Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart(What? What are you trying to say?)

Chris continued to hold Kelica close as he felt her squirm in his arms. He raised an eyebrow as she made noises that only confused Chris. He lowered Kelica and when he noticed that she didn't step down, he lifted her back up. A confused look was on Chris' face as he simply shrugged and quickly caught up with the group with Kelica in his arms still. He hadn't even noticed the look that she had shot to the other person.

After a while, Chris' wings disappeared from his back as he looked over at Kelica. He then held Kelica towards his back. "
If you're planning on having me carry you, you're gonna have to ride on my back. I might need my hands for something." Chris said as he look around. This place was bound to have a few more traps, he'd obviously need to lend his strength here and there.

@Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(What? What are you trying to say?)

Chris continued to hold Kelica close as he felt her squirm in his arms. He raised an eyebrow as she made noises that only confused Chris. He lowered Kelica and when he noticed that she didn't step down, he lifted her back up. A confused look was on Chris' face as he simply shrugged and quickly caught up with the group with Kelica in his arms still. He hadn't even noticed the look that she had shot to the other person.

After a while, Chris' wings disappeared from his back as he looked over at Kelica. He then held Kelica towards his back. "
If you're planning on having me carry you, you're gonna have to ride on my back. I might need my hands for something." Chris said as he look around. This place was bound to have a few more traps, he'd obviously need to lend his strength here and there.

@Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage
Kelica - Dungeon

Kelica felt him go to put her down then lift her up again and continue carrying her. As she neared the group she watched him switch her around so that she was half over his shoulder. She could have argued for hours about why doing this was not the time and waffle on more about there relationship but instead she decided to just take a deep breath and climb up over his shoulder. But instead of acting like a piggy back, she simply sat on his wide shoulder crossing her legs and facing out. Using his shoulder like a perch.

Her eyes and head swivelled a little as she heard a strange noise far away. "D...Does anyone else hear that?" She whispered. It was like it came from the very end of the corridor they were walking towards. And was gradually getting louder.
Chris Lengheart(What noise?)

Chris watched as Kelica simply sat on his shoulder. He looked up at her with a "really?" look on his face but simply looked back at the group. When Kelica mentioned hearing something Chris tried to listen in, but honestly couldn't hear much. Just to be safe, a pair of wolf ears replaced his standard human ears as he listened in once again. His eyes widened as he too heard the noise. He quickly got into a ready stance as he looked up at Kelica. "Be ready to hang on or jump off!" Chris commanded as he looked at where he heard the noise coming from. Whatever this thing was, it was heading right for them.

@Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage


-Ryu Miyamoto (Gokasai)-


Ryu sighed and turned his attention towards the space in front of them, listening for anything unusual. Sure enough, there was the sound of something approaching them at a considerable speed. "Yeah, yeah, I hear it" he grumbled in reply to Kelica's question. "So shut up and get ready to deal with whatever the hell it is." he got into a readying stance, directing all of his attention towards the object approaching them, and placed a hand on the hilt of his nodachi. Whatever it was that was coming, he wouldn't be caught unaware.

@Zuka @Isune @Genon @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage

Zuka said:
The shadow mage of course should have expected the berserker to snap forward and give him a headbutt. But he didn't and stumbled back a portion his face still livid. "And you would know all about impressing the ladies, hey Frosty? Goddamnsonofa-" grumbling and wincing as he held his forehead. Rubbing his forehead furiously before he took a sigh and grasped at his elbow length gloves, peeling them down his long arms and throwing them uncaringly into the bloody corpse pile. A second later he grasped his vest up and over his head to throw that away to. Now it was only his pants and boots that reeked so that was an improvement right?

Now Valken was pretty buff, possibly not as muscle dense as Frosty, but he was no slouch. The guy while being agility focused often had to hold himself up with one arm, do single arm push ups while staying perfectly still or silent, or dangle over windowsils for his normal missions, so his core/back and shoulders were certaintly well defined.

The reason he didn't walk around without elbow-length gloves or a vest was the man was covered in scars. His forearms and inner arms especially to the elbow had criss crosses all over it, similar to a self harmer. After all no one becomes proficient in daggers and butterfly flicks overnight. They were mostly his fault, but over his back and chest were burns, much deeper scars and pin pricks from being caught out from dangerous jobs and tortured mercilessly for days.

He was actually very self conscious about the scars and wounds but he doubted Frosty and Ferra would make a big deal about it. So without a word he started walking towards the nearest hallway. "Not sure but we'll bump into someone eventually... hopefully Millie so we can get the hell out of here..."

@Kayzo (mention)
Emmerich Faust

"I've been wif a few other than just Kelica," Emmerich replies, shrugging. In the end it isn't a big deal to him so he wasn't going to pursue the matter. Valken could save his girl looking like whatever he wanted, Emmerich had just added his two cents is all.

As he friend began to strip off his vest and gloves Emmerich looked down at his own clothing to find it similarly filthy. Shrugging again he decides to follow suit and as such pulls his shirt and waistcoat over his head before tossing them away. In doing so he reveals himself to be just as scarred as Valken, just for slightly different reasons. Emmerich's scars came from fighting rather than practice or torture, or at least mostly. He had some burn scars on his left arm and leg from when he was still developing muspelheim and hadn't quite figured out how to make himself resistant to the fire. However, the rest were from being bludgeoned, stabbed, slashed, etc. during fights. The man himself neither minded nor really cared about his scars, or anyone else's either, Valken's included. Though, perhaps the shadow mage might take some solace in the fact that he's not the only one with lots of scars.

Emmerich follows his friend as he begins to walk off, motioning for Ferra to follow. He reignites his left arm to provide light so that they can actually see, mainly for Ferra's benefit. As Valken speaks he turns to him, "That'd be good, though I wouldn't mind meeting some of Grimoire Eart either..." he says with a bloodthirsty grin.


Sora Marvell - Dungeon Cell


I'll just heal the mark off, you're not really getting your point across, lady. " Sora remained calm, completely certain of her ability to remove the abomination of a mark Rodwen was trying to taunt them with. Hibiki was from Fairy Tail, through and through, to the very core of his being and heart, a small mark saying otherwise wouldn't phase him or change anything. The small smile Hibiki sent her way was only vaguely reassuring. It took more effort on her part to return it, though instead of a comforting one, it was much more sly in nature.

It was quite obvious to the girl that she was irritating the two to a point that would possibly tilt things in their favor. At least that was the hope, the plan, the best outcome. Her suspicions were set in stone when Ayano spoke up in her direction, acting rather prideful and overly egotistical. Sora only had a fraction of a second to realize what was going on as her eyes widened in surprise, hands shooting upwards to clasp onto Ayano's wrists to try to lessen the chokehold that she was being lifted and forced to submit to. A newly ignited rage danced within her pupils, eyes narrowing as a tch sound escaped the moment she was dropped back onto the ground. She was struggling to breathe but she wasn't going to make that knowledge visibly known, lest it be seen as a weakness to the two dark mages.

The blue haired slayer took a few moments to soak in the atmosphere as she waiting for her breathing to come easier, knowing full well she'd have to play this very carefully or else things could go downhill much too quickly for Hibiki and herself. "
I thought you guys were dark and sinister but the cowardice is only coming more and more to light. " Sora's gazed slipped to the side as if unimpressed. " A god slayer? " A snort followed her words before she slid into her little act. " If you're so powerful, why are you playing with us from behind bars? Show me you're not afraid to see which of us would be victorious, I mean, you're a big bad god slayer after all. " The god part was overly dramatized, eyes rolling in unison.

I personally think I could kick your smug little face in, but perhaps you don't want Ayano to think lesser of you... That could pose as difficult when you're trying to act all scary and tough. " Her hands threw themselves up in the air non-chalant like as she met the woman's cold stare with a challenging one of her own. " Maybe I'll even go easy on you. " Her lips curved upwards into a cute smile then, head tilting skyward in a prideful manner as hair went sliding into her vision. This didn't stop her from keeping her eyes locked on Rodwen's, her hues simply peered out through the splayed strands.

Sora stood slowly, arms crossing, as she begun to speak to Hibiki. "
I thought Grimoire Heart was supposed to be scary. Hadn't we heard that? Hopefully she decides to stop being a wuss and she fights me so I can kick her butt and we can walk out of here. " A grin danced across her lips, a hand lifting as her fingers contorted into an enthusiastic thumbs up. " Try me, Rodwench. " A subtle wink was issued to Rodwen at her snarky little nickname, hoping it'd push the woman into finally releasing her so they could go head to head. A battle of slayers did sound like a rather fun idea, even if Sora disliked the concept of all out destructive fighting. This wasn't the time to dwell on that though, whether or not she wanted to fight, she knew she absolutely had to at this point.

Everything escalated rather quickly then as Ayano waltzed over to Hibiki's cell and proceeded to stab him in the leg using her magic. Sora's hands flew up to the bars and gripped them so tightly that she begun to shake. "
Don't put your filthy hands on him! " She called out, teeth bared as if she wanted to rip into one of them, the bars before her starting to bend inwards beneath the heightened physical strength behind her grasp. Rodwen didn't seem too pleased with Ayano's actions either and Sora was silently, but uncharacteristically, pleased that Ayano was punished for touching Hibiki.

Nobody touched her friends and family like that. Sora hated feeling helpless and unable to help him but she vowed to heal him the moment she was able to. She needed to get out of this cell soon. Claustrophobia was also starting to make her uncomfortable, not liking being confined in such a small space
and cut off from her magic.

@LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots @Jackaboi
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Kimberley Lock

The fuck?| Dungeons

Throught all of the events Kim never had left Eias side, she slightly feared that if she left her alone she would get hurt. Sure enough the others appeared pouring into the corridor, she waved slightly at them trying to seem like she wasn't about to bite their head off for being so late. " It's nice that you two love birds finally joined us. Carefull there lots of traps around here." Kim watched as the two floated their way across the gap, obviously they couldn't tell that there was a walk way that she made to get over said gap. " You two did know that there was a taint barrier over the gap, but then again it is practically see through..." She then resented her comment, what a stupid move it was to say that.

Kim turned around and began to walk fowards,
" Hurry up, I've nearly got a path figured out. The others left through a passage some whe-" She stopped when her ears picked up a strange sound, it was very similar to rock grinding on rock. " What the hell is that sound..." Her eyes widened in realization, fucking dark guild an their trope traps. With a heel turn she Yelp out. " Fuck me! There's a boulder coming right at us!" She grabbed Eias' hand and fell into a dead sprint.

@Zuka @Isune @Genon @Bolts
Eias Baole - getting her sorry ass dragged around

Eias had just gone with the flow of the group. There more people to interact with than she was ready for. She became so nervous that she ended up unable to speak really. She just followed in suit as Kim lead her by the hand. She felt utterly useless in this whole situation but really, she didn't even try to interact much. Maybe it was a side affect of people not really paying attention to her question right when she first met them? Who knew! It was no excuse not to try again. She just needed to know where to begin. What should she say?! She just let her mind go blank and would say the first thing that came to mind.

She took a deep breath but before she could even let out a peep, rumbling started to come. Whatever it was sounded big. It sounded fast and big. Eias would have been stopped dead in her tracks if it weren't for Kim tugging her into a sprint. UhhUhhh Thank you! She said to Kim as they began running. She managed to get her feet working and ran with Kim rather than being practically dragged. Should she turn around and try to blast the thing with minibomb bubbles? Would a bubble summon work in stopping it?! She wasn't really cut out for this was she?

@Zuka @Isune @Genon @purplepanda288
Swain Lynn, Dungeons
An illuminated blue circle slowly drew itself on the ground in front of two very different, yet accustomed individuals. One little girl and one incredibly clothed... Something. It was quite hard to make out who they actually were, but it was obvious that they weren't there to help out. Out of the blue, lit circle a figure came out. A brown haired individual with a guild mark below his right eye. With a cigarette still smoldering in his teeth, Swain tilted his head as soon as he materialized in front of them and smiled. The smile wasn't warm. IT was slightly mocking. The sight of two very different individuals together seemed amusing to the pal.

"Was that on purpose?" He muttered under his nose looking at the two. He put out the cigarette throwing it on the ground and crushing it with his foot. His right hand held the right side of his sweater's collar out of a weird addiction.

@Happy Red Mage
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@Happy Red Mage[/URL]
Raa And Niur - Probably
(Skip it to 26 seconds)


"Oh yes hello!" Raa greeted out in his usual distorted voice, putting himself in between Niur and this stranger in a subtle manner. "Yes I'm with the renovation company you people hired." He said pulling out his business card and throwing it at him. "Yes that was on purpose, this area is to be made into a vault for magical artifacts and I would like to get back to it." He replied cheerily. "I've already been payed in advance but if you wish to confirm it I'd be glad to take it up to your leader, I do get payed by the hour." Raa finished his speech before he continued to demolish the wall with his hammer. 'There's no way that this works.' He thought silently ready to move the ground in case of combat.
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Kelica -

The Forest Guardian

So the weird grinding sound was getting louder and louder to the point even ditzy blonde Kelica could recognise it. In fact she was positive she could see a weird shape hurtling towards them. Squealing the already panicky girl suddenly slipped down from Chris's shoulder not unlike a monkey to throw her arms round his neck and hook her knees in at his hips.

"Ryu!! Stop being a hero!! Your sharp knife isn't going to cut through a boulder so lets just cut our losses and run!" As she said this she flicked her wrist till a tiny little bulb flung out from her flower bracelet and not unlike starting a mower she grasped it and yanked it till a very long, thin vine flicked out. Throwing it around her head for a moment before she lasooed Adrian around his wrist in one go, dragging his butt along with this. "You too Arcane Mage! You don't have time to random button a defense!" Then she tapped Chris gently on the head this time. "Follow those girls!"

@Isune @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Genon @Rhodus
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Valken Truss - Dungeon - Team Bravado

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/30t4cbm.jpg.ab74d97303d1c4eb534a22aab1f2fac5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/30t4cbm.jpg.ab74d97303d1c4eb534a22aab1f2fac5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The shadow mage blinked for a moment before he half whirled to look to Frosty with a shocked look on his face. "W...Wait a minute... that idiot blonde girl... the one who got hit by that beast guy, the one making the huge scene at the Train Station. That Kelica girl?... you've been with her?" Now this was a piece of intelligence he was almost shaking in his excitement to know. His intrigue at such a fever pitch he almost completely forgot about Ferra behind them and stepped before Frosty while continuing his walking pace backwards, hands in his pockets, moonwalking. He pretty much forgot he was shirtless and Emmerich was as well. Oh no, this information was far far to interesting to pass up now he'd let slip. He rolled his eyes and make a huge wolf whistle.

"Wowwwww she must have a thing for Blonde's... I distinctly remember her swooning over our Guild Master Lloyd as well..." His grin only growing wider. "She is a pretty little thing but certainly not my type..." Gesturing to his chest to confirm the exact reason he didn't prefer her over someone like, say, Millie and her assets. "How long were you with her? What happened? Did you break her heart?" Smirking now, to see how far he could push the guy. "And now she's run to a guy who hits her... man oh man I bet your happy about that..." Chuckling as he put his hands behind his head, closing his eyes and singing in that annoying teenage girl voice. "Frosty and Kelica, sitting in a tree...... K.I.S.S.I.N.G!"

@Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98



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Chris Lengheart(Horsey time!)

Chris thought that Kelica was hopping off until he felt her hands wrap around his neck. He felt the tap on his head as Kelica told him to follow the girls. Chris stood still for a moment, looking at a wall as if there was some kind of escape path and Chris had x-ray vision. He quickly took over his centaur form, which he knew that Kelica wasn't too fond of but that didn't matter now. He quickly started galloping forward and actually caught up with the two girls.

He suddenly passed them both however as he galloped over to the nearest wall. Both his hands began to glow a bright tan as he forcefully extended both arms which subsequently created a small tunnel in the wall. "
Everyone in!" Chris shouted as he pointed to the tunnel and went out to help anyone that was too slow to get in.

@purplepanda288 @Bolts @Genon @Rhodus @Zuka
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Horsey time!)

Chris thought that Kelica was hopping off until he felt her hands wrap around his neck. He felt the tap on his head as Kelica told him to follow the girls. Chris stood still for a moment, looking at a wall as if there was some kind of escape path and Chris had x-ray vision. He quickly took over his centaur form, which he knew that Kelica wasn't too fond of but that didn't matter now. He quickly started galloping forward and actually caught up with the two girls.

He suddenly passed them both however as he galloped over to the nearest wall. Both his hands began to glow a bright tan as he forcefully extended both arms which subsequently created a small tunnel in the wall. "
Everyone in!" Chris shouted as he pointed to the tunnel and went out to help anyone that was too slow to get in.

@purplepanda288 @Bolts @Genon @Rhodus @Zuka
Adrian, acting quickly, poured a large portion of his magical power into a tremendous and much stronger than normal Arcane Barrier that glowed its distinctive purple, hopefully aiming to slow or stop the boulder. He also put a few more in the boulder's path. The boulder smashed through the first few barriers, leaving shards of arcane material in its wake that immediately dissolved into the ether, but as it slammed into the last barrier, the ground shook from the impact, but surprisingly it actually held. However, Adrian could feel the barrier struggling to hold the boulder back. But decided to go with Chris' idea and walked through the tunnel with him just in case, asking, "Do you think it's better to go down here or continue down the path out there now that I've stopped the boulder?"

EDIT: He was quickly interrupted by a massive noise coming from the boulder, along with the smell of smoke. He was right. There was a rocket mounted to the side of the boulder. And it smashed right through the last barrier as the glorious and rather funny sight receded into the distance...only for a loud BOOM to make itself known from the end of the passage. So the boulder was explosive and rocket-powered! Adrian stood there openmouthed as he watched the sight, saying after a few moments, "Uh...scratch the latter idea."
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Genon said:
Adrian, acting quickly, poured a large portion of his magical power into a tremendous and much stronger than normal Arcane Barrier that glowed its distinctive purple, hopefully aiming to slow or stop the boulder. He also put a few more in the boulder's path. The boulder smashed through the first few barriers, leaving shards of arcane material in its wake that immediately dissolved into the ether, but as it slammed into the last barrier, the ground shook from the impact, but surprisingly it actually held. However, Adrian could feel the barrier struggling to hold the boulder back. But decided to go with Chris' idea and walked through the tunnel with him just in case, asking, "Do you think it's better to go down here or continue down the path out there now that I've stopped the boulder?"
EDIT: He was quickly interrupted by a massive noise coming from the boulder, along with the smell of smoke. He was right. There was a rocket mounted to the side of the boulder. And it smashed right through the last barrier as the glorious and rather funny sight receded into the distance...only for a loud BOOM to make itself known from the end of the passage. So the boulder was explosive and rocket-powered! Adrian stood there openmouthed as he watched the sight, saying after a few moments, "Uh...scratch the latter idea."
(Forgot to tag @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Rhodus @Bolts)
Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Dungeon - Team Bravado
View attachment 311089

The shadow mage blinked for a moment before he half whirled to look to Frosty with a shocked look on his face. "W...Wait a minute... that idiot blonde girl... the one who got hit by that beast guy, the one making the huge scene at the Train Station. That Kelica girl?... you've been with her?" Now this was a piece of intelligence he was almost shaking in his excitement to know. His intrigue at such a fever pitch he almost completely forgot about Ferra behind them and stepped before Frosty while continuing his walking pace backwards, hands in his pockets, moonwalking. He pretty much forgot he was shirtless and Emmerich was as well. Oh no, this information was far far to interesting to pass up now he'd let slip. He rolled his eyes and make a huge wolf whistle.

"Wowwwww she must have a thing for Blonde's... I distinctly remember her swooning over our Guild Master Lloyd as well..." His grin only growing wider. "She is a pretty little thing but certainly not my type..." Gesturing to his chest to confirm the exact reason he didn't prefer her over someone like, say, Millie and her assets. "How long were you with her? What happened? Did you break her heart?" Smirking now, to see how far he could push the guy. "And now she's run to a guy who hits her... man oh man I bet your happy about that..." Chuckling as he put his hands behind his head, closing his eyes and singing in that annoying teenage girl voice. "Frosty and Kelica, sitting in a tree...... K.I.S.S.I.N.G!"

@Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98
Emmerich Faust Emmerich grins back at his friend as Valken teased him, "You seem to 'ave it wrong there mate, I nver actually went out wif 'er. It was more of a one night stand sort of deal. Right good time though," he replies easily. "Met 'er a couple of years ago when she was being chased by a bunch of angry florists. Seems she 'ad made all their plants up and walk away or some shit. Well anyways, she ran in to me, quite literally, and 'id behind me. Naturally I beat the shit out of the florists as I'm not one to turn down a perfectly good fight. Afterwards I suggested we 'it up a bar and things just went from there. Afterwards we parted ways and I 'adn't seen 'er again until at the train station just now," Emmerich explains before his expression darkens slightly, "New guy seems like a douche though."
Emmerich Faust

Having said that Emmerich dons an innocent smile that just seems
too innocent before addressing Valken, "What about you mate? 'Ow far 'ave you got wif Mille?" he asks.
Valken Truss

The Dark Guild Dungeon

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb7de3709_images(23).jpg.5123ab21be1eb8ea4ede9bc605e57a0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140775" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb7de3709_images(23).jpg.5123ab21be1eb8ea4ede9bc605e57a0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Valken had to grin heavily at the idea of some scared, pathetic squealing girl running into Emmerich of all people while being chased and using him as a shield. What were the odds really? "And I'll bet you knocked everyone of them out before you even knew her name or what she had done to provoke them?...One day someone will use your love of fighting against you...What if it was a pretty girl from a Dark Guild who used you to take out some high class mages? A psycopathic killer? I heard rumours of Dark Guilds using pretty girls as Assasins... Doll-look alikes with Scythes... I suppose you just lucked out she really was a ditz this time."

Valken did lift an eyebrow as he watched his expression darken, and that was never a good sign. "Your not thinking of doing anything rash after this mission, right? I'm sure she has enough sense to pick a decent man...." scratching his chin. "...well, maybe. She does seem pretty stupid..."

Here the conversation turned to him, or more namely what he had done with Millie. Now Valken was a Master conversationalist and general smooth talker, however Frosty was always so blunt and to the point that he often times found himself struggling for answers. This was no exception... He quickly spun on his heels and faced forward making his voice aloof. He figured if Frosty saw even a side ways glance or eyebrow raise he'd just enquire further. It was probably Valken's fault for starting the conversation in that direction but even so....

"Ooohhh we've done everything. Yeap. All bases. All night long. Have been for monthsdays really she's always begging for more. I know what I'm doing..." flicking his dark fridge forward almost as if to half hide his face. It wasn't altogether a lie. Of course he knew what he was doing, he'd seen heaps of movies and read books and stuff.......and she seemed to like it? Right?

So about where this DARK GUILD BASE(realised how gross that sounded before) centre is..." Steps quickening. Now where where all the traps now for a hearty distraction?


(for the threads reference lol)



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Swain Lynn, Dungeons
The speech that man blurted out made Swain smile even more. Even though it was slightly funny, it was more like nails through a chalkboard to his ears and the smile wasn't there because it was funny. The smile was there because he imagined how he rips the irony off the pal's face. In his thoughts Swain pondered how he'll kill the two, but the most appealing way was destroying their bodies into bits. Anyone besides GH ain't welcome in these parts. I'm surprised how they're still alive, to be honest, he thought to himself, but no matter, they'll still die anyway.

He crossed his arms on his chest as he leaned back on the wall of the dungeon. Typically, he'd be crying by now as his jacket would be incredibly dirty from the wall. But not that day. He didn't care about his jacket as much as he cared about those two. He needed to make a good impression as a guild member.

Asking questions wasn't his strong side. He was more of a battle person than all talk and no fight. Cracking his knuckles was the next thing he did before clapping his hands together. A blue magic circle appeared in between his palms and split into two as soon as he split his palms. One he cast right beside him on the ground, the other - atop the ceiling right behind the two and immediatelly cast another circle.This time, it was red and placed right in front of him in mid air, facing the threat.. But before he could have it's effects activated, he stepped on the blue one. And disappeared.

Materializing from the second blue circle behind them on the ceiling, he focused his energy and activated the red rune, causing a blast aimed and focused towards the enemy. As he fell down he clapped again to create another red circle and he was to put his fist through it as soon as he landed on the ground, attempting to punch them with his, to be honest, newly learned trick.

@Happy Red Mage
@Happy Red Mage[/URL]
Oh we're fighting now?

"Oh well you had a choice." Raa said as the walls shifted to to block the blast, scattering debris and raining dust around them. He took Niur and brought her close to him. His magic pulsed and floor shifted backwards to move the two out of the attacks range and replaced the area with gaping pit. "Have a nice fall~" Raa cheered out as the hammer morphed into some sort off gun. He held his hand out and Niur handed him a Reverse Gift of Speed.

Raa aimed the gun at his adversary and fired the orb into the floor nearest to the opponent, cracking it and making it go off in an explosion as a warning shot. "Do you really want to do this? It isn't too late to leave y'know. You should be able to handle this. Should you choose to keep fighting I'm not going to stop you, I'm just going to give you an unfortunate experience." He gave Niur a little tap. "Run along now, I'll catch up in a few moments." He said, Niur nodded and handed him the satchel before running down the corridor. "Remember to keep hugging left!" Raa called out. "Now where were we...oh yes."

The gun morphed into darksteel blade strings that danced through the air. "I'm giving you a chance to leave. Do you really have loyalty here? Or do you just want to have a fight?"

-Ryu Miyamoto (Gokasai)-


Ryu reacted near instantaneously, recognizing the threat that was closing in fast. "Just my luck," he said with a sigh. "Today really isn't my day" He watched as the others ran down the hallway, and Chris made a tunnel. In a few seconds, he closed the distance between himself and the hole Chris had made, ducking inside quickly. He looked over the others that had made it inside the makeshift hideaway, and shook his head slowly. "Rule number one," he said, in the same tone one would use to address a disobedient child. "Never panic"

@purplepanda288 @Bolts @Genon @Zuka @Isune

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Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust
"I've been wif a few other than just Kelica," Emmerich replies, shrugging. In the end it isn't a big deal to him so he wasn't going to pursue the matter. Valken could save his girl looking like whatever he wanted, Emmerich had just added his two cents is all.

As he friend began to strip off his vest and gloves Emmerich looked down at his own clothing to find it similarly filthy. Shrugging again he decides to follow suit and as such pulls his shirt and waistcoat over his head before tossing them away. In doing so he reveals himself to be just as scarred as Valken, just for slightly different reasons. Emmerich's scars came from fighting rather than practice or torture, or at least mostly. He had some burn scars on his left arm and leg from when he was still developing muspelheim and hadn't quite figured out how to make himself resistant to the fire. However, the rest were from being bludgeoned, stabbed, slashed, etc. during fights. The man himself neither minded nor really cared about his scars, or anyone else's either, Valken's included. Though, perhaps the shadow mage might take some solace in the fact that he's not the only one with lots of scars.

Emmerich follows his friend as he begins to walk off, motioning for Ferra to follow. He reignites his left arm to provide light so that they can actually see, mainly for Ferra's benefit. As Valken speaks he turns to him, "That'd be good, though I wouldn't mind meeting some of Grimoire Eart either..." he says with a bloodthirsty grin.


(for the threads reference lol)

Emmerich Faust
Ferra: Dungeon, Team Bravado

Ferra nodded and followed after the two of them once Emmerich ignited his arm for light. So far, other than the body parts...which were both disgusting and creepy as hell, the hallway was completely normal. Ever so often there was a torch on the verge of burning out, but that was about it as far as one could see. Of course, naturally, the conversation gravitated towards Emmerich having a thing with Kelica in the past. Somehow that had became a topic over the fact of navigating through a most likely trapped filled hallway..which..so far lacked traps. Maybe they really were in the trash somehow? It was possible. Regardless of the conversation she did giggle as Valken started teasing Emmerich, she contemplated joining in herself but decided against it. Those two were clearly to wrapped up in deciding who was the better lady-killer to focus on the task at hand.

Honestly she was in kind of an odd situation right now. First off, today was her birthday, and she was currently spending it in some body part covered tunnel with her guild mates looking for Millie. And said guild mates were shirtless, despite the both of them being a decent amount older than her it really didn't do much to ease the blush on her face. Thank god Valken hadn't noticed yet or she'd never hear the end of it. And to make matters worse, they were currently talking about relationships. Not just relationships, no. They couldn't stop there. Or rather, Emmerich was brief and vauge and she possibly wouldn't of understood what he meant..had Valken not commented.

Of course, he had to boast that he'd been having sex with Millie every day all night long since they started dating..right in front of her..like she didn't even exsist. Of course hearing this her blush only deepened, though she only laughed when he claimed to be dating Millie for months. "
Dude. You haven't been with Millie for months. You've only been dating for like, two weeks. And that's because I tricked her into thinking you two were dating." She told him. "You've technically only been dating for around..four days..now after she found out too." She added, grinning cheekily. Oh he was going to get her back for this for sure, but it was worth it.
Kelica Zefara - Dungeon - Team Fairies


The Forest Mage let out a squeal as Chris seemed to change into his centaur form almost instantly and once again she found herself riding along his back with her blond ponytail swaying side to side in an erratic manner. Thighs naturally tightening around his middle to hold herself upright, though she couldn't help but duck as he made a make-shift dirt tunnel to escape. After all, she had been caught multiple times when he would run head long into doors forgetting she was on his shoulders or on one of his Beast Forms and wack her head right into said door frame/ceiling/roof/balcony/pagoda.

After they had gotten in, she whirled her head just in time to see Adrian duck in after slowing the boulder down considerable with his Arcane Barriers, followed by Ryu who didn't even seemed fazed after running that whole distance. She tapped Chris on the shoulder again just to let him know she was sliding off, and with a loud thud she landed on her own two feet. Despite feeling safer up higher, this tunnel wasn't exactly big and she would have to be constantly bending to stay on his back.

She shot Ryu a glare. "Yes; never panic... That's easy for you to say! There is no Forest here, so the best I can manage is damage control heals! Besides it's dark and crowded and smells funny in here..." wrapping her arms around herself as she glanced to the walls whom she was convincing herself were actually coming in closer to her. Getting a weird sense of claustrophobia in this tunnel, after all Forests were always bright and wide and open. And colorful rather then the gross brown/black of these walls. "Don't suppose anyone can light the way a bit-?... Please-?" She added in a weaker voice now looking visibly shaken and more then a little scared.
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Chris Lengheart(False alarm)

After everyone crowded into the tunnel Chris came galloping back. Right as he was about to enter, Chris heard a loud bang. The last of the barriers had been shattered. He flinched slightly as a bit of rubble flew about, but that was honestly it. He motioned for everyone to climb out as he started to very slowly close the tunnel. Once everyone was out, the small tunnel closed up as Chris released his takeover and looked over to Kelica. She seemed alright. He looked over to the rest of the group and asked,"Alright, where are we headed now?" He only hoped that the missing guildmates would be okay and that they were staying strong. Chris couldn't bear the thought of his own guildmates being tortured or even killed while him along with everyone else were trying to find them like mice in a maze trying to find the cheese.

@Zuka @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Genon @Rhodus
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Kimberly Lock

WHY?!| Dungeons| Team Faires

With out even so much as a warning Kelica pulled the two into the safe stop, Kim slightly bent over and haved out a line of deep breaths. " Jesus on a tricycle. " She straighten her her and let one final breath in, just as she was going to let it out the boulder fucking exploded. It exploded, what the fuck is wrong with this guild. Kimberly practically jumped up and grabed onto what ever was closest to her, that of which was poor Eias. She let out a small wimper as she clung on for dear life, once her nerves began to chill she let go of her roommate. " Sorry Eias, I guess I'm still on edge." Kim was obviously embarrassed about what she just did, she would be lucky if the other wouldn't poke fun at her for such. " Oh shush Ryu, Im very flighty and you know this!" A bit of red matted her face, makin her look a bit more like a small demon then anything.

@Genon @Zuka @Rhodus @Bolts @Isune

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