Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kimberly Lock

You idiots...

Kimberly stood bewildered at what the group was doing, yes there multiple traps in this passageway. But she saw no need for throw each other across a spike pit. She had a simple solution, make a barrier to so they wouldn't fall. She walked up to Valken, her short stature making her look up to address him. " Valken, dear, move aside. Throwing people across is a odd idea but this a much better one." Kim put out her free hand, her Flux stains appearing like one would expect. " Tainted barrier." With that a large platform spread across the pit, it emited a soft purple light. She went around Valken and began to walk safely across the gap." Hurry up guys, I can only keep it on for so long. Eias! Let's go." She eventually reached the other side, re-summoning her light score she tapped her foot impatiently.

@Talon @Mitchs98
purplepanda288 said:
Dungeon cells

A strong wave of nausea passed over Aiden once again, acid forced its way up making him regenerate all of the contents of his stomach. Over the period of four hours his magic slowly had begun to recharge, not that it was any use in his current state. He forcefully tried to pry his arms from their restraints to no of avil. " Fuck me! I can't get loose!" He kept struggling till he heard a familiar voice. " Ashley? Ashely! I'm here, The cell next to you! I'm chained up and can't move my arms." He whaled out, of course this was more of a scream then anything else. This would most likely attract the vampire, to him this starting his punishment.

@Britt-21 @Jackaboi

Ashley Hart

Hearing Aiden loud and clear, she moved towards the wall that seprated both herself and Aiden "You're chained!?" wait, how come she wasnt chained? Something was up. I dont understand...if he's chained up, does that mean they're going to torture him first? Well that's if torture is where this dark guild is going. Maybe it's so he cant get his keys? No...the cells keep us from using magic. I'm so confused! Ashely really couldnt think of what to do "Hang in there, Aiden! Just calm down." taking a deep breath, she moved her eyes around the cell, seeing if there was any faulty bricks or cracks into the floor "Damn it..." she muttered. Ashley didnt give up hope. Some of the captives escaped for sure and had gotten people to help whoever was left, yeah? "Just...Dont lose hope, Adien. I'm sure some wizards escaped."

Lysander Connell


Lysander had only taken a few steps forward, cautiously of course, when he heard the frustration in Valken's voice behind him. He could not help feeling a little irritated himself, though perhaps intermingled with a little guilt and longing as well. He had always been alone. He had done his missions alone. He had traveled through Fiore alone. Not that he wanted to, of course. It was just that he had never dared to invite others along with him. And, it was a lonely existence, he had to admit to himself. But being alone on missions, Lysander had to compensate. It meant that he had to learn how to be constantly prepared for anything that might occur, which was why he had to bring a huge array of items with him to help him get through obstacles. And it also meant that he had to learn how to cope with traps in his own way. Sure, he was not able to disarm them, but it was not as if he could not set them off from a distance and then proceed through them with nothing but his agility and wits.

But then again, he had never worked with Valken before (or anyone really, other than Lloyd) so perhaps Valken did not have a clear idea of what he was capable of. And at the prospect of working in a team with others, there he was going on ahead, alone again. He was not even sure what kept him going forward alone when everything within him was screaming at him to wait for the others. He had wanted to work with people right? Yet there was a nagging thought in mind... that he would end up proving to be useless and hence, deserving of the scorn of others. Better to just go on ahead and not risk rejection, wasn't it?

He took another cautious step forward, only to whirl back in alarm as once again, Valken's voice reached him. Only this time, Valken was shouting at him to catch something. Before he could even react, something hit him, flinging him completely off balance. He flew a few feet back... only to keep falling. A few times he hit bumps, and the last few bumps he hit made him groan aloud, as finally he stopped, hitting the ground in a final thunk. His whole back ached, and he was sure that he had a fantastic array of bruises on his back. He could not even see anything; he had lost his light flying across the spiked pit. Slowly, due to his aches, he lit another match.

So that was why he had hurt so much. He had flown down a whole flight of stairs. He gaped upwards, a stunned expression on his face, as the stairs appeared to stretch to infinity. Well, there was no way he was going to climb those stairs back up. Slowly, he got to his feet, wincing periodically as his actions jarred the wounds he no doubt sustained during his fall. With one hand against the wall, he moved forward, slowly. He recalled Valken mentioning something about a trap ahead, so he pulled out his gun, firing a mud shot forward. A splatter, followed by a rush of air, and the whirl of something swinging in the distance.

Once again, he proceeded slowly forward, firing off spark shots every five steps, in the hopes of catching sight of the swinging axe.

@Zuka @Colt556
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Spooky Scary Skeleton

Valken's eyes were drifting ahead out past Lysander, though his gaze fell down as Mikado voiced her concern. He held her gaze and his eyebrows furrowed even as she broke it momentarily to look to the floor. "Can't?....Or won't? Don't tell me you're afraid of heights...." Valken peered his head over the side of the, now he noticed very deep pit, before he made an audible gulp and glanced to the roof instead. "You know what, if you are, that's cool I won't belittle you for it... Fear of heights is pretty common I'm told..." Then he made a point of tilting his head at her. "Why not my Shadow Walk? It hasn't hurt you thus far... I think you handle it fine.." making a half frown. Why were people so nervous in the Shadow Realm? Just because the very Shadows were like an over possessive girlfriend who wanted to choke you in your sleep so they can stay with you forever?... Drag you down into the depths of pure darkness void of life and sound?... he found the thought rather comforting! Never-the-less she didn't seem to like that idea and he still wanted to keep as much magical energy as possible for later, so that only left the second option.

"Sorry, Mikado, you can hate me later... hold your cap..." at this and without a pause the Shadow Mage hooked his arms around her body, scooping her up so to speak with an arm under her knees and another at her back before he spun on a foot, tensed up and literally threw her, limbs and all, like a shotput over the pit. "LYSANDER CATCH!" Hurling her right towards the boy. With her still sailing through the air, Valken turned to the rest of the group. "So who's next?...."

@Kayzo @Talon @Mitchs98
Mikado Saris - Dungeon

Her eyes narrowed slightly as Valken questioned why she couldn't use the rope. She was going to defend herself but was delayed as Valken had to defend himself as well. Clearly heights were an issue, although it wasn't one she shared. "I'm not afraid of heights, I just lack upper-body strength." She had a smug smirk on her face as she explained why she couldn't use the rope. "As for your shadow walk, it's... wait, what are you doing?" He interrupted her explanation with an apology as he picked her up and moved quickly. Her eyes widened as it dawned on her what the shadow mage intended. "Valken! St-" This time she interrupted herself with a distinctly girlish yelp as she was suddenly thrown across the pit. Her limbs flailed in the air as she went careening to the other side. Her panic was made even worse as she noticed she was on a collision course for an ill-prepared Lysander.

She screwed her eyes shut and raised her arms in front of her, slamming into the fellow gun-mage. The world around her seemed to spin as her fall didn't come to an end as she expected it to. Instead the two gun mages went tumbling down further into the earth, bashing against the ground and each other. Finally her never-ending fall came to an end as the duo seemed to hit flat ground. Fortunately for her Lysander was between her and the ground breaking the worst of the impact. She let out small groans and whimpers of pain as she regained her senses. While she couldn't see anything she could feel Lysander beneath her and scrambled off the poor guy as best she could, allowing him to light a match and give them some illumination. She blinked rapidly to allow her eyes to adjust to the sudden light before looking around, trying to get a sense for where they were.

From her position on the floor she looked up at Lysander as he got to his feet before turning her attention back towards the way they came. With the light it was pretty evident why her fall seemed to last far longer than it should. With another groan she pushed herself to her feet, muttering under her breath as she did. "Stupid Valken. Throwing me down a hole..." She brought a hand up to her cap, adjusting it as it had gotten quite out of hand during the fall. Once in place she lowered her hand to do the same with her scarf before turning her attention back on Lysander. "Doesn't look like we can get back up to everyone else.." Judging by his reaction to the whole situation it seemed Lysander already came to that conclusion as he was already working on continuing down their new-found path. "Well I suppose this way works too, not like they can make a never-ending underground maze outside Magnolia, right?" With that she pushed her hands into her jacket's pockets and followed after Lysander, this time waiting for him to clear any potential traps along the way.

@Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder @LeSoraAmari @Genon @Rhodus @Mitchs98 @purplepanda288

Sora Marvell - Dungeon Cell


The two she'd heard and smelled earlier had finally arrived, interested in Hibiki. As they began to speak and plot over things, Sora couldn't help but stare Ayano down, wanting nothing more than to send her smug little face flying into something. The last comment about her cell positioning really ticked her off though. Torture? Even though Hibiki hadn't seemed phased and even went to the extent of telling her to look away, Sora knew deep down that she wouldn't be able to. She'd seen enough suffering and that was a big part as to why she'd mastered her abilities, especially the defensive ones; to help people, to stop them from hurting. A warranted emotion coursed through her entire frame, causing it to shake violently.

The blue haired slayer wasn't afraid, no, in fact she was utterly and undeniably pissed off. Who did they think they were to torture her friends? Her
family? And right in front of her too? Sora's fingernails dragged into the dirt before they hit a hard object; a rock. A tilt of the head, hues glancing downwards momentarily, only confirmed it. Slowly each finger curled about it before she raised her hand and sent the rock flying in a quick, flawless, manner to watch it collide with the back of Ayano's head while she was distracted. " I hope it hurt you filthy coward. " She spoke hatefully through gritted teeth, eyes being filmed over with an intense defiance. " We aren't scared of you, in fact, it just looks like you're scared of us. Poor Ayano, can't even pick on someone her own size. " The words were coo'ed out tauntingly, lips curving upwards into their own questionable smile.

It probably wasn't wise to mess with either of the two Grimoire Heart mages while she was cut off from her magic and behind bars but anything to take some heat off of Hibiki to buy them time seemed the best course of action.
Truthfully, Sora had no idea how she'd handle seeing Hibiki get tortured right before her eyes. On one hand, Hibiki was extremely resilient to things and he would probably die before he'd break; perhaps that is what scared her more. His steel-like determination would only serve to get him killed. On the other hand, maybe, just maybe, it was simply a small game and they'd leave after awhile once they were satisfied. All she could do in her position was try to keep them busy but if they began, Sora would refuse to turn her back on family, even if it meant seeing things that she'd never be able to wipe from her memory.

You know, I heard you were strong but I didn't take you for the kind to torture someone who can't even fight back. Where's the fun in that? To actually hurt someone's pride and will, you have to snuff out their fire while they hold onto hope, not beat on them like a helpless punching bag. " Sora spoke in a non-chalant tone but hushed enough to force them to listen. " So why don't you let me out so we can actually have some fun? I have no intention of leaving Hibiki behind so you don't need to worry about me running. Fairy Tail sticks together and we aren't worthless and fearful like you seem to be. But if you can't handle one little dragon slayer... I mean, Ayano already proved she's terrified of me. " Each word came out dauntingly, leaving her mouth without hesitance as she carelessly flicked her hand in front of her, showing no concern. Ayano was childish, hot headed, and unable to keep her emotions in check, so Sora only hoped this method of egging her on would bear good results.

@LeSoraAmari @Jackaboi @Mr Swiftshots
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Rodwen Kiernan

Grimoire Heart

Main Dungeon

Rodwen listened carefully to everything that was said as she continued to caress the boys cheek , everything that was said by both the blonde and the blue haired boy was slowly but surly irritating Rodwen. But at the moment it was nothing more than an itch she couldn't scratch.

When Hibiki shot her a piercing glare Rodwen shot him back a glare of her own however hers was much more lighthearted "you shouldn't joke about things like hell Hibiki , it's a very serious topic and wishing it upon someone is unacceptable. I had to teach Ayano the severity of said wish when she first joined the guild , she didn't speak to me for the next week. Actually you didn't speak at all did you Ayano." Rodwen spoke to Ayano without giving her much attention , she just couldn't bring herself to do so when Hibiki stood before her begging for her worst.

When the dragon slayer spoke of Fairy Tail and its bond Rodwen couldn't help but break a grin and her hand , the very one that was cupping / caressing hibiki's cheek , began to glow dimly as she did so " Your mistaken little ,blue haired, boy. Hibiki belongs to me now , he's a member of Grimiore heart. Take a look for yourself".

As Rowen spoke Her hand began to glow brighter and the smell of burning skin combined with the painful scream ,and/or moan, of Hibiki filled the room. When Rodwen removed her hand what was left in its place was , shock, the Grimoire Heart guild symbol. Of course this wasn't an official symbol heck it was burnt into his skin and ,well to be frank and quite censored , the symbol was still smoking and sizzling. With a ghastly smile on her face Rodwen turned to the dragon slayer and spoke coldly "as for you not fearing us , well that's what your old guild master said too. She lasted all but ten minutes !"

@Jackaboi @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey (the small blue haired boy is Sora btw)
Kelica Zefara

South Forest

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images.jpg.5a092e306816b3d94017059c84c694a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138813" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images.jpg.5a092e306816b3d94017059c84c694a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kelica was riding on Chris's Centaur-beast back, idly letting her long fingers run through the beast's mane while scratching at his scalp. She rode mostly in silence. Her mind a whirlwind of thoughts, mostly very self centred and revolved around what Chris and her were even doing. Her Fairytail Guild Mates were missing, the exact same ones who had dropped everything to search for the very blond haired girl when she went missing and it was only fortunate circumstances that meant she had arrived at the Guild Hall free of harm if not slightly disturbed mentally after being in isolation for months.

Now the very same ones were missing, Hibiki and Sora who had shown her nothing but kindness and smiles since she had joined a few weeks earlier. It was even Sora who had physically exhausted herself to heal Kelica from Chris's brutal assault during the Magnolia Festival Tournament, and now she was trapped with no way out! Kelica's hands were tightening around Chris's mane to the point she had to let her fingers slip from it incase she had taken a chunk of hair out. This stupid nonense between them was so insignificant right now, and with a final fleeting thought she let the inner turmoil completely disappear. Finally seeing a girl and boy up ahead, Kelica effortlessly slipped from Chris's back and almost before her feet had landed she was running up to whom she now recognised as Alicia, reaching down to clasp as her very small hands. Just for a moment before she crashed to her knees and scooped her up into a tight and probably half painful hug. "
Alicia?! Are you ok? The trees say you have been out here for hours.... they tried to guide you to the edge of the forest but every time a tree branch moved you ran the complete opposite way!" Drawing back enough to place her on her feet, hands on her shoulders as her eyes stared glued to her face.

Sweety... I know you probably don't want to hear this but Chris and I need to go back into that Dark Guild Dungeon... we need to get Hibiki and Sora back... did you see them in there? Are they OK?" Realising she was rushing the questions and took a deep breath. "I'm sure... Eric?" She said in a half voice as if hoping she got the gorilla take over boys name right, "can stay here with you if you want to stay here...but if you want to help us take down Grimoire Heart... then come with us! Whatever you choose we have to hurry..." eyes flicking to Chris as if to prepare him for a group leap onto his back to gallop to the hide out that Frank the Eagle would lead them back to.

@Isune @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @ThatSideCharacter @Kyuubey (mention) @LeSoraAmari (mention)



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Lysander Connell


The moment he heard Mikado's voice, Lysander stopped. He turned, only to stutter in surprise when he realised that she was standing right next to him. "How did you," he began, then trailed off into silence as his mind processed the incredible fall he had just experienced. And then he realised. That explained why the object that had hit him had felt... living. And that explained that weird scrambling motion atop him as he lay there gasping for breath, completely winded from the fall. Thankfully it had not even occurred to him that it was anything other than a human.

"Uh... never mind," he said quickly. "Are you injured?" he asked instead, a concerned note in his voice. That had been quite a fall. He surveyed her quickly. She seemed all right, but then again, she had landed on him, so she was probably in better shape than he was, considering he had probably broken her fall. He winced slightly, not even daring to think of the state of his back. It was then that he realised that the weird swooping sound he had heard earlier had increased in volume as they progressed through the hallway. The axe must be quite near by now. He fired off one more spark shot, and sure enough, a few meters away, he saw it. A gigantic axe, swinging parallel to them, Small compartments lay at each side of the axe, allowing it to swing from one compartment to another, across the hallway they were in.

He stopped, considering his options. Usually, he would attempt to get past traps with his agility rather than stopping them, but usually he was alone. This time round, there was someone with him; a fellow gun mage. Perhaps she might have something he did not have. And truth be told, he was rather grateful that he did not have to face the dungeon alone as he usually had to. And if circumstances had forced them to partner up for now, well, he was hardly going to complain about it.

"Well..." he said finally, sounding a bit hesitant. "I suppose we could try to get past the axe but... unless you have a way of stopping it?"

Mikado Saris - Dungeon

She cocked a brow at Lysander's surprised reaction to her speaking up. Clearly he didn't realize he wasn't the only one to take a tumble. Woulda thought the screaming, yelping, groaning, and scrambling woulda tipped him off sooner. Oh well. To his question she simply gave a small shake of her head. "I'm fine, you broke my fall." The sound of rushing air and mechanical engineering filled the corridor as she came to a stop next to Lysander. After only a moment he fired off another shot, illuminating a large axe swinging back and forth. Grimoire Heart clearly had a thing for cliche traps in their dungeons. Her eyes slowly followed the axe as it swayed back and forth. The movement, the sound, it was all very rhythmic and her eyes started to glaze over as she continued to follow it's movements. She was quickly brought back to her senses as Lysander spoke up and helped her refocus her attention on the situation at hand.

A wry smirk crossed her lips as she brought a hand up to her cap and tipped the rim up slightly. While they were both gun mages her magic tended to be a bit more destructive than his. "Stopping large moving objects is my speciality." With that she stepped forward between Lysander and the axe. She held her left hand out in front of her while placing her right hand slightly by her side, as if she were holding something rather long. Her signature blue-tinted particles of magic began to be drawn in from the air as they coalesced around her hands and slowly radiated outward as it began to take the form of a large cannon. The blue glow died down to reveal a solid weapon now firmly in her hands, the weapon larger than she was.

She pulled up on her handle, taking aim at the swaying axe. "Kaboom." With the pull of the trigger a round flew out, impacting the axe at the apex of it's swing and causing a massive explosion to fill the corridor. Heat, smoke, and sheer concussive force flooded through the corridor whipping her scarf into a frenzy and nearly knocking her cap off the top of her head. As the smoke slowly died down she surveyed the damage. As expected the axe was little more than debris strewn down the now rubble-filled corridor. With that same smirk still plastered on her face she looked over her shoulder at the fellow gun mage. "Too much?"

@Huor Spinks
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Noah Cross

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Sinbad.full.1023745.jpg.a7ab899f0031d322fe8a3c70e2edb51f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138884" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Sinbad.full.1023745.jpg.a7ab899f0031d322fe8a3c70e2edb51f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dungeon Noah walked the slightly lit path drinking wine from a small flask he always carrys with him. He stood back as he witnessed a few traps were set off one after another. He made his own way through with a little help from lightning. He watched when he got to the pit witnessing Lysander using his own tactics to get across. A rope to swing across the pit. He was the first to go, then it's was Mikado, thanks to Valken throwing her across. At first everything seemed okay when Lysander caught her but then they plummeted down a hole. Noah instinctively ran towards the pit jumping into the air hover over the hole. He waited until the crashing stopped and listened for a sign that they're both were alive. Once he heard both of their voices he turned towards the group. They're alright, I'll go down with them for back up. You all continue down this path.

Noah floats down the rabbit hole, hearing a loud kaboom. Flowing with concern he falls straight down catching himself an inch from the ground. He lands looking at both Lysander and Mikado as the smoke cleared. "Too much" Mikado asked. Noah only smiled, and softly laughing. No, no I think that was just right. Even though you wasn't asking me. What was it exactly you turned into debris? He asked placing his hand behind his head.

@Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Huor Spinks @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari @Genon @Rhodus @Mitchs98 @purplepanda288



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Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
South Forest

View attachment 307326

Kelica was riding on Chris's Centaur-beast back, idly letting her long fingers run through the beast's mane while scratching at his scalp. She rode mostly in silence. Her mind a whirlwind of thoughts, mostly very self centred and revolved around what Chris and her were even doing. Her Fairytail Guild Mates were missing, the exact same ones who had dropped everything to search for the very blond haired girl when she went missing and it was only fortunate circumstances that meant she had arrived at the Guild Hall free of harm if not slightly disturbed mentally after being in isolation for months.

Now the very same ones were missing, Hibiki and Sora who had shown her nothing but kindness and smiles since she had joined a few weeks earlier. It was even Sora who had physically exhausted herself to heal Kelica from Chris's brutal assault during the Magnolia Festival Tournament, and now she was trapped with no way out! Kelica's hands were tightening around Chris's mane to the point she had to let her fingers slip from it incase she had taken a chunk of hair out. This stupid nonense between them was so insignificant right now, and with a final fleeting thought she let the inner turmoil completely disappear. Finally seeing a girl and boy up ahead, Kelica effortlessly slipped from Chris's back and almost before her feet had landed she was running up to whom she now recognised as Alicia, reaching down to clasp as her very small hands. Just for a moment before she crashed to her knees and scooped her up into a tight and probably half painful hug. "
Alicia?! Are you ok? The trees say you have been out here for hours.... they tried to guide you to the edge of the forest but every time a tree branch moved you ran the complete opposite way!" Drawing back enough to place her on her feet, hands on her shoulders as her eyes stared glued to her face.

Sweety... I know you probably don't want to hear this but Chris and I need to go back into that Dark Guild Dungeon... we need to get Hibiki and Sora back... did you see them in there? Are they OK?" Realising she was rushing the questions and took a deep breath. "I'm sure... Eric?" She said in a half voice as if hoping she got the gorilla take over boys name right, "can stay here with you if you want to stay here...but if you want to help us take down Grimoire Heart... then come with us! Whatever you choose we have to hurry..." eyes flicking to Chris as if to prepare him for a group leap onto his back to gallop to the hide out that Frank the Eagle would lead them back to.

@Isune @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @ThatSideCharacter @Kyuubey (mention) @LeSoraAmari (mention)
Even if Kelica and the gang didn't realize it, Mizuki had followed them the moment they said the words "finding Alicia" for obvious reasons. She had been climbing in the trees or behind the bushes, not wanting to be seen. She was afraid that they'd send her away for some alone time together. From what she has seen and heard it seemed that Kelica was easy, and it wouldn't be surprising if they went out and fucked. However they didn't do anything lewd, which made her very happy. But what made her even happier was that they actually found Alicia. The moment the young girl was put down by Kelica her dark figure launched out from the trees, all 6 arms wrapping around the silver haired girl before they fell to the ground. The dark Mage laid on the ground while holding her close. Fortunately Alicia wouldn't be hurt by the fall since Mizuki took the blow for her. "Alicia, are you ok? Did the dark mages hurt you in any way? Can you lead us to them?" She asked, a bit of worry in her voice.

Chris Lengheart(What? You done?)

Chris grinned as he continued walking. The constant affection felt great, and the head scratching made Chris neigh slightly in gratitude. Once she stopped however, Chris leaned back to try and get some more but Kelica didn't seem to be giving out anymore. He continued to walk for a short while before stopping as the came across Alicia. He watched as Kelica hopped off and ran to her side. Once she put her down, another girl seemingly popped out of nowhere and was seemingly showering Alicia with the same affection Kelica had...more so. The real question was, where did she even come from? Chris stepped forward and looked at the shadow mage before saying,"I don't remember you following us. Care to explain yourself?"

@Kayzo @Jackaboi @Zuka
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
South Forest

View attachment 307326

Kelica was riding on Chris's Centaur-beast back, idly letting her long fingers run through the beast's mane while scratching at his scalp. She rode mostly in silence. Her mind a whirlwind of thoughts, mostly very self centred and revolved around what Chris and her were even doing. Her Fairytail Guild Mates were missing, the exact same ones who had dropped everything to search for the very blond haired girl when she went missing and it was only fortunate circumstances that meant she had arrived at the Guild Hall free of harm if not slightly disturbed mentally after being in isolation for months.

Now the very same ones were missing, Hibiki and Sora who had shown her nothing but kindness and smiles since she had joined a few weeks earlier. It was even Sora who had physically exhausted herself to heal Kelica from Chris's brutal assault during the Magnolia Festival Tournament, and now she was trapped with no way out! Kelica's hands were tightening around Chris's mane to the point she had to let her fingers slip from it incase she had taken a chunk of hair out. This stupid nonense between them was so insignificant right now, and with a final fleeting thought she let the inner turmoil completely disappear. Finally seeing a girl and boy up ahead, Kelica effortlessly slipped from Chris's back and almost before her feet had landed she was running up to whom she now recognised as Alicia, reaching down to clasp as her very small hands. Just for a moment before she crashed to her knees and scooped her up into a tight and probably half painful hug. "
Alicia?! Are you ok? The trees say you have been out here for hours.... they tried to guide you to the edge of the forest but every time a tree branch moved you ran the complete opposite way!" Drawing back enough to place her on her feet, hands on her shoulders as her eyes stared glued to her face.

Sweety... I know you probably don't want to hear this but Chris and I need to go back into that Dark Guild Dungeon... we need to get Hibiki and Sora back... did you see them in there? Are they OK?" Realising she was rushing the questions and took a deep breath. "I'm sure... Eric?" She said in a half voice as if hoping she got the gorilla take over boys name right, "can stay here with you if you want to stay here...but if you want to help us take down Grimoire Heart... then come with us! Whatever you choose we have to hurry..." eyes flicking to Chris as if to prepare him for a group leap onto his back to gallop to the hide out that Frank the Eagle would lead them back to.

@Kayzo @Jackaboi @Zuka
@Jackaboi @ThatSideCharacter

Alicia: Forest

Alicia looked to the bushes as a figure flew out, though before she could react Kelica was already hugging her extremely tightly. It was somewhat painful, but she was happy to see her nonetheless. "
I'm..fine.." She managed to wheeze out as she was getting slowly crushed. The forest was trying to lead her out? So that's why the trees were acting weird, she thought it had been Grimorie Heart shifting around in the bushes in all honesty. She felt kind of silly now that Kelica mentioned it, but how was she supposed to know what it was? She listened as Kelica spoke, nodding when she asked if she saw Hibiki and Sora. "I saw them, they're fine...last I saw anyway. I'm not sure about now though, Hibiki helped me escape but got captured again. I think." She explained sadly, speaking quickly to avoid not being able to speak while Kelica asked a hundred questions.

She listened as she asked about whether she wanted to go with her or stay here with Eric. She wanted to go and help, but she also wanted to stay incase Mizuki showed up. No sooner than she was going to answer did Mizuki jump out of the bushes and tackle hug her. She let out a small squeak of surprise initially, but she more or less immediately knew who it was even before she spoke. "
Mizuki!" She shouted, immediately wrapping her arms around her to return the hug. She had worried they'd done something to her, especially with her being an ex-member, but it was good to know they hadn't.

She smiled as she listened to her speak, her face nuzzled into her shoulder. "
I'm fine Mizuki, a bit tired and stuff, but fine. I was looking for you guys for hours trying to get back..but I got lost. They didn't hurt me, but I'm not sure of the rest. Hibiki was fighting someone when he told me to run. And..I think I can. All of this looks familiar so I'm sure I could." She explained, her grip tightening slightly as she finished speaking. "I was so scared..they were going to torture us and stuff. They might be doing it to Hibiki and the rest! We have to hurry!" She shouted, extremely worried for the others. "Who else came with you guys?" She asked.
Lysander Connell


For about a split second, Lysander looked taken aback at the complete obliteration of the axe. Overkill, was the first word that came to mind, but hey, it got the job done. With zero damage to themselves, which was always a good thing. And it was probably less risky that what he had been proposing earlier. With his back still aching like a tone of bricks had been placed on it, he was not sure whether he could be as agile as he normally was. He turned to Mikado with a slight grin and was just about to answer when another voice that was not Mikado spoke up.

This was an unexpected occurrence, and Lysander immediately spun around to confront the voice. He saw another young man, completely unfamiliar; he had never seen the man before. As far as he knew, it had just been himself and Mikado in the hallway, and the sudden appearance of another man made things look a little too suspicious. Plus, working with strangers unnerved Lysander. At least Mikado was in his guild and he was somewhat familiar with her, which reassured him. For all he knew this young man might be a Grimiore Heart member. And when confronted with the prospect of speaking with strangers, his throat immediately clammed up, and he instinctively took a step back from the man, his hand immediately going to the gun at his side.

The rumbling had not stopped, which was something else that was strange. By now, the debris from Mikado's explosion had settled on the ground yet there was still this strange rumbling. A few moments later, it stopped, but it still served to raise his hackles somewhat. He turned back to Mikado. "I think there was something else set off," he said quietly. "Another trap, most likely." That was some powerful explosion she had set off, and he was very much impressed, if it could set off two traps at one go. If the strange man tried anything, at least he had some strong backup.

Lysander fired off yet another spark shot. Seemed that the coast was clear, at any rate. "That was great," he said, managing to give a slight smile, remembering what he had wanted to say to Mikado earlier. "We should make a move on, I think." The more they dallied, the more there was a chance of Sora being hurt. He cast another suspicious glance at the man. "But first..." he turned to the man. "Who are you and what do you want with us?" It was risky to make a move when he did not even know whether the man was friend or foe.

@Colt556 @Embaga Elder
Eric: South Forest

Eric had just realised that his question was pretty pointless... because regardless of Alicia's answer, he'd probably go beat up those assholes anyway. Moments later Kelica and Chris finally came back and asked Alicia if she was gonna stay in the forest with Eric. "Sorry but I don't plan on staying behind. Those bastards kidnapped one of my guildmates so I gotta go teach 'em a lesson ya know? Besides I need pay back the favour to Hibiki for saving Alicia anyway." Then suddenly Mizuki came flying out of one of the tall tree's in the forest pretty much tackle hugging Alicia. He had to admit that was pretty crazy... "Yeah... So I'm guessing now we have multiple leads to the area they've been holding our friends? Well if so we'd better get a move on. If anyone else has found the hideout then they're gonna need our help." Eric himself transformed into a Centaur seeing as there would be far too many people for just one.

@Kayzo @ThatSideCharacter
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Mikado Saris - Dungeon

Her gaze drifted from Lysander to the newcomer behind him. While she recognized the man from the group, and while Valken seemed to know him she did not. As such she remained quiet. Of all the people who could have chased after them why'd it have to be some stranger. Nevertheless she knew he was on their side and lowered her cannon to aim at the ground. She glanced over at Lysander, noting his caution. She knew all too well how reclusive the guy was so he was probably feeling as uneasy around Noah as she was. At the mention of another trap she turned slightly to look over her shoulder, peering down the debris-strewn corridor. While she couldn't see anything she had noticed the rumbling and couldn't help but agree with Lysander. This place had entirely too many traps, how Grimoire Heart comes and goes with all these traps is probably the single biggest question weighing on her mind at the moment.

While delayed by Noah's interruption her smirk returned as she heard praise come from her companion. She wasn't good for anything unless it involved chaos, destruction, and general mayhem so it was always nice to be praised for the one skill she did possess. At the mention of continuing on she gave a small nod as her weapon dissipated into a flurry of particles that slowly drifted upwards and vanished from existence. She began down the corridor when she heard Lysander question the newcomer. Without even bothering to stop she simply looked over her shoulder. "He was with the group. Valken knows him, apparently."

With her debrief concluded she turned her gaze back forward. This place had to have more than just an endless supply of cliche traps. Regardless of how secure Grimoire Heart wanted to be you can't really have a base of operations with nothing but traps. That meant there had to be some kind of primary section, and that would be where the mages would be. With Noah drawing Lysander's attention she, as before, opted not to wait and simply went on ahead down the corridor. Unlike before, however, she was a fair bit more cautious as she kept an eye out for potential traps. As she went down the corridor she noticed a dozen arrows lodged into either side of the wall. Based on the type of trap it didn't seem like it was the one that caused the rumbling which meant only one thing. Sure enough she found signs of scorch marks in the shape of a line on the floor, ceiling, and walls as if some kind of energy door existed there. It would seem her little explosion set off a few traps.

She wasn't about to complain. Traps never were something she enjoyed dealing with. She came to a stop as she found herself too far away from the light to be able to see any further. However her stop also happened to be at a four-way junction. Looking left she saw nothing but darkness. Looking right she also saw nothing but darkness. And, of course, looking forward yielded still more darkness. Her lips curled into a slight frown as she turned to look back at her companions, calling out to them. "I don't suppose either of you have anything that would help speed up this search...?"

@Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder
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Valken Truss

Valken watched the epic cannonball Mikado smack bang hit Lysander in the back and he made a loud ouch noise together with a clique wince. Furthermore the duo just tumbled down the stairs and disappeared down a suspicious hole. Valken took a cautious step backwards with the atypical "...oops..." knowing he would probably get in trouble for that later on. He turned to Maya with a finger stretched in a, wait a minute, posture. "BEFORE you say anything, I assumed Lysander would catch her with his arms not his body, and I also didn't factor in the momentum seeing them disappear into a ditch... however splitting up forces to cover more ground probably is not a bad thing.....aaaand I'm sure they are fine...." watching Noah float on past, he called out to him. "MAKE SURE THEY LIVE ALRIGHT!! ALSO TELL LYSANDER HE NEEDS TO WORK ON HIS BASEBALL CATCH!" And with that the purple haired mage did a Alice in Wonderland and jumped down the hole.

It was only here he turned just in time to see Frosty's evil grin and his face fell. "W...what is that look for-?" But before he could protest Emmerich had already hooked a hand at his collar and his belt, hoisting the man with little problem off his feet. Now the height was not that bad, but seeing what he had done to Mikado only moments earlier, over that very very very deep pit, Valken instantly tensed up and let out a screech a few octaves higher then should have been possible. He noticed Ferra only a pace or two away, coughing before grasping her arm like a latch. "Put me down, Hulk!! I can Shadow Walk!! Besides if you take me you take her!" Physically that would not be a problem for Emmerich, however hopefully he considered the sheer logistics of it. And maybe she might object better then he had.

Still dangling by his neck and pants, there was a loud CLICK. Valken instantly tensed and eyes narrowed. CLUNK. Valken peered over his shoulder to the wall closest to them with gritted teeth "Ah shi-" TICK TICK TICK CLICK CLUNK! One more resounding metallic noise before a section of the floor the three were standing on upruptly went 90degrees and all three were sent ready or not to disappear into a fast paced chute. Ferra unfortunately dragged along with Emmerich and Valken. There journey ended as all three suddenly got cannonballed out right into a huge, bloody pile of dead bodies, parts, and all manner of human and animal waste material. Valken was the first to jump straight out of the giblet pile with a look of disgust and rage. "DAMNIT FROSTY YOUR SHENANIGAN CAUSED ME TO BE COVERED HEAD TO TOE IN... IN... FILTH! HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO BE PRINCE CHARMING AND SAVE MILLIE LOOKING LIKE THIS!" Fishing through the pile to yank up Emmerich only to throw his fist hard into his face and send him right back into the pile. "If Noah finds her first I swear to all that is Dark I will push you into the Shadow Realm and leave you there forever..."

@Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Embaga Elder @Colt556 @Huor Spinks
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Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
South Forest

View attachment 307326

Kelica was riding on Chris's Centaur-beast back, idly letting her long fingers run through the beast's mane while scratching at his scalp. She rode mostly in silence. Her mind a whirlwind of thoughts, mostly very self centred and revolved around what Chris and her were even doing. Her Fairytail Guild Mates were missing, the exact same ones who had dropped everything to search for the very blond haired girl when she went missing and it was only fortunate circumstances that meant she had arrived at the Guild Hall free of harm if not slightly disturbed mentally after being in isolation for months.

Now the very same ones were missing, Hibiki and Sora who had shown her nothing but kindness and smiles since she had joined a few weeks earlier. It was even Sora who had physically exhausted herself to heal Kelica from Chris's brutal assault during the Magnolia Festival Tournament, and now she was trapped with no way out! Kelica's hands were tightening around Chris's mane to the point she had to let her fingers slip from it incase she had taken a chunk of hair out. This stupid nonense between them was so insignificant right now, and with a final fleeting thought she let the inner turmoil completely disappear. Finally seeing a girl and boy up ahead, Kelica effortlessly slipped from Chris's back and almost before her feet had landed she was running up to whom she now recognised as Alicia, reaching down to clasp as her very small hands. Just for a moment before she crashed to her knees and scooped her up into a tight and probably half painful hug. "
Alicia?! Are you ok? The trees say you have been out here for hours.... they tried to guide you to the edge of the forest but every time a tree branch moved you ran the complete opposite way!" Drawing back enough to place her on her feet, hands on her shoulders as her eyes stared glued to her face.

Sweety... I know you probably don't want to hear this but Chris and I need to go back into that Dark Guild Dungeon... we need to get Hibiki and Sora back... did you see them in there? Are they OK?" Realising she was rushing the questions and took a deep breath. "I'm sure... Eric?" She said in a half voice as if hoping she got the gorilla take over boys name right, "can stay here with you if you want to stay here...but if you want to help us take down Grimoire Heart... then come with us! Whatever you choose we have to hurry..." eyes flicking to Chris as if to prepare him for a group leap onto his back to gallop to the hide out that Frank the Eagle would lead them back to.

@Kayzo @Kayzo @ThatSideCharacter
Terra Ashford

Terra had came up shortly after Kelica and Chris. He'd look at all them seemingly getting reunited, along with another stranger, (who he swears gave him the biggest fright seeing as how she'd jumped on top of Alicia.) Before he could reach out and say to the little girl to 'watch out', it seems they too were acquainted with each other. Seeing them group up and discuss things with each other, he couldn't help but feel as though he was the only stranger of the group. No rather, he was the only stranger of the group. And while, he wanted to suggest they start moving either back to the town or finding this hidden dungeon or base or whatever it was.

"...I guess in the city everyone just greets each like this...?" He'd mumble to himself, comparing the current events with how Chris and Kelica had just rambled on for about 10 minutes as they walked back to the group. Perhaps another 10 minutes was about to be spent with hugging and arguing. Still holding one finger up as though to raise his hand and try to cut into the conversation, his ears would twitch at the suggestion Eric made of 'needing help'.

"Okay... well if that's the case, little miss will have to lead us there?" He'd say in a question format due to the fact that he wasn't sure if the girl even knew the way back into the hideout. He'd then point towards a certain way before plugging his nose. "Or rather I've been smelling a strong odor of blood towards that direction..."
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Lysander Connell


Lysander glanced between Mikado's back as she moved forward within the darkness, then back to the strange man as he processed her words. Oh well, if Valken knew him, then he supposed it should be all right for him to join them. Though he could not help feeling rather nervous about working with strangers, he simply nodded and dropped the subject, following in Mikado's wake. While he had no doubt that Sora was probably strong enough to escape with minimal help, he still wanted to be there in case the worst case scenario happened... and as soon as possible.

He stopped short, moving to stand beside Mikado as he surveyed the branching off hallways. His heart sank. At least in a straight line they knew where to go. Here... there was a high chance that they might end up taking the wrong turn, ending up even more loss amidst the dungeon. He bent slightly, giving a wince as the notion jarred the bruises on his back, as he gazed intently at the ground with the aid of the light he was still holding. And now that he saw the differences in the paths, he could not be more grateful for Lloyd's tutoring in the tracking of beasts and humans.

"I think we should go straight," he said finally. "The stones are more smooth in that pathway. Maybe it's been used more often." That was the only clue he had, and well... if that path somehow differentiated itself by appearing to have been used more often, then he was going to seize it. They would probably still have to worry about traps, and he let out a sigh of frustration. He could not wait to just get out of this stupid hallway.

With that, he made a move forward, stepping cautiously into the hallway that he had just pointed out. He fired off another mud shot; much to his relief, all he heard was the splatter of mud against the wall. Perhaps there were no more traps. Still though, he continued to move forward cautiously, just in case.

@Colt556 @Embaga Elder
Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris - Dungeon

Her gaze drifted from Lysander to the newcomer behind him. While she recognized the man from the group, and while Valken seemed to know him she did not. As such she remained quiet. Of all the people who could have chased after them why'd it have to be some stranger. Nevertheless she knew he was on their side and lowered her cannon to aim at the ground. She glanced over at Lysander, noting his caution. She knew all too well how reclusive the guy was so he was probably feeling as uneasy around Noah as she was. At the mention of another trap she turned slightly to look over her shoulder, peering down the debris-strewn corridor. While she couldn't see anything she had noticed the rumbling and couldn't help but agree with Lysander. This place had entirely too many traps, how Grimoire Heart comes and goes with all these traps is probably the single biggest question weighing on her mind at the moment.

While delayed by Noah's interruption her smirk returned as she heard praise come from her companion. She wasn't good for anything unless it involved chaos, destruction, and general mayhem so it was always nice to be praised for the one skill she did possess. At the mention of continuing on she gave a small nod as her weapon dissipated into a flurry of particles that slowly drifted upwards and vanished from existence. She began down the corridor when she heard Lysander question the newcomer. Without even bothering to stop she simply looked over her shoulder. "He was with the group. Valken knows him, apparently."

With her debrief concluded she turned her gaze back forward. This place had to have more than just an endless supply of cliche traps. Regardless of how secure Grimoire Heart wanted to be you can't really have a base of operations with nothing but traps. That meant there had to be some kind of primary section, and that would be where the mages would be. With Noah drawing Lysander's attention she, as before, opted not to wait and simply went on ahead down the corridor. Unlike before, however, she was a fair bit more cautious as she kept an eye out for potential traps. As she went down the corridor she noticed a dozen arrows lodged into either side of the wall. Based on the type of trap it didn't seem like it was the one that caused the rumbling which meant only one thing. Sure enough she found signs of scorch marks in the shape of a line on the floor, ceiling, and walls as if some kind of energy door existed there. It would seem her little explosion set off a few traps.

She wasn't about to complain. Traps never were something she enjoyed dealing with. She came to a stop as she found herself too far away from the light to be able to see any further. However her stop also happened to be at a four-way junction. Looking left she saw nothing but darkness. Looking right she also saw nothing but darkness. And, of course, looking forward yielded still more darkness. Her lips curled into a slight frown as she turned to look back at her companions, calling out to them. "I don't suppose either of you have anything that would help speed up this search...?"

@Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder
Noah Cross


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/original.png.02acb8f8f9e6ec8915da91ee0233aca9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139281" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/original.png.02acb8f8f9e6ec8915da91ee0233aca9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah turned towards Lysander, noticing how he took caution towards Noah as if he was the enemy. He stepped back reaching for his gun and Noah only stepped back in response. He wasn't understanding why exactly Lysander acted as if he was the enemy. He did introduce himself to him earlier. Like she said, I was with the group and knows Valken. I introduced myself to you earlier at the entrance of the hut. The name is Noah. He places his hands behind his head relaxing as he walked forward.

He walked up towards the split in the path looking down all three corridors. Which one was the right one, which one should they choose. He looked at the left path, listening for any signs of life. Sadly all he heard was clicking and clanking. He assumed it would be another trap, so it would be safe to avoid it. Turning to the right, he heard the same thing but also a "whooshing" sound. A swinging axe maybe. Looking at the path straight ahead, so far he heard nothing, which could mean it's the correct path.

Lysander seemed to have the same idea as Noah but for his own personal reasons. He fired his mud shot, for it to only splatter against the wall. Just as he thought, no traps. Noah cautiously walked forward down the corridor.



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Kelica Zefara


Kelica was glad overall Alicia was ok, after the trees had commented to her since she awoke there was a lost little seedling and Kelica was never really a fan of anyone being scared or lost and alone. Almost the moment she let her go Mizuki appeared to tackle Alicia, making the blond eek in surprise and leap straight back into Chris's tall centaur side. Alicia mentioned Hibiki in there possibly getting tortured, which meant Sora may have been as well... and considering none had escaped save for Alicia lead her to also assume they were unable to use their powers... as such Kelica was the only healer now not taken and instantly her face became oddly stern, her whole back straightened and a weird aura just coated her entire being. "I don't care if I'm just a C-Class, I need to get there, I need to help!" She said in a strong voice, and without another word she fisted a hand into Chris's mane and practically threw herself onto his back, thighs held securely around his waist. Her whole posture screamed she was tensed and attuned to every muscle on his back, and as Frank the Eagle squarked above her, she nudged him none to gently in his sides. "Gallop. Full speed. Follow The Eagle." She said in a no nonense tone, before glancing over her shoulders. "My friend Frank already knows the way, so if you want to come you better come fast." With a huge flap of his wings the eagle was off.

@Kayzo @ThatSideCharacter @Jackaboi @Kyuubey (mention) @LeSoraAmari (mention)
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Chris Lengheart(Neigh!!)

Chris remained silent as Kelica bumped into him. As she began to seemingly contemplate, Chris just sat there and pawed at the dirt slightly with his hoof. Next thing he knew, he felt a hand clamp down on a good section of his mane before a sudden weight fell on. That was when he felt a sharp kick to his sides and a command to gallop at full speed and to follow the eagle. But before he went off, Chris reared up almost instantly just from the sheer surprise of the kick and let out a obviously upset snort. When he finally calmed down he took off. He hopped over any tree roots that were in his way and easily maneuvered around any sort of rocks that may have gotten in his way. Throughout the entire ride however, Chris had a angry look plastered on his face, at least next time Kelica could warn him. If he had bucked her off, they'd be a much worse situation.

@ThatSideCharacter @Jackaboi
Kelica - Forest < Strange Hut

The blonde girl felt the very muscles in his shoulder blades (well the horse portion at least) tense up completely before he bucked up but Kelica was so focused she barely even looked shaken. Knees tensed around his sides as her feet hooked in under his front legs, but it was the hand in his mane that ultimately acted like a rein that kept her steady.

Anyone else may have toppled or fallen, but as Kelica had ridden all kinds of forest creatures including wolves, panthers and bears since she was little she could almost feel every jolt of his body before he moved it, and adjusted accordingly. Really the girl was unmovable uptop him no matter how fast or erratic his behaviour was, and for all intents and purposes the girl should really ride those mechanical bulls for an easy few jewels. Especially when she was this focused on getting to the Dark Guild Hideout as fast as possible.

In barely any time at all, the hut sprang into view. And as they approach her only concern now was that Chris was still going a hundred miles an hour, and frankly panic flooded her face as she yanked back on his hair. "C...Chris!!! Y..you can slow down now! This beast form isn't going to fit through that door!...Chris?....CHRIS!!!"

Chris Lengheart(Rodeo!)

Chris continued to gallop, feeling the constant yanking of his mane as Kelica made him go in this direction or that. As they were finally approaching the small hut, Chris could feel his mane being yanked extremely hard. The already pissed off centaur got even more infuriated as he tossed his head back and reared up once again. But this time when he hit the ground, he went into a frenzy. Chris started bucking and snorting, swinging his lower half from left to right in an attempt to toss her off. He was done, he was getting tired of having his mane pulled and being kicked in the sides. This was more likely the beast side talking, but Chris was done being ridden around like some kind of show pony that'd just follow whatever he was told. At this point, he was sure some of his mane had already been yanked out.

Kelica - Strange Hut < Dungeon

The Forest Mage should have realised a Centaur was probably even more angry, ill-mannered and bad tempered then a normal horse, despite that she figured Chris would have enough sense to realise she had no saddle and no reins so how the hell was she supposed to direct him anyway. As much as he was getting into a frenzy, Kelica was starting to get even more infuriated. "WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!" Holding on and barely breaking a sweat. She flung out an arm and flickered her wrist sharply as her fingers curled up into a fist, there was a rumble in the Earth before giant roots from the surrounding trees suddenly burst forth from the very Earth and came at the Centaur from all sides, wrapping around his legs, and humanoid arms, tightening and restraining like a boya constrictor while she used the distraction to jump off unharmed. "I'm not letting your stupidity and anger issue endanger our friends! Not again! Either learn to control your Beast Forms or don't use them at all!"

She was fed up and with that the girl left the roots coiled about him but turned on her heel and ran straight inside the hut on her own. Not caring if he broke free, if he followed, or if he stayed there forever. Almost jogging as she skipped two steps at a time into the darkness of the dungeon.

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