Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Miyamoto, Ryu

Magnolia Streets


At this point in the exchange, Ryu was entirely out of it. The fall onto the hard pavement had brought back the immense pain in his forehead, and Kelica's screams had intensified it so much that his ears began to ring, and his vision went almost completely black. All he could manage was a few mumbled, incoherent protests, before he was hoisted into a sitting position as Kelica grabbed the collar of his kimono. This change in orientation caused a new surge of pain, such that Ryu was completely unaware of the fact that Kelica was half-stradling him. Keliic's continued shouting perpetuated the surges of pain, so much so, that Ryu was pushed to the verge of unconsciousness. However, just before he was about to black out, Kelica's screaming ceased, and the pain in his head subsided somewhat. That is, until Kelica was pulled off him and her grip on his kimono loosened. He had a split second of realization, his eyes going wide, before he fell backwards and his head struck the pavement again. "It seems I cannot catch a break today, that it does" He mumbled softly as he lay sprawled out on the ground.

@Zuka @Happy Red Mage @Isune @Jackaboi

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Eias Baole- Following Kim

Eias walked with Kim out on the streets. It was rather pleasant for the day even though some things were sure to go down later. The day should still be experienced as much as possible before then though. I'm happy to tag along silly. After all, if you do these types of missions alone, then with an extra hand it should be no problem now! Also it will give me a little insight to guild life. It will let me know if it is the life for me and... well.. help solidify if I wish to still live here for an extended period of time. She dwelled on her own words for a moment. T-that doesn't mean I will just leave right away if I find out it isn't though! I would still like to know how we do living together too! The last of the speech bubbles popped. She stayed silent for a little while longer. There, in front of them was the Fairy Tail symbol on the building. Eias gazed up at it like she had a few days ago. Like she was staring at a whole new world. She followed Kim in only to see more people and Mother. H-hey mother... and others... She said in her normal quiet voice as she hid slightly behind Kim. More people that she didn't know. More people that she was starting to get more shy again. She should have sent some speech bubbles to them before she made her appearance but not this time.. Nope, she had to follow Kim. Now she was making herself look like a fool.

Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station

Valken was practically at the wall, his hand reaching out as if to lap at the very shadows that beckoned him in, asked him to join him in the soothing embrace of darkness... however he felt, off and Valken's eyes suddenly went massive as he realised he couldn't move. His muscles bulged to the point he looked like they may just burst, but still nothing. And then another weird feeling and he could swear where he would normally feel the black of his shadow they seemed blue... A moment later he was yanked back to a point closer to the group but sectioned off, half dangling off his feet. At first he wondered if it was Gilad but then he noticed the Rainbow haired girl's arm outstretched. Once again, he struggled in vain to escape but got no where... That didn't stop him trying though in his panic. Valken was an S-Class mage, he could have escaped her hold if he had been thinking clearly but he was an emotional mess.

"LET GO OF ME YOU COLOUR HAIRED PIXIE STICK! I CAN'T STAY HERE I NEED TO GO, RIGHT NOW!" He bellowed glaring at her now. Yes, technically, Millie and him had been going out for only 2 weeks... but Valken had been infatuated with her from the moment she joined Lamia Scale... that was 10years ago! He was far too shy to say or do anything back then, and even 2 weeks ago he never would have dared say anything had Ferra not played that prank on her... oh yes, Valken still would get her back for that, but Valken would never have approached her with his stupid antics.

It was funny really in hindsight, she probably never even noticed he always seemed to watch her like he wanted to say something but never could. Called Grace flat-chested, called Ferra shorty... But Millie he just kinda fell short of an insult...

As his mind wandered he found his whole body slumped again. Millie was gone, and not just gone but taken by the worst of the worst... Really the guy needed to be smacked upside his head.

@Kayzo @Colt556
Emmerich Faust

Location: Magnolia Train Station

With: @Kayzo

Emmerich watched as Valken spoke with a blonde girl he didn't know, looking at first as if he were under control. However, he soon proved not to be when he grabbed her by the collar and shouted at her before giving Lloyd a similar treatment. As Valken began to run for the wall Emmerich followed, intending to forcibly bring him back but was beaten to the punch by Arial who used her aura magic to levitate the shadow mage back to them.

As Valken began to bellow at the "colour haired pixie stick" Emmerich strode over, anger beginning to play across his face at Valken's antics. To anyone who knows the man they would realize the significance of this as, other than hurting his friends, there are precious few ways to anger Emmerich, and this happened to be one.

Upon reaching Valken he grabs him by the shoulder, spinning him around, before winding up and punching him hard enough in the jaw to lift the other man off of his feet and send him flying several meters back. Emmerich simply walks over to him and hauls him to his feet by his collar, holding his face just inches from his own. "Valken, shut the fuck up and calm down. This shit isn't 'elping anyone, least of all Millie. You need a goddamn plan," he says in a dangerously quiet voice while staring into the other man's eyes, "I will 'elp you get 'er back, I swear it. But I will not let you go about being this fucking selfish, understand?" As he speaks his tone books no argument and it is clear that the man is pissed. He understands why Valken is acting how he is, but at the same time it doesn't excuse the man either. After all, Millie's not the only one missing.
Eric: Magnolia Streets

A large shadow was cast over Eric and as he turned to look, he saw it, a real life dragon! He thought that the girl was just delusional but yet here it was right in front of him and probably about to eat him, he turned to everyone with a weirdly cheerful expression "Ah so this is the day I finally die." While sweating profusely he laughed as if it would be the last one he'd ever do in his life "Everybody run away! I'll... keep this big guy distracted." If he was gonna kick the bucket he'd might as well go out in style. He made a full-body transformation into a gorilla and jumped towards the dragon preparing to punch it. "Sayonara everyone..." but he was instantly KO'd by a single powerful tail whip making him crash through the wall into a building.

@femjapanriceball @Rhodus @Isune
</span><span><span><span style="font-family:Vidaloka;">Aurelie</span></span></span><span>


<span style="font-family:Vidaloka;">She blinked at all that was happening. She had absolutely no idea what was even going on, and she simply stood awkwardly next to Alabaster. Someone was screaming, someone was fainting, someone was a dragon, whatever that was. Now might have been a good time for Eric to fill her in, but- Oh, there he goes. Well that's certainly not happening. She at least deduced something completely on her own: everyone was panicking! "Erm, Alabaster? Are we supposed to do something?" she murmured to the girl. The only conscious people left didn't seem to be getting anywhere since one was having a panic attack. "Now seems like a good time to get us out of here, is it not?" she inquired, only assuming that their state derived from the flying lizard. She stared at it with a blank expression, simply watching it from her position. If she could help it, she didn't really want to fight it. It reminded her of home, and that meant she had developed a sort of empathetic link for it. It wasn't really that concerning, was it? Well, it did completely wipe Eric out, but he came at it, so that was probably self defense. But she wasn't going to get answers if everyone was either too wired to explain anything or simply passed out on the ground.</span></p>

<p><span style="font-family:Vidaloka;">



<span><span style="font-family:Vidaloka;">@Jackaboi</span></span> <span><span style="font-family:Vidaloka;">@Metaphysics</span></span> <span><span style="font-family:Vidaloka;">@Zuka</span></span> <span><span style="font-family:Vidaloka;">@Rhodus</span></span> <span><span style="font-family:Vidaloka;">@Isune</span></span><span> </span><span><span><span style="font-family:Vidaloka;">@femjapanriceball</span></span></span><span></span><span> </span>
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Chris Lengheart (Hey, another takeover-he dead.)

Chris was glad that he was slowly managing to get Kelica calmed down. He continued to rub her back until she asked why he had chosen a dragon. "Because I want to be able to protect everyone. Plus, you need to get over your fear of dragons. So, what better way to do that than with a actual dragon?" but that was until another takeover user tried to fight the dragon as a gorilla of all things. He watched as the gorilla was basically launched into the wall with a empathetic look on his face. Fearing that Kelica might start to freak-out again, Chris brought her in closer and finally remebered something Kelica had told him around a million times already. "Look, the dragon acted out of fear and attacked in a defensive manner. It doesn't want to hurt anyone, but instead just wants to go about it's daily life. It's a wild animal that only attacks if it's hungry or threatened." Hopefully, this made sense to Kelica.

@Jackaboi @Rhodus @Kazehana

Alabaster Bal Magna

"Look dude." Alabaster started as she started spam casting Arcane Denial on nothing just to get counters up. "I'm very confused here so mind telling me what's going on here I do something painful and so far all I have is dragon hurting my friend." She stated clearly. "I'm on a very light trigger today. So speak quickly." She gave him a very dark smile. "5 words or less please?" She added. She really didn't want this to devolve into a fight but in a scenario where it was unavoidable she was gearing up. "Oh don't worry Aurelie, I'm sure everything will be resolved quickly." She said as she turned to face her before returning her gaze at the boy who was talking about the dragon and the girl. "Right?"

Pandemonium Counters:0

Storm Counters:7
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Chris Lengheart(five words or less?)

Chris was still waiting for Kelica to calm down when he suddenly heard some random woman asking them what happened. Chris heard the five words or less thing and only rolled his eyes. "That girl over there, can summon dragons. I can turn into a dragon thanks to her. The girl I'm holding is my girlfriend, she's scared of dragons. The boy who's currently a wall decoration tried to fight the dragon using animal soul but got flicked into the wall. The dragon doesn't want to hurt anyone, it's merely defending itself." he said as he went back to comforting Kelica. His hand continued to rub up and down her back while Chris kept her in his chest, his heartbeat like a calming melody.

Eric: Magnolia Streets

Eric woke up still stuck to the wall "uhg... Was it just a dream?" He soon realised it wasn't when he saw the dragon again in front of his friends and a few other mages. "W-Why isn't it attacking them?." A brown haired guy spoke up and said that this was a summoned dragon, and it was friendly. "Really huh? H-hey! Dragon! Sorry for trying to attack you earlier! I just thought you were gonna you know... Eat me? Anyway you think you could get me unstuck from this wall here?" This was his first encounter with such an enormous beast so he didn't even know if they understood English. Since his transformations were based around his imagination he knew he could try transforming into one himself but his limitations stop him from going any larger than a grizzly bear or else he gets an unbearable migrane (Heh... get it?) and even risk going out of control. He needs to start training his magic if he wants to be as large as that legendary creature. "What do you say? Pals?"

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Maya Morne

-Magnolia Station-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.333d60b24f22e6378b55a346a2a4ad0e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132638" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.333d60b24f22e6378b55a346a2a4ad0e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Maya stood there with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face as the woman observed the sight before her. Valken had gone into yet another frenzy and quite frankly, it appalled the wizarding saint. However, the way he was acting was totally understandable, albeit selfish. Millie wasn't the only one missing, and Valken seemed to hold little to no regard for anyone else. The only reason this annoyed Maya was because of the fact that Sora, her 'daughter' was missing as well. Maya knew that the dragon slayer would protect Millie no matter the costs, but even so, that would only last so long. Looking at the current scene from the councils perspective, had it been anyone else present Valken would have been arrested and taken to Era due to his actions. "There could be people on that train, Valken." She said, her tone exuding its usual fearful nature before returning to its more maternal and passive one. "Valken, we will get Millie back. I will sooner die before I let anything happen to her. But you've got to understand that she's not the only one missing. Emmeric is right. Stop being so selfish and think of how everyone else is feeling right now. Acting lithe way you are now will not bring Millie back." Maya sighed before she continued, "We need a plan, and as soon as Lloyd wakes up we will decide on one. For now, we'll go with Valkens earlier proposal."

@Kayzo @Embaga Elder @Mykinkaiser @Huor Spinks @Talon @Drakerus @Happy Red Mage

Hibiki Dreyar

-Second Dungeon Corridor-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.3c7f48e08cb30b090f2a2a9bac7ba29a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132628" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.3c7f48e08cb30b090f2a2a9bac7ba29a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hibiki couldn't help but crack a smile as the woman spoke, she most definitely was hellbent on eradicating him for some reason. It was actually pretty funny, for him at least. "No matter how powerful the foe, Fairy Tail will always emerge victorious." With that, Rodwen had appeared behind him and launched him towards a wall, however before he could make contact Hibiki flapped his wings and regained control of himself as he shot off back over and towards Rodwen at lightning speed. Clenching his fists, Hibiki enveloped them both in a sphere of dark energy to further augment the speed of his punches and their destructive force. Hibiki sent a barrage of lightning fast and powerful bunches towards the God Slayer as the demon retained an incredible amount of resolve. Each punch was so strong in fact, that they would emit small shockwaves upon impact. "Even if those of us here lose. Heck, even if I lose, our friends and our comrades will emerge victorious. You can count on it."

@Mr Swiftshots

Masaki Yamada

-Library>>Magnolia Station-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.e34175679bb7f370c2b99ce862484206.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132631" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.e34175679bb7f370c2b99ce862484206.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Page after page Masaki read his book, in what seemed to be no time at all the red headed mage had finished the book and slowly proceeded to stand up to leave the comfy chair and place the book back on the shelf. With a sigh, Masaki ran his fingers through his hair as he let out a huff. Truth be told, he was bored- very bored. And although he didn't kind leaving Grace to catch up with her friend, he couldn't help but feel worried for some odd reason. Obviously his worry wasn't because of the sudden appearance of a guildmate, but it was something more. Although the crystal mage couldn't quite put a finger on it. "Perhaps I should go and find Grace..." He said to himself as he then stuffed his hands in his pockets and left the library, heading out into the bustling town that was Magnolia. "I'll definitely be going back there to buy some books, I think I have 1,000 spare Jeweles that I can waste after all." He thought, a wide smile on his face as he did so.

As the teenager made his way through the streets, not going to anywhere in particular, he picked up on a whole bunch of strange conversations from passing citizens and mages alike. The topics were all the same and apparently,
everyone was talking about it. Mages had gone missing, and practically everyone in the town had been drugged in order for the culprits to accomplish what they had done. Masaki walked through the streets as he eventually came across a wooden board outside of the Fairy Tail guild hall- as for some reason he had found himself there. The board detailed the names and ranks of the mages missing, as well as their guilds. His eyes went wide eyed when he read one certain name, Alicia's. Clenching his fists Masaki grit his teeth, Masaki couldn't help but wonder how Mizuki was feeling... or more exactly, if she had already found the people responsible and annihilated them. Despite that, Masaki couldn't help but wonder what Mizuki would do to them. Heck, Masaki kind of wanted to find Zephyr and scold him for not being here too. With a sigh, it clicked in the S-Class' mind that Grace would undoubtedly want to assist in the search, apparently one of her own had been taken too. And there was one place where the red head thought she'd be, the station. It made sense after all, Lamia Scale were planning to leave Magnolia as it is, so if wouldn't be a surprise if they were still there. Thus, Masaki turned on his feet and ran towards the station.

Upon arrival, Masaki crossed his arms and walked over towards Grace, addressing the group as a whole. No doubt they were trying to rally mages anyway, so Masaki would gladly offer his help. Especially if he could find and save Alicia. Addressing the whole group, Masaki spoke out, "I'll help. We can't let whoever is responsible get away with this. And I'll be more than happy to lend my assistance."

@Embaga Elder @Mykinkaiser @Huor Spinks @Talon @Drakerus @Happy Red Mage



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Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Side Street

As much and all as Kelica was contemplating freaking out once more, Chris had been around the girl long enough to say and do the exact things she needed. Her green eyes slipped closed again as her arms wrapped around his middle, drawing him in to the exclusion of all else. She barely noticed the Dragon's tail thud the poor man straight into the wall.

It's a wild animal... it was just defending itself... Kelica was reminded of the Malnia Red Dragon, she had only arrived mid way through the battle scene.... had the Mages attacked the Dragon first? Maybe it felt threatened and lashed out? While it was still no excuse to destroy a whole forest, and she didn't get a chance mid battle to actually talk to it.. She suddenly started to feel guilty....

She twisted in his arms as she looked around the group before finally looking to the Dragon. She still tensed up in Chris's arms but held her gaze on the Summoned Dragon. "I...I'm sorry..." she said truthfully.

That was when she remember the reason why they summoned him in the first place... "The mages! The missing mages!! Magnolia South Entrance! There are bound to be people gathering at the Train Station to leave! We should go there with Adrian and see who we can recruite to help!!"

Turning to the recently assembled group. "Please help us! Mages have been kidnapped! I know they took them to the South Entrance of town, that's the start of the Great Southern Magnolia Forest! I'm sure a creature or two or the tree's themselves can help guide me there!" Swivelling to Chris with smile.

Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station


Valken broke his gaze from Mikado as Talon finally woke up, to which Ferra raced over to try and wake up Lloyd. He was just about to walk over and try really shaking the Guild Master, because frankly Valken was hurting and his brain wasn't functioning clearly. Of course as Mikado spoke and pretty much summed up Valken's inaction thus far, he spun to her as his rage flared once more. He grasped at her shirt and lifted her completely off her feet, the very air seemed to colder and darker from his sheer rage. "DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT ALREADY?! Why do you think I'm still here!!" He practically screamed in her face, the poor girl. It wasn't directed at her, he was just to breaking point as he wanted to go but didn't even know where to start looking... And him not knowing the situation made him uncomfortable at the best times.

Slowly he unclenched his fingers from her shirt to slide her back to her feet. Though his shoulders still shook. He turned his body from her and punched another whole through the side of the train, before leaning down, scooping up his dagger and slinging into his holster once again.

Completely ignoring everyone the still fury-induced man strode over to Lloyd's unconscious form and knelt down, half shoving Ferra out of the way as he did. Here he grasped Lloyd's shirt much more firmly then Ferra had and shook the man violently, bellowing as he did. "WAKE!...UP!...LLOYD!...Millie has been taken by Grimoire Heart and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!" The corners of his eyes started to whell up once more. "I told you this would happen, this is exactly what I feared would happen!! TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Eventually Valken just slammed the man's back to the ground as the tears actually flowed now. "I... I can't stay here anymore... Even if I run around Magnolia a thousand times, go into every room of every building, I have to try..." He stood then, taking a shaky step back before he was already turning and running towards the end of the platform and a dead end. Completely ignoring Emmerich or Noah or any orginial plans he had set a few minutes ago.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Skyena

(Feel free to stop him :) ... Or I can have him shadow wall away and literally run around Magnolia.)
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Magnolia Station

Her eyes went wide in surprise as the man roughly grabbed her, lifting her clean off her feet and into the air as he screamed in her face. The momentary shock faded as her face fell into it's usual calm expression as she hung there limply, listening to the man's rant. Upon being released and dropping back to her feet she brought her hand up and pulled her scarf up, staring at the man as he demolished the train again. Clearly she had missed quite a lot of development as she doubted Valken would have acted this way before. As he walked off she was tempted to take action, to try and bring him back to his senses. Fortunately for her it seemed other members of their group were quicker on the draw and dealt with the man before she could step in.

She remained quiet as the group dealt with Valken and continued to ponder how best to search for the missing mages. When it came to searching for something she was a practitioner of the old ways. Her magic was useless for such situations and she lacked the tracking skills that others employed, so all she could ever do was simply go and look. Given the time spent mulling about here she wondered if they would be better served going around and doing it the hard way. Nevertheless she kept her thoughts to herself, only acknowledging her surroundings when Grace's boyfriend popped up again, offering his assistance. She wondered if perhaps Sabertooth had been in town as well. If they were it would stand to reason they lost some members same as them. Despite her calm demeanor she didn't like idling around doing nothing while Millie was subjected to whatever horrors her captors had in mind. "If we're going to do something we should get to it. Standing around isn't going to get us anywhere."

@Wyatt @LeSoraAmari
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mykinkaiser" data-cite="Mykinkaiser" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="170593" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>

<span style="font-family:brawler;">
</span><span style="font-family:brawler;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><span>Emmerich Faust </span></span></span><p><span style="font-family:brawler;">

</span><span style="font-family:brawler;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Location: Magnolia Train Station</span></span></p>

<p><span style="font-family:brawler;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

With: @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Wyatt @Skyena </span></span><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26825-colt556/" data-mentionid="26825"><span style="font-family:brawler;"><span style="font-size:12px;">@Colt556</span></span></a></p>

LeSoraAmari said:

Maya Morne

-Magnolia Station-

View attachment 294903

Maya stood there with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face as the woman observed the sight before her. Valken had gone into yet another frenzy and quite frankly, it appalled the wizarding saint. However, the way he was acting was totally understandable, albeit selfish. Millie wasn't the only one missing, and Valken seemed to hold little to no regard for anyone else. The only reason this annoyed Maya was because of the fact that Sora, her 'daughter' was missing as well. Maya knew that the dragon slayer would protect Millie no matter the costs, but even so, that would only last so long. Looking at the current scene from the councils perspective, had it been anyone else present Valken would have been arrested and taken to Era due to his actions. "There could be people on that train, Valken." She said, her tone exuding its usual fearful nature before returning to its more maternal and passive one. "Valken, we will get Millie back. I will sooner die before I let anything happen to her. But you've got to understand that she's not the only one missing. Emmeric is right. Stop being so selfish and think of how everyone else is feeling right now. Acting lithe way you are now will not bring Millie back." Maya sighed before she continued, "We need a plan, and as soon as Lloyd wakes up we will decide on one. For now, we'll go with Valkens earlier proposal."

@Kayzo @Embaga Elder @Mykinkaiser @Huor Spinks @Talon @Drakerus @Happy Red Mage

Hibiki Dreyar

-Second Dungeon Corridor-

View attachment 294877

Hibiki couldn't help but crack a smile as the woman spoke, she most definitely was hellbent on eradicating him for some reason. It was actually pretty funny, for him at least. "No matter how powerful the foe, Fairy Tail will always emerge victorious." With that, Rodwen had appeared behind him and launched him towards a wall, however before he could make contact Hibiki flapped his wings and regained control of himself as he shot off back over and towards Rodwen at lightning speed. Clenching his fists, Hibiki enveloped them both in a sphere of dark energy to further augment the speed of his punches and their destructive force. Hibiki sent a barrage of lightning fast and powerful bunches towards the God Slayer as the demon retained an incredible amount of resolve. Each punch was so strong in fact, that they would emit small shockwaves upon impact. "Even if those of us here lose. Heck, even if I lose, our friends and our comrades will emerge victorious. You can count on it."

@Mr Swiftshots

Masaki Yamada

-Library>>Magnolia Station-

Page after page Masaki read his book, in what seemed to be no time at all the red headed mage had finished the book and slowly proceeded to stand up to leave the comfy chair and place the book back on the shelf. With a sigh, Masaki ran his fingers through his hair as he let out a huff. Truth be told, he was bored- very bored. And although he didn't kind leaving Grace to catch up with her friend, he couldn't help but feel worried for some odd reason. Obviously his worry wasn't because of the sudden appearance of a guildmate, but it was something more. Although the crystal mage couldn't quite put a finger on it. "Perhaps I should go and find Grace..." He said to himself as he then stuffed his hands in his pockets and left the library, heading out into the bustling town that was Magnolia. "I'll definitely be going back there to buy some books, I think I have 1,000 spare Jeweles that I can waste after all." He thought, a wide smile on his face as he did so.

As the teenager made his way through the streets, not going to anywhere in particular, he picked up on a whole bunch of strange conversations from passing citizens and mages alike. The topics were all the same and apparently,
everyone was talking about it. Mages had gone missing, and practically everyone in the town had been drugged in order for the culprits to accomplish what they had done. Masaki walked through the streets as he eventually came across a wooden board outside of the Fairy Tail guild hall- as for some reason he had found himself there. The board detailed the names and ranks of the mages missing, as well as their guilds. His eyes went wide eyed when he read one certain name, Alicia's. Clenching his fists Masaki grit his teeth, Masaki couldn't help but wonder how Mizuki was feeling... or more exactly, if she had already found the people responsible and annihilated them. Despite that, Masaki couldn't help but wonder what Mizuki would do to them. Heck, Masaki kind of wanted to find Zephyr and scold him for not being here too. With a sigh, it clicked in the S-Class' mind that Grace would undoubtedly want to assist in the search, apparently one of her own had been taken too. And there was one place where the red head thought she'd be, the station. It made sense after all, Lamia Scale were planning to leave Magnolia as it is, so if wouldn't be a surprise if they were still there. Thus, Masaki turned on his feet and ran towards the station.

Upon arrival, Masaki crossed his arms and walked over towards Grace, addressing the group as a whole. No doubt they were trying to rally mages anyway, so Masaki would gladly offer his help. Especially if he could find and save Alicia. Addressing the whole group, Masaki spoke out, "I'll help. We can't let whoever is responsible get away with this. And I'll be more than happy to lend my assistance."

@Embaga Elder @Mykinkaiser @Huor Spinks @Talon @Drakerus @Happy Red Mage

Rodwen Kiernan (The Unforgiving Saint)

Grimoire Heart

Second Dungeon Corridor

Rodwen would have burst into a fit of laughter over Hibiki's speech had she not been taken off guard by his attack. The demonic Wizard was just as fast as he was prior to transformation , something Rodwen thought would have been cancelled out by said transformation. None the less she was now being pelted upon by several punches at a time , every punch growing stronger and faster. Such a simple attack yet it packed such a punch ! Was this honestly what a 'pretender demon' was capable of ?

If so it wouldn't be enough !

Rodwen began laughing in a low tone as the pelting continued , she gripped both the demons fists mid flight and held him firmly in place by doing so. Rodwens silver eyes soon began to glow a dim white and Rodwen's laughing grew more out of control "when I was small , i lived in a convent. This convent was completely corrupt , in fact it was so corrupt that it was ran by a demon. I'm not talking about a pretender demon such as yourself no , no this demon was the real deal boy. I watched this demon slay children without a second thought , I seen him take on a magic council army alone and emerge victorious. I seen him do a lot of vicious and malicious things , but in the end it was I that slew him..... using the power the light God gave me. The very power that you will learn to fear".

Rodwen tilted her head to the side slightly and a sweet and elegant smile formed on her face "I think I'll have to torture you myself" with that said ,in a caring tone, Rodwen pushed the boy back and caught him of balance with her own furry of punches. These punches ,much like his own, were covered in magic. However Rodwen's punches were far faster and much more heavy hitting , so much so that sonic booms rang out when she began her assault and echoed until she finally finished and let the boy fall to the ground.A white magic circle was embedded in his , blood covered , chest and it read "Seal".

Rodwen's sweet smile and caring tone of voice hadn't changed at all but she looked down into the screaming boy's eyes and simply said "Come now child there's no need worry , I'll be sure to cleanse you of that form and all the others after I've had my fun torturing you."
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station

The Shadow Mage felt a rough hand on his shoulder as he was turned around but Arial's hold was still in place. He didn't have any defense from Emmerich's fist slam and with a resounding Thud Valken found himself flying before crashing rather heavily a few metres away. His whole face seemed stunned and he could already feel his jaw and cheek bruise from the hit. It didn't knock any sense into him but certaintly knocked some bad sense out... still lying on his back, he felt Faust grasp him and half lift him up, eyes still huge. Valken was always a over thinker, and as such a pessimist... He knew what a Dark Guild was capable of... but, Emmerich was right.

He needed a plan.

Didn't he have a plan?

That's right! Scouting Squad!

But... He didn't know where to start Scouting... I was all good Noah, Faust and him trying to find the hide-out... as fair as he was aware as his gaze quickly ran around the faces none here could do tracking save for Vex, but the magical Signature was lost by now... all because he threw a fit and expelled too much magic... Valken's face turned more grim. One lead and his own idiotic behaviour cost him it...

"Yes, Emmerich. You are right. It's not just Millie, Sora is missing to... and probably Lysander... I wouldn't put it past a whole bunch more mages as well..." His voice steady as he peered to his boots, but still let the man hold him up. It wasn't he wasn't capable of standing after Emmerich's massive hit, it was like he was foregoing the physical exeration to try and make his mind work into overdrive.

"A Scouting mission will not work Maya if I have no idea where to scout too..." Valken turned his gaze as Masaki arrived and flashed him a weak smile. Good... more magic... You could see the cogs start to turn once again. "Odds are there has to be someone in Fairtail who can track or with more clues to lead us in the right direction..." Here Valken gently peeled Emmerich's fingers away from his collar and stood up tall. Another crazy idea... the same crazy idea he had at the Milkshake Shop to get Millie out... that was the first time he had tried it... would it even work with two people? How far could he hold them in the shadows? They wouldn't be able to breathe... He might be able to make it to the Fairytail Guild Hall...What if they were claustrophobic?

Eventually Valken rubbed his chin of dirt before slowly making his way back to the group, his usual calm persona back.

"I have an idea..." He said suddenly. "But... It's dangerous.... I need to get to Fairytail Guild Hall as quickly as possible...so I need a volunteer or two... Someone not claustrophobic, with no fear of the dark or drowning... And someone who can hold their breath as long as possible... I can't even say this will work... so you join me at your own peril..." Glancing around the room, expecting a downright no from everyone.

@Wyatt @Skyena @Wyatt @LeSoraAmari
Last edited by a moderator:
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station

The Shadow Mage felt a rough hand on his shoulder as he was turned around but Arial's hold was still in place. He didn't have any defense from Emmerich's fist slam and with a resounding Thud Valken found himself flying before crashing rather heavily a few metres away. His whole face seemed stunned and he could already feel his jaw and cheek bruise from the hit. It didn't knock any sense into him but certaintly knocked some bad sense out... still lying on his back, he felt Faust grasp him and half lift him up, eyes still huge. Valken was always a over thinker, and as such a pessimist... He knew what a Dark Guild was capable of... but, Emmerich was right.

He needed a plan.

Didn't he have a plan?

That's right! Scouting Squad!

But... He didn't know where to start Scouting... I was all good Noah, Faust and him trying to find the hide-out... as fair as he was aware as his gaze quickly ran around the faces none here could do tracking save for Vex, but the magical Signature was lost by now... all because he threw a fit and expelled too much magic... Valken's face turned more grim. One lead and his own idiotic behaviour cost him it...

"Yes, Emmerich. You are right. It's not just Millie, Sora is missing to... and probably Lysander... I wouldn't put it past a whole bunch more mages as well..." His voice steady as he peered to his boots, but still let the man hold him up. It wasn't he wasn't capable of standing after Emmerich's massive hit, it was like he was foregoing the physical exeration to try and make his mind work into overdrive.

"A Scouting mission will not work Maya if I have no idea where to scout too..." Valken turned his gaze as Masaki arrived and flashed him a weak smile. Good... more magic... You could see the cogs start to turn once again. "Odds are there has to be someone in Fairtail who can track or with more clues to lead us in the right direction..." Here Valken gently peeled Emmerich's fingers away from his collar and stood up tall. Another crazy idea... the same crazy idea he had at the Milkshake Shop to get Millie out... that was the first time he had tried it... would it even work with two people? How far could he hold them in the shadows? They wouldn't be able to breathe... He might be able to make it to the Fairytail Guild Hall...What if they were claustrophobic?

Eventually Valken rubbed his chin of dirt before slowly making his way back to the group, his usual calm persona back.

"I have an idea..." He said suddenly. "But... It's dangerous.... I need to get to Fairytail Guild Hall as quickly as possible...so I need a volunteer or two... Someone not claustrophobic, with no fear of the dark or drowning... And someone who can hold their breath as long as possible... I can't even say this will work... so you join me at your own peril..." Glancing around the room, expecting a downright no from everyone.

@Wyatt @Skyena @Wyatt @Kayzo @Colt556[/[/size][/side]

The anger on Emmerich's face receded as Valken seemed to come to himself. He listened as the shadow mage began to think things through, eventually reaching the conclusion, and a reasonable one at that in Emmerich's mind, that they should enlist help from Fairy Tail. At Valken's call for volunteers Emmerich's face splits into a fearless grin and he smacks a fist to his chest, "Mate, did even 'have to ask?" he replies, stepping forwards. In all respects, given the criteria that Valken set out, Emmerich is an incredibly good candidate. He's scared of practically nothing and his physical boosts allow him to hold his breath for quite a long time indeed. Most importantly however, there's no chance he'd let them go without him even if the above weren't the case. Someone fucked with his friends, that someone was going to pay and Emmerich was going to be there every step of the way that he could be in order to see that done.[/font]
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station

The Shadow Mage felt a rough hand on his shoulder as he was turned around but Arial's hold was still in place. He didn't have any defense from Emmerich's fist slam and with a resounding Thud Valken found himself flying before crashing rather heavily a few metres away. His whole face seemed stunned and he could already feel his jaw and cheek bruise from the hit. It didn't knock any sense into him but certaintly knocked some bad sense out... still lying on his back, he felt Faust grasp him and half lift him up, eyes still huge. Valken was always a over thinker, and as such a pessimist... He knew what a Dark Guild was capable of... but, Emmerich was right.

He needed a plan.

Didn't he have a plan?

That's right! Scouting Squad!

But... He didn't know where to start Scouting... I was all good Noah, Faust and him trying to find the hide-out... as fair as he was aware as his gaze quickly ran around the faces none here could do tracking save for Vex, but the magical Signature was lost by now... all because he threw a fit and expelled too much magic... Valken's face turned more grim. One lead and his own idiotic behaviour cost him it...

"Yes, Emmerich. You are right. It's not just Millie, Sora is missing to... and probably Lysander... I wouldn't put it past a whole bunch more mages as well..." His voice steady as he peered to his boots, but still let the man hold him up. It wasn't he wasn't capable of standing after Emmerich's massive hit, it was like he was foregoing the physical exeration to try and make his mind work into overdrive.

"A Scouting mission will not work Maya if I have no idea where to scout too..." Valken turned his gaze as Masaki arrived and flashed him a weak smile. Good... more magic... You could see the cogs start to turn once again. "Odds are there has to be someone in Fairtail who can track or with more clues to lead us in the right direction..." Here Valken gently peeled Emmerich's fingers away from his collar and stood up tall. Another crazy idea... the same crazy idea he had at the Milkshake Shop to get Millie out... that was the first time he had tried it... would it even work with two people? How far could he hold them in the shadows? They wouldn't be able to breathe... He might be able to make it to the Fairytail Guild Hall...What if they were claustrophobic?

Eventually Valken rubbed his chin of dirt before slowly making his way back to the group, his usual calm persona back.

"I have an idea..." He said suddenly. "But... It's dangerous.... I need to get to Fairytail Guild Hall as quickly as possible...so I need a volunteer or two... Someone not claustrophobic, with no fear of the dark or drowning... And someone who can hold their breath as long as possible... I can't even say this will work... so you join me at your own peril..." Glancing around the room, expecting a downright no from everyone.

@Wyatt @Skyena @Kayzo @Wyatt @Kayzo @Colt556
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zuka" data-cite="Zuka" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="170593" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>

<strong><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#330066;">Valken Truss</span></span></strong><p><strong><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#330066;">

Magnolia Train Station</span></span></strong></p>


The Shadow Mage felt a rough hand on his shoulder as he was turned around but Arial's hold was still in place. He didn't have any defense from Emmerich's fist slam and with a resounding <em>Thud</em> Valken found himself flying before crashing rather heavily a few metres away. His whole face seemed stunned and he could already feel his jaw and cheek bruise from the hit. It didn't knock any sense <em>into</em> him but certaintly knocked some bad sense <em>out.</em>.. still lying on his back, he felt Faust grasp him and half lift him up, eyes still huge. Valken was always a over thinker, and as such a pessimist... He knew what a Dark Guild was capable of... but, Emmerich was right.</p>


He needed a plan.</p>


Didn't he have a plan?</p>


That's right! Scouting Squad!</p>


But... He didn't know where to start Scouting... I was all good Noah, Faust and him trying to find the hide-out... as fair as he was aware as his gaze quickly ran around the faces none here could do tracking save for Vex, but the magical Signature was lost by now... all because he threw a fit and expelled too much magic... Valken's face turned more grim. One lead and his own idiotic behaviour cost him it...</p>


"<strong>Yes, Emmerich. You are right. It's not just Millie, Sora is missing to... and probably Lysander... I wouldn't put it past a whole bunch more mages as well...</strong>" His voice steady as he peered to his boots, but still let the man hold him up. It wasn't he wasn't capable of standing after Emmerich's massive hit, it was like he was foregoing the physical exeration to try and make his mind work into overdrive.</p>


"<strong>A Scouting mission will not work Maya if I have no idea where to scout </strong><strong><em>too</em></strong><strong>..." </strong>Valken turned his gaze as Masaki arrived and flashed him a weak smile. Good... more magic... You could see the cogs start to turn once again. <strong>"Odds are there has to be someone in Fairtail who can track or with more clues to lead us in the right direction..." </strong>Here Valken gently peeled Emmerich's fingers away from his collar and stood up tall. Another crazy idea... the same crazy idea he had at the Milkshake Shop to get Millie out... that was the first time he had tried it... would it even work with two people? How far could he hold them in the shadows? They wouldn't be able to breathe... He might be able to make it to the Fairytail Guild Hall...What if they were claustrophobic?</p>


Eventually Valken rubbed his chin of dirt before slowly making his way back to the group, his usual calm persona back.</p>


<strong>"I have an idea..." </strong>He said suddenly. <strong>"But... It's dangerous.... I need to get to Fairytail Guild Hall as quickly as possible...so I need a volunteer or two... Someone not claustrophobic, with no fear of the dark or drowning... And someone who can hold their breath as long as possible... I can't even say this will work... so you join me at your own peril..." </strong>Glancing around the room, expecting a downright no from everyone.</p>


@Wyatt @Skyena <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26825-colt556/" data-mentionid="26825">@Colt556</a></p>



Cillian stayed quiet. He had stepped aside, away from the group but still near enough if there was a time he could speak up or help. His answer was a silent refusal. Even though he had decided to risk his life for these people, risking his life <em>that </em>way was a big, and definite NOPE. </p>


He watched on, muting out most of the conversation now. It seemed that listening in on the conversation wasn't very important at the moment, as he wasn't going to be joining this mission with Valken. He carefully observed each of the members, taking note on their names and appearances. They all looked experienced and could easily take down weak enemies with ease. Save for a few, but they looked fairly well-trained as well. <strong>"I wonder what their powers are..." </strong>Cillian thought to himself. He also wondered how hard it would be to be able to have a chance to even use their abilities as his own. He shook his head shortly afterwards. He'd probably would have to stick to what he had. They were decent enough. </p>


With that, Cillian sighed and started to observe even more. He made a small note in his sketchbook that Valken and what was his name? Oh, Emmerich, seemed pretty close. Too bad Valken was taken already, or he might've started secretly imagining them together. </p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26922-zuka/" data-mentionid="26922">@Zuka</a> and <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31804-mykinkaiser/" data-mentionid="31804">@Mykinkaiser</a></p>

Mother let out a huff, this wasn't going to go anywhere with these idiots bumbling around like this. She was about to intervene, that is till Kim and Eias showed up right on cue. She leapt of the platform and landed infront of the two. " Morning Kim, Eias. Thank you for coming on such short notice. Obviously the-." She was cut off by Kelica, she literally stole Mother's line there. A small vain bulged out of her forehead, showing how truly annoyed she was. " Ahem, Yes. Well Kelica explained everything. So that's the mission, we rescue the kidnapped mages. I called for another Mages to assist us, she should be her by now..."


Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station

Valken was actually legitimately surprised when Mikado was the first person to step forward, especially after he had so carelessly lifted her off her feet moments earlier to shout in her face. He gave her a half smile, almost to say, yeah, sorry about earlier. But she didn't seem to begrudge him for it. He turned his head as obviously Emmerich was second to stand up and he nodded his head quickly. Then thoughts of just how he was going to transport the three filled his head as he remembered the only way he got Millie into the Shadow was to literally lift her whole body up to wrap her legs around his waist, and force her back to melt into the wall... now just how was he going to manage it without seeming lewd with those two?? Half frowning more at the logistics, he turned as Vex talked up and chuckled. "I suppose the Dark wouldn't bother you Vex, like it doesn't me... but what do you mean making yourself smaller?" The idea to take a third person was tempting, but would his reduced size mean he had a less lung capacity? He didn't want the kid to drown... "Alright; Mikado, Vex, I need you both too take as deep a breath as you can and hold it for as long as you are able... there is no oxygen where we go, so you will not be able to breath... I need to count how long I can travel without drowning you both..."

30seconds would be ideal but a stretch, 10seconds would get half way, and 20 somewhere in between.

@Wyatt @Skyena @Kayzo @Talon @Embaga Elder @LeSoraAmari @Drakerus @Happy Red Mage
@purplepanda288[/URL] @Refaulted
Haruhi let out a squeak of surprise as Ciel went into overdrive and drew out some big bladed weapon as if they were under attack. Surely she didn't know what was happening at the moment, but she really didn't think there was a need for such extreme measures. She scooted an inch or two away from her wife just to make sure she didn't get cut before speaking in an attempt to calm her. "Ciel! There is no need for a weapon like that! Please, put it away before you cut someone." She said in a worried and urgent tone. Fortunately enough the blade was pointed away from her, so it wasn't that big of a deal. However what really caught her attention was when Ciel said that she'd be returning to the guild. From what the blue haired Mage knew her wife wasn't in any guild! So why would she be going to a guild, and which one? "Can I come with you Ciel? For extra protection?"

@purplepanda288 @Refaulted

(I'll post the others tomorrow when I'm not tired and stressed.)
Eias Baole- meeting new people

Eias remained behind Kim while they confronted the group of mages. Mother was there to greet them which put Eias at ease a little. A familiar face in a group usually did that for her. Before Mother could even start to say what the situation was the one referred to as Kelica had spoken up about what the situation was. Eias instinctual lowered herself even more. From behind Kim, Eias blew some speech bubbles.
Uh-uhh.. Hello everyone. It is nice to meet you, I am sorry to hear the situation at hand. Um.. C-could you tell us when the kidnapping possibly took place? It might give a clearer picture as to how far they could have gotten in the forest. She said to the mass. As for one bubble, it floated over to mother. It made a small pop and out came a whisper only audible to her. H-hey mother.. I was wondering.. if you by chance could help me with my clothing situation right now? It got me out of the house but it kinda.. doesn't fit quite right.

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(five words or less?)

Chris was still waiting for Kelica to calm down when he suddenly heard some random woman asking them what happened. Chris heard the five words or less thing and only rolled his eyes. "That girl over there, can summon dragons. I can turn into a dragon thanks to her. The girl I'm holding is my girlfriend, she's scared of dragons. The boy who's currently a wall decoration tried to fight the dragon using animal soul but got flicked into the wall. The dragon doesn't want to hurt anyone, it's merely defending itself." he said as he went back to comforting Kelica. His hand continued to rub up and down her back while Chris kept her in his chest, his heartbeat like a calming melody.

@femjapanriceball @Kazehana

Alabaster Bal Magna

"Well make it go away then!" Alabaster tapped her foot impatiently as she brought out her hand covered in rapidly flickering lights of Arcane Denials. She listened what the girl had to say. "This is bigger crisis than I thought. Alright girlie I'm coming with but you better not be playing us. I'm not afraid to bring the hurt to anything." She stated. "Oi Eric. Quit makin friends with the dragon. There's big trouble and we need to be at our best." She berated him. "Go! Lead the way!" She said as she turned back to the girl.

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