Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


She really didn't want to continue telling him why it was such a horrible idea, so she was quite glad when Lee offered to leave. Eric, however, was not making this easy for her. "Oh yes because the last time you two were in a bar together, everything went swimmingly," she replied in her signature neutral tone. She personally didn't drink too much and found the bar to be a rowdy place, but she knew a thing or two about drunks. The most important thing was that he would be easily manipulated, so that was fun. "If you insist, it's better than standing here arguing." This would be his second time in a bar today. Was this his solution to everything? No wonder Gilad was furious.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Lee: waddling away

Lee figured he didn't need to use any more magic, the two continued to argue and he didn't even listen to what Eric had to say. It had been long enough for Lee to regain some strength and he used his staff as a crutch. He was slowly walking away, still within sight of both of them but he figured that with the amount of argueing they were doing they wouldn't notice he had left until it was to laten and the would most likely struggle to guess which way he had gone. Only time would tell but he hoped that things would work out. The day had already been far more chaotic then he would had preffered. He was going to find a nice quiet place to meditate.

@Jackaboi @Kazehana
Kazehana said:

She really didn't want to continue telling him why it was such a horrible idea, so she was quite glad when Lee offered to leave. Eric, however, was not making this easy for her. "Oh yes because the last time you two were in a bar together, everything went swimmingly," she replied in her signature neutral tone. She personally didn't drink too much and found the bar to be a rowdy place, but she knew a thing or two about drunks. The most important thing was that he would be easily manipulated, so that was fun. "If you insist, it's better than standing here arguing." This would be his second time in a bar today. Was this his solution to everything? No wonder Gilad was furious.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Eric: Magnolia Stables

For your information that first fight was at an Inn not a bar and secondly I had a pretty bad hangover from a drinking game yesterday so I wasn't exactly the most patient man alive at the time but that's subsided now (I'm still pretty pissy about that stupid wager... I knew I should have bet more) anyway are you coming along too Lee? I'll give you a hand getting up if you wa..." As he turns his attention to Lee he see's he's already back on his feet. "Oh your up already I see! that makes things easier come on I'll show you where the bar is."

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Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Festival - Final Night - At the Plot

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca2495456_images(37).jpg.915fbb7f44a2d63d12a0041d13883771.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127983" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca2495456_images(37).jpg.915fbb7f44a2d63d12a0041d13883771.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Despite Kelica's best efforts to try and calm Chris down it seemed he had other ideas. Even despite trying to talk calmly and reassuringly her soft words and tone went in one ear and out the other. He didn't even look at her, his angry drunk-fuelled gaze was set onto Lloyd not matter how hard she tried to tell him otherwise.

Once again, he lifted Kelica's arm and pushed her to the side. And just like before, his physical strength unrestrained with the intoxication meant she gasped out in pain at his grip before being flung rather heavily to the side, landing with a crash in a crumpled heap against the ground.

Still in a half daze against the ground, a hand lifting to the bruise she could already feel starting to work onto her arm, she watched in absolute horror as he jabbed a finger into Lloyd's chest, her face only paling further when he spat right against his face.

She found she was holding her breath.... Lloyd would kill him! I didn't matter how much restraint the man possessed, she had personally watched this Guild Master knotch an arrow that created a Cyclone! One that brought a dragon to it's knees!

She found after a few seconds her chest grew tight, lifting up a hand to clutch at her shirt, near her chest. Her vision started to blur and she realised her breathing had started up once more, but this time in a panicked flurry. Her body was trembling against the ground.

Lloyd was going to kill Chris and it was all her fault! Why... why was it always her fault!!

Naturally her fight or flight instinct's kicked in when she started her panic attack, and in an instant she lept up from the ground, spun on her heels and fled. She couldn't watch, not even for a second more, not wanting to see whatever the outcome might be... Either Lloyd killed Chris or the more unlikely scenario Chris killed Lloyd...

Regardless they would both be injuried and it was all her fault.

Her heavy running steps had already carried her far away from the scene, out of the courtyard before turning to some abandoned side street alley in the heart of town.

Finally, catching her breath and clutching at her own shirt, one hand braced against the wall and sweat dripping down the side of her face, her shaking emerald eyes lifted to the dead end of the alleyway.

She had to blink several times as she straightened her back, as a weird golden mist seemed to seep out from the very wall itself.

Letting go of her chest she took a pace or two forward, hand half reaching out towards it. It was strange, it felt... beckoning... soothing... like a mother's arms held wide, as if to say, come here child... let me hold you... let me keep you safe...

Kelica only half understood what was going on, but her footsteps were drawing her in closer. The mist brushing over the very tip of her boots. A pace or more and she found herself standing the middle of it.

Without warning the soothing mist suddenly thickened and whirled around, making her blonde hair flutter in an erratic fashion. Kelica's green eyes went huge when a second later the mist seemed to grab her, even without arms and drag her down.

Kelica let out one huge, ear-piercing scream before the mist swallowed her up and as quick as it had started, she was gone...

@Huor Spinks @Isune @Salt Lord



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Mitchs98 said:
Ferra pouted slightly as Noah walked up and patted her on the head like she was some child, followed by actually calling her a kid. "I'm not a kid! Like I said I'm 17, sheesh." She replied in an annoyed manner, though her attention quickly shifted to the fireworks. She grinned excitedly, "You bet I did! They were awesome! I had a lot of fun with you and Talon at the parade and stuff too." She told him. "Master Lloyd should be around somewhere preparing to leave, if we don't manage to catch him here you can bet we'll find him at the guild hall. I'm determined for you guys to be able to join today." She added. "Once Talon gets here we'll look for him."
Talon said:
Talon raced towards the square as fast he could, dodging pedestrians left and right. He had slept in and was late meeting up with Ferra and Noah. He had even considered turning into a pheonix to get there faster but decided against it because someone miht have tried to attack him or Ferra might be mad at him or worse, Noahs lightning. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/original.png.3301449f90b3082ddc1a8cd8bcf5770c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127981" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/original.png.3301449f90b3082ddc1a8cd8bcf5770c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Square

Noah laughed as Ferra annoyingly claimed she was 17. She may says she is but she sholl doesn't look like it. Okay you're seventeen. He said sarcastically. But yeah last night was pretty fun, even though I don't remember most of it. He chuckled then looks past Ferra seeing Talon approaching. I can't wait to meet everyone, I wonder how many strong people are in the Scale, speaking of strong people here comes your boyfriend. @Mitchs98 @Talon



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Kayzo said:
Grace finally saw Masaki approaching her, and she looked up at him with a disapproving look. She couldn't believe that he had the audacity to say that being late wasn't his fault. It made her a little suspicious of what he might be doing that would holding him up so late. "Only you can show up late everytime. Is there something you want to tell me? Are you seeing another girl!? I bet she's taller than me and has a big chest. I bet you want to "take her anywhere she wants". Pervert." She said with a frown, rolling her eyes and watching as he sat down beside her. "But whatever. You're here now and that's all that matters." The short girl looked up at the sky as Masaki spoke, and though she didn't show it on the outside she was going nuts over him. Everything he was saying was so beautiful and romantic and it had her falling for him all over again. Most of her expression was blank and unamused, but if you looked into her eyes you could almost see big pink hearts in them. Grace leaned forward and placed a small kiss on his cheek before standing up and stepping in front of him. Even with Masaki sitting down she was just barely above him, which was better than nothing. "I don't have very long thanks to the time that you wasted, but I wish to spend the rest of it with you. Unless you want to run off with that other girl. But if you don't take my hand and lead me somewhere fun."
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Kardia Cathedral

The streets were noticeably calmer the further away from the station she got. She had no idea why so many people seemed to be leaving but obviously something had happened in this city very recently. As she made her way through the city's streets she allowed her gaze to wander around, taking in the sights. Based on the decorations and stalls being taken down she could only assume some kind of festival is the cause of the large crowds. A small sigh of relief slipped past her lips. Had she arrived earlier she'd have been caught up in the massive crowds. The mere thought of it sent a shiver up her spine and caused her to tuck her head down into her scarf and jam her hands just that much more into her jacket pockets. Her meandering journey eventually led her to a rather prominent centerpiece for the city. It seemed most of the cities she stopped by had some kind of church in them, but this one was a fair bit larger and grander than the usual ones. She casually made her way around the large building, a decent number of people still milling about, many of whom had luggage and seemed to be preparing to take their leave.

It was one such pair that caught her attention from the corner of her eye. Such vibrant white wasn't exactly common and she was helpless to her curiosity as she made her way in their direction. As she approached the pieces rapidly fell into place. That attire. That height. That hair. That demeanor. There was no doubt left in her mind at this point and that just further fueled her curiosity. This was just a pit-stop on her way home born out of necessity due to train routes, that was her explanation for being here. But what could be their reason? As she drew nearer she began to pick up pieces of their conversation. It seemed the boy was someone she knew, but the troubling part was what she said after their little display of affection. Not much time left? Wanting to spend it with someone they care about? A frown crossed her lips as she brought a hand up to raise the tip of her cap as she picked up her pace and closed the distance.

Without warning she reached out and grasped the girl's outstretched hand before the boy even had a chance to try for it. She quickly spun the white-haired girl around to face her, a rather distraught expression on her face. "Grace! You're not dying are you!? Does Master know? Is there a cure? I can pitch in money! I've made a lot!" She fired off her questions in rapid succession as she clasped Grace's hand with both of hers, holding it tightly between them as she stared intensely at the white-haired girl. She certainly hadn't expected to run into a fellow guild member here, let alone learn they were about to die. Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. This was not the home-coming she had expected.
Before Grace could get a reply from Masaki she was suddenly spun around with a loud squeak to be met with a not so familiar face. It was a taller, prettier, more voluptuous blonde girl that seemed better than her at first glance. The only thing Grace had going for her was height. It looked like they were roughly the same height, the white haired girl maybe even taller. What surprised her the most however was the fact that she was worried about her. The look on the stranger's face was one of nervousness and sadness, her words talking about how she was dying. She wasn't dying one bit! Grace's blue eyes glanced down at her hands which were now being held by the girl in front of her who acted as if they knew one another. "What the hell are you talking about!? I'm not dying at all! And how do you know my name?" She questioned, ripping her hands away and crossing them over her flat chest. "Are you the girl that Masaki is seeing instead of me? What's your name? Answer my questions!" If this was the girl that was holding Masaki up today, she'd blow her up. If not she'd still blow her up for not answering the questions. However one thing did connect with Grace. The girl's smell, of all things, seemed vaguely familiar, and she spoke of a master, whom she presumed to be Lloyd. Perhaps this was her long lost guildmate Mikado? Or just some canon fodder guildmate no one cared about. Either way she still intrigued Grace.

@Colt556 @LeSoraAmari
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Talon

Ferra: Magnolia Square

Ferra rolled her eyes at Noah's blatant sarcasm. She wasn't sure if he believed her or not, and she really didn't care as long as Talon did. She couldn't help but laugh a bit as Noah spoke about not remembering most of the night though. He had been drinking quite lot, she guessed, so it made sense. She blushed slightly as Noah pointed out Talon as her boyfriend. She kind of liked to think that, but she wasn't entirely sure if Talon thought of her as more than a friend yet. She wasn't going to push anything either. Regardless she ignored his comment and smiled and waved at Talon. "Hey Talon! We're over here!" She called out. "And..yeah. We have lots of strong people in the guild, Maya is a Wizard Saint and stuff." She told him.
Kayzo said:
Haruhi nearly started shaking as the strange half of Ciel's sister began to threaten her, her dark eyes piercing her like knives. She was being accused of calling Ciel unlovable, even though she said nothing of the sorts. "N-No! That's not what I meant! I'm sure she'd be a great wife and that anyone who'd marry her on purpose would be blessed! I'm just saying that both of us messed up!" She explained, clinging onto Ciel's arm. "Just don't hurt me!" Fortunately for her, Ruin decided to leave to grab some food, leaving the two "wives" alone, one shaking and holding onto the other's arm. When the coast was clear Haruhi let go of her arm and sat back down on the bed, her face bright red in embarrassment. She's an adult and shouldn't have to cling onto people like that. But the, again, Ruin was scary. "I don't know what to do about this! What even can we do? All we can do is hide the rings and stay married..."

Millie let out a loud gasp of surprise as Valken suddenly sprang to life in the bed. The blonde girl had no time to react before she was suddenly on her back and pinned in a rather sexy way, his lips softly meeting hers. "Jeez Valken, you really scared me." She said when the kiss was broken, letting out a soft sigh and shaking her head. When she felt his hand against her leg, his fingers slowly sliding up it, she couldn't help but cross them slightly as if she was blocking his hand. She knew it probably would stop him, but it was worth a try.

When Valken began to kiss her chin while slowly making his way down her neck, Millie began to tilt her head back slightly. She actually expected to go for round two right then and there, but much to her dismay and shadow Mage released her hands and rolled off the bed. She wasn't exactly against going at it again, but she also wanted to get back home.
"You're such a tease..." Millie scolded, sitting up in the bed. "Either go through with it or don't try anything at all!"

When Valken agreed with the idea of heading home, Millie forgave him for not following through, or at least not yet. The blonde girl smiled warmly at her and scooted to the edge of the bed and watched him change, taking in all of his muscles and scars. He did look really badass and it only made her love him more. "I agree. Lamia Scale is a much nicer place than here. Besides, we get to spend more time together! And it's always nice to go home..."

Mizuki read the note carefully a few times, taking in everything on it. It seemed that he had business to attend to and he instructed that she stayed at the apartment. It was nice to know where he was, but she didn't like that he was giving orders. He was hers, not the other way around, so she should be giving orders. The dark Mage crumpled up the note and tossed it in the trash before turning to Alicia and pulling her into another hug. "I do wish to see him once more, though I don't want to stay another day or two. If you do not want to stay for the rest of the day, I'll send you home with Masaki. Yes?" She instructed, running her cold but surprisingly soft hands through her hair over and over again, taking in the softness of the white locks. Mizuki couldn't help but notice that Alicia was perfect in every way, shape, and form. She was Truly a master piece, and the dark Mage can't wait to see her grow older. "I do suggest that you pack, however..."
Valken Truss

Magnolia Hotel < Train Station

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca252928f_images(32).jpg.b859909831a0c830a35679fd87d10f09.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128004" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca252928f_images(32).jpg.b859909831a0c830a35679fd87d10f09.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Valken looked back over his shoulder with mock surprise. "Tease? When have I ever! You said we had to go? Can't be late for the train afterall..." Ending his statement with a deep rumble in his chest, the kind that made girls weak.

Off hand as he turned to face Millie his gaze glanced out the window in half thought. "I wonder if Lloyd ended up talking to that girl hmm.. " He shook his head and looped his leather belt across his hips, daggers gleaming dangerously as the sunlight reflected off it.

He bent down to the floor where Millie had haphazedly thrown his scarf to the ground in there intense 'fashion show' the night before, looping it about her neck then slowly and gently using it like a lasoo to bring her to her feet.

Once standing he reached down with another kiss against her soft lips, and as he did nimbly fingers tucked the end in and gave it a loose knot so it was sitting comfortably around her neck. As he withdrew from the kiss, he stepped back to admire his work, grinning happily. "Beautiful!... Oh the scarf to..." Throwing a bag filled to the brim with 99% of her clothing over a shoulder and offering his arm out for her to cling to, gentleman style.

"Let us go find our Guild mates eh?"

With that Valken lead the duo through the empty streets, actively refusing to look at the sky and the bright sun overhead. Eventually they came to a small gathering, seeing Ferra somewhere in the middle of the other two. Instantly his grin widened and once he was within a pace he spoke out.

"Hey Munchkin, made some friends did you? And what's this? I think someone ate too much of the stall food... Is that a belly I see? Best cut back on the snacks..." Grinning down to Ferra. Before his gaze drifted to the boy running up to them. His interruption only barely catching the other man's words, something about a boyfriend?

"Who has a boyfriend now?" He said eyebrow raised in a evil, but curious fashion.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder @Talon



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Kayzo said:
Before Grace could get a reply from Masaki she was suddenly spun around with a loud squeak to be met with a not so familiar face. It was a taller, prettier, more voluptuous blonde girl that seemed better than her at first glance. The only thing Grace had going for her was height. It looked like they were roughly the same height, the white haired girl maybe even taller. What surprised her the most however was the fact that she was worried about her. The look on the stranger's face was one of nervousness and sadness, her words talking about how she was dying. She wasn't dying one bit! Grace's blue eyes glanced down at her hands which were now being held by the girl in front of her who acted as if they knew one another. "What the hell are you talking about!? I'm not dying at all! And how do you know my name?" She questioned, ripping her hands away and crossing them over her flat chest. "Are you the girl that Masaki is seeing instead of me? What's your name? Answer my questions!" If this was the girl that was holding Masaki up today, she'd blow her up. If not she'd still blow her up for not answering the questions. However one thing did connect with Grace. The girl's smell, of all things, seemed vaguely familiar, and she spoke of a master, whom she presumed to be Lloyd. Perhaps this was her long lost guildmate Mikado? Or just some canon fodder guildmate no one cared about. Either way she still intrigued Grace.
@Colt556 @LeSoraAmari
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Kardia Cathedral

At hearing that Grace was, in fact, not dying she let out a large sigh of relief before releasing the girl's hand. Instead of letting her go, however, she quickly wrapped her arms around her and gave her a big hug. "I'm so glad! You were saying how you didn't have very long and that you wanted spend the rest of it with him." After giving one final squeeze she pulled back, calming down now that she knew it was a false alarm. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to regain her composure, slapping the white haired girl's shoulders as she again looked at her. "What do you mean?" She held a rather blank stare at Grace, worry once again snaking it's way onto her features. "It's me. It's Mikado. I haven't been gone THAT long..." She let out a small sigh before continuing. "Well whatever, as long as you're okay. Also, who's Masa--" She cut herself off as she leaned to the side slightly, looking at the overly effeminate boy sitting on a crystalline stool with what she presumed to be a rather dumb look on his face. "Oh." A small grin creeped it's way onto her lips as she looked back at Grace, giving her another slap on the shoulder. "Good for you. I knew you'd find a guy eventually." Her energetic behavior was starting to become apparent to her but she simply waved it off as being excited to see family. Even she was allowed to be excited every once in a while after all. She took a brief moment to look around before settling her gaze back on Grace. "So, what brings you to Magnolia?"
Millie felt her knees go weak at the sound of Valkems deep and sexy rumble. It was things like that that excited Millie the most. It made her feel lucky to have him as a boyfriend. "You can just ignore whatever I said, I'm sure we can catch another train later today!" She said, but it was too late. The scarf was already wrapped around her neck, the blonde girl being pulled up into his hard frame. She had to lean all the way into him as her knees were still recovering from his rumble. "Oh whatever. We can do it again later." She said as he tucked the scarf in, tying it up as a finishing touch. She stood with her hands below her stomach, holding each other as Valken cleaned up the area for her. He truly was a sweet man despite his dark looks. Millie smiled at him happily and linked arms with him before walking out into the town.

Not long after entering the town the duo ran into Ferra and another boy, the two seemingly friends. Valken seemed all too eager to go over to them, and there was nothing she could do to change ge his mind. But whatever, it'd be nice to see her for the first time in awhile. She knew there was some rivalry between the two, and that insults were a normal thing, but Millie thought that Valken's fat comment wasn't cool. Her free hand raised up and swiftly smacked the back of his head, a disapproving look on her face.
"Never make fun of a girl for her weight Valken!" She said in a firm but still cute voice, staring him right in the eyes. "Ignore him Ferra, you look wonderful today."



Kayzo said:
"Ciel, I'm just as guilty as you are. I agreed to the marriage too. But let's not focus on who's to blame but rather what we can do to fix it." Haruhi said, looking over at the purple haired girl and frowning. She didn't get why Ciel was taking all the blame for them accidentally getting married when she was involved just as much. Suddenly she felt her hand taken by another, and despite the predicament that they were hand holding felt nice. Haruhi found herself leaning against Ciel as more of a safety blanket than a wife. Getting know one another was a good idea as there was nothing else they could really do at the moment. "Yeah, let's learn about each other. Where do we start?"
"With the names I guess? Umm...my name is Ciel...umm...no last name...I think? I'm not sure how the name thing works in marriage." She started. "I go by Raa but Rune Knights call me That Guy or Dark Man when I've got my cloak on, it's not really a disguise since very rarely do people care about what's underneath the cloak, not my fault if they don't investigate. I'm an A-Class Mage and very new to this whole thing called guilds, my specialty is repairs and constructions...and combat utility but please don't tell anyone about that...and I like annoying people with my humor."

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Outside Magnolia Cafe

Ryu had landed flat on his back after tumbling over and he lie there for a few seconds afterwards. He coughed a few times, the wind having been knocked out of his lungs. As he laid on the ground, he blinked rapidly, trying to get rid of the black spots clouding his vision. He sat up slowly rubbing his forehead gingerly. "I'm so terribly sorry" he said to Noel. "I've had the worst headache this morning and the sunny weather has only served to exacerbate it" He stood up and dusted himself off. "I do suppose I should introduce myself then. My name is Miyamoto, Ryu" he said warmly, extending his hand to Noel.

@The Dinkster


Lucas Starphase and Noel Gilbert

Morning | Cafe

@The Dinkster |

Lucas nervously made his way back through the cafe to the outdoor seating area. Contrary to what one might think, the young man wasn't nervous due to another encounter with the mysterious and cold Dastun. No, Lucas was more afraid that he would end up losing his balance on the way back and dropping the tray of hot coffee and muffins all over the ground. He briefly took a mental note of not pursuing a career as a waiter; the pressure would be too much. When he did finally make it back to Dastun and Noel, he was met by the odd sight of Noel and a red headed stranger on the ground.

Noel, are you okay?!" Lucas quickly placed the tray down onto Dastun's table just as Noel reached out and grabbed the other Blue Pegasus mages hand. Pulling herself up, Noel dusted herself off while she thanked Dastun. Turning to face Ryu as he spoke, Noel was surprised at how coherently the man spoke. He wasn't drunk, just hung over. In hindsight that fact should have been obvious given the time of day, but one doesn't think clearly when a strange man falls on top of them.

Well Ryu, no harm done." Noel offered her hand in return without a second thought, greeting the odd man as if nothing had happened. "I'm Noel Gilbert. It's a pleasure to meet you." In most normal circumstances, it would have most definitely been a pleasure to meet such a person. Though Noel had to admit that the circumstances were less than desirable. Her outfit had dirt on it now, after all. The lady hated thinking such superficial things, but when you spend so much time in the industry you pick up certain vices. Still, Noel was intrigued by the red headed man. He held himself in a strange, almost regal way that wasn't quite common these days. At least, Noel had never encountered men who were as such.

Lucas stood there without saying much. He didn't really want to interrupt Noel's conversation, and Dastun scared the young man.

Leonardo Captor

Morning | Magnolia City Streets

Leonardo was definitely caught off guard by Mimi's sudden hug, but it was a good surprise like waking up to breakfast in bed or finding some money just lying around on the floor. Even despite how nice the sudden gesture felt, it didn't stop Leonardo from awkwardly sitting there, frozen solid, until she let him go. He'd never been that great at dealing with people as warm and comforting as Mimi. Bashult had come close, but he preferred to show his affections in a more rough, childish way. And then there was Yukiko, who was the antithesis of comfort. Mimi interrupted Leonardo's thoughts by declaring that she wanted pancakes.

"Sounds perfect," Leonardo responded with a smile. At least Mimi knew what she wanted; it was hard to disappoint someone who already knows what to expect. "Well, we should probably ask the hotel mana-" Leonardo's sentence was cut short when Mimi began tugging him out of the hotel like a dog on a leash. The man showed little resistance, feeling in a sort of 'go with the flow' kind of mood.

The pair found themselves along a street which hosted a great deal of cafes, boutiques and apartments. A quaint part of town that had fortunately not been completely sabotaged in the previous nights exploits; or perhaps these Magnolia folk just cleaned house really well? Wouldn't be surprising, with a guild like Fairy Tail around it would make sense that the residents had gotten quite accustomed to cleaning up mess. Regardless, Leonardo walked forward with his hands shoved in his pockets, glancing down towards Mimi with the same cocky smile he always wore proudly.

Choose anywhere you'd like. No price is too high." He spoke confidently, but part of him secretly hoped his wallet wouldn't hurt too much after this trip. He'd already spent an absurd amount of money yesterday and random trinkets and food. Oh and booze; can't forget the booze.


Dastun Ronad

Cafe, Magnolia

Dastun pulled Noel up, rather gently before taking one of her hands and opening it up, putting a handkerchief in it, "You have dirt on your face." He offered a nod before walking back over to his side of the table, sitting back down in his seat; he may have come off a bit cold, being blunt but it was his way of being caring or at least trying. He offered a nod to Lucas who was now back and concerned for his companion and mentor, Noel. His eye wandered over to the man that had fallen over Noel, just watching him. As Ryu introduced himself Dastun remained silent and just let the two speak it out, as he thought none of this was really his business.

Taking another sip of his coffee, finishing it off, his eye wandered over to Lucas, staying on the young boy for a while before looking back at the two other adults at the table.

@Rhodus @Chat Noir
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.d03915cf4488ee5dc59cbd3992a6333f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128034" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.d03915cf4488ee5dc59cbd3992a6333f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Square

Noah had a feeling that Ferra was laughing at him for being drunk last night. But who could judge her, Noah was pretty drunk. He doesn't remember much besides the sounds and colors from the fireworks. He turned when he heard an unfamiliar close

Voice talking to Ferra. He turned to see a dude and a beautiful woman next to him. He towards Millie grabbing her hand and kisses the back of it. Correction you look wonderful today. He gives her a smooth smile and places his hand on his chest. My name is Noah, and what might yours be beautiful??@Mitchs98 @Kayzo



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Mimi was still in awe that there were so many big cities that she'd never gotten to go to when she was a child. But she liked her life in her village, so it was more like astonishment than regret. She looked around at all the places they didn't really have time to go, wondering if they would come back another time to indulge her compulsive need to go everywhere. Every time she found somewhere she wanted to go that wasn't even food related, she let out a small 'oo' of excitement, her eyes widening at the prospect. But she had to keep reminding herself that she was with Leo, and she couldn't just do that. How lame.

What wasn't lame was that she was walking around with one of the coolest guys she knew, though she felt a little bias. His cocky grin reminded her that he was still full of himself regardless of how true it was. "Oh really?" she replied with interest, almost as if she was scheming. "In that case, why not go there?" she asked, pointing to an obviously upper classed restaurant with fancy things and such. Unable to contain herself, she couldn't even hold it together past the last word. She started laughing at her own dumb joke. "Ahh that was funny. Let's actually go there." She pointed to one that was roughly across the street, one that looked like it might be a family diner.

Despite Leo's best efforts, she knew he embellished too many things, this being no exception. Besides, would she really run him dry? Okay well if he was a stranger, probably. But Leo simply wasn't. She mostly considered him to be her best friend, confirmed by the fact that she wanted to clobber him fairly often. Mimi looked up at him with an inquisitive look, awaiting his approval. She was quite glad that they had the opportunity to travel together, for she wasn't sure if she would have had a good time without him.

@Chat Noir
Kayzo said:
Millie felt her knees go weak at the sound of Valkems deep and sexy rumble. It was things like that that excited Millie the most. It made her feel lucky to have him as a boyfriend. "You can just ignore whatever I said, I'm sure we can catch another train later today!" She said, but it was too late. The scarf was already wrapped around her neck, the blonde girl being pulled up into his hard frame. She had to lean all the way into him as her knees were still recovering from his rumble. "Oh whatever. We can do it again later." She said as he tucked the scarf in, tying it up as a finishing touch. She stood with her hands below her stomach, holding each other as Valken cleaned up the area for her. He truly was a sweet man despite his dark looks. Millie smiled at him happily and linked arms with him before walking out into the town.
Not long after entering the town the duo ran into Ferra and another boy, the two seemingly friends. Valken seemed all too eager to go over to them, and there was nothing she could do to change ge his mind. But whatever, it'd be nice to see her for the first time in awhile. She knew there was some rivalry between the two, and that insults were a normal thing, but Millie thought that Valken's fat comment wasn't cool. Her free hand raised up and swiftly smacked the back of his head, a disapproving look on her face.
"Never make fun of a girl for her weight Valken!" She said in a firm but still cute voice, staring him right in the eyes. "Ignore him Ferra, you look wonderful today."

Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station

He still had that cheeky grin plastered on his face, the smack upside his head from Millie facilitating a fake whine, rubbing the back of his head like it had hurt.... It was easier then her tirad of rambling and maybe even tears had he ignored her.

"Awww Come on Babe! I didn't mention a thing about her weight!... I was concerned she might get sick is all..." Flashing Ferra a narrowed eyed glare, almost to say, that's totally what I was saying... you're a fat fat fatty! A fat fat fat...

His wordless insult suddenly haulted when the man beside Ferra suddenly completely ignored him and took a step closer to Millie and without even realising he already had a hand hovering over the curved and hook blade against his hip, thumb resting against the leather hook holding it in place.

His deep purple eyes narrowed down dangerously as the man obviously either didn't know who Valken was, or what he was capable of, nor how protective he was of Millie...

Valken let out a soft tsc noise and before the man who introduced himself as Noah had fully let his hand drop from the kiss to her hand, Valken had already thrust his hand out and grasped the man's wrist painfully tight, yanking his whole body down to the side and away from Millie... closer to the Shadow Mage. As he did, he stepped forward to plant his foot between Noah's feet, right on his shadow.

Now Valken's magic prevented Noah from moving his feet anywhere while his foot remained stamped to his shadow.

Noah's feet planted, body half bent over and twisted, Valken's spare hand now snatched out to clench around the man's throat, fingers pushing into his jugular so if he tried to speak it would come out as nothing but a gurgle of sound.

"Her name is Millie. And my name is Valken. Thank you for noticing my Girlfriend... you can stop noticing now."

Here as quickly as he had started, Valken suddenly pulled his foot back to release Noah's feet, let go of his neck and twisted his arm back, using some momentum to shove him a good pace away from Millie.

His purple eyes stone cold.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Talon
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Sinbad-magi-the-labyrinth-of-magic-31063026-350-631.jpg.bd325616802c8c5314b0aaef99a4ceed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128047" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Sinbad-magi-the-labyrinth-of-magic-31063026-350-631.jpg.bd325616802c8c5314b0aaef99a4ceed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Square

It all happened so fast. At first Noah was introducing himself to the beautiful Millie next he ended up half bent back, twisted a bit with a hand grasping his neck. The guy introduced himself and her in a very stern and angered voice. Noah knew that Millie had a boyfriend but he didn't know that the boyfriend was standing right there. Once he was released from Valken's grip, he rubbed his neck as he glared into Valken's eyes. He stepped forward towards Valken getting closer. He glances over at Millie. So...that's your girlfriend huh?? He glances back over to Valken. Niiiiiccccceee. He said with a grin. He stuck his right hand out towards him. Sorry about hitting on her, no hard feelings? He said with a friendly waiting for Valken to shake his hand.

When/if Valken reaches for Noah's right hand, his friendly smile turned to a frown and he grasped Valken's wrist tightly and pulls him forward punching him with a lightning infused left hook. After the punch he stood there still having lightning flowing of his left hand. The lightning faded away as Noah continued looking at Valken. From what he experienced when he first met him he can expect that he'll punch back. Noah took of his shirt and readied himself. @Kayzo



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Metaphysics said:
"With the names I guess? Umm...my name is Ciel...umm...no last name...I think? I'm not sure how the name thing works in marriage." She started. "I go by Raa but Rune Knights call me That Guy or Dark Man when I've got my cloak on, it's not really a disguise since very rarely do people care about what's underneath the cloak, not my fault if they don't investigate. I'm an A-Class Mage and very new to this whole thing called guilds, my specialty is repairs and constructions...and combat utility but please don't tell anyone about that...and I like annoying people with my humor."
Haruhi listened to everything Ciel had to say about herself. She found everything she said to be rather interesting. Growing up without a last name must've been so weird! If Haruhi hadn't had a last name she wouldn't have believed that she was a descendant of great Fairy Tale wizard's. And growing up without a guild must've been even weirder. It was like growing up all alone or with no home. Without a guild the blue haired girl and her sister would be in magnolia in the first place. Finally Ciel finished and it was her turn to speak. "Ok, my name is Haruhi Redfox. I have a twin named Honoka Redfox and were both the grandchildren of Gajeel and Levy Redfox. No one really calls me anything else and I don't go around wearing a big cloak. Not that that's bad or anything. I'm an S-Class wizard in Sabertooth, the toughest guild in all of Fiore. I use Telsa Magic which is a combination of Iron slayer magic and lightning magic. I don't know what my specialties are..."
Kayzo said:
Haruhi listened to everything Ciel had to say about herself. She found everything she said to be rather interesting. Growing up without a last name must've been so weird! If Haruhi hadn't had a last name she wouldn't have believed that she was a descendant of great Fairy Tale wizard's. And growing up without a guild must've been even weirder. It was like growing up all alone or with no home. Without a guild the blue haired girl and her sister would be in magnolia in the first place. Finally Ciel finished and it was her turn to speak. "Ok, my name is Haruhi Redfox. I have a twin named Honoka Redfox and were both the grandchildren of Gajeel and Levy Redfox. No one really calls me anything else and I don't go around wearing a big cloak. Not that that's bad or anything. I'm an S-Class wizard in Sabertooth, the toughest guild in all of Fiore. I use Telsa Magic which is a combination of Iron slayer magic and lightning magic. I don't know what my specialties are..."
"Oh wow that's very interesting...wish I knew my family..." She said solemnly before looking out the window in silence. "S-class huh? Wow, that is impressive. I could totally be an S-Class if I wanted to but I can't since I'm afraid people will get mad at me and shun me while saying 'You can't do that!' and make some sort of explanation about magic and time and...sorry I'm rambling, I swear I got over rambling 14 months ago." She paused. "Anyways, before this I spent my time going around the country helping towns, fighting off magical sea beasts the size of a port town by myself and...defending myself from an entire dark guild. I have very very horrible luck." She finished.
Lloyd Kirby

Streets of Magnolia

Lloyd, it was to be admitted, was in a foul mood, and it showed on his face as he stalked towards the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. The few people who were out at this time quickly scurried out of his way. He had originally been planning to head back to Margaret Town after the festival but apparently life had other plans for him. He could not possibly leave before at least confirming with Kelica when they were to head back to Malnia, because he was not about to break his promise for the second time in a row, which mean that he ended up having to trek out into the countryside to find a tavern that would take him in because he knew very well that it would be downright impossible to find a room in Magnolia on that particular day, as it was the climax of the festival. The trekking he did not mind though, because after what had happened last night... he bloody needed that trek. Anything to walk off that excess energy that anger always gave him.

His fists curled again as once again, his mind flashed back to what had happened the night before. He could not believe that that drunken lout had actually spat in his face! It had taken every single inch of his control to not lash right back with a tornado... and no doubt he would have destroyed Magnolia if he had done so. It would have been so satisfying too. Yet he knew that he could not afford to do so. He did not want to be known as a person who destroyed cities, neither did he want to end up ruining his Guild's reputation yet again, by being as undignified as to engage in a fistfight with a drunk man. The oaf was not worth the repercussions that would have occurred, no matter how satisfying beating him to the ground would have been. In the end, he had simply stalked away. He had wiped the spit off his face with the back of his hand, turned and stalked off without a single word to either Kelica nor Chris. Because if he had even spoken a word... he would have lost his control. And he was damn near loosing it already.

But either way, he still had to discuss a proper meeting with Kelica, or at least figure out the best time for them both to head back to Malnia. Which was why he was still in Magnolia despite really wanting to be back home right at this point in time. He had been lost in his thoughts then when he heard his name being called. He spun around, his face quickly relaxing back into the usual calmness he wore, for before him stood Maya. It was not fair for him to take out his frustration on Maya after all, who had nothing to do with what had just happened. "Hello, Maya," he said, giving a slight nod in her direction. "Were you looking for me? How was the festival, by the way?"

@LeSoraAmari @Zuka (mentioned) @Isune (mentioned)
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Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Hotel < Train Station

View attachment 285688

Valken looked back over his shoulder with mock surprise. "Tease? When have I ever! You said we had to go? Can't be late for the train afterall..." Ending his statement with a deep rumble in his chest, the kind that made girls weak.

Off hand as he turned to face Millie his gaze glanced out the window in half thought. "I wonder if Lloyd ended up talking to that girl hmm.. " He shook his head and looped his leather belt across his hips, daggers gleaming dangerously as the sunlight reflected off it.

He bent down to the floor where Millie had haphazedly thrown his scarf to the ground in there intense 'fashion show' the night before, looping it about her neck then slowly and gently using it like a lasoo to bring her to her feet.

Once standing he reached down with another kiss against her soft lips, and as he did nimbly fingers tucked the end in and gave it a loose knot so it was sitting comfortably around her neck. As he withdrew from the kiss, he stepped back to admire his work, grinning happily. "Beautiful!... Oh the scarf to..." Throwing a bag filled to the brim with 99% of her clothing over a shoulder and offering his arm out for her to cling to, gentleman style.

"Let us go find our Guild mates eh?"

With that Valken lead the duo through the empty streets, actively refusing to look at the sky and the bright sun overhead. Eventually they came to a small gathering, seeing Ferra somewhere in the middle of the other two. Instantly his grin widened and once he was within a pace he spoke out.

"Hey Munchkin, made some friends did you? And what's this? I think someone ate too much of the stall food... Is that a belly I see? Best cut back on the snacks..." Grinning down to Ferra. Before his gaze drifted to the boy running up to them. His interruption only barely catching the other man's words, something about a boyfriend?

"Who has a boyfriend now?" He said eyebrow raised in a evil, but curious fashion.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder @Talon
Kayzo said:
Millie felt her knees go weak at the sound of Valkems deep and sexy rumble. It was things like that that excited Millie the most. It made her feel lucky to have him as a boyfriend. "You can just ignore whatever I said, I'm sure we can catch another train later today!" She said, but it was too late. The scarf was already wrapped around her neck, the blonde girl being pulled up into his hard frame. She had to lean all the way into him as her knees were still recovering from his rumble. "Oh whatever. We can do it again later." She said as he tucked the scarf in, tying it up as a finishing touch. She stood with her hands below her stomach, holding each other as Valken cleaned up the area for her. He truly was a sweet man despite his dark looks. Millie smiled at him happily and linked arms with him before walking out into the town.
Not long after entering the town the duo ran into Ferra and another boy, the two seemingly friends. Valken seemed all too eager to go over to them, and there was nothing she could do to change ge his mind. But whatever, it'd be nice to see her for the first time in awhile. She knew there was some rivalry between the two, and that insults were a normal thing, but Millie thought that Valken's fat comment wasn't cool. Her free hand raised up and swiftly smacked the back of his head, a disapproving look on her face.
"Never make fun of a girl for her weight Valken!" She said in a firm but still cute voice, staring him right in the eyes. "Ignore him Ferra, you look wonderful today."



@Talon[/URL] @Zuka @Kayzo
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station

He still had that cheeky grin plastered on his face, the smack upside his head from Millie facilitating a fake whine, rubbing the back of his head like it had hurt.... It was easier then her tirad of rambling and maybe even tears had he ignored her.

"Awww Come on Babe! I didn't mention a thing about her weight!... I was concerned she might get sick is all..." Flashing Ferra a narrowed eyed glare, almost to say, that's totally what I was saying... you're a fat fat fatty! A fat fat fat...

His wordless insult suddenly haulted when the man beside Ferra suddenly completely ignored him and took a step closer to Millie and without even realising he already had a hand hovering over the curved and hook blade against his hip, thumb resting against the leather hook holding it in place.

His deep purple eyes narrowed down dangerously as the man obviously either didn't know who Valken was, or what he was capable of, nor how protective he was of Millie...

Valken let out a soft tsc noise and before the man who introduced himself as Noah had fully let his hand drop from the kiss to her hand, Valken had already thrust his hand out and grasped the man's wrist painfully tight, yanking his whole body down to the side and away from Millie... closer to the Shadow Mage. As he did, he stepped forward to plant his foot between Noah's feet, right on his shadow.

Now Valken's magic prevented Noah from moving his feet anywhere while his foot remained stamped to his shadow.

Noah's feet planted, body half bent over and twisted, Valken's spare hand now snatched out to clench around the man's throat, fingers pushing into his jugular so if he tried to speak it would come out as nothing but a gurgle of sound.

"Her name is Millie. And my name is Valken. Thank you for noticing my Girlfriend... you can stop noticing now."

Here as quickly as he had started, Valken suddenly pulled his foot back to release Noah's feet, let go of his neck and twisted his arm back, using some momentum to shove him a good pace away from Millie.

His purple eyes stone cold.

@Embaga Elder @Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Talon
@Zuka[/URL] @Mitchs98 @Kayzo @Talon

Ferra: Magnolia Square

Ferra was currently looking around, seeing if she could spot Lloyd milling about, when she saw Valken. Her eyes widened slightly, and she really hoped he hadn't been standing there for the whole 'boyfriend' portion of the conversation. She glared at him as he pretty much called her fat. She pouted slightly as she looked at her stomach, it didn't look any different to her..clearly he was just making fun of her. "I'm not fat.." She mumbled to herself. Annnd then he questioned the boyfriend thing. "I..uh. No one. We were talking about you and Millie." She told him nervously. "Yeah. That's it." She added. She giggled when Millie smacked him in the back of for making fun of her, she smiled at her when she told her she looked good. "Thanks Millie. You look good today too." She told her.

She could tell Valken was lying about being concerned for her, though really she didn't care one way or another. "
Sure.." She muttered with a shrug. And then Noah did the one thing he could of possibly did wrong at this point; He hit on Millie. Welp. "Umm. Noah. I don't think that's a good idea.." She told him, but of course it was too late. Valken had already placed him in a chokehold. After a brief threat Valken luckily released him. She rolled her eyes as Noah continued to push his luck. "C'mon guys, don't kill each other. Valken, Millie, meet Noah. I met him two days ago at a restaurant. He's going to be joining Lamia Scale..whenever I can find Master Lloyd." She told them. "My boyf-...other friend Talon I met him then too, he's also going to be joining." She added, pointing to Talon who was a ways away. Thanks to Noah putting the subject on her mind she'd almost slipped up, but hopefully she'd caught herself fast enough Valken didn't notice. Probably not. Oh this wouldn't end well..
Millie smiled warmly at Ferra as they complimented her. "Aww, you're too kind Ferra." She said, clapping her hands together and glancing at Valken. She went to reach in for a kiss but before she could the man beside Ferra came up and took her hand, kissing it softly. Her face blushed bright red and she took a step back in surprise. "O-Oh my, thank you." She said softly, squeaking in surprise when Valken suddenly ripped the man away from her and began to seemingly beat him up. The blonde girl slowly shifted towards the smaller girl while watching the two fight. However what surprised her was how quickly the two made up. One moment they were fighting over Millievand the next they were fawning over her. "They're so stupid..."
Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Fairy Tail HQ


Lyra appeared quite suddenly within the guildhall, it was where Hibiki spent most of his time after-all. The boy loved being around the guild and whether it was because of nostalgia or he just thoroughly enjoyed the ruckus was a question that remained in the air. Throwing the art of surprise out the window she dive bombed towards the table, the words, " Hiiiiiiiiii~ biiiiiiiiii~ kunnnnnnnnnnnn! " being called out as she slid across the table and came face to face with him, eyes sparkling with an elated edge to them. A finger casually reached out to poke his nose, her own scrunching up a bit at the notion almost as if she were intimidating a bunny and had been the one prodded. " What're you doing all alone here? Were you perhaps waiting for me? " Her purple hues searched his with a hint of curiosity before she rested her cheek upon the table, hat toppling off her head to lay upon the cold surface as well.

We should eat, I've neglected my growling stomach for you. " She spoke matter-of-factly now, waving a finger about, almost pleased that she'd made Hibiki a priority over food. Almost. Her fingers outstretched to clamp onto his cheeks now, tugging on them in a cute yet nagging way. " Otherwise I might just have to try to cook for myself and that in itself is more destructive and deadly to others than my magic. " A weird grin sloppily took over her bemused smile, eyes slipping to the side to stare at her misplaced hat but not making any movements to replace it upon her tousled white locks.

Hibiki Dreyar - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

The man was actually expecting Lyra to make her appearance in such a manner. She always loved doing things loudly and it wasn't unusual for a Fairy Tail mage to dive bomb across the table. However... Lyra was the only Fairy Tail mage he knew that would do such a thing. Chuckling as the woman appeared face to face with him, however shaking his head rapidly as she poked his nose. Then, eyes fixed onto hers, Hibiki listened to her every word before he himself spoke. "I was waiting for you and you took forever, I've been here a couple of hours or so." As he said that, Hibiki straightened himself up only to have his cheeks grabbed and squished playfully by the girl. In response, Hibiki sent a small charge of electricity through his body that would shock Lyra ever so slightly, grinning, he then spoke once more. "I'm quite hungry too... Where should we go?"

@LeSoraAmari[/URL] @Zuka (mentioned) @Isune (mentioned)
Maya Morne - Magnolia Streets

Maya didn't even need to ask the male how he was as the answer was as clear as day, heck, the wizard saint could sense the bitterness and miserable energy that harboured. Taking a sigh, Maya then proceeded to smile at Lloyd as he spoke to her, asking how the festival was and if she had been looking for her. In response, the older woman simply nodded before speaking herself, in a very kind and calm tone. "The festival wasn't too bad, and yes... I was looking for you. In fact, it was to inform you about my search for anything regarding the death of Cece Tutin. Let's just say, I sidetracked a little... Or a lot." Pausing for a moment, the woman crossed her arms as she looked at the blonde man. Somebody had upset that, that much was obvious, and Maya had her typical stern look fixed into her face as she looked at Lloyd. The woman's personality completely shifted into its 'protective psychopath mother' phase, Maya's eyes held a stern and cold look to them. "But I'll get to that later, who has upset you?"

Kayzo said:
Grace finally saw Masaki approaching her, and she looked up at him with a disapproving look. She couldn't believe that he had the audacity to say that being late wasn't his fault. It made her a little suspicious of what he might be doing that would holding him up so late. "Only you can show up late everytime. Is there something you want to tell me? Are you seeing another girl!? I bet she's taller than me and has a big chest. I bet you want to "take her anywhere she wants". Pervert." She said with a frown, rolling her eyes and watching as he sat down beside her. "But whatever. You're here now and that's all that matters." The short girl looked up at the sky as Masaki spoke, and though she didn't show it on the outside she was going nuts over him. Everything he was saying was so beautiful and romantic and it had her falling for him all over again. Most of her expression was blank and unamused, but if you looked into her eyes you could almost see big pink hearts in them. Grace leaned forward and placed a small kiss on his cheek before standing up and stepping in front of him. Even with Masaki sitting down she was just barely above him, which was better than nothing. "I don't have very long thanks to the time that you wasted, but I wish to spend the rest of it with you. Unless you want to run off with that other girl. But if you don't take my hand and lead me somewhere fun."
Masaki Yamada - Kardia Cathedral

The S-Class signed as Grace spoke, lowkey scolding him. She then went on to talk about him seeing "Another girl" to which Masaki gave her a look. "At least I came here, that's better than not showing up isn't it?" With a grin, Masaki then stood up as he looked at Grace. "Plus you know you're the only girl for me, so stop being stupid." and it was with that, that Masaki sighed again. "Well, we've been pretty much everywhere in Magnolia over the past three days, so really if you wanted to go back anywhere then we can, or whatever, it's up to you." Spoke the male, a slight frown forming on his face as he did so. Their time together over the last three days had been nice, and they had made memories that Masaki was sure he'd never forget. He loved the Harvest Festival as it was, but spending it with Grace made this years the best one ever. For him at least.

Before the red head could grab Grace's hand, a girl that seemed to be around the same age as them swooped in and grabbed her hands before he could, which caused Masaki to raise a brow and huff slightly in annoyance before uttering the words, "Who are you?"

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