Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Rooftop

Valken's pity-party was cut short as dull thump could be heard from behind him which was quickly accompanied by a quiet feminine groan. She blinked rapidly as she stared up at her legs and the sky above. Hardly the graceful exit, but given the impromptu trip it was probably the best outcome possible. She rolled to her side, getting onto her knees as she looked over at Valken on his knees sobbing like a child. "That brings back memories..." She mumbled quietly to herself as she got to her feet and made her way over to the man. She dropped to her knees behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his back. "We'll get her back, you have to have faith. We're family, we wont stop at anything until Millie's back safe and sound." Her voice was quiet as she attempted to comfort the man. She knew better than anyone what it felt to be useless, she understood the pain that could come along with it. Her grip on the man tightened slightly as she hung onto him, knowing there was little more she could do at the moment.

Vex: Magnolia Side Street - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

It didn't take long for Horus to fly in and hover above his friend. "Well I will be on my way, I will suggest to everyone still here to go to the train station that way we can work as one team." He then jumped into the air and transformed in to a bird that looked like Horus. He knew that Valken had gotten them close to the guild hall, all he had to do was find it. However, he couldn't maintain the spell giving him sight and had to rely on Horus' eyes. The bird wasn't mean to Vex as they flew and gave him proper directions so Vex was able to maneuver through small spaces without running into anything. It didn't take long for them to find the building. Once he had he turned back into a human and Horus landed on his shoulder. He the. Knocked on the door of the guild hall. "Hello is anyone there. I come on behalf of some mages that were kidnapped. I am apart of a group trying to locate and rescue them. We know that Wizards from different guilds were all taken."

@Kayzo @femjapanriceball @Salt Lord @Huor Spinks
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Kelica Zefara

Kelica was still shaking, whimpering now, the tension was a hundred times worse for the girl atuned to emotions. And even with Valken's aggression there was something... odd... about him. He was too forward. Too aggressive and suddenly she blinked as she looked more closely at his face. He was yelling but his eyes... his eyes hurt. Literally he looked terrified!! And the more she focused the more she realised he was at the peak of his adrenaline. Fight or flight... she glanced over to Chris, strong like a statue. Talking, calmly, although his posture was immovable. Like an animal defending it's pack.

Then Valken ran... flight.. was the Dark Guild that took Sora and Hibiki really that terrifying? That bad to send an S-Class into shambles?

Here Chris walked over and embraced her to which she closed her eyes and leant into it, taking an outward breath she didn't realise she was holding. "...It's ok I'm fine... really... thank you...for sticking up for me..." blushing softly before peering over his wide shoulder. "And thanks for you guys, to. But... don't hold it against him... he was just scared.... he wouldn't have said that though... I just felt it..." Sighing softly. "Grimoire Heart is that bad, is it?....poor Sora... poor Hibiki...."

@Wyatt @femjapanriceball
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Wyatt said:
Vex: Magnolia Side Street - Fairy Tail Guild HallIt didn't take long for Horus to fly in and hover above his friend. "Well I will be on my way, I will suggest to everyone still here to go to the train station that way we can work as one team." He then jumped into the air and transformed in to a bird that looked like Horus. He knew that Valken had gotten them close to the guild hall, all he had to do was find it. However, he couldn't maintain the spell giving him sight and had to rely on Horus' eyes. The bird wasn't mean to Vex as they flew and gave him proper directions so Vex was able to maneuver through small spaces without running into anything. It didn't take long for them to find the building. Once he had he turned back into a human and Horus landed on his shoulder. He the. Knocked on the door of the guild hall. "Hello is anyone there. I come on behalf of some mages that were kidnapped. I am apart of a group trying to locate and rescue them. We know that Wizards from different guilds were all taken."

@Kayzo @femjapanriceball @Salt Lord @Huor Spinks
Mizuki had stopped her pacing and was currently sitting on some steps inside the Fairy Tail guildhall. Although she sat and looked calm and collected she was still freaking out. Alicia had been missing for what felt like hours and she didn't know where she was or what her captors were doing to her. They could be starving her, or torturing her! The thought of that made the dark Mage want to rip something apart. The worst part was that the entire guildhall seemed to be ok with it. Alfie and Ophelia didn't even bother to rally up the guild to go and search for their own missing members. People always talk about how Fairy Tail is so righteous and wonderful, but they obviously don't know what's happening. The only reason Mizuki hadn't gone out looking was because she'd need backup. Realistically there'd be no way she'd be able to defeat all of Grimoire Heart even with her strength. There's no point isn't reaching Alicia only to die moments later. Needless to say when the mysterious voice knocked on the door and exclaimed that he was apart of a search and rescue group Mizuki was the first to answer. Using her shadowy arms to reach the door quickly she yanked it open and stared into the eyes of the man before her. "I'll help. Take me with you. We must get going now..." She said, stepping out towards Vex. "No one else here will help. They're all deadbeats..."
Emmerich Faust

Location: Magnolia Train Station --> Magnolia Side Street

With: @Wyatt @femjapanriceball

Valken had taken longer than he had said he would, and as such he decided to make his way towards their destination on his own in case something had gone awry. It became apparent as he reached a side street near the guild hall that things had indeed gone rather badly as he arrived just in time to witness a confrontation between Valken and some other people before Valken shadow-noped somewhere else. Obviously Emmerich had not hit him hard enough last time, a mistake he would remedy as soon as he found the man. Valken was his friend, but that didn't excuse him from acting so goddamn childish. Now, Emmerich wasn't exactly one to talk, but even he expected better from the other man, being an S-class, not to mention the fact that Valken was the better part of a decade older than he was. He expected at least some measure of maturity, and he had been sorely disappointed. But it wasn't for himself that Emmerich was angry, it was because Valken, by being so inanely selfish and childish, was hurting his chances of getting Millie back. He had gone to get help and had ended up bitching and moaning before picking a fucking fight. Who did he really care about here? Millie or himself?

Emmerich walks over to the, presumably, Fairy Tail mages, "Sorry about my companion just then, he's being right fucking ass at the moment. Now, as I'm sure you've 'eard, people are missing and we, at Lamia Scale, would like to request your help. Would that still be possible?"
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Kayzo said:
Mizuki had stopped her pacing and was currently sitting on some steps inside the Fairy Tail guildhall. Although she sat and looked calm and collected she was still freaking out. Alicia had been missing for what felt like hours and she didn't know where she was or what her captors were doing to her. They could be starving her, or torturing her! The thought of that made the dark Mage want to rip something apart. The worst part was that the entire guildhall seemed to be ok with it. Alfie and Ophelia didn't even bother to rally up the guild to go and search for their own missing members. People always talk about how Fairy Tail is so righteous and wonderful, but they obviously don't know what's happening. The only reason Mizuki hadn't gone out looking was because she'd need backup. Realistically there'd be no way she'd be able to defeat all of Grimoire Heart even with her strength. There's no point isn't reaching Alicia only to die moments later. Needless to say when the mysterious voice knocked on the door and exclaimed that he was apart of a search and rescue group Mizuki was the first to answer. Using her shadowy arms to reach the door quickly she yanked it open and stared into the eyes of the man before her. "I'll help. Take me with you. We must get going now..." She said, stepping out towards Vex. "No one else here will help. They're all deadbeats..."
Vex: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Vex was shocked when he heard the doors slam open. "It is okay, honestly everyone that I have been with are over emotional and can't keep their heads on straight. I half think I should go on with out them." He sighed as he thought about how worthless everyone was being. He doubted that the people at the train station had even put a plan together and it would be days before they did. This girl seemed rather determined to find someone and Vex figure the could make some progress or at least a ripple that would get others to move. "You know what why don't we meet up with this girl named Kelica and she if she will find out where the guild is and then we can go scout to see what we are up against. Then we can met up with the others and tell them. It might help their 'planning'. If worst comes to worse I can see if their is still a faint magical signature and we can follow it."
Chris Lengheart (Can't we have a moment in peace?)

Chris continued to hold Kelica tight, only letting go once he heard someone new talking. He looked at the man as he apologized for his guildmate's actions. When he asked if it'd still be possible for them to collaborate with Fairytail Chris simply nodded, "Of course, there's no need for you to apologize for someone else's actions. Just keep a close eye on that guy who just ran away into the shadows. He tried to take Kelica away from me, I already lost her once today, I don't want to lose her again. I'm sure you understand." he said as he looked the man straight im the eyes, but not in a intimidating manner. It was more of a confident look. Chris then looked back at Kelica, poor girl. Everyone wanted to take her, for reasons Chris had yet to fully understand.

Wyatt said:
Vex: Fairy Tail Guild HallVex was shocked when he heard the doors slam open. "It is okay, honestly everyone that I have been with are over emotional and can't keep their heads on straight. I half think I should go on with out them." He sighed as he thought about how worthless everyone was being. He doubted that the people at the train station had even put a plan together and it would be days before they did. This girl seemed rather determined to find someone and Vex figure the could make some progress or at least a ripple that would get others to move. "You know what why don't we meet up with this girl named Kelica and she if she will find out where the guild is and then we can go scout to see what we are up against. Then we can met up with the others and tell them. It might help their 'planning'. If worst comes to worse I can see if their is still a faint magical signature and we can follow it."
Mizuki didn't know this man but she felt his pain. No one he was with bothered to do anything about the missing ages. It was nice to know that she wasn't alone and that someone actually cared. This was only made better at the mention of meeting up with Kelica. This set her up for the perfect situation. If they got into a fight with the dark guild she could get injured and have Kelica use her healing on her. She didn't want to feel the pain but was rather interested in how it worked. Who thought that healing magic could bring pain? Or maybe she was using that as an excuse. "Good, good. Meet up with her we will, but I hope you know where she is." The dark Mage said to the stranger before taking initiative and walking past him. Time was precious and she had wasted too much. "Hurry. I know first hand what Grimoire Heart does to those they take prisoner. If we take too long they'll never be happy again..."
Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Side Street

Kelica had her green eyes still closed, and her breathing slowed down significantly. It had been an emotional day.... having been lost for months in the Void, to appear before a train and almost run over, saved by a guy, near more people she didn't know... a guild hall, Chris whom she didn't recognize for ages... missing mages, a huge terrifying dragon, running into Ryu, getting grabbed by Valken.....screamed at... After all the tension in the air, draining most of her energy for the Root Connection spell to find the magical energy dispersed in the actual Earth... Kelica was tired...

Exceedingly so.

And without a word her knees buckled as the girl collasped into an exhaustive unconsciousness, hoping Chris noticed and caught her. Her whole body limp.

@Isune @Mykinkaiser @Rhodus @Genon @purplepanda288 @Bolts
Kayzo said:
Mizuki didn't know this man but she felt his pain. No one he was with bothered to do anything about the missing ages. It was nice to know that she wasn't alone and that someone actually cared. This was only made better at the mention of meeting up with Kelica. This set her up for the perfect situation. If they got into a fight with the dark guild she could get injured and have Kelica use her healing on her. She didn't want to feel the pain but was rather interested in how it worked. Who thought that healing magic could bring pain? Or maybe she was using that as an excuse. "Good, good. Meet up with her we will, but I hope you know where she is." The dark Mage said to the stranger before taking initiative and walking past him. Time was precious and she had wasted too much. "Hurry. I know first hand what Grimoire Heart does to those they take prisoner. If we take too long they'll never be happy again..."
Vex: Magnolia streets

"I hope you can move fast, since we are in a rush I will be moving as fast as I can. Cez's body morphed again although this time he didn't change into a bird, instead he changed into a rather large cheetah. He didn't bother waiting to see if Mizuki could move fast instead he ran under her legs and picked her up on his back. "Get a good hold, also don't crush Horus. He is my eyes after all." Horus had flown of Vex when he change and landed on the girl when he picked her up. Vex then began to run, at first it was rather slow but he began to pick up speed and in a matter of moments he was back to the group of wizards. "Hey Kelica, would you mind helping us." He was breathing hard, and he had to speak in between breaths. "We need to know where the dark guild is."
Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Rooftop

Valken's pity-party was cut short as dull thump could be heard from behind him which was quickly accompanied by a quiet feminine groan. She blinked rapidly as she stared up at her legs and the sky above. Hardly the graceful exit, but given the impromptu trip it was probably the best outcome possible. She rolled to her side, getting onto her knees as she looked over at Valken on his knees sobbing like a child. "That brings back memories..." She mumbled quietly to herself as she got to her feet and made her way over to the man. She dropped to her knees behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his back. "We'll get her back, you have to have faith. We're family, we wont stop at anything until Millie's back safe and sound." Her voice was quiet as she attempted to comfort the man. She knew better than anyone what it felt to be useless, she understood the pain that could come along with it. Her grip on the man tightened slightly as she hung onto him, knowing there was little more she could do at the moment.

@Kayzo (mention)

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Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Rooftop

The Shadow Mage hated being powerless, being overwhelmed, out of control and unaware. It was hard enough having Millie, the one thing he actually cared about taken, but right under his nose? He was right there beside her, holding her, and then he passed out... when he awoke, she'd just vanished... why? Why her and not him? They could have cut into him a thousand times and he wouldn't bat an eyelid, laugh at there face probably.... But no, they took his one weakness, his one very obvious connection to lose his cool, his calm exterior he had built so long to maintain.

Why her?

Why get so worked up over her?

Well he knew why, he remembered the very first day she bounced in, and she did bounce in. Waving, laughing, just making friends with everyone. A natural. And Valken just stood in the corner gobsmacked.
How...how does she do that? Just talk? The then lanky, agitated teen had thought. Just walk up and talk to people? He couldn't understand it.... a boy always alone, always in the shadows, stealing where he could to survive.

A brief smile as he remembered the day he joined Lamia Scale as a 8 year old...attempted a break into Lamia Scale Guild Hall Kitchen.... He almost made it to, if Maya had not have caught him red handed. A boy, in rags, unkempt hair and starving, literally a scrawny thing. But fast.

Not as fast as her though.

And she'd convinced him to stay.

At first it was the food, the clothes and a warm bed, but eventually he was intrigued. Crouched onto a railing, peering down to the people chatting. Socially inept. Spinning a dagger and fumbling, cutting his wrist. In a panic ripping his sleeve to stop the wound. The old Guild Master approaching him, and simply wrapping it like a bandage, smiling and leaving him be again.

How long ago...

Now he wasn't the young one anymore, he was one of the oldest. And he was not ready for that burden to protect them all... Had the old Guild Master asked him to succeed he would have downright said no! Luckily that fell to Lloyd...

He felt bad for thinking the worst about Lloyd simply because he had been unconscious... what else could he have even done while awake?

His cheeks cold as the tears stained them as well as his vest, his eyes widened as he felt a set of arms around him. Yet someone else, surprising him, getting close to him without his knowledge... another Spy? He tensed fully about to swing a dagger out when he heard her voice. "How did you- ..." He whispered but kept his gaze forward.

It didn't matter how she got there, but she was there now. "....What if it's too late-?.. What if they-?....What if she-?...." His voice choking up. But trying to stay strong regardless. Faking the bravado like he always did. Putting the arrogant/cocky mask on again.

@Kayzo (mention)
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Rooftop

She lifted her head from his back, leaning back on her haunches as she untangled her arms from his waist. She got to her feet and walked around in front of the man, looking down at him. Once before him she squatted down, her face now mere inches from his own as she looked into his eyes. She made sure to position herself so that he could not avert his gaze even if he wanted to, her own blue eyes seemingly seeing right through him. After holding her gaze for a few moments she closed her eyes and let out a sigh. Without giving the man time to react she gave him a small headbutt as she rested her forehead to his, not enough force to hurt but enough to catch his attention all the while holding her gaze firmly on his. "A lot's changed while I've been gone, but one thing that hasn't changed is that we take care of our own. As long as even one of us bears this mark we will bring Millie back home safe and sound." As she spoke she rested her hand over her bicep where her mark was before continuing. "But instead of working to rescue Millie you're busy letting your true self leak out in front of everyone."

She pulled her head from his and leaned back, putting some space between them as she brought her hands up to his shoulders. "Don't you think it's time you calm down, put your mask back and save Millie?" A comforting smile adorned her lips as she gave the man a small pat on his shoulders before getting back to her feet. "That girl back at Fairy Tail said she could talk to trees or some such nonsense." She turned slightly, looking out over the city in the direction of the guild they had just fled. "I say we go back, make nice with the locals and then get her to the forest. She said she could find them if they're in the forest so why waste time moping around when we could get some answers?" She turned back to face the kneeling man. As she looked down on him she rested her hands on her hips in a rather confidant posture. "Well not that it really matters, if you're gonna insist on wasting more time with outbursts I'll just go and do it myself. After all I haven't seen Millie in years. What better reunion then fighting my way through an entire dark guild and being the prince saving his princess." Her smile shifted from one of comfort to one of pure smug as she continued to look down at the man. "Don't blame me if I steal away your girl, though."

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Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Rooftop

She lifted her head from his back, leaning back on her haunches as she untangled her arms from his waist. She got to her feet and walked around in front of the man, looking down at him. Once before him she squatted down, her face now mere inches from his own as she looked into his eyes. She made sure to position herself so that he could not avert his gaze even if he wanted to, her own blue eyes seemingly seeing right through him. After holding her gaze for a few moments she closed her eyes and let out a sigh. Without giving the man time to react she gave him a small headbutt as she rested her forehead to his, not enough force to hurt but enough to catch his attention all the while holding her gaze firmly on his. "A lot's changed while I've been gone, but one thing that hasn't changed is that we take care of our own. As long as even one of us bears this mark we will bring Millie back home safe and sound." As she spoke she rested her hand over her bicep where her mark was before continuing. "But instead of working to rescue Millie you're busy letting your true self leak out in front of everyone."

She pulled her head from his and leaned back, putting some space between them as she brought her hands up to his shoulders. "Don't you think it's time you calm down, put your mask back and save Millie?" A comforting smile adorned her lips as she gave the man a small pat on his shoulders before getting back to her feet. "That girl back at Fairy Tail said she could talk to trees or some such nonsense." She turned slightly, looking out over the city in the direction of the guild they had just fled. "I say we go back, make nice with the locals and then get her to the forest. She said she could find them if they're in the forest so why waste time moping around when we could get some answers?" She turned back to face the kneeling man. As she looked down on him she rested her hands on her hips in a rather confidant posture. "Well not that it really matters, if you're gonna insist on wasting more time with outbursts I'll just go and do it myself. After all I haven't seen Millie in years. What better reunion then fighting my way through an entire dark guild and being the prince saving his princess." Her smile shifted from one of comfort to one of pure smug as she continued to look down at the man. "Don't blame me if I steal away your girl, though."

@Wyatt @Kayzo @femjapanriceball @Mykinkaiser
Eric: Magnolia Side Street

Well that was quite eventful. Right when Eric thought he was gonna be in for a fight Valken just up and vanished into a wall. Honestly he was happy that he did. He's already been in too many conflicts in one day. The blind mage suggested that they all head for the train station. In any other circumstance he probably would though he had guild-mates to look for. Before he could reply the mage literally flew away. "Another beast soul mage? Well I won't lose that easily. Alabaster, Aurelie you two should head for the station like he said, it should make a decent rally point. Don't worry I'll try and bring back the rest of Sabertooth with me." With a quick thumbs up he transformed into a cheetah and sped off in no time at all. "Mabye I should head for the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. That's always a good place to go for info. Though before he got there he collided head on with another cheetah running down the streets. "Hey watch where you're going cat!"

@Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Happy Red Mage @Kazehana
Chris Lengheart (goodnight Kelica)

Chris watched as Kelica nearly hit the ground, out of instinct he grabbed her and kept her from kissing the cement. He then slowly picked her up bridal style and kept her head close to his chest. That was when Chris looked at the maged that were still there and said, "I'm sorry everyone, but Kelica's been through a lot today. She disappeared to some kind of void, reappeared on train tracks, used a ton of her magic power, and to top it all off nearly got kidnapped. When she wakes up, I'll bring her back." before starting to walk home. He heard someone mention the train station, maybe they'd head there once Kelica woke up. Chris rounded the corner and slowly opened up the door to his house. He made sure to close and lock the door behind him as he carefully placed Kelica onto his bed. Chris went to the living room and laid down on the sofa, today just seemed to be getting worse and worse.

@Wyatt @femjapanriceball
@Happy Red Mage
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Rooftop < Magnolia Party Side Street

The Shadow Mage felt her arms slip from around his waist, hearing her footsteps before she crouched down into his view. Holding his dark purple gaze. And as her face leant in, bumping his forehead, his eyes widened a fraction in surprise. For a moment, under the darkness of her cap and the bangs at the front of his forehead, she might have noticed a tiny purple glow coming from his very eyes. Like a predator in the dark. His eyes flicking from her right to left as she spoke, drinking in her words. His own hand lifting up to touch at the huge Lamia Scale mark he had which started from his neck and curled and covered his entire left shoulder and collarbone, even to brush his biceps. Exposed even around his dark vest. Lamia Scale, the only family he ever knew.

He continued listening and made a face as she mentioned putting the mask back on to save Millie? That was the most important thing right? Getting her back... His anger was getting out of control, he needed to take a deep breath, calm down and see things from all angles like he normally would.

He did glance sideways however with a clouded dark look. "I do not think it would be wise to go back there.... not after I insulted those Fairytail mages and almost scared the wits out of that girl..." Frowning as he realised just how stupid that was of him. Always in hindsight.

Mikado's hands on hips posture made him lift an eyebrow though. His eyes narrowed down dangerously before he realized she was trying to make his skin crawl... He grinned then, his old actual normal cheeky grin. "I'm still winning the Take-Down count since our last mission remember? So... don't be thinking you're smacking your way through The Dark Guild... I'll be first in and I'll be the one rescuing the Princess..."

In a sudden move he lept him and hoisted his arm around the girl's waist, lifting her off her feet and spinning so he was holding her close and protected. "You're getting better at this Shadow Walk thing..." He grinned, throwing him and her completely off the edge of the roof and falling all the storeys with his posture to break the fall. Making sure to keep his vision closed as Valken detested heights. And where there should have been a splat as they landed the two simply voiped into the shadows on the alley floor and hurtled through the town back to square one. Only this time he stepped out much more gracefully then the first, and right in the far corner of the alleyway, hopefully far enough away from the earlier gathering to recognise him.

He didn't want another fight today and was actually thinking calmly.

@Wyatt @Kayzo @femjapanriceball @Mykinkaiser
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Sidestreet

She offered the man a small scoff as he claimed he'd be the one to save Millie. "You're not the only one who's changed these past couple years." She was about to turn around to take her leave, content that she seemed to succeed in getting Valken back n track. However, before she could the man suddenly lept to his feet and slung an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him and holding her tightly. Her eyes widened slightly at the mention of 'Shadow Walk'. She had already said she never wanted to do that again and yet here she was about to be plunged into the abyss for the third time in half an hour. She wasn't even able to voice her complaints as the man suddenly threw the two of them from the top of the building. As they raced towards the ground she planted her face in his chest and screwed her eyes closed. Unlike her companion it wasn't the height that made her apprehensive. Oh no, it was the thought that she'd be going back into that god forsaken shadow realm again. Before they hit the ground she took a deep breath, holding tightly to the man until they could make their way to their destination.

While she was getting slightly more accustomed to the shadow realm it was still immensely unpleasant. How Valken managed to spend so much time in there was beyond her. Fortunately the trip didn't last long as the two of them gracefully emerged from the shadows in another alley-way. Once free of the darkness she opened her eyes and tilted her head back and rested her chin on his chest, looking up at the man that clutched her tightly to him. While it did seem as if her pep-talk had achieved the desired results she knew how well Valken was at masking his true feelings. The last thing she wanted was to waste anymore time on pointless squabbles, not while a member of their family was held by the enemy. "You want me to do the... " Her sentence fell off before she even finished it as she averted her gaze down slightly. The prospect of dealing with strangers was never appealing to her, however given the circumstances it might be one of those rare occasions where she had to step up. With a small huff to psyche herself up she shifted her gaze back up at the man and continued. "You want me to do the talking this time?"

Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Side Street

Well that was quite eventful. Right when Eric thought he was gonna be in for a fight Valken just up and vanished into a wall. Honestly he was happy that he did. He's already been in too many conflicts in one day. The blind mage suggested that they all head for the train station. In any other circumstance he probably would though he had guild-mates to look for. Before he could reply the mage literally flew away. "Another beast soul mage? Well I won't lose that easily. Alabaster, Aurelie you two should head for the station like he said, it should make a decent rally point. Don't worry I'll try and bring back the rest of Sabertooth with me." With a quick thumbs up he transformed into a cheetah and sped off in no time at all. "Mabye I should head for the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. That's always a good place to go for info. Though before he got there he collided head on with another cheetah running down the streets. "Hey watch where you're going cat!"

@Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Happy Red Mage @Kazehana
Vex: Magnolia Side Streets

Vex's head was in pain due to the other cheetah running straight into him. "I wasn't moving, your the one who ran into me." He then turned his head as much as he could so that he could look at Mizuki. "Did you hear the man say that Kelica was out for now? Perhaps we should just do some recon on our own and see if we can't find the dark guild our selves." His knees where shacking from being ran into and the amount of weight he had on his back. "There is a great chance that if we go into the forest I could see their magic it and follow it back to the source.

@femjapanriceball @Kayzo
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart (goodnight Kelica)

Chris watched as Kelica nearly hit the ground, out of instinct he grabbed her and kept her from kissing the cement. He then slowly picked her up bridal style and kept her head close to his chest. That was when Chris looked at the maged that were still there and said, "I'm sorry everyone, but Kelica's been through a lot today. She disappeared to some kind of void, reappeared on train tracks, used a ton of her magic power, and to top it all off nearly got kidnapped. When she wakes up, I'll bring her back." before starting to walk home. He heard someone mention the train station, maybe they'd head there once Kelica woke up. Chris rounded the corner and slowly opened up the door to his house. He made sure to close and lock the door behind him as he carefully placed Kelica onto his bed. Chris went to the living room and laid down on the sofa, today just seemed to be getting worse and worse.

@Wyatt @femjapanriceball
@Happy Red Mage
Kelica Zefara

Chris's House

Kelica's chest was rising and falling at a slow and steady pace. Her legs bounced slightly with every step Chris seemed to make. Even the door being opened and shut didn't even make her eyelashes flutter. She was completely out. Even as he laid her down on the bed, she didn't even flinch. Lost in dreamless void not much different to the one she was in earlier.

She had no idea how long she had dozed, it felt like hours but was probably closer to a few minutes. Slowly one eyelid slipped open followed a moment later by the other at an odd angle. Her eyes focusing in on a room. A room she was familiar with but... her eyes flew open in a panic and she sat bolt upright, clutching whatever sheet was closest to her. Where was Chris?! She remembered being held by him then... just here? Why was her memory so vague lately....

"Chris?!" She called out in a sudden panic, breathing quickening.
Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Sidestreet

She offered the man a small scoff as he claimed he'd be the one to save Millie. "You're not the only one who's changed these past couple years." She was about to turn around to take her leave, content that she seemed to succeed in getting Valken back n track. However, before she could the man suddenly lept to his feet and slung an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him and holding her tightly. Her eyes widened slightly at the mention of 'Shadow Walk'. She had already said she never wanted to do that again and yet here she was about to be plunged into the abyss for the third time in half an hour. She wasn't even able to voice her complaints as the man suddenly threw the two of them from the top of the building. As they raced towards the ground she planted her face in his chest and screwed her eyes closed. Unlike her companion it wasn't the height that made her apprehensive. Oh no, it was the thought that she'd be going back into that god forsaken shadow realm again. Before they hit the ground she took a deep breath, holding tightly to the man until they could make their way to their destination.

While she was getting slightly more accustomed to the shadow realm it was still immensely unpleasant. How Valken managed to spend so much time in there was beyond her. Fortunately the trip didn't last long as the two of them gracefully emerged from the shadows in another alley-way. Once free of the darkness she opened her eyes and tilted her head back and rested her chin on his chest, looking up at the man that clutched her tightly to him. While it did seem as if her pep-talk had achieved the desired results she knew how well Valken was at masking his true feelings. The last thing she wanted was to waste anymore time on pointless squabbles, not while a member of their family was held by the enemy. "You want me to do the... " Her sentence fell off before she even finished it as she averted her gaze down slightly. The prospect of dealing with strangers was never appealing to her, however given the circumstances it might be one of those rare occasions where she had to step up. With a small huff to psyche herself up she shifted her gaze back up at the man and continued. "You want me to do the talking this time?"

Valken Truss

Magnolia Side Street

Valken had to half chuckle as he felt her tense frame and clear dislike of the Shadow Realm. For most people, the overwhelming pressure on all sides, an inability to breathe and claustrophobic nightmare frightened them, while in turn it soothed him. Forever alone the embrace of the dark always felt like the tight hold of a lover's embrace. Needed and wanted. And even as he tried to leave it almost reached out to say, no, stay a while longer?

Regardless the man allowed her to bury her face into his chest and his grip kept around her, nice and secure. Like his very arms where like a suit of armor, allowing the shadows to try and claim him rather then her. His body warm. Once outside of the shadows and she tilted her face up, he kept his grin as he peered down with an upturned eyebrow. Slowly lowering his arms from around her, though he did grasp at the hem of her shirt and sort of shuffle it and straighten it on her hips. He even let his fingers reach at her cap and yanked it down a portion in an almost brotherly way before she spoke.

"If it is not too much trouble... I don't think they much want to hear what I have to say, anyway... But I'll still be right here behind you."

Now this he couldn't wait to see..

While he had calmed down significantly, and at worst could hold his aggression long enough to hold a conversation.... probably... the idea of Mikado taking the lead and talking to strangers he really had to see. Maybe she really had changed in those years? He gestured with his head to the remaining group while resting a hand on her lower back, slowly easing her forward with his feet walking uncomfortably close behind hers, edging her forward.

@Happy Red Mage @purplepanda288 @Mykinkaiser @Bolts @Genon @Rhodus
Emmerich Faust

Location: Magnolia Train Station --> Magnolia Side Street

With: @Wyatt @femjapanriceball

Emmerich looked around as Valken and the hat-girl, Mika-something, appeared out of the shadows and began to walk towards him and the Fairy Tail mages, or at least where the other mages had been. The girl had fainted and been carried off and another guy had run off saying something about a beast-soul or the like, Emmerich didn't really care much at the moment. Instead, his eyes were fixed on Valken as he turned and began to walk towards the shadow mage, his displeasure obvious. However, he decided to give the other man a chance to explain himself due to the fact that he seemed to have calmed down. Whatever Mika, as he was now going to call her, had done to him seems to have worked and for that, Emmerich is grateful. Ironically he, who is known for his love of fighting and penchant for destruction, has been faring better in holding back his own anger than has the man known for spying. Well, Valken does have rather more to lose than Emmerich here so the brawler can understand, if not condone, his actions. Either way, he needs to be sure that the shadow mage has truly gotten ahold of himself and as such Emmerich addresses the other man with a simple question, his voice level, "Are you done being so selfish?"
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Side Street

Valken had to half chuckle as he felt her tense frame and clear dislike of the Shadow Realm. For most people, the overwhelming pressure on all sides, an inability to breathe and claustrophobic nightmare frightened them, while in turn it soothed him. Forever alone the embrace of the dark always felt like the tight hold of a lover's embrace. Needed and wanted. And even as he tried to leave it almost reached out to say, no, stay a while longer?

Regardless the man allowed her to bury her face into his chest and his grip kept around her, nice and secure. Like his very arms where like a suit of armor, allowing the shadows to try and claim him rather then her. His body warm. Once outside of the shadows and she tilted her face up, he kept his grin as he peered down with an upturned eyebrow. Slowly lowering his arms from around her, though he did grasp at the hem of her shirt and sort of shuffle it and straighten it on her hips. He even let his fingers reach at her cap and yanked it down a portion in an almost brotherly way before she spoke.

"If it is not too much trouble... I don't think they much want to hear what I have to say, anyway... But I'll still be right here behind you."

Now this he couldn't wait to see..

While he had calmed down significantly, and at worst could hold his aggression long enough to hold a conversation.... probably... the idea of Mikado taking the lead and talking to strangers he really had to see. Maybe she really had changed in those years? He gestured with his head to the remaining group while resting a hand on her lower back, slowly easing her forward with his feet walking uncomfortably close behind hers, edging her forward.

@Happy Red Mage @purplepanda288 @Mykinkaiser @Bolts @Genon @Rhodus
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Sidestreet

Having her cap touched caused her to instinctively bring her hand up and hold onto it to ensure it was where it should be. Her expression fell slightly as Valken said she should speak to the crowd. Even if she had volunteered she had hoped her pep-talk was sufficient and that he would turn down her offer. Alas that was not the case and now she was in a position to speak to the foreign mages. As if he sensed her apprehension she felt his hand on her back as he gently pressured her forward. It seemed she had no choice at this point and took a deep breath before giving a small nod. "Alright..." Partly due to Valken's instance she made her way to the group. Her gaze quickly darted to one of the mages as they made their way towards her and Valken. She recognized him from the train station as being one of Valken's friends and judging by the man's expression he didn't exactly seem pleased. Despite Valken's prodding she came to a stop a few feet before Emmerich as the man seemed to ignore her entirely and address Valken. Figuring this wasn't her time to speak up she instead tilted her head back, looking up at Valken in expectance that he would deal with the new situation.

@Zuka @Happy Red Mage @purplepanda288 @Mykinkaiser @Bolts @Genon @Rhodus
Valken Truss

Magnolia Side Street

Valken was grinning down to Mikado, her shyness far to entertaining and a nice little mental escape from his still almost raging at the Dark Guild taking Millie. When she stopped and wouldn't step forward however he frowned as his purple eyes flittered up to see none other then Frosty coming towards them.

How the man was even there was a mystery, although as he thought more about it, it had been far longer then 5minutes and his presence was not really a surprise. His back straighted and his eyes held the man's; face a blank slate. In a strange gesture the man grasps Mikado's shoulder and moves her slightly to the side, out of harm's way if one were to know the two men.

Valken maintained his stance, his actions thus far doing nothing to draw attention to the three in the corner. Really the other mages were probably still unaware he had returned. "Yes." He answered truthfully.

"If you still wish to hit me, you can try." The statement working two fold. Now with a clear head, or at least most of one, if Emmerich tries to strike him, Valken would have no problem side-stepping him and deflecting the blow.

Perhaps proving to the Brawler he was indeed himself again.

Or maybe his words were enough. Though Valken doubted it.


Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Side Street

Valken was grinning down to Mikado, her shyness far to entertaining and a nice little mental escape from his still almost raging at the Dark Guild taking Millie. When she stopped and wouldn't step forward however he frowned as his purple eyes flittered up to see none other then Frosty coming towards them.

How the man was even there was a mystery, although as he thought more about it, it had been far longer then 5minutes and his presence was not really a surprise. His back straighted and his eyes held the man's; face a blank slate. In a strange gesture the man grasps Mikado's shoulder and moves her slightly to the side, out of harm's way if one were to know the two men.

Valken maintained his stance, his actions thus far doing nothing to draw attention to the three in the corner. Really the other mages were probably still unaware he had returned. "Yes." He answered truthfully.

"If you still wish to hit me, you can try." The statement working two fold. Now with a clear head, or at least most of one, if Emmerich tries to strike him, Valken would have no problem side-stepping him and deflecting the blow.

Perhaps proving to the Brawler he was indeed himself again.

Or maybe his words were enough. Though Valken doubted it.


A whole bunch of things happened at once. One, Kelica fell unconscious, and two, Valken was back...with a friend. "Listen Valken, I only ever wanted you to calm down. But unfortunately, due to all the things Kelica's been through today, she fell unconscious and Chris carried her to some place for her to rest up. Let me recap what she's been through: She got sent to a mysterious void, reappeared on train tracks, used up most of her magic power, and then,"--Adrian's eyes narrowed here, staring straight into Valken's own--"she nearly got kidnapped. And before you tell me it was to save Millie, taking anyone away against their will is technically kidnapping. Now we're waiting on her and Chris to get back in what could be a few minutes or a few hours, and since she's the linchpin of our plan, you directly contributed to us wasting even more time here. I just hope you realize that."

EDIT: "Oh, and I should mention," he continued, "Kelica tends to be a bit...flighty, as I'm sure you've noticed. She gets scared easily and due to losing her memories tends to not know what's going on. So next time she sees you, she might very well run away screaming and then we'll be in the exact same situation."

(OOC: EDIT ends here)

Then he turned to the others and asked, "So, anyway, does anyone have a plan B if she doesn't wake up soon? The only thing I can come up with is spamming Chaotic Mimicry until I get Earth Magic, and depending on the distance I might forget what I learned by the time we get there, so it's really a big gamble."

@Happy Red Mage @purplepanda288 @Mykinkaiser @Bolts @Rhodus @Zuka @Colt556 @Isune (mentioned)
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