Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Talon said:
Ferra started saying something about a mistake which had gotten Talons attention and he was about to put her down on a rooftop so she wouldnt get hurt, when a bunch of blasts came at them, startling him. This set him of once again and he shot another stream of fire at Tanari followed by an angry roar. He flew up higher and then dived down with a piercing shriek. He shot another stream of fire as he dived and then reached out to grab her with his other talon. @Colt556 @Mitchs98
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Skies of Magnolia

She stopped her flak barrage as the bird turned towards her, clearly coming in for another attack run. She bent her knees slightly, small flames licking at her feet as she stared intently at the bird. As soon as it unleashed the stream of flame the fire at her feet exploded, rocketing her to the side as the fire streaked past her and into the building behind her. Sliding to a halt she looked back at where she had been, the fire melting everything around it. While she was resistant to heat one hit from that and it would all be over. She had to count her blessings that he was a bird and not something with more versatility. Turning her attention back to her opponent she saw him turning around, coming in for another attack run. Like before she dodged out of the way at the last second, the stream of fire racing past her. Even it's ambient heat was getting to be a bit much for her. Luckily her plan bore fruit as the giant bird flew down towards her, reaching out with it's talons to grab her.

A wry smirk crossed her lips as she prepared for her move. "I told you birds were predictable." As the talon drew close she suddenly leapt into the air, narrowly avoiding the bird's grasp as she grabbed hold of it's ankle. If she couldn't shoot the thing down with long-range attacks she'd simply have to get in close to finish the job. However first she had to verify the safety of the girl. Looking over at the bird's other talon she saw the girl, eyes open and wide awake. That should hopefully make it easier to deal with and she called out to her. "Don't worry! I'll get you out of here!" Of course how she'd actually do that was still up for debate. One way or the other, the first order of business would have to be getting on the ground. Holding onto the bird's leg with one arm she held the other out towards it's wing, blue flames engulfing her fist. At this distance she didn't have to worry about hitting the girl and as such poured her magic into a powerful stream of fire that shot out of her fist and at the bird's wing.
Ferra: Magnolia Sky

Ferra noticed Talon actually somewhat listening, but he seemed to of been set off by the blasts. "Talon! Stop!" She shouted, of course she WOULD of said more, had Talon not dive-bombed towards Tanari and overridden any sound she could of made by screaming and covering her face as the ground rushed to meet them. Talon clearly couldn't control himself well in this form, that much was certain at this point. Or at-least she HOPED he wasn't dumb enough to purposefully attack with her in danger of being hit. She looked to Tanari as she called out to her, at this point she was convinced knocking Talon out was the only way to make him regain his senses. "Okay! Please try not to hurt him to much though! I don't think he has control of this form at all!" She shouted back. If only Talon would of listened to her instead of looking to fight Tanari, this wouldn't of happened. But he didn't, and it did...and she'd really have to talk to him about NOT doing this kind of thing again later. If she managed to make it out relatively unharmed, that is.
Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown chuckles, "Well to be fair Clair when you can never sleep and have been around for long enough it's can get quite difficult to entertain one's self. All you end up with is free time and quickly running out of things too do." he shrugs, "I can wait of course. I wasn't expecting it to happen soon, I just wanted to see about getting the joining the guild part out of the way. I could always hit up the nearest cemetery if I need to have some fun. In case that worries you I only raise the spirits of the willing. If there are enough we tend to just party all night." he chuckles again. "If the dead can do anything they can party!"

@Mr Swiftshots
Tanari grabbed onto him instead of the other way around. She blasted flames at his wings and if he could, he would have laughed. The fire did nothing to his already flaming wings other than make an updraft. He barrel rolled and then regained control before flying even higher. They were now a very prominent figure in the sky as the soared above Magnolia. @Mitchs98 @Colt556
Honoka Redfox


Honks blood started to boil, this was gonna be the end of this man. But by the grace of God, or what ever thing that's up there, she stopped as she heard a scream. It first started out like an annoying mosquito until it got louder and louder, it was a scream, but who's? She looked up to see a cloaked man and Her sister flying towards them at a rapid pace. They nearly hit the goon that she was about to finish off, but he managed to escape their crash. He didn't get up, and right on cue too. The song she cost had finally ended, leaving her empty of earth magic. Honoka's eyes widened as she saw her sister run up to her, like one of those cheesy movies, naturally she followed suit. " Haruhi! Get your ass over here!" She wrapped her arms around her sister, taking her into an embrace. " Goddam it Haruhi, stop getting kidnapped!"

The shopkeeper hurriedly scrambled away running, leaving almost everything he had behind. Mikael asked some of the people running the stalls beside it to take a look for the shop. "That fiend, running away like that. I wish we could send him to the gallows." he said leading to the next tall he wanted to visit. He turned to the ladies beside him, "What would you guys like to do now?"

Lavender Gray

Lavender had not been fazed by what just happened. She simply just watched as she held the bear close to her as Mika had wished to send him to the gallows. "He has nothing better to do then to scam others." the warrior said softly before following him with Sera. As he turned to both herself and Sera, he asked about what they'd like to do "I do not know, Sir Mika." I am simply here because you have invited me to come join you. she silently added to her thoughts. Her golden eyes moved over to Sera "Do you know what you would like to do, Miss Sera?" slowly but surely, her pit had began to vanish and it was actually helping her feel better.
purplepanda288 said:
Honoka Redfox

Honks blood started to boil, this was gonna be the end of this man. But by the grace of God, or what ever thing that's up there, she stopped as she heard a scream. It first started out like an annoying mosquito until it got louder and louder, it was a scream, but who's? She looked up to see a cloaked man and Her sister flying towards them at a rapid pace. They nearly hit the goon that she was about to finish off, but he managed to escape their crash. He didn't get up, and right on cue too. The song she cost had finally ended, leaving her empty of earth magic. Honoka's eyes widened as she saw her sister run up to her, like one of those cheesy movies, naturally she followed suit. " Haruhi! Get your ass over here!" She wrapped her arms around her sister, taking her into an embrace. " Goddam it Haruhi, stop getting kidnapped!"

Kayzo said:
Haruhi stepped off the board with great caution as if it was still up in the air. Whatever just happened was terrifying and she never wanted to do it again. However it got her to Honoka and that's all that mattered. The blue haired girl slowly walked towards her sister, her legs shaking crazily and slowing down her walking speed. It took a few, but she reached her twin and hugged her tightly. "In so glad that you're ok Honoka!" She said, lifting up the girl momentarily before putting her back down. "I got kidnapped or something, but this guy Raa saved me. He's a hero!"
@Metaphysics @purplepanda288
Raa looked between the two, making sure to not look too long at Haruhi's sister. With a sigh, Raa separated a part of his cloak and gave it to the sister while looking away. "Put this on." He said. "I take it that this is a regular occurrence then?" He asked as he marched towards the fallen man and like the one on his shoulder, wrapped him up in sharp darksteel wires. @Mitchs98
Valken Truss

Fairytail Guild Hall

Valken had finally let go of the whimpering, snivelling excuse of a Spy he had ever seen. He was starting to think Grimore Heart was run by little girls. No offence, Ophelia he thought a moment later and even gave her a weird apologizing half smile which probably left the Pirate girl woefully confused as he thought it not said it.

He took out a heavy sigh and crossed his arms, shrugging disinterestedly towards Gilad. "
Boy's all yours. Question...how are you going to leave the Guild Hall with him without anyone noticing? And if you have any problems with him, do not hesitate to call! Interrogations are a fun little hobby of mine....."

Reaching down to slap the boy's cheek in an infuriating, condesending manner. "

Then he bowed deeply and exited a moment or two later. "
Master Arcturus...Master Kaiser. Till next time. No starting a war without me!" The timing probably woefully bad, but honestly Valken was just trying to lift the mood.

Valken found Master Lloyd leaning a portion away on the railing and came up beside him, running a hand through his own hair and taking another deep breath outwards. Purple eyes drifted to the roof for a moment before looking down to the crowd. Disinterested considering what they had spoken about. He still had much to tell his Guild Master....where too even start.... He folded his arms once more, his voice a dark whisper.

'm sorry I was the one to bring this bad news. The more I think about it the more I'm convinced I should have simply over looked it, taken the jewels and thought nothing more of it..."

His face turning grim. "
The last few days have been hard.... despite my best efforts, I couldn't keep an eye on all of them... I have no idea where Grace is... I left Millie for a short time in a Milkshake Shop and came back just in time to get her away from some crazy demon girl... Lord knows where Lysander is, though I assume he is hanging with the blue haired girl Sora he's taken a liking to... I haven't even see Maya and Ferra could have been kidnapped for all I know..."

Heaving his face almost distraut. "
And even when I was there, Millie got taken hostage and used against me!! Not to mention I almost cut up the Fairytail S-Class vampire Sera when I thought she bit into Millie....that would have been a right good look, Civil War between Light Guilds is the last thing we need..."

He turned to Lloyd now his expression haunted.
"It's like everywhere I go there is a shadow following me... Like my dark past and dark deeds just put everyone around me in jeopardy...like the world knows I don't give a Damn if I get hurt or worse, so it reaches out for everyone else around me."

"I cause pain and suffering everywhere I go..." His gaze lowering now to stare to his feet. "Lloyd...I don't know what to do... I feel as if everyone would be safer if I left... Millie more so then the rest... One day she will get killed and it will be my fault..."

His voice almost breaking, though it simply trailed to nothing. But his shoulders tensed at his own inadequacy.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo
@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Mitchs98

Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Fairytail Guild Hall

Valken had finally let go of the whimpering, snivelling excuse of a Spy he had ever seen. He was starting to think Grimore Heart was run by little girls. No offence, Ophelia he thought a moment later and even gave her a weird apologizing half smile which probably left the Pirate girl woefully confused as he thought it not said it.

He took out a heavy sigh and crossed his arms, shrugging disinterestedly towards Gilad. "
Boy's all yours. Question...how are you going to leave the Guild Hall with him without anyone noticing? And if you have any problems with him, do not hesitate to call! Interrogations are a fun little hobby of mine....."

Reaching down to slap the boy's cheek in an infuriating, condesending manner. "

Then he bowed deeply and exited a moment or two later. "
Master Arcturus...Master Kaiser. Till next time. No starting a war without me!" The timing probably woefully bad, but honestly Valken was just trying to lift the mood.
Ophelia waved at the dark haired man, hoping Gilad cared for that last inappropriately placed sentence as little as she did. The old Master never did seem like one to take humor kindly... As quickly as she did, she cleared her throat and stood up, folding her arms behind her back to look as professional as possible. "Anyway. I believe I can take things from here. A few might wonder why I haven't been out in so long, but you'll know why. I'm not quite finished with him yet," she looked down at the spy on her desk with disgust. "But feel free to send a letter should you need me. I know that so far I haven't proven to be... worthy, but I can assure things will get better. Thank you for coming," she curtsied with her white cape before summoning a few black and red glyphs at her side, drawing both of her shiny silver blades with an almost ravenous glare at the unfortunate creature on her desk. "And have a nice day."

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra had watched the expression on Hibiki's face with a look of confusion of her own. Had she somehow managed to hurt him? A quizzical glance was cast off to the side as his emotions seemed to infect her mind and run rampant to destroy everything she thought she knew at that moment. His words fell like heavy weights upon her, dragging her to a small place that only made her want to curl up and become invisible. As he turned away and began to walk off, Lyra's body seemed to react to everything on its own, stumbling forward to fall against his back whilst her arms wrapped to cling about his frame to hold him tight. In truth she felt like she was falling apart mentally and physically; embracing him was the only thing keeping her from falling into a bunch of pieces that might possibly never fit together once again.

P-Please don't go... " She choked out, face burying itself into his jacket, eyes squeezing shut as tears began to stain the fabric of it. " I just don't want to forget you, Hibiki, and I can barely remember you. All... All the precious memories are slipping away and I haven't even had a chance to tell you grateful I am for you. " A sob erupted within the words stumbling past her quivering lips that interrupted what she wanted to say, arms squeezing him tighter as she pushed on. " I've loved you ever since we were kids.. You were the only one who didn't look at me and only see the darkness inside of me, instead you placed a light there that I've held onto for so long. I've embraced that light along with everything you taught me and kept quiet about my feelings so I didn't push you away..." Her face rubbed itself into the jacket further more then, Lyra not even caring that it was soaked in her own sobbing mess.

You've been more than just my teammate... or my friend, you've been the one thing that kept me rooted for so long, the one person who fully accepts me... and I don't want to forget you. " Her legs began to feel weak, the desire to collapse from the sheer amount of emotion running through her becoming something she had to fight against with sheer willpower alone. " I'm scared... " She admitted shakily, voice muffled into his jacket. " Don't let me forget, please... Hibiki.. " Her tone became pleading as her hands curled themselves into the front of his jacket, fingers grasping desperate fistfuls, afraid he might disappear at any moment in time.

If I do forget... at least now you'll know how I feel. So keep those feelings alive through you if they can't live on through me, that's all I ask. " The words became quieter as she now fell silent, dreadfully afraid of his reaction.

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Tokine had been strolling around the town helping people set up the parade with her strength since early morning. It felt nice to provide assistance but she was becoming a bit bored. That was when she noticed a giant flaming bird in the sky some distance away. She would've been a bit apprehesive towards attacking it but after looking a bit more carefully she saw that it was carrying a girl. Of course she could take the sight in a bad perspective and quickly made her way to the top of a random roof to get a better position.


In a cascade of blue light, a giant hammer appeared before her. It was a bit heavy, even for her but she managed. With careful aim, she began spinning rapidly to create momentum before launching the weapon at the creature at high speed. Of course, she had taken the girl into account and was prepared to dismiss the construct should it put her in danger.

@Mitchs98 @Talon @Colt556
rbshinichi said:
The shopkeeper hurriedly scrambled away running, leaving almost everything he had behind. Mikael asked some of the people running the stalls beside it to take a look for the shop. "That fiend, running away like that. I wish we could send him to the gallows." he said leading to the next tall he wanted to visit. He turned to the ladies beside him, "What would you guys like to do now?"
Lavender Gray
Lavender had not been fazed by what just happened. She simply just watched as she held the bear close to her as Mika had wished to send him to the gallows. "He has nothing better to do then to scam others." the warrior said softly before following him with Sera. As he turned to both herself and Sera, he asked about what they'd like to do "I do not know, Sir Mika." I am simply here because you have invited me to come join you. she silently added to her thoughts. Her golden eyes moved over to Sera "Do you know what you would like to do, Miss Sera?" slowly but surely, her pit had began to vanish and it was actually helping her feel better.

Sera: Magnolia Streets

Sera contemplated running after the guy, but decided against it. She was here to spend time with friends, not chase down illicit stand owners. She nodded in agreement with the both of them, "Yeah. What a jerk..at-least we got him to stop for now." She commented. "And at-least you got the teddy bear out of it." She added. He then asked what they wanted to do next, which was a good question. Honestly she had no preference in what they did, she was mostly along for the ride. She shrugged, both at Mika and at Lavenders question. "Dunno. I'm fine with whatever myself." She replied. "That goldfish thing you told me about earlier might be fun. I'm sure not all of the stands are scams." She told him.
LeSoraAmari said:
Hibiki Dreyar- Outside Kardia Cathedral
This was not Lyra. Everything about her was just... Off. She wasn't herself, and it was most certainly all due to her overusing her Virus Curse. Hibiki didn't react when she grabbed his wrist and held a tight grip on it, instead he sighed when she let go and let her hand touch the ground. Their purple eyes staring into each other, both too stubborn to look away from each other, Hibiki listened to the woman speak. Shaking his head and closing his eyes as he did so, Hibiki began to speak. "No." He said simply before continuing, "I don't need an apology. I just want you to stop messing with yourself, why can't you understand that?" His voice slowly beginning to shake with emotion, his voice cracking slightly to further emphasise his sadness. Lyra has always been Hibiki's diamond. His treasure. He helped her learn to accept herself and he even helped her control her magic, however that was clearly all for nothing. Coughing slightly, Hibiki spoke, his eyes watering but no tears falling. "I've realised now that nothing I can do will ever help you. Everything I've done up to now... It's all been for nothing, hasn't it?" Sighing and looking away briefly he continued, "You're trying to taunt me and it won't work. I could never harm you, and I never will. You're too special to me Lyra." Beginning to walk away slowly, hands in his pockets, he continued, "You have to learn how to 'tame' yourself, I can't do it for you."

Masaki Yamada & Maya Morne

The red head couldn't help but chuckle slightly at Graces response to his teasing about her losing the fight with Momoki. "Rigged and unfair, eh? I'm not so sure about that." He said, a smirk on his face as he moved some of Grace's hair out of her face and gazed into her eyes for a moment or two. She was most definitely the most beautiful being he had ever layed his eyes on. And she was all his. It made him feel quite special actually, and Masaki would make sure that it always remain that way. Even if it lead to his death. He knew that if he did actually die under any other circumstance bar natural, then it wouldn't be for nothing. Because he knew that it'd mean her safety. And that was all that mattered to the boy. "Hmm.. I hadn't really thought that much into it. Is there anywhere specific you want to go? I'll take you there." He said, a boyish grin on his face as he did so.

Maya smiled to Millie as she spoke, stating that she was loving the festival amongst other things. The older woman smiled at the younger woman as she then proceeded to speak, "Anytime my dear, who else am I going to spend my money with?" Maya winked at Millie as she continued, "Your fashion sense is impeccable, I've been waiting for the chance for the both of us to go out shopping together, pick anything you want my dear, I'll pay for it." Spinning again rather happily, letting her gown twirl beautifully and her long hair gracefully follow, Maya continued to walk down the streets of Magnolia with Millie at her side, heading to the very pretty looking clothes store.
Grace rolled her eyes as Masaki stated that he didn't believe her about the fight tournament being rigged. It was so obvious, anyone could see it. "Yeah, whatever Masaki. It's totally not rigged when they throw a B-Class against an S-Class wizard. That's completely fair!" She pouted, closing her eyes as her hair was brushed from her face. She decided to let the whole thing go for now and just let herself take in Masaki. He was much better than any prize she could win, though a million jewels would come close. Her eyes opened once more to see his green eyes staring at hers. She gave him a small smile before listening to him speak. Her face blushed bright red at what Masaki said, the short girl taking everything wrong. He said he'd take her wherevershe wanted with some creepy, boyish grin. It was as if he was screaming at her to sleep with him. "P-perv! I don't want to do any of that with you! I'm not about that..." She said in a flustered tone, not bothering to move from his side despite how flustered she was. "I meant go out somewhere..."

Millie giggled slightly as Maya acted overjoyed. Despite her older age the woman was able to run, skip, and twirl down the streets like it was nothing. She thought that she'd break a hip doing that. Her feet picked up speed and the blonde girl caught up to Maya. "Are you sure you want to spend your money on me? I'm perfectly capable of buying my own things." She said, glancing up at Maya and smiling. Unlike her Lamia Scale buddy Grace, Millie never really liked it when people spent all of their money on her. She felt as if she was stealing it from them, or making them broke. However she also knew that Maya was very popular and wealthy, and that one or two purchases wouldn't be that much. "Never mind me, let's just get shopping!"

As the two entered the fancy shop, Millie's eyes widened a little in surprise. Everything here looked so beautiful and expensive, nothing like she already owned. Maybe a few purchase would be a lot for Maya. "Hey, Maya. Can you help me out?" She aske,d, looking through an aisle of clothes. She wanted to get something that she thought Valken would like. She wanted him to be super happy, and she knew that her body made him happy, so she wanted to find something that'd compliment her body. "I want to find something that Valken would like. Or that you think he'd like. Can you do that?"
Kayzo said:
Grace rolled her eyes as Masaki stated that he didn't believe her about the fight tournament being rigged. It was so obvious, anyone could see it. "Yeah, whatever Masaki. It's totally not rigged when they throw a B-Class against an S-Class wizard. That's completely fair!" She pouted, closing her eyes as her hair was brushed from her face. She decided to let the whole thing go for now and just let herself take in Masaki. He was much better than any prize she could win, though a million jewels would come close. Her eyes opened once more to see his green eyes staring at hers. She gave him a small smile before listening to him speak. Her face blushed bright red at what Masaki said, the short girl taking everything wrong. He said he'd take her wherevershe wanted with some creepy, boyish grin. It was as if he was screaming at her to sleep with him. "P-perv! I don't want to do any of that with you! I'm not about that..." She said in a flustered tone, not bothering to move from his side despite how flustered she was. "I meant go out somewhere..."

Millie giggled slightly as Maya acted overjoyed. Despite her older age the woman was able to run, skip, and twirl down the streets like it was nothing. She thought that she'd break a hip doing that. Her feet picked up speed and the blonde girl caught up to Maya. "Are you sure you want to spend your money on me? I'm perfectly capable of buying my own things." She said, glancing up at Maya and smiling. Unlike her Lamia Scale buddy Grace, Millie never really liked it when people spent all of their money on her. She felt as if she was stealing it from them, or making them broke. However she also knew that Maya was very popular and wealthy, and that one or two purchases wouldn't be that much. "Never mind me, let's just get shopping!"

As the two entered the fancy shop, Millie's eyes widened a little in surprise. Everything here looked so beautiful and expensive, nothing like she already owned. Maybe a few purchase would be a lot for Maya. "Hey, Maya. Can you help me out?" She aske,d, looking through an aisle of clothes. She wanted to get something that she thought Valken would like. She wanted him to be super happy, and she knew that her body made him happy, so she wanted to find something that'd compliment her body. "I want to find something that Valken would like. Or that you think he'd like. Can you do that?"
Masaki Yamada & Maya Morne

Masaki raised a brow at what Grace had just said, chuckling slightly as he did so. "Calm down, I was joking." He said, chuckling even more as he did so. "It was obviously unfair, however I do believe that everything was decided with a randomiser lacrima. Besides, even though you were outmatched, you did well. So well done." The red headed boy then proceeded to stare at a nearby pond that was located a few yards away from the pair, it's waters shone in the light - and the wind that brushed gently against the trees emmited a calming rustling. However what happened next practically crushed the 'cute' atmosphere around the two. Grace' face shone a bright red for some reason, it wasn't until Grace spoke that it finally clicked. Masaki's mouth opened widely in shock as he shook his head, flailed his hands rapidly and blushed so red it was as if he was morphing into a tomato. "Eh? NONONONONONONO! I didn't mean it like that!" Spoke the boy, quite loudly. Sighing, Masaki then continued, "I meant I'd take you wherever you wanted to go..." A nervous chuckle leaving his mouth as he spoke.

Maya continued to twirl down the streets until they both arrived at the clothes shop, the saint listened to Millie ask her if she was actually okay with paying for her. The older woman smiled down at Millie before saying, "Yes dear, I take care of my own. And a beautiful woman such as yourself always needs to look and feel as such." as the two females entered the rather expensive shop, Maya stopped spinning and carried herself in her usual demeanour, a calm, collected, and slightly serious manner. However, a smile plastered on her face and a sparkle in her eyes as she admired the pretty gowns in sight. "I know the owner personally, so I may be able to get a few things for free~" with that, Maya began to look around the shop, only to stop when Millie asked for her help. Maya skipped over to Millie in a flash as she put her hands on the younger woman's shoulders. "YES! I will help you my dear~ We need to find you something that will work with your figure... Something that'll get him worked up about you.. Something... Hot." With that, Maya practically teleported around the shop in search for something suitable for Millie. After picking out a few things in no time at all she returned to the blonde and spoke once more. "So here is a long gown, totally your colour. And here is a shorter dress, red, but definitely an eye catcher. And finally.." Pausing for a moment, Maya showed Millie something very... Provocative. "It's short, skimpy, red and black... I'm sure he'd like this. These bad boys are every mans weakness you see~"

Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra had watched the expression on Hibiki's face with a look of confusion of her own. Had she somehow managed to hurt him? A quizzical glance was cast off to the side as his emotions seemed to infect her mind and run rampant to destroy everything she thought she knew at that moment. His words fell like heavy weights upon her, dragging her to a small place that only made her want to curl up and become invisible. As he turned away and began to walk off, Lyra's body seemed to react to everything on its own, stumbling forward to fall against his back whilst her arms wrapped to cling about his frame to hold him tight. In truth she felt like she was falling apart mentally and physically; embracing him was the only thing keeping her from falling into a bunch of pieces that might possibly never fit together once again.

P-Please don't go... " She choked out, face burying itself into his jacket, eyes squeezing shut as tears began to stain the fabric of it. " I just don't want to forget you, Hibiki, and I can barely remember you. All... All the precious memories are slipping away and I haven't even had a chance to tell you grateful I am for you. " A sob erupted within the words stumbling past her quivering lips that interrupted what she wanted to say, arms squeezing him tighter as she pushed on. " I've loved you ever since we were kids.. You were the only one who didn't look at me and only see the darkness inside of me, instead you placed a light there that I've held onto for so long. I've embraced that light along with everything you taught me and kept quiet about my feelings so I didn't push you away..." Her face rubbed itself into the jacket further more then, Lyra not even caring that it was soaked in her own sobbing mess.

You've been more than just my teammate... or my friend, you've been the one thing that kept me rooted for so long, the one person who fully accepts me... and I don't want to forget you. " Her legs began to feel weak, the desire to collapse from the sheer amount of emotion running through her becoming something she had to fight against with sheer willpower alone. " I'm scared... " She admitted shakily, voice muffled into his jacket. " Don't let me forget, please... Hibiki.. " Her tone became pleading as her hands curled themselves into the front of his jacket, fingers grasping desperate fistfuls, afraid he might disappear at any moment in time.

If I do forget... at least now you'll know how I feel. So keep those feelings alive through you if they can't live on through me, that's all I ask. " The words became quieter as she now fell silent, dreadfully afraid of his reaction.

Hibiki Dreyar - Kardia Cathedral.

Before he could actually go anywhere, Lyra had made her way towards him and was clinging onto him for dear life. Hugging him tightly as if to say 'Never leave me' which in itself was probably what the woman meant. Turning his head to look back at Lyra, Hibiki couldn't help but smile. Listening to her speak, Hibiki wiped away the tears that were in his eyes as he knelt down in order to be eye level with the female. Her tears stained the fabric of his clothes as she clung onto him, not saying a word as she spoke, Hibiki simply listened until he himself spoke. "Don't be stupid, I'll never leave you. So long as you're breathing, I'll always be there. Even if you do end up forgetting all about me... I'll still be here for you." Returning her embrace with his own, the male wrapped his arms around the girl and hugged her tightly, continuing to speak with a smile on his face as tears streamed down his face. "You don't need to ever thank me, Lyra. Ever since we were kids... I've enjoyed helping you, I don't feel like it's something to thank me for, you deserve all the Kindess in the world it's just a shame everyone else can't see that. No one should be discriminated against for the magic they use. And you... They just don't understand the Lyra I know." Breaking free from the hug, Hibiki raised Lyra's head by putting a finger under her chin. As he met her purple hues with his own. Grabbing hold of her hand, he placed it over her heart as he continued. "That right there, that won't forget anything, even if you yourself do. So if you do forget about me, then just know that the memories are still there, stored in your heart." Smiling once more, he continued, "I love you two, and I know for a fact that I won't forget about you as long as I live. You're special to me, and I'll always hold you dear.". With that, Hibiki stood up again. "I'll do everything I can to help you, I promise I won't let you forget anything."
LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki Yamada & Maya Morne
Masaki raised a brow at what Grace had just said, chuckling slightly as he did so. "Calm down, I was joking." He said, chuckling even more as he did so. "It was obviously unfair, however I do believe that everything was decided with a randomiser lacrima. Besides, even though you were outmatched, you did well. So well done." The red headed boy then proceeded to stare at a nearby pond that was located a few yards away from the pair, it's waters shone in the light - and the wind that brushed gently against the trees emmited a calming rustling. However what happened next practically crushed the 'cute' atmosphere around the two. Grace' face shone a bright red for some reason, it wasn't until Grace spoke that it finally clicked. Masaki's mouth opened widely in shock as he shook his head, flailed his hands rapidly and blushed so red it was as if he was morphing into a tomato. "Eh? NONONONONONONO! I didn't mean it like that!" Spoke the boy, quite loudly. Sighing, Masaki then continued, "I meant I'd take you wherever you wanted to go..." A nervous chuckle leaving his mouth as he spoke.

Maya continued to twirl down the streets until they both arrived at the clothes shop, the saint listened to Millie ask her if she was actually okay with paying for her. The older woman smiled down at Millie before saying, "Yes dear, I take care of my own. And a beautiful woman such as yourself always needs to look and feel as such." as the two females entered the rather expensive shop, Maya stopped spinning and carried herself in her usual demeanour, a calm, collected, and slightly serious manner. However, a smile plastered on her face and a sparkle in her eyes as she admired the pretty gowns in sight. "I know the owner personally, so I may be able to get a few things for free~" with that, Maya began to look around the shop, only to stop when Millie asked for her help. Maya skipped over to Millie in a flash as she put her hands on the younger woman's shoulders. "YES! I will help you my dear~ We need to find you something that will work with your figure... Something that'll get him worked up about you.. Something... Hot." With that, Maya practically teleported around the shop in search for something suitable for Millie. After picking out a few things in no time at all she returned to the blonde and spoke once more. "So here is a long gown, totally your colour. And here is a shorter dress, red, but definitely an eye catcher. And finally.." Pausing for a moment, Maya showed Millie something very... Provocative. "It's short, skimpy, red and black... I'm sure he'd like this. These bad boys are every mans weakness you see~"

Hibiki Dreyar - Kardia Cathedral.

Before he could actually go anywhere, Lyra had made her way towards him and was clinging onto him for dear life. Hugging him tightly as if to say 'Never leave me' which in itself was probably what the woman meant. Turning his head to look back at Lyra, Hibiki couldn't help but smile. Listening to her speak, Hibiki wiped away the tears that were in his eyes as he knelt down in order to be eye level with the female. Her tears stained the fabric of his clothes as she clung onto him, not saying a word as she spoke, Hibiki simply listened until he himself spoke. "Don't be stupid, I'll never leave you. So long as you're breathing, I'll always be there. Even if you do end up forgetting all about me... I'll still be here for you." Returning her embrace with his own, the male wrapped his arms around the girl and hugged her tightly, continuing to speak with a smile on his face as tears streamed down his face. "You don't need to ever thank me, Lyra. Ever since we were kids... I've enjoyed helping you, I don't feel like it's something to thank me for, you deserve all the Kindess in the world it's just a shame everyone else can't see that. No one should be discriminated against for the magic they use. And you... They just don't understand the Lyra I know." Breaking free from the hug, Hibiki raised Lyra's head by putting a finger under her chin. As he met her purple hues with his own. Grabbing hold of her hand, he placed it over her heart as he continued. "That right there, that won't forget anything, even if you yourself do. So if you do forget about me, then just know that the memories are still there, stored in your heart." Smiling once more, he continued, "I love you two, and I know for a fact that I won't forget about you as long as I live. You're special to me, and I'll always hold you dear.". With that, Hibiki stood up again. "I'll do everything I can to help you, I promise I won't let you forget anything."
Grace continued to blush despite the fact that Masaki cleared everything up. She was still pretty flustered over the whole thing and was even embarrassed at herself for having such a lewd mind. However she wouldn't admit that she was wrong. "W-whatever Masaki. I know you're just trying to cover this up." The short girl said, cuddling back up to him. Grace decided that the best course of action would be to move on and forget about this. "Forget it. You can choose for me. I hate choosing things unless I want to..."

Millie stood by idly as Maya darted around the store, collecting different clothes for her to get. She was very curious to know what the fashionista would end up bringing to her. She was sure that it'd be something very pretty, and as the Saint said; hot. Though she also wondered what hot meant. Hopefully nothing too lewd. Her face lit up as Maya returned with clothes in her hand, her eyes watching intensely as she showed them off. The first two were very pretty and Millie could see herself wearing those, however the third one set her face ablaze. Was Maya actually suggesting lingerie? And would Valken really like that? "I really like the first two, but are you sure that Valken would like that last one? It seems so...lewd."

Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail HQ/ Float Area

Sora listened intently as the Sabertooth mage spoke, gathering quite quickly that there were some not so great people after her. A frown crept its way onto her face, lips scrunching off to the side as she wondered who would have the audacity to attack a small girl, especially during the time of the festival. This time was meant to be joyous and splendid for families and mages of all ages, but now there were people getting attacked? This certainly wouldn't do. Sora's hands reached to help Sakura get into a seated up position, a firm hand remaining against her back for support in case the girl was still woozy and couldn't quite sit up on her own yet.

There's nobody else here as far as I know. What I do know though is that you're in the Fairy Tail guildhall and if anyone tries to come after you here then they will surely be disappointed. You might not be a guild member of ours but you're protected here, I promise. " Sora smiled warmly then, eyes holding the utmost sincerity. " And if I ever catch the people responsible, I'll blow them away. " A grin tugged at her lips, almost mischievously. Sora enjoyed giving bullies what they deserved, especially when they thought it wise to pick on someone and judge their power by size. That only warranted them learning quite quickly that she wasn't a force to be reckoned with. " I'm glad you're feeling better though... " Her words trailed off as she scanned the small girl from head to toe, satisfied that she was completely healed.

Oh, Clair! " Sora suddenly exclaimed as she remembered why she had even come to the guildhall, jumping up so quickly that her hair went flying into a frenzy before it settled, though her face remained showing signs of bewilderment. She knelt down and snatched up her bag, cheeks red for an unknown reason. " I 'uhm, I need to go! I'm so sorry. Please make sure you watch over her! " The words were directed at the whole group but her gaze fell on Kelica and she almost seemed to plead with her. Sora didn't want to leave the girl unattended since she'd recently been attacked.

Bye Sakura and everyone else! " She chimed out before dashing off to obtain her costume from its hiding spot, only to go whizzing past them at an unnatural speed towards the float to meet up with Clair, Lysander, and Unknown once again. Little did she know that Lysander wouldn't be there and as she arrived and didn't see a sign of him her smile faded slightly, a hint of it remaining curved upwards. " I got it Clairrrr! Sorry for the wait! " The costume was waved about in its bag, eyes still scanning the entire area to see if perhaps she'd just missed him somehow. " Where did Lysander go? " She mumbled in Clair's direction, gazing at the woman now with a million questions swimming in her eyes. Sora put both of her bags down and plopped down on the ground, sitting cross-legged.

I'll get dressed soon enough by the way, I'm not super fancy and can just requip like you. Also, I'd rather not walk around in it and have people mistake it for my normal attire. " She huffed, cheeks puffing out slightly, knowing that wearing it for a duration of the parade was embarrassing enough. At this point in time, Lysander would just have to be found later during the parade itself. Sora dearly hoped he'd be there in the crowd and where-ever he was, somehow she knew it was extremely important to him to have wandered off there without mention of it.

@HuorSpinks @Unknown Falling

And whomever else I forgot to tag​
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Kayzo said:
Grace continued to blush despite the fact that Masaki cleared everything up. She was still pretty flustered over the whole thing and was even embarrassed at herself for having such a lewd mind. However she wouldn't admit that she was wrong. "W-whatever Masaki. I know you're just trying to cover this up." The short girl said, cuddling back up to him. Grace decided that the best course of action would be to move on and forget about this. "Forget it. You can choose for me. I hate choosing things unless I want to..."

Millie stood by idly as Maya darted around the store, collecting different clothes for her to get. She was very curious to know what the fashionista would end up bringing to her. She was sure that it'd be something very pretty, and as the Saint said; hot. Though she also wondered what hot meant. Hopefully nothing too lewd. Her face lit up as Maya returned with clothes in her hand, her eyes watching intensely as she showed them off. The first two were very pretty and Millie could see herself wearing those, however the third one set her face ablaze. Was Maya actually suggesting lingerie? And would Valken really like that? "I really like the first two, but are you sure that Valken would like that last one? It seems so...lewd."
Maya Morne - Expensive Clothes Shop.

The woman smiled as Millie said she like them. The first two at least, the third didn't seem to please the blonde that much. Sighing, Maya proceeded to speak, in a soft tone of voice. "My dear, I'm sure Valken would love it. This outfit right here is a mans dream! He'd be a fool not to like it. Besides, it's not about him anyway. Do you like it?" She asked, cocking her head slightly as she did so. After a minute of getting fed up with carrying the clothes, Maya decided to make them levitate beside her. "You've got the perfect figure for them all, I can buy them all for you if you like?" Pausing for a moment, the saint then continued, "And more- If they're worth it of course." With a slight chuckle and a sigh, Maya began darting around the shop again however this time in search of clothes for herself. The ones chosen for Millie were sent levitating beside her.

Masaki Yamada - Pretty Meadow.

The teenager couldn't help but sigh slightly at Grace. A chuckle escaping his mouth, the red head spoke, "I'm not trying to cover anything up.." And with that, he stood up and stood in front of Grace. "In that case, how about we go for something to eat? I'm staaarving, and I'll even let you pick the place. I'll be paying though, that's not up for discussion." After he stopped speaking, Masaki grabbed Grace' hand and pulled her up without a second thought. "We have some nice restaurants here in Magnolia, although the walk back to the town itself is about five minutes or so... We should start walking soon."
LeSoraAmari said:
Maya Morne - Expensive Clothes Shop.
The woman smiled as Millie said she like them. The first two at least, the third didn't seem to please the blonde that much. Sighing, Maya proceeded to speak, in a soft tone of voice. "My dear, I'm sure Valken would love it. This outfit right here is a mans dream! He'd be a fool not to like it. Besides, it's not about him anyway. Do you like it?" She asked, cocking her head slightly as she did so. After a minute of getting fed up with carrying the clothes, Maya decided to make them levitate beside her. "You've got the perfect figure for them all, I can buy them all for you if you like?" Pausing for a moment, the saint then continued, "And more- If they're worth it of course." With a slight chuckle and a sigh, Maya began darting around the shop again however this time in search of clothes for herself. The ones chosen for Millie were sent levitating beside her.

Masaki Yamada - Pretty Meadow.

The teenager couldn't help but sigh slightly at Grace. A chuckle escaping his mouth, the red head spoke, "I'm not trying to cover anything up.." And with that, he stood up and stood in front of Grace. "In that case, how about we go for something to eat? I'm staaarving, and I'll even let you pick the place. I'll be paying though, that's not up for discussion." After he stopped speaking, Masaki grabbed Grace' hand and pulled her up without a second thought. "We have some nice restaurants here in Magnolia, although the walk back to the town itself is about five minutes or so... We should start walking soon."
Millie smiled slightly and nodded as Maya said that Valken would love the third outfit. Hearing those words confirmed the purchase of the lingerie and actually made her excited to show him. Perhaps instead of the parade they could stay inside, maybe put on a little fashion show followed by an after party. "Yes Maya, I do like it! I was just a little surprised by the sudden change in clothings. And if he's bound to like it then I must get it." She said, smiling brightly while her blush went away. However she was just as surprised when Maya wanted to keep finding her clothes. The saint was being nice enough already, and as much as she liked it Millie didn't want her buying everything. "May, wait! You don't have to do that, you'll go bankrupt!" But it didn't matter as the brown haired girl went off once again. All she could do now was wait.

Grace rolled her eyes once again as he said that he wasn't covering anything up. She knew that he was telling the truth, but once again she wouldn't admit being wrong. Smiling slightly she took his hand and stood up, giving the taller teen a warm hug before locking their hands together.
"I can go for something to eat, but I don't know where. I told you, I hate deciding." She said as they began walking back to Magnolia. She was somewhat sad to leave the field that the couple rested in. The area was so calm and peaceful, and no matter how much she liked the city scene it was always nice to get away for awhile. However she was sure that they'd come back here a later date. "You choose where we eat."
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara

Kelica watched the unconscious girl and got no response, not even a flicker of a eyelid. Adrian came back moments later and she gave him a friendly smile, setting the cool water and cloth to the side. She had already started to brush the girls face down, adjusting her so she was resting on Kelica's thighs while she knelt. She was debating using her magic when low and behold the blue haired healer Sora appeared.

Kelica took a strong breath outwards. Mizuki might like it, but Kelica didn't much like her patients writhing and screaming in agony.

As Sora healed Sakura, Kelica saw the sweat running down the side of her face and offered her the damp cloth. "I know you are a healer but, sometimes it's just as important to look out for the medic to..."

Kelica instantly remembered Sora struggling to heal the intensity of her own wounds after Chris and her's mismatch. So it was a small gesture too keep an eye on her to.

As Sakura squirmed about Kelica instantly slipped back a pace or two, placing her head gently onto the ground. "It's ok sweety! I'm sure it was a shock... Do you know where you are?" Then the emerald eyed girl blinked. " Attackers? I didn't see any one try and chase you..." Eyes flicking up to Sora in a haunting manner, as she was the closest. "What did they look like?" Some shifty looking characters around Fairytail definitly did not bode well.

@HuorSpinks @Unknown Falling @Anyone else I forgot to tag[/center]
@Genon @Isune

Sakura: Fairy Tail Hall

Sakura shook her head at Kelica's question as to where she was. She looked around and thought it was Fairy Tail's Guild Hall due to all the people with its mark. Though it was Magnolia, so she wasn't entirely sure. She nodded when she asked about her attackers, "They didn't follow me? Good.." She replied with a relieved sigh. "I couldn't see their faces, they were all wearing some weird mask and dark black hoods. They drugged me..when I woke up they were carrying me towards the edge of town." She explained. "I managed to fight them off but they chased me for a while, I guess they gave up or something.." She added. She had no clue what they'd wanted with her, but anything that involved drugging and kidnapping couldn't of been good. She smiled to Sora when she helped her sit up, she was glad despite being rival guild members Fairy Tail actually cared enough to help her. Really though, she figured Sabertooth would be the same way. They were all light guilds after all, it made sense. "Thanks for helping me..all of you, really, I appreciate it. I was scared they'd followed me would of gotten me from here, this place is kinda deserted for the festival after all." She told them sincerely.

She was slightly confused at Sora's abrupt leaving, but figured she was pretty busy for the festival. She sort of questioned how she knew her name though..but she guessed it was natural to learn the names of rival guild members. Sort of. Maybe she should do it. Nevertheless she waved at her. "Bye! Thanks again!" She called out. She then moved to turn to the others in the room, "So..Like she said. I'm Sakura, nice to meet you guys." She told them. "Really nice decorations in here, by the way." She added, staring at the pink ribbons and such that adorned the walls of the hall.
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Chris Lengheart (wait a sec)

Chris reverted back to his human form as everything seemed to be happening at once. Kidnapping? As the girl got up and basically looked like she was totally fine and even began to make comments on their decorations. Chris however, walked up to the girl and said, "My name's Chris, you seem surprisingly calm. I could try and track down the people who chased you. Anyone who dares to kidnap someone should be brought to justice."

@Zuka @Mitchs98
Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Magnolia Streets
Sera contemplated running after the guy, but decided against it. She was here to spend time with friends, not chase down illicit stand owners. She nodded in agreement with the both of them, "Yeah. What a jerk..at-least we got him to stop for now." She commented. "And at-least you got the teddy bear out of it." She added. He then asked what they wanted to do next, which was a good question. Honestly she had no preference in what they did, she was mostly along for the ride. She shrugged, both at Mika and at Lavenders question. "Dunno. I'm fine with whatever myself." She replied. "That goldfish thing you told me about earlier might be fun. I'm sure not all of the stands are scams." She told him.
"yey! Let's do that." he rushed over from stall to stall to find where the catching of fish is. And after a few stalls he tried he found it with children gathered round a small pool of water with several fishes swimming unsuspectingly around. He called to the keeper and asked him for a set of 3 and he obliged. "Say, why don't we make it interesting? Let's make it into a competition." he said and grin at the two ladies. "One with the fewest haul will treat the others with octopus balls (takoyaki). " he said offering a challenge.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
Lavender Gray

She followed her friends over to this fish stall and the warrior raised her eyebrow. Wondering why that her friends would want to play such a game. Especially when kids were all over it. Her eyes caught a child trying her hardest to catch a fish but she couldnt and this made Lavender frown just a little bit. As Mika asked for three rods for each of them, Lavender looked at Mika "I have a better idea, Sir Mika." once she was handed her rod, she moved over to the little girl who no longer had a rod to catch a fish and looked like she was about to burst into tears "Hello."s he said softly as she crouched down next to her "I spotted that you were having a hard time catching a fish..please..let me help you." taking the little girl's hand, she handed her the rod and then moved behind her, helping her cast it and letting it sit in the water "Now we wait till we get a nice tug on it. Then we pull, okay?" all Lavender really wanted to do was help this girl and make her day nice.
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Alice Liddell

I have a heart?! I have a heart...

Alice walked into her office, the only source of light coming from a floating orb on the roof of the room. One may say that the room was rather spacious for an orphanage, but as all things in the mansion it was to be expected. She walked calmly to her desk and sat down, slowly adjusting to the shape of the seat. She pulled the pillow out from under her butt and pressed her face firmly on to it. With a hefty intake of breath, she let a scream of frustration escape her. She let out every pent up emotion in a slobbering mess of cries and sniffles, she loved a man that she just met. Alice put her hand onto her chest, putting slight pressure on her breast. She felt her heart jump as she thought of Livian, he was the first man to ever listen to her without ridicule without disgust. The fire had left its mark, but that even didn't compare to the stupidity that was her emotions for Livian. She put the pillow on her desk, the char she sat upon groaned quietly as she stood to walk to her window. Few orphans had been left in the gardens, her view extended over the gardens. Her green eyes spotted Livain walk into the garden, it was evident that he had something on his mind. To which she wondered to herself, did he have similar feelings for her? Or was he simply just brooding? To this she had no answer to, she did know that she to speak with him.

Alice walked down the halls, drowning in a sea of thoughts. Her steps muffled by the soft wood of the home, she had a nervous smile upon her face. She stoped as she heard a familiar voice from behind.
" Oh Alice, seems like your emotions are strong the better of you." Bumby teased, a tone of pure and utter phyocopathy stabbed into her soul. He is back, the demon that has plagued her for so long. Alice, as stunned as she was , continued walking making the hallucination chuckle to its self. " In due time Alice, in due time." Bumby disapted, only trail that he left was the memory that imprinted its self on to the young female. She traced her fingers across her plam, making figure eight patterns. " Basting beast still wants my head, I wish he wouldn't haunt me." Alice walked out into the gardens, were she found Livain doing what ever he was doing out there. " Livian, can I speak with you?"

@The Dinkster
@Unknown Falling[/URL] @Anyone else I forgot to tag[/center]
Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Float Holding Area

Clair thought on the subject of joining the guild for a while before speaking to him "I hate to say it but I think it would be in your best interests to wait until tomorrow to try sign up , 'Tripple-A' will be pretty busy with the festivities up until then anyway so i doubt it's even worth trying today.". A Smile edged it's way onto her face at his mention of partying , she found the joke to be quite amusing "well I suppose you could just party until I get back then right.".

It wasn't to late after Clair had spoken when Sora reappeared with a bag in tow. The small girl plopped down on the ground and seemed to be somewhat disheartened over Lysander's disappearance , understandably. Clair honestly had no idea why he had left the site , maybe the thought of castration was a bit to much for him , or perhaps he had gone to turn himself in to the other Saint. Whatever the reason didn't mater what did mater was that he had fallen through on Sora's request "He left without a word Sora , I have no idea why ? Don't tell me your going to pull a Juliet on me because your life just isn't worth living without your Romeo".

Sora went on to mention Clair's reequipping ability and how she simply wasn't fancy enough to use it , also taking the opportunity to say she hadn't changed yet because it was embarrassing. Clair found both these statements to be quite amusing and so she quickly reequipped into a dress with a rather large hat before then again reequipping back into her normal attire after talking "Reequipping is simply about elegance and grace. It's a magic made for a true lady , you and your flat chest would never understand it !"

@Kyuubey @Unknown Falling
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Haruhi smiled brightly and returned the hug her sister gave, pressing her cheek tightly against hers, not really caring that she was shirtless right now. Besides, they were both sisters and girls, so it wasn't bad. She had never been so happy to see her sister before or see her unharmed. It was a great relief and reminded her that she could take care of herself. "That was only my first time being kidnapped and you're talking about it like its a common thing." She said, releasing her sister and putting her hands on her shoulders. "But I promise it'll never happen again." Haruhi jumped slightly as Raa threw his coat at her sister, the blue haired girl completely forgetting him. "Oh, this is Raa! He saved my butt today. Speaking of that, how can I repay you?"

@Metaphysics @purplepanda288

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