Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kazehana said:

She was glad to finally see the horses, for they would take her to their destination. Finally they were getting somewhere. That is unless someone decides to destroy the stables and her hopes and dreams. She slowly turned her incredulous and cross expression to look at Lee, almost as if to silently say 'are you kidding me?' But as she did, he was already shoving wildlife into their faces. With no other option than to dodge the surprise attack, she was preparing to leap before Eric grabbed her. She crashed rather ungracefully to the ground.

Though she needed a moment to collect her thoughts, she was unable to do so, as they were being hounded by beasts. Oh wait, they were beasts after all. As a tiger pounced during Eric's question, she held out a stiff arm, palm flat out. It made contact with the beast's chest just as its claws and jaws were reaching out and scratching her toughened skin, causing her endurable pain. The point of contact instantly glowed an amber brown color of distorted light, then faded into its body. Her hand fell to a relaxed position beside her body, not patched in various black, leathered skin.

The beast fell for just a moment, its being transforming. From its head back, it formed stripes like a tiger should, replacing the solid black with faintly glowing amethyst lines running all over its body. And that's the story of how she got a tiger. It opened its eyes, which glowed an almost hollow soft yellow light. It stood up once more, surveying the situation. A lion seized the opportunity and lunged at the tiger, causing them to form a tussle nearby.

Aurelie looked up at Lee with a blankness in her eyes. Eric had said pretty much anything she could have thought in those moments, so she felt as if nothing else needed to be said. So she simply glanced at him every so often as she got up and assessed the situation. This was already too dumb of a situation, and she really wanted no part of it. A decent ways upward, she was already forming the portal that would take her away from moron 1. She would probably have to take moron 2 with her, but at least he wasn't casually attacking her.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Eric: Magnolia Stables

Eric was baffled when Aurelie suddenly jumped in and took control of the tiger but now wasn't the time to be focusing on that as of now she is also opening a portal while the tiger and lion have their own rough-house but then the bear appeared behind her and prepared to attack but before that could happen, Eric performs a full-body transformation into a bear himself and tackles the dark-bear and begins wrestling it. "I don't know what the hell is going on but finish that portal quick while I have them distracted!" He roars like a real bear and throws the other bear at Lee to provide an opening for attack.

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Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Stables

Eric was baffled when Aurelie suddenly jumped in and took control of the tiger but now wasn't the time to be focusing on that as of now she is also opening a portal while the tiger and lion have their own rough-house but then the bear appeared behind her and prepared to attack but before that could happen, Eric performs a full-body transformation into a bear himself and tackles the dark-bear and begins wrestling it. "I don't know what the hell is going on but finish that portal quick while I have them distracted!" He roars like a real bear and throws the other bear at Lee to provide an opening for attack.

Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Stables

"Yes we're here! Now to pay fo..." Suddenly a dark aura surrounds us and black knives shot out snapping the harness connecting the horse to the cart. Before Eric had time to react Lee started talking weird and and animals shot out of every direction preparing to pounce them, but he luckily managed to grab Aurelie and dodge out of the way. "Lee! What the hell's the big deal! Why are you trying to kill us all of a sudden!?"

Kazehana said:

She was glad to finally see the horses, for they would take her to their destination. Finally they were getting somewhere. That is unless someone decides to destroy the stables and her hopes and dreams. She slowly turned her incredulous and cross expression to look at Lee, almost as if to silently say 'are you kidding me?' But as she did, he was already shoving wildlife into their faces. With no other option than to dodge the surprise attack, she was preparing to leap before Eric grabbed her. She crashed rather ungracefully to the ground.

Though she needed a moment to collect her thoughts, she was unable to do so, as they were being hounded by beasts. Oh wait, they were beasts after all. As a tiger pounced during Eric's question, she held out a stiff arm, palm flat out. It made contact with the beast's chest just as its claws and jaws were reaching out and scratching her toughened skin, causing her endurable pain. The point of contact instantly glowed an amber brown color of distorted light, then faded into its body. Her hand fell to a relaxed position beside her body, not patched in various black, leathered skin.

The beast fell for just a moment, its being transforming. From its head back, it formed stripes like a tiger should, replacing the solid black with faintly glowing amethyst lines running all over its body. And that's the story of how she got a tiger. It opened its eyes, which glowed an almost hollow soft yellow light. It stood up once more, surveying the situation. A lion seized the opportunity and lunged at the tiger, causing them to form a tussle nearby.

Aurelie looked up at Lee with a blankness in her eyes. Eric had said pretty much anything she could have thought in those moments, so she felt as if nothing else needed to be said. So she simply glanced at him every so often as she got up and assessed the situation. This was already too dumb of a situation, and she really wanted no part of it. A decent ways upward, she was already forming the portal that would take her away from moron 1. She would probably have to take moron 2 with her, but at least he wasn't casually attacking her.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Lee: Fighting

"Thanks for pointing the portal out for me!" Lee stabbed his staff into the ground and shot a beam of darkness at the portal the Aurelie was making and formed a barrier around, rendering it pointless. Again he let out a chaotic laugh and he swung his staff at the girl shooting a bolt of light at her. "Come on, tying to leave already! How about you take a nap, and never wake up." He then had the bear self destruct, and when it did it exploded in a bright burning light. "Dark Servent!" A large figure made out of darkness rose form the black aura, almost in the form of a powerful demon but a lot more tame.
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Eric: Magnolia Stables

Lee had closed a barrier of darkness around the portal and not only that but he also destroyed the bear flying towards him. "Do we seriously have to beat this guy" Then out of no-where a beam of light came flying towards Aurelie. "Look out!" He shouted and transformed into a rhino to shield her and reduce damage to himself. "I'm going to ask one more time... What the hell is wrong with you?! At first you were talking with us no problem at all and now your trying to kill us?" Now Lee's brought up real monster from hell, Eric new he was powerful but this is just unexpected, in fact the air around him is completely different from their last fight. He's almost like a different person entirely. "You know what? Scratch that question... Who are you?


Well this was dumb. First she couldn't use her portal, even though she had gone through all the trouble of making it.l How rude. However, the time he used to make that barrier was used well by Aurelie. She ducked behind a nearby building, forging a portal on the wall away from the skirmish at hand. If she could help it, she was going to get away with this. When she emerged, however, Lee was already shooting a bolt of light or whatever at her. How rude.

Fortunately for her, Eric was dumb enough to take a blow like that. Well now she would have to take care of that too. She hardly found this the time to ask questions, especially when this man was clearly trying to just kill them off. But this was of no matter, as her new portal was nearing completion. She simply let the one in the sky deteriorate, rendering his stupid darkness barrier pointless. She didn't really want to get mad, but this was pissing her off. Especially since this man thought he could beat both of them on his own.

By now, her skin was almost all changed, save for her face. That was unfortunately something she couldn't accomplish without being exposed to pure twilight, but it was a defense mechanism anyway. So it was pretty good for what it was. All she needed was that little bit of extra time to finish her side project, and she knew just how to do it. She whispered to Eric, just audible enough for him to get it among the chaos. "Get behind the building. It's almost done," she stated simply, not bothering to explain.

With that, she summoned chains of twilight energy, both of which exuded a faint black haze around their being. Without hesitation, she flung them forward to ensnare Lee, letting them whip across the distance to reach their target. Yay for training.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Stables

Lee had closed a barrier of darkness around the portal and not only that but he also destroyed the bear flying towards him. "Do we seriously have to beat this guy" Then out of no-where a beam of light came flying towards Aurelie. "Look out!" He shouted and transformed into a rhino to shield her and reduce damage to himself. "I'm going to ask one more time... What the hell is wrong with you?! At first you were talking with us no problem at all and now your trying to kill us?" Now Lee's brought up real monster from hell, Eric new he was powerful but this is just unexpected, in fact the air around him is completely different from their last fight. He's almost like a different person entirely. "You know what? Scratch that question... Who are you?


Lee's giant contraption stepped on the whip like attack and free his master. He then slammed his fist in front of Eric to block his path. Seeing that the portal in the sky was gone he let his barrier disappear he then created a barrier around Eric trapping his dark aura with the boy to drain him of his energy even quicker. "Come on little girl hit me with everything you have, you know you want to."
Kazehana said:

Well this was dumb. First she couldn't use her portal, even though she had gone through all the trouble of making it.l How rude. However, the time he used to make that barrier was used well by Aurelie. She ducked behind a nearby building, forging a portal on the wall away from the skirmish at hand. If she could help it, she was going to get away with this. When she emerged, however, Lee was already shooting a bolt of light or whatever at her. How rude.

Fortunately for her, Eric was dumb enough to take a blow like that. Well now she would have to take care of that too. She hardly found this the time to ask questions, especially when this man was clearly trying to just kill them off. But this was of no matter, as her new portal was nearing completion. She simply let the one in the sky deteriorate, rendering his stupid darkness barrier pointless. She didn't really want to get mad, but this was pissing her off. Especially since this man thought he could beat both of them on his own.

By now, her skin was almost all changed, save for her face. That was unfortunately something she couldn't accomplish without being exposed to pure twilight, but it was a defense mechanism anyway. So it was pretty good for what it was. All she needed was that little bit of extra time to finish her side project, and she knew just how to do it. She whispered to Eric, just audible enough for him to get it among the chaos. "Get behind the building. It's almost done," she stated simply, not bothering to explain.

With that, she summoned chains of twilight energy, both of which exuded a faint black haze around their being. Without hesitation, she flung them forward to ensnare Lee, letting them whip across the distance to reach their target. Yay for training.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Eric: Magnolia Streets

Thanks to his rhino skin and his magical enhancements, that beam of light was nothing more than a bee sting to him. Aurelie told him to get behind a building without any explanation but due to these circumstances he had no choice but to do what he's told. "Alright but I hope you know what you're doing." Eric quickly changed into his cheetah form to quickly dash behind the building, although a fist slammed in front of him and blocked his path "Ah shit..." Then his body was surrounded in a dark aura draining him of his energy. "What the hell? Why do I feel... so... weird..." He's forced to turn back into his human form and collapses to his knees. "Aurelie! Don't get near his dark aura! It drains your energy!"

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Sora Marvell - Streets of Magnolia


A small yawn bubbled out from a mess of blue hair, Sora's face being buried into her arms that were currently being used as a makeshift pillow. The festival had been amazing, truly. She'd finally gotten to see Maya after so many years, met Lysander and formed an irreplaceable bond with him, had a wonderful birthday of which she'd arrived home to a scattered house full of presents and the most beautiful cake thanks to the wizard saint, but it was hard to focus on all of that when they would be going away. " Maya and Lysander will be leaving today... " Her eyelids drooped in a disheartened manner, head tilting to the side to stare out through the splayed strands that shifted slightly from the movement. A defeated sigh slowly followed suit as she pushed her petite frame away from the table she'd been occupying and exited the guild hall.

The look on Lysander's face as he'd seen her gift for him still remained fresh in the front of her mind which caused a smile to soon tug at her lips, quite pleased he'd actually enjoyed it and even took to wearing it right away. Sora hadn't expected him to adorn it upon his poncho so quickly but it warmed her heart that he'd placed it there, appearing as if truly belonged there the entire time. The fireworks had been thrilling as well, each thundering boom and explosion seeming to mimic how her heart had begun to act whenever she was in Lysander's presence. The way they looked at one another, the way their fingers interlocked like perfectly intricate puzzle pieces, the way her petite frame seemed to meld against his like it was the safest and most comforting place to rest upon; it was bliss. Just being beside him made the fireworks show that much more enjoyable and memorable.

That smile soon widened as she reminded herself that she didn't want to seem too sad to see the two of them leave back to Margaret town. A tune soon began to fill the air as she let out a joyous hum, walking upon the much less crowded streets in comparison to how fully packed they'd been over the past few days. Hopefully she'd run into Maya or Lysander before she was forced to track them down which in turn might seem slightly creepy, especially since it was essentially sniffing them out. And run into one of them, she did. How she managed to always subconsciously find herself in Lysander's vicinity was starting to become questionable at this point but for now it was simply a relief.

Soft footsteps that were once at a slower pace erupted into a run, though there was no way he'd seen her yet since she had spotted him from behind, so it'd come as a surprise when she coiled her small arms about his frame. "
Lyyyyysander! " Her voice chimed out excitedly so he didn't assume she was some stranger assaulting him. Both arms tightened around his torso as her cheek pressed into the fabric of his poncho, hands clasping cutely in the front to hold onto him, a huge smile plastered upon her face.

@Huor Spinks

Lyra Maelstre - Fairy Tail HQ


Lyra appeared quite suddenly within the guildhall, it was where Hibiki spent most of his time after-all. The boy loved being around the guild and whether it was because of nostalgia or he just thoroughly enjoyed the ruckus was a question that remained in the air. Throwing the art of surprise out the window she dive bombed towards the table, the words, " Hiiiiiiiiii~ biiiiiiiiii~ kunnnnnnnnnnnn! " being called out as she slid across the table and came face to face with him, eyes sparkling with an elated edge to them. A finger casually reached out to poke his nose, her own scrunching up a bit at the notion almost as if she were intimidating a bunny and had been the one prodded. " What're you doing all alone here? Were you perhaps waiting for me? " Her purple hues searched his with a hint of curiosity before she rested her cheek upon the table, hat toppling off her head to lay upon the cold surface as well.

We should eat, I've neglected my growling stomach for you. " She spoke matter-of-factly now, waving a finger about, almost pleased that she'd made Hibiki a priority over food. Almost. Her fingers outstretched to clamp onto his cheeks now, tugging on them in a cute yet nagging way. " Otherwise I might just have to try to cook for myself and that in itself is more destructive and deadly to others than my magic. " A weird grin sloppily took over her bemused smile, eyes slipping to the side to stare at her misplaced hat but not making any movements to replace it upon her tousled white locks.

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Her chains, although not reaching their target, still contacted something of interest. They started to curl around its legs, slithering up its body and constricting it. Each passing moment, the energy of her chains drained the thing's energy. At least this wasn't totally pointless. Unfortunately for her, this meant that she could only pull one more chain out to deal with this guy, and she assumed that wouldn't be enough. Her portal was complete by now, but it hardly mattered if the barrier thing was holding Eric hostage. Even so, she wasn't going to stoop to his level.

With her last chain, she saw her now unprotected target and aimed right for him. Almost like a whip, she shot it forward, confident that the restricted beast wouldn't be able to do anything. But then again, she wasn't a huge expert on random beasts. She aimed right for his torso, the easiest target on his body. The velocity of the chain may have been more than she predicted, however, and it traveled with a larger force than she had anticipated. It was almost like it was an actual weapon.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Kazehana said:

Her chains, although not reaching their target, still contacted something of interest. They started to curl around its legs, slithering up its body and constricting it. Each passing moment, the energy of her chains drained the thing's energy. At least this wasn't totally pointless. Unfortunately for her, this meant that she could only pull one more chain out to deal with this guy, and she assumed that wouldn't be enough. Her portal was complete by now, but it hardly mattered if the barrier thing was holding Eric hostage. Even so, she wasn't going to stoop to his level.

With her last chain, she saw her now unprotected target and aimed right for him. Almost like a whip, she shot it forward, confident that the restricted beast wouldn't be able to do anything. But then again, she wasn't a huge expert on random beasts. She aimed right for his torso, the easiest target on his body. The velocity of the chain may have been more than she predicted, however, and it traveled with a larger force than she had anticipated. It was almost like it was an actual weapon.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Streets

Thanks to his rhino skin and his magical enhancements, that beam of light was nothing more than a bee sting to him. Aurelie told him to get behind a building without any explanation but due to these circumstances he had no choice but to do what he's told. "Alright but I hope you know what you're doing." Eric quickly changed into his cheetah form to quickly dash behind the building, although a fist slammed in front of him and blocked his path "Ah shit..." Then his body was surrounded in a dark aura draining him of his energy. "What the hell? Why do I feel... so... weird..." He's forced to turn back into his human form and collapses to his knees. "Aurelie! Don't get near his dark aura! It drains your energy!"

Lee: Surrendering

It seemed all was going the crazy wizards way, and then he had something hit him hard. His giant disappeared as his energy was drained, he could assess the yin-yang power to draw more energy. However, the attack from Aurelie brought him back to his normal self. The eye on the yang side of Lee's face opened again and he fell to his knees. He breathing hard and slowly his dark aura faded away as well as the dark barrier around Eric. Even the lion that had been fighting the tiger faded out of existence. "I am sorry for the pain I have caused you, I concede." He would have moved to walk way but he was trapped by her power. Seeing Eric how he was, Lee felt some guilt and began to produce an aura of light to undo the damage. As he did so he was nearly unconscious from the over use of his powers.
Kazehana said:

Her chains, although not reaching their target, still contacted something of interest. They started to curl around its legs, slithering up its body and constricting it. Each passing moment, the energy of her chains drained the thing's energy. At least this wasn't totally pointless. Unfortunately for her, this meant that she could only pull one more chain out to deal with this guy, and she assumed that wouldn't be enough. Her portal was complete by now, but it hardly mattered if the barrier thing was holding Eric hostage. Even so, she wasn't going to stoop to his level.

With her last chain, she saw her now unprotected target and aimed right for him. Almost like a whip, she shot it forward, confident that the restricted beast wouldn't be able to do anything. But then again, she wasn't a huge expert on random beasts. She aimed right for his torso, the easiest target on his body. The velocity of the chain may have been more than she predicted, however, and it traveled with a larger force than she had anticipated. It was almost like it was an actual weapon.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Eric: Magnolia Stables

Finally free from the barrier and having his energy restored, Eric got up from his knees looked at Lee straight in the eye. "You surrender? Even though you nearly killed the two of us you're surrendering now?" Eric noticed the air around Lee has changed back to the same as before, he no longer senses any murderous intent emanating from his body, even though his surrender is sudden it's at least safe to assume he speaks the truth. "Anyway apart from that you have a lot of explaining to do!" He looks at Aurelie for a moment, he's never seen that kind of magic before he felt an extreme urge to get her to explain that too although that's best saved for later, right now it's more important to hear what Lee has to say about himself. "Today has just been filled with mysteries for me (sigh)."


With what she presumed to be the brunt of the threat out of the way, she rescinded all of her currently expended energy, dispelling the tiger's curse, the chains, but not the portal. She still very much intended on using it. The tiger, now free from the exposure of twilight, returned to its shadow form, which dissipated due to Lee's inability to keep his things in reality. She looked at the man with a blank expression, though she didn't feel so hot about him.

"Forget it, Eric. Let's get out of here before he recovers," she said with a slightly tart tone and her arms crossed. With that, she uncrossed them, turning around and walking to the portal. She knew this was a bad idea, yet she didn't do anything to keep him from letting Lee come. There was a pattern to this, and she wanted to nip it right in the bud. When she got to the corner, she put a hand on it, then glanced behind her. "Well? Aren't you coming?" she asked, ready to get this show on the road. Or at least away from here.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Kazehana said:

With what she presumed to be the brunt of the threat out of the way, she rescinded all of her currently expended energy, dispelling the tiger's curse, the chains, but not the portal. She still very much intended on using it. The tiger, now free from the exposure of twilight, returned to its shadow form, which dissipated due to Lee's inability to keep his things in reality. She looked at the man with a blank expression, though she didn't feel so hot about him.

"Forget it, Eric. Let's get out of here before he recovers," she said with a slightly tart tone and her arms crossed. With that, she uncrossed them, turning around and walking to the portal. She knew this was a bad idea, yet she didn't do anything to keep him from letting Lee come. There was a pattern to this, and she wanted to nip it right in the bud. When she got to the corner, she put a hand on it, then glanced behind her. "Well? Aren't you coming?" she asked, ready to get this show on the road. Or at least away from here.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Stables

Finally free from the barrier and having his energy restored, Eric got up from his knees looked at Lee straight in the eye. "You surrender? Even though you nearly killed the two of us you're surrendering now?" Eric noticed the air around Lee has changed back to the same as before, he no longer senses any murderous intent emanating from his body, even though his surrender is sudden it's at least safe to assume he speaks the truth. "Anyway apart from that you have a lot of explaining to do!" He looks at Aurelie for a moment, he's never seen that kind of magic before he felt an extreme urge to get her to explain that too although that's best saved for later, right now it's more important to hear what Lee has to say about himself. "Today has just been filled with mysteries for me (sigh)."

Lee: Magnolia Stables

Lee took two deep breaths before he spoke. "My apologies, but did I not tell you of my family and why I left?" It was growing harder for him to speak and his aura was gone. "I left because of my lack of control over my own emotions. My body is a vessel that moves according to them." He wasn't getting up, he had no desire to stay with them. He felt as though the other two would do better with out his presence. "Go on without me, I have already cause you enough trouble. Wouldn't you say."
Kazehana said:

With what she presumed to be the brunt of the threat out of the way, she rescinded all of her currently expended energy, dispelling the tiger's curse, the chains, but not the portal. She still very much intended on using it. The tiger, now free from the exposure of twilight, returned to its shadow form, which dissipated due to Lee's inability to keep his things in reality. She looked at the man with a blank expression, though she didn't feel so hot about him.

"Forget it, Eric. Let's get out of here before he recovers," she said with a slightly tart tone and her arms crossed. With that, she uncrossed them, turning around and walking to the portal. She knew this was a bad idea, yet she didn't do anything to keep him from letting Lee come. There was a pattern to this, and she wanted to nip it right in the bud. When she got to the corner, she put a hand on it, then glanced behind her. "Well? Aren't you coming?" she asked, ready to get this show on the road. Or at least away from here.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Eric: Magnolia Stables

Eric was lost in thought, there was definitely something troubling Lee, He mentioned his family again and elaborated on his lack of control then Eric thought of an idea "Alright that settles it He's coming with us back to Sabertooth HQ" and with that He stood firm to his words and nothing was going to change his mind, not only he that couldn't just leave a troubled man alone in the streets but he also had some pretty sweet powers. He stared round waiting for everyone's reaction to his bold statement.

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She stared at Eric with her mouth slightly agape and her eyes halfway shut, as if to say that she was beyond surprised and annoyed that he could have possibly said that. Really? He wanted to take the psychopath with them, the one that recently tried to kill them, and is very emotionally unstable, to a place with a bunch of other people? Oh totally! That was super reasonable!

"Are- are you serious? I'm not going anywhere with him! And you're considering bringing him back with you? Do you seriously think that would reflect well on you? He just tried to kill us for zero reason whatsoever," she replied in a purely incredulous state. Eric might be dumber than she originally thought. There was almost no way he could convince her to support this decision, and she assumed Gilad would think the same. He seemed like a no nonsense kind of guy, and this guy was literally the opposite.

She pinched the bridge of her nose with her hand, resting that arm with her other. "Honestly, don't you think you're on thin ice as it is? Do you really want to be responsible for whatever happens once we get there?" she challenged, relaxing her arms and looking at Eric inquisitively. If he still really thought it was a great idea after thinking about it, she would be able to understand Gilad's reaction to Eric's shenanigans.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Kazehana said:

She stared at Eric with her mouth slightly agape and her eyes halfway shut, as if to say that she was beyond surprised and annoyed that he could have possibly said that. Really? He wanted to take the psychopath with them, the one that recently tried to kill them, and is very emotionally unstable, to a place with a bunch of other people? Oh totally! That was super reasonable!

"Are- are you serious? I'm not going anywhere with him! And you're considering bringing him back with you? Do you seriously think that would reflect well on you? He just tried to kill us for zero reason whatsoever," she replied in a purely incredulous state. Eric might be dumber than she originally thought. There was almost no way he could convince her to support this decision, and she assumed Gilad would think the same. He seemed like a no nonsense kind of guy, and this guy was literally the opposite.

She pinched the bridge of her nose with her hand, resting that arm with her other. "Honestly, don't you think you're on thin ice as it is? Do you really want to be responsible for whatever happens once we get there?" she challenged, relaxing her arms and looking at Eric inquisitively. If he still really thought it was a great idea after thinking about it, she would be able to understand Gilad's reaction to Eric's shenanigans.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Eric: Magnolia Stables

"If there is one thing I certainly know about Sabertooth we specialise In discipline and strength, If I bring Lee back with us Gilad is sure to help him out with extensive and extreme training in discipline and don't worry Gilad has extremely powerful magic, as you may know he has the ability to control gravity itself and flat out negate the magic of others so I don't think Lee would go crazy there." Eric thought back to the point when he was first taken in by Sabertooth, they pretty much saved his life and now he want's to do the same for someone else "Besides I was just as troubled as him when I was taken in by them... I'm not about to leave him in the dust."

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Lee magnolia stables

"Really you still want to take me after what just did. Even if I wanted to go now, I don't have the strength to move." He tries to stand up and fell back to his knee's showing just how weak he was. "Besides I have been practicing discipline on my own for the past few years, this is one of the few out breaks I have had since I have left, even so I still shouldn't come with you."
Wyatt said:
Lee magnolia stables"Really you still want to take me after what just did. Even if I wanted to go now, I don't have the strength to move." He tries to stand up and fell back to his knee's showing just how weak he was. "Besides I have been practising discipline on my own for the past few years, this is one of the few out breaks I have had since I have left, even so I still shouldn't come with you."
Eric: Magnolia Stables

Eric smirked at Lee's comment "Oh please whatever kind of discipline training you had before you'll think of it as heaven once were back at Crocus, trust me, that other you will be far too traumatised to come back out after Gilad's finished with him. Especially if he has to go through... "that..." But in any case I ain't leaving you here, beside's it's a guilds duty to protect the people of Fiore" He let out a really confident grin and shouted "Alright who's with me on this one!"

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Was this man trying to get them killed? Really? Really. Well it was on Eric either way, and he was clearly not going to change his mind. "Who are you even talking to? We're the only ones here and neither of us say it's a good idea. From what I know of Gilad, he wouldn't want some episode like this to represent his guild. I've seen it, and I don't want any part of what he's a part of. If people knew he is Sabertooth, they would talk bad of the guild. I'm not going to be a part of this. I actually care what Gilad thinks of me," she replied, quite bluntly.

She honestly had no other idea of how to get the idea through Eric's head that this was in fact the worst idea he could have come up with. Was he not there when the man tried to kill them? Was he not there when the man almost did? She didn't want to have to worry about that happening again. "You can't expect Gilad to handle him every time. He's not going to deal with it, and you know that," she finished, hoping he would actually see the logic behind this. She wasn't too old in this world, so she only knew about the facts. Any empathetic link Eric may have had with the man was far lost by her. In all honesty though, Gilad probably didn't care either.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Stables

Eric smirked at Lee's comment "Oh please whatever kind of discipline training you had before you'll think of it as heaven once were back at Crocus, trust me, that other you will be far too traumatised to come back out after Gilad's finished with him. Especially if he has to go through... "that..." But in any case I ain't leaving you here, beside's it's a guilds duty to protect the people of Fiore" He let out a really confident grin and shouted "Alright who's with me on this one!"

Kazehana said:

Was this man trying to get them killed? Really? Really. Well it was on Eric either way, and he was clearly not going to change his mind. "Who are you even talking to? We're the only ones here and neither of us say it's a good idea. From what I know of Gilad, he wouldn't want some episode like this to represent his guild. I've seen it, and I don't want any part of what he's a part of. If people knew he is Sabertooth, they would talk bad of the guild. I'm not going to be a part of this. I actually care what Gilad thinks of me," she replied, quite bluntly.

She honestly had no other idea of how to get the idea through Eric's head that this was in fact the worst idea he could have come up with. Was he not there when the man tried to kill them? Was he not there when the man almost did? She didn't want to have to worry about that happening again. "You can't expect Gilad to handle him every time. He's not going to deal with it, and you know that," she finished, hoping he would actually see the logic behind this. She wasn't too old in this world, so she only knew about the facts. Any empathetic link Eric may have had with the man was far lost by her. In all honesty though, Gilad probably didn't care either.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Lee: magnolia stables

He yawned, unmoved. "Listen to girl wouldn't you. I don't need your empathy, I have survived on my own for this long now." Lee again stumbled to get but once again fell. If he could walk away he would. "She really has a point, what would your guild master think?"
Kazehana said:

Was this man trying to get them killed? Really? Really. Well it was on Eric either way, and he was clearly not going to change his mind. "Who are you even talking to? We're the only ones here and neither of us say it's a good idea. From what I know of Gilad, he wouldn't want some episode like this to represent his guild. I've seen it, and I don't want any part of what he's a part of. If people knew he is Sabertooth, they would talk bad of the guild. I'm not going to be a part of this. I actually care what Gilad thinks of me," she replied, quite bluntly.

She honestly had no other idea of how to get the idea through Eric's head that this was in fact the worst idea he could have come up with. Was he not there when the man tried to kill them? Was he not there when the man almost did? She didn't want to have to worry about that happening again. "You can't expect Gilad to handle him every time. He's not going to deal with it, and you know that," she finished, hoping he would actually see the logic behind this. She wasn't too old in this world, so she only knew about the facts. Any empathetic link Eric may have had with the man was far lost by her. In all honesty though, Gilad probably didn't care either.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Eric: Magnolia Stables

Something about what Aurelie said must have really ticked him off and responded a bit more harshly than he intended "So you would prefer to leave this man alone! I was trying to keep this to myself but it looks like I have no choice. What I meant by protecting the people of Fiore I meant him and the civilians! If he goes free and goes crazy again there's no telling how many countless civilians would be slaughtered! You say bringing him in would be bad for the guilds reputation but if we don't do anything not only will that affect our reputation but many lives would be lost too! Or are you just too cold hearted to understand that..." Realising what he just said he instantly apologised and calmed down "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so harsh but what I'm trying to say is I know the Guild Master enough that he wouldn't want the guilds reputation to fall and this may be the best way around it."

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Metaphysics said:
"I've really done fucked up this time haven't I?" Ciel said as she sat on the bed next to Haruhi. "I'm so sorry that I got you involved in this mess...but I promise you, I'll do whatever I can to help you get through this until we find a solution to this." Now she was holding her hand comfortingly. "I guess that...we should get to know each other a bit more since we'll be seeing a lot more of each other?" She proposed awkwardly.
"Ciel, I'm just as guilty as you are. I agreed to the marriage too. But let's not focus on who's to blame but rather what we can do to fix it." Haruhi said, looking over at the purple haired girl and frowning. She didn't get why Ciel was taking all the blame for them accidentally getting married when she was involved just as much. Suddenly she felt her hand taken by another, and despite the predicament that they were hand holding felt nice. Haruhi found herself leaning against Ciel as more of a safety blanket than a wife. Getting know one another was a good idea as there was nothing else they could really do at the moment. "Yeah, let's learn about each other. Where do we start?"

LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki Yamada - Kardia Cathedral.
Masaki didn't mean to be late, again. He just was... Again. Sighing as he quickly got dressed and then practically sprinted out of his rented apartment, the boy made it to Kardia Cathedral in what seemed to be a few seconds. The apartment was relatively close to the famous cathedral anyway's do that didn't come as a surprise to Masaki. Finally arriving, Masaki made his way beside the small girl who as now even smaller as she sat on her belongings waiting. "I'm sorry for being late Grace, it reeealllyy wasn't my fault..." He said, scratching his red hair as he did so. Forming a small crystal stump in an instant Masaki sat down next to Grace, looking at her with a smile. "It's never nice when you have to say goodbye to someone, especially someone you love." Sighing a little, the male continued to talk, "But it's not like we're never going to see each other again, I mean, we've got our whole lives to see each other so it's not that bad." After saying that, the boy chuckled slightly. "Anyway's I'm sure we've got enough time to hang out or something before you have to go anyway, unless you want me to walk you to the station now?"

Maya Morne - Magnolia Wherever.

The woman was up quite early this morning, she had got dressed, done her hair, and made herself look presentable for the day in little time, she then went for a walk. At the time the streets were practically dead, it was only then that people began to wake up and the streets slowly began to fill once more. Truth be told, Maya didn't wake up early to do anything specific, she was just always up early. She was probably always the first person to arrive at the guild hall as well, at least a few hours before everyone else did at least. With a sigh, Maya walked down the streets with her usual happy expression on her face. "Now where could he be? Hmm..." She thought, the male she was looking for was Lloyd. After a few minutes of travelling, Maya found herself at Lloyds location. (I don't know what that is so I'll refer to it as Lloyds location for now). "I finally found you!" She spoke out to the man, a smile on her face as she did so.

@Huor Spinks

Hibiki Dreyar - Fairy Tail GH

Hibiki sat on one of the tables darted around the guild hall as he waited for Lyra to arrive. Last night, the two went up onto the second floor meant for the S-Class mages and watched the fireworks from the balcony there. The display wasn't that bad actually, in fact it was really good. However it didn't last for as long as he thought it would. Oh well. As he sat in the guild hall, Hibiki sighed as he looked around, the place was FILLED and the noise was immense. It made him feel at home and it made him feel happy, even though to those outside of the guild it would've probably sounded and felt like absolute chaos.


Free for interaction - Anyone in the guild hall.

Grace finally saw Masaki approaching her, and she looked up at him with a disapproving look. She couldn't believe that he had the audacity to say that being late wasn't his fault. It made her a little suspicious of what he might be doing that would holding him up so late. "Only you can show up late everytime. Is there something you want to tell me? Are you seeing another girl!? I bet she's taller than me and has a big chest. I bet you want to "take her anywhere she wants". Pervert." She said with a frown, rolling her eyes and watching as he sat down beside her. "But whatever. You're here now and that's all that matters." The short girl looked up at the sky as Masaki spoke, and though she didn't show it on the outside she was going nuts over him. Everything he was saying was so beautiful and romantic and it had her falling for him all over again. Most of her expression was blank and unamused, but if you looked into her eyes you could almost see big pink hearts in them. Grace leaned forward and placed a small kiss on his cheek before standing up and stepping in front of him. Even with Masaki sitting down she was just barely above him, which was better than nothing. "I don't have very long thanks to the time that you wasted, but I wish to spend the rest of it with you. Unless you want to run off with that other girl. But if you don't take my hand and lead me somewhere fun."

She was quite done discussing this, especially since he was trying to appeal to her sense of emotion. "He's clearly never been a threat before, and it has obviously never been a concern. What is a concern is if he starts offing guild members. Is anyone really safer if he kills guild members?" she replied coolly, squinting her eyes ever so slightly. "Besides, this sounds like the problem of this city, which as far as I can tell, Sabertooth has no jurisdiction over. Did you really think this through before you spoke?" she asked, still vaguely neutral in expression and tone. She may not know much about this world, but she could piece it together fairly quickly. If Eric was going to let his emotions rule his life, he was going to have a bad time. "You seem to act on your emotions, much like what Lee here apparently does. And Gilad doesn't seem too happy about your behavior and how it reflects the guild. So why would you think he would be happy taking on a more extreme version of you?" There was an easy connection between the two, and she felt as if he was unaware of it. She knew it wasn't her decision, but it wasn't Eric's either. But she wasn't about to spend time with this maniac, possibly at the risk of her own life, if he wasn't going to be accepted anyway.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Kazehana said:

She was quite done discussing this, especially since he was trying to appeal to her sense of emotion. "He's clearly never been a threat before, and it has obviously never been a concern. What is a concern is if he starts offing guild members. Is anyone really safer if he kills guild members?" she replied coolly, squinting her eyes ever so slightly. "Besides, this sounds like the problem of this city, which as far as I can tell, Sabertooth has no jurisdiction over. Did you really think this through before you spoke?" she asked, still vaguely neutral in expression and tone. She may not know much about this world, but she could piece it together fairly quickly. If Eric was going to let his emotions rule his life, he was going to have a bad time. "You seem to act on your emotions, much like what Lee here apparently does. And Gilad doesn't seem too happy about your behavior and how it reflects the guild. So why would you think he would be happy taking on a more extreme version of you?" There was an easy connection between the two, and she felt as if he was unaware of it. She knew it wasn't her decision, but it wasn't Eric's either. But she wasn't about to spend time with this maniac, possibly at the risk of her own life, if he wasn't going to be accepted anyway.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Eric: Magnolia Stables

"How do you know what we think? Didn't you come here wanting to learn about how guilds work and what it's like living in one? Well here's something I can teach you, we don't simply just leave people in their time of need and personally I don't care about any jurisdiction crap either." Nothing was changing his mind, He knew his guild-mates and his Guild Master all too well. Even if Lee did end up going crazy in the guild hall he'd never be able to hurt any of them "Our guild has very powerful mages so I would appreciate it if you were to stop underestimating us so much. I know for a fact you thought of me as a dunce throughout our time but you have to remember I'm still a Sabertooth wizard, I wouldn't even be here if I didn't meet Gilad's standards."

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Kazehana said:

She was quite done discussing this, especially since he was trying to appeal to her sense of emotion. "He's clearly never been a threat before, and it has obviously never been a concern. What is a concern is if he starts offing guild members. Is anyone really safer if he kills guild members?" she replied coolly, squinting her eyes ever so slightly. "Besides, this sounds like the problem of this city, which as far as I can tell, Sabertooth has no jurisdiction over. Did you really think this through before you spoke?" she asked, still vaguely neutral in expression and tone. She may not know much about this world, but she could piece it together fairly quickly. If Eric was going to let his emotions rule his life, he was going to have a bad time. "You seem to act on your emotions, much like what Lee here apparently does. And Gilad doesn't seem too happy about your behavior and how it reflects the guild. So why would you think he would be happy taking on a more extreme version of you?" There was an easy connection between the two, and she felt as if he was unaware of it. She knew it wasn't her decision, but it wasn't Eric's either. But she wasn't about to spend time with this maniac, possibly at the risk of her own life, if he wasn't going to be accepted anyway.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Stables

"How do you know what we think? Didn't you come here wanting to learn about how guilds work and what it's like living in one? Well here's something I can teach you, we don't simply just leave people in their time of need and personally I don't care about any jurisdiction crap either." Nothing was changing his mind, He knew his guild-mates and his Guild Master all too well. Even if Lee did end up going crazy in the guild hall he'd never be able to hurt any of them "Our guild has very powerful mages so I would appreciate it if you were to stop underestimating us so much. I know for a fact you thought of me as a dunce throughout our time but you have to remember I'm still a Sabertooth wizard, I wouldn't even be here if I didn't meet Gilad's standards."

Lee: Magnolia Stables

He refuses to leave me behind, she refuses to travel with. I don't blame her, I don't think I should go either. There is a reason I haven't join a guild and they witnessed it first hand. I can't just run away I am to weak. I will have to tap into my more powerful magic and draw energy. Even if I did try and run away he would chase after me, however, I could make a diversion. "Just leave me, I don't need your help. Do I look like I am injured or dying. I can survive on my own." Lee was desperately trying to convince Eric to leave him. "All I would do was cause you problems, I don't know why I thought it was such a good idea to tag along in the first place." If I do use magic again, they might see me as a threat but would they run away. I don't know if I can use more power to make an escape.
Eric: Magnolia Streets

Eric was getting no-where with this and he really does need to calm down now that he's realised this arguing is pointless, he's supposed to be acting as an example of the guild so now he's going to continue doing so. "Listen this ain't getting us anywhere after all a lot has happened in such a short time, how about we all get a drink or two to calm our nerves, hell I sure need one right now, I know a nearby bar we can go there." This was probably a better call than to just stand in the middle of the street arguing at each other and he really wasn't lying about needing that drink, he's really stressed right now and it would probably do us all some good too.

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