Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kimberly Lock

On a random roof

After thier fabulous performance in the parade Kim suggested that Eias and her should watch the fire works on the roof of a building. Naturally one would think that she was kidding about that, nope not this tiny Asian. Kim had a weird way of doing it, instead of teleporting them there she levitated them up onto the roof. She had gently placed them down on to said roof and had sat down.

Kim smiled as she looked down over magnolia, memories started to resurface into view.
" Eias, you know why this was so important to me?" She paused to look at her friend, slightly leaning her head on her shoulder. " Today, three years ago, was that that I arrived in magnolia. The day that I joined Fairytail. These last few years have been amazing, I really don't know what I would be doing instead." Kim giggled to her self, every thing had seemed to move so slow. She had completely missed the entire dragon situation, after all she had gone to meet with the other Tainted children.

@The Dinkster
Eias Baole - rooftop fireworks

Eias shook her head at Kim's question. No doubt she was invested in the events though. At first she thought it was just something FariyTail members did. As the night progressed, she was coming to the realization that it had much more meaning to her than that. She did not expect Kim to lay on her shoulder. She must have been exhausted today. Her face could no betray her feelings as a smile rose and a shade of pink was slightly discoloring her face. Still, it was peaceful and nice. Enough so that she didn't want to change anything. Sometimes we just find the perfect fit in our life. Something that never gets old to us and we hold on to it till the day we die. I'm glad we could share this event together. You're giving me one of the best experiences I have ever had. In a way, I wish this could last forever. Then I think, no... its more special when I can come back every year and see it.

Alicia: Parade Grounds

Alicia looked to Alfie as he suggested something made out of ribbons instead of the shadows. She contemplated it a moment before shaking her head, "
It's uh..not that..I'm just afraid of heights and stuff." She replied, mumbling the last bit lowly. She'd never exactly told anyone but Ophelia and Mizuki that, and really she only found it out by accident. The only reason she hadn't minded it in the first place was because she was watching the parade and therefore distracted. "Thanks though Alfie!" She added a bit after, not wanting to seem rude or anything. Soon enough Mizuki lowered her down into her arms, much to her relief. She smiled at what she said, giggling when she poked her nose. "I won't. Thanks for helping me see the parade. I'm glad I got to see it with you guys." She told them. All things considered she thought of Alfie as a friend, she understood he wasn't exactly in control when he'd tried to kill Mizuki and threatened to kill her. He was actually a pretty nice guy. Now her current issue was waiting for the fireworks. They SHOULD happen soon, but still. Another issue was she wasn't exactly all to sleepy, at all..considering she'd slept all day. She'd only been awake what, almost five hours? Poor Mizuki..

Lyra Maelstre - Fairy Tail HQ

Lyra had eased herself into a comfortable position against a wall, one foot idly perched against the hard surface to maintain a sense of balance. The woman had quite enjoyed the stroll beside Hibiki to the guildhall and upon arrival she'd skipped off and disappeared for about an hour, a playful grin being flashed his way before she'd escaped his peripherals. The time was spent changing and freshening up, hair being combed through whilst she hummed a carnival-like tune, face being washed as well to rid her cheeks of the tears stained upon them. Lyra hands went through all the motions on their own, her mind stuck elsewhere; the moment they'd shared.

All of it replayed like a movie being re-winded and fast forwarded over and over. The close embrace, the tears and words exchanged, and last of all the kiss. Lyra hadn't expected it to be reciprocated and when it had been, everything seemed to crumble away; doubts, fears, pain, and her weak will seemed to manifest into a strong one, almost as if she were borrowing and sharing Hibiki's own strength. To her it was unbelievable in the sense that she'd been told by others that nobody could ever love a monster like her, and they'd been wrong. She was experiencing love, every fiber of her being felt it and cherished it.

After changing into more eccentric attire, normal being that of dresses which she didn't seem to want to wear at the moment, she'd found herself next to Hibiki once again, though planted upon the wall. Her facial expressions were softer than usual, still mischievous in their own way, but blurred out to be gentle instead of full of trickery. " Hibi-kun, did you want to watch the fireworks? " She asked, gazing down at her bare feet with a small smile spreading upon her face. Every year they had watched them since had been acquainted within the guild, always finding comfort in doing basically everything together, that much she did remember. Perhaps not everything had been eaten away and there were always new memories to be made.

Lyra was still shy about speaking to people and even though she had an unnatural quiet voice and could speak for herself if she desired, she usually let Hibiki do the talking for her whenever anyone approached them. It felt odd that the need to speak about recent events wasn't really there, it had been something they shared, and deep down a feeling she knew they'd both harbored but finally acted upon. Simply, it came down to that and not needing to be discussed or be a topic at hand. It was nice to know however that they shared a bond that didn't just end with their magical ties and it was quite a miracle in itself that their satan souls never felt the need to go to war with one another, perhaps the peace the two shared extended to their demonic nature in some sense.

She'd also never indulged a secret to him about one of her forms, it never seeming to be a good time.
Maybe soon, just maybe. Her purple hues flickered about the guildhall, stopping idly on each face scattered about. Of course she'd always thought about reaching out and attempting to make friends but flashbacks of how others treated her at times seemed to hold her back. Yes, they were family and she'd easily defend any of her guild-mates but she didn't expect them to understand her, not in the way Hibiki did anyhow. So she remained ready to protect them but not being able to bring herself to allow any of them close. It was almost a sad predicament, almost. Her fingers reached up to pluck her hat off of her naturally messy locks, absentmindedly beginning to twirl it upon her fingertips as she awaited an answer.

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Noah smiles at Ferra and nods his head. Yeah I told you there were fireworks. There's always fireworks for festivals. He looks at the lights and different types of colors and compares them from before. Yeah this year seems better from what I remember. Which wasn't much, since he was drunk for most of the time. He looks at Ferra then back at all the lights that were around. If there were anymore it would be bright as day out here. @Mitchs98 @Talon
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Livian Azul

This was the first parade that Livian had decided to go to, of course he had lived in the city for quite some time but it was still rather new to him as he always stayed indoors reading a book or drinking tea. The only time he went out was either to go on a quest or go and water his garden, which was very healthy. Almost the entire time he was quiet and dutiful, saying maybe only a total of five to ten words the entire night. The floats were amazing and made Livian look at the whole parade with a new perspective. After the floats and a few games here and there, in which Livian didn't win any, the two had made their way to a perfect viewing area for the fireworks. For most of the night their arms were locked or hands were intertwined, and it eventually just became normal to Livian, so he was a lot more calm than Alice. Looking over at Alice, after she thanked him, he offered a smile and replied sincerely, "Of course, Miss Alice. This is the first and only festival I have been too..."

Kelica Zefara

Courtyard behind Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica still had her hands clasped around her ears. The gesture a moot point really as the voices of the animals and plants were in her head as opposed to something physical through mouths and voice boxes.

Regardless, the tree Willow respected her wishes and silenced herself. Leaving Kelica to hear the steady drum of her heart echoing in the palms of her hands. She let her hands and fingers lower slowly as she took another deep breath. Brain already conjuring up a thousand more ways to tell her how weak, how pathetic and how useless she was.

What difference can one person make?

Chris's words still echoing around in her mind. Maybe one person couldn't... maybe...

Kelica's eyes widened a fraction as she heard her name being called. Quiet, like it were blowing through a gentle breeze.... Chris? No.. And certaintly not Sabrina... Then who-

She swivelled in her spot, her head and green eyes following suit. Peering around the tree trunk. Instantly her chest tensing up to the point she wasn't breathing. Voice lodged in her throat.

Well, that was it, she summized. She had finally lost it completely, because she was now seeing Guild Master Lloyd a few paces away, right there under the moon light. A hallucination clearly.

She pushed herself up on her legs to stand and stepped out from around the tree. Her eyebrows pushed down in an equal mix of surprise and confusion. Then she laughed gently. Hollow. Tears already whelling in the corners of her eyes.

Finally she spoke.

"As if voices aren't bad enough, now I'm hallucinating! Well, brain, you have really outdone yourself now..." Laughing again. But it was not a joyful laugh. It was souless "So, what, I save his life and now you're throwing him before my eyes? Almost to say, did you forget Lloyd? No? Stupid girl... This, this is what you spent the last of the Malina forest essence on? What kind of an idiot girl are you!"

Kelica only became aware she had tears streaming down her face when she felt them become soaked. Staring up to Lloyd, seeing but not believing. Convinced he weren't real.

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Talon grabbed Ferra and blasted up onto a roof. "There, much better." He said afte he set her down and then sat down on the roof and patted the ground next to him. "You know... if I wnt pheonix mode I could make some pretty big fireworks." He said once Noah had joined them. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Talon
Talon said:
Talon grabbed Ferra and blasted up onto a roof. "There, much better." He said afte he set her down and then sat down on the roof and patted the ground next to him. "You know... if I wnt pheonix mode I could make some pretty big fireworks." He said once Noah had joined them. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
Ferra: Roof at Parade Grounds

Ferra nodded, clearly extremely excited. If it really was better than he remembered then the fireworks should be awesome! She couldn't wait to see them, she was sure they'd be worth the wait. She'd yet to be able to meet up with Lloyd to get Noah and Talon officially recruited, but she figured she could do that later tonight or in the morning. She understood him being busy, so she didn't hold anything against him. She was a bit surprised when Talon suddenly grabbed her and flew her up onto a roof near where they were standing. Nonetheless she sat down beside him. When he mentioned using his phoenix form she frowned slightly. "Well. That would be pretty cool. But I thought you couldn't control it well?" She asked. "I mean..I guess if you're sure you can..but it'd be kind of bad if something made you lose control. Don't do it unless you're sure." She told him, then looked to Noah for his input.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Watching the Fireworks

In response to Valken's invitation, Ryu simply smiled and nodded. Although it was against his better judgment, and the wishes of his mentor, he just couldn't resist the urge he got when he met someone truly skilled on the level that he was. The overwhelming drive to spar against such individuals stoked the fire in his blood that usually only smoldered. He would most certainly be looking forward to that particular duel.

Speaking of fire, there seemed to be plenty of it in the sky above. Ryu looked up at the fireworks exploding far up in the sky. They lacked the graceful elegance of his own flames, but there was still something appealing in the explosive power they gave off. He continued to look up at the night sky as the fireworks went off, becoming less and less bothered by the amount of people around him. For the first time since he had entered this chaotic city, his soul was at peace.

@Zuka @whoeverthefuckelseiswatchingthefireworks

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Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Fairytail Guild Hall/Streets of the Parade

The dark haired man watched idly as Lloyd mentioned something about needing a conversation, his eyebrow remained high in a questioning manner. But it wasn't his business what the Guild Master did in his spare time so, he took his leave.

He wandered down to the Fairytail Guild Bar, ordering a Stein of Ale and downing it pretty much instantly, putting a hand on Ryu and Adrian alike. "I would love to stay and see what you are both up to, but I have to check up on two lovely ladies from my Guild. If I venture into Magnolia I'll see if I can find you both..."

Here Valken looked down to Ryu specifically with a half grin. "Next time I'd love to see you in action with that blade... so, if you would like, a Duel next time we would meet? I'd like that..." Tilting his head in a respectful manner. Then he turned to the Arcane Mage. "You're doing a show with fireworks yes? Don't ask.... I just know... Please don't have a misplaced magic missle fly towards my Guild Members... I don't really want to be back to cut you up..." His face deadly serious for a moment before his cheeky grin returned.

He took a step back and did his normal deep bow, hand crossed over his chest. "Till next time!"

As he turned he looked to Chris and that blonde girl Kelica with an expressionless gaze. He stepped over to put a hand onto Chris's wide shoulder, voice steady. "I apologise Master Arcturus had to step in..." Glancing to the lifeless girl on his right. "I hope she breaks out of whatever groove she is in...If it's any consolation, Lloyd the Lamia Scale Guild Master is around the festival but... I'm sure not sure if that is good news or bad news... I just bring news..." Squeezing his shoulder one last time before having one last look at Kelica and strode away.

As he exited the hall he took a huge deep breath, peering at the dark sky above. His hair and clothing blending him so he was mostly unseen.

Using his devious and spy-like abilities, Valken found Maya and Millie in no time at all, coming up behind them and throwing his arms around them both. Poking his head between the two. "Now, why are two gorgeous young ladies all by themselves in the dark?" Grinning to Maya specifically for the young comment, but as he held Maya's gaze he had already moved the hand around Millie, sneaking down to wrap his fingers around one of Millie's assests. Giving her a gentle squeeze over her top.

Millie was far too innocent for his personality.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo
Kayzo said:
Mizuki was rather unimpressed by the parade and its fireworks. She never really was one for parades and festivals and didn't exactly understand why people liked them so much. However it made Alicia rather happy and that made her happy. Or at least close to it. The small girl's voice was heard as she asked to be let down, the dark mage's shadowy arms slowly lowering the girl into her normal arms, her deep eyes staring down at her. "Do not get sick little one. I don't want you to be in pain." She said, but secretly wouldn't mind. If they got to stay a few extra days in Magnolia then she could stay with Alfie. Her hand soothingly ran through her hair only after she tapped her nose gently.
Millie was walking down the street with Maya, one hand filled with bags of clothes while the other rested by her side. The two girls had finished all their shopping and were walking out to see the fireworks. She had thanked Maya over and over again for everything that she had done and desperately wanted to repay her. However she couldn't think of much to do except thank her.
"Thanks again Maya, for everything. You're so sweet and lovely." She said with a soft smile, patting her shoulder gently. Her mind drifted back to the lingerie that she bought which soon drifted to Valken. She couldn't help but wonder where her lover was right now. He had disappeared all day for who knows what reason and she still hadn't been able to find him. But as they say, speak of the devil and he will come. The blonde her suddenly felt an arm around her shoulder and a deep, sexy voice in her ear that was unmistakably Valken's. Her face lit up brighter than the fireworks that were currently going off above them, her head turning back and nuzzling him gently. "I've missed you so much Valk-Oh!" Her words were cut off as she felt a hand suddenly squeezing one of her mounds, her face burning a bright red. It was one thing to do it in public but right next to Maya!? "V-Valken! Not in public. If you keep doing this you won't be able to see what I bought you..."


@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @LeSoraAmari
Maya Morne - Magnolia Streets.

The two women had spent pretty much the entirety of the day in that shop searching for the prettiest of things. It was now very late at night and the fireworks display was going to happen quite soon, however, such things didn't really interest Maya that much right now. It was Sora's birthday and Maya hadn't even seen her yet! Not only that, but Maya didn't even know if Sora had gone to the house at all today and seen what Maya had done to the house, let alone open the presents. The Wizard Saint would have been lying if she said she wasn't upset at the matter, however no one would've been able to tell. After all, Maya could mask her emotions perfectly. So perfectly in fact, that even Lloyd, the man she has known for years wouldn't be able to tell how she was feeling half of the time. Using her telekinesis magic to keep her shopping bags levitating in the air, Maya walked with her hands tucked into the sleeves of her long gown as she kept an eye on Millie. Magnolia was a safe place, yes, but Maya was still very cautious with being here. Master Tutin's death stuck with the elder woman, it was a mystery that no one had the answers to, and this made the mage nervous. Not only that, but the fact that every Lamia Scale member was here meant that none of them were safe, heck, no one was. Although Maya would've been a fool to underestimate the powers of Master Kaiser, Master Arcturus and of course, Master Kirby. Even so, Maya couldn't help but feel so paranoid over the safety of her 'Children' as she liked to call them.

With that in mind, Maya realised that she had promised Lloyd she'd look into the death of the late Cece Tutin, however she hadn't done anything at all. Oh well, Lloyd probably wouldn't mind anyway. Speaking of, the older woman felt like she needed to seek Lloyd out but again, that probably wouldn't happen until after the parade. With all of those thoughts coming to play in Maya's mind, she quickly looked down towards the beautiful blonde and smiled, "It's not a problem, it was nice spending the time with you my dear. We don't get to do it that much anymore, after all." She said with a heavy heart. It was true after all, with her council duties filling a huge part of her schedule, Maya barely had any time to socialise with anyone in the guild as much as she used to. Being in the guild for over 30 years, she had seen many people come and go. Valken, Lysander, Millie, Grace... Maya had been there since they joined and has watched them grow as mages. It's a beautiful thing to reflect on, yet even the 'terrifying' woman that she was, was saddened by it. It was no wonder she felt she had a maternal duty to everyone in Lamia Scale. Even Lloyd couldn't escape that sentiment at times.

As the two females walked down the light up streets of Magnolia, Valken had found them both and wrapped his arms around each of them before calling them beautiful. Valken gave Maya a look filled with charm, however Maya didn't fall for it. Although when Valken asked why they were still out in the dark alone, Maya could've lectured him quite a bit. However, with a smile on her face she smiled at Valken and said. "We can handle ourselves. You of all people should know that." And then she watched as the younger pair got rather... Cosy. Valken began to grope Millie which caused the blonde haired girl to blush, horrified at the fact that he did so in front of Maya. Glaring at the man, the saint shook her head and said "Don't do such a thing without her permission." An intimidating tone to reflect the slight anger in her voice before continuing to walk on.It was then that Millie spoke about showing Valken, 'what she bought for him' which caused Maya to smirk slightly. "Oh Valken, you're going to love it~"
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Valken Truss

Magnolia Streets

Valken kept the charming grin on his face as he stared to Maya, but as Millie leaned in to nuzzle against his neck and face, his grin and eyes softened just a fraction. It was like every moment more he spent with her a portion of his cheeky, hard, dark exterior seemed to slid away. Slowly peeling an extra layer to reveal an actually quiet protective and loving man. Just, he wasn't used to it. At least not yet.

Eventually his gaze broke to look to Millie with deep purple eyes, one eyebrow lifting in a questioning manner. "What you bought me? What could I possibly need? Especially when I have you!" His voice smooth with a face like butter wouldn't melt.

Though as he dropped his arm from around Maya to eclipse Millie in a warm, tight embrace. However at Maya's words his shoulders and body posture completely tensed as he peered over her shoulder to a retreating Maya. Looking for all the world like a young boy being scolded by his mother. "B..B...But.." Stuttering eyes wide.

It seemed like he gave an angry pout as he glanced sideways, though all that really happened was his brow furrowed and the corner of lip turned down. Oddly adorable.

His eyebrow then lifted further before his gaze looked down to Millie kissing at her forehead and at the distraction slipping his arms into the mass of bags to eleviate the pressure on her arms, taking all of them into one arm while another kept tight around her waist.

"Maya smirking is never a good sign..," He whispered to Millie, glancing to Maya's back before pulling Millie to follow the brown haired woman down the street, the couple a pace behind her.

"Now, my Dear, tell me all about this thing that you bought for me?... Did Maya help?" Once again looking to Maya with a questioning stare. Surely she would have no clue the things he adored... Then again... She had a habit of just, reading people. Much like he did...

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Millie glanced over at Maya and her sudden hostility towards Valken touching her breasts. She wasn't the biggest fan of it, but she didn't want to see him get scolded for it. "He's fine Maya! He has permission! I was just surprised and shocked." She said, leaning back slightly into his body as he held her. She felt a little bad that the had to get scolded so hard, but surely Maya would lay off. Plus she seemed to go back to her happy normal self.

Despite the fact that Valken was trying to distract her with forehead kisses and tight squeezes to her hips, Millie caught his hand sneaking into her bag. Fortunately for her she saw right through him and swatted his arm.
"Valken! You can't look in there! I have to show you what it is, and I won't if you keep digging through it. Patience is a virtue." She scolded, pulling out his hand and placing it on her chest to keep him from exploring.

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari
Kayzo said:
Millie glanced over at Maya and her sudden hostility towards Valken touching her breasts. She wasn't the biggest fan of it, but she didn't want to see him get scolded for it. "He's fine Maya! He has permission! I was just surprised and shocked." She said, leaning back slightly into his body as he held her. She felt a little bad that the had to get scolded so hard, but surely Maya would lay off. Plus she seemed to go back to her happy normal self.
Despite the fact that Valken was trying to distract her with forehead kisses and tight squeezes to her hips, Millie caught his hand sneaking into her bag. Fortunately for her she saw right through him and swatted his arm.
"Valken! You can't look in there! I have to show you what it is, and I won't if you keep digging through it. Patience is a virtue." She scolded, pulling out his hand and placing it on her chest to keep him from exploring.

Maya Morne - Streets of Magnolia.

Maya couldn't help but chuckle when Valken tensed up and Millie defended him. The woman was expecting this, and thus simply smiled to the younger blonde as she spoke. "Ah, I see. Well in that case I don't mind, I guess I'll let it go and take no notice this time." With that the woman continued walking down the streets as she listened to the couple speaking to each other. Valken was trying to peek into the bag that housed the rather saucy lingerie. He shot Maya a quizzical look as Millie was then quick to scold him for trying to look into the bags contents. A smirk on her face, Maya slowed down as she then walked side by side with Millie and Valken, looking at them both as she said. "You may as well let him see my dear, he'll just annoy you if you keep him waiting." As she said that, Maya nodded to Millie and then slowly she would find the bag being loosened from her grasp and then in Valkens, Maya used her magic to open up Valkens free hand and hold the bag. "Millie definitely has good taste, she's such a darling~" smiling again for a brief moment, Maya then proceeded on to wherever the hell they were going.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/98096fe43ebd79afb42be2885ebc18ce.jpg.4b27b7fe29c919d13c43fdb3c70f7747.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126832" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/98096fe43ebd79afb42be2885ebc18ce.jpg.4b27b7fe29c919d13c43fdb3c70f7747.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Rooftop

Noah looks at talon as he blasted the shorty onto a roof. Aww that's so sweet. He said to himself. He turned towards a building and jumps into the air blast a little wind to lift him onto the roof. He sits on the other side of Ferra, listening on their conversation. Ferra looked at him when it was his turn. At first he only smiled then he turned towards Talon and held his right hand up with a bent in his elbow. If you want I won't stop you, but if you lose control. Lightning starts charging off his right hand. I'll have to stop you. He said with a grin. @Talon @Mitchs98



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Kayzo said:
Millie glanced over at Maya and her sudden hostility towards Valken touching her breasts. She wasn't the biggest fan of it, but she didn't want to see him get scolded for it. "He's fine Maya! He has permission! I was just surprised and shocked." She said, leaning back slightly into his body as he held her. She felt a little bad that the had to get scolded so hard, but surely Maya would lay off. Plus she seemed to go back to her happy normal self.
Despite the fact that Valken was trying to distract her with forehead kisses and tight squeezes to her hips, Millie caught his hand sneaking into her bag. Fortunately for her she saw right through him and swatted his arm.
"Valken! You can't look in there! I have to show you what it is, and I won't if you keep digging through it. Patience is a virtue." She scolded, pulling out his hand and placing it on her chest to keep him from exploring.

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari
LeSoraAmari said:
Maya Morne - Streets of Magnolia.
Maya couldn't help but chuckle when Valken tensed up and Millie defended him. The woman was expecting this, and thus simply smiled to the younger blonde as she spoke. "Ah, I see. Well in that case I don't mind, I guess I'll let it go and take no notice this time." With that the woman continued walking down the streets as she listened to the couple speaking to each other. Valken was trying to peek into the bag that housed the rather saucy lingerie. He shot Maya a quizzical look as Millie was then quick to scold him for trying to look into the bags contents. A smirk on her face, Maya slowed down as she then walked side by side with Millie and Valken, looking at them both as she said. "You may as well let him see my dear, he'll just annoy you if you keep him waiting." As she said that, Maya nodded to Millie and then slowly she would find the bag being loosened from her grasp and then in Valkens, Maya used her magic to open up Valkens free hand and hold the bag. "Millie definitely has good taste, she's such a darling~" smiling again for a brief moment, Maya then proceeded on to wherever the hell they were going.
Valken Truss

Magnolia Parade Streeta

He thought he was doing pretty well when his hand managed to just brush past some material in a bag, but then Millie swatted him. Of course, it didn't hurt, or surprise him...at all. Still he gaped his mouth open in mock surprise at Millie, even faking a whince. "Awww Babe! I was just trying to help you carry the bags! You know I'm the most patient man alive!"

Lies. All lies. The secrecy was killing him, he always had to know all the details, all the time. Now this was a piece of intellegence he didn't know and frankly he didn't want to pin Millie down to retrieve it...

Then again...

Valken eyes actually widened in surprise as the normally shy girl grasped his hand to put his fingers against her own chest. This... he did not expect.

Then Maya floated the bag into his spare hand and his face suddenly lit up like a kid in a candy store. He removed his other arm from Millie, bending down and spreading the bag wide to peer inside.

His walk completely stopped, head still buried in that bag. Then when he yanked his head out his cheeks were flooded a beetroot red. Not even his charm and smooth words could hide that blush...

His eyes slowly drifting to the real life Millie but instead of seeing her 'normal' form all he could see was her form in 'that outfit'. He thrust the bag down to cover his crotch, for no particular reason at all...

"Right... well.. um.. Hmm.." Side stepping to keep the bag to his pelvis and at the last second handing it back to Millie, before turning his back to them to keep his body faced forward.

Lord knows how he was going to hide the tightening of his pants now.

"L...let's go find a good spot to watch the fire works then! Hahhahahahah".

Leading the group a quick pace before seeing someone laying down, coming beside him in a flurry and plonking himself beside him to sit, arms hung loosely around his knees. The position causing as little tightness around said pants as possible.

Ryu!!! Good buddy, old buddy, old pal!" His whole demenour and posture reaked nervousness which was almost the complete opposite of what he was before infront of the Guild Master's meeting. "Well, fancy seeing you here! I mean... at the festival... in Magnolia... And you're in Fairytail so I guess that isn't all that surprisingly..."

Valken was screaming at his brain to try and get some semblence of order. But all he could see was Millie in
that outfit in a pose that was doing nothing but making him blush harder. Thank Goddess above it was dark and...hopefully not noticeable.

@Rhodus @Mitchs98 (for the lols)
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Lloyd Kirby

Courtyard behind Fairy Tail

Lloyd could only blink and stare, a look of confusion on his face. Truth be told, he was completely unsure on how to proceed. All he knew was that he had to talk to Kelica, to somehow... right the wrong that he had committed on her. Even though they had last interacted about a month ago, during the Malnia mission, he had remembered a cheerful young woman. This woman before him seemed to be the complete opposite of that. She seemed... mad, somehow. Unhinged.

True, they had known each other only briefly then, but had she always been this way, or or had it come out because she had been so distraught over his breaking of a promise he had made to her during the Malnia mission? He also could not help wondering if she had an obsessive personality and had somehow come to be obsessed over him, hence his actions seeming unforgivable to her? He had no idea, and he was drawing conclusions, trying to explain the phenomena in front of him. And he had to admit, he was scared. Scared of the young woman in front of him because he was not sure how she would react now. Would she destroy the entire town in her wake? And would he be able to stop her? He was reasonably confident he could but... he did not want to hurt her.

All the same, perhaps it was best that they both concentrated on their own lives and not... interact this much. But still, he felt very much responsible for her being in this state, and that he had to help her somehow. This was going to be a very risky move but... since she thought he was a hallucination (he still could not understand her words even though they spoke the same language; that was the only thing he managed to get out of that rambling), he was going to have to try to get her to realise that he was not a hallucination.

And if she ended up snapping again, well... he had his bow and his powers. But he had to at least attempt. He took a deep breath, and reached out to touch her shoulder. A light touch, for at least two seconds, before he retracted his hand again. "Kelica, it is me. I really am here this time."

Talon frowned thoughtfuly. "I can control it. I just get angry really easily." When Noah sid he would fry Talon if he lost control, Talon quickly changed his mind. "Oh its ok, it was just a sugestion." Talon was actually scared of lightning from a bad experience when he wad little and want too excited about being struck by it. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
Kelica Zefara

Courtyard behind Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica stared blankly at the tall Guild Master. When he reached out to touch her shoulder, she felt the warmth flood through her skin even for just a moment. Just a few seconds, as if to say, this is no illusion. This warmth; this is real.

She took a shaky step forward then, closer, before she suddenly threw her arms around him and pressed her face squarely into his chest. Fingers interlocking behind his back, pulling herself in closer.

The tears still flooded down her cheeks to soak into his shirt, overwhelmed and terrified.

"I..." She started to say, but her voice broke. "I'm Sorry! That dragon... that red dragon killed the entire forest, my children... they begged me to help, but I couldn't... Every night I wake up, hearing their pleas, unable to do anything... their screams... I grieve, I grieve every time I close my eyes..."

Her knees buckling but she clung to him to try and keep herself upright. Gaining comfort even if he didn't speak a word. She needed to tell someone... Chris wasn't there... or Sabrina... they would never understand...

"I tried to bring them back, to regrow the forest... but it was to much Lloyd! I couldn't do it on my own! I couldn't do anything! All I did was shield you and healed your broken leg... Upgrade your bow... but not till after the Dragon was dead!" Words flowing like a river now. "I needed your help, Lloyd! I needed you..." Heart wretching from her chest now.

She was keenly aware now she felt insignificant to her Father's great powers. She realised with a start she dearly missed his quiet council, as a child running through the flower fields as she giggled in a whirl of petals.

And he simply watched, smiling. Approving even if he never said it. And when she was hurt or crying he would scoop her up and hold her close. She realised just how much she missed him and her arms tightened around Lloyd's middle as her eyes slipped closed.

Lysander Connell

Location: Magnolia, a rooftop

Lysander was wearing a huge grin on his face, as he scaled down from the rooftop he had been on previously, during the parade. The parade had been amazing! So many amazing floats! All the cheering and music and laughter. Most amazing had been Sora and Clair's float, though that was possibly because he was already biased for Sora right from the start. He had turned quite red then, at the sight of her costume, and had forgotten to wave at her as he had been planning. But he had been standing quite near, on the roof directly above the street that her float had passed, and he had only hoped that she had seen him.

Her song had been stunning as well, and it had brought tears to his eyes because the lyrics had spoken to him so personally. Even now, her song was still ringing in his ears, and he very much hoped that it would remain there for a long time afterward, because it was something he simply did not want to forget, no matter how old he was. Sora's singing was utterly amazing, and he had more or less been struck dumb by it. He himself was barely able to croak more than a few words of a song in a tone that was complete off what it was supposed to be originally so he was rather envious of her voice. But it just seemed to fit her that she would have a good voice. Once again, he wondered how he had ended up being so lucky as to have met her; he hardly felt that he had done anything to deserve such luck.

His feet had barely touched the ground before he was taking off again, in the direction of the float making area where he had been working on the floats with Sora previously. He was not sure if she would be there, but he wanted to attempt all the same, in the hopes that the float-making area had been the beginning spot as well as the ending spot for the float parade. If not, well... Magnolia was a big city, and he was not sure if he would be able to track her down if she was not there. Though he could try the Fairy Tail Guild Hall perhaps. But still, as he neared the spot, stepping within and looking around for Sora, he only hoped that his luck was still there.

Talon said:
Talon frowned thoughtfuly. "I can control it. I just get angry really easily." When Noah sid he would fry Talon if he lost control, Talon quickly changed his mind. "Oh its ok, it was just a sugestion." Talon was actually scared of lightning from a bad experience when he wad little and want too excited about being struck by it. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
Ferra: Roof at Parade Grounds

Ferra blinked at Noah's words and actions. That would of been really useful when he was fighting Tanari. Noah could of just tazed him out of the sky and that would of been the end of it. Oh well. She giggled as Talon seemed to completely change his mind at the threat of getting electrocuted. "
Well. It's probably for the best. I wouldn't want you to get shot by an actual firework and destroy part of the town or something." She told him jokingly. "I doubt we're gunna be able to talk to Lloyd tonight though. Definetely in the morning though." She told them. "Buuut then you guys will be in Lamia Scale! I'm sure everyone will like you guys a lot."
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Parade Streeta

He thought he was doing pretty well when his hand managed to just brush past some material in a bag, but then Millie swatted him. Of course, it didn't hurt, or surprise him...at all. Still he gaped his mouth open in mock surprise at Millie, even faking a whince. "Awww Babe! I was just trying to help you carry the bags! You know I'm the most patient man alive!"

Lies. All lies. The secrecy was killing him, he always had to know all the details, all the time. Now this was a piece of intellegence he didn't know and frankly he didn't want to pin Millie down to retrieve it...

Then again...

Valken eyes actually widened in surprise as the normally shy girl grasped his hand to put his fingers against her own chest. This... he did not expect.

Then Maya floated the bag into his spare hand and his face suddenly lit up like a kid in a candy store. He removed his other arm from Millie, bending down and spreading the bag wide to peer inside.

His walk completely stopped, head still buried in that bag. Then when he yanked his head out his cheeks were flooded a beetroot red. Not even his charm and smooth words could hide that blush...

His eyes slowly drifting to the real life Millie but instead of seeing her 'normal' form all he could see was her form in 'that outfit'. He thrust the bag down to cover his crotch, for no particular reason at all...

"Right... well.. um.. Hmm.." Side stepping to keep the bag to his pelvis and at the last second handing it back to Millie, before turning his back to them to keep his body faced forward.

Lord knows how he was going to hide the tightening of his pants now.

"L...let's go find a good spot to watch the fire works then! Hahhahahahah".

Leading the group a quick pace before seeing someone laying down, coming beside him in a flurry and plonking himself beside him to sit, arms hung loosely around his knees. The position causing as little tightness around said pants as possible.

Ryu!!! Good buddy, old buddy, old pal!" His whole demenour and posture reaked nervousness which was almost the complete opposite of what he was before infront of the Guild Master's meeting. "Well, fancy seeing you here! I mean... at the festival... in Magnolia... And you're in Fairytail so I guess that isn't all that surprisingly..."

Valken was screaming at his brain to try and get some semblence of order. But all he could see was Millie in
that outfit in a pose that was doing nothing but making him blush harder. Thank Goddess above it was dark and...hopefully not noticeable.

@Rhodus @Mitchs98 (for the lols)
Millie's eyes widened when Maya said that Valken should be able to peek into the bags. While she wasn't really against him seeing the lingerie, she didn't want him pulling it out on a busy street and flashing it off for everyone to see. Plus it would be a lot more romantic and special if she wore it and he saw it for the first time. However there was no stopping him now.

Millie looked down at the ground and held the bag out to him, opening it up and glancing over as he looked around. Her face blushed brightly when she saw his flustered expression. "Y-yeah, I bet you didn't expect that. I didn't expect to buy it either." She muttered, clinging to his side again, nodding at the idea of finding somewhere to watch the fireworks. Hopefully it'd take her mind off of the lewd things that Valken and her would most likely do afterwards.

After a bit of walking Valken seemed to freak out at the sight of another Mage that the blonde didn't know. His name was Ryu but that was all she knew. A little nervous about going up and talking, Millie slowed down a bit to walk beside Maya.
"I wish he didn't look in my bag. I wanted to surprise him!" She said, frowning slightly before linking her arms with the older girl.

Chris Lengheart(*burp*)

Chris finally woke up from his drunken haze as he slid off his seat and saw that Kelica was gone. He lumbered over to the back door, having a good feeling that she was probably out back with all the plants and crap. Unfortunately, Chris walked out right as Kelica said she needed Lloyd and wrapped her arms around his mid-section. Chris slowly worked his way over as he shouted,"What in the *hic* hell do you think you're doing with my...woman! She was mine first b-bub...*hic* get your own." he reeked of alcohol and his words just fell out of his mouth. He then pried Kelica off her "boyfriend" as he let go of her. "Are-are you really cheating on me with...this douchebag. I can't believe you Kelica, I*hic*'m so hurt right now."

@Zuka @Huor Spinks
Talon said:
Talon frowned thoughtfuly. "I can control it. I just get angry really easily." When Noah sid he would fry Talon if he lost control, Talon quickly changed his mind. "Oh its ok, it was just a sugestion." Talon was actually scared of lightning from a bad experience when he wad little and want too excited about being struck by it. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Roof at Parade Grounds
Ferra blinked at Noah's words and actions. That would of been really useful when he was fighting Tanari. Noah could of just tazed him out of the sky and that would of been the end of it. Oh well. She giggled as Talon seemed to completely change his mind at the threat of getting electrocuted. "
Well. It's probably for the best. I wouldn't want you to get shot by an actual firework and destroy part of the town or something." She told him jokingly. "I doubt we're gunna be able to talk to Lloyd tonight though. Definetely in the morning though." She told them. "Buuut then you guys will be in Lamia Scale! I'm sure everyone will like you guys a lot."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/original.png.e4bbc43bb370e3927957c18da5202040.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127291" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/original.png.e4bbc43bb370e3927957c18da5202040.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Parade Grounds-Roof Top

Noah puts the lightning away and reaches behind his back, pulling out a full bottle of wine. He starts opening it trying the pull the cork out. He chuckled as Ferra spoke about a firework bringing down a giant Phoenix. Hehe yeah death by firework. What a way to go. He said jokingly. The cork popped open releasing the scent of the red wine. He sniffed it and smiled. This is going to be delicious. He takes a sip out of it smiling when down. He looks at Ferra who was excited about them joining and meeting everyone in Lamia Scale. So how many pretty women are in the guild Ferra? @Mitchs98 @Talon



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Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

There was something peaceful about laying atop some random roof and staring at the night sky. She hadn't really intended to spend more than a minute doing just that but time seemed to slip away before she even noticed. Her attention was drawn to a nearby bird that landed on the roof nearby. Before she had a chance to turn her attention back to the sky another bird landed, then another, and another. She sat up as she looked around the roof seeing nothing but birds, and even more birds descending upon the building in a frantic manner. The flock of avians were clearly agitated as they chirped, cawed, and sang in a cacophony of sound. She hopped to her feet, grabbed her sword and took a step back, her gaze darting to and fro as the number of birds continued to increase. "What the hell, Hitchcock." The birds didn't seemed to be outright attacking her but the sheer number of them and the way they recklessly flew about left her more than slightly unnerved.

As quickly as the whole situation began the birds all took flight and spread out into the night sky, flying off into the distance. She blankly stared at them for several long moments before slowly slipping her sword back into it's sheath. "Alrighty then..." She gave a quick shake of her head and turned her attention to the streets below. It seemed that other than a few bewildered stares the event went largely unnoticed. With the entire mood ruined she made her way over to the edge of the roof and hopped off, landing gracefully in an alley before making her way back out into the street. After three days she had seen most of what the festival had to offer and as such mostly just wandered aimlessly through the crowds. Having seen everything there was to see did not stop her from stopping at any food stall that drew her interest and before long her arms were full of a variety of foodstuffs and other treats.

As if God himself opted to save her budget her attention was stolen from a nearby stall as an announcement was made that the parade would be starting to shortly. She made her way towards the main street, maneuvering her way through the crowd in order to get a front-row seat. Sure enough the parade began as a variety of performers and floats made their way down the street. She idly munched on some cotton-candy as she watched each performance and float that strolled by. They never had an event as grand as this back at home so she couldn't help but pay close attention to the parade. In what seemed like the blink of an eye the parade had made it's way down the street and out of view leaving her to find her way out of the crowd and in search of something else to occupy her attention as she awaited the fireworks to herald the end of the festival that seemed to have lasted for far longer than three days.

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