Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


With a new brigade in tow, Mimi turned from her main focus. Ayano was clearly not that great of a threat if she was subdued by one mirror anyhow. Her arms crossed, and her eyebrows raised at the new forces. Surely these wouldn't be a problem for the others to handle, right? She glanced at the two still in the cell, inwardly vexed with their procrastination. Were they going to leave or just make her stand there all day? She did have better things to do. Their lack of motility elicited a groaning sigh out of Mimi. Why couldn't wizards take care of themselves?

Without further delay in anticipation of their departure, she started her defensive strategies. If she could protect herself, she would essentially back the other two as well. First, she rose a mirror on the wall opposite of the cell. Looking at her finished work, she noted the absence of people within the reflection and gave a brief, satisfied nod. With plan B set in place, she arose a one way mirror on the only exposed side, putting Mimi within the boundaries of three mirrors.

Looking through the newest of her constructs, she observed the ensuing battle, unsure how to proceed. Sure these people were strong, but she could just use that power to her advantage. But as a precaution, she decided against allowing them to get that close. As carefully as possible, she began distorting the hall in front of her, utilizing the reflection to influence reality. Her first task was to snap the supports holding the corridor in its shape, causing the earth enclosing the area directly in front of her to collapse in a cave in. As far as she could tell, no one was affected by the event, but it did buy her more time to deal with what was going on.

"You two," she began, glancing over at Millie and Sora. "We need to get out of here pronto. Our best bet might be to take care of Ms. Ayano and work that route, as there appears to be many strong foes the other way. Either that or I have an alternate escape route that might bypass the enemy, though it comes with its own set of risks." The others would do fine without her and these two, so she simply hoped that they would make it out alright. If only these two would fend for themselves, then they might have had a chance to stay together and power through. Now it was up to strategy.

[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Jackaboi[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Britt-21[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@purplepanda288[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Kayzo[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Mitchs98[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Wyatt[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Kyuubey[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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Kayzo said:
Donald only provided more valid points to the situation at hand. The two really should spend some time together and see if they really wanted this. Haruhi really wouldn't mind being in a relationship with someone, be it boy or girl,as long as they took it slow. Obviously with Ciel they did the opposite and went into hyperdrive, getting married within 24 hours of meeting each other. Though deep down she thought that it could work. "You're right Donald. I think that you should be a marriage counselor, you're such a smart man." She said with a smile, squeezing Ciel's hand gently. A giggle escaped her mouth as Honoka began thinking like them. Did she really want to get married to Donald right now? Sure he was a hottie and he was smart, but they should wait just as they should've. Fortunately the thunder Mage stepped in and told her to slow down. "I agree with Donald. Slow it down!"
When Haruhi woke up from the strange spell she was unaware but thankful that no one had been kidnapped. She found herself sitting down with her legs laying on their sides. The others were stirring from their slumber, so they happily weren't dead. "A-are you guys ok? Do you know what happened?"
Raa/Ciel - Wake me up!

Ciel blushed when Haruhi's grip on her hand tightened. Her heartbeat rose and she was oddly happy about things. Just as she was about to say something profound and clever she was suddenly conked out by an unknown source. "Ooohhh...I'm definitely gonna feel that later." She said as she rubbed her sore face when she awoke. She was suddenly on overdrive. "What knocked us out?" She said as darksteel reformed into a jagged sickle of sharp blades with more blades jutting out of the blade and scanned her surroundings. "I'm fine. But I've got a feeling something's up." She said. "It was nice meeting you all but I've gotta get back to the guild. Shall we continue this discussion later? On that note, who wants a ride somewhere?" She quickly stated. There was something big going down, she just knew it. @purplepanda288 @Refaulted
Vex: really?

Everyone was trying to from some sort of plan, Valken seem to actually have a good plan in mind. However, he must not have heard what Vex said about being able to see magic and track it. At this point it was to late to even try because the magic would have dissipated at this point and it would be untrack able. He then waited for Ren to take him to find other wizards. Horus flew off and began to circle the train station waiting to follow Vex. "I will go and help find others than."

@Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Mitchs98 @Talon
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purplepanda288 said:
Almost instantly they went off in a blurry of red and black, Aiden tried extremely hard to keep upright on the ice. " Thanks you, sorry I called you an idiot. It was part of the act." With that he held onto her hand tighter, every so often he would nearly slip on the ice. " Ya I could of guess with all of the ice and what not. I'm Aiden, I'm a Chinese Celestial Mage." Shen, who was still warped around Aiden's neck, looked ahead. With out a moments notice the guards had appeared, barreling done the hall way. " Aiden, Guards up ahead!" Crap, he needed to keep up the speed increase. But then again it wouldn't do any good if they got captured again. " Starsuit, Zhu." Again for the second time Aiden's attire changed, his hair got cut extremely short resembling a hipster cut. His black shirt and pants color replaced with pink and brown respectively. Two broken chains had appeared around his writs, only a cuff keeping them in place. " Brace your self." Suddenly gravity for both of them switched places, they were flung to the high celling. Aiden landed up right, quickly pulling Ashley to her feet. With his free hand he swong it to the right changing the gravity to the right for the oncoming guard. All of this was draining him, he had lost half of his magic with the speed and the star suits. And still out using with gravity just kept add to the magic drainage. But he had to keep going. For everyone sakes.

@Britt-21 @Wyatt @Kayzo @Jackaboi @Kazehana

Ashley Hart

Ashley nodded "Nice to meet you, Aiden." she said as his grip on her hand had been tightened. She noticed Guards in which Aiden was able to react to much faster than she could. The gravity had switched and Aiden helped her up. "Woah!" who knew someone could posses so much magic this way? No her, that's for sure. There were going to be more guards soon and she knew it. No way would they let a good set of wizards escape the dungeon's so easily. "You need to save your magic, Aiden. We're not going to get out of here if we keep using your magic and not mine." she looked over at him "Save your energy." If they used it now trying to run...they couldnt use it while in battle.

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Jackaboi @Kazehana @purplepanda288
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[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]
Rodwen Kiernan (The Unforgiving Saint)
Grimoire Heart

Main Dungeon Hall

As the two masked mages ran towards Hibiki they were impaled by black tainted beam of light and shortly after the pitter patter of heels could be heard approaching accompanied by a menacing voice that echoed throughout the dungeon "Ayano, Ayano.....wherefore art thou Ayano , You and your men must be punished for your incompetence oh yes yes yes !".

From the dark corridor emerged a beautiful silver haired and eyed mage dressed in very respectable clothing , her eyes darted around the room and soon rested on the blonde Fairy Tail mage "But first I better clean up this inconvenience you've caused my dear Lucian......". Rodwen stood at the end of the hall and raised her left hand which in turn began to glow the same black tainted light as the beam that killed the two masked mages.

The two Remaining masked mages , needless to say were in a complete state of shock. So much so that after Alicia cast her spell the second ran for cover screaming "Run you fools , run that's 'The Unforgiving Saint' " .

@Wyatt @whoeverelseisatthestation

Alicia: Spooky Dungeon > Forest

Alicia blinked as the people she was fighting ran off saying something about an 'unforgiving saint'. Her beads returned to her hand and at that moment she watched in horror as the people Rodwen impaled fell to the floor. She backed up slowly, eyes wide. Hibiki soon picked her up and told her to hold on, there was no problems there as the terrified girl clung to him with a death grip. When they stopped moving she released her hold so he could put her down, she looked from the door to him as he spoke. She hoped one day she'd be strong enough to help people like he was, and brave enough to face off against an unknown amount of foes to rescue someone. She'd definetely repay the favor when she could.

When he transformed and told her to leave she ran up and hugged him briefly. "
Thank you Hibiki. I promise I'll find everyone as soon as I can. Please be careful." She told him. That said she let go, opened the door, and once more started running. It seemed they were in a massive forest, where at she wasn't sure. She'd keep running until she found some sign of where Magnolia was though, she had to help everyone escape.
Eric Magnolia: bar

Right when he sat back down, he could smell something in the air... something fowl. Poison? If it is then it doesn't smell lethal, maybe a sleeping drug. He scanned the room looking for the source. It was coming from that knife the thug dropped. Concerned he went back and closely inspected it. The results were not good... There was a mark engraved on the weapon... he recognised it right away. "Grimoire... Heart!"

This came as a shock to him and to make matters worse, everyone in the bar was giving him the stink eye... "That bastard wasn't alone either." This town wasn't safe, far from it actually. Without a moments hesitation he quickly pace walked over to Alabaster and Aurelie. "Listen we have to go! This town isn't safe" His face turned serious, probably the most serious it's been in a long time. Without wanting to get Aurelie involved in this he quickly leaned over to Alabaster and whispered "Grimoire Heart" He feels bad about having to keep secrets from her but he doesn't know Aurelie well enough to bring her into a battle with a dark guild!

@Kazehana @Happy Red Mage
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[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]Clair looked at the guild master with a blank expression on her face , apparently the guild master didn't understand the sheer severity of the situation that was currently unfolding. Clair looked back towards the stairs and then rested her eyes back on the small frame that was the Fairy Tail guild master "you won't get much help from the others at the moment , there already forging ahead without you. You see A few of our members have been kidnapped , two S classes included in that : Sora and Hibiki ".
Clair rested her hand on the guild masters shoulder , forced a smile onto her face and spoke softly "It's not my place to say this Ophelia but you know just as well as I that acting now , without any leads , will only endanger our guild members lives and send the people of the city into a state of panic. I'm not cut out to be the guild master so i'm not much help to you as far as making a decision goes but know that I will stand by what ever orders you should give not as a wizard saint but as one of Fairy Tail's S class wizards".

With that being said Clair lifted her hand from the girls shoulder and smacked the top of her head "But that doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you 'Tripple A' , if your going to take Cece's place you've got a lot to learn!"



Hibiki Dreyar

-Dungeon Corridor-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.26f04ffd48de4fee155a14f584046df0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131743" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.26f04ffd48de4fee155a14f584046df0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As Alicia hugged him and then proceeded to walk out of the door just after giving her thanks to him, Hibiki smiled slightly as he then turned his head to stare down the corridor once more. After a few minutes of waiting. The Grimoire Heart mage finally arrived and it wasn't long before she began spouting nonsense about him being impure. Which if you thought about it, she probably wasn't wrong. Entirely anyway. Those that knew Hibiki knew that he was probably one of the kindest people on this planet, however, he does demon particles in his bloodstream. Sighing a little, Hibiki shook his head before saying. "The only things that are impure in this world are Grimoire Heart, and yourself for being affiliated with them. Your guild does nothing but harm and torment innocents, for what gain? It's shameful. And you call yourself a guild?" It was with that, that Rodwen released a large blast of light which headed towards him. "God Slayer magic?" He muttered. Apparently that magic was stronger than Dragon Slayer magic, in its own rights anyway. In a flash, Hibiki flew upwards and evaded the blast as it smashed through the door and emmited an explosion upon impact.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.f5e60a0395571b1b95be2c1ad5c39ec9.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131746" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.f5e60a0395571b1b95be2c1ad5c39ec9.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Afterwards, Hibiki pointed his hand towards Rodwen as dozens of claw like tendrils seemingly shot towards the Light God Slayer in an attempt to either grab her, or tear her apart. Of course little did the woman know that Hibiki was only trying to stall her, however, the 'demon' knew to treat this like a real fight. And so he would. Besides, keeping this crazy chick busy helped everyone else as well.



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LeSoraAmari said:

Hibiki Dreyar

-Dungeon Corridor-

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As Alicia hugged him and then proceeded to walk out of the door just after giving her thanks to him, Hibiki smiled slightly as he then turned his head to stare down the corridor once more. After a few minutes of waiting. The Grimoire Heart mage finally arrived and it wasn't long before she began spouting nonsense about him being impure. Which if you thought about it, she probably wasn't wrong. Entirely anyway. Those that knew Hibiki knew that he was probably one of the kindest people on this planet, however, he does demon particles in his bloodstream. Sighing a little, Hibiki shook his head before saying. "The only things that are impure in this world are Grimoire Heart, and yourself for being affiliated with them. Your guild does nothing but harm and torment innocents, for what gain? It's shameful. And you call yourself a guild?" It was with that, that Rodwen released a large blast of light which headed towards him. "God Slayer magic?" He muttered. Apparently that magic was stronger than Dragon Slayer magic, in its own rights anyway. In a flash, Hibiki flew upwards and evaded the blast as it smashed through the door and emmited an explosion upon impact.

View attachment 292931 Afterwards, Hibiki pointed his hand towards Rodwen as dozens of claw like tendrils seemingly shot towards the Light God Slayer in an attempt to either grab her, or tear her apart. Of course little did the woman know that Hibiki was only trying to stall her, however, the 'demon' knew to treat this like a real fight. And so he would. Besides, keeping this crazy chick busy helped everyone else as well.
Rodwen Kiernan (The Unforgiving Saint)

Grimoire Heart

Main Dungeon Hall

Rodwen stood and waited for the claw like tendrils to get close to her and once they did she herself vanished and appeared behind the Fairy Tail boy , letting the tendrils collide with each other. Rodwen spoke softly to the boy , almost at whisper considering she was right behind him "all humans are born dying...... it's the will of the Gods. You yourself are bound to die someday , as am I. All I'm doing ,by killing people, is carrying out the will of my God. Someday you may grow to understand that but for now all I can do for you is cleanse that unholy form of yours with my light" .

Rodwen gripped the demon's tail firmly and used it to send him flying into the hard stone wall after doing so she jumped back ,to create room, and then shot a beam of light from her left hand followed by a beam from her right.

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Isune said:
Chris Lengheart (watching a giant mole)

Chris watched the attempts at trying to track everyone with Kelica tucked into his bare chest. When she asked about tracking he only shook his head, "Doubt I could do anything. I'm also not sure what that mole is doing. If we couldn't find anything now, what are the chances that they're down there?" he said as he started to stare at the mole and the massive mess it was making. Dirt was everywhere! Maybe they'd get lucky and find something, but for the time being those chances seemed pretty slim.

@femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball
@purplepanda288 @Mitchs98 (sound ok?)

Bizma let out a small sigh and de-summoned the giant mole. She had at least tried....besides, Kelicia's idea was a little better.
".......I tried........" she mumbled, following Kelicia to the courtyard and watching silently. ".....I-incredible," Bizma muttered, biting her lip. "So our friends are somewhere....south? I think it's a crucial element of finding them....you know....I guess we could start heading there."
Chris Lengheart(All aboard!)

Chris listened to Kelica as she said that everyone was to south. That was when Chris suddenly took over his draco form and and walked over to Kelica. He lowered himself down and looked to Kelica with a short grin on his face. "Hop on, don't tell me you forgot how to ride." he said as he turned to look at Bizma "You get on too. I can carry about three or four people on my back, depends on how heavy everyone is though."

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(All aboard!)

Chris listened to Kelica as she said that everyone was to south. That was when Chris suddenly took over his draco form and and walked over to Kelica. He lowered himself down and looked to Kelica with a short grin on his face. "Hop on, don't tell me you forgot how to ride." he said as he turned to look at Bizma "You get on too. I can carry about three or four people on my back, depends on how heavy everyone is though."

Bizma's eyes and mouth widened when Chris turned into a draco. A real life draco. This could not be possible. She nodded when he told her to get on, then remembered something. "Hold on, my job request is playing hooky from holding up his part of the deal. Lion....!" she called out. Lion groaned; he'd hoped he could sneak off when nobody was looking and run away.

"Why am I stuck having to do this?" he grumbled, walking over and getting onto Chris's back.

"....Because your servants will kill me if I leave you alone....if I could, I'd gladly leave you behind." Bizma crossed her arms, looking away.

"Harsh much? And I thought you were a sweet, innocent, weak, kind of dumb—OW!" And with that, Lion got kicked. Right in the nuts.

"......You can stop right there."

Kelica Zefara

Behind Fairytail Guild Hall

The blonde girl blinked a few times as Chris suddenly transformed into his Draco form, that seemed to connect the last little dots that were missing from her memory.... at least in terms of Chris... She couldn't help but laugh happily despite circumstances, as her hands slid around his cheeks and pulled his face into her own, closing her eyes and nuzzling slowly.

"Oh Chris...." She whispered in a tiny voice, wrapping her arms around his neck, drawing him in close. "...How could I forget... I'm sorry... I missed you..." rubbing his scaled forehead one time before she nodded and wrapped her fingers around a chuck of his furried neckhair, hoisting herself up onto his shoulders, legs dangling near his chest to allow Bizma and Lion to squeeze on. Thighs holding herself steady.

Like riding a bike.

Though she gave him a worried look as she peeked down over his head. "Are... you sure you can carry 3?"

She put a finger to her chin in thought. "I have another idea... it might be worth stopping and finding all the mages we can along the way.. maybe we should head into the Guild Hall to tell Adrian, Clair, Lyra and Ophelia where we are going first... then stop along the streets for any Mages we recognise? If a Dark Guild is involved we're gunna need more then 3 people..."

@Genon @Mr Swiftshots @Salt Lord @Kyuubey
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Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Behind Fairytail Guild Hall

The blonde girl blinked a few times as Chris suddenly transformed into his Draco form, that seemed to connect the last little dots that were missing from her memory.... at least in terms of Chris... She couldn't help but laugh happily despite circumstances, as her hands slid around his cheeks and pulled his face into her own, closing her eyes and nuzzling slowly.

"Oh Chris...." She whispered in a tiny voice, wrapping her arms around his neck, drawing him in close. "...How could I forget... I'm sorry... I missed you..." rubbing his scaled forehead one time before she nodded and wrapped her fingers around a chuck of his furried neckhair, hoisting herself up onto his shoulders, legs dangling near his chest to allow Bizma and Lion to squeeze on. Thighs holding herself steady.

Like riding a bike.

Though she gave him a worried look as she peeked down over his head. "Are... you sure you can carry 3?"

She put a finger to her chin in thought. "I have another idea... it might be worth stopping and finding all the mages we can along the way.. maybe we should head into the Guild Hall to tell Adrian, Clair, Lyra and Ophelia where we are going first... then stop along the streets for any Mages we recognise? If a Dark Guild is involved we're gunna need more then 3 people..."

@femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball

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Chris Lengheart(Of course...)

Chris stared as Adrian created his floating wagon. The only thing it was missing was someone to pull it. Of course, Chris was the one asked to tow it. Chris could only sigh as he muttered,"Fine, I'll do it. Everyone off before I throw you off, you know the drill."

Once everyone got off the draco it changed back to Chris for a moment before suddenly changing to a giant bull man. He let out a fearsome moo as he stretched out one of his massive arms,"
Let's just get this over with." he said as he looked down and waited for the dreaded rope to be tied to him. Why did he always have to be the one pulling things? Why couldn't that girl who summoned that mole earlier make something? Oh well, Chris was honestly used to it by now.

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Of course...)

Chris stared as Adrian created his floating wagon. The only thing it was missing was someone to pull it. Of course, Chris was the one asked to tow it. Chris could only sigh as he muttered,"Fine, I'll do it. Everyone off before I throw you off, you know the drill."

Once everyone got off the draco it changed back to Chris for a moment before suddenly changing to a giant bull man. He let out a fearsome moo as he stretched out one of his massive arms,"
Let's just get this over with." he said as he looked down and waited for the dreaded rope to be tied to him. Why did he always have to be the one pulling things? Why couldn't that girl who summoned that mole earlier make something? Oh well, Chris was honestly used to it by now.

Adrian looked a little embarrassed, realizing that Bizma was literally right there and able to make something to tow the thing. He turned to Bizma and said, "Come to think of it, do you think you could make something that could tow it through the air so that Chris can catch a break for once? He's always carrying us around."
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Genon said:
Adrian looked a little bemused. "Um...Chris...I was specifically talking about a flying platform. so that we could transport everyone all the way there through the air and try to spot the kidnappers' location from the air. You don't need to turn into a bull, that would defeat the purpose. Though come to think of it..."
"Bizma, do you think you could make something that could tow it through the air so that Chris can catch a break for once? He's always carrying us around."
(Tagging @femjapanriceball)
Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

She simply held a blank stare forward, her eyes slowly glazing over as the other girl continued on about her fight against the dragon. She knew Grace's story was likely highly exaggerated. The girl probably just fought a wyvern or something, everyone knew dragons were long-dead after all. She had gotten wind of some dark guild incident in some town but dragons? Even with ignoring the exaggerations it was clear that Grace had had a rather eventful mission. "Well it's nice to know you managed to spread your wings while I was gone. Wouldn't want you to stay in my shadow forever after--..." Her condescending praise was cut short as she felt a small sting followed by her vision clouding over. Before she could even react her whole world went dark and silent as her consciousness left her.

Her senses soon returned to her, a muffled sound ringing in her ears as she felt a distant movement. As her senses cleared up the sound turned into a voice, the voice turning into audible words. With a groan she opened her eyes, looking up at Grace as she shook her and called for her to wake up. She brought her arm up and lazily swatted at the girl, another groan slipping past her lips as she blinked rapidly to adjust to the brightness. "I'm up I'm up...." She gave a small shake of her head as she fully regained consciousness before quickly scanning her surroundings. She remembered walking to the train station with Grace before passing out. Based on the bodies still laying around as well as those just waking up it seemed everyone around them experienced the same thing. "What happened?" Even as the words left her mouth she heard a woman's voice call out that her boyfriend was missing.

She narrowed her eyes as she reached up and pulled her cap down slightly, watching as nearby people were helping the distraught woman as she explained that her boyfriend had been right by her side and yet when she woke up he was gone. This was obviously no freak accident. She hopped to her feet as she turned her attention back to Grace, holding out a hand to help her up. "Something's wrong, we should hurry up and meet up with Master and everyone else."
Grace's gaze rested on Mikado's hand for a few moments before her own hand slowly reached up and took it. The short girl slowly rose to her feet before brushing off any dirt on her clothes and fiddling around with her hair until it looked presentable once again. "Well I have no cloud what happened. I was hoping that you had the answers. But from what I can see it looked like we passed out." She said with a rather confused look on her face. The sound of panicked people soon filled the air but she still didn't understand what happened. It seemed that people had gone missing in the short time that they were passed out. But who could've taken them and why? It gave off a terrible vibe, one that sent shivers down her spine. Mikado felt the same way and suggested that they hurry to the train station. "I was just about to suggest that. Let's hurry up and pray that no one we know is missing." She said, taking her hand and walking as fast as her short legs could carry her. Her mind suddenly thought of Masaki and what happened to him? She didn't know where he was or who he was with, but she was scared that he'd been taken away. Then again, he is an S-Class Mage... "Hopefully Maya has some insight on the situation."

@Mr Swiftshots[/URL]

These mortals are stupid

Mother once again became an observer, slightly interested and slightly bored. She yawned, checking over some data that she has collected from the taint around her. Every single drop of taint had its own different types of signatures, that's how each of her children used a different style of Taint. It was fun to create children with her abilities, but the time it took almost killed this realm. Nonetheless they were safe from the threat of Taint, so she had nothing to worry about. She looked up form her purple tinted screen, seeing a large platform they could ride to the dungeons . " I believe I should call upon Kim and Alice for this, we're gonna need as much help as we can." Mother sent out a message that would appear infront of the two. She then floated up and next to Adrian. " Thank you for the offer, but I can fly my way there. I called on the two closest Mages I know of, you may know her as Kim. And the other a high class lady that owns the Liddle orphanage. They should be here in a few."


Kimberly Lock

Kim and Eias' Flat

Kim went around cleaning and adjusting the furniture in the room. Her mind every so often returning to the fact that they passed out, Eias thought it like a joke. On to lighten the mood, but it was off. For a second a chill ran down her spine, the same one that happened when Mother appears in this realm. " Why is she here, it must be serious..." Kim was taken it of her thoughts when Eias came in to the room. With the furry of a million angry wasps Kims face turned red, but soon started be overlapped by her taint. The swirling tattoo like stains branched down the right side of her body. " Oh you look fabulous Eias, hey there's a situation concerning Mother. I have to go check it out, it might be something extremely dangerous." Kim nervously scrached the back of her neck. " And I don't want to leave you alone here so, do you want to come with?"


Alice Liddell

Fuck off mother, Orphanage gardens

Alice had finished explaining the why she had started to teach the teens how to use their magic. " And there was this one time that a kid had inherited Water magic of all things, they didn't know how to use it properly so they caused a flood in the Theater. And then they o-oh sorry Livian I just kept rambling..." She truly seemed excited to just talk to someone about her interest. She had been taught to be quiet and never show true emotion since she was a child. So every time she found an escape she took it with open arms. She held Livian's hand in her own,

Slightly resting her head on his shoulder. She watched the children play, it brought her joy that she could give back to these children. Soon a small purple screen appered infront of her, it read.
'Alice, remember when I last came to visit you? Yes good times wasn't it, but right now isn't the time for a trip down memory lane. Mages from all over Magnolia have been kidnapped, and we require your and any other Mages assistance to help. Meet us near the Fairytail guild hall, Lots of love, Mother." Alice read though the text, slightly sucking on her upper lip. Mother had helped her in the past, if she's askin for her help then it must be important. " Livian, There's been some news. Apparently Mages had been kidnapped form Magnolia, and an old friend has asked me to assist with the search."

@The Dinkster
Eias Baole - duty calls

Eias stood there while Kim's taint started to curl up her body. Something must have happened nearby with a lot of magic. She hardly even saw the red that was on Kim. Extremely dangerous.. And something about mother huh? She questioned through a bubble. She raised her finger to her chin to think. Must be something pretty darn serious to get her in a hurry. She thought to herself. While she wasn't sure why Kim wanted her along, she must have something planned. I guess the clothes can wait then. I do hope everything is alright though. I can support you with whatever I have if you need. She took hold of her flute and put her boots on. Though the attire did not match up very well, it would have to do for now. Alright, let's get going then. Lead the way.

Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station

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Valken was still suspended and essentially still trapped by Emmerich's arms. He wanted to rage out again, Lord did he, but his brain was screaming at him to take a deep breath, to calm down, to access the situation from multiple angles. Forget about Millie being taken... think of it like a mission. Get in, get out. Simple. @Kayzo

Only it wasn't simple, because it was Millie in there and he didn't realise just how much he cared for the innocent girl till she was gone.... his heart was literally breaking in too. Here Emmerich lowered him down to his feet, and spun him around so he could try to give the Shadow Mage some vote of confidence. Something to rev him up. His head only bowed further, refusing to look at Emmerich completely, even his shoulder's slumped like he had just given up completely. He didn't know what to do.. The S-Class Shadow Mage, master of the mind, of the cunning, was literally completely lost for words and ideas. @Wyatt [/color][/b]

Valken turned to Ferra then as she still tried to rouse Talon. "Ferra, try to get everyone awake and function. After Talon is up I need you to wake up Lloyd... no doubt they hit him the hardest with the drugs and that's why he hasn't woken up yet...Once he is awake tell him what has happened and tell him my plans thus far so he knows exactly where everyone is and what they are up to. " Glancing around the room. At least most of Lamia Scale was awake now. @Mitchs98

Finally Valken turned to Noah and Emmerich specifically. Despite knowing Noah for a little amount of time, he had seen his powers and knew what he was capable of. "Noah... Faust... I want you to come with me. While everyone gathers here I want to get a head out as soon as possible. They can't have gotten halfway across the country by now, there hide-away must be somewhere nearby to transport that many mages as quickly as they have away from us. We are scouting team A, we go, we find this base and wait for backup." @Embaga Elder

However even as he said this, Valken knew if he found that place first come Hell or High water he would be the first to charge in. At least if something dicey did happen, he had his two Sub-Commander's to either get help, alert the others or run head long beside him. Here he actually gave the two a half grin. Joke or not, he knew these two would back him up every step of the way. "We are getting Millie back..." He said in a determined voice now.

Finally he looked over to Maya and said in a serious voice. "Noah, Emmerich and I are heading out shortly to find this Dark Guild hide out... Your primary role is to make sure everyone else stays safe. Once as many mages have assembled, could you somehow track our location and bring them with you? I have a feeling this will end in an all out war... And I would like to see Lucian Grey, and his pathetic excuse of a Guild wiped from this plane of existence... " He already knew the answer really seeing her reaction to Sora's disappearance.
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Embaga Elder[/b]
Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust
Location: Magnolia Train Station

With: @Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics @Wyatt @whoeverelseisatthestation

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_nv5fbkWeGj1uxp6s7o1_1280.jpg.a0288cb2bbcea3294b0d42c6e6dd28f3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131933" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_nv5fbkWeGj1uxp6s7o1_1280.jpg.a0288cb2bbcea3294b0d42c6e6dd28f3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Station? Dark Guild Hideout

Valken regained his cool, well enough cool to allow himself to speak and give out a plan for this situation. Faust, Valken, and Noah are to set out to go find Millie. Noah grinned because he'll be able to get revenge on the dark guild that took his future sister in law. No one messes with girls of the broham squad.

Noah watched as the new girl demonstrated her magic. Noah hoped that's not all she can do if she comes along.
What else can you do with your aura magic? He asked curiously.

When Maya started speaking he looked towards her nodding as she gave a statement of encouragement. When know she made a clone of herself, Noah was taken by surprise because he wasn't expecting that. The clone would come along side of them relaying everything that happens along the way. He thought it was pretty cool.




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Sora Marvell - Dungeons


A small twitch of the lips was the only response that Sora subconsciously gave in response to Ayano's babbling. There was no point verbally encouraging or acknowledging the girl, regardless if she felt so strongly about making her pay for what she'd done to her friends and the other mages here whom Sora was positive were all wonderful people. There was no intention to just grab Millie and run, though if Millie did want to run off, Sora would act as a barrier to stand between any danger and the other woman. A soft voice tugged the dragon slayer out of her thoughts, body turning to face Millie whilst her eyes came to a rather fierce open. It was hard not to look so focused and determined given the situation they were in.

It suddenly became clear that the Lamia Scale mage had no idea where they were or why, rightfully so, and perhaps even believed they were somewhere else. As to where, Sora didn't know, but the blue haired girl watched confusion mixed with realization dawn onto Millie's delicate features as she soaked in their surroundings. "
We're in a dungeon of sorts because of Grimoire Heart. They brought us here... I don't know what they're planning though. " Sora explained in a gentle tone, gaze flickering back over to Ayano's location for a moment. " Valken isn't here and nobody I recognized from Lamia Scale was present either, it was a group of mages of whom I hardly knew, save a few faces. " Her voice remained steady and reassuring, and her small figure held a more tense posture, unsure if she should comfort the other woman or not by this news.

Sora knew that the pit in her stomach from every wandering thought of Lysander or Maya was only deepening with each passing moment, though it was the hope of seeing them again that was rooting her into a sense of unwavering fortitude. A mage whom Sora hadn't recalled ever seeing or making an acquaintance of spoke to them, seeming rather bold though that was an admirable trait to have in this situation and she was glad someone else shared it under pressure. She listened to what Mimi was saying and contributing, but could only shake her head in disagreement to part of it. "
I'm more interested in you getting Millie out of here then if that's the case. I could've left and been out already but I refuse to leave a friend behind. " Sora turned to smile at Millie as she spoke, a small grin tugging at her lips to expose her canine-like teeth.

Any fear that might have tried taking hold of her had now fully diminished, the petite girl ready to face this situation without anything desisting her. "
I can handle Ayano and anyone coming long enough for you two to get away, please take this opportunity to catch up with the others and fight alongside them so they stand a better chance. " The words dripped with sincerity, though it was strained enough to further emphasis that there was no way she was moving. This was slightly personal at this point and they would pay. Ayano would pay. " Millie, if you get out, make sure Maya shows up for me. " They both knew how scary Maya was and this particular event would make the woman frighteningly unstoppable.

Her hand rose then and the other two were encased in a glowing green light, raising their speed and defenses, not focusing on attack as much since Sora hoped they'd escape and not stay to fight. " And if you could drop the mirror that Ayano is struggling with, I'd appreciate it. " Sora's teeth grit down slightly at the thought of the small vampiric girl whom sported a mouth similar to her own, though her canines were much less pointy in comparison. Fight or flight... Those fists clenched together, eyes dancing with a weird elated intensity. Fight of course, Fairy Tail members were notorious for this. " So please go, I can't go all out with you two here. " It was admitted with vague bashfulness but it was completely honest. Most of her abilities on the offensive side were more destructive than she would've liked since it only plopped her into the normal bunch of ruinous behavior their guild was famous for.

@Kayzo @Britt-21 @Wyatt​
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purplepanda288 said:

Spoopy Dungeon

Aiden let the hold on the gaurds go, that portion of his magic spared from it use. " Your right, I only have half my magic left. And I feel a stronger presence ahead. Much stronger then me, but we have to get out now let get moving." He held her hand again, this time it seemed to have a bit more emotion behind it. " I'll keep us on the ceiling with my magic, you'll use your Ive make to keep is moving"


Ashley Hart

Ashley blushed a little as he held her hand and this time it seemed to be a bit stronger than before. "Alright." she threw her other hand in front of her "Ice Make: Floor!" Ice began to appear once again and once they stepped on it, they were sliding through the ice "If something is big ahead, I'm sure we can take it. Celestial and Ice Make wizard combo should be pretty strong." Between the Spirits and the ice, hopefully this opponent couldnt do much. Ice was slippery and many people couldnt stand perfectly on it. If this opponent was fast, her ice make: rain wouldnt work. It could but it'd be a waste of magic. "I just hope we can get out of this alive..."


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