping down. Therefore I will force you to do so." With a sigh, and a deathly glare facing both dark mages, a large magical glyph formed in front of her as a massive telekinetic blast exploded outwards and towards the mages, tearing away at the floor as it traversed down the hall and towards the girls. Then, Maya sent two blasts towards the cells and blasted them both open. Freeing the captives. The woman then turned to face Sora, sending a warm and caring smile towards her "Sora, take your friend and get behind me. You have two options, take your friend and go, or sit and watch. This shouldn't take long."

Rodwen Kiernan

Grimoire Heart


Rodwen was quick to act when the circle first appeared , she moved her arms to her face and tensed her body. There was no point in running from this attack it was far to close for that to even be considered a choice of action. And well that was only made all to clear when the spell was unleashed.

The initial impact of the blast slowly forced Rodwen backwards and eventually sent her flying ,quite fast, in the same direction. As she approached the back wall of the room Rodwen spun and landed her feet upon it , her body immediately coating itself in her magic , before kicking off towards Maya at break neck speed. Air brushing everything to the side as she moved until she undoubtedly dug her fist into Maya's cheek "righteous fist of the Light God !".

With that all the light that had been shrouding Rodwen's body moved to her fist and then exploded. The blast itself was comparable to that of a flash bang however the destructive force of the blast was ripping the cobbles from the wall and roof alike. "The council , So now I've attacked both the church and the council. Oh dear"

@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Jackaboi
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Team Bravado

Valken found this girl oddly amusing. The confusion flooded over her face was justified because honestly he had simply been a male face in the crowd sitting beside Lysander so he wasn't all that surprised she didn't recognize him. As he expected, she noticed the dagger slowly unlocking her cell, and he had to smirk even wider as she claimed him as that guy. My how people turned when they wanted something. However that was as far as the Shadow Mage was intending to go, he wasn't expecting the girl to literally strip just to get out.

"...Hmmm I suppose you're right..." His voice turning more serious now. "I distinctly remember you having flames in your performance, so I'm assuming you are a fire mage?" And with that the Shadow Mage suddenly unlocked her cell and swung open the door to step aside. "Call me Prince Charming by the way... I also respond to Valken."

Once she was free, he stepped to a locked metal cupboard as he used his dagger to break into that as well to retrieve her sword and personal items. "I believe you also want these? I appreciate you staying with us to help repel the Mages at least till we are free of this Dark Guild Base. It's the least I expect considering I saved your nice behind..." Throwing her a quick grin before he turned to walk and stopped shoulder to shoulder with Emmerich, whispering so only he could hear.

"With that alarm we have no idea how many Mages are convening to this location. " A weird grin similar to Frosty's blood thirsty one. "You go forward and distract them, I'll do the stealth kills... I mean disables. But if they attack first and we act in self defense... and you know, your fist happens to hit their head a smidgen too hard... or my dagger grip slips... and they die well, you know, it was self defense..."

Even as he said this there was a thundering of boots down the hall way. Valken already grabbed Ferra and pulled her to his side and in the center, keeping Lavender slightly behind Frosty and on his left, and grasping Tanari to position her on his right flank. Like a spear head, leaving Valken at the back with his number one to keep Ferra safe and an overall observing role so he could spring in and out as needed. "Keep a count Frosty! We both know I'll finish off more then you!" He called to his friend.

This worked two fold; not only was it in good fun, it would invigorate Emmerich to fight even harder and stronger, like an immovable carry. Valken despite his sometimes annoying personality was actually an outstanding tactician.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Team BravadoFerra only smiled innocently at Valkens' subtle threat. He had it coming, just casually sitting there talking about how many times him and Millie had had 'fun' like she didn't even exist. Though, this would probably be bad for her in the somewhat near future..this was now, not then. She could potentially do something like save his life and have him forget all about it later on. It was possible. Hopefully. And then Emmerich replied to her teasing, which was meant to discredit Valken, not impress Emmerich. How did that manage to impress him? Did he not get the point she was trying to make? She was about to interject on the whole 'virgin' thing, though Valken replied quickly before she could. Lucky for him to. He probably wouldn't of liked it if she had mentioned his stash of 'magazines', of which he had many, in his room. It was completely his fault with that stash of his he had even understood the conversation at hand too. She still hadn't told him she'd snuck in and looked through it..multiple times. He wasn't the only one that could be sneaky.

She refrained from outright bursting into laughter when Valken mentioned Millie 'begging for it'. She hadn't exactly witnessed anything like that between them, nor did she want to, but she couldn't exactly picture that between Millie and him. He seemed more the type to convince Millie to do it, rather that for Millie to ask. Millie seemed a bit to innocent to be the one to prompt such things, at-least in her opinion. Before she could comment on that, very much to her dismay, she was thrust into a small hole in the wall...directly between Emmerich and Valken. Her face nigh instantly reddened deeply once she realized this. Thank god she wasn't exactly a midget or her face would be...no. Just. No. This wouldn't exactly be that bad, had the both of them not been shirtless and male. Or just shirtless period really. Thankfully the very, very awkward moment and position soon ended with Valken being the first out of the hole to run down the hallway.

She presumed it was to rescue the Fairy Tail girl the two guards were talking about. Or perhaps he really just wanted out of the situation too. Emmerich followed after him next prompting Ferra to follow quickly behind them, her face still very red. Luckily they'd soon have another girl in their group and she no long had to be the only girl surrounded by shirtless men. Upon reaching them, and the metal door, she winced as Emmerich broke down the door rather loudly without a second thought. She was no master of stealth like Valken, and even she knew not to do something like that. And of course it sounded alarms. She cursed under her breath at the sheer amount of stupid of what Emmerich did. Nevertheless she followed Emmerich inside and much to her relief there were actually TWO females who were captured, one of which she recognized entirely. It was that girl that had fought Talon and saved her from getting kidnapped herself. She should of guessed that this would of happened when she did help her. It was a bad thing to find joy in finding someone else kidnapped, but, meh.

She was somewhat distracted when Valken started tossing chunks of metal at her, one hitting her right in the head and knocking her over and nearly rendering her unconscious, following that the rest of them landed on top of her. She groaned loudly and shoved the metal off of her, bringing a hand up to her forehead to see if it was bleeding from the impact, and sure enough it was. She glared at Valken and had half a mind to throw the metal at the back of his head but decided against it. Finally she could be useful other than being a general annoyance for Valken. Nevertheless she calmly started eating the metal as fast as she could while she watched Valken saunter over to the cage Tanari was in and proceed to hit on her. Was he serious? She would tell Millie, but it'd crush her rather than be amusing. Although..now she had blackmail to get herself out of whatever revenge he was currently planning. He really shouldn't of done that.

She watched as he freed her and only continued flirting with her, roll her eyes at his subtle 'nice ass' comment. Before she knew what happened she was pulled into some kind of odd tight fighting formation with the rest. Oh well..at-least she was at the back and least likely to get hit. It was also a perfect position for everyone to hear her. "Why do you need a bikini show from Tanari anyway?" She asked. "You have a bunch of bikini magazines in your room back at the hall anyways. Not to mention the other more uhh..lewd..ones." She told him. "What would Millie think if she found out about those? And your request, huh?" She asked, lowkey blackmailing him and hoping he'd get the point of not to mess with her too badly in the near future.
Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust "Nice to meet you Lav," Emmerich responds, staying true to his usual habit of shortening other people's names, "And yeah, me and those two are all from Lamia Scale as you saw." The way the woman carried herself and spoke intrigued the brawler as both were so far removed from his own. This was likely the first time anyone had called him "sir" seriously, though that might also be a product of the types of bars he went to and his habit of picking fights. Either way it was an interesting experience, especially when it came from a beautiful woman, though Emmerich was not nearly as likely as Valks to either fixate on that or bring it up without reason.
He turned as he heard another woman speak up from behind some bars off to the side. However, before he could react Valks had already gone up to her and begun talking. It seemed like he knew the girl as he addressed her by her name, Tanari (Tana would do for Emmerich), which lead the blond man to figure that she was likely another member of Lamia Scale he didn't know yet. This thought was reinforced by Valks' mention of a bikini contest.

Of course, Valken predictably began to hit on the woman, requesting that she strip for him in return for him letting her out. Raising an eyebrow, Emmerich was about to respond when Ferra beat him to the punch, adding in some new information about Valks reading lewd magazines. Now, Emmerich really didn't care about this and it was quite honestly to be expected given Valks' character. That said, he likely would have ribbed his friend over it had not the alarm been blaring, meaning that there was more important shit to do.

As though reading his thoughts Valks walked over and detailed a short battle plan, namely Emmerich fucks them up from the front and Valken from the rear. Emmerich one more donned a wolfish, bloodthirsty grin, an almost palpable aura of battlelust coming off of him. That was when Valken spoke up, goading Emmerich on which only served to make his grin wider.
"In your fucking dreams mate," he replies simply, an almost crazed look in his eyes, before charging off in the direction of their assailants and calling "Back in a moment Lav," over his shoulder.

Just before reaching the crowd of enemy mages Emmerich invokes Niflhiem and Muspelhiem, causing his left and right limbs to burst into flames and frost over respectively. Immediately after this he stomps his left foot down and pivots, throwing the entire weight of his charge into a right-handed punch to the closest mages chest. In doing so he "accidentally" puts too much force into the blow, sending his fist through the man's torso and out the back. Unfazed, Emmerich kicks the dying man off of his arm before grabbing the next closest mage's head and slamming it down onto his knee, producing a crunching noise as their skull shattered. Another mage swung a sword from behind, giving Emmerich a long shallow gash on his back. Unfortunately for the man Emmerich didn't seem to feel the pain or else he ignored it as he spun and kicked the side of the man's head, partially caving in his skull and snapping his neck in the process. From there Emmerich continued to wade through the crowd of mages, dealing with each new foe in a similarly brutal fashion, his smile never leaving his face.

Watching Emmerich during this fight you might think that the man doesn't know how to hold back, or else doesn't care to, and you'd be half right. He knows very well how to hold back, he has to know since crushing someone's head in one hand is an incredibly easy feat for him. However, he has no shred of remorse within him for the mages of Grimoire Heart since they took his comrades. With that lack of remorse comes much more deadly force and, as you could tell by looking at the bloodlust in his eyes, a sort of savage enjoyment in dealing death to these mages.
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

She took a step back as the man finally unlocked her cell and swung the door open, freeing her from her magic-nullifying confines. As she walked out she gave the man a simple nod. "You'd be right on that... Valken." Even if he did rescue her, like hell she'd call him something as cringey as Prince Charming. Her eyes lit up as Valken opened a locker containing her personal effects. The thought that they had lost her sword had weighed on her ever since she had been captured. She was quick to grab her sword, hugging it closely and nuzzling it's cross-guard for a few moments before lovenly setting it down on the ground. She equipped her gauntlets as well as the sheath around her waist, slipping her sword into it's proper resting place at the small of her back. Properly outfitted she turned her attention to the group of mages, for the first time getting a good look at the entire party. They all seemed strong enough, except the kid... Why there was a kid there was certainly a question to be asked, but maybe later. For now she made her way to the group.

Valken was quick to grab her and position her to the blonde man's flank. He clearly had no idea what her fighting style was if he expected her to remain in any sort of formation. Guess he'll just have to find out the hard way. It was then that the kid spoke up, giving her a very strong sense of familiarity. It really felt as if she knew this kid from somewhere. She tilted her head to the side slightly, thinking deeply over where the two of them could have met. Alas she drew up a blank and with a shrug of her shoulders decided it wasn't important. However what the kid said was somewhat amusing judging by Valken's response to it. "Oooohhh~ So my Prince Charming is actually a philanderer?" She wore a big dumb grin on her face as she spoke, immediately jumping on the teasing bandwagon.

The teasing was cut short as the blonde man who introduced himself as Emmerich charged out towards the incoming mages. She watched carefully as the man ignited one arm and froze the other before going on a rampage. Seemed their fighting styles were more than a little similar, and in the tight confines of the hallway that would prove a bit cumbersome. Nevertheless she rose her arms and placed her hands at the back of her head, letting out an impressed whistle. "Your boy's a bit aggressive, isn't he?" She watched as the man proceed to punch straight through one mage, crush the skull of another. "Y'know, if the Magic Council finds out about this he's going to jail....." Even when dealing with dark guilds murder was still murder, even she knew that much. It was hard to believe someone so reckless could be in a light guild.

After a few more moments of watching Emmerich she turned slightly to face Valken. "So what's the plan, Boss? You said you wanted me to help but it seems like the Wild Man has it under control." While she was all for a good fight she wasn't above sitting back and letting other people handle it for her. If Emmerich wanted to be some one-man army, who was she to say no? That said, if they did encounter something a bit more challenging than some low-level goons she might not have a choice in the matter. Without waiting for a response she turned back forward, again watching as the man fight. Aside from his savagery she figured the two of them would work well together if it came to that.
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Dungeons


The fingers wound upon the cell bars slowly began to cease their tightened hold as the clicking of heels was heard. Her hues quickly averted themselves in the direction from which they were approaching, eyes glued to the corridor with a tensing of her entire figure as each second passed by that the person loomed closer and closer. Maya's figure steadily came into view, relief and adoration being the first two emotions to wash over Sora's previously distraught expression. A loving smile beamed there now, hands dropping from the bars, eyes beginning to water from the sheer sensitivity of how Maya made Sora feel in that moment by being there to rescue them. The blue haired girl knew that people would come find them but to see Maya of all people, her mother type figure, standing before them, was enough to make the slayer want to cry from joy.

Deep down she'd been hoping to see Lysander too but she could only hope that despite all of the dark guilds shenanigans and planning that he'd been spared of it and was safe somewhere away from this. Then again that seemed unlike him and Sora could almost bet he was within the maze like tunnels of this place. It was hard not to feel a vague sense of smugness as the mages began to exchange words in the corridor, the Grimoire heart mages refusing to back down even caused Sora to flinch as she watched Maya go into a battling mode. Even though she knew Maya would never ever lift a finger against her, it was still quite frightening to watch the Saint unleash any fraction of her magic and Sora knew that the two mages before the woman stood no chance. Maya had given them the opportunity to tuck tail and leave though which they'd unwisely seemed to decline.

As the older woman spoke towards her, that warm smile itself filled her with a happiness that had been robbed of her during her time here, Sora smiled in return; her small coy one that she'd never shaken since she was a child. She refused to run off though, Hibiki was hurt and she had vowed to heal it when she could so that's just what she would do. Sora ran behind Maya the moment the cell doors were blasted down, appearing beside Hibiki, arms stretching forward and preparing to heal him the moment her hands came into position. Both lids came to a close as the sounds around her were zoned out, the only focus being the male before her and healing the injuries that had been inflicted upon him by the dark mages, which only looked more gruesome up close. A dim light only grew in brightness as it enveloped her hands and began to rain down upon his skin, a cooling sensation slowly trickling beneath it as his wounds in turn began to heal themselves and disappear.

Sora's face contorted into concentration, lips scrunching to the side, eyes squeezing visibly more shut as if she were pushing out more magic than usual to speed up the process.
The light died down and the stab wound was nowhere to be seen, the only indication of it having happened being the splatters and stains of blood upon his skin and clothes. " Better? " An almost jubilant tone leaked into the word, eyes opening to peer up to Hibiki's face to search his face for an answer, almost as if impatient for a verbal confirmation, a grin childishly misplaced upon her features. A few flexes of her hands were made, fingertips touching her palms before straightening themselves back out, the regained connection to her magic making the dragon slayer undeniably ecstatic as she'd felt a lot of negative things when cut off from it. She was sure Hibiki felt the same.

Auntie Maya is about to get really scary. " Her voice dropped to a more hushed level now as her hues slid over to peer at the woman, knowing that if others feared her now then they certainly wouldn't be able to handle how the Saint would get in a few minutes if she was allowed to continue. Sora had half the mind to just drag Maya off and tell her it wasn't worth it but one could only imagine how the woman felt in this moment underneath all of the calm she was showing standing before some of the mages that had taken her guildmates and Sora. The composure she was holding was actually more frightening in itself and all the blue haired girl could do was stay beside Hibiki and watch; not daring to interfere at this point. But Sora was proud and relieved as she watched the woman, wanting nothing more than to throw her arms around her, bury her face into her shirt and hug her without the intention of letting go. However, that would have to wait.

@LeSoraAmari @Jackaboi @Mr Swiftshots

Maya Morne

-Dungeon Cells-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.e95fa2782ebcd2e45b7cb67c7d0eae9b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141770" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.e95fa2782ebcd2e45b7cb67c7d0eae9b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Maya smiled towards Sora as she hurried over to her friend and healed him. Truly, she was a delight, and Fairy Tail were more than luckily to have such a kind soul in their guild. In a flash, Maya formed a telekinetic barrier around Sora and Hibiki as the two stood their quietly, it was in that moment that Rodwen had recovered from the blast and was traversing the halls towards her at a great speed. With a smile, Maya stood perfectly still as the girl rushed towards her and unleashed her attack, however just before Rodwens first connected with Maya's cheek, the Wizard Saint formed a spherical telekinetic barrier that surrounded her entire body and shielded her from the blast. Then, Maya thrusted her palm towards Rodwens chest as telekinetic energy gathered in the centre and then sent a large spherical pulse towards Rodwen at a crushing force. "I can tell that you're an S-Class Mage, and you certainly live up to your rank. However, the gap in our abilities spans many years. There is no victory for you here." With that, Maya still stood there in the exact same place as she held her palms together as if in a praying motion, ready for whatever would be thrown her way.




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Hibiki Dreyar

-Dungeon Cells-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.2d36ec22c8cf198c52f38c5872311cbd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141776" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.2d36ec22c8cf198c52f38c5872311cbd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hibiki sat there quietly as Ayano began to use her witchcraft and sealed the wound with solid blood. Then, what happened next, was a relief. The clicking of heels could be heard coming down the hall as the figure of a woman revealed itself, upon looking at Sora, it seemed that this lady was the woman she adored so much, Maya Morne. Sora once told Hibiki that she was like a mother to her, and that this woman was outright terrifying. However, this would be the first time he'd have ever met her, and it seemed that things were going to get ugly. That was only confirmed when she practically blasted Rodwen away like nothing, and then blasted away the doors of the cells. It was in that moment that Sora came rushing towards him and whisked him out of the cell and behind the older woman. When Sora healed his wound completely and asked if it felt better, the blonde nodded and said, "Yes, much better. Thank you Sora." With that, Hibiki then stood up beside Sora and smiled, he could feel his magic again and it was a beautiful feeling- especially after being cut off from it for so long.

Without moving, Hibiki stood next to Sora as the two watched the spectacle unfold.

@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @Jackaboi



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Masaki Yamada

-Strange Dungeon Place-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.9bd953cf28394c4f04f7986276391f8c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141777" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.9bd953cf28394c4f04f7986276391f8c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Up until now, the S-Class mage was roaming around on his own until finally- he had found the place where everyone had apparently gone. From the outside, it looked like just your average hut, but upon entering the red head found out that it was so much more. It lead to a steep staircase made entirely out of stone that took the male into some dark and depressing corridor. "Well... Here goes nothing." He said, as the male made his way through the corridor. Masaki walked with his hands in his pockets as he kept himself alert and ready to fight should the need to do so arise. After walking for quite a few minutes, Masaki saw a small group of people assembling near the end of the corridor. Approaching them, Masaki recognised Mizuki, Alicia, and of course Eric, almost instantly. He too also recognised Chris, that crazy bull man from Fairy Tail and so he assumed the other male with him was also from Fairy Tail as well. And finally, there was a kid with them. By the sounds of things, he seemed to be quite loud and was squirming about like a worm as Chris held him in his grasps. Masaki sighed when he saw the Grimoire Heart mark on the boy, that was sad. Turning to address the group, Masaki spoke. "I apologise for being late, I got caught up with some things."

Even then, Masaki was curious as to where the hell Grace had gone. He had half a mind to just ditch everyone and go find her, but that wouldn't have been a nice thing to do. Hopefully, she turned up soon.

@Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Genon (I think that's all of you)



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