Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Sora Marvell - Float Area/Magnolia

Sora's hands stretched out above her head towards the sky up above, fingers curling into small victorious fists as she flashed Clair a cheesy grin. " We did great, don't you think? " She mused happily, bouncing up onto her tippy toes from glee. Her blue hair cascaded about her frame as she jumped down off the float, touching down onto the ground with ease, smile unwavering from the adrenaline of the entire float ride along with the song she'd found the courage to once again share with everyone in Magnolia. The melody itself still rung inside her head, heart feeling full of a newborn hope that always seemed to find a safe harbor there after singing that memorable and rather personal song.

An ashamed look slowly crept onto her face, distorting the childish smirk that previously rested there as she realized she'd been so caught up in everything that she'd not even been paying attention to the crowd itself. She was sure Lysander had watched part of the parade though, it was hard to miss after-all. If anything, at least the song would've reached his ears where ever he might have been within the city. Sora rolled her shoulders a few times as if to shake off the remaining abundance of energy and bent down to scoop up her disheveled bag, throwing it over her shoulder with little effort.

I'm going to go find Lysan-- " Her words to Clair were quickly cut off as he somehow appeared within the float area, almost as if expecting to find her there. His face seemed contorted with so many different positive emotions that she couldn't help but run up to him, eyes dancing with questions that she didn't bother pursuing the answers to. Truthfully, it was nice just to see him again. It was almost silly how easily her mood seemed to shift when in his presence, as if it had the power to lift any worry or concern and leave her utterly vulnerable, wonderfully so.

Lysander! I'm glad you found me. " Sora exclaimed, clutching her bag closer to her chest as she snaked a hand within it and ruffled around until her fingers grasped the box she'd stored there for him, bringing it out into view. Both hands clasped around it, backpack now loosely hanging upon her shoulder as she held it out to him with anticipation rising in her chest. " I-I made this for you and I wasn't sure when to give it to you but I thought before the fireworks started would be okay. I hope you like it. " Each word spoken sounded eager but nervous, hues desperately trying to maintain eye contact.

It looked like a simple box with a neatly tied bow but the contents were anything but plain. A brooch laid upon a delicate material, the design being a small intricate dragon encircling an extremely beautiful yet glacier white colored crystal that housed what looked like a small tornado in the center. Upon him opening it, she'd continue speaking, eyes lowering out of the overwhelming emotion building up. " It's for your poncho, I thought it'd look nice there but it's a lot more special than that. " Sora blushed a bit then, gaze still intently held upon her present. " I linked myself to it. It's a special sort of lacrima so when I do something like this... " Her words trailed off as she took a small step back, hair beginning to rise as a wind picked up around her petite frame. The crystal began to glow and react to the sudden use of her magic, the tornado beginning to spin within the stone until she let the wind die down and its movements halted in unison.

" It will glow different colors depending on the magic I use and the more power I output the faster the tornado will spin in response." She explained in a softer tone, calmly allowing herself to go on, " There's green for defense and healing, blue for offensive, and pink means I'm in dragonforce. That way a part of me is always with you and you'll be there with me whenever I find myself in battle. If I manage to somehow fall, Lysander, I will rise again because you've given me something irreplaceable to fight for. " A genuinely heartfelt smile tugged at her lips as she stood before him, eyes curiously wide and awaiting what reaction he'd have. In times like these there was no childlike nature to be found, she felt grounded and determined, eyes harboring a slightly fierce spark to solidify the feelings behind what this all meant to her.

And if you truly need me, then shatter it, and I'll be able find you, I promise. " The last part almost sounded solemn, the idea of him being in enough danger to have to resort to breaking something so precious didn't bode well with her. His life was way too beloved and cherished for her not to worry about him and if he accepted the gift she'd surely feel more reassured. Hopefully he'd like the gift enough to actually wear it and not feel ashamed to adorn some type of jewelry.

@Huor Spinks @Mr Swiftshots
Lloyd Kirby

Behind Fairy Tail Guild Hall


Lloyd's heart once again felt like it was thudding with guilt as instinctively, he wrapped his own arms around Kelica, as she hugged him and cried into his shirt. He could feel the coolness on his shirt from her tears from the night sky, and it was testament to his own endurance that he did not shiver. Being rather skinny himself, he tended to feel the cold more strongly than most, which was usually why he wore a lot of jackets or cardigans. And in a way, he felt as if he deserved this cold because he had not been there for Kelica as he had promised, as, amid her sobs, she told him just that.

"Kelica... I'm so sorry," he said finally, the guilt evident in his voice now. "It was inexcusable... what I did. I should have written to you. Truth is, I did go to the forest the moment I was free, but I must have missed you, because all I saw was a shoot that had not been there previously, so I assumed that I had been too late. I'm so sorry." He sighed. "I have no excuses, I know, and I'm so sorry for putting you through this. If you like, we could go back there as soon as you'd like, and with our powers recovered from that time. I daresay we would be able to do far more to heal the forest this time round."

Unfortunately, because of the emotion intensity of the moment, he failed to notice a drunken man ambling right over to where he was until it was too late. He felt strong tugging on his arms and instinctively, he let go of Kelica to take a step back and see just what was going on. He frowned as he recognised the drunk man. It was the guy who had been there with Kelica during her outburst. He understood somehow that she meant something to him, and based on his drunken rambling, it seemed that they were in a romantic relationship. While he absolutely deplored drunks, he still waited for Kelica's response to see if she was indeed dating this man.

"My apologies," he said to the man. "There was something I needed to apologize to Kelica for. Other than that, there is nothing romantic going on between us." His nose wrinkled with distaste at the sight of the drunk man as well as the strong scent of alcohol that carried about him. He was not quite sure if he wanted to leave Kelica alone with this man, especially not in such a state, when he was hardly responsible for his own actions due to a drunken haze.

@Zuka @Isune
Talon chuckled softly. "Ya getting hit by fireworks would suck." He agreed and then laughed at Noahs question. "Great question." He sat in silence, listening to them talk. He looked up at the stars in the dark night sky and smiled softly. @Mitchs98 @embag elder
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Talon
Talon said:
Talon chuckled softly. "Ya getting hit by fireworks would suck." He agreed and then laughed at Noahs question. "Great question." He sat in silence, listening to them talk. He looked up at the stars in the dark night sky and smiled softly. @Mitchs98 @embag elder
Ferra: Parade Grounds Roof-Top

Ferra giggled, she had to admit as bad as it would be it did sound kind of funny. Talon in the sky making literal fireworks when BAM! shot by one and exploded. It was funny in theory, but would be awful in practice. She watched as Noah pulled out wine to drink and arched a brow, she was going to comment but she was distracted by his question. "
Well. There's Maya, she's kinda scary at times though..don't call her old. Seriously, if you like life don't. There's Grace, tottally fun to tease her, she's going with some Masiki guy or something..I dunno. There's Millie, she's really pretty. Though she has a boyfriend too, so don't get any ideas. Valken would murder you..maybe. I dunno Valken is weird sometimes." She replied. "Then, of course, there's me!" She added jokingly, followed by laughing. "Nah, but seriously. I think Valken would get along great with you two. He's nice, and pretty funny. Though..he kinda might be plotting revenge against me for something..long story. Sooo, don't take whatever he does too seriously." She explained.

She was still dreading telling Valken about Talon and Noah. He'd inevitably ask. Noah, she had no problems introducing. Talon, well..she'd have to straight up lie about her liking him or she'd never hear the end of it. Or just tell him to avoid him randomly finding out..either or.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Parade Grounds
Alicia looked to Alfie as he suggested something made out of ribbons instead of the shadows. She contemplated it a moment before shaking her head, "
It's uh..not that..I'm just afraid of heights and stuff." She replied, mumbling the last bit lowly. She'd never exactly told anyone but Ophelia and Mizuki that, and really she only found it out by accident. The only reason she hadn't minded it in the first place was because she was watching the parade and therefore distracted. "Thanks though Alfie!" She added a bit after, not wanting to seem rude or anything. Soon enough Mizuki lowered her down into her arms, much to her relief. She smiled at what she said, giggling when she poked her nose. "I won't. Thanks for helping me see the parade. I'm glad I got to see it with you guys." She told them. All things considered she thought of Alfie as a friend, she understood he wasn't exactly in control when he'd tried to kill Mizuki and threatened to kill her. He was actually a pretty nice guy. Now her current issue was waiting for the fireworks. They SHOULD happen soon, but still. Another issue was she wasn't exactly all to sleepy, at all..considering she'd slept all day. She'd only been awake what, almost five hours? Poor Mizuki..
Alfie shrugged and looked back up at the sky, expecting it to be lit with the colorful explosions sometime soon. Mizuki didn't quite look like she wanted to wait any longer, and he understood that time was a resource that could not be replaced. Even though the two hadn't liked waiting for completely different reasons, he could relate to her unamused aura. He turned his head back down to Alicia and dared pat her back gently, a small smile on his face. "As am I. Though it is taking a little bit more time than I'd hoped for this show to begin, though this wouldn't be a problem I could figure out that giant discount puzzle cube, I enjoyed the parade quite a lot. But, are you sure you don't want to sit on ribbons...?" Alfie asked to make sure Alicia was fine where she was.

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Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(*burp*)

Chris finally woke up from his drunken haze as he slid off his seat and saw that Kelica was gone. He lumbered over to the back door, having a good feeling that she was probably out back with all the plants and crap. Unfortunately, Chris walked out right as Kelica said she needed Lloyd and wrapped her arms around his mid-section. Chris slowly worked his way over as he shouted,"What in the *hic* hell do you think you're doing with my...woman! She was mine first b-bub...*hic* get your own." he reeked of alcohol and his words just fell out of his mouth. He then pried Kelica off her "boyfriend" as he let go of her. "Are-are you really cheating on me with...this douchebag. I can't believe you Kelica, I*hic*'m so hurt right now."

@Zuka @Huor Spinks
Kelica Zefara

Courtyard Behind Fairytail Guild Hall

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca14c47f7_images(28).jpg.64148846bcaa0d738be0c509abddfe87.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127399" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca14c47f7_images(28).jpg.64148846bcaa0d738be0c509abddfe87.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kelica wasn't expecting Lloyd to put his arms around her, safe and secure. Protective. She didn't even expect him to speak... frankly she didn't expect him to even be in town, in Magnolia away from his own guild.

And yet here he was, encirled in his arms with her face pressed against him. Slowly, almost reluctantly, she lifted her emerald gaze from his chest to peer up to him. She gained a fraction more comfort from his apology then he was meaning to give, her powers allowed her to literally drink in his guilt and saddness, to fill in the seriousness and heart-felt nature of his apology.

She simply stared up to him for the longest time, it felt like hours when it fact it was meerly seconds. A memory flashed, his facial expression contorted in pure agony when she had rebroken and healed his leg. When he had bit into the back of his hand to prevent his own screams. She shuddered then... thankfully just a memory, now.

In a weird gesture she pulled back only a fraction, glancing down to his leg as if to check it were still one piece, and not broken. From his angle it probably looked for all the world like she had been glancing to her toes, shyly.

His words to return to heal the forest brought a warmth in her heart and soul then, and for the first time that night that he may have seen, she smiled. A genuine smile. A smile that seemed to bewitch and make others happy just by it's mere sincerity. Much the same smile she had given him when they had first met, outside Mr Gray's Mansion.

How long ago that seemed...

"I would like that, very much Master Lloyd... thank you..." And in another strangely reminisicent gesture, her eyebrow raised and a giggle crossed her lips, cheeks still wet but tears stopped now. "I mean...if you have time... How's the office looking then? Hectic as ever?"

Just as Lloyd was focused on her, Kelica didn't notice a stumbling Chris before he was already beside them, and gasped in a surprised fashion, green eyes wide. He reefed her away from Lloyd with force he probably didn't even realise was using, his grip painful and making her whince. Fingers digging into her skin and making her whine out in pain.

Thankfully Chris let go and her mouth dropped open a fraction to stare at him, still wide eyed. "W...what? No! Of course I wouldn't Chris! I'm not cheating on you, we just needed to talk.." Panic flooding her voice as her hands lifted up partially as if to shield herself. How he was even able to stand after drinking so heavily in the last hour boggled her mind, but her gaze suddenly turned to Lloyd almost immediately noticing the tiniest flicker of his frown and the wrinkle of his nose. In distaste.

Kelica, now she could actually think more clearly, took in the body language of both men and her face seemed to pale significantly. She was about as good at reading people as she was animals and had to refuse the situation quickly. While Lloyd may keep his cool for now, she didn't think he might do so if Chris threw a punch at his head, or worse still, knocked Kelica out in his drunken stupor.

She knew Chris would never intentionally hurt her, but being inebriated meant he had less of a sense of just how much of his raw strength he was using. She was already rubbing her sore arm from the yank.

She reached out to Chris then to place a hand with fingertips splayed against his chest, her voice soft and soothing then, non-threatening. Her necklace glowing the faintest of greens, almost a dull white. "Please Chris... I said I would never leave you and I meant it... But... there were some problems of my own I had to work out... ok?" Reaching up to brush her fingers through his hair, behind an ear, a soothing gesture like taming a beast.

Slowly, as her hand still held on his cheek, she looked back over her shoulder to Lloyd. Not bothering to explain the relationship as frankly it was fairly obvious.

"Forgive Chris, yesterday there was an incident when the townsfolk started to attack Chris in a panicked rage, fearing he would hurt them or destroy their homes... he is a Beast Soul user..." Here she gave a half smile to Lloyd, almost to say, beauty and the beast right? How original...

"In...the confusion I was hurt... and he snapped... we had to flee Magnolia then..." Glancing to the side sadly. "Even now we are only back for the fireworks... then we don't know where we will go..." Her voice drifting away sadly.

@Isune @Huor Spinks



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Kayzo said:
Millie's eyes widened when Maya said that Valken should be able to peek into the bags. While she wasn't really against him seeing the lingerie, she didn't want him pulling it out on a busy street and flashing it off for everyone to see. Plus it would be a lot more romantic and special if she wore it and he saw it for the first time. However there was no stopping him now.
Millie looked down at the ground and held the bag out to him, opening it up and glancing over as he looked around. Her face blushed brightly when she saw his flustered expression. "Y-yeah, I bet you didn't expect that. I didn't expect to buy it either." She muttered, clinging to his side again, nodding at the idea of finding somewhere to watch the fireworks. Hopefully it'd take her mind off of the lewd things that Valken and her would most likely do afterwards.

After a bit of walking Valken seemed to freak out at the sight of another Mage that the blonde didn't know. His name was Ryu but that was all she knew. A little nervous about going up and talking, Millie slowed down a bit to walk beside Maya.
"I wish he didn't look in my bag. I wanted to surprise him!" She said, frowning slightly before linking her arms with the older girl.

Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Parade Streeta

He thought he was doing pretty well when his hand managed to just brush past some material in a bag, but then Millie swatted him. Of course, it didn't hurt, or surprise him...at all. Still he gaped his mouth open in mock surprise at Millie, even faking a whince. "Awww Babe! I was just trying to help you carry the bags! You know I'm the most patient man alive!"

Lies. All lies. The secrecy was killing him, he always had to know all the details, all the time. Now this was a piece of intellegence he didn't know and frankly he didn't want to pin Millie down to retrieve it...

Then again...

Valken eyes actually widened in surprise as the normally shy girl grasped his hand to put his fingers against her own chest. This... he did not expect.

Then Maya floated the bag into his spare hand and his face suddenly lit up like a kid in a candy store. He removed his other arm from Millie, bending down and spreading the bag wide to peer inside.

His walk completely stopped, head still buried in that bag. Then when he yanked his head out his cheeks were flooded a beetroot red. Not even his charm and smooth words could hide that blush...

His eyes slowly drifting to the real life Millie but instead of seeing her 'normal' form all he could see was her form in 'that outfit'. He thrust the bag down to cover his crotch, for no particular reason at all...

"Right... well.. um.. Hmm.." Side stepping to keep the bag to his pelvis and at the last second handing it back to Millie, before turning his back to them to keep his body faced forward.

Lord knows how he was going to hide the tightening of his pants now.

"L...let's go find a good spot to watch the fire works then! Hahhahahahah".

Leading the group a quick pace before seeing someone laying down, coming beside him in a flurry and plonking himself beside him to sit, arms hung loosely around his knees. The position causing as little tightness around said pants as possible.

Ryu!!! Good buddy, old buddy, old pal!" His whole demenour and posture reaked nervousness which was almost the complete opposite of what he was before infront of the Guild Master's meeting. "Well, fancy seeing you here! I mean... at the festival... in Magnolia... And you're in Fairytail so I guess that isn't all that surprisingly..."

Valken was screaming at his brain to try and get some semblence of order. But all he could see was Millie in
that outfit in a pose that was doing nothing but making him blush harder. Thank Goddess above it was dark and...hopefully not noticeable.

@Rhodus @Mitchs98 (for the lols)
Maya Morne - Magnolia Streets.

"Well... This is entertaining" she sniggered, tauntingly at Valken. It's what he got for always calling her old, or saying that she had wrinkles. The woman wouldn't have won Miss Fiore if she had wrinkles! The woman didn't laugh, however she sighed a little and gave Valken a look as if to say, "Control it". It was in that moment that the Wizard Saint had a fantastic idea. Using her magic, she created the illusion of an old lady in the streets. However this one was special, she was naked. Making the illusion turn and run towards Valken at full speed, the woman then transformed it into a physical illusion so that as the old lady tackled him down to the ground, he could feel her in all of her wrinkled up glory. There wasn't a better boner killer than that. In a matter of seconds, the illusion then vanished. Looking at Millie and smiling at the blonde, Maya then spoke quietly to her. "It's okay my dear, I'm sure he was just as surprised now as he would've been later."

It was in that money that they crossed paths with another. Valken identified him as Ryu. Obviously a Fairy Tail mage. Maya walked up to Ryu and smiled. "My name is Maya Morne, it is a pleasure to meet you Ryu." Nodding to the male, she then made her way back over to Millie.

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Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Fairy Tail HQ

Lyra had eased herself into a comfortable position against a wall, one foot idly perched against the hard surface to maintain a sense of balance. The woman had quite enjoyed the stroll beside Hibiki to the guildhall and upon arrival she'd skipped off and disappeared for about an hour, a playful grin being flashed his way before she'd escaped his peripherals. The time was spent changing and freshening up, hair being combed through whilst she hummed a carnival-like tune, face being washed as well to rid her cheeks of the tears stained upon them. Lyra hands went through all the motions on their own, her mind stuck elsewhere; the moment they'd shared.

All of it replayed like a movie being re-winded and fast forwarded over and over. The close embrace, the tears and words exchanged, and last of all the kiss. Lyra hadn't expected it to be reciprocated and when it had been, everything seemed to crumble away; doubts, fears, pain, and her weak will seemed to manifest into a strong one, almost as if she were borrowing and sharing Hibiki's own strength. To her it was unbelievable in the sense that she'd been told by others that nobody could ever love a monster like her, and they'd been wrong. She was experiencing love, every fiber of her being felt it and cherished it.

After changing into more eccentric attire, normal being that of dresses which she didn't seem to want to wear at the moment, she'd found herself next to Hibiki once again, though planted upon the wall. Her facial expressions were softer than usual, still mischievous in their own way, but blurred out to be gentle instead of full of trickery. " Hibi-kun, did you want to watch the fireworks? " She asked, gazing down at her bare feet with a small smile spreading upon her face. Every year they had watched them since had been acquainted within the guild, always finding comfort in doing basically everything together, that much she did remember. Perhaps not everything had been eaten away and there were always new memories to be made.

Lyra was still shy about speaking to people and even though she had an unnatural quiet voice and could speak for herself if she desired, she usually let Hibiki do the talking for her whenever anyone approached them. It felt odd that the need to speak about recent events wasn't really there, it had been something they shared, and deep down a feeling she knew they'd both harbored but finally acted upon. Simply, it came down to that and not needing to be discussed or be a topic at hand. It was nice to know however that they shared a bond that didn't just end with their magical ties and it was quite a miracle in itself that their satan souls never felt the need to go to war with one another, perhaps the peace the two shared extended to their demonic nature in some sense.

She'd also never indulged a secret to him about one of her forms, it never seeming to be a good time.
Maybe soon, just maybe. Her purple hues flickered about the guildhall, stopping idly on each face scattered about. Of course she'd always thought about reaching out and attempting to make friends but flashbacks of how others treated her at times seemed to hold her back. Yes, they were family and she'd easily defend any of her guild-mates but she didn't expect them to understand her, not in the way Hibiki did anyhow. So she remained ready to protect them but not being able to bring herself to allow any of them close. It was almost a sad predicament, almost. Her fingers reached up to pluck her hat off of her naturally messy locks, absentmindedly beginning to twirl it upon her fingertips as she awaited an answer.

Hibiki Dreyar - Fairy Tail HQ.

Hibiki had found himself sat at one of the many tables in the guild hall. It was pretty much empty, seeing as everyone were either packing away their floats or had gone to watch the fireworks. However a few of the lower ranked members still flooded the hall, mainly the bar. Unlike every other male in his family, Hibiki was never one to drink. People like his great uncle Elfman, or perhaps even his own grandfather, Laxus. They were both very high profile mages and Hibiki always felt like he had to do well in order to make them proud. Even though they were all gone now. There was always a strange pressure to do his family proud that he had nearly always felt. It was something that the Satan Soul user even heard citizens and mages from other guilds mutter under their breaths as he walked past. Unlike Lyra though, Hibiki always had it much easier than her. Simply because he was what he was, a Dreyar. Lyra however was a stranger, a foreigner to these parts. People used to cower in fear around the girl and sometimes even mentally abuse her with words that were so unkind it actually hurt. Only Hibiki truly understood her, but that didn't mean others couldn't learn to. The Fairy Tail guild is and always has been a family. Hibiki knew that they'd all give her the time of day if she tried but she didn't out of fear, and that made him quite sad. As Lyra spoke to him, Hibiki simply shook his head with a smile. "I don't mind what we do, if you want to go and see the fireworks then we can. You decide." Pausing for a brief moment as he ran his fingers through his hair, the male then continued, "It's quite cosy here though, if you wanted to stay in the guild and watch them we can. There's a balcony on the S-Class wing of the guild on the second floor, although we're not allowed up there, I'm sure no one would care if they actually found us." Hibiki shrugged, he was never much of a rule breaker, however if that was what Lyra wanted to do then he'd do it without a second thought.
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Niur and Ruin - So Many Things That Go Boom

Niur decided to stay up late and watch the parade without Raa. Despite being alone she wasn't worried that anything would happen to her, after all, Raa did give her a knife and she did have another persona who wasn't afraid of using it. Ruin simply relaxed in the backseat of her mind, complaining about her boredom and proclaiming how much prettier the floats would be if they went off in a glorious explosion. "No Ruin, we're not bombing the floats, they're our guildmates now and we should treat them nicely." She berated. Ruin scoffed. "No. They're your guildmates. I don't like being around them. The only reason you're here was because you found little miss jailbait over there." Ruin replied and then grinned.

"You think that she's going to keep being your friend? You think they are? Remember the redhead that got prissy because he couldn't handle a joke? Face it, people like us? People like you and me and Ciel? We're damaged goods. We make one mistake and everyone's going to turn on us. Remember the bandits back then? I didn't kill them Niur, we did." She added. Niur quickly rushed into an empty alley in order to hide away from the crowd. The alley only had one entry but had plenty of crates to hide behind. She hid behind a large stack of crates.

"Stop it." Niur said, holding back from lashing out. "Hmph. Remember Niur. Ciel is only here because of you. If we were any other she'd have left us and you'd be a whiny crybaby with issues. Remember your guildmaster hurt her and she was only helping that poor vendor." Ruin said before holding up her fist. "Stop it!" Niur said as she swiftly grabbed her knife and drove it into the crate next to her. The faint scent of flowers slowly spread. "You don't know what you're talking about. They'll accept us, may be not now, but soon. We'll be friends with everyone and you'll see that people aren't as bad as you think."

"Hehehe...I'll be looking forward for that...partner." Ruin said before she went to sleep. Huffing, Niur grabbed the knife and sheathed it and rejoined the crowd watching the parade in the streets. As she left, a lone drop of liquid dripped out of the crate and onto the ground before it disappeared in a sizzle.
Lysander Connell

Magnolia: Among the Floats

It seemed that lady luck was still with Lysander that day (as she had been almost the entirety of the festival it seemed) because he spotted Sora at about the same time she spotted him. His own lips tugged into a grin of his own as he eagerly made his way to her. She had been amazing in the parade and that song... he simply wanted to let her know how much that song and her performance had made the parade for him. "You were amazing in the parade," he said immediately, the moment she appeared before him.

His eyes widened in surprise as he gently took the box that she held out to him. "Thank you," he stuttered, grasping it, and holding it gently with both hands. He had not been expecting this, and already he was feeling somewhat guilty for not getting her something in return. It was starting to seem obvious to him that Sora loved giving, and he wondered if he would ever be able to get her anything in return. He definitely would have to, considering that it was her birthday the next day. Already he was anticipating spending more time than he had planned previously in Magnolia.

Very gently, he opened the box, hardly daring to tear the box open. Wonder stole over his face as he beheld the gift Sora had made for him. "This... this is stunning," he said finally, after a lengthy pause during which he stared at the lovely broach before him, inspecting the dragon, and most of all, the tornado within the crystal itself as he listened intently to her explanation. When she finished, he hardly dared to lift his eyes to meet hers, yet he did. He blinked once; he felt his heart filling with love and contentment towards the young woman before him, filling fit to burst. Words were hardly adequate to describe just what he was feeling and he felt that words simply could not express how grateful and touched he was upon receiving such a gift. "Thank you," he said, his voice hardly above a whisper, as he removed the plain, leather clasp that had been holding his poncho in place around his neck and shoulders. He slipped the clasp into the right pocket of his pants and pinned Sora's brooch in it's place, marveling just how more magnificent it made his leather weather beaten poncho seem.

Once again, he lifted his eyes to her, and a shy smile spread across his face, his own cheeks tinting red again.

Talon said:
Talon chuckled softly. "Ya getting hit by fireworks would suck." He agreed and then laughed at Noahs question. "Great question." He sat in silence, listening to them talk. He looked up at the stars in the dark night sky and smiled softly. @Mitchs98 @embag elder
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Parade Grounds Roof-Top
Ferra giggled, she had to admit as bad as it would be it did sound kind of funny. Talon in the sky making literal fireworks when BAM! shot by one and exploded. It was funny in theory, but would be awful in practice. She watched as Noah pulled out wine to drink and arched a brow, she was going to comment but she was distracted by his question. "
Well. There's Maya, she's kinda scary at times though..don't call her old. Seriously, if you like life don't. There's Grace, tottally fun to tease her, she's going with some Masiki guy or something..I dunno. There's Millie, she's really pretty. Though she has a boyfriend too, so don't get any ideas. Valken would murder you..maybe. I dunno Valken is weird sometimes." She replied. "Then, of course, there's me!" She added jokingly, followed by laughing. "Nah, but seriously. I think Valken would get along great with you two. He's nice, and pretty funny. Though..he kinda might be plotting revenge against me for something..long story. Sooo, don't take whatever he does too seriously." She explained.

She was still dreading telling Valken about Talon and Noah. He'd inevitably ask. Noah, she had no problems introducing. Talon, well..she'd have to straight up lie about her liking him or she'd never hear the end of it. Or just tell him to avoid him randomly finding out..either or.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.1f01140d4212d8d650a1e2337d1ff9e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127489" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.1f01140d4212d8d650a1e2337d1ff9e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Parade Grounds: Rooftop

Noah rubs his chin, then lays on his back on the rooftop. Hmm so this Maya chick must really be old if she'll kill someone for calling her that. He chuckles. Hmm I should test that theory when I met her. He takes a sip of his wine while laying down, accidentally choking. He immediately sits up coughing up the wine. He wipes his mouth. I don't know why I did that. It usually works though. He said while laughing softly. He looks at shirt sighing at the fact that he got some wine on it. He takes it off leaving himself in his pants and shoes. He lays back down. Sooo his Valken guy sounds a bit interesting. You say we well get along great. He looks at Ferra. I'll like to see for myself, I hope he's a good fighter, drinker, and talker. Oh and it's too late about Millie, once you said she was pretty I got done ideas. He chuckles then drinks some more of the wine, this time he downed the whole bottle.

@Mitchs98 @Talon



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Chris Lengheart(She's *hic* mine)

Chris stared at the man like he was a bull and the man was sitting there taunting him and flashing a bright red cape in his face. Even as Kelica tried to calm him down, he pushed her away and instantly went up to the man. He placed a finger onto his chest and started up once again,"I don't know*hic* w...who you are, bu-but...fug you." before suddenly spitting in the man's face. It was obvious that Chris wasn't aware that this man was a guildmaster at all, either that or he was too drunk to care. If this jackass thought he was going to steal Kelica away from him, he had another thing coming.

((There, drunk Chris is officially best Chris))

@Zuka @Huor Spinks
Talon listened to Ferra talk about his future guild mates with a contented smile on his face and closed eyes. It would be a new and interesting experience being in a guild. He looked at the cute girl beside him and thought about lucky he was to have this girl in his life now. She was a great friend and maybe eventualy they would be more than that. Who knew what the future would bring?¿?¿ @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
@femjapanriceball @Britt-21 @Metaphysics @Kayzo @Wyatt @The Dinkster @HuorSpinks @Chat Noir @Refaulted @Kazehana @Colt556 @Pawsitively bloody @Unknown Falling @Marshmallow @Talon @WrathSama17 @Embaga Elder @BadPuns


Soon enough the booming of the fireworks starting brought the attention to anyone outside, and probably those inside. The entirety of Magnolia was drawn to the night sky as the lamps were extinguished and the sky lit up with fireworks of all kinds. Even the Fairy Tail's Guildmaster Ophelia was helping out with the show. The fireworks were the perfect close to festival and the evening. Once they were over everyone quickly dispersed to their homes or rented spaces to get some sleep and in the case of those from elsewhere prepare for their journey home.

The Next Day, 8 AM

The day starts out as normal as ever. Currently everyone is preparing to leave and say their goodbyes to those that won't be coming with them. The streets of Magnolia surprisingly empty compared to the days previous, everyone already settling back into their normal everyday lives. Little did anyone know the fun wasn't quite over yet..
Lee: Magnolia Streets

Lee walked through the streets of town, they where empty after the festival. Lee enjoyed the renewed silence, and he came to a bench under a tree somewhere in Magnolia. He was half in the shade of the tree and have in the sunlight. Even for a normal day, there weren't a lot of people out and it was rather relaxing. He crossed one leg over the other as he was watching people slowly rise from their slumber and go about their daily business. He wouldn't stay where he was for long because as more people came out, the more chaotic everything would become.
After the fireworks Millie room Valken away from his buddies to put on a rather embarrassing fashion show for him which most likely led to some adult wrestling. Though a little strange it was a great night nonetheless, but now it was time to get back home. Waking up still in the lewd clothing Maya purchased for her, the blonde girl snuck out of bed and changed into the new skirt that Maya also bought for her. The older girl was right about the skirt complimenting her body, and she knew that Valken would like this too. Speaking of the hunk of man he was still asleep in the bed and had to be waken up. They couldn't miss their train back to Lamia Scale. Walking to the bed Millie sat down on top of him and used the smallest drop of her acid magic to wake him up. The little drop wouldn't burn his skin but would rather sting him. "Valken, get up! We need to get ready to leave." She said, pounding her hands gently on his chest. "Don't make me use more magic!"

Grace puffed out her cheeks as she waited for Masaki to show up. The petite girl was leaning up against the wall of cathedral making small little explosions at her fingertips. She thought that it was appropriate and romantic that they said goodbye at the same place they said hello. Sure they could've just met at an apartment or spent the night together, but after the whole "I can take you anywhere" comment from her boyfriend there was no chance that she'd be sleeping beside him. "Just like at the beginning of the festival he was late! Does he not know how to show up on time?" She complained, taking a seat on top of her things and continued waiting for Masaki to arrive. The short girl was sad to know that she had to part ways with him once again, but she knew that in a few weeks they could see each other like normal.

Haruhi woke up the next morning in a panic. She didn't know where she was, how she got here, or why there was another girl in her bed! The blue haired girl let out a scream and rolled off the bed and out of the stranger's arms. Upon hitting the floor she saw that all of her clothes from th previous night were still on, indicating that nothing lewd went down between the two girls, but that still didn't make it any less weird. Haruhi curled up into a ball and turned herself into iron just in case the stranger made a move and tried to harm her.
"W-who are you!?" She wailed at the other person in bed, pulling her knees up to her chest. "What am I doing here!?"

@Metaphysics @LeSoraAmari @Zuka
Eric Grangly: Magnolia Streets

Eric was just barely managing to stumble through the streets after making that idiotic bet in a drinking game that lasted through the whole festival, If he knew this was going to happen he would have made a higher wager than 200 jewels but what's done is done and now all he has to do is make his way back to crocus before Gilad punishes him for being late although his largest hurdle for his journey would probably be the thermonuclear war staging inside his head, "I never knew a hangover could get this bad..." he muttered to himself. He spotted the magnolia inn and thought that he probably wasn't going to make it back in time anyway so he'd might as well chill there till his hangover subsides.
Lee: Magnolia Streets

Seeing how the streets where beginning to fill up with more people Lee got up off of the bench and began to head back to the inn he was staying at. He pulled out his cash to count out how much he had. He needed to pay the inn keeper for another night. He counted out the money he needed and then counted how much he still had. He was working on saving up for a proper house but he didn't quiet have what he needed. On his way into the inn he bumped into a drunken. "Oh how vile."

Eric Grangly: Magnolia Inn

As Eric approached the entrance of the Inn he bumped into a stranger. "Hey! Watch where you're going! Huh? Vile? Someone's got to teach you proper manners pal!" Thanks to his hangover Eric was not in the mood for anyone taunting him but then he noticed the colour of his face, it was pitch black on one side but white on the other. "Hey what's up with your face? If that's face-paint from the festival then you must've gotten a real talented painter!" @Wyatt
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Lee: Magnolia Inn

Lee tried to fan the air away from his face as the smell of the drunk filled the air. "I am sorry I am not the one who reeks like a brewery. Take a shower wouldn't you." He thought about walking off but then the man had to make fun of the way he looked. "No, it is not face paint. Now what was it you were saying about me needing to learn manors. I am not the vile creature insulting the way someone else looks." Lee began to produce a dark aura around him, something that would drain the energy from those around him.
Wyatt said:
Lee: Magnolia Inn

Lee tried to fan the air away from his face as the smell of the drunk filled the air. "I am sorry I am not the one who reeks like a brewery. Take a shower wouldn't you." He thought about walking off but then the man had to make fun of the way he looked. "No, it is not face paint. Now what was it you were saying about me needing to learn manors. I am not the vile creature insulting the way someone else looks." Lee began to produce a dark aura around him, something that would drain the energy from those around him.
Eric Grangly: Magnolia Inn

Eric was starting to get annoyed. "Listen I am having a pretty lousy day today, not only have I got this throbbing hangover but I have to get back to crocus before my guild master does... "that" but besides that point I'm not someone to get into a quarrel with despite my looks so... if you wanna... uhh..." Eric was a little intimidated by the dark aura surrounding the stranger, he had fought plenty of weird opponent's but this is unlike anything he has ever seen. "So I'm guessing you're a wizard huh" he responded with a shaky voice.

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Jackaboi said:
Eric Grangly: Magnolia Inn

Eric was starting to get annoyed. "Listen I am having a pretty lousy day today, not only have I got this throbbing hangover but I have to get back to crocus before my guild master does... "that" but besides that point I'm not someone to get into a quarrel with despite my looks so... if you wanna... uhh..." Eric was a little intimidated by the dark aura surrounding the stranger, he had fought plenty of weird opponent's but this is unlike anything he has ever seen. "So I'm guessing you're a wizard huh" he responded with a shaky voice.

Lee: Magnolia Inn

Lee prepared his staff in case the fool decided to fight him. "I can understand your anger for me bumping into you but I would rather not have to deal with your kind." The dark aura around Lee began to grow in size as his mood began to degrade. "I am not looking for a fight but if you want to fight I am ready, I am a wizard after. The dark aura around me drains those around me to be drained of their strength and the longer someone is in the more deadly it becomes." He looked over his opponent not knowing what his power was but he was prepared to fight him so it come to that.

Aurelie spent most of the rest of her day window shopping, for she knew she couldn't afford to get much, at least not in this city. To be quite honest, she really grew tired of simply looking at all the pretty things without being able to buy any of it. But such was life, and she could easily accept that. She felt it odd to be such a free spirit in a land of people who had rules for what seemed like everything. That night, she stayed in an inn room, making sure to stay well past the hour of her transformation. It was boring to sit in a room with nothing to do, but she had to stay somewhere secluded, and that was the most private spot she could think of.

About halfway into her seclusion, she suddenly remembered her promise to Gilad, forcing her eyes to get wide. Soon after, they relaxed and she simply noted to herself to find him. No use worrying about it now since she couldn't exactly do anything about it. Once she checked out, she walked down the now deserted streets, wondering just where all those people could have gone. It seemed far less lively, and she couldn't tell whether to be elated or disappointed that the festival was over. What was she going to do now?

Oops, she had already forgotten about Sabertooth. How could she get so side tracked? With pretty jewelry of course! But she had to pull herself away from the temptation. It was imperative to find Gilad, not fine jewels! She wasn't sure where to find him, so she tried to find the central location area thingy. Maybe they could help her locate him. There seemed to be a large building nearby, which she immediately took for such a place.

She found Gilad in a very poorly described area by me. Elated, she rushed up to him with a sparkle in her eyes and a smile drawn across her face. "Gilad!" she said happily, hugging him immediately. Then she remembered that it wasn't actually good manners and let go on the spot, clasping her hands behind her back instead. "Sorry," she said quickly, hoping that resolved her mistakes. Better just talk before he questions it. "I'm ready to come do guild things!" she said, changing the subject to what she actually wanted to talk about. Alright, so she was finally set to start doing real things with her life. This was a big step, but she was sure Gilad would help her at every step of the way.


Ophelia Kaiser -- Middle of MagnoliaWhew, it had been an exciting couple of days! First the fight with that Raa dude, and then there was the sparring with Alicia (whom she, unfortunately, never got to continue with lessons), and the weird corndogs, and the meeting, and the parade, and the fireworks... She'd need to thank Alfie for giving her that extra bit of power like he did, and not just by helping him save Magnolia and the rest of the world from what would otherwise be certain death and destruction!

Stretching one last time, Ophelia stood to her feet and drew her blades, leaving the office with quick, heavy steps. She got a good look at all that was happening in the guild (which really wasn't much with how little people there were), even cherishing a bit of the craziness despite vowing she'd whip them into shape multiple times... She'd only have time for that later, fortunately for both them and herself. the young Guild Master shook her head to clear it before simply walking down the steps, confident no one noticed one of the most powerful people in Magnolia with both weapons drawn and leaving the Guild Hall.

Ophelia, with the help of a glyph, launched herself air into the sky, only to land on the top of a building in the direct middle of the small town. Now she waited for Alfie.

Alfie Roderick -- Middle of MagnoliaAlfie left the small absence note on the counter for Mizuki and Alicia to read when they woke up (which might be very soon), confident he worded it right and confident the small heart he put at the end was in place. Though it was sort of morbid to anyone who may have been a Heart Stone, it was not the most important part of the letter--the part that read 'Do not leave this apartment' was.

Shrugging off all the thoughts that didn't include the letter, like whether Ophelia was really the right assistant for the trip or not, Alfie got up and left the apartment as quickly as he could. It was there where he summoned Sagitta Luminis to shoot a shining pink grappling hook several blocks away onto the roof in the middle of Magnolia and was pulled there in a matter of seconds. Upon regaining his senses, which took much less than it should have, Alfie folded his arms behind his back and said not another word. He only stared out at the horizon in expectance of something bad. Little did he know that it already littered a tiny portion of the town...

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