Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Metaphysics said:
"Marrying, yes that proves that..but..." She started as she hugged her comfortingly. "The you part is a different matter..." She suddenly coughed awkwardly and looked I away. "I mean, umm...don't feel that way!" She said hurriedly. "Wanna see a picture?" She said hurriedly, desperate to change the topic. She hurriedly pulled out her journal and searched its pages before pulling out a picture of her cloaked self atop a dead giant squid monster with more than enough tentacles and bone spikes.
Haruhi blushed slightly at her words of her being the lucky part. "W-What do you mean?" She asked as she was pulled into a hug, her arms instinctively wrapping around her body to return the embrace. Unfortunately she wasn't able to get an answer from the purple haired girl as she suddenly changed the subject. And due to her being a bit of a pushover when sober she didn't bother to pester her about it. "Ok..." Haruhi watched as she stumbled about the room to find a picture. But the wait was totally worth it. Her Eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Ciel standing atop a Dead Sea creature of monstrous size. She stared at it for a few moments before looking up to her wife. "Wow! I can't believe that you killed something like that. You're so cool Ciel!"
Eias Baole - gotta get some breakfast!

The smell of breakfast was strong. With a rumbling belly and the pleasant sent entering her nose, she slowly came too. Some light managed to leak from the shades on the windows. Luckily she was far enough away that they could not hit her face. She slowly got up from laying down and folded into a a casual fetal position. She let out a sigh. Was the festival over now? She did not know if anything else was planned or not since she travels a lot. For that matter, if they are over, would she up and head out soon? In a small nervous habit, she started blowing small mundain bubbles as she thought about it. She could try and see if Fairy Tail was up for taking her in. If not then.. She didn't know what to do. She sat there for a few more minutes before walking and blowing a speech bubble to Kim. Beds will forever be comfortable compared to sleeping on the ground.

Kayzo said:
Haruhi blushed slightly at her words of her being the lucky part. "W-What do you mean?" She asked as she was pulled into a hug, her arms instinctively wrapping around her body to return the embrace. Unfortunately she wasn't able to get an answer from the purple haired girl as she suddenly changed the subject. And due to her being a bit of a pushover when sober she didn't bother to pester her about it. "Ok..." Haruhi watched as she stumbled about the room to find a picture. But the wait was totally worth it. Her Eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Ciel standing atop a Dead Sea creature of monstrous size. She stared at it for a few moments before looking up to her wife. "Wow! I can't believe that you killed something like that. You're so cool Ciel!"
"It would've been easier if it weren't for its mind control magic." She stated plainly. "And well, someone had to fight it." She put away the photo in her journal. "So uhh...I guess that's all there is to know about me...sorry if I come across as boring." She said shyly, looking away and blushing, not showing her reddened cheeks to her wife. "So...what do we do now I guess?" She asked hesitantly. If they were going to go out to tell her sister then that would be fine, it would be better to deal with it now than later. "I...I'm not going to force you to act like...uhm...not going to force you to treat me like your wife if you don't want to..."

Leonardo Captor

Morning | Magnolia Town


Strolling through the cafe strip, Leonardo casually hung behind Mimi as the young lady contemplated her choices for breakfast. He was even half expecting her to make some joke about eating at some super expensive place, but even knowing didn't stop him from gently moving his hand over the lump in his pocket where his wallet was. It was a strangely defensive gesture, as if he feared Mimi would to really run him dry. Of coarse, she would never do this, and when she eventually clarified that she was just messing with Leo, he responded with a knowing smirk.

A lady such as yourself deserves a proper gentleman to buy the world for her, not a rebel like me." Leonardo dramatically swept his hair back with his right hand, grinning. It was clear that he was partially joking, but there was also a hint of sincerity to his tone as if he actually believed him to be the 'bad boy' type. Anyone who knew him would find the idea laughable.

Leonardo looked upon the small diner. It was definitely welcoming, and the smell of bacon and eggs frying on the grill wafting from the inside only served to pique the young man's appetite. Nodding in approval at Mimi's choice, he walked at a brisk pace towards the diner; his hunger starting to settle in after the walk here. Opening the door for Mimi, he stood to the side and waited for her to enter.

Yukiko Sumeragi

Morning | Magnolia Square

@Zuka | @Embaga Elder

Yukiko perched herself high upon a local apartment complex located close to the hotel she and her guild mates had stayed at for the last few days. The spot was optimal, giving Yukiko a good view of the Fairy Tail guild hall as well as various parks and even Magnolia Square. Of coarse, she knew that she'd never be able to see anything from such a distance. Yukiko stood on the ledge of the roof, a purple magic circle appearing over her head. Holding her hands up through the circle, the magic danced around her touch. The circle slowly descended over her body, curtaining her in various purple hexagons that disappeared as quickly as they had been summoned. When the circle reached her feet, it collapsed upon itself and Yukiko suddenly felt empty. It was a feeling she was quite used to; the sensation of standing on the fence of non-existence and substance. Each side tried desperately to tug at her; one wishing to bring her back to reality, the other seeking to pull her into the void. Though despite these forces, Yukiko was in full control. Closing her eyes, Yukiko stepped off the side of the tall building and began plummeting towards the earth.

The people below paid to attention to her, and why would they? In this form, she was a ghost to them; a shadow lingering in the corner of their eyes. As she fell she leaned her body forward, holding her hands behind her. She bent her legs slightly, positioning herself vertically along the building. Her descent slowed down as Yukiko surfed down the building. When she spotted another building approaching, she stepped off from the side of the building with the grace of a ballerina. Soaring through the air, Yukiko gently landed on one foot on top of a street lamp. Her landing was only temporary, and she didn't even need to take a moment to regain balance before she hopped to the roof of a small bakery. Yukiko continued to move through the suburban ocean, never stopping and passing through any obstacles as if they didn't exist.

While she strolled, Yukiko caught what appeared to be a battle in the middle of Magnolia Square. Intrigued by the two men's test of strength, Yukiko rolled off the side of the building before landing in front of a street vendor. Upon landing, her magic dissipated. There was enough people around to offer her natural cover, and she figured the two would be too occupied to notice her. The vendor stared in confusion, having sworn that there was no one in front of his stand. Yukiko paid no mind, continuing to walk forward as a golden square of magic covered her right eye. Using her Archive Magic as a psuedo magical camera, the spy casually kept walking through the crowd with her attention on the two men fighting. They seemed to be regular brutes, but upon noticing a Lamia Scale guild mark upon one of them she was suddenly even more interested in their battle. The magical camera shot a few pictures of the two men, and Yukiko summoned up a small screen in the palm of her hand to see if she could match their appearance with anyone in her database.

It would take a moment for there to be a match, but she didn't mind. More time to enjoy the show.
Lysander Connell

Streets of Magnolia

Lysander's face broke into a cheerful grin the moment he spotted Sora. As it had turned out, he had already been keeping an eye out for her as he headed towards her place. He had initially been heading there to look for her, the second option being the Fairy Tail Guild Hall if she was not at her place, to say goodbye. But now he did not even need to head to both places because here she was right in front of him. He could not help the instinctive smile that broke onto his face every time he saw or even thought of her. "Sora!" He said, as cheerful as his smile was, as he felt the impact of what appeared to be a flying hug.

It warmed him to note that she seemed to be as happy as he was to see her. But now a new issue presented itself; he still was not sure what to get her as a gift. He very rarely received or gave gifts, so he was woefully inexperienced when it came to presents, yet he knew full well that he wanted his gift to be meaningful to her. He could not just buy anything off the street in Magnolia and present it as a gift to her. Gifts had to have meaning behind him; the few gifts he had received had been full of meaning to him, as they had chronicled his family history and he wanted to do the same for her as well. Which mean that he would definitely need to buy her gift at Margaret Town. The question was, what? And how to delay her expectations? The good thing was, he was headed back today. The bad news was, he was headed back today...

It was then that he realised that he was once again playing with the brooch that she had given him the day before, that was holding his poncho securely to his neck and shoulders and he quickly stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Well..." he was not sure what to say. He hated awkward goodbyes, and in the first place, he did not even want to say goodbye.

Metaphysics said:
"It would've been easier if it weren't for its mind control magic." She stated plainly. "And well, someone had to fight it." She put away the photo in her journal. "So uhh...I guess that's all there is to know about me...sorry if I come across as boring." She said shyly, looking away and blushing, not showing her reddened cheeks to her wife. "So...what do we do now I guess?" She asked hesitantly. If they were going to go out to tell her sister then that would be fine, it would be better to deal with it now than later. "I...I'm not going to force you to act like...uhm...not going to force you to treat me like your wife if you don't want to..."
Haruhi's jaw dropped when Ciel called herself boring. How could someone that fought huge beasts come across as boring!? That's the coolest thing that she'd ever heard, like she was some hero from a fairy tale. It just seemed that Ciel was all too humble about her achievements, which was pretty lame. Anyone who pulled off things like that should be glorified. "You're not boring at all! In fact, you're the coolest person I've ever met!" She said with bright eyes, the whole problem of them getting marriage seemingly disappearing from her mind. Or until she brought it up again. Her first thought was to tell her own sister what happened. It was better to tell her now rather than build up lies on top of lies, which was too stressful for her. "Let's go tell my sister. I don't think she'll get too mad, just very surprised." She explained, nudging her wife and holding out her hand slightly before standing up. "I think I know where she is, but we need to hurry, alright?"
Kayzo said:
Millie smiled warmly at Ferra as they complimented her. "Aww, you're too kind Ferra." She said, clapping her hands together and glancing at Valken. She went to reach in for a kiss but before she could the man beside Ferra came up and took her hand, kissing it softly. Her face blushed bright red and she took a step back in surprise. "O-Oh my, thank you." She said softly, squeaking in surprise when Valken suddenly ripped the man away from her and began to seemingly beat him up. The blonde girl slowly shifted towards the smaller girl while watching the two fight. However what surprised her was how quickly the two made up. One moment they were fighting over Millievand the next they were fawning over her. "They're so stupid..."
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station Fight

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The S-Class Lamia Scale mage peered to Noah as he seemed to have leant his lesson and was approaching him rather than the gorgeous blonde with the huge rack on her chest. Seeing his grin and hearing his words, he couldn't help but grin himself.

He didn't say anything but if a man offered a hand shake he didn't want to decline... So when Noah then grasped his wrist and suddenly threw a punch to his gut, Valken bent over gasping for a moment as the surprise winded him.

The punch tingled at the spot where he connected but more importantly his entire nervous system seemed to be jolted with ripples of electricity that sent his body almost trembling... lifting his purple gaze enough to see the lightning still arcing off his fist, Valken then stood tall his grin almost turning manic in his excitement.

It was one thing to surprise Valken, it was quiet another to manage to land a strong magic punch on him.

Valken voice lifted then as he watched him take his shirt off and already Valken was unbuckling his daggers from around his waist, letting it slid to the ground with a thud.

He cracked his knuckles within his gloves, so focused on Noah he heard nothing of Millie or Ferra.

"Alright, Casanova, let's see what you have got..." Opening his arms wide as an invitation for Noah to hit him.

Despite Noah having hit on Millie, and had it been anyone else Valken would have paralyzed them... But for some reason this guy almost seemed like a mirror version of himself. Smooth, and striking. And Valken was eager to test if he was strong as he was, to.

By now a gathering was starting to form from all the festival goers attempting to leave Magnolia via train.

Some even screamed "Go Lamia Scale!" Seeing the huge Guild Mark which started on Valken's neck and travelled down his collarbone and shoulder blade exposed over his vest.

@Kayzo @Kayzo

Ferra: Magnolia Square

Ferra could only nod in agreement to Millie as Valken and Noah started fighting. "
Mhm..oh well. What're ya gunna do?" She replied with a shrug. In truth, Millie could of probably ended the fight in an instant...like she had between Sera and Valken. That's right, she watched the tournament replays. She had to admit, she'd never expected Millie to be so lewd. If anyone tried to get Ferra to do that two things woulf happen; She'd die of embarrassment and everyone would be overwhelmed of her barely there chest. Nevertheless she shook those thoughts out of her head and continued watching the fight. Those two were so alike they could be long lost siblings, really. Talon soon came up to them and greeted them, followed by asking if this was a initiation fight. "Hey Talon!" She told him before smiling and hugging him for a second before moving to stand beside him.

Annnd, no. This isn't an initiation fight. Noah decided to hit on Millie and fight Valken for whatever reason. Noah..really has no chance." She told him with a shrug. Talon soon introduced himself to Millie, "This is Millie. That's Valken." She added, gesturing to Millie and pointing to Valken. Soon enough the fight ended with Noah and Valken on the ground and Noah looking up some random girls' skirt and casually commenting on their underwear. Typical. She grinned and eventually laughed a bit as Valken started laughing on the ground. Seems she was right about those two getting along. Though she was right about Millie and him getting along, so why wouldn't she be right about that? Simple logic. When he asked if Noah drank she chuckled. Drinking was an understatement. "Don't worry Valken, he drinks as much..maybe more..than you." She told him. Annd of course Valken continued his assualt.

Then a bird flew down and landed on her shoulder followed by it squawking. She jumped and nearly smacked the bird to the ground, though refrained from doing so. "
Huh...?" She questioned, staring at the bird. Of course, that only illicited another squawk in response. Soon enough a guy came up talking to them, which caused Ferra to turn to him and arch a brow. "Oh, the birds yours? That..explains a lot. It's fine I guess." She replied. "I'm Ferra, this is Talon, Millie, Noah, annd..Valken." She told him, introducing all of them and in Valkens case half of him. "Yeah. He's..doing stuff right now." She added with a shrug.
Lloyd Kirby

Streets of Magnolia

Lloyd gave a slight shrug of his shoulders upon hearing that Maya had been unable to look into the death of Cece Tutin. As terrible as that had been, they had just been in the middle of a festival after all, so he would have been surprised if people were not sidetracked by it. It would have been impossible anyway what with all the noise, crowds and activity... and there he was thinking negatively again. At least he had been out of most of it... though it still was not enough to prevent him from getting spat on by drunk oafs apparently. "It's fine," he said finally, sounding rather calm and normal really. "It's a festival after all. Hard to get any real work done in one. Plus, this was an opportunity to see Ms Marvell, wasn't it? I hope she's doing well."

At the sudden change in aura from Maya, Lloyd took a step back. He could not help feeling rather frustrated at himself. Of course she could see his anger. If there was one negative emotion that Lloyd truly had difficulty hiding, it was anger. He was doomed to always have issues with anger apparently, and this was just frustrating. When he had been younger, he had difficulty controlling his anger. Now, he had difficulty hiding it. And he did not even want to think of the cause of the anger. Because if he did... there it would come again. "Well..." he began, in the hopes of brushing it off when they were, much to his relief, interrupted.

Of course he had heard of Arietta Forsyth. It was hard to not hear of any of the Wizarding Saints, really, though this certainly was his first time meeting her. Which was why his eyes widened in surprise at the way she entered their scene; it was totally unexpected. And also could not help feeling rather small being in the company of both Wizarding Saints. And she certainly appeared younger than she actually was, if she was actually referring to Maya as little. "Thank you. It's an honour to meet you, Ms Forsyth," he said finally, dipping his head in respect to her title.

He had to force himself to not take a step back, at the sight of Ms Forsyth's eyes; they were devoid of emotion as she addressed him. "Sadly, I am very much familiar with that," he said quietly. He was fully aware of the consequences of not having an outlet for anger. He had dealt with anger issues all his adulthood and some of the consequences had been... not pretty. That was why he liked to wander off alone. At least walking and nature helped to calm him down somewhat.

It was obvious that Ms Forsyth wished to address Maya, and Lloyd was just about to excuse himself when he heard something extremely intriguing... and something that he had to agree with as well. Something seemed... off somehow. Stretched. Like too little jam on toast. And his instincts were never wrong, which as why he depended on them so strongly. Perhaps all the more he ought to look for Kelica but... well, he had not been chased away yet. So he remained, saying nothing, but remaining quite focused on the two women.

@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey
Talon barely heard Ferra as he watched the fight with interest. Noah seemed to be holding his own against the Valken guy so Talon didnt join in to help Noah. That would probably injure Noahs pride anyway so that was another reason not to. A bird flew past his face, startling him. It sqawked and seemed to be calling for someone. Talon understood pheonix and big birds like eagles but smaller birds were harder to understand. Slightly different dialect and they spoke faster. A voice was soon heard, Talon turned to see a new prson walk up and apologize to Ferra for their bid landing on her. @Kayzo @Wyatt
Grace didn't know that Mikado wasn't talking about Lloyd but rather the other, older guild master. The old geezer comment could go towards either of the guild masters because in her mind they were both very old. "Yeah, stupid Lloyd. I'll come with you to embarrass him." She said with a cheeky grin. As nice as her guild master was it'd be tons of fun to mess with him. The shorter girl looked back at her boyfriend who was being very very quiet. She didn't exactly mind that as it gave her more time to socialize, but she still felt bad for him. "Don't worry Masaki, you'll have your time in a little. I need to catch up! Two years is a long time!" Turning her attention to Mikado, Grace answered her question. "To have fun. Why else would I be here?"

@LeSoraAmari @Colt556
Talon said:
Talon barely heard Ferra as he watched the fight with interest. Noah seemed to be holding his own against the Valken guy so Talon didnt join in to help Noah. That would probably injure Noahs pride anyway so that was another reason not to. A bird flew past his face, startling him. It sqawked and seemed to be calling for someone. Talon understood pheonix and big birds like eagles but smaller birds were harder to understand. Slightly different dialect and they spoke faster. A voice was soon heard, Talon turned to see a new prson walk up and apologize to Ferra for their bid landing on her. @Kayzo @Wyatt
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Magnolia Square
Ferra could only nod in agreement to Millie as Valken and Noah started fighting. "
Mhm..oh well. What're ya gunna do?" She replied with a shrug. In truth, Millie could of probably ended the fight in an instant...like she had between Sera and Valken. That's right, she watched the tournament replays. She had to admit, she'd never expected Millie to be so lewd. If anyone tried to get Ferra to do that two things woulf happen; She'd die of embarrassment and everyone would be overwhelmed of her barely there chest. Nevertheless she shook those thoughts out of her head and continued watching the fight. Those two were so alike they could be long lost siblings, really. Talon soon came up to them and greeted them, followed by asking if this was a initiation fight. "Hey Talon!" She told him before smiling and hugging him for a second before moving to stand beside him.

Annnd, no. This isn't an initiation fight. Noah decided to hit on Millie and fight Valken for whatever reason. Noah..really has no chance." She told him with a shrug. Talon soon introduced himself to Millie, "This is Millie. That's Valken." She added, gesturing to Millie and pointing to Valken. Soon enough the fight ended with Noah and Valken on the ground and Noah looking up some random girls' skirt and casually commenting on their underwear. Typical. She grinned and eventually laughed a bit as Valken started laughing on the ground. Seems she was right about those two getting along. Though she was right about Millie and him getting along, so why wouldn't she be right about that? Simple logic. When he asked if Noah drank she chuckled. Drinking was an understatement. "Don't worry Valken, he drinks as much..maybe more..than you." She told him. Annd of course Valken continued his assualt.

Then a bird flew down and landed on her shoulder followed by it squawking. She jumped and nearly smacked the bird to the ground, though refrained from doing so. "
Huh...?" She questioned, staring at the bird. Of course, that only illicited another squawk in response. Soon enough a guy came up talking to them, which caused Ferra to turn to him and arch a brow. "Oh, the birds yours? That..explains a lot. It's fine I guess." She replied. "I'm Ferra, this is Talon, Millie, Noah, annd..Valken." She told him, introducing all of them and in Valkens case half of him. "Yeah. He's..doing stuff right now." She added with a shrug.
Vex: Train Station

Vex listened as Ferra introduce everyone and he hoped that Horus was paying attention. "I am sorry, Ferra was it? Anyways I can't see anyone that are introducing. I would have to have them talk to me so that I learn who they are. Horus, my bird does all of my seeing." Horus squawked and flew back to his master. The bird quickly filled Vex in on how the fight was progressing and ceased speaking afterwards. "Any ways what brings you here?"
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Sinbad-magi-the-labyrinth-of-magic-31063026-350-631.jpg.d72503cf841cfd8204b9a99d8ea21f0e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128371" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Sinbad-magi-the-labyrinth-of-magic-31063026-350-631.jpg.d72503cf841cfd8204b9a99d8ea21f0e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Fight within Magnolia Square

Noah nodded his head appreciating the fact the Valken respected him, and Noah did the same. Valken has a beautiful girlfriend, has good fighting skills, and has good taste in drinks. It's like looking in a mirror. Me I'm a wine man mainly, but will drink whatever including scotch. I love that shit. When he mentioned Maya he had to ask about her. So this Maya lady, is she really old... Before he could finish Valken disappeared or did he. When Valken disappeared that's when Ferra's comment registered in his head. He looked at Ferra and threw his hands in the air and letting them fall while he yells Wooooow thanks for the support Ferraaaa!!!! The last part of his sentence was exaggerated because he was flippped by Valken.

He landed on his hands and pushed off the ground going back into the air. He caught himself in the air using wind allowing him to float.
Shadow Magic huh?? Yeah I guess that fits your image. He said still floating. @Kayzo @Zuka



  • Sinbad-magi-the-labyrinth-of-magic-31063026-350-631.jpg
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He lips pulled themselves up into a smile without her permission, and she shook her head in disapproval. "You're so full of it," she retorted, especially so because he was joking. Eventually, she hoped to find someone that she could spend the rest of her life with, that was for sure. But was it really the right time to even start looking. His offhanded joke caused her to dwell on her real problems, especially so if she was to think about raising a family. How did her mind get to wandering off like that.

Nevertheless, she was pulled back to reality when she encountered the same aromas and general atmosphere as Leo, pulling her cheerful disposition of the morning back from its slumber underneath her contemplation. Leo's presence served as a reminder that the world wasn't all stress and responsibility, but rather contained its own fruits of joy and excitement as well. She really wouldn't have known what to do with herself when she joined the guild if it weren't for him, after all. Granted, he wasn't exactly the best influence, and she still got herself into mischief of course.

"Why thank you, my good sir," she responded to his gesture with quite a bit of flair. She even added a small courtesy for extra effect in case the level of gratitude was unnoticed. With that, she entered into the diner, simply looking around at how quaint it was. It was quite clear that it was for the whole family, as several couples sat and ate with their children, bringing back her mind's constant nagging of when she would become one of these families. In times like this, she would have preferred to have the council of her parents, at the very least one of them. Despite the guild's hospitality, she didn't really feel like she received the same care and comfort as from her parents. Perhaps they simply doted on her too much, causing her to have unrealistic expectations for what the guild could offer her.

The waitresses' comment brought her back to reality once more, and Mimi had to ask her to repeat what she said. She turned to Leo, still able to muster up a smile so as to not dampen the mood. "Looks like we can seat ourselves. What do you think about that table?" she asked, though she was already on her way. Within seconds of power walking, she plopped down into a booth. The force of her plop with the sturdiness of the booth caused her to bounce ever so slightly, but she quickly settled in. She looked out the window briefly to catch a glimpse of a bird flying past. If only life were as carefree as the bird made it seem.

Without a moment to spare, she turned her attention back to Leo. "Alright, so we know I want pancakes, but what do you want?" she asked, curious just how hungry he might be. Did getting piss faced drunk have a hunger consequence like it did a headache? She was genuinely curious. Of course, this reminded her that she still had to tease him about getting so drunk, but she could do that later. It was time for food!

@Chat Noir
LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki Yamada - Kardia Cathedral
Masaki stood there with his hands behind his back as he waited for the two girls to finish whatever it was they were doing. Judging from the situation, the girl who was named Mikado had been away for a while and has only just returned, which would have meant that Grace hasn't seen her for a while. That was later confirmed when Grace said something about it being two years since they last saw each other, even then Masaki stood back and said nothing, letting the two girls catch up and reunite after so long apart. The bond between guild members was a precious thing, and Masaki was happy for Grace as this had shown the teenager that Lamia Scale really is like one big family. Of course, Sabertooth was too in its own way, at least. Smiling at both of them, Masaki nodded to Mikado, replying to her nod with one of his own. He then turned to Grace and smiled even more.
Kayzo said:
Grace didn't know that Mikado wasn't talking about Lloyd but rather the other, older guild master. The old geezer comment could go towards either of the guild masters because in her mind they were both very old. "Yeah, stupid Lloyd. I'll come with you to embarrass him." She said with a cheeky grin. As nice as her guild master was it'd be tons of fun to mess with him. The shorter girl looked back at her boyfriend who was being very very quiet. She didn't exactly mind that as it gave her more time to socialize, but she still felt bad for him. "Don't worry Masaki, you'll have your time in a little. I need to catch up! Two years is a long time!" Turning her attention to Mikado, Grace answered her question. "To have fun. Why else would I be here?"
@LeSoraAmari @Colt556
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Kardia Cathedral

She closed her eyes and gave a nod of affirmation at the idea of going and messing with Master. The old man deserved a little torment for making her friends worry. After a few seconds a look of confusion once again donned her features as she tilted her head slightly, looking directly at Grace. "Wait a minute, what's Lloyd have to do with this? I told Master I was leaving, not Lloyd." She couldn't understand why they would go and mess with Lloyd, but then perhaps he became a bit more sociable since she left or something. She offered a small shrug to her own thoughts, it wasn't like she and Lloyd were ever especially close what with him being a loner and all. For now there were more pressing issues such as catching up as Grace mentioned. She gave Masaki another look from beneath her cap, using the hat to help hide her features whenever she turned her attention towards the boy. It was more than clear that she was disrupting some kind of date, the question was did she care enough to give the two lovebirds time alone? Not one bit. "Well, putting Lloyd aside I just thought it seems odd that you'd come this far for 'fun'. Did anyone else come with you or is it just you?"
Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Magnolia : Fairy Hills

Clair was sat out on her balcony , well she was sat in a chair at a glass table which just so happened to be located on her balcony, enjoying a slice of cake. A piece she felt was well deserved ! It's not easy getting up on a float in that kind of outfit you know , no matter how confident you may be!

Anyway Clair had been sat there for a while and was taking quite a while to enjoy her slice of cake. Now Clair never was one for horsing down food , she always kept her manners up even when alone , but she just couldn't eat the cake. Something felt off to her and , well , it was putting her off her food.

Clair let out a soft sigh as she placed the plate down on the glass surface with a resonating clank , proceeding then to stare off towards the town , chin balanced on the back of her left hand. "I don't like this......not one bit"
Eric: Zzz...

Eric was strolling over the hills attempting to reach his destination, He's fought through horde's of enemies, solved many riddles and lost his way many times but somehow got back on track, He's literally been through hell but now, he's finally made it... the forbidden land long lost through time... The forbidden land of... Foodtopia! After all his hard work it's all finally paid off and he's made to his personal heaven. Spaghetti rivers, Chocolate fountains gingerbread houses everything was made of all kinds of food! In a rush to set foot in such a wondrous place he tripped on a rock and fell flat on his face, then he woke up. Aurelie and Alabaster were talking to each other but that didn't concern him something else does though... "So I actually didn't find it huh?" A single tear formed in his eye. "Next time I'll find it..."

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Aurelie was quite relieved that Alabaster was ready to get up, as it meant that she could easily be comfortable again. She scrambled up on her feet, she herself brushing off the debris that clung to her from the attack. "It's fine. I'm sure you'll learn to contain it somehow," she replied, smiling to herself as she started brushing off the backs of her legs. She sure did talk a lot, but she was quite energetic after all.

"It has been-" she was almost immediately cut off by more of Alabaster speech, which made her frown. "We were actually on our way to a bar of Eric's," she replied, gesturing to the passed out man on the ground. "I should suppose he wouldn't mind you coming with since you're in the same guild. And thank god we finally have someone who is in a guild and not crazy for once," she muttered, mostly to herself.

She squatted down to see if Eric was okay, which he thankfully seemed to be. Well, except when he woke up. She blinked twice in rapid succession, then got up. Now that he was awake, she looked at Alabaster, pretending she didn't hear what he just said. It was probably best not to address it anyway. "Looks like we're good to go. Shall we?" she asked, hoping they would finally get somewhere safe and relax for once in their lives.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
Asher: Magnolia Streets

Asher was stumbling along the streets of Magnolia. He had lost guild, he could have sworn that they where here just a moment ago. Where did they say they were going? How could they have forgotten about Asher? Now he was lost and alone in the giant city of Magnolia. "Hey guys this isn't funny!" He yelled as loud as he could, being quite nervous. "Hello, guys? Where are you?"

Wyatt said:
Asher: Magnolia StreetsAsher was stumbling along the streets of Magnolia. He had lost guild, he could have sworn that they where here just a moment ago. Where did they say they were going? How could they have forgotten about Asher? Now he was lost and alone in the giant city of Magnolia. "Hey guys this isn't funny!" He yelled as loud as he could, being quite nervous. "Hello, guys? Where are you?"

Arial Font, Aura Mage

Arial was busy shopping for supplies on her next trip. She ducked in and out of stores, purchasing what she needed when the rainbow haired mage heard a strained cry. She turned quickly and sought out the source of the voice. She saw a kid, going about as if he was lost. "Oh no, that's unfortunate..." She mumbled before she approached the bot. "H-hello? Are you lost?" Arial asked slowly, being careful not to scare young boy.

Kayzo said:
Haruhi's jaw dropped when Ciel called herself boring. How could someone that fought huge beasts come across as boring!? That's the coolest thing that she'd ever heard, like she was some hero from a fairy tale. It just seemed that Ciel was all too humble about her achievements, which was pretty lame. Anyone who pulled off things like that should be glorified. "You're not boring at all! In fact, you're the coolest person I've ever met!" She said with bright eyes, the whole problem of them getting marriage seemingly disappearing from her mind. Or until she brought it up again. Her first thought was to tell her own sister what happened. It was better to tell her now rather than build up lies on top of lies, which was too stressful for her. "Let's go tell my sister. I don't think she'll get too mad, just very surprised." She explained, nudging her wife and holding out her hand slightly before standing up. "I think I know where she is, but we need to hurry, alright?"
"Alright, let me just gear up." Ciel said. She hurriedly picked up her armor pieces and put them on her before donning her cloak on like a cape. "Okay, I'm ready, let's get this going." She said calmly before taking her wife's hand. In truth she was scared since the only reference she had for a sibling was Niur and Ruin and they reacted rather badly from time to time. "Am I going to need more armor?" She asked jokingly.
Kimberly Lock


Kim was in the kitchen, with flower slay makin power all suspended around her. A steam cooker powering away, cooking the baozi that she had prepared. On the counter were a few plates of pork, carrot rice, and other vegan Boazi. Kim slightly jumped as Eias spoke, she turned around and nodded her head. " Well you do travel a lot. Sit down I'll serve up the food." Kimberly dusted off her stained apron, a cloud of flower burst around her. The items that had been hovering placed them selves neatly the into their respective places, towels started to clean up the mess she had made. The steam cooker dinged, signifying that the last of the Boazi were done. She opened the cooker and carefully put the boazi on a small rectangular plater. " Careful their hot. Also I don't know which has what in the middle, I think I put chocolate in one of them for some reason. " The short Taint Mage put the plates on to the island of the kitchen, also laying down chopsticks and cups with orange juice. Kim had sat down across from Eias.

Kazehana said:

Aurelie was quite relieved that Alabaster was ready to get up, as it meant that she could easily be comfortable again. She scrambled up on her feet, she herself brushing off the debris that clung to her from the attack. "It's fine. I'm sure you'll learn to contain it somehow," she replied, smiling to herself as she started brushing off the backs of her legs. She sure did talk a lot, but she was quite energetic after all.

"It has been-" she was almost immediately cut off by more of Alabaster speech, which made her frown. "We were actually on our way to a bar of Eric's," she replied, gesturing to the passed out man on the ground. "I should suppose he wouldn't mind you coming with since you're in the same guild. And thank god we finally have someone who is in a guild and not crazy for once," she muttered, mostly to herself.

She squatted down to see if Eric was okay, which he thankfully seemed to be. Well, except when he woke up. She blinked twice in rapid succession, then got up. Now that he was awake, she looked at Alabaster, pretending she didn't hear what he just said. It was probably best not to address it anyway. "Looks like we're good to go. Shall we?" she asked, hoping they would finally get somewhere safe and relax for once in their lives.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
Eric: Magnolia Sreets

"I had the most weirdest dream... No before that what the hell just crashed into us... It sounded a lot like Alaba..." He turns round and see's her standing there "Alabaster!? What the hell were you thinking!? You nearly got me killed there! And... and... uh... Do you two know each other? Ah! Never mind don't answer an of those questions, so much has happened in such a short time, I just need a drink already to calm myself down." He gestured her to come with them. "If you want you can come with us to the bar, I need time to collect my thoughts." Eric starts heading off and looks back to see if she is coming with them. Honestly Eric just didn't care about anything any more he just wanted to go to the bar already.

@Metaphysics @Kazehana
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Metaphysics said:
Arial Font, Aura Mage

Arial was busy shopping for supplies on her next trip. She ducked in and out of stores, purchasing what she needed when the rainbow haired mage heard a strained cry. She turned quickly and sought out the source of the voice. She saw a kid, going about as if he was lost. "Oh no, that's unfortunate..." She mumbled before she approached the bot. "H-hello? Are you lost?" Arial asked slowly, being careful not to scare young boy.

"Alright, let me just gear up." Ciel said. She hurriedly picked up her armor pieces and put them on her before donning her cloak on like a cape. "Okay, I'm ready, let's get this going." She said calmly before taking her wife's hand. In truth she was scared since the only reference she had for a sibling was Niur and Ruin and they reacted rather badly from time to time. "Am I going to need more armor?" She asked jokingly.
Asher: Stranger Danger!

Asher backed away from the strange women, he had been taught by his guild members to be wary of strangers, you never know what they are up to and what they want you to do. "I'm ... I'm... I am looking for my guild members." It took him a moment but he was able to say it. She looked like the type of person that would pick off a child like him. Asher was just hoping that one of the members of his guild would come and save him from her. He backed up into a wall, and froze. He stood still as he watched the women's every move. In sing of danger and he would bolt.
Grace mentally face palmed herself as she realized something. Lloyd became guildmaster after the capped girl left. However due to the fact that she wanted to stop standing around and actually do something she decided to drop the subject for now. "Oh, things have changed Mikado. You'll find out more when we get back to Lamia Scale!" She explained briefly before taking ahold of Masaki and Mikado's hands and walking away from the cathedral. The shorter girl had a sneaking suspicion that her friend and boyfriend weren't connecting as much as she wanted them to, and that there may be some tension between them. Maybe Masaki was jealous about how fast she ditched him for Mikado, but surely he'd understand why. It's been two whole years since she last saw the blonde girl! Plus Masaki did say something about them having the rest of their lives to see one another, which was true. But just to make sure that he was happy Grace leaned up and kissed his cheek before answering the other's question. "Yeah, the whole guild came up here! Even Maya. Don't tell her I said this, but I'm surprised that she hasn't crumbled into dust yet. She's older than Lloyd!"

@Metaphysics @purplepanda288
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