Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia streets

It suddenly occurred to him that he's never had to act as an example for a guild before. He'd better not screw this up because the way Gilad is now, he might end up getting kicked out for sure. The girl then spoke up "Fun? Well in my opinion the most fun I've had in Sabertooth is hanging out with guild-mates and doing the various jobs posted on the job board, or maybe get a drink at the guild bar but either way I'm sure you'd have fun" The girl probably thought that Eric was just some dunce who just barely pulls himself back from being kicked out but he's smarter than that and smart enough to know that it's better she keeps thinking that way, just so there isn't any needless pressure forced on them. "By the way I didn't catch your name, do you mind telling me?"

Kazehana said:

She glanced at Gilad's exit, however lame it was. She was hoping he would make some sort of grand exit or something, but that just didn't pan out. Oh well. Perhaps she could do it sometime and establish her reputation that way. That might be cool. But for now, these two. It was weird that he asked the same question multiple times, but she figured he might have just hit his head or something.

"My name is Aurelie," she said, looking around the room. Nothing was particularly interesting, but it was all more interesting than these two. There goes her plans of learning under Gilad for the day. Cue internal sigh.

"Anyway, aren't we supposed to be doing something? You know, to show me what it's like to be in said guild?" she asked, mostly for her own curiosity. She wanted to know sooner rather than later if they were doing anything at all. She preferred it if they did, but Eric looked like he just wanted to goof around all day. Strict wasn't the word she would use to describe him. But he had to be useful for something, right? At least he wasn't a total jerk to her. But then again, that could just be because he had to for Gilad.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Lee: Magnolia Guild Tour

He was waiting patiently for Eric to start the tour and was getting tired of waiting. "So Eric, is the only the thing you are good at is drinking? If you don't have any other talents maybe I should look for someone more useful." He then waited to see the reaction that Eric would have. Lee was slightly annoyed that he hadn't asked him for his name.
Kayzo said:
Haruhi's eyes remained open and surprised. This girl really was Raa, but why did she have to hide it? It was rather strange, but hopefully it was for a good reason. "You really are Raa..." She said, shakily getting her her feet and taking a deep breath. She tried to recall memories of the previous night, yet nothing came to mind. Except one thing. "No, not Raa. Ciel! Your real name is Ciel!" She said, taking a seat at the edge of the bed. "I don't remember anything from last night, but I'm sure it wasn't that crazy. I'm sure that we just crashed here and went to bed, seeing that we are both fully clothed. But still, I'm sure Honoka is worried sick!" She said in a distressed voice, looking down at her hands that rested in her lap.
Ciel nodded slowly after giving herself ample time to think about the situation. "Yeah. It's probably nothing." She said before scanning the room. She saw a weird looking paper on the bedside table and picked it up. "No... Nono...." She quickly looked at her hand and Haruhi's. "They're gonna kill me." She said plainly.
Wyatt said:
Lee: Magnolia Guild TourHe was waiting patiently for Eric to start the tour and was getting tired of waiting. "So Eric, is the only the thing you are good at is drinking? If you don't have any other talents maybe I should look for someone more useful." He then waited to see the reaction that Eric would have. Lee was slightly annoyed that he hadn't asked him for his name.

Eric: Magnolia Streets

"Aurelie huh? Nice name! Also I was just about to head back to sabertooth HQ so I guess our first task would be to get there in one piece, once we're there we can look for any open jobs available." The man's continuous taunting would never stop but Eric would rather not have that event occur again so he controlled his anger to the best of his ability. "In any case I haven't heard your name either, the road back to Crocus is long so we'd might as well get to know each other more."

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Leonardo Captor and Yukiko Sumeragi

Morning | Magnolia Hotel


Mimi, along with many other mages in their guild, was quite a playful person. A trait that both Leonardo and Yukiko also shared to an extent, and one they could appreciate. Yukiko had spent so much time surrounded by boring people in her youth that she was quite eager to make up for lost time in shenanigans with her guild members. Yukiko sighed longingly at Mimi's remark about her coffee, dramatically placing the back of her palm over her forehead whilst letting her head hang backwards.

Clearly our dear companion Mr. Captor is out to sabotage me. Honestly, the nerve." Yukiko in following with Mimi, was a little thick on the dramatics. Leonardo sat there with his hands rubbing his temple, clearly not having the greatest morning.

My headache was already bad enough without having you around, Yukiko." Leonardo's tone was harsh, and that was to be expected. Anyone who belonged to the guild was aware of the poor relationship between Yukiko and Leonardo. Thankfully Mimi was there, otherwise Leonardo would have to deal with being alone with that woman. Leonardo was quite fond of Mimi. She was fresh and vibrant, always up for anything. Leonardo laughed at her comment about Golden Royals being able to rival Fairy Tail in terms of rowdy guild members.

Yeah. You and I are awesome, Mimi. No one in Fairy Tail can compare to us party animals." Leonardo pointed his thumb towards his chest, an arrogant smirk plastered across his face.

When Mimi moved over and began to put on her little puppy dog display, Leonardo played along for the sake of it.

I don't know, just how much fun can we have?" He turned his body to face hers, but before he could make any moves a loud gagging sound erupted near them. Turning towards Yukiko, Leonardo stared in disdain as Yukiko feinted vomiting near the two of them.

Sorry, I think I just threw up a little." Yukiko glared at the two of them, patting her chest in an insincere fashion as if it wasn't already obvious she was just being a buzzkill. "Perhaps I should watch how much I drink next time." If Leonardo didn't know any better, he'd say that Yukiko was jealous. He did know better, and he was fully aware that his and Yukiko's ship had already sailed and sunk. No, she was clearly just doing this to mess with him. That's all she ever seemed to do these days.

The playful moment interrupted, Leonardo shuffled away from Mimi slightly and cleared his throat. The silence that followed was rather awkward, but Yukiko was quick to fill it.

So, what are our plans for today?"

Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia hadn't actually stayed up as late as she thought she'd be able to. She fell asleep shortly after 1 AM. Of course, she'd practically forced Alfie and Mizuki to stay up alongside her. She was definitely happy she'd been able to spend the rest of the festival with them. She had hoped she'd been able to spend more time with her, but that hadn't been the case. Besides, it's not like they wouldn't be able to spend time together later. She was still supposed to go on a mission with just her after all! She'd promised her that much, perhaps when they got back home they could go on one if Mizuki felt up to it. Nevertheless she glared at the sun as it filtered through the window and onto her face, groaning she rolled over and put her pillow on her face in an effort to get more sleep. Of course, that method failed. The sun had done it's job to wake the poor girl up. And, of course, in turn she'd do her job and wake Mizuki up. She briefly wondered where Alfie went, but figured he'd left to do Alfie things...whatever those things were. She was sure they'd be able to see him before they left. Thus, she went to poking Mizuki in the stomach. "Time to wake up Mizuki! We gotta pack and stuff if we're gunna leave today." She told her as she poked her. Of course, she was fine with staying another day or so if Mizuki wanted to. But she'd leave that up to her.

Her gaze drifted back to Eric when he mentioned going to this 'Croacus' place. She had no idea where that was or if it was even the name of a place, but it was apparently where they would find the Sabertooth guild's building. She chose to ignore the taunting that had ensued, mainly because she wanted no part of it. They were doing just horrible without her, and she didn't want to ruin that dynamic.

"Well, I guess technically you're the boss here," she replied, though she was mainly just avoiding the question. To her, this was the closest place to a home she had since she had left her own realm. Perhaps this 'Croacus' would be similar, if not just as homey as this place. Plus there might be a different spread of fun things to window shop for! Oh this was going to be good. By now, she was already planning on exploring the city and looking at all the things that the stores had to offer. A new place was seeming more and more intriguing to her, and she was actually starting to get excited for it. But she had to remind herself that they had to get there first, and Eric made it seem like a long ways off. Great. Hopefully this wasn't the worst trek ever.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Metaphysics said:
Ciel nodded slowly after giving herself ample time to think about the situation. "Yeah. It's probably nothing." She said before scanning the room. She saw a weird looking paper on the bedside table and picked it up. "No... Nono...." She quickly looked at her hand and Haruhi's. "They're gonna kill me." She said plainly.
Haruhi began to calm herself down as Ciel agreed that nothing really happened last night. It was nice to know that during such a confusing situation, and the blue haired knew that she'd never drink again. She stood up and stretched her arms, taking her shoes and getting ready to leave. That was until Ciel said that someone was going to kill her. Obviously that'd be bad, but perhaps this could be her chance to pay her back for rescuing her! "Who's going to kill you? What happened?" She asked, frowning slightly and holding her hands behind her back. "Do I have something to do with it?"

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment
Mitchs98 said:

Alicia hadn't actually stayed up as late as she thought she'd be able to. She fell asleep shortly after 1 AM. Of course, she'd practically forced Alfie and Mizuki to stay up alongside her. She was definitely happy she'd been able to spend the rest of the festival with them. She had hoped she'd been able to spend more time with her, but that hadn't been the case. Besides, it's not like they wouldn't be able to spend time together later. She was still supposed to go on a mission with just her after all! She'd promised her that much, perhaps when they got back home they could go on one if Mizuki felt up to it. Nevertheless she glared at the sun as it filtered through the window and onto her face, groaning she rolled over and put her pillow on her face in an effort to get more sleep. Of course, that method failed. The sun had done it's job to wake the poor girl up. And, of course, in turn she'd do her job and wake Mizuki up. She briefly wondered where Alfie went, but figured he'd left to do Alfie things...whatever those things were. She was sure they'd be able to see him before they left. Thus, she went to poking Mizuki in the stomach. "Time to wake up Mizuki! We gotta pack and stuff if we're gunna leave today." She told her as she poked her. Of course, she was fine with staying another day or so if Mizuki wanted to. But she'd leave that up to her.

For once in her life Mizuki actually wanted to sleep in. All the walking and stalking from the previous day really wore the girl out, and it didn't help that Alica forced her to stay up later than usual. However she once again wasn't allowed to get what she wanted as the little girl's slight touch was enough to wake her up. The dark mage's eyes shot open, her head raising slightly to look at Alicia. She didn't look much different than she usually did, her hair still somewhat messy and her eyes seemingly tired. A small sigh escaped her mouth and she sat up in the bed more. "Must we get up so early? You made me stay up rather late last night..." She said in a raspy morning voice, her arms reaching out and pulling the young girl into her body for a little. Glancing around she immediately searched the room for Alfie, yet the ribbon Mage was no where to be seen. A frown formed on her face and Mizuki released the young girl, crawling out of bed and searching around the apartment for Alfie. She could t find him and it made the edge lord rather angry. "Where did he go? He said that he wouldn't run away, yet he lied!" She spat, catching sight of the letter and ripping it open, her eyes scanning through it.

@Salt Lord (I don't know if there is anything you want to put in the letter.)
Kazehana said:

Her gaze drifted back to Eric when he mentioned going to this 'Croacus' place. She had no idea where that was or if it was even the name of a place, but it was apparently where they would find the Sabertooth guild's building. She chose to ignore the taunting that had ensued, mainly because she wanted no part of it. They were doing just horrible without her, and she didn't want to ruin that dynamic.

"Well, I guess technically you're the boss here," she replied, though she was mainly just avoiding the question. To her, this was the closest place to a home she had since she had left her own realm. Perhaps this 'Croacus' would be similar, if not just as homey as this place. Plus there might be a different spread of fun things to window shop for! Oh this was going to be good. By now, she was already planning on exploring the city and looking at all the things that the stores had to offer. A new place was seeming more and more intriguing to her, and she was actually starting to get excited for it. But she had to remind herself that they had to get there first, and Eric made it seem like a long ways off. Great. Hopefully this wasn't the worst trek ever.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Streets

"Aurelie huh? Nice name! Also I was just about to head back to sabertooth HQ so I guess our first task would be to get there in one piece, once we're there we can look for any open jobs available." The man's continuous taunting would never stop but Eric would rather not have that event occur again so he controlled his anger to the best of his ability. "In any case I haven't heard your name either, the road back to Crocus is long so we'd might as well get to know each other more."

Lee: Magnolia Guild Tour

Finally the man had some manors and asked for his name. "My name is Lee Young, I am a user of both light and darkness. From what I have gathered, your use transformation magic, is that correct?" Lee yawned and stretched his hands behind his head. "Miss Aurelie, I am also curious what type of magic do you have?" He was almost enjoying himself although he wasn't in his natural element of serenity. Lee didn't mean to tease the drunk and would rather be friends with him but the man pushed his buttons.

Mimi frowned at Leo's behavior, mainly because he was just being arrogant as always. She would have mustered an eye roll had she thought his display deserved it. "For the record," she began, simply addressing both of them, "I never came on to you," she shot back at Leo, who was clearly making that joke. Honestly, this clearly wasn't the time for this! Even Mimi know not to do stuff like that around Yukiko. Honestly, he shouldn't just be taunting her like that.

Yukiko wasn't making this any easier on Mimi, and she was very much uncomfortable with the tension. She retreated to the opposite corner of the couch, her straight arms pressing against her thighs as she looked down trying to forget her awkwardness. She wasn't sure if she had any pace to say anything here, but she desperately wanted to break this tension. Thankfully, Yukiko did that for her.

Unfortunately, Mimi wasn't one to take the position of team leader and say just for sure what they were going to do. To be honest, she just wanted to spend time with Leo. He was by far her favorite member of the guild, though he still annoyed her with that whole ego thing. But in a way, it was what made him unique, so she didn't want to make a big deal of it. If anything, she enjoyed exploiting that side of him for cheap shots. And why shouldn't she? He was basically giving her the ammunition!

"Uhm, I'm not too sure, but are we sure it's wise to have both you you together for a long time? I mean, it's pretty clear that it's a terrible idea regardless of what we do, right?" she asked, getting more nervous at the end of her bold remark. She didn't really want to say it, but darn it it needed to be said! To avoid being awkward in general, she grabbed her cup and took another sip of tea. Super nonchalant. No one could tell she was uncomfortable at the moment. Obvious sarcasm is obvious.

@Chat Noir
Kayzo said:
Haruhi began to calm herself down as Ciel agreed that nothing really happened last night. It was nice to know that during such a confusing situation, and the blue haired knew that she'd never drink again. She stood up and stretched her arms, taking her shoes and getting ready to leave. That was until Ciel said that someone was going to kill her. Obviously that'd be bad, but perhaps this could be her chance to pay her back for rescuing her! "Who's going to kill you? What happened?" She asked, frowning slightly and holding her hands behind her back. "Do I have something to do with it?"
Without saying another word, Ciel handed her the paper and showed her her hand. The hand that had a wedding ring on its finger. " I think we did something very weird last night. " She said as she put down her hand. They in really big trouble now.
Noah Cross


Noah didn't just have only one drink the night of the festival. He woke up on a rooftop being blinded by the bright sun. He sat up rubbing his eyes. He yawns looking around. Morning already?? He asked himself while yawning. He stands up on the rooftop and stretches flashing everyone. He turns around spotting his clothes and a girl who's also asleep on the roof. Hmm, I honestly have no idea who you are. He says to the girl who's asleep. I might see you again, might not. He walks over towards his clothes and gets dressed. Once he finished he walked towards the edge of the roof and looks around. Alright Ferra said meet her in the square. He jumps off the roof and starts walking. So far he hasn't been stopped by the guards so it's going good. After walking he made to the square and he spotted Ferra. He walks up to her and pats her on her head. What's up kid, you enjoyed the fireworks last night? @Mitchs98 @Talon
Wyatt said:
Lee: Magnolia Guild TourFinally the man had some manors and asked for his name. "My name is Lee Young, I am a user of both light and darkness. From what I have gathered, your use transformation magic, is that correct?" Lee yawned and stretched his hands behind his head. "Miss Aurelie, I am also curious what type of magic do you have?" He was almost enjoying himself although he wasn't in his natural element of serenity. Lee didn't mean to tease the drunk and would rather be friends with him but the man pushed his buttons.
Eric: Magnolia Streets

Eric was glad Lee didn't try to start anything, maybe the journey might just be bearable after all "So your name's Lee huh? That's good to know and Yes I am a user of transformation magic, the difference however is that I use my imagination to my advantage, mixing and matching different animals" He let loose a smirk after explaining his magic, he was very confident in his ability to fight but he always has a gut for powerful enemies so he at least knows the limits of his capabilities. "Also I agree with him, what type of magic do you use aurelie?" The whole time Eric had a weird feeling about her, she may not look like a fighter but feels there's more than meets the eye.

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Lucas Starphase and Noel Gilbert

Morning | Magnolia

@The Dinkster

By a stroke of good fortune it seemed that Lucas and Noel were able to run into Dastun. The man was relaxing at a quaint little cafe, and Noel was quick to offer a cheery smile and wave in greeting. Lucas stood awkwardly under the mans gaze. Dastun made him incredibly uncomfortable, especially since the older man seemed to never like acknowledging his existence. Being dismissed like that really pissed off the young man. Noel gently placed a hand on his shoulder, a subtle warning to let him know that he needed to calm down and not look too much into it.

Lucas why don't you go inside and order us some breakfast?" Noel pulled out her purse and handed a few notes to Lucas, who nodded in eagerness before dashing off into the cafe. When he was gone, Noel turned her attention back to Dastun and spoke in a stern tone.

Lucas has been with us for a few months now, Dastun. Please do try and remember his name at the very least." Noel experienced Dastun's cold shoulder as well when she joined the guild as a young girl. It was needlessly unpleasant and the man had never revealed to them why he was so intent on it. Perhaps he had his reasons, but Noel wasn't the type to excuse that kind of behaviour. Meaning no ill intent by the comment, Noel's tone shifted just as quickly back to her normal, pleasant self.

How was the festival? I do hope you were able to see it."

Wow. Such solid introductions. This world was truly bizarre if they found this to be a conversation topic with new people. She stared blankly at them, adjusting her gaze to the other, and back again. "Is this really what we should be doing right now? It sounds like a long journey, and we should probably get going, no?" she replied, completely dropping the topic. Sure it was nice to know the powers of others, but it wasn't necessary. Besides, they did it voluntarily, meaning she had a choice in the matter.

She moved over towards the entrance, holding the door open for the two 'men' she had to accompany to this Croacus place. "Shall we?" she prompted, leaning against the door as she put a foot up for extra coolness. Okay so she didn't really have a concept of cool, but it was like that. The sooner they got on the road, the better.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Metaphysics said:
Without saying another word, Ciel handed her the paper and showed her her hand. The hand that had a wedding ring on its finger. " I think we did something very weird last night. " She said as she put down her hand. They in really big trouble now.
Haruhi, who had just began to calm down, took the paper and gave it a horrified look. A loud screech escape her mouth and the girl stumbled back, falling into the bed and nearly passing out. There was no chance that they really got married. This had to be a joke set up by Ciel! But then again, the certificate looked so official, and the ring on her finger obviously was expensive. Perhaps this was a thing now, but a bad thing! She'd never been in love before let alone a romantic relationship of any time! But marrying someone she had known for less than a day was absurd. "What are we going to do Ciel!? My sister will find out and think that I'm easy! She'll disapprove of me, and so will my parents. Help me out Ciel!"

Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Streets

Eric was glad Lee didn't try to start anything, maybe the journey might just be bearable after all "So your name's Lee huh? That's good to know and Yes I am a user of transformation magic, the difference however is that I use my imagination to my advantage, mixing and matching different animals" He let loose a smirk after explaining his magic, he was very confident in his ability to fight but he always has a gut for powerful enemies so he at least knows the limits of his capabilities. "Also I agree with him, what type of magic do you use aurelie?" The whole time Eric had a weird feeling about her, she may not look like a fighter but feels there's more than meets the eye.

Kazehana said:

Wow. Such solid introductions. This world was truly bizarre if they found this to be a conversation topic with new people. She stared blankly at them, adjusting her gaze to the other, and back again. "Is this really what we should be doing right now? It sounds like a long journey, and we should probably get going, no?" she replied, completely dropping the topic. Sure it was nice to know the powers of others, but it wasn't necessary. Besides, they did it voluntarily, meaning she had a choice in the matter.

She moved over towards the entrance, holding the door open for the two 'men' she had to accompany to this Croacus place. "Shall we?" she prompted, leaning against the door as she put a foot up for extra coolness. Okay so she didn't really have a concept of cool, but it was like that. The sooner they got on the road, the better.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Lee: Guild Tour

Lee follow Aurelie's example and began to head out, of course he was a little hurt that she didn't want to talk about anything. "Oh come on, don't be like that. I feel something similar about you." He looked at Eric waiting for him to lead the way, because although he was ready to head out he didn't know the way. "My magic also gives me creative freedom you know. Like I said earlier. It is similar to maker magic which also the user to make many things." He held up his hands and birds of light flew from it. Then they turned to flowers that fell from the sky.

Dastun Ronad


Dastun looked at Lucas as he nodded at Noel and seemed all to eager to go off and get them some breakfast, he could smell the fear on the boy. Letting out a heavy sigh he tried to offer a smile to Noel, "He is still a child. I will not trust, nor respect him until I see him prove himself. Then he will earn it. Till that, I will treat him as a child." Pausing for a moment he tried to offer some middle ground, "I will remember his name though. I can at least do that much." Dastun was like this to everyone, he was just very slow to trust and he highly disliked children, as Noel grew older and the two worked together a bit more, Dastun grew a bit warmer, but they still knew little about each other. Dastun dismissed her comment and stern voice, she was just looking out for chuck.

"No, I didn't go. I hear it was decent, better than last years." Dastun replied before motioning to the table he was at, "Take a seat." He proceeded to sit down and take another sip of his coffee, if you had the eye too you could see it had a reddish tint and if you had the nose it smelled slightly like blood, "How was the journey back to Magnolia?"
Kazehana said:

Wow. Such solid introductions. This world was truly bizarre if they found this to be a conversation topic with new people. She stared blankly at them, adjusting her gaze to the other, and back again. "Is this really what we should be doing right now? It sounds like a long journey, and we should probably get going, no?" she replied, completely dropping the topic. Sure it was nice to know the powers of others, but it wasn't necessary. Besides, they did it voluntarily, meaning she had a choice in the matter.

She moved over towards the entrance, holding the door open for the two 'men' she had to accompany to this Croacus place. "Shall we?" she prompted, leaning against the door as she put a foot up for extra coolness. Okay so she didn't really have a concept of cool, but it was like that. The sooner they got on the road, the better.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Eric: Magnolia Streets

Eric was a little disappointed that Aurelie wouldn't tell us her magic abilities although he had to admit she was right "Well in that case we should rent a horse cart It'll be far too long on foot." Eric starts heading out and see's Lee use an example of his magic. "Hmm interesting, when we fought I had a feeling you would be a tough opponent, well I at least hope you don't disappoint me in a real fight" He gave another smirk "Anyway were short on time so we should start moving out." He hope's that nothing is going to happen on the way back to Crocus but at the very least it probably won't be anything he can't handle. With that in mind he makes his way out the door the same as everyone else.

Kayzo said:
Haruhi began to calm herself down as Ciel agreed that nothing really happened last night. It was nice to know that during such a confusing situation, and the blue haired knew that she'd never drink again. She stood up and stretched her arms, taking her shoes and getting ready to leave. That was until Ciel said that someone was going to kill her. Obviously that'd be bad, but perhaps this could be her chance to pay her back for rescuing her! "Who's going to kill you? What happened?" She asked, frowning slightly and holding her hands behind her back. "Do I have something to do with it?"

For once in her life Mizuki actually wanted to sleep in. All the walking and stalking from the previous day really wore the girl out, and it didn't help that Alica forced her to stay up later than usual. However she once again wasn't allowed to get what she wanted as the little girl's slight touch was enough to wake her up. The dark mage's eyes shot open, her head raising slightly to look at Alicia. She didn't look much different than she usually did, her hair still somewhat messy and her eyes seemingly tired. A small sigh escaped her mouth and she sat up in the bed more. "Must we get up so early? You made me stay up rather late last night..." She said in a raspy morning voice, her arms reaching out and pulling the young girl into her body for a little. Glancing around she immediately searched the room for Alfie, yet the ribbon Mage was no where to be seen. A frown formed on her face and Mizuki released the young girl, crawling out of bed and searching around the apartment for Alfie. She could t find him and it made the edge lord rather angry. "Where did he go? He said that he wouldn't run away, yet he lied!" She spat, catching sight of the letter and ripping it open, her eyes scanning through it.

@Salt Lord (I don't know if there is anything you want to put in the letter.)
Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia squirmed slightly and sighed as Mizuki pulled her close to her. "I guess if you wanna sleep some more you can. I'll pack my stuff while you rest." She replied. Though seconds later Mizuki released her and popped up looking around frantically for..something. Or maybe she just really had to pee. Either or, Alicia guessed. When she started shouting about 'where did he go' her thoughts immediately moved to Alfie. "I'm sure he'll come back, don't worry. Whatever he's doing is probably important. Besides we can see him before we leave, or even stay another day or two if you wanna." She told her, crawling to sit on the edge of the bed and hoping it'd calm Mizuki down. She had no idea what he was talking about of Alfie not running away like Mizuki owned him..but..eh.

@Mitchs98[/URL] @Talon

Ferra: Magnolia Square

Ferra pouted slightly as Noah walked up and patted her on the head like she was some child, followed by actually calling her a kid. "I'm not a kid! Like I said I'm 17, sheesh." She replied in an annoyed manner, though her attention quickly shifted to the fireworks. She grinned excitedly, "You bet I did! They were awesome! I had a lot of fun with you and Talon at the parade and stuff too." She told him. "Master Lloyd should be around somewhere preparing to leave, if we don't manage to catch him here you can bet we'll find him at the guild hall. I'm determined for you guys to be able to join today." She added. "Once Talon gets here we'll look for him."
Kayzo said:
Haruhi, who had just began to calm down, took the paper and gave it a horrified look. A loud screech escape her mouth and the girl stumbled back, falling into the bed and nearly passing out. There was no chance that they really got married. This had to be a joke set up by Ciel! But then again, the certificate looked so official, and the ring on her finger obviously was expensive. Perhaps this was a thing now, but a bad thing! She'd never been in love before let alone a romantic relationship of any time! But marrying someone she had known for less than a day was absurd. "What are we going to do Ciel!? My sister will find out and think that I'm easy! She'll disapprove of me, and so will my parents. Help me out Ciel!"
"You think that is bad?! My...uhm...sister is going to have a fit! I can't even begin to imagine how much property damage she's going to cause! " She replied."Okay okay. We need to think calmly and rationally." She started as she began pacing. "We got drunk and got married overnight. How do we fix this..." She hummed as she thought before she finally got an idea. "Hold still." She said as she picked up a piece of her armor and brought it close to Haruhi's hand. The armor started shifting into some kind of armored glove with sharp fingertips. "We have to hide the rings for now." She said as she handed her the armor.

"Hide what Ciel?" A very sweet voice called out from the doorway. Niur was back and she was pissed.
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Magnolia Station

The screech of metal, the bellow of horns, the jolt of motion. Many things came together to rouse her from her sleep as the train slid to a halt beside the station platform. She sleepily looked around as passengers rose from their seats and began to depart. She let out a long yawn before leaning forward and snatching her bag from below her seat. Getting to her feet she fell in line behind the other passengers as they made their way off the train so that new passengers could take their place. Upon exiting the train she hastily made her way from the crowd, letting out a breath once she was free. She pulled a map out of her jacket pocket, looking it over closely and tracing a line with her finger as she reviewed it. After this stop there was only one more transfer and then it was a straight shot back home. She deftly folded the map and stuck it back into her pocket as she looked up at a large clock. Her train wasn't until later in the day so she'd have to find some way of entertaining herself until then.

She let out another yawn which turned into a contented moan as she stretched her arms above her head. She let her arms drop back to her side before shoving them into her jacket pockets and heading for the exit. As far as the map said Magnolia was a fairly large city so there was bound to be something of interest to hold her over. Maybe she could pick up another small job for some extra cash. Upon making her way out of the terminal building she was met with a fairly large crowd and decorations adorning the streets. It seemed as if most of the crowd were leaving as they were making their way past her and into the train station. She brought her hand up to the rim of her cap, pulling it down slightly as she lowered her head and made her way out onto the street.

She followed silently, happy that they were following through with a plan. They might be able to do something worthwhile today after all! Well, depending on how long it took to get to Crocus. She had nothing of value to add to the conversation, as she had not been fond of sharing her magic with strangers. So she didn't feel inclined to say anything at all. Perhaps she should have been more careful about telling people she had magic. Though if she didn't, Gilad might not have considered her for their guild, so it was a good thing in the end. For now, she simply observed the two men in hopes of learning more about them. Learning for her was very much fun, though she would have preferred it if they simply knew nothing of her. After all, she only really wanted to tell those who absolutely needed it. And at the moment, no one, not even Gilad, knew. And she wanted to keep it that way.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Kayzo said:
After the fireworks Millie room Valken away from his buddies to put on a rather embarrassing fashion show for him which most likely led to some adult wrestling. Though a little strange it was a great night nonetheless, but now it was time to get back home. Waking up still in the lewd clothing Maya purchased for her, the blonde girl snuck out of bed and changed into the new skirt that Maya also bought for her. The older girl was right about the skirt complimenting her body, and she knew that Valken would like this too. Speaking of the hunk of man he was still asleep in the bed and had to be waken up. They couldn't miss their train back to Lamia Scale. Walking to the bed Millie sat down on top of him and used the smallest drop of her acid magic to wake him up. The little drop wouldn't burn his skin but would rather sting him. "Valken, get up! We need to get ready to leave." She said, pounding her hands gently on his chest. "Don't make me use more magic!"

Grace puffed out her cheeks as she waited for Masaki to show up. The petite girl was leaning up against the wall of cathedral making small little explosions at her fingertips. She thought that it was appropriate and romantic that they said goodbye at the same place they said hello. Sure they could've just met at an apartment or spent the night together, but after the whole "I can take you anywhere" comment from her boyfriend there was no chance that she'd be sleeping beside him. "Just like at the beginning of the festival he was late! Does he not know how to show up on time?" She complained, taking a seat on top of her things and continued waiting for Masaki to arrive. The short girl was sad to know that she had to part ways with him once again, but she knew that in a few weeks they could see each other like normal.

Haruhi woke up the next morning in a panic. She didn't know where she was, how she got here, or why there was another girl in her bed! The blue haired girl let out a scream and rolled off the bed and out of the stranger's arms. Upon hitting the floor she saw that all of her clothes from th previous night were still on, indicating that nothing lewd went down between the two girls, but that still didn't make it any less weird. Haruhi curled up into a ball and turned herself into iron just in case the stranger made a move and tried to harm her.
"W-who are you!?" She wailed at the other person in bed, pulling her knees up to her chest. "What am I doing here!?"

@Metaphysics @Kayzo
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Metaphysics said:
"You think that is bad?! My...uhm...sister is going to have a fit! I can't even begin to imagine how much property damage she's going to cause! " She replied."Okay okay. We need to think calmly and rationally." She started as she began pacing. "We got drunk and got married overnight. How do we fix this..." She hummed as she thought before she finally got an idea. "Hold still." She said as she picked up a piece of her armor and brought it close to Haruhi's hand. The armor started shifting into some kind of armored glove with sharp fingertips. "We have to hide the rings for now." She said as she handed her the armor.
"Hide what Ciel?" A very sweet voice called out from the doorway. Niur was back and she was pissed.
Haruhi began to rock back and forth on the bed as the two brainstormed ideas. She was so scared and confused that she couldn't think straight right now. Who knew what would happen!? From the sound of it her sister's reaction would be much worse than Honoka's making for a very scary encounter. Fortunately it seemed that Ciel had a solution. The blue haired girl watched as she began to get a glove of armor to hide the ring. She really didn't need that seeing as she had gloves of her own, but she had to accept it. However before the glove could be placed on an alluring voice sounded from the hallway. Another girl with features strikingly similar to Ciel. And though she didn't sound like it, Haruhi knew she was mad. "N-nothing! We aren't hiding anything!" She wailed, closing her eyes tightly.
Kazehana said:

She followed silently, happy that they were following through with a plan. They might be able to do something worthwhile today after all! Well, depending on how long it took to get to Crocus. She had nothing of value to add to the conversation, as she had not been fond of sharing her magic with strangers. So she didn't feel inclined to say anything at all. Perhaps she should have been more careful about telling people she had magic. Though if she didn't, Gilad might not have considered her for their guild, so it was a good thing in the end. For now, she simply observed the two men in hopes of learning more about them. Learning for her was very much fun, though she would have preferred it if they simply knew nothing of her. After all, she only really wanted to tell those who absolutely needed it. And at the moment, no one, not even Gilad, knew. And she wanted to keep it that way.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Streets

Eric was a little disappointed that Aurelie wouldn't tell us her magic abilities although he had to admit she was right "Well in that case we should rent a horse cart It'll be far too long on foot." Eric starts heading out and see's Lee use an example of his magic. "Hmm interesting, when we fought I had a feeling you would be a tough opponent, well I at least hope you don't disappoint me in a real fight" He gave another smirk "Anyway were short on time so we should start moving out." He hope's that nothing is going to happen on the way back to Crocus but at the very least it probably won't be anything he can't handle. With that in mind he makes his way out the door the same as everyone else.


"Well you are suppose to be leading us and taking care of Aurelie so does that mean you will be the one to pay for our transportation?" He was holding his own money incase Eric couldn't be trusted to pay for the transportation. "You know secrets don't make friends but if you don't want to have a meaning full conversation with us that is your problem." Lee followed closely behind Eric and he whispered to him. "A hint of advise, you shouldn't allow your emotions to rule you so much, you need discipline. I am not saying that to be rude, I know first hand myself how reckless it is to be ruled by them." He then fell back and was several feet behind him.

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