Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Her gaze drifted to Alabaster, offering a brief nod in acknowledgement. She stopped and took a moment to address Eric's question. His comment about being supposedly feeling safe with him there didn't help her worry about the bar. For one, she didn't know what Alabaster was capable of, but Eric wasn't exactly what she would consider to be a stellar performer under pressure. After all, he was the one that ended up ensnared in the barrier. But she wasn't going to talk about that with him, mostly to avoid conflict with him. That and it may have just been a one time thing. Despite the outcome, he did have some good decisions.

"No, I'll be fine," she said quietly, not looking at him as she did. She was more serious now, alert at her surroundings. Even in a familiar environment, it was always beneficial to know what was going on. But in an unfamiliar environment? It was generally best to pay attention to others more than yourself until the situation was evaluated. After all, anything could happen with so many people around.

Slowly, she meandered over to Alabaster, taking a seat against the wall. She wanted to try to keep everyone else within her line of sight. Just in case. She refrained from ordering so as to not have more clutter taking up her attention capacity. Her eyes drifted around the room, evaluating the people and the situations they found themselves within. With this company, she might need to keep on constant alert. After all, she didn't trust any of them to keep to themselves.

Despite Eric's assurance, she still felt as though she was responsible for their party's safety. The concept seemed to never cross the minds of drunks, so she assumed that her two acquaintances would soon fall under that category. Despite her attentiveness, she didn't have a plan for what to do if someone were to actually antagonize any of them. "Do you two plan to drink a lot this morning?" she asked absently, still shifting her eyes across the room.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
Honoka Redfox

Donald you shit bag

Honks watched as her lover came down the stairs. He was shirtless, as she left him lest night. Poor thing drank till he didn't remember what he even did, he did get a bit 'ahem' grabby with her. Thank fully he passed out before it escalated any further (much to her dismay). She leaned her head his, giving him a good morning kiss. " Hey I'm slightly hungover too, your the one who wanted to play a drinking game with the grandson of Cana." True she did endorsed him to do so, but that's beside the point she's trying to make. She made a small whine when Don told her sister that it was to early to get married, he had a point but she was trying to humor the situation as much as she could. Honks jumped a little as Donald stroked her back, and even as he left the hand there for a few moments. That was all she got from him though, which made her just want to eat him up ( do with that what you will). " Your right, I just got a little excited. Wonder when we'll get married." That last part wasnt ment to come out at all, she didn't even notice her mistake.

@Kayzo @Metaphysics

Kazehana said:

Her gaze drifted to Alabaster, offering a brief nod in acknowledgement. She stopped and took a moment to address Eric's question. His comment about being supposedly feeling safe with him there didn't help her worry about the bar. For one, she didn't know what Alabaster was capable of, but Eric wasn't exactly what she would consider to be a stellar performer under pressure. After all, he was the one that ended up ensnared in the barrier. But she wasn't going to talk about that with him, mostly to avoid conflict with him. That and it may have just been a one time thing. Despite the outcome, he did have some good decisions.

"No, I'll be fine," she said quietly, not looking at him as she did. She was more serious now, alert at her surroundings. Even in a familiar environment, it was always beneficial to know what was going on. But in an unfamiliar environment? It was generally best to pay attention to others more than yourself until the situation was evaluated. After all, anything could happen with so many people around.

Slowly, she meandered over to Alabaster, taking a seat against the wall. She wanted to try to keep everyone else within her line of sight. Just in case. She refrained from ordering so as to not have more clutter taking up her attention capacity. Her eyes drifted around the room, evaluating the people and the situations they found themselves within. With this company, she might need to keep on constant alert. After all, she didn't trust any of them to keep to themselves.

Despite Eric's assurance, she still felt as though she was responsible for their party's safety. The concept seemed to never cross the minds of drunks, so she assumed that her two acquaintances would soon fall under that category. Despite her attentiveness, she didn't have a plan for what to do if someone were to actually antagonize any of them. "Do you two plan to drink a lot this morning?" she asked absently, still shifting her eyes across the room.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
Eric: Magnolia bar

"Nah I don't plan on drinking much today. I come here because it's a place I feel comfortable in, collect my thoughts ya know? Anyway there's something I need to do first" Eric walks over to the barkeep "Hey buddy! The usual... If you will." After receiving his drink Eric start's whispering to the barkeep "Hey... you don't happen to have any "leads" on stuff that's happening do you? No? Oh well I'm sure there will be next time."

He strolls over to the table where Aurelie and Alabaster are with his drink in his hand and sits down. "So what are you girls ordering?" He gazes at Aurelie. "You know there's more options than booze if you don't like that kind of stuff." He points to the menu offering various types of food, non alchoholic drink's and dessert's. "I know right? It looks more like a restaurant than a bar, but all that stuff's there mainly to attract more customers though I don't think it really works thanks to all the other drunks in here."

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Asher: Magnolia Train Station

Asher scarfed down the powered donut that Arial had given him. As far as he was now considered she would forever be a good person in his eyes. Not only had she given him junk food but she also help him find his guild. He slowly walked up to them until he saw Lloyd. Asher quickly began to run to him, tears dripping down his face and he hugged the man's leg. "They left me behind, I thought you guys would leave without me." He was shacking as he thought about it again. "I was so scared." Tears were now running down his face as he continued to hug the man's leg.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment
Alicia grinned cheekily as Mizuki narrowed her eyes at her and inevitably questioned why she was giggling. Should she tell her? She definetely thought she should. Her reaction could be funny, plus she might be able to get the to of them together for real! Mizuki needed more happy things in her life, she deserved to be happy after all! Despite her telling her she was, Alicia could tell she wasn't completely happy. Something was off and she couldn't tell what, and no matter what she did it never fully went away. She knew she must of had a hard past due to the whole dark guild stuff, but she didn't think it could of been
that bad. "I was just thinking about you and Alfie. I think he likes you you know, and I'm preeetyyy sure you like him~." She replied. She herself had never felt that way for anyone, but it was kind of clear to her Mizuki felt that way about Alfie; if only a bit.

Mizuki then brought up the topic of packing, and her packing for her. "
Well. If you're sure you don't want me to." She replied with a shrug. "And it'd be awesome if you could help me too! I didn't really bring that much stuff, just a few outfits and stuff, so it shouldn't take long." She added. With that she got off of the bed altogether and moved to get her small suitcase, which of course was pink with white flowers on it, and place it on the bed. She then moved to grab her spare clothes that she'd more or less scattered on the floor of the closet and place the pile on the bed, then she moved to start folding them and placing them in her bag.

Sera: Sera's House


Sera had had a lot of fun watching the parade and fireworks with Mika and Lavender, really she had fun with them the entire day. Both of them were really great friends and extremely fun to be around, plus she had the added bonus of slowly attempting to get Mika to like her as more than a friend. In the end though, she'd be fine with whoever he chose. She was sure she could find someone else eventually, after all. She wasn't just going to give Mika up without trying, but she wasn't going to ruin their friendship over it either. She glared as the sunlight finally, somehow, managed to perforate her curtains and shine directly onto her eyes. She was just trying to sleep, why couldn't the outside realize this! Sighing she laid there for a few moments before shifting her feet over the edge of the bed, followed by yawning and stretching as she stood up. She then smirked to herself, remembering Mika was staying with her. Of course there were several ideas that came to mind, quite a few illegal on varying scales. She grabbed a pillow from her bed and a marker from her bedstand, non permanent, she wasn't going to be that mean.

Supplies gotten she eased out of her room quietly and into the one Mika was in. She had a devious plan. Draw on his face then smack him with a pillow! Or draw on his face and dump water on him or something. Either one, she was going to have fun. Of course, both plans failed as she tripped near his bed. This wouldn't of been so bad, had she not landed chest first onto his face. Well..she guessed this worked to wake him up to? She moved to get up, but her wing got caught in his blanket tripping her up further. She ended up catching on the blanket with her wing, pulling him off of the bed, wrapping them up in the blanket, and somehow managing to end up with his face in her chest..again. Welp. This went poorly. Now to brace for the aftermath of him hating her..unless he slept through this entire thing.

Mikael La Viere

Location: Sera's House


Quiet night it has been and the festival and the fun they had was more than enough relaxation he needed. Sleep has never been a concern for him, he was a vampire for pete's sake but for the sake of living a normal way of life he would lie in the bed with his round eyes closed and pretend to sleep like humans do. He would then dream while he was awake, or at least he think he does. He would just lose himself into thinking of scenes, his past particularly, with people he misses.

The sun just started to rise up and crept all over the room Sera lent him. He had nothing planned for today so he just lazily continued sleep pretending, that's when he felt another presence in the room aside from him. And judging from the smell, it was Sera. He wanted to know what she was gonna do so he didn't give it much thought and before he could do anything he was wrapped in a blanket and his face buried on her chest. Those were huge and very soft. In a muffled voice he began to speak. "Uh,... Good morning Sera. You're FULL of energy today, aren't you."

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)


Arietta Forsyth - Magnolia


Quiet footsteps that maintained a safe distance behind the two were slowly brought to a standstill as they approached a group of young mages. Aria's emotionless hues fluidly made the motion to fall upon each one, memorizing them accordingly. The woman wasn't expecting Maya to introduce her though she was grateful that it was done so with her wishes of being less formal. The whole ma'am, miss, and lady Forsyth thing just left a tinge of annoyance to settle each time it was used towards her.

Her head tilted at the boy who approached her and it was quite obvious what his magic entailed, Aria could taste it, Abaddon itched to eat it. "
Quell your hunger. You act like a starved zombie child. " She muttered to the key, slightly amused, fingers loosely sliding it further back upon her palm as if to distance it from the mage before her. It wasn't out of distrust or fear though, it was for the safety of the boy. The last thing she needed was Abaddon appearing and trying to snack on some of the little ones.


The attempt at her hand was allowed, eyes remaining dull and lifeless with a hint of secrecy, though her lips portrayed a different emotion as a side curved upwards into an inviting smile. Her eyes bore down into his as he spoke, the kiss upon her glove being felt like a scorching heat through them as all physical touches felt to her. " Likewise, weaver of shadows. Though you're lucky I embrace darkness touching me so... forwardly. " Her own words fell like soft velvet upon the ears of those within close vicinity, even more appealing to listen to than Valken's voice. Aria usually hated physical contact that she didn't initiate upon first but being caressed by shadows was a comfort thanks to Abaddon.

A step back was taken as Maya seemed to encounter the boy,
interrogating him in a motherly fashion. It was quite entertaining to watch and Aria simply felt like any comment or spoken word at this point would label her as an enabler, so standing by and watching was the only option to fall upon. If anyone else wished to introduce themselves then she'd speak up accordingly as was polite and custom. Where others found the other wizard saint scary or intimidating, Aria was compelled to find Maya cute and adorable. It was odd how certain interactions warranted such a diverse reaction or category for others to be placed in that one normally wouldn't jump to even considering.

Aria slid the black key into her mouth and began to chew on it rather nonchalantly, lips warped about the scorching hot material. A weird tendril of dark magic seeped slightly from those vaguely pursed lips to be visible before snaking its way back into her mouth and disappearing, a few marks appearing on an entire side of the woman's pale face. This kept her attention focused off of all the random interactions going on about them that she didn't truly care to tune in onto any longer, eyes drooping to appear sleepy or disinterested as the key was lazily pulled back out and the symbols disappeared to leave untouched skin.


A question popped into her mind that caused a bolt of energy to wash over her, demeanor completely changing. "
Can I touch your hair again, Maya? It's unnaturally soft. " A small laugh escaped her lips, the sound soothing and bell-like, suddenly spinning about childishly with a hand outstretched and reaching for any strands of hair she might be able to grasp. Those eyes went wide as she blinked at everyone around them though, fingers entangled with a fistful of loose hair and she realized that it might appear she had some odd hair fetish of some sort. " I wish mine was long and pretty, I am so envious. " She admitted while playing with it, eyes intrigued and focused on each individual piece as if it were a beautiful gem that she held with her gloved hands.

Aria's eyes averted themselves to fall onto Lloyd for a few moments and the child that appeared to cling to the guild masters leg, apparently upset. " All of your guild members are so adorable and lively, I must admit Lloyd. It makes me happy to see such potential in all of them as I'm sure you do as well. " An endearing tone had dripped into those words as she once again turned to glance at them all, curiously so.

@Wyatt @Kayzo​
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia grinned cheekily as Mizuki narrowed her eyes at her and inevitably questioned why she was giggling. Should she tell her? She definetely thought she should. Her reaction could be funny, plus she might be able to get the two of them together for real! Mizuki needed more happy things in her life, she deserved to be happy after all! Despite her telling her she was, Alicia could tell she wasn't completely happy. Something was off and she couldn't tell what, and no matter what she did it never fully went away. She knew she must of had a hard past due to the whole dark guild stuff, but she didn't think it could of been
that bad. "I was just thinking about you and Alfie. I think he likes you you know, and I'm preeetyyy sure you like him~." She replied. She herself had never felt that way for anyone, but it was kind of clear to her Mizuki felt that way about Alfie; if only a bit.

Mizuki then brought up the topic of packing, and her packing for her. "
Well. If you're sure you don't want me to." She replied with a shrug. "And it'd be awesome if you could help me too! I didn't really bring that much stuff, just a few outfits and stuff, so it shouldn't take long." She added. With that she got off of the bed altogether and moved to get her small suitcase, which of course was pink with white flowers on it, and place it on the bed. She then moved to grab her spare clothes that she'd more or less scattered on the floor of the closet and place the pile on the bed, then she moved to start folding them and placing them in her bag.
Alicia's cheeky grin only made Mizuki more curious about what she had to say. She knew that it was something stupid and about her, though she still couldn't quite put a finger on it. However when Alicia spoke she finally understand. The dark Mage stared at the younger girl with a blank expression for a few moments. Surely Alfie didn't have feelings for someone as strange and different as her. She had no special attributes to herself besides being strong. She looked tired and on edge all the time and wasn't a hottie like some of the other members even if she did rank second in the swimsuit contest. She even broke into his home and followed him around for an entire night! There was almost no reason for him to like her. But did she like him? Mizuki doesn't know. She'd never felt true love for someone before, and wasn't really brought up on the ideals of love and friendship, so she wasn't sure. "No, he doesn't like me. Someone as nice as Alfie could do much better than the likes of me..." She said, not even bothering to touch up on her own feelings. The only feeling she was feeling was sadness, or awkwardness. Not embarrassment however. When Alicia dropped her suitcase on the bed Mizuki nearly cringed. The color was hideous in her mind, yet she didn't have the guts to tell that to Alicia. Her four shadowy arms took the folded clothes and began to neatly store them in the suitcase, not a single word coming from her mouth.

Millie foresaw the kiss incoming when Valken's hands cupped her face. She tried to turn her head away to cancel the kiss but her hot boyfriend was too fast, their lips pressing together in a deep make out session. The blonde was rather against it at first, but eventually gave in and began kissing him back. She didn't quite understand why Valken loved to do all of this in public. PDA was rather frowned upon, and even if she did like all the affection it was rather embarrassing in public. Fortunately they didn't kiss for much longer as the black haired man broke away from her body and walked over to Maya and her friend, who both just showed up out of the blue, as well as Lloyd. Her soft cheeks turned bright red as she realized that everyone present just watched her make out with someone. Quickly Millie walked into the crowd and stood beside Noah, watching as Valken kissed the newcomer's hand. The purple haired girl was very pretty, just like Maya. "Maya has all the prettiest friends." She said to Noah, smiling at her boyfriend's twin.

Grace let out a loud sigh as Mikado continued to question her about why everyone was at Magnolia. She let go of Mikado's hand so that only Masaki's was being held, the short girl speaking to the shorter.
"You know Mikado, I've missed you a lot these past two years, but you're asking too many questions. I don't know why it's held here or anything like that. All I know is that we came here to have fun." She explained with a roll of her eyes, nudging the girl softly. She didn't mean for anything to sound rude, but who knew with this sassy sinnamon roll? She then turned to Masaki as he suggested that he leave the two alone for awhile. Grace really didn't care if he stayed or not as no matter what she wouldn't be alone, so she decided that it was up to Mikado. "I can do whatever. Really ill let Mikado choose. Should he stay or should he go?" She asked, smiling at her long lost friend slightly.

@Wyatt @whoeverelse
Lysander Connell

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Lysander hesitated as he once again stood in the Fairy Tail Guild Hall; the hall in which his family stood in and worked in for previous generations. He stood a little apart from the assembled group, his hands clasping and releasing each other, though the rest of his body remained still and calm, and his face wore it's usual calm expression. The movements of his hands were really the only actions denoting his nervousness about the entire thing. And apparently it seemed that he was going to be involved too, because it appeared that Kelica had gone missing, and Sora was motioning for him to join them.

So Lysander did, taking two steps forward to stand directly behind Sora, shoving his own hands into his pockets in order to hide his nervousness. Other than Hikibi, and Sora, the other man and woman he was not familiar with, though the man did look rather familiar; it took about a second to place him as either a close friend of Kelica's or, more likely, a romantic partner, based on how he had reacted during the bikini festival. In the company of people whom he did not know, he preferred to keep silent, just listening and observing for now before quietly involving himself later.

It amazed Lysander how many similarities he actually shared with Sora. She too had lost her parents and her grandmother, and Maya had been there for her, just as Lloyd had been there for him. It pleased him significantly how similar they were, and just how easy it as to relate to Sora because of those similarities. It felt fated that they had ended up meeting. Especially her last statement she had directed at him; that she was not alone. Neither was he now, and a comforting warmth settled in the pit of his stomach at her words, as slowly, he eased his hands out of his pants, letting them hang loosely by his side, close to his guns.

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Isune @Zuka (mentioned)
Kayzo said:
Millie let out a louder screech as the owl suddenly flew down and onto her shoulder. The mangy body began to rub up against her cheek and it nearly made her throw up. Her mother always told her to stay away from birds as the transmitted icky diseases that would ruin her. Obviously she didn't want this to happen to her, and even if the bird was tame and clean she wouldn't be taking any chances. "G-get off me!" She wailed, frantically but gently shooing the bird off her shoulder. The blonde girl felt a little bad for being so mean to the seemingly innocent animal, but it was more of a childhood fear she couldn't help. A few feet away on the bro side of things she heard Valken call for her once again, asking her to fix his belt for him. She knew that he could easily do it himself, but it gave her a reason to go over to him. "I'm sorry for not responding. I'll help fight away..." Millie sniffled quietly and quickly went over to Valken and began working at his belt. Her soft hands pulled up his pants and tightened the belt around it until it was snug and fit.
@Wyatt @Metaphysics @Refaulted @purplepanda288
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station

View attachment 287508

The tall dark haired man still had his arms spread wide to show off his dangling dagger belt slipped over his hips and thighs, and while keeping the pose he glanced to Emmerich as he commented on his drunken escapades. "You know I am not even the least bit surprised..." Feeling Emmerich throw his arm around his shoulder Valken actually winced... And to add insult to injury Noah punched his other shoulder making him turn his head to him with a cold glare and a hiss. "...No. No I did not... clearly nerve damage...."

People seemed to be adding tokens all around Valken and he would pay each and every one of them back.... Noah explained Talon and himself to Emmerich while Valken expanded more. "The short blonde is Ferra, and likes her food too much... The boy and the bird I have no clue.. But I already like the bird..." Grinning more as Millie flailed helplessly. He really should help her...

Valken's eyebrow lifted up as Noah challenged him and Emmerich to which he gestured a thumb behind him. "Check out this guy, Frausty.... thinking he can out drink us! Amatuer... The Guild Hall will run out of grog looooong before that..." His face stilling though as he remembered Lloyd detested drunks. "Perhaps... after Guild Master Lloyd leaves the Hall for the day however...."As all the punches and challenges were flying Valken felt like he was loosing his grip on the Totem Pole of the gathering of Merry Men...

That was until finally having chased that bird away his gorgeous Millie with the body to die for finally came over. She was there before him, face focusing so intently on fixing his belt a wide spread cheeky grin filled his face from ear to ear. Yes, Valken was clearly on top of the Todem Pole as Millie's soft, delicate grazed against his hips, even brushing the hem of his pants and the skin where his vest rode up juuussttt a little from his wide spread arms. A deep rumble in his chest now as he shrugged off Emmerich's arm and stepped closer to her, his hands already snaking around her face to cup her ears and cheek while threading his fingers through her long blonde hair.

"Thanks Babe..." Stepping closer as he tilted his head and put his lips to hers, not caring for a second who out of the gathering was watching. In fact, he was half hoping he might get a solid jealous glare from Noah or Emmerich. He didn't even care if they wanted to fight him for her. Millie was his and he was intent to keep it that way. His eyes slipping closed as he deepened his kiss, blocking out everyone except for her.

@Talon @Mitchs98 @Wyatt
@Kyuubey[/URL] @LeSoraAmari @Zuka @Talon @Embaga Elder @Wyatt @Kayzo @Kayzo @Huor Spinks @Wyatt @Kayzo
Kyuubey said:

Arietta Forsyth - Magnolia


Quiet footsteps that maintained a safe distance behind the two were slowly brought to a standstill as they approached a group of young mages. Aria's emotionless hues fluidly made the motion to fall upon each one, memorizing them accordingly. The woman wasn't expecting Maya to introduce her though she was grateful that it was done so with her wishes of being less formal. The whole ma'am, miss, and lady Forsyth thing just left a tinge of annoyance to settle each time it was used towards her.

Her head tilted at the boy who approached her and it was quite obvious what his magic entailed, Aria could taste it, Abaddon itched to eat it. "
Quell your hunger. You act like a starved zombie child. " She muttered to the key, slightly amused, fingers loosely sliding it further back upon her palm as if to distance it from the mage before her. It wasn't out of distrust or fear though, it was for the safety of the boy. The last thing she needed was Abaddon appearing and trying to snack on some of the little ones.


The attempt at her hand was allowed, eyes remaining dull and lifeless with a hint of secrecy, though her lips portrayed a different emotion as a side curved upwards into an inviting smile. Her eyes bore down into his as he spoke, the kiss upon her glove being felt like a scorching heat through them as all physical touches felt to her. " Likewise, weaver of shadows. Though you're lucky I embrace darkness touching me so... forwardly. " Her own words fell like soft velvet upon the ears of those within close vicinity, even more appealing to listen to than Valken's voice. Aria usually hated physical contact that she didn't initiate upon first but being caressed by shadows was a comfort thanks to Abaddon.

A step back was taken as Maya seemed to encounter the boy,
interrogating him in a motherly fashion. It was quite entertaining to watch and Aria simply felt like any comment or spoken word at this point would label her as an enabler, so standing by and watching was the only option to fall upon. If anyone else wished to introduce themselves then she'd speak up accordingly as was polite and custom. Where others found the other wizard saint scary or intimidating, Aria was compelled to find Maya cute and adorable. It was odd how certain interactions warranted such a diverse reaction or category for others to be placed in that one normally wouldn't jump to even considering.

Aria slid the black key into her mouth and began to chew on it rather nonchalantly, lips warped about the scorching hot material. A weird tendril of dark magic seeped slightly from those vaguely pursed lips to be visible before snaking its way back into her mouth and disappearing, a few marks appearing on an entire side of the woman's pale face. This kept her attention focused off of all the random interactions going on about them that she didn't truly care to tune in onto any longer, eyes drooping to appear sleepy or disinterested as the key was lazily pulled back out and the symbols disappeared to leave untouched skin.


A question popped into her mind that caused a bolt of energy to wash over her, demeanor completely changing. "
Can I touch your hair again, Maya? It's unnaturally soft. " A small laugh escaped her lips, the sound soothing and bell-like, suddenly spinning about childishly with a hand outstretched and reaching for any strands of hair she might be able to grasp. Those eyes went wide as she blinked at everyone around them though, fingers entangled with a fistful of loose hair and she realized that it might appear she had some odd hair fetish of some sort. " I wish mine was long and pretty, I am so envious. " She admitted while playing with it, eyes intrigued and focused on each individual piece as if it were a beautiful gem that she held with her gloved hands.

Aria's eyes averted themselves to fall onto Lloyd for a few moments and the child that appeared to cling to the guild masters leg, apparently upset. " All of your guild members are so adorable and lively, I must admit Lloyd. It makes me happy to see such potential in all of them as I'm sure you do as well. " An endearing tone had dripped into those words as she once again turned to glance at them all, curiously so.

@LeSoraAmari @Huor Spinks @Zuka @Mitchs98 @Wyatt @Kayzo​

Ferra: Magonlia Train Station

Ferra arched a brow, a small amused smirk on her face as Millie freaked out about poor old Horus. She seemed to ignore and not really comment on her giving the news of her and Talon dating, at-least to Ferra they were, even after the bird left. Oh well. That worked for her! Less chance of being humiliated in front of a good portion of her guild and having everything ruined, after all. She couldn't help but smile at her and Valken, however. She was proud of herself for getting them together, and glad for the both of them that it worked out. They did well together and made a cute couple. Besides, Valken needed someone to keep his edgy sarcastic attitude in check. She kinda rudely ignored Emmerich until Valken introduced her to him though, the fact of how he did it irked her. Sure, she liked food. She liked food a lot. But if she didn't eat a lot she'd get sick, and could possibly die. She wasn't entirely sure, she never let it get that bad. It was an unfortunate side effect of her semi-useless magic. Regardless, she smiled and waved at Emmerich. "Hai! Nice to meetcha'" She replied. Annd then they went into the whole who could outdrink who thing, and thus she decided to only halfway listen.

Ferra herself had tried drinking, but she found the taste of alcohol horrible. Infact it was Valken who had roped her into it shortly after her thirteenth birthday, which just so happened to be the legal drinking age in Fiore. She'd puked and summarily tossed the bottle at Valkens' face. Never again. Well, maybe eventually she would. But never again for now. And then Valken started making out with Millie in public. Well then. Yet another thing she could never see herself doing, with anyone, ever. Hugging someone? Sure. Quick kiss on the cheek? Cool. Outright making out like you owned the place? Nope. She blushed slightly and looked away, kind of uncomfortable with watching it. Then some weird chick that apparently knew Valken walked up. An ex, maybe? A stalker? A guild member Ferra somehow didn't recognize? So many possibilites, and being a stalker was probably right.

Soon enough Lloyd came up, followed by Maya and another person she didn't recognize. See, she was right about Maya randomly stalking up! It fit perfectly, and that's exactly what she did. "
Hey Master Lloyd! I've been looking all over for you since yesterday. I met some people yesterday and they wanna join. Annnd yeah! The festival was awesome. The food was great..ooh there was also these really awesome magic infused corndogs too.." She replied, trailing off and drooling slightly with a blank expression as she recalled the golden breaded heaven that was the corndogs. Shame the stand was destroyed, she would of bought every single corndog they had. She then turned to Vex when he finally introduced himself and Horus, "Nice to meet the both of you!" She told them cheerfully. Even though he wasn't directly talking to her, she felt her speech was relevant.

Maya soon introduced Arietta, the girl that was with her that she didn't recognize. "
Nice to meet you Arietta, I'm Ferra!" She told her. She found the fact of her being another wizard saint to be pretty cool. She wondered if she was as strong as Millie, or maybe even stronger! It'd be cool to watch them spar one day, probably. Annd then Maya started interrogating Valken. Ooh boy, she wasn't going to miss this. Their little scene gained her full attention, everything else she drowned out in favor of watching Valken cower like a baby in front of Maya. Dare she say he called her ancient earlier? Nah. She'd save that for later if he decided to embarrass her in front of Noah and Talon. If he did, ooh then he would get it.

She frowned slightly when he blamed Noah and Talon for the predicament he found himself in. He knew full well he over-escalated things. She found herself stifling laughter regardless. It was always hilarious to see him get all nervous around Maya after acting all cool to the others. "
Seeee. I told you Maya would be mad." She told him. "And don't blame anyone but yourself, you know full well you caused it." She added. "But yeah! Like Valken said Noah and Talon wanna join the guild. Can they?" She asked, looking between Lloyd and Maya. She was momentarily distracted by Arietta playing with Maya's hair, but soon turned her attention back to Maya and Lloyd on the subject of her new friends joining.
LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki Yamada - Magnolia Streets
When Grace took both his and Mikado's hands and slowly began to lead them away from Kardia Cathedral, Masaki still said nothing and instead let the two girls catch up. Of course it really didn't bother Masaki, he knew that the bond between guild mates was a precious one, and since both Mikado and Grace hadn't seen each other for so long it was only right that they had a chance to catch up with each other. As the trio continued to walk Grace kissed him on the cheek, which caused him to smile down at the smaller girl. She probably felt like he was being jealous or something but he really wasn't. "If you want, I can leave you two to catch up? I'm sure you'd like that after all" he said with a kind smile on his face.

Kayzo said:
Grace let out a loud sigh as Mikado continued to question her about why everyone was at Magnolia. She let go of Mikado's hand so that only Masaki's was being held, the short girl speaking to the shorter. "You know Mikado, I've missed you a lot these past two years, but you're asking too many questions. I don't know why it's held here or anything like that. All I know is that we came here to have fun." She explained with a roll of her eyes, nudging the girl softly. She didn't mean for anything to sound rude, but who knew with this sassy sinnamon roll? She then turned to Masaki as he suggested that he leave the two alone for awhile. Grace really didn't care if he stayed or not as no matter what she wouldn't be alone, so she decided that it was up to Mikado. "I can do whatever. Really ill let Mikado choose. Should he stay or should he go?" She asked, smiling at her long lost friend slightly.

@Colt556 @LeSoraAmari
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

She gave a quick glance over to the boy as he offered to leave them alone. She remained silent to the question, turning her gaze back to Grace as she seemed to be getting frustrated with her pressing the festival line of questioning. Try as she might she still couldn't understand why the entire guild would travel here for a simple festival but it was clear it was time to just let it drop. Some things in life were simply meant to be a mystery, or maybe there really was just no answer that would satisfy her. Immediately upon deciding to drop the festival subject she was blindsided with the decision of whether the boy should leave them or not. She stared at Grace for a moment, then quickly at Masaki before turning to Grace. Right after she quickly brought her hand up to her cap, pulling it down slightly to hide her features. "U-um.. I.. I.." Being put on the spot like this in regards to a stranger left her flustered as her face became even more down-cast as she stammered out a response. "I.. don't mind.." The words were quiet and quick as she finally managed to force out a proper response. It was bad enough having the boy there to begin with but being put on the spot like that? There were few things in life worse than that.
rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere

Location: Sera's House


Quiet night it has been and the festival and the fun they had was more than enough relaxation he needed. Sleep has never been a concern for him, he was a vampire for pete's sake but for the sake of living a normal way of life he would lie in the bed with his round eyes closed and pretend to sleep like humans do. He would then dream while he was awake, or at least he think he does. He would just lose himself into thinking of scenes, his past particularly, with people he misses.

The sun just started to rise up and crept all over the room Sera lent him. He had nothing planned for today so he just lazily continued sleep pretending, that's when he felt another presence in the room aside from him. And judging from the smell, it was Sera. He wanted to know what she was gonna do so he didn't give it much thought and before he could do anything he was wrapped in a blanket and his face buried on her chest. Those were huge and very soft. In a muffled voice he began to speak. "Uh,... Good morning Sera. You're FULL of energy today, aren't you."

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98[/uSER

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Sera: Sera's House

Sera was..very confused. She'd woken Mika up, yet, instead of becoming panicked or freaking out at all he didn't. Instead he just casually spoke to her with his face inbetween her boobs. That was..a thing. Maybe he was really more perverted than he let on? Or simply didn't get embarrassed by such things? Either one was a bit off, considering how embarrassed he got by simply asking to use her bathroom. "
Umm..uhh. You bet!" She replied awkwardly. "I uh..sorry about this. I honestly didn't intend on this happening, I thought you were still asleep. Though..I still didn't intend on this. I was kinda gunna draw on your face and stuff." She explained with a shrug. Now, see. She might be a bit perverted..okay a lot perverted. But she wasn't going to force Mika's face into her chest, that could potentionally ruin everything. And that was something she didn't want. "So uh..I'm just gunna try to..get this blanket off." She told him, nervousness evident for once. Sera literally never got nervous like this in the past, she wasn't sure why she was now. Maybe it was Mika? And the fact she'd never actually truely felt drawn to someone like she did now?

It was possible, she supposed. Though for now she opted to try squirming to loosen the blanket, tearing it slightly in places if need be. If she couldn't get out of it without breaking it she'd be buying Mika a new blanket.

Kayzo said:
Alicia's cheeky grin only made Mizuki more curious about what she had to say. She knew that it was something stupid and about her, though she still couldn't quite put a finger on it. However when Alicia spoke she finally understand. The dark Mage stared at the younger girl with a blank expression for a few moments. Surely Alfie didn't have feelings for someone as strange and different as her. She had no special attributes to herself besides being strong. She looked tired and on edge all the time and wasn't a hottie like some of the other members even if she did rank second in the swimsuit contest. She even broke into his home and followed him around for an entire night! There was almost no reason for him to like her. But did she like him? Mizuki doesn't know. She'd never felt true love for someone before, and wasn't really brought up on the ideals of love and friendship, so she wasn't sure. "No, he doesn't like me. Someone as nice as Alfie could do much better than the likes of me..." She said, not even bothering to touch up on her own feelings. The only feeling she was feeling was sadness, or awkwardness. Not embarrassment however. When Alicia dropped her suitcase on the bed Mizuki nearly cringed. The color was hideous in her mind, yet she didn't have the guts to tell that to Alicia. Her four shadowy arms took the folded clothes and began to neatly store them in the suitcase, not a single word coming from her mouth.

Millie foresaw the kiss incoming when Valken's hands cupped her face. She tried to turn her head away to cancel the kiss but her hot boyfriend was too fast, their lips pressing together in a deep make out session. The blonde was rather against it at first, but eventually gave in and began kissing him back. She didn't quite understand why Valken loved to do all of this in public. PDA was rather frowned upon, and even if she did like all the affection it was rather embarrassing in public. Fortunately they didn't kiss for much longer as the black haired man broke away from her body and walked over to Maya and her friend, who both just showed up out of the blue, as well as Lloyd. Her soft cheeks turned bright red as she realized that everyone present just watched her make out with someone. Quickly Millie walked into the crowd and stood beside Noah, watching as Valken kissed the newcomer's hand. The purple haired girl was very pretty, just like Maya. "Maya has all the prettiest friends." She said to Noah, smiling at her boyfriend's twin.

Grace let out a loud sigh as Mikado continued to question her about why everyone was at Magnolia. She let go of Mikado's hand so that only Masaki's was being held, the short girl speaking to the shorter.
"You know Mikado, I've missed you a lot these past two years, but you're asking too many questions. I don't know why it's held here or anything like that. All I know is that we came here to have fun." She explained with a roll of her eyes, nudging the girl softly. She didn't mean for anything to sound rude, but who knew with this sassy sinnamon roll? She then turned to Masaki as he suggested that he leave the two alone for awhile. Grace really didn't care if he stayed or not as no matter what she wouldn't be alone, so she decided that it was up to Mikado. "I can do whatever. Really ill let Mikado choose. Should he stay or should he go?" She asked, smiling at her long lost friend slightly.

@Wyatt @whoeverelse
Alicia: Rented Apartment

Mizuki's words honestly kind of depressed the girl a lot. The two looked perfect together in her opinion! Plus it was clear they liked each other, if only a little bit. Mizuki thinking of herself so lowly made Alicia sad. Did she really think that way about herself everyday? That someone could easily do better than her? She shook her head slightly to herself as the depressing silence went on. Mizuki was awesome! She was kinder than she let on and honestly in Alicia's opinion a great person. She might of had a hard life but that didn't change anything. She paused her folding abruptly to close the small distance between the two and hug Mizuki. "
Mizuki, don't think about yourself like that. You're a great person. Sure, you might be a little..intense...at times but you mean well. I don't know about all of your past, but I do know that whatever you did or whatever happened isn't you and doesn't matter." She told her. "Anyone would be lucky to have you. You might not show it all the time but you're a kind and caring person deep down Mizuki. You might think you're a burden on other people or something but you aren't. I'm glad to have you around, you're like a sister to me." She continued. "And you might not see it but I'm pretty confident Alfie does like you, at-least a little bit."

That said, she continued hugging Mizuki. She wasn't sure how she'd react at all, she honestly acted like she'd never had someone care about her so much in her life before. But Alicia did, and so did Gilad and the rest of her guild. She was a member of Sabertooth after all.
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Mikael La Viere

Location:Sera's House


He felt stiff, and could not move a muscle. He felt Sera struggled trying to break away from the unFORTUNATE entanglement they found themselves wrapped in. Every inch of him was restricted but the feeling on his face, the softness, the roundness and the fullness made it mpossible for him to even fight fate at that very moment. "You know they're quite nice. I like it here." he said. His words were sincere without a stain of malice. Her skin was cold but the warmth from the blanket was more than enough for him to feel something irresistible.

"Okay go ahead. I'm not moving, so don't rush anything. "


@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

Lloyd Kirby

Magnolia Train Station

Lloyd raised an eyebrow at Emmerich's retelling of his... well... drunken exploits. He looked the man over, and his noise twitched with some disgust at the smell of alcohol in the air. At least the man was not stupid enough to spit in the faces of Guild Masters, or no doubt he would be hearing about this form other Guild Masters. His hackles rose somewhat at the remembrance of the incident before he forced himself to relax. "Well, at least you're not injured, though you do stink to high heaven," he said finally, a touch of laughter in his voice. Then his face grew serious. "Do be careful though. You're still rather new, and I don't want to hear of Lamia Scale having a reputation of destruction because of you. Tone it down, please."

It was then that Lloyd felt something wrap around his leg. He glanced down, only to find Asher, another Lamia Scale member that he too did not know very well. He wanted to heave a sigh, even as he resisted the urge to pull his leg out from Asher's grasp. Already he could feel the coolness of the morning air on the wet patches of his pants. An uncomfortable smile grew on his face as he considered how to deal with this. Finally, he bent slightly and allowed his hand to rest on the top of Asher's head, giving him a reassuring pat. "It's fine," he said finally. "You've managed to find us, and now that you're here and accounted for, we definitely know now to look out for you when we're leaving." He also wanted to tell Asher to stop crying, but figured that that would probably be too harsh; he only hoped that Asher would stop crying after his reassurance.

It was entertaining watching Valken backpedaling away from Maya's interrogation, but since Maya was already dealing with him, he simply chucked and gave Valken a nod in greeting, before focusing Aria, who had just spoken to him. He could not help feeling a touch of pride as Aria mentioned that the Lamia Scale Guild members were also lively, adorable and had potential. He felt proud of the Guild he was in (and somehow leading) and a pleased smile grew on his face, like that of a proud parent having their child complimented upon "Yes, they are," he said simply. "Could not be happier with such guild members, though they can be a touch destructive a times. But as long as they remain safe and growing, well..."

His attention was then distracted by Ferra, his interest perked when she mentioned that she had two new members who wanted to join Lamia Scale. He eyed the two new guys with much interest; Talon and Noah, before nodding. "I won't say yes just yet; I'd like to talk to them privately first before making any decisions. But Talon and Noah, was it? It's good to meet you both, and I would like to talk to both of you first, before allowing both of you into the guild." He smiled then and nodded, before turning to Ferra. "Perhaps you should be the head of Lamia Scale's advertising committee," he added with a teasing smile.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @LeSoraAmari @Mykinkaiser @Talon @Kyuubey @Embaga Elder @Mitchs98
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Arial Font, The Undertale Mage

Arial raised an eyebrow at the scene before her. it seemed to her and and almost any casual observer that they were hectic about things and that brought up her next topic of thought. Should she talk to them? Maybe strike up a conversation? She stood there watching them, nervous that if she approached them she might seem rude to them and make a bad first impression. She should she? Should she not? She simply could no decide on which course of action to take.

Taking a nervous breath, she took one step forward then unceremoniously froze in place. Finally gathering up the courage to take more than one step and speaking up, the rainbow haired protagonist finally made herself known. "H-hello...I...ummm...I saw Asher lost on the streets so I brought him here." She finally managed to speak up.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @LeSoraAmari @Mykinkaiser @Talon @Kyuubey @Embaga Elder @Mitchs98
Chris Lengheart (I can't find her)

Chris sighed as he pulled a chair in front of him. He couldn't help but smile at everyone who wanted to help. However, that smile soon faded away as he finally spoke. "The last time I saw her was yesterday around the time the fireworks went off. T-that's really all I can remember though. Please, help me find her. Kelica means the world to me, and to lose her is to be in a world not worth living it." Chris only cupped his massive hand over his forehead, where had she gone? Did she leave him for someone else? The possibilities for Kelica's disappearance were endless. Who knew what actually happened to her?

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Huor Spinks
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
View attachment 287892

Valken was quite happily making out with his gorgeous Millie, slipping his hands behind her head to cradle her almost to his face. Well he WAS enjoying it until he felt a shadow out of place. How to put it to words... You see Valken had a connection with the Shadows, he could keenly sense all of them, like his feet were the tiny little feet of a spider as they balanced gently on their own web. And just like a spider, he could feel the tiniest of a ripple on the web when a bug were to flutter to close or land on it. And this was precisely what had happened. He stilled in his kiss as his dark purple eyes slipped open, and if one were to focus very solidly on his face under the cover of the dark strands of his hair, might they see the tiniest of a glow, a shimmering of purple which only occurred when he was in pitch blackness and taping into his powers.

Here he slowly pulled away from Millie's face and gave her the gentlest of smile's, masking his tenseness as his 'spidey senses' were tingling. A shadow just appeared... No, that wasn't right, it hadn't just appeared shadows didn't do that...they were either there, or they were not. It was more....it had always been there but...was hidden? And now he had become aware of it? Valken turned then as he heard a voice approach, breaking apart from Millie with that same confusion plastered on his face, his gaze met with the same girl from across the room. "Aren't I always?" He casually responded as that same part confused, part intrigued frown still crossed his face. "And you might be?"

Valken wanted to keep his eyes on the girl but his attention was being pulled elsewhere. He felt like if he glanced away once more she might vanish, but it was a risk he had to take. Besides.. if he put his mind to it he would be able to find her again...

The dark haired tall man turned back to face the boy he hadn't gotten a name for, noticing almost instantly in this posture and the way he wasn't looking in any particular conscious direction that he was blind. He shot a glare at Ferra, almost to say, did you really introduce everyone by pointing when clearly he could not see? Valken actually bend down, putting a gloved hand on his shoulder so at least the boy knew he was facing Valken as he spoke. "VezieVarks is it? May I call you Vex?" A smile actually tugging on his normally cheeky face, it might have seemed strange to smile to a blind person but Valken was fully aware just how much facial expression could be conveyed through words alone. Here he glanced as he introduced his bird who was still out to get at Millie it seemed. Valken looked back to him warmly. "Would you mind telling your faithful companion Horus to avoid Millie for awhile? Since you arrived he has done nothing but get in her personal space, and I was only just now aware she had a fear of birds..."

Not a moment later and while Valken was just starting to straighten, though he kept a hand on Vex's shoulder, did Guild Master Lloyd's voice carry to his ear and Valken meerly grinned to him. "Fancy seeing you here!!" It was in his usual, cheeky tone and had more then one meaning... afterall he was one of the few that knew Lloyd would attend the festival in the beginning and the two had seen each other only the day previously.

Before he could respond with something along the lines of, Millie gave me a wonderful Fashion show the night before, he noticed Maya introduce the girl (she sure looked like it from his angle) And as he always did with Mages of higher rank or statue he immediately stepped forward to approach her. Before her now, the tall man actually bent down onto a knee, and bowed his head, grasping her hand and peeling it towards him to kiss the outside of it before his eyes slowly peeled open and he tilted his head up to her. "A pleasure, Aria." His words like always liquid smooth. He pulled himself back then to his full height, turning slightly to face Maya now.

Clip clip clip.

He could hear her approach even before he fully faced her and it seemed every pace closer made his shoulders sag a portion, his head bend a fraction, hands lifting to his chest in almost a scared boy fashion. It was a rather hilarious thing to see, because Valken was only every boisterous, egotistical and downright full of himself. On the outside, at least. The accusation flying from her lips along with the stern look actually had Valken's purple eyes fly open and his hands spread up almost as if to protect himself from a physical attack.

"No! I...mean...maybe...Yes!!" Gesturing in an accusing fashion towards Noah and Talon. "T..those two! They wanted to join Lamia Scale, and that one in particular, the one that looks almost like my brother, he tried to hit on Millie! We worked it out in the end! Didn't even break the Train Station, see?!" Having a half panicked laugh as he did. He could only image if she were still annoyed she might throw that old, wrinkly, naked illusion at him again... and lord knows it took hours to get that scary thought from his head... Even with Millie's new clothing!

Once she settled down the stern expression and posture, Valken took a deep releasing breath out... Crisis averted.

Then Emmerich piped up.... Valken looked to him with huge, fearful eyes, suddenly waving his arms as if to say, Don't say that! Anything but that! Not only telling Lloyd how drunk he got, but the destruction was not something the Guild Master was too keen on... they weren't Fairytail Afterall!! Valken actually legitimately face palmed before jogging back over to Fraust and punching him none to lightly right on the side of his rib cage, making sure to dig the knuckles in painfully while he sneakily stepped a foot in behind his own, stamping his shadow to prevent him from pulling away from the painful twist of his wrist as he buried his knuckles in deeper. "HHAHAHAHhahahah oh Frausty you're so funny! Hilarious even! You know how much Lloyd loves drunks...hHhahahahhhaah...Great joke buddy!" His eyes pretty much glaring at him while he said all this.

Kayzo said:
Alicia's cheeky grin only made Mizuki more curious about what she had to say. She knew that it was something stupid and about her, though she still couldn't quite put a finger on it. However when Alicia spoke she finally understand. The dark Mage stared at the younger girl with a blank expression for a few moments. Surely Alfie didn't have feelings for someone as strange and different as her. She had no special attributes to herself besides being strong. She looked tired and on edge all the time and wasn't a hottie like some of the other members even if she did rank second in the swimsuit contest. She even broke into his home and followed him around for an entire night! There was almost no reason for him to like her. But did she like him? Mizuki doesn't know. She'd never felt true love for someone before, and wasn't really brought up on the ideals of love and friendship, so she wasn't sure. "No, he doesn't like me. Someone as nice as Alfie could do much better than the likes of me..." She said, not even bothering to touch up on her own feelings. The only feeling she was feeling was sadness, or awkwardness. Not embarrassment however. When Alicia dropped her suitcase on the bed Mizuki nearly cringed. The color was hideous in her mind, yet she didn't have the guts to tell that to Alicia. Her four shadowy arms took the folded clothes and began to neatly store them in the suitcase, not a single word coming from her mouth.

Millie foresaw the kiss incoming when Valken's hands cupped her face. She tried to turn her head away to cancel the kiss but her hot boyfriend was too fast, their lips pressing together in a deep make out session. The blonde was rather against it at first, but eventually gave in and began kissing him back. She didn't quite understand why Valken loved to do all of this in public. PDA was rather frowned upon, and even if she did like all the affection it was rather embarrassing in public. Fortunately they didn't kiss for much longer as the black haired man broke away from her body and walked over to Maya and her friend, who both just showed up out of the blue, as well as Lloyd. Her soft cheeks turned bright red as she realized that everyone present just watched her make out with someone. Quickly Millie walked into the crowd and stood beside Noah, watching as Valken kissed the newcomer's hand. The purple haired girl was very pretty, just like Maya. "Maya has all the prettiest friends." She said to Noah, smiling at her boyfriend's twin.

Grace let out a loud sigh as Mikado continued to question her about why everyone was at Magnolia. She let go of Mikado's hand so that only Masaki's was being held, the short girl speaking to the shorter.
"You know Mikado, I've missed you a lot these past two years, but you're asking too many questions. I don't know why it's held here or anything like that. All I know is that we came here to have fun." She explained with a roll of her eyes, nudging the girl softly. She didn't mean for anything to sound rude, but who knew with this sassy sinnamon roll? She then turned to Masaki as he suggested that he leave the two alone for awhile. Grace really didn't care if he stayed or not as no matter what she wouldn't be alone, so she decided that it was up to Mikado. "I can do whatever. Really ill let Mikado choose. Should he stay or should he go?" She asked, smiling at her long lost friend slightly.

@Wyatt @whoeverelse
Mitchs98 said:
Vex: Did he just give me the same nick name I already Have?

It was easy to tell that Vex didn't see the welcoming smile on Valken's face. Although it did seem as though the man was trying to convey some kind gestor or something. He enjoyed the fact that Valken had placed a hand on his shoulder, it helped him know that he was facing him. "Yes you may call me Vex, that is was most people already call me." Then he address the mischievous behavior of Horus, he was well aware that he bird was most likely causing havoc where every he could. "I am sorry but I have no control over the actions of him. I will ask him not to bother her any more but that is the extent of things that I will be able to do." Then the man began to freak out.

Vex closed his eyes and when he opened them he could see all of the magic around him. Where the two had just fought had some residual magic and he couldn't see past it. Then he looked to where Valken had just gone. He had a dark shadowy aura, he then saw everyone's else magic. It was faint since they weren't using it but he was still able to see it. Even Horus had an aura even though the bird didn't actually use magic.

"Who is that now?" He asked when he heard Llyod's name. The magic from him and the wizard saint he came with seemed a little brighter and more in essence. "Wait a second!" He had just realized they were all part of a guild, he thought they were all people who just met or something or maybe they were all friends but the fact that they were all part of a guild would explain all of the powerful magic that he could see. He closed his eyes again and when he opened them he no longer was looking at all of the magic. "I might be thinking of joining a guild my self."

Asher: A Leg

Asher let go of Lyod's leg and whipped his face. His guild master was right, he no longer had a reason to despair. He then pulled out a piece of candy from his pocket. Dispit having asked for candy earlier he had some. He quickly popped it into his mouth and began to enjoy the caramel filled chocolate. When he heard Arial say she wanted to join he was filled with excitement. "Yes you have to join!" He yelled out out in his excitement.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/1442928423982.jpg.d096fef73c7e1aab784ff60320d90d08.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129183" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/1442928423982.jpg.d096fef73c7e1aab784ff60320d90d08.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Train Station

Noah chuckles when Valken started making out with Millie as if it was going to make him angry or something. Millie is bad an all but she's taken, Noah might only hit on her just to get on Valken's bad side when bored at the guild hall. Surprisingly the didn't kiss for as long as Noah thought. He expected a full on movie make out scene.

Yet another person walked up to the group but this one only seemed interested in Valken, so Noah paid little attention. He noticed that in the fight his hair got a little messed up. He untied the band holding his ponytail together then places the band in his mouth, while fixing his hair putting it back into a ponytail. He holds the ponytail with one hand while grabbing the band with the other and ties the ponytail into place.

By the time he got done apparently members from Lamia Scale have arrived it the train station. Lloyd and Maya, have arrived the guild master and the old lady. Surprisingly to Noah she wasn't that old. She probably had some grey hair here and there but she didn't seem that old. Walking along side if them was a wizard Saint who would like to be called Aria. He bends down grabbing her hand, then kisses it. . Nice to meet you Aria, my name is Noah. He said looking up at her with his golden eyes.

He releases her hand then looks at Valken, as Maya chomped down on him. He was scared to the point it almost seemed like he was gonna piss on himself. Noah laughed at Valken, but stopped he tried throwing the blame onto him. He frowned. Wooow who knew that you would stoop so low. He started shaking his head.

Then Emmerich started talking about his drunken tales. Lloyd showed no type of enjoyment. Giving Noah the idea to keep his mouth shut about what happened a couple of years ago when he was in Magnolia. Lloyd looked towards them asking to speak in private before letting them in.
Nice to meet you too Sir and that's fine by me.

He looked at Vex and then at Ferra. Woow Ferra you're on a roll. You found yet another person who wants to join a guild. It's official you're Head of Lamia Scale's advertising committee. He said chuckling.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics



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Unfortunately for Valken it was going to take a lot more than that to shut Emmerich up, rather Emmerich simply reaches over and pulls Valken, in keeping with the theme of being none too gentle, into a tight one-armed headlock against his hip, flicking him repeatedly, and again not gently, in the forehead with his other hand. Through all of this he continues to address the guild master, "Don't worry yourself none o'er that, I didn't start of the fights, just ended 'em is all." Emmerich may have gotten into several drinking contests that left the other party in a state of drunken belligerence and he may have incited some people, but it is true that he didn't throw the first blow in any of the fights he had mentioned. In fact, he had tried to tone it down in accordance to his guild master's wishes, apparently not enough though... Eh, whatever. Whatever comes will come so it's best to have some fun in the meantime.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics
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rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere

Location:Sera's House


He felt stiff, and could not move a muscle. He felt Sera struggled trying to break away from the unFORTUNATE entanglement they found themselves wrapped in. Every inch of him was restricted but the feeling on his face, the softness, the roundness and the fullness made it mpossible for him to even fight fate at that very moment. "You know they're quite nice. I like it here." he said. His words were sincere without a stain of malice. Her skin was cold but the warmth from the blanket was more than enough for him to feel something irresistible.

"Okay go ahead. I'm not moving, so don't rush anything. "


Sera: Sera's House

Sera continued to be confused by Mika. The Mika that was embarrassed about a lot of things, just..complimented her on her chest? Well. Okay then. "
Um. Thanks?" She replied in a confused manner. Maybe she should of just woke him up like this normally, he seemed to like it after all. Which was really confusing. He then told her not to rush to free them. For the first time in her life in such a situation she found herself becoming increasingly embarrassed, yet at the same time enjoying it. It was..odd. Nevertheless she continued to strain against the blanket and failed miserably. She guessed she'd have to try breaking it open with her wings, but he said not to rush freeing them. She was conflicted. She guessed she could do it slowly? From the posistion she was in she would have to anyway, considering she was laying on her wings in an awkward posistion; which was quite painful if she was being honest. "Well..you don't have to worry about that. Gunna have to rip it apart with my wings." She told him. "I have to be honest though..I didn't expect you to be comfortable with something like this..at all." She commented. "'Cause I mean, you were nervous asking to use my shower and all."
Location the Streets near the Blue Pegasus Guild

Walking down the street he could tell people where looking at him. Of course they were they had to be in awe at his amazing looks he sighed. "How silly of me I should've wore something to cover my face so as not to steal the hearts of any maidens that walk by." He chuckled to himself and with a wave of his hand and a swift flick of his wrist, he twirled to the doors of the guild that was in front of him.

He had been traveling for a while now to arrive here at the guild he knew he'd fit right in with. He opened the doors and let out a triumph call. "Hello I'm Seto Kyon the Harem King please allow me to join your guild!" He was proud of what he said he'd never tell anyone but he was thinking of just the right thing to say the whole trip here.

Some of his other ideas he decided weren't as good included, 'Have no fear the Harem King is here!' 'Seto Kyon's the name and Harem is my game!' 'Waifus to me for the King of Hearm Seto Kyon has arrived!' This one seemed the most down to earth he didn't wanna intimidate any of his future guild members. He nodded his head eyes closed and waiting for a response from the leader.


Donald Houns

Redfox Residence

Donald grunted at Haruhi and the girl, apparently named Ciel. "Drunk people do weird stuff all the time. Take it from a guy who used to get drunk on a constant basis for about two years. Usually, you do things because it's the truth of what you want. Occasionally...you're just being a moron." Donald shrugged his shoulders, opening up the blanket and tossing it off around the back of the chair. He leaned forwards, resting his elbows on his knees. "I can't tell you why you did what you did. But ya' did it. It's not my job to decide what you should do."

When he overheard Honoka talk, he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "
Hey, shorty. It's been one night. I'm guessing a fun night, if I'm not stuck out under some tree missing half of my clothes with a few scrapes and bruises, but still just one night. Let's hold off on any wedding bells for now." He began chewing on his thumb, placing the tip of it in between his teeth. "Let's keep it simple for now, Honks. Let me get accustomed to staying in one place for a while. That alright?"

He then looked back over to the two newlyweds. "
I'm no marriage counselor, but maybe you two should take it easy as well. Get to know each other. See if you both are a thing. Do what you want to each other, that's private shit. But don't make any regretful decisions." He was being blunt with them, but he didn't want either girl getting hurt in the end. They both seemed nice, and if they cared about each other that much, then they could do what they want.

@Kayzo @Metaphysics
Kimberly Lock

When shit gets real

Bolts said:

I-I'm just surprised is all. T-to think that you want me to stay. Eias said trying to calm down. She took some relaxing breaths in an attempt which did help her heart beat a little slower. She sat back in her chair and held the Orange Juice close to her face. She was lost in thought. Should she take the offer? Why did Kim want her to stay? Did she really need to travel in the first place? Everything was making a little less sense than usual. She took a few sips of juice before looking up and Kim's hopeful yet slightly saddened expression. Most likely from Eias's reaction. I suppose I could. I would need to figure out money though. You said do jobs but does the guild allow outside help like that? Would I even get paid?


Kimberly fidgeted with a Boazi, her finger breaking the thin layer that lined its contents. She retracted her finger, sucking on it lightly for it was burned from its short adventure. Her face reached all the different emotions that passed thought her. Regret, panic, anxiety, stifling her thoughts. Jumbling them into incoherent lines of information. She intook a hefty breath, trying to snuff out the panic endusing emotions. It seems to Kim that Eias was also experiencing common emotions for this situation taxed them both. Was money a problem? Absolutely not, Kim had been paying for this Flat for three years with the inflow of the guilds jobs. But Eias had that stuck to her, kim brain racked around for something to say to ease her. " Well they would start accepting in a few days to about two weeks a d like I said, I'm good on paying rent for the next few months. You would get paid every time you complete a job, usually they put up the jobs on the board near the entrance of the guild."

R-right... She sighed and held one of her arms. I.. Just don't want to be a burden is all. Traveling so much on your own doesn't call for many long term friends. I guess I'm just surprised you offered such a request. She looked towards Kim and saw her expressions change ever so slightly with each passing moment. Eias was having a little trouble figuring out if that was on her part of just Kim thinking about things as well. Hey. She said while sporting a small, reassuring, smile. I would love to live here. We can try it out and see how it is for a few days. If you say you're good for a while, then I will take you up on the offer.

purplepanda288 said:
Kimberly Lock
When shit gets real

Kimberly fidgeted with a Boazi, her finger breaking the thin layer that lined its contents. She retracted her finger, sucking on it lightly for it was burned from its short adventure. Her face reached all the different emotions that passed thought her. Regret, panic, anxiety, stifling her thoughts. Jumbling them into incoherent lines of information. She intook a hefty breath, trying to snuff out the panic endusing emotions. It seems to Kim that Eias was also experiencing common emotions for this situation taxed them both. Was money a problem? Absolutely not, Kim had been paying for this Flat for three years with the inflow of the guilds jobs. But Eias had that stuck to her, kim brain racked around for something to say to ease her. " Well they would start accepting in a few days to about two weeks a d like I said, I'm good on paying rent for the next few months. You would get paid every time you complete a job, usually they put up the jobs on the board near the entrance of the guild."


Alice Liddell

Mage class, roof of the Liddell Orphanage

Alice was downed in her Royal suit dress, A large knife held tightly in her left hand. An oddity that one would find was the addition of a head band on her for head, to the uneducated it seemed like a simple head band. But it was much more, a magical device that could create holograms with physical mass. Today Alice choose to fight a near perfect clone of her self, it's only difference was the blue tint to its skin. " Level set. Expert level 2."

With out warning the Clone engaged battle with Alice, it struck with a large knife similar to that of Alice's. If it hadn't been Alice, they would of surely gotten seriously injured. But with the amount of training that she endured her reflexes had sharpened greatly, sparks flew as the two knifes clashed
" Rule One, when fighting you must always be prepared to be on the defensive. You would have no idea what your opponent has up their sleeve." Both simultaneously backed off, preparing another strike. That is until she switched out weapons, in her grasp she held her Croquet mallet. A ball of pure electricity formed in her free hand. A small chuck and it was in the air, almost immediately she swong the mallet causing the ball to fly towards the clone. " Rule Two, Never let your opponent rest. Not even for a second."

With the same amount of grace the clone evaded her initial attack, slightly slowing its path. Alice held another one, did the same routine. Again it failed to hit its target. Slightly frustrated she summoned another of her unconventional weapons, The trusty jacks.
" Rule Three, if you must retreat use a ranged spell or attack to distract you opponent. In this case, the ranged attack will take down my opponent." Alice practically launched them out of her hands, with that driving force they seemingly changed their course attacking the clone. Two do the jack managed to impale them selves into the chest and back of the clone. With a thud the clone fell to the ground, shattering into oblivion. With a small turn she faced the small class she held for the young with magical prowess. " Rule four, If the opportunity to not fight arises take it. I've shown you three rules so far, I want you to learn the last rule of fighting." Alice smiled, even is she wasn't a very strong Mage she could atleast help those with potential. " Now, pair up with your partner. Today you must show mercy at the end of your spar." With a small clap the class of 20 teens paired up and began thier spares.

@The Dinkster

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