Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Emmerich Faust

Location: Magnolia Train Station

With: @Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics

Emmerich had just enough time to pull out a cigarette and light it with a snap of the fingers on his left hand before everything went black as he slumped to the ground with one final "Shit." Ten minutes later, though he didn't know that to be the time-frame exactly, his eyes snapped open once more and he found himself lying spread-eagle on the platform. After taking a couple of seconds to collect himself he kicks himself to his feet and pulls out another cigarette, this time managing to light it and get it into his mouth for a long, and satisfying, pull before he's interrupted once more by Valken shouting his girlfriend's name. Turning to face his friend Emmerich watches as the other man unleashes his rage upon the train, screaming all the while about killing whomever took Millie.

Emmerich dons an unusually serious face as he rushes over, throwing his arms around Valken in a bear hug and dragging him away from the train, talking to him all the while in as calm a voice as he can muster, "Mate, I get 'ow you feel 'ere but you need t'calm down right? You can't 'elp 'er by destroying the train none. Jes calm down, and we can figure out what to do. This ain't your fault none either, we was all out, not just you or anyfing."

However, even as Emmerich tries to put on a calm front he is quite worried as he tries to analyze the situation. From what he could tell, a large scale magic had rendered unconscious at least everyone on the platform, including himself, who had high resistances to such things, as well as sever S-class mages and his guild master. Secondly, people were gone. He might not know those in his guild very well but even so, he could not excuse anyone who harmed them and he most certainly could not excuse any who hurt Millie. Again, he didn't know Millie very well, in fact, he couldn't really remember ever talking to her. But that's irrelevant to him now, she's important to Valken and Valken is his friend. As such, under his calm facade Emmerich is enraged, wanting nothing more than to find those responsible for this and beat them to a bloody pulp. The only reason he's barely restraining himself, and Valken, is that he knows that he can't do that yet and that losing control right now, as good as it might feel, won't help either.
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Ayano Soru: The dungeons

Ayano's smile grew wide. with so many of them awake, now would be a good time to continue forward with the plan. "Okay now with most of you awake I can now openly say that there is a chance you might get out of this alive... but in order for this to happen you have to answer one tiny question of mine and depending on your answer your fate's will be decided." Still smiling she started twirling a knife in her hands, keeping a close eye on everyone in the cell. She wondered what they would answer and couldn't wait for it either. "So... Will you all abandon your guilds and join Grimoire heart? Don't worry your not being timed... take all the time you need..."

@Britt-21 @Kayzo @Wyatt @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari

Sora Marvell - Dungeon


A few voices took Sora out the forced yet abnormal lulling sleep, brain registering them slowly. Some were familiar, the rest belonged to strangers. Small fingers twitched upon the dirty ground, curling as her nails dragged into the filth in an attempt to get a better feel for where she might be. Darkly coloured hues snapped open, staring through splayed strands of blue hair to get an even better visual understanding of what might have happened. The grogginess was unusual and Sora couldn't help but feel like retching, the air tasted tainted and metallic in her mouth.

Her small frame lifted a small fraction, hovering in that motion as if in disbelief. Lysander was nowhere to be found, they certainly weren't in the guild hall anymore, and the sound of that small girl speaking was ringing within her ears like a nagging reminiscence of earlier. Her hair slowly curtained past her shoulders, her cat hair adornments seeming to have been lost somewhere as the entirety of her hair fell to frame her face in retaliation to no longer being tamed.

A cough rose in her throat, pushing past her trembling lips, though it only continued as a hand rose to cover her mouth and stifle the series of them that followed. Her eyes had watered a bit from the force expended to cough so much but she slowly honed in on Hibiki. There were a few other mages there that she knew, at least in name, but not personally and it seemed like a weird bunch to throw together. It wasn't hard after quick speculation to understand what was going on but it was difficult to assert what emotions were welling up inside of her from their predicament.

Sora crawled over to Hibiki then, frame slowly swaying, the air was making her feel sick but she managed to settle into a seat beside him, legs closely snug to her body so she could remain upright. Being rendered ill and sensitive to just the air around them only made her feel utterly useless, already coming to terms that her magic wasn't going to work either as she was quite sure was the case with everyone else. If it did work, Hibiki would've already forced his way out of the quaint little prison they were all stuck in.

Ayano spoke again and Sora's eyes dangerously narrowed, a hand reaching out to grab Hibiki's arm and squeeze rather tightly, standing in soldier-like defiance. Her teeth were visibly clenched, canine-like teeth exposed from the sheer rage at the audacity of the question presented to them. "
I'd rather die. " She spoke with solid confidence and a spark in her eyes to accompany the tone. " I don't need time. I don't need your ultimatum. I will die a member of Fairy Tail and I will die proudly with the guild mark upon my body. I refuse to be tainted by your disgusting inhumane guild and side with a bunch of cowards who prey on the innocent and light! You'll always fail, I promise you that. " Those words reverberated audibly from somewhere deep inside her heart, her passion for her family and guild not faltering even if it would mean the death of her.

Her gaze remained locked on Ayano, the petite dragon slayer now resounding with intrepidity that stemmed from her inability to back down.
All she could hold onto at the moment was the hope that people would be out there searching for all of them; friends, family, and lovers alike. We'll be found... we will. Sora's thoughts aimed to be reassuring, fists clenching tightly to emphasis the belief and faith she had in the people in her life. Lysander... Maya, Clair, Nami, Fairy Tail.. they'll come. I choose to put all of my trust in them. A small smile tugged at Sora's lips with that thought, heart fluttering and filling with hope.

@Kayzo @Britt-21 @Wyatt @Mr Swiftshots (mentioned )

And whomever I forgot.​
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Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru: The dungeons

Ayano's smile grew wide. with so many of them awake, now would be a good time to continue forward with the plan. "Okay now with most of you awake I can now openly say that there is a chance you might get out of this alive... but in order for this to happen you have to answer one tiny question of mine and depending on your answer your fate's will be decided." Still smiling she started twirling a knife in her hands, keeping a close eye on everyone in the cell. She wondered what they would answer and couldn't wait for it either. "So... Will you all abandon your guilds and join Grimoire heart? Don't worry your not being timed... take all the time you need..."

@Britt-21 @Kayzo @Wyatt @Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics @Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics @Mitchs98[/size][/side]

Emmerich had just enough time to pull out a cigarette and light it with a snap of the fingers on his left hand before everything went black as he slumped to the ground with one final "Shit." Ten minutes later, though he didn't know that to be the time-frame exactly, his eyes snapped open once more and he found himself lying spread-eagle on the platform. After taking a couple of seconds to collect himself he kicks himself to his feet and pulls out another cigarette, this time managing to light it and get it into his mouth for a long, and satisfying, pull before he's interrupted once more by Valken shouting his girlfriend's name. Turning to face his friend Emmerich watches as the other man unleashes his rage upon the train, screaming all the while about killing whomever took Millie.

Emmerich dons an unusually serious face as he rushes over, throwing his arms around Valken in a bear hug and dragging him away from the train, talking to him all the while in as calm a voice as he can muster, "Mate, I get 'ow you feel 'ere but you need t'calm down right? You can't 'elp 'er by destroying the train none. Jes calm down, and we can figure out what to do. This ain't your fault none either, we was all out, not just you or anyfing."

However, even as Emmerich tries to put on a calm front he is quite worried as he tries to analyze the situation. From what he could tell, a large scale magic had rendered unconscious at least everyone on the platform, including himself, who had high resistances to such things, as well as sever S-class mages and his guild master. Secondly, people were gone. He might not know those in his guild very well but even so, he could not excuse anyone who harmed them and he most certainly could not excuse any who hurt Millie. Again, he didn't know Millie very well, in fact, he couldn't really remember ever talking to her. But that's irrelevant to him now, she's important to Valken and Valken is his friend. As such, under his calm facade Emmerich is enraged, wanting nothing more than to find those responsible for this and beat them to a bloody pulp. The only reason he's barely restraining himself, and Valken, is that he knows that he can't do that yet and that losing control right now, as good as it might feel, won't help either. [/font]
Vex: There there

Horus enjoy the starching he received from Valken but when he started to freak out he grabbed a mouth full Valken's hair so that he wouldn't be thrown from the boy in a fit of rage. Vex tried to find his way to Valken but he was having some what of an issue. "Horus help me out over here, I need assistance." The bird started squawking to help him. Vex walked up to Valken and placed a hand on the his free shoulder. "I am here for you, what ever you do I will be there for you. I may not have know you for long now but it means a lot for Horus to befriend someone. If you raise hell, I will raise it with you. All you need to do is say so. However, before you go around trying to destroy everything I have a suggestion. Let's try and track her, they must have left a trail. In fact if you don't use anymore magic I might be able to follow their own magic back to them. If you didn't know I can see magic, and as long as they used it, it would leave a trail."
Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru: The dungeons

Ayano's smile grew wide. with so many of them awake, now would be a good time to continue forward with the plan. "Okay now with most of you awake I can now openly say that there is a chance you might get out of this alive... but in order for this to happen you have to answer one tiny question of mine and depending on your answer your fate's will be decided." Still smiling she started twirling a knife in her hands, keeping a close eye on everyone in the cell. She wondered what they would answer and couldn't wait for it either. "So... Will you all abandon your guilds and join Grimoire heart? Don't worry your not being timed... take all the time you need..."

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari

Ashley Hart

Ashley could not believe what she was hearing! She wasnt part of a guild anyway but still, this person was asking a good amount of people to abandon their guilds for a dark one. No way in hell are these people going to do that. There was absolutely no way. Unless someone had an indea...which that someone was her. "Join your guild?" she raised her eyebrow with a cross of her arms "Doesnt sound like a bad idea since i'm guildless." sure, the people in the room were going to look at her and think she was selfish, evil, heartless. But in her mind she had a plan and hopefully it would work out. Just by looking at her, people would assume she had some sort of fire magic. Well too bad for them because she was an Ice Make Wizard.

Ashley looked back at the other people who were in the cell, and some of their expressions were not too pleased with her words. It's okay..all I got to do is get out of here and attack that wench. That's all. And then try to set these guys free. Though I doubt that would be easy to do..as many people say: easier said than done.

@Kayzo @Wyatt
@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari
Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail , Wizard Saint

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Clair was about to give Hibiki a firm talking to when she felt a strong presence wash over her , almost immediately afterwards her energy began to drain. While Hibiki was the first to fall asleep ,in front of her, Clair managed to hold out for a few moments extra. The last thing she seen before blacking out was a group of cloaked people passing her bye.

When Clair awoke she stumbled to her feet and took a brief look around , Hibiki was gone and Lysander had rushed by her in a state of panic. Now one might of put one and one together in this instance but Clair , she couldn't think straight at the moment. Her head was spinning and she felt sick and it was for that reason she made her way inside the hall and took a seat.

Clair sat there in silence for a good few minutes before everything hit her like a bus , she shot up from the bench she was sitting on and slammed her hands down hard on the wooden table "Where's Hibiki , Where's Sora !"

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Huor Spinks (all mentioned) , Anyone in the guild hall that wants to react

Why on earth did everyone feel the need to voice their opinions? Of course they didn't want to join! After all, this was like, what, the easiest guild to get into? She could picture the questionnaire now:

"Do you want to be a member of Grimoire Heart?"

Next question:


All they seemed to do was attack people and fail miserably. As far as she was concerned, they hadn't ever accomplished what they set out to do. Then again, she really didn't care enough to look into their goals in the first place. It sounded like this girl already knew who they were and where they hailed from. Hell, they even found her in the middle of a random city in the early morning. Now if she had that much motivation, she might actually get something done.

This time, she did have a pillow; one that would suffice as a projectile. Unfortunately, there was only one, and she wanted to establish that it was hers. If they were to stay long here, she figured that having her claim of the provisions landed her into a favorable position. Besides, if she started clearing out the area, it might end up being the pee corner, and she was not about that life. She flopped onto her back and stared at the ceiling. The lights that were present still hurt her eyes greatly when they were anywhere in her vision, suggesting that her retinas still had their nonsensical mirrors implanted in them. Unfortunately, they did nothing for her, so they were more of a nuisance than anything, as she could not keep them at bay.

Only the reaction of one girl seemed to veer off the beaten path, which dictated an eye roll from Mimi. If she was willing to join the joke guild, she must not be that strong. It made sense since she was still guildless. Though why would they want some random guildless person? She could understand why they drugged her, but some random lady off the street? Maybe she wasn't as useless as she'd seemed. Either that or she was a plant to get the rest of them to go along with it. Honestly, that seemed like the more reasonable option to her.

Mimi raised her elbows above her head, then extended her forearms in a nice stretch. Might as well completely forget about that nap now. With that out of the way, she lazily grabbed the corner of the blanket with her opposite hand and swiftly flung her arm across her body, taking the blanket with it. She dragged her legs over the side, then thrust herself up into a seated position at the edge of the bed. After adjusting with a few blinks, she looked around to fully see what she had to deal with. Some people seemed to be clinging to each other for comfort, which caused her to raise alarm.

Where was Leo? She scanned the room several times to confirm that he wasn't there. But if not here, was he taken too? If only she could remember, then she might have been able to ease her anxiety about his whereabouts. With a defeated sigh, she realized that she knew absolutely no one here. Her guild was small, but did they have to leave out every other member? Oh well. If perchance one other would have been taken in addition, they may have clung to her in familiarity, and that wouldn't have been fun to deal with. Just look at the girl who latched herself onto the boy like a leech.

She scowled at the happenings of the room. The mood was far too gloomy for her tastes; she would have preferred to be kidnapped to go to a rave. At least those were fun. She didn't get up and out of her seat, as that might have suggested that she would put forth effort in this situation. And she most certainly would not. "Yeah, so when we're done here, you just let me know so I can leave. 'K thanks," she stated briefly. She cared very little for whatever shenanigans they planned to do, and she was still intent on doing her own thing. It was what she was best at. So now for her plans. First thing's first: is there enough resources to make a blanket fort?

[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Jackaboi[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Britt-21[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@purplepanda288[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Kayzo[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Mitchs98[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Wyatt[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Kyuubey[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@LeSoraAmari[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
Auren Sol - Magnolia Train Station

On a bench at the train station, Ren's eyes fluttered open. The boy stretched his arms and yawned. He had already been taking a nap when the blackout happened so he didn't notice anything strange at all. Well, that WAS until he heard shouting and the sound of tearing metal very close by. Curious, he got up and went to investigate. When he saw a man tearing into the hull of the train with a dagger, he was to say the least, surprised. He should have been scared too, but he found that the outward display of rage this man was displaying wasn't as terrifying as Mizuki's. That point of view sort of messed up when he thought about it. Oh well. Either way, he wasn't just going to leave this man to seethe in his negative emotions. Not when he could sense the tinge of anguish in his shouts of rage. There was definitely something more to this man than what he was seeing right now.

Mustering up some confidence, Ren approached the man as calmly as he could. It was difficult considering how intimidating those glowing purple eyes were. It was kind of strange. All of the light in this area of the station seemed to have disappeared. Where it went, he didn't know, but he knew it certainly wasn't a power outage seeing that he could spot lit light fixtures not too far away. When he was within a reasonable distance to the man, Ren cleared his throat to make his presence known.

"Um, hello. I'm Ren. Is...there a reason you're redecorating that poor train?" Ren said in his usual cheerful tone with a smile. He didn't know how the man would react but he dared to make a joke anyway. Maybe it would lighten up the mood a little?

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Hibiki Dreyar

-Strange Dungeon-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.0e98095e10fddf351b4198841559b704.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130900" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.0e98095e10fddf351b4198841559b704.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hibiki smiled at the girl when she revealed her name, and the guild she was a part of. "Alicia of Sabertooth? I'll be sure to remember that. One day, I'm sure you'll become a very strong mage." Continuing to smile at the girl, Hibiki then introduced himself in response. "I'm Hibiki Dreyar of Fairy Tail. It's a shame we've met under these circumstances, but I guess it'll have to do." With that, Hibiki turned his attention to Sora. The girl had made her place next to him as she woke up, and was sat there all curled up. Hibiki sighed as he said, "I'm sure the guild will come, we've just got to stay strong until then." After that, their captor had finally started to speak. However, she blasted out some absurd invitation for them to join Grimoire Heart, Hibiki couldn't help but chuckle, however that chuck soon turned into a hateful glare. "I'd sooner die than join that poor excuse of a guild. I'm sure the answer is the same for everyone else here too." Clenching his fists, he continued. "I will never side with those that seek to bring harm to the Light Guilds, especially Fairy Tail. I will remain loyal to my family now and until the day I die. Nothing you can do will change that."

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Britt-21



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Aiden moved to the bars of the cage, he stood infront of their captor. Grimwar Heart? What a lovely name for the darkest guild out there. " You know, I didn't know that you were a vampire. But now that I know, your much more interesting." He reached back for the small knot that kept his eye patch anchored to his head. His right eye shown once it was freed from its cloth prison, there layed not an iris or pupil. But a magic circle that linked to his Magic, a small smile crossed his lips. He turned his head, a deathly glare was given to all of the other mages. It seemed that he he wanted nothing to do with them at all. He cocked his head back to Ayano. " I'm guildless, and not bound to the rules of a light guild. The offer you give us, I would be more then happy to take it."

Seto stopped he stopped talking he stopped staring and he stopped breathing even. Why? Because he felt something, something bad real bad. Not only did he feel like he had blacked out for a few seconds suddenly he felt, bad. Like...like...as if someone or something HAD SUDDENLY TAKEN WAIFUS!!!! but that was a crazy thought and he began breathing like normal. "Weird felt like I blacked out for a moment there. Did you?" He asked his guild master. @Metaphysics

Kenya's eye widen as she felt a disturbance something bad something unspeakable. It was almost like someone.....HAD JUST MISTAKEN HER FOR A BOY!!!! but that was crazy so she went back to just waiting she called out to the man and woman leaving. "Don't worry I'll be fine I'll wait for years if I have to!" After yelling that to them she leaned back against the wall for some reason the woman next to the man...she seemed real nice. @Colt556
Adrian's alarm clock rung at 9:30AM sharp. He had picked the thing up in Liliac on the way back from a mission. After all, why not buy some stuff if you happen to be in a foreign town? It used Sound Magic to perfectly mimic Igneel's roar, in memory of the powerful Fire Dragon (who may or may not be alive. Adrian had to check). A dragon roaring right next to your ear was bound to wake someone up, and Adrian was no exception. He groaned groggily as he reached around and turned the alarm off by hitting a switch on the side of the dragon-shaped digital clock.

He got up, and went about his morning routine. When he was finished, he left for the Guild Hall as per usual to check the job listings. He needed money like anyone else, after all. He entered the guild hall some time later and noticed some cloaked figures that disappeared in an instant. Rubbing his eyes, he blinked to make sure he wasn't asleep. The cloaked figures were gone. He wasn't dreaming. He couldn't feel anymore magical signatures, so either they were using Hidden or they weren't there at all. He walked over to the scene of the incident, his boots causing the wooden floor to creak slightly before he knelt down to inspect the scene. Looking closer, he saw a blue hair on the ground. Just like Sora's. His blood ran cold as he stood up. He stared at it in shock for a good five seconds. Then he began shaking with anger. Someone had kidnapped Sora, one of the most saintly and kind mages he knew. This would not stand.

"Hey, you all saw that, right?" Adrian asked of the others in the Guild Hall.


(By the way, I haven't posted in weeks, so forgive me if I make a continuity error with this post.)

Mother clapped delightfully, she was awake! " Oh your awake. Lovely, this makes it much easier!" She uncrossed her legs, her heels making a thud as they hit the wood of the chair. " I'm not going to hurt your Chris. He simply threatened me, so I did the same. That aside, I must really get those memories of the Mist dimension." Mother snapped her fingers, a single screen appeared next to her. She raced her fingers along the screen, making it scroll through lines of data. " Oh and please don't try to use your magic on me. It would be a shame if I have to cut your access to that forest of yours."

@Zuka @Isune
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Dungeon


A few voices took Sora out the forced yet abnormal lulling sleep, brain registering them slowly. Some were familiar, the rest belonged to strangers. Small fingers twitched upon the dirty ground, curling as her nails dragged into the filth in an attempt to get a better feel for where she might be. Darkly coloured hues snapped open, staring through splayed strands of blue hair to get an even better visual understanding of what might have happened. The grogginess was unusual and Sora couldn't help but feel like retching, the air tasted tainted and metallic in her mouth.

Her small frame lifted a small fraction, hovering in that motion as if in disbelief. Lysander was nowhere to be found, they certainly weren't in the guild hall anymore, and the sound of that small girl speaking was ringing within her ears like a nagging reminiscence of earlier. Her hair slowly curtained past her shoulders, her cat hair adornments seeming to have been lost somewhere as the entirety of her hair fell to frame her face in retaliation to no longer being tamed.

A cough rose in her throat, pushing past her trembling lips, though it only continued as a hand rose to cover her mouth and stifle the series of them that followed. Her eyes had watered a bit from the force expended to cough so much but she slowly honed in on Hibiki. There were a few other mages there that she knew, at least in name, but not personally and it seemed like a weird bunch to throw together. It wasn't hard after quick speculation to understand what was going on but it was difficult to assert what emotions were welling up inside of her from their predicament.

Sora crawled over to Hibiki then, frame slowly swaying, the air was making her feel sick but she managed to settle into a seat beside him, legs closely snug to her body so she could remain upright. Being rendered ill and sensitive to just the air around them only made her feel utterly useless, already coming to terms that her magic wasn't going to work either as she was quite sure was the case with everyone else. If it did work, Hibiki would've already forced his way out of the quaint little prison they were all stuck in.

Ayano spoke again and Sora's eyes dangerously narrowed, a hand reaching out to grab Hibiki's arm and squeeze rather tightly, standing in soldier-like defiance. Her teeth were visibly clenched, canine-like teeth exposed from the sheer rage at the audacity of the question presented to them. "
I'd rather die. " She spoke with solid confidence and a spark in her eyes to accompany the tone. " I don't need time. I don't need your ultimatum. I will die a member of Fairy Tail and I will die proudly with the guild mark upon my body. I refuse to be tainted by your disgusting inhumane guild and side with a bunch of cowards who prey on the innocent and light! You'll always fail, I promise you that. " Those words reverberated audibly from somewhere deep inside her heart, her passion for her family and guild not faltering even if it would mean the death of her.

Her gaze remained locked on Ayano, the petite dragon slayer now resounding with intrepidity that stemmed from her inability to back down.
All she could hold onto at the moment was the hope that people would be out there searching for all of them; friends, family, and lovers alike. We'll be found... we will. Sora's thoughts aimed to be reassuring, fists clenching tightly to emphasis the belief and faith she had in the people in her life. Lysander... Maya, Clair, Nami, Fairy Tail.. they'll come. I choose to put all of my trust in them. A small smile tugged at Sora's lips with that thought, heart fluttering and filling with hope.

@Kayzo @Britt-21 @Wyatt @Kayzo @Wyatt @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari[/i][/color]​
Kazehana said:
MimiWhy on earth did everyone feel the need to voice their opinions? Of course they didn't want to join! After all, this was like, what, the easiest guild to get into? She could picture the questionnaire now:

"Do you want to be a member of Grimoire Heart?"

Next question:


All they seemed to do was attack people and fail miserably. As far as she was concerned, they hadn't ever accomplished what they set out to do. Then again, she really didn't care enough to look into their goals in the first place. It sounded like this girl already knew who they were and where they hailed from. Hell, they even found her in the middle of a random city in the early morning. Now if she had that much motivation, she might actually get something done.

This time, she did have a pillow; one that would suffice as a projectile. Unfortunately, there was only one, and she wanted to establish that it was hers. If they were to stay long here, she figured that having her claim of the provisions landed her into a favorable position. Besides, if she started clearing out the area, it might end up being the pee corner, and she was not about that life. She flopped onto her back and stared at the ceiling. The lights that were present still hurt her eyes greatly when they were anywhere in her vision, suggesting that her retinas still had their nonsensical mirrors implanted in them. Unfortunately, they did nothing for her, so they were more of a nuisance than anything, as she could not keep them at bay.

Only the reaction of one girl seemed to veer off the beaten path, which dictated an eye roll from Mimi. If she was willing to join the joke guild, she must not be that strong. It made sense since she was still guildless. Though why would they want some random guildless person? She could understand why they drugged her, but some random lady off the street? Maybe she wasn't as useless as she'd seemed. Either that or she was a plant to get the rest of them to go along with it. Honestly, that seemed like the more reasonable option to her.

Mimi raised her elbows above her head, then extended her forearms in a nice stretch. Might as well completely forget about that nap now. With that out of the way, she lazily grabbed the corner of the blanket with her opposite hand and swiftly flung her arm across her body, taking the blanket with it. She dragged her legs over the side, then thrust herself up into a seated position at the edge of the bed. After adjusting with a few blinks, she looked around to fully see what she had to deal with. Some people seemed to be clinging to each other for comfort, which caused her to raise alarm.

Where was Leo? She scanned the room several times to confirm that he wasn't there. But if not here, was he taken too? If only she could remember, then she might have been able to ease her anxiety about his whereabouts. With a defeated sigh, she realized that she knew absolutely no one here. Her guild was small, but did they have to leave out every other member? Oh well. If perchance one other would have been taken in addition, they may have clung to her in familiarity, and that wouldn't have been fun to deal with. Just look at the girl who latched herself onto the boy like a leech.

She scowled at the happenings of the room. The mood was far too gloomy for her tastes; she would have preferred to be kidnapped to go to a rave. At least those were fun. She didn't get up and out of her seat, as that might have suggested that she would put forth effort in this situation. And she most certainly would not. "Yeah, so when we're done here, you just let me know so I can leave. 'K thanks," she stated briefly. She cared very little for whatever shenanigans they planned to do, and she was still intent on doing her own thing. It was what she was best at. So now for her plans. First thing's first: is there enough resources to make a blanket fort?

[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Jackaboi[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Britt-21[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@purplepanda288[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Kayzo[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Mitchs98[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Wyatt[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Kyuubey[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@LeSoraAmari[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
LeSoraAmari said:

Hibiki Dreyar

-Strange Dungeon-

View attachment 291261

Hibiki smiled at the girl when she revealed her name, and the guild she was a part of. "Alicia of Sabertooth? I'll be sure to remember that. One day, I'm sure you'll become a very strong mage." Continuing to smile at the girl, Hibiki then introduced himself in response. "I'm Hibiki Dreyar of Fairy Tail. It's a shame we've met under these circumstances, but I guess it'll have to do." With that, Hibiki turned his attention to Sora. The girl had made her place next to him as she woke up, and was sat there all curled up. Hibiki sighed as he said, "I'm sure the guild will come, we've just got to stay strong until then." After that, their captor had finally started to speak. However, she blasted out some absurd invitation for them to join Grimoire Heart, Hibiki couldn't help but chuckle, however that chuck soon turned into a hateful glare. "I'd sooner die than join that poor excuse of a guild. I'm sure the answer is the same for everyone else here too." Clenching his fists, he continued. "I will never side with those that seek to bring harm to bring harm to the Light Guild, especially Fairy Tail. I will remain loyal to my family now and until the day I die. Nothing you can do will change that."

@Kyuubey @Kazehana @Wyatt @Kayzo @Britt-21
purplepanda288 said:

Aiden moved to the bars of the cage, he stood infront of their captor. Grimwar Heart? What a lovely name for the darkest guild out there. " You know, I didn't know that you were a vampire. But now that I know, your much more interesting." He reached back for the small knot that kept his eye patch anchored to his head. His right eye shown once it was freed from its cloth prison, there layed not an iris or pupil. But a magic circle that linked to his Magic, a small smile crossed his lips. He turned his head, a deathly glare was given to all of the other mages. It seemed that he he wanted nothing to do with them at all. He cocked his head back to Ayano. " I'm guildless, and not bound to the rules of a light guild. The offer you give us, I would be more then happy to take it."

Ayano Soru: The Dungeons

Ayano was considerably disappointed that some of the guildless mages wanted to join so easily but what can you do? At least the others were showing some sort of resistance. "Aiden and Ashley... Okay I'll let both of you out now but you must come with me to our guild hall, I don't want to see any of you blasting off back to Magnolia again." Ayano opened the cage to specifically let Ashley and Aiden out and closed the door afterwards. "As for the rest of you..." Her smile grew wider with each passing second, still twirling her knife. "I am so glad that you all refused... All of us are going to have so much fun here." Sora's response was especially honour bound, she may be a tougher nut to crack than she thought, Hibiki was no different. Was everyone like this in Fairy Tail? "Hey! I forgot to ask the two of you. How's your Master Cece doing eh?" She asked her question in a mocking tone clearly stating she already knew the answer.

@Kazehana @Britt-21 @Kayzo @Wyatt @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari
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Chris Lengheart(can't...move)

Chris only watched in horror as he was basically frozen in place. Why couldn't he move? It was almost as if his own body refused to listen to him. And that's when something moved in front of him. More like someone, Kelica had protected him! Chris stared at the black hole she had created and grimaced slightly, what had happened to his dear Kelica?

Chris finally turned his attention back to mother as he said, "
'Threatened'? I'm not sure how proving that it would take a bit more to prove that you were a god is considered a threat. Regardless, Kelica there's no point in trying to fight her. She's obviously who she claims to be. Just let her do what she needs to, even if we do try and fight she's a god...you can imagine how easy it is for her to kill us." Hopefully, Kelica took his advice and stepped down. Honestly, Chris wanted to see how this whole memory thing worked. It really picqued his interest.

@purplepanda288 @Zuka
Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru: The Dungeons

Ayano was considerably disappointed that some of the guildless mages wanted to join so easily but what can you do? At least the others were showing some sort of resistance. "Aiden and Ashley... Okay I'll let both of you out now but you must come with me to our guild hall, I don't want to see any of you blasting off back to Magnolia again." Ayano opened the cage to specifically let Ashley and Aiden out and closed the door afterwards. "As for the rest of you..." Her smile grew wider with each passing second, still twirling her knife. "I am so glad that you all refused... All of us are going to have so much fun here." Sora's response was especially honour bound, she may be a tougher nut to crack than she thought, Hibiki was no different. Was everyone like this in Fairy Tail? "Hey! I forgot to ask the two of you. How's your Master Cece doing eh?" She asked her question in a mocking tone clearly stating she already knew the answer.

@Britt-21 @Kayzo @Wyatt @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari

Ashley Hart - Dungeons

Ashley was shocked when she heard the eye-patch guy said he wanted to join. He sounded so dang serious. Well, her plan still had to be put in action. Even if it did mean that she had to fight two people now. Though, Ayano's answer surprised her even more as the cage was opened and she stepped out with Aiden. Then the door was closed and Ayano began bugging the others who were in the cage Alright, this is my one chance to hit her. Ice Make Fist should do the trick. Send her flying down the hall should be easy...right? Ashley didnt know but this was her only chance to help the others who were in the cell.

She wanted to be a hero. Not a let down. So swallowing her fear, she got ready to attack, and so she did.

"Ice-make: Fist!" Ashley yelled as she tossed her fist right into Ayano, of course, from the force it should have sent her flying... (But it did) (But she didnt budge one bit) ((This is where you chose your path. Or you can go with option C)) (Do whatever the F* you want.) (( xD ))

@Kazehana @Kayzo @Wyatt @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari
LeSoraAmari said:

Hibiki Dreyar

-Strange Dungeon-

View attachment 291261

Hibiki smiled at the girl when she revealed her name, and the guild she was a part of. "Alicia of Sabertooth? I'll be sure to remember that. One day, I'm sure you'll become a very strong mage." Continuing to smile at the girl, Hibiki then introduced himself in response. "I'm Hibiki Dreyar of Fairy Tail. It's a shame we've met under these circumstances, but I guess it'll have to do." With that, Hibiki turned his attention to Sora. The girl had made her place next to him as she woke up, and was sat there all curled up. Hibiki sighed as he said, "I'm sure the guild will come, we've just got to stay strong until then." After that, their captor had finally started to speak. However, she blasted out some absurd invitation for them to join Grimoire Heart, Hibiki couldn't help but chuckle, however that chuck soon turned into a hateful glare. "I'd sooner die than join that poor excuse of a guild. I'm sure the answer is the same for everyone else here too." Clenching his fists, he continued. "I will never side with those that seek to bring harm to the Light Guilds, especially Fairy Tail. I will remain loyal to my family now and until the day I die. Nothing you can do will change that."

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Britt\-21
@Wyatt @Kayzo @Britt\-21

Alicia: Scary Dungeon

Alicia nodded slowly once more. Hibiki was probably right. Plus he was from Fairy Tail, the entire city was probably looking for him. And she knew Mizuki was probably already looking for her...if she was alright that was. The girl was honestly more worried for Mizuki than herself. She knew as it stood right now she was fine, and that these guys would probably help her as best they could. Besides...Ayano needed them alive, right? She glanced to the people that were saying they'd rather die than join. Were they seriously nuts? Die when they could easily just join and betray them? Or even still, maybe not provoke the person holding them captive? Alicia didn't want to die, not at all. If it meant siding with Grimorie Heart in the end then..so be it. She'd do it if she needed to as a last resort, she was sure Mizuki would understand. Light guild or not dying was the last thing on her to-do list. Rather than challenge Ayano or join them like two others did she remained silent. Her eyes widened when Ayano brandished a knife and spoke of 'fun'. She had a pretty good indication as to what the psychotic woman classified as fun.

Despite being more terrified than she'd ever been she didn't cry, not yet at-least. She held out hope for Mizuki, Gilad, and the rest. They'd come for her, they'd come for everyone. She was sure of it. Mizuki had to be okay, she'd never let her stay here. She couldn't understand why two of them just up and decided to join though. Although...it did give her a good idea. The bars were magic resistant, that much she assumed. But..what about the outside of the cell? Even if it was magic resistant too, Ayano stood no chance against all of them at once. But..maybe she did. Maybe that was a terrible idea that'd get them all hurt, or worse. She sighed heavily and shakily, deciding not to voice it for now. Something did slowly click with her though. Ayano was Grimorie Heart, the people that Mizuki used to be with, the people that most likely left her in the state she was in now. She glared at Ayano, she'd definitely beat her up the first chance she got as revenge for Mizuki. Though for now, she was forced to sit here utterly defenseless.

Her eyes grew wide out of both shock and hope as Ashley attacked Ayano, proving her theory of the outside of the cell to not be magic resistant, and proving a small thought she had about them tricking her. "You can do it!" Alicia cheered excitedly, all hope currently riding on Ashley.

With the click of the keys he door opened, his smile grew wider as he stepped out. " Thank you." The magic circle in his eye started glowing , signaling that his magic had returned. He jumped back as Ashley attack Ayano, of course she would try something like that. Aiden watched as Ashley was literally thrown back into the cage. With a huff he stood back up, brushing away hair from his vision. " You Idiot, do you really think you could outsmart a Mage from Grimwar Heart?" This, of course, was directed to Ashley. God the other mages must despise his very existence at this point. He unconsciously patted his Jade keys, the only thing that he had that was of importance to him. " And to answer you, No I'm not going to pull the same stunt that Ashley tried." He walked over to her, puting out his hand for her to shake. " I swear on my Parents lifes that I won't try to do such."

@Britt-21 @Kayzo @Wyatt @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Kazehana
Genon said:
Adrian's alarm clock rung at 9:30AM sharp. He had picked the thing up in Liliac on the way back from a mission. After all, why not buy some stuff if you happen to be in a foreign town? It used Sound Magic to perfectly mimic Igneel's roar, in memory of the powerful Fire Dragon (who may or may not be alive. Adrian had to check). A dragon roaring right next to your ear was bound to wake someone up, and Adrian was no exception. He groaned groggily as he reached around and turned the alarm off by hitting a switch on the side of the dragon-shaped digital clock.
He got up, and went about his morning routine. When he was finished, he left for the Guild Hall as per usual to check the job listings. He needed money like anyone else, after all. He entered the guild hall some time later and noticed some cloaked figures that disappeared in an instant. Rubbing his eyes, he blinked to make sure he wasn't asleep. The cloaked figures were gone. He wasn't dreaming. He couldn't feel anymore magical signatures, so either they were using Hidden or they weren't there at all. He walked over to the scene of the incident, his boots causing the wooden floor to creak slightly before he knelt down to inspect the scene. Looking closer, he saw a blue hair on the ground. Just like Sora's. His blood ran cold as he stood up. He stared at it in shock for a good five seconds. Then he began shaking with anger. Someone had kidnapped Sora, one of the most saintly and kind mages he knew. This would not stand.

"Hey, you all saw that, right?" Adrian asked of the others in the Guild Hall.


(By the way, I haven't posted in weeks, so forgive me if I make a continuity error with this post.)
Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail , Wizard Saint

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Clair looked to Adrian and the slowly made her way over to him , spotting the blue hair strand almost immediately. Clair looked between the two silently not knowing how to feel nor how to act , she felt so helpless maybe just frustrated , heck she didn't know i just said that!

Anyway after a while she rested her cold , merciless, tired , gaze on Adrian and spoke monotonously "Adrian , tell me exactly what you have seen and when your done with that you can help me look for that 'Triple A' master of ours. I'm going to seriously hurt someone and i want to do it officially with guild permission"

@Genon ( @Salt Lord mentioned )
Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica stared the woman down with a cold look on her face. She didn't like her, not one bit. Just who walks into the room, demands to see some girl and claims to be a god? Whatever magic she was using on Chris had him pinned in place... so? That didn't make someone a god, Gilad Arcturus could do that. And the only Goddess she believed in was a woman in white who visited her when she was a child...

"I have been disconnected from the Forest for months, a few more minutes will not hurt..." She said in a threatening tone. Probably alluding to Chris and Mother both she had spent far longer in that void then the night she was missing.

Chris spoke and told her to back off, and she found herself easing her shoulders. Just as her eyebrows relaxed, she heard a call nearby, a few in fact, and it was only as her emerald eyes slid around the room did she noticed people panicing about others missing? Instantly her face fell....

Surely people hadn't been taken like she had been? Her face paled even more significantly before she placed a warm hand on Chris's shoulder, unaware if Mother had releashed him or not. "I... don't remember this Kim you're talking about... and as eager as you are for 'reading my memories', now is clearly not the time." Giving a glance over to Adrian and Clair (though she couldn't remember their names) as they spoke in loud voices about a Sora?

... Now that name did ring a serious bell. Just how though? Even Clair looked familiar like had Lloyd...

@Isune @purplepanda288 @Mr Swiftshots @Genon @Colt556 (Gilad mentioned) @Huor Spinks (Lloyd mentioned)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Sinbad.full.1468319.jpg.28358c8a18056d4e61f8b38fafb66a10.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Sinbad.full.1468319.jpg.28358c8a18056d4e61f8b38fafb66a10.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Fairy Tail?Train Station

10 minutes ago Noah was sitting at Fairy Tail's bar drinking up all their ale. He was waiting for Lysander so they can go. He jugs down his tenth cup of ale. Slamming the cup on the bar in triumph. He started feeling a little weird and his vision went black.

He wakes up 10 minutes later with an empty cup of Ale in front of him. He looks around and Lysander was gone, and Chris, Kelcia and some woman was in some type of confrontation. He ignored them and poured him another mug of ale, leaving soon after.

As he left he couldn't stop but thinking how could he have passed out. It wasn't from drinking, he's only had ten rounds, and that's not even his minimum. He took a slow sip out his cup of ale trying to make it last.

Just when he finishes he stepped foot into the train station. He walked to the spot where he left the gang, he stopped and looked at them. Something was wrong, Lysander was there, Valken was angry and Millie was gone. Did they possibly have a fallen out. He guessed. Noah walked towards the group and asked aloud. Sooooo where's Millie? He looked towards Valken. Did y'all have an argument or something?? He asked placing his hands behind his head.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics



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Mykinkaiser said:
Reiner Fulke
Location: Magnolia Train Station

With: @Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics

Emmerich had just enough time to pull out a cigarette and light it with a snap of the fingers on his left hand before everything went black as he slumped to the ground with one final "Shit." Ten minutes later, though he didn't know that to be the time-frame exactly, his eyes snapped open once more and he found himself lying spread-eagle on the platform. After taking a couple of seconds to collect himself he kicks himself to his feet and pulls out another cigarette, this time managing to light it and get it into his mouth for a long, and satisfying, pull before he's interrupted once more by Valken shouting his girlfriend's name. Turning to face his friend Emmerich watches as the other man unleashes his rage upon the train, screaming all the while about killing whomever took Millie.

Emmerich dons an unusually serious face as he rushes over, throwing his arms around Valken in a bear hug and dragging him away from the train, talking to him all the while in as calm a voice as he can muster, "Mate, I get 'ow you feel 'ere but you need t'calm down right? You can't 'elp 'er by destroying the train none. Jes calm down, and we can figure out what to do. This ain't your fault none either, we was all out, not just you or anyfing."

However, even as Emmerich tries to put on a calm front he is quite worried as he tries to analyze the situation. From what he could tell, a large scale magic had rendered unconscious at least everyone on the platform, including himself, who had high resistances to such things, as well as sever S-class mages and his guild master. Secondly, people were gone. He might not know those in his guild very well but even so, he could not excuse anyone who harmed them and he most certainly could not excuse any who hurt Millie. Again, he didn't know Millie very well, in fact, he couldn't really remember ever talking to her. But that's irrelevant to him now, she's important to Valken and Valken is his friend. As such, under his calm facade Emmerich is enraged, wanting nothing more than to find those responsible for this and beat them to a bloody pulp. The only reason he's barely restraining himself, and Valken, is that he knows that he can't do that yet and that losing control right now, as good as it might feel, won't help either.
Wyatt said:
Lee: DungeonsLee had barely rubbed his eyes and saw where he was. "So this is the magnolia prison." He thought to himself, but something was off about it. Other people were talking around him, it sounded like they were kidnapped. "Oh shit I am not where I am suppose to be." He then heard someone speaking to the whole group of them. "Give me one good reason why I should join!" Lee didn't know if there was something preventing them all from using their magic but he was guessing that if no else was trying to escape it was for a reason.

Vex: There there

Horus enjoy the starching he received from Valken but when he started to freak out he grabbed a mouth full Valken's hair so that he wouldn't be thrown from the boy in a fit of rage. Vex tried to find his way to Valken but he was having some what of an issue. "Horus help me out over here, I need assistance." The bird started squawking to help him. Vex walked up to Valken and placed a hand on the his free shoulder. "I am here for you, what ever you do I will be there for you. I may not have know you for long now but it means a lot for Horus to befriend someone. If you raise hell, I will raise it with you. All you need to do is say so. However, before you go around trying to destroy everything I have a suggestion. Let's try and track her, they must have left a trail. In fact if you don't use anymore magic I might be able to follow their own magic back to them. If you didn't know I can see magic, and as long as they used it, it would leave a trail."
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol - Magnolia Train Station

On a bench at the train station, Ren's eyes fluttered open. The boy stretched his arms and yawned. He had already been taking a nap when the blackout happened so he didn't notice anything strange at all. Well, that WAS until he heard shouting and the sound of tearing metal very close by. Curious, he got up and went to investigate. When he saw a man tearing into the hull of the train with a dagger, he was to say the least, surprised. He should have been scared too, but he found that the outward display of rage this man was displaying wasn't as terrifying as Mizuki's. That point of view sort of messed up when he thought about it. Oh well. Either way, he wasn't just going to leave this man to seethe in his negative emotions. Not when he could sense the tinge of anguish in his shouts of rage. There was definitely something more to this man than what he was seeing right now.

Mustering up some confidence, Ren approached the man as calmly as he could. It was difficult considering how intimidating those glowing purple eyes were. It was kind of strange. All of the light in this area of the station seemed to have disappeared. Where it went, he didn't know, but he knew it certainly wasn't a power outage seeing that he could spot lit light fixtures not too far away. When he was within a reasonable distance to the man, Ren cleared his throat to make his presence known.

"Um, hello. I'm Ren. Is...there a reason you're redecorating that poor train?" Ren said in his usual cheerful tone with a smile. He didn't know how the man would react but he dared to make a joke anyway. Maybe it would lighten up the mood a little?

Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca781f471_images(88).jpg.8394dde9266e85eab9a3c17d114988da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131037" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca781f471_images(88).jpg.8394dde9266e85eab9a3c17d114988da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Valken was seething and seeing red, he'd never experienced rage like this before. The fact someone had not only gotten around him without his detection, furthermore disabled him, and snatched Millie was more then the man could seem to fathom. He knew Grimore Heart was a Dark Guild but he never thought they were evil or smart enough to overcome him... He just assumed he could outsmart anyone, so this was dealing a much harder blow to the man's ego then he was letting on.

It was fortunate then that Emmerich had been first on the scene. Had any of the others tried intervening before him, Valken would have stabbed them in a heart beat in his fury. However, it was Faust that had wrapped his arms around him and practically lifted Valken off his feet, as the Shadow Mage felt his grip on his dagger loosen and it landed with a resounding clang onto the ground.

Valken's arms bulged as he started to thrash around, screaming out in a low bellow of frustration, using up the last minute of his adrenaline fueled rage. Had Valken been thinking clearly he could have kicked Emmerich's shin, or twisted out of his hold, but he wasn't. The idea that Grimore Heart had their grubby little hands on his Millie doing God Knows what to her....

Eventually he slumped down and his shoulders heaved while his head bowed and for a moment it almost looked something wet dripped from his cheek.

He barely felt Vex's hand on his shoulder, or the bird, though what Vex said was a solid plan... to trace the magical signature... but by this stage Valken still wasn't thinking clearly and was wallowing in his own self-worthlessness. Even the new boy Ren's mood lightener seemed to go over his head when he was normally the first to laugh..

"You don't understand..." He said in a dark, hallow voice. "This is almost certaintly the work of the Dark Guild Grimore Heart... even if we manage to track them to their location, it will no doubt be surrounded by traps, bait, and magic we can not even begin to fathom... they don't have the same rules these Light Guilds have...." almost saying the light part with distain. He always had been restrained with his magic and techniques by those same rules...

But heaven help if he found whoever did this, because Rules or not, if they put even a hair out of place on his Millie he would make them all wish they were dead... Fists clenching as he vowed this.

Valken lifted his head then, just as Noah arrived, his cheek still wet from a tear that had stubbornly escaped. "Grimore Heart took Millie..." He said in a dark tone. Trying not to let his voice break even as he said it.

@Huor Spinks @LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98 @Metaphysics @Kayzo



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@Wyatt @Metaphysics @Mykinkaiser @Drakerus

Ferra: Magnolia Train Station

One minute everyone was having fun and talking, then the next darkness. An all to familiar darkness. It was happening again, wasn't it? They came to get her because they failed the first time. That was probably it. They probably brought more people this time, and more drugs. Or just stronger people. She just hoped none of them would get hurt if that was the case. Surprisingly she didn't wake up when the drugs wore off, rather she woke up when Valken and Noah were talking. The words 'they took Millie' subconciously waking her up. She shot up ready to kick ass, her mind not actually registering the words she heard, thinking that she had infact been captured.

Much to her surprise she hadn't, though a few of their group was still passed out; Talon included. And Millie was missing. That fact coupled with what woke her up slowly clicked. "Don't worry Valken! We'll get her back! We'll enlist the help of every mage we see! We'll kick their butts!" She shouted reassuringly. She had no clue where Millie was, but they'd get her back. Next was waking everyone else up, starting with Talon since he was closest. Ferra walked over to him and started shaking him. "Talon wake up! Millie was kidnapped!" She yelled, hastening her shaking.
Reiner Fulke

Location: Magnolia Train Station

With:@Huor Spinks @Metaphysics @Kayzo

"Believe me, I do understand mate, and once I find the fucks responsible for this..." Emmerich hisses into Valken's ear, momentarily allowing his own anger to show through before taking a deep breath and regaining control of himself once more, "Look, rushing in blind isn't a good idea mate. We 'ave to 'ave a plan before we do anyfink or else we'll just be playing into their 'ands." At this Emmerich let Valken go, spinning him around so as to look into his face. "Mark me words, we will get 'er back, and those who took 'er will pay. I swear it."

In the back of his mind he had registered the boy's joke, and Ferra walking up to offer her aid, but he wasn't paying attention to them. The truth was that internally Emmerich was just as raring to go as Valken, he was just forcibly suppressing it and that was taking nearly all of his willpower and concentration at the moment. If he had been in the same situation, had it been his loved one that was taken he would likely be reacting in a very similar manner. It was only because he was angry for Valken's sake and not Millie's that he could keep as "calm" as he was.
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