Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station

Valken's eyes drifted around before peering absentmindedly looked up to the roof. He still desperately wanted to find Millie, right that second, however as he crossed his arms he knew that three guys, no matter how strong they were, would be no match for A Dark Guild, especially not one with a hideout that they could have easily prepared for. Traps at the entrance, in the corridors, minions everywhere. They could have recruited mythical killing beasts for all he knew, or magical weapons like silenced cannons or death beams... they were restrained by the morals of a Light Guild so wherever they had taken the mages was bound to be defended to the teeth.

Valken's eyes drifted down from the roof as Emmerich suddenly hovered as part of the rainbow haired mages magic. He was listening even as Noah asked the question because frankly the same thought crossed his mind. This was no fun house trip... and certaintly would be worse for the three amigos to be side tracked if she were taken and held hostage as more leverage against them. Eventually he shook his head.

"For our Scout Mission it is too dangerous... But that doesn't mean you can't help... once we gather a sizeable force Maya will be following us with everyone else..."

It was only now Valken heard a voice beside him asking about their Guild Master, raising an eyebrow as he peered down to Mikardo, just where did she pop out of? He'd been in the guild over 15years so of course he knew of her but last time he checked she was on a mission... furthermore, how the hell did people keep ninjaing up beside him?!

"Master Lloyd is still passed out..."
His eyes spotting Grace and making a outward breath of relief. At least she was ok... it was only Lysander he didn't know about now...

His face paled when he realised Lysander was most likely with Sora, and if Sora had gone missing.... One would assume the Gun Mage would have been taken to. Face still paled he tried to explain the situation to Grace and Mikado. "The Dark Guild Grimorie Heart drugged us all... Master Lloyd is still out... they took Millie..." As Millie had been with the guild 10years as well, Mikado would no doubt know her to. Though she may not be aware they were romantically involved now.
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Alabaster Bal Magna, Mindrazer

Alabaster just followed Eric since she herself had absolutely no idea where everyone else was. "Eric you best just diffuse the situation instead of just outright threatening someone." She chided him. "Now just approach him slowly and ask nicely okay?" She suggested nicely to him. However what no one knew was that she had released her hold on her magic, activating her most useful spell: Mindrazer.

Pandemonium Counter:0

@Rhodus @Jackaboi @Kazehana
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Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station

Valken's eyes drifted around before peering absentmindedly looked up to the roof. He still desperately wanted to find Millie, right that second, however as he crossed his arms he knew that three guys, no matter how strong they were, would be no match for A Dark Guild, especially not one with a hideout that they could have easily prepared for. Traps at the entrance, in the corridors, minions everywhere. They could have recruited mythical killing beasts for all he knew, or magical weapons like silenced cannons or death beams... they were restrained by the morals of a Light Guild so wherever they had taken the mages was bound to be defended to the teeth.

Valken's eyes drifted down from the roof as Emmerich suddenly hovered as part of the rainbow haired mages magic. He was listening even as Noah asked the question because frankly the same thought crossed his mind. This was no fun house trip... and certaintly would be worse for the three amigos to be side tracked if she were taken and held hostage as more leverage against them. Eventually he shook his head.

"For our Scout Mission it is too dangerous... But that doesn't mean you can't help... once we gather a sizeable force Maya will be following us with everyone else..."

It was only now Valken heard a voice beside him asking about their Guild Master, raising an eyebrow as he peered down to Mikardo, just where did she pop out of? He'd been in the guild over 15years so of course he knew of her but last time he checked she was on a mission... furthermore, how the hell did people keep ninjaing up beside him?!

"Master Lloyd is still passed out..."
His eyes spotting Grace and making a outward breath of relief. At least she was ok... it was only Lysander he didn't know about now...

His face paled when he realised Lysander was most likely with Sora, and if Sora had gone missing.... One would assume the Gun Mage would have been taken to. Face still paled he tried to explain the situation to Grace and Mikado. "The Dark Guild Grimorie Heart drugged us all... Master Lloyd is still out... they took Millie..." As Millie had been with the guild 10years as well, Mikado would no doubt know her to. Though she may not be aware they were romantically involved now.
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Magnolia Station

She gave a small nod as Valken was the one to answer her question. "Master is... wait.." However as it sunk in her gaze darted up to the shadow mage, confusion evident on her face. "Master Lloyd?" She quickly scanned the group, finding a passed out Lloyd on the ground nearby. He must have been hit with the same sleeping spell she and Grace had been subjected to. Even as she was confused by this 'Lloyd' thing but Valken gave her no time to recover as he swiftly piled on the information that Millie had been taken as well. This homecoming was getting worse and worse by the minute. She shoved her hands into her jacket pockets, looking at the ground as she digested the information she had been given.

"Me and Grace were also knocked out back in town, when we came to it seemed like some people had been kidnapped." She didn't expect her guild to go unscathed, after all any plot to kidnap a large number of people would likely include some of their own. Question is were they taken due to bad luck or were they specifically targeted. As pressing of an issue as this was she still had one nagging question that couldn't be ignored. She turned her attention back on the shadow mage, peering up from beneath her cap. "You said 'Master Lloyd', where's Kaous?" It was bad enough knowing one of their own had been taken but she couldn't help but be worried about what happened to Master Haydes.

@Wyatt @LeSoraAmari
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Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station

Valken's gaze drifted down to Mikado, and at her final question he actually looked legitamedly surprised. He unfolded his arms and focused his attention on her now. "Master Haydes? He.. stepped down a good few months ago.. he left Lloyd in charge of Lamia Scale in his absence...." Here Valken actually grinned. "... I know, we were all surprised when he chose Lloyd, I mean the guy barely spoke to anyone... I went on a few missions with him but mostly it was just as business... I think we barely said a sentence the whole mission..But since then he has been fine... Obviously whatever Kaous saw in him seems to have paid off." Actually think about Lloyd before him in office was a fairly amusing imagine, considering how anti-people he was even then. Probably more so then shy Lysander or even Valken as a kid.

@Colt556 @Huor Spinks
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station

Valken's gaze drifted down to Mikado, and at her final question he actually looked legitamedly surprised. He unfolded his arms and focused his attention on her now. "Master Haydes? He.. stepped down a good few months ago.. he left Lloyd in charge of Lamia Scale in his absence...." Here Valken actually grinned. "... I know, we were all surprised when he chose Lloyd, I mean the guy barely spoke to anyone... I went on a few missions with him but mostly it was just as business... I think we barely said a sentence the whole mission..But since then he has been fine... Obviously whatever Kaous saw in him seems to have paid off." Actually think about Lloyd before him in office was a fairly amusing imagine, considering how anti-people he was even then. Probably more so then shy Lysander or even Valken as a kid.

@Wyatt @LeSoraAmari
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station

Valken's eyes drifted around before peering absentmindedly looked up to the roof. He still desperately wanted to find Millie, right that second, however as he crossed his arms he knew that three guys, no matter how strong they were, would be no match for A Dark Guild, especially not one with a hideout that they could have easily prepared for. Traps at the entrance, in the corridors, minions everywhere. They could have recruited mythical killing beasts for all he knew, or magical weapons like silenced cannons or death beams... they were restrained by the morals of a Light Guild so wherever they had taken the mages was bound to be defended to the teeth.

Valken's eyes drifted down from the roof as Emmerich suddenly hovered as part of the rainbow haired mages magic. He was listening even as Noah asked the question because frankly the same thought crossed his mind. This was no fun house trip... and certaintly would be worse for the three amigos to be side tracked if she were taken and held hostage as more leverage against them. Eventually he shook his head.

"For our Scout Mission it is too dangerous... But that doesn't mean you can't help... once we gather a sizeable force Maya will be following us with everyone else..."

It was only now Valken heard a voice beside him asking about their Guild Master, raising an eyebrow as he peered down to Mikardo, just where did she pop out of? He'd been in the guild over 15years so of course he knew of her but last time he checked she was on a mission... furthermore, how the hell did people keep ninjaing up beside him?!

"Master Lloyd is still passed out..."
His eyes spotting Grace and making a outward breath of relief. At least she was ok... it was only Lysander he didn't know about now...

His face paled when he realised Lysander was most likely with Sora, and if Sora had gone missing.... One would assume the Gun Mage would have been taken to. Face still paled he tried to explain the situation to Grace and Mikado. "The Dark Guild Grimorie Heart drugged us all... Master Lloyd is still out... they took Millie..." As Millie had been with the guild 10years as well, Mikado would no doubt know her to. Though she may not be aware they were romantically involved now.
Talon said:
Talon slowly woke up. He felt someone shaking his shoulder and saying something but he couldnt quite register what they were saying. He son realized it was Fera shaking him and caling his name. He groaned and his eyelids fluttered open. "Hey Ferra..." He mumbled and then sat up slowly, rubbing his head and wincing. "I got a killer headache... What happened?¿?¿" He asked, looking around. "Where are we... last thing I remember is Noah and Valken fighting and that guy with the bird showing up." He eplained, tryng to remember what had happened but uable to. @Wyatt @Britt\-21 [/color][/color]



Sera: Lavenders House > Streets of Magnolia

Sera sighed slightly. She'd experienced similar, and it got to her at times...but, it had it's upsides. You got to know their future families after all. Honestly later during the festival she had wanted to die, but Valken made her think otherwise. It was a real good thing to, she would of never met Mika nor befriended Lavender had she offed herself. She was going to say something but luckily Lavender came down to end the rather depressing moment before she could continue it.

She stood from the couch when Mika told her to lead the way. "
Yep, I'm ready. Was just waiting on you. C'mon let's go, there's a perfect shop near here that sells both male and female clothing. I might get myself something too..and you too Lavender. If you see anything you want let me know and I'll get it for you, my treat." She told them. That said she walked over to the door and held it open for the both of them. Enough depressing thoughts, she was going to spend the day with her friends.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Magnolia Streets


Ryu was thoroughly confused, and understandably so; his day so far hadn't exactly been the most pleasant. First, he had awoken to a splitting pain in his forehead, and second, that pain had caused him to stumble into someone. Granted, she'd been quite understanding about the incident, but the whole falling over bit hadn't exactly helped with the pain in his head.

Now, it was his turn to be collided with, and it wasn't any better on this side of the affair either. He immediately toppled backwards onto the ground as the shrieking blonde slammed into him, and the pain in his temples skyrocketed. "Whaaa...?" Was all he could mumble out, his vision covered in spots from the intense pain in his skull. Who was it that had crashed into him? He really couldn't say. She looked like someone who might be in Fairy Tail, but then again, put anyone in the right circumstances and they could look like they're from Fairy Tail. He vaguely registered that someone was yelling about a kimono, but he didn't realize he was the one being yelled at. After all, it was the girl who had knocked into him, not the other way around.

@Zuka @Jackaboi @Happy Red Mage

Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station

Valken's eyes drifted around before peering absentmindedly looked up to the roof. He still desperately wanted to find Millie, right that second, however as he crossed his arms he knew that three guys, no matter how strong they were, would be no match for A Dark Guild, especially not one with a hideout that they could have easily prepared for. Traps at the entrance, in the corridors, minions everywhere. They could have recruited mythical killing beasts for all he knew, or magical weapons like silenced cannons or death beams... they were restrained by the morals of a Light Guild so wherever they had taken the mages was bound to be defended to the teeth.

Valken's eyes drifted down from the roof as Emmerich suddenly hovered as part of the rainbow haired mages magic. He was listening even as Noah asked the question because frankly the same thought crossed his mind. This was no fun house trip... and certaintly would be worse for the three amigos to be side tracked if she were taken and held hostage as more leverage against them. Eventually he shook his head.

"For our Scout Mission it is too dangerous... But that doesn't mean you can't help... once we gather a sizeable force Maya will be following us with everyone else..."

It was only now Valken heard a voice beside him asking about their Guild Master, raising an eyebrow as he peered down to Mikardo, just where did she pop out of? He'd been in the guild over 15years so of course he knew of her but last time he checked she was on a mission... furthermore, how the hell did people keep ninjaing up beside him?!

"Master Lloyd is still passed out..."
His eyes spotting Grace and making a outward breath of relief. At least she was ok... it was only Lysander he didn't know about now...

His face paled when he realised Lysander was most likely with Sora, and if Sora had gone missing.... One would assume the Gun Mage would have been taken to. Face still paled he tried to explain the situation to Grace and Mikado. "The Dark Guild Grimorie Heart drugged us all... Master Lloyd is still out... they took Millie..." As Millie had been with the guild 10years as well, Mikado would no doubt know her to. Though she may not be aware they were romantically involved now.
@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari @Talon @Mitchs98 @Kyuubey

Arial Font

"Uh, I can increase speed, shoot stuff, restrain, make barriers, heal, throw people around like ragdolls, poison, and make weapons made of aura." She explained, rapidly cycling through colors while using the man as an example. Hundreds of white aura spears flashed in and out of existence. "Yeah, that's about all I can do. Most of the things I have work in conjunction with each other." She finished explaining her magic. "That's fine, I'll do anything you need me to."
Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Streets

Kelica was still screaming like a banshee, though her screaming momentarily halted as she realised she'd crashed head long into the red haired mage, sending the two tumbling to the ground. Her mind still in a half panic, she sat up and grasped at his Kimono half lifting his back off the ground, shaking him probably making the dizzying sensation worse. "Dragon!!.. Big, scary, huge, terrifying DRAGON!! Behind Fairytail Guild Hall!"

Now Kelica was always one to put herself in unnecassary stupid situation and this case was no different... you see in the tumble she had basically straddled Ryu's hips and her grip on his Kimono has caused the thing to half undo, exposing probably an indecent amount of his chest as she did. She didn't notice however and he seemed to dazed, so when a random ran up yelling about treating some innocent badly, Kelica turned her face to him with green eyes still huge. "IT WAS A DRAGON! IT WAS BIGGER THEN THE GUILD HALL!! IT'LL KILL US ALL!" Sending herself into hysterics and screaming again.

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Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station


Valken broke his gaze from Mikado as Talon finally woke up, to which Ferra raced over to try and wake up Lloyd. He was just about to walk over and try really shaking the Guild Master, because frankly Valken was hurting and his brain wasn't functioning clearly. Of course as Mikado spoke and pretty much summed up Valken's inaction thus far, he spun to her as his rage flared once more. He grasped at her shirt and lifted her completely off her feet, the very air seemed to colder and darker from his sheer rage. "DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT ALREADY?! Why do you think I'm still here!!" He practically screamed in her face, the poor girl. It wasn't directed at her, he was just to breaking point as he wanted to go but didn't even know where to start looking... And him not knowing the situation made him uncomfortable at the best times.

Slowly he unclenched his fingers from her shirt to slide her back to her feet. Though his shoulders still shook. He turned his body from her and punched another whole through the side of the train, before leaning down, scooping up his dagger and slinging into his holster once again.

Completely ignoring everyone the still fury-induced man strode over to Lloyd's unconscious form and knelt down, half shoving Ferra out of the way as he did. Here he grasped Lloyd's shirt much more firmly then Ferra had and shook the man violently, bellowing as he did. "WAKE!...UP!...LLOYD!...Millie has been taken by Grimoire Heart and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!" The corners of his eyes started to whell up once more. "I told you this would happen, this is exactly what I feared would happen!! TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Eventually Valken just slammed the man's back to the ground as the tears actually flowed now. "I... I can't stay here anymore... Even if I run around Magnolia a thousand times, go into every room of every building, I have to try..." He stood then, taking a shaky step back before he was already turning and running towards the end of the platform and a dead end. Completely ignoring Emmerich or Noah or any orginial plans he had set a few minutes ago.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Skyena

(Feel free to stop him :) ... Or I can have him shadow wall away and literally run around Magnolia.)
Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail , Wizard Saint

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Clair smiled and followed along behind Ophelia and Alfie, fully intent on keeping her word. However she was still afraid to see how far the ruckus downstairs had progressed since she left. Perhaps everything had calmed down , no that would make things far to simple. Knowing her guild's tendencies half the bar would be destroyed by now and the second floor would soon become the first. "Oh dear , I just hope we can recover from this" she muttered to her herself.

@Salt Lord
purplepanda288 said:

Aiden held tight on to her hand, his stomach wrenching at the sudden movements. The gravity around them kept them pinned to the roof, passing most of the guards. This seemed to easy, that is till two Guards attacked them with ranged spells. Aiden lost his focus, making his Gravity magic fail. They plummeted to the ground, the wind got nicked out of him on impact. With a curse under his breath he stood up, but not with out a small stager. He held out his hand, but to no change of gravity. A look of disbelief crossed Aiden's features, he couldn't perform anymore magic for that spirit. " close gate of the snake." With a small green flash of light the snake that wrapped around his neck went back to the spirit world. The celestial Mage held out another Jade key. " Open gate of the Monkey, Houzi." The spirit appered infront of Aiden, they held a large golden sword in their hands ready to fight.


Ashley Hart

The two ranged guards wasted no time in shooting the pair with ranged spells. In Ashley's point of view, it was as if the spells came in contact with Aiden and caused his magic to cancel out with contact of their magic. Ashley fell onto the floor with an 'oof' "Ow.." she muttered as the redhead began getting back up to her feet. Ashley took Aiden's hand and stood. "I'll take that as you ran out of magic energy." she glanced at her fellow ally and then back where the guards were coming back at them. Being protected by a Monkey with a large sword. If Aiden had no magic energy, he wouldnt have been able to summon up another spirit "Aiden, stay behind me, okay?" she'd use her wall if she had to. It was pretty thick and depending on how strong the guard were...it could last a good bit or it can crumble within seconds. Never did I think I would be in this situation.


Mitchs98 said:

Sera: Lavenders House > Streets of Magnolia

Sera sighed slightly. She'd experienced similar, and it got to her at times...but, it had it's upsides. You got to know their future families after all. Honestly later during the festival she had wanted to die, but Valken made her think otherwise. It was a real good thing to, she would of never met Mika nor befriended Lavender had she offed herself. She was going to say something but luckily Lavender came down to end the rather depressing moment before she could continue it.

She stood from the couch when Mika told her to lead the way. "
Yep, I'm ready. Was just waiting on you. C'mon let's go, there's a perfect shop near here that sells both male and female clothing. I might get myself something too..and you too Lavender. If you see anything you want let me know and I'll get it for you, my treat." She told them. That said she walked over to the door and held it open for the both of them. Enough depressing thoughts, she was going to spend the day with her friends.

Lavender Gray

Lavender smiled softly and nodded at Mika before looking at Sera who said she had a shop they could go to. Though, the offer that she made Lavender was nice but the warrior knew that not many people held her type of clothing. "It is alright, Miss Sera... I do not believe this perfect shop would have that I very much prefer." she tried to sound as nice as possible and not sound like a complete ass. Lavender walked to the front door where she slipped on her shoes and stepped outside, waiting for them to do the same and step outside "How was your morning so far, Sir Mika, Miss Sera?" Lavender always asked how someone's morning was. Sometimes they were good and sometimes they were bad. "If you do not mind me asking."

On the inside, the warrior knew that nothing serious happened between them. They would have looked too relaxed, looked too happy. Sera might have been a little bubbly. Lavender never slept with anyone but she knew when someone had slept with someone else due to their mood and actions. None of that was happening here.

@rbshinichi (dont forget our rp too :P ya silly) @Mitchs98

She followed silently, focusing only on keeping up. If Eric wasn't going to tell her what was going on, she was simply going to speculate. Perhaps it was some sort of guild business? Did something happen to one of them? Perhaps something that affected the entire guild? But she couldn't possibly know what business a guild has; that was why she was here after all. Eric's impulsive behavior was becoming quite intrusive into what would otherwise be an uneventful passage to Eric's main target. Or was this what he was going for? It didn't seem quite right that he would simply go after some random stranger, as Eric wouldn't have any business with him. "Is this what you were talking about?" she asked, tilting her head slightly in curiosity. This hardly seemed like a grand ordeal. At least, not the nature of the situation. Though Eric seemed to have a knack for blowing everything far out of proportion. Perhaps he was simply dramatic that way.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Zuka[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Rhodus[/FONT]
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Eric: Magnolia streets

What the hell was happening? At first he thought a woman was about to be murdered but then now the red haired guy was lying on the ground knocked out and the blonde started shouting something about dragons? That couldn't be possible, the dragons were dealt with not that long ago, perhaps he just misheard her. But he couldn't deny that face of utter fear. Listening to Alabasters words Eric approached the woman to ask what's wrong but she then turned to him and started rambling about the same thing. "S-Seriously? That's not possible! If a dragon flew in we could've seen it from a mile away." Seriously! Everything's a mess! First Grimoire Heart show up and now there's talk of dragons? Did he end up going back in time or something?

But wait... If there really were dragons here, wouldn't the place be destroyed by now? Maybe the woman was just delusional. "Hey lady calm down! Surely you were only seeing things." He noticed the guild mark. "Hm... Fairy Tail huh? So your a mage? Hey how about we help you back to your guild hall." He looked over at the Kimono dude. Was he really going to kill her? Or was that just one of those showing up at the wrong time ordeals? "Hey guys what should we do about him? Should we take him with us and dump him with those fairies too?

@Rhodus @Kazehana @Zuka @Happy Red Mage
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart (Oh no you didn't! *insert neck movements here*)

Chris listened to Lion's "growl" with a distasteful look on his face. Then he started talking about fairytail in a bit of a rude manner, but Chris would kind enough to shrug it off. That was when someone bumped into Lion and he went on a rant calling him a hobo and talking about how he should be treated better because he's rich.

Chris didn't need his takeovers to do what he was about to do. With swiftness, Chris plunged his fist directly on top of Lion's head, making sure to get his knuckles deep into his skull. The giant of a man suddenly snapped as he said, "
Oh, so because you had mummy and daddy or whoever to give you everything on a silver platter means that you're above me? You listen here you little punk, I grew up on a farm. Do you think I should be treated any less because of that? My mom passed because we didn't have enough money to buy her medicine. Are we just some filthy peasants?" That was when Chris suddenly picked him up by the shirt and changed to his werecat form before continuing,"You're name may be Lion, but I'm the real alpha here, am I clear?!" and letting out a powerful roar just to prove his position was in fact on top. Chris dropped Lion before changing back to his normal form and continuing his search for Kelica.

Lion was soon punched in the skull and lifted by the collar, getting screamed at by Chris. So he'd grown up on a farm and his mother had died. Whoa. Lion was about to interject, but then he realized it was probably not a good idea. "....Yeah, you're clear, all right," he mumbled, suddenly feeling guilty. One person not liking him was one thing, but two-plus...? Well. That probably meant he had some sort of problem. He let out a sigh and began looking around. "So maybe I've been a massive jerk. Everyone says that to me. But I never got told off like that before...." he added. "Guess it's fair to tell you why I don't care anymore. See, everyone in my family got killed just for some stupid-ass game invented by some maniac who wanted to see people kick the bucket according to a big-ass epitaph. If I remember correctly....it goes like...." He cleared his throat.

"Behold the sweetfish river running through my beloved hometown.

You who seek the Golden Land, follow its path downstream in search of the key--meaning the gold, naturally,"
Lion added before continuing.

"As you travel down it, you will see a village.

In that village, look for the shore the two will tell you of.

There sleeps the key to the Golden Land.

The one who obtains the key must then travel to the Golden Land in accordance with these rules

On the first twilight, offer the six chosen by the key as sacrifices.

On the second twilight, those who remain shall tear apart the two who are close.

On the third twilight, those who remain shall praise my noble name.

On the fourth twilight, gouge the head and kill.

On the fifth twilight, gouge the chest and kill.

On the sixth twilight, gouge the stomach and kill.

On the seventh twilight, gouge the knee and kill.

On the eighth twilight, gouge the leg and kill.

On the ninth twilight, the witch shall revive, and none shall be left alive.

On the tenth twilight, the journey shall end, and you shall reach the capital where the gold dwells

The witch will praise the wise, and should bestow four treasures.

One shall be, all the gold from the Golden Land.

One shall be, the resurrection of the souls of all the dead.

One shall be, even the resurrection of the lost love.

One shall be, to put the witch to sleep for all time. And that's what happened."
Lion shrugged. "I found the gold on the ninth night and became head of the family. The end. Nice story, huh? Course, when I got the gold, I didn't feel so head-of-family-ish. I felt like barfing."
Chris Lengheart (Memories)

Chris let out a heavy hearted sigh as he listened to Lion's tale. Chris took a deep breath before saying, "I know how that feels. When my mom was sick, my dad got sick with her. Me and my brother were the only two able to work. We weren't able to scrape together enough money for mom. She passed after two long weeks. Those weeks were hell for her. When she died all she said was 'I love you all, and I can't wait to see everyone again. Until then, live your life as best you can.' before she went away. My family was devastated. Me, my brother, and father fought a lot. And I don't mean your normal verbal argument, we punched and kicked each other. I know that bitter feeling, but you can't let that bitterness consume you. Otherwise, I'll just have to knock it out of you." Chris then turned around to face Lion as he slowly walked over and gave him a pat on the back. "Now come on, I still have to watch you. Let's just find Kelica and you can go back with the others. Can you do that one thing little kitty?"

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart (Memories)

Chris let out a heavy hearted sigh as he listened to Lion's tale. Chris took a deep breath before saying, "I know how that feels. When my mom was sick, my dad got sick with her. Me and my brother were the only two able to work. We weren't able to scrape together enough money for mom. She passed after two long weeks. Those weeks were hell for her. When she died all she said was 'I love you all, and I can't wait to see everyone again. Until then, live your life as best you can.' before she went away. My family was devastated. Me, my brother, and father fought a lot. And I don't mean your normal verbal argument, we punched and kicked each other. I know that bitter feeling, but you can't let that bitterness consume you. Otherwise, I'll just have to knock it out of you." Chris then turned around to face Lion as he slowly walked over and gave him a pat on the back. "Now come on, I still have to watch you. Let's just find Kelica and you can go back with the others. Can you do that one thing little kitty?"

Lion smiled. "Yeah, promise me you will. And I'll try to." Huh. Who knew that getting sense beaten into him (literally) and letting his biggest problem off his chest could calm a guy down? Of course, Chris decided to call him "little kitty", which resulted in Lion scrunching up his nose and giving him a funny look. He hated puns related to his name. "As long as you never call me 'little kitty' again. My mother was obviously high when she named me. Hey, is that a dead guy?" He said this when he passed an alley, where a young man was passed out. "Hey, he looks kinda like Nerd Princess! D'you think they're related? Oh, heheh, my mistake, he's just asleep...." Lion poked the young man apprehensively and repeatedly. "Hey, wake up. Wake up. Wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup!" At this point, he was poking at about 100 miles per hour. And the guy still wasn't waking up.

((So begins the complex Bizma = reincarnation of/only way to wake up Bismarck thing.))


Zuka said:

Magnolia Streets

Kelica was still screaming like a banshee, though her screaming momentarily halted as she realised she'd crashed head long into the red haired mage, sending the two tumbling to the ground. Her mind still in a half panic, she sat up and grasped at his Kimono half lifting his back off the ground, shaking him probably making the dizzying sensation worse. "
Dragon!!.. Big, scary, huge, terrifying DRAGON!! Behind Fairytail Guild Hall!"

Now Kelica was always one to put herself in unnecassary stupid situation and this case was no different... you see in the tumble she had basically straddled Ryu's hips and her grip on his Kimono has caused the thing to half undo, exposing probably an indecent amount of his chest as she did. She didn't notice however and he seemed to dazed, so when a random ran up yelling about treating some innocent badly, Kelica turned her face to him with green eyes still huge. "I
T WAS A DRAGON! IT WAS BIGGER THEN THE GUILD HALL!! IT'LL KILL US ALL!" Sending herself into hysterics and screaming again.

@Rhodus @Jackaboi @Happy Red Mage @Chat Noir @Kazehana @Isune @Genon @femjapanriceball

Bizma had also began a search for Kelicia when she finally caught up to her. Of course, Severus the Giant Dragon with Big Wings followed her. She let out a small sigh."K-Kelicia, c-c-calm down....Severus won't hurt anyone, I swear, he only hurts dark wizards, and only under my orders....I'm really very sorry if he scared you; please forgive me!" She said this all very fast then bowed to Kelicia, hoping she'd accept her apology.
Talon blushed a bit when Ferra huged him but was busy with his mind-blowing headache to really do anything about it. He sat there watching as Valken snapped and started crying and screaming about Millie. Talon sat watching him, brefly wonderng how a girl could that kind of affect but then he rememered Ferra and quickly changed the direction of his thoughts as he blshed fiercly and looked down. Girls were were wierd, they had this strange sor of control over guys and he was starting to fall under Ferras control. 'Its not my fault, shes just too cute and nice and stuff...' He defended himself against his own thoughts.

'Ya well she doesnt even look 17. She looks more like 15.' His thoughts fired back. He ignored them and watched the others trying to wake Loyd. @Mitchs98 @Zuka
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station


Valken broke his gaze from Mikado as Talon finally woke up, to which Ferra raced over to try and wake up Lloyd. He was just about to walk over and try really shaking the Guild Master, because frankly Valken was hurting and his brain wasn't functioning clearly. Of course as Mikado spoke and pretty much summed up Valken's inaction thus far, he spun to her as his rage flared once more. He grasped at her shirt and lifted her completely off her feet, the very air seemed to colder and darker from his sheer rage. "DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT ALREADY?! Why do you think I'm still here!!" He practically screamed in her face, the poor girl. It wasn't directed at her, he was just to breaking point as he wanted to go but didn't even know where to start looking... And him not knowing the situation made him uncomfortable at the best times.

Slowly he unclenched his fingers from her shirt to slide her back to her feet. Though his shoulders still shook. He turned his body from her and punched another whole through the side of the train, before leaning down, scooping up his dagger and slinging into his holster once again.

Completely ignoring everyone the still fury-induced man strode over to Lloyd's unconscious form and knelt down, half shoving Ferra out of the way as he did. Here he grasped Lloyd's shirt much more firmly then Ferra had and shook the man violently, bellowing as he did. "WAKE!...UP!...LLOYD!...Millie has been taken by Grimoire Heart and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!" The corners of his eyes started to whell up once more. "I told you this would happen, this is exactly what I feared would happen!! TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Eventually Valken just slammed the man's back to the ground as the tears actually flowed now. "I... I can't stay here anymore... Even if I run around Magnolia a thousand times, go into every room of every building, I have to try..." He stood then, taking a shaky step back before he was already turning and running towards the end of the platform and a dead end. Completely ignoring Emmerich or Noah or any orginial plans he had set a few minutes ago.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Skyena

(Feel free to stop him :) ... Or I can have him shadow wall away and literally run around Magnolia.)
Arial Font

Arials gaze suddenly sharpened as she reacted with her magic without thinking. She quickly turned Valken's Aura green, holding him in place before making him blue and dragging him back towards the group. "Think before you act! If you go around in a panic people might suspect something's up. That would cause even more panic in the public and make it harder for all of us to do things. The harder it is to find them the more the likeliness that we'd find her in an unpleasant state rises. So THINK CALMLY before you ACT." She finished, turning him green again. "I suggest you guys do something faster because he's really in a panic. Here's an idea. What's the likeliest place that someone would take a kidnap victim. If it were me I'd bring them somewhere secluded where no one would find them." She suggested.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Skyena
Auren Sol

Ren felt quite empathetic towards Valken. He was right to be worried for Millie considering her captors could literally be anywhere. However, that wasn't an excuse to run around aimlessly. The only thing that would get him is exhaustion. Ren sighed and watched as the man ran off to the far side of the train station. For such an intimidating person, he was quite emotional. Figuring he couldn't easily stop him, Ren turned to the others. That's when he heard Arial's question about where the culprits might be.

"Well, if we look at what time it is right now. It's safe to assume that the kidnapping happened in a short amount of time. Since long range warping magic is quite rare, I'd guess they couldn't have gotten too far." he said, adding his thoughts to the conversation.

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @Talon @Happy Red Mage @Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Embaga Elder @Anyone else there
Kimberly Lock

Let's a go! It's a me a Kim!

Kim smiled when Eias stepped up to the door, with a small motion of her hand she pushed the door open. Stepping out she closed the door behind them and locked it, then started her way to the Guild Hall. The distance to the Guild wasn't that far, Kim had specifically chosen the flat for how close it was to her work place. The taint Mage leaded Eias down the roads of the rather empty Magnolia streets, every so often taking a right or left. " Hey Eias, I'm happy that you agreed to come with me. I'm always going on these types of missions alone." She feel silent after she spoke. The majestic Guild appeared in front of them, Kim looked around trying to find Mother's presence. Once she locked in to her she motioned for Eias followed her to where the Platform was. She walked up to the large floating platform, waving at mother. " Hey Mother! What's the stitch?" Kim almost end missed the dragon, near sex, Spoiled brat, feral boyfriend situation that was gapping near them. " I don't even want to know."

Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Side Street

Here some guy approached, with a girl in tow. She almost started to take a huge breath in when Bizma's voice rang out, which only made her head swivel to spot the huge Dragon literally right there! It may have been completely none threatening, and it didn't matter how many times Bizma said it was friendly, it's sheer size could down a city.... or even worse a forest in seconds!! Like the dragon at Malina had!...

Kelica let out another scream, that was at least 5x louder and higher-pitched then the last, dragging Ryu into her chest to cling to him like one might a teddy bear. Poor man. Now he had boobs pretty much plastered into his face.

@femjapanriceball @Jackaboi @Kazehana @Happy Red Mage
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Chris Lengheart (Yep, that's her)

Chris continued his search for Kelica, simply nodding at Lion's request not to be called kitty. After a short while, the sudden sound of screaming filled Chris' ears. He was quickly able to identify the screamer as Kelica. Hris quickly spun around and took off in the direction he heard the screams coming from. That was when he saw the dragon that Bizma had summomed next to a apologizing Bizma and a screaming Kelica. Chris also noticed that Kelica was basically suffocating a poor man with her chest. He quickly pulled her off and brought her face into his own chest while rubbing his hand up and down her back. A small grin fell onto his face as Chris said, "Shh... Shh... It's okay. Not all dragons are bad. This one let me record him, so now I can turn into them. So, you better get used to them."

Talon said:
Talon blushed a bit when Ferra huged him but was busy with his mind-blowing headache to really do anything about it. He sat there watching as Valken snapped and started crying and screaming about Millie. Talon sat watching him, brefly wonderng how a girl could that kind of affect but then he rememered Ferra and quickly changed the direction of his thoughts as he blshed fiercly and looked down. Girls were were wierd, they had this strange sor of control over guys and he was starting to fall under Ferras control. 'Its not my fault, shes just too cute and nice and stuff...' He defended himself against his own thoughts.
'Ya well she doesnt even look 17. She looks more like 15.' His thoughts fired back. He ignored them and watched the others trying to wake Loyd. @Wyatt @Drakerus @Happy Red Mage @Colt556 @Anyone I missed

Ferra: Magnolia Train Station

Ferra made a small squeak of surprise as Valken shoved her out of the way and started violently shaking Lloyd. Her eyes widened in shock at the scene. "
Um..Valken.." She began, though quickly stopped. All that shaking probably wasn't good for Lloyd, but. With Valken in the state he was in now she'd rather not get hurt herself. She felt terrible for him. She'd never seen him like this at all. Valken, the normally calm and calculating person was reduced to a frantic basket case now that Millie was captured. She couldn't blame him, not really. Sure they hadn't dated TO incredibly long, but she could tell they both cared for each other deeply. She half wished it had been her that was captured and not Millie, just so Valken would be able to think straight. She had noticed Talon randomly blush, but didn't think much of it. She wasn't sure if she should run after Valken or not when he ran off, maybe he just needed some time alone to calm down and collect himself.
Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Side Street

Kelica wasn't really sure what happened but suddenly she felt weightless as someone had basically lifted her by the scruff of her vest, completely off Ryu and pulled her into a nice, warm, hard chest. Bare chest, one might add. Her screams pretty much haulted right then and there as her mouth was full of pectorial muscle, before her green eyes half glazed over.

Blinking and turning her head to the side, she took a huge breath in as she felt a hand rub up and down her back in a soothing manner, making a soft little murr, almost like a kitty cat, melting into Chris's big frame.

She was almost completely relaxed when she heard his voice rumble in his chest something about turning into a Dragon? Her eyes gazed up to Chris face almost half pleaded.

"Why a Dragon? Why? Why not a... a Bird man or... A vampire I don't know!.. Why dragon..." Already half whimpering.

@femjapanriceball @Rhodus @Jackaboi @Kazehana
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