Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


With a smile Mother waved her hand in a spiral motion, Eias' clothing glowed for a few seconds. >insert anime transformation here, and clothing of preferred choice<. The vains previously shown made their presence known once again by bulging under Her skin. Mothers eyes appeared to become sharper. With a death glare that would rival that of the reaper him self, she gave Valken the stare down. She lifted her feet from the ground, and began to slowly glide towards the Emo Mage. With mouth slightly agape the group could very clearly see her sharp teeth, with a small inhalation her melodic voice rang though the air. " Hello Sir.Ass wanker, you seem like the type of man that would objectify women. But that's besides the point... From what I can gather" A small screen popped up next to mother, she did the same routine. Placed her finger on it, scrolled and stoped. " There were about five missing Magic signatures when we woke up. I don't know who's they are for I didnt read into them to much, but they are gone." She turned away from The Mage to face the group as a whole. " I'm more than certain that there will be large amounts of magic were they are, so if we get into proximity I will be able to locate the hostages. That is if they have them locked up in magic sealing stone. Do any of you have any ideas on how to execute a plan of action. I know that we have Kelica's connection to guide us most of the way."

@Colt556 @Kazehana @Bolts @Isune
Eric: Magnolia Side Street

"Masaki and Ren are safe? Well that's some good news at least." Though Eric already started disliking Valken after he finished describing himself. "Mr Bond...? pfft" Eric stood behind Valken and changed his face to match the shadow mage and then started mimicking his words behind him with stupid expressions and hand gestures. Though it stopped when a woman started throwing shots at him. "Heh sir ass wanker... I like her already." Though slightly intimidated by her presence Eric would undoubtedly start mocking him again should he start talking.

@femjapanriceball @Colt556 @Kazehana @Bolts @Isune
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Lavender Gray

Lavender noticed something was off but didnt bother to push for more information "No, you did not ruin my early day." she said softly "I was bound to wake up at least an hour from now." the time passed pretty quickly because before she knew it, they were at the store that Sera had been talking about. When they entered, they had many pieces of clothing. It was quite nice actually. Clothing was placed neatly around the store, there were even some shoes that she could try on. But Lavender wasnt sure if she wanted to get shoes, despite only having two pairs. One for battle (Her armor boots) and just dressy shoes to go out.

Looking at Sera, she shook her head "I do not plan on letting you buy my clothing, Miss Sera. I would not feel right letting you buy whatever I'd like." Lavender wasnt like that, Sera should have known she wasnt like that but knowing Sera...she'd keep pushing to buy her clothes from this place.

@Mitchs98 @rbshinichi
He looked around as he was swarmed by perfectly stitched dresses and clothes hanging almost magically on invisible racks. He looked down on what he was wearing, a borrowed pair of decent clothing from Sera. I guess, that's all I need for now. His eyes then fell on the sword hanging by his waist. "Nope. Nope." he whispered to himself. He then turned to the ladies who were beside him at that time. "Do you ladies think they have robes and capes here?" he asked tilting his head a bit. And even in clothing, he couldn't throw away his royal taste.

Wyatt said:
Vex: Magnolia Side StreetVex smiled when his comment confused Valken, he didn't know that Valken was capable of being stunned by such a simple comment. "Well I am using magic in order to see. I can see a lot better than you when I do see, however, I can't do it when I am fighting because it requires a lot of focus and concentration." Vex was almost surprised but it didn't come as a complete shock when he found out that more mages had been kidnapped. If mages were going to be kidnapped from one place then they would most likely be kidnapped for more as well. He then listened as Valken introduced himself to everyone else. Then came some girl began to speak. "Wait to can speak to plants? I can go with you to the forest, I have power over plants and their growth so we might make a good team."

@femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @Kayzo (mizuki mention) @femjapanriceball @Kazehana @Bolts
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Side Street

She held her gaze on Valken as he seemed to speak up to answer her previous question. Unfortunately he was cut off by the sudden exclamation of surprise coming from a nearby woman. She lowered her head, turning her attention from Valken to the woman that questioned their arrival as she felt the man's hands slip from her waist. Dealing with strangers wasn't exactly her strong-suit and both Valken and the new guy seemed willing to take the lead so she simply opted to take a step back, silently watching the group. Based on the conversation it seemed as if the three top guilds had all gathered for the festival and now were dealing with missing members. She already knew the situation was serious but the fact that their enemy was willing to piss off the most powerful guilds in Fiore didn't sit right with her. She brought her hand up and idly played with the end of her scarf as she stared off into space. They would have to know the three guilds would go in search of their members. They had to know they were no match for so many powerful mages.

She was pulled out of her monologuing as some old woman stepped forward and brazenly insulted Valken. She narrowed her eyes from under her cap, first impressions mattered and that certainly wasn't a very good one. However Valken seemed to handle it so she just kept her silent glare on the woman as the conversation continued despite her hostility. It was then that she managed to piece two and two together, Valken earlier had been in the process of responding to her question and just now mentioned his girlfriend being taken. She gently pounded her fist in her hand, her expression brightening up as she finally figured out why Valken was unusually agitated. It seemed there was yet one more significant change during her absence. Ignoring his bout with the Sabertooth mage she walked up beside Valken and looked up at him from beneath her cap. "The Sabertooth mage aside we now have some kind of lead. So if you and your friend are done with your banter perhaps we could actually get some action going?"

@Wyatt @Isune @Jackaboi @Happy Red Mage @purplepanda288
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia side street

Eric somehow managed to free himself from the wall and was a little sad to hear what Alabaster said. "But... dragons yo... surely you'd never miss the chance to make friends with such an awesome creature!" Suddenly he turned serious when he finally realised what Kelica said. "Missing mages?" He wasn't sure but this could relate to that knife he picked up. He still had it with him and the faint smell of the sleeping drug still remained on it. "I found this knife in the bar, It's been coated with a sleeping drug. obviously I'd take it as evidence after seeing the mark engraved on it." He held it out for everyone to see. If this related to the missing mages then there's the possibility that Fairy Tail weren't the only one's targeted. If they succeeded in taking anyone from Sabertooth, he sure as hell would make them pay for it.

@femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Colt556 @Kazehana @purplepanda288 @Bolts
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Where the hell did you people come from!?)

Chris jumped as some random man popped out of the shadows. After looking a bit closer, he realized it was the man he was set to fight in the streets. Chris only scratched the back of his neck as the memory surged into his head for a moment. Hopefully, that man didn't want his match anymore. Chris honestly had bigger fish to fry right now, someone had taken guild members from both Fairy tail and Lamia scale. At this point, what they did now was unclear. Everyone could head south like Kelica said, but once they got there what would they do. It's not like there'd be a giant evil base with giant signs pointing over to it saying "EVIL BASE! YOUR GUILDMATES ARE IN HERE!!!".

@Zuka @Jackaboi @Happy Red Mage @Rhodus @femjapanriceball @Wyatt @Kayzo (mentioned)
Wyatt said:
Vex: Magnolia Side StreetVex smiled when his comment confused Valken, he didn't know that Valken was capable of being stunned by such a simple comment. "Well I am using magic in order to see. I can see a lot better than you when I do see, however, I can't do it when I am fighting because it requires a lot of focus and concentration." Vex was almost surprised but it didn't come as a complete shock when he found out that more mages had been kidnapped. If mages were going to be kidnapped from one place then they would most likely be kidnapped for more as well. He then listened as Valken introduced himself to everyone else. Then came some girl began to speak. "Wait to can speak to plants? I can go with you to the forest, I have power over plants and their growth so we might make a good team."

@Isune @Happy Red Mage @Rhodus @Jackaboi @femjapanriceball @Colt556 @Kazehana @purplepanda288 @Bolts
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(please...shut up.)

Chris shook his head as the man who had introduced himself as Valken went on and on about being a woman slayer, a spy, and being nicknamed bond. Chris grumbled something under his breath something along the lines of "For a spy you sure don't know when to keep quiet." before silently crossing his arms. He looked over at Kelica for a moment and simply shrugged. He then sat down next to her and said, "Whaddya think of these people? I mean, they literally just popped out from the shadows."

@Zuka @Happy Red Mage @Rhodus @Jackaboi @femjapanriceball @Colt556 @Kazehana @purplepanda288 @Bolts
purplepanda288 said:

With a smile Mother waved her hand in a spiral motion, Eias' clothing glowed for a few seconds. >insert anime transformation here, and clothing of preferred choice<. The vains previously shown made their presence known once again by bulging under Her skin. Mothers eyes appeared to become sharper. With a death glare that would rival that of the reaper him self, she gave Valken the stare down. She lifted her feet from the ground, and began to slowly glide towards the Emo Mage. With mouth slightly agape the group could very clearly see her sharp teeth, with a small inhalation her melodic voice rang though the air. " Hello Sir.Ass wanker, you seem like the type of man that would objectify women. But that's besides the point... From what I can gather" A small screen popped up next to mother, she did the same routine. Placed her finger on it, scrolled and stoped. " There were about five missing Magic signatures when we woke up. I don't know who's they are for I didnt read into them to much, but they are gone." She turned away from The Mage to face the group as a whole. " I'm more than certain that there will be large amounts of magic were they are, so if we get into proximity I will be able to locate the hostages. That is if they have them locked up in magic sealing stone. Do any of you have any ideas on how to execute a plan of action. I know that we have Kelica's connection to guide us most of the way."

@Zuka @Happy Red Mage @Rhodus @Jackaboi @femjapanriceball @Colt556 @Kazehana @Bolts @Isune
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Side Street

"Masaki and Ren are safe? Well that's some good news at least." Though Eric already started disliking Valken after he finished describing himself. "Mr Bond...? pfft" Eric stood behind Valken and changed his face to match the shadow mage and then started mimicking his words behind him with stupid expressions and hand gestures. Though it stopped when a woman started throwing shots at him. "Heh sir ass wanker... I like her already." Though slightly intimidated by her presence Eric would undoubtedly start mocking him again should he start talking.

@Zuka @Happy Red Mage @Rhodus @purplepanda288 @femjapanriceball @Kayzo (mizuki mention) @Colt556 @Happy Red Mage @Rhodus @femjapanriceball @Kazehana @Bolts
Bizma let out a small sigh as more people pointed out her dragon. So much for avoiding the spotlight. Fortunately, nobody had noticed the fact that Lion had pretty much thrown a dead body at her. Bluh. For some reason, she had a massive headache.

"Hungh.....where'm I? Wussgoinon?" Wait. Now she was talking someone else's thoughts. And, strangely enough, her hands moved on their own, flying straight to her chest. "Wha.....? GAAAAHHHHHH! I'm....f-f-female?!" She was moving towards Lion. His face was one of confusion. Her eyes trailed down to the body in his hands; they widened instantly. "I'm female and dead...! What on earth?! W-who are these people? What's this thing on my arm?" She pointed at her guild mark, looking incredibly perplexed. Lion cocked his eyebrow.

"Bizma, you okay?"

"......Who's 'Bizma'?"
rbshinichi said:
He looked around as he was swarmed by perfectly stitched dresses and clothes hanging almost magically on invisible racks. He looked down on what he was wearing, a borrowed pair of decent clothing from Sera. I guess, that's all I need for now. His eyes then fell on the sword hanging by his waist. "Nope. Nope." he whispered to himself. He then turned to the ladies who were beside him at that time. "Do you ladies think they have robes and capes here?" he asked tilting his head a bit. And even in clothing, he couldn't throw away his royal taste.

Lavender Gray

Lavender noticed something was off but didnt bother to push for more information "No, you did not ruin my early day." she said softly "I was bound to wake up at least an hour from now." the time passed pretty quickly because before she knew it, they were at the store that Sera had been talking about. When they entered, they had many pieces of clothing. It was quite nice actually. Clothing was placed neatly around the store, there were even some shoes that she could try on. But Lavender wasnt sure if she wanted to get shoes, despite only having two pairs. One for battle (Her armor boots) and just dressy shoes to go out.

Looking at Sera, she shook her head "I do not plan on letting you buy my clothing, Miss Sera. I would not feel right letting you buy whatever I'd like." Lavender wasnt like that, Sera should have known she wasnt like that but knowing Sera...she'd keep pushing to buy her clothes from this place.

@Mitchs98 @rbshinichi
Sera: Clothing Store

Sera only smiled more when Lavender denied her offer to let her buy her some clothes. "Nope! None of that. If you won't let me buy what I know you want I'll buy you whatever I think you'll want and have it all shipped to your house. C'mon, I want to do this. We're friends after all, plus I don't have much I want to spend the money on myself." She replied. Basically, whether Lavender like it or not she was going to be getting some new clothes. Sera was a really insistent person sometimes, and this time was one of those times. She turned to Mika when he questioned if they had any kind of robe or cape. "I'm sure they do, this place has pretty much anything like I said. Armor, beachwear, casual clothing, enchanted clothing, lingerie, etcetra." She replied with a shrug. "Now, c'mon. You guys see anything you want at all, I'll get it if I can afford it." She told them. She had invited them to come with her after all, and was thus determined to get them at-least something.
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara and
Valken Truss

Magnolia Side Street

Valken made a huh sound as Vex told him about his seeing magic, he understood that he used Horus to be his eyes but it never occured to him that there was a type of magic that could see... it did make sense when he thought back on tracking the magical signature of the kidnappers, the lead he carelessly let go because he was far to caught up in his own guilt and hopelessness of the situation. He frowned at that and tried hard not to dwell on the past.

Valken's of course felt a shift in the shadows as Mother started floating over to him. As he meet her death glare his whole posture straightened to his full height, his face a cold emotionless void. Meeting it head on as he kept his arms crossed. He didn't even bat an eyelid, feet spreading meerly a fraction to cement his stance. His cheeky grin lost to a frightening coldness, his work personality. He didn't say a single word during her tirad, though once she was finished he paused before he spoke. "That's hardly the way to approach someone, Mother... You of all people I would expect to carry your words without the childish name calling..." His words smooth but held a very strong tone. "If you must know, my own Girlfriend was taken and come hell or high water I will rip every single door to Magnolia open to find her or tear every tree from it's base.... I thought a joke might lighten the mood rather then walking in slitting throats and cutting spines.... the latter is slightly more threatening, and I am actually recruiting Mages rather then picking fights... We will need an all in offensive of all three Guilds to take down a well prepared and well defended Dark Guild Hideout."

Valken, of course, turned his head as Eric started to pull faces and agree with Mother, his dark purple eyes as peircing and stern as Gilad's ever were.. "You're from Sabertooth, correct? I am actually quite familar with Master Arcturus... I'm sure he will be most pleased to hear about one of his Guild Members acting in such a manner..." His statement ending with a smirk as he reached a hand out, hand brushing the wall before the very tips of his fingeds melted seemingly into the very surface. "Should I go find him? Or Mizuki perhaps? I hear she is quite the artist in torture and curses...."

Kelica meanwhile kept Ryu's head in her lap, secure, watching the tension in the air. Her very heart seemed to squeeze tighter as her chest hurt. Kelica was atuned to emotions which only amplified more for her. Thankful that Chris sat beside her, she smiled warmly as his meer presence seemed to calm her.

"I dunno Chris.. he seems serious..and getting everyone together is probably not a bad idea... especially considering just how many mages are missing..."

She broke the look though as the guy who she overheard was called Vex mentioned being able to grow plants? Her eyes suddenly lit up like a child in a candy store and she would have run over to clasp his hands had she not been attending to Ryu first. "Y...you grow plants?! I mean.. I can to! I am a Forest Guardian! I talk to plants and animals, I ask them both to help me sometimes... and I can grow plants as well! And I can heal physical wounds... originally I healed Birds and Squirrels but slowly learned to do it on human... it doesn't numb the pain though, just intensify it while I heal.. Ryu here could probably tell you more about it..." chuckling as she stroked his hair.

@Kayzo (mizuki mention) @femjapanriceball @Kazehana @Bolts
Vex: Magnolia Side Street

Vex couldn't have been happier when Kelica spike because they had very similar powers, except the fact that he couldn't talk to plants. He didn't say anything when mother or Valken spoke because they didn't say anything to him. I can also communicate with animals. In fact I have a seeing eye bird. He is with the other wizards at the moment." Vex then leaned over and grabbed a blade of grass from where he was standing. The blade of grass began to grow larger in size and started to morph into a flower. In a matter of seconds the once blade of grass was a beautiful white rose. "I can heal others as well, I don't think that it intensifies the pain. I think that is works differ than yours."

@femjapanriceball @Kazehana @Bolts
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Gilad Arcuturs - Location Unknown

He stood atop the hill, staring out over the plains rolling before him with a grim expression adorned on his face. His hand were stretched out before him, resting atop the pummel of his axe as his cape fluttered in the breeze. The grass rippled along like waves on the ocean creating a rather serene landscape. After a few moments of silent contemplation he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply before letting out a long, slow breath. He opened his eyes and slid his hands down the shaft of his weapon, gripping it tightly and slinging it over his shoulder as he turned around. Before him were dozens of bodies strewn about. Their forms mangled and bloody to such a degree that one would rightfully think they were dead. Unfortunately for them they were not given the reprieve of death. He calmly strode past the bodies as he made his way towards the remaining conscious mage who was desperately crawling across the ground in a vain attempt to escape. His legs were like limp noodles flopping around as the man hurriedly pulled himself along, his breathing ragged and panicked. The man's demeanor became even more distraught as he heard the dull clang of metal approach him.

The man looked over his shoulder, an audible cry filling his surroundings as he reached an arm out to pull himself further forward. Just as he stretched out his arm it suddenly twisted and contorted in a half-dozen different directions. The sound of bones shattering and blood flying was quickly drowned out by a scream of agony as the man used his free hand to clutch his now mangled arm. As the man lay there, whimpering and weeping in pain and fear the armor-clad individual finally caught up, standing directly above him and peering down with a sinister glare. The man quickly held up his remaining good arm and cried out. "P-please! I don't know anything I swear!"

He held his glare on the whimpering man as he pleaded. It was only fitting that he explain himself and after a few more lingering moments of silence he spoke up in a voice as cold as his gaze. "I am well aware that you know nothing. It is not you who I desire to question." As if on cue the mostly serene landscape darkened as a mass of swirling black clouds formed overhead. Arcs of purple-tinted electricity darted around the dark mass before a particularly large bolt of lightning streaked down and struck the nearby terrain. As the smoke cleared a a tall man clad in colorful clothing was left in it's wake, a broad smile on his lips. Despite his smile there was a distinct malice in his expression as torrents of magic poured out from him. "Is there, perhaps, something you require of my guild~?" The man's voice was flowery and spoken with an almost song-like flair.

He turned to face the newcomer fully as he looked the man over. From the sheer amount of magic the man was letting out it was no doubt that this was the man he sought. He slammed his axe down by his side, down upon the whimpering man and bestowing upon him the mercy of unconsciousness before addressing the enemy mage. "I am searching for Grimoire Heart and I am well aware that your guild and theirs have had dealings in the past." The dark guild master's smile lapsed into a frown as he was quick to respond. "We, perhaps, have not had dealings with them in quite a while. I am afraid you must go without." Whether this statement was true or not was yet to be decided and ascertaining it's validity was exactly what he intended to do.

The ground around him began to rumble as he released his own magic. While not as visually impressive as his opponents the power was more than enough to put the dark mage on edge. The wind whipped up into a frenzy around the two of them as small bits of debris was lifted into the air and crumbled into dust. The dark mage extended his arms to his sides and quickly took to the sky, purple orbs of energy forming around him as he gained his distance. There was only one outcome at this point and the two men would strive to be the one who comes out on top. The dark mage was the first to strike as he swung his arms down at him, the purple orbs quickly following suit as they darted down to the ground.

Meanwhile a brilliant blaze engulfed his hand and snaked it's way down the shaft of his axe, flaring up as it encompassed the axe's head. He lifted his weapon, gripping it with both hands as he gave it a mighty swing up at his opponent. A large arc of fire shot forth from the weapon, striking the orbs of energy mid-air and causing them to detonate. He was quick to follow up as he extended his hand, the dark mage suddenly finding himself unable to remain airborne as he plummeted to the ground. In an attempt to distract his opponent while he was helpless in the air the dark mage raised his hand to the sky as a flash of purple energy lanced out from the swirling clouds above, striking down at Gilad.

The lightning would not find it's mark as it veered off-course right before it struck it's target, arcing down to the side and harmlessly impacting the ground nearby. Several more bolts lanced out only to meet similar fates, obscuring him in a cloud of dust and smoke. It seemed that the dark mage aimed to obscure his vision one the man realized he could not hurt him directly. As such he lifted his axe and gave another mighty swing, the sheer force of the movement creating an immense gust of wind that cleared the smoke. He quickly reacquired his target only to be met with a large beam of purple energy cascading in his direction. It too was unable to find it's target as it abruptly winked out of existence, eliciting an agitated click of the dark mage's tongue.

The dark mage knew better than to idly stand by as his opponent prepared their own attack and as such was quick to continue the onslaught. The man slammed his palms together in front of him, calling out to the sky above. "Gates of Heaven and Hell open now and join as one to form the ultimate prison! Purgatory!" The center of the mass of black swirling clouds seemed to open up as a blinding purple light shone through. Simultaneously the ground beneath Gilad shown equally as brightly. Rays of light shot from the two openings, connecting one another along the rim of the blinding circles before pulling them towards one another. As this went on he simply stood there impassively, seemingly unimpressed with the dark mage's spell.

Believing he had the upper-hand with his utmost confidence in his spell the man spoke up, a wide smile adorned upon his features. "I'm so sorry that, perhaps, I might not have been able to help you. Alas this is where we part ways." As if to emphasize his words the portal in the sky came rushing down, rapidly shrinking the cage he found himself in. He took in a deep breath as he resumed his stance from earlier, resting his hands atop the pummel of his axe as he stared at the dark mage. Without warning the portals of energy and the rays that connected them vanished, leaving behind only trace particles that glittered through the air. The sudden canceling of the spell caught the dark mage by surprise and gave him the opening he needed.

Just as suddenly as the spell vanished the dark mage found a powerful force bearing down on him. The sudden change threw him to the ground as a massive crater formed beneath him. The man's breath was knocked out of him as he silently gasped in pain and weakly struggle to get out another spell. Alas any spell her attempted to conjure would immediately cancel and the force pinning him to the ground would grow ever stronger. With the match coming to a close he strode towards the dark mage, that same cold look in his eyes as he towered over the man. "Now then, about Grimoire Heart."
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Rodwen Kiernan


Rodwen grabbed the boy by the hair and began dragging him along behind her , moving swiftly towards the holding cells from from which he came. When the boy spoke Rodwen turned her head slightly so that he was somewhat visible "I don't need you to talk, what ever made you think that ? All I want to do is cleanse you of your impurities , maybe have some fun torturing you.I don't mind if you hold your voice but should Lucian decide to pay you a visit , please quickly rethink that decision."

After walking for some time Rodwen came to discover that the main corridor and fastest way back to the jail cells was caved in. Obviously this was the doing of one of the light mage's , with a sigh Rodwen raised her hand and slowly began cutting into it. Not knowing how deep the cave in went Rodwen had no other choice but to do so , besides all the other routes were rigged with various traps and guards.

Making good progress through the cave in Rodwen turned to the boy and smiled "Tell me , just who do you think did this ?"

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Eric: Magnolia Side Street

"Grr... that bastard..." Valken sure knows how to play dirty that's for sure. It's clear that he does know Gilad if he's making bold threats like that. Well... Two can play at that game!. "Heh... You mentioned you had a girlfriend right? I wonder how she would react to her boyfriend trying to swoon the other ladies by calling himself things like a professional lady-killer or Mr Bond hmm?" Satisfied with his comeback, Eric turned her attention to the girl who suggested we finally get things rolling. "Yeah I agree. I'll gladly help with your rescue mission though first I must make sure the rest of my guild-mates are okay and if possible, ask them if they would lend a hand too..." He started to develop a mischievous smile. "You hear that? Sir Ass Wanker... You keep quiet and I'll do the same capiche?"

@femjapanriceball @Colt556 @Kazehana @Bolts @Isune
Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Side Street

She held her gaze on Valken as he seemed to speak up to answer her previous question. Unfortunately he was cut off by the sudden exclamation of surprise coming from a nearby woman. She lowered her head, turning her attention from Valken to the woman that questioned their arrival as she felt the man's hands slip from her waist. Dealing with strangers wasn't exactly her strong-suit and both Valken and the new guy seemed willing to take the lead so she simply opted to take a step back, silently watching the group. Based on the conversation it seemed as if the three top guilds had all gathered for the festival and now were dealing with missing members. She already knew the situation was serious but the fact that their enemy was willing to piss off the most powerful guilds in Fiore didn't sit right with her. She brought her hand up and idly played with the end of her scarf as she stared off into space. They would have to know the three guilds would go in search of their members. They had to know they were no match for so many powerful mages.

She was pulled out of her monologuing as some old woman stepped forward and brazenly insulted Valken. She narrowed her eyes from under her cap, first impressions mattered and that certainly wasn't a very good one. However Valken seemed to handle it so she just kept her silent glare on the woman as the conversation continued despite her hostility. It was then that she managed to piece two and two together, Valken earlier had been in the process of responding to her question and just now mentioned his girlfriend being taken. She gently pounded her fist in her hand, her expression brightening up as she finally figured out why Valken was unusually agitated. It seemed there was yet one more significant change during her absence. Ignoring his bout with the Sabertooth mage she walked up beside Valken and looked up at him from beneath her cap. "The Sabertooth mage aside we now have some kind of lead. So if you and your friend are done with your banter perhaps we could actually get some action going?"

@Wyatt @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @Colt556 @Kazehana @Bolts @Isune
Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Side Street

Kelica's focus seemed 100% on Vex now to the exclusion of all else, even Chris beside her, it was unbelievable that she had found a mage who has such similar powers to herself... she figured she was the only one! "A... seeing eye bird? Oh wow! I have a friend eagle as well, his name is Frank, but he comes and goes as he pleases.... I'm sure they would make the best of friends!!" She watched him grasp some grass and morph it into a beautiful white rose. Not moving as Ryu was still laying in her lap, her long fingers reached out to hover over his fingers with the white flower between, her necklace glowing a fraction as it suddenly coiled and the stem curled and slung itself around his wrist, petals bending and bobbing side to side almost in a happy motion. The closest thing to 'smiling' a plant could do. "The... grass says thank you... he felt insignificant but now he feels one of a kind..." Blushing gently and lowering her fingers. "He says you can keep him around... if you like..." The blush still donning her cheeks she looked back up to Vex. "I... can't imagine unable to see the rainbow of colors from the flowers, or hues of autumn...The world is so beautiful and yet you see nothing..." She sighed, feeling sympathetic as that's just what she did. Turning her head as Bizma was touching herself, raising an eyebrow. "Are.... you alright Bizma? Of course your feeling... but your very much alive..."

Valken Truss

Magnolia Side Street

Valken nodded as Mikado was right. He glanced down as she peered up to him. "You're right... and I will not let this lead go, not even for a second..." He withdrew his fingers from the wall intent to simply forget the whole thing but then... His eyes narrowed at Eric. "Mention my Girlfriend again and I'll send you to Master Arcturus in pieces.... " he wasn't done though, Eric then proceeded with the childish nickname so in a frightening speed Valken had unhooked a nasty looking razor sharp dagger and twisted, kicking the boy's shin to unbalance him before grasping his shirt and slamming him against the wall, the cold steel of his dagger pressed against his neck. "Call me that again... I dare you..." Pressing harder. His expression blank, almost daring him.

However even in that second Valken took a deep breath in and out while lowering him again and slinging the dagger away. Too close..he thought. This Millie business was making him far too edgy....

"I'm finding Millie, now.... I'm not waiting for backup...and I am not letting go of this lead again....." In a stride he had come beside Vex, Kelica, Chris and a passed out Ryota before grasping Kelica's arm and yanking her forcefully to her feet. She only had time to break Ryo's head landing on the ground before she cried out painfully.

"H...hey let me go!! That hurts!"

"NO! Your coming with me!" Valken hissed. Fully intent to drag her into the wall with him even when she cried out.

@Isune @Rhodus

-Ryu Miyamoto (Gokasai)-

Magnolia Side Street


Ryu's eyes opened as Kelica caught his head, his irises a bright gold instead of the normal deep blue. "It's a shame," he said quietly, sitting up. "I was having such a nice dream." His voice lacked its usual calm undertones, which had been replaced with a icy, emotionless timbre. He stood up, cracking his knuckles and adjusting his sword where it hung on his back as he did so. "Listen," he said, fixing his cold gaze on Kelica and Valken. "I don't know what the deal between you two is, and, frankly, I don't give a damn, but the pair of you need to calm the hell down. Now." He crossed his arms in front of his chest, his steeled gaze slowly becoming a glare. "And if you can't handle that, I'm more than happy to make you."

@femjapanriceball @Colt556 @Kazehana @Bolts @Isune

Chris Lengheart(Bitch I hope the # you do)

Chris simply watched Kelica and Vex chat away, feeling a bit left out. Oh well, it was good to see that Kelica wasn't the only one who could control plants and things like that. He laid his head against the wall and smiled as Kelica began to translate plant language to Vex.

But from that moment on, everything seemed to be taking a dive for the worst when that guy from the festival suddenly pinned some guy up against the wall with a dagger pressed to his neck. Chris chose not to intervine since the guy kinda deserved it for bringing up some things that shouldn't of been brought up. But this seemed a bit...much even if he had brought up personal things like that.

Next thing Chris knew, that same guy from the festival walked over to them. At first, Chris didn't say anything because mayne he had just gone over there to cool down, but then he grabbed Kelica and tried to drag her away. Chris quickly rose up along with the gentleman Kelica had been healing and suddenly grabbed the man by the arm, yanking him off Kelica. "
Don't you dare touch her like that! Otherwise, you'll be answering to me personally!" There was now a burning flame in Chris' eyes, the burning rage that was slowly working it's way through him.

@Zuka @Happy Red Mage @Jackaboi @everyoneelse
Valken AND Kelica

Valken's grip on Kelica's arm tightened to the point the girl actually cried out again, suddenly terrified of the sheer coldness of his emotions. She knew he would kill without remorse or regret and that terrified her! Valken's cold purple eyes landed on Ryu and he made a noise of distain. "This doesn't concern you, Ryu...She's the only one who can find Millie and I am not letting her get away..."

His attention swivelled as Chris grasped at his arm and he did actually let Kelica go to face him now, twisting his arm from his grasp as Valken shoved him rather angrily with gritted teeth. "Answer to you?! That's it? I'll cut through 10 of you in a heart beat if it means that idiot blonde girl will get me to Millie..."

Kelica was shaking a little now as she took a step back, shoulders cowering in. " ..I...I didn't say I wouldn't help I just..."

Valken glared her down "SHUT UP, THIS DOESN'T CONCERN YOU!!"

Kelica took a sharp breath in, terrified.

Valken was fuming. None of them understood! All those mages missing were just a face, none of them loved the missing as much as he loved Millie and he'd be Damned if some Men-wannabes got in his way. Every minute wasted was a minute more in that Dark Guild and there grubby little dirty hands...

Really what Valken needed was for Emmerich to slap some sense into him again but the tension was only feeding his guilt and uselessness more.

@Wyatt @Kayzo (mention)
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Eric: Magnolia Side Street

Eric was not expecting a reaction like this! He was suddenly pinned against the wall with a knife pointed at his neck. "W-woah! Hey! Calm down... I didn't think you would take that so personally." He could see the anger in Valken's face... he knew that kind of face, it was the same one Eric had all those years ago... back at... no he didn't want to remember that but one thing he does remember is that this guy wasn't afraid to do anything drastic. But his grip began to grow loose, it seemed he was starting to calm down. "Heh... heh... Alright you got me." Eric began rubbing his neck where the blade had been pointing. "Say... would it be too late for an apolo..." As he turned around he saw Valken trying to pull at the screaming blond girls arm. He was about to intervene had Chris not beaten him to the punch. "Hey what the hell's going on here?!"

Eric was about to apologise but it seems that he changed his mind after hearing the emo mage shouting such things at a girl. "Mr bond my ass..."

@Wyatt @Colt556 @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage @Kazehana
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Zuka said:
Valken AND Kelica
Valken's grip on Kelica's arm tightened to the point the girl actually cried out again, suddenly terrified of the sheer coldness of his emotions. She knew he would kill without remorse or regret and that terrified her! Valken's cold purple eyes landed on Ryu and he made a noise of distain. "This doesn't concern you, Ryu...She's the only one who can find Millie and I am not letting her get away..."

His attention swivelled as Chris grasped at his arm and he did actually let Kelica go to face him now, twisting his arm from his grasp as Valken shoved him rather angrily with gritted teeth. "Answer to you?! That's it? I'll cut through 10 of you in a heart beat if it means that idiot blonde girl will get me to Millie..."

Kelica was shaking a little now as she took a step back, shoulders cowering in. " ..I...I didn't say I wouldn't help I just..."

Valken glared her down "SHUT UP, THIS DOESN'T CONCERN YOU!!"

Kelica took a sharp breath in, terrified.

Valken was fuming. None of them understood! All those mages missing were just a face, none of them loved the missibg as much as he loved Millie and he'd be Damned if some Men-wannabes got in his way. Every minute wasted was a minute more in that Dark Guild and there grubby little dirty hands...

Really what Valken needed was for Emmerich to slap some sense into him again but the tension was only feeding his guilt and uselessness more.

@Wyatt @Kayzo (mention)
Adrian, there the whole time, stepped down from his wagon and said to Valken, in a cold voice with a glare that could pierce steel, "I don't know who this Millie is, but I do know that you're stepping out of line. Look at Kelica. She's terrified of you. This isn't how you get people to do things for you, and your worry over who I can only assume is your significant other is clouding your judgment and making you attack others. Not to mention, you're in Lamia Scale, no? If you attack Chris, Kelica, me, or anyone else in Fairy Tail, it could damage relations between our guilds if not cause a war. You represent Lamia Scale right now, and you're not giving off a very good impression of your guild. What would Lloyd think of you restraining a woman and threatening a man who tried to protect her because your girlfriend is missing?"

"So maybe, just maybe, you can let Kelica go, let her figure out how to get us there, and then we'll use the dragon Bizma can summon to tow this floating wagon through the air to avoid Grimoire Heart's ambushes, then look for more trees to help triangulate Millie's exact location. Restraining her won't help, it'll just cause more problems."
Mother and Kim

Mother stood unwavering to the onslaught of remarks from the S class Mage, her presence was diminished when he said her name. A small shiver clawed its way down her spine, she knew this person well. A sadistic manipulative rotten Mage that is using the fine line of light and dark as a jump rope, Mother knew insanity. But this was off her level. Kim stayed back, her hand enclosed in Eias' own.Small beads of sweat started to run down her body, she could very clearly tell the level of frustration that Mother had running though her vains. Much to her dismay she couldn't do anything, She was out of Kim's league even in her mortal form. " Eias, stay behind me. Mother looks like she's about to explode."

As the scene unfolded, the level of fear and anxiety grew in the air. Then something snapped in Valken, it seemed that mentioning his romantic partner had set him off the chain. Kim and Mother were fine with that fracture in his mental armor, but it soon spider webbed. He leashed out to the only source they had to find the missing Mages, this set Mother off. Kim's flux stains began to appear, all the while Mother steped down on to solid ground. Puting her self at the same level as a everyone else. " Adrian, You speak the truth. What you say is the rational path, and even I can see that. But saying this to Valken is like trying to move a mountain with the strength of a hamster. " She gave the Arcane Mage a rather soft side glance for the situation they had at hand. The taint God promised her self that she wouldn't trifle with this, but all promises were ment to be broken.

@Wyatt @Jackaboi @Bolts @Happy Red Mage @Kazehana @Genon
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Chris Lengheart (time to knock someone down a few pegs)

Chris began to grind his teeth as he listened to Valken talk about Kelica in such a manner before he was pushed. When Kelica tried to intervine, that ass told her to shut up since it didn't concern her. Chris took a step back from the push and pushed back twice as hard,"You listen here, you don't talk to my girl like that. I know you want to bring back those you care about, so do the rest of us. People from ALL our guilds have gone missing, we have to work together if we want everyone to make it in one piece. If you want to be selfish and only save the one you care about, be my guest. But I'm telling you now, it won't be as easy as you think. I don't care if I have to tear you to shreds, you're not taking her."

@Kazehana @Bolts
Eias Baole - so confused

Eias was happy to get some clothing from mother. It was less restricting that's for sure. She followed the group around since she was but a small cog in the ever growing team. It was getting disorienting with each outburst. Eias simply kept her mouth shut like she was good at. Being quiet as to stay out of the fray. If she had to be any type of fighter.. She would be a support for sure. Still, It looked like one of them was about to blow. Well two if you counted mother. She was surprised when Kim grabbed her hand but understood it was for protection. She nodded while watching the purple rise on her body. What should we do? She said worried. Things were getting worse by the second.

@Colt556 @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Jackaboi @Happy Red Mage @Kazehana

Audion looked at Ferra expectantly as Valken told her to make teams. "We're gonna need a demolitions team. Put me on that one!¡!¡" He said with a grin. A bit of fire flashed from his hands as his excitement built. Trashing a dark guild would be so fun. @Mitchs98 and whoever else is with them...
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Magnolia Side Street

Kelica's focus seemed 100% on Vex now to the exclusion of all else, even Chris beside her, it was unbelievable that she had found a mage who has such similar powers to herself... she figured she was the only one! "A... seeing eye bird? Oh wow! I have a friend eagle as well, his name is Frank, but he comes and goes as he pleases.... I'm sure they would make the best of friends!!" She watched him grasp some grass and morph it into a beautiful white rose. Not moving as Ryu was still laying in her lap, her long fingers reached out to hover over his fingers with the white flower between, her necklace glowing a fraction as it suddenly coiled and the stem curled and slung itself around his wrist, petals bending and bobbing side to side almost in a happy motion. The closest thing to 'smiling' a plant could do. "The... grass says thank you... he felt insignificant but now he feels one of a kind..." Blushing gently and lowering her fingers. "He says you can keep him around... if you like..." The blush still donning her cheeks she looked back up to Vex. "I... can't imagine unable to see the rainbow of colors from the flowers, or hues of autumn...The world is so beautiful and yet you see nothing..." She sighed, feeling sympathetic as that's just what she did. Turning her head as Bizma was touching herself, raising an eyebrow. "Are.... you alright Bizma? Of course your feeling... but your very much alive..."

Valken Truss

Magnolia Side Street

Valken nodded as Mikado was right. He glanced down as she peered up to him. "You're right... and I will not let this lead go, not even for a second..." He withdrew his fingers from the wall intent to simply forget the whole thing but then... His eyes narrowed at Eric. "Mention my Girlfriend again and I'll send you to Master Arcturus in pieces.... " he wasn't done though, Eric then proceeded with the childish nickname so in a frightening speed Valken had unhooked a nasty looking razor sharp dagger and twisted, kicking the boy's shin to unbalance him before grasping his shirt and slamming him against the wall, the cold steel of his dagger pressed against his neck. "Call me that again... I dare you..." Pressing harder. His expression blank, almost daring him.

However even in that second Valken took a deep breath in and out while lowering him again and slinging the dagger away. Too close..he thought. This Millie business was making him far too edgy....

"I'm finding Millie, now.... I'm not waiting for backup...and I am not letting go of this lead again....." In a stride he had come beside Vex, Kelica, Chris and a passed out Ryota before grasping Kelica's arm and yanking her forcefully to her feet. She only had time to break Ryo's head landing on the ground before she cried out painfully.

"H...hey let me go!! That hurts!"

"NO! Your coming with me!" Valken hissed. Fully intent to drag her into the wall with him even when she cried out.

@femjapanriceball @Wyatt @Kayzo (mention)

Jackaboi said:

Eric: Magnolia Side Street

Eric was not expecting a reaction like this! He was suddenly pinned against the wall with a knife pointed at his neck. "W-woah! Hey! Calm down... I didn't think you would take that so personally." He could see the anger in Valken's face... he knew that kind of face, it was the same one Eric had all those years ago... back at... no he didn't want to remember that but one thing he does remember is that this guy wasn't afraid to do anything drastic. But his grip began to grow loose, it seemed he was starting to calm down. "Heh... heh... Alright you got me." Eric began rubbing his neck where the blade had been pointing. "Say... would it be too late for an apolo..." As he turned around he saw Valken trying to pull at the screaming blond girls arm. He was about to intervene had Chris not beaten him to the punch. "Hey what the hell's going on here?!"

Eric was about to apologise but it seems that he changed his mind after hearing the emo mage shouting such things at a girl. "Mr bond my ass..."

@Colt556 @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage @Kazehana

Genon said:
Adrian, there the whole time, stepped down from his wagon and said to Valken, in a cold voice with a glare that could pierce steel, "I don't know who this Millie is, but I do know that you're stepping out of line. Look at Kelica. She's terrified of you. This isn't how you get people to do things for you, and your worry over who I can only assume is your significant other is clouding your judgment and making you attack others. Not to mention, you're in Lamia Scale, no? If you attack Chris, Kelica, me, or anyone else in Fairy Tail, it could damage relations between our guilds if not cause a war. You represent Lamia Scale right now, and you're not giving off a very good impression of your guild. What would Lloyd think of you restraining a woman and threatening a man who tried to protect her because your girlfriend is missing?"
"So maybe, just
maybe, you can let Kelica go, let her figure out how to get us there, and then we'll use the dragon Bizma can summon to tow this floating wagon through the air to avoid Grimoire Heart's ambushes, then look for more trees to help triangulate Millie's exact location. Restraining her won't help, it'll just cause more problems."

purplepanda288 said:
Mother and Kim
Mother stood unwavering to the onslaught of remarks from the S class Mage, her presence was diminished when he said her name. A small shiver clawed its way down her spine, she knew this person well. A sadistic manipulative rotten Mage that is using the fine line of light and dark as a jump rope, Mother knew insanity. But this was off her level. Kim stayed back, her hand enclosed in Eias' own.Small beads of sweat started to run down her body, she could very clearly tell the level of frustration that Mother had running though her vains. Much to her dismay she couldn't do anything, She was out of Kim's league even in her mortal form. " Eias, stay behind me. Mother looks like she's about to explode."

As the scene unfolded, the level of fear and anxiety grew in the air. Then something snapped in Valken, it seemed that mentioning his romantic partner had set him off the chain. Kim and Mother were fine with that fracture in his mental armor, but it soon spider webbed. He leashed out to the only source they had to find the missing Mages, this set Mother off. Kim's flux stains began to appear, all the while Mother steped down on to solid ground. Puting her self at the same level as a everyone else. " Adrian, You speak the truth. What you say is the rational path, and even I can see that. But saying this to Valken is like trying to move a mountain with the strength of a hamster. " She gave the Arcane Mage a rather soft side glance for the situation they had at hand. The taint God promised her self that she wouldn't trifle with this, but all promises were ment to be broken.

@Wyatt @Jackaboi @Bolts @Happy Red Mage @Kazehana @Genon

Vex: Magnolia Side Street

Vex smiled as the flower moved under the influence of Kelica's power. "I used to be sad about losing my eyesight but the world is just as beautiful without it." Vex watched as the scene before he went from bad to worse. "Valken! You are getting out of control!" He slowly walked up to the S ranked mage, fearing what he was about to do. He rose his hand and backed handed Valken as hard as he could. "I understand that you are worried but their is no reason to take it out on everyone else. It seems as though all you want is to fight everyone you met. Think of what Millie would say if she saw how you are acting!." Vex took a deep breath and calmed down. He let out a low whistle, which Horus heard. The bird turned it's head towards the sound and began to fly that way. "Now I think we should all make our way to fairy tail so that we can ask them for their help. Valken, I think you have done enough. You should go back to the others and start forming teams. Horus will be here soon and I will find the Guild hall by myself if I need to. Would anyone like to join me?"
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[QUOTE="Zuka, post: 6069312, member: 42679"]Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Side Street

Kelica's focus seemed 100% on Vex now to the exclusion of all else, even Chris beside her, it was unbelievable that she had found a mage who has such similar powers to herself... she figured she was the only one! "A... seeing eye bird? Oh wow! I have a friend eagle as well, his name is Frank, but he comes and goes as he pleases.... I'm sure they would make the best of friends!!" She watched him grasp some grass and morph it into a beautiful white rose. Not moving as Ryu was still laying in her lap, her long fingers reached out to hover over his fingers with the white flower between, her necklace glowing a fraction as it suddenly coiled and the stem curled and slung itself around his wrist, petals bending and bobbing side to side almost in a happy motion. The closest thing to 'smiling' a plant could do. "The... grass says thank you... he felt insignificant but now he feels one of a kind..." Blushing gently and lowering her fingers. "He says you can keep him around... if you like..." The blush still donning her cheeks she looked back up to Vex. "I... can't imagine unable to see the rainbow of colors from the flowers, or hues of autumn...The world is so beautiful and yet you see nothing..." She sighed, feeling sympathetic as that's just what she did. Turning her head as Bizma was touching herself, raising an eyebrow. "Are.... you alright Bizma? Of course your feeling... but your very much alive..."

Valken Truss

Magnolia Side Street

Valken nodded as Mikado was right. He glanced down as she peered up to him. "You're right... and I will not let this lead go, not even for a second..." He withdrew his fingers from the wall intent to simply forget the whole thing but then... His eyes narrowed at Eric. "Mention my Girlfriend again and I'll send you to Master Arcturus in pieces.... " he wasn't done though, Eric then proceeded with the childish nickname so in a frightening speed Valken had unhooked a nasty looking razor sharp dagger and twisted, kicking the boy's shin to unbalance him before grasping his shirt and slamming him against the wall, the cold steel of his dagger pressed against his neck. "Call me that again... I dare you..." Pressing harder. His expression blank, almost daring him.

However even in that second Valken took a deep breath in and out while lowering him again and slinging the dagger away. Too close..he thought. This Millie business was making him far too edgy....

"I'm finding Millie, now.... I'm not waiting for backup...and I am not letting go of this lead again....." In a stride he had come beside Vex, Kelica, Chris and a passed out Ryota before grasping Kelica's arm and yanking her forcefully to her feet. She only had time to break Ryo's head landing on the ground before she cried out painfully.

"H...hey let me go!! That hurts!"

"NO! Your coming with me!" Valken hissed. Fully intent to drag her into the wall with him even when she cried out.

@femjapanriceball @Wyatt @Kayzo (mention)

Jackaboi said:

Eric: Magnolia Side Street

Eric was not expecting a reaction like this! He was suddenly pinned against the wall with a knife pointed at his neck. "W-woah! Hey! Calm down... I didn't think you would take that so personally." He could see the anger in Valken's face... he knew that kind of face, it was the same one Eric had all those years ago... back at... no he didn't want to remember that but one thing he does remember is that this guy wasn't afraid to do anything drastic. But his grip began to grow loose, it seemed he was starting to calm down. "Heh... heh... Alright you got me." Eric began rubbing his neck where the blade had been pointing. "Say... would it be too late for an apolo..." As he turned around he saw Valken trying to pull at the screaming blond girls arm. He was about to intervene had Chris not beaten him to the punch. "Hey what the hell's going on here?!"

Eric was about to apologise but it seems that he changed his mind after hearing the emo mage shouting such things at a girl. "Mr bond my ass..."

@Colt556 @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage @Kazehana

Genon said:
Adrian, there the whole time, stepped down from his wagon and said to Valken, in a cold voice with a glare that could pierce steel, "I don't know who this Millie is, but I do know that you're stepping out of line. Look at Kelica. She's terrified of you. This isn't how you get people to do things for you, and your worry over who I can only assume is your significant other is clouding your judgment and making you attack others. Not to mention, you're in Lamia Scale, no? If you attack Chris, Kelica, me, or anyone else in Fairy Tail, it could damage relations between our guilds if not cause a war. You represent Lamia Scale right now, and you're not giving off a very good impression of your guild. What would Lloyd think of you restraining a woman and threatening a man who tried to protect her because your girlfriend is missing?"
"So maybe, just
maybe, you can let Kelica go, let her figure out how to get us there, and then we'll use the dragon Bizma can summon to tow this floating wagon through the air to avoid Grimoire Heart's ambushes, then look for more trees to help triangulate Millie's exact location. Restraining her won't help, it'll just cause more problems."

purplepanda288 said:
Mother and Kim
Mother stood unwavering to the onslaught of remarks from the S class Mage, her presence was diminished when he said her name. A small shiver clawed its way down her spine, she knew this person well. A sadistic manipulative rotten Mage that is using the fine line of light and dark as a jump rope, Mother knew insanity. But this was off her level. Kim stayed back, her hand enclosed in Eias' own.Small beads of sweat started to run down her body, she could very clearly tell the level of frustration that Mother had running though her vains. Much to her dismay she couldn't do anything, She was out of Kim's league even in her mortal form. " Eias, stay behind me. Mother looks like she's about to explode."

As the scene unfolded, the level of fear and anxiety grew in the air. Then something snapped in Valken, it seemed that mentioning his romantic partner had set him off the chain. Kim and Mother were fine with that fracture in his mental armor, but it soon spider webbed. He leashed out to the only source they had to find the missing Mages, this set Mother off. Kim's flux stains began to appear, all the while Mother steped down on to solid ground. Puting her self at the same level as a everyone else. " Adrian, You speak the truth. What you say is the rational path, and even I can see that. But saying this to Valken is like trying to move a mountain with the strength of a hamster. " She gave the Arcane Mage a rather soft side glance for the situation they had at hand. The taint God promised her self that she wouldn't trifle with this, but all promises were ment to be broken.

@Wyatt @Wyatt @Wyatt @Colt556 @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Jackaboi @Happy Red Mage @Kazehana


Wyatt said:
Vex: Magnolia Side Street
Vex smiled as the flower moved under the influence of Kelica's power. "I used to be sad about losing my eyesight but the world is just as beautiful without it." Vex watched as the scene before he went from bad to worse. "Valken! You are getting out of control!" He slowly walked up to the S ranked mage, fearing what he was about to do. He rose his hand and backed handed Valken as hard as he could. "I understand that you are worried but their is no reason to take it out on everyone else. It seems as though all you want is to fight everyone you met. Think of what Millie would say if she saw how you are acting!." Vex took a deep breath and calmed down. He let out a low whistle, which Horus heard. The bird turned it's head towards the sound and began to fly that way. "Now I think we should all make outlet way to fairy tail so that we can ask them for their help. Valken, I think you have done enough. You should go back to the others and start forming teams. Horus will br here soon and I will find the Guild hall by myself if I need to. Would anyone like to join me?"

Whoever was stuck in Bizma's body shot Kelicia a very confused look.
".......Wait, slow down. Who is Bizma.....? And are mages going missing? Who?! How?! Why?!" She began to rattle off, only for Kelicia to get dragged away by Valken. There was an enraged reaction at that.

Why must I have awoken to such utter chaos?

Ummm.....I don't mean to be rude, but who are you and why are you controlling my body?

"K-kyaaaaaaaaaa! Voiceinsidemyheadvoiceinsidemyhead!"


S-sorry....but I was going to ask the same thing.

.....Bizma. Bizma Diane Saedor. Fairy Tail S-Class.

.......B.....Bismarck Donovan Saedor, at your service.

Hm? Your name.....it's a lot like mine.....are you....?

Hold that thought. I think we should speak. They're talking about my—your—our dragon.

".....Er.....right. I think that it would be a good idea to bring my dragon along.....Bismarck—er—I mean, I will come along with him, as the further I am from my summons, the weaker my dragon gets......and Sir Valken—what kind of a gentleman talks to a a lady in such a manner?!" Bismarck intervened, taking control of his counterpart's body, and advancing towards Valken. Still using her body, he took out one of Bizma's books and waved it in Valken's face threateningly. "You've certainly got a lot of nerve saying that right in front of Sir Cory—I mean Chris, pardon me, my memory is terrible today—who happens to be her lover. If I didn't disagree with violence, I would cut off your tongue and boil it in a—IamsosorryIforgottotakemyanxietymedicinethismorningandI'malittlegrumpypleaseforgiveme!" Bizma cut in hastily. Lion only gave her a stranger look. Then burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA......I can't breathe......it seems as though the Nerdette actually has guts after all! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No wonder you're S-Class, Bizma!"
Valken Truss

Magnolia Side Street < Rooftop

Valken was awash with a hundred things at once. Normally he could hear and ponder on everything, like a multi-task machine. Normally. People talking to him or around him, that Kelica girl's whimpers, Adrian mentioning something about Lloyd and Lamia Scale, that made him mentally laugh. Ahhh yes, The Guild Master so famous for his protection of Lamia Scale that Valken was left to pick up the broken pieces of Lamia Scale and take charge of the situation while he was unconscious... and he had yet to see Ophelia or Gilad organise an offensive against Grimoire Heart... Guild Master's, useless the lot of them!!

But right now his attention was focused on the brute of a man before him, Chris, his body posture and retaliation doing nothing but riling him up further. "That's easy for you to say when you're Girlfriend is RIGHT THERE! I am NOTHING compared to the horrors of what a Dark Guild can do... and my Girl is there, at their hide-out, being held capative! I would love to see you use sense had SHE been the one missing!!" If only Valken knew about her trip to the Void. Valken grasped Chris's biceps and yanked him to his face hissing like a rabid animal. "I KNOW MORE THEN ANYONE that it won't be EASY to break in; WHY do you think I'm as angry as I am!! I would have gotten her back by now you Brain Dead, Muscle Bound, Moron!!"

And then Vex strode over. Valken didn't even notice him, his rage seeing only Chris, that the Shadow Mage had only had just let go of Chris before Vex back handed him. It didn't hurt but his purple eyes went wide as the sting seemed to shock him to the core. Much as Emmerich's punch had. Then he demanded Valken to go back to the train station.... Valken, still wide eyed, shot Chris a frosty glare. "Anything happens to Kelica or my lead and I will personally find you and cut out your heart...."

Without another word he was running and shoulder charged straight into the nearest biggest shadow along an alley wall, disappearing with a soft black ploom of smoke escaping the floor at the base of the wall.

He roared through the city but rather then going back to the train station the Shadow Mage appeared on the top of an apartment building. Gaze peering out into the outskirts of town.

Then he shakely dropped to his knees and slammed his fists into the roof.

Letting the tears roll down his face. He even grabbed the ruin card Ren had given him, scrunching it up into a ball and throwing it carelessly away.

"...I'm.... so sorry... Millie... I'm so sorry..." Finally alone enough to sob out how much his heart hurt.

She was gone and it was all his fault.

He just wasn't prepared enough.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Salt Lord @Huor Spinks
Chris Lengheart (if only he knew)

Chris stared back at Valken with the same blank expression. This man didn't scare him, not in the slightest. Once he disappeared, Chris rolled his eyes and muttered, "All that build up, and then you run away. Talk about a coward that hides in the shadows." Chris then walked over to Kelica, his cold and furious expression turned to that of a warm and loving one as he embraced her. He then pulled away and said, "Remember what I said, I'll always be right there to protect you and love you. I know that I haven't done well on my promise so far, but I'm slowly getting there."

@Kayzo @Wyatt @femjapanriceball

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