Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


What in the world? Is all that passed though Mother's mind, all she remembered was the fact that she had appeared in the guild hall. But she was knocked out, by whom? She had no memories, this body was more then capable of dying. Her head felt lighter then air, small amount of pain arose from her leg. A small wound had been made, more than likely from the one responsible for this. She stood from the rather uncomfortable position she had fallen into, she regained her postures it's a small stretch. " Does the universe want me to not do this or something?!" She huffed out, she moved to sit on the top of table. Her lavender eyes boreing into Chris. " She will remember everything in time, it seemed that her memories are there. Only suppress." Mother moved her hair out of her face, she set her hands on the table to steady her self. " Before you you ask who I am, I am Mother. I'm here to record the memories of Keclia so I can better understand the place she went missing to. If you would allow me, Chris."

@Isune @Zuka
Today has been a very peculiar day. Something seems to be out of placed. And it may or may not be the fact that he faced two sets of beautifully crafted woman racks in the past hour. Now he was practically shoved with another in Lavender's person. "Uhm...pardon our intrusions. We would just like to invite out shopping today. With me and Sera that is." he said as they got into the her apartment and his eyes wandered a bit. "Well, if that's not too much inconvenience to you my good Lavender." he said politely. "I implore you to come with us, if it's in your better wish."

Ayano Soru

"Heh age doesn't bother me in the slightest. How did you know I'm a vampire Aiden? I'm almost flattered that you noticed. Well anyway if you must know I'm doing this under orders from my guild, some of you might even recognise the name... Grimoire Heart!" Ayano turned her attention to the mage that was already making herself at home. Did she think she was in some sort of luxury hotel or something? "Hey! I see your already getting comfortable. But if I may ask do you even realise where you are right now? I certainly hope you at least know you're being held captive right?" Well it didn't matter to her anyway, as long as they were in a cell then the plan can go forward.

@Britt-21 @Kayzo @Wyatt @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari
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Chris Lengheart(nap-time over)

Chris couldn't help but smile when Kelica suddenly said his name. He nodded and responded, "It's starting to come back to you! You got my name down." That was when that woman... Mother she said her name was told Chris that she needed to record Kelica's memories. He raised an eyebrow at her as he asked, "Record? Who are you really, I can care less that your name's mother, how can you possibly do something like that. I've never heard of any magic that can do that...well at least in our time. Just who or what are you?" Things, were definitely starting to get a lot more interesting.

@Zuka @purplepanda288
Kelica Zefara

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/0b36059c6976ecc55583f5f31085efe0.jpg.1b444df621cc499d15a520f472f5cca4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/0b36059c6976ecc55583f5f31085efe0.jpg.1b444df621cc499d15a520f472f5cca4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kelica's green eyes blinked a few times before she focused in on the man crouched before her. "Name?- What name-?...Ugh... I think I want to go back to the Darkness.... it was certainly easier and more quiet..." Kelica's gaze swivelled as she peered up to the lady sitting at the edge of the table. Mother was it? What an odd name... Naturally she was starting to get overwhelmed again, it was a lot to take in a few minutes when half of one's memories were not working. There were a lot of names, faces and places to remember and some weird conversation about recording memories... In her confused state she found she was naturally half squirming her way towards Chris and without realising it she had almost half tucked in under his arm, like his big strong presence was getting her some sort of comfort though she still couldn't quite figure out why.

While Chris was talking to Mother, Kelica found her eyes staring up to his face. Like she couldn't seem to pull her face or eyes away. Even her heart was starting to beat a fraction faster and she couldn't figure out that part either.

@Isune @purplepanda288



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Mother's eyes flashed as he questioned who she really was. She smiled, her enlarged canines showing in full effect. " Your right, there is no such magic that I'm aware of that can do the things that flux can.Chris, do you know about God slayer magic?" She poked Keclia's nose play fully, a small chuckle burst out of her lungs. " Simply put, I am a god. The God of Taint and Flux. One of my daughters is even a Mage here, you know Kimberly Lock. "

@Isune @Zuka

Alicia: Scary Dungeon

One minute Alicia was tugging on Mizuki's arm excited about breakfast and the next was darkness. That was pretty much all Alicia remembered. Nevertheless she slowly woke up the the rough and dirt covered granite floor of the cold dungeo-...wait what? Her eyes immediately shot open as her mind registered that as extremely bad. She looked around as several people were awake. She didn't recognize a single one of them. "
Mizuki! Alfie! Anyone?!" She shouted frantically, looking around eyes wide.

Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Lavenders House
Sera was half wondering if Lavender was even awake yet, or at home. If she wasn't awake she wasn't really going to force her to wake up. God knows she'd murder a fool that did the same thing to her without good reason. Even then it was iffy. Soon enough Lavender came down and opened the door, a light blush soon appearing on Sera's face when she was greeted by Lavenders somewhat exposed chest. Damn her and her attraction to either gender. Focus Sera. You like Mika, not Lavender. She pretty much continually repeated that to herself. She was soon ushered inside, taking off her shoes as instructed and placing them by the door. Mika was the first to speak up, to which Sera nodded. "
Yeah. Come with us! I mean, if you wanna. I'll get you an outfit or two too if you want." She insisted. "Mika and I didn't really get a chance to get him some clothes last night, so I figured we could do that today. Oh! And we can get some breakfast if you want to." She added.
rbshinichi said:
Today has been a very peculiar day. Something seems to be out of placed. And it may or may not be the fact that he faced two sets of beautifully crafted woman racks in the past hour. Now he was practically shoved with another in Lavender's person. "Uhm...pardon our intrusions. We would just like to invite out shopping today. With me and Sera that is." he said as they got into the her apartment and his eyes wandered a bit. "Well, if that's not too much inconvenience to you my good Lavender." he said politely. "I implore you to come with us, if it's in your better wish."

Lavender Gray

Lavender looked from Mika to Sera as they asked if she would like to go shopping for the day. Of course Sera had to bribe her but Lavender wasnt the type to really take bribes "I can accompany you both. Though, Sera is right about breakfast. I hadnt eaten anything due to just waking up." her hair was not so nice either. But the messy look fit the warrior "I will be taking a bit. I must have a shower and get dressed for our outing since I am joining you." she smiled softly "You both will not mind waiting, yes?" Lavender just wanted to be presentable and not smell like she just got out of bed or something of that nature.​
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Chris Lengheart(unimpressive)

Chris only glared at mother as she talked about being a god. That's when the massive, bare chested, monster of a man walked over to Mother and looked her dead in the eyes. "You expect me to believe that you're a god? And yet, you put on such a pitiful display. Anyone can do that. If you truly are a god, prove it. I'm sure you'd love to showcase your powers to me." Chris said as he backed off slightly. And just to prove a point, Chris opened his mouth to reveal a whole set of canine teeth. As they returned to his standard human teeth, Chris closed his mouth and waited.

@purplepanda288 @Zuka
Eias Baole - Kim's house, waking up

Eias woke up to Orange juice spilled across her clothing. For how long she was out, she did not know. She was out long enough to become sticky though. Her cloths were practically ruined. She looked at her body, luckily her flute was not in the splash zone. It would have been hell to clean that thing out. She wouldn't stop till it was, that's for sure. Still, she looked around, Kim was asleep. Face first into her food. Eias chuckled a little just thinking about it. Hey! Kim! Wake up. Something must have happened. And well.... I need some new cloths for sure now. She blew a bubble to her. It popped and was fairly loud. For good measure, Eias gently nudged Kim a few times to get her body moving. I'll have to take you up on the offer of borrowing clothing till we get me a new set. It was time for a wardrobe change anyway. Washing and wearing the same clothing day in and out was starting to make them get wear and tear.

For the first time in a long time, Mizuki was scared. And it was evident on her face as well as her movement. Alfie, her and Alicia were all meeting up, but suddenly everything went white and when she came back to her senses the little girl was gone. Vanished into thin air. The dark Mage felt like she was kidnapped. They were all alone when it happened, but who took her and why? What could someone want with a 10 year old girl? She couldn't help but feel like a dark guild was behind this sort of thing. Back in her Grimoire Heart days kidnapping was a regular thing, until they were found out. Surely the guild wasn't back up to their old shenanigans. Mizuki was pacing back and forth across the room with her hands tugging at her hair. She couldn't help but blame herself for her disappearance. Gilad will be more than angry when he finds out. "What am I going to do? Alicia is gone! Most likely taken by barbarians who will torture her! It was my job to protect her and I failed. I lost all I had!" She hissed angrily to herself, continuing to walk around the room.

@Salt Lord

Mother kept her stren composer, even after Chris used his take over to intimidate her. With a heavy sigh she reach up to her face and pushed her hair back once again. This mortal was simply confused, a bit of magic drainage would suffice. But first... " You pitiful mortals, always thinking you can get the higher ground then us." With a smiple snap of her fingers , Mother immobilized Chris. " But when we show out true strengths we are always feared. Some of us don't want that." Her eyes flashed once again, this was just for show. Letting him know that he was at her mercy. " It's truly sad, I've live for eons and yet when I say that I'm a god I get threats to show my quote 'true power'. I could kill you, but I don't mess with the lifes of mortals that often. This a rare occasion, my dear."

@Isune @Zuka
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Kimberly Lock

Fuck me what was that?!

For the first time in her entire life, Kim had felt the effects of a drug. It's was

Nauseating, from the way that she had fallen asleep, to the throbbing headache that followed suit. Her face was riddled with a variety of meats and vegetables, even a few had found their way into her hair. She jumped up in a flurry of surprise, eventually slipping on a conveniently placed banana peel. All that could be said by her was
" Fuck!! " she rubbed her ass, trying to soothe the pain. " Oh the clothes right, Go into my room and there's walk in closet with dresses and short and stuff." She stood up, still rubbing her butt. " You change I'll clean up."

Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall

The blonde hair girl watched that huge man walk up to Mother with her emerald eyes huge. She was terrified and wasn't sure why... she wanted to flee and was pretty much standing by the time, almost as if she was going to run but something Chris did caught her attention..something with his teeth... Chris, wait was that his name?! The fact that women said she might kill him... suddenly her flee intinct turned to a fight one and in a dash she was there, before Chris with her arms spread wide. Whatever... Darkness she had come from had still tainted her body somehow... making a weird lingering barrier? Black whole for Mother's taint? Kelica wasn't even sure what it was herself... She just knew she was now between her Chris and Mother, her voice lowering as her eyes started to cloud over. Only this time she was in full control of her powers, as the ground started to rumble.

"If it is me you want, you can have me... But do not dare to lay a finger or hurt my Chris..." The words spilling out even before she half understood it herself.

@Isune @purplepanda288
Kayzo said:
For the first time in a long time, Mizuki was scared. And it was evident on her face as well as her movement. Alfie, her and Alicia were all meeting up, but suddenly everything went white and when she came back to her senses the little girl was gone. Vanished into thin air. The dark Mage felt like she was kidnapped. They were all alone when it happened, but who took her and why? What could someone want with a 10 year old girl? She couldn't help but feel like a dark guild was behind this sort of thing. Back in her Grimoire Heart days kidnapping was a regular thing, until they were found out. Surely the guild wasn't back up to their old shenanigans. Mizuki was pacing back and forth across the room with her hands tugging at her hair. She couldn't help but blame herself for her disappearance. Gilad will be more than angry when he finds out. "What am I going to do? Alicia is gone! Most likely taken by barbarians who will torture her! It was my job to protect her and I failed. I lost all I had!" She hissed angrily to herself, continuing to walk around the room.
@Salt Lord
Alfie only sat in thought, his legs crossed and an arm holding up his head. If it had been Luciana at fault for Alicia's disappearance, he would have felt it. If the mist were to even show up at this time when it's so volatile, half of the town would have already been ripped into shreds and thrown into space. But none of that happened, and as far as he knew, no one was dead... so surely it was something else. What ideas the mage did have were either too unlikely or way too obvious, like a dark guild snatching people away for torture, or a poltergeist taking revenge on Magnolia because it was secretly build on a giant cemetery... "Well, let's think," he said suddenly, looking up to Mizuki. "Our vision went white, and when we regained it, she was just gone. Vanished. Maybe it's a type of magic...? Would you happen to know anyone with magic like that?" It was also unlikely, but desperate times called for desperate questions...
Eias Baole - Gotta get some new digs soon.

She bubbled as she silently snickered to herself seeing Kim getting riled up. I guess your father made some pretty interesting food to put us to sleep like that. I wouldn't mind having another snooze though... As long as I don't get covered in OJ. She took her finger and swiped some food from Kim's face. She licked her finger before heading into her room. Before the door closed, she let another bubble fly over to Kim. Food is still good by the way! She looked through some of Kim's clothing. It was all so pretty. It would probably be a little snug on Eias though. She wasn't too sure what to wear. She opted to wear a red article of clothing. It was the more roomy of the ones she tried on. She would walk at least. She walked back out into the main area. S-so... How do I look? She asked nervously with a little bit of blush surrounding her cheeks.


Mikael La Viere

Location: Lavender's Crib


Mikael just nodded in agreement as Sera was explaining towards Lavender. And he breathed an air of relief and excitement when Lavender finally agreed to accompany them. "Waiting we will be." he answered and smiled. He then slowly paced around the cozy apartment of Lavender. He walked towards a desk against the wall, it has a vase of victorian finished with fresh flowers in it. Beside the vase were a couple of frames, with portrait and pictures in them. Atop was an elegant mirror in silver plating. One picture was, in his mind was Lavender in her childhood days. And then, the image of the now grown up lady Lavender popped into his head. She was far from the picture, but they possessed the same bright smile and those gentle eyes. "I missed growing." he said almost under a whisper. He then turned to Sera who would understand him more than anyone. "Did you wish to be a mortal even once Sera?"


@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

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Niur And Ruin - Bomb Voyage

Niur was walking to the guild hall grumpily. She was still incredibly peeved at what happened this morning and then the new couple left her when she was getting her food. It was a good thing that she carried half of their Jewels or else she'd would be chased whilst being accused as a thief. That was not happening on her watch, not now not ever. Her knife was still hidden in her sleeve as she took leisurely steps to the guild. She suddenly froze, the feeling of cold water splashing on her back...something was off...something felt incredibly off. "...This is weird." She mumbled. She held up a small Gift of Speed and broke it on the ground, making her increase her speed. She didn't feel like being alone for too long. Her increased speed let her her sprint into the guild hall quickly, only to find out that increased speed did not always mean increased brakes, and so she stumbled almost comically into the bar. "Oooooooh...." She groaned out dizzily.

Hibiki Dreyar

-Strange Cell-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.be96ce1771a415967a1c2c7bff8eaa0e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130821" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.be96ce1771a415967a1c2c7bff8eaa0e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Having been out for the count for quite a while now, waking up to the sounds of screaming and arguing between whoever, Hibiki slowly returned to the world and sat up. Of course, it wasn't long before he then proceeded to stand up as well. The air was thick of rust and the place was damp, himself and a group of other mage's had suddenly found themselves in the same situation as well, all locked up in a cell for god knows what purpose. Turning around frantically, Hibiki noticed Sora laying on the floor, obviously still out cold from the events of earlier. It was funny really, but he was definitely glad that he was here too and that she wasn't alone, although he was sure that Sora would've been able to make friends- or allies of this people if that was the case.

It was in that moment that the S-Class actually realised what had happened. What this meant. "Lyra..." He muttered, his fists clenching tightly as he slammed them on the rails of the cell, eyes staring into the small black haired child that was obviously their captor. "Let us out of here. Now." He stated, a tone of true hatred in his voice. Hibiki knew that he couldn't use his Take Over or even his Lightning Magic due to the negating properties this cell held, this was obviously the case for the others in the cell as well. With them not being able to use magic, they were pretty helpless. And completely at the disposal of Grimoire Heart. It angered Hibiki beyond belief. That 'guild' had dealt a massive blow to the world of light guilds, being able to capture this many mages from major guilds was no small tasks. But to capture S-Classes as well, you had to give it to them. Hibiki wouldn't be surprised if the council themselves decided to get involved.

Moving away from the bars of the cell, Hibiki paced up and down the cell, his arms crossed as he couldn't help but feel fearful for Lyra. The girl had trouble controlling her takeovers as it was, but without him there to help her, the likelihood for her to go into a frenzy was quite high. But Hibiki had faith in Lyra and felt as though she'd control herself. Or so he hoped. Sighing deeply, Hibiki turned to Sora once more before turning to the little girl that was obviously in distress. "Try not to panic." He muttered to her, "Grimoire Heart wants us to panic, show fear, and act irrationally. However we must stay vigilant." He said, still muttering to the girl. "Stay strong, for your friends and for your guild. I'm sure they're looking for us all now."

At least, Hibiki hoped so anyway.

Still sat next to the young girl, Hibiki tried his best to calm her down before saying. "So... What's your name?" A smile on his face as he addressed the girl, of which turned to a demonic like glare as he stared at the black haired girl on the other side of the cell. It was a shame that he couldn't use his Satan Soul. They would've been out of this cell in an instant, and that cocky vampire child would've been dealt with as well. Oh well, Hibiki knew that everyone in this cell had to start working together if they even wanted to get out of this cell. However, not even Hibiki could put a guess on the chances of that.

@Britt-21 @Kayzo @Wyatt @Kyuubey @Kazehana



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Lavender Gray

Lavender looked from Mika to Sera as they asked if she would like to go shopping for the day. Of course Sera had to bribe her but Lavender wasnt the type to really take bribes "I can accompany you both. Though, Sera is right about breakfast. I hadnt eaten anything due to just waking up." her hair was not so nice either. But the messy look fit the warrior "I will be taking a bit. I must have a shower and get dressed for our outing since I am joining you." she smiled softly "You both will not mind waiting, yes?" Lavender just wanted to be presentable and not smell like she just got out of bed or something of that nature.​

rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere

Location: Lavender's Crib


Mikael just nodded in agreement as Sera was explaining towards Lavender. And he breathed an air of relief and excitement when Lavender finally agreed to accompany them. "Waiting we will be." he answered and smiled. He then slowly paced around the cozy apartment of Lavender. He walked towards a desk against the wall, it has a vase of victorian finished with fresh flowers in it. Beside the vase were a couple of frames, with portrait and pictures in them. Atop was an elegant mirror in silver plating. One picture was, in his mind was Lavender in her childhood days. And then, the image of the now grown up lady Lavender popped into his head. She was far from the picture, but they possessed the same bright smile and those gentle eyes. "I missed growing." he said almost under a whisper. He then turned to Sera who would understand him more than anyone. "Did you wish to be a mortal even once Sera?"



Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca725557f_ValkenCry.jpg.5eba9c3df6ae0ec58813c3127175fd18.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca725557f_ValkenCry.jpg.5eba9c3df6ae0ec58813c3127175fd18.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Valken was turned away from Lloyd and the Lamia Scale crew before something caught the corner of his eye.... His purple vision narrowed but then, he took a heavy step and almost heaved, his vision completely blurred. With a weird grunt he collapsed against the ground and passed out for 10minutes. The darkness of his subconscious very similar to the pitch black darkness he was aquanted with, feeling alive and comforted in the dark embrace. But then he was a Shadow Mage so that made sense.

Slowly his eyes slid opened and he found himself already pushing himself to a knee as a palm rubbed at his eye gently. His purple eyes shifted around then, taking in the scene. Everyone else was passed out as well, it seemed from the Train Station Crew he was one of the first to rouse. With another grunt he stood up tall and rolled his shoulders from the awkward fall. The first thing he wanted to do was find out what the hell had happened, but he had to do a count and make sure everyone was alright.

His eyes fluttered over the still unconscious or just starting to awaken people, Lloyd was there, Maya, Emmerich, Noah? Oh that was right, he had gone to Fairytail to drop of Kelica... Lysander was, well, probably with that blue haired girl and Grace would be with that Sabertooth boy but...

Is suddenly dawned on him as his eyes flittered between the prone bodies around that Millie had literally disappeared. Even before he made the statement in his head, he was already leaping across the bodies with a hurried pace and ran to the complete end of the Train Station, before running head long into the wall and simply disappearing. Once inside the wall, the Shadow Mage travelled at the speed of Dark, running along the cracks in the corners of the walls, to the ceiling, out the window, along the roof, going in another entrance before popping out of a Pillar nearby to the group once more. His shoulders were shaking by this point, Millie had completely vanished. She was no where to be seen! He should have been using a clear head, using his Intellegence to think who, why, for what purpose, but all he knew is the girl he had grown to love was missing.

He started shouting now, hands balled into fists. "MILLIE?!" He looked like he was in some state of shock. How could this happen? He stepped away from her for one second to talk to he Guild Master, then she was gone? Why? For what purpose?! There was no way she could have run away, he wound have found her by now. Which meant only one thing...

She had been taken. And knowing Grimorie Heart was lurking, it made sense this was their doing...

His panic turned into a full blown rage at this point. He should have killed that good for nothing Spy at the Guild Master's Meeting, but he didn't, and now Millie was missing. He had already started yelling at this point as darkness swept out from his feet, blowing over the ground, taking away all the light in the area as well. The darker it got the more his eyes started to grow an almost soft purple hue. He had already pulled out one of his hooked daggers and was thrusting it into the side of the parked train with such force, such ferocity, he was literally tearing into the metal of the Train, ripping a whole straight through it.

"I'm going to kill them! I'm going to KILL THEM!! I'm going to make them WISH they were DEAD long before I slit their throats, those low life, spineless..." Doing one last huge diagonal slash that split the train wall in two and punched the half hanging wall so it smashed in. He didn't want to get into the train, he just needed to let out his full blown aggression and uselessness at the situation. This was all HIS fault!

If only...

If Only!!

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics @Mitchs98



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Nenma Takashi]Kenya looked down nodding. "I see well it can't be helped if they are not here." She bowed her head to the man and woman. "Thank you for your help." She walked over and sat down on the wall of the guild house. Taking her katana off her side and sat with it in her lap. "I'll wait here if you do not mind." She sat waiting patiently staring forward. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26825-colt556/ said:
Crocus City: Sabertooth Guild Hall

The man simply offered the kid a shrug before turning back to his companion. "Suit yourself, kid. But it'll be a few days until Master gets back." With that he and his companion resumed their original task. Once the two had gained some distance the woman leaned in, a grin on her face. "I wouldn't mind another cute boy in our guild. I hope he gets in." The man gave a small sigh before gently shoving her away, giving her a dismissive 'yeah yeah' before rounding the corner to go do their job.
Lysander Connell

Magnolia Train Station

When Lysander came to, it was with a pounding headache. "Urgh," he groaned aloud, forcing himself into an upright position, hugging his knees together and resting his head on them because for some reason his head felt extremely heavy. What had just happened? It felt like a minute ago that he was talking to Sora and taking her hand in his in order to give some comfort and the next thing he knew, he was on the floor with a pounding headache. How much time had passed? And... what the hell had knocked him out? Perhaps it was some magic; Lysander had heard of such magic before, and if someone was able to do so... it sounded very ominous.

When his head managed to clear somewhat, and the pain managed to somehow lessen, he turned his head slightly to look for Sora, only to jump to his feet in alarm. Unfortunately, such a sudden movement caused his head to swim even more and he had to squeeze his eyes shut against the rapidly spinning world. Sora was gone! Last he had remembered, she had been right next to him and she was now nowhere to be seen! And her last words to him was a warning that things were unsafe out there. He could not help panicking. Where was she, and had she left of her own volition... or had she been taken by that same danger she had been warning against?

Lysander had been leaning against a table as his head swam, and when he finally was able to open his eyes without any nausea, the first thing he did was check the brooch she had given him. Unfortunately, the brooch was completely still. Somehow, something had interfeered with their connection via the brooch, and all the more he could not help worrying that it was an extremely powerful entity. And now he was all the more convinced that she had been taken. Come to think of it, Hibiki was no longer around either...

Lysander pushed himself upright and headed right out of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. He scaled the nearest building he could find, jumping from rooftop from rooftop in order to see if he could find any clues as to Sora's whereabouts. He had to get there before any harm could come to her. Otherwise... he did not think he could stop blaming himself. If only he had been strong enough to resist the magic! Strong enough... it all boiled down to being strong, didn't it, and he simply was not strong enough. His fists clenched, as he continued to scour the whole of Magnolia city via rooftop. Sora did not seem to be the only one missing however... there were others rushing about in a panic, demanding if others had seen so and so. He felt slightly better knowing that at least Sora had company.

It was as he neared the Magnolia train station when he recalled that his guild were gathered there. And sure enough, he could soon pick out the tops of heads that he recognised immediately as belonging to people he knew. He immediately made his way there, jumping off the roof and landing on his feet, his poncho swishing about gallantly around him. He was still too far away for them to see him, but he was hurrying there as fast as he could and soon, he would reach them.
Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru

"Heh age doesn't bother me in the slightest. How did you know I'm a vampire Aiden? I'm almost flattered that you noticed. Well anyway if you must know I'm doing this under orders from my guild, some of you might even recognise the name... Grimoire Heart!" Ayano turned her attention to the mage that was already making herself at home. Did she think she was in some sort of luxury hotel or something? "Hey! I see your already getting comfortable. But if I may ask do you even realise where you are right now? I certainly hope you at least know you're being held captive right?" Well it didn't matter to her anyway, as long as they were in a cell then the plan can go forward.

@Britt-21 @Kayzo @Wyatt @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari

Ashley Hart

This girl was really creepy. She was pale and looked like she was dying but clearly she wasnt. She looked bloodthirsty to kill anyone when she wanted to. But it seemed that time was done talking with her because she went on talking to someone else. Ashley huffed and looked at the others in the large cell with her. More of them were waking up and starting to panic just a bit. "It would be nice if everyone was calm rather than freaking out, despite the situation..." sure, Ashley would be freaking out right now but she really wasnt doing anything at the time to really worry about anything. Though, on the inside, she is a bit frightened to know that she wouldnt be able to defend herself if something were to ever come to.

This is why she left her riches and her home, to go out and get away from the evil that corrupted her father and defend herself against whatever else comes in her way. But now, she was open. Free to hit. Free to be yelled at. Anything that could cause her harm mentally or physically. Ashley wasnt the best fist fighter, but her magic was strong. Maybe once she found a Guild she could join them and get some Training. Now is not the time to even think about that. Now it's time to think of an escape: Without magic of course.

@Kazehana @Kayzo @Wyatt @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari

Lavender Gray

Lavender smiled softly and nodded at her friends before making her way back up to her bathroom where she locked the door and took a nice shower. She took a deep breath It is so interesting... They always want me to join them on their adventures. Weather it is to a shop or a celebration. Am I really that interesting to keep around? I had always thought I was too quiet and was a third wheel. It wasnt hard to tell that Sera had a thing for Mika as well. Though, the way Lavender was raised and how she spoke was almost elegant and fancy. Something both herself and Mika share. It was nice to know that someone had words just like her and was pretty calm. Except she was a girl and a bit more emotional than a man. Who knows, maybe Mika is the same?

Turning off the water to her shower, she got out and wrapped a towel around her head and then another around her body. She went to her room to put on her clothes and went back into the bathroom to take care of her hair "I wonder where we will be going.." the wizard said as she dried her hair to the best of her ability and brushed it before walking out in her decent dress once again. It was freshly cleaned and looked just as it did the day they went to the cafe. Luckily, it wasnt too poofy to where it would be mistaken as something else. "Sir Mika? Miss Sera?" hearing humming noises come from the livingroom, she made her way over to the wide doorway and looked inside "Ah, there you both are."

@rbshinichi @Mitchs98
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~ Lion Skullflower and Bizma - FT Guild Hall ~

One minute Bizma and Lion were awake, arguing, the next they were both collapsed on the floor. Bizma slowly woke up first; luckily for her, she hadn't been captured. But a few people were missing. ".......Ungh.....wha.....huh....." she mumbled, rubbing her head. Ow. "Where.....where is everyone? Omigosh. Lion. Lion!"

".....Five more minutes....."

"Mr. Lion Skullflower, you wake up this very instant....!" Bizma said, her voice a little louder and higher-pitched. "I thought there were more people here...."


"So, they've gone somewhere....but.....where?"

"Don't care unless they were captured by hobos. Waaaaaait. What if they were?!"

@Zuka @purplepanda288 @Isune

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