Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Aiden looked back at the mirror, thankfully it was keeping Ayano at bay. But there was bound to be guards roaming the halls, probably people that he could take out with a gravity spell. No, switching around so many star suits would tire him out physically. He jumped when he heard Ashley yell towards him, he quickly faced thebspeeding redhead head, with a look of pure terror on his face. She stoped infront of him, what took the cake was that she was standing on ice. Rather than protesting, he compiled with her orders. " Alright, let's get a move on."

@Britt-21 @Kayzo @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Kazehana @Jackaboi

Ashley Hart

Ashley was glad he didnt try to be stubborn and reject her offer. He kindly went with her "Just letting you know, if you fall, you're going to be sliding for a good while." cause that's what her magic did. Especially at the speed she was going to go. So without fearther ado, she started skating along the ice path she created along the way, pulling Aiden with her "By the way, Nice job. Your plan seemed to have been more effective than mine was." and he managed to get everyone out with ease. Not that'd she'd tell him anyway. Becides, he had a surprise waiting for him once they got out. "I'm Ashley, an Ice Make Wizard as you can already tell."

@Kayzo @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Kazehana @Jackaboi @purplepanda288
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Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station

View attachment 292209

Valken was still suspended and essentially still trapped by Emmerich's arms. He wanted to rage out again, Lord did he, but his brain was screaming at him to take a deep breath, to calm down, to access the situation from multiple angles. Forget about Millie being taken... think of it like a mission. Get in, get out. Simple. @Kayzo

Only it wasn't simple, because it was Millie in there and he didn't realise just how much he cared for the innocent girl till she was gone.... his heart was literally breaking in too. Here Emmerich lowered him down to his feet, and spun him around so he could try to give the Shadow Mage some vote of confidence. Something to rev him up. His head only bowed further, refusing to look at Emmerich completely, even his shoulder's slumped like he had just given up completely. He didn't know what to do.. The S-Class Shadow Mage, master of the mind, of the cunning, was literally completely lost for words and ideas. @Wyatt [/color][/b]

Valken turned to Ferra then as she still tried to rouse Talon. "Ferra, try to get everyone awake and function. After Talon is up I need you to wake up Lloyd... no doubt they hit him the hardest with the drugs and that's why he hasn't woken up yet...Once he is awake tell him what has happened and tell him my plans thus far so he knows exactly where everyone is and what they are up to. " Glancing around the room. At least most of Lamia Scale was awake now. @Mitchs98

Finally Valken turned to Noah and Emmerich specifically. Despite knowing Noah for a little amount of time, he had seen his powers and knew what he was capable of. "Noah... Faust... I want you to come with me. While everyone gathers here I want to get a head out as soon as possible. They can't have gotten halfway across the country by now, there hide-away must be somewhere nearby to transport that many mages as quickly as they have away from us. We are scouting team A, we go, we find this base and wait for backup." @Embaga Elder

However even as he said this, Valken knew if he found that place first come Hell or High water he would be the first to charge in. At least if something dicey did happen, he had his two Sub-Commander's to either get help, alert the others or run head long beside him. Here he actually gave the two a half grin. Joke or not, he knew these two would back him up every step of the way. "We are getting Millie back..." He said in a determined voice now.

Finally he looked over to Maya and said in a serious voice. "Noah, Emmerich and I are heading out shortly to find this Dark Guild hide out... Your primary role is to make sure everyone else stays safe. Once as many mages have assembled, could you somehow track our location and bring them with you? I have a feeling this will end in an all out war... And I would like to see Lucian Grey, and his pathetic excuse of a Guild wiped from this plane of existence... " He already knew the answer really seeing her reaction to Sora's disappearance.
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Embaga Elder[/b]
Emmerich Faust

Location: Magnolia Train Station

With: @Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics

Seeing Valken losing faith in himself, talking about the worst possible outcomes. It was worse than when he was raging and definitely hurt for Emmerich to see. However, as the brawler was racking his brain for a way to help, Maya stepped in and did it for him, and did a much better job than he would have been able to in all likelihood. He watched as his friend took charge of the situation, pulling out another cigarette to replace the one he had dropped when restraining Valken, lighting it as per usual via a snap of the fingers on his left hand.

As Valken turned to him once more, asking him and Noah to come with him to raid Grimoire Heart. A wolfish grin spreads across the fighter's face and an aura of almost feral bloodlust begins to leak from him as he began to, despite the situation, grow excited for the coming fights. He fully understood that, contrary to his words, Valken didn't intend to wait for his allies before storming the dark guild and Emmerich meant to be right there with him.

Hearing a newcomer, a rainbow-haired girl, speak up and offer help Emmerich turns to regard her. He could hear some fear in her voice and she didn't look all that intimidating or powerful, but, as Emmerich has well learned, size and appearance didn't always correspond to power. "What magic do you use miss?" he asks her, deciding to give her a chance, though the final decision-making power here rests with Valken.

Sora Marvell - Dungeon


Sora watched all of the events unfold before her and was slightly surprised by the outcome, smiling a bit as the others scrambled out of the prison. It would've been slightly amusing if it weren't an actual dangerous and serious situation to have them all scatter in such a frenzy. The dragon slayer looked behind her and noticed a familiar woman, remembering her by the name of Millie. Maya and Lysander's friend and guildmate, as well as that pervy guy Valken. It only took a fraction of a second for her features to settle into determination and Sora stepped outside of the cell. If the woman was important to them, then she'd just become a priority to the Fairy Tail member as well. The decision to stay behind was an easy one, consciously not being able to leave anyone, especially one dear to those she loved and cared for.

Both hues settled on Ayano to watch her, those eyes skeptically narrowed; clouded by distrust and resentment. A resistance enchant was placed upon Millie and herself as she waited, the small defense she'd cast only slightly reassuring. They were against a dark guild after-all and while the strength of her enchants were extremely durable, they'd only hold out for so long. The small flicker of magic would be sent to the brooch, enough to give Lysander a sense of hope, even if it wasn't an immense one. Comfort was comfort and Sora could only imagine what he might be thinking or emotionally experiencing once he had realized she'd gone missing. From where she stood, it was her own petite frame guarding the cell from those who might go in and harm Millie, but that couldn't be allowed to happen. Sora's hands went through a clenching motion, simply to stretch each finger meticulously and mentally prepare herself for whatever fight might present itself soon.

Hopefully the others would make it out and get help. It would only take one, simply one of them, to find their way out and rush back to Magnolia to gather everyone else. Sora didn't quite care whom it may be at this point but she directed all of her hope in all of their direction, silently saying a small prayer of sorts that someone would succeed. "
Millie? " Sora's voice called out to the other woman but her gaze remained fixated on the Grimoire Heart mage, knowing all too well that the defenses holding her would soon cease. And when that happened, well, Sora would make sure that Ayano wasn't allowed to go anywhere. Keeping her busy would be the simple task, though the blue haired girl could only wonder how long it would be until enemy reinforcements arrived.

Sora was calm and collected now, even with the danger they faced before them. It was odd how ataractic the young slayer became when there was someone to protect, knowing being too hasty would result in a mistake that could cause damage to not only herself. Blue haired slid into her vision, splaying itself messily across her face as she stiffed another cough that refused to be suppressed. One hand reached out to clasp her elbow, appearing as a small attempt to hold and comfort herself, though honestly she was still feeling a tad bit light headed. Whatever was in the air was rendering her quite ill and Sora couldn't help but feel like it was intentional. It wasn't enough to dampen her abilities, thankfully, but the lingering effect was enough to be a consistent annoyance.

If Maya had caught wind of this by now, Sora could only horrifyingly imagine how distraught the woman must be. A visible shake hit each part of her body, rolling like a wave of nausea, daring to make her grasp her stomach and keel over, though she resisted. The love the two shared for each-other was an imperishable one. An audible sharp inhale was heard as Sora realized she'd never told Maya that the woman was like a mother to her. All these years, she'd referred to her as her 'Auntie' but that wasn't the case. Maya was so much more and she might never know it if something did happen. I'll get out and I'll tell her first thing... Sora thought vaguely gloomily to herself, trying to breathe life back into the optimistic side of herself. Her eyes slid to a thoughtful close to bask in tranquility, her other senses on high alert for whatever may happen next.

@Kayzo @Britt-21 @purplepanda288 @Kazehana @Zuka (mentioned)​
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Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
View attachment 292201

The Forest Guardian watched Mother snap her fingers and suddenly Chris was free, in a weird display she threw her arms around him hugging him close. Now the hold was gone, the weird darkness around her lifted as well. Memories of Chris as she hugged him close were coming back in a flurry, something about sitting under a tree learning magic? And another riding a rampaging Draco? All the dots were coming back but the connections still hazy... brains did weird things when they were in isolation for months.

As Mother offered some support, Kelica merely shrugged it off. "It was fine... I don't mind the quiet." She lied. She'd grown up with nothing but voices since she was little of the forest and the creatures within.

Nearby she heard someone yell out something about an S-class? Kelica swivelled at the outburst. Kelica looped her arm into Chris's as she moved him closer to the girl who by now was starting to cry and when she was a pace away she silently wrapped her arms around her, bringing in close as she ran a hand through her hair in a soothing manner. Kelica was attuned to emotions, she could literally feel them in the air, so the sadness this girl seemed to have way overstepped any problems Kelica was having as a whole. It didn't even matter she couldn't remember her specifically, she knew she had to comfort her at least a little. Still running her hands through the girl's hair, Kelica looked to Chris with an almost pained worried look.

"Mages are missing, strong ones. And we need to find them Chris. You.... you have magic that can help yes?" She said struggling with her memories. "Something that can track, maybe?" Glancing over to Adrian as he held onto a clutch of Sora's hair. "Could you...use that blue hair to maybe try and track where the mages have been taken to?" It didn't occur to her just what they would do when they got there, but the first step was getting there right?... She didn't want anyone being imprisoned for any length of time, not after the months of darkness she just endured.

"We need to act now."
She said in serious tone. "Even if the others scrabble for ideas, Chris and I will track the lost mages to their hiding place..."

@Kayzo @femjapanriceball
Bizma pretty much let it all out, sobbing uncontrollably. Then someone walked over to her and hugged her. She didn't know her, or anyone else here, very well, as she was that member who was rarely here because she was always busy doing different jobs. When one job was done, she usually went back to the guild hall, chose a job request, then ran off again. However, even though she wasn't here much and she was super shy, right now she felt reassured after getting hugged. Finally, after the girl spoke, she, for once, spoke out.

"............Well.........I could......summon something and have it try to follow the scent of Miss Sora," she mumbled. ".....But, knowing the types of creatures in the books I have on me right now, it will probably take longer than a more effective style of magic......you know...."

@Kayzo @Genon @Mr Swiftshots @Kyuubey (mentioned) @purplepanda288
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
View attachment 292201

The Forest Guardian watched Mother snap her fingers and suddenly Chris was free, in a weird display she threw her arms around him hugging him close. Now the hold was gone, the weird darkness around her lifted as well. Memories of Chris as she hugged him close were coming back in a flurry, something about sitting under a tree learning magic? And another riding a rampaging Draco? All the dots were coming back but the connections still hazy... brains did weird things when they were in isolation for months.

As Mother offered some support, Kelica merely shrugged it off. "It was fine... I don't mind the quiet." She lied. She'd grown up with nothing but voices since she was little of the forest and the creatures within.

Nearby she heard someone yell out something about an S-class? Kelica swivelled at the outburst. Kelica looped her arm into Chris's as she moved him closer to the girl who by now was starting to cry and when she was a pace away she silently wrapped her arms around her, bringing in close as she ran a hand through her hair in a soothing manner. Kelica was attuned to emotions, she could literally feel them in the air, so the sadness this girl seemed to have way overstepped any problems Kelica was having as a whole. It didn't even matter she couldn't remember her specifically, she knew she had to comfort her at least a little. Still running her hands through the girl's hair, Kelica looked to Chris with an almost pained worried look.

"Mages are missing, strong ones. And we need to find them Chris. You.... you have magic that can help yes?" She said struggling with her memories. "Something that can track, maybe?" Glancing over to Adrian as he held onto a clutch of Sora's hair. "Could you...use that blue hair to maybe try and track where the mages have been taken to?" It didn't occur to her just what they would do when they got there, but the first step was getting there right?... She didn't want anyone being imprisoned for any length of time, not after the months of darkness she just endured.

"We need to act now."
She said in serious tone. "Even if the others scrabble for ideas, Chris and I will track the lost mages to their hiding place..."

@Kayzo @femjapanriceball
"I'm going with you three," Adrian said to Chris and Kelica. He wasn't going to stay and mope. "I can use Chaotic Mimicry several times in a row in the hope I get something useful. Telepathy will work, as will any Dragon or God Slayer magic. In fact, I'll try it right now."

A magic circle appeared at his feet, and he said the words, "Chaotic Mimicry!" The knowledge that entered his mind was...

1d190 = 51 = Heaven's Eye

...Heaven's Eye, the same kind of magic that Hot Eye used. It was able to track people through solid objects, though its range might not be enough, and with all the people in Magnolia this might not work.

"Heaven's Eye!" His eyes flashed as he looked around the room, trying to get a glimpse of where the kidnappers could have gone. Nothing. He scratched his head and said, "Well, that didn't work. Obviously they used some kind of teleportation magic to get out quickly. But there's so many people in Magnolia it's hard to track them. Let me try another."

He cast Chaotic Mimicry again, and got...

1d190 = 164 = Ring Magic

Some rings appeared on Adrian's fingers. "Well, this is useless." He cast the spell a third time, and got...

1d190 = 78 = Jutsu Shiki

No visual changes happened this time. "Another useless one. I just hope I have enough magic power to get one that works..."

1d190 = 185 = Magic Sword

He cast it a fourth time, and knowledge of the Magic Sword school flooded his mind. Really? I can already do that for Ankhseram's sake.

Then he cast it a fifth time.

1d190 = 42 = Sky Dragon Slayer

Adrian put his hands down, a little tired out from all of that casting. "Well, I got something useful. Sky Dragon Slayer Magic," he said, lifting up Sora's hair. "And I think I've caught Sora's scent. I've only got a limited amount of time before the knowledge I got fades, follow me quickly!" He then ran out of the Guild Hall, clutching Sora's hair and running down the street as he followed the scent.

@femjapanriceball @Zuka @Isune @EVERYONE_ELSE_IN_THE_FT_GUILD_HALL
Genon said:
"I'm going with you three," Adrian said to Chris and Kelica. He wasn't going to stay and mope. "I can use Chaotic Mimicry several times in a row in the hope I get something useful. Telepathy will work, as will any Dragon or God Slayer magic. In fact, I'll try it right now."
A magic circle appeared at his feet, and he said the words, "Chaotic Mimicry!" The knowledge that entered his mind was...

1d190 = 51 = Heaven's Eye

...Heaven's Eye, the same kind of magic that Hot Eye used. It was able to track people through solid objects, though its range might not be enough, and with all the people in Magnolia this might not work.

"Heaven's Eye!" His eyes flashed as he looked around the room, trying to get a glimpse of where the kidnappers could have gone. Nothing. He scratched his head and said, "Well, that didn't work. Obviously they used some kind of teleportation magic to get out quickly. But there's so many people in Magnolia it's hard to track them. Let me try another."

He cast Chaotic Mimicry again, and got...

1d190 = 164 = Ring Magic

Some rings appeared on Adrian's fingers. "Well, this is useless." He cast the spell a third time, and got...

1d190 = 78 = Jutsu Shiki

No visual changes happened this time. "Another useless one. I just hope I have enough magic power to get one that works..."

1d190 = 185 = Magic Sword

He cast it a fourth time, and knowledge of the Magic Sword school flooded his mind. Really? I can already do that for Ankhseram's sake.

Then he cast it a fifth time.

1d190 = 42 = Sky Dragon Slayer

Adrian put his hands down, a little tired out from all of that casting. "Well, I got something useful. Sky Dragon Slayer Magic," he said, lifting up Sora's hair. "And I think I've caught Sora's scent. I've only got a limited amount of time before the knowledge I got fades, follow me quickly!" He then ran out of the Guild Hall, clutching Sora's hair and running down the street as he followed the scent.

@femjapanriceball @Zuka @Isune @EVERYONE_ELSE_IN_THE_FT_GUILD_HALL

Bizma nodded curtly, taking out one of her books and summoning a bloodhound. She wasn't going to just let herself sit there and do nothing. Lion, meanwhile, had decided to back out on this one; he was literally backing away, when Bizma grabbed him by the collar.

"....Sorry, Lion, but I can't leave you behind."

"But I'm not even Fairy Tail," Lion argued. "I'm neutral! This isn't of my concern!"

Bizma said nothing to that; she only dragged him out of the safety of the guild hall. Lion let out a loud groan.

"Dammit. Well, as long as I get to beat up some hobos, I'm game!"

".........Okay, then.........."

@Zuka @Isune @purplepanda288 @Mr Swiftshots @Salt Lord
Ayano Soru: The dungeons

Ayano looked everywhere, there was no clear escape route. She had no choice but to wait for the magic to dissipate. Again she tried punching it and again and again but she seemed to be doing more damage to herself than this blasted mirror. Out of options she just decided to sit and start considering ways on how to slowly and brutally murder Aiden... Flaying, Disembowelment, Impaling or death by sawing! Weirdly though... she could still sense two living creatures on the other side. "Sora? are you still there? heheheh... you know it's actually kind of adorable how all of you think your going to escape this place alive. You know I don't care if you have dragon slayer magic up your sleeve's. Revealing my rank for everyone to hear was no mistake either... I hope you're prepared after this barrier falls but I won't blame you if you were to take millie and run now."

@Britt-21 @Kayzo @Wyatt @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Kazehana
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Adrian was halfway down the block when he realized where the scent was coming from. It was the lock of Sora's hair, still in Adrian's coat pocket where he left it. There was no trail. Come to think of it, didn't the mages seem to come out of the ground? That was when he realized that he had the tool to find Sora this whole time. He stopped, facepalmed, and said to himself, "Heaven's Eye...for the love of Chronos, since I've certainly wasted enough time..."

His eyes flashed again, scanning the ground around the Guild Hall. No dice. These people obviously weren't making tunnels. He jogged back to the Guild Hall, saying, "I've realized there's no trail. It's just coming from this lock of hair in my pocket. The kidnappers traveled underground, we're not going to find them by scent, and Heaven's Eye can't find any underground tunnels. Does anyone have any other ideas?"

@Kayzo @femjapanriceball

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Genon said:
Adrian was halfway down the block when he realized where the scent was coming from. It was the lock of Sora's hair, still in Adrian's coat pocket where he left it. There was no trail. Come to think of it, didn't the mages seem to come out of the ground? That was when he realized that he had the tool to find Sora this whole time. He stopped, facepalmed, and said to himself, "Heaven's Eye...for the love of Chronos, since I've certainly wasted enough time..."
His eyes flashed again, scanning the ground around the Guild Hall. No dice. These people obviously weren't making tunnels. He jogged back to the Guild Hall, saying, "I've realized there's no trail. It's just coming from this lock of hair in my pocket. The kidnappers traveled underground, we're not going to find them by scent, and Heaven's Eye can't find any underground tunnels. Does anyone have any other ideas?"

@Kayzo @femjapanriceball

Bizma watched Adrian work, then, when he asked if anyone had any ideas, she raised her hand. "I think....I think I've got this..." she said, looking at the floor. She opened her book to page 91, then closed her eyes. The bloodhound she'd summoned disappeared. "I summon thee from the pages of this book! Come to me, my dear! Giant Mole!" And after she said that word, a giant mole appeared. Bizma snapped her fingers then pointed them at the ground. The mole nodded in understanding and began digging a tunnel in the floor. ".....Please forgive me, but I'll pay for the damages later...."

@Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots @purplepanda288
Chris Lengheart (watching a giant mole)

Chris watched the attempts at trying to track everyone with Kelica tucked into his bare chest. When she asked about tracking he only shook his head, "Doubt I could do anything. I'm also not sure what that mole is doing. If we couldn't find anything now, what are the chances that they're down there?" he said as he started to stare at the mole and the massive mess it was making. Dirt was everywhere! Maybe they'd get lucky and find something, but for the time being those chances seemed pretty slim.

LeSoraAmari said:

Hibiki Dreyar

-Grimoire Heart Base-

View attachment 292187

When Aiden used his magic to enhance everyone's speed, Hibiki shot off at a rather intense speed as he caught up to Alicia. The lightning coat that surrounded him had enhanced his speed by quite a fair amount, plus the speed enchantment that Aiden had placed on everyone also helped that. Reaching Alicia, he looked down towards the girl as they ran with each other and Hibiki was surprised at how fast the small girl could actually go. Smiling, he looked at her before continuing. "I'll help you get out of here, I trust you to get back to Magnolia in one piece and alert the relevant people there." As he paused for a brief moment, Hibiki continued, "I'll hold off any enemies that we encounter, just don't stop running."

@Britt-21 @Wyatt @Kayzo @Kyuubey @Jackaboi @Kazehana

Maya Morne

-Magnolia Station-

View attachment 292189

After being out cold for quite a while, Maya had finally awoken. Standing up rather rapidly, she looked around to see everyone else in a state of panic and the train to be in a sorry state. Sensing the residual magic in the air, Maya could tell instantly that they had all been drugged, not only that, but it was actually Valken that had tore into the train. Sighing, Maya crossed her arms. "We were all drugged. But why?" She spoke to herself, her eyes flickering around as if to check who was here. Everyone was there except Millie. A look of horror and anger formed on the woman's face as she clenched her fists, one of her children had been taken and god knows what had happened to her in the past however long. What if they had hurt Millie? By the gods, if anything had happened to Millie there'd be all hell to pay. Maya was quick to walk over to Valken and bring him into a tight embrace, codling the man as if he were a child again. "We'll find her, don't worry. I won't rest until she is found, that much is guaranteed." After letting the male go, Maya turned away as she started to pace up and down the train station, her hair flowing gracefully as the wind picked up slightly.

It was in that moment, that two unknown mages approached her. They were both obviously C-Rank mage's and judging by their marks they were from Fairy Tail. "Hm? What is it?" She asked, a tone of kindness in her tone as she completely masked her infuriation at the fact that Millie had been taken. "It's Sora..." One of them said, which caused Maya to stare at the poor boy right in the eyes, into his very soul. "What's happened to her?!" She exclaimed, clenching her fists as she did so, the girl present shuddered in fear as she continued, "She was taken... We believe it to be the work of a Dark Guild..." Those words literally tore through the woman's heart, her eyes went wide eyed in shock, and then narrowed I'm hatred. The mage's quickly made their way back to the guild hall as Maya stood there without saying a word. Magic began to exude from Maya as she slammed a fist into the brick wall next to her, tearing through it with ease as the impact sent a slight telekinetic blast around her.

Maya put her head up against the wall as she held back tears of anger and worry. "I've failed her..." She spoke, not to anyone in particular but if they were smart enough they'd know who exactly she was going on about. Turning away from everyone so that they didn't see the sorry state she was in, Maya spoke. A tone of hatred in her voice, it exuded a terror that no one in the guild would have seen before.

"They've took my angel... They've took Sora..." The woman's voice seemingly broke as she said that, her fists clenched harshly as well.

@Zuka @Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder @Mitchs98 @Mykinkaiser @Talon @Wyatt @whoeverelse
@Britt-21 @Wyatt @Kayzo @Kyuubey @Jackaboi @Kazehana

Alicia: Spooky Dungeon

Alicia almost attacked Hibiki when he ran up beside her, expecting him to be one of the guards coming to intercept them. Honestly wouldn't of surprised her one bit. She smiled as he said he'd defend her and help her escape. "Thanks Hibiki. You can count on me." She told him. Honestly she was comforted to know he was going to help her, though she felt bad. She knew she never would of been able to do this for any of them, she would of sooner used them as a distraction than help them. She felt terrible knowing that..but..now she wouldn't have to. Hibiki would help her escape, she could make her way back to Magnolia, and then she can tell everyone where the others are then they could be rescued.

Now all she had to do was make it out alive. As if on cue several people with masks, roughly 6 in number, started running down the hall to intercept them. Two pretty much outright tackled Alicia and two more went to do the same to Hibiki. The other four rushed down to the cells. One of the ones after Hibiki was S Class, the rest in the room were simple A's. The other four making their way to the cell were all S Class, seeing as they had more targets to take down.

Alicia squirmed against their grip, "
Let me go!" She shouted, eventually biting the one holding her the arm prompting him to drop her. "Fire Shotgun!" She shouted, shooting her orbs at the nearest person. She needed to down at-least the two trying to trap her in order to escape, she had to.
Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail , Wizard Saint

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Everything that was going on downstairs in the guild hall was far to much for Clair ! One there was a woman here proclaiming to be some kind of god and two there was a giant mole ! So without further thought on the matter Clair pinched the bridge of her noise and slowly made her way up the stairs in silence.

"I have gone insane , ha ha " Upon reaching the top of the stairs she made her way to the guild master's office and knocked loudly on the door "hey 'Triple A' you in there ?".

@Salt Lord
Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica watched Adrian run outside the Guild Hall then just as quickly back in with a bemused expression despite the nature of the sitation. Bizma had thankfully calmed down and was trying to summon a variety of things, including a mole which was trying to dig into the Earth.


Kelica suddenly squealed in surprise, smacking Chris's chest none-to-gently in her surprise, but he was tough. Angry that she didn't realise sooner....but her brain was still partially mushy so that made sense.

"TREES!" She exclaimed in a loud voice, probably making most heads swivel in her direction at the strange outburst. She took a quick breath to try and calm her flurried thoughts, voice moving just as quickly.

"So, they were taken underground, maybe? Well Tree's don't speak like animals do, they have roots which are buried deep within the ground! They are all connected via this extensive root network under the Earth, like an electricity grid, sending pulses of emotions to one another." Tapping her foot for emphasis. "If these Mages were taken underground, I need only find a nearby tree, connect to its root system and find any disturbance throughout the Earth that way!" Grinning more excitedly. "And there happens to be my favourite friend Willow in the Fairytail Courtyard!" Almost bouncing in her excitement. "W...would that work?" Looking to Chris first before glancing to Bizma and Adrian next.

@femjapanriceball @purplepanda288
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Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust
Location: Magnolia Train Station

With: @Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics

Seeing Valken losing faith in himself, talking about the worst possible outcomes. It was worse than when he was raging and definitely hurt for Emmerich to see. However, as the brawler was racking his brain for a way to help, Maya stepped in and did it for him, and did a much better job than he would have been able to in all likelihood. He watched as his friend took charge of the situation, pulling out another cigarette to replace the one he had dropped when restraining Valken, lighting it as per usual via a snap of the fingers on his left hand.

As Valken turned to him once more, asking him and Noah to come with him to raid Grimoire Heart. A wolfish grin spreads across the fighter's face and an aura of almost feral bloodlust begins to leak from him as he began to, despite the situation, grow excited for the coming fights. He fully understood that, contrary to his words, Valken didn't intend to wait for his allies before storming the dark guild and Emmerich meant to be right there with him.

Hearing a newcomer, a rainbow-haired girl, speak up and offer help Emmerich turns to regard her. He could hear some fear in her voice and she didn't look all that intimidating or powerful, but, as Emmerich has well learned, size and appearance didn't always correspond to power. "What magic do you use miss?" he asks her, deciding to give her a chance, though the final decision-making power here rests with Valken.
Arial Font

"I use Aura Magic, allow me to demonstrate." She began before holding out a hand towards the inquirer's direction. She took a deep breath and focused on the other man's Aura before giving turning it into a blue color and making blue aura leak from his body. "There, you're blue now so I can do this." With that little warning she lifted him slightly off the ground. "Anyone who's blue I can throw around like a rag doll." She explained before gently setting him down. "I can do so many things with Aura."
Chris Lengheart(Why didn't you say so sooner!?)

Chris' eyes widened as he felt a hand slap his chest. He flinched slightly and looked down at Kelica. It hurt slightly, but Chris had been through far worse.

That was when Kelica suddenly shouted "TREES!". Chris stared at her blankly for a moment before coming to the same realization she had came to. "
Why didn't I think of that? That would work perfectly!" he said excitedly before suddenly picking up Kelica and planting a warm kiss on her cheek. Chris quickly ran through the few people currently in the guildhall, pushing his way through the door to the back.

Once they made it outside of the guild hall, Chris placed Kelica down next to the willow. He crossed his fingers as he nodded to Kelica,"
Go on, give it a shot. We have to find them no matter what. If we need to get someone fast, I wouldn't mind carrying as many people as I can. Anything yet?"


Almost instantly they went off in a blurry of red and black, Aiden tried extremely hard to keep upright on the ice. " Thanks you, sorry I called you an idiot. It was part of the act." With that he held onto her hand tighter, every so often he would nearly slip on the ice. " Ya I could of guess with all of the ice and what not. I'm Aiden, I'm a Chinese Celestial Mage." Shen, who was still warped around Aiden's neck, looked ahead. With out a moments notice the guards had appeared, barreling done the hall way. " Aiden, Guards up ahead!" Crap, he needed to keep up the speed increase. But then again it wouldn't do any good if they got captured again. " Starsuit, Zhu." Again for the second time Aiden's attire changed, his hair got cut extremely short resembling a hipster cut. His black shirt and pants color replaced with pink and brown respectively. Two broken chains had appeared around his writs, only a cuff keeping them in place. " Brace your self." Suddenly gravity for both of them switched places, they were flung to the high celling. Aiden landed up right, quickly pulling Ashley to her feet. With his free hand he swong it to the right changing the gravity to the right for the oncoming guard. All of this was draining him, he had lost half of his magic with the speed and the star suits. And still out using with gravity just kept add to the magic drainage. But he had to keep going. For everyone sakes.

@Britt-21 @Wyatt @Kayzo @Jackaboi @Kazehana

Mother watched as all of the Mages desperately tried to find a way to track them down. All to of which was a stupied idea, Sky slayer magic wasn't going to help them. Nor was Heavens eye. But they kept trying. ' This is bad, Mass kidnapping is a sign of this worst to come. Especially of they have mages. With that amount of magic they could do just about anything.' Mother's line of thought ended as Kelica announced very surely Trees! Was she out of her mind... Wait why was she asking if she was out of her mind, mother is out of her mind. So she has no place to talk. But as she explained it all clicked. Mother stood from her place, her heels announcing the fact that she was now part of this. " Kelica , dear, your idea just might find them. I can't be of any service with the tracking. But I can help you with getting back your mages." She hadn't anticipated to have to do this, but she was far more intrigued at the fact that mages could be kidnapped in such a way.

Mitchs98 said:
@Britt-21 @Wyatt @Kayzo @Kyuubey @Jackaboi @Kazehana
Alicia: Spooky Dungeon

Alicia almost attacked Hibiki when he ran up beside her, expecting him to be one of the guards coming to intercept them. Honestly wouldn't of surprised her one bit. She smiled as he said he'd defend her and help her escape. "Thanks Hibiki. You can count on me." She told him. Honestly she was comforted to know he was going to help her, though she felt bad. She knew she never would of been able to do this for any of them, she would of sooner used them as a distraction than help them. She felt terrible knowing that..but..now she wouldn't have to. Hibiki would help her escape, she could make her way back to Magnolia, and then she can tell everyone where the others are then they could be rescued.

Now all she had to do was make it out alive. As if on cue several people with masks, roughly 6 in number, started running down the hall to intercept them. Two pretty much outright tackled Alicia and two more went to do the same to Hibiki. The other four rushed down to the cells. One of the ones after Hibiki was S Class, the rest in the room were simple A's. The other four making their way to the cell were all S Class, seeing as they had more targets to take down.

Alicia squirmed against their grip, "
Let me go!" She shouted, eventually biting the one holding her the arm prompting him to drop her. "Fire Shotgun!" She shouted, shooting her orbs at the nearest person. She needed to down at-least the two trying to trap her in order to escape, she had to.
Rodwen Kiernan (The Unforgiving Saint)

Grimoire Heart

Main Dungeon Hall

As the two masked mages ran towards Hibiki they were impaled by black tainted beam of light and shortly after the pitter patter of heels could be heard approaching accompanied by a menacing voice that echoed throughout the dungeon "Ayano, Ayano.....wherefore art thou Ayano , You and your men must be punished for your incompetence oh yes yes yes !".

From the dark corridor emerged a beautiful silver haired and eyed mage dressed in very respectable clothing , her eyes darted around the room and soon rested on the blonde Fairy Tail mage "But first I better clean up this inconvenience you've caused my dear Lucian......". Rodwen stood at the end of the hall and raised her left hand which in turn began to glow the same black tainted light as the beam that killed the two masked mages.

The two Remaining masked mages , needless to say were in a complete state of shock. So much so that after Alicia cast her spell the second ran for cover screaming "Run you fools , run that's 'The Unforgiving Saint' " .

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98 , @Jackaboi mentioned.
Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall > Courtyard

Kelica blinked a little then made a loud squeal as Chris essentially lifted the blonde girl completely off her feet to his eye level and gave her a big ol smooch on her cheek. She was stunned for a full few seconds, firstly because that wasn't the first, nor the second time someone had completely lifted her off her feet like a sack of potatos.... Blushing furiously, but smiling all the while, she couldn't help but start to re-fall in love with Chris for a second time. Despite his size and physical strength he really was a teddy bear. She eeked again as he threw her over his shoulder, to which she simply waved to Mother, Bizma and Adrian to follow along.

A second later her feet had landed and she twirled to gaze up to the huge willow tree who lived in Fairytail's Backyard Court area. Almost lazily it lifted a portion of it's long, dangling branches to create an archway for her to duck and sneak under. She stepped quickly underneath the branches, brushing some with her soft fingertips as she did, before stopping at the strong, rough bark of it's trunk. Here she placed both her soft hands against his trunk, green eyes slipping closed. "Hello, Willow..." She said in a soft voice. Absentmindly one thin newer branch curled down around to grasp her wrist, the same hold as a friend might. "I... have missed you..." She said in a half pained voice. "But... there are more important things... our friends of Fairytail are missing and I need your help...." Here the newer branch pulled back from Kelica and the tree made a huge creaking groan, audible even to the others.

Kelica's necklace started to glow a hard green, a ring springing up around her feet. "Guardian Magic: Root Connection!" And then Kelica's vision completely went black. It was like her very mind had almost joined with the tree. Complete darkness but then a soft glow... at first..But then in the darkness a sudden wash of thousands of coloured lines, differing thickness, indications of different tree species and root densities....

At first she didn't notice anything, but then there was an almost... oddly shaped dark patch? It was only visible for how uniform and straight it was in the chaos that was the extensive light sources. She got a feel for as far as she was able, the darkness leading to the edge of town near the South Entrance. Kelica by now was sweating and her nails started to scratch into the bark of the tree to hold herself up.

She hadn't tapped into this magic for months, and being somewhat rusty, it was drawing alot more out of her then she had hoped. With one final confirmation she withdrew her hands from the trunk as her vision came to.

She took a half stumble towards Chris. "S...South side of Town... the Entrance Gate... that's all I could see to.. they're obviously out of town... how far out I'm not to sure...."

@femjapanriceball @purplepanda288 @Mitchs98 (sound ok?)
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Cillian Ryder - Magnolia Station

Cillian yawned as he strolled down towards the train station. He hadn't realized how tired he was until now, and how ready he was to be back home in bed reading a book and sipping his favorite tea. The festival had been nice, but the C-rank mage was more than ready to be in a more familiar setting.

He paused to look at the time, making sure he arrived before the train even had a chance to leave without him. In previous times, he had been well-known for being late. "Just on time," he hummed, mentally giving himself a pat on the back for this accomplishment. However, as he neared the entrance to the station, the sound of metal being torn apart reached his ears and Cillian froze. Was there some kind of big event happening he didn't know about relating to trains? He sure hoped not. Quietly, he positioned himself in an area where he'd be close to the noise but not too close. He still wasn't sure if what was happening was good or bad.

"I'm going to kill them! I'm going to KILL THEM!! I'm going to make them WISH they were DEAD long before I slit their throats, those low life, spineless..."

Definitely not good. He held his breath, listening and waiting for what happened next. A couple more minutes rolled by, with more voices joining in. People were trying to comfort whoever had been tearing up the train. That's what Cillian assumed, anyways. After awhile, he felt like he got the gist of what was happening. And a few names too. There was a girl named Millie that had been kidnapped by a dark guild, and a guy named Valken was now basically preparing to start a mini war to eliminate the guild and save Millie.

Cillian stared at the sketchbook and paintbrush in his arms along with a small collection of bottles with the blood of people with unique abilities that he had managed to get. He was just a C-rank mage. He sucked at magic and battling in general. Yet, he felt like helping these strangers would be for the better good. Would he risk his life for this? Dealing with a dark guild was no laughing matter. With a deep breath, Cillian nodded to himself and came out of his hiding spot, approaching the group. He did feel a tad self-conscious, for both eavesdropping on something that was definitely not his business and for his unnatural eye colors (which gave him a lot of stares when he talked to people) but pushed it aside as he cleared his throat to get their attention. "Forgive me for eavesdropping, but I heard that you are in need of help. If you allow me, I would like to assist in helping achieve your goal."

@Zuka @Happy Red Mage @Mykinkaiser @Drakerus @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @whoever else is at the train station
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@purplepanda288[/URL] @Kazehana @Zuka (mentioned)

Millie had been asleep ever since everyone got knocked out. She had no idea what was going on or that she was in a life threatening situation. In reality she believed that she was on a train heading back to Lamia Scale. She probably dozed off on a bench while everyone gathered to the station, Valken most likely picking her up and bringing her into the car. The nervous voices were probably people who got train sick and the sounds of fighting was most likely the Bro Squad rough housing in the cart beside her. And that's what she believed until someone actually woke her up. The soft sound of someone speaking her name was enough to wake up the blonde her, her bright blue eyes slowly opening to the sight of a blue haired girl. It took her a moment to recognize the face, but she soon identified her as Sora, Maya's favorite girl and Lysander's cute and innocent lover. She also left her alone in the milkshake shop. Forgive and forget though. A small smile crept onto her face as Millie quietly spoke to the young girl. "Hello there Sora, is there something you need? I'd assume so..." She said to the Fairy Tail Mage, her words followed by a swift yawn. Her soft hands left her lap and went to push herself up a bit, but that's when she noticed something was off. Instead of the cushioned train seat that she was expecting to feel Millie's hand was met with cold, hard concrete. Her eyes glanced down at the floor quickly before inspecting the rest of the room. This was obviously not a train but rather a dungeon or prison of some sort. But why was she here? She didn't commit any crimes, unless if being hot was a crime. "Sora, where are we!? Where is Valken and the rest of my guild?"

@purplepanda288 @Happy Red Mage @Refaulted

Donald only provided more valid points to the situation at hand. The two really should spend some time together and see if they really wanted this. Haruhi really wouldn't mind being in a relationship with someone, be it boy or girl,as long as they took it slow. Obviously with Ciel they did the opposite and went into hyperdrive, getting married within 24 hours of meeting each other. Though deep down she thought that it could work. "You're right Donald. I think that you should be a marriage counselor, you're such a smart man." She said with a smile, squeezing Ciel's hand gently. A giggle escaped her mouth as Honoka began thinking like them. Did she really want to get married to Donald right now? Sure he was a hottie and he was smart, but they should wait just as they should've. Fortunately the thunder Mage stepped in and told her to slow down. "I agree with Donald. Slow it down!"

When Haruhi woke up from the strange spell she was unaware but thankful that no one had been kidnapped. She found herself sitting down with her legs laying on their sides. The others were stirring from their slumber, so they happily weren't dead. "A-are you guys ok? Do you know what happened?"
@Salt Lord[/URL]
Kayzo said:
Mizuki found herself in Ophelia's little guildmaster room with Alfie. The dark Mage had stopped pacing around the room but she still looked extremely distraught about the whole situation. She had no idea that there was more than just one kidnapping and that there'd be a whole lot of help in searching for the missing mage's, but for now all she knew was that sweet Alicia was gone. Her arms were wrapped around her stomach serving as some sort of comfort system, though it didn't help at all. She listened to what Fairy Tail's young guildmaster had to say about the whole situation, the girl seemingly calm through the whole talk. However Mizuki could sense the nervousness within her. Obviously it was just an appearance thing.
The idea of getting all of Fairy Tail to help sounded great. On top of that she could probably convince Gilad to get Sabertooth to help, and then maybe Masaki could convince his little sister to convince Lamia Scale to help. With the three largest guilds helping out they'd surely find Grimoire Heart in much less time than just Alfie and her. However they were a slippery bunch and was easier said than done. "Yes, get your guild to help. I'll convince my own guild to help out too. If they don't I'll just bring pain upon their sorry lives." She muttered darkly, the dark mage rocking slightly in her chair. These were possibly the same people that made her so dark and down. Someone as bright and innocent as Alicia didn't deserve this life. They had to find her.
Ophelia nodded, relieved to know that Mizuki wasn't one of those "I don't need anyone's help" sort of people. She proceeded to make her way around her desk to get to the door until she heard a familiar voice call her by a familiar nickname... A look of disgust slowly formed on the young Guild Master's face as she spoke slowly, "I was just about to make my way down..." It took all of her might to open the door for Clair politely rather than to spear her with a homemade water spell... "But yeah," she began again, not bothering to look the redhead directly in the face as she opened the door, "Me and a few of your guild mates were just about to rally up the rest of you. One of mine and Mizuki's friends have gone missing, and we believe it would be so much easier to find her with a whole guild. Would you. Would you mind helping?" She regretted asking that.

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Hibiki Dreyar

-Dungeon Corridor-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.ffea443febe41cfa33335c053e3c89b1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131625" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.ffea443febe41cfa33335c053e3c89b1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As they both traversed the place in search for an exit, it seemed that six masked mages had arrived and were charging at them both from the other end of the hall. Two of them had successfully tackled Alicia down to the ground as the three began to fight, Alicia was successful in escaping their grasps as she then fired off her magic. However, as the the two came charging towards himself Hibiki clenched a fist and charged up lightning, concentrating it to a certain point so that when his punch would connect, it'd deal more damage. However, before he could even do anything the two mages before him were impaled and had dropped dead to the floor. "What the-" before he could continue speaking, the final mage that was trying to restrain Alicia literally blasted off in order to find cover, whilst blurting nonsense about an 'Unforgiving Saint'. Obviously she wasn't a saint, because saints had to forgive people. So clearly this person was a phoney. However, she exuded a great level of magic; obviously she was an S-Class mage.

Hibiki stood there as he made direct eye contact with the female, who clearly intended on attack the pair. But by the looks of it, this crazy lady was focused on him and not Alicia. The Grimoire Heart mage was most likely stood there because that's where the exit was, which was most bothersome. However, Hibiki had an idea. He sighed before turning to face Alicia, "I promised to get you out of here, and I will do just that." It was in that moment that Hibiki grabbed Alicia and held onto her tightly, as he said the words "hold on" Hibiki wrapped both of their bodies in lightning as he jumped up in the air and darted around the room at the speed of lightning. Holding onto Alicia so that she didn't fall, Hibiki shot past the woman and blasted off towards the door that was at the end of this hall. When they got there, Hibiki stopped the spell and placed Alicia down. Smiling, he said, "No doubt this is the exit, so this is where I'll be leaving you." Sighing, he continued, "I'll stay here and hold them off long enough for you to get far away from the grounds, just don't stop moving until you get to Magnolia."

With that, Hibiki smiled to Alicia and said, "I'm sure I'll meet you again soon, but it was lovely meeting you." With that, Hibiki turned away from Alicia and walked a few paces forward. The hall was incredibly spaced out, and big enough to enable the Satan Soul to be used. Good. In that moment, Hibiki became enveloped in a purple magic as the pressure that was formed made the ground crack beneath his feet. His appearance had completely changed as he transformed into his basic Satan Soul form. Hibiki floated in the air as his wings spread out beside him, his large black tail moving side by side slowly as he stayed there, waiting. Now he would wait for this 'Unforgiving Saint' to arrive, or for anyone to arrive. Hibiki would hold them off so that Alicia could escape. "You should leave now before they can arrive.." He said, his tone demonic as he spoke, yet as he turned to face the girl he still smiled at her. Turning back to stare down at the hall, Hibiki prepared himself.

@Wyatt @whoeverelseisatthestation



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Kayzo said:
Even if Mikado didn't sound very enthusiastic about the whole dragon slaying business, Grace still took great pride in it. Not every B-Class Mage in Fiore was able to do that kind of thing! She was completely unaware that her long lost friend thought that she was bluffing the whole thing. "Yeah! This thing was huge! Like as big as a building! I wasn't that scared though, just a little. Who wouldn't be? Anyways, the best part was that I was only a B-Class and Masaki was an S-Class. I think that's pretty impressive if you ask me!" She said with a smug grin. "As for when this was, I'd say a month ago. Maybe less. I'm surprised that you didn't hear about the whole thing. I thought everyone in Fiore heard about it. Not only did dragons attack, but so did the dark guild Grimoire heart! We even fought one of their mage's, and she was a big bitch. She did some cheap magic where me and Masaki shared one another's pain, and whenever we hurt the girl we got hurt instead. It was pretty lame and standoffish for awhile, but we eventually overcame it with the power of love!" However as if speaking about the dark guild summoned them, Grace soon passed out along with everyone else in Magnolia.
She woke up in an undetermined amount of time, her body sprawled over Mikado's. She had been holding her so close that they happened to fall on top of one another. And in such a manner that Grace found her face stuffed into her friend's stupid bigger chest. Though she didn't get kidnapped she still got tortured, a reminder that she'll never have a nice body like that. Honestly it was a surprise that she didn't suffocate and die. The short girl pushed herself off her body and onto her knees, her own hands repositioning themselves on her shoulders.
"Cmon Mikado, get up." Grace mumbled as she shook the girl, still a bit embarrassed and jealous of her.
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

She simply held a blank stare forward, her eyes slowly glazing over as the other girl continued on about her fight against the dragon. She knew Grace's story was likely highly exaggerated. The girl probably just fought a wyvern or something, everyone knew dragons were long-dead after all. She had gotten wind of some dark guild incident in some town but dragons? Even with ignoring the exaggerations it was clear that Grace had had a rather eventful mission. "Well it's nice to know you managed to spread your wings while I was gone. Wouldn't want you to stay in my shadow forever after--..." Her condescending praise was cut short as she felt a small sting followed by her vision clouding over. Before she could even react her whole world went dark and silent as her consciousness left her.

Her senses soon returned to her, a muffled sound ringing in her ears as she felt a distant movement. As her senses cleared up the sound turned into a voice, the voice turning into audible words. With a groan she opened her eyes, looking up at Grace as she shook her and called for her to wake up. She brought her arm up and lazily swatted at the girl, another groan slipping past her lips as she blinked rapidly to adjust to the brightness. "I'm up I'm up...." She gave a small shake of her head as she fully regained consciousness before quickly scanning her surroundings. She remembered walking to the train station with Grace before passing out. Based on the bodies still laying around as well as those just waking up it seemed everyone around them experienced the same thing. "What happened?" Even as the words left her mouth she heard a woman's voice call out that her boyfriend was missing.

She narrowed her eyes as she reached up and pulled her cap down slightly, watching as nearby people were helping the distraught woman as she explained that her boyfriend had been right by her side and yet when she woke up he was gone. This was obviously no freak accident. She hopped to her feet as she turned her attention back to Grace, holding out a hand to help her up. "Something's wrong, we should hurry up and meet up with Master and everyone else."

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