Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Wyatt said:
Asher: Stranger Danger!Asher backed away from the strange women, he had been taught by his guild members to be wary of strangers, you never know what they are up to and what they want you to do. "I'm ... I'm... I am looking for my guild members." It took him a moment but he was able to say it. She looked like the type of person that would pick off a child like him. Asher was just hoping that one of the members of his guild would come and save him from her. He backed up into a wall, and froze. He stood still as he watched the women's every move. In sing of danger and he would bolt.
"Oh... Hang on." She said as she put down her satchel and stretched. "A guild huh? From your mark there I'd say you're from Lamia Scale right?" She said. "Oh I'm sorry I must be scaring you. I'm Arial. Do you need help getting back to your guildmates?" She asked. "I can help you if you want but if you don't I'll just go away."
Talon said:
Talon barely heard Ferra as he watched the fight with interest. Noah seemed to be holding his own against the Valken guy so Talon didnt join in to help Noah. That would probably injure Noahs pride anyway so that was another reason not to. A bird flew past his face, startling him. It sqawked and seemed to be calling for someone. Talon understood pheonix and big birds like eagles but smaller birds were harder to understand. Slightly different dialect and they spoke faster. A voice was soon heard, Talon turned to see a new prson walk up and apologize to Ferra for their bid landing on her. @Kayzo @Wyatt
Wyatt said:
Vex: Train Station Vex listened as Ferra introduce everyone and he hoped that Horus was paying attention. "I am sorry, Ferra was it? Anyways I can't see anyone that are introducing. I would have to have them talk to me so that I learn who they are. Horus, my bird does all of my seeing." Horus squawked and flew back to his master. The bird quickly filled Vex in on how the fight was progressing and ceased speaking afterwards. "Any ways what brings you here?"
@Talon[/URL] @Wyatt @Metaphysics @purplepanda288

Ferra: Magnolia Square

Ferra nodded in response to Vex. "
Ohh. A seeing eye bird. Pretty original. Annd we were here for the festival, we're probably leaving today though." She replied. When Valken snatched Noah down she only giggled in response to both what he said and what Valken said about Maya being ancient. "Better watch what you say Valken, you know she has a tendency of popping up behind people unannounced." She warned him jokingly, though it was true. Valken soon came over asking who both Talon and Vex were, and calling Talon a pipsqueak. If only he knew about his phoenix form. Though, she was sure Valken could still kick his ass regardless if she was being honest. She knew Talon was good, but not that good. "Well, no clue who the guy with the bird is. But like I told you earlier..although you were busy fighting..this is Talon. He also intends on joining Lamia Scale." She explained. And then Millie leaned down whispering to her, asking if Talon was in-fact her boyfriend and that she wouldn't tell Valken. She paused a moment in thought, wondering if Millie was telling the truth. Though..she figured she was, she trusted her enough. Though she had tricked her..so. Eh..whatever. She figured she could trust her.

"Yeah, we met yesterday." She whispered back as she leaned over to her. "I'll tell you all about it later when we're able to be alone." She added. Now the issue was of Valken overhearing her or not. He was a decent distance away..so she hoped not. Though, she braced for him utterly humiliating her if he did.
Honoka Redfox

Gajeel and Levi's home

After having dirty sex with Donald, just kidding.Honoka sat at her grandmothers desk in side of the study, a disparity of parchment sprayed over the old wooden desk. She wrote down music that popped into her mind, often humming the notes to see if they flower together. Her ink well placed next to her, every so often she dipped her pen into it covering the tip with enough ink. She was lost in her thoughts, this house belonged to her grandparents. Long before they died they officially gave the rights of the home to Honoka and Haruhi. It was rather lavish, with enough room for two small families. Though Honoka doubted that she would ever marry and have children, She stopped writing for a second. Loud knocks were herd doing form the front door, followed by a all to familiar voice. Honks stood up and walked to the front door, she slowly picked up a drum stick from the hall way. She peered thought the peep hole and opened the door. " Haruhi! And Girl I've never meet before?"

@Metaphysics @Kayzo
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Metaphysics said:
"Oh... Hang on." She said as she put down her satchel and stretched. "A guild huh? From your mark there I'd say you're from Lamia Scale right?" She said. "Oh I'm sorry I must be scaring you. I'm Arial. Do you need help getting back to your guildmates?" She asked. "I can help you if you want but if you don't I'll just go away."

Asher loosened up and allowed himself to trust the women. The more he thought about it, the more she seemed friendly and genuine. "I ... I guess you could help. We were here for the festival, but I don't now where they went." He thought about it for a moment. They were suppose to return to the guild hall, but he lost them somewhere. "We were suppose to go to the train station.a


Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Magnolia Square
Ferra nodded in response to Vex. "
Ohh. A seeing eye bird. Pretty original. Annd we were here for the festival, we're probably leaving today though." She replied. When Valken snatched Noah down she only giggled in response to both what he said and what Valken said about Maya being ancient. "Better watch what you say Valken, you know she has a tendency of popping up behind people unannounced." She warned him jokingly, though it was true. Valken soon came over asking who both Talon and Vex were, and calling Talon a pipsqueak. If only he knew about his phoenix form. Though, she was sure Valken could still kick his ass regardless if she was being honest. She knew Talon was good, but not that good. "Well, no clue who the guy with the bird is. But like I told you earlier..although you were busy fighting..this is Talon. He also intends on joining Lamia Scale." She explained. And then Millie leaned down whispering to her, asking if Talon was in-fact her boyfriend and that she wouldn't tell Valken. She paused a moment in thought, wondering if Millie was telling the truth. Though..she figured she was, she trusted her enough. Though she had tricked her..so. Eh..whatever. She figured she could trust her.

"Yeah, we met yesterday." She whispered back as she leaned over to her. "I'll tell you all about it later when we're able to be alone." She added. Now the issue was of Valken overhearing her or not. He was a decent distance away..so she hoped not. Though, she braced for him utterly humiliating her if he did.


Horus saw how one of the girls reacted when she saw him and he was rather annoyed by the response. So the deceptive creature decided to get revenge. He flew off of his master's shoulder and landed on Millie's. He rubbed against her and let out a bird purr to show affection. Vex didn't realize what his bird was up to and didn't do anything about it. "So what guild are you from. I have met a few people from guilds before but they didn't really do much. Honestly them seemed to be afraid of their own shadows."
Wyatt said:
AsherAsher loosened up and allowed himself to trust the women. The more he thought about it, the more she seemed friendly and genuine. "I ... I guess you could help. We were here for the festival, but I don't now where they went." He thought about it for a moment. They were suppose to return to the guild hall, but he lost them somewhere. "We were suppose to go to the train station.a
Arial hummed while deep in thought." I know where the train station is." She said. She held out her hand in a very friendly manner. "You want me to lead you to the train station and help you out with finding your friends?" The rainbow haired aura mage asked as she bent down to pick up her satchel. "So, what's your name?"
Metaphysics said:
Arial hummed while deep in thought." I know where the train station is." She said. She held out her hand in a very friendly manner. "You want me to lead you to the train station and help you out with finding your friends?" The rainbow haired aura mage asked as she bent down to pick up her satchel. "So, what's your name?"

He nodded his head before he walked up to the women and grabbed her hand. As they started to walked he stayed very near to her leg, like a little child might cling to there mother. "My name is Asher." He spoke with an extremely soft and genital voice that you had to truly listen to hear him. "Do you have any candy?"

Emmerich finally makes his way to the train station, reeking of alcohol and very obviously having just come from a bar or three. The tall, blonde man stops and sweeps his gaze around searching for familiar faces. After a few moments he notices Valkan and begins to stroll over. He stops in front of the little group and peers at the people assembled, his instincts telling him that there'd been a fight recently. He levels a glare at Valkan, "Oi mate, if you're going to be fighting why the 'ell didn't you call me?" he asks in an accusatory tone, though the intent listener might be able to pick up on the fact that he's not actually angry, just having some fun.

He was still relatively unknown within Lamia Scale, having just joined recently and as such he didn't know too many people. Even so he had gotten to talking with Valken and the two had struck up a friendship.

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Embaga Elder
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Chris Lengheart(Ah...good morning...Kelica?)

Chris finally managed to wake up as he rolled over to the side of his bed. He looked around his room for a moment and got up out of bed. Only problem was, he got up too fast and was met with a awful headache. Obviously, his hangover was strong. He looked over to his side and noticed that Kelica wasn't there. Hm, maybe she was in the kitchen? Either that, or she went to the bathroom?

After what felt like a few minutes, Chris lumbered into the kitchen and looked around for Kelica, no sign. Chris then turned around the other way and headed to the bathroom. He knocked on the door slightly and said in a raised voice,"Kelica sweetie...are you in there?" Again...no response! What was going on!? Where was she!? Chris quickly bolted out the door in only a pair of shorts before suddenly changing to his werecat form. He didn't care who saw him right now, what mattered right now was finding Kelica. The massive cat charged through the silent streets, it seemed like everyone was wiped out from the festival as well.

Those in the guildhall would soon come face to face with a surprise as the doors suddenly got flung open by a bare-chested Chris. He quickly ran around and began to ask everyone there,"
Excuse me, have you seen my girlfriend Kelica? She's about 'yay' tall, beautiful golden hair, mesmerizing emerald eyes, green necklace?" Oh god, where was Kelica!?


Lyra Maelstre - Fairy Tail HQ


Lyra made a weird face at him, eyes going slightly wide from the shock as her hair turned to a more blonde tone. She shrieked in terror, rolling off the table quite suddenly, fingers combing through the obnoxiously long length in a panicked manner. This was obviously extremely traumatic for her but honestly one would assume that she'd grown accustomed to it by now. It wasn't the change that truly irked the woman, it was the hideous color. " HIBI-KUN! " Her voice was actually quite audible for once, purple hues shaking with a growing sense of bewilderment. Lyra hated when he did that and she was positive that Hibiki knew how much torment it caused her for her hair to be forcefully changed to a yellow of all the beautiful colors out there. " Blonde.... " Her fingers curled up into little fists and two punches connected with the man's shoulders, though they were meant more to let out frustration.

An extremely loud huff was released along with those slender shoulders drooping in a defeated manner as she turned away from him with a defiant cross of her arms. " You pick where we eat, I can't think now. " An annoyed scowl followed her words before she bent down and plucked her hat back up off the table. A masterful flick of the wrist sent it flipping into the air, head tilting to catch it. " You're a punk sometimes, I hope you realize this. And rest assured you'll pay for that. " It was extremely hard to remain mad at him though and a small glance through her peripherals at him only made this harder, a small smile only forcing itself to surface in response.

Soon though a freaking out voice blurted throughout the guildhall, a panicked figure running about and demanding answers seemed to appear. Lyra stiffed a bit at the awkwardness of wanting to speak up and get involved but as usual her more socially angst side resurfaced and she leaned back against Hibiki, touching his shoulder lightly. "
Should we see what's wrong with Chris? " Lyra knew the Beast user since they were in the same guild. When he'd joined he had interested her because they were both take-over mages and she'd made a mental note to remember his face and now here it was, wildly contorted into confusion and ... was that fear?

A sigh escaped her lips before Chris came face to face with herself and Hibiki, her own posture remaining calm despite his more crazed one. "
Chris, try to breathe and tell us what's going on, alright? When did you last see Kelica? She hasn't been here yet though from what I've noticed." She whispered out, voice straining to be audible, knowing she probably wasn't being as helpful as she'd like to be. Hopefully he'd at least slow down a little so they could try to figure this all out. If not, Hibiki would probably have a better grasp at what to do.

Sora Marvell - Streets of Magnolia

Those arms slowly unwrapped themselves from around Lysander's frame. " Well... " Her voice sung out to mimic the singular word he'd spoken, feet slowly doing a few dance-like steps to position herself directly in front of him. Both hues gazed upwards into his, searching them with almost a sense of longing. If only I knew what was going on in that head of his... Sora's thoughts echoed about within her mind, not daring to be spoken aloud. The petite girl took full advantage of his hands being tucked away to hide within his pockets since it caused his arm to be easily accessible to loop her own smaller one through. One arm slipped to link with his almost in an old fashioned manner, her other idle hand reaching over to rest on his lower arm and hold him closer.


Well.. " She repeated the word once again, seeming to be at just of a loss for words as he was, surprisingly enough. A small glance at his face again seemed to be motivating enough and she smiled in her own cute charming signature way, hoping it'd bring him any amount of comfort or happiness. " Let's just go for a stroll and see if we can find anyone from your guild so you have someone to travel back with, shall we? " Sora suggested, arm tightening around his a bit more. The steps she took seemed heavy and truthfully the girl was intentionally dragging out the time and walking slowly to ensure they'd have more time together. Again, all of the actions taken seemed to be selfish and pointed in her favor and it wasn't something she'd even argue against if it was brought up because they were.

Is there anything you wanted to ask me? I feel like I quizzed you almost every day of the festival and didn't really give you a chance to inquire about me too much. I'm an open book so you're free to ask what you'd like. " Another warm smile lifted upon her face, cheeks slightly stroked with a bit of pink. Truthfully she'd never indulged much when it came to her history with anyone but for some reason it seemed nice to have the opportunity to actually speak about herself or the past with Lysander. It was a chance for them to know one another more; know the others hardships, reasons for smiling and being proud, their achievements, and even things that one would consider secrets.

The things she kept locked away or to herself were matters that were somehow entrusted to Lysander now given the bond that had formed between them. Sora couldn't imagine keeping anything from him at this point, besides well... the more intimate kind of stuff. That was not something the young girl was willing to just jump into, it wasn't classy and it would completely defy her innocent and shy nature in that aspect.

Arietta Forsyth - Streets of Magnolia

" Shall we go check on some of the Lamia Scale members then? " Her statement was directed at both Lloyd and Maya. Both hues quickly scanned the area at the thought of searching before they returned to flicker from the guild master to the wizard saint beside her. Aria knew the two must be worried if they could indeed feel the imbalance within the air and the woman didn't want to keep them from doing what they needed to do for their own reassurance. " I'll accompany you if you don't mind, Maya and Lloyd. I have some of my own questions I need to find answers to and that may be better achieved with the both of you. " Aria spoke in a way that made her words almost edible somehow, sweet and savory to listen to. It wasn't intentional but every word that left her lips was always cursed to be satisfying to the ears of others.


" And Lloyd, I prefer a first name basis so please call me Aria from now on. Arietta if you must keep formalities of some sort. " She had turned to the man then, key coming to a quick halt from its previous spinning, a curving of the lips quite noticeable. The key was pressed against her lips in thought and one would assume it would feel cool but it was severely hot to the touch, this heat that radiated didn't seem to bother Aria oddly enough. " Yes, you're quite right, my friend. " Aria's eyes slipped to a close as she held a conversation with Abaddon, speaking with him through the key. The spirit didn't seem to pleased to not be within the same vicinity when there was trouble around. " In due time, it's not ideal for you to scare the kids away, I'll be okay. " A sincere smile spread at the spirits overly defensive personality and his desire to consistently be by her side. It wasn't wise for him to be in the Earth realm all the time though since it drained his own magic and exhausted him.

My apologies, my spirit is a little uneasy. " Her fingers began to twirl the key once again as if the action itself would somehow sooth Abaddon. " Lead the way. " Her free hand made a small motion to the side, signaling for them to pick a direction as Aria had no idea where they'd like to begin.

@LeSoraAmari @Huor Spinks @Isune @Zuka
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purplepanda288 said:
Honoka Redfox
Gajeel and Levi's home

After having dirty sex with Donald, just kidding.Honoka sat at her grandmothers desk in side of the study, a disparity of parchment sprayed over the old wooden desk. She wrote down music that popped into her mind, often humming the notes to see if they flower together. Her ink well placed next to her, every so often she dipped her pen into it covering the tip with enough ink. She was lost in her thoughts, this house belonged to her grandparents. Long before they died they officially gave the rights of the home to Honoka and Haruhi. It was rather lavish, with enough room for two small families. Though Honoka doubted that she would ever marry and have children, She stopped writing for a second. Loud knocks were herd doing form the front door, followed by a all to familiar voice. Honks stood up and walked to the front door, she slowly picked up a drum stick from the hall way. She peered thought the peep hole and opened the door. " Haruhi! And Girl I've never meet before?"

@Metaphysics @Kayzo
Haruhi smiled slightly as she heard the voice of her sister. Though she couldn't see her, she knew that her sister was looking through the peephole. Hopefully Honoka didn't see that the two girls were holding hands. "Hello Honoka. This is Raa, or rather Ciel. He is actually a she." She explained, smiling softly as if the girl was right in front of them. "Can you let me into our home? I need to talk to you about something important." When the door opened up Haruhi let go of Ciel's hand and stepped in with her wife, hugging her sister briefly before stepping to the side to let Ciel in. "Can we find somewhere to sit? This is big news..." She asked, her small smile fading slowly into a nervous one. The blue haired girl was scared to know how her sister would react to this mess. Either she'd get really happy, confused, or angry. Hopefully it was the former.
Eias Baole - Thinking bout life

She did as instructed and took a seat. The aroma in the air was making her even hungrier. Whatever she was cooking, it smelled amazing. Thank you. she said in her normal voice as she looked at the contents of the meal. She watched as the bun like objects floated onto the island and she waited for Kim to join before she went to grab some of the food. It smells amazing! And if it tastes half as good as that I would have to say you're an expert cook. She said as she allowed the bun to cool a little before partaking in its glory. I just kinda live off the land most of the time. When I am at a city though, I got a little crazy with food. heh... She started to drink her juice. Would she go back to the same adventure like life she had been doing for a while now? Half of her said yes and the other no. So... What is going on today? The festivals are done right? She said a little reluctantly. any special things you want to share before.. I.. head out?

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Wyatt said:
AsherHe nodded his head before he walked up to the women and grabbed her hand. As they started to walked he stayed very near to her leg, like a little child might cling to there mother. "My name is Asher." He spoke with an extremely soft and genital voice that you had to truly listen to hear him. "Do you have any candy?"
Arial Font

"Nice to meet you Asher." She said as she led the very adorable kid to then train station. "No, sorry I don't, I do have doughnuts though." She said as she reached into the box and pulled out a plain sugar doughnut. "Here, have this." She said as she gave him the doughnut. Soon enough, the train station was in sight a few moments later. "Here we are! Recognize anyone?" She said as she brought him into the station.
Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca3728ccc_images(32).jpg.edbffa133118b3147157fc8037bb6cb8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128656" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca3728ccc_images(32).jpg.edbffa133118b3147157fc8037bb6cb8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It seemed Noah had the fullest of intentions to simple float in the air, so Valken let go of his ankle and just let him float there. "Full of hot air, Casa-... Noah." Forgetting he did say to use his real name. Valken finally turned away from the creepy girl in the crowd to look at Millie, arms outstretched.

"Awww Babe? No help? I think Noah disabled my nerves when he punched me with that lightning!" His belt only half done up and hanging barely over his hips. Glancing to Noah with a smirk and wink. "Could ya.. tighten it maybe Babe? You are so good with ya hands!

The mention of Maya simply appearing behind him actually caused a look of fear over his face, as he glanced over his shoulder half tensed. Thankfully... no Maya. He glared back to Ferra mouthing One more to the list, small fry...

Valken's eyes narrowed as they ran up and down Talon, inspecting, gauging. He was tall, and not a scrawy thing... but... he wasn't sure if he was as impressed with his manlyness as Noah... time would tell.

Valken watched an owl land on Millie's shoulder and watched her completely flip out. He should have helped but.... Damn him if the sight wasn't hilarious.

Valken blinked as he heard as a gruff voice and an unmistakable accent flood his ears, spinning on his heels as Emmerich approached and his grin widened even further. "Faust!? You've surfaced out from a Bar! Hell hath freezen over!" Slapping his hand down onto his shoulder, knowing even at full force it probably wouldn't hurt the man. "Well, it's morning and you enjoy it about as much as I do.... So it didn't occur for me to find you... Besides, you usually sniff these battles out and come a running..." Punching him none to gently. "So did you see anyyy of the festival or just the Rim of an Ale?"

@Kayzo @Wyatt



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"They kicked me out, destruction o' property or somefink. And that was after they cut me off," Emmerich says, responding to Valken's quip. At the other man's question thinks for a second, ignoring the slap and the subsequent punch, before grinning, "No, not really. Though I did get into several bar fights if that counts," he says with a laugh. "So, what exactly 'appened 'ere and who's this lot," he asks Valken, gesturing to the unfamiliar people around him whilst throwing an arm around the other man's shoulders, none too gently either. That said, it's not like that would hurt him right?

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Embaga Elder

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Magnolia Cafe


Ryu smiled as he shook Noel's hand. "And a pleasure to meet you miss Noel." he said, dusting off his kimono. "Are you here for the festival? It was quite... lively." as he mentioned the festival, Ryu couldn't help but think back on the event. Sure, it had been chaotic, but it had also been unexpectedly fun as well. While there were more people around and bigger crowds than he would've liked, he'd gotten to meet several interesting people. He wondered if he'd get the chance to see any of them again. Realizing he'd spaced out, he brought himself back to reality. "Sorry, I spaced out there. I was just remembering all the antics that went on during the festival." he said, laughing softly.

@The Dinkster

Kayzo said:
Grace mentally face palmed herself as she realized something. Lloyd became guildmaster after the capped girl left. However due to the fact that she wanted to stop standing around and actually do something she decided to drop the subject for now. "Oh, things have changed Mikado. You'll find out more when we get back to Lamia Scale!" She explained briefly before taking ahold of Masaki and Mikado's hands and walking away from the cathedral. The shorter girl had a sneaking suspicion that her friend and boyfriend weren't connecting as much as she wanted them to, and that there may be some tension between them. Maybe Masaki was jealous about how fast she ditched him for Mikado, but surely he'd understand why. It's been two whole years since she last saw the blonde girl! Plus Masaki did say something about them having the rest of their lives to see one another, which was true. But just to make sure that he was happy Grace leaned up and kissed his cheek before answering the other's question. "Yeah, the whole guild came up here! Even Maya. Don't tell her I said this, but I'm surprised that she hasn't crumbled into dust yet. She's older than Lloyd!"
@Colt556 @LeSoraAmari
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Kardia Cathedral

She narrowed her eyes as she stared at the girl. That was an awfully suspicious thing to say. It was obvious that things would change after so long but for Grace to say it like that implied something significant had happened. She was about to press further when the girl grabbed her hand and begun dragging her and the other boy along. She was quick to bring her free hand up to her cap and pull it down, hiding the surprised look that had took hold of her features. "H-hey! Hold on!" Her protests were weak and quickly petered out as she matched her stride to Grace's so she didn't go tumbling to the ground. The mention that the whole guild came to Magnolia surprised her. What could possibly compel everyone to take a joint trip to some random city? However the revelation was quickly followed up with a dig towards Maya causing the corner of her lip to curl up into a faint smirk. She wouldn't dare say anything in return, knowing how the universe worked it'd be at that moment that Maya showed up and she certainly didn't want her first meeting after two years to open up with an insult. So opting to let the insult slide she focused more on the guild field trip. "Why would everyone come to Magnolia? It doesn't appear to be any different than any other city." She cast a quick glance over her shoulder at the cathedral behind them as that seemed to be the only thing to truly stand out. The only other possibility was the resident guild but she couldn't think of anything that would bring Lamia Scale and Fairy Tail together like that. Clearly there was a lot she missed out on and there seemed to be even more things to catch up on than she had originally thought.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/original.png.8365c7d29f3253c62fcdea0e1dfdfe73.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128632" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/original.png.8365c7d29f3253c62fcdea0e1dfdfe73.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Train Station

Noah was too busy laughing at Valken's joke about himself to notice that he grabbed him. He stopped laughing and looked at Ferra the recruiter. Valken was right, if her new friends was planning on joining Lamia Scale she should really get a cool name. He chuckled when Millie over reacted to seeing a bird. How can you not like birds, they're amazing. Well besides the big fiery ones. He laughed and hoped the three got his joke.

When Valken released him he floated back down to the ground. He decided to test Valken's nerves so he punches Valken in the shoulder with little force, then looked at him.
Did you feel that? He noticed a new dude standing next to him who apparently spent most of his time in a bar. Names Noah, and that's Talon he said pointing to him. I don't know who the others are though. But I like that fact that we got another drinker over here. You guys know what this means. A sinister grin grew on his face. Once we get back to the guild I challenge you both to a drinking contest. He cross his arms with a smirk of victory already believing in his drinking skills. @Kayzo @Wyatt



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Tatsuya looked around. "So many people" he said with a hint of awe in his voice. He had overheard since arriving in magnolia that there was a festival of some sort going on today. He made his way through the crowds, occasionally stomping to ask where he could find Fairy tail. He had been all Fiore looking for a guild to join, so far no luck. He had a good feeling about this one!
Kimberly Lock

Kim's Flat

Kim ate one of the Boazi, a bit of steam came out of her mouth as she blew out. " You really do flatter me Eias, my Father gave me these recipes. I'm not That good at cooking." She down half her glass of juice, she felt a bit of nervousness creep up into her throat. Why was she nervess, she was just asking someone to move in with her. That thought sunk in, making the hole deeper in her stomach. " No ,there really isn't much happening after the festivals. A few jobs in the guild open up thank fully. But I'm good on money for the next two months." Kim breathed in, she attempted to steel her nerves a bit. " Well I was think mabye you could mabye move in with me..."


Ashley Hart

Ashley was in Magnolia without any real idea what she was doing. Sure, she needed to find a house or something to stay in but she wasnt exactly tired. Though, the sound coming from her stomach said otherwise. The redhead was absolutely starving! The sound of the festival down a nearby street just called her to come and have some food! Ashley couldnt resist the temptation and jogged over towards the festival where venders were down just about every street Now this is what I'm talking about. a smile spreaded upon her lips as she went for a vendor to get some food. Her red hair was illuminated by the many lights along the street and seemed to make her hair a bit brigher than it would normally be. Not that she cared.


(Pixel: Rainbow Heart credit for the hearts.) https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18395-four-eyes/
Kayzo said:
Haruhi smiled slightly as she heard the voice of her sister. Though she couldn't see her, she knew that her sister was looking through the peephole. Hopefully Honoka didn't see that the two girls were holding hands. "Hello Honoka. This is Raa, or rather Ciel. He is actually a she." She explained, smiling softly as if the girl was right in front of them. "Can you let me into our home? I need to talk to you about something important." When the door opened up Haruhi let go of Ciel's hand and stepped in with her wife, hugging her sister briefly before stepping to the side to let Ciel in. "Can we find somewhere to sit? This is big news..." She asked, her small smile fading slowly into a nervous one. The blue haired girl was scared to know how her sister would react to this mess. Either she'd get really happy, confused, or angry. Hopefully it was the former.
Honka Redfox


Honks returned her hug, seeing a bit a sweat roll down Haruhi's neck. Odd, what happened last night? " Oh, I knew something was off about raa. I didn't expect that they were a girl." Well that's what she gets for labeling people. She clenched the drum sticks in her left hand as her sister told her that something serious happened,WHAT DID YOU DO?! " I-um, alright..." Honks lead them to the living room, she moved a few books off a section of the couch. Siting down she started to fiddle with her hair. " So what is this big news." On the out side Honoka was calm and collected, but on the inside was a seething rage of a thousand suns.

@Kayzo @Metaphysics
Pixel: Rainbow Heart[/URL] credit for the hearts.) @Four Eyes
Tatsuya was so absorbed in the directions he had been given and his map that he faild to notice the girl in red. He bumped into her and promptly fell over with an "Oof" It dident hurt just surprized him, he looked up and saw A girl in a red skirt with hair to match "O-oh im sorry, I dident see you there, I should be more carful" he said standing up quickly and giving her his best smile to smooth things over

Ashley Hart

Ashley turned as she felt someone bump into her and she looked at the person, only to notice they were on the floor. He said he was sorry and didnt see her and that he should be more careful. A sigh escaped Ashley's lips as the boy got up from the ground and gave her a smile "I'm surprsied you didnt see me.. I'm quite the pin-out. I'm getting some food because I'm hungry." turning her back to him, she spoke with the vendor and got a small thing of fries and she payed for it before going and digging into the fries she had gotten. Turning back to the guy, he was still there "You're still here?"
purplepanda288 said:
Honka Redfox

Honks returned her hug, seeing a bit a sweat roll down Haruhi's neck. Odd, what happened last night? " Oh, I knew something was off about raa. I didn't expect that they were a girl." Well that's what she gets for labeling people. She clenched the drum sticks in her left hand as her sister told her that something serious happened,WHAT DID YOU DO?! " I-um, alright..." Honks lead them to the living room, she moved a few books off a section of the couch. Siting down she started to fiddle with her hair. " So what is this big news." On the out side Honoka was calm and collected, but on the inside was a seething rage of a thousand suns.

@Kayzo @Metaphysics
RaaCiel - Sister Act

"Umm..." Ciel started as she shrugged sheepishly, surely she should share the situation some shall sanctimoniously summarize as somber. "I...uh...we...uh..." She started saying slowly, some seconds sooner she started to speak. "It's nothing big...but uh I'd like you to give yourself some time to absorb this info..." After taking a deep breath and lifting her ring bearing hand and showing it to Honoka she gulped. "We got married while we were drunk." She said before securing air around her feet to anchor herself on the floor.

Ashley Hart

Ashley turned as she felt someone bump into her and she looked at the person, only to notice they were on the floor. He said he was sorry and didnt see her and that he should be more careful. A sigh escaped Ashley's lips as the boy got up from the ground and gave her a smile "I'm surprsied you didnt see me.. I'm quite the pin-out. I'm getting some food because I'm hungry." turning her back to him, she spoke with the vendor and got a small thing of fries and she payed for it before going and digging into the fries she had gotten. Turning back to the guy, he was still there "You're still here?"

He gave a slight bow "Sorry, if you'll excuse me" he said and continued on his way

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