Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kayzo said:
Haruhi gave the bartender a brief smile as he placed the mug in front of her. She wasn't a big drinker and didn't have a very high alcohol tolerance so she tried to steer clear of this. However tonight was an exception, and she didn't want to seem rude in front of Raa after everything he had done. Her soft hands reached out and wrapped themselves around the cold mug, bringing it up to her lips and taking a sip. She probably looked like an idiot only taking sips from a mug but she'd never gone social drinking before. Her eyes widened in surprised when Raa had finished his entire drink when she had only taken a sip. "Wow Raa, I've never seen someone drink so fast!" She said with a smile, taking another sip from her drink.
"I needed this strong drink. " Raa said as the bartender refilled his mug. Little did the both of them know that this ale was no ordinary ale. This was Thousand Year Ale. Ale that was fermented with time magic so it could be sold frequently, even the smallest sip was enough to make someone drunk. Raa, feeling tipsy, downed another mug and looked at Haruhi to see how she was faring. "Can you finish that?" He asked.
After he had reached the forest he had shifted back and sat thinking of his actions which had been hasty and cause a lot more trouble than necesary. Talon now sat in a tree and heard Fera calling for him. "Over here Ferra!¡!¡" He called to her. He hoped she wouldnt be mad at him or worse. He sighed and dropped don onto the ground to wait forher.
Metaphysics said:
"I needed this strong drink. " Raa said as the bartender refilled his mug. Little did the both of them know that this ale was no ordinary ale. This was Thousand Year Ale. Ale that was fermented with time magic so it could be sold frequently, even the smallest sip was enough to make someone drunk. Raa, feeling tipsy, downed another mug and looked at Haruhi to see how she was faring. "Can you finish that?" He asked.
Haruhi nodded and watched as his mug was filled up again. She was surprised that he was able to drink so much! She had only drank a few sips and she could already feel the alcohol taking effect, but two mugs? That would kill someone! She continued to sip the drink, gradually getting bigger and bigger sips until she reached about the 2/3 mark. The blue haired girl felt as if she had gone through 3 mugs already even though she hadn't even finished one. "Y-you can finish it." She said, lazily sliding the mug over to Raa.
Talon said:
After he had reached the forest he had shifted back and sat thinking of his actions which had been hasty and cause a lot more trouble than necesary. Talon now sat in a tree and heard Fera calling for him. "Over here Ferra!¡!¡" He called to her. He hoped she wouldnt be mad at him or worse. He sighed and dropped don onto the ground to wait forher.
Ferra: Magnolia Forest

After a little while of searching and calling out Talon responded, causing Ferra to sigh. Good, he was still here. She was honestly worried she wouldn't be able to find him. She ran to the direction his voice came from and upon reaching him she hugged him. She was honestly worried he'd be severely injured and couldn't even imagine the severity of his injuries had she not been able to convince him to stop. "Are you okay?" Was the first thing she asked as she stepped back from him. "I really appreciate you trying to help..but..you really should of listened to me sooner! She could of killed you Talon." She told him with a sigh. "I'm just glad you're alright...what even happened? Haven't you done that before? The whole..transformation thing?" She asked.
Kayzo said:
Haruhi nodded and watched as his mug was filled up again. She was surprised that he was able to drink so much! She had only drank a few sips and she could already feel the alcohol taking effect, but two mugs? That would kill someone! She continued to sip the drink, gradually getting bigger and bigger sips until she reached about the 2/3 mark. The blue haired girl felt as if she had gone through 3 mugs already even though she hadn't even finished one. "Y-you can finish it." She said, lazily sliding the mug over to Raa.
Shrugging, Raa took the mug and downed what remained. "So..." He said slowly. "Haruhi, any last name to go with that?" He asked as he turned to face her. The alcohol was slowly starting to affect him as he focused on her intently.
Metaphysics said:
Shrugging, Raa took the mug and downed what remained. "So..." He said slowly. "Haruhi, any last name to go with that?" He asked as he turned to face her. The alcohol was slowly starting to affect him as he focused on her intently.
Haruhi giggled out of the blue like his question about her last name was hilarious. She nodded her head in response and leaned against the bar and towards Raa, a small smile on her face. Due to her low alcohol tolerance the drink was hitting her hard. "Yeah, my last name is Redfox, just like the great Fairy Tail wizard Gajeel. I'm their grandkid." She said, grinning proudly at the mention of her heritage. If there was anything she was proud of in this world it was her relationship with her grandparents. Taking in a deep breath she stood up from the stool and smile. "Let's blow this place and go to the festival. I can't stand this place anymore." She muttered, this being the last thing she could recall saying for the night.
Alfie nodded when both Mizuki and Alicia seemed content with the ribbons and the new darkness covering them. He thought they'd like it. But when the little girl asked what they had wanted to eat, he only shook his head and stated, "I won't be eating." The mage then realized she might ask why and spoke again before any of the two replied, "Sushi isn't quite a food I can indulge in." And that was when he remembered some sushi restaurants sold more than sushi. "Food goes against my religion."

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall

First Floor

"What difference can one person make?"

Those words ran around in her head suddenly. Echoing. Her hand slipped from his thigh then, fists curling into tight balls. Knuckles white. She stared blankly out at the Guild Hall, the people standing around on the first floor. What difference? She was already filled to the brim with curse words, some so severe it would make corpses turn in their graves. She stood up suddenly and whirled on him, eyes livid. Hand flying out to the side in a dramatic fashion.

"What difference one person can make?!? One person can make ALL the difference!! At Malina, if it wasn't for Sora, we would all be dead! If it wasn't for me drawing on what was left of the forest I would have been dead! Lloyd would have been dead! Even Gilad crashed to a knee trying to deflect the sheer dragons power! One tree was standing, one left, and me! That's all that was left between the force of a Dragon and a Guild Master!"

Here voice screamed loud enough it actually carried up to the second floor of the building.

And after everything that Dragon at Malina had destroyed, a village turned to ruine, families without homes, countless members injured, animals and creatures dead, or dying, no food, no shelter... It was ONE person, that made a difference! ME! I was the single only person who gave up what precious little power I had left to try and restore the forest!"

She had tears in the corners of her eyes now, shaking with memories she thought she had long buried. The screams and wails of the trees burning, asking for help... begging... She had thought as Chris did, what could one person possibly do?

If the townsfolk don't except us, SO BE IT! If Fairytail doesn't except us, SO BE IT! We leave. We go away, where no one gives a damn...no one gives a damn regardless! No one care's about us...

No one cares about the forest...

No one cares about me..."

Her voice trailing off somewhat, echoing as her eyes grew distant. Cloudy, almost. Arms hanging limply by her side. Memories mixing now. Her aura was changing and a soft glow coming from her necklace, usually bright green now an odd shade of dark emerald. Almost black.

The ground rumbling far away.

She was starting to lose control again.

@HuorSpinks @Colt556 @Salt Lord
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Ferra hugged him, catching him off guard and then started firing off questions. "Yes im fine. I know it was stupid but I got riled up. No I've never done that before, Its a special type of takeover that pheonix slayers can use." He explained. "I hungry, want to get some food?¿?¿" He asked with a grin. @Mitchs98
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Talon said:
Ferra hugged him, catching him off guard and then started firing off questions. "Yes im fine. I know it was stupid but I got riled up. No I've never done that before, Its a special type of takeover that pheonix slayers can use." He explained. "I hungry, want to get some food?¿?¿" He asked with a grin. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Magnolia Forest

Ferra sighed as she listened to him speak. She wasn't exactly angry at him, persay, just upset that Tanari could of actually killed him if he went to far. She nodded at his question, a small smile on her face. "I'm just glad you're okay. That could of ended very badly for either or the both of you." She replied. "I gotta admit though, your takeover thing was pretty cool. Just don't pick me up without warning again, okay?" She added jokingly. "But, yeah, c'mon lets go get some food. It won't be too much longer before the parade starts after all." She told him, grabbing his hand and starting to walk out of the forest. She wondered if Lloyd was done with whatever he was doing, she hoped she could find him soon..and Noah too. She had no clue where Noah went after the whole thing happened.

@Embaga Elder

(Sorry, I forgot to reply d:)

After being rushed to the hospital and after a while of waiting if Noah entered the hospital room the two criminals were in he would find the woman would be gone and the man would be in a comatose state. Magic exhaustion wasn't simply something a doctor could fix in less than an hour, the man would likely be out for a few days at the least.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ryu had been staring of into space, mulling over his thoughts and was somewhat startled when Sakura asked her question. "Oh, um" he said, coming back to reality. "Two years I think? I'm not at the guild hall all that often, so I haven't really kept track." He glanced around anxiously, his shyness having returned after his Gokasai relapse. As he looked around the hall, his eyes settled on Kelica, and he noticed the change in her demeanor. "Is she going to be alright?" He asked Sakura, a note of concern evident in his voice.

@Mitchs98 @Zuka

Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ryu had been staring of into space, mulling over his thoughts and was somewhat startled when Sakura asked her question. "Oh, um" he said, coming back to reality. "Two years I think? I'm not at the guild hall all that often, so I haven't really kept track." He glanced around anxiously, his shyness having returned after his Gokasai relapse. As he looked around the hall, his eyes settled on Kelica, and he noticed the change in her demeanor. "Is she going to be alright?" He asked Sakura, a note of concern evident in his voice.

@Mitchs98 @Zuka

@Zuka @Isune @PeteTSs @Genon

Sakura: Fairy Tail Hall

Sakura nodded at his response, though honestly at this point she was more focused on Kelica and Chris. She felt bad for them even if she didn't fully know or understand what was going on. She would interject with her normal happy self, but, honestly she wasn't sure how they'd take it. Thus she refrained from doing so for the time being. When Ryu asked his question she shrugged, shaking her head slightly and sighing as she watched the two. "
I don't know, I'm not even really sure what's going on..I dunno what they're talking about really." She replied. "I'm sure she'll be fine though. I hope..." She added. She wanted to comfort her and all, but again, she wasn't sure if it'd make the situatiom worse or not. Every fibre of her being was screaming at her to do it, but she refrained..not because she didn't really know her, but on the chance it made it worse.
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

He was far from thrilled at Ophelia's desire to question the spy but there was ultimately very little he could do without causing a scene. He looked over at the door as both Lloyd and Valken had taken their leave before him. After a few moments he turned his gaze back to the young girl tormenting the man on the desk. "Do not be too rough, I still wish to speak with him." There was a short pause as he fought against his better judgement, eventually opting that trust in a fellow guild master was more important than his worries. "I shall return for him after the parade ends." With that he turned and took his leave of the office... or what was left of it. While not due to them that office was left worse for wear after their meeting. That girl certainly had a tough job dealing with such a guild. As he strode down the hallway he could hear what sounded like shouting come from the floor below. He gave a small shake of his head as he continued, if he had to be subjected to such a rowdy and undisciplined group every day he would in similar shape to Ophelia's office. Nevertheless he would just have to tough it out for one more day and then he could be free from this city.

He offered Lloyd and Valken a curt nod as he passed them and made his way down the stairs only to be met with more shouting. The sound of his name piqued his interest and he made his way towards the commotion. As he approached he let his gaze drift between those who seemed to be involved, the source of the commotion being the girl from Malnia. His eyes narrowed as he caught the tail end of what the girl was saying, the flow of magic not lost on him. Truly Ophelia had to deal with an extraordinarily cumbersome bunch. With an almost inaudible sigh he stepped forward, holding his gaze firmly on the blonde as he spoke up. "Is Fairy Tail always so boisterous or is it, perhaps, because of the parade today?"

Lysander Connell

Magnolia Cemetery

It was about a five minute walk away from where he had originally been with the floats, so Lysander found it a short and easy journey towards the graveyard where Magnolia buried their residents, even though he had taken a detour towards the nearest floral shop to buy five bunches of bouquets. They were all in solemn, white colours, and they matched his mood as he stepped through the great gates of the graveyard. There, he stopped, looking around at all the various grave markers. Some were elaborate, others plain, all told a story of a life lived and a life lost. It was extremely quiet here, other than birds chirping, the wind rustling through the trees and the grave markers, There was not a single person in sight; who would want to be at a graveside during a festival anyway? Other than him, that was.

Lysander knew where his family graveside was; he remembered his grandmother taking him there on the first anniversary of the death of his parents. He remembered how stooped she had looked, the lines of grief and old age on her face. It was never easy to bury your child. Asuka had been his paternal grandmother, which meant that the Connell family name had passed down to him, and it now meant that it was up to him to continue the family name, to maintain the honour behind it. The Connells had been a highly respected family in Magnolia and now, it was up to him. He remembered his grandmother telling him this, in her quiet voice, as they looked down on the graves of his parents, and so many years later, he still remembered word for word what she had said then.

His mood was solemn and his face quiet and still, as he made his way to stand before his parents' graves once again. He had been five when they had died, but he had been three when his first memories of them had been stored, and he still remembered them. His father's booming laugh, his mother's own quiet, gentle chuckles as they played in the park. He had been living in Magnolia then, and had been showed off to the Fairy Tail guild numerous times, before his parents were killed on that fated mission, and that was the last time he had visited the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, until recently, of course. Tears came to his eyes then, and he rubbed at them with the poncho that had belonged to the family patriarch, Alzack Connell. Soundlessly he stood there in remembrance, before kneeling on one knee to set down two bouquets at the grave sites of his parents.

Next, he moved on to the grave site on the right of his father's, which belonged to his grandmother, Asuka. When his parents had passed away, he was left in the care of his grandmother, and by then he had been old enough to be taught the basics of gun magic. She had been retired by that time, but her magic was still powerful and she had been intent on passing down all the gun magic techniques she knew. She would have been very proud to see him in action now, as a gun mage, and he knew that his current skills were only the tip of an iceberg. He would continue to improve, and she would have been even prouder. Her brilliant smile was in his mind as once again he knelt, placing another bouquet at her grave site.

And then he moved on to the next two graves, standing positioned between them. Respect was evident in his posture as he stood looking onto the graves of the Connell Patriarch and Matriarch, who had accomplished much with their lives and who had founded his family; Alzack and Bisca Connell, the gun-mages of Fairy Tail, back in the old days. His mind flashed to a picture that he kept on his bedside table of them. It was a picture of a six year old Asuka, with Alzack and Bisca beaming on each side. He could not even imagine his grandmother being that very young girl in that picture. Alzack and Bisca too, were both young, a year older than he was currently, in fact. his grandmother had commented a few times on how much she saw of her parents in his face, that he had Alzack's hair (though his was longer, past his shoulders and usually kept back with a hairtie; Alzack had worn his short) and face shape, and that he had Bisca's eyes. It was at these grave sites that he placed his final bouquets down. Then, he took a few steps back and surveyed the entire family plot, all five grave sites, all with their own bouquet of flowers.

He would make them all proud of him, he was determined to do so. He was the only surviving Connell now, and he would do his utmost to make them all proud of him, even if he was in a different guild from Fairy Tail. But he was now in a romantic relationship, with the grandaughter of Wendy Marvell of all people and if they survived and had kids well... he would definitely suggest that they joined their mother in Fairy Tail, so the Connell and Marvell names would continue on in Fairy Tail. He and Sora having children... his face turned bright red at the thought. That would be a very long time later, he was sure.

With those final thoughts, he turned away from the grave sites and made his way out of the grave yard. The noise of the festival reached his ears and he cringed at how loud they were after the quiet of the graveyard. He began to make his way to the float area once again, wondering if Sora was already back by that time.

He would make them all proud of him.
Kayzo said:
Millie smiled slightly and nodded as Maya said that Valken would love the third outfit. Hearing those words confirmed the purchase of the lingerie and actually made her excited to show him. Perhaps instead of the parade they could stay inside, maybe put on a little fashion show followed by an after party. "Yes Maya, I do like it! I was just a little surprised by the sudden change in clothings. And if he's bound to like it then I must get it." She said, smiling brightly while her blush went away. However she was just as surprised when Maya wanted to keep finding her clothes. The saint was being nice enough already, and as much as she liked it Millie didn't want her buying everything. "May, wait! You don't have to do that, you'll go bankrupt!" But it didn't matter as the brown haired girl went off once again. All she could do now was wait.
Grace rolled her eyes once again as he said that he wasn't covering anything up. She knew that he was telling the truth, but once again she wouldn't admit being wrong. Smiling slightly she took his hand and stood up, giving the taller teen a warm hug before locking their hands together.
"I can go for something to eat, but I don't know where. I told you, I hate deciding." She said as they began walking back to Magnolia. She was somewhat sad to leave the field that the couple rested in. The area was so calm and peaceful, and no matter how much she liked the city scene it was always nice to get away for awhile. However she was sure that they'd come back here a later date. "You choose where we eat."
Maya Morne - Clothes Shop

As the woman darted around the shop in search for the prettiest gown in stock, she quickly stopped doing what she was doing and turned to Millie as the blonde spoke, still looking through the clothes but at a much slower speed. "You will get it. I know that he'll be pleased, and you'll look fantastic in it!" With a chuckle and a smirk, the woman then continued "I was going to get one for Sora, but I was afraid that Lysander might cry or something. He's so cute, so innocent... And I realised just before purchasing it that I couldn't have my precious wear it." And with that, Maya used her telekinesis magic to elevate her speed and she then started to dart around the room again. "I'm trying to find the prettiest gown for myself Millie darling! If it's under 500 jewels then it's cheap~ so if you see anything that I can look beautiful in let me know, my love." As she said that Maya was darting around the shop effortlessly at a fast speed, looking as graceful as ever as she did so.

@HuorSpinks (mentioned)

Masaki Yamada - Magnolia.

Masaki looked at Grace as she rolled her eyes, not saying anything and not doing anything in response, he smiled at her as she brought him into a brief embrace as she then spoke. Nodding, the Sabertooth mage responded "Well... We'll walk around for a bit and see if there's anything that catches the eye I guess, I mean, I've been to practically every restaurant here so I could give a few recommendations I suppose..." And thus as the couple walked out of the meadow, hands interlocked as they did so, Masaki began to think of the numerous restaurants that Magnolia housed.

Finding themselves in the bustling streets of the town, Masaki looked down towards Grace with a smile on his face. "We've got a nice eat in bakery if you fancy something sweet. There's a milkshake shop too, but I heard that someone has turned that into a mess so that's not an option... Uhm... There's also a VERY nice pizzeria round the corner from us. We could go there?"
Lloyd Kirby

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Lloyd had been far too lost in his own thoughts that he did not even hear Valken's footsteps, only looking up with some surprise on his face at the man's voice. It seemed that the man had many troubling thoughts and while Lloyd was honoured that he would actually seek him out to confide in him, he was not sure if he could provide good advice. He was still relatively young, and very much socially awkward still, and sometimes he still felt as if he did not really understand people very much. He usually did not keep company, but now, as Guild Master, he was going to have to start doing so. Especially if people were expecting him to lead.

Lloyd sighed as he turned away from the railing, leaning against it with his hands braced on each side. For a moment, he looked down at his own feet, collecting his thoughts, before turning to face Valken. He hoped that his own inexperience did not show on his face; his own vulnerability was probably the last thing Valken needed to see right now. "Valken," he began, honestly unsure of how to even start. "Thank you for taking the initiative to look out for everyone. You're one of my most trusted men but sometimes... I think there's a limit on what we can do for people. At least, that's what I learnt from the Malnia mission, from Grace in fact. I admit that I was rather overprotective of her, and she confronted me about it. And I had to come to a realization that sometimes, we just have to take a step back and let people develop. Because how can they if we keep protecting them?"

His voice gained in surety as he continued. "In the end, as a Guild Master, I would like to see our individual members grow, especially for what is to come, when we would need to rely on their strength both physical and mental. Millie is an S-class mage, I am sure she would be able to defend herself. Lysander and Grace are strong too, and I've no doubt that they are working to get stronger. Though to be on the safe side I definitely plan to hold a meeting once this festival is over to encourage them to do just that. And... well..." His voice grew a bit soft then. "Valken, the decision to leave is really up to you, but I can safely tell you that everyone would be extremely disappointed. And what kind of Guild would we be then, if we allowed you to walk away feeling that you were a danger to us. We're the third strongest Guild in Fiore. If we stood together as a Guild, I'm very sure that not many would be able to bypass us. And all the more so if we determine to grow stronger for each other. Whatever danger comes, we would face it together. As a Guild. Because that's what Guilds are for."

He let out a breath then. He could not believe that he had said all that. But he could only hope that it was enough to reassure Valken of his value to the Guild. It was then, however, that he heard shouting from below. A feminine voice, it sounded like. He turned his head to see what the commotion was, only to blink and turn right around. Wasn't that Kelica, that girl from Malnia that had helped him? His heart sank and shuddered with guilt, though at the same time he could not help wondering if she was actually far more volatile that he had remembered. He had really screwed that up, did he? He had gotten there too late, and had ended up breaking his promise to her, and she had been upset by that.

He would have to talk to her later, though seeing her in such a temper now, he was very much dreading it. It would definitely have to be later, hopefully when she was calm enough to do so. Because he did not trust his own temper to hold if someone was shouting at him. He just knew it would flare up if he ended up confronting her now. He had been getting much better at holding his temper since his time in Fiore but still... it would be better to talk to her when she was calmer. Anyway, it was a bit too late now, as Gilad had just stepped in. And he certainly could not leave while still engaged in a conversation with Valken.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.249f85dd76d69b1b7e1fd83c93d3a9e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.249f85dd76d69b1b7e1fd83c93d3a9e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Leaving Magnolia's Hospital

After waiting for awhile Noah walked inside and stood frozen near the door. The girl was gone, but the boy was still out cold. Noah punches a hole in the nearby wall out of anger and turns around, walking out of the hospital. I hope Talon found Ferra. I should probably find them. Last time I saw them, Talon ran towards the forest to get Ferra. He starts walking towards the forest. I'll head there first.



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Chris Lengheart(Kelica...)

Chris watched as Kelica went through another one of her fits. Fearing that she may lose it again, Chris stood up and wrapped his arms around Kelica before pulling her deep into his chest. "Kelica..." Chris said with a warm tone "You know-That no matter what-I'll always-Love you-And protect you-Never forget that." He continued to hold her tightly, not wanting to let go of her.


Sora Marvell - Float Area

Sora stiffened as Clair once again made stabs at the size of her chest, though instead of getting defensive she cast her gaze to the side rather shamefully. Even though a small blush was plastered on her porcelain cheeks, she was more self conscious than usual as her hues flickered back to slip downwards towards her body figure, inspecting it. It was true that she'd never thought about having bigger proportions and had only assumed they would fill out more as she got older but it was her birthday and they remained the same. Would Lysander mind that her body was in itself the epitome of innocence? Childlike one would probably say. Her lips scrunched together thoughtfully until Unknown spoke up, indirectly defending her to her surprise. A small smile crept up onto her face as she looked towards him, eyes silently ushering a thank you of sorts.

" I'm going to go change. " Sora said simply, hands clutching the bag that held her costume as she stood and disappeared within the float. As soon as the blue haired dragon slayer was away from prying eyes she leaned her entire frame against the back of a wall, taking a few well needed breaths. The air was filled with the nostalgia of previous festivals, the smells pulling her to remember times when she was younger and awed by the magic of everything around her. A small hand made its way into her bangs, fingers idly taming the strands off to the side as she pulled out the outfit Clair had wanted them to wear. It seemed fitting with the type of magic Sora used but she couldn't help but feel that it was a little too provocative. Oh well, it's only for a few hours... She let her thoughts drift off as she slipped out of her current clothes and adorned the outfit, not even wanting to see how she looked in it.

The pigtails were ditched as she pulled her hair back into a singular ponytail, a small hat that went with the outfit being snugged upon soft locks. Sora shifted around, physically feeling like the material barely covered any of her thighs and as she reappeared both hands clutched at the brim of it in an attempt to pull it further down, face contorted into absolute nervousness. It was clear she felt out of place, legs almost crossing in hopes of feeling more secure, cheeks
inherently red. " T-This is fine, right, Clair? Are you sure it isn't too much.... " The poor girl couldn't even speak as soft winds tickled and caressed her extremely exposed legs, smile twitching to a more awkward one. " Or not enough? ... " The last part was mumbled less audibly, fingers tugging at the outfit once again. It was probably Clair's way of personally tormenting her by not having tights be part of the outfit they both would be wearing.

Thankfully Sora would be changing to a less revealing outfit halfway throughout the parade when it was time for the dragon slayer to sing, in which she'd done every year, manipulating the winds to carry her voice all over Magnolia. In truth, Sora had a beautiful voice but rarely shared it, making an exception on this day since the song itself was special to her.


@HuorSpinks (mentioned)
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LeSoraAmari said:
Maya Morne - Clothes Shop
As the woman darted around the shop in search for the prettiest gown in stock, she quickly stopped doing what she was doing and turned to Millie as the blonde spoke, still looking through the clothes but at a much slower speed. "You will get it. I know that he'll be pleased, and you'll look fantastic in it!" With a chuckle and a smirk, the woman then continued "I was going to get one for Sora, but I was afraid that Lysander might cry or something. He's so cute, so innocent... And I realised just before purchasing it that I couldn't have my precious wear it." And with that, Maya used her telekinesis magic to elevate her speed and she then started to dart around the room again. "I'm trying to find the prettiest gown for myself Millie darling! If it's under 500 jewels then it's cheap~ so if you see anything that I can look beautiful in let me know, my love." As she said that Maya was darting around the shop effortlessly at a fast speed, looking as graceful as ever as she did so.

@HuorSpinks (mentioned)

Masaki Yamada - Magnolia.

Masaki looked at Grace as she rolled her eyes, not saying anything and not doing anything in response, he smiled at her as she brought him into a brief embrace as she then spoke. Nodding, the Sabertooth mage responded "Well... We'll walk around for a bit and see if there's anything that catches the eye I guess, I mean, I've been to practically every restaurant here so I could give a few recommendations I suppose..." And thus as the couple walked out of the meadow, hands interlocked as they did so, Masaki began to think of the numerous restaurants that Magnolia housed.

Finding themselves in the bustling streets of the town, Masaki looked down towards Grace with a smile on his face. "We've got a nice eat in bakery if you fancy something sweet. There's a milkshake shop too, but I heard that someone has turned that into a mess so that's not an option... Uhm... There's also a VERY nice pizzeria round the corner from us. We could go there?"
Millie hadn't moved a step since she entered the store, her blue eyes fixed on Maya. She was moving too fast for her and it actually made her a little dizzy. All the teleporting she was doing and the bombardment of clothes was all too overwhelming for the blonde. She decided to take a deep breath in, calm herself, and start again. At the mention of buying lingerie for Sora the busty girl found herself blushing. The girl was only 16 and still looked like a young child! Surely that wouldn't have been very appropriate, though she didn't dare say anything bad against Sora. Millie valued her friendship with Maya almost as much as she did her relationship with Valken. The older girl was so fun, kind, and caring and she would hate to lose her blessing over a stupid comment about her precious Sora. So instead she just nodded and smiled. "She would've looked very cute in that. Kinda a shame you didn't, but it's probably for the best." She said, hoping that it would t trigger the older girl.

Millie smiled when asked to look for something that would look good on Maya. If she did happen to make Maya mad what she said next surely would've regained her blessing.
"But Maya, we'd have to buy the entire store. Everything looks good on you!" She said, giggling softly and walking through the aisles of clothes to find something nice.

Grace nodded as Masaki spoke of walking around Magnolia until they found something that sounded good. Her hand locked fingers with his and she leaned slightly into his side. She was glad that he had a plan all figured out for them and saved her the time of doing so. Besides, she was a princess, and this princess doesn't do the plan.
"Yeah, I guess we could walk around. Or you could be the best boyfriend in all of Fiore and carry me!" She said with a big grin, glancing up at Masaki before taking back what she said. "I'm just kidding. Someone who loses to a girl probably couldn't carry one."

Her teasing came to an end when they entered the main part of the city again, Grace sticking extra close to Masaki as she didn't want to get Seperation. Though it wouldn't be a big deal as her hair was like a land mark or she could just shoot up fireworks. The three options that he listed sounded good, and were actually pretty tough to choose from. Milkshake shop was out of the question as she didn't want to be seen in some rundown building. The pizza place sounded really good too, but she also had a bit of a sweet tooth right now. "Let's get some pizza. That's much more fancy and romantic than some bakery." She said, reaching up on her tippy toes and kissing his cheek. "And thanks in advance for paying. You're too sweet."

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra pulled Hibiki closer as she stood up with him, arms so messily tangled about him that she probably look like a disheveled and overly emotional lover of sorts. The feeling of him pressing her hand against her chest remained though it'd grown to a weird flutter of sorts. A flutter? Lyra was much too used to conflicting emotions that didn't always delve from the 'positive' pool so this was surprisingly new, even if she'd felt it before in the past with him, she could finally hone in on it.

Thank you, Hibiki... You're all I'll ever need in this life. Even if people hate me or treat me like I'm a monster, if I have you... I think I'll be okay. No, I will be okay. We're a duo, right? I will do my best not to disappoint you again and prove you can rely on me. " Her voice sounded ghastly, eyes resting upon his to help keep her voice steady. Something about the boy always kept her grounded; rooted. The white haired woman's arms slowly withdrew from his frame, fingers brushing past his jacket as if wanting to linger there. Perhaps it was all the emotion that was building up inside of her, entangling around her heart to squeeze and make her act so rash, but hopefully Hibiki wouldn't push her away.

The moment the words I love you too escaped his lips, Lyra's hands had hovered upwards to cup his cheeks in an extremely delicate fashion. She searched his eyes that were so purple and surprisingly confident yet sad like her own, tears still having stained themselves upon both their faces from the moment they had shared. Subconsciously it all drew her in, her own lids falling to a tranquil close as her lips pressed themselves gently upon his. It wasn't passionate or filled with fervor; it was soft and warm, a way to express the endearing emotions that she'd held in her heart for years. Her lips brushed off to the side to plant a more definite kiss upon his cheek as she withdrew leaving only a tingling feather-like feeling against his skin.

Lyra's entire frame shook momentarily as she cupped her hands behind her back, fingers weaving together in an attempt for personal moral support.
Both eyes remained closed and she stood incredibly still, unsure of what the atmosphere would be like after she'd taken such a bold and invasive action with Hibiki. The silence was almost enough to make her wince or want to abruptly apologize but she bit her tongue and refrained. She didn't want to take back what she'd done even if it did make him want to get away from her.

After-all, Hibiki was the one thing that remained constant in her life. He was the one person she could always count on, lean on, and be herself with. Even if things got out of control or she begun to lose a grip on the satan souls within her, Hibiki had always been the one to be there through it all. Through the pain, the tears, the shame, the guilt, and most of all... the loneliness. That is why she loved him; he had perpetually been everything to her since she could remember and he never wavered from that.

Unknown Falling] [CENTER] [SIZE=18px][COLOR=#660000][B]Unknown Falling: [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=18px][COLOR=#660000] [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=18px][COLOR=#660000][B]Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] Unknown took a moment before responding to what Clair had said said:



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Valken Truss

Second Storey Fairytail Guild Hall

Valken lifted his gaze as Lloyd stood and faced him. Hearing every drop like it were life and death. Then the Guild Master mentioned the fact Millie was an S-Class same as him. Here he actually made a half side glance, almost embarrassement? Running a hand through his hair. A nervous habit he had only just acquired, and only ever did when his mind revolved around that blonde girl he had come to like.

"I...guess I keep forgetting Millie is a S-Class mage... With healing powers no less... she just acts so innocent and fragile so often..." Crossing his arms then and taking a deep breath out.

Despite the worries and doubts Lloyd was having about being a Guild Master, everything he said just now was true. Valken made a half chuckle then and reached a hand out to clasp at his shoulder in a friendly manner.

"I guess I could hang around... Besides, without me you'd loose your head under all that paperwork... And lord knows the girls of Lamia Scale need some semblence of a real man to fawn over...." Here Valken actually grinned. His whole tone and demenour pretty much trying to simply lighten the mood. Lloyd would understand it was a joke... right?

Valken's grin faded a fraction when the commotion pulled him and Lloyd's attention away. Funnily despite how serious their ownconversation had been, Valken had been evesdropping on the conversation below. Habit from his line of work. Watching from the corner of his eyes. His gaze narrowed down as his eyebrow lifted, turning his head then to stare at Master Lloyd with an equally interested gaze. Watching his guilty face with an even more interested look.

He unfolded his arms and he slipped his hands into his pockets. "Is that the blonde haired girl you wished to speak to at the festival? Don't ask me how I know.... I just do..." Smirking at he peered to him sideways. "Just what happened at Malina to get her blood boiled up over you?... I almost sounds like your the reason she is so upset in the first place... I can't imagine you making enemies, especially not girls from other Light Guilds..."

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo
Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

He was far from thrilled at Ophelia's desire to question the spy but there was ultimately very little he could do without causing a scene. He looked over at the door as both Lloyd and Valken had taken their leave before him. After a few moments he turned his gaze back to the young girl tormenting the man on the desk. "Do not be too rough, I still wish to speak with him." There was a short pause as he fought against his better judgement, eventually opting that trust in a fellow guild master was more important than his worries. "I shall return for him after the parade ends." With that he turned and took his leave of the office... or what was left of it. While not due to them that office was left worse for wear after their meeting. That girl certainly had a tough job dealing with such a guild. As he strode down the hallway he could hear what sounded like shouting come from the floor below. He gave a small shake of his head as he continued, if he had to be subjected to such a rowdy and undisciplined group every day he would in similar shape to Ophelia's office. Nevertheless he would just have to tough it out for one more day and then he could be free from this city.

He offered Lloyd and Valken a curt nod as he passed them and made his way down the stairs only to be met with more shouting. The sound of his name piqued his interest and he made his way towards the commotion. As he approached he let his gaze drift between those who seemed to be involved, the source of the commotion being the girl from Malnia. His eyes narrowed as he caught the tail end of what the girl was saying, the flow of magic not lost on him. Truly Ophelia had to deal with an extraordinarily cumbersome bunch. With an almost inaudible sigh he stepped forward, holding his gaze firmly on the blonde as he spoke up. "Is Fairy Tail always so boisterous or is it, perhaps, because of the parade today?"

@Isune @Colt556 @Mitchs98 @Genon @Rhodus @Salt Lord

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