Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart (What the hell!)

Chris remained silent as Kelica went on about how she could care less if Chris stayed at the farm. That was when he got a nice staff in the foot. Pain quickly flared up inside of Chris along with anger. He looked straight at Kelica as he attempted to shout out at her, "What the hell is wrong with-" he yelled but was cut off by another strike. This one nailed her straight in his kneecap. He fell onto that knee and watched as Kelica brought the thing around again to try and hit his side.

Chris snapped at that very instant. Chris caught the staff before suddenly changing to a massive bull man who let out a fierce bellow and a snort that shook his nose ring as he yanked Kelica towards him. He pryed the staff away from her and for a moment hesitated before suddenly backhanding Kelica. Chris then reverted back to normal as he preformed a partial takeover on his insides. Chris looked at the staff he was now holding and opened his mouth before ice began to form on the staff. Soon, the entire thing was frozen. That was when Chris' hand changed back to the minotaur form before smashing the frozen staff into a bunch of small fragments.

Chris then changed to his werecat form and ran off on all fours to the south. There was one thing someone could easily notice, Chris' right leg was injured. Once Chris was completely away from the train station, he laid back against a tree and was seemingly forced back into his human form. He used up too much magic. Chris was panting, trying to catch a breath. His knee felt awful and so did his foot. Chris just sat there, replaying everything Kelica had said in his head. It hurt.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Sinbad_2_Eqiups.png.0f629da42e8f80e2a6f5a8603c1dbd05.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136663" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Sinbad_2_Eqiups.png.0f629da42e8f80e2a6f5a8603c1dbd05.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Station

Noah waited in the train station for awhile. He got bored and walked around for awhile talking to cute girls just for the hell of it. Outside he looked as if he was having a normal day while on the inside he's worried about Valken, Millie, and even the Master of Lamia Scale.

He turned his head from the girl he was talking to when he heard the sound of arguing. He saw what he presumed to be a couple. The girl was somewhat familiar, and the dude was far less familiar. He walked towards them leaving the girl and realizes that the girl was in the argument was the way he saved.

As he walked closer he thought about how pretty she looked, but then his facial expression changed when she attacked him, and he retaliated. He frowned as Chris backhanded Kelica, he charged over towards Kelica as Chris ran off. Are you alright? Who was that guy? He asked while crouching down and being highly concerned about her. @Zuka



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Emmerich Faust

Location: Magnolia Train Station --> Magnolia Side Street

With: @Wyatt @femjapanriceball

Great, just... great. They were about to go into the forest to fuck shit up before a goddamn dragon cockblocked them. While Emmerich wasn't going to argue with Valken's idea of following the dragon he also wanted to get there as soon as possible. As such Emmerich runs in front of the jogging Valken and picks him up in a piggyback as well, with Mika still on the other man. Thus having formed an odd three-person piggyback tower Emmerich starts off at a much faster speed than what Valken had been moving at.

Arriving at the station, not even out of breath due to the fact that all of his magic and fighting revolve around his physical abilities, which are thus incredibly high, Emmerich lets the other two down before surveying the scene. While he sees no dragon he does catch a glimpse of a fleeing werecat. What really grabs his attention though is Noah sprinting over to a fallen girl and speaking to her. Making the assumption that the werecat had something to do with it Emmerich makes his way over, recognizing the girl as the one from earlier who had collapsed. He looks over to Noah in askance of what happened.
Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Train Station

The normally quite docile girl was seeing red and wasn't too sure why. Maybe the idea that she had disappeared away for months, alone in a dark void, ripped from everyone she loved... and yet no one had saved her. Had she a clear mind she might have seen the time difference, only gone a night in the real world... Then the Dragon then Chris' form then that shadow whatever guy trying to take her.... Or she might have been at breaking point already with Chris and this was just another link in the chain.

Despite all this, Kelica watched in slow motion as Chris caught her staff then turned into his huge Minotaur form to bellow at her, grip slipping on the wood as her eyes went massive like a deer caught in headlights. Her breath hitched in her throat as he yanked towards her, mouth opening as if to say something and her cheeks bursting into a deep hue.

That was when he back handed her, none to gently, falling into a heap against the ground. It took a few seconds for it to register before it started to sting, wincing as she reached up to touch the already bruising skin on her cheek. Her eyes drifting down to see shatters of her once pole scatter the floor before as usual Chris had simply run off. She didn't have the stength and was too stunned to follow. He literally knocked the words from her mouth.

She barely noticed someone beside her, wide eyed gaze to the floor. "My boy friend..." she answered in a voice barely above a whisper. Not bothering to say if she was alright because frankly she was still in shock and didn't know herself.

@Isune @Embaga Elder @Mykinkaiser @Colt556
Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station

Valken had a half frown on his face as to why a blue dragon was flying around overhead of Magnolia. Did the Dark Guild send it? In a sudden panic he wondered if he should have kept Mikado on her feet and asked her to try and rain bullets down on it? She'd have a field day with her arsenal of gun weaponary.

Even as he was thinking it, the man's eyes went huge as none other then his best mate Frosty got down infront of him and made him leap frog onto his back. "HEY! Frosty I can run mys-" Only even as he said it the man was already running full tilt towards the Train Station. He mean he was stronger and faster in a straight line he supposed. He looked over to Mikado with a half apologetic smile and before they knew it they were at the Train Station.

Valken slipped from Emmerich's back but kept his arms and biceps wrapped around her legs, unwilling to let her down till he knew for certain they didn't have to run again. Side stepping a Werecat as it almost barrel rolled the both though his eyes narrowed as he spotted the half limp. Then he turned back to see that blonde girl... the one he freaked out earlier, with Noah of all people...typical he thought... and Frosty rush over a moment later.

"Ahhh.. maybe we should hold back for abit..." He told Mikado, knowing she wouldn't mind considering she was never a big fan of crowds. "This Fairtail Guild are bunch of all kinds of crazy..." He whispered in a lowered voice to her.

@Isune @Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Embaga Elder
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station

Valken had a half frown on his face as to why a blue dragon was flying around overhead of Magnolia. Did the Dark Guild send it? In a sudden panic he wondered if he should have kept Mikado on her feet and asked her to try and rain bullets down on it? She'd have a field day with her arsenal of gun weaponary.

Even as he was thinking it, the man's eyes went huge as none other then his best mate Frosty got down infront of him and made him leap frog onto his back. "HEY! Frosty I can run mys-" Only even as he said it the man was already running full tilt towards the Train Station. He mean he was stronger and faster in a straight line he supposed. He looked over to Mikado with a half apologetic smile and before they knew it they were at the Train Station.

Valken slipped from Emmerich's back but kept his arms and biceps wrapped around her legs, unwilling to let her down till he knew for certain they didn't have to run again. Side stepping a Werecat as it almost barrel rolled the both though his eyes narrowed as he spotted the half limp. Then he turned back to see that blonde girl... the one he freaked out earlier, with Noah of all people...typical he thought... and Frosty rush over a moment later.

"Ahhh.. maybe we should hold back for abit..." He told Mikado, knowing she wouldn't mind considering she was never a big fan of crowds. "This Fairtail Guild are bunch of all kinds of crazy..." He whispered in a lowered voice to her.

@Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Zuka[/size]


Great, just... great. They were about to go into the forest to fuck shit up before a goddamn dragon cockblocked them. While Emmerich wasn't going to argue with Valken's idea of following the dragon he also wanted to get there as soon as possible. As such Emmerich runs in front of the jogging Valken and picks him up in a piggyback as well, with Mika still on the other man. Thus having formed an odd three-person piggyback tower Emmerich starts off at a much faster speed than what Valken had been moving at.

Arriving at the station, not even out of breath due to the fact that all of his magic and fighting revolve around his physical abilities, which are thus incredibly high, Emmerich lets the other two down before surveying the scene. While he sees no dragon he does catch a glimpse of a fleeing werecat. What really grabs his attention though is Noah sprinting over to a fallen girl and speaking to her. Making the assumption that the werecat had something to do with it Emmerich makes his way over, recognizing the girl as the one from earlier who had collapsed. He looks over to Noah in askance of what happened.[/font]
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Magnolia Station

She felt the hands grasping her own tighten slightly, drawing her attention back to Valken. It seemed as if he was going to say something when his eyes widened and his grip loosened. The words that came out of his mouth caused her to quickly look in the direction he was. True to his word there was indeed a dragon soaring through the sky. Her eyes narrowed as she extended a hand to her side, blue-colored particles of magic coalescing in front of her open palm. Before she could actually create a weapon Valken spoke up, stating they should follow the dragon. She closed her hand, causing the particles to dissipate into thin air as she turned her gaze back on Valken as he turned around and crouched down, offering his back to her. She wasn't exactly the most physical of mages and who was she to turn down a free ride? With little hesitation to stepped forward and leaned onto his back, wrapping her arms over his shoulders as he hefted her off the ground and began running in the direction of the dragon.

As they ran along she held her gaze on the flying beast, ready to engage it should it start attacking the city. Dragons had been extinct for hundreds of years, everyone knew that. So the only possibility was that this was some kind of summon or something. That begged the question on who summoned it and why they had it flying so brazenly over the city. Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt a jostling beneath her. Looking down she saw Emmerich hoist Valken upon his back despite Valken's protests. She had a small frown adorned on her lips at the ludicrous sight the three of them must be, a tower of people speeding down the city streets in chase of a dragon. Fortunately the embarrassing ordeal was over soon enough as they reached the train station and were let down. Unfortunately the little escapade had caused her to lose track of the dragon which did not seem to be at the station.

Such a large creature was just a tad difficult to miss, so the fact that it seemingly vanished without a trace confirmed her suspicion that it was a fabrication. Her gaze followed the werecat as it made it's exit before she rested her chin on Valken's shoulder, peering intently at the blonde girl down upon the ground. It seemed that every time she saw the girl or heard of her it was always some kind of drama. The fact that their only lead was such a damsel in distress annoyed her greatly. If anything happened to Millie because they wasted time on that girl's shoujo-problems she wouldn't get off lightly. Watching the two men rush to the girl's aid caused a small sigh to escape her lips before speaking quietly, not intent on making a scene. "Just a bit... We do have to find Millie and the other mages."

@Zuka @Mykinkaiser
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Noah Cross

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Sinbad.full.1468319.jpg.53a34f40ce27f42b0f249eb9482d130c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136764" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Sinbad.full.1468319.jpg.53a34f40ce27f42b0f249eb9482d130c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Magnolia Train Station

Noah stared at Kelica's face seeing how bruised up it already is. He couldn't believe that the dude that hit her wasn't a dark wizard or a bandit but her boyfriend. He shook his head and looks at her bruised cheeks. Don't touch it. He said before raising and index finger at her cheeks and using ice magic to Ice it to keep the swelling down and help the healing process. You know this is the second time I'm helping you, and we don't even know each others names. Mine is Noah Cross. You don't have to tell me yours I think I already know what it is. He heard the voice of someone familiar and turn his head seeing that it was Faust. He turns back to Kelica. Be right back.

He stood back up and turned towards Faust stepping closer towards him.
Her boyfriend backhanded her in a bull man take over form. It looks pretty bad. He looks back at her than turns his head back towards Faust. In this process he noticed Valken and someone else with him. So I'm guessing we have a lead to find Millie and the other mages. He asked while looking in the direction of Valken and Mikado.

@Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Colt556



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Kelica Zefara

Train Station Magnolia

Kelica's emerald eyes were still faced towards the floor, and she only glanced upwards when she felt something cold touch her face, to which she winced. Her eyes running over the face of whoever it was that was bent beside her, mouth opening in a half protest. "...I'm fine I can heal it myse-" She didn't get to finish it because he had already covered her cheek in ice to cool it, her hand lifting to hold the ice in place. "..but thank you..." Hearing his name she gave a hollow smile. "Hello Noah, I'm Kelica..."

When he stood up and walked away Kelica wrapped her arms around herself like she were cold. She started to whisper more to herself. "It's my fault... I never should have hit him... I just provoked him...like an animal...we had to get here didn't we?... and the Dragon was the fastest way, right? Now he's injuried and it's all my fault.... just why did we have to come here?" Green eyes finally lifting from her self ramble to flow across the room and all the mages. "The missing mages... the Dark Guild..." Finally her voice hardened momentarily as it got louder, pushing Chris to the back of her mind.

"They took the missing Mages to the South Entrance Gate... if you get me there... I can probably use the Forest to find some clues."

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
Eric: Magnolia Side Street > Magnolia Train Station

Before Eric could get a reply from Mizuki, he spotted another dragon similar to the one here flying in the skies. As he looked more carefully he swore he could see a girl riding on top of it. Was that the same girl from earlier? Honestly he was a little envious of her. He's always wanted to try riding a dragon into battle! Though... that was only a fantasy. The dragon looked like it was heading towards the train station, in fear for the worst he quickly said. "Hold that thought I've gotta head for the train station, you should probably head there too, a Lamia Scale mage told me that Masaki and Ren are already there."

Without a moments hesitation he transformed into an eagle and took to the skies in an attempt to catch up with the beast... but... Where did it go? He just saw it land in the distance and as Eric arrived it was already gone. Weird... He looked around and saw the same girl from before holding some ice on a bruised cheek. "Ouch... That looks painful... Hey anyone seen a dragon land here? Also what happened to the girl?"

@Kayzo Anyone else at the train station (sry can't remember who's here)
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Mizuki wasn't really angry when the two animals collided, and was rather happy that they did. She was knocked off his back and landed on the ground with a small thump, her dark eyes looking to see who caused the collision. The man who hit them seemed to recognize the dark Mage but she couldn't exactly say the same. He was probably some lowly member from her guild who she never bothered to pay attention to. However he had some rather valid things to say about how he saw Grimoire Heart members kidnapping people, and maybe he had information on where they went! She didn't expect him to say much about where they went either out of fear or because he simply didn't know, but it was wo th trying. However before she could say anything to the man he turned into an eagle and flew off towards the Train Station. Mizuki wasn't done with him yet, and needed to catch up. Maybe if she was lucky she'd run into Kelica along the way. Then she'd have two valuable sources.

Standing up her four shadowy arms sprung from her back and took the place of her feet. Traveling like this would be much faster than walking, plus she wouldn't have to ride on an animal anymore. Maybe if Vex was just an animal, but he was also human and that wasn't good. "I'm going to the train station..." She simply told Vex before her magical arms began to carry her off quickly after the group. The dragon sure was a sight to see, but it probably didn't have any information on the missing mage's. Perhaps it was a fellow Mage who transformed into the winged beast to search from the sky? Even if it did have any information she wouldn't be able to reach it. So instead of pondering she continued to make her way to the Train Station.

The crawl wasn't very long, Mizuki arriving while her dark eyes scanned the area for anyone she recognized. The eagle she was searching for had disappeared, the man most likely having arrived already. Her magic appendages disappeared as she continued her search on foot. Quickly her eyes caught sight of a blonde haired girl, Kelica, the one who she was looking for in the first place. She was there with her cow man, the eagle man, and a few other mages who really didn't matter to her. Kelica was the one she needed. Her steps increased in speed and before she knew it she was standing in front of the hurt girl, who looked rather sad.
"Did your boyfriend hit you?" She asked, not realizing that's what happened. She hoped it to be Grimoire heart that did the hit, or if it was a hit from Chris there could be some way to suck up to her and get the information needed.

@Zuka @Isune @Jackaboi @wyatt

Shen waited patiently for Aiden to contact him, the entire situation angered him. Aiden had been captured by some Dark Guild, he had been cut off with his spirit with telepathy cut along with it. He was summoned a few times to fight, and witnesses the cages. With a new form at hand he started to copy a few key memories from Ayano. Aiden had used their trump card and loaned his contract to Aidren, the man they fought just a few days ago. Shen felt the shift in magic, his master now had the ability to summon him at what ever time. It seemed that that time had come sooner than later for a gate had opened, calling for him to pass through.
" This will be a good story for the King to hear." With a smile he walk into the gate and to much of his surprise a small group of Mages where around him.

Shen took a gander at them all, well this was a predicament. He soon found the Mage that had summoned him, Aiden. With out even a hello or how are you he began to question him.
" Hello to you too." With that snarky comment out of the way they could get to the serious stuff. " Aiden, along with other mages, were kidnapped by a guild of the name Grimoire Heart. They ,around this time, are being round up and recapture after Aiden managed to free them. He sent me here to help find them, and since you have my key I must follow your orders. I have Ayano's , a member of the guild, memories."

Emmerich Faust

Location: Magnolia Train Station

With: @Kayzo

Emmerich's brow draws in with anger at Noah's description of what had happened to the blonde girl. As he steps in closer he finally gets a good look at her, his eyes widening slightly in surprise as he recognized her as Kelica, even though he hadn't caught her name. He had met her a few years earlier when she was having an altercation with some florists and they had afterwards had a drink together... among other things. He was about to speak up to her before he heard her starting to talk, saying something about it being her fault before continuing on to where the kidnapped mages had been taken. At this Emmerich reaches down to offer her a hand up before speaking himself, "Either way, 'e shouldn't of 'it you," he says briefly. Had the matter of the missing mages not been so pressing he would likely have done more, however at this point his mind is mostly occupied with finding them.
Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Train Station

People seemed to be coming from everywhere, and not just people but mages. Some she recognised from the street, or others from earlier in the day. One guy in particular (@Kayzo)

She took a deep breath and once again someone different appeared beside her and this time she opened her mouth as if to retort, leave me alone already!! But this time her green eyes widened in a completely different reason. She could have sworn that blonde haired guy looked like the same one she had used as a shield and defense to a whole bunch of Angry florists some years ago, as she wandered Fiore before finding Fairytail.... and as if to confirm it he spoke and cemented his identity in her mind. "Em..emmrich? W..What are you even doing here?" She whispered her eyes wide, fingers slipping into his hand to allow him to help her stand, while the other kept the ice to her cheek.

He told her her he shouldn't have done that, and tears started whelling in her eyes. "It was my fault! I...I don't like Dragons but I told him to use it anyway to get here fast, the last few days have been a nightmare, you have no idea! And I still hit him for doing what I said! Now he's run off and that's one more mage missing thanks to me...." sniffling heavily. "I...I need to get to the forest! I need to help them all I...I..." You could see she was starting to panic even as she said all this. (@Mykinkaiser)

@Embaga Elder @Colt556

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Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Magnolia Station

She felt the hands grasping her own tighten slightly, drawing her attention back to Valken. It seemed as if he was going to say something when his eyes widened and his grip loosened. The words that came out of his mouth caused her to quickly look in the direction he was. True to his word there was indeed a dragon soaring through the sky. Her eyes narrowed as she extended a hand to her side, blue-colored particles of magic coalescing in front of her open palm. Before she could actually create a weapon Valken spoke up, stating they should follow the dragon. She closed her hand, causing the particles to dissipate into thin air as she turned her gaze back on Valken as he turned around and crouched down, offering his back to her. She wasn't exactly the most physical of mages and who was she to turn down a free ride? With little hesitation to stepped forward and leaned onto his back, wrapping her arms over his shoulders as he hefted her off the ground and began running in the direction of the dragon.

As they ran along she held her gaze on the flying beast, ready to engage it should it start attacking the city. Dragons had been extinct for hundreds of years, everyone knew that. So the only possibility was that this was some kind of summon or something. That begged the question on who summoned it and why they had it flying so brazenly over the city. Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt a jostling beneath her. Looking down she saw Emmerich hoist Valken upon his back despite Valken's protests. She had a small frown adorned on her lips at the ludicrous sight the three of them must be, a tower of people speeding down the city streets in chase of a dragon. Fortunately the embarrassing ordeal was over soon enough as they reached the train station and were let down. Unfortunately the little escapade had caused her to lose track of the dragon which did not seem to be at the station.

Such a large creature was just a tad difficult to miss, so the fact that it seemingly vanished without a trace confirmed her suspicion that it was a fabrication. Her gaze followed the werecat as it made it's exit before she rested her chin on Valken's shoulder, peering intently at the blonde girl down upon the ground. It seemed that every time she saw the girl or heard of her it was always some kind of drama. The fact that their only lead was such a damsel in distress annoyed her greatly. If anything happened to Millie because they wasted time on that girl's shoujo-problems she wouldn't get off lightly. Watching the two men rush to the girl's aid caused a small sigh to escape her lips before speaking quietly, not intent on making a scene. "Just a bit... We do have to find Millie and the other mages."

@Kayzo @
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Magnolia Train Station

People seemed to be coming from everywhere, and not just people but mages. Some she recognised from the street, or others from earlier in the day. One guy in particular (@Kayzo)

She took a deep breath and once again someone different appeared beside her and this time she opened her mouth as if to retort, leave me alone already!! But this time her green eyes widened in a completely different reason. She could have sworn that blonde haired guy looked like the same one she had used as a shield and defense to a whole bunch of Angry florists some years ago, as she wandered Fiore before finding Fairytail.... and as if to confirm it he spoke and cemented his identity in her mind. "Em..emmrich? W..What are you even doing here?" She whispered her eyes wide, fingers slipping into his hand to allow him to help her stand, while the other kept the ice to her cheek.

He told her her he shouldn't have done that, and tears started whelling in her eyes. "It was my fault! I...I don't like Dragons but I told him to use it anyway to get here fast, the last few days have been a nightmare, you have no idea! And I still hit him for doing what I said! Now he's run off and that's one more mage missing thanks to me...." sniffling heavily. "I...I need to get to the forest! I need to help them all I...I..." You could see she was starting to panic even as she said all this. (@Mykinkaiser)

@Embaga Elder @Colt556
Mizuki was actually a bit surprised that she guessed right. She had been joking around get her boyfriend really did hit her, if he could even be called that anymore. Though at the same time she wasn't surprised as Chris definetly seemed like he'd be the guy to hit a girl. However even though the situation was bad Mizuki found good in it. She could suck up to Kelica and have her lead her to the missing mage's and hopefully Alicia. Her pale hand reached out and very gently and briefly patted Kelica's head as a sign of friendliness. "Oh my, that is a terrible thing Kelica... However you are not in the wrong, he is. He probably did something before that deserved a good hit from you, yes?" She said, watching as the blonde girl was helped up by another man. He too was a stranger, the on,y person within the vicinity that the dark Mage could recognize being Kelica. "Do you want me to hit him harder? I can make him pay for hitting you? It'd be my pleasure..."
Eric: Magnolia Train Station > Forest

He released a sigh of disappointment, that Chris guy hit his girlfriend? Though hearing Kelica say she attacked first, perhaps he was just defending himself? Well either way he seems to have run off now, probably out of guilt. If Chris was still nearby he could probably try sniffing him out with his wolf form. He heard Mizuki talking to the girl. "There she goes..." He had no idea what the dark mage wanted from Kelica but it was clearly something important. But there was more pressing matters at hand "Hey listen... Girl, it would be bad to start losing mages before we start searching so how about I go track down your boyfriend and bring him back here yeah? You two can apologise to each-other once I get back." Again without even waiting for a reply he transformed into a wolf and began sniffing around the area to find Chris' location.

"South huh?" Then he bolted off to look for him.

A few minutes later he was already in the forest, the scent was getting stronger. "Ugh... Has this guy even heard of deodorant?" Looking from left to right he finally spotted Chris resting on a tree. "Aha! There you are!." He transformed back into his human form and ran over to him. "Hey buddy you remember me? The guy that got turned into a wall decoration by a dragon? I have to admit that was a good joke. My names Eric, nice to meet ya. But now's not the time to sit there feeling sorry for yourself. You gotta head back to the train station and apologise to your girl."

@Kayzo Anyone else at the train station (sry still can't remember who's there)
Chris Lengheart(Me apologize to her?)

Chris remained silent for the entire time he was under the tree. He just stared blankly, he just wanted to be left alone for a while. Next thing he knew, that guy from earlier showed up. Chris remembered him very well, the poor guy that tried to fight a giant dragon as a gorilla of all things. He stood up as the man began to talk to him about how he should go back and apologize to Kelica. "Oh so she can smash my knee in no problem and no one even cares but when I fight back and slap her out of defense I'm the problem? Forget it, I'm gonna stay right here. The only way I'm going back is if Kelica comes here herself. Because I know that the SECOND I get back over there I'm gonna get bombarded by a group of guys that think I'm an abusive boyfriend." he said as he simultaneously shook his head.

Chris attempted to avoid the other man's gaze by looking around at the many bushes and trees but managed to catch sight of a head. Chris walked over to the tall bushes to see that it was that of a horse. Chris couldn't help but smile, the horse was pretty large from what Chris could tell. The head was higher up, so if one were to imagine a horse body the horse would obviously be taller than Chris. He reached over and started to pat the horse on the top of its head, he couldn't quite tell if it was male or female yet. He then looked at the horse straight in the eyes as he asked, "
Hey there buddy, where are you from? Don't you have a family to go back to? Found any good carrots or grass tod-" before a fist shot out of the bushes and nailed Chris right in the stomach. Chris fell over as he gripped his stomach, damn thing got him by surprise. The horse actually chuckled as he actually spoke! "Poor, moronic, humans. Your kind should know to never approach a wild animal, you never know what they may be." he said before he let out a snort and turned around to walk off. As Chris looked at where he saw the head, he could see the lower half...only problem was he could see the upper half of a human as well! Although, it was completely covered in grey and white fur with a black mane on top of the same horse head Chris saw. "A centaur?" Chris said under his breath as he suddenly looked over to Eric to make sure he wasn't going crazy. He stood up on his still stinging knee and went on, "I know I'm not the only one who saw that, right? That was a centaur? If I could record him...hey look, would you please help me get that centaur? If you do, I'll go back with you no questions asked. Deal?"

Eric: The forest

Hmm... Eric could have probably worded that out a little better, he should've said that they should apologise to each other. He was about to correct himself before a fist came flying out the bushes to only hit Chris right in his gut. Eric was just as surprised. "Yup that was definitely a centaur!" Before long he already transformed himself into a cheetah to chase after it. "You'll come back if I help you catch that thing? Heh no problem... Besides... I already have my own reasons to chase after it." Eric's eyes turned into that of a real predator in the wild. Then he sprinted off after it with one goal in mind. "FOOOOOOOOOOD!" He ran at the speed of a bullet and pounced at the beast. Though he was knocked out the way by a barrage of rocks hurling towards him. "Earth magic? This guys pretty interesting..." Again he ran, no pile of rocks was gonna stop him.

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Lysander Connell

Forest outskirts of Magnolia; near strange hut

Lysander could not help feeling much more positive about the whole thing after seeing Lloyd off. He had been rather worried when Lloyd had taken such a long time to wake up, and he had insisted on taking care of the Guild Master while the others went off to investigate. And then he had taken Lloyd into the forest to recover, hoping that the man would wake up soon so he could get started on his own investigations. He was still worried about Sora but... Lloyd was like a mentor to him. He was the biggest reason why he was still in Lamia Scale and he wanted to be there when the man awoke. There were some things he needed to settle with the man after months of near silence and he did not think he could do that in front of everyone.

It had been rather awkward at first, Lysander had to admit, when Lloyd awoke. At first, he had been confused and disoriented, yet Lysander felt buoyed by the relief on his face he spotted Lysander kneeling beside him, and that had more or less unleashed the gates. He even managed to tell him about Sora, and boy did his own face flush in embarrassment now as he remembered how surprised Lloyd had been. Time was of the essence, of course, and after a promise of drinks later after everything was settled, Lloyd had charged Lysander with helping out as he saw fit, because something big was going on and Lloyd had wanted to investigate that. He had a theory, and he had wanted to see if it was fact.

Well, if Lloyd had a high opinion of his own decision making skills, Lysander was going to do his best to live up to it. Only... he was not sure where everybody else was, or even where he was. All he knew was that he was in a vast expanse of forest, and there was a strange hut nearby that looked extremely out of place in the scene. Some hermit's keep, he supposed. Yet it was the only thing that stood out, and it might point a clue as to his whereabouts. Hence, it was in the direction of the hut that he made his way too.

He stood at the entrance of the hut and knocked. No one answered. He peered in through the windows, yet saw nothing of note. The place seemed... strange. The hut was empty, and completely devoid of furniture, yet it did not look abandoned. There was no sheen of dust covering the walls or anything like that. That oddity intrigued Lysander. It looked used... yet for what purpose.

He was going to have to find his way into the hut.
Noah Cross

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Sinbad.full.1468319.jpg.ad0d462676cfb241295889aaff1ebf0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137193" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Sinbad.full.1468319.jpg.ad0d462676cfb241295889aaff1ebf0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Magnolia Train Station

The only two things on Noah's mind was to find the other mages and to punch the living hell out of her boyfriend. Though that last part will have to wait. He watched as a mage turned into a wolf running off to find her boyfriend. He turn towards Kelica and Mizuki grinning a bit. If she swings so will eye. A boyfriend should never hit his girlfriend not matter what, especially if he loves her. He should treat her like a queen, protecting him from others who dares to swing upon his queen. He scoffed turning his head away from them. I know I would. He said turning back towards Kelica looking into her eyes with his golding eyes.

Noah turns away walking back towards Ferra, Talon and the rest of the group. You guys wait here, ima go round up the others!! He said walking away heading to the old group. Upon his arrival he rubbed his hand through his hair. Alright boys and girls. We gotta lead. We're heading towards the South Entrance Gates, to look for clues within the forest. So the quicker we get there, the quicker we can get or friends back. So I saw we leave now. He turns around walking back towards the others.

This time we walked past Kelica and Mizuki going straight for Valken.
I rounded up the others. Now let's go get your girl and the other mages back.

@Kayzo @Zuka @Mykinkaiser



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@femjapanriceball @Britt-21 @Metaphysics @Kayzo @Wyatt @Huor Spinks @Refaulted @Kazehana @Chat Noir @Unknown Falling @Talon @Embaga Elder @Bolts @BadPuns @Pawsitively bloody @Mykinkaiser @Four Eyes @Nenma Takashi @ThatSideCharacter @Salt Lord

4 hour timeskip

After several hours of walking the group finally made it to the edge of the forest. The task at had now would be finding the building that lead to where their friends were being held. Of course, everyone in the cells were re-captured VIA the same drug used to knock everyone out prior being released into the air. This time everyone was tossed into seperate cells. Alicia, currently, had gotten lost on her way out of the forest. Terribly so. At this point it probably would of been better for Hibiki to of escaped instead of her, at-least then they would of gotten somewhere.
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Terra Ashford (in the forest)

In that same forest, a young man had been wandering around aimlessly. At first glance, he had a rough look to him. His eyes looked like they were glaring constantly, he had a few cuts, and messy hair. In his teeth looked like some kind of cigarette as smoke would slowly rise at the end of it. He'd continue his walk making crunching noises with each step before stopping and noting a blue haired 'something' in the thick of the trees and bushes. He'd start approaching the 'something' before realizing it was a person, a child in fact. Standing in front of the girl, he gave a grin that looked quite sinister before asking the girl in a very hoarse voice, "Are you lost?"

Despite how much of a criminal he looked currently, each of these things could be explained. First off, Terra had actually planned to arrive to Magnolia by train. Though that being said, it had been his first time ever riding one, so when he was stopped at a station, he figured it was the end of the railway (instead of actually staying on board). By this point, he'd been on foot and he'd been stopping by various shops in the town to get some supplies making him very susceptible to being robbed by a group of highwaymen. Due to his natural glare, he'd unintentionally prove the group and cause him to drop most of what he had on him and run off into the treeline, getting various cuts and bruises while running through. He eventually lost them but ended up being lost in the forest himself. That's where he'd gotten the idea, to use his magic, to guide himself through the forest. He'd use the Wolf bone to enhance his smell to avoid the highwaymen while trying to find his way through the forest to Magnolia. After walking for quite a bit, he'd spot the blue haired girl. When realizing she was a child, he'd get quite nervous, due to his past experiences of having scared people younger than himself even without talking. Of course, he wouldn't be one to just simply abandoned the person, he'd do his best to smile, which resulted in the awkward smile and his nerves kicking in when he tried to speak.
ThatSideCharacter said:
Terra Ashford (in the forest)

In that same forest, a young man had been wandering around aimlessly. At first glance, he had a rough look to him. His eyes looked like they were glaring constantly, he had a few cuts, and messy hair. In his teeth looked like some kind of cigarette as smoke would slowly rise at the end of it. He'd continue his walk making crunching noises with each step before stopping and noting a blue haired 'something' in the thick of the trees and bushes. He'd start approaching the 'something' before realizing it was a person, a child in fact. Standing in front of the girl, he gave a grin that looked quite sinister before asking the girl in a very hoarse voice, "Are you lost?"

Despite how much of a criminal he looked currently, each of these things could be explained. First off, Terra had actually planned to arrive to Magnolia by train. Though that being said, it had been his first time ever riding one, so when he was stopped at a station, he figured it was the end of the railway (instead of actually staying on board). By this point, he'd been on foot and he'd been stopping by various shops in the town to get some supplies making him very susceptible to being robbed by a group of highwaymen. Due to his natural glare, he'd unintentionally prove the group and cause him to drop most of what he had on him and run off into the treeline, getting various cuts and bruises while running through. He eventually lost them but ended up being lost in the forest himself. That's where he'd gotten the idea, to use his magic, to guide himself through the forest. He'd use the Wolf bone to enhance his smell to avoid the highwaymen while trying to find his way through the forest to Magnolia. After walking for quite a bit, he'd spot the blue haired girl. When realizing she was a child, he'd get quite nervous, due to his past experiences of having scared people younger than himself even without talking. Of course, he wouldn't be one to just simply abandoned the person, he'd do his best to smile, which resulted in the awkward smile and his nerves kicking in when he tried to speak.

Forget to add @Mitchs98
Chris Lengheart (Neigh)

Chris walked through the forest in his new centaur form. He basically looked identical to the one he and that other mage had just fought. The only real difference between the two was how dark their grey fur was. The original centaur had a much darker grey color in his fur than Chris' centaur form. Chris would honestly consider this a success. Sure they got pelted by a ton of rocks,and Chris had the minor cuts to show it, but once Chris hopped onto his back while Eric distracted it, the centaur just turned into a wild bronco. He started swinging his arms while bucking and snorting. The entire time, Chris clung on as best he could and preformed takeover. But right now, Chris was happy to have a new form. He turned his head around slightly and grinned a little bit as he finally said, "Thanks for the help. Like we agreed, I'll head back with you now." Thankfully, Chris' leg...er...hoof was feeling much better. It still stung, but at least Chris could walk on it. At least Kelica didn't break his kneecap, knowing that alleviated some of the anger in him.

Mother, Kim ,Honoka and Alice

With hours of walking came lots of uncomfortable situation with the group, little comments were thrown about. Mother had left to complete another task in her home realm as soon as Alice had found the group of Mages. Kim , like the weirdo she was , stayed with Eias keeping close to her at all times. She of corse felt uneasy, mostly due to the fact that there was little flux in the air. Her vision slightly clouded over with the magic signature of the other mages. It was rather chilly, it being autumn and all. " This is what I get for wearing a dress in the middle of autumn." She held her arms close to her, trying to find some sorts of warmth.

Alice, whom was wearing a light sweater, walked near the front of the group. She hadn't spoke much other than a few greetings to the others, but other than that she hasn't spoken. Multiple battle situations popped in and out of her head, with what she could gather the hostages were kept in close quarters cells. Leaving her with a few options for her weapons, her blade would be the one that would suffice in most of the situations.
" Kelica, can you start leading the way. We must hurry, by what I can gather this will take lots of time to find them."

Honks had absolutely no idea how this escalated so quickly, last thing she knew was that she was in her home with Don Haruhi and Raa. But low and behold she was knocked out, dragged out of her home by Haruhi and her wife. Of course she pulled the large Phoenix slayer with them, but not after she made him change clothes to something more desirable. As they approached the guild hall they found out the kidnappings by some odd women with purple hair (*^*) and directed them to the train station. And now they stood at the edge of the woods. She turned to Haruhi raa and Don " How in the name of fuck did we end up wrapped up in this?!" She threw her arms in the air, waving them like a mad man(woman)*.

@Kayzo @Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Bolts @Genon @Refaulted (Who else?!)

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