Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Livian Azul

Livian offered a small chuckle as Alice caught herself rambling on and on, "It is quite fine Miss Alice, you have some interesting stories so all is forgiven." Livian looked down at Alice and smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder. Looking at the children as they played, some tripping over a few roots from a tree, luckily they were to fall on grass and not concrete.

Livian raised an eyebrow at Alice as she told him what she had learned, mages being kidnapped was quite interesting to Livian, whoever was doing it had to be extremely powerful, especially if the mages are powerful ones. Clearing his throat he offered a nod, "Alright, I'll help." He stood up, "Well, we should at least get ready to leave and help in the search, right?"

Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Dungeons


A small twitch of the lips was the only response that Sora subconsciously gave in response to Ayano's babbling. There was no point verbally encouraging or acknowledging the girl, regardless if she felt so strongly about making her pay for what she'd done to her friends and the other mages here whom Sora was positive were all wonderful people. There was no intention to just grab Millie and run, though if Millie did want to run off, Sora would act as a barrier to stand between any danger and the other woman. A soft voice tugged the dragon slayer out of her thoughts, body turning to face Millie whilst her eyes came to a rather fierce open. It was hard not to look so focused and determined given the situation they were in.

It suddenly became clear that the Lamia Scale mage had no idea where they were or why, rightfully so, and perhaps even believed they were somewhere else. As to where, Sora didn't know, but the blue haired girl watched confusion mixed with realization dawn onto Millie's delicate features as she soaked in their surroundings. "
We're in a dungeon of sorts because of Grimoire Heart. They brought us here... I don't know what they're planning though. " Sora explained in a gentle tone, gaze flickering back over to Ayano's location for a moment. " Valken isn't here and nobody I recognized from Lamia Scale was present either, it was a group of mages of whom I hardly knew, save a few faces. " Her voice remained steady and reassuring, and her small figure held a more tense posture, unsure if she should comfort the other woman or not by this news.

Sora knew that the pit in her stomach from every wandering thought of Lysander or Maya was only deepening with each passing moment, though it was the hope of seeing them again that was rooting her into a sense of unwavering fortitude. A mage whom Sora hadn't recalled ever seeing or making an acquaintance of spoke to them, seeming rather bold though that was an admirable trait to have in this situation and she was glad someone else shared it under pressure. She listened to what Mimi was saying and contributing, but could only shake her head in disagreement to part of it. "
I'm more interested in you getting Millie out of here then if that's the case. I could've left and been out already but I refuse to leave a friend behind. " Sora turned to smile at Millie as she spoke, a small grin tugging at her lips to expose her canine-like teeth.

Any fear that might have tried taking hold of her had now fully diminished, the petite girl ready to face this situation without anything desisting her. "
I can handle Ayano and anyone coming long enough for you two to get away, please take this opportunity to catch up with the others and fight alongside them so they stand a better chance. " The words dripped with sincerity, though it was strained enough to further emphasis that there was no way she was moving. This was slightly personal at this point and they would pay. Ayano would pay. " Millie, if you get out, make sure Maya shows up for me. " They both knew how scary Maya was and this particular event would make the woman frighteningly unstoppable.

Her hand rose then and the other two were encased in a glowing green light, raising their speed and defenses, not focusing on attack as much since Sora hoped they'd escape and not stay to fight. " And if you could drop the mirror that Ayano is struggling with, I'd appreciate it. " Sora's teeth grit down slightly at the thought of the small vampiric girl whom sported a mouth similar to her own, though her canines were much less pointy in comparison. Fight or flight... Those fists clenched together, eyes dancing with a weird elated intensity. Fight of course, Fairy Tail members were notorious for this. " So please go, I can't go all out with you two here. " It was admitted with vague bashfulness but it was completely honest. Most of her abilities on the offensive side were more destructive than she would've liked since it only plopped her into the normal bunch of ruinous behavior their guild was famous for.

@Kayzo @Britt-21 @Wyatt​
Ayano Soru: The dungeons... Shit's about to get real

She really did want to fight her! Well fighting an S-class dragon slayer isn't going to be easy... but Ayano wonders how Sora would handle her unique magic... Wait... She could sense another life form, a much more powerful one at that! "Heh well you'd better make this fight quick then, for both our sakes. A demon much more dangerous than me is coming here now... well... after she's torn your precious friend limb from limb." This isn't good, Rodwen wasn't supposed to be here Ayano was about to get things back under control and now everythings a mess! "You think that Dragon Slayer magic is powerful? That doesn't even compare to her. So like I said let's fight now so only one of us will have to worry about That God Slayer later."

@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots (Mentioned)
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She watched Eric investigate, though wasn't quite sure what he was looking at. To her, it could have been a large assortment of things. She frowned when he suggested they leave, as she didn't see any danger to be had in the city. "But-" she objected. He whispered something to Alabaster, which just made her more confused. "I've been here for quite a while and I can tell you it's a safe town," she continued, frowning at Eric's hasty conclusion. What could he have seen to make such a fuss? His secrecy with Alabaster didn't sit well with her, as it made her feel like he had something to hide from her. But why would he? Unless it was some like, official guild business. But even then, wouldn't she find out soon enough? After all, she was tagging along with him for the time being. If it was something that was to happen in the near future, she would find out about it anyway.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
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She looked back at Sora with an incredibly incredulous expression. "Are you serious? I just blocked the rest of them off! There's almost no way we can catch up!" she objected, her eyes wildly darting back and forth between Sora and her barriers. She had no reservations against letting Sora deal with Ayano, but her plan simply wouldn't suffice for the situation. "We can very easily go, but we would be high-tailing it right out of here," she warned, her gaze focused on Sora. She bore a stern expression, a demeanor unlike Mimi.

"Well, when you're ready, we can jump through this," she offered, gesturing to the mirror behind her and opposite the cell. It still bore no trace of any of them, but otherwise, it was a clear reflection. If they could reach the inverted dimension, they would be just fine. But Ayano could easily make it in with them should Sora fail to stall. Mimi glanced at Millie, silently willing her to hurry up. The girl was clearly not much of a fighter, and she was mostly just holding them back. While it was vexing to handle, she figured it was better to keep silent on her opinions.

Ayano's comments only irked Mimi, as she had already branded herself as an annoyance. Nevertheless, she kept her tongue and didn't comment. For a moment, she was tempted to inquire about what Ayano suggested at the end, but resolved that silence was superior to engaging with Ayano. "Hurry up!" she called to Millie, who was the only thing keeping Mimi bound to her position. Mimi worried that she would have to essentially drag Millie throughout their struggles, and she knew it would be next to impossible to fight if she had to. Her only option was the inverted dimension; she could only hope that they could fine their way out.

[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Jackaboi[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Kayzo[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Kyuubey[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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Genon said:
Just then, Adrian walked into the courtyard to check on Kelica, Chris, and Bizma. "Hey guys!" he called as he walked across the courtyard. When he got within ten feet, he said, "So I overheard something about finding mages to help? Well, I can help keep the load off of Chris." With that, Adrian jumped briefly, casting a lightning-fast Arcane Barrier as he did so. Beneath his feet was now a purple square, roughly 40 feet across. An armchair made out of flat barriers was bearing his weight at one end of the square, facing the three. There was also a waist-high set of barriers around the edges to keep people from falling off.
"This here is basically a flying arcane platform made out of barriers, which I can move through the air under my own power to transport others. I don't have a name for it, really. I can't move it very fast under such a heavy load, but I'd say I have enough magic power to get...maybe ten or fifteen people all the way there? I think to solve the problem of speed, it's going to need to be pulled. I hate to ask this of you, Chris, but...would you towing the thing if I made a hole for a rope? It would reduce my magic drain and help me sustain it for longer, as well as help us get there much faster."

@femjapanriceball @Isune

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Of course...)

Chris stared as Adrian created his floating wagon. The only thing it was missing was someone to pull it. Of course, Chris was the one asked to tow it. Chris could only sigh as he muttered,"Fine, I'll do it. Everyone off before I throw you off, you know the drill."

Once everyone got off the draco it changed back to Chris for a moment before suddenly changing to a giant bull man. He let out a fearsome moo as he stretched out one of his massive arms,"
Let's just get this over with." he said as he looked down and waited for the dreaded rope to be tied to him. Why did he always have to be the one pulling things? Why couldn't that girl who summoned that mole earlier make something? Oh well, Chris was honestly used to it by now.

@Genon @femjapanriceball
Genon said:
Adrian looked a little embarrassed, realizing that Bizma was literally right there and able to make something to tow the thing. He turned to Bizma and said, "Come to think of it, do you think you could make something that could tow it through the air so that Chris can catch a break for once? He's always carrying us around."
Genon said:
(@femjapanriceball I edited my post pretty significantly. @femjapanriceball

Kimberly Lock

Kim and Eias' Flat

Kim went around cleaning and adjusting the furniture in the room. Her mind every so often returning to the fact that they passed out, Eias thought it like a joke. On to lighten the mood, but it was off. For a second a chill ran down her spine, the same one that happened when Mother appears in this realm. " Why is she here, it must be serious..." Kim was taken it of her thoughts when Eias came in to the room. With the furry of a million angry wasps Kims face turned red, but soon started be overlapped by her taint. The swirling tattoo like stains branched down the right side of her body. " Oh you look fabulous Eias, hey there's a situation concerning Mother. I have to go check it out, it might be something extremely dangerous." Kim nervously scrached the back of her neck. " And I don't want to leave you alone here so, do you want to come with?"


Alice Liddell

Fuck off mother, Orphanage gardens

Alice had finished explaining the why she had started to teach the teens how to use their magic. " And there was this one time that a kid had inherited Water magic of all things, they didn't know how to use it properly so they caused a flood in the Theater. And then they o-oh sorry Livian I just kept rambling..." She truly seemed excited to just talk to someone about her interest. She had been taught to be quiet and never show true emotion since she was a child. So every time she found an escape she took it with open arms. She held Livian's hand in her own,

Slightly resting her head on his shoulder. She watched the children play, it brought her joy that she could give back to these children. Soon a small purple screen appered infront of her, it read.
'Alice, remember when I last came to visit you? Yes good times wasn't it, but right now isn't the time for a trip down memory lane. Mages from all over Magnolia have been kidnapped, and we require your and any other Mages assistance to help. Meet us near the Fairytail guild hall, Lots of love, Mother." Alice read though the text, slightly sucking on her upper lip. Mother had helped her in the past, if she's askin for her help then it must be important. " Livian, There's been some news. Apparently Mages had been kidnapped form Magnolia, and an old friend has asked me to assist with the search."

@The Dinkster
Bizma Saedor: It's Summoning Time!

Bizma turned to Adrian when he spoke and nodded. "Ah...yes. I can summon various magical creatures and weapons from books, so....I suppose....ahem...." She took out a copy of one of the many books she'd brought with her and opened it. Which creature would be appropriate for this situation? Several scenarios ran through her head.

"Oh, COME ON! Just CHOOSE already!" Lion whined, leaning over Bizma's book and pointing at one of the creatures; a dragon. "How about that guy?"

"A.....dragon...? Well....fine." Bizma spread out her arms, clearing her throat. "Come to me, my dear: Dragon!" Following her command came a giant blue dragon; Bizma let out an excited squeal. "Omigosh, Patronus...! It's been a while since I last Summoned you! I almost forgot how cute you were!"


"As long as it's in a book, I can summon it," Bizma said, shrugging. "....Phew....that was exhausting....I just remembered why I don't summon dragons often....no offense," she added to Patronus, who had snarled at her when she said that. "Er....right...Patronus, can you tow that wagon for me?" Another low growl from Patronus, but she moved into place.
Chris Lengheart(Dragon!)

Chris was still waiting for the rope until Adrian said something to Bizma about having her make something to carry them instead of Chris having to tow everyone. He let out a sigh of relief, better her than him.

That was until she summoned a frickin' dragon out of a book. Chris quickly changed back to his normal form as he suddenly ran up to the dragon. He stared in awe as he suddenly noticed that the dragon was female. Chris only sighed as he muttered,"
My one chance to record a dragon and it's a female...great." before climbing up onto the platform.

Chris couldn't help but stare at Lion as he began to whine about the dragon not being "cute". Honestly, Chris could care less, what mattered more seemed to be what Bizma could summon. So, he slowly walked over to her and pointed to her book before asking,"
So you can summon whatever's in there? Please tell me you have a male dragon in there. If I could record it, I'd do whatever you want for a week. In other words, name your price."

@Genon @purplepanda288
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Kayzo said:
Grace's gaze rested on Mikado's hand for a few moments before her own hand slowly reached up and took it. The short girl slowly rose to her feet before brushing off any dirt on her clothes and fiddling around with her hair until it looked presentable once again. "Well I have no cloud what happened. I was hoping that you had the answers. But from what I can see it looked like we passed out." She said with a rather confused look on her face. The sound of panicked people soon filled the air but she still didn't understand what happened. It seemed that people had gone missing in the short time that they were passed out. But who could've taken them and why? It gave off a terrible vibe, one that sent shivers down her spine. Mikado felt the same way and suggested that they hurry to the train station. "I was just about to suggest that. Let's hurry up and pray that no one we know is missing." She said, taking her hand and walking as fast as her short legs could carry her. Her mind suddenly thought of Masaki and what happened to him? She didn't know where he was or who he was with, but she was scared that he'd been taken away. Then again, he is an S-Class Mage... "Hopefully Maya has some insight on the situation."
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Magnolia Station

Once Grace was back on her feet she let go of the girl's hand and resumed her trek to the station. Unlike the other girl she wasn't exactly the type to drag people along. As they made their way towards the train station she noticed more distraught individuals, picking up on pieces of their conversation as they walked by. "Seems like people all across the city were taken." If only Liam was here, he excelled at situations like this. Alas they would likely have to resolve this situation themselves. Soon enough they neared the train station and despite the situation she couldn't help the feeling rising in her stomach. This was not how she expected to be reunited with her guild. Nonetheless she made sure to hide her feelings behind her usual calm exterior, she wasn't about to let Grace worry about her as well as everything else currently going on.

She made her way into the station, glancing over her shoulder to make sure the other girl was still with her before turning her sights on locating their comrades. Fortunately the station was not very large and it did not take long to spot a group of individuals milling about near the tracks. It took her a few moments but she recognized several of the people standing around. She paused for a few moments, worried that perhaps their reactions would mirror Grace's. She took in a breath, looking over at Grace and giving her a small nod towards the group. "Guildmates located, let's go check in and see what's going on." With this she made her way towards the group of mages.

Grace wasn't kidding when she said most of them had come to Magnolia. However she couldn't see Master anywhere, perhaps he had already left? Well, only one way to find out. With neither ceremony nor pomp she calmly strode to the group, speaking up to nobody in particular. "Where's Master at? Grace said he was around." She came to a stop next to Valken, acting as if she had always been around as she scanned over the group. While there were certainly a lot of familiar faces it seems the guild got a fair few members in the couple of years she'd been gone.

@Wyatt @LeSoraAmari
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Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Dragon!)

Chris was still waiting for the rope until Adrian said something to Bizma about having her make something to carry them instead of Chris having to tow everyone. He let out a sigh of relief, better her than him.

That was until she summoned a frickin' dragon out of a book. Chris quickly changed back to his normal form as he suddenly ran up to the dragon. He stared in awe as he suddenly noticed that the dragon was female. Chris only sighed as he muttered,"
My one chance to record a dragon and it's a female...great." before climbing up onto the platform.

Chris couldn't help but stare at Lion as he began to whine about the dragon not being "cute". Honestly, Chris could care less, what mattered more seemed to be what Bizma could summon. So, he slowly walked over to her and pointed to her book before asking,"
So you can summon whatever's in there? Please tell me you have a male dragon in there. If I could record it, I'd do whatever you want for a week. In other words, name your price."

@Genon @purplepanda288
@Zuka @purplepanda288 @Genon

Bizma let out a sigh and summoned Patronus back, summoning her other dragon, Severus. "Okay, Sev will tow everyone," she said. Severus nodded and took his place near the platform. Bizma then turned to Chris. "For this, could you please watch Lion for the rest of the day? He's being a big douchebag."

"HEY!" Lion exclaimed, crossing his arms. "I am NOT a big douchebag, know-it-all!"

".....Spoiled brat."

"Hobo! Queen of the Hobos!"

"Hopelessly immature son of a—" Bizma bit her lip. She wasn't about to finish that sentence. ".....Ahem....let's get going."
Chris Lengheart (Yes!)

Chris was exited when a male dragon appeared. He quickly hopped off the platform as he shouted, "Wait, wait! I need to do something first." as he carefully approached the dragon. He made sure not to make any sudden movements as he slowly reached a hand out and ran them over its scales for a moment. So rough, they seemed like they could absorb a lot. Chris' arm gave off a slight purplish glow as Chris kept his hand on the dragon for a while longer, his eyes closing for a brief moment.

After what felt like a few minutes, the process was complete. Chris climbed back onto the platform and smiled. His arm suddenly changed to that of a dragon's claw, it was large and extremely powerful looking. Chris ran his human fingers across his new scales and got that same feeling of roughness along them. His hand changed back to normal as he took Lion before nodding at Bizma, "
Thank you so much, it's a dream for takeover users such as myself to get a dragon form. Getting one is so rare. Words alone can't describe my gratitude." he then put on a more comedic attitude as he said, "And if all I gotta do is watch some brat for a while, I'd happily accept more forms. You wouldn't happen to have anymore, would you? Or am I just being greedy?"

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart (Yes!)

Chris was exited when a male dragon appeared. He quickly hopped off the platform as he shouted, "Wait, wait! I need to do something first." as he carefully approached the dragon. He made sure not to make any sudden movements as he slowly reached a hand out and ran them over its scales for a moment. So rough, they seemed like they could absorb a lot. Chris' arm gave off a slight purplish glow as Chris kept his hand on the dragon for a while longer, his eyes closing for a brief moment.

After what felt like a few minutes, the process was complete. Chris climbed back onto the platform and smiled. His arm suddenly changed to that of a dragon's claw, it was large and extremely powerful looking. Chris ran his human fingers across his new scales and got that same feeling of roughness along them. His hand changed back to normal as he took Lion before nodding at Bizma, "
Thank you so much, it's a dream for takeover users such as myself to get a dragon form. Getting one is so rare. Words alone can't describe my gratitude." he then put on a more comedic attitude as he said, "And if all I gotta do is watch some brat for a while, I'd happily accept more forms. You wouldn't happen to have anymore, would you? Or am I just being greedy?"

Bizma was surprised when Chris touched the dragon and his hand grew purple. And then into a dragon's claw. Then she remembered; he knew Takeover magic. He was probably just adding a dragon form. Nothing to harm Severus, hopefully. She patted Severus's scaly back in reassurance; he shot her a confused look.

Lion, meanwhile, realized that he now had no choice in the matter, so he just went with Chris. Hopefully he wasn't as Type A as Bizma.

"Well....yeah, I can summon all sorts of creatures," Bizma said, somewhat flustered with all of this sudden attention. "As long as it's in a book, it's possible. That's kind of the golden rule of Book-Summoning Magic.....it's really very flexible." She nodded slightly, holding out her book in case Chris had any requests. "Is there....anything else in particular you want to turn into....? I really owe you a lot for looking after someone like Lion."

Eric: Magnolia bar/streets

Aurelie seems to look confused about all of this, probably better that way. "Listen Aurelie, after things have been dealt with, I promise I'll explain everything but for now just trust me about this!" He regrets looking like a total idiot in front of her because now it seems she can't take Eric seriously. "We can't stay here, we should find the rest of the Sabertooth members and sort things out." He may have said that but he was mainly just worried. Mizuki can handle herself but Alicia was a different story, even though they were both practically inseparable he had to make sure. He had to find Haruhi and Honoka too, if they don't know about this then they could be in danger. "Anyway let's blow this joint and find them! I just hope they haven't left Magnolia already." With that he instantly set off, his sudden exit has got to at least get the rest to follow after him. But then he realised... "Wait... Where the hell are they anyway!"

@Kazehana @Happy Red Mage
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Chris Lengheart (shopping for takeovers)

Chris was like a school boy when Bizma offered him more forms. Although, he honestly doubted she had them in her books. "Well there was the spider assassin. Legend had it that he was an odd combination of man and spider. He had six eyes and the ability to spin webs. He would drop down without a sound and silence his victims within a matter of seconds. Oh, and then the lord of the vampires. He was able to convert his own blood into weaponry and turn into a swarm of bats to avoid the pitchforks." This was one of the best days of Chris' entire life. He then turned his attention to Lion as he said, "Looks like you'll be spending the rest of the day with me, or maybe even longer depending on how many new forms I get from your friend here. It's nice to run into someone who can share my appreciation of books."


Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall < Magnolia Streets

Kelica watched Adrian race out with an alternative mode of transport, a huge Arcane barrier carpet.... platform... thing. It looked pretty neato even if she didn't understand it herself. Bizma, Adrian and Lion had already climbed on. She glanced to Chris to see what he would do when he suddenly transformed into a huge, muscle bound Minotaur. Wearing very little one might also add.... he was taller then a first storey building!!

She blushed a crimson red as her hands flew up to hold her cheeks, I mean really, for a girl who likes animals it was pretty much one of the biggest and strongest she had ever seen! "...O...Oh my!" She almost squeaked.

Then he changed back so the girl could breath again, only this time Bizma summoned something even bigger then Chris's Minotaur form... Big, with huge scaley wings and a long snout. Menancing massive talons... Kelica was shell shocked, her whole face pale and her hands twitching awkwardly by her sides. Chris was doing something... but she never even saw him, her eyes glued to the thing she now feared the most.

She was frozen for only one more moment before she let out a huge, ear-peircing scream worthy of any horror movie, already starting to hear the screams of the dying trees in her ears. Without a coherent thought, she had already turned and was running away, through a back alley and to a line of shops running head long into an unfortunate mage and probably knocking him over, Ryu, her face one of pure panic even as her heart was pounding in fear.

@femjapanriceball @Isune @purplepanda288 @Rhodus (not sure who else is near Ryu) @Chat Noir
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Zuka [/side]

Emmerich was floating, and glowing. He had experienced both before, but never at the same time, making this a novel experience for him. Not only that, but he was able to, at least briefly, assess the girl's magic. His interest was taken briefly by Maya's clone creation and in that time Noah asked the question he was about to ask the girl as to the versatility of her magic.

Emmerich shared in the sentiments of both Maya and Noah, but there was another feeling within him. As much as he wanted to help his friends and avenge those hurt he also had a much simpler desire. He wanted to fight and the prospect of fulfilling that desire was making his blood boil and a small grin start to pull at the corners of his mouth despite the situation. He couldn't help but get excited, it's who he is after all.
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart (shopping for takeovers)

Chris was like a school boy when Bizma offered him more forms. Although, he honestly doubted she had them in her books. "Well there was the spider assassin. Legend had it that he was an odd combination of man and spider. He had six eyes and the ability to spin webs. He would drop down without a sound and silence his victims within a matter of seconds. Oh, and then the lord of the vampires. He was able to convert his own blood into weaponry and turn into a swarm of bats to avoid the pitchforks." This was one of the best days of Chris' entire life. He then turned his attention to Lion as he said, "Looks like you'll be spending the rest of the day with me, or maybe even longer depending on how many new forms I get from your friend here. It's nice to run into someone who can share my appreciation of books."


Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Fairytail Guild Hall < Magnolia Streets

Kelica watched Adrian race out with an alternative mode of transport, a huge Arcane barrier carpet.... platform... thing. It looked pretty neato even if she didn't understand it herself. Bizma, Adrian and Lion had already climbed on. She glanced to Chris to see what he would do when he suddenly transformed into a huge, muscle bound Minotaur. Wearing very little one might also add.... he was taller then a first storey building!!

She blushed a crimson red as her hands flew up to hold her cheeks, I mean really, for a girl who likes animals it was pretty much one of the biggest and strongest she had ever seen! "...O...Oh my!" She almost squeaked.

Then he changed back so the girl could breath again, only this time Bizma summoned something even bigger then Chris's Minotaur form... Big, with huge scaley wings and a long snout. Menancing massive talons... Kelica was shell shocked, her whole face pale and her hands twitching awkwardly by her sides. Chris was doing something... but she never even saw him, her eyes glued to the thing she now feared the most.

She was frozen for only one more moment before she let out a huge, ear-peircing scream worthy of any horror movie, already starting to hear the screams of the dying trees in her ears. Without a coherent thought, she had already turned and was running away, through a back alley and to a line of shops running head long into an unfortunate mage and probably knocking him over, Ryu, her face one of pure panic even as her heart was pounding in fear.

@femjapanriceball @Isune @purplepanda288 @Rhodus (not sure who else is near Ryu) @Chat Noir
@Genon @purplepanda288 @Rhodus @Chat Noir

Bizma gave Chris an exhausted look, then, sighing, nodded. "Umm....I guess I could try the Spider Assassin. He'll probably be a little easier to summon than the Lord of the Vampires. I still have to save some of my energy for the fighting part of—" Then, suddenly, she was interrupted by Kelicia's scream. Was she....afraid of Severus...? Whoops. Bizma reddened even further in realization of this. "He only hurts those I tell him to hurt!" she called after her, only to realize that that wasn't very comforting. "....W-which is not you! Like as in Dark Wizards or Lion Skullflower!"

Aurelie wasn't too sure why he couldn't just explain anything now since leaving her in the dark might not have been the best course of action. Nevertheless, she made no comment and simply followed him out. She didn't know what the rush was, but then again, it was related to whatever it was he was keeping from her. It was becoming quickly apparent to her that secrets were not her favorite, though she could understand their purpose. She didn't really think Eric should be keeping secrets from her given their situation, however. She frowned slightly as she scurried after him, simply trying to keep up. Since she had no clue what was happening, she didn't have anything to add that she would have considered to have any value or relevance. Perhaps it was just best to bide her time and figure it out as she went along.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
Kimberly Lock

Kim and Eias' Flat > outside Fairy tail guild hall

Kim cringed internally when her dear friend put on Combat Boots, and with one of her outfits of all things. They seriously needed to go shoping after this mission was over, mabye they could find what matched her style. " Hold up I'm still in my Pjs." She scurried off to her room, with out a second thought she slipped off her current garments. Then once she was stripped down to her undergarments she slung her red dress on. She admired her self in her mirror, she quickly grabbed her two flowers and pined them into her hair. With another look in the mirror she steped out of her room and walked to the front door of their Flat. " Let's go, she's near the Guild hall." She twirled the key in her hand, waiting for Eias to get to the door.

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Chris Lengheart (Oh boy...)

Chris was exited to get a new beast soul, but before they could go through with it, Chris heard Kelic's screams as she ran away from the dragon. Of course, Chris had almost forgotten that Kelica was petrified by them. Chris looked over to Bizma with a worried look on his face as he jumped down with Lion. He looked at him for a brief moment before saying, "Since I have custody of you for the rest of the day, how about I put you to work? Help me find my girlfriend Kelica. The blonde girl." and with that, Chris began his search for his runaway lover. At this point, any of Lion's witty remarks wouldn't end too well for him.

Eias Baole- panic attack central.

She watched as Kim ran off into her room and closed the door behind her. The moment the door clicked shut, Eias started clutching her chest hard. ooo..ooo Ok ok here we go... Calm down, calm down. It's just some mission thing and i'm taking along. If there is any danger, I will be alright. I will just be backing her up. Any problems should be easier to deal with with a helping hand right? She thought to herself. Her heart was beating hard. She some how kept that facade this whole time. A wizard prepared for anything.. She needed to show Kim she was there to help when she could even in the face of danger. She just had to pretend whatever they were doing, any trouble they encountered would just be bandits. Yes bandits! She dealt with the like many times on her travels. Easy enough. Just calm down. She clutched the flute close to her. Slowly, the anxiety melted and her breathing regulated.

She heard the door click back open and quickly brought the facade back up. She acted as casual as she could. She even smiled big at seeing Kim in her outfit. Cute as ever. When she spoke of the guild hall, she wondered what was going on there. Maybe they had to go pick the mission up there? Guild stuff was something she still didn't understand fully. She got the door for the both of them and let Kim out of the place. She just had to act calm and pose for a while longer.

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Eric: Magnolia streets

Eric spent a little while looking for everyone. Honestly if they were going to all do their own thing they should have at least arranged a rally point or something. "Mizuki! Alicia! Haruhi! Anyone! (sigh) nothing..." At this moment He heard a scream, someone's in danger. "Hey you hear that? It seems to be coming from... Over here!" Again he ran off to see what the hell's happening. "Come on! It came from this way!" After sprinting a little while he reached the source of the noise. He saw a blonde girl and a guy wearing a kimono and holding a katana... seriously? Who wears a kimono these day... Wait... A katana! He wasn't planning to kill her was he!? "Hey kimono dude! Your not gonna cut up an innocent woman are you!? I'll let ya know I won't go easy on you if you harm innocent civilians!" Heh that'll show him! Though he does look like a pretty dangerous type, he doesn't look like he uses magic so maybe he could take him if he were to attack.

@Rhodus @Zuka @Kazehana

Aiden held tight on to her hand, his stomach wrenching at the sudden movements. The gravity around them kept them pinned to the roof, passing most of the guards. This seemed to easy, that is till two Guards attacked them with ranged spells. Aiden lost his focus, making his Gravity magic fail. They plummeted to the ground, the wind got nicked out of him on impact. With a curse under his breath he stood up, but not with out a small stager. He held out his hand, but to no change of gravity. A look of disbelief crossed Aiden's features, he couldn't perform anymore magic for that spirit. " close gate of the snake." With a small green flash of light the snake that wrapped around his neck went back to the spirit world. The celestial Mage held out another Jade key. " Open gate of the Monkey, Houzi." The spirit appered infront of Aiden, they held a large golden sword in their hands ready to fight.


Mikael La Viere



"Protecting your friends huh? That's a nice thought. But I am so tired of that. Being immortal is like a curse or something. I watched people I cared about, people I wanted to protect, people close to me, my friends die one by one while I sit there, feeling sorry for myself." he then looked outside the window and fell silent for a moment. His silence was then disturbed and broken down and he was back in the present time when Lavender's voice called out to them.

He turned to her and she was fresh out of the bath, tiny drops of water were still visible on the surface of her skin, she was glistening clean. He got a glimpse of her neck, her silky pale neck, and he couldn't help but steal a small gulp in the temptation of her blood. He held it in and smiled at her. "Shall we go then ladies? I believe Sera would take us to good places where we could shop. We'll follow you then Sera."


@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart (Oh boy...)

Chris was exited to get a new beast soul, but before they could go through with it, Chris heard Kelic's screams as she ran away from the dragon. Of course, Chris had almost forgotten that Kelica was petrified by them. Chris looked over to Bizma with a worried look on his face as he jumped down with Lion. He looked at him for a brief moment before saying, "Since I have custody of you for the rest of the day, how about I put you to work? Help me find my girlfriend Kelica. The blonde girl." and with that, Chris began his search for his runaway lover. At this point, any of Lion's witty remarks wouldn't end too well for him.

@Zuka @purplepanda288 @Genon

Lion let out a low growl, much like his namesake, and followed after Chris. "You Fairy Tail wizards lose people a lot," he mumbled. "Is it a trend or somethin'? At least at home there isn't anyone important to lose, except maybe myself, so nobody even bothers. The crazy thing about here is people just randomly run off and—hey! Watch it, hobo!" Lion exclaimed when some random guy ran into him. Fuming, he crossed his arms. "I am the head of a wealthy family. Nobody should dare run into me in such a manner."
Talon slowly woke up. He felt someone shaking his shoulder and saying something but he couldnt quite register what they were saying. He son realized it was Fera shaking him and caling his name. He groaned and his eyelids fluttered open. "Hey Ferra..." He mumbled and then sat up slowly, rubbing his head and wincing. "I got a killer headache... What happened?¿?¿" He asked, looking around. "Where are we... last thing I remember is Noah and Valken fighting and that guy with the bird showing up." He eplained, tryng to remember what had happened but uable to. @Mitchs98
Chris Lengheart (Oh no you didn't! *insert neck movements here*)

Chris listened to Lion's "growl" with a distasteful look on his face. Then he started talking about fairytail in a bit of a rude manner, but Chris would kind enough to shrug it off. That was when someone bumped into Lion and he went on a rant calling him a hobo and talking about how he should be treated better because he's rich.

Chris didn't need his takeovers to do what he was about to do. With swiftness, Chris plunged his fist directly on top of Lion's head, making sure to get his knuckles deep into his skull. The giant of a man suddenly snapped as he said, "
Oh, so because you had mummy and daddy or whoever to give you everything on a silver platter means that you're above me? You listen here you little punk, I grew up on a farm. Do you think I should be treated any less because of that? My mom passed because we didn't have enough money to buy her medicine. Are we just some filthy peasants?" That was when Chris suddenly picked him up by the shirt and changed to his werecat form before continuing,"You're name may be Lion, but I'm the real alpha here, am I clear?!" and letting out a powerful roar just to prove his position was in fact on top. Chris dropped Lion before changing back to his normal form and continuing his search for Kelica.


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