Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail HQ


Sora's look of concern only increased tenfold as Chris began to speak and explain the situation. Missing? The feeling or thought of one of their own missing didn't sit very well with the sky dragon slayer, especially since Kelica had someone who cared so deeply for her like Chris did. It was horrifying to imagine what he might be going through mentally and one couldn't blame him for seeming so distraught. A few steps were taken back to bring her small petite frame beside Lysander's, her hand automatically reaching out to grasp his, fingers entwining within his almost protectively. Smiling a bit out of natural optimism, Sora spoke up then. " We'll find her, Chris. Let's not jump to any hasty conclusions yet until we've all tried to search for her. "

Sora's gaze slipped to the side and upwards then, peering up at Lysander with inquisitive eyes. "
Can I see that ribbon, Lysander? " It probably seemed like an out of place request but the blue haired girl planned to at least try to sniff Kelica out, embarrassingly so. At least it was a handy skill to have, being able to track someone, though the method wasn't very human-like and might seem odd to others. If anything, the entire search would be much quicker if it could be narrowed down to Kelica still being within Magnolia or not. Beyond that, well... Sora quickly hoped that wouldn't be the case, she had to believe that Kelica remained in the city still. It just wouldn't make sense for the girl to up and leave in the middle of the night and worry those whom cared for her.

Hibiki's smile was returned of course, an extended smile being sent to Lyra as well. The demon duo! Sora always envied them since they'd basically fallen into place with one another from the moment they'd joined the guild and been introduced to one another. They just naturally were magnetized and rarely seen without one another. It was another reason Sora loved Fairy Tail so much, everyone always found a reason to belong and the feeling of family was extended out past just the ones closest to you. Sora would naturally fight and defend every single one of them, regardless of how long they'd been a member or if they'd even spoken to her. If they had the mark, they were protected, they were cherished, they were family.

Though in this situation, it was best to remain as calm as possible until a definite answer of what was truly going on came into light. If they found Kelica, Sora would be ultimately relieved. If they didn't, a new plan would have to be made. Sora wouldn't sleep until she at least knew the blonde haired girl was safe. Her head tilted then at the mention of her name, the voice being carried by the wind like a delicate warning. "
I'll be right back. " She locked eyes with the girl suspiciously and quickly released Lysander's hand, the abruptness of it probably enough to be slightly alerting to him.

Perhaps this girl knew something about Kelica's whereabouts, which could be unlikely, but anything small should be followed up on. "
I'm sorry, do I know you? Are you lost and need help? " Sora spoke rather forwardly as the distance between the two was closed and she came to stand still before the mysterious girl. The giggles that were previously heard were a little weird and Sora could swear there was something wildly off about the mage even though she looked so young and admittedly adorable.

Arietta Forsyth - Magnolia Train Station


Aria watched everyone with curious eyes, remaining in the background now as much as possible. Idle fingers slipped through a few more strands, her fingers almost weaving their way through them in such a delicate manner that it'd probably soothe the other woman. Aria had a talent for such a thing, subtle touches or looks being able to comfort anyone and this was something she rarely did for anyone. Maya was beautiful and someone she appreciated, like a flower that was always set into a beautiful bloom. Another boy had soon approached her and kissed her hand causing Aria's eyes to become rather void of emotion once again.

It felt weird being touched by strangers but she'd found that such things were a courtesy that humans granted upon one another. So as much as she might have wanted to retract her hand for a second time from being able to be doted on, Aria resisted.
If only blending in wasn't such a pain sometimes.... The woman thought to herself, fox-like gaze slipping upon every single face once again to read the atmosphere of the group. The new addition of a blonde haired Fairy Tail mage was placed upon them and Aria looked towards her for a singular moment, almost as if to simply acknowledge her presence and nothing more.

A soft sigh escaped those pale lips, fingers disengaging themselves from Maya's hair in a reluctant manner as she took a step back and took to holding her hands behind her back, gaze raising itself to the sky. "
I'll accompany them to the Fairy Tail guildhall. She reeks of the abnormality I picked up earlier and I assure you no harm will come to her. " She spoke with a sense of authority, voice not faltering and stern enough to let Maya know she had no intention of someone trying to dissuade her from the decision she'd declared. Both hues lowered from their interest in the sky, narrowed slightly to uphold a more serious appearance.

Lyra Maelstre - Fairy Tail HQ


Lyra's hand remained on Hibiki's shoulder, a very gentle smile remaining on her features as the group spoke and discussed what they should do. It was pretty normal for her to have fallen quiet, feeling slightly out of place, the only thing radiating comfort was the boy beneath her palm. A squeeze had been given in response as Hibiki let out a small burst of electricity within his palm, knowing all too well that he was pretty compassionate and driven now, especially since it came to the guild. It was hard not to admire his determination and willingness to stand up for anyone who might try to sully or tarnish the Fairy Tail name.

I agree. It'd be best to split up though. " Even as Lyra spoke in her usual hushed tone, she drew closer to Hibiki, making it quite obvious that the 'splitting up' wasn't going to happen between the demon duo and that they'd be sticking together. " C'mon, Hibi-kun. " Lyra's hand dropped down to tug upon his with slight urgency. They had to find the girl fast before anyone's morale dropped.

Keeping Chris calm was just as important in this situation, seeing as emotions being high never registered well with Take-Over users, as she'd personally attest to. Her outbursts might be a tad more destructive but a beast soul user wasn't a joke either, they were uncontrollable as well when they saw red, per se.

@Kayzo @Metaphysics @Wyatt @Jackaboi
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Ayano Soru: Fairy Tail main doors

"I-I... uh..." This was bad, her cover was blown because of such a stupid mistake. "I'm such an idiot" She muttered to herself but this might not be so bad! She heard they were talking about a girl that went missing and she just so happened to have seen someone appear out of no-where at the station, there was already a bunch of other wizards there. This way she could group up a bunch of mages and capture them in one fell swoop (and maybe pick up some others afterwards if she's lucky). She put on the most innocent voice possible. "Um... I heard what you were talking about... I think I know where your friend is... I saw her at the Magnolia station but I think we'd better hurry... last I saw her she was passed out on the train tracks" The passed out part was exaggerated but she definitely saw a train on the verge of hitting her so if they saw her lifeless corpse squished on the tracks their minds would be weak and ripe for the picking. "When I saw her I came straight over here to find help."

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/magi_aos_46__sinbad_by_ar_ua-d8gt8f6.jpg.95186cec40e62639dfb329b5a063094f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129817" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/magi_aos_46__sinbad_by_ar_ua-d8gt8f6.jpg.95186cec40e62639dfb329b5a063094f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Train Station ? Fairy Tail

Noah looked at Aria as she said she'll come along. Thanks Aria but it'll be a quick trip. I expect to be in and out. I promise no harm will come to her. If I see Lysander and Grace I'll bring them back too. He said with a smirk. He looks down at Kelica. Please hold on tight.

Blue lightning struck through the top of the train station striking Noah. When the smoke clears Noah was gone and a scorch mark was on the ground. Another lightning strike goes off but this time this one was over Fairy Tail. Noah appeared within Fairy Tail's guild hall holding Kelica in his arms.

He looked around looking at the inside of Fairy tail.
Hmm nice guild hall. I hope Lamia Scale looks better. He said to himself. He looks at the fairy tail members. Someone lost a female wizard?? He sets Kelica down on one of the tables. I found her dazed in front of a moving train. You guys should really keep and eye on her. I might not be around next time to save her.

He grabs a mug from a table and sniffs it, seeing if it's some type of alcoholic drink. He smirks and downs whatever was left. He exhales feeling refreshed.
Thanks I needed that. He said to no one particular yet again.

Before I take my leave, is there a Lysander or a Grace here. Your Lamia Scale guildmates are waiting for you at the train station. It's time to goooooo. He said exaggerating the last part being a little goofy.

@Kayzo @Metaphysics @Wyatt
@Jackaboi @Kyuubey



  • magi_aos_46__sinbad_by_ar_ua-d8gt8f6.jpg
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Sora Marvell - Magnolia


Both eyes went wide at the mention of the possibility of Kelica's whereabouts. She wouldn't feel right if she didn't chase this lead down and at least see if it was indeed Kelica the smaller girl was talking about, or even someone else who might be hurt. If someone was passed out on the tracks, regardless, Sora would be there to help. " I'm going to go check something out! You guys should go look for her and try to be careful. " Sora's words echoed out towards the group, a bright smile upon her face to reassure them. It would've been wise to take someone with her but she didn't want to get anyone's hopes up if this fell through and it wasn't actually Kelica on the tracks. The last thing she could imagine doing was instilling false hope upon Chris whom looked worried enough as it was.

Sora ran up to Lysander then and gave him a drive-by kiss upon the cheek, letting it linger for a few moments, the feeling of time disappearing until her lips parted from his soft skin and everything came back into focus again. A small look of hope flickered in her eyes as she approached the stranger and held out her hand, expecting the mystery girl to grab onto it so they could stick together. "
Let's go then, shall we? " As tempting as it was to simply take off it'd be extremely rude to just leave the little girl by herself, especially when she was only trying to help. Sora tugged gently upon the small hand and led her out of the guild hall, walking at a brisk pace that she only hoped wasn't too hard to keep up with. " So what's your name? Were you here for the festival? It was pretty, wasn't it? " Sora inquired curiously, trying to remain distracted and level headed as they made their way to the station through the web-like, yet empty, patterned paths of the streets.

@Jackaboi @Huor Spinks @LeSoraAmari @Isune @Zuka ( Mentioned )
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Leonardo Captor

Morning | Diner


The waitress took off with their order as quickly as she'd come to take it. There weren't many other customers so Leonardo hoped their food would come quickly. His hunger was starting to irritate him. Fortunately, he was in good company. Mimi's head on his shoulder was a comforting reminder of his companion. He offered her a warm smile, which turned to a sly grin at her mention of how weird he was.

What are you talking about? Me, weird?" He lifted his chin up with a quick 'tsk!, acting as if he was offended. Of coarse he immediately went back to his usual smug smile. "You know what they say; normal is boring."

Leonardo started to fold a napkin, pressing down the edges in a very careful and structured routine as if he'd done it a million times before. While he was occupying himself, Mimi asked about when their guild would be leaving. The idea was quite saddening; Leonardo was enjoying this little holiday.

I think Master Bashult wants us back before the end of today." Anyone who heard Leonardo speak of Bashult would be able to tell that the young man held a great deal of respect for the Beast King. While Bashult was not the type for formalities, Leonardo had always insisted on referring to him as 'Master'. This wasn't just because he was the leader of the guild, but it was because Bashult had been Leonardo's mentor and role model for quite some time now. Everyone in the guild knew that despite his attitude, Leonardo always revered his Master.

Leonardo took a moment to think about what they'd do when they got back. Going on a job straight away would be the boring, typical answer. The look on Mimi's face suggested that she had been hoping for something more welcoming. Leonardo's eyes lit up with an idea.

How about we do this again when he get back?" His hands continued to fold as he spoke, just putting the finishing touches on his paper crane. "Not the whole, trip thing, but the going out somewhere part?"

He turned to Mimi with a smile, though not his normal smile. There was not a hint of smugness or cockiness behind his visage. Instead he greeted his friend with a pure, warm smile. It was an expression of comfort.

You and I talk a lot, but we don't hang out outside of the guild as much as we should." It was easy for him to overlook, but it was during these simple, peaceful moments when it became clear to Leonardo just how good of a friend Mimi was to him. In hindsight, he felt a little guilty. When he was in the guild hall, surrounded by people, his boastful attitude made him quite insufferable; especially to Mimi. Yet despite that, she'd always remained a loyal friend to him.

I like spending time with you Mimi. You're a real friend." He held his paper crane in the palm of his hand, before gently holding his hand out to Mimi. Leonardo offered the little paper bird to her. It was a bit of a silly, childish gesture, but he wanted her to know that her friendship was appreciated.
@Jackaboi @Kazehana

Alabaster Bal Magna

Alabaster was very giddy, she had not had a proper breakfast that morning so she was practically starving. Any poor fool who got between her and her food would suffer dearly. "Oh I don't know, I just ordered their finest and left it up to them." She said plainly as she patiently waited for her food. Soon enough a plate was brought to her containing a very delicious looking steak and some sort of drink. "OK! Apparently their finest is steak!"
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia


Both eyes went wide at the mention of the possibility of Kelica's whereabouts. She wouldn't feel right if she didn't chase this lead down and at least see if it was indeed Kelica the smaller girl was talking about, or even someone else who might be hurt. If someone was passed out on the tracks, regardless, Sora would be there to help. " I'm going to go check something out! You guys should go look for her and try to be careful. " Sora's words echoed out towards the group, a bright smile upon her face to reassure them. It would've been wise to take someone with her but she didn't want to get anyone's hopes up if this fell through and it wasn't actually Kelica on the tracks. The last thing she could imagine doing was instilling false hope upon Chris whom looked worried enough as it was.

Sora ran up to Lysander then and gave him a drive-by kiss upon the cheek, letting it linger for a few moments, the feeling of time disappearing until her lips parted from his soft skin and everything came back into focus again. A small look of hope flickered in her eyes as she approached the stranger and held out her hand, expecting the mystery girl to grab onto it so they could stick together. "
Let's go then, shall we? " As tempting as it was to simply take off it'd be extremely rude to just leave the little girl by herself, especially when she was only trying to help. Sora tugged gently upon the small hand and led her out of the guild hall, walking at a brisk pace that she only hoped wasn't too hard to keep up with. " So what's your name? Were you here for the festival? It was pretty, wasn't it? " Sora inquired curiously, trying to remain distracted and level headed as they made their way to the station through the web-like, yet empty, patterned paths of the streets.

@Jackaboi @Huor Spinks @LeSoraAmari @Isune @Zuka ( Mentioned )
Ayano Soru: Somethings wrong...

Ayano started to giggle again "The festival? Yes I was there... It was boring, it would have been more enjoyable the fireworks were to malfunction and kill everyone." She started to laugh hysterically "Your friend's probably dead by now... Kelica right? the one with the forest magic? I saw her appear on the train tracks on the verge of being hit by a train... she's probably nothing but a big red mess by now..." She lifted her right hand and grinned as wide as possible showing off her guild mark and fangs with pride. "You asked for my name right? It's Ayano Soru! A pleasure to meet you, though you'd better hurry and find what's left of your friend before the vulture's get to her." After that she disappeared into the shadows of the alleyways.


Livian Azul.

Roof of the Liddell Orphanage.

Livian could hear what sounded like fighting from his room, as it appeared Alice had decided to use his room's ceiling area as a place to conduct a class and a sparing set up of some sort. The man had just woken up some odd minutes ago, let us go with twenty-one minutes, as it is odd. Brushing his teeth he let out a sigh as he heard another thud, luckily he was never really a grumpy person and he was awake no so it didn't really matter too much, wasn't like it was waking him up.

A few more minutes passed by, and now Livian was fully dressed in his staple of an outfit. Another thud on the ceiling, causing him to furrow his eyebrow. Livian finally decided to investigate, and investigate he did! A small stairwell was close to his room and he went into it, taking the stairs to the roof to go see what was exactly was happening. Arriving he would see Alice fighting a clone of herself, with her winning. He didn't see much of the fight, none of it really.

Closing the door quietly he leaned against it and watched as Alice instructed the kids to pair up and began to spar, causing him to exam them all. He wasn't much of an expert when it came to fighting so his attention was soon caught by something else.

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented ApartmentAlicia could tell words alone wouldn't be enough, but maybe they had helped if only a little. Everything she said was true in her opinion, even if no one else cared for her Alicia always would no matter what. She was sure lots of people cared for her though, especially Sabertooth. Despite being more strict than other guilds they were most definetely family and friends in their own way, some might be a bit more offstandish than the rest but that didn't matter. Even Gilad was just a big teddy bear at heart, he just had an image to uphold. She knew first hand he was actually a kind man. But, that was offtopic. Mizuki was her main focus. She'd have to do something to make her feel better about herself. Maybe organize some kind of party with the others when they got back? Masaki could make decorations and all kinds of stuff. It'd be fun! She definetely do that. She'd prove beyond words how much Mizuki meant to them. "You're welcome Mizuki. Just remember I meant what I said. I care a whole lot about you, so don't think you don't matter to anyone else ever again okay?" She replied.

She couldn't even begin to think what she'd do if something happened to Mizuki, she'd taken care of her and been there for her ever since her parents had died after all. As far as family went she was the closest thing she had.
Mizuki sighed softly as she continued to hold Alicia against her body. Her shadowy arms silently packed the clothes behind them while the younger girl talked. Once again she found her words to be very sweet and comforting, yet still didn't make a big difference in her thinking. Though the effort was appreciated. "You're a very sweet girl Alicia. You're smart and caring and pretty." The dark Mage wasn't one to throw out compliments left and right, but Alicia was an exception. The young girl was the only thing close to family besides (daddy) Gilad. But since the little girl was trying hard to be nice to her, she had to do the same. "We are all packed up. What do you wish to do?"

Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

She gave a quick glance over to the boy as he offered to leave them alone. She remained silent to the question, turning her gaze back to Grace as she seemed to be getting frustrated with her pressing the festival line of questioning. Try as she might she still couldn't understand why the entire guild would travel here for a simple festival but it was clear it was time to just let it drop. Some things in life were simply meant to be a mystery, or maybe there really was just no answer that would satisfy her. Immediately upon deciding to drop the festival subject she was blindsided with the decision of whether the boy should leave them or not. She stared at Grace for a moment, then quickly at Masaki before turning to Grace. Right after she quickly brought her hand up to her cap, pulling it down slightly to hide her features. "U-um.. I.. I.." Being put on the spot like this in regards to a stranger left her flustered as her face became even more down-cast as she stammered out a response. "I.. don't mind.." The words were quiet and quick as she finally managed to force out a proper response. It was bad enough having the boy there to begin with but being put on the spot like that? There were few things in life worse than that.
Grace could tell that Mikado wasn't all that happy about something. At first she thought it was becauseshe took offense to her whole "stop asking questions" tone, but that was scraped. Surely she would've had an angrier reaction than that. Then she thought it was because she didn't like like being put on the spot. The shorter girl was the same way, but instead of getting all flustered about it she just told the person asking her to decide for her. It seemed that she didn't care about what they did with Masaki, though she felt as if it'd be better if he went away. It'd give the girls time to talk about things without the risk of making Masaki bored. However before she could tell him to leave the red haired boy seemed to have read their minds. She was suddenly pulled into a hug as Masaki explained that he would leave the two alone for a bit. "Oh, sounds good Masaki. Meet me at the train station a little later. Though if I don't see you before then, I'll see you in a few weeks. Love you." She said with a smile, waving goodbye as he walked off. Once her and Mikado were all alone Grace threw her arm around her friend's shoulder, pulling her in close with a grin. "Great, we're all alone! We can finally have the time to catch up and have fun! Or do you want to find the rest of our guildmates? I could do anything you want!"

~ Lion Skullflower and Bizma ~

"HOOOOOBOOOOOOOS! THEY'RE GONNA EAT ME ALIVE!" the long-haired blonde B-Class screamed for the millionth time. Bizma resisted the urge to slap him. She had been given a request from one of his old servants to watch him and make sure he didn't get into any trouble, and right now, she was slowly realizing why they had paid so much money. This guy was freaking annoying.

".....Nobody's going to eat you..." she mumbled, walking towards her guild hall, always trying to look as discreet as possible. However, Lion had other ideas.

"THERE'D BETTER NOT BE ANY MOTHERFUCKING HOBOS HERE!" he screamed. Bizma let out a little groan and sat down at a table, Lion still following her. "HEY, HOBOS! I'M LION SKULLFLOWER AND THIS," He patted a very embarrassed Bizma on the back. "IS MY NEW BODYGUARD, BIZMA! SHE'S A REAL LIFE PEASANT!"

.....Kill me now.....

@everyoneintheguildhall (2lazy2tag)
Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail HQ


Sora was stricken with a sudden fear, a tremble overcoming her entire frame. She felt immobilized, the mark reflecting to etch itself into those widening eyes. Grimoire Heart? As brave as the dragon slayer was, an immediate concern for those in the city begin to cripple her. If there was one member from the dark guild present in the city then there had to be more. Disbelief slid over her features as the small girl spoke about Kelica. That couldn't be true; it just couldn't be. Sora's hands managed to curl into small fists as Ayano disappeared into the shadows, reeling back for a moment as if she'd been slapped.

There was no way that the dark mage could be trusted and Sora quickly made the decision to return to the guildhall. They had to be warned, it couldn't be a coincidence that Ayano had chosen to show up, let alone let someone be aware of her presence. A determined spark flashed within her eyes and she quickly whirled around, enchanting her feet to increase her speed, becoming a blur within the city until she burst through the guild doors. The lights within the hall lit up her face, making every facet of her expression visible to those who turned to look. Hurt, anger, and fear were painted there, fists still balled up like it was the only thing keeping her from unwinding in front of everyone. That guild had brought Earthland nothing but chaos and pain, they were a sinister and devious bunch and Sora whom was incapable of hatred felt something extremely close to it building up at the mere thought of them.

Ayano's maniacal smile and laughter replayed in her head over and over, repeating itself until Sora closed her eyes to wish it away. A rhythmic set of breathing and concentration finally allowed those thoughts to diminish and she quickly gazed around the hall. Her eyes fell on Kelica and a wave of relief washed over each limb, some of the weight she'd felt being lifted in that moment.
At least she's okay... Sora thought to herself, also grateful she hadn't believed what the dark guild mage had been saying. Perhaps it was to taunt her but the question was why and for what gain. Or maybe she intended to lead the dragon slayer away from her friends, perhaps to target them or possibly even her. Too many questions swam within her thoughts, making it hard to focus.

She strode over to Hibiki and placed a small hand upon his shoulder, grip betraying a sense of urgency. Her shaking hues rested on Lysander whom she now felt a huge sensation of regret building in the pit of her stomach for leaving behind. If there truly was a danger in the city, she'd just left him vulnerable to it, even for just a short amount of time.
Sora took a deep breath and let it out slowly. " Hibiki.. " It felt like the steady ground below her was cracking in half at the idea of shattering the sense of peace they'd finally grasped after Master Cece's death. " Someone from Grimoire Heart is in the city. I think something bad is about to happen. " She stated confidently but in a low enough voice that it wouldn't be overheard by others in the hall. The hand upon his shoulder fell to her side in a grim manner.

It was astonishing to see Sora act this way but currently she felt helpless and gullible. How could she not have sensed the darkness in that small girl? When did she get to be so oblivious to the signs and neglected relying on her usual senses? Shadows cast under Sora's eyes as she made her way over to Lysander, frame automatically leaning against his for any connection to the comfort that was always offered by his presence. Of course she had spoken loud enough for him and Lyra to hear as well, though it had been with absolute conviction. They needed to know as well, the others however needed to focus on Kelica and assure that she'd been okay. For some reason part of the story Ayano had told her seemed true, just a smidgen of it, the rest was confirmed to be false since the blonde girl was alive and well.

She heard a mage from the bar speak out and tell Lysander that his guild was waiting for him at the train station and a rather mechanical feeling of protectiveness took over. Both hands reached to grasp his and she pulled herself into him, face burying into the poncho, eyes level with the brooch she'd given him. "
You can't go out there right now, please Lysander. It's not safe. " Her eyes almost seemed filled with an intensity that only appeared in battle as they stared into the crystal, Ayano's childlike yet twisted expression creeping up once again only to enhance the ferocity within them. Luckily Lysander couldn't see the expression currently plastered on her face to sully its usually innocent and cheerful one.

@Jackaboi @LeSoraAmari @Huor Spinks @Zuka (Mentioned) @Embaga Elder

Aurelie hadn't the slightest idea what to do with herself. In the time it took Eric to go up to the bar, she had successfully finished her evaluation of the area. As far as she knew, there wasn't anyone giving them the stink eye, waiting for their moment to prey on the innocent. During that time, she had already noticed the food dotting the tables of a few patrons. Upon Eric's return, however, she was fairly mute. His arrival caused her eyes to snap back to him as if he had intruded on a private moment. But she had merely mistaken him for a stranger, and she relaxed upon her realization. After his explanation of how the bar worked, she smiled and nodded as if she would have never possibly known without his input. No need to make him feel unnecessary after all.

Despite how intriguing it might have seemed to dine with so many people at an alcoholic hotspot, she shook her head. "I have already ate this morning. But I can stay while you two eat," she said passively, watching as someone put a glass of water down in front of her. She just stared at it and blinked a few times, as if it were the most bizarre situation to find herself in. Hey gaze drifted back to Alabaster as her food came in turn, tilting her head to the side. In all her time within the city, she never had figured out where meat came from. To her, it was merely another crop much like strawberries or apples. But did they grow on trees or on vines?

The bar's activity had her restless, almost as if her inactivity was causing her to be in danger. She shuffled in her seat a few times, though she couldn't tell what ailed her. Her hand found its way to the glass, wrapping itself around almost instinctively. She had, of course, no inclination of what to do with such a thing, but she seemed to know exactly what to do with it regardless. Soon, she found herself drinking the water, and her eyes came alive at the realization. Well this certainly was fascinating. After a few swigs, she set it back down to its original position, trying to act casual as if nothing happened. But on the inside, the discovery was exhilarating; she longed to find out other neat inventions of the light world.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
Seto looked at his chest proud of the Blue Pegasus symbol on his chest. He looked at his new guild master and smiled. "Well anything you wanted me to do?" He looked around for a quest board or something like that. All the while tapping his wooden sword thinking.

Meanwhile Kenya was tapping her foot waiting for someone to answer the door to the Sabertooth guild. She began to wonder if anyone was even there. "Wait if there isn't anyone here then I'll have to look for the guild leader, or someone apart of the guild. But wait I don't know anyone in the guild so I don't know who to ask!" She stood outside the doors talking to herself those that saw her would think she was a bit on the crazy side or more likely think she was a he but still none the less crazy.

@Metaphysics @Colt556
Kayzo said:
Mizuki sighed softly as she continued to hold Alicia against her body. Her shadowy arms silently packed the clothes behind them while the younger girl talked. Once again she found her words to be very sweet and comforting, yet still didn't make a big difference in her thinking. Though the effort was appreciated. "You're a very sweet girl Alicia. You're smart and caring and pretty." The dark Mage wasn't one to throw out compliments left and right, but Alicia was an exception. The young girl was the only thing close to family besides (daddy) Gilad. But since the little girl was trying hard to be nice to her, she had to do the same. "We are all packed up. What do you wish to do?"
Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia giggled as Mizuki called her kind and pretty. She wasn't sure, but she felt she helped her feel a little better. Even if it was only a little bit that was still good. Mizuki did so much for her, she deserved to be happy. "I think you're kind a pretty too Mizuki." She replied. Alicia hadn't even noticed that Mizuki had been silently packing while they talked, so she was a bit confused when she said they were done packing. "Ooh. Thanks Mizuki!" She told her. "Annnd...let's go get some breakfast. Then we can look for Alfie and talk to him a bit before we go home if you want to." She added. She was determined to get those two together, or at-least prove Alfie liked her.

She rolled her eyes promptly at his terrible acting. Of course he hadn't been offended. He thought far too highly of himself for that to have been the case even remotely. Her grin reciprocated his, though to a much less cocky extent, when he mentioned normal being boring. Of course it was! That was why she preferred to stick with him, or at least that's what she concluded in the moment. She herself wasn't the most normal mage out there, and she knew it perfectly well. "I think you would know better than to tell me how fun abnormal can be," she teased, though she could tell he was already thinking about her next question.

His mention of Bashult's wishes for them to be back right away placed a rather damp blanket on her spirits. Of course they would have to go back to work. The very thought of ending her vacation so young would have sent tears to her eyes had she not known that it was an inevitability. That and she wasn't 7 so she didn't cry when she didn't get her way. It was, after all, best to suck it up and deal with life the old fashioned way. Besides, jobs were quite fun with the right people and the right amount of time and resources to deal with the problem. She would be back at it with no problems in no time.

Though his offer to go out again brightened her gloomy thoughts right up. She looked right back up at him and perked her smile to fit her approval of his suggestion. "I love spending time with you. And you're right; we really don't get out enough," she affirmed, nodding in approval. She looked fondly at the small token she received from Leo, taking a moment to collect her thoughts. "I'd love to fix that, though. If you ever see me, feel free to ask," she added, looking up at him.

In doing so, she realized that what she requested of him was grossly unfair. He shouldn't be solely responsible for maintaining a healthy friendship. This was a two way street. "But I'll ask too!" she blurted out, almost as if she had realized her mistake instantly before trying to correct it. "I just..." she began, looking back down at the crane. It was a little embarrassing, but she felt it needed to be said at this point. "I don't feel like I'm a good friend sometimes," she muttered softly. "After all, I'm not very supportive, and you tend to flock directly to the nearest spotlight," she continued uneasily. "I just.. felt like you saw me as another source to give you the attention you crave," she finished quietly, mostly because she couldn't believe her thoughts were coming alive.

Once she had finished, their pancakes had been placed right in front of them, and the waitress left busily with the most pleasant of 'enjoy's. Mimi's eyes lit up from their dull melancholy and immediately reached for her silverware. "Well enough of that! Food time!" she declared happily, almost as if nothing had happened at all. In fact, to her, it was almost like it hadn't. She was so hungry that she would have eaten the entire container of salt had she waited minutes longer. Despite her haste to stuff her face, she took care to cut the pieces into manageable sizes so that she wouldn't make a total spectacle of herself. Attention wasn't her forte like it was Leo's.

[/FONT][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Chat Noir[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Neuton]
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Kyuubey said:
Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail HQ


Sora was stricken with a sudden fear, a tremble overcoming her entire frame. She felt immobilized, the mark reflecting to etch itself into those widening eyes. Grimoire Heart? As brave as the dragon slayer was, an immediate concern for those in the city begin to cripple her. If there was one member from the dark guild present in the city then there had to be more. Disbelief slid over her features as the small girl spoke about Kelica. That couldn't be true; it just couldn't be. Sora's hands managed to curl into small fists as Ayano disappeared into the shadows, reeling back for a moment as if she'd been slapped.

There was no way that the dark mage could be trusted and Sora quickly made the decision to return to the guildhall. They had to be warned, it couldn't be a coincidence that Ayano had chosen to show up, let alone let someone be aware of her presence. A determined spark flashed within her eyes and she quickly whirled around, enchanting her feet to increase her speed, becoming a blur within the city until she burst through the guild doors. The lights within the hall lit up her face, making every facet of her expression visible to those who turned to look. Hurt, anger, and fear were painted there, fists still balled up like it was the only thing keeping her from unwinding in front of everyone. That guild had brought Earthland nothing but chaos and pain, they were a sinister and devious bunch and Sora whom was incapable of hatred felt something extremely close to it building up at the mere thought of them.

Ayano's maniacal smile and laughter replayed in her head over and over, repeating itself until Sora closed her eyes to wish it away. A rhythmic set of breathing and concentration finally allowed those thoughts to diminish and she quickly gazed around the hall. Her eyes fell on Kelica and a wave of relief washed over each limb, some of the weight she'd felt being lifted in that moment.
At least she's okay... Sora thought to herself, also grateful she hadn't believed what the dark guild mage had been saying. Perhaps it was to taunt her but the question was why and for what gain. Or maybe she intended to lead the dragon slayer away from her friends, perhaps to target them or possibly even her. Too many questions swam within her thoughts, making it hard to focus.

She strode over to Hibiki and placed a small hand upon his shoulder, grip betraying a sense of urgency. Her shaking hues rested on Lysander whom she now felt a huge sensation of regret building in the pit of her stomach for leaving behind. If there truly was a danger in the city, she'd just left him vulnerable to it, even for just a short amount of time.
Sora took a deep breath and let it out slowly. " Hibiki.. " It felt like the steady ground below her was cracking in half at the idea of shattering the sense of peace they'd finally grasped after Master Cece's death. " Someone from Grimoire Heart is in the city. I think something bad is about to happen. " She stated confidently but in a low enough voice that it wouldn't be overheard by others in the hall. The hand upon his shoulder fell to her side in a grim manner.

It was astonishing to see Sora act this way but currently she felt helpless and gullible. How could she not have sensed the darkness in that small girl? When did she get to be so oblivious to the signs and neglected relying on her usual senses? Shadows cast under Sora's eyes as she made her way over to Lysander, frame automatically leaning against his for any connection to the comfort that was always offered by his presence. Of course she had spoken loud enough for him and Lyra to hear as well, though it had been with absolute conviction. They needed to know as well, the others however needed to focus on Kelica and assure that she'd been okay. For some reason part of the story Ayano had told her seemed true, just a smidgen of it, the rest was confirmed to be false since the blonde girl was alive and well.

She heard a mage from the bar speak out and tell Lysander that his guild was waiting for him at the train station and a rather mechanical feeling of protectiveness took over. Both hands reached to grasp his and she pulled herself into him, face burying into the poncho, eyes level with the brooch she'd given him. "
You can't go out there right now, please Lysander. It's not safe. " Her eyes almost seemed filled with an intensity that only appeared in battle as they stared into the crystal, Ayano's childlike yet twisted expression creeping up once again only to enhance the ferocity within them. Luckily Lysander couldn't see the expression currently plastered on her face to sully its usually innocent and cheerful one.

@Jackaboi @LeSoraAmari @Huor Spinks @Zuka (Mentioned) @Embaga Elder

Hibiki Dreyar

-Fairy Tail HQ-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.png.43e5bac8ebae326985a8a0972f422cd8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130003" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.png.43e5bac8ebae326985a8a0972f422cd8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Before the group could even begin their search for the Forest Magic user, she was brought into the confines of the guild by a Lamia Scale mage. Sighing in relief, Hibiki smiled to himself. But before he could even greet Kelica and see if she was okay, Sora came bursting into the guild hall with a look of complete horror plastered onto her face. Her whole persona seemed fractured, as if she were a piece of china. Sora- The Sky Dragon Slayer of Fairy Tail, the usually tough demeanour she was known to retain had seemingly vanished and crumbled into a thousand pieces, Hibiki could tell just by looking at the girl. There was only one thing present on her face, and that was fear. The blue haired girl strolled over to him rather rapidly, and then placed a hand on his shoulder. Confused, Hibiki began said "Sora what's wro-", before being interrupted mid sentence by the girl.

What was said completely threw him off guard, his eyes slowly transforming from their usual kind look as they turned narrow, and full of hatred. "Grimoire Heart are in the city?" He muttered to her. Hibiki knew for a fact that Sora wasn't lying, which made matters even worse. Grimoire Heart was the worst of them all, it's members were villains, nasty and cruel to the bone with little regard to the lives of others. Their goal? destroy every single light guild. As his fists slowly formed into a clench, Hibiki turned to Sora, an uncommon look of caution plastered on the males face. "We have to do something. We need to find whoever it is you're talking about before something really does happen." It was in that moment, that Hibiki then turned towards Lyra before whispering in her ear, "Stay here, and make sure no one leaves the guild." After that, he turned to the other S-Class Mage, before reaching out and placing his hands in hers, curling them up as if to add to the comfort. "Listen to me. It's going to be okay, let your fear become the source of your strength. Use it to empower your resolve, I know you want to protect the guild just as much as I do. It's okay to be scared, but don't let it change who you are." He then briefly looked over towards Lysander, "And Lysander over there. Well, you can protect him too. But if you let yourself be consumed by fear then you won't be capable of doing that." As Hibiki released his hands from Sora's, he slowly began to walk towards the doors of the guild. "Let's go, I'll be by your side every step of the way." He said, a smile directed towards Sora. Afterwards, the Dreyar then clenched his fists again after turning away.

This was obviously the start of something terrible, and Hibiki feared that the guild was not ready for what's to come, whatever that may be.

@Jackaboi @Zuka @Isune @Embaga Elder @Huor Spinks



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Ayano Soru: Magnolia Streets

This was unexpected to say the least. Why didn't Sora run straight to the station? Then again she probably didn't believe her... "I should have expected this... I'm in Grimoire Heart after all. Still though she only spoke the truth." As far as she knew a train was about to hit Kelica. She decided to head to the station to check up on the other mages, they are all probably shocked by the sudden death but when she looked at the tracks the girl was gone. "Huh not even a single stain of blood? even if they had extremely fast cleaners I would still be able to smell the lingering stench but there's nothing." This would require her to investigate... but... later, there was still more important things to deal with.

Eric: Magnolia Bar

"Hey Alabaster how do you know Aurelie? Were you the one who invited her to join the guild or something? I mean she has some pretty unique magic up her sleeves... almost as if she's not of this realm..." Eric locked eye's with Aurelie like a detective interrogating a suspect but after a moment he sat back and laughed "Ha ha ha! I'm only joking." Eric was about to take another drink but he stopped to think. Did Aurelie hate booze? Or has she never tried it before? He only ordered a cider so mabye she could try it "Hey you ever tried cider before?" He offered Aurelie the pint so she could try it.

Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail , Wizard Saint

Magnolia , Fairy Tail Guild Hall

After some time had passed , and the feeling of unease hadn't passed , Clair rose from her chair and neatly pushed it in under the glass table. She then proceeded to make her way out of Fairy Hills and down towards the main Guild building itself , mind you all of this was done rather casually so it came as quite a shock to her when Sora shot by at full speed kicking dirt up onto her clothing.

Anyway after a quick reequip Clair eventually made it to the guild hall doors and she was about to enter when Hibiki hit her with the door and Clair , well, she fell to the ground quite fast , letting out quite a surprised squeak as she did so. Honestly why was everyone in such a rush today ? the festival was over! "Ow , ow , ow."

Crocus City: Sabertooth Guild Hall

As the girl was busy monologueing to herself the guild hall's doors were suddenly thrown open as a pair of mages made their way outside. A man and a woman, both appearing to be in their young twenties were suddenly forced to stop before colliding into the girl. The surprise was evident on their faces as the man took the opportunity to step forward, looking the girl up and down briefly before speaking. "Did you have some business with someone from the guild?"

Kayzo said:
Grace could tell that Mikado wasn't all that happy about something. At first she thought it was becauseshe took offense to her whole "stop asking questions" tone, but that was scraped. Surely she would've had an angrier reaction than that. Then she thought it was because she didn't like like being put on the spot. The shorter girl was the same way, but instead of getting all flustered about it she just told the person asking her to decide for her. It seemed that she didn't care about what they did with Masaki, though she felt as if it'd be better if he went away. It'd give the girls time to talk about things without the risk of making Masaki bored. However before she could tell him to leave the red haired boy seemed to have read their minds. She was suddenly pulled into a hug as Masaki explained that he would leave the two alone for a bit. "Oh, sounds good Masaki. Meet me at the train station a little later. Though if I don't see you before then, I'll see you in a few weeks. Love you." She said with a smile, waving goodbye as he walked off. Once her and Mikado were all alone Grace threw her arm around her friend's shoulder, pulling her in close with a grin. "Great, we're all alone! We can finally have the time to catch up and have fun! Or do you want to find the rest of our guildmates? I could do anything you want!"
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

Despite her response the boy seemed inclined to take his leave. Why even bother asking her for her opinion if he was just going to take off anyways? She allowed her gaze to wander, looking anywhere but the pair as they exchanged their farewells. It was only at Grace stating that they were alone that she focused back on the girl. She spared a quick glance at the boy as he walked away before bringing her hand up to play with the end of her scarf as she mulled over Grace's question. With the city apparently coming off a festival she doubted there would be too much to do and she hadn't seen the guild for a long while. She gave a small nod as she resolved her internal debate, releasing her scarf in the process. "I haven't seen everyone in forever, they'll probably be surprised to find me in Magnolia, so we could go give them a visit. You said almost everyone came so does that mean Master's here as well?" With her apparently being in charge of their destination she turned and begun making her way back towards the train station she had come from. She spared another glance in the direction the boy had went, curiosity getting the better of her. Without even allowing the other girl to respond she quickly injected a second question. "How'd you manage to snag a guy from Sabertooth anyways?"
Aleria Feathersaint

"Relax youngster, take your time to meet all of your new guild mates." Aleria patiently said. Yes, she was definitely sure that young newcomers to guilds are always enthusiastic to prove their worth to their peers. She'd give him a week or so to truly settle in. "That being said. I think you should start it off easy, I don't want t hear you hurting yourself too badly on your first day here." She said. But as she was saying that her eyes conveyed a very different message, a rather off topic one. 'I will reject all your romantic advances.' conveyed.

@The Dinkster @Chat Noir @Yaoke Saint @Nenma Takashi (While I'm not sure if we can join in on the arc, BP is now technically active in the RP. Go wild sweeties~<3)
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Seto felt a stab in his heart as her eyes so clearly said, that she would reject him at every turn. 'She strong I've never faced someone like this. BUT!!! SETO KYON DOESN'T BACK DOWN!!!!' "Sure I'll ease my way into stuff slow and steady I always say. After all the toughest of problems never have the quickest solutions." His eyes seem to say something to no not say but scream. 'We'll see about that!'

Kenya turned around to the two who had just walked through the guild doors. She nodded at the man's question. "My name is Kenya Yukimi I'd like to speak with your guild master about joining." She tried to smile her father did say how that would help make a good impression. But as she tried to all she seemed to get was a smile that looked almost like a glare.

@Metaphysics @Colt556
Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca65545f4_images(37).jpg.713122955a774eadd5a89256857e5fb7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130331" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca65545f4_images(37).jpg.713122955a774eadd5a89256857e5fb7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

If Kelica was trying to come to grips with reality now, it only got 100% more confusing as she was surrounded by mages she didn't recognise. Really it was only that older sandy haired mage (@Huor Spinks) she half recognised though she couldn't seem to place from exactly where.... Lloyd...There was something about his name that was ringing bells, but she just lifted her green eyes with that same bewildered expression. Of course he didn't get a chance to enquire before Noah stepped away again and Kelica found herself looping her arms around Noah's neck to peer over his shoulder at Lloyd... furrowed brow screaming, who are you? The last confused gaze he might have seem before there was a thunder clap and once again she was elsewhere. ... @Embaga Elder

Kelica clenched down her eyes as the thunder sound made her tremble and when she opened her eyes again she was awash with a new place, new people, more colours. She glanced around the faces of the Guild Hall as Noah placed her on the table, sitting up on the edge. And while he was stealing some half empty mug of ale, she looked to him with that same furrowed brow. The softest of whispers...

"I... I don't recognise anyone...
" She said simply to Noah, though her green eyes broke to glance at the tower of a man beside the bar (Chris @Isune). Again, he seemed familiar but she just couldn't put a finger on where....

Unfortuntately the one person that might have been able to actually help, the blue haired girl (Sora @Kyuubey) looked to be agitated and was already half out the door with the blonde guy (Hibiki @LeSoraAmari).

Kelica half curled up, knees into chest and arms around her legs, fingers gently touching her ankle were her Fairytail Mark rested. She remembered Cece letting her join but everything after was a half blur.



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By last eve, the boyish-looking Zoa had rested in a makeshift camp of twigs and leaves. Luckily the rain set out this week. Come morn' Zoa felt every bone in his body alongside and imaginary skillet that was caving his head in each time he tried to grasp a thought. What day it was, what time it was, what year it was. None of which he was able to figure out. He had been wandering around for days now, in the hopes of reaching the nearest city. Some crusty peddlar had directed him towards Magnolia. A name he vaguely remembered. But as peddlars were, insane, this one could not tell him how long it would take to reach or how far away it might be.

So all he had to go on were the words of an old hermit who had probably gone mental decades ago. But Zoa was not in a position where he could choose what help to take, and sure enough, the lead proved to be honest. He spotted civilization from afar, the sounds of rummaging streets reaching his ears. A main road, the first one he had found since he woke up in the woods, lead all the way into the city. Hopes heightened the not-so-young-feeling lad set off.

After wandering around aimlessly, breathing in the life and positive atmosphere, he was headed for the nearest tavern, or inn, in hopes for a place to rest and eat. He was hungry, tired and about done with everything. A good meal and a nap was what he needed right about now. Blasting the door open of a building that had a sign with the words "tavern & inn" above it, the short figure swiftly swept through the rows. All the while, a naked cat paced behind him. Much slower, and awfully inconspicuous. It was small, even for a cat.

After jumping up on one of the stools he audibly tapped on the counter and signaled the waiter. Unaware that his rags were smelling of days worth of dirt and sweat, and also not paying heed to his mudded face and earth-colored hands, he was approached with some caution. "I need a meal and a bed. I've no money on me, but I can pay with work. I can fix anything you'd like me to and even help out in the kitchen."

Next to him, a drunken codger was minding his own business, an empty mug in front of him. Grabbing the mug out of the oldtimer's weak grasp, he slammed it against the counter to shatter. While the establishment was full, and people were talking over one another, this was bound to be heard. "Hey kid! What d'you think you doin'?" The barkeeper replied anxiously and loudly, beriddled by this sudden proposal and the strange child it was made by.

Zoa answered the man's confused stare with an unchanging expression. Still clutching the handle of the broken tankard, the bits and pieces, shards and splinters all suddenly rattled and flew back towards his fist. Rejoining in his hand, the porcelain crockery had returned to its former state. "See?" Zoa replied, staring into a befuddled face. A wrinkly hand waved next to him trying to grab at the fixed jug. "S'mine... kiddo." The intoxicated senior proclaimed before his head thudded down on the counter and a soft snore evaporated from his nose. "Wha-... li-listen kid, you can't just barge in here expectin' to pay for service with parlor tricks." The barkeep finally commented.

"Just one meal, and one bed for one night. I can fix all the nooks and crannies I saw when I entered. The rusty doorhinge, done. Numerous crooked barstools, fixed. Moldy windows, finished. Please, consider it, at least." He replied eagerly with a bright expression.
Chris Lengheart(Kelica!)

Chris only shook his head as everyone mentioned finding her. What were the actual chances of Kelica just magically popping into the guildhall right this very second. Obviously, they were quite high since that's pretty much what happened.

Chris' entire attitude changed as he stared in awe at the man who had brough Kelica back, and then immediately turning his gaze to Kelica. His jaw had basically hit the floor from shock, but who cared, Kelica was back home. Tears began to well up in his eyes as Chris walked over to his lost lover, ready to embrace her in a barechested hug.

Right as Chris was about to wrap his arms around Kelica he heard her say something. She said it in a very quiet whisper, but Chris heard it nonetheless. She couldn't remember who any of them were! He stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at Kelica. "
Y-you're kidding right? Do you at least remember me? I'm Chris, remember? Please Kelica!" Chris said, completely unaware of what he could possibly do in this kind of situation.

Chris had promised to always love and protect Kelica no matter what. And it had already seemed as though that promise had been broken.

@Zuka ((the feels! xD ))


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