Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Eias Baole

Eias blushed slightly as Kim was standing close to her. She could see the shivers setting in for Kim. She wasn't sure exactly the reason for it. It could have been the small amounts of magic in the air or just the weather itself. Either way, Eias enjoyed every moment and even tried to rub Kim's arms to try and create a little more heat. Body warmth went a ways too so she also tried to side hug her from time to time while the travel permitted. Yeah, that will do it for you. She said with a bubble in front of them. I guess i'm still used to it is all since my travels. It's only been like four days. She noticed Kim's walking wavered like she was going in and out of blindness. H-hey.. you doing alright Kim? Need to sit down?

@Zuka @Mykinkaiser @purplepanda288


Valken Truss

But why is the Dark Gone?

Valken was actually surprised Noah managed to herd the pack of stand abouts around to the South Gate along with him and Mikado at the lead. "Look at you Casa-Noah! Maybe you should be a Guild Master!" Grinning heavily. He kept Mikado on his back the entire time, though at about the 3hr mark he found himself pulling into step with Emmerich, making a half grunt. "So you know, I'm a pretty fit guy... but seriously, why is this forest so damn far away!! And it's midday and the sun is up..." gesturing his head skywards like that were the reason his legs were starting to ache a little. His gaze dropping back down to Frosty who wasn't even breaking a sweat. Naturally...

"Why are none of these quests at night... you know, when it's cool... and dark... Always day time ugh..."

@Mykinkaiser @Embaga Elder @purplepanda288 @Bolts
purplepanda288 said:
Mother, Kim ,Honoka and Alice With hours of walking came lots of uncomfortable situation with the group, little comments were thrown about. Mother had left to complete another task in her home realm as soon as Alice had found the group of Mages. Kim , like the weirdo she was , stayed with Eias keeping close to her at all times. She of corse felt uneasy, mostly due to the fact that there was little flux in the air. Her vision slightly clouded over with the magic signature of the other mages. It was rather chilly, it being autumn and all. " This is what I get for wearing a dress in the middle of autumn." She held her arms close to her, trying to find some sorts of warmth.

Alice, whom was wearing a light sweater, walked near the front of the group. She hadn't spoke much other than a few greetings to the others, but other than that she hasn't spoken. Multiple battle situations popped in and out of her head, with what she could gather the hostages were kept in close quarters cells. Leaving her with a few options for her weapons, her blade would be the one that would suffice in most of the situations.
" Kelica, can you start leading the way. We must hurry, by what I can gather this will take lots of time to find them."

Honks had absolutely no idea how this escalated so quickly, last thing she knew was that she was in her home with Don Haruhi and Raa. But low and behold she was knocked out, dragged out of her home by Haruhi and her wife. Of course she pulled the large Phoenix slayer with them, but not after she made him change clothes to something more desirable. As they approached the guild hall they found out the kidnappings by some odd women with purple hair (*^*) and directed them to the train station. And now they stood at the edge of the woods. She turned to Haruhi raa and Don " How in the name of fuck did we end up wrapped up in this?!" She threw her arms in the air, waving them like a mad man(woman)*.

@Kayzo @Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Bolts @Genon @Refaulted (Who else?!)
Listening to what Alice was saying, Adrian had a much simpler solution. Taking Shen's key out of his coat pocket, he held it up and waved it slightly. "Or, instead of searching the old-fashioned way," he said, "I can just ask Shen. He's got a Grimoire Heart member's memories, he knows the way."

Adrian waved the key in an arc, saying, "Open! Gate of the Snake, Shen!" The same door from four hours ago appeared, and with a football's ding, the snake spirit appeared.

Adrian turned to Shen and said, "Hello, Shen. We've tracked Aiden and the other missing mages to this forest, but we need your help to find the base proper. Can you transform into Ayano and lead us to the base?"

@Zuka @purplepanda288
ThatSideCharacter said:
Terra Ashford (in the forest)

In that same forest, a young man had been wandering around aimlessly. At first glance, he had a rough look to him. His eyes looked like they were glaring constantly, he had a few cuts, and messy hair. In his teeth looked like some kind of cigarette as smoke would slowly rise at the end of it. He'd continue his walk making crunching noises with each step before stopping and noting a blue haired 'something' in the thick of the trees and bushes. He'd start approaching the 'something' before realizing it was a person, a child in fact. Standing in front of the girl, he gave a grin that looked quite sinister before asking the girl in a very hoarse voice, "Are you lost?"

Despite how much of a criminal he looked currently, each of these things could be explained. First off, Terra had actually planned to arrive to Magnolia by train. Though that being said, it had been his first time ever riding one, so when he was stopped at a station, he figured it was the end of the railway (instead of actually staying on board). By this point, he'd been on foot and he'd been stopping by various shops in the town to get some supplies making him very susceptible to being robbed by a group of highwaymen. Due to his natural glare, he'd unintentionally prove the group and cause him to drop most of what he had on him and run off into the treeline, getting various cuts and bruises while running through. He eventually lost them but ended up being lost in the forest himself. That's where he'd gotten the idea, to use his magic, to guide himself through the forest. He'd use the Wolf bone to enhance his smell to avoid the highwaymen while trying to find his way through the forest to Magnolia. After walking for quite a bit, he'd spot the blue haired girl. When realizing she was a child, he'd get quite nervous, due to his past experiences of having scared people younger than himself even without talking. Of course, he wouldn't be one to just simply abandoned the person, he'd do his best to smile, which resulted in the awkward smile and his nerves kicking in when he tried to speak.

Alicia: Forest

Alicia had gotten completely and terribly lost in the massive forest. Thus, most of the time spent the past few hours had been trying to actually get out of the forest rather than get to Magnolia. At this point she was hungry and ready to pass out from exhaustion seeing as she'd ran the majority of the time with few breaks in between. She had just sat down to rest when suddenly she heard noise. She immediately tensed, grabbed her fire beads, and stood at the ready. She wasn't sure if it was an animal, a random traveler, or someone coming to re-capture her. If it was the latter she wasn't going down without a fight. When he made his way through the bushes she surprisingly didn't attack him outright, though his very appearance and how he spoke terrified her. "I-I..U-Um..Y-Yes. I am." She stammered. "Why? A-are you with Grimoire Heart?.." She asked, somewhat lowly, ready to knock him into next week if the answer hinted at yes.
Eric: We're lost!

Eric was laid on the ground, absolutely exhausted from fighting that centaur, he was covered in cuts and bruises. In fact he was even more beat up than Chris was since he did more of the distracting work. "That thing just wouldn't give up huh?" But all's well that ends well... Chris seems satisfied now that he got a new takeover and Eric found some food for this little expedition. The centaur was tied to a tree so it couldn't get away and Chris is holding his end of the bargain. "Well... I gotta warn ya before we head back. Some of the other mages looked pretty pissed about what you did, although I guess that's just life ain't it? Gotta look your mistakes in the face and make up for them." There was another problem that Eric didn't even take into consideration though... Where the hell are they? Eric tried turning into a wolf again to try and find some kind of clue towards civilisation. But... there was nothing... "Uh... Shit... Well how do I explain this? Umm... Yeah Chris? I think we may have travelled farther than we intended."

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: ForestAlicia had gotten completely and terribly lost in the massive forest. Thus, most of the time spent the past few hours had been trying to actually get out of the forest rather than get to Magnolia. At this point she was hungry and ready to pass out from exhaustion seeing as she'd ran the majority of the time with few breaks in between. She had just sat down to rest when suddenly she heard noise. She immediately tensed, grabbed her fire beads, and stood at the ready. She wasn't sure if it was an animal, a random traveler, or someone coming to re-capture her. If it was the latter she wasn't going down without a fight. When he made his way through the bushes she surprisingly didn't attack him outright, though his very appearance and how he spoke terrified her. "I-I..U-Um..Y-Yes. I am." She stammered. "Why? A-are you with Grimoire Heart?.." She asked, somewhat lowly, ready to knock him into next week if the answer hinted at yes.
Terra Ashford

Somewhat alarmed with the girl's question he backed off a bit before trying to clear his throat. "Grimoire Heart...? You mean that dark guild I've been hearing around in the news recently..?? Oh man... do I really look like that kinda person...?" his voice still rough, though now his speech didn't really match it. Taking out the bone from his mouth, the smoke vanished from the end of it and he'd hook it on to the chain of 2 other pieces of bones that were on a keychain of some sort. His air around him seemed to change as he pointed one finger towards the girl, as to let her know to wait a moment before taking a swig of water from a canteen. "... I shouldn't have tried to talk after eating that candy..." He'd mutter to himself, though his voice was much more calm.

The candy he referred to was something he bought about a day ago which had bragged, 'With just one piece, even you too could start breathing fire like a dragon!' Of course that only meant it was really spicy. It was really an intriguing flavor, really. But that was besides the point.

"Ah to answer your question err... little miss. No, I'm not. I'm actually on my way to Magnolia." he answered, "But uh more importantly, it'd be best if you head home. Forests like these are dangerous alone. Especially someone your..." He paused a moment to stare at the girl's forehead before clicking in his own head that this girl was in a guild and a rather famous guild at that, "You're part of Sabertooth??? That means you're... a mage??? Sorry for disrespecting you ma'am!"
Chris Lengheart(Lost!?)

Chris looked at Eric and smiled as he said, "Ha, ha. Very funny, now tell me where we're going." as he turned to face the centaur. Chris couldn't help but feel bad for the guy, when you really thought about it he was just acting out of instinct. Chris turned his gaze back to The Eric as he asked, "You're not actually planning on eating him, are you? He's still half human." Chris knew Eric had to be joking. There was no way they would actually eat the centaur and there was no way they could be lost. It felt like they had only gone a few feet out. Chris was sure that if he turned around and walked for a bit he'd find the train station.

Emmerich Faust

Location: Going to Forest

@Zuka @Embaga Elder @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Colt556

Emmerich looked over at Valken as the other man starts to run next to him, grinning as he listens to the shadow mage's complaints about the time of day. "You want me to carry you again?" he asks, half joking before making his right arm begin to frost over, "Or I could cool you off if you want."

Over the last few hours as they ran Emmerich managed to calm himself down somewhat and as such he was glad that the tension between him and Valken had eased. Being entirely honest, they both fucked up. Valken shouldn't have lost control like he had, but on the other hand, Emmerich, who was supposed to be his friend, should have been more understanding. But there was time enough to worry about that later. For now he was concerned with getting the kidnapped mages back. That and, despite himself, he was getting excited. There was a fight coming and Emmerich lived for fights.
ThatSideCharacter said:
Terra Ashford

Somewhat alarmed with the girl's question he backed off a bit before trying to clear his throat. "Grimoire Heart...? You mean that dark guild I've been hearing around in the news recently..?? Oh man... do I really look like that kinda person...?" his voice still rough, though now his speech didn't really match it. Taking out the bone from his mouth, the smoke vanished from the end of it and he'd hook it on to the chain of 2 other pieces of bones that were on a keychain of some sort. His air around him seemed to change as he pointed one finger towards the girl, as to let her know to wait a moment before taking a swig of water from a canteen. "... I shouldn't have tried to talk after eating that candy..." He'd mutter to himself, though his voice was much more calm.

The candy he referred to was something he bought about a day ago which had bragged, 'With just one piece, even you too could start breathing fire like a dragon!' Of course that only meant it was really spicy. It was really an intriguing flavor, really. But that was besides the point.

"Ah to answer your question err... little miss. No, I'm not. I'm actually on my way to Magnolia." he answered, "But uh more importantly, it'd be best if you head home. Forests like these are dangerous alone. Especially someone your..." He paused a moment to stare at the girl's forehead before clicking in his own head that this girl was in a guild and a rather famous guild at that, "You're part of Sabertooth??? That means you're... a mage??? Sorry for disrespecting you ma'am!"
Alicia: Forest

Alicia nodded slowly, "
Kind of..yeah." She replied. Honestly she was a bit suspicious about anyone at this point, possibly even familiar faces. There was no telling if they'd use illusion magic to trick her or not. She watched as he did..something..with some bones, not really sure what that was about. She was still ready to attack him and run if need be, there was no way she was getting recaptured, not after Hibiki helped her escape in favor of himself. Plus she had to find Mizuki and get her to help her free the others! She was probably worried to death over her. Nevertheless she grew very much more at ease once he drank some water and his voice gained some normalcy. He confirmed he wasn't a part of Grimoire Heart, she was inclined to believe him. If he had of been he would of likely just outright attacked her from behind. She sighed quietly to herself and fixed her beads back in her hair as he told her she should head home. She was going to reply, but then he freaked out and started acting all formal with her just because she was in Sabertooth. Which didn't make sense to the girl seeing as he was much older than her. Nevertheless she giggled at his panic and merely shook her head.

It's okay mister. It's nothing special, really. And as far as going home goes.." She replied, trailing off slightly. "I can't. Both because I'm lost, and I have to help my friends. I'm sorry for basically saying you were with Grimoire Heart earlier. It's just that.." She explained, trailing off more and starting to tear up. "Th-they captured me and lots of other people and had us in some cell. They were going to torture us but Hibiki helped me escape. I..I have to help them! Please help me find the rest of my friends to help them! I'll do anything!" She continued, suddenly shouting at the end and completely desprate for help. She was tired, hungry, completely lost, and freaking out the entire time. She wasn't sure what to do, and honestly the stress was getting to her at this point. What if they'd already killed the rest or they died trying to escape? What if the others had somehow found where they were and got captured to? She shook her head to herself at the thought, deciding to ignore it, all it did was make the stress worse on her. Perhaps this man would help her, they could find the others, then kick Grimoire Hearts' butt.
Eric: The Forest

For once Eric wasn't having a joke when he knew he was lost. Afterall they've been chasing a centaur for the past few hours, who knew how much ground they've covered doing so. Though he doesn't plan on staying lost so for now he might need to improvise a way back. Chris started to feel sorry for the centaur, clearly he's never tried hunting before... "Ya know... I used to be a traveller before I joined Sabertooth and food doesn't come easy on the road or the wilds. What I'm saying is I'm kinda desensitised towards hunting animals to survive. But... since you mention that the centaur is half human... It does kinda feel weird thinking about eating it." Thinking for a while Eric just thought he'd might let it go, despite his hunger.

But then Eric heard someone shouting in the distance. "Hey did you hear that? That sounded like... Alicia! Is she in trouble!?" Well no time to think now. Might as well just let the big guy go, He transformed into a cheetah, quickly cut the ropes and started running towards the source of the noise. "Follow me! The noise came from over here!" Without looking back, he raced deeper into the woods. Only to find Alicia stnding in front of some scary looking guy. "He totally means trouble." He jumped out the bushes and landed between Alicia and the stranger and growled at him. "What do you think your doing!?"

@Isune @Mitchs98 @ThatSideCharacter
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Forest
Alicia nodded slowly, "
Kind of..yeah." She replied. Honestly she was a bit suspicious about anyone at this point, possibly even familiar faces. There was no telling if they'd use illusion magic to trick her or not. She watched as he did..something..with some bones, not really sure what that was about. She was still ready to attack him and run if need be, there was no way she was getting recaptured, not after Hibiki helped her escape in favor of himself. Plus she had to find Mizuki and get her to help her free the others! She was probably worried to death over her. Nevertheless she grew very much more at ease once he drank some water and his voice gained some normalcy. He confirmed he wasn't a part of Grimoire Heart, she was inclined to believe him. If he had of been he would of likely just outright attacked her from behind. She sighed quietly to herself and fixed her beads back in her hair as he told her she should head home. She was going to reply, but then he freaked out and started acting all formal with her just because she was in Sabertooth. Which didn't make sense to the girl seeing as he was much older than her. Nevertheless she giggled at his panic and merely shook her head.

It's okay mister. It's nothing special, really. And as far as going home goes.." She replied, trailing off slightly. "I can't. Both because I'm lost, and I have to help my friends. I'm sorry for basically saying you were with Grimoire Heart earlier. It's just that.." She explained, trailing off more and starting to tear up. "Th-they captured me and lots of other people and had us in some cell. They were going to torture us but Hibiki helped me escape. I..I have to help them! Please help me find the rest of my friends to help them! I'll do anything!" She continued, suddenly shouting at the end and completely desprate for help. She was tired, hungry, completely lost, and freaking out the entire time. She wasn't sure what to do, and honestly the stress was getting to her at this point. What if they'd already killed the rest or they died trying to escape? What if the others had somehow found where they were and got captured to? She shook her head to herself at the thought, deciding to ignore it, all it did was make the stress worse on her. Perhaps this man would help her, they could find the others, then kick Grimoire Hearts' butt.
Terra Ashford

As he listened in to the girl's conversation, the several words that came from the girl's mouth that concerned him greatly, such as 'torture' and 'captured'. Seeing the girl start to tearing up, he'd wanted to do something but frankly this was a very one-of-a-kind situation for him. So he did the only thing he could think of. Reaching out into his pocket, he placed a piece of the super spicy candy he had leftover before placing one hand on the girl's head. "Ok... I think I get the situation... Then that means if we find your friends, they'll be able to help the captured people, right? And from the sounds of it, you guys were captured for a few hours so logically speaking someone should be nearby looking out for you." He tried saying in a calm manner. Projecting confidence was it? Having confidence was the way you do things when you speak with someone, he had read somewhere. He continued speaking as he pat the girl's head "If your friends were looking for someone, would they have someone that could fly? If so... I think I had a flare in my backpack we could use... all of my stuff... was left behind... err... no leaving that aside."

'I don't have anything that could be used as a signal...' He thought to himself, 'Time is of the essence was it... then perhaps we search those friends of hers..'

Okay... If we can't use a flare then I'll just sniff out where your friends might be... since its such a thick forest... there probably aren't very many humans around normally..."

Once again, taking the bone in his hand and putting it between his teeth he began to invoke his magic. The air around him slowly changing, smoke started rising once again at the end of the bone.

Bone Memory: Wolf

Taking in the scents around him, he began sniffing around to find the smell of anything human related besides the people here now. Perhaps a ketchup stain, B.O., anything and sure enough he caught a
whiff of something. Turning his head towards the smell he'd sniff a few more times to confirm it wasn't something within the natural forest. "Okay.. I think I caught the scent of someone that way... Err.. don't be alarmed by the bone.. it's just part of my magic.. But rather let's be quick on our fee-" He'd stop himself at the sight of a cheetah. A talking cheetah to be exact, "Err.. are these the friends you speak of, little miss?"

Hearing the cheetah suddenly accusing him as though he did something wrong, he slump forward in a bit of a depressed state. "Do... Do I really look that evil...?" He mumbled to himself.

@Jackaboi @Mitchs98 @Isune

Sora Marvell - Dungeons


A ragged breath pushed past Sora's lips to scatter bits of dirt into the air, her eyes slowly slipping open to watch it fall back into place upon the ground. Everything was hazy and felt out of place; her thoughts, her body, her eyesight, even her breath. It was all sluggish and the young woman didn't feel like control was something that any part of her could grasp and reclaim. And so she laid there, hues slowly honing in to fixate on the bars that stood like armed impenetrable guards before her. Will I ever escape this place? It would seem the previous group had all been separated from one another. Grimoire Heart wasn't taking any more chances from the looks of it.

Another small noise was heard as her petite frame went through the motions of rolling over, back now firmly resting against the uncomfortably dirty and frigid ground. Blue hair splayed out like a disheveled sheet, the strands bringing colour to the dull lifeless brown that peeked through them. Her pale skin was blotched with scrapes and various cuts, to how they got there she was unsure, but they pulsed and stung from time to time to give her a grim reminder of the situation at hand. Slowly a hand found its way into her vision, fingers spreading apart as she stared through them towards the ceiling, almost as if reaching for the sky that she knew must be overhead past the claustrophobic walls of this cavern. That hand lowered to rest upon her chest, fingers curling into the material of her shirt as her head tilted towards the side to listen for any sign of the others.

She had half a mind to call out for Hibiki, to ensure his safety, but she'd hoped he had managed to make it out with that smaller girl from Sabertooth. Lysander found his way into her thoughts, which only seemed to illicit a small smile to tug at her lips in response. At least he was out there and safe with the others, like Maya, and not trapped down here, wherever 'here' truly was. Sora felt a warm trickling sensation trailing down her forehead and her fingers went to investigate, being met with a wetness that could only be blood. "
Thanks for tossing me so gently in here. " She mumbled quite loudly in a slightly sarcastic tone, dabbing at the source and flinching at the burning that followed. If only I could just heal myself, she thought rather frustratingly, eyes closing from the overwhelming feeling.

Being cut off from her magic almost made her feel naked, it was a part of who she was, and it was just... out of reach now. It was crueler than torture. Skilled fingers ripped at her clothes, deciding to deal with this the traditional way as she lifted her head and tied the material about the entirety of it. A hefty tug gave it enough pressure and her small frame rose up into a sitting position, wobbling slightly from the after effects of the sleeping drugs, hands steadying themselves before her on the ground so she didn't topple back over.
" Now we wait, I suppose. " Her eyes narrowed with a defiant determination as she spoke, sliding over to glue themselves on the cell doors. The dragon slayer was hoping Ayano would show her smug little childish face; Sora had a bone to pick with her.

@Britt-21 @Kazehana @purplepanda288 @wyatt @whomever else in dungeons
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Chris Lengheart(Hey, it does work)

Chris galloped behind Eric as they arrived he hid behind the tall bushes much like the centaur had. It really did work, being that whoever looked his way only saw part of a horse's head. Chris could see everything that was happening, but he was much harder to spot. He didn't pop out like Eric did, but continued to hide in case he needed to pop out as well. In case anything went wrong, Chris could easily pop out.

@Jackaboi @Mitchs98 @ThatSideCharacter
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
But why is the Dark Gone?

Valken was actually surprised Noah managed to herd the pack of stand abouts around to the South Gate along with him and Mikado at the lead. "Look at you Casa-Noah! Maybe you should be a Guild Master!" Grinning heavily. He kept Mikado on his back the entire time, though at about the 3hr mark he found himself pulling into step with Emmerich, making a half grunt. "So you know, I'm a pretty fit guy... but seriously, why is this forest so damn far away!! And it's midday and the sun is up..." gesturing his head skywards like that were the reason his legs were starting to ache a little. His gaze dropping back down to Frosty who wasn't even breaking a sweat. Naturally...

"Why are none of these quests at night... you know, when it's cool... and dark... Always day time ugh..."

@Mykinkaiser @Embaga Elder @purplepanda288 @Bolts
Mikado Saris - Outside Magnolia City: Last March of the Wizards

As everyone hovered over the bimbo it became more and more obvious they should have just gone to search the good old fashioned way instead of chasing after some fake dragon. Even Valken was getting tired of the nonsense and was about ready to resume their back-up plan when Noah took charge. Yet another face she didn't recognize, but based on Valken's response it seemed the two knew each other. Regardless it seemed like they'd finally be getting underway as they began their trek towards the south. The trip was, by no means, a short one as the group seemed to walk for hours. Fortunately for her she had her own personal taxi so the journey wasn't all that bad. Of course, why they didn't just take a cart or something baffled her but at least they were on the move and doing something. Until some action started there wasn't exactly much of anything for her to do other than try to occupy herself with inane games. Even then i seemed as if this forest was entirely too far away. "How much longer do you think it'll take us to get to this forest?"

@Zuka @Mykinkaiser
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Valken Truss -

Merry Men Indeed

Valken made a face as Emmerich offered him another ride, rolling his eyes. "Like it wasn't weird enough the first time... you keep saying stuff like that people are going to start to think we are ga-"

His purple eyes widened as he finally saw the outline of the forest and made a huge outward breath as he sprinted towards it. He glanced over his shoulder to Mikado as they came in under the shade of the trees, stretching his arms wide and unceremoniously shaking his Mikado ride off like a wet dog. "Here before you knew it eh Mikado?" Gaze drifting behind his shoulder to see the rag tag of mages left and narrowing his eyes. Adrian seemed to be summoning... some celestrial spirit, Kelica was... well passed out on Noah's back, and the rest looked tired and worn out. Except for Frosty who only seemed to get more excited as they progressed. Valken rub his hand down the front of his face in an asperated fashion, they were pretty much all doomed at this point but hell if he let that stop him trying to get Millie.

"If I can use Shadow Walk I can get around this Forest in no time at all..." peering to the ground and grinning as his very feet started to slip. However he only got to his waist before he made a completely bewilded face, twisting around with a frown. "What the-" looking to the shadows on the ground that had only taken half his body before looking to the dappled light and broken shadow cast from the Forest Canopy. "Just Peachy!" He yelled out suddenly as his hands pushed down on the ground around, with a curse or two, as he looked like someone had buried him there. "FROSTY! MIKADO! One of you pull me out please.... the Shadows here are made from Moving Objects, they shift and change too frequently plus break before I can travel anywhere.... so.... ah... a little help, Please?" Frowning even as he said it. Already hating the Forest after moments being in here.

@Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Genon @Embaga Elder @Bolts @purplepanda288
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Emmerich Faust

Location: Going to Forest

@Zuka @Embaga Elder @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Colt556

Think we're what? Emmerich wonders but before he has the chance to vocalize the question Valken had already begun to sprint off towards the forest. Shrugging, Emmerich sped up to follow him.

Once in the forest the blond man looked around, taking in the foliage. It reminded him of the forests surrounding his home back when he was younger. He had spent a lot of time in those forests, training and working to perfect his magic. His mind wanders for a second as he wonders how the village was doing. He hoped they were doing well. Before he can get too far into that train of thought he's pulled out of his musings at the sound of Valken's voice. He lets out a short laugh as he walks over and, reaching down with one arm, hauls the other man up and out by the back of his collar to set him firmly on the ground. He then looks at Valken, his expression becoming more serious. "So, what's the plan 'ere? Wake up Kelica and have her search up the fuckers?" he asks, pulling a cigarette out and lighting it with a snap of his fingers.
Zuka said:
Valken Truss -
Merry Men Indeed

Valken made a face as Emmerich offered him another ride, rolling his eyes. "Like it wasn't weird enough the first time... you keep saying stuff like that people are going to start to think we are ga-"

His purple eyes widened as he finally saw the outline of the forest and made a huge outward breath as he sprinted towards it. He glanced over his shoulder to Mikado as they came in under the shade of the trees, stretching his arms wide and unceremoniously shaking his Mikado ride off like a wet dog. "Here before you knew it eh Mikado?" Gaze drifting behind his shoulder to see the rag tag of mages left and narrowing his eyes. Adrian seemed to be summoning... some celestrial spirit, Kelica was... well passed out on Noah's back, and the rest looked tired and worn out. Except for Frosty who only seemed to get more excited as they progressed. Valken rub his hand down the front of his face in an asperated fashion, they were pretty much all doomed at this point but hell if he let that stop him trying to get Millie.

"If I can use Shadow Walk I can get around this Forest in no time at all..." peering to the ground and grinning as his very feet started to slip. However he only got to his waist before he made a completely bewilded face, twisting around with a frown. "What the-" looking to the shadows on the ground that had only taken half his body before looking to the dappled light and broken shadow cast from the Forest Canopy. "Just Peachy!" He yelled out suddenly as his hands pushed down on the ground around, with a curse or two, as he looked like someone had buried him there. "FROSTY! MIKADO! One of you pull me out please.... the Shadows here are made from Moving Objects, they shift and change too frequently plus break before I can travel anywhere.... so.... ah... a little help, Please?" Frowning even as he said it. Already hating the Forest after moments being in here.

@Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Genon @Embaga Elder @Bolts @purplepanda288
Mikado Saris - Forest

The sudden increase in speed drew her attention forward to see the rapidly approaching treeline. About time they reached their destination, now they just have to learn that the princess is in another forest so their day of wasted time can be complete. Upon reaching the treeline and taking cover in the shadows provided, Valken was quick to cut her loose as he stretched his arms. She was quick to react as she hopped off, not about to be dropped like a bag of luggage. She followed Valken's example and stretched her own limbs. Having been sat upon his back for hours now her legs and arms were more than a little tired, although it beat walking by a long shot. While she stretched she followed Valken's gaze to the group of mages that accompanied them. She had no idea how useful any of them would be in a fight, or at all really, but she hoped they would be of some use in locating the missing mages.

Her attention was drawn back to the shadow mage as he made mention of moving swiftly throughout the forest. His grin soon vanished as he came to a halt in the shadows, seemingly upset over something. Soon enough the man elaborated on his plight and she couldn't help but give him a rather blank stare. If shadows caused by moving objects were an issue why'd he try to go into them in the first place? After a few moments she raised her arms, resting her hands behind her head as she turned her back on the man. "Unless you want me to shoot something there's nothing I can do."

@Zuka @Mykinkaiser
Noah Cross

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/MAGI-.The.Labyrinth.of.Magic.full.1947853.jpg.91caf074904f78eb19d005aa0191fe05.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137421" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/MAGI-.The.Labyrinth.of.Magic.full.1947853.jpg.91caf074904f78eb19d005aa0191fe05.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


As he walked the forest with the group he had to make his way back up towards Valken, Faust, and Extra Agency after going to the back to pick up Kelica. He had no straight reason on why he's helping her so much. Some might say it's because of her looks, but it's really because he just wants to help. The looks is just a bonus. He stopped walking looking at Kelica, watching her sleep for a little. He broke his staring and looks up. I guess I'll be the one to get the ariel view. He adjusted his grip, making sure he has her securely. He started floating into the air, looking down onto the forest. Looking down he could see Emmerich pulling Valken out of the ground. He laughed softly then started thinking why exactly was he in there. He must've been trying to find the hideout and it didn't quiet turn out right. At least he's trying something too. But sadly we don't have time for trying we need to know. He spoke to himself then looked at Kelica. Alright Kelica it's time to wake up. As he tried waking her up he descended back down to the ground landing next towards Emmerich, Valken, and Mikado. I'm trying to wake her up now. We gotta hurry and get the other mages back. He looks at Kelica again. Sorry about this. He pinched Kelica's thigh releasing a very small jolt of electricity through her body. Enough to wake her up with a small shock.

@Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Genon @Zuka @Bolts @purplepanda288



  • MAGI-.The.Labyrinth.of.Magic.full.1947853.jpg
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Kelica Zefara - Jungle Book

Kelica was having the most wonderful dream about riding a big, fuzzy bear and something about bear necessity before floating onto a cloud of nothingness... the wind throwing her hair making it blow in all directions. A soft smile crossing her lips as her eyes remained closed. Then she felt a small thud as her cloud... landed? Something touched her thigh and she squirmed up, burying her face tighter into that clouds neck, because yes clouds have necks, boots curling down.

She was probably half conscious at this stage, but her eyes flew open as a jolt of electricity rocked her entire frame, shoving her entire frame off Noah as her arms pushed him forward. But without the grip of her legs around his waist, she really only succeeded in pushing herself back and crashing in a heap into the ground with a very very loud, surprised scream. Right in Noah's ear as well. Noticeable random strands of her hair flying up as her skin was super charged.

After a moment and realising she wasn't in a dream anymore, she jumped up to her feet, jabbing Noah's chest with a pointy finger.

"LISTEN HERE BUDDY! It's rude to wake someone up with a gosh darn electric shock seriously did you live under a rock this entire time?!" Crossing her arms with an angry pout. Fuming and still somewhat angry she was taken from her beautiful dream, the girl only now half spun to look around to the Forest they were standing in.

Instantly she seemed to calm down, her shoulders relaxing and a beautiful smile that warms up the very soul plastered on her lips. "We.... are here then?" She said softly, her whole personality shifting now she was where she loved to be, surrounded by the forest and the creatures within. She quickly dashed over to the nearest tree as her hands reached out to splay her fingers against a tree trunk, eyes slipping closed. "Hello Old One...No, I am not normally from here... Yes, Magnolia...have...you seen anyone in these woods? Mages perhaps.. they look like me?...they feel...like energy?"

Here she was silent, obviously listening to the Tree's answer, but she turned her head and gave the group a weak smile mouthing Tree's are vvvvveeeerrryyy slow to respond... they live for centuries you see so don't understand the need to rush...

Eventually she nodded before lifting a hand to brush her very fingertips through a low hanging branch, as a loving gesture, then returned back to the group, talking so all could hear.

"The Old Tree says there is a disturbance in the ground... his and other's roots have been pushed aside... he also said there was a lost little seedling, a human girl, running through the forest. She escaped a wooden hut right in the middle of the forest...."

Kelica suddenly made a huge wolf whistle that echoed for miles, and in seconds a huge Eagle dived through the canopy of the tree to land awkwardly on his female human perch. Kelica reached up to scratch under his chin. "Long time no see Frank... this where you were hiding hey?" The bird make a loud squark as it ruffled it's flight feathers. "There is a lost girl and a hut... could you take us to both?" The eagle snapped his beak before suddenly launching and flapping his wings in a hover. He made another squark. "A centaur as well?... wait, Chris chasing a Centaur?! And some wolf boy? Are you serious?! That jackass runs off after hitting me, while I proclaim his innocence and he's off gallivanting around chasing another beast form? What Dragon form isn't good enough?! Did he forget about Sora and Hibiki missing!? I'ma break his other kneecap when I see him...."

By this stage Kelica was already stomping away towards a confused Frank who was leading them towards Alicia, Chris, Eric and another guy. Flying from tree to tree.

@Kayzo @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Isune @Jackaboi @Mitchs98 @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Genon @Rhodus
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Aiden and Shen

Back in the spirit world Shen was taking a nice little rest, that is until Aidren summoned him to earth land. Following the bell sound Shen stood infront of his temporary master. He slightly bowed down to show a small amount of respect for him. " Ayano? She has some dark memories Up in that head of hers." In a puff of smoke Shen began his transformation. After the smoke cleared the small vampire named Ayano stood there. " Ugh this body make me sick... Let's see what direction this is in." With a small moment of thought he pointed in a seemingly random direction for them to follow. " She's right, the guy is in the middle of the forest. From what I can remember there's a path leading deeper into the forest. Lots of twists and turns mabye even traps. It's a long way from here so I suggest we start walking. Is there any thing else you would like me to do?" He turned to the group again slightly staring at Kim for a few seconds.

A metallic taste invaded Aidens nose, small amounts of bile creeped its way up from his stomach. Pain radiated throughout his entire being, a side effect of casting such a spell with little magic left. The drug still made his head spin, making the entire situation he was in worsen. He tried moving, only to find that he was bound to the wall with chains. The rattling of said chains would help alert the others that he was still alive, but that wasn't enough he needed to speak. At first his voice was raspy and course, nothing eligible could be read from his tone. Again he tried ,this time he was able to speak a bit more clearly.
" Is anyone awake?"

@Kayzo @Britt\-21
Chris Lengheart(What was that?)

Chris continued to watch from the bushes until he heard a scream coming from not too far off. It may just be his new sensitive hearing, but it sounded like Kelica. Chris peeked his head out for just a moment hefore nodding at Eric and tossing his head in the direction he heard the screams from to show that he was gonna head out really quick. Chris pulled his head away and started down the direction he heard the scream from. Hopefully, everything was okay.

@Kayzo @Britt\-21

-Ryu Miyamoto (Gokasai?)-



Ryu eyed the rest of the group carefully as they entered the forest. He hardly knew any of them at all, and he sure as hell wasn't about to trust any of them. He looked over towards Noah and Kelica as he heard Kelica scream quite loudly. "Honestly," He muttered to himself with a roll of his eyes. "Neither of them has any consideration for the rest of us." He sighed and leaned up against a tree as he watched Kelica converse with the animals. "This better not take to long" He muttered coldly.

@EmbagaElder @Kayzo @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Isune @Jackaboi @Mitchs98 @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Genon @Zuka

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Ashley Hart

Ashley didnt even know what hit her. One minute she was fighting off guards, the next she was in the land of darkness. Her body laying on the cold floor as she slowly started to come to. As she slowly opened her red-colored eyes, she noticed that she was back inside a room...Possibly a cell. Once her eyes had fully opened, Ashley slowly sat up and looked ahead to see bars keeping her inside the room No way...we got caught...we're back in these cells.. the Ice Make Wizard thought to herself. "Wait..." she mumbled "Where's Aiden.." looking around the cell, he wasnt even in the same one as her. Lucky for Ashley, Aiden had spoken up, causing her to move towards the bars "Aiden? Aiden where are you?" he wasnt in a cell in front of her...then where was he?



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