Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Jackaboi said:
Eric: Forest

"This guy wants to help? Well I guess that's fine..." Eric wasn't the type to trust random people but in a dire situation like this they'll need as much help as they can get. "I'll be keeping keeping an eye on him though." He heard more shouting in the distance. He looked over to Chris who nodded at him. It looks like he's going to investigate the noise. But Eric would have to stay, he has to make sure Alicia gets back to the group safely. Nodding back, Chris started moving towards the source of the noise. "By the way Alicia where have you been? Ya had me thinking you got kidnapped like some of the other mages."

@Mitchs98 @ThatSideCharacter @Isune

Ayano Soru: The Dungeons

Well isn't this just peachy! Ayano was finally about to have a little fun until that sleeping gas enveloped the entire place. Now she has to kill her boredom by torturing all the prisoners. Don't get her wrong, torture is still fun for her, but she always did enjoy putting freedom in their reach and snatching it away right at the last moment. "(sigh...) Why does Rodwen always have to ruin the fun..." After saying that she heard footsteps behind her growing louder. Speak of the devil. Literally in this case. "You need help? What makes you require the help of a lowly subordinate like me for? She spoke sarcastically.

@Mr Swiftshots
Rodwen Kiernan

Grimoire heart


Rodwen let out a deep sigh when Ayano gave her a reply "Well you see I didn't have time to bring my torture tools from the guild hall , nor did I think I would need them. I've spent a good bit of time looking around the dungeon for some but that wasn't of any use to me at all , so what i want you to do is keep my target from bleeding out. You can do that right , your incompetence must come to an end at some point surely."

With that said and done Rodwen stood before the girl shooting her a glare that could split stones.

Ayano Soru: The Dungeons

"Incompetence? Says the one who couldn't even stop a little girl from escaping..." Rodwen shot a stare at Ayano trying to scare her. Although she wasn't even intimidated she thought it would be best to comply. So she looked her straight in the eyes without even flinching and said "Alright alright... it's not as if I have anything better to do anyway." But yet that was a lie, what she'd rather be doing is torturing Aiden for intruding on her past. If he really has dug too deep in her memories, there's no way she could let him live.
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Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru: The Dungeons

"Incompetence? Says the one who couldn't even stop a little girl from escaping..." Rodwen shot a stare at Ayano trying to scare her. Although she wasn't even intimidated she thought it would be best to comply. So she looked her straight in the eyes without even flinching and said "Alright alright... it's not as if I have anything better to do anyway." But yet that was a lie, what she'd rather be doing is torturing Aiden for intruding on her past. If he really has dug too deep in her memories, there's no way she could let him live.
@Mr Swiftshots (sry forgot to tag you)
Rodwen Kiernan

Grimoire heart


Rodwen turned her back to the girl ,when she agreed to help her, leading her down the halls and into the main dungeon. With smile Clair made her way over to Hibiki's cell and stood with her hands against the bars "Hibiki , are you feeling any better with rest ?". Rodwen spoke to the boy with a caring tone , so caring it was in fact creepy. However when she addressed Ayano her voice was much more cold and demanding "This is the one Ayano , stop him from bleeding out if I go a bit overboard".

With a grin Rodwen let her left hand and arm through the bars cupping the boys cheek as she spoke "Are you ready to be cleansed Hibiki ? It'll hurt a lot to begin with but you should go numb after your nerves die....."

@Jackaboi @LeSoraAmari @AnyoneInTheDungeon
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Isune said:
Chris Lengheart (Horse face)

Chris continued to walk until he saw Kelica run in front of him with her hands on her hips. As she went on and on about how everything in the forest was wild and how he shouldn't have pet the centaur. When she saw the cut Chris simply lowered his head slightly and watched as Kelica ran off. When she came back with some kind of leaf that was oozing. He watched carefully as Kelica did all her little movements until she reached his shoulder. Chris couldn't help but chuckle as he watched Kelica try her best to keep the leaf on him. It'd be at this point where Chris would invite Keluca onto his back, but instead he simply pointed two fingers upward as Kelica seemed to grow a few inches taller. This was because Chris made the earth around Kelica rise up more so his shoulder wouldn't be so hard to reach. When he finally decided to speak he simply talked about gis experience with this odd plant, "Kinda stings,but other than that feels pretty good. You're welcome by the way for the little platform I made so you could at least see what you're doing instead of having to stand on your tip toes."

Kelica Zefara

Follow the Yellow Leaf Road

Kelica sighed and grunted to try and stretch her arm up onto his shoulder. She really was a tiny thing compared to this beast form. Wasn't she always with his forms though? She felt a weird rumble underneath her feet and she squeeled as she was hoisted up into the air a fraction, hand still holding the leaf in place. The movement causing her whole body to crash forward right into his frame. Almost laying over his back. Though she blushed and straightened, keeping her spare hand on the middle of his back for stability as her other hand kept the leaf to his wound. "You could have given me a warning Chris...." she whispered with a furrowed brow. Glancing up to the canopy roof. "In hindsight I should have grabbed some fern leaves to bandage this up...the wound will only heal if the gel stays on, and I don't plan on staying here forever..."
Chris Lengheart(Oh for the love of)

Chris watched as Kelica tried to keep herself up right before she basically fell onto him. He let out a sigh as she mentioned she couldn't stay in place forever before an idea came to him. Chris reached over and wrapped his arm around Kelica before tossing her onto his back. He looked back at her and said,"Then you can stay back there. I'm sure you've ridden a horse before." before starting to walk down the path again. He was waiting for Kelica to start screaming her objections once again, but at least this way Chris saved some magic and Kelica got to ride on his back. Hopefully she didn't freak out and start kicking his sides or yanking on his mane.

Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris - Forest

She turned to her side slightly, looking over as their lead suddenly let out an ear-piercing scream and then promptly started berating the purple-haired mage. Making sure it was nothing serious she lowered her arms, shoving her hands into the pockets of her jacket as she turned her attention back to the now-rescued Valken. Try as he might, or not very hard given the mumbling, she was able to pick up on his displeasure at her reaction to him getting stuck. Honestly, what did he expect? It wasn't like she was the most physical of mages. Unless something needed to go kaboom there wasn't much she could do. Clearly her absence had made the man forgetful. She'd have to make sure to remind him of her limitations later on. Nevertheless it seemed their little band of brothers had a new target as Valken instructed them to follow after the ditz.

They didn't get far, however, before some strange wild-man leapt from the trees and tackled Kelica. She was quick to pull her hands from her jacket, blue particles of magic being drawn towards her palms before a big horseman-thing came out and rescued the damsel in distress. She closed her fists causing the particles to dissipate into thin air before promptly shoving one hand into her jacket while pulling down the rim of her cap with the other. Based on the conversation it seemed as if this was the illusive boyfriend and that meant only one thing... Her eyes narrowed as her fears were soon justified as the two quickly fell into more relationship nonsense. All the holds-up really were giving her the itch to cause a little chaos, the only thing holding her back was the fact that they needed the girl to find the missing mages.

Finally it seemed like things were moving again as Kelica said they could follow the bird, hopefully it would be a more reliable guide. She shoved her free hand into her jacket before following along after Valken. If this hut had anything to do with the kidnapping things were going to get real fun real fast. The Emmerich Fellow seemed to have the same idea, only lacking in any semblance of grace as he barreled through the foliage. She came to a stop as she stared at the path the brute created and with the faintest of tilts of her head she decided to follow that instead of the route Valken took. She arrived just in time to see Valken giving some guy in a poncho a bear-hug. The name did not slip past her, either, and so she didn't hesitate to make her way closer the 'stranger'. "I almost forgot you were here too." She peered up at Lysander from beneath her cap, a faint grin on her lips as she came to a rest beside him and Valken.

With what passed as a greeting out of the way she fell back into silence as Valken explained their situation. Soon enough Valken was working at the lock on the shed. She had her doubts that this had anything to do with the kidnappings. After all it was too exposed and vulnerable. Even if they were trying to keep a low profile surely Grimoire Heart would have done something to guard the apparent entrance to their base. She walked over towards Valken, stopping beside him as her successfully broke the lock. As the door flung open she leaned to the side slightly, looking over the interior of the shed. Right after hearing Valken mention the word 'jackpot' she laid eyes on the trap door. She looked over her shoulder back at Lysander, that same grin from earlier still plastered on her face. "Looks like we get to have an action-packed reunion." Turning her attention back to the shed she strode forth into the darkness. "Let's not keep the Princess waiting."

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Oh for the love of)

Chris watched as Kelica tried to keep herself up right before she basically fell onto him. He let out a sigh as she mentioned she couldn't stay in place forever before an idea came to him. Chris reached over and wrapped his arm around Kelica before tossing her onto his back. He looked back at her and said,"Then you can stay back there. I'm sure you've ridden a horse before." before starting to walk down the path again. He was waiting for Kelica to start screaming her objections once again, but at least this way Chris saved some magic and Kelica got to ride on his back. Hopefully she didn't freak out and start kicking his sides or yanking on his mane.

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Chris Lengheart(Good Horsey)

Chris tensed up and froze up at Kelica's touch. Obviously, Chris' entire back was a sensitive spot. The moment he felt her fingers fiddling with his mane he seemingly relaxed as his eyes stopped flicking and twitching and seemed to lower more to the sides. A small grin fell onto his face as what sounded like a neigh arose. It seemed almost as if Kelica found his weak spot and tamed him in that very moment. When Kelica started asking him whether they should follow or get Alicia he instantly snapped back to attention. Both his ears perked up as he suddenly straightened up and said,"Oh...uh...I think we should focus on Alicia." before continuing his walk to Alicia and Eric. Oh it felt so good for things to be back to normal.

Lysander Connell

Strange hallway

Lysander's face flushed red once again, this time in embarrassment, humiliation and anger, directed somewhat at Valken, but mostly at himself, at Valken's comments at his 'handiwork' on the lock, especially so at witnessing just how easily Valken broke through it. He had to admit to himself, he was more of a straight up shooter than assassin (which was why that match in the tournament hurt so much; he was supposed to be in his element then) yet he still could not help feeling rather humiliated. But that did explain why Valken was here. They were in the same boat after all; both Sora and Millie had been taken, and they were both determined to get them back. Lysander's fists clenched. Now was not the time to be immature. They had a common goal, and Sora was more than worth such minor insults.

It was then that he glimpsed some movement at the corner of his eye, and as he turned his head, his own lips quirked up in a grin. "Didn't know you were here too," he said to Mikado. It had been a while since he last laid eyes on her, but her presence cheered up up significantly. After all, she was a fellow gun mage, and perhaps this was his chance to work with her, for despite being the same class and guild they had never been in a team together. It was pretty funny how times had changed. At one point in time, it was Fairy Tail who had gun mages. Now, it was Lamia Scale.

"Heh," he let out, in reply. "I can't wait." He was just about to follow her in when he felt an arm clamp around his shoulders. Once again, instinct made him wriggle to get out of that grip. What was it with mages and physical contact these days? "Uh, good to meet you, I guess," he managed to say to the man who had introduced himself as Noah, quite winded from the unexpected grasp. Fine, so he was not quite so intimidating. It seemed to suit his purposes just fine too, all the more because it made people expect less of him. He gave a little huff at that insinuation, before nodding to the man and strolling in after Mikado.

It was dark. That was the first thing his mind processed. It smelt earthy too, stone, cold air, though not quite cold enough to make him shiver, thanks to his poncho. He could barely see anything in the dark, only the glints of his own guns reflected back at him whenever he chanced to look down. What gunslinger did not come unprepared though, and from the pouch attached to his belt, he pulled out a small match stick as well as a flint. He stuck the matchstick on the flint once, and quickly covered the matchstick with a hand before it could extinguish. With the very faint light, he set about looking for something bigger to light the match with.

Luck was with him then, and he spotted a small branch, more of a stick really. He was quite lucky it seemed. He stooped to pick up the stick and lighted it with the match, blowing out the match when he was done and dropping it to the floor, grinding it into the ground with the hell of his boot. With the faint light, he could now see somewhat better, and he realised that he was standing in what seemed to be a hallway, and a few feet away, steps leading down. Mikado was somewhere in front of him, he could see her and he joined her at the stairs, hesitating somewhat as he stared down at it.

"Well, here goes," he murmured, tentatively placing a foot down on the first step. Nothing happened, though his instincts were screaming at him to be extremely careful because for all he knew traps could be spaced out within the corridor and stairs. His nerves screamed as he went on high alert, stopping practically every second to ensure that nothing had wounded or taken his head off. And so, in this slow, painstaking way, he proceeded down the stairs.

@Zuka @Colt556 @Embaga Elder
@Jackaboi[/URL] @LeSoraAmari @AnyoneInTheDungeon
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Dungeons


The whispered voice of Hibiki pulled Sora out of her glued posture, eyes wildly darting about until they caught sight of him in a cell traversing hers.
Why hadn't she noticed him before? A sigh of relief released itself into the air as she chalked it all up to the effects of the drug they'd inhaled. Perhaps it was still in the air which only made things more strenuous in terms of breathing it in currently. His words caused a smile to once again brighten up her tense demeanor, quite pleased that he'd managed to help someone escape this place. That solidified the hope that she'd been clinging onto and now she didn't feel the need to grasp onto it so tightly. Her shoulders dropped to a more relaxed stance, petite frame crawling forward to close the space herself and the bars. Small fingers curled around them, hues slipping upwards to once again settle on Hibiki's face.

You really do surpass any expectations put on you, you know? Because of you, Hibiki, we really do have a sure shot at getting out of here and you rescued someone! " A grin nestled into place, almost smug. Grimoire Heart had made a huge mistake if they thought they could hide and contain them for much longer. " They'll be coming for us soon, I'm sure of it. " Her voice mimic'd the quieter tone that Hibiki's had held, smile speaking loudly enough for satisfaction to be felt on her part. The cuts and blood were noticed then and her face squished itself onto the cold surface of the bars to get even a fraction of a closer look, eyes wide with concern. " Are you okay? They didn't hurt you too badly did they? " She inquired, voice soft and only vaguely worried at this point. He was after-all standing and speaking quite normally so it couldn't be as bad as it looked. Even so, her instincts of complete endearment towards her friends and guild caused her to ask regardless.

Sora glanced downwards for a few moments, overwhelmed with how much she was beginning to miss those she cared for; Lysander and Maya especially. Her hands tingled at the reminiscing thoughts, recalling how warm and comforted they'd felt when within Lysander's own timid yet sound grasp. Her eyes narrowed quite suddenly then, fingers death gripping the bars almost out of an uncharacteristic spurt of anger. "
I hear Ayano rather close, that small blood controlling lunatic mage. There's someone else with her though, a woman, and it would seem they're headed this way. " Sora's tone held no emotion for once, the sheer void of it probably kicking up concern for anyone who knew her well. Honestly, the blue haired slayer didn't know how to feel currently. She surely wasn't scared or suffering from a bout of helplessness though, any fear that might've clung to her had been mentally discarded once she'd realized who had kidnapped them.

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Mr Swiftshots @Huor Spinks (mentioned) and anyone else down there

Hibiki Dreyar

-Dungeon Cells-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.e86e187754cfcdfceb981630e7f30809.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138110" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.e86e187754cfcdfceb981630e7f30809.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hibiki smiled at Sora as the blue haired girl praised him. She was obviously relieved with the idea of them actually having a solid chance to get out of here, and Hibiki knew that Alicia would do her best to find help. Sighing, Hibiki spoke "I didn't know any expectations were even placed on me, I just did what I felt was right. I couldn't let them harm a 10 year old girl. And besides, she should've found others by now so we'll be out of this crappy place in no time." A slight chuckle emmited from his mouth after he spoke, his eyes coming into direct contact with Sora's as he then continued, "But thank you, I'm glad you're okay as well."

It was then that Sora's eyes widened with evident concern as she had noticed the state he was in, the male simply nodded and in an attempt to quell her worry, spoke. "I'm fine, it's nothing too bad. And besides, for my plan to even work I had to let myself get beat up, it's all for a good cause." With yet another chuckle, the man looked away from Sora for a moment before continuing. "I'm just scared that Lyra is among the mage's coming to rescue us." Sighing for a moment, he continued. "It won't be good for her to see me in this state, she'll assume the worst and go absolutely crazy- and I don't want that. However I do hope she's with them, I guess I'm just concerned that's all." With a slight smile, Hibiki scratched his head as he then continued, "I guess I just worry too much, that's all."

It was in that moment that two voices could be heard approaching them, with footsteps filling the corridor with an eerie silence and Sora's tone becoming void with emotion, much to his worry. "The other woman with her is probably Rodwen. She's a Light God Slayer and the crazy witch I had to keep busy for Alicia to escape. She mentioned torturing me, so that's probably why they're here. No matter what, don't let yourself see what they do to me. Just know that I'll be fine." After sending a smile and a friendly wink towards Sora, Hibiki's eyes turned to slits as he looked down the corridor. And soon enough, Rodwen and Ayano arrived. With Rodwen showing apparent 'concern' for his wellbeing, the male ignored her completely as he turned away. It wasn't until she cupped his cheek that he made eye contact with her. Greeting the woman with a "Go to hell." And a look that could pierce the very heavens. "Do your worst." He said, his voice void of any emotion as he did so.

Soon enough, they would all be free. And Rodwen would be the first person he'd pulverise.

Maya Morne

-Strange Hallway-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.f449f3d525400e5aeece6cbe6181f8db.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138115" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.f449f3d525400e5aeece6cbe6181f8db.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Maya trailed behind the rest of the group unbeknownst to them and thus was the last person to make her way into the strange hut and through the corridor that it unveiled. Obviously the place would be riddled with traps, and sure enough it wasn't long before the others came to that realisation as well. Approaching behind the rest of the group, she spoke with a tone of seriousness in her voice. Which probably surprised the rest of the group as she did just appear out of the blue. "No doubt the danger of the traps will worsen as we get deeper into this complex. Wherever we are, I'm sure we're on the right track." As the woman walked, she held her hands by her side as she couldn't help but think about Sora. They obviously weren't feeding her, and what if they had harmed her in any way? the Wizard Saint couldn't help but get slightly angry at the thought, however she masked her true emotions with the serious demeanour that she so commonly held. And Millie too, Maya swore on her family name that if any harm had come to either of them, there would be a reckoning.

@Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder



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Ayano soru

Ayano would have to admit this Hibiki was certainly brave. Although that probably won't last long since she's here. "You can talk big that's for sure... but you clearly don't know how WE torture prisoners. The power to control blood is very rare among vampire's but with it I can stop anyone from bleeding out simply by covering the wound with hardened blood. That way... we could even chop off all your limbs and you'd still survive... simply left to suffer in agony pain..." She looked towards Sora's cell and gave her a glare that could even make death shudder and started softly cackling. "You realise that us putting your cell in front of your friend's wasn't a coincidence right? I hope you enjoy the show... I'd love to play with you after we're done but I'm afraid I have some business to attend to."

@LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots @Kyuubey
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Dark hallway

Kim shot a smile in Eias' direction. Sure she was a bit blinded from all of the magic signatures, but she could manage. " Oh yes, it's just my vision is a bit clouded over by everyone's magic. They're all so large, I just have to ignore it like I usually do." After her response they kept following Valken and the others to the strange hut like structure in the middle of the woods. She looked down into the ground seeing the collection of taint that was trapped under ground. " This looks like the place that we're looking for. You ready Eias?" With out a response she entered the hall way following behind the group.

Kim peered down the slightly lit hall way, no magic signatures apart form the ones from the group. She hesitated slightly as she stepped down the simple stone set of stairs. If the others didn't fall to a trap she wouldn't either, she hoped. The light of the fire only brought enough light to see a few feet in front of them
" Hold on guys I have something better then fire." Kim held out her hand, just as she did a large glowing purple mass materialized in her palm. The orb emited a strong light that bathed a larger portion infront of them. " There we go, that's a lot better.."

@Kayzo @Bolts @Mykinkaiser @Genon @Rhodus @Embaga Elder @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Forest

"This guy wants to help? Well I guess that's fine..." Eric wasn't the type to trust random people but in a dire situation like this they'll need as much help as they can get. "I'll be keeping keeping an eye on him though." He heard more shouting in the distance. He looked over to Chris who nodded at him. It looks like he's going to investigate the noise. But Eric would have to stay, he has to make sure Alicia gets back to the group safely. Nodding back, Chris started moving towards the source of the noise. "By the way Alicia where have you been? Ya had me thinking you got kidnapped like some of the other mages."

@Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo

Ferra hadn't really been paying attention to anything at all the entire walk, moreso absorbed in her own thoughts and absent-mindedly following the group. She was extremely worried about Millie and the rest and what they could possibly be doing to her and the others. She wondered if they were even feeding them, oh god that would be awful. Spending hours and hours in a cell with no food! Ferra would of more than likely joined them by now, just to get food. Maybe not that quickly..but that would definetely be how she did. Nevertheless they soon reached the hut..somehow. Ferra didn't pay attention, the only thing that brought her back to reality was smacking into the wall. "Huh..?" She mumbled, rubbing her forehead and looking very confused.

And then she saw everyone else entering the building. "
Hey wait for me!" She cried, quickly running after everyone else. "Is this where everyone is?" She asked.

(Sorry for shit post, don't have time to re-read literally everything >_<. Let me know if anything needs edits)
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purplepanda288 said:
Kim Dark hallway

Kim shot a smile in Eias' direction. Sure she was a bit blinded from all of the magic signatures, but she could manage. " Oh yes, it's just my vision is a bit clouded over by everyone's magic. They're all so large, I just have to ignore it like I usually do." After her response they kept following Valken and the others to the strange hut like structure in the middle of the woods. She looked down into the ground seeing the collection of taint that was trapped under ground. " This looks like the place that we're looking for. You ready Eias?" With out a response she entered the hall way following behind the group.

Kim peered down the slightly lit hall way, no magic signatures apart form the ones from the group. She hesitated slightly as she stepped down the simple stone set of stairs. If the others didn't fall to a trap she wouldn't either, she hoped. The light of the fire only brought enough light to see a few feet in front of them
" Hold on guys I have something better then fire." Kim held out her hand, just as she did a large glowing purple mass materialized in her palm. The orb emited a strong light that bathed a larger portion infront of them. " There we go, that's a lot better.."

@Kayzo @Bolts @Mykinkaiser @Genon @Rhodus @Embaga Elder @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari

-Ryu Miyamoto (Half-Gokasai)-

>>Mysterious Hallway<<


Ryu was continuing to become more and more exasperated with the other members of the impromptu rescue squad. First the two love birds insisted on reevaluating their entire relationship, and then Valken had wasted even more time bringing another Mage up to speed. For the amount of fuss he had made earlier, Valken sure was wasting a lot of time. The redhead breathed a sigh of relief as the shadow Mage finally began to pick the lock. "About damn time," he muttered bitterly with a roll of his eyes. Normally, he wouldn't have been this far into his old personality, but Valken's "motorhead" comment had struck a nerve. He supposed it was for the best, seeing as they would probably be entering combat in the near future. Kim's comment about "something better than fire" didn't exactly help much either. Ryu took great pride in his magic, and so when others mocked or belittled fire, he had a tendency to get defensive. "That's a matter of opinion"He replied coldly, creating a small, bright Crimson flame in the palm of his hand.

@Kayzo @Bolts @Mykinkaiser @Genon @Embaga Elder @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari @Zuka

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Dungeon cells

A strong wave of nausea passed over Aiden once again, acid forced its way up making him regenerate all of the contents of his stomach. Over the period of four hours his magic slowly had begun to recharge, not that it was any use in his current state. He forcefully tried to pry his arms from their restraints to no of avil. " Fuck me! I can't get loose!" He kept struggling till he heard a familiar voice. " Ashley? Ashely! I'm here, The cell next to you! I'm chained up and can't move my arms." He whaled out, of course this was more of a scream then anything else. This would most likely attract the vampire, to him this starting his punishment.

@Britt-21 @Jackaboi
Eric: The Forest

Alicia caught Eric by surprise. "Y-you really were kidnapped!?" He clenched his fists in anger. "How dare those bastards try and capture one of my guildmates..." There's no wonder Eric was angry with hearing that kind of news. Sabertooth was the only family he had left in this world, there's no way he was going to let Grimoire Heart off that easily, or anything for that matter. But he needs to calm himself down after all Alicia was freed from their clutches. Who was it that saved her? Hibiki of Fairy Tail? He'd hate to be indebted to those Fairies so he'd better go repay the favour. Eric was snapped back into reality when Alicia began pulling him suggesting we go see what Terra found. He simply nodded and started walking. "Hey Alicia? Just to make sure... Did those dark mages do anything bad to you? Because if they did... I'll be sure to pay them back ten times over."

@Mitchs98 @ThatSideCharacter @LeSoraAmari (mentioned) @Isune @Zuka
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Isune said:
Chris Lengheart (Wait! I'm sorry Kelica!)

Chris continued to walk to the group as he heard many familiar voices. He was about to wave over when that guy from earlier came running in like a wild man and tried to apprehend Kelica! Chris quickly galloped over as he pryed the man off of Keluca and basically tossed him to the side as he took on a defensive posture. His arm was around Kelica as he eyes pierced the man like daggers. Chris looked back to Kelica as he ran a hand through her hair as he asked, "Are you okay? Are you hurt at all. Look Kelica...I'm sorry. It was my fault for even wanting a dragon form in the first place. I was thinking selfishly and expected you to get over your fears. I went way too fast and way too high. You were in the right to be mad at me, but I had no reason to hit you. I mean, look at me! I'm huge! I just hope that you can forgive me. Every alpha needs a mate, right?"

@Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo

Ferra hadn't really been paying attention to anything at all the entire walk, moreso absorbed in her own thoughts and absent-mindedly following the group. She was extremely worried about Millie and the rest and what they could possibly be doing to her and the others. She wondered if they were even feeding them, oh god that would be awful. Spending hours and hours in a cell with no food! Ferra would of more than likely joined them by now, just to get food. Maybe not that quickly..but that would definetely be how she did. Nevertheless they soon reached the hut..somehow. Ferra didn't pay attention, the only thing that brought her back to reality was smacking into the wall. "
Huh..?" She mumbled, rubbing her forehead and looking very confused.

And then she saw everyone else entering the building. "
Hey wait for me!" She cried, quickly running after everyone else. "Is this where everyone is?" She asked.

(Sorry for shit post, don't have time to re-read literally everything >_<. Let me know if anything needs edits)

Jackaboi said:

Eric: The Forest

Alicia caught Eric by surprise. "Y-you really were kidnapped!?" He clenched his fists in anger. "How dare those bastards try and capture one of my guildmates..." There's no wonder Eric was angry with hearing that kind of news. Sabertooth was the only family he had left in this world, there's no way he was going to let Grimoire Heart off that easily, or anything for that matter. But he needs to calm himself down after all Alicia was freed from their clutches. Who was it that saved her? Hibiki of Fairy Tail? He'd hate to be indebted to those Fairies so he'd better go repay the favour. Eric was snapped back into reality when Alicia began pulling him suggesting we go see what Terra found. He simply nodded and started walking. "Hey Alicia? Just to make sure... Did those dark mages do anything bad to you? Because if they did... I'll be sure to pay them back ten times over."

@Mitchs98 @ThatSideCharacter @LeSoraAmari (mentioned) @Isune @Zuka

Terra Ashford

After being tossed aside by the centaur, he'd roll over on the ground with a little yelp of pain. He'd slowly get up noting the fact the centaur was no glaring daggers at him. Clearly this woman wasn't the enemy. Sinking back a bit feeling slightly ashamed of himself, he'd bow slightly in apology to the woman. Just when he thought Girmoire Heart had came to attack them, it was in fact simply the rescue party that were probably going to take on said dark guild. He'd keep his head down while apologizing to the two, "
Uh... Sorry... I got a little edgy... with a dark guild involved and all..."

He'd trot behind the two individuals as they talked back in forth, seemingly ignoring his presence. And judge from how they were exchanging conversation he didn't really wanna be part of this lover's quarrel. He was still busy reflecting on his action.
Lysander Connell

Strange Hallway

Lysander was rather surprised as he watched Mikado charge on ahead. He had been expecting traps, so he had moved on as cautiously as he could. Perhaps it was rather foolish of him to do so, but he did not quite want to be left behind, so he sped up as well. And sure enough, he soon saw the wake of destruction those traps had caused. By that time, he was rather worried about Mikado, so it was with great relief that he spotted her a few feet away. standing at the edge of what seemed to be a broken hallway. Except, when he looked down, he had to repress a shudder. That... looked like it would hurt significantly.

When Mikado retraced her steps, Lysander remained at the edge of the pit, staring down at it. From what he could see, the hallway resumed quite a fair distance away, too far for him to jump. If Lloyd was here, there would be no issue; the guy could probably shoot something across and form a bridge for them to cross, but he was not Lloyd. But shooting something across... maybe he could do something. He was not quite sure if this would work but he had to try at least. Fortunately for Lysander, he was used to travelling by himself and hence, had learnt to carry about his person a wide variety of items that would help him to get through obstacles. This was one he had never had to pass through before, but he had had to travel past gaps of similar length.

He pulled out a bullet and loaded it into his gun, then shot it upwards, aiming at the ceiling above the center of the pit. Much to his relief, he heard the sounds of the bullet striking a wall, followed by a slight drilling sound, indicating that the grappling hook within the bullet was drilling itself into the wall. Next, he made a loop with the rope and threw it in the same direction. He had to do this twice, because the area above him was in darkness... he could not even see the hook. But third times' the charm and at his third attempt, the loop caught in the grappling hook. He pulled hard on the rope to ensure that it was secure first, before moving back a few feet, grabbing at the rope with both hands, and swinging across the pit. He landed some distance away on both feet, his heart shuddering with relief that the rope had been strong enough to carry him through.

He was light, and this method worked for him, but now he could not help wondering how the others would be able to get across, since he was rather slight. No doubt they, especially Valken, had their own ways of getting across. He was, however, loath to leave the rope behind because it was the only one he had. He took a few steps forward, hoping that the next obstacle would not require a rope to get through. Perhaps one of the others might return him the rope. Hopefully.

purplepanda288 said:
Aiden and Shen Back in the spirit world Shen was taking a nice little rest, that is until Aidren summoned him to earth land. Following the bell sound Shen stood infront of his temporary master. He slightly bowed down to show a small amount of respect for him. " Ayano? She has some dark memories Up in that head of hers." In a puff of smoke Shen began his transformation. After the smoke cleared the small vampire named Ayano stood there. " Ugh this body make me sick... Let's see what direction this is in." With a small moment of thought he pointed in a seemingly random direction for them to follow. " She's right, the guy is in the middle of the forest. From what I can remember there's a path leading deeper into the forest. Lots of twists and turns mabye even traps. It's a long way from here so I suggest we start walking. Is there any thing else you would like me to do?" He turned to the group again slightly staring at Kim for a few seconds.

A metallic taste invaded Aidens nose, small amounts of bile creeped its way up from his stomach. Pain radiated throughout his entire being, a side effect of casting such a spell with little magic left. The drug still made his head spin, making the entire situation he was in worsen. He tried moving, only to find that he was bound to the wall with chains. The rattling of said chains would help alert the others that he was still alive, but that wasn't enough he needed to speak. At first his voice was raspy and course, nothing eligible could be read from his tone. Again he tried ,this time he was able to speak a bit more clearly.
" Is anyone awake?"

@Kayzo @Britt-21
At Adrian's request, Shen guided him to the location of Grimoire Heart's base. (OOC: If anyone wants to follow him, just say you did so.). Coming across the wooden shack, he thanked Shen for the advice and dismissed him. He did have a question he wanted to ask the spirit at some point, but now really wasn't the time. Besides, he could just as easily ask Lavender's spirits once all of this was over (@Britt-21 OOC: The question is, "What do Celestial Spirits get out of working for humans?" so you can just as easily use my theory from our side thread or come up with an answer on your own.). The door was ajar. So, looks like we're late. Well, guess I might as well get some action myself. I just hope Valken and the others haven't taken most of them out already! he thought with a smirk as he walked through the open door. Charging a weak arcane ray in his open palm, he held it out as in impromptu light source. Heading inwards, he soon bumped into Valken, Ryu, Lysander, Kim, and the others.

"Hey everyone. So, Valken," Adrian said as the purple light illuminated his face, "Since it's so dark in here, why not use your shadow-walking to scout ahead so we don't walk into a trap or a whole bunch of guards?"

@Kayzo @Zuka
Valken Truss

Dungeon Corridor

The tall Shadow Mage watched Lysander move into the building alongside Mikado, making his own light source. The two gun mages continuing on through the darkness down the stairs and coming before a long corridor. Keeping a pace or two behind them, so as Lysander's new torch wasn't directly in his vision, his purple eyes soon accustomed to the pitch blackness of the corridor. The darkness and coldness seeping from the stone walls making him grin in a happy way, taking a deep, calming breath outwards. While others may have flinched, got scared, or shivers, Valken looked the completely opposite and almost alive. It even seemed as if the darkness surrounding his body was a pitch or two blacker, making him almost unseen, and his eyes had anyone actually been focusing on him almost seemed to glow a faint purple.

He watched Mikado walk forward through the corridor with seemingly zero f##ks given, and at this point he simply raised his hands in the air in an aspirated fashion. Click. Landmine. Click. lazer. Click Spiked pit. When she turned back to face them all to inform them of said traps, the ones he knew would be dotted around and had only warned them of moments earlier, he pinched the bridge of his nose in despair. As Lysander made a grappling hook and a way to get across the spiked pit, Valken glanced as the little gathering group of mages all appeared around him with their own separate light sources, some purple ball thing (Kim), another a fire ball (Ryu), even Adrian's arcane ray. He practically winced as he avoided looking to them, his eyes were super sensitive allowing him to see practically unhindered in the darkness. Therefore, these random flicking light sources were painful.

When Adrian spoke to him about the Shadow Walk and disarming the traps, he threw his hands up in the air, talking loud enough that it traveled down the hallway to Mikado's position. "I KNOW RIGHT? Because clearly the Rogue, you know, the one trained and practiced in disarming traps, moving and being unseen and unheard, is clearly supposed to be behind the Ranger's. You know, the one's with the ranged weapons. Who should be the first ones.... rather then behind.... do you all never play Adventure games? Oh my Fiore...." He muttered finally. He pondered for a moment before he gave a soft grin and threw his hands behind his head as he shouted out to Mikado and Lysander. "Nah Nah, I'm sure you both can handle the traps yourselves now... just watch out for swinging Axe's from the roof triggered from Trip Wires!" He looked to Adrian then. "Yeah if they get into trouble I'll be there faster then a heartbeat but for the meantime I'll let them have their little fun... No skin of my nose..." Grasping at the length of rope from Lysander's grappling hook and offering it to Maya first of all people. "Ma'am?" Knowing she could probably just float across but offering gentlemanly all the same. "As for the rest of you, you can take Lysander's rope, or I can toss you across..... I'm sure my friend Frosty can help with the good ol' toss if you wanna do it the fast way..." Grinning to Emmerich now.

It probably wasn't the worst idea for him to hang around and make sure the group as a whole was alright, as much as he desperately wanted to race ahead and leave them all to find Millie right this second, even he knew he could easily get overwhelmed, and being severely injured wouldn't help the missing mages or his Millie any which way.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
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Mikado Saris - Dungeon

She stayed next to the pit as the other mages filed down the stair-way, each fielding their own light. Her gaze followed along as Lysander approached her, watching him closely as he studied the pit and then worked to cross it. She shoved her hands in her jacket as she watched the other gun mage swing across the pitfall and land safely on the other side. There was certainly no way she was going to do that, that's for sure. A loud voice drew her attention back to the mages near the staircase. Valken's voice echoed throughout the wall-way, apparently chastising her for going on ahead. It's not like it was her fault or anything. Well, perhaps a bit. Nevertheless she could proceed no further on her own anyway. The group of mages began to make their way towards her and the pitfall, Valken being at the head of the pack as usual.

While he held out the rope Lysander used to Maya she held her gaze on him as he suggested ways across. No matter how she looked at it the options he proposed were absolutely unacceptable. She allowed her gaze to drift back to the pit and sure enough there was no way she could see to get herself across. Even if she managed to get out of the suggestions left before her she had a real bad feeling about the route she'd end up taking. With a faint sigh she turned her gaze back towards Valken. "I can't swing across on that rope and I'm not being thrown." There was a short pause as her eyes drifted downward slightly, apparently thinking over something. After only a moment she looked back up at Valken before continuing. "And I'm not doing your shadow walk again either."

@Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder @LeSoraAmari @Genon @Rhodus @Mitchs98 @purplepanda288
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Valken Truss

Spooky Scary Skeleton

Valken's eyes were drifting ahead out past Lysander, though his gaze fell down as Mikado voiced her concern. He held her gaze and his eyebrows furrowed even as she broke it momentarily to look to the floor. "Can't?....Or won't? Don't tell me you're afraid of heights...." Valken peered his head over the side of the, now he noticed very deep pit, before he made an audible gulp and glanced to the roof instead. "You know what, if you are, that's cool I won't belittle you for it... Fear of heights is pretty common I'm told..." Then he made a point of tilting his head at her. "Why not my Shadow Walk? It hasn't hurt you thus far... I think you handle it fine.." making a half frown. Why were people so nervous in the Shadow Realm? Just because the very Shadows were like an over possessive girlfriend who wanted to choke you in your sleep so they can stay with you forever?... Drag you down into the depths of pure darkness void of life and sound?... he found the thought rather comforting! Never-the-less she didn't seem to like that idea and he still wanted to keep as much magical energy as possible for later, so that only left the second option.

"Sorry, Mikado, you can hate me later... hold your cap..." at this and without a pause the Shadow Mage hooked his arms around her body, scooping her up so to speak with an arm under her knees and another at her back before he spun on a foot, tensed up and literally threw her, limbs and all, like a shotput over the pit. "LYSANDER CATCH!" Hurling her right towards the boy. With her still sailing through the air, Valken turned to the rest of the group. "So who's next?...."

@Kayzo @Talon @Mitchs98
Emmerich Faust

After Valken broke the lock, allowing access to the shed, Emmerich began to poke around. What this ultimately meant is that he entered the corridor a little later than the rest of the group and as such was behind them whilst they looked around for light and faffed about with the traps. Now, light was no problem for Emmerich as he simply lit his entire left arm on fire, creating more than enough light for himself. However, even if he hadn't had the light the man, like Valken, would not have been in the least bit scared, though for a different reason. Whereas Valken was in his element within the darkness, Emmerich found the challenge of not have his sight to rely on exciting rather than terrifying. The man loved a challenge after all.

Catching up to the group Emmerich was just in time to see Lysander fire a rope across the gap and then use it to swing across. Unfortunately, the rope, while strong enough to support the slim gun mage, it did not look to be enough to handle Emmerich's weight. That said, it didn't really matter as, looking across the width of the pit, Emmerich reckoned he could simply jump it fairly easily. In fact, he was about to do just that when he heard Valken telling Mika not to hate him, prompting Emmerich to look over as the shadow mage threw the girl bodily over the pit before turning and asking who was next, thus giving Emmerich an idea.

Turning to his friend, a mischievous grin on his face, Emmerich put a hand on his shoulder before addressing him with a simple, "You are mate." He then proceeded to pick the other man up and begin the motion to throw him over as well.

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